THE HUN SCHOOL OF PRINCETON PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY G. Gerald Donaldson, Jr. Headmaster Allen R. Kirschner Head of Upper School
TRIBUTE One man has made a lasting impression on the Hun community. He is a friend to all, a man trusted and respected for his quiet wisdom, his gentle strength, and his total dependability. When there is a job to do, he gets it done. A testimony to the pride he takes in his work is the ever neat appearance of the Academic Center. For these reasons, and many more, the 1981 Edgerstounian presents its tribute to Mr. Arthur Wright.
DEDICATION Our lives have been enriched not only by her excellence in the classroom but by her ever cheerful outlook on life. Students seek her out for her guidance and wisdom because they respect her advice. Those fortunate enough to have been in her classes have gained insights into literature, have matured in their writing, and have expanded not only their vocabularies but their intellectual horizons as well. Because she gives so much in her teaching, because of the many lives she so meaningfully touches, because of the joy her presence creates, we, the staff, hereby dedicate the 1981 Edgerstounian to Mrs. Nancy R. Gregory.
Allen R. Kirschner
Head, Upper School Dean of the Faculty
S. Eileen Godley Assistant Director of Admissions English
P. Terence Beach Director of Admissions & Financial Aid, Science
Peter Savidge Dean of Students Assistant to Business Manager History
Carol H. Arnold Assistant Dean of Students English
Arthur Rozas Director of Foreign Student Program Chairman Foreign Language Department French, Spanish
Craig W. Hannas Director, Boarding Division English
Theodore P. McNulty Director of Development Alumni Affairs History
Edgar W. Pedersen Business Manager
Kathy M. Quirk
Director, Girls' Athletics Physical Education
Robert J. Hendrickson Director of Athletics College Counseling
Kaye R. Evans English, Latin
James H. Kerr English
Craig E. Evans English Director of Drama
m Franklin R. Dippery Chairman, English Department
Janet B. Kuenne English Reading and Testing Specialist
Nancy R. Gregory English
S. Eileen Godley Assistant Director of Admissions English
Carol H. Arnold Assistant Dean of Students English
Craig W. Hannas Director, Boarding Division English
William R. McQuade
Chairman, Mathematics Department
James C. MacLeod Mathematics
Robert Bagley Mathematics
Charles M. Jones Mathematics Director, Computer Lab
Doris Ryan Mathematics
William E. Stout Head of the Middle School Mathematics
Teresa 0. Deverell Mathematics
Edward B. Bamman Chairman, Science Department Ronald C. Johnston Biology, Marine Science
G. Gerald Donaldson, Jr. Headmaster Science
Cynthia H. Bills Chemistry Biology P. Terence Beach Director of Admissions & Financial Aid Science
Katharin L. Kiefer Science
•ft v
Douglas K. Wood Chairman, History Department
Louis R. Masella, History William L. Kidder History
Bruce L. Spengler History
Peter Savidge Dean of Students Assistant to Business Manager History
John Terence O'Brien History
Theodore P. McNulty Director of Development Alumni Affairs History
Ana Maria Figueroa Spanish Carlos R. Figueroa Spanish
Arthur Rozas Director of Foreign Student Program Chairman, Foreign Language Department Spanish, French
Helen Davies French
Fred 0. Schwan German, French
Dianne M. Somers French, English as a Second Language
Linda R. Kirschner Therapist, Perceptual Training Program
Bonnie W. Beach Director, Perceptual Training Program
Marilyn J. Donaldson Therapist, Perceptual Training Program
Sharon N. Tomalin Therapist, Perceptual Training Program
Sean Dugan English as a Second Language
Kenneth L. McCaffrey Therapist, Perceptual Training Program
Britta B. Blum Director of College Counseling
Robert J. Hendrickson Director of Athletics College Counseling
Meredith K. Wheaton Academic Assistant Assistant in College Counseling
Harry Barber, Jr. Physical Education & Health
Kathryn M. Quirk Director, Girls' Athletics Physical Education 28
William H. Quirk, Jr. Health Education Athletic Trainer
Bruce E. Dersch Music
Mark Niederer Mechanical Drawing, Manual Arts
Joyce H. Penney Chairman, Art Department
Lauren B. Parmelee Art
Betty Davison Receptionist
Dorothy Waterman School Relations & Development
Debbie Minner Upper School Office
Marilyn Wilson Deans' Office |
Theresa Olessi Counseling
Louise Stephan Business Office
Kathryn Allshouse Business Office
Cathy Cummings Admissions
Karen Stahl Boarding Division
Marjorie Berger Headmaster's Office '-•>.
Abdollah Moghanaki Resident Faculty Assistant
Jesse S. Coleman Resident Faculty Assistant
Susan A. Mott Assistant Director of Development Parent & Public Relations
Edwin Jacobs
Gino Rossi
Michael Yates
Arthur Wright
John Griffiths
Bob Clinton Frank Theer
Henry Doyle, Maintenance Superintendent
Mildred Weber Assistant Librarian
Nancy C. Jones Librarian
Patricia M. Kuehn, R.N. School Nurse
* ; •
Jeanne Sumantri When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When funds are low and debts are high And you want to smile, but you have to sigh When care is pressing you down a bit, Rest if you must, but don't quit. Don't give up though the pace seems slow — You may succeed with another blow. Success is failure turned inside out — The silver tint of the clouds of doubt And you can never tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems so far; So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit — It's when things seem worst that you must not quit. Aunt Bluebell, I love you . . . Squirrel, we had fun . . . Sophomore year . . . "the mantis" . . . Diamond cutter, don't mess around in Derbytown . . . T.L., E.W. . . . "Claim to Fame" . . . H.S.S.L.A.P.O.S. . . . "Falcons" . . . "Twinky" . . . "Fusco Face, I.W.Y.B." . . . 151 . . . Cheerleading . . . W.O.F.T.R Pick-Nick . . . Mom, Dad, Bob, Des, Love you so much . . . Hun School I swear I'll never forget you . . . !!
Jodie Klein Memories of faces and places gone by, Echoes of voices that time won't let die. The music, the laughter, the tears, The feelings of nothing to fear A game of pretend to play again and again through the years. . . . 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, We arejust a little bit crazy . . . "Dazed and confused" . . . Sophomore year . . . L.O.P.H.W.C. . . . "The Egg Roll" — Remember the fun times: love you . . . Birthdays . . . Emersons . . . 151 — all year. . . Cheerleading . . . R.A. . . . "Babbit" and "Claim to Fame" . . . J.R. . . . Joe Jackson — Swim . . . The ghost of Room 103 . . . L.B. . . . T.F. . . . The Van . . . Busted! . . . Crash . . . OOPS! . . . Stots . . . J.F. . . . S.S. . . . C.C. . . . Thanks Mom and Dad: I love you . . . Later Hun Dudes!
'*r: •
I may be just a foolish dreamer, but I don't care, because I know my happiness is waiting out there . . . somewhere. Commodores If, in the course of a man's lifetime he is fortunate enough to find one true love, One soul who would exist for his own alone, One star would shine. Star Tracy Williams
Cheryl Cooper Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday. Rest and be thankful.
Nnana Mang
Know your place in life is where you want it to be. Don't let them tell you that you owe it all to me; Keep on looking for those things that can't be found. Neil Peart "Places may change, but the show goes on." Mang What a memory: Walking on your hands, midnight express . . . goose water. . . pro at it, all stars — R.G., J.G. . . . little ones . . . Soccer. . . B's horror train . . . passport to sleep . . . time killing, wake me at 3:00 am, vivarin power.
