Unlock your extra-abilities

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UNLOCK YOUR EXTRA-ABILITIES For companies, the public sector and education. A short guide into the TINO methodology, developed by HUMINT Solutions.

What if you haven't used all your skills and knowledge? Not because you didn't get the opportunity, but because you don't realize you have these skills and knowledge? And what if the same is true for everyone around you: family, friends, colleagues, workers, citizens? What if this isn't a question, but a hard and also exciting reality? Hard, because you now miss out on so many opportunities, and exciting because it is possible to change that. In part 1 of this magazine we show you: 1) why not all of our skills and knowledge are recognized yet 2) why recognizing these assets is relevant to all domains in society 3) and who we already guided in this process of discovery. Whether it's companies, individuals or public organizations. If you want to know more about our TINO deliverables, take a look at part 2. To each domain (businesses, public sector and education) we mention a recommended starting point in part 2. However, all deliverables are relevant to each domain. It won't take you long to read all this. But it can positively change hundreds of future decisions in your personal and professional life. So give it a try. Looking forward to hearing your response and which opportunities you see after reading this magazine!

Haim Dror

Maya Lievegoed



Founder HUMINT Solutions

CEO HUMINT Solutions


Extra-able explained


For companies


For the public sector


For education


Our deliverables


Presentations for introduction


Challenging workshops


Customized programs for impact


The gang of extra-able (Book)


EXTRA-ABLE EXPLAINED With TINO we claim that any person, team or organization has extra abilities. These are capacities developed to compensate for any below average situation. This can be a physical disability but also any other type of challenging situation. Have a look at the images on the right or the animation below to see this concept explained. Because the compensation process happens naturally, people, teams and organizations are not aware of having these skills. As a result, they don't capitalize on their full potential. And that's a waste of human assets because whether it’s for effective empowerment, better inclusion or improving your organizational operation power, knowing your capacities more fully always helps! And the great thing about extraabilities: they already exist. So why not use them more effectively?

Click on the image above to watch our animation about being extra-able


Everybody understands

you compensate for this

And when you're in a

that when your left leg is

with your right leg. This

wheelchair, you


makes your right leg

compensate your disabled

extra strong.

legs with your arms.

Because by trying to

Not only people with

We like to call them

bring disbalances back

physical disabilities

extra-abilities, because

to balance, we all create

have extra-abilities,

it's the response to any

compensation skills.

everybody does.

type of disability.


By identifying your extra-

Companies even contain

With TINO we help you

abilities, it becomes

an aggregation of all the

identify extra-abilities, on

possible to use them for

extra-abilities of the

a personal, team and

other challenges as well.

individual workers.

business-level in order to use their full potential.


EXTRA-ABLE FOR COMPANIES Identifying the extra-abilities within your organization will help you increase your efficiency without adding resources. Because you can do more with your existing (but unrecognized) resources, you get better results with fewer investments. And another great benefit: it increases the job satisfaction of employees because they get more recognition for their competences. Extra-abilities can be found in any type and size of company and we have worked with companies from all sectors, in different countries, including banks, retailers and real estate companies.

"TINO fills a gap in which traditional research and consulting companies fail: they bring in an unbiased and fresh consumer perspective, competently decoded to provide just the right insights on where the “value target” is, and how to capture it. TINO builds on state-of-the-art governmental intelligence to help companies seize market opportunities before they even become visible to traditional market research radars. Since I could not expect to be innovative by doing what everybody was already doing, getting to know TINO was a real game-changer for me.” Claudio Gorri, Head B2B Marketing at Samsung Latin-America

RECOMMENDED STARTING POINT: Interactive presentations for introduction (page 16)



EXTRA-ABLE FOR THE PUBLIC SECTOR With our TINO activities and programs for public organizations such as governments, libraries, healthcare organizations and NGO's, we make the domain of unrecognized knowledge accessible. We strengthen their citizen participation by involving unusual suspects, build tangible solutions and help to improve their policies. We can visualize the results, such as in animations and expositions. This way, program results can be shared with the public easily and find a bigger audience naturally.

