Alumni Weekend: 2006 Yearbook

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Knowledge Honor


id of Jpper School

Dear Class of 2006: Wow! What a class! Congratulations to the of 2006 for your wonderful achievements and your many contributions to the School community. Your Class is one which began its high school career on some "shaky" ground in terms of your scholastic and extracurricular achievement but toward the middle and then the conclusion of your years at 1 lun, you distinguished yourself for both your individual and group intellectual prowess, your participation and contributions to enumerable extracurricular activities ranging from interest clubs to interscholastic athletics, and for your commitment to the communities of which you were a part. The Class of 2006 is memorable and all of us at Hun are optimistic about your future and the world which you will help lead. We will miss you! Sincerely,

James M. Byer '62 Meadmaster

Mr. William McQuadc 1 lead of Upper School




Dedication The dedication of the Kdgerstounian is decided by the senior members of the staff and is given to someone who has strongly influenced their years at Hun. It is nearly impossible to go through Hun without crossing paths with this teacher. His style of teaching pushes students to new heights and teaches them to search for answers. He is a teacher and coach whose passion for learning is contagious, making it impossible for students to leave his classroom without a new, more educated perspective on history. Whether on the water or in the classroom, his ability to inspire unique and remarkable quality. It is because of this dedication and passion for teaching that the senior Edgerstounian staff dedicates the 2006 Edgerstounian to Mr. Geoff Evans.

Talented and dynamic educators have always had an impact on those they teach and advise. Ever since this teacher has been a part ot the 1 lun School community, she has gained the admiration and respect from many students. Those fortunate enough to have been in her class have gained the knowledge, insights, and been enlightened by more than just history, but an understanding ot the world around us. This teacher's energy and devotion is displayed not only in the classroom, but also in whatever task she takes on, from coaching field hockey to being an adviser to the community service club. This teacher is always there to help students and share her personal expiriences and insights. She will always be remembered tor her love ot history. This is why the Edgerstounian Statt chooses to award this year's tribute to Mrs. Lynn McNultv.

Hun School Administration and Staff Kathryn AJlshouse Studeni Accounts

William Allhousc Student of Food Sen ices

Jasmin Lean/ Barry Administrative .Assistant to Alumni Relations


1 1





\\ Icrencc Heacli Dean ol'Admissions & Financial Aid

Suzanne Bernard Administrative Assistant to Admissions

J. Michael Chaykowsky Director of Facilities

Adrienne C hiarkas

Assistant to Parent Relations

Alison C'hmiclewski Administrative Assistant to the i tpper School

Pamela Dickinson Administrative Assistani to i Van of Students

Dana Donati Director] of Personal ( ounselinu

Kimberly i Lsposito Administrative Assistant to College Co unseling

Barbara Finnegan Reccptionisi

Chid! "inancial ()l1icei

larona Oilberi Evans I )atabasc Administrator, Institutional Vdvancemeni

!lyndo\ e \ ieal\

I )irector of Annual c riving

John Isbirian Registrar

\\. Larry Kidder Dean Of Academic Affairs

Ki chard Fleck

Kalherine Kiefer Director of Freshman and Sophomore Academics

I.etitia McDougflll

Maureen Leming Director of Communications

( hnstine Madison I )atabase Administrator, Admissions

Nurse-Weekday e\ enings

David McMillin I Hrector ot ('ollese ( ounsclmu

Joseph NklVak I )irector ot Business Sei \ ices

Kyle Morse Assistant Director of Admissions

Jim O*Boyle Director of InstimtioiKil AiK ancements

Judith O'Brian Administrati\ c Assistant to Et l fpper School t )ffice

Donna ()"Sulli\an Coordinator ol" Summer Programs

Meghan Poll© Assistant I )irectoi ol Admissions

Carolyn Pontani Assistant to the Director of Admissions

Lauren Rankin Assistant to the Director of Institutional Ad\ ancement

Sherry Roberts Administrative Assistant to the I lead master and C'l'O

Miehele Shenk Administrative Assistn&nl to the Dean of Students

I tisa Schw ;ti / \ \ a i d e

Carol Smith Director al' 1 lealth Sen ices

Janine Russo Vanisko Director of Alumni Relations

Mar\ .lane Williams Director of Parent Relations

Sarah Williams Assistant Director of College Counseling

l._\ nn /aim Admissions ('ounseloi

Accounts l'a\ able

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Morgan Arons and Kim Abrams

Katclyn 'Taylor and Alexandra Perrine


Scan Pucciarclli, Brian Wills, and Scan Munlcy

Nikki Caplinger and Ali Tartacoff

Taylot BichOj Sam Wcndler, Carla Bautista, Caroline Taylor, Krisin Masiies,Katelyn Taylor and Gra.ce Martin


,aura Murphy, Miranda Sitney and Deb Quinn

l.ix W'cidcl and Charlie Martin

Vw MhlHU Crnter

Chris Gardnei |oe (.arugati and k\ le Bremer

foey Motteron

Ryan Schmitz and -auren I "isher

Marc Chiarello and foe Gonzales

Michelle Arduini an< Nicole Buckhnuler

Gift Supaongprapa

Beth Coyle and Rvan Putman

iliza 1 [ammer

Amy Worthington and Caroline Philhowcr

Mr. Volz

•u | # | .jjfi te^

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Kristcn Baker, Keith Morse, AJyssa Pone, Sabrina Valentine and Caroline Taylor

Lauren Ryan, .\nnc McCirath, and ("hatiic Punia

Olga Xikolacva, Nikki \\ u and Kavla koffa-Stcwart

,ucy Obus, Lauren SuchenskL and Melissa Kay

Brian Scanlon, Man I .<>v and Mike Arduini

Kevin Gallagher and Mike Perkins

Ryan Schmitz

.aura Saatsoglou and

Catchin' Some Air!

Erica Crawford

Madeline Welch

Lauren Poinier and Kristian Richardson

Connor Mc.Manimon, Chkezie Ohayia, Dave Pankove, and Bruce Clarke

Will Christiansen

Stefan I .an

Mohamed Sami Mandeel

Chris Martin, Melissa I [edberg and Robert Ross

Amanda White, Campbell Stevenson, and Ben WaldroD

Zacfa Gottlieb

Josh Davis and Angel Clybourn

Katrina O'Hara and ack Malleo

Mr. Treichel

I isa Walter and

Christina I .lovd



eng Chang and Daniel Kuo

|ohn Stoddard and Griffin Zucosky

Dami ()dedele

Sarah Sraller, Gwyn McNeill and Caroline Kehoe

Beom Kohj fin 1 Iwan Park, Se Beom Park, and Rodrigo Diaz

Marc Chiarcllo, Jake Ballaroito, Kenny l.attertv. Max Zelenko and Ben Wirjoscmito

Christine Heilman, Grace Martin, Emily Gratdb and Ali Rice

Seong Bo Hwang


Sylvia I.iu, ChrystaJ Chang, and David Kuo

[n-Yeo] Kwon, Seong Bo I twang, Patrick Oh, |i-l I wan Park, Ellen Lee, SooYeong kim, fee Won Choi, You |m Lee, I [ae-Yoon Choi, and fung-Yooo Yu


Kaitlin Bevans ami I indsev Scott

Keely Fitzpatrick and Laura Crawford

Connor McManimon, David Putenan, and Chikezie ()havia

Carol Ann Michel and Claire I [allidav

Ross Trampler and Turner \\ imberly

Valencia Washington

fen facob and Jordan Browning


Amanda Osofsky and foey Moffitt

Cat Mills and Allegra Smith

Julia Wong and Sabrina Valentine

John Mulvcv

Andy Ashcntchcr ami Ryan Campbell


lee Won Choi




It ) Meg Schermerhotn and Kimbcrly Campbell


an •1 -aura Goiten, Hen Siegel, and Jackie Benowit/

ulev Lamendola and Amanda Kschclman

\lex Latella a n d I.i/ Patterson

Nathan Wilson, Matt Beckelman, and Zach Martin

Bridget Stinson and Melissa Marino


Caitlin Mothcrwav and l.i/ Marino

Matt Byrne

David Kuo, Daniel Kuo, and Chris Chuang


Chad Berget and Maura Giordano

Royce Russell

Annam Saminathan

josh Raiffc and Yoo fin Lee




English Department

Back Row Mr. Rich Vote, Ms. Emily Khanna, Mr. Robert Walker, Mr. Charles O'Brien, Ms. Allavnn Panko, Mr. Robert I iolmes. Front Row: Ms. Lauren Provenzano, Ms. (ocelyn Cipolaro, Ms. Chery] Beal, Mr. l'ranklin Dippery.

Fine Arts Department

Back Row: Ms. Julia O h m , Ms. Stacy Collingham, Mr. Dave Bush, Mr. Mark Niederer, Mr. Tom Verdi I r o n ! Row: Mr. John Sahol,

Mr. Marty H o b a n , Mr. D e s h Ilindlc.

Pk. 18

History Department i


•• -

Back Row: Mr. Bill Long, Mr. Tom W'ilcox, Mr. Spencer W'ashburn, Mr. Geoff Evans, Mr. Bill Holup. Front Row: Mr. Sam Doak, Ms. Lynn McNulty, Mr. Bruce Spengler, Mr. Cornelius Raiford, Mr. Chris Monfiletto

Language Department

Ms. Michelle Koenen, Mr. Reinaldo Gonzalez, Ms. Melissa Dorfman, Ms. Keri Marino, Ms. Patricia McKenna, Dr. Connie Shaffer, Ms. Jen Mitchell, Mr. David McMillin, Ms. Sharon Saatsaglou, Ms. Karin Hoppenbrouwers



-* 19

Science Department

Back Row: Mr. Rick Ziegjer, Ms. Kay Kiefer, Mr. Gary Brown, Mr. Ed Sabol, Ms. Julie Shulcr-Misra. Front Row. Mr. Matthew Trcichel, Ms. Puneet Tung, Ms. Angela 1 [aberle, Mr. Bernie Gilroy.

Math Department

Back Row: Mr. William McQuaclc, Mr. Dave Davis, Mr. Peter 1 lammcr, Mr.Jon Stone, Mr. Dan Kvarta, Mr. Patrick [ones. From Row: Ms. ]ulie Davis, Ms. Antoinette Allen, Mr. Christopher Kingston, Mr. hrancois Bourbcau.

Computer Department

Mr. William Cirullo, Ms. I .eRhonda Greats, Mr. Bruce 1 Iawlen


Mr. Steve Amontis, Mr. |ohn I lughes, Mr. [eff Williams

Learning Center

Ms. Patty Garrison, Mr. Mark Kolman, Ms. Diane Fisher, Ms. Vivian Piel, Ms. Bonnie Beach

Library Services


Ms. Debbie Kvarta, Ms. Millie Weber, Ms. Mary Ann Fox

Athletic Department

Ms. Kathv Ourk, Mr. Bill Quirk


Mr.Jim Nehlig, Ms. Carrie Rosenbaum


Residential Life

Mr. Spencer Washburn, Mr. Kenneth Stevenson, Mrs. Patricia Guido, Mr. Christopher Monfiletto

Maintenence and Facilities

Mr. Matt Sozio, Mr. Anthony Rouse, Mr. David Vroman, Mr. J. Michael Chaykowsky, Mr. John Ford, _. , Mr. Doug Adams, Mr. Tom Seaman, Mr. Millcry Laurent, Mr. Ed Garcia, and Mr. Sanderson Barchue

Dining Hall

i •

Ms. Su Khicm Chung, Ms. l.igia Osario, Ms. Jenny Chung, Mr. Rodrigo Soto, Mr. Herbert Barrios, Ms. Gloria Martinez, Mr. [ose Rave, Ms. Anna Scharko, Mr. )ose Baracaldo, Mr. Bill Arland, Ms. Celeste Fcehan, Mr. Mark Million, Mr. Alexander McMillan




Senior Page Index Lama Al-Husan Mubarak AI-Khalif Brian J. Albanese Sultan Aijomaih James M. Angelo William Appelt Michael L. Arduini William Ashentelter Eric Bailey Jacob E. Ballarotto Morgan R. Barlh Joseph J. Battle Zohar N. Bhagal Merrill C. Blanton I). Michael Boyle Larrj Buckner Connor I). Burke


84 32 7K 33 42 141 75 143

36 [13

95 54 38 73 74 X9


Sarah Byrne Ryan Campbell Chrystal Chang Alexandra L. Cheetham Marc Chiarello Jonathan Chirumbolo Jee Won Choi Jessica J, Cohen Sophie M. Cohen Alexandra E. Council Beth Coyle Laura A. Crawford Josh Davis Rodrigo Diaz Lucy M. DiPastina Stephen J. Diverio Courtney P. Lavenson Douglas G. Hshleman Lisa I. Estrada

Danielle R. Fair Noellell. Fair Keely l-itzpatrick Kevin M. Foley Nicholas (). Gilman

I 19 149 135 153 53 1I 1 123 139 138 131 92 147 86 48 55 117 115 93 97 96 121 107 31

Joseph Gonzales Zachary M. Gottlieb RoseHallell lain Head Melissa L. Uedberg Rodrigo Hernandez Shema Kalisa Caroline A. Kehoe Min-Kyu Kim Katelyn J. Kirnan Kristen B. Klein Beom Koh Meghan P. Kollar Daniel M. Krauss Kenneth J. Lafferty Kara C. Lang Richard A. Latella Matthew A. Loy Karolis Maldeikis Jacqueline Malleo Rei Manabe Charles A. Martin Christopher J. Martin Sulia A. Mason

57 34 1066 65

87 88

47 61 94 1550

46 13: 82 51 30 45

Stanley Maziarz Matthew J. McGrath Gwyneth E. McNeill Jeffrey R. Migliaccio Kevin L. Morse Caitlin M. Motherway John M. Mulvey Brian A. Murdoek Nicholas Notte Lauren P. O'Brien Katrina A. O'Hara Alison M. O'Shaughnessy Dana M. Oppenheim Amanda Osofsky Jin Hwan Park Se Beom Park Christopher Petri Andrew B. Philhower Jacquelin Poinier Lauren P. Poinier Justin D. Pone Kira Provenzano Ryan E. Putman Adam Raiffe

74 37 64 29 52 72 58 109 56 120

133 125 137 151 90 81 146 91 70 71 99 112 63 27

Jason Raiffe Diana Reynolds Kristian J. Richardson Geoff Rizk Myron Rolle Robert V. Ross Jas Rouson Brad H. Rudennan Kelly C. Russo Katherine Rutkowski Brendan Ryan Rishi Sachdeo Nora Saunders Brian J. Scanlon Jonathan P. Schneider Amanda Sepulveda Kayla Koffa-Stewart Matthew D. Smith Caitlin M. Speaker Sherri St. Marie Sarah L. Staller Mary H. Stinson Kerati Supaongprapa Daniel R. Sussman

26 101 144 150 142 145 114 40 106 126 28 39 129 140 152 83 85 67 105 124 103 128 155 35

Alfred J. Sweeney William Swenson Ross Trampler Ross M. Uhrich Jeremiah Van Doren Nicholas Ventura Samantha Waldman Lauren E. Washington Elizabeth Weidel Melissa Welch Steven Wimberly Benjamin K. Wirjosemito Kenneth Worthington Nikki Wu Sung Chan Yoo Max J. Zelenko Christina M. Zimmerman

76 148 62 41 43

44 136 77 49 100 118 69 59

134 108 60 116


Jasbn Raiffe


Adam Raiffe


Thanks to everyone who helped me get where I am today!

B R E N D A N 28


Thanks Mom and Dad for all you've done for me..I love you both

.You too Tara

Don't get too caught up in the for now, live for what feels right and don't take everything so seriously... After all, you only live once.

Hey 40-year-old Self... Are you happy?

I can't wait to look back on me now look into my own eyes only to see i failed all I can't wait to look back on me now look into my own eyes only to see i failed all expectations or were they just exaggerations i false realiza1 of what wanted to be? .Where will I be when this picture is next seen? Will I be a star that's exploded and people are just 'seeing the bright iope from the past? Picture * are fake and never \last.

X Jeffrey R. Migliaccio -


b rttaitln. Mom and Dad - 1 would like to thank you guys for everything especially for helping me get through the downs and keeping me motivated during the ups. I wouldn't be where I am now without you. Zack - Good luck in High School and come visit me in college. Keep on doing what you're doing and I'm sure you'll be fine. Friends - 1 don't know where to start. Brendan - We have been here since 6th grade, lifers as we are now known. From football to poker, it was always fun. Go ND. Migs - You came here a little late but it's still been 6 years. There have been so many fun times, I can't even begin to name them. You were the first one into college and good luck wherever you end up going. Rob - I still can't believe we used to ride the bus every morning for 5 years. It was always good and it's a shame you had to be an Eagles fan, but good luck in college. Iain - Another lifer. Limey, we've pretended like our friendship was nothing when we both know it was all good. Have a good life America man. Katie - Neighbors since 3rd grade. It's been a long time and senior year has been the best. Thanks for everything and have fun at Cornell. Burke - Between paintball and Dane; it never gets old. It's been good. Nora - Tennis has always been our "hangout" I guess it has always been a lot of fun. Good luck with it and with college. For everyone else - I Iigh School has been great because of you guys and good luck to everyone in whatever you are doing after this.


Nicholas Ohm Prizant Gilman These past four years have gone by really fast. There are a few people that ! could not have done this without. Mom especially thank you so much for everything you have done; lots of love. Dad: thank you for everything. You both have had to put up with a lot. Dianne: thank you for everything during the past six years, guiding me with your infinite wisdom. Lisa: Thanks for your home and patience and being a second mother. Aj-you're like my brother, we've been through so much together, the times we've had are written in the record books. Wow. Enjoy yourself wherever you v\ ill be; don't get too out of control; To all my other boys. lain. Murdock, Mulvey, Smith. Miggy, Battle aka cheech, foley, keely. sherri. Katie, sarah. Kiev, jenn, val. Jordan; good times. Mark: thank you for everything you have done, out of everyone you were the most understanding. Gems and Sebastian, you guys have both grown up so fast! It's been amazing seeing you grow up; take it easy on Mom.

* . >..

"Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans."

John Lennon '"We are shut up in schools and college recitation rooms for ten or fifteen years, and come out at last with a belly-full of words and do not know a thing. The things taught in schools and colleges are not an education, but the means of education."

Ralph Waldo Emerson "Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it. live along some distant day into the answers." Rainer Maria Rilke. Letter to a Young Poet


t/6, 20 OS

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain" Maya Angelou "Thank you" would be unfair to whoever compelled me into gaining such experience and knowledge from an institution located tens thousand miles away from my dwelling. All dictionary resources seem to lack the precise weird I am in search of to describe my gratitude towards you. Mother, Father, this is for you. 1 will never, ever, let you your highness tumble. Your support is what I need to succeed in being. 1 will sparkle, but have patience. The investment will be worthwhile. Ahmed Yousif, without you, I am an unlit candle. I do not know how and w here I would be if it was not for you. Mohammed Rasheed, you set my base on a solid ground. You left me with a memorable symbol. Now. 1 know who my friends are. My loved ones, you were there for me whenever needed. Thank you. thank you, and thank you. I do not know what can pay oil. but we can figure that out sometime : p May: Mashkoora ya 7abeebty 3ala kil shay, min il letter lay il mesijaaat!!! Reem: Hahahaha!!! Sha5baaaarr!!! Ba3adchabdyinty. II t'ajir il bDeed: Ya 7ilwach inty ma3a hal '6a7ka illy tifta7 II nafseeya. Ti7ammily ibroo7ich Ahmed: Sha5baaaar Bradford 7aboob?? Yalla ishti"3il /ain 3ashan it9eer meekaaneeck mal computers : p!!! 7amood: 9eeeer 3agil oo bala ihyateh!!! 3eesoo: Inta ba3ad 3an il hyateh il zydch!!! 3&boodl: You are some kind of a person. Our times are just remarkable. Never forget the good times © Na9oori: 7abeeby yal magician int... take care!!! Sultan: Krahaaaaaat!!! Inta «i')a thanva.



J / would like to take this opportunity

to thank all the people thai

my experience at Hun a wonderful


and enjoyable one.

Thanhs to all my teachers: Ms. Somers, Wls. mcYlulty, Ms. Mitchell, Wls. Allen, llh: O'Brien,

Mr. 'Bourheau. llh: Kingston, and lllr. McMillan. Special thanks to lllr. Sckellsckeidt for being such a good friend and a great teacher. In the end I would like to thank all the people living m IRussell dorm (especially the IPCjs). Hope to see you all soon.