Shuichi Honma
Chris Kenyon Talk about your plenties, talk about your ills, one man gathers while another man spills. The Dead Keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel. The Doors When you're strange no one remembers your name. Hey Warren . . . It's been real. The "Boat" . . . Hurrican Mickey and the Mantini Gallery . . . Number 1 occupation . . . Maz's party, following Mantini's Law . . . Do Bawibas.
Christopher Piasecki
Perry Lipson The kind of love I am talking about here withstands not only hard times but time itself. Mom and Dad, Sorry for some of the things I said, Sorry for some of the things I didn't say. Love and thanks, Perry Hey, you know me! . . . Nitro & glycerin . . . Bandanas, rise . . . Hilton . . . What time's the game, Maz . . . Col, she's pregnant . . . Too fast . . . Geranamo! . . . Guszy still thinks so . . . Clarksville . . . I was first . . . Before the game? . . . Jeff's listening . . . Mardi Gras . . . Florida. . . . Wednesday night at Marianne's.
Only yesterday I walked the earth haphazard; Thousands of woods I tramped that brought me nowhere, for they were other men's woods. Santus, from The Flies
Carlos Olivero Batista Rolling Stones/Emotional Rescue, Bossington Collins/Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere, Genesis/Duke (Disco). . . Thanks Mr. Barber for putting up with me. Seaside, Abdulah, can I borrow your phone and do not call The Police. Gracias, Coco y Elenita por todo lo que han echo por mi. Do, Do . . . Adoool, Jumping out of window!! . . . Soccer intramural . . . Wait a second . . . Vivarin power from mango . . . Spanish Mafia . . . Noodles . . . Can I have my hot pot? . . . Wrestling . . . uaaah . . . N.Y.C. trips were wonderful??? . . . Bag's class.
Chih Long Lin
Yolanda Giannini Love when you can Cry when you have too . . . Be who you must That's a part of the plan Await your arrival With simple survival And one day we'll all understand . . . Dan Fogelberg Good times with the gang: parties, prom, shore, Country Inn, Country Sunday . . . On the road again . . . Beer Thirty, munchies, Riunite . . . water and shaving cream fights, Bronco rides, 4-wheeling in the mud and pond, cruising on the cycle, Country living . . . the farm with my Babe, Cowboys and Cowgirls, Country Music . . . Wild Times with DooDoo Face, R.B., C.I., F.S., T.F., B.H., J.M., S.N., Val and Mrs. Mommy! . . . Quebec '79, Feb. 23, May 5, Aug. 10 . . . It's heaven for us! We found our RAINBOW! Hey Sexy Eyes, YES!
Fernanda Chandoha We must express ourselves through movement; therefore we need to dance. Franklin Stevens
Teri Flynn Sweet memories Flashing very quickly by Reminding me Giving me a reason why I know that My goal is more than a thought I'll be there When I teach what I've been taught. Rush 2112 Now you fly through the sky Never asking why And you fly all around Till somebody shoots you down Seagull you fly. Bad Company
Faith Sacks The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.They must be felt with the heart. I shall pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it. For I shall not pass this way again.
Pat McNamara I'm never going back to my old school. Steely Dan Been here so long he's got to calling it home. Grateful Dead It is the way it is because it is that way. Robert Frip Drink up dreamers, you're running dry. Peter Gabriel In the long run we're all dead. Grateful Dead
Erik E. Van Zanden Life is either a daring adventure or nothing, So have faith in yourself and you'll have things come your way. Henrik Ullner "Hey Warren . . . Volklskis . . . Honda is number one . . . Can I take my bike to town . . . After dinner pie fights . . . Killer Frisbee . . . Let's go skiing.
Hey Matt, telephone's for you . . . It's the Rob Clark hour . . . Long live Quebec . . . Hey Warren, I like your light . . . The Mantini Galleries . . . See you Mr. Fig . . . It is Arthur, King of the Britain . . . Pink Footballs? . . . Why can't it snow? . . . Hey — Pete H., Evan O., Anna S., Leslie S. We made it man! Hey you, you know me!. . . Rebum, Debum, Hebum, Bobum . . . Good-Bye, Forever!
It I get home before daylight, I just may get some sleep tonight. Grateful Dead How Long? Richard Pryor Spaz . . . I never get any sleep . . . Pete, Maz, Edith, Steil, Michelle, Pat M., Pat H. This game will never end. Take it easy. Franz Mantini
Patrick Hughes You can't always get what you want, but if you try some time, you'll find, you get what you need. Rolling Stones Many good times . . . The Park . . . The rope bridge . . . The Jack in the Black and Underwear Man . . . Locked out. . . Climbing the side of Poe . . . Mr. Mellow . . . 151 . . . Hoagie Bottles
Sharon Norteman No man is an illand, intire of itselfe: every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine; if a Clod bee washed away by the sea, Europe is the lesse, as well as if Promontorie were, as well as if a Mannor of thy friends or of thine owne were; any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde: And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee. John Donne
Stephanie Blumberg Two roads diverged into a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. Robert Frost
Tiffany Ufert Time moves on and I along with it. Memories of past years mold into one. People met are soon forgotten. Remembered are friends who shared love, hope, and desires. I wish to thank these friends. Without them I wouldn't be me. You know who you are and I love you! Thanks Mom and Dad for letting me fall, then helping me up again. I love you! Thank you, Peter, for making this year one I'l cherish forever. You're my everything and I love you! " . . . It's show time folks!"
Elinor Relies
A great part of my life has ended, but the best is just beginning. Someday I don't know when We're gonna get to that place Where we really wanna go, And we'll walk in the sun, But 'til then . . . we were born to run. Bruce Springsteen Thanx Mom and Dad for all your love and support. P.U. weekends . . . Wawa . . . pretzel man . . . I'm just curious . . . SBR&R . . . to the Max! . . . G2 again . . . F.C.W. . . . 206 C&R . . . ain't know 'bout a 'dout it! . . . love is . . . oh y i t . . . Rommies . . . 4th period . . . mmmbireworks . . . "The Boss" . . . 7-25-80 . . . A.S., B.K., E.C., T.U., R.S., S.B., E.W. . . . "Boom Boom Bonnie". . . The Big " H " . . . S.S. . . . IRUG. 48
Coleen Cahill Stranger, pause and ask thyself the question, canst thou do likewise? If not, with a blush retire. Edwin Drood
You can't always get what you want, but if you try, sometime you might find that you get what you need. R.S. Somewhere in the black mountain hills of Dakota there lived a young boy named Rocky Raccoon Beatles The important thing is, at any moment, to be able to sacrifice what we are for what we could become. Chuck . . . what, no seconds? . . . 4th lunch and 5th lunch too! . . . O.K. — Rudy and some meangreen. So what do you get — Nope! Good times with
Ralph. "Jakester, my man!" To T & D "face off, fastbreak, score!" . . . Those Reptiles . . . C.C. and D.C., Deer and Sneer respectively . . . Grub before practice . . . yeah oush, OK! . . . The shore and crew on weekends. Jimmy Doom . . . #12 and what about my head? . . . "Ernie's/ . . . Jean, "She walks, she talks . . . " . . . Good luck P.F. and K.S. . . . many thanks to Ernie and Catherine.