"HUMINT Solutions enabled the province of Overijssel, to take a fresh look at the impact of our provincial cultural policy. Maya and Haim proved to be engaged, enthusiastic and inspiring from the start of the research. What great people to work with! Maya included our cultural partners in her working method and findings, through gatherings and digital meetings. The results of the HUMINT research are now finding their way into our new cultural policy. And we keep connecting. We want to share Maya's expertise and knowledge with as many cultural partners as possible!" Ineke van Balen, Policy advisor on Culture for Province of Overijssel

RECOMMENDED STARTING POINT: Customized programs for your needed impact (page 20)



EXTRA-ABLE FOR EDUCATION Personal development is at the core of education. An incomplete image of your capacities and the capacities of others is an unnecessary and unfortunate obstacle in this process. It prevents people from using their full potential and also creates false labelling. This is why we actively share the TINO concept of being 'Extra-Able' in this domain. We believe it has the potential to prevent bullying because it gives any child with a 'left leg' a strong weapon to defend him- or herself. Which is: their extra-ability. In order to recognize these extraabilities we offer knowledge detecting training. Here participants practice learning from people they didn't expect to learn from.

The TINO concept of left leg-right leg immediately appealed to me, because we experience that in society, the 'left leg label' dominates. With the TINO approach and how this is described in the book 'The gang of Extra-Able' (see page 22), I realized how we actually ignore the qualities that children and adults have, not despite but rather thanks to their disability (all types). That is why we have teamed up with HUMINT Solutions and, because of our anniversary year, we are offering the books of HUMINT Solutions and TINO workshops to schools as a gift. This way, we familiarize children, teachers and parents with this perspective and with their own right legs! Dick van der Meer, chairman Stichting Leergeld Arnhem, Rheden & Renkum

RECOMMENDED STARTING POINT: Challenging workshops for workers, parents, students & kids (page 18)



OUR DELIVERABLES Have a look at our TINO deliverables. Although we mentioned a recommended starting point in part 1, all deliverables are relevant to each domain and can be applied as such. 14


PRESENTATIONS FOR INTRODUCTION With our interactive presentations, we introduce the audience to the world of extraabilities. It is a great way to make them familiar with the concept and its potential. We have extensive experience in giving presentations, whether it's to CEOs in companies or teachers in schools. Tell us how much time you have available and the context of the event and we will create a customized offering. We can provide presentations on location, from your studio for webinars or from our own facilities.

Watch our presentation about case studies & Maya's TEDx presentation



CHALLENGING WORKSHOPS Want more than an introduction? Then go for our workshops. We like to challenge our participants and visualize elements of the method. For that, we use all kinds of sports activities and settings, including the climbing wall as a metaphor for life. We offer our workshops to adults and youngsters, to individuals, teams and (big) groups. Workshops can offer a deepening of your (team's) knowledge about TINO and can be combined with specific business and/or team building goals.

Watch a short video about a TINO workshop we did with youngsters



CUSTOMIZED PROGRAMS FOR IMPACT We build customized programs for companies and (public) organizations with a specific challenge. This challenge can be how to reduce costs, increase worker satisfaction, reduce unemployment or any other strategic challenge that you seek an outside the box solution for. We can execute the program for you or work together with your team, so they also gain experience with using TINO elements for their domain of work. We can provide customized programs in English, Portuguese and Dutch.

Have a look at one of our customized programs for the Dutch government. In this one, we identified extra-abilities of the former homeless.



THE GANG OF EXTRA-ABLE In order to explain extra-abilities in an easy way, we developed a metaphor which we describe in the book 'The Gang of Extra-Abled'. Together with the Tino character, the reader discovers how any disability (physical, mental or economic) actually creates an 'extra-ability'. The book can be purchased separately but can also be combined with workshops for children, parents or professionals.

Click on the image to watch our book trailer



WWW.HUMINTS.COM info@humints.com

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