Zach Gottlieb 34

Dan Sussman SENIORS '06 I can't believe we finally made it. Mom and Dad, you guys have been amazing. You do everything and I am so lucky to have you as parents. You are the reason that I am graduating now, thank you so much and I love you. Scott, I don't know what I would do without you, you have guided me to where I am today. I can always count on you for all types of advice. Jeff, you are such a great brother, and you have always been there forme. I wouldn't know half of the things I know if it wasnt for you halia I learned everything from you. We all have so much fun when we hang out. Even though I beat both of you guys in everything, especially girls, you are both still awesome. Carly, you are my favorite sister. Tbatis probably because you are my only one, but still. It has been fun driving you to school tjiis year and becoming closer with you. Even though there is such a big age difference, I always act your age.qr you act my age, I can't tell. Haha. " 1 lave fun in school and hopefully you will do welL'fKbfc. you have always been my second mother. It lias been great with you living with us. even though you ditched us haha) I am so grateliil for you. yoaiiave been there whenever I needed you. To all of my friends, thanks for being there forme. Smith, lain. Phillhowei\ Burke, Miirdock, Sweeny, and Merril- We aren't all still <5ii the team, but Crew was awesome. Freshman Crew trip wrestling matches Good limes!!!!. The trip last year would ha ve beeu so much better you guys-were still there, just don't screwup again Haliaha1. Miggs, Martin, Gottlit Brenden, K-Rich, Stash- Awesome times playiim poker. Murdock- We ha< so much ftin scuba (fivmg 611 Broadreach Ualia. Krauss'was there too it was aruaziug... Dancing on lh« bat while singing Britney. MSkmg up those mountains, it was sick! S 'htm... I don't know , ,/heic to start, you are awesoine.iJalia always laughing al the stupidest things. Your crew boat, captain obvious baliahaf lC-w«i and Mulvey... Jt-s been awesornechillm with you guvs Gottlieb, the cruise .was awe§oiuc we had so much fiin. Hey... What tune is it??? Hahaha you showedJKfr. Melissa and Diajaa-Iliave to tell you, I have never done something so stupid, breStkmg-ouo a house hahaha. The library crew- Whenever I come 111 to do work, or just because, it if always fun to talk to you guys, you always help me with what ever I need help with, thanks Gcdher, I don't really know what to say except, LickButt Summer!' To everyone else, I am sorry I forgot to mention you To the people that I didn't get to know so well, I am soay that I missed out on a great opportunity. To everyone. I hope you guys succeed in life and have a great time in college

ERIC BAILEY Mom and Dad- thanks for everything. I know that sending me to Hun wasn't easy but I do appreciate it. Also thanks for making sure I never went too far.

Shaun- well I don't think I surpassed you but I've tried my hardest. You also been there for me and you taught me a lot. Pamela- I've only known you for a couple years but no matter what, you've had my back. I'm sorry for some of those late night calls. I hope one day you'll be able to tell me what I said.

Friends- We've gone through a lot together these past few years, and I couldn't imagine being with any other group of people. You guys have always had my back no matter what. I will never forget you guys.


Matt McGrath


Mom and Dad. thanks for everything you do for me, and thanks for sending me to I Inn. Love you forever, Anne, you're the best sister I could have, don't know what you're going to do without me next year, but good luck and have fun. Bailey: Its been 4 years already. IRISH PRIDE-, BAMF Water Polo and everything I forgot. Kenny: Dude, its been a long time and there's so much I can't remember all of it. never would have made it through football without you. so thanks. W1GGLYWADS 4 ever. Burke: Roman cup and the side step, I'll never forget it. thanks for the laughs. Christina: I can't believe it's been 7 years, where has the time (gone? Anyway, thanks for all the memories, it's been great. •AM: Thanks for the webshots. helps me remember everything we |do. Thanks for all the laughs over the years, its been fun. Mi«fjv: ILets Go Yankees!! So damn funny Freckin Matt. Brendan: Funniest kid ever, can't even remember half the funny stuff you do, but I'll never forget all the laughs. Martin: Since 6"1 grade, man, and I can't remember any funny stories, what's with that? ! Shane: J V All Stars and everything else, you're still the best looking white kid in the school. Good Luck with everything. .Mershon: Left tackle, football was fun (just kidding), bin I'll Inever forget it. : Rishi: All those movies, I can't get enough, its been a great 7 /ears.


And all the lifers, don't know how we did it, but we made it through. To every one I forgot, no offense, there's only so much space. And everyone I know, thanks for all the good times


Zohar Baghat



Thank you to all of my family, friends, and teachers for your support.


First I'd like to thank My family: Rahul, thanks for always being there. Mom and Dad. thanks for paying and also being there. I'd like to thank: Jimmy, Lucy, Zach, Kevin. Iain. Caroline, Matt, Chris, Ali, Brad, Brendan. Caiti. AJ. Liz/y. Kenny, and Christina. Thanks for a great seven years. The Happy Fun Sunshine Afternoon Club: You made my afternoons so happy and fun. Atomic Warfare will never be as enjoyable. There is a MADness to our method. AJ! You have been my best friend since 6th grade. I don't think 1 would have been here if"it weren't for your encouragement Thanks so much! Katie... mi favorita. Pierre le French Satan quiere que tu, DM, comas mas helado. I'll miss those fun phone "conversations :)" Choco Twinky, my man. Great times in MVC. GFS indeed. I don't know many people as nice as you. Your friendship has meant a lot since 9'h grade. I know that you are gonna make like SxOOOOOOOOO dollars. That's a lot of dollars. I'll see you tomorrow. Zohar... We're at the waffle house! We're all ... up! We're at the waffle house! We're all ... up! We're gonna eat our waffles! We're gonna eat our waffles! We're gonna eat our waffles fast! We're gonna eat our waffles! We're gonna eat our waffles! We're gonna cat our waffles fast! AIN'T FUNNY! Bland skuggor rider en odjur. Som en svarta trad. Griper hard pa en maktig hammar. Ut for svaga kristna blod. Trollhammaren! Sarah B: Dippery's English class!!! Harry Potter 4. Best of all, MUN at Georgetown. I am going to miss you. -Keely I am really "lad we're married. HOO HA! Platinum VIP... Costa Rica was the best... because!! And honestly, how was i supposed to know they were I 3? They seriously could have been in high school. Left foot lets stomp. Dana: A-town stay down! That was too funny. I am going to miss eating breakfast with you on Wednesdays. A-Conn! Homeslice! Heranumus Jones will help us fix your tent. After we deal with those damned locals. AP PHYSICS 2006: THAT CLASS WAS AWESOME. Ikao is still an honorary senior. Arda is still an infant. Everyone else still kicks ass. Brad: Maybe we didn't get along so well in 6lh grade, but that doesn't mean anything. I am glad that we are good friends now. Yon are a great guy. Myron... you're gonna be famous one day, so I figure this shout out will maybe make me famous one day. Good times in Stat Class Nora! 6 fun years. Algebra class was the best with the food. Good luck in college. A-Game: Keep it real. Say Hi to Janet for me when you go to Ml. Lisa. Me guthta que ereth mi amiga. Buena thuerte en thuth elatheth en la univerthidad. Jimmy: OGRE SMASH! Matt McGrath: Every decent movie I saw was pretty much with you at Regal or Multiplex or whatever they call it. Thanks for being my buddy for all these years. Mr. Kingston: Team India is the best. Accept it. If I forgot about you I'm sor— I uh mean... I forgot about nobody. If 1 didn't mention you. then I was planning not to all along so I could write all that personal stuff in your yearbook.


I Here starts my shout outs. These will be brief because of my limited space sorry! My 1" shout out goes to Jimmy- 1 have known you since 6"' grade. You are one of my best friends and one of the coolest people I know. Although you have absolutely no driving skills, and are an antisocial Hypochondriac, and suck at Halo 2, I value your friendship and all the good times we had together. I know you will go really far in life and I look forward to talking to you and remaining good friends after we leave Hun. Ross- you're my 2 nd shout out. Now 1 didn't really know you freshman year or even sophomore year but got to know you junior and senior year. We have become so close friends that look you happen to be over there (as I point to the right.) It seems that we hate the same 2 people or 1. whichever you like to refer to them as. It's very hard for me (o think of some way you could get more involved in school or extracurricular activities. I think you're really cool and you too. 1 wish the very best too even though you are seriously the biggest suck up ever!! Calti-why arc you in my yearbook? () ya because I was told that I had to put you in because you put a shout out to me. I'm just kidding!! You're one of the coolest people at Hun!!!! I've known you since 6"' grade and although I you won't admit it. I still think you left I'or 8" through 11"1 grade. I extremely regret not having stayed closer friends with you for the entire years we missed. I really loved hanging out with you and when we redo high school in our next life, you're going to be one ol my best friends. I wish you the very best at college and hope you won't forget about inc. Rislii- You're the man!!!! Why did god make you so cool? ( a l l me when you're president. Zohur- 16 hours made you Jim's master!!! MiahronU What is your real name. I still don't know? I'inally you can drive and by now you have emerged i be one of the nicest and earing people I know !!! Rosie- I'll forgive you for not doing my yearbook page but this is all you get because of it!! Just kidding, (iood luck and stay in touch!!!

Everyone Iforgot including hut not limited to CK, MB. DS. Al. SS, DR, LC. I.E. A.P. PhylscS- Thanks for the great time at Hun. Most of you were very nice and 1 wish 1 had gotten to know you all a lot better! Congratulations to everyone and good luck!! By the way...thanks Mom, Dad, Erica!III I'or everything, 1 love you all very much and couldn't ha\ e gotten a better family!!! No need to write more because w e w ill stay close fore\ er!!!


Vhrich "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." -Winston C'luirc I'm not writing this for my children 40 years down the road. I'm writing this for the people who mean something to me today. 1 have been blessed to meet people like you who have influenced my life in one way or another. This list is, by no means complete. Mom & Dad: Much of what I am I owe to your line, support, understanding, compassion, encouragement, and a variety of other words that the thesaurus couldn't provide me with. I often think of how I will raise my children, ami realize that I want to raise them exactly how you've raised me. You have instilled in me a sense of justice, morality, and compassion for others that I will carry with me throughout my life. Mom-The love you've shown me and the support you've provided me with has made me who I am today. 1 could never put into words how grateful I am. but I hope that you see my appreciation in the way I live my life and the way 1 will raise my family. Dad- Even though we joke around, you have instilled in me a work ethic, a passion for improving the community, and the importance of humor. 1 hope to become as great of a man as you. Thank you both for always being there, wherever "there" may be. I

love you, The Rest of the family: You have always encouraged my dreams and put a smile on my face; for that I am truly "grateful. The memories we have shared together will always be with me. 1 lo\c you all so much. Jimmy: I will not give you a line like. 'We've been through a lot together' because 1 know everyone else will be saying something cliche like that. Instead, I want to thank you for being one of my best friends and for teaching me more than you probably know. Thank you for accepting me as your friend and I'or always supporting me. 1 will nes er forget the memories, jokes, and Avalon trips that we have shared. I'm certain our friendship will continue well into the future. Brad: Thanks for being such a good friend and for alw ays making sure thai 1 just calm down. I \ alue our friendship and wish you the best of luck. You are one of the smartest people I know, and, if you put your mind to it, you will achieve great things. 1 treasure the laughs we've shared at the expense of two individuals who will go unnamed. 1 give you my support in everything and hope that we remain friends after Hun.

"If all of the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door." - Paul Beatty

Speaker: I don't know whether or not you realize or believe this, hut I look forward to every conversation I have with you. When 1 talk with you 1 always know that you will speak your mind. 1 value the honest. open, funny friendship that we've had (not to mention the lunches we've shared) and w ill never forget you. I hope our friendship never ends and that we keep in touch. Rose: Thanks for being my funny, gangsta I'eer Leader partner and friend (who also happens to be a genius). I've really enjoyed getting to know what an awesome person you are and I know I'll never forget you. 1 hope we can continue our friendship well after high school. Phil: It's been fun getting to know you on and off the water. You're a great guy who's going to go far in life. It's been sort of weird that we happen to do almost everything the same, but don't worn,, version 1.0 will always be superior. Good luck next year. It's been real. Keep in touch. Mr. Evans: Thanks for letting me experience every weight class and aspect of high school rowing. You have pushed me beyond what 1 once thought were my limits and have made me realize 1 ean do many things that I originally thought were impossible. Mr. Treiehel. Mr. & Mrs. Davis. Mr. O'Brien, and every other teacher mentor I've had: Thanks for pushing me to become a complete person. All the library junkies: Thanks for the conversations, jokes and memories.

"Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity. " -Albert Einstein




I'd like to start out by thanking myself. 1 am the reason why I am here and why I am so talented in many things. Withou me. I am nothing. Mommy and Laou Shir - Both have you have busted your butts to get me where I am today. I owe you my life. College is only a physical separation, but we will always be with each other in other aspects. But don't worry, I will be back. Man, I am so touching. RishffThe King of Spain, Archduke of the Moon, The Solar Eclipse, Light, The Internet) - Well, what can I say that hasn't already been said about you? One thing, you are the best. If the word fabotasticgodlinaw esomeness existed, it would have me as the definition, but you would be a close second... the sub definition I guess - maybe a synonym, .lust kidding, you are the epitome of aw esomeness and anybody fortunate enough to know you in the future will be extremely lucky, fiver since the summer before freshman year in the Geometry thingy until now, there are so many great^toings about you I could list, but man. there are just too many. I'm lucky just to know you. but as a friend, I am trul> grateful. I don't want to say "finally" because this is not the end, but thanks for the nicknames: The Chocolate Twinkie, White Tigger. The Crowned Prince of Nova Scotia, etc. thanks... I guess. Zohar (nicknames designated for you are not school appropriate) - I Immni... w hat can I say about you? Nothing. Oh... now I remember some stuff. 1) Try not to kill anyone... that is frowned upon by society. 2) Also, if you really put your mind to it, you can invent a WMD with resonance. I know that just violated #1, but the coolness factor will totally compensate for the bad things. 3) 1 am better than you at basketball... all sports in fact. Don't believe me? Then bring it. Enough with the list, you are smart, you are talented at... umm... games, and you will have friends in the future I suppose. Anyway, I will miss your psycho ways too and please, don't kill me later in life. Have a great time and DON'T EVER JBE ALONE. Brad (again... not school friendly nicknames) - I only really got to know you these last two years and let me say that man am ( happy that I don't have to see you for the rest of my life. Ha...haha...ha.... but really, you are Stella, in fact, you're Helia Stella. Oh my God... Kill me now. You must feel big with your Jetta and your constant driving abilities, but 1 have somethingM>U don't have - RHYTHM. Honestly, who could ask for anything more. Still, you're a crazy driver and like Z-Bae, try Mot to kill anyone in the future. Life will not be as emotional without you.... Thank God... what? I didn't say thatjpmnrMOgre, 'TRUE Ogre, Shrek, Fatty Fat... are others) - Only one phrase can describe you and your future - nahahanahahaha. But really, thanks for taking e abuse arid not literally killing me. But when you think about it, I really didn't do that much. All I did was: push / column / bush after lunch everyday, randomly wail on you, hit the ice cream into you shirt, nap your back iack,'dro|i Lemon Gatorade on you, and destroy your car... this hasn't happened... yet. "sigh* good times. So just let a chupacabra loose in tny bedroom- that would not be good. Rose (Rosie....umni that's it) - Tu es sassy et classy. es tu tres intelligente? line fille conum tu devratt etre sourde-imiette et facile. Non, je plaisante. Enough ;h... what a silly language. If Dr. Shaffer reads this, I'm kidding. But really, you are my Emma Watson to your \ in hat was supposed to be nice, but half of the time I don't know what I am saying. Anyway, I will miss you sodality. So strange, yet so perfect. DON''!'CHANGE AT ALL and remember-April 15,2008. Lisa-You're " elcome for everything I have done for you. What have you done for me? That's right absolutely nothing. Without me, you would be nowhere!!! You hcarmc!!! V\ ithout me, you're NADA!!! Thanks for keeping me busy, have a great life. But really, listed es una seflora inteligente. No escuche cualquier persona, you're great the way you are and your low self-esteem is not su problema... actually it is, but whatever. Caroline - How long have we known each other? Like since forever! Wow. since the golden days of Montessori school to the not so golden days of... now. That's like 10 years. Crazy. Life will not be the same without you taking forever to get out of Mr. Volz's room and blocking me in. We all know the real reason why you took so long and it has to do with a certain special man in AP English. Me. I know you just wanted to be with me as long as possible, don't deny it. I will miss those slaps in the face, the kicks to my shin, and those splits... those splits... Laura - 'Thanks for a good kick in the face. Otherwise, it's been an interesting ride. Just be happy. Danielle and Noelle Fair - I am happy that 1 am the only real man to be able to tell you two apart. You guys will always be numbers 78 and 79 in my book. Keep il fresh and kick the crap outta any guy who ever makes fun of you again. Morgan - GROW STOOPIDER! Doug You're lucky I even mentioned your name. Beom - Who doesn't like you? That's right, nobody. I only have one thing to say to you though... SPEAK DAMN YOL! SPEAK!!! Albo You have no friends. See you in Hell. I'm just kidding, but really, Wv had a nice room in school for the last four years. That's all... I'm done. Oh yeah, you're one interesting dude and is you're cool. To the rest of the Seniors - FINALLY"! We are done and too bad you don't know me that well, you guvs missed out. I'll miss the lack of companionship. To the non-Seniors - Suckas!!! Don't worry; you'll be the same way when you are Seniors. Except Phil, you are cool, just not that good at piano. And I-Kao, my protege... who happens to be better than me, you are the only true Houorary Senior. The Happy Fun Sunshine Afternoon Club - One word.... BOOM! Good times, I'll miss destroying the w'orld with you gins.... I mean..... painting pictures of flowers and helping homeless children with leprosy. To the Faculty -You guys are mediocre... fine. fine... you guys are not bad. WOW. a compliment. Mr. Gilroy, you know you like us, don't deny it. You will cry when we are gone. Mr. Davis, I declare myself your best student ever. Dr. Shaffer, je ne parle pas frnncafe bien. Mr. Vote, don't say anything about this page. Yes, 1 know there are probably 2(1 mistakes in this line alone, but really, take a break, drink some Schweppes, watch The OC... get some friends... llaha, you have plenty of friends. But when I get the hooknp and get to know Britney Spears, you'll be the first person I'll mention. TO EVERYBODY AT THE HLNSCHOOL - You guys have defined possibly the most influential period of my life and for that, I will be forever thankful. Despite the lips and downs, I've had fun and I hope you've had fun too. :-P :-* ;-D

Congratulations, you just


lishcd reading my page. go. take a rest, have a drink, because you got many more pages of shout outs to go. Peace out homies.

James Angelo


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Mom and Dad: I can't thank you enough for being there when I needed you. The support you gave me throughout my life is what helped me so much and I love you for that. Brad and Ross: What can 1 say? Brad, you've been my friend since way back in middle school...and I still can't comprehend how I'm able to still tolerate you. Seriously, you've been my best friend for a long time and I believe we will still be friends after high school; I'll never forget the times we had in school, even though I wish I could forget some of them (1 still think I can drive). Ross, I'll miss the abuse most of all. Your friendship these past years has been great and I am happy to have had a friend like you. Later, in life, just remember not to think any more bad thoughts or you may end up on the floor again. Caiti: Told you you'd get one. We've known each other since middle school, but in the past year I'm glad we have become better friends. 1 will miss having a friend like you but I'm sure we'll always remember the time we had. J: Since when have you been about to drive? Again with the abuse, when will it end; next time I see you on the stairs...Zohar: Bombs and lines. Just to let you know, you ain't getting those 16 hours of your life back. Sorry. Rishi: Thanks for introducing me to foreign death metal, without it I would only be a little bit saner. I'm looking forward to your own country. To my favorite class, BG's Physics, never have I thought that one tangent could become an entire lesson. Laura, Lisa, and Matt, it was fun. I don't think I even heard Lisa talk before this year, but you're still cool. Good luck at college to everyone 1 mentioned and forgot to mention and Congrats senior class.


Nicholas Ventura Mom and DadThanks for everything that you have done for me. I appreciate everything and hope that the past 17 years have been as fun for you as they were for me. Mike- You have been a good role model for me (depending on who you ask) and I hope the good times continue. Also, now you get to visit me at college, just how I have visited you. Friends- New ones and old ones, there are a lot of you. All I have to say is the fun has only begun for us.