Chuck Palsho
Paul Keene
In time you will know this well, For time and time alone will show the just man Though scoundrels are discovered in a day. Sophocles And I may lose my way again and again, But I'll cross that borderline in the end. Utopia, IV I have a friend, I might have a few; Sometimes I think they just don't care. But I think sometimes they think the same thing of me: You might say we've got a problem there. Utopia, I Light of the world, shine on me. Love is the answer. The message: Use your head, use your heart, Save yourselves. Utopia, III
You can lose, but you can never really lose until you quit. Vince Lombardi
Excursions with Nick. Hey kid, are you a runaway? . . . Oklahoma 63, Rice O. Football camp . . . Bill, Dan, Joe, K, Rich, Scott, Tom. Black bow ties . . . Cookies, Barker, and Niagara Falls. Laura's door handle . . . a dog growling late at night, party, where? The Crash.
Butch Covell
fll Barbara DeMarco Not how long the time, but how sweet it is between hello — and — goodbye. To be nobody but yourself, in a world which is trying Night-n-Day to make you everybody else, is to fight the hardest battle which any human can fight and never stop fighting. e.e. cummings Boarding not at Hun, but everywhere else . . . good Friends "The Group" . . . Parties . . . "Ba" (who really gave me that name?) . . . My family both at home and at Hun . . . Thank you!
Susan E. Perfater I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today. White A fortune is not always a friend, but a friend is always a fortune. Russian Proverb Class of '81 . . . cheerleading and diving . . . VP of S and SC . . . parties, where? Laurie's house . . . '67 Dodge . . . Listening to Joe J., E.C., B.S., and T.H. music . . . Buzzie and Suzzie . . . Wawa munchies . . . movies . . . Barb, Laurie, and girl talk . . . football and baseball games . . . R.L. . . . summer of 1980 . . . let the good times roll!
Laurie Leaper I listen to the wind come howl, telling me I have to hurry; I listen to the robin's song saying not to worry. So on and on I go, the seconds tick the time out; there's so much left to know, and I'm on the road to find out. Cat Stevens Never wait or hesitate, get in kid before it's too late. You may never get another chance. 'Cause youth's a mask, but it don't last, live it long and live it fast.' Rod Stewart Mom, Dad, Carrie, Scott, T, Brian, A&Bers, JAH: Thanks and much love for making it all possible. Hey group, we lasted a long time (7th through 12th) with many great additions. It's been fun . . . G.A. . . . shore . . . skiing . . . parties . . . dances . . . Thanks for being (a) friend(s).
Sharon Robbins I think we got it all worked out, Lookin' pretty good today; The dark clouds are rollin' away, It's shining brightly. I think we're on our way, It's a nice change; Feeling pretty good at last, Rough times are all in the past: It's shinin' brightly. I think it's gonna last; It's gonna be O.K. Bob Seger Thanks Mom, Dad, Missy, Rick, Second Mom, Bob, and even Lester!
Denise Camerieri You wake up in the night with a fear so real, Spending your life waiting for a moment that just don't come. Well, don't waste your time waiting. Bruce Springsteen Friends . . . C.H., L.N., C.C., C.P., R.W., L.L., S.P., Thanks for the friendship . . . Duck! No up . . . Pokahontus . . . headquarters . . . Peglet . . . Johnny Appleseed . . . B-Ball picture, we don't mind . . . kids are people . . . The Rock . . . can we have some I.D. . . . 10 weeks of pizza . . . stuntmen . . . Hey Rudy . . . # 1 2 , Capt. . . . Col, Chuck's house (shore). . . who's Ralph .. . Oh, I get it, ha ha . . . tilted head . . . tweeze . . . L.W. keep up the showbiz . . . Oh my God, the bush that attacked me . . . It's just a fantasy . . . Ruth (sweet heart) . . . Lori — Push . . . Good luck M.H., M.D., S.P., P.H. . . . opsticle illusions . . . the turtle . . . phone bills . . . I love you Morris, you too S.J. . . . up with G.L. down with G.H. . . . Glen, will you go to the prom with me? . . . McQualudes . . . missing the pep rally . . . The park . . . "Your just a prisoner of your dreams!" ( B r u c e ) . . . Oh my God, to the max! . . . Oh Manica! . . . Aunt Helen, thank you . . . Mom & Dad, Thanks, Love you!
Cindy Harris Nothing is forgotten or forgiven, When it's your last time around, I got stuff running 'round my head That I just can't live down. Bruce Springsteen Friends . . . as in D.C. and L.N. . . . Where's a Party? . . . Banana splits to the max . . . only your mother's L . . . BRUCE . . . missing your T.V. debut . . . Piggin' to no end . . . Getting punched by one staring at the other... run into fences much!! . . . obstacle allusion at sears . . . Oh my God FIRE!!. . . Don't you dare spill it Ben woops!!. . . Rock lobsters . . . Good Luck M.H., E.W., M.D. If I can you can . . . Be good my little brother . . . J.J. . . . Tennis, B-Ball, I be wantin' that M.G. Position . . . Pappy — Lou be good . . . Whoogaa headrush . . . it's very this . . Thanks for puttin up with me R.L. and B.L. . . . Pokahontus . . . c'mom Col, this is safe place — quick duck . . . just a prisoner of your dreams . . . park patrol . . . S.G. Explosion . . . Like a piece of Pizza Den! . . . Red Razors . . . What, are ya crazy? . . . G.F. #1 always . . . Thanks Mom & Dad I think I actually did it!!!
Lisa Coryell Friends: Good luck: PF, Jl, JR, TL, TF, CH, MD, MH, SS, JF & CB . . . "The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow" . . . Banana Splits . . . "Gulp it, E l " . . . "Oh Manica" . . . Bagley's Uncoachables . . . waving hands . . . BR . . . "Fire!" . . . Illegal . . . "Whoaaa Headrush" . . . The Doll Baby . . . Thrown out again . . . E.J.P. . . . "You're lying honey" . . . Trenton . . . Maniacs . . . milkshake tight . . . "Suspended? All of us?" . . . Youngster . . . SN went AWOL . . . Pokey & LN., "IT'S NOT OUR DOG!" . . . T is 'or Teri . . . " B o o t " . . . JF's TLC . . . "Hold on, Ken" . . . City Girl. . . Chief Trash . . . Keep up the image, Beth! Mr. B — You're the Best brother a D.E.'er could ever have. Love, Mr. Q. Thanks Mom & Dad, for pulling me through!
Ellen S. Lavine Friends . . . Good Luck EW., P.F., J.F., J.I., V.R., M.D., M.H. . . . The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow . . . Halloween . . . Save J.B.'s corner desk . . . Grease . . . Party, Cin? I hope we're welcomed! Red Razors . . . D and C thanks for forgetting about the iceberg . . . Tennis . . . Oh!!! . . . Mr. Fig . . . E.W. and F man . . . Name that tune . . . The Doll . . . The Hawk . . . Three musketeers . . . Always giggling . . . B.R., . . . Moeman (Robby) . . . 5 dolla but for you 3 . . . Thanks Mom and Dad!!
Evan O'Brien you can't always get what you want. But if you try sometime, you just might tind you get what you need. Rolling Stones Hang it up and see what tomorrow brings. Gratetul Dead What a long strange trip it's been. Grateful Dead What's up? . . . good times, bad times . . . many . . . We made it, P.H. . . . P.M., M.M., F.M. . . . spaz . . . Building a rainbow . . . It's snowing . . . Who are you? . . . Thank God for weekends . . . Thanks for everything Mom and Dad.
