Internet Audience Research - Anurag Naithani

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Internet Audience Research

Media Research Services


By: Anurag Naithani

KANTAR MEDIA VIETNAM intro..  Kantar Media Vietnam is a part of WPP group.  Kantar Media Vietnam is proving media research services to Vietnamese media industry since 1999.  Offices in HCMC (head quarter) Ha Noi, Da Nang, Can Tho, Nha Trang and Hai Phong.

Kantar Media 2013 – Research Services  TV Audience Measurement (TAM)  Media Habits Survey (MHS)  Advertising Monitoring (MI)  Ad Expenditure (Adex)  Creative Monitoring  Ad Hoc Survey  Internet Audience Measurement  Exclusive Software: Infosys+ and Choice 4

Internet Audience Research

 Why there is a need of internet audience research?  Who needs internet audience research?  What information we get from internet audience research?

Why there is a need of internet audience research?  Rapid growth in technology in recent years, facilitating high speed internet services like broadband, 3G, wifi services.  Internet is becoming more and more user friendly with the introduction of new softwares and applications.  From fight ticket reservation to e-banking, internet is making everything fast and simple. Due to all these factors internet is growing with a great pace, which means a big number of spenders is moving to internet everyday . For media owners and advertisers that’s a huge opportunity. To understand who is using internet, what they are doing online, which websites they are visiting etc. To understand the online usage habits of the internet users there, online audience research is the only answer.

Who needs internet audience research?


Media owners

What information we get from internet audience research?

We get demographic information of the internet users, information like what activities they do on internet, what time they access internet, how much time they spent accessing internet, their favorite websites etc.

Steps in internet audience research         

Determine the objectives of the research Determine your target audience Develop the survey instrument – Questionnaire design Pretest the questionnaire Choose the sample respondents Conduct actual survey Coding & analyzing survey data Preparing survey reports Provide key insights

Internet audience research techniques An online audience research can be conducted in a number of ways. The most common techniques of conducting research on online users are as follows:  Face to face interview  Telephonic interviews  Survey via emails  Online surveys

Web visitor audience measurement

How it works?

Add counting script to all the website Cookies in computers =>Demographic information may not be tracked accuracy in Vietnam Volunteer Panels: anyone can register and join the panel of Alexa =>Can be easily to cheat if you have enough people and technology Recruited Panels: Just a limited number of households are recruited with the simulation of the real life structure. But Nielsen Internet Measurement is not available in Vietnam.

Internet Audience Measurement at Kantar Media Vietnam

Add counting source to website to get the number of total visitor of website.

Recruit Panel to reflect the structure of real life visitor

Matching and Weighting data Algorithm

Internet Audience Data through special interface

Where is internet going?  There are approximately 2.3 billion internet users around the world with a global penetration rate of 34.7%.  In Asia only there are more than 1 billion internet users.  According to Forbes, in the year 2012 more than 100 billion US dollars were spent on online advertising around the globe.  In 2012, internet ranked 3rd only after newspaper when it comes to ad revenues. TV still remains at top position but in next 5 years, internet may reach the top position.

Internet Ad Spends

Total monitored spend $26,316,500 (US) $8

$7.8 April 2010-March 2011

$7 $6 $5

$5.8 $4.3

$4 $3

$2.6 $2.1

$2 $1

$1.5 $1.0 $0.5

$0 14

Š 2009 Kantar Media



Internet users in Vietnam  There are around 30 million internet users in Vietnam  Last year there was a 5% growth in internet usage in Vietnam.  81% of the internet users access internet via desktops or PCs.  48% of the internet users access internet via laptop.  48% of the homes are connected to the internet in the 4 key cities of Vietnam i.e. HCMC, Hanoi, Cantho & Danang.  On an average a Vietnamese internet user spends 58 minutes on internet everyday.

What Vietnamese netizens do most when they are online?

Reading online news

Using instant messenger

Listening to music online

Social networking

Information search

Online social networking in Vietnam     

8.5 million internet users in Vietnam with accounts on top social networking sites. 81% of the Vietnamese internet users use social media for their purchase decisions. 28% of the internet users have a Facebook account. About 10% of the online users have Twitter account. Around 80% social media users liked or followed a brand.

Internet audience are heading towards small screen 

  

By the end of 2012 the total mobile phone penetration in Vietnam was 139%, which means there are more than 127 million mobile phone subscriptions in Vietnam. 48% of the users have accessed internet on their mobile phone in the past month. Of whom, 31% accessed internet via non-smart phones and 25% on smart phones. 35% of the internet users access their Facebook account using mobile phone.

4th Floor - 102 Nguyen Du - Ben Nghe Ward -

T: (84-8) 3939 0779 F: (84-8) 3939 0778

District 1| HCMC | Vietnam

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