Sulia Mason I would first like to thank God for getting me through high school. I couldn't have done it without Him. He kept me in character and He carried me to be the best that I could be. I would also like to thank my teachers. You are all great people, not only in the classroom but outside the classroom as well: Mr. Long, Mr. Jones, Mr. Gonzales, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Stone, Ms. Greats, Mr. Volz. Every last one of you gave me something that I now can carry with me wherever I go. Not just teachers but faculty also, especially ones with candy: Ms. Chimielewski, Mrs. Kiefer Mr. and Mrs. Kidder, Mrs. Schenk, Mr. Stevenson, and the rest of resident life, even the interns. I also had some great friends here at Hun, my brother Solomon, Albo, Jason, Rueben Marques, Justin Nealis, Brian Sahenski, Zohar, Sung Chan Yoo, Myron and Buddy the list could go on and on. You were all great and understanding. I know I'm different. I cannot thank you enough. God has really blessed me with this place but more importantly you people. I have been given some great times on the football field, the fencing strip, and boy's basketball. Also in the diversity club, chess club, FISH, Choir, and being able to give back with the Peer Leader, Proctor programs, and Red Shield Society at Hun. I can't say thank you enough.


bills iiliilisj


Dan Krauss

Thanks mom and dad for always giving me the opportunity to do whatever I want. I would also like to thank my friends because without you guys I never would have made it. The only other thing I have to say is that you are the only ones who know what's best, so follow your heart and live with no regrets- 1/17/06. 47

Lucy Dipastina


Elizabeth A. Weidel Life is only as fun as you make it. To everyone that has helped me get this far. thank you. Mom- I can truly say that my mom is my best friend. You have been there through everything, more then 1 would like to admit. You are not only my role model but also my true hero. 1 could never begin to tell you how much of an impact you have had on my life. I would be nothing without you. I love you my beautiful Ab. Pop- What can I say, you were my drive. Every time I wanted to give up, you reminded me there was no such thing. Life continues forward and you have shown me the true meaning of hard work and success. 1 am always proud to say that Richard A. Weidel is my father. I love you James Bond. Richard- 1 have big shoes to fill all because of you, I am proud of you. You have always found a way to impress me and although it doesn't, 1 love you. Katherine- My beautiful and talented sister. Never forget that we are sisters by birth but best friends by choice. You have always been my sidekick. Life would be so boring without you. You have already accomplished so much and 1 look forward to watching you conquer the world. Nothing is out of your reach Katherine, don't forget that we are in everything together. I love you. Nikos- You have shown me the depth of true love and taught me how to trust. I know that you'll never understand or believe me but you are the most amazing person I have ever met. When we are together, we can conquer absolutely anything and everything. You have helped me find the person I want to be. and together, we have made enough memories to last a lifetime. It is so easy to look at others and feel nothing but content knowing that whatever life decides to bring, 1 will always have you. You are the hardest working and most honest person. Never change because you arc perfect in every way. I love you baby. Drew- You have proven yourself to be one of the only people I have every been able to trust. Colgate should bow down to you lol. You have always been there, thank you. Brian- What would life be without you? Probably pretty good (jp). You made these last 4 years exciting and will never forget them. Love ya. Carly- You have been my best friend for my entire life. Who knew that at 4 months old. people could become best friends. We did and it has been awesome. 1 would never change a thing. 1 love you. Lucy- We have gone through everything together!! Through all the break ups, get togethers, parties, vacations, and groundings we have been through, we still continue to do everything together. I believe in everything you do Luc, thank you for always being there. I love you. Joe. Charlie, and Matt Loy- Thank you for making our 4 years together so exciting. I loved every minute of it and regret nothing. Don't ever forget our deals and our memories. I love you guys. To everyone else, Nora, Jess, Steven (Turner). Freckle (Steve), Lauren, Keely, Daniel (Mike), Kevin, Katie, Meg, Joe. Katrina, Ben, Kate, Brian, Sherri. and the class of "06. thank you. "



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Matt Loy

Mom and Dad: I know everyone on their senoir page says they love their parents and thank them for all that they have done, but most of them are lying and I mean it. I love you guys. Eric and Chris: Stay at Hun, keep up the legacy that is the name Loy, and don't forget to have some fun. Charlie: 4 years and not one class, it's been fun and the cjbs was great. Joe: Some great times at your house, I'm gonna miss always being able to stop by whenever I want, you will always be my JB, halo for life. Kevin: 1 wouldn't know what to do if we didn't have you around as the planner. Steeeeeve: You're good at...everything and you don't sweat, but I love your freckled body. Notte: Don't go a changing on us. I need a nice guy like you in my life to love and to cherish, good halo noodle. Kentlrick: Way to go to Hill...sweet dude, but 1 love you. you're a hairy sexy beast and I'm sure I'll play you when you're at persion college in Yale. Gonzo: To you I credit all my passing grades in math, thanks baby. Brendo and Migs: You're 2 great kids, you guys never fail to make me laugh and for that I love you. Chia-town: Your guidenee is only surpassed by your good looks and charm, pasta vasule. Scanlon: There are 1000 things I could say, but I'll leave it as five years is way too long.... Bi« Boyle: I will never forget that you were once a 48 year old man. your rap skills are great. Sophie: You're my favorite J. you know I'm kidding, love ya. Lucy: Sweetest girl ever, you're awesome. Katie: I gotta say oar was one of the best limes of my life, when your at Cornell stay away from the cliffs. Lizzy: They're great. Meg: Some good times at your house, thanks for a fun 4 years. Mary, K-rut, Beth, Jack, and Nora: Thanks for some good times. John Gway and Willis: The wrath of Kemp could not hold us. have lun senior year. To all of those 1 forget, you hold a special place in my heart and a special thanks goes out to Coach Q.





CHARLIE MARTIN To My Family: Thanks for everything you guys have done for me. Without my family I would be nowhere right now. I love all you more than anything. To My Boys: Kevin, I couldn't ask for a better friend. Good luck with Lehigh if I don't make it there with you. Matt, you have made the past 4 years awesome and hilarious, invite me to Penn State some time to party. Steve, you were like my first friend during football pre-season, and I know you'll always be there. BK, it sucks you had to go to Hill. Good luck with another year of high school, haha. Marc, me, you, and Kevin always hanging out freshman year, I will never forget those days, good luck in college. Notte, you are the nicest kid ever, don't ever change the way you are. Joe, We didn't become friends until sophomore year, but I couldn't have asked for a better thing to happen when we became friends. I know we will always be close friends no matter what and ! love you guys like brothers. To everyone else: I'm sorry I don't have enough room to write to all of you, but you guys know who you are.


Kevin Morse I want to thank everyone who has made these past four years at Hun the best four of my life....Mom, Dad, Kate, KeithThank you for always being there and supporting me. I love you guys. Marc- You have been my best friend and brother for the past 11 years. I will truly miss you. Charlie- Since freshman year you have supplied me with comedy and a great friendship. I can only sum you up by saying.You're Charlie Martin. Joe- What would we have done without you or your house? I could always look to you for advice. Thanks for being there. Steve- You are so eesh. You're the best at everything, and I'll miss being pissed off at you for it and listening to Joe make fun of you. Loy- You could always be counted on to have some fun, without you our lives would have been boring. BK- It was tough going through our biggest year without you and it will be tougher graduating without you being there.Notte- You are by far the greatest kid in the world...never change. Gonzo- See you next year. Bugsy/ Migs- You two are so funny. I'll miss you guys. All the girlsYou guys are awesome. Good times. Ro- I wouldn't have wanted to spend my senior year any other way. CJood luck next year. I love you. Everyone else- I haven't forgotten you guys..Thanks for making Hun 06 the best class ever. Anything you don 't need to work for, probably isn V worth having.



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atc d 1 just j Mom and Dad-1 wanted to say that I am so thankful that you pro\ ided

me with the opportunity to c o m e to 1 km. Thank you for all your support and sacrifices. I greatly appreciate everything thai both of you have done lor me. I can always trust you w ill be there for me. Thanks for taking care of me and helping me grow into a good kid. Mom you know that you are the love ofmj life and Dad I wouldn't be here without you. Champs- Thank you for everything you have done lor me over the past eighteen years of my life. I am so blessed to have such a great grandfather like you. 1 W ill always take into consideration your guidance and direction. You're an incredible man and defiantly one of a kind. I love you so much and appreciate everything you have every done for me. You're an ama/ing influence and 1 hope one day to grow up to be exactly like you. To My Family- Again thank you so much, you all have taught me so much about myself and I hope I've done the same for you. I will always be there lor you. no matter what. Thanks for all your encouragement and love. Kevin- 11 years man. where do 1 start'.' From the countless soccer tournaments. to the nights at AMC". vacations at the beach or even just chilluf around, you've always been there for me and I hope we stay friends always. Jake, Kenny. Max. Notte- You guys arc awesome, we had such a great 4 years and I hope that we all stay in touch. Battle. Loy. Charlie. Steve- Thanks for making the last 4 years ama/ing. I had a great time at the Hamptons getting to know all of you, I've had so much fun n with you guys and I hope we all stay close throughout college. Thanks for L everything. r Molly- To the most special person in the world who means so much to me. My words can't express what you mean to me or how I feel about you. You have changed my life and made me a better person. The time I have spent with you | has been the happiest times of my life. You will always have a special place in t my heart. You are so beautiful and amazing. You're the greatest girlfriend and I


' love you so much<3!!! T h a n k s to all m y teachers Mr. Volz. Kingston. M c M i l l . Jones. Sabol. llolup. McCatf. especially Mrs. Morse for all your help a n d to all of m y other friends!


Muni and Dad you ha\e been there through thick and thin, thanks Ebi yotn constant support, Ulv.Tom.T|gg;You guvs are m^ greatest teachers and words can't explain how much you mean to me. Mr. Hush & Ms. Ohm- thanks tor always having faith in me. 1 rankie. Connor and Jesse- Not even the worst could keep us apart, you guss arc my boys. The Cianu. I love you guys: Steve- Since second grade, you and I ha\e been through it all; Ke_v- I have trusted you with everything and you have ne\cr steered me wrong; UK- It's rough that you are not here in the end but I'm not worried, you will live at my house regardless; Matt- Lonely brother... you have always had my back; Char Mar- You are one lough kid to crack but you have always been loyal; Marc- haha you can make the most awkward situations hilarious; Oon/o- We iunc always made class more interesting. 525.600 minutes; Notte- Never change, you are the greatest kid I know. Scanlon- We've had our ops am! downs, but I never questioned our friendship, Brendo- "Look how hungry Y\e become" haha you could bring me out of the worst of moods; Krich- "I got three of dem thangs" poker was ama/ing without you. Migs- NARF; Klaf- 0 geez dude; .IB.KL.CIl.NCi.C'M.SM.RP.A S.NW.KW.AB- you guys made this school lo all the girls that I love more than anything... 1 am the luckiest guy in the world. Meg- You Lire the sweetest girl I know and you have done so much for me. I couldn't have got through this without you. Sophie- You mean everything it) me. and more, we will never lose touch. Mary- Our friendship has become so strong and will only get stronger. Nora- You have given the best advice, 1 owe you so much; Lucv- YOU always put others before yourself, you deserve the best; Katie- We have been through so nuch together and it has only made our friendship that much better, no regrets; K-Kut- I'm attracted to you on so many levels, haha it will icvcr get old. Beth- No one cim scare the crap oul of me like \mi can. Sarah- I'll mix colors with you any day. Katrina- I LOVE U... MB.ti M..IM,AOJP.LP,KP,I)R,1.W- couldn't ask for a better group. I want to thank the best group of college kids I know for making my junior year ( \I\I.B! JDP,BM»AB). Everyone, thank you so much for making this the greatest four years of my life and thank you to anyone I missed. I will never foryei this, and this is onK the beginning. I wish everyone the best... I \ci\ Passing Minute Is Another Chance \o'\ urn It All Around


Stephen Joseph Diverio

Mom and Dad- Thanks for being there when I needed you most. You never let me down. Mike, Tom, and Jim- 1 couldn't ask for brothers any better than you guys. You have all taught me something in life that I will never forget Joe Battle- You know all that you've done for me since we were 6. We'll have many more things to remember in the future. I'll see ya soon bud. Luc- Words can't express how you've changed me for the better. You are the most beautiful person inside and out. Don't let anyone tell you different. BK- You manage to make everything funny; Bven that falling, crying bear. CharlieWe knew Joe would love this new kid. You made football bearable, Haha. Kevin- You are the truest friend to all of us. I know you always have my back. Loy- Probably the craziest friend I have. Those parties just wouldn't be the same.

Everyone Else- You made my time at Hun worth remembering.


Nick Notte To my parents for everything they have done for me, and to my friends who have always been there for me. for me


Joe Gonzales





o H N

I would first like to thank my family for showing me the path, but most importantly, allowing me to make the most out of my decisions during my short stay here at Hun. I want to thank my parents for introducing me to Hun. liven though I thought it was not in my best interest at first, this decision has changed my life for the better. MomYou're the smartest person I know, and though 1 might not always give the proper appreciation to you. know that I am grateful for all the insight and guidance you bestowed on me throughout the years. Dad- You're the second smartest person I know and I appreciate the relentless support that you have demonstrated. I will always cherish the fond memories out on the golf course that we both shared together. Claire- 1 love you!!! I am so glad to see you doing so well in college, and having fun more importantly! Though our time together was somewhat limited, you will always be my big sis' and my homey. JE Sux. Lizzie- Wow. what can I say? You're my little sis' and I love you. You're the only sibling left now, so make sure to give mom and dad a hard time (jk). I'll miss you dearly and I wish you luck in your college search this coming year. Daniela- It seems like I've known you forever, thanks for all the rides and the words of wisdom you have given me. You're like a sister to me and I'll miss you just as much when I'm away. Wads- Another four years down the drain buddy, but spending it with you was chill. We had some pretty crazy times together, from freshman football to El Salvador. Have fun in college (just not too much) and keep flying. Smith (The Party Boy) - We made it dude! Looking back, I can't even start to put into words all that lias happened. Thanks for showing me Hun and for being there with me from the start. Iain- Cheeaahh!! Ye that's how it happened. Dude, you're the chillest person I know, thanks for all the sweet memories. Remember, be cool and stay in school. Keeley- Best Friends! Math class junior year baby! Thanks for being the coolest person in the world. Keep in touch and have fun in college, Howser- you're crazy. You are so southern sometimes and I love it. Thanks for introducing me lo water polo, motivating me to do something this fall, and for putting together the team. Murdock (a.k.a the craziest metal head alive) - I can't believe thai we both finished polo together and now swimming, Dude! Thanks forgetting me into metal and keep up your sick guitar skills (even if it might piss a couple of people off). BAMF Water Polo! Oilman and Sweeney- It's been fun chilling with you both. The laidback times are what I'll most remember about you two. especially the times we chilled this past summer. Thanks. Lauren K. Aren't you glad to have known me before you came to Hun'.' Thanks for putting up with me (and my music) and keeping me company during those long rides to school every morning. Poiniers- We had some pretty fun times together. By the way. you both are still welcome to come over to my house anytime. Shouts to the PI IS crew- JG, (il I. ( I I. MI). I)R, KR, l ' s . and more, even though it was tough not chilling with each other as much, you guys arc still like brothers to me. I would also like to thank all Hun faculty teachers, especially Mr. Stone and Mr. O'Dea (for supporting me on the field court and in the classroom), the Davis". Dip, Dr. Shaffer, and Dr. Byer. McMil I'm glad to have had you as a college counselor and advisor, as well as golf coach. ["hough this list is far from complete. I want to thank everyone else who has helped to make a positive difference in nay life. It been a quick four years, and overall I have enjoyed my time here at Hun. Best wishes to the entire senior class o f ' 0 6 . now and the years to come.



1 would like to thank my parents for being always supportive o f me in everything I do and try to do. Mom even though we don't get along well. I know you mean the best. Dad 1 can't thank you enough, you are my true idol and 1 have more respect lor you every day. To my awesome sister Amy thanks tor been so chill when the time called lor it. You're going to have amazing good luck with everything. To my friends you will never know how much each one of you has meant to me. .Ion & Matt I will never forget hangin' out at Jon's house playin' football etc. You guys are the best and I will never be able to have as good friends as you guys. Football team Matt. Mike. Steve Charlie. Notte. Myron, .las. the PG's and juniors it's been great playin' football with you. Matt, especially. I'll never forget your sack and almost interception. Myron its been fun goiif to partys with you, good luck. Mike it's amazing how good you are at football, good luck. Charlie and Steve its been a lot o\' fun playin' with you guys, good luck. Notte thanks for accompanying me on the side lines and when we did play, .las good luck I really hope that you dominate at the next level. PCi's Mike. Buddy. Turner, Campbell its been a good year, good luck at the next level. Couch circle crew its been a great time partyin' and chillin". Bench crew it was great partyin' and playin' sports. Lacrosse team its been a lot of fun playin' together. I'll never forget the spring trips. Jeff thanks for sticking with me it wouldn't have been the same with out you. Jake keep the Kemp hair cut and good luck at the next level. Joe it's been awesome playin' D with you good luck at the next level. Kenny playin' with you has been great. Charlie playin' D has been a great. Matt it's been a privilege playin' with you. I look forward to going to Penn State with you. Kevin having you as a goalie is always reassuring. Notte the best short stick defensemen. its been great. Put it's been a lot of fun playin' with you good luck at the next level. To the ladies I've had the privilege of being good friends with. Keely, Christina. Sarah. Jess. Ali. Merrill. Katie. Lauren. Jackie, Kira, Kate. etc. I've always had fun when I'm around any of you, you're all amazing. To all the true I lun School soldiers who made it thru 6th grade to now: it been an amazing trip and good luck in the future. And last of all good luck class of "06. It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

Kenny Worthington


Max Zelenko My four years at Hun have gone so fast, but have been so great. I want to thank all of my friends. You guys are the best. From playing sports to just joking around, it has been a blast. I want to thank my brother for being there, but most of all for being a friend. I especially want to thank my parents. Without you two, I would not have been able to make it through high school and I greatly appreciate it. Again thanks to everyone who has been there for me.


Kenny Lafferty Mom, Dad, and Heather: Thank you so much for the opportunity and for always being there. I love you guys. All My Friends: It's been a fun live years with the best times still ahead

of us. GO GIANTS! To My Extended Family: You are a wonderful part of all my memories. You have and will always be a special part of my life.

1 m


I 61

Ross Trampler R

I Thanks Mom, Dad, and Nana for all the support over the years, especially during high school. /Ml five years of it. 1 love you guys. Thanks to everybody at Hun including the b-ball team for a good two years: Geoff, Big K, Lance, Peaches, and Deezy. Good times in Russell Dorm. "Sometime you gotta slay the dragon to get /he princess."

-Andy Ashenfelter 62

Ryan Putman

Thank you Mom and Dad for everything you have done for me. I don't know what I would do without you guys. I might not show it, but I love both of you and I am thankful for everything you have done for me. David-1 will miss driving to school with you everyday. Keep up the good work at Hun and don't let those grades slip. Kevin- sometimes we don't get along, but I wanted to let you know that I love you and you are a great older brother. Beth- you are my best friend and I love you so much. I can't tell you how much you have helped me and changed me for the better. Thank you.


Swyneth McNeill

Mom: Thank you for always pushing me to do my best, I couldn't have come this far without you, 1 am truly blessed to have a mother as amazing as you, I love you, you're my best friend! Dad: Thank you for always supporting me, I love you. Laura: I'm going to miss you so much next year, I love you so much boo-boo! To My Teachers: Thank you for all of your wisdom, support, and encouragement, I will never forget you. To all my friends: Thanks for four great years, 1 love you guys, good luck in whatever you do! Seniors: We made it!! MH CM MB .IP LP KF SB SS KP KK RS ML MA JB JC RH DR KS MS MW CZVPJM KO


Melissa Hedberg

In this great future, you can't forget your past

To my family- thanks for supporting me throughout my life. To my friends: thanks for making the past four years go by so fast.


Iain Murray Head Smith You're my best friend man. What else could you do except make my last four years at Hun totally awesome. We have been through a lot together and we are probably going to go through a lot against each other in college. You know there are no words needed ..friends 'till the end man. Murdock The trouble with born again Christians is they are an even bigger pain the second time around. I hope you remember that when you are voting for your religious right wing. You have been a good friend for someone who is always "babysitting"; stay one. Sween We have been through some pretty weird stuff together. I t is always an adventure when you're around. From "bad girls" to "Mrs. Fox says go to the sac" you have been there every year. Peace. Sarah You always get what you want and there is nothing anyone can do about it. You're like that awesome friend who you run into at the end of the party who has been there the whole time yet you just never saw them .. in a good way. You have weird taste but you are the most fun. Talk to you always. Migs From the way you walk to the way you dress to the way you talk, there is no mistaking you're Italian. The thing about every I-tie is, that it seems whatever they are doing .. they are doing it badly. I have always wondered how you have managed to stay Italian and not suck at life... Seriously though, you are a party animal who is way too old for high school. You are one of the coolest kids I know; have fun in college and we will chill sometime. Merrill Hands down you are the best person I have ever known. I am not going to let you stop being a friend. I promise I will call sometime soon so have faith. Burke threesHigh91: What do you want me to say for my yearbook thing for you Su Fi Burke: make something up that we never did together and say how it was awesome Su Fi Burke: haha ; see you around Caitlin You are way too pessimistic for such a good person. I don't know what I would have done without you because you helped me get through an emotionally tough year .. haha. Don't change because you are perfect the way you are; just don't wait for things to come to you. Have a good summer. Furry Sorry I had to steal the yearbook style .. it was just so good. See you on the water. Atkinson I am never going to forget how crazy you are. You're my hero man! Brown + Dave Thanks for being a lot of fun John Here comes the "element" .. the kid who always knows what is up. Chilling without you is not going to be the same but stay cool. Cheaa Chris For a short kid with shaggy hair you're pretty sweet.. haha. I have saved you countless times on homework and still have never been repaid but it is still all good. Have fun at college. Jackie By the end of the year I am pretty sure that this quote would be good so use your imagination. Brendo You are the funniest person. "For the last time dad I am not going to clean the pool". I t is never a party without Brendo and I am surely going to miss you. Keep those rhymes tight. Howser Who knew we would be school friends at Hun. Swimming at X-Cel was something else and you are probably crazy enough to continue it. We have had some really good times and have been through the worst together .. I've probably been in the shower for longer than most people at Hun combined. I feel safe there. Brad You have kept me from killing myself in every science and math dass. I f we both get into Syracuse and you do not get in anywhere better, we will hang out. I'll call you because I love you .. just kidding, but seriously .. just kidding K Rich No I will not put that in my mouth and this is an option. Yo .. you are always laughing at stuff that ain't even funny, but you're a cool kid. One. Two. Gilman We have had some pretty good times. And some pretty funny ones. You're always my favorite kid so I'll see you during breaks. Ross The Rob Ross personality is always good to have around; make sure you do not lose it. Putman You drive too fast for a kid with so much class. I f you don't kill yourself in some high speed accident, give me a call sometime and we will race. Katrina You told me in latin class to give you a quote so I guess I have to give you one. I t was a fun year and I am glad we hung out .. or didn't .. whatever .. have fun in college. Loy You're a crazy kid Evans Thanks so much for rowing. I t has been something really important to me. Morse Useless Battle Useless Gon2o Useless. .. just kidding .. you guys are all nice. Have fun wherever you guys are going. To everyone else: I kind of ran out of room .. but if I knew you, you would know what I would say.

"Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use. " Wendell Johnson Thanks so much for everything. I t has been seven years with some really good people. I will try so hard to remember you guys.


Matthew d'Aprile Smith MOM & DAD & ALLEGRAMom and dad. thank you both for all you have done, it may sound cliche but 1 really do appreciate all you have done to help me out thus far. We have definitely hit some rough spots but 1 think we will inevitably come out on top. Allegra. we'll always have our rivalries, forever. Keep up your hard work with sports and school. I'll miss your competitiveness at college. 1 love you guys. IAIN- dude, we are truly extreme...or at least 1 am (you have to get your lazy self out of bed before you can be too) we've been cool for quite a while, and it'll stay that way. good times always... but first, clean the pool!!!! JOHN- yo John dis!! since middle school man, that's ridiculous, we've done a lot of awesome stuff in the past seven years.. .biking, skateboarding, snowboarding and skiing, it never ends, let the good times roll man, peace. BRIAN- I think I'm the only one who still calls you brian as opposed to Murdock. b-mur, bamf, and little girl lol. Our biking videos are truly worthy of emmys (our stop go video with toys were pretty good too) our two ears are the most extreme of all, and that's why we rock. We better keep chillin in college and after, later hombre. KENNY- you were the first person I met when 1 came to hun, that's probably why we've stayed such good friends. We've had a ton of good times, walking into I'ville haha, wearing

aviators everywhere, chilling w ith your cousins, it's all been good!!

ANDREW- the"houser!!" li\ in' si) close has been sweet. Movies, dinners, crew for a bit lol. making sweet mixes, "driving stick with that kung-fu grip," we had some awesome times!! Good luck man. we have to keep chilling. DANour times together have been awesome!! LBI, times at your house with the whole gang, movies, crew, it's all been sweet. Keep in touch man. We definitely need to go to the beach some more before college hits. A.I- you crazy kid!! Whatever man, it's the both of us! We've had good times and good talks. We all need to hang out once more before college, for old times sake. NICK- my brother from another mother! We've had some awesome times, biking freshmen year, chilling in lambertville. I'll miss you bro. CHRISSY!-good times man. Peer leader trip. lol. deep talks. I'll miss you a lot. please stay

in touch. COURTNEY- new hope, movies, good times. I'll miss you and Maria a lot. peace. TO ALL MY TEACHLRS- I appreciate the support that you all of you have given to me. TO ALL THE REST- lc(my favorite) we jm ao cb brjc kf dk sb ss mb l\v rd Ik Is lp jp.jg gm. A LAST WORD- be extreme, live life to the fullest, have NO regrets! Good luck to all!



The two most important people in mv life arc responsible tor anything I ever accomplish. Love is not a powerful enough word tor liow I fed about my mom and dad. Mom: you are the most patient, intelligent and caring person I know. I can not imagine where I would be without you. Dad: you will never know how proud I am ot what vou bave created. You deserve everything you have. Not too bad lor a white guy from Jersey. Hen: This handsome man on the Opposite page is beyond awesome. There is nothing 1 wouldn't do lor him if he needed it. Friends tor life, bud. Scott, Dillon, lain, Tri, Lauren, |ackie, and ("hrissy: You guys are the best. Thanks for making my life more enjoyable. A last special thanks to my Grandparents: Thanks for the countless knowledge and experiences you have shared with me in my 18 years. I love you all. Now its time for the ("lass of 2006 ro make its dent in the world.


Ben Wirjosemitol^ Mom and Dad - You taught me about the "one thing" in life. Although I realized so late in my high school career what that "one thing" is. there's no doubt in my mind that 1 would've wailed too long had it not been for you guys. 1 am grateful for everything you've given me. I love you guys more then you know. Adam- Even though we don't talk about it, you mean a lot to me dude and 1 love you. You've been there when mom ind dad are having their days. Good times bro. Zach- it goes without saying that I love you, dude, especially when you hook it up ZACH ATTACK style. Keep doing the Defog thing man. Some day all three of us will play on the same stage. Ami- Even though we hardly see each other, and we have our share of fights. I still love you. Spoons - SPOONMAN! Crucial, savage, intense! Ups and downs; lefts and rights, whatever we've been through Together has been so real. You're like a bro to me man. Keep it'reaTbn the west coast for me. Your brother will never be forgotten. You're a strong kid. "And Shepard's we shall be..." Jackie- Everyday is a new adventure with you baby. Whether on top of the pine barrens staring at Atlantic City am Philadelphia in the same sky or in depths of the dungeon at the Ewing house. Times and places throughout the past year would mean nothing without you. The dark side of the moon is a much warmer place now. Meet me there. I love you...



Connor- SU Fl! Me and you, we had a blasty blast. Baby watermelon, mortal kombat (I'll kick your butt any day), and the freshmen crew trip. Whatever the time was, it was chillin with me and you dude. You're an awesoms^ even though you're the biggest jerk I know. Keep it real burke. Bugsv Boo (Anchor. Brendan). Shmandy (AndyV, Brendan. SPICY MEATBALL! 1 lockey has been insant past 4 years. The ups have been way up there and the downs have been way down there. But all in ail, it was kick butt. "I put my hands on my head." Andy, even though I just met you, it feels like you've been here all four years with us. You're the man. Hockey was real this year, and I'll kick your butt in Mario kart. Oh, and you left your cat in

un Hockey 2002-2006-! rds.. .HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE! Hahaha. You guys know who you arc, ncluding blasts from the past. You guys gave me something to show for my time here. Thanks for everything.


To All my Roomates from all mv years- McCheeeeeeesey. you were such a squirrelly little guy, but still the man. Hope all is well in Cali. Orourke, you were so crazy. We set the bar for Hun boarders. T miss you man, keep it real in Chicago. Grossman, get off my computer, but other than that, you were awesome. Good thim* you stayed long, too (sarcasm). Wilder, or should I say Redliw. Haha even though we gave each other a hard time* youjuj still a good kid. "Are you joking me!' hahaha. And last but surely not the least, Albo. I never could have imagined the fun that we're having together dude. Our room is awesome. "KICK BUTT!" Everyone 1 forgot- Remember me for the great times we all had partying and gossiping in the sac and all the crazy times in the dorms. Remember me for the times we had together when we didn't worry about grades, but who was up next in games. Just cause your name isn't on this recycled piece of paper doesn't mean it's not in my heart. You've all been there for me when 1 needed you. Thanks for all the l pn me to guide me through the rest of my journey through life.


"Don't be dismayed at goodbye's... a farewell is necessary moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends. '

meet again... and meeting again, after 69

Jackie poinier i love you all.

I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floatin around accidental-like on a breeze. But I, I think maybe it's both. 70

Lauren Poinier

"We were something weird


C&itRn M. "Motherway

To cMy Triends: You are the best friends I coufd ever as^for, you willafways have a special place in my fieait, I fove you.

To <Dad and''Mom, 'Meagfian, (Brian, and Colin: Tfiank[you so much for a fways being there, and supporting me, it means more than I coufdever say. I fove you.


"Here's to the nights hefeCt aCive, Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry, Here's to goodbye tomorrow's gonna come too soon." -(Eve 6

Mom and Dad You probably think that I don't appreciate everything that you do for me, but I do. I think I don't show it sometimes because I am too afraid to let you into my life. Yet you both really are my life and it took me this long to realize it. I know that most of my friends think you're the coolest parents ever, and I would have to agree with them. We've been through a lot as a family and I can't think of one time that you haven't been there to help me through whatever it was that I went through. Maybe I'll never find the right way to say thank you but I'm sure you already know. I love you guys so much. Hamilton, You are the best at making me laugh even if I'm in the most horrible mood. I'm so proud of all that you've accomplished so far. I know you're going to do so well in life and with your new job. You've always known how to say things the right way, and make things seem just a little bit better than they are. I know you're going to find the most beautiful girl who loves you more than anything. Brice, I think that you and I have a lot more in common than you know. Maybe not in the best ways, but you definitely taught me how to have fun in life. You have skillfully mastered the slur, and you have found yourself some interesting and talented friends. I know that whatever it is that you want to do in life, you're going to be amazing at it and put all you've got into it. Keep on playing the guitar, the ladies love it. Taylor, You probably won't admit it, but you have gotten so beautiful these past few years. And you have so many years ahead of you to catch those boys' eyes. Don't worry I'll be there to get rid of the bad ones. You've always been there to not judge me when everyone else is'judging me. I could never have wished for a better sister than you, you're more than perfect and I'm so grateful to have you as my sister. Don't get too stressed out for high school. I know you're going to do so well. Just have fun, and really appreciate being able to grow up, I know that I forgot to sometimes. Even if I'm at college I will always be there for you, and I will always be your big sister no matter what, I love you. Caitlin, I don't think that I would be able to tell you any of this face to face, because I know that I wouldn't be able to hold back my tears. You are the true definition of a friend. You're the most genuine caring person I know and I can't even say what I would have done if I hadn't had you as my friend. Even in my worst moments you stood right by my side without hesitating. You never judged me or spoke badly of me, and you always told me the truth about everything. You are honestly a friend that everyone wishes they had, and I ended up getting lucky in having you as my friend. I can't even think about not seeing you every day at school next year. Wherever we both end up I know that we're going to always remain true friends. Jackie I always felt like we understood each other's problems. Whether it was with guys or friends or anything, I knew that you could always help me to figure it out. Your way of thinking is so much clearer than mine and you helped me to see things so much better. Lauren, Even though I feel as though I don't know you as well as I know your sister I've always felt really close to you. I know how difficult relationships with guys can be sometimes, but don't stress. Haha. ..I still don't know about Mr. Bush being Santa Claus though. Gwen, We had some little bumps before but it means soo much that we could get over them. Just remember that one day the right guy will come along and sweep you off your feet, it takes time for finding someone who's going to be the right kind of person for you. But I promise it will all work out. • SB IH RD KM DR MW DO DS JM JB CE AP JG SD CB MA KP JC DF KK BM MS BW BM.

Merrill Blanton

Josh, You may never get the chance to read this but if you do I want you to know just how much I love you. There really are no words that could even come close to describing how much you mean to me, but I'll try to say it the best way I can. You saw past all of the bad things about me in the beginning and you gave me a chance. Being apart from each other these past months has not been easy at all, but I know waiting a month is completely worth it even if I just get to see you for a couple of days. You have not only been a kind and amazing boyfriend but you really have been one of my best friends. I found that I could talk to you about anything, and I found trust in you which I often don't find in many people. No matter what it is that we go through, I know that everything will turn out perfectly fine. You are always going to be the first person that I ever loved and you will always be my best friend, nothing at all can change that. If I could only say how I truly feel about you on this one page I would, but it seems impossible to find any words that come close.


Stosh Maziarz I us! oil. I would like to thank Ciod tor all that he has blessed me n itli. MOM A M ) DAD- l o r the past 1 7 years o f my life you have put up with me through times ofjoy ami in times ol turmoil. You have supported me in everything I did. Whenever a new joy came into my life you stuck by m\ side, encouraging me. Whether it was the countless hours of dri\ ing. the practices that never ceased, or just shooting in the backyard, you were always there. You were my greatest fans . I know that there have been so many times in which I have made mistakes and I thank you lor having the patience with me. You have made so many sacrifices for me. and they will ne\er go unnoticed. So these 17 years have gone by fast, and all the memories that go along with the years. But I look forward to the future and I know you will be right there by my side to support me. •lared- umm u h e r e to start? U s i n g in the same house wasn't always easy, but we managed. You were my best friend before 1 knew what a friend was. You will always be my favorite person in the house. 1 don know how you can stand me sometimes, but you did. You're a good brother.. Andy- ok you got on my nerves sometimes, but ur still a good kid. Just remember that I'm the best basketball player in the family right now. but you have the potential to be better. Friends: Mike A. 4 years have flown by. I am still missing your 360 layups and your absurd shots in basketball. Ur going to the league, .lake B. there couldn't of been a better way of describing you than slinky. Your antics on the lax field will never be forgotten. Kenny- PIffiricO Burress.. .the best two-hand touch football player ever. It was good to be on 3 u l line cuz we knew that we could dominate too much if we actually played and we didn't want to embarass the starters with r skills. Krieh- your wisdom has helped me in so many ways. I will always be taller than you. ur 5'7, im 5'S. the sole sur\ iv ors of the 4 year basketball program. We have had many good times... n ur not goin to follow me to Rollins. I GOT 3 of clem thangs. ( luniL'av- limmm well I had Steve Smith but I cudn't beat ur team in the end. So I guess your better than me at something. l.'r still really grimy anyways. M I C / - My in Hamilton...two minutes away... doesn't get much better. Lots of good can always be my wingman...u r the definition of an Italian...but I don't know what the definition we consist of... "Hey I'aulie." We're going to the wsop, Hrendan- Notre Dame. It doesn't gel much better than that. I guarantee they're winning next year. I might be the funniest kid alive. I Ir stories are legendary. M A R C - 1 invented the name right there ur famous...Ur guidance is undisputed. I will always hate on me.. .but deep dow n inside I know there is lo\ e. P I T P I T - I never understood how much U loved cars...I will del cud up being better than shumaker is. Ur skill/ on the road can never be matched. Thanks for being there. J o e B- I'm sorry for catching all those touchdown catches n then doing some obnoxious T.I), dance...lhat was bad...CUZ then u wud just get even more angry...n when u get mad...someone might end up hurt. ..luckily ur competition never got out of hand... I'd be dead. MATT l.ov- Urthe best lax player ever...we are? Math class this year could not have been more boring. Sorry Kvarla...luckily we were entertained In u n C h u c k Norris. It'sbeen l'iin...Thc G i r l s . . . M u r v - We hav e h a d t o o m a n y good laughs. W h e n w e r partners r t e a m is u n b e a t a b l e . . . a l w a y s h a v e s o m e t h i n g to say to c h e e r m e u p . . . u r pretty g o o d at bball 2. K R l ' T - O k s o that p o e m y o u w r o t e w a s pretty s i c k . . . ] c u d n o t s u r v i v e English w out u . . . n w e d e l ' w e r e pretty nice [it analyzing quotes. C i l i a - O k . . . s o ur d e l ' a b a i l e r . . . t o o m u c h fun w h e n w e h a n g o u t . . . I'in not g o n n a l i e . . . w h e n w e ' v e never had an official I o n I g a m e to C w h o ' s better...] think u w e r e s c a r e d . . . w e ' l l just leave il at that. I ' r pretty g o o d at freest) ling m a y b e U shud like d o that for a living. M i c h e l l e - I were like t h e sister I never h a d . u i support a n d care vv ill not g o u n k n o w n . . . t h a n k s . . . Shoutouts: J.G I.II R.TCi.R S . l ' M . R \ i . k .i.M M A I k . K . C m a r t O B N.I M Z J . C K.(i B.S lo anyone 1 forgot u know 1 love u . . . it's just s o m e t i m e s I just c a n ' t r e m e m b e r things.


Mike Arduini

Congratulations Class of 2006! Mom and Dad, thank you for the numerous reality checks and many opportunities. Michelle, looks like you will have to look out for yourself now, haha, don't ever be afraid of being yourself or being alone because someone will always be there. Max, 1 Leave the torch to you on the field, never settle for second place. Lauren, you will never know how much 1 care about you, even though I try to tell you. Chrissy, thank you for being there when I needed you like a best friend should. Football guys, good luck next year on and off the field, you guys made the last tour years more important than any other. Stosh, good times chillin' out and playing paintball. Bugsy and Migsy, 1 had fun smashing stuff, jumping off roofs, and breaking bushes. It's time to get out of here. Later.


Wow six years can really fly by fast at A ^^i A t/~\f\ V\ /~\' the right place. Hun has been a big part of hard to envision life without it. I truly of my life since 6th grade, and it's kind f\\J O WvZ^"l I " passion for theatre without going believe I wouldn't have found my start. Ms. Ohm: You've believed here so I guess that's where I'll me when no one else knew how in me since day one. You pushed You provided me with an outlet in to, and never put up with my crap, my unknown ability. Thank you times of pain, and a platform for of who 1 am and what I can do. I for teaching me not to be ashamed change. The Cast of Anne Frank love you, and don't you dare ever honor and privilege working with and West Side Story: It was an my best in every sense of the word, you all. You guys pushed me to do backstage because I wasn't beating Whether it was Jayce beating me up Mia, and Lucy getting on my case him up properly on stage, or Savvy, rehearsal or memorize my lines, about my inability to show up to solid performer, and I wouldn't you all taught me to be a sharper, way I do now if it weren't for know how to rely on myself the still be here next year, it's time to ALL of you. For those who will mean, or should I know I won't carry the torch. You all know what to see you guys next year in the be disappointed when 1 come back committee attorney at law, shows. Mr. Holmes: my discipline I know how to spell forensics) Furdonics (it's an inside joke okay, always getting my back. I'm pretty coach, and friend. Thanks for jit wasn't for you, thanks dude, sure I wouldn't still be at Hun it since 7th grade, and a lot of times Oilman: You've been a loyal friend Thank you, I feel like I will always I didn't make that easy for you. land on my feet when I'm with you, and that's something you just can't buy. It's been a pleasure being able to grow and learn with you, and things just won't be the same without you or your endless shenanigans. Please just take it easy in Boston, if you should find yourself always having fun and getting three hours of sleep every day, you should probably take it down a notch... or two. I love you dude. Dean Long: Haha, this one is probably a big shocker to a lot of people, including yourself, but your class has really opened up a whole new world to me. 1 never thought much about politics before taking your course (except when I would have to instigate Murdock and lain to have one of their infamous feuds). and now I'm thinking about majoring Poli-sci. Thank you for giving me a place outside of art to excel in. Mr. Bush: You taught me about a little virtue called patience, and blessed me with alternatives to spaz/ing out when situations get... uncomfortable. Thank you. Ms. Somers: Speaking of spa/ outs, you helped me through so many tough times during Junior Year. I wouldn't have survived without you and Ms. Ohm looking out for me. Thank you. Dad: Sometimes it's hard to see any good come out of a situation as rocky as ours, but it did. I will never forget the times we have shared. You have taught me so much about diversity and the human spirit, lessons that can't be learned in school. I will be honest I never thought we would rekindle our relationship after Key West, but it just took it to the next level. It's easy to take things for granted when everything is going well, but it is when things get rough that you really just have to wake up and take a look around and value what you do have. Most importantly though, you taught me how to be a man. and I couldn't picture myself learning this from any teacher but you. Ciay or straight, you're my father, and I love you. Mom: So strong, yet so loving. How you managed to survive these past two years is beyond me. You are an incredible woman, and I am lucky to have you in my lil'e. I have never once been afraid to be who I am around you, which is so rare to find in this world. Out of all the people I have encountered thus far. 1 am certainly going to miss you the most, and you are always welcome to \ isit me wherever I may wind up. 1 love you, thanks for raising me. "All that I wanted, were things I had before All that I needed. I never needed more All of my questions, are answers to my sins And all of my endings, are waiting to begin." We did it guys.


"Shotit for the moon..:'

Mommy and Daddy-thank you so much fo*r everything. Words can not < 'ou mean to me. You 2 are th.e best. Darrell-what w»n't kill you only will make you«stronger! Never give up • and remember these are the most importint years of your lift so pakeihe best ofthem. My favorite freShies-(CC, SV, VW, EE)-Your freshman class ^ an interesting class to say thejeast but to me by far you are the bSst. Never change and I'll see you in three years. Chikezie, and Greats- my younger brothers. You two have helped me through some tough lidfctions and|(pr,that fsay "Thank you" Paigeyou are the best. I don't'lcnow what I am gftng to do without next yeqr You keexwrne" sane and stress, free with our fifth period sessions, V s . R conferences and trips all ovif with tjie^eam. 1 am,going to miss you. .Natalie-I still remember when w^first meet. We have been frieVids to thS.cnd. Words' can describe what yoar friendship means to me". I am gding to miss yoy. Never forget our memories and nicknames. Kiala- These past rWo have been t having you as a friend. You are Never forget our non calling but*fiine with two i' ; boys. Lisa and Kara- my f friends %t the Hun school. You two have always b the people that I know. Kelly R.- who knew that mid end up at the same school and become I npemories (Tessa, Kanye's work o emembcred. You the greates^Never to and from grown i always

change. Ro1

st the stars."