Peter Herdic A friend of the devil is a friend of mine. — Grateful Dead E.I.Y. Peter Gabriel We made it! M.M., F.M., P.H. R.S., M.B. . . . Also my sophomore survivors E.O., P.M., L.S. . . . Goodbye HUN SCHOOL . . . the spaz . . . foot high . . . bummer . . . Wobby Sthauth . . . the Animal . . . the park . . . the swinging bridge . . . the ROB CLARK show . . . toots . . . pink footballs . . . U.S. B's . . . Gerry, be up after school . . . 151 . . . 714 . . . Hoagie bottles . . . ?Que papa?, Juan
Matthew Maslow You take Sally and I'll take Sue, There ain't no difference between the two. Jackson Brown I ain't no schoolboy, but I know what I like: You should have heard me just around midnight. Rolling Stones Weekends — out here . . . Get me to my plane on time . . . Snorting whiskey . . . Phone for me? . . . The spaz . . . "I caught a pink football!" . . . "What is that stuff?" . . . Southpaw Senior. . . The one and only Green Teeth . . . Poor Sharon, cleaned like a d o g ! ! . . . All night long . . . The rings . . . I wish I could say I'll miss this place . . . Hot pillow . . . Senseless . . . My Marianne . . . Jimme . . . The boarders . . . two room apt . . . CRAIG . . . Outa here.
Rula Bilbeisi Long you live and high you fly, And smiles you give and tears you cry; And all you do and all you see Is all your life will ever be. Together we stand; divided we fall. Pink Floyd California . . . supersaver tickets . . . pizza . . . Cannes . . . AN . . . COL . . . let's go for it! . . . Geneva . . . Washington . . . Chieko, cool it! . . . weekends at Essex . . . Good times. THANKS MOM AND DAD FOR EVERYTHING. Thanks, Chieko, for helping me make it.
In the midst of the winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer. Albert Camus Many thanks to Mr. Kirschner and Mr. Figueroa, my teachers, and all my best wishes to Rula and AN. "Supersavings" . . . California . . . "Rula, did you call?" . . . Geneva . . . Oh, Domingo! . . . no more pizza . . . Cannes . . . "Don't get into details." . . . "Orange Muppet!! . . . "I'm dying" . . . Week-ends . . . "Thank you, Omar" . . . "Rula, you're asking for it!"
Chieko Ishii
Evangelina Nieto A friend is someone who comes in when the whole world has gone out. To Elenita and all my friends: I will always remember you. Agua . . . Petu . . . Lalo . . . Cambia peina — dos . . . 80 . . . M.P. . . . Caca . . . Relos . . . 31 . . . ARROZ . . . MANDE? . . . Que buena onda . . . Padrisimo . . . chistoso, chistoso, chistoso!
Elenita Toro You can meet friends everywhere, but you cannot meet enemies anywhere; you have to make them. Whatever you do, "smile": it makes people wonder what you've been up to! "Memories" . . . Abdullah, stop it! . . . M.P. . . . Caca . . . sexy eyes . . . Paleta . . . Coca . . . Lalo . . . Agua . . . Friends — Hang in there . . . and have a happy today, tomorrow, and always!
Richard Larach No matter how interesting or theoretically true is the fact that I am composed of such and such chemicals or act by such and such mechanisms or patterns, the crucial question always is that I happen to exist at this given moment in time and space, and my problem is how I am to be aware of that fact and what I will do about Rollo May All that is now All that is gone All that's to come Pink Floyd
Kurt Penney Every man has in himself a continent of undiscovered character. Happy is he who acts the Columbus to his own soul. Stephen Early and provident fear is the mother of safety. Burke Every man is the architect of his own fortune Appius Claudius The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. Albert Einstein
Joe Pasela
I've always been crazy. But it's kept me from going insane. Waylon Jennings Don't cross the river if you can't swim the tide. America
Paul Papier
It's not good enough that we do our best;sometimes we have to do what's required. Winston Churchill
Rich Landis That person inside of you begging to come out is what you must become. Dr. George Sheehan Reap the harvest of a quiet mind. By your endurance you will gain your lives. Luke 21:10 Battle is predestined once it starts. There is the brave. There is the dying. And, there is the curious straggler. He adds to the confusion, his role is one of degradation — Insult to the nobler warrior. from "Gettysburg" by R.S. Landis
William Lynch "I know, I've never been the best, Never quite kept up with the rest. But someday, you'll see I'll reach that crest, someday." Bob Seger
Danny Burke Imagination is more important than knowledge. Albert Einstein Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead. Benjamin Franklin The Ditch . . . SWAT & the Rabbits . . . the mug . . . the Batmobile . . . Pegleg, E.W., Whimpo & Dipso . . . football & lacrosse . . . Nick is a Bag.
Tom Steiner No pain, no gain. Tom or T.J. . . . #71 Football. #10 Lacrosse. Blowing cookies. "Dan, coming over for a nip?" How's Philadelphia? "Bill, there are always Freshmen". Hungry star. "Oh, he's married." "Let's go see the doctor." "That's Kosher." Not enough P.R.'s. "This locker room smells like . . . "Listen up!" Never a dirty Celica. The scar. "Rich, she's wearing pink." Verbal abuse. "The ditch." Arms or press? "When's this period end?" "What's my locker combination?" E.W., Leape, Jeane, K. Ret and the many I couldn't fit in, you've made it interesting.
Scott Waterman The highest obligation and privilege of citizenship is that of bearing arms for one's country. Gen. George S. Patton, Jr. Let the good times roll. The Cars Football #15, wrestling, lacrosse #13 . . . The Land Yacht . . . Signs, what signs? . . . Party at Royals . . . Let's get comfortable . . . K's Box . . . E.W., Oklahoma is #1 . . . ELO, Springsteen. Football 79-'8O, '80?? To all my friends, good luck! See ya in the Army.
"God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are willing to die for it." Daniel Webster "All men are afraid of battle. The coward is the one who lets the fear overcome his sense of duty." Gen. George S. Patton, Jr. "The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender." Vincent Thomas William Kostrub
Joe Royal To find out what one is fitted to do, and to secure the opportunity to do it, is the key to happiness. John Dewey Parties . . . "Who broke the wall?" (Rich, Claude) . . . x-country in the Land Yacht . . . Molson goldies . . . Quarters . . . little rocks or a gas cap . . . Let's to "signing" . . . Where's the jewelry? . . . Midnight Lives! . . . Come on Chuck, you lightweight. . . B.K. Phillies #1 . . . Craig, can I play the drums? . . . Bonnie? . . . Good luck all, I'll see ya later.
The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think — rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with thoughts of other men. Beattie Scott Darvin
Fariborz Zahrai If Bo Derek is a 10, Bo Zahrai is a 75.
Firooz Sepahpur Every moment think steadily as a man to do every act of your life as it were the last.
Mehrdad Akhavan It's only the beginning . . .
Alberto Parziale Women are witches . . . and I love witchcraft!
Linda Sigafoos This is my prayer for you: I pray that your love will keep on growing more and more, together with true knowledge and perfect judgement, so that you will be able to choose what is best. Philippians 1:9-10 Nothing the heart gives away is gone . . . It is kept in the hearts of others. Robin St. John Kiss Today Good-bye . . . A CHORUS LINE
Abby Pudpud Keep your face toward the sunshine and your shadow will fall behind. T.C., L.S., C.T., L.M., S.G., C.F., M.F., 2nd Mouse — I couldn't have made it without all of you! Thanks!
Cheryl Taliaferro £ ,
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Loa-Tse So much of life ahead, We'll find a place where there's room to grow; And yes, we've just begun. Carpenters Discovery consists in seeing what everybody else has seen and thinking what no one else has thought. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
Tracy Coles Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. Langston Hughes Remember . . . Demolition Derby . . . United Nations . . . Dungeon Parties . . . Middle School . . . "sure ticket outa here" . . . Nellie . . . "No, no, your other left!" . . . "Flea!" . . . F.W.A.P., L.S., C.T., L.M., C.F., S.G Thanks for memories!
