My love & affair

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My love & Affair with Allaah O Allaah I love you

but everyone as like my parents, my brothers, my sisters, my relatives, my boyfriends, my girlfriends, my lovers, my partners, my companions, my students, my teachers, my sons, my daughters, my neighbours, my society,

my city, my country, my colleagues, my employers, my boss, my secretary, my classmates, my husband, my spouse, my maids, my servants, my clients, my seniors, my juniors, my room-mates, my costumers, my doctors, my patients, my passengers, my enemies, Leave me, Beat me,

punch me, Hit me, hurt me, tease me, cheat me, Insult me, disrespect me, disobey me, ignore me, block me, deny me, reject me, neglect me, rape me, kill me, mock me, laugh at me, abuse me, harass me, torture me, kidnap me, hate me, rebuff me,

reproach me, rebuke me, snub me, reprimand me, scold me, undervalue me, keep me a side, forget me, argue with me, being angry on me, degrade me, break me, kick me, fuck me, behave bad with me, being improper with me, burn me, damage me, make me sad, give me pain, trouble me, worry me, annoy me,

irritate me, blame me, accuse me, make allegations about me, make propaganda about me, defame me, vilificate me, smear me, Denigrate me, snatch me, rob me, steal my stuffs, capture my stuffs, humiliate me, oppress on me, being injustice with me, attack on me, make me cry, make me sorrowful, make me restless, arrest me, don't value me,

don't speak me, don't address me, don't interact me, don't meet me, don't understand me, don't follow me, don't listen me, don't obey me, don't give me company, don't work with me, don't forgive me, don't discuss with me, don't trust me, don't accept me, don't prefer me, don't believe me, don't sit with me, don't love me, don't like me, don't invite me, don't deal with me, don't thank me, don't appreciate me,

don't give me compliments, don't allow me, don't give me rights, don’t appropriate me, don't forgive me, don't care me, don't remember me, don't miss me, don't be honest with me, don't help me, don't make me happy, Only you are who doesn't do like this with me, But i forgot you, & i loved people, i respected them, i preferred them, i valued them, i followed them, i liked them,

i cared them, i remembered them, i missed them, i become honest with them, i heard them, i didn't hurt them, i didn't cheat them, i didn't insult them, i didn't teased them, & i made them happy, but i'm so sorry & apologies, Wanna fall in your love, wanna make you my best friend, wanna make you my lover, wanna spend all the time with you, wanna be with you always, wanna die for you, wanna miss you always, wanna remember you always, wanna follow you, wanna cry for you,

wanna see you, Wanna keep you in my heart, Wanna be utmost close to you, Don't wanna hurt you, Don't wanna cheat or betray you, Don't wanna lose you, i need your happiness, your love, i need you in every situation, can't live without you for a moment, I born for you, you are my soul, happiness & life, you are my smile, you are only the special personality in my life & in the world, i know i ain't capable for your love, for your relation for your preference, i know i'm a big sinner, I know i did hurt you lot, i know you are upset upon me, I know you won't hurt me,

you won't cheat me, i know you never trouble me, you never forget me, & you won't be unfaithful for me, i know you never ask me gift, money, i disobeyed you, i didn't followed you, i beg you for forgiveness, I think about you so much, I can't sleep without thinking of you, If i love you then you will fulfil my wishes, i am a human, sometimes i feel Palpitation, i feel nervousness, restlessness, impatient without you, I am selfish, that i sleep every night, but you love me & you don't sleep, give me your love, how sweet, faithful, honest & lovely you are,

sometimes, i forget you in the market, malls, friends, parties, weddings,family, job, game, wedding night, kids, love with someone, sin when i commit, But you never forget me, how much you have patience ! where are you ? see what's going on earth! how much oppression on innocents! It Hurts When I Have To Let Go The Things I Really Love.. It Hurts When I Have To Lose Something That I Really Want.. ...It Hurts, But Believe Me, I Will Feel Hurt Most When I Know Disobey You.. It Hurt Most, I Realize That I Can Never Live Without Your Mercy.. I Realize That I Can Never Smile Without The

Conscious That You Are Pleased With Me.. I Realize That I Can Never Lead My Life If You Are Unhappy With Me.. I Am Sorry.. I Am Really Really Sorry.. For I Have Neglected You For Long Time.. For I Have Loved Others More Than I Should Love You.. For I Have Prioritized Others More Than I Should.

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