Lafii 77

Wirjo - Can you believe we made it this far? I remember you saying that our high school years were gonna go by fast, and they did. The 4 years were tough, but we managed. Being roommates senior year was awesome! Peace dude. Sulia Dude, you know I'll always dominate you in ping pong. To my homies in Russell


TW, CP, AA, RH, GR, DK, JR, WS, RD, SM, BB, Mo and anyone else that I missed: Without you guys, senior year would not be possible. Peace out homies. The proud and the few - Yes I have lived in the dorms for the entire time I've been at Hun. Me, Wirjo, Beom, Jin, Zohar, Sulia, and Sung Chan are the only senior boarders who have been here since freshman year. C'mon, we deserve a trophy or something.

<— wow, Sulia is such a weirdo (probably didn't know the camera was on) Andy, Turner —> and Billy came in the room almost every day to watch a movie •

Wirjo, a strange but awesome human being. Makes a weird freaken face. Master of the drums. Stay cool.




Don't know what's gonna happen in the future but I hope it all turns out good. Whatever happened at Hun, stays at Hun. Don't m i s s m e too much...

Mike Boyle

i I Thanks Mom, Dad, and Karen



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The Hun School of Princeton


2000 81

I would like to thank my M©m SM€ JD)aidIs Thank you for giving me mis wonderful opportunity at Hun and for supporting me in everything. I have learned many things in this short year. I would like to use these experiences to my advantage in the future. I love you so much. Also, I thank my brother, Kieiins Your emails often encouraged me when I felt lonely. Hove you, Ken!! JT<g© Wimna sumdl Kjmt Thank you for your kindness. You always helped me when I had a problem. I hope your college lives will be wonderful! Mmfoy ami Gfflffis I really enjoyed going shopping with you! Come to Japan! I will bring you guys to good shopping places in Japan! Mimas I'm really glad to share a room with you. You are my best and dearest roommate! Please don't forget my partner Elmo. AsM@ys Your are my best friend at Hun. You are always trying hard and doing your best I believe your dreams will come true. Call me when you are coming to Japan! Ms. SdDmeiFSs Thank you for everything. When I straggled to find my future, your advice and guidance encouraged me and helped me find the right way I should go. OsmtsS '(Ms Good luck to everyone and thanks for the unforgettable memories!


Amanda Sepulveda I would like to thank the Hun School and its entire faculty for helping me throughout the school year. Before I came here I thought I pretty much had my life planned out. I was going to go to a decent college, play decent ball, and get a decent degree. However, I didn't want to go to a decent college or play decent ball and get a decent degree... I wanted better... I deserved better. My AAU coach suggested I do a Post Graduate year. At first I didn't know what he was talking about but I went along with it anyway. I had so much confidence in him. My AAU coach, Rich Leary, was confident in me pursuing a PG year. He also felt that I would be able to get more exposure academically and athletically. I thought it was a great idea so I went to an interview without hesitation. After completing the application process and interview I had to wait until they made a decision. I was very anxious and nervous... I thought to myself, "what if I don't get in, what do I do next?" The letter came in and I was accepted... I was so happy! Many of my friends asked me why I would do a PG year. They asked "Don't you want get out of college fast?" At first it made me wonder... if I could excel in a well- known academic school. Do I want to be around suburban kids? Can I adapt to living away from home? It's not the city... it wont be the same! After contemplating all this I went to my coach at Perth Amboy High and he said to me "What would you be missing in this world if you were in school for many years... nothing it's still going to be the same when you get out!" I will always retrier, My Perth Amboy Coach, has helped me in ways that I never thought possible. He is my role model, my idol, and my hero. I love him so much... for he has inspired me to be the best. I will never forget him. For his patience and kindness has got me in the position I am today. I want to be either a surgeon or a gynecologist. I am still not sure but definitely in the medical field. As for Mr. Holup... thank you so much for your support and patience with me. You have been a great coach and you are always there when I need you. Thank you so much! I wish the faculty at HUN could feel the way I am feeling right now! 1 am beyond grateful with the opportunity that was given to me. I will never forget the Hun School... and hopefully by me coming here it can open doors to great inner city kids like myself who need and want the help and support the HUN provides. After everything I have done I want to give back to my community. THANK YOU again HUN for everything... I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart! **** Michael Jordan-"l THINK I WAS PRETTY PHENOMENAL!" Da man!! ** My mother... thank you for everything and being the wonderful mother you are. I love you with all my heart mom... you are my strength! ** My Grandmother... Te quiero mucho con todo mi Corazon!! ** My Father... Thank you for all your support... I know I can always count on you! ** Madeline... you will always be in my heart... I know you would give me the shirt off your back if you had to.

I r* Jack... Yo rommie!! Holla at ya girl best of luck in Tulsa!! Do your thing girl! !** BaSkEtBaLl TeAm... Ya my peoples... thanks for the great season. You know we did our thing!! I itUf'** C a r a - y ° u a r e m y favorite white girl you know wassup!! Aye! *** Mr. Cardona... I love you so much... you're my backbone! Thank you! "* Kayla... whaddup... thanks so much for everything... you know you are my home girl! Have fun where ever you may go sweetie! Best of Luck!


Mom and Dad: Thank you for everything, •you gave me courage and I've grown up to Ibe a very interesting person because of you. •You have no idea how much I appreciated •everything you have done for me. the-^sacrifices, and an amazing life in Aramco. love you forever!! I'll always be here to [take care of you when you're done taking! Icare of us :D Mishta2a Dana, the silly. t o p s : g j |Who could ask for better siblings? Dana y o u J i (always kept me calm, I love that... you're smart, wise beyond your years!! Yaz, Hsilliness is cute. You've made me a smarter and stronger person. 7ariro Filis6eeen! Tops, stay immature. It's amazing. I know we argue but it's because we love each other!! We'll party together in our Brazil jackets sometime ;) Friends back home: Ammoul, Maderine, Shazoo, Nudies. Razzle, Mayooshkah, Halool and Youfes! I'll never forget you guys! You made Saudi amazing for me. I miss you all!! 7abeebati... and Youfes :P! Aramco Brats forever! And I hope we always keep in touch because I can't ask for better friends. I love you all! These two years have been better th;.m I expected. I'm just glad to be a senior and get out of here!! I still had a pretty good time though, On birthdays, in group, the retarded buses, scandals in NY, linner. Thank you all for making it a great experience. Kavla: "Why does that phone always go off during • 'that commercial? Who's is that?" Umm... I have no' idea. Don't worry I still love you. 1 thank who ever put us together as roommates everyday because you are amazing!! I love your dorkiness and our abyad talks. I'll visit you in NY when you become a major fashion icon. Keep up with the MKA news^j l-ina(l.eeen): Dagnamit. 2 years. You taught me| how ggrrrea) Russians can be. Always remember! the good and hopefully not the bad. Trains, moviesj talks. Anastacia duet (it was me not Mallzoz)!!! You're smart and beautiful so don't worry about! (anything darling. II we don't succeed, we will| 'marry a rich guy!! We're set for life! Whatever floats your boat, man Olya: Ole... Mine...Boys!! No, there's more to our friendship than that (besides our wonderful taste;)) You're an ama/ing person and don't let anyone tell you Otherwise. Remember that GORGEOUS girl in the mirror who looked back at us and said... "(•hello!" heeh:I) we've always been the responsible ones!! *Because of you* Adam: My metro loser! Always diversify it for me and don't talk politics. We had amazing limes, take care of that beautiful car and visit me down south. II'you need someone to finish your food you know who to call :D I,aura: Satsssaaay! We had great times at 6" lunch and the purple Fanta you drugged me with... until college. I know you're going to become Anna: Swedish hottie! Study your butt o helping me filter my language! SNOW... someone extraordinary Sarah: Thanks lor I could fall in love w a white chick but you're so adorable Alex: l never thought! :hi!l out people!) I'll always be that shoulder darling, you prosed me wrong! (it's a joke, triple U. KV. Xtal. Amanda S. Sabrina V. when you need me. C»if Is ot Carter: -(Q, You've all been amazing and keep in touch!! Mia S. Tip, Yvonne... and the list goes on!)made me become a better person. Thank you Ms. Cireals: You've been a great help and others would find you as helpful as 1 do. L a for your understanding and l hope many amazinu life! I wish you the best of luck... kill a7bahi!! (Kvcrv bunny else): l l a \ e an seriously, keep in touch!


Kayla Koffa- Stewart Mama e Papa-The both of you have been so hard on me and it took me 18 years to realize that it was all in love. I appreciate everything you have given and done for me.. .especially you Papa...] want you to know this. Mama you can stop worrying... . Lay your mind at rest...Your daughter will be fine. I love you! Oma- I'm glad I got to meet you my Oma...l am so proud of my heritage, being a Liberian. an African because of you...thank yoi for giving me my pride and honor. I love you. Karla JeanineMy baby sister...I love you with all my heart. I honestly don't know how I would have gotten through boarding school without your phone calls. Keep up the good work and learn from your mistakes. I now know what it is to love and value someone more than yourself. I love you baby. Maya- My best friend, my sister, my blood, we've been through so much together... you've helped j shape the person that I am today... we sure did have to learn the hard way, huh? =0) You are more than a sister to me... You're the| only person in this world who knows me inside and out... and I thank you for always being there for me with no matter how far apart from each other we were...] love you! Stay strong forme, okay? *kiss*hugs*Mellissa...My South African QUEEN! I missed you so much! I don't know what I would have| done without you IB year!!! (though I was only there for 1 ..ha!). ...We took so much crap from the seniors that year... and we held ' through!.. .Im so happy 1 now have a reason to go to CapeTown. baby! WoO! I love you!Lama Al-Hasan-Baby 1 love you! This year has been the best! You're the best roommate a girl could ask for! Oh and Lama?! "PLUNGER!" ha! you remember how much of a beautiful soul you are and don't let anyone tell you different. Keep smiling. Lina&Olya/Olya&Lina-My two RUSSIAN SUKAzLhaha! There. I put both of you first that way we won't have any fighting! I love you both equally and you know that! I'm so happy I met the two of you this year! Lina: Rusa! FiorenzaL With beauty and grace I learned so much from you. . . #1: never chew with your mouth open! (haha!)...I don't think we've ever fought either omg!! almost forgot!!! Our Movie!! !... We need to pitch it to Hollywood! 1 had so much fun being your Italian Lover for the day! How FANTASTIC is that? You always acted as the mediator between me and Olya and I thank you for that! Buying our Nano's together was the best thing ever! Senor Negro&Lina's Musika will have great babies together! Olya: Wow! We had our lil fights here and there but all in all I still loved you and I want you to know that. I'll never forget NIGHTS in your bed! I hope you find a man who can support your HABIT! (excessive shopping)...hey man you and me both! Stay Sweet, Stay Sexy...Til never forget you! Anna&Sarah-Anna!! Tjena! Hej. mi amora! 1 know your lovin" my Swedish! I'll never forget when I first met you I seriously thought we'd never like each other at all! You were so mean!! I know you don't remember but you were!! I was like, "oh my god...what am I going to do!" Time passed and I must say 1 am HELPLESSLY in love with you! Ha! You're the sweetest girl ever! Too sweet I think! You keep studying okay? It'll do you some good! Don't listen to Sarah or Lina! Sarah: My love! I'm gonna miss you! I feel bad cause 1 gave you such a hard time! Please! Please! Please! Know I love you! I love you! I love you! Be aggressive okay?! You need to kick someone's butt one day! So they can learn not to mess with Bunevich! I'm gonna miss you soo much! Nikki&Xtal-I love you both! Stay sweet and Sexy! Rob-a.k.a Vaughn(hai). . .I'm so glad 1 met you. Talks on aim were the best. Keep the words fiowin'. . . love you. Kiala-my sista! Baby I love you like a fat kid loves cake! You make sure you stay the same for me! Don't you change for no one! I love you! Adam- my sexy beast! I met you through Lama and it was the best day of my life! Thank you for all the talks and the love! I love you more than life! Thank you for so much! Stay SEXY!Shema-my African homie! I couldn't have gotten by w/out you! Anyl who knows Skwata Kamp is a friend of mine! God Bless the Mother Land!Amanda- you're an amazing person...never change. 1 love you. Randy-My brother! Im so happy I met you!! Stay in touch! Talks were amazing! I love you!



Rodrigo Hernandez

Quiero darle las gracias a todo el mundo que hizo este ano possible especialmente a mi familia y amigos.

I really enjoyed my Hun experience and I wish you all the best. Good luck.


15/ie wma ^raRufja-uvLulsa T^MJisa January io ipS8, oS.Ujam, ZMjissivn ftiffs Bsaffsffe andvtfjredTK^afisa: independence. $wifla/ways

Tlospitaf, J

O\i,yparents to whom J owe every tRinj, from myjoodnature

to my

/eve andresjiect you. $tRank you for tRe sacrifice*, tRe Rardwork andtRe eyidfess

support. JRrouqhtRicKandtRin

you Were a/ways tfiere for me. Jtndfess patience andcompfete devotion to your

family are aff Jknow. $ fove you more tRan J coufdever express witfi words.

: •A4,y sister. J n .spite ofa/Jour jiafits, frojnpuffina your hair when We Were kids, to sfioutinq matches wRo aeti to use thejihone, j want you to know J fove you, j a/ways fiave and^BKttowyourjonnasucceed* w/iatcver you do. &hyuka: ciQafiy Brotlicr. j wisfiwe ccuAT/iave sjient mere time teyet/ier, more ?novies atid^viifecjames, attefmore soccer in tRvBackyard. ?A.owyour Boardinj, it s Rarder But J swear we I/Jind~thne. $ love you, j


touaRriaRt now, But out audit ff Be WvrtRit tRe end^ j promise ( atuftry to stay out ojtrouB/e J.

cTTunty iJ\AiWLca: ZnA,yjuardian. c/tlway-s there for me, -wRatever j needed^. ~J cant thank you enoujR. jfove yow and thank* -•<"- mucR.


(jfaude, \ofaud~ette and \sfauiPtne: ZTRe Biq kids. <JRanks for everytfiinq. K?RifftJU/ witRyouauys fun, andyou d/idso mucfifcr me. i'rom nutting me up after J ve missedajfiaht,

Was too muc

to cjettina me aareat ceffpRone

service { yes and foaninq me a /50 doffars RuhaJ. Jjine qocd fuck, at med~scRoof. Jjettp good JticK in ijfrmproon and \jfaude enjoy ZMjississip pi. .../ feveyou


Christian.' haha wRat can J say 1 '"yea re my ErotRer, afwaxjs there wRen j need~you. ^fou know wRat B m thinkinq when 3 m think~hi>j it. GVre afways Rave ajrreat time and~d fock~fcrwardtc thosejreat times We arejonna Rave. 'J fove you man (yes haha enoujRmaki>uj fun ofmej 'tjujt <J eopfes: URese -past years have Been ermajcing an£$ ve fovecCit. jrrcm tRe fittfe social drujnus, to tRe farqer scandafs. it s Been qreat. ^f[ood fuck wherever you qo. wRatever you do. f^i ncwinj you Ras Been one °fmy greaterjoys. ( <yhcut out to tried, fun times wit da crew, you know j ff miss you. Stay stronj and you ff afways succeed]/ ( 'tAick: moments at taco heft Boy). cfyoss cy J^ance: JLance. we enfy met this year, and£/ m a fad We did We Radcjreat times, fro?n Buttered Biscuit to pfayintj ceefo and you ijettincj mad tana. •Joe too mucRJxin Bra. Qfccodfuck witheverything, tsyess, my Romie and my roommate, we had qreat times, and if m reaffy aonnu miss fate nitjht chats with rVifder. JZ-Ven tReuah We never reached a Tl.XL goaf (you know what !j m tafkina aBeut) tRe discussions Werejreat. 'jCgccdfuck wRerever youao. &ftanB A> 'Ji/ris: 'J iUn t k.Jicn' what •/ Wcufdve done if,-J liadn t met you quys. eiimpfe as that. J Woufda hadto hum this mutiia down, i'rom the deep tafks, to hystericalfauohter, from party to party, endfess qames and tRe socialintritjue ol 'flun, you tvere ritjht there with me. rr ent from cronies to minions to Jeeves, tRrouqhseveraf unjenjettaBfe outrages, and then wejust cRiffed !j ajyfireciate tRose times we Were uEfe tojust sit andRanj cut. <juy-> are as cfose as Jumify. and ,-y ff reaffy miss you. UvLuclt fove.



Jin Hwan Park



ndrew Philhower




Murdock, Smith, Mulvey, lain. Jinpsycho draw ings, pepperoni hot pockets; EXTREME! Go drink some mountain dew!!! Super chill hilarious giggle water polo start: British bum era/y swimmer coulda-been skipping xeel 4 of? practices; I spent half of my frost) year ami soph year in your dorm. Rex the bum. Nassau Swim Club-Ya'll ROCK!! So much tun. never gonna forget. Come back! woo! guard parties!!



Savvy- I was gonna say something about fetuses, but 1 don't think it's allowed... horrible movies, and much more. Thanks betty. yer shvveet. Hun Swimming- 4 years, dumbwaiter, shaved headed, diving boards, split heads, bus rides...Thanks Ms. Jones and Mr. Kolman. I couldn't forget ya'll if I tried. Sac Couch Kiddies Hun Crew What the hell is your problem!! Hun Waterpolo "it's kind of fun to do the impossible." -Walt Disney Mom. Dad. Caroline - Thank you for so much. I've learned innumerable lessons from ya'll. Love you.



-Mom and Dad: How can I ever express my gratitude in just a [few sentences? My feelings for you exceed beyond anything that uuld ever be put into words. Thanks so much for giv ing me the opportunity to attend Hun. Your support has helped me become ihe person I am today and I am grateful everyday for it. I love you la lot!!! Erica: Even though we've had our share of fights you're Ian ama/ing person and the best little sister ever. I'll miss our late flight talks and the mess on your side. I love you! A n d r e w : I couldn't have asked for a better brother. You are so sweet and kind, know that you will accomplish whatever you put your mind to. 'm gonna miss our bike rides. I know you're gonna be the next star of Comedy Central! I love you! Auntie Yeemei: Everyday 'I spent with you was a blessing; I cherish every moment that we shared. I miss you so much but I know that you will be with me always. R.I.I'. I love you!! Lisa: You're such an amazing, talented person and I'm proud to be one of you're closest friends. I really don't know how I'm gonna survive w/o you. Never forget all the good times in French class, les singes assassins, or llrench club. Chinese bullets are the best! I will never forget all the long eonvos we've had about some pretty interesting stuff. •You've made me such a belter person and I'll never forget you. Bonito Crew foreva! ILU! Megan: Traitor!! jk! I'm so glad I •met you freshman year and I really don't know what I'd do w o you. All the sleepovcrs and mov ies have been so much fun and II love our long phone convos. Next year I know we'll •have a lot more and I can't wait to visit you at Cornell! II 1.1 ! I,aura: These 3 years have been amazing. I'm glad that I have one friend who actually lives close to me! We've had so many great times together: working out. the beach, mm ies. and everything else. I'm so glad you're on the swim team: it's been so much fun! I l l 1 Danielle and Noellc: It seems like just yesterday that I met you two on the frosh tup. Since then we've had so many awesome times together: watching Newsies for the billionth lime. your bilay parlies. Wedding Crashers, and so much more. II.I 2! Morgan: Well I'm sry I didn't join X-C. bill I've had fun w you anyways. I really enjoyed ha\ ing lunch w you so I didn't look like such a pii' 1 h.ilia 1 love talking to you, especially about sports, and feel lucky lo know you. II.I 1 ! Rose: You have such a great personality. I love hanging out w you. French club has been ama/ing! Bonito crew foreval M i ' Kara: You are such a crazy foxl 1 am so glad we've gotten to know each other, what would I do w/o you'.' Thanks for joining the French Club when no one else would. II.I'! Mr. Kvans: You can never know how much you've impacted my life. W/o you I wouldn't have discovered my k n e l for historj and realized thai I wanted to pursue a career in it. Thanks so much for making history fun and being a great ad\ isor! Dr. ShalTcr: I'm so glad I've gotten to know you both in class and in French Club. La Bonne Soupe ami Ihe MET trips were so much fun! You have been a great teacher and a wonderful friend. Ms. Jones: You're such an inspiration and I thank you lor your guidance throughout my 4 years. I really enjoyed our COnvos on ihe way to practice. The swim team was an ama/ing experience and I will never forget it. Mr. Kolman: Thanks so much lor motivating me and having faith in me even when I didn't. 1 loved our God music last year and will miss you shouting " G o " during meets. I'm really going to miss those long sets you would give to us. Porter: Thanks for believing in my potential and for all the lessons you taught me. Last year really made me appreciate crew and I hope I can he half as knowledgeable as you in the sport. Thanks for everything. A n n a , Katie, Claire. Kyle: Last season was ama/ing and I am lucky to have been given the chance lo race with such talented rowers. I will never forget the lessons all of you taught me. "We're gonna execute our stuff in 3" MI'. CS. JC, M\V. CheetS, A C , A L , Kl . 1)1'. BR. .1 A. Volz, Campbell, and everyone else: Thanks for being there and supporting me throughout Hun. And thanks for all the great memories!! (iood luck with everything, I'll miss you all.