Daniel Tuccillo There is something for all who look, There's a story in every book — All of the pages, between all the lines, so much that you can find. But there's too many empty lines my friend, And we can't let them waste away — For this life is a precious thing my friend, And we just can't wait another day. Kansas Live each day as if it were your last, because one day you'll be right. Benny Hill
Joe Goulazian All of us standing in line, all of us waiting for time, to feel it all the way and to be there when they say they know that maybe we'll change, offered a chance to finally unlearn our lesson and alter our stance. Yes Many dreams come true, and some have silver linings; I live for my dreams and a pocket full of gold. Led Zeppelin You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you just might find you get what you need. Rolling Stones
Thomas Davies I never had a chance, but opportunity stands in my way. Pete Townshend I stand with my guitar; All I need is a mirror and I'm a star. I'm sick of dull T.V.; Next time you might see me. Pete Townshend
William Kendall Mother, do you think they'll drop the bomb? Mother, do you think they'll like the story? Mother, do you think they'll try to break me? Mother, should I build a wall? Mother, should I run for President? Mother should I trust the government? Pink Floyd Hun is Fun. (maybe) . . . Good luck '81; we will need it! . . . good Luck '82, '83 — you will need it . . . Love ya, Liza . . . Thanks Franz, Roger, and everyone else.
Lesley Steil Life has many dark and wonderful secrets to share with me. I've experienced happiness and I've experienced sorrow and through these I've learned a lot in the short time I've walked this world. I hope I can expand this knowledge to better myself and others around me. To all my friends . . . Thanks . . . You kept me from going insane . . . C.H., E.G., M.B., & many others . . . Dead . . . Little Feat . . . Cradle Rock . . . Church. Special thanks to Mr. Fig & Mr. Hannas.
As your fortune comes to carry you down the line And you watch as the changes unfold And you sort among the stories you've been told If some pieces of the picture are hard to find And the answers to your questions are hard to hold Take good care of your brother Let the disappointment pass Let the laughter fill your glass Let your illusions last until they shatter And when you've found another soul Who sees into your own Take good care of each other. J.B. Tell me why is it hard to make arrangements with yourself. Neil Young Thanks to John, Lesley, Wee Wee, Duckie, and Bluey, and the Princeton Tire Co. I made it to June 7, 1981. Edith Gregory Michelle Blinn Long you live and high you fly, Smiles you give and tears you'll cry. And all you touch and all you see, Is all your life will ever be. Pink Floyd I was put here to help you, you were put here to help me. Lesley Steil Thanks to all my good friends that helped me make it . . . L.S., E.G., C.H., & everyone else. Shore . . . mountains, Haven, Institute, Church, . . . As long as I don't know it doesn't matter. . . Phily . . . Drys.
Edward McNulty All you touch and all you see Is all your life will ever be. Roger Waters The time between the notes relates colour to the scenes; A constant vogue of triumphs dislocates man, so it seems. Yes You thought the Latin winter Would bring you down forever, But you rode upon a steamer To the violence of the sun. Cream
Robert Strauss . . . And we're on our way; No, we can't turn back. The Doors
Old man wanna be rich Rich man wanna be king And a king ain't satisfied till he rules most everything. Talk about a dream, try to make it real, You wake up in the night, with a fear so real You spend your life waiting for a moment that just don't come. Don't waste your time waiting . . . Bruce Springsteen Russ Petranto .i
Nick Persichetti
Marc Salerno Let's swim to the moon, Let's climb through the tide, Penetrate the evening that the city sleeps to hide. Sex starts it, Death ends it, In between is whatever you want to make it. Jim Morrison AN AMERICAN POET
Heidi Schmidt Experience is the name so many people give to mistakes. Oscar Wilde
Karen Nitzsche There are places I'll remember all my life, Though some have changed. Some forever, not for better, Some have gone, some remain. All these places have their moments With lovers and friends I recall, Some are dead and some are living, In my life I've loved them all. — Lennon/McCartney Everything is relative and nothing is absolute. — Janette Hugger Muffins Mikity You don't know what you have until it's gone. L.U.M.
Michael Barcellona Time is on our side . . . Rolling Stones
Ruth Wheaton We can't always control the heartaches in our lives, but we can decide how we will handle them. Mom The finest years I ever knew were all the years I had with you. David Gates Yesterday is a memory and tomorrow is a dream, But today well-lived makes every yesterday good to remember and every tomorrow a dream come true. You gotta love it! Bill McQuade Remember? . . . Mrs. Murphy . . . How embarrassing . . . HAREMS . . . Singing . . . eat away games . . . K.K.. . . Professor, let's go to the lab . . . Hungry Star . . . A.B. . . . Laughing . . . Wm. 12:00 . . . Hi Blue Eyes, #45, T.J., Stitches . . . Grape, I'll never forget . . . Take care Em . . . BCNU . . . P.S. Jack and Betty don't belong together!
Sheri Nelson
You know I've always been a dreamer; spent my life just running around and it's so hard to change. Can't seem to settle down, but the dreams I've seen lately keep on turning out and burning out and turning out the same. So put me on a highway and show me a sign, and take it to the limit one more time. Eagles "Memories may be beautiful and yet, what's too painful to remember, we simply choose to forget — So it's the laughter we will remember, whenever we remember, the way we were" . . . Hun Parties! . . . hockey and softball . . . being sentimental . . . The Professor and Mischief. . . R.I.L.Y. . . . Kinks — Eagles — Stones . . . G.B. and C.C. . . . "Let's go guys" . . . #9 . . . love stories . . . Snyders and Click . . . Are you going to the lab? . . . summer means . . . champagne toasties . . . secret weekends (the best) . . . "Lola" . . . 14 kt. gold . . . back to fun and games . . . Thanks, R.W., L.C., and L.O. — best friends and the good times will always be remembered . . . Special thanks to Mom and Dad!
Sharon Gigliotti Once in a vision 1 came on some woods And stood at a fork in the road; My choices were clear, Yet I froze with the fear Of not knowing which way to go. One road was simple Acceptance of life; The other road offered sweet peace. When I made my decision My vision became my release. Dan Fogelberg
Celeste Fleming
Varnnee Chearavanont Forget about the days when it's been cloudy, but don't forget your hours in the sun. Forget about the time you've been defeated, but don't forget the victories you've won. Forget about the mistakes that you can't change now, but don't forget the lessons that you've learned. Forget about misfortunes you've encountered, but don't forget the times your luck has turned.
Huoy-Ming Yeh Nothing is as easy as it looks. Everything takes longer than you expect. And if anything can go wrong, it will, at the worst possible moment. Murphy's Law Thanks, Mom and Dad.
Lorenzo Blum Gentilomo Long you live and high you fly And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry. And all you touch and all you see Is all your life will ever be. Pink Floyd If I go insane, Please don't put your wires in my brains. LBG Avec le temps, Avec le temps va, tout s'en va . . . Leo Ferre
David Hsu My goals, more than a thought. Regrets I've had a few, but then again, too few to mention. I did what I had to do and saw it through without exemption. I faced it all and I stood tall, I did all that and not in a shy way. Oh no, not me, I did it my way. Gilles Thilault Life is running up a downward escalator; you have to run hard to get to the top. Thanks Dad & Mom . . . Love you all J.H., C.H., S.H., C.H., C.C.H . . . Another all-nighter... up till 5 AM . . . in trouble with the car again . . . lost on the road . . . noodle party . . . J.L. to the hospital, . . . no more girls . . . I'VE MADE IT!
Jerry Kuan
Sirus A. Ferdows The more I learn, The more I realize that I know nothing. Ebne Sina Only at the end did I notice that it's just the beginning
4 years at Hun . . . memories . . . Noodles . . . viverins . . . Phys . . . Chem . . . Pops . . . Sleep? — not me . . . Bust at 1:45 A.M. . . . Gone toaster . . . A. Z., M. M., F. S. all partners . . . Ski Club . . . sneak to the disco . . . Thanks, Mom and Dad . . . Love you all . . .
Mehrdad Mahamedi
Amir Hossein Zafar You only live once, But if you live right,
once is enough.
Gregory Grauer I agree with no man's opinion. I have some of my own. Turgenev Anything worth doing is worth overdoing. Robert Heinlein I finally got it all together but I forgot where I put it.
John McGee
84 i»i
"Oh I live on Sugar Mountain, With the barkers and the colored balloons, You can't be twenty on Sugar Mountain, Though you're thinkin' you're leavin' there too soon." Neil Young "Never answer a question with a question." Edward B. Bamman, Jr. "To speak much is one thing; to speak to the point is another!" Sophocles Wayne Faulkner
m Mark Scandariato "Physics is Math with a reason, Biology is the ultimate application of Chemistry, It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, If you live near him." J. R. R. Tolkien "The man who makes no mistakes usually does not make anything." Phelps
Christopher Gross / Well, , I'll try my best to be just what I am, But everyone wants me to be just like them. Bob Dylan I am going into an unknown future but we're all here. We're still wild about life: there's hope! John Lennon "O.K., what do you know?" "Oh, I know lots of things. I know: 2 and 2 is 4, George Washington was the first President,
Carson City is the capital of Nevada "Shut up! The rabbit knows too much." Bugs Bunny It's been very hard But it's getting easier now. Hard times are over, over for awhile The leaves are shining in the sun And I'm smiling inside. Yoko Ono I really thought that love would save us all. John Lennon
John Hinck "You gotta love it!' Bill McQuade
- .4
Craig Zelin How happy is he born and taught That serveth not another's will; Whose armour is his honest thought, And simple truth his utmost skill! Sir Henry Wotton Pick up the bags and git in the One sweet dream limousine; Soon we'll be away from here. Step on the gas and wipe that tear away; One sweet dream come true — today. Lennon — McCartney
Jean Stillwell Good Luck Bit, two more years . . . L.M. . . . M.F. . . . S.R. . . . talk to me but don't scream . . . What's up — Chuck . . . M.F.T.B.F.T.R. . . . R.W. . . . Leap . . . Who cares, we're having fun . . . Hey, Tarn . . . Ret . . . Lax is the best . . . skiing . . . Ba . . . ice cream. Beauty depends on simplicity — I mean the true simplicity of a rightly and nobly ordered mind and character. He is a fool who seriously inclines to weigh the beautiful by any other standard than that of good. The good is beautiful! Grant me to be beautiful in the inner man. Plato
Imagine there's no Heaven It's easy if you try No Hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today . . . You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one. John Lennon Breathe, breathe in the air, Don't be afraid to care. Pink Floyd
Mary Fehskens
Loretta Mueller
Jeff Haveson Looking out at the road rushing under my wheels Looking back at the years gone by like so many summer fields In sixty-five I was seventeen and running up one-o-one I don't know where I'm running now, I'm just running on. Jackson Browne All beginnings are difficult. Midrash People stay just a little bit longer We want to play just a little bit more Now your mommies don't mind And your daddies don't mind If we take a little time And we leave it all behind Singing one more song. Jackson Browne (No Nukes)
Roger Baker Desire for nothing except desirelessness, Hope for nothing except to rise above all hopes, Want for nothing and you will have everything. Avatar Meher Baba I've I've I've I've
had enough of being had enough of being had enough of trying had enough of being I'm told I should. The Who
nice, right and wrong, to love my brother, good, doing everything like
I'm looking past and I can't see the past anymore, Oh, so hazy, I'm on a track and I'm traveling so fast, Oh, for sure I'm crazy. Pete Townsend Man is just a sculptor who molds his own destiny.
Scott Brenner I get by with a little help from my friends. The Beatles Thank you Mrs. Gregory and Mr. Dippery for making "The Hun Experience" meaningful and invaluable. "Snippy" . . . English office soap operas . . . The Mall . . . quarrels with Larry and Brenda . . . layout in the Pub . . . hours in the darkroom . . . The Edgerstounian . . . "more candids" . . . Wobert Wose . . . CYCLONE!!! . . . tuna melt-down . . . it has no next! . . . Skiing at the Belle Bump . . . Great Adventure . . . pizza at Athenian . . . Physics-Help! . . . Good luck Donna, Alex, and the rest of '82 . . . to L.N..D.G..R.B., and J.H.:thanks for everything: our times together will become my fondest memories . . . And finally, Thanks Mom and Dad for showing me the right path to follow . . . To the world: Here I come!
Lauren Neufeld A good acquaintance is a jewel, A special friend is a treasure. Friendship is the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person having neither to weigh thoughts or measure words.
. . . "Are you mad at me?", "OH, STOP!" . . . "You need a MARKCHARGE" . . . G.A."We all have sisters!" . . . Crop Walk 1980 Hun vs.P.D.S. . . . R.B.,J.H.,S.B.,D.G.,S.E.,P.P.,V.F.D.,M.S.,S.L.,D.C, Never forget the good times we've shared . . . Oct.27 — Nov. 1 party week . . . "I have an orthodontist appointment" . . . Tuesdays & Thursdays . . . Town days — (Athenian pizza) "We're in a hurry" . . . The English Office — our second home. Best of luck to the class of '82 and the class of '84. Special Thanks to the English department.
Rich Puglia People try to put us down just because we get around Things they do look awful cold I hope I die before I get old. The Who I can walk down the street there's no one there though the pavement's one huge crowd I can drive down the road my eyes don't see though my mind wants to cry out loud. Cream Music is your only friend until the end. Jim Morrison You got to tell the children the truth They don't need a whole lot of lies Cause one of these days baby They'll be running things. Jimi Hendrix
Russell Freda
Baby you can drive my car — Beatles
Why not think of times to come And not about the things you've done If your life was bad to you Just think what tomorrow will do. Fleetwood Mac
Time to laugh. Time to cry. Take it easy baby. Take it as it comes. Jim Morrison and The Doors
A time to live. A time to die.
Give peace a chance John Lennon
Lv 96
Front: Tri-captain Jeanne Sumantri, Tri-captain Jody Klein, Seated: Barbara Short, Melissa Rockhill, Janine Russo, Advisor D. Berger, Tri-captain Sue Perfater, Valerie Baker, Cindy Darvin, Laura Zahn.
Front: Coach Wm. Quirk, S. Darvin, J. Royal, S. Waterman, T. Steiner, Co-Captain R. Landis, Co-captain, D. Burke, F. Zahrai, P. Keene, M. Maslow. Row 1: R. Strauss, J. Crater, B. Lynch, S. Crater, T. Lovering, H. Sullivan, M. Sumners, Coach Stout, 2nd Row: P. Sweeney, T. Landis, J. Teegardin, S. Tucker, J. Freedman, P. Marlatt. 3rd Row: M. Wheaton, B. Kelly, A. Marlatt, F. Stiff, J. Ebin.