Lisa Estrada

Primero quiero agradecerle a Jehova Dios por todo, ya que sin el nada es posible. A causa de Kl los cielos y las lierras fueron creadas . . . M a m a : Como ya sabes, te quiero mucho y te agradezco mueho todo lo que has hecho por mi. No creo que hubiera podido soportar la escuela sin tu apoyo y encomio. Cual sea mi futuro. se que siempre seras una gran parte en el, ya que no se que haria sin ti. Papa (Elvin): Eres chistoso y aunque tal vez te llame por tu primer nombre o por variaeiones ehistosas de Ervin (como Elvis. Elwis, o Alvin) quiero que sepas que te tengo respeto y tomo en cuenta tus consejos. Deissy: No es lo mismo como antes cuando hablabamos tonterias en la noche o te persiguia cuando venian tus amigas a la casa. Siempre mantendre esas memorias cerca de mi corazon pero tambien se que hay tiempo para hacer nuevas. Eres una hermana buena para mi y ojala y yo lo he sido para ti tambien. Sean: Cuando crezcas quiero que leas esto EN ESPANOL! Recuerda tus raices hispanas sea lo que sea. Te quiero mucho aunque tu pequcna mente no lo sepa ahora. No hallo las horas que crezcas para platicar contigo, Uevarte a las reuniones y a pasear donde tu mama no te lleve. Tia Julia: No se como hubiera llegado a graduarme sin los "rides", las risas y las platicas que me daba en las mananas. Le quiero agradecer mucho por el tiempo que sacrifico y el esfuer/o que hizo para que llegara a la escuela a la hora. M a m a Julia: Usted para mi es la mejor abuela del mundo. Deseo algun dia scr tan entregada a mi Camilla y a mis neeesidades espirituales como usted lo es ahora. J o h a n n a , Edgar. Stef: We had some good times so far. I hope not too much changes in the future so that we can still hang out a lot. 1 mean thank God we're related so that we have an excuse to stay attached. Como los quiero (1 would never say that to u face-to-face so u better appreciate it). K a r a : Fox! I low do I heart thee let me count the ways . . . Well 1 know I can't fit them all in so I'll just say 1 heart ur sarcasm, ur dry humor, ur awesome clothing, and ur dependence on me. High school wouldn't have been the same w/o u. It would have just been a miserable series of awkward moments and silence. Thanks to u I'll always have good memories of our friendship and Hun. L a u r a : Gosh what would 1 do without my French, physics, and art history buddy? We better take some kind of trip together in the future (maybe Guatemala, I dunno). Either way I hope our friendship will last and that Larsenia and her singes assassins will always be a source of laughter for us. Courtney: I luv that we got to know each other better. Hopefully I'll get myself to that diner ur always talkin" about (or New Hope at least). I mean like you said. "There's no bad". Rose: Rosalind, you must be like the most flippin' awesome person I know. At times. I'm not gonna lie. I wish I was you. Remember the good times and Mmmbacalaooooo! Rishi: Tan thhnpatico que hath thido ethte ano ojala y noth hablemoth dethpues de graduathion amigo. Caiti: Caiti Speaker it's a good thing we hung out this year cause ur a cool girl. Oh I almost forgot. Bump. Bump. Peace! Melinda: I miss u soo much! Canada better be treatin' u well. 1 hope we can see each other soon and reminisce about good times in DWE. Morgan, Danielle, Noelle: Thanks for being such good friends. Ms. Collingham, Dr. Shaffer, Mr. Volz: Thanks for being the best teachers-mentors anyone could ask for. . . . y al fin y al cabo, todo me pareee bonito.


Kara Christine Lang

All of us take pride and pleasure in the fact that we are unique, but I'm afraid that when if is all said and done, the police have it right: it all comes down to the fingerprints. -David Sedaris


Morgan Reilly Barth

Mom and Dad, Thank you so much for allowing me to come to Hun and for all the sacrifices you made along the way. Thank you for supporting me in my school work and in cross-country and track. You have always been parents that I could look up to as examples. I even appreciate all your nagging and repetitive questions because 1 know you guys just care about me. 1 don't know what I would have done without you guys. So thanks and 1 love you. Tucker, Hunter, and Austin: What can I say? You guys drive me crazy sometimes but I love you anyways. To all my teachers, thanks for helping me succeed both in and out of class. Mr. Gilroy. words cannot describe your class. 1 learned so much from you. about life, the government, and some physics. Mr. Triechel. I think your reputation as a being the most demanding teacher at Hun is safe. Mr. Evans, Thanks for supporting me in the classroom and in cross-country. 1 will really miss having you as a coach. Mr. Kolman. Thanks for being a great coach. To my cross-country team. Thanks for a very entertaining last season and remember, "To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift." To all my friends, 1 don't know what to say. I can't believe high school is almost over. You guys made the last four years great. To the Class of 2006, here's some advice from Mr. Rogers, "If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet, how important you can be to the people you may never dream of, there is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person." GOOD LUCK!


h J





John Chirumbolo Thank You Mom and Dad for all your support.


Justin Pone -To my Mom and Dad... thanks for everything you've done for me. don't know where I'd be without you. I know you don't think every decision I've made in my life is right, or the best one, but it's best to know that no matter what, you've supported me along the way. -To the little Sis, Alyssa. Three years left... not much else you can ask for. Time flies, trust me, but you'll have fun. I know you'll do well... and have fun cheerleading. -To every friend from before, to every friend now... some way, one way or another you've made some impact on my life, and thanks for all the memories -To my teachers, thanks for everything you've done for me over the past four years. "Here I stand at the crossroads edge there's a path leading out to sea. And from somewhere deep in my mind, Sirens sing out loud, songs of doubt As only they know how. But one glance back reminds, and I see, Someone else not me." - Queensryche, Someone Else


Melissa Welch


Diana Reynolds


"An artist is one who stares and doesn't keep to himself selfishly, but leaves something behind." -Luigi c "The measure of our poverty or of our wealth is the love we give and the love we receive." -Anonymus ° "No day but today" -RENT

Cam fine %ehoe Mom and Dad- Thank you for believing in me these past four years. I truly appreciate your support... but most of all, thank you for trying to help me follow my dreams. Mimi, B, and Leslie-1 have more fun with you than anyone else in the world. Thanks for your generosity and the countless laughs and good times. Grandma-1 admire your spirit and love of life. I've learned a lot from you. Ms. OhmI've learned more from you than you could ever imagine. You've not only taught me about acting and true artistry, but about myself. Thank you for giving me so many amazing opportunities from which I was able to grow. Lisa- My experience at Hun would never have been the same without you. Your guidance and support means so much to me. Thank you for everything. Sarah- Would you light my candle? Big Spender! "You guys can stand in the front... I've got a hole in the back of my pants." CRS ...BISHERITM the ballet boys! ;-* "Because I knew you <3 Kelly- Since freshman year, you've continued to be an awesome friend. I always have fun with you. I'm going to miss you so much next year! Rose- CRS, our french cult, New Year's Eve... good times. :0) I'm so glad we've gotten to be better friends this year. Jon- "What's this? What's going on? What are you doing?" "PHEDRE...fwwaaa!" Men in skirts!! "EW!" "Tu es-" "Stupid ways to remember" "the finer points of the day" Adam Pascal m'aime!! Allumerais-tu mon bougie? You're awesome JE T'AIME BEAUCOUP *mwha* Justin- You've been such a good friend. Thanks for always being there for me. No matter what the subject of our conversation, you're always there to listen, and I appreciate that. Danielle & Noelle- LUIGI!!! taking pictures at Lincoln Center, AMERICAN WOMAN!! Lauren- I've had such a good time getting to know you these past five years. I admire your creativity and your sense of humor. "No day but today..." Ross- Whenever I was with you, I always had fun. We made so many great memories. Best of luck in all that you do.

I $ c

i I

I 0>



To AL, MW, DR, RS, JR, AR, & BA- I'll miss you guys SO much!! Jimmy, Brad (you little-), & JeremiahThanks for lots of laughs and good times in 4th period... "The Jews in America" book and bidding on eBay to Advanced Scene class- You guys are so talented! I had a lot of fun working with you this year. Underclassmen- Dave O, Lucy O, Jen J, Aaron R, Christina E, Connor C, Sam W: You made my time at Hun more enjoyable. Dr. Shaffer, E. Wo, Mr. Volz, Mr. Borbeau, Mr. O'Brien, Ms. P-Thank you for your dedication, humor, and wisdom that made each day at Hun memorable. To everyone at PBS- You're all such amazing people, and I'm so glad we're as close as we are.

"There will be times in life when impossibillity is felt, but then there are dreams- and dreams allow us possibility." -J.D. Lang .


! Sarah Staller \loni and Dad- you always told me I could do whatever 1 wanted and you would always support me. Your encouragement and unconditional love has led me to accomplish all my goals and follow all my passions. Mom you arc my best friend, and Dad you are my euiding light. 1 love you. David- everyone says that when 1 go off to college we will finally start cooperating; I look forward to those days. Good luck in the upcoming years. 1 know you can handle the madness. 1 will miss you so much next year. I love you. Nicole- you have been my best friend since we were pre-natal. Although we are not sisters by blood, we arc sisters nonetheless. Four words: Sex and the City. I love you and will miss you terribly in the next four years. Rose- Senior year would never be the same without its gruesome twosome...Wanna Spoon? Even though you have the worst taste in music, movies, etc. 1 love you. Drop it like it's hot you fabulous Caroline- hey big spender! "Girls you should probably go in the front...I have a hole in my jazz pants". I'll see you on the stages of Broadway...No Day but Today! Kelly- Although you and 1 usually have our differences. I appreciate everything you have taught me about being a friend. Good luck in the upcoming years, although 1 know that we will be in touch forever. Melissa and Diana-1 will always remember our Saturday night! Try not to get into too much trouble next year! I know I'll be hearing stories! Alex- Bryn Mawr Camp was the setting for my first Hun friendship: you! It's been a crazy four years, but we survived, together! Ross- it took us a while to learn to appreciate each other, but 1 think we've made it. Besides Junior English class wouldn't have been the same without our quibbling and quarreling. Brad- without you, the Staller household wouldn't have working computers or lpods! Although we tend to butt heads, your friendship means so much to me! The Punias - you are my second family and 1 want to thank you for your support in everything that I have done. Charlie- my favorite underclassman! For 2 lA years we survived the dreaded carpool, and now you use my car as a changing room. Good luck in the next few years at Hun without me! Save me a wing in your mansion/estate. Spencer and Aaron- you two put the spark in our French class cult! Vive Le SARS...there is no way out! You two are such great friends and 1 will truly miss you two next year. Dr. Shaffer, Ms. Collingham. and Mr. Volz- you have been my inspiration through my years at Hun. You have given me a new commitment and taught me the value of working hard and following my passion.


probably the person I'm closest to. I can tell you anything. You must get sick of it sometimes, so thank you. It's been hard this year without you. I love rockin out with you. and you and Jess are my favorite people to be with. 1 love my sistah/ u\ yt so much! I.iz- You're my oldest and best friend. Half sisters! llaha. we were so weird when we were younger! Remember the good times in AK. the Virgin Islands and England! I love talking with you and sharing everything and trying to come up with more juicy juicy and trying to make you laugh really hard. 1 do not love being forced to eat your leftovers

Mom and Dad- I can't really say how

thankful I a m for tli<_- t w o <>l y o u . Y o u ' v e b o t h a l w a y s b e e n t h e r e , a n d y o u r h>\e has helped me along my wgy, I want you to know that I knou that you two are the main reason I've had such a great life so far. I love you \ery much. Jess- .IS, it's been hard not having you around the past lour years, and I really miss you. Hut I know I can always talk to you when I have a problem and you're always there. You make me laugh more than anyone, you freak. Good luck with whatever it is you decide you want to do next.Polly- I missed you this year so much! You're and make those ugly laces, but you're worth it. I love you like a sistcr.Caiti(Speaks. Stringbcan, etc.) I can't imagine what Hun would have been like without you. It's funny to think we only became friends w hen w e were sophomores; that doesn't seem that long ago. Hut still. we've become so close, and I can and do tell you everything. You are the best to me. and I know I don't deserve you as a friend. Remember Spain (Beware of slender midgets, Legolas at the Alhambra. the Yoghurt ear. and the French students.) Disney World, the Premiership and all things accompanying that. IIHGTTG, billed out for good. To the rest of S.A.R.S.Aaron ami Spencer- don't even try to get out of it, you're in it for life. Bon chance next year. You two make me laugh so hard, I'm actually obsessed with you. Notre circle de conliancc est la mcilleur. I'll come back to haunt. I mean visit, you. MorganY'ou are probably the smartest person I know. You are also one of the most caring and generous people I know. Thank you so much Ibr all your help w ith everything, and for being such a great, loyal friend l i s a You arc incrediblj witty and talking w tih you is always ires arousing. I love how similar

we are in our "study habits." Brad- Thanks for being so annoying. Just kidding, I like venting to you and you getting mad at me for it. You're mean, but I love it. I.aura- I love hanging out with you. Our discussions are always the same! Romeo... You are a great friend, and you've always been there for me. Thank you., Kara- Yo fox. you're effing hilarious. I love you like a fat kid lines eake. You are so chilled and laid back. I wish I was more like you. Thanks for being so damn cool.. Jimmy- Yimmv. you're quiet, but I still know you're prett) Biggin Sweet., YOU help make physics fun. and I'll miss you next year. Miah- I love talking to you and hearing your theories about hie. You're one of the wittiest people I've met. and I know you'll have lots of success later in life. NoelleYou really were born in the wrong decade. you're too classy for now. Thanks for alwavs listening when I have a problem. you've always been there Ibr me. you've been an incredible friend. DanielleYOU are so sassy and funny, I love our discussions about life and hoys. You're a great friend. Ross- We've had our ups anil downs, but you're a great friend, and pretty much the goofiest person ever. Try to cut down on the clicking oi your

Rishi- I voted for you for best personality...You are so funny I have to brace myself whenever I see you. because I know I'm going to be laughing so hard. I hanks lor being awesome. You is well cool. Jin- You know Korea is terrible and England is going to win the World ( u p in a couple of months. You are hilarious, and I line fighting with you about soccer.




I Mac (i, we are like old women. I line it. I'll miss you so much next year. I know it won't be the same i w ithout you. and I can't wait for us to travel the world together. S a r a h - It's so funny we only became billed out this year' Remember when we first met? Schvitzing like no other! It's been awesome hanging out. doing what we do best (You know what I mean. Yeah you do!) We have so much fun together, rocking out in your car. lighting over m m ies. working on our list, and discussing our problems, ie my bad habit, and I'm sure there will be more! Bes of luck next year, and I know we'll stay

heels though, cause you know it makes me lose respect for you. PAYCE and good luck! Zohar- Yo man, it's good talking to you about your interesting pastimes, and thanks for the physics help. I just have one thing to say to you: stfu. nOOb! DougSmarly pants, vou are one of the most clear thinking and hard working people 1 know. and you'll deserve every success you have in the luture.

Dr. Shaffer. Mr. GUroy, and Mr. Spengler You have been the teachers that inspired me and helped me the most at Hun. Thank you so much for all of your help! Mr. and M r s . Davis- You two have always been great for a conversation about how much Man Li rules, and how England is going to win the next World Cup. You've also been two of the best math teachers I've ever had. Ms. E- You are fabulous! I'll come back with Sarah and we'll intern 2 some more with you and Ms. Williams. To all my friends- Good luck next year, you won't need it!

Mom and Dad: Thanks you so much for everything you have done for me. Thank you for keeping im life going and always being there for me. I could not be who 1 am today without you two. H has meant iheworld to me. Colin: radio wars, w hollow s-thc-song-fasler games, got you last. my comebacks are definitely belter. There are many more jokes to w rite, but I'd rather lhank you a million limes over. You're an amazing role model. Thanks for the music library, lor reading all the history papers and letting me steal all your books Hut nOSl importantly, thank you for always being there with your sense of humor.

cait speaker v.

Kelly: m> favorite sister. Pandas. "You shall not pass!" Trcsseme. chubhv cheeks. Pick me!, spring breaks in C-ville. you've been my best friend for IS years and still running. Thanks for all the readings of (io Dog (io! and all ihe advice. You have [taught me what il means lo be a good I person. 1 love you. Mike: It's so nice when I von know there's someone out there who Ishares your perspective on ev civ thing. ; I hank you lor always being there, you're going to be a great dad. Bob, Katie, and I,less: 1 love having you guys in the fannlv land thanks for all your support. Rose: Ah yes, .Uule. Do you want to stud) lor exams together? It's lucks I was sill) enough to think you were smart freshman year. In the past 3 years we have spent so much time together thai I cannot tell where our l u e s and personalities separate. Dark riders. Ali (!. soccer, Mogo Mogo. hiking, crazv creeks, dance parties. I'll fill the blank pages ol your book w ith more jokes. But lor now those two words lhank you are not enough to describe the kind of friend you have been to me. It hasn't always been easy, it's been kind of crazv actually, but we always stuck together. You are irulv m\ other halt. I lose you.

Annie. Rose, and l.iz: In pages before and after this one I'm sure lots of people arcthanking their friends for being the best friends in the world. They're lying. You are the best. The three of you are the most amazing people I've ever met and you've shaped the person I am. I cannot thank you enough. Annie: I'm glad we were paired up in third grade Otherwise we would have never had nearly as much fun. Paris. Vail. Call, 111 camps, music hunting, and just doing stupid stuff, I cannot imagine my life without my oldest and closest friend. We have been through it all and there's still so much more to come. 1 love you. Kara: buds since X grade. Skiing. Scrabble. Life Aquatic, and music no one else knows, it has been great getting to know you. Don't lose touch when you're famous. Lisa: Bump. Bump. Peace! I really wanted lo w rite in Spanish lor you and then I remembered I only know one language and il's dead. You are an incredible artist, keep it up. you have such a gilt. I'm really glad I gol a chance to get know you. keep in touch. Noelle. Danielle, and Laura: Anyone who's not a library kid is missing out. The fun 1 have with you guys proves that. You guys have been fantastic friends and I know vou'll do rcalK well in college

l.iz: I like to think if it wasn't for Rose I would have met you anyway, because I can't imagine not laughing as much as 1 liavcbecause of things you have done. Drips, 1 know you don't believe it. but you are an amazingly talented and funny person. I love you. Morgan: You've spoiled me. I can't run with anyone else. You are easily the most intelligent person I have met and the kindest. You never fail to keep your head on straight and I admire that so much. You are going to do so well in the years to come. Thank you for being such an amazing friend. Ross: Physics. English, lunch, and free periods. We've had lots of time to get lo know each other this year. 'Thank you for making me laugh. 1 promise we'll go laserlagging. Keep in touch next year. Brad: 7 years! I wish I could rewind the clock a bil and go back so we could h a \ e more time lo be closer friends. You arc always around to make me laugh and ii has made all the difference. Jimmy: I don't think there is a day thai goes that you don't make me laugh. Don't lei the ehumhaurmha gel your goal. Thanks Tor being such a great friend. Evans: You have been an amazing teacher and an even belter friend to me these past three years. 1 can't imagine the person I would be if I had never met you. I will eventually beat you at mini-golf. Bui more important than that: Thank you so much for everything. Ms. II: Thanks for showing me how much I love Latin, and for being one oTthe best teachers I've ever had. I'll miss you next year, Mr. Kidder. Mr. Spengler. Mr. O'Brien. Mr. Brown. Ms. C'ipolaro, Ms. Hsposito. Mr. Volz. and all my other teachers: Thank you so much for all your support and everything you've taught me.

ii'% Ife

Alex: You're a greal neighbor and I've love getting lo know you this year. Keep in touch. Margretta: Thank goodness you needed a ride lo school, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten to know someone as incredible as you are. You've been through so much and arc such a strong person. 1 can only hope lo aspire to be the person you are. Katie B: Il's been great getting to know you, you're an amazing person. Have a great senior year! "If you never did you should. These things are fun anil Inn is good, " -Dr. Seuss

llalletts: In this little box I can't lhank you enough for everything you have done for me. Thanks for making me your fourth daughter, for all the cups of tea. and words of advice. Puzzles, Sudoku. Mexico, and Spam. 1 can't imagine going through high school without you. I love you. Yearbook: Crack'.' I lav ing a stall'this year has turned out fantastically not just because of deadlines but because ihose two hours everyday laughing with you guys are two of the best. Good luck next year. NG. I'll.

S A : T h a n k you for everything, i will miss sou all next year.


I/ To my friends, I will always look back on our memories with a smile. Caroline, I can't wait to see you dance on Broadway! Sarah, I will never forget Dirty Dancing and Tiger Noodles. Melissa, Avalon says it all. Anna, I hope we are able to do everything on all of the lists we made.

To my family, I can not thank you enough for all of your love and support. Mom- I have been inspired by your ambitions. Dadyou have been my father, my friend and my rolling rock. Alex- I appreciate all of your help. You blazed a path for me to follow and helped me face my fears.