Front: M. Mahamedi, A. Zafar, W. Kostrub, R. Guillemin, Co-captain C. Palsho, Co-Captain K. Stevenson, J. Whitehead, J. lorio, W. Faulkner, J. Guillemin. Row 1: S. Chaykowksy, P. Wachenfeld, N. Franzoni. T. Donaldson, C. Churchill, J. Pasela, K. Kohn, Coach K. Sawyer, L. Blinn.
* '\
- WWlliljL\A**mm)t*tl»>
Row 1: Captain L. Mueller, Captain R. Wheaton. Row 2: L. Leaper, A. Pudpud, T. Coles, S. Nelson. Row 3: Mgr. L. Dreyer, S. Robbins, J. Stillwell. L. Lomauro, C. Cahill, C. Taliaferro, L. Sigafoos, D. Camerieri, Coach K. Quirk.
Row 1: H. Schmidt, M. Cocola, E. Gregory, V. Li. Row 2: M. Ong, E. Lavine, C. Harris, Coach J. Kerr, A. Drake, E. Wengler. Missing: K. Nitzsche, J. Meier, L. O'Sullivan.
Row 1: L. Mann, I. Goodstem, A. Schwarcz, L. BenDaniel, A. DeLeo, K. Johnson, S. Whitman, M. Maessner, S. Slotnick. Row 2: Coach D. Ryan, S. Schottman, V. Chearvanont, T. Fitzpatrick, E. Talec, J. Ridolfi, Captain L. Coryell, D. Fehskens, M. Pica, M. Fehskens. Coach R. Bagley.
Row 1: P. Hegelbach, R. Rosenthal, S. Lipani, D. Wood, B. Huste. Mgr. S. Gigliotti, Row 2: Coach Kiefer, P. Campos, D. Davlin, C. Lin, W. Clayton, C. Pierce, E. Wang.
Front: D. Morgan, G. Frank, M. Keller, Row 1: K. Morgan, W. Lofgren, S. Horrigan, R. Scherr. B. O'Sullivan, M. Goodman, K. Reinharl, P. Romano, D. Allen, W. Hourihan. Row 2: D. Shepard, Coach L. Masella, T. Lipani, P. Crawford, E. Gallin.
Front: Captain M. Wood. Row 1: G. Maddalena, L. Stiff, D. Fitch, L. Carlsons, J. Costello, H. Ciaffey, Mgr. E. Winkler. Row 2: Coach K. Evans, M. Maddalena, B. Urbaniak, M. Bautista, D. Steen, S. Goldberg, V. Stillwell, J. Fusco.
Row 1: K. Kalani, S. Wheaton, P. Daly, R. Sherer, B. Landis, C. Vollmer, D. Peary, R. Valentin. Row 2: A. Baylinson, B. Murray, S. Legan, J. Rodney, J. McCommish, J. Huck, P. Marciano, C. Anderson. Row 3: Coach C. Evans, G. Benjamin, C. Black, J. Salasko, C. Troilo, A. Salerno, R. Stoy, K. Brech, Coach T. O'Brien.
Bottom: M. Rockhill, K. Johnson, L. BenDaniel, J. Fusco. Top: T. Lynch, J. Russo, Captains J. Klein, A. Sumantri.
J. V. CHEERLEADING Bottom: L. Blaicher, M. Hughes, B. Urbaniak. Middle: L. Stiff, M. Blaicher, A. Bell. Top: T. FiUpatrick, M. Demech.
Row 1: P. Pintella. T. Landis, S. Tucker, J. Tesser. Row 2: Coach Harman, M. Sumners, N. Amoroso, A Marlatt, P. Franzoni, Captain C. Wronski, Coach Hendrickson.
Row 1: Captains C. Cahill, R. Wheaton. Row 2: Coach Quirk, L. Marin, D. Camerieri, C. Harris, S. Papp, B. Short, J. Turner, S. Nelson, S. Robbins, Managers L. Leaper, T. Coles.
Row 1: Captain B. Lynch, J. Meier, L. Zahn, Captain R. Landis, T. Pestonji, A. Caraco, D. O'Neil, D. Peary Row 2: D. Coleman, K. Reinhart, S. Perfater, Captain C. Hubert, J Tambascia, M. Cano, S. Slotnick, S. Norteman. Row 3: Manager B. DeMarco, D. Appel, Manager J. Reichel. Row 4: Coach Masella, Coach Schwan.
Row 1: Manager L. Blinn, Captain P. Herdic, Captain J. Olivero, Coach Barber, Captain S. Waterman, Manager M. Blinn. Row 2: J. Teegardin, L. Falls, B. Salasko, R. Gallin, S. Crater, A. Baylinson, B. Murray, J. Crater. Row 3: T. Lipani, P. Brache, C. Black, C. Borde, T. Lafharis, P. Daley, D. Ingwersen, M. Keller.
Bo» I: M. S.lerra. D. Wood Ro» 2: R. Slo,. J. «torl,.T. Koh«, I ftnton.ko.. C Woo., S D.r.i. Ro» 3: S L.g.n. A S.l.r.o, M. Kaminker, Coach Kidder, Manager S. Kerr.
Row 1: M Sumners, J. Freedman, M. Adler, J. Logue. M. Wheaton. Row 2: C. Bright, B. Kelly, Coach MacLeod, K. Kuhn, B. Clayton, M. Haje.
Row 1: M. Brombert, W. Lofgren. Row 2: A. Namour, R. Rosenthal, D. Rosenbloom, L. Robbins, B. Hanson, D. Davlin. Row 3: S. Horrigan, C. Crisson, M. Frejka, L. Sisson, E. VanZanden, R. Strajss, F. Mantini, Coach Coleman.
Row 1: L. Lomauro, G. Maddalena. Row 2: E. Gregory, Coach Maddalena, T. Dowdell, H. Ferettee, M. Maddalena. C. Goldstein, I. Usiskin, E. Winkler, D. Fitch, Huoy-Ming Yeh.
Row 1: J. Scandariato, B. Mumme, C. Anderson, B. Landis, M. Foster. Row 2: Coach McQuade, P. Stam, R. Stout, J. Reford, P. Marlatt, T. Stewart, 8. Berger, J. Mackin.
CLUB PRlVer f, Z.
a i
Science League
Don Ho Club
Weightlifting Club
Scarf Club
Chess Club
Backgammon Club
Math League
Student Council
Honor Council
Social Committee
German Club
Old German Club
D.G. Yl£N6LINf
Spanish Club
French Club
The Mall
Travel Club
Pit Band
Drama Club
Foreign Students
Apogee Club
Proctors and Prefects
Edgerstounian Staff
Stewart McDaniel Photography
Scott Brenner Photography Editor
Yolanda Giannini Advertising Editor
Tom Davies Advertising
Christopher Gross Editor
Carl Pierce Photography Melissa Rockhill Jr. Class Editor
Art Editor
Yolanda Giannini Sr. Class Editor
Mehrdad Akhavan
Layout Assistants Matt Maslow Drew Coleman John Guillemin Anne Rogers
Staff Assistants Doug O'Neil Darryl Shepard
Franklin R. Dippery Advisor The 1981 EDGERSTOUNIAN Staff would like to express special thanks to Mr. Dippery, for without his patience, perseverance, and dedication this yearbook would not be possible.
Sally Frangipani Cafeteria
Esther lovine Cafeteria
Jerome Pitts Cafeteria
Jose Norby Garcia Cafeteria
John Collins, Bill Cosby Cafeteria
Bill, thank you
Congratulations to Lauren and the Class of '81
for being you.
Love, Mom & Dad Donna & Denise Nana & Gramps
Dad, & Shawn
Congratulations to
Tiffany McA. Ufert and the
Class of 1981 Hope your dreams all come true Mom, Dad, and Tim
Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Class of 1981 Jessie & Carl Herdic
LES DESEAMOS UN PORVENIR VENTUROSO. ACUERDENSE de HUN. To the largest group of graduating foreign students Our best wishes in your future career. Abdollah Moghanaki Arthur Rozas
Congratulations Chuck Palsho and the Class of 1981 With Our Love, Mom & Dad Cathy Sandra, Barry, Jeff, and Karen Susan, John, Jon-Jon Joann, Mike, Dodie
Our Best Wishes to RUTH WHEATON and the Class of '81 Mom Anne 7 7 Dave '80 Matt '83 Seth '85
You have made us very proud! Much love and success, SHERI Love, Mom, Dad, Ken, Jackie, & Michael
The owners of Royals' Party Palace extend congratulations and best wishes to
Joe, the Gang, and the Class of 1981
Our Best Wishes to the Hun School Graduating Class of 1981
(609) 924-2450
Betsy & Alan Haveson
Thank you, Mom & Dad. Love, Coleen
Congratulations to the Class of '81 Robert & Rosamond Davies
WAYNE, If you can imagine it, you can achieve it.
If you can dream it, you can become it. WILLIAM ARTHUR WARD
Love, Mom, Dad, Joanne, and Jennifer
James R. Gross, Director 1331 Lower Ferry Road Trenton, New Jersey 08618 Phone 609 883-1550
m P in
EVER-READY Refrigeration
P.O. Box 1384 Trenton NJ
m m m m
Mr. & Mrs. S. Richard Brenner
The Racket Club — Eva, Shulamit, Pila, and Elenita. Professor, you have to bend, children vs. career. Mischief the Romantic. Swamp Gas, Spanish Moss, McDonalds, T.M., Where's George? Not Enough Beds. Lawrenceville School K.A.C. 1:00 p.m. Dec. 20, 1985. P.M.C. and T.M.U. Tom, I'll never forget your meaning behind PINK — Guess who? Mr. Hannas, you'll always be our favorite roothead! Elinore and Bonnie. Want to join the A.L.A.? Contact E.R., B.K., T.U., M.L. Mr. Beach, thanks for all the smiles. Bonnie and Elinore. Bonaru, watch out for them woods! Ellis Elinore, "Chris," Spike, J.T.C., or Guido. Take your pick! Bonnie. Bonaru, we have to talk! 221-1939 and 75 Spellman. Luv, Little Sister We are family! To brothers Tim, Dirk, and Shawn, and also our sisters — Davi, Louise, Bonnie, Laurie Z., Laura B. The wore the merrier. Love, Kathy and Chrissy. To Chieko and Rula, Good Luck in the future. Love, Christina. Congratulations Scott! Love, your sister Cindy. Hey cutie and " M " , looks like we made it. Love, "Slim". To my best friend and roommate — F.C.L.F.K.W.G.T. Luv ya, Kath. Our Wonderful Beaner: We love you! Mom and O-TommyO. Dear Tommy, Philadelphia is the best! Thank you for always asking. You're the only one who ever did. Love, Sheri. Mary — Thanks for everything and good luck always. Don't forget — number rules the universe. Globe RB, JH, SB — Thanks for the good times. I'll miss you. D.G Punk Rock lives at the Hun School. Blue eyes, did you really shoot J.R.? I'm going to miss you. Love Ruth. P.S. The neighbors will never know. Chuck, come to my office . . . Any Time! Love, the Doc. Rich, I'll always cherish the moments being with you! Love, Sue. To Barb, Laurie, Ruth, and Class of '81 — I'll miss you! Suzzie. K . . . Wayne — What goes on? One day the P. l.'s will be yours — If you really want them — Remember I want a C.l.'s — Love, Q . . . Christina. Tiffany, Congratulations! Good Luck, and always. WDW! Keep in touch. M.R. T.U., S.B., S.I., D.G., L.Z. and T.W. Thanks! Luv, Mel. To my best friend and roommate; "F.C.L.F.K.W.G.T." — Even though it may be aginst my rules. Love ya. KiKi. Mr. McQuade, thank you for all of the extra help, understanding and friendship. I'll come visit you sometime; it will be a surprise (for you and me), Love, Ruth. Yogie — s, It's been . . , fun. Thanks, Rudy. Bonanza, see ya at Georgetown. I love ya, Space Bunny. Hey Batman, Good luck. Thanx for the rides. Love, Tricia. Keep in touch, Roomie. You're the best. Love, Pink Uni-
Milkshake fights — Coryell, your license. Always, Chief Trish. Doopers — You're the Greatest, stay small, Wuv, Space Bunny. SB., R.B., J.H., we are to go on to better things — Good Luck. Love, L.N. El, remember always the Blob! I love you — Tiffers. Thanks, Periwig members, for your friendship. Good luck always, T.M.U. Peter, you're my everything, and I adore you. Love, T.M.U. Melissa, thank you for your devoted friendship. Good luck always, T.M.U. Peter, Dom, Roland, Jeff, Allan, Dallas. I love you — T.M.U. Mrs. Gregory, thanks for everything. Love, Lauren. "Secretary Private Eye" Antigone versus the English Dept. To Hun: The lunatic is in my head/The lunatic is in my head/You raise the blade, you make the change/You rearrange me/'til I'm sane./You lock the door/And throw away the key/There's someone in my head but it's not me. With Love, "OUR KARASS" Bananna: Here's to your "Hun Glasses" that kept us going; you know I'll miss ya! Love, Sh . . . Bonnie: What do ya say we talk about O.S. with a Vet. Luv ya, Davi. Christina: Don't forget; It's only a word — D.O.T.D. — W.D.W. — What test do we take at 5:00 a.m.? Luv ya, Davi Val, Bea, Jane: Good luck in the future, and always keep in touch! Love, Yolanda DeeDee, I'll always cherish our friendship! (P.S. see ya at Lone Star) Love, Yo Mrs. Gregory, Mr. Dippery, Mr. Kerr, Mr. Kirschner: Thanks for your kindness, support and understanding. Love, Yolanda L.N., F.H., D.G., R.B., S.M., et al — Thanks for making my years at Hun FANTASTIC! Snip Mrs. Gregory — Congratulations, you've made my 5 best teachers list! — Snip L.N. — In ten years we'll both look back — and laugh! — Snip Mrs. Jones, Thanks so much for everything, Love ya, Melissa S.B., our friendship continues — much success in the future Love L.N. Mom and Dad, Thanks. Love, Lauren Yo, when nature calls, we run and/or fall. Doo Y.G., I owe you one, well, maybe a case, or two . . . F.C. Here kitty, kitty, kitty. A/K/A. Hi, T. T.L., Y.G., J.F., J.K., A.S.: Remember the Emerson's Shadow? It's gone. F.C. One cannot withstand four years of Hun without Faith. Banana, I'm getting a skin pigment operation this summer. Ha Ha. Doo A.S., J.K. and 151 — Thanks. F. T.L., J.D. is a good mouthwash — Dooper Elinore, Sharon, Anne, Laurie, Joe, Scott, Craig, and Chris; The memories of Rosie's Beach will live forever! Bill K. Bon and El — "No one in their right mind!" Love ya, Dav
The Class of 1981, Faculty and Underclassmen wish Edward B. Bamman health
and happiness in the years ahead.