%etfy C (Russo


Kevin Foley

I would like to thank Mr. Doak, Mr. Bush, Mr. Wilcox, Ms. Haberle, Mr. Holmes, Mr. Sabol, Mr. Jones, Mr. Long, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Evans, and Ms. Cipolaro for teaching me so many life lessons. 107

s u


add1 SOUI

N G C H A N Y O O 108

Welcome to


Thank you to all my teachers for everything that you have taught me throughout my high school experience. I do not know what I would have done without all of your help and guidance. Special thanks to: Mr. Spengler, Mr. Holmes, Mr. Davis, Mr. Gilroy, Ms. Iloppenbrouwers. and Ms. Cipolaro. I would also like to thank all my friends, especially those that have spent the last fours years in the dorms with me. Congratulations to the Class of 2006!

e\V Jersey








o c K Thanks to all my teachers who have helped and supported me thoughout these years at Hun. To all my Friends, without you guys I would be nothing. Good luck to the Class of 2006! 109

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orondfatrx.-, i -,t.ti torn.-, your voice and ytur a t t . - n l ' . .ad tvhen you vomefime!. come fo my c**eofn and fQ<ic away. Howei'Cf. I <". :' • encoufoged by fho dream*, bocou'^e I (eel like you atwoyv wafch and take cat Of me Mom -,fiH tolKv aboul how J Oftf) '>tndc cil --fiu Mrtw I t*-a*- a baby I roollv do be'rny heari ; i*>ii YO II

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my grondtomerjitv teacher.. * ^nr

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with Jae-lun. Veronica..

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implamod at Htm. if tvov all nnnM I hope wo con koop in iich after we graduate and 'doni icini voo in koraall lhank you 'or bejng nty good buddy ond makmo me loci laugh?

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l.i i . .!•'•! I ' l l - > o n ( | CiT'i ( t i n 1 . l i m y W( I ahrcn tnonfc a f l m* t/tond* foi ui*.f bemo ifu> IW

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i JTI»J- nlil).! Ilmi and \ ' ' kmu-.ri' Jhtink »ou foi 'r 1


making us louoh .'hot •• Iho be-,1 part of you! I I OW V

'on Choi been tlof my life. I thank all the wonderful people I have met and the memories I have shared with them. Parents: Mom and Dad, I can't even begin my gratitude for all the love and support you gave me. Your guidance and faith has led me this far and I am glad to know you two will always be with me. Thank you! Ms. Somers: My Mom at Hun School! Thank you so much for being here during these past four years. Without you I wouldn't have been the same person I am now. Thank you for all the support and advice you have given me. Ms.Ely: Knowing a person so much like me has mode my Hun life more interesting. You taught me to become more myself. Thank you. Mr.Triechel: You are the best teacher & advisor in the whole world! Thank you for teaching me "to seek for knowledge." Mr. Holup: Got mail? Thomas Sweets? Thank you. Mr. Hindle: You have inspired me to sing. Thank you. Mr. Wolarsky. I am so glad I took your class. I've learned to observe things differently. Thank you. Ms. Hoppenbrouwers: Thank you for your guidance and c patience for naughty Iulia. Su Khiem & Jenny: Ae! Thank you for making me feel like home at every meal. I will miss you so much. Ms. Jones & Mr. Kolman: Thank you for your support. Ms. Rankin: I hope I will meet a person like you in college. I will miss every joke and practice we had. Thanks for the muffins! Edgertones ROCK1 TOD: My four years of Carter life wouldn't hove been as memorable without all of you. Thank you. Marie: You are an angel. Thank you for everything. RY,YY,NY, JS.YM: Thanks for being best friends for over seven years. You guys are my guiding light. ILY. Min Kyu: I t seems only like yesterday that I met you. Thank you for being a great friend. I will miss our old workouts, adventures, shopping, chats, and so much more! Don't ever let anyone bring you down, because you are on amazing person. ALC: (aka my personal translator) My best ex-rm ever! I'll always miss the jokes, laughter, screams, dances, and tears we had in our old room. You have so much ahead of you! KITi Sift: I am so glad to know a unique person like you! I will miss all the fun times we had. Keep the strong belief in yourself and follow your instincts. (PS: My Smiles are genuine) Nikki: Lunch Buddy! Every 5th period has been the best part of my day. Keep doing what you enjoy. Xtal: Never forget the Blood Drive =] You have the Cali Sunshine in you. Thank you for every smile and laugh. Dalai: In only two years, I have come to love the incredible person like you. I admire your kind and warm spirit. Never change. Thank you. Rubi: My Korean Drama Buddy! You are a wonderful girl. Believe in yourself and be who you want to be. Lina, Olga: You Russian girls have made my proctoring night challenging lol! Stay sweet and have fun next year. LC: All those Swimming Seasons wouldn't have been as fun without you. Laura: you are such a sweet heart. Keep up the good work. I'll miss you. Fairs,RH, JV.RS.ARL, JS, JO: My best memories of high school are with you all, Thank you. JY,HJ,sy,yj,HY: Korean Girls, Enjoy every second of Hun life you have. SB,B,JH,SC: I still remember meeting you guys four years ago. We have gone through the long journey and are finally graduating. Good Luck. All Carter Sirls: I apologize for the ALARM night. I am so happy to have so many sisters like you. Thank you. Congratulations Class of 2006! Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. I t is not attained through self gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.

Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. Theodore Roosevelt

Helen Keller


%ira NoeCCe (provenzano "We may not always be as happy as you always dreamed we'd be, but for once, let's just allow ourselves to be whatever it is we are." -Garden State

My family: Everything you've given me and taught me is unforgettable. I cannot thank you enough. Love you. Mom: Even when I had the worst day, just a hug from you made everything better. You have made me a better person and I know you will always be there. Endless thank yous everything you do for me. I only hope I can be half the mother you are. Thank you for not only being my mom, but my best friend with endless love and support. I love you. Jake: You have made such an impact on my life and everything we have experienced I will never forget. I thank god each and every day for bringing you into my life. I love you. Ben: You will always be my brother and you will always have a place in my heart. I love you and miss you. LW: Honestly, thank you for being such a great friend. You have always been able to put a smile on my face and I know your shoulder was always there for me to cry on. Love you so much. Much love to: LW,MA,EB, JB,MB,CB,SB,JC,CE,KF,MK KK,ML,SM,MM,GM,KO,AO, JP,CP,MR,KR,L5,TH,CZ, MZ,KW,LW,MB,NT,SD,LM, KM,NG,CL,NC,AF,MA...your friendship is something I will always treasure. Good luck in life. xoxo.


Jake Ballarotto

"Motivation is everything. You can do the work of two people, but you can't be two people. Instead, you have to inspire the next guy down the line and get him to inspire his people." -Lee Iacocca Mom and Dad, 1 love you both so much. Thank you tor all the opportunites and support you've given me over the years, I don't think 1 could have made it out ol here without you two, I love you guys. To all my friends, it's been a fun

ride. Thank you for making these 4 years at Hun so great. See you on the other side. aHa Lacrosse, we had a good run last year beating Peddie twice and going to the Championship. Good Luck next year. I'm outa here. Kira. What can 1 say. You are by far the best girlfriend a guy can ask for. Not only are you a great girlfriend, but you are the best friend I have made. You have been there for me through good times and bad. I don't know what I'm going to do without you next year. All I can say is I will miss you dearly. I love you.




Douglas Eshleman I can't believe these past four years at Hun have gone by so fast! Thanks first and foremost to my Mom and Dad who have been so supportive and patient throughout my high school career. Thanks also to my sister Amanda (yes, seriously) who has been both helpful and frustrating. Now, here are the shoutouts to all of my Hun school friends: Alex C , Alex L., Arda, Brian, Caitlin, Caroline, Danielle, Jeremiah, Jimmy, Kyle, Laura, Lisa, Matt, Melissa, Morgan, Noelle, Phil, Rishi, Rose, Ross, Sung, Tom, Rob, Zach, and Zohar. Thanks for making high school fun and helping me out with homework! Thanks especially to those that were patient enough to work on labs and group projects with me. Good hick to all of you guys in college! I have to thank my coaches Mr. Evans, Mr. Kingston, and Mr. Porter who inspired me to do my best in Cross-Country and Tennis. Thanks also to all of the awesome teachers I've had at Hun. I will never forget Mr. Gilroy's AP Physics class and Mr. Volz's AP English class! Thanks to everyone (including those I forgot) for an awesome four years at Hun!


Christina Zimmerman find when this hourglass "Has filtered out itsfinal grain of sand I'[[raise my g[ass to the memories we've had

Mom: You are my best friend in the entire world, and definitely the coolest mom. 1 love you more than you can know. Thank you for being there for me through everything (the big and the small). Dad: Our times together mean more to me than I think you realize. Thank you for being the biggest fan all these years. I love

you. Doug: You are the best brother anyone could have asked for. You are the strongest person 1 know and an inspiration. Thanks for getting me through high school alive, I love you. Mr. and Mrs. Quirk: Thank you for making me tough, in every sense of the wold. You have taught me SO much more than just softball, and I will never forget either of you. Raiders Softball: Good luck girls...! love you all. thanks for the great times AF, CE, l.K FM.AF, MC, SD.

\ \


Courtney: Most people don't get the chance to know what an awesome person you are. Thanks for giving me the chance to know you. We've been through everything together. Thanks for being there through it all... (and some crazy memories) Ali, Sarah, Jess, Keely, Lauren, Kristin, Liz, Kira, Sherri: Sometimes all a girl has is her girlfriends. Thanks for being the best ones I could ever hope for. Mike: Thank you for being such a great friend to me, you're the best. V Katrina: Strange how everything has changed these last four years, except us. You're the coolest chick ever, and I love you to death. Brandan, Jeff, AJ, Nick, Iain, Chris, Matt (all of you), Joe(s), Kevin, and all you other boys: 1 love you all so much, it's been wild Keep in touch. Ali T, ISikki, and all the new people from senior year: I'm sorry we didn't meet sooner. Love to you all.

Courtney Power Eavenson

MOM: You have always been there for me when 1 needed you. and I know that you will always be there for me in the future. I know that we fight a lot. but it always seems to work out. 1 Love you very much, and I appreciate all the love and support that you have given me throughout the years. DAD: You are such an amazing person. You are always there to keep me on track and help me keep my cool. Without you. I would be lost. You have taught me so much, and 1 know that you will always be there for me. 1 love you very much.

MARIA: 1 don't need to say a lot because you already know how much you mean to me. Your home is my second home. and you family is my second family. You are my rock, and my support, and I don't know what I'm going to do without you next year. It won't be the same without our daily trips to the diner and our aimless driving around New 1 lope. You have taught me so much about life, and how to truly be myself, and I know that we will be friends forever. You have helped me to become the person I am today, and without you 1 don't know where I would be. Thank you for all your love and support. You are the most mature and kind-hearted person I know. I love you. SUNNY: Sun. what can I say? We have been through a lot of years together. You always keep me on my toes. You surprise me everyday and 1 love that about you. I know next year will be hard for you. but you have to stay strong, and I know you will because you are one of the toughest kids 1 know, and remember I'm never too far away to talk. You always hav e a home with me. and I'm sure you will be visiting me at college often. 1 love you kid. and keep being who you are. RYAN: We never seem to get along, but when we do. you are a good friend and a veiy supportive brother. Good luck in all your endeavors, and I will see you at the top. 1 love you GAMS: You are so special to me in every way. You are such a generous person with a heart of gold. I love you. THANK YOU FOR ALWAYS BEING THERE.

CHRISTINA: We each live very different lifestyles, yet we always seem to find each other. Through all our different life choices, and all our trials, we still remained friends. We have both grown and matured into who we are. and I know that you have grown into an amazing person. I am honored to be your friend. You deserve all the things you have worked so hard to achieve. and I know that I will be around to see all your dreams come true. Christina, without you I would never have survived high school, or middle school for that matter. You truly are a very special person, and you will remain forever in my heart. KARA AND LISA: Lunch will not be the same without you guys. You always seem to make my life a little more interesting. I hope I see you over the summer, and I wish you luck in all that you undertake. Please keep being who you are. and don't let others change you. I LOVE YOU ALL: Mom, Dad, Ryan, Gams, Maria, Sunny, Christina. Kara, Lisa. Casey (love you babe). Ali. Lauren W., Ryan L.. Steve, Matt S., Nick. Alayna, Marie. Dave, Matt F.. Jarred. Alex C . Anton (Thanks for always keeping me entertained). Jade. Mae. Pauline. Mr. Volz. Ms. Collingham. and all the people at the Eagle Diner.


Turner Wimberly

Thanks Mom, Dad, Clayton, and Laura for making sacrifices so that I could follow my dream.


Sarah Byrne Mommy and Daddy - You have given me opportunities most kids can only dream of. Thanks for pushing me to achieve my best. 1 only hope thai 1 have made you proud. 1 love you. Liz - We've grown closer now that you've left, and I hope we grow closer still. No matter how different we are, you'll always be my sister and I'll love you no matter what. Matt I'll miss you. Hold down the fort while I'm gone. No crazy parties. Stay smart and work hard. Melissa We've been best friends since preschool, and I can't say 1 would have had it any other way. 1 can't imagine spending the next four years without you. Not seeing your face every day is going to take some getting used to. We have had so many good times together, and you have been there for me at some of the worst. I could fill this entire page with our inside jokes and stories of the limes we spent together, but I'll always have those memories. Good luck with everything you do and remember that I'm always here for you. Stay supermantastie. 1 love you. My Girls AH, Lauren, Keely, Jess Kristen So many good times together I love you girls, Chrissy — You've helped me get out of some tricky situations and 1 can't thank you enough for being there for me. You're my girl. 1 love you with all my heart. Merrill -You're crazy and 1 love you to death. Katie K. You're my favorite sister! I love you. Gwen, Jack, Caitlin, Jackie, Lauren, Caiti, Sherri, AHA

Hot Squad Girls, My Rowers: I love you all! My Boys - Iain You're so my brother. I'll miss our haven runs and our random trips places. We have to keep the world balanced. I love you. Jeffy I don't know what I'd do without you. Seaside, Yale Girl, so many good times. I love you dearly. Brendo - I don't think you went a day without making me laugh I'll miss you. AJ -my cousin! I love you. Kevin - We've been through a lot together and I can't say I'd take back one moment 1 spent with you. You always had a way to make me laugh and I thank you for every time you put a smile on my face. I love you. Joe G.- My husband. "Joe B.- I'm always here if you need my help mixing colors. KRich-Tank. Rishi — I don't know what I'd -c'« without you. I love you. Matt S., Matt L., Connor, Ross, Wirjo, Myron, Kevin M., Murdock: I love you all! Mr, Dippery You're the best advisor a girl could ask for. I'll miss seeing you every Friday during activities. 1 love you. Ms. H, McMill, Mr. McQuade, Mr. Evans, Mr. Brown, Mr. Bush, Mr. Volz, Mr. MeCaff: You have all taught me more than classrooms could offer. I'll miss you all. Everyone Else Sorry if I forgot you. You have made my Hun experience what it is and you'll always be a part of my memories.


I hope I would have made vou prom

The family Amazing friends

Mom- ihnnks for no! only being a mother bul a best Iriend I am so fortunate 10 have somebody as easy to talk to as you 1 love you so much Dad- As I grow older I only become more aware of what an amazing person you are. You are so kind hearted and understanding, love you Andrew - my big brother. You have been so amazing. I am thankful everyday that you and I formed such a close bond. We hav. *0. had note really fun times together I love you. Nick- "I'm so in love with you, whatever you want to do. is alright by me You make me foci so brand new. 1 want to spend my life with you." Baby11 love you so much and am so lucky that I limnd my soul mate at such a young age. You arc my everything Kcclv- You are a sirong. beautiful and all around amazing individual Our friendship has molded me into the person I am today You are not only my best friend, you ore part of my family as well as my oilier hall! I love you more than words can say Everybody else- thanks for making these years the best of my life. I love all of you.


"And we'll collect the moments one by one, I guess that's how the future's done..." Feist - Mushaboom


Lauren - I mean, what do 1 even say to you? These last few years weren't always all that easy for us. but through it all. I know I've always had you to fall back on. Friends like you are really one in a bajillion and I don't know what I would have done without you. I know I will never be able to thank you for everything you've done, or express how much the times we've spent together mean to me. but 1 do know this: when 1 am old and gray and I have finally decided I'm too old to party. (lets hope that never happens) I will have enough memories to last a whole other life time, and looking back, you will be in the forefront of it all. 1 love you. Kara - There was a time when I would have hated myself for saying this, and let's be honest. I still kind of do. but you really have become one of my best friends. Thanks for being you (as grossly perfect as that is sometimes). I couldn't ask for more. Keith - My big brother. I love you, and 1 am so proud of everything you've done You've had way more of an influence on me than I'd care to admit, but 1 couldn't think of a better person to be influenced by. Kylci - My favorite oldest sister. You have been such a source of guidance and strength for me through my entire life. I am sure that there are times that 1 would not have gotten through if it weren't for your help. I'll never admit this in person, but thanks for setting the bar so high. Dad- There will never be a way to thank you for all that you have done for me and the rest of us. I can't even imagine the sacrifices you have made for our family, but I do know that I appreciate them all. even if it doesn't seem like it sometimes. You'll never know how much I've learned from you. and just how much I respect you and everything you have made of life. 1 love you so much. Mom -1 hope that even one ounce of what you were lives on in me. You have been the biggest motivation in my life, thanks for teaching me so much in such a short time. class of 2006 - You guys are a crazy bunch. You've made high school one interesting experience. Good luck with everything in the future. 1 hope this isn't goodbye.

F I T Z P A T R I C K 121

Kristen Klein The hardest part isn't finding what we need to be it's being content with who we are!

..+ as you move on, remember me remember us + all we used to be.. -James Blunt-

Mom 4 Dad: "Thank you so much for everything you have done for me. Thank you for giving me this Opportunity to be at 1 lun. You have supported me completely my entire life and pushed me to become the person I am today. Even though I may be a handful at times. I know you both will always be here for me. 1 know it's going to be hard to see your favorite child go off to college next year, but I mean 1 will probably be home a lot for the laundrs services! 1 love you!!<33 M o m M o m + PopPop: I will be expecting artichokes I ham salad sent to my dorm room every week. I Iche. fliank sou both very much for always believing in me. I love you both with all my heart!!<33 Sam + Johnny: You both have set many examples for me. all of which 1 have learned not to follow, llaha .Ik. I love you both so much. Thank you for always being here for me. it means a lot. The Q u i r k s : Thank you two so much for always being there for me since freshman year. You guys are like second parents • I will never forget you. Kevin: You are really something else! There really aren't words to describe how much you mean to me. No matter what 1 am going through you are always here for me and will drop everything you are doing to meet me at Bucks to make sure I'm okay. 1 think I can honestly say I have never met anyone like you + probably never will. You always know exactly what to say to cheer me up (• you might quite possibly be the funniest person I nave ever come in contact with haha. 1 love you so much 4 I will never ever forget sou.- 3 Blue (rcwll.o.kl'.Ao.Kf): You guys are my life. I really don't know where I would be without you all. I am so glad we've become so close this past year. You all mean so much to me I will always be in my heart. I could not have asked for more- 3333 M\ Girls + Guys: Everyone of you has affected my life in a different way and 1 will never forget you guys. Much Love • 333

- stay gold -


being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up. these are the best days of our lives, the only thing that matters is just following your heart. I eventually you'll finally get it right -THI:ATARISAmong other things, you'll find that you're not the first person who was ever confused and frightened and even sickened by human behavior. You're by no means alone on that score, you'll be excited and stimulated to know. Many, many men have been just as troubled morally and spirtually as you are right now. Happily, some of them kept records of their troubles. You'll learn from them- if you want to. Just as someday, if you have something to offer. someone will learn something from you. It's a beautiful reciprocal arrangement. And it isn't education. It's history. It's poetry. -CATCHKR IN THH RYH-

"So lake the photographs, ant still frames In your mind I lung il on a shelf in good health and good time Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial I-Or what it s worth il was worth all the while

very memory oj looking out the back door I had the photo alhum spread out on mv bedroom floor Its hard to say il. time to say it Goodbye, goodbye Every memory of walking out the front door I found the photo of the frieihl that 1 WHS lo(}king for ft s hard to say it. linw to say il Goodbye, goodbye"

It s something unpredictable, but in the end it s right. I hope you had the time of your life. "

"We re old enough hv now To lake care of each other We don 'I need no babysitter We don 't need no father or mother We re old enough by now Don 't worry 'haul a thing. "

Jessica Cohen

"Look to the post Ami ivmemher mid smile. And maybe tonight I can breathe for awhile. "

"Nobody knows where they might end up. Nobody knows. Oh. oh, suppose you II never know " 1 want to thank my family first & foremost. Dad, the lessons that 1 have learned from you have been priceless. Mom. 1 am so glad that I have you as a mother & a friend, thank you both for constantly supporting everything that I so & for believing in me always. 1 love you. Dan, the years have gone by so fast! 1 cannot believe you are already in high school. 1 will always be your big-sis. I love you. Mr. Holmes, thank you for everything you have taught me in class and in practice. MY GIRLS! Keely. Lauren. Ali. Kristen. Sarah. Chrissy. Lix/y. Sherri. Kira. Gwen. I MEAN, all of you guys are always there for me. 1 don't know where 1 would be without you all. We all get along so well 1 can't even begin to tell you all how much I love you. We have had so many good times and were still there for each other through the hard times, the past 4 years have flown and all of our relationships have changed, for the better. I have never met so many good friends. I will miss you and 1 will never EVER forget any of you. 1 LOVE YOU ALL! All MY BOYS, u guys are the best Kevin. Connor. Brendan. Jeff. Chris. AJ. Brian, lain. Kenny. Alex, you will always be in my heart. Gene, so glad we are so close, you are the best!


SHerri St. Marie Mom and Dad. Thank you so much for everything that you have Idone. I definitely could not have gotten through Hun without ou! I love you so much! To all my teachers: Thank you for verything and pushing me every day. Marleen. You are the best sister in the world and I'll never forget how much fun we had together. Talking online even when you're right next door, XBOX fights, quoting our movies- hey...what was all that one in a million talk!, watching CONAN (the cat heeeh!), our dis wars definitely always won!!), away message fights, Halloween gingerbread house hahaha, colored pencil, and life is a race! Haha j I love you so much!! favorite brother! Sorry me and Mar bothered you, we love you lots! Ali Q. I love you sooo much I could not have done this without you!! I'll never forget ghetto gum, when I fell on the stairs and Mike caught me hahaha, and our lunches together. You are the pweetest girl in the world don't ever change! You are my best friend in the world and I'll never forget the million laughs and memories we had together—ur my girl 4evr! To my girls-1 love all of you!.'.': AO KF JC KK CZ LO SB SS (my physics girl!) CK *JM CD RD LK* my crew girls! To all my boys: JM-the rockkk BR (I'll never Bforget the table hahaha I love u guys) M and NG I love u 2...english was amazing! Haha CM CB KL AP AJ MA SM KW IH RU MS DS> captain obvious, lots of funny memories KR-candie haha To all my • friends I know college won't change our friendships and that we will stay close together forever. I love all of you!!!

Brian Cortina, You arc the best boyfriend in the world and my best friend-PU never ever forget you. We went through so much together and 1 loved every minute of it I loved spending time with you you made my high school experience amazing. The summers we spent together were so much fun. I'll never forget watching tv, making j\my smoothies for you, cupcakes, piggy, New Years watching the Miami game •with you lol. South Park, Friends- where jdid Monica stick a pencil when she was [14?!! hahaha, and laughing so hard until I was crying. Anytime I was upset, you SS always put a smile on my face and I can't thank you enough for always being there for me. / love YOU forcvcrl



Alison O'Shaughnessy To My Family: Mom and Dad: Thank you so much for all that you' ve given me. What 1 have is way more than anyone could ask for. Things may get cra/.y sometimes but that's what keeps life interesting. Thanks for all the places I have been and all the things 1 have experienced; I am a better person because of them. Sean: Thanks for all the good advice and good times. I'm so glad we got closer over the years and that 1 have someone there whose always got my back. Uncle: Thanks so much for all the knowledge and time you have given me all these years. You've always inspired me to do great things. I've always looked up to you and always will.

To my friends. "Turnfr out not where/, but \w}u>-you; r& with; that really materp' My girls. The loves of my life. Without you, I have no idea where I would be. You make life fun, ridiculous, interesting, amusing, and amazing. How we all fit together so well is still a mystery. The great times we had will only be followed up by even more incredible ones. You have all been there through thick and thin. I'm going to miss you way, way too much. |Lt. The best|[Ss. sweet]|Kk. Beautiful] ]Cz. Spirited] [Kf. Down To Earth]]Lo. Hilarious][Jc. Graceful]|Sb. Saucy] My Boys. You guys kept me smiling for all these years. You're not afraid to do ridiculous things for no reason at all and that's why I love you. Without you my world would be a very dull and ordinary place. Miss all of you so much.


Kate Rutkowski Mom: Thank you for everything... the thousand soccer games and tournament trips you came to, all of your help with the "college search", and being my friend who I can tell anything to. I've said it a million times, but once again... Thank you for sending me to Hun. I love you so much. Dad: Thanks for being there and for all the fun things we have done together. Thanks for joking around with me so much... "Are you saying I'm fat?!?" I love you.JiRut: We got so much closer last year and I am so happy for that. Gavin, the gross out game. C-Crew. Cold Stone, our million inside jokes, everything... love you man. FC: You guys are amazing. I would not have gotten through high school without you. Carcoochie, TP, "Holler B", Michael's, Steel Magnolias, the FCC collection, Antigua, everything. I don't know what I'm going to do without you guys. I love you all. FC Families: Thank you for always having open doors and loving hearts. Nora: Boogey. I love you so much. Nachos, you flying up to Petoskey to spend winter vacation with me (night-o nora). Wicked, endless camp stories, our Gavin rides home... you are always there when I need you. I love you so much. Maiy: Marsy Poo, you are truly amazing. Best athlete I know. Wally, lax arm bands, "I'm exhausted", Chick-OUN, country... I love you. Beth: Weezer, you are crazy. Beth Coyle, AHH! We have had countless good times, I love you so much... just don't let the monster come out. Meg: Poots. you are the best friend I could ask for. You go up to lunch with me every day 4'" period even tho you have lunch 6'" too, you always put others before yourself... thank you for everything. COOKIES! And always remember the movie dates... even the one where we both saw different movies ALONE. I love you Poots. Jacks: I love you dude. You are so driven, you will go far. Sometimes I actually think you are insane... but it's ok because you are crazy and funny and I love you for it. Lucv: Shgoose, you are undercover CRAZY. I love you... and always remember, STAY STRONG. Sophie: Silliest girl I know, you are crazy. I love you. Katie: Mrow you are the person I can completely let loose with, you are crazy and you make me even crazier than I normally am. Ashlee, lax. Tony Hawk, meowing, the gobble... oh how I hate the gobble, angina: YO WHAT UP ANG YO WHAT UP, chess club, THE VOICE, google-ing random song lyrics... I love you. MROW. Katnna: Since freshman year it's been you and me baby. That first trip to Olive Garden I was so scared and you were just FAKING being scared! Those gross pictures of us as frosh you just whip out whenever you need a laugh... Whatever happens, I love you. Kevin: Our PJs dates and all the craziness. You are such a good friend. I love you homie. Joe: Our fake dating... you know you are really in love with me tho. You're a great friend, never change. Love you. Fat Gonzt Steesh, Matt, Charlie: Big shoutout. mad loves. VQ5: "The legs feed the wolf", "Take me to bed or lose me forever" I love you all you are an amazing group. Mike: Po Po, you are a great coach and a great friend. Thank you for everything... you know I love you girlfriend. Val: BOOST, you are an amazing player and the hardest worker I know. Keep your game up. Lindsey: You are such a good player, keep your head up and you will go far. Melissa: Lissa Rines, you are such a stud on the field, keep it up. You know I love you. even tho everyone thinks we are dating. Julie and Liz: You guys are amazing. Liz you are crazy, Julie you know I love you so much. Stone. Kingston, Mr. & Mrs. Quirk, Mr. & Mrs. Davis, Mr, Long, Mr. Evans, Mr. Brown, Holup. Volz. Ms. R: Thank you for everything. KM NG CH AT RP NN BK MC NV SK SM CM SS AC CM BS LC EG MD PJK Hun School: I love you. "To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift" -Steve Prefontaine "You need a friend... I'll be around." - Gavin DeGraw "Yeah. yo. We here to celebrate life. Life's a collection of experiences. We live and learn. I learn from all my mistakes. Try to make everything positive in my life. I wanna share that with everybody. Word up." -DL Incognito "Its supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard everyone would do it. It's the hard that makes it great"- A League of Their Own "Love is the answer, at least for most of the questions in my heart. Like why are we here and where do we go and how come it's so hard? It's not always easy and sometimes life can be deceiving. I'll tell you one thing it's always better when were together." - Jack Johnson


Katie J. Kirnan

I was lost, double crossed, With my hands behind my back I was longtime hurt and thrown in the dirt, Shoved out oti t)ie railroad track I've been used, abused, and so confused, And I didn't have nowhere to run But I stood and looked, And my eyes got hooked On that beautiful morning sun." -Van Morrison Congratulations, c l a s s o f 20061 B e f o r e w e m o v e - o n , I*d like t o t h a n k c h o s e w h o h a v e h e l p e d m e r e a c h t h i s m o m e n t . T h e F a m : T h e o n e & only, W e really a r e .1 w e i r d bun< h, & I l o r e thai, I h o p e i<> m a k e JPOU proud. My love & appreciation tor u transcends words. D a d d y : Big 1), thx tor always motivating m e t o d o mv best ^ telling me the troth, even it 1 didn't Wftnl -1 heal i t I'm noi really BT) fol the fights, h I they help us understand each other. I a m sry 4 the p h o n e bills. T h x 4 coming to every game. Always remember N O , Bosox '04 (they did it1}, cigs d a n c e , crumb buns, Pte, >'• 15, clicketyclick, " i m blood's boiling!" \W m o r e than I could ever express. M o m : I'll o v t be able to say it e n o u g h , I love u m o r e than u could ever know: 1 'r patieilCC & kindness amaze me eadb d.n. Luck] powder, cats, eftflj mornings, 1 Love You Forever, o u r Casey. T h x 4 proofreading & m a k i n g all those PBJs. U may n o t think so now, but you'll miss the absence <>! my clothes King around the house next \r. T h x 4 believing in one « ben 1 Juin't 8<*4 loving me when 1 was a pain. I owe so much to u. Tarah: T ur my other, better halt". Miss playing w / u, but cant wait till we join an old women's league. Notorious thugs, Bad Boyz, TS, His names, stat Nell] M>ngs, tr<> yo, fh/Iax, W h o m 04, our parly, concerts. Sry 4 ail borrowed clothes, We're not really fighting. Thanks 4 teaching me so much, driving me, $t letting me hang out w u & iu friends Remember we just w a n n a shake things up. P J : We've h a d battles but they've helped us g r o w closer. Doesn't mailer as long as i pummel u m padiddle. I ' have so m u c h ialetit, d o w / c makes u l u p p \ Yotll -eiise of self is so defined already & I'm p r o u d of u 4 that. Don't forget "2(1 a m , T h e People's Elbow, g o b b l e , Wawa, c o n c e r n , T S , (.'.<•'. T P & D o o r s m o r n i n g s , "doncha know, pat* liwu k - " T h x 4 playing Mi u me, hope I've taught u as m u c h as you've taught m e . 1 lave fun in t h e next 3 yrs. liest advice I can give is t o a n d w h o u are & then b e that person 1MY. I ; C: M K , M S , KR, N S , J M , K ( ) , IK"-, S C , L D . I' i;nK uve shaped m y h.s. experience in so m a n y ways, T h r u tears & laughs, 3 couldn't h a i r asked 4 g r e y e r p p l t o s p e n d 4 years w / . 1 a m forever indebted t o n 4 ur friendships. S o n u m < M / \ nights, dance pSJtii •. •oots, twayft, CflTCOOChie, Krispj Aaron, cotillion, p r o m , country concert, surprise sweet i 6, Ash lee. K e e p t h e F C pride alive. C if., I *OVeS- M e g : M e g i / / l e , pi >odlrs. So many nights at ur h o u s e , wau-rln iiilr < m le, KG, c o l o r / T S , FIGI I T T l ll ; . MA( -I I I N HI,Chuckles, p b !ro yo, US, cra/y C )AR, 1 2 . I r sincerity & genuine g o o d n e s s is truly uniejue. I ean't explain what u mean 2 m e . '1 hx 4 making m e part (>t in uti .->p partners 4 life l\.\. M a r y : "Wait, h o w are w e friends again--" 1" & 1 o f mv truest friends, We've been thru so m u c h & we're iletter 4 it WAV f. ova 1" party, tight? g r e e n w \ don't p!a\ tike |o& • • )is, lets g o back 2 t h e r o o m , barfing frosh yr, waterbottle circle, frecstylin o n lax trip, 1 a m Mr. Kirnan, that rotten website, MfctS Mist.i in da veliow p a r k / 6 -.e.ison-- <.V 1 bball. I " v e taught m e it'-- ok & usu rally lun 2 laugh at myselt. I ' v e s h o w n m e t h e m e a n i n g ot t r u e triendship-we've g r o w n iS; changed m ways thai Complement each other, so t h o u g h we've i h a n g e d , we're Mill the same. I understand nn QU ><> ban anyl,& always m a k e m e iaugli. {' deserve the besr ELY K a t e : K-Rut only 1 thing 2 say: rnrowr! We s o crazy }<> whad u p a o g g o b b l e , ~rt heaven cfaeSl hits, i n k tsbid k i m cars, angina, K H . d o n gaTO, btt mice. Mis! a Mist a m da yellow parka! Stilt, p r o m poses, J.uv don't cost a thing. I " v e g r o w n so m u c h since we m e t . t h e energy enthusiasm u bring 2 lite is ContXgjOUS Y( mil always be t m gf. ( i l ELY K^trinu: rree, K I R N A N ! N D , CfauckleSj Mets. PhilN g a m e s . COp&nurse, u r b o y farted, soy crisps, tlix 4 being reai, u r 1 of t h e Strongest ppl 1 know. C i l . b e u deserve it, 11 .X. ShoutOUl Mt. & Mr--. < )"l fara. T h \ 4 being here ILY N o r a : I.T, 7 yr.s boogS, Crying thru aig2pc&physics, .smart, medieval t r o m b a s e m e n t , whale in ur p o o l , oft'-roadfng, peddie tax ruies. meat loaf"! G L I ].Y. J a c k : \U s h o r e pal & p . lewder, DO w e don't uve food. I'm so happy u c a m e here & so p r o u d of u. Surf Taco, strollos, t u r k e y / c h e e s e s at lunch, thx t o u & ur tarn. G L DLY. J o e : BoogCI Mr. M1, it's been an interesting but a m a / i n g 4 \ r s . I \ e always been here. l."r friendship m e a n s so m u c h . M l i m m , T S , A I M c h a t s / c o r r e c i i o n s , blinding m e w pillows, p r o m , hate t h e 3 dots, that 1 awesome fight, ail the M I I S ^ , rosedale. I ' 2 , thx 4 b r i n g ••' 1 th tan this >.r. I ' M earned M> much from u & I k n o w we'll KIT. T h x 4 laughing at my nerdiness (well, SOmti h a d to}. I'll never forget that I drive. G L UT o n t o greai things I MY S c a n l o n : Killer b o o t s n u n . 5 lunch was great Q alad pjg, soccer IS a sport, hide seek in sac, dmb, give us any movie quote,! or both of us knows it, saving silvemian. Ur 1 of my brs, thx 4 stretchin my jersey dress. GL at bobs, don't get in 2 many Eights « '"••-< a Has ILY Kcv: Kevmo, feosh formal, "we're gonna get thru this", our handshake. Thx 4 always being a call away. GL I MY, Matt: Mateo mat tie. (>AR, Family Guy, Loy oi the Dance, I beat U onci at •tnshs. Thx 4 always making me laugh & always listening. GL next yr stud. Scott: The irony of unreal & real at the same time, it just feels right. I'r 1 of the most importani ppl in mv hte. I've done my best 2 lave Kept A Tale In Everything. The future is unwritten. So Count ( i n The Time. I can try all I want 2 explain but we know & that's what matters. '[ hen '*• a farm oui Wt&i waiting GL, T h \ 4 the music notnents & memories. A d a m : Buddyl 1 of my 1st friends here. So many good times. Li made Hun awesome, lvc nvr texted anyl more in my life, nvr fctrget ka-!e or when ur car broke down. Thx 4 showing 'it- CC, jack , d m b & great music. I'm so proud of u I MY". T o m : Tomas! 1MY SO much these past 2 vrs, thx 4 always taking care of me. I'm so glad u found ur happ\ place, [ersey Dress, rocaweai bag (IV its: Yo hizzle, getout my spaaace. Actually, I'm excelietu. (,'litterbugbonnieloofa, what do 1 say 2 my sister trom another mr..- So many Rights w t & marc. Peddie 9 8, ) !u\' U like pb on sofi rolls, llltd UrptiseS, cat noises in bathroom, NATM, d-VOICCS names, latenite cnspix, sam adams, Chns strikes. Pills, turke\ on ur face, haven after wins, hyphen, von gotta move 1 So proud of u, ELY thx U & me lam. Ali 5: Damico D, such A true friend ILY Sarah B: We finally found each other! NYI.C, calc, t i g h t a " , k-fed, ur my fave silf, ELY so much KIT. B r e n d a n : ling boy DUtgS] b o a I uaniest person Pve DEiet, \l have BO trach 2 give. Top to X D J day, our pumpkin child, cant believe he's gone. Lore our "fights.1" GL 1MY so much ne.xt vr. Kingston: Bubi YOU*VB been :m endless sr>urcc ot eocouragenieoi \- motivation toi i rs. 111 never be able 2 thank u enough for that & for ur friendship. Arguments at lunch, could U modulate ur volume?, namegame, we get it, canks, "1 don't get li's". smd, Team TTghtyWhitey.fadal expressions, ould u elaborate?, MA. Thx 4 increasing the treadmill speed & 4 being as big a dork as me. GL in future, u'll beat SB. KIT thx 4 everything LMY. Rish: hres oOfl truta v pcrvertol < .nniil.i DM. ur i m\ bts. tay happy [MY Gonzo: (ibaby wont u come out 2night? Selfreliance. thx 4 gum&friendship \\\\. T h e Q u i r k s , Mr. L o n g , M s . O, M s . P, C o a c h e s Allen, M c N u l t e , & P T u n g : I < ant thank u enough 4 very thing u \ e done. I'll miss all of u. B o u r b e a u : Thx 4 never shanng ur apples. A H A F H 05: Thx 4 the best season. I believe that we will witi. (let that title II A' FH 04: You Gotta Believe I MY Lax Girls: hx 4 memories 1MY Volz: The hardest, most rewarding class uve taught me about the importance of self. Thx 4 challenging me. Mr. Gilroy: I still don't get the equations, but ur d.tss taught me so much bout so much. do I get extra points 4 that? T o my teachers: Mistas H v a n S j C a m p b e l ^ M c Q j R a i f o r c l ^ i e g l e ^ M o n o , McMillin & M r s . Davis: Thx 4 all \ o u \ e done Chcculawg, Spcukcrlx^w iM, Ki", CZ, CM, ChM, BK, Ken W, Migs, Sulia, NG, NV, MR, ScBeom, KR, RL", KM, LN, Diis, Ro, SB, SD, SM, « T , Harish, Chad, MM, \ M , XI, ABB, GB, AVt, HS, /M, MK, AJexis, SG, MJ Swecta, Km, RflJ-Jr, CRASH. t everyone cis^ "It's time to move on, W$ thrtB to ggf going, what ties ahead I have no way of knowing, but under my feet baby, gross is growing,

it's time to move on, it's time to gfi going™"


Mary Stinson God- Without you... nothing is possible. Mom- I can always count on you to make me laugh even when things seem like they eouldn't get worse. I love you and good luck spying next year. Dad-You have taught me more about life and sports then I can imagine to learn anywhere else. Thanks for the never ending patience and love. I love you. Lee- Without you I wouldn't be half of what 1 am today... thanks forgiving me something to live up to. Meg- Thanks for making me as strong as I am. I love you. Bridget- You have really grown up a lot in the last two years... I'm happy we have gotten so close... thanks for keeping me company in Wally. I will really miss you next year midget... love you. Jack- You are going to be one hot stud. Nora- Thanks for solving all of my problems and always listening... you will never know how much that meant..and don't forget you will always be my little booger... love you. Beth- even if it is just a late night drive to the park... you always know what I need- thanks for always understanding... especially when I'm right. I love you. Knit- I've never laughed so hard at such stupid things then when 1 am with you. 1 know you are going places... but start standing up for yourself ALL NIGHT LONG... i love you. Meggypoodles- I will always love you and your family..thanks for everything... and hey keep your feet on the ground... and start to like the feeling you've found, ilaha love you. Jack- It's good you board because I love when you stay at my house on the weekends... it's almost like your a part of the family. I'm glad we got so close- I know you'll do awesome at Tulsa! Love you! Lucy- You aren't as innocent as they think you are but you are that nice. I love you and your dance. Sophie-You are one of the craziest kids I know. I hope you know 1 am always here for you. 1 lo\ e you. Joe- even though we fight sometimes... I'm glad we have gotten so close... I'm always here for you... but don't ever call me a jerk. Kevin- even though you challenge everything I say 1 have always thought of you as one of my good friends... good luck next year... Matt, Steve, Marc, Gbaby, Charlie- Thanks for a fun 4 years and good luck next year... FC (KR NS BC LD MK SC KO KK JM)- The most amazing girls I know. I will miss you all so much. It's all so unforgettable- earcoochie, Michaels, krispy aaron, TWAYFT, misalo, BA. sneaking out of megs house, maidenhead, IP. cookie dough, Antigua( tigger), secret santa, FCC mixcs.Tj's, and everything else 1 love you all and will miss you dearly... Also to my other little sister Melissa... you better come visit next year... my favorite neighbor 1 larish... call me when you get your moves back... The I'll team-good luck next year... and hey 1 love the game... Basketball- (iirls can't ball... ball better than you... I lolup and Volz- its been a good 4 years... don't miss me to much next year... Lacrosse-1 he trip was awesome good luck next year. I will miss you- JM LM KM I.N SHRDMC'SM KK KR .

"1 $o buck to watching summer fade to fall, .growing up to fast and I do recall wishing time would stop light in its tracks."



Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up...These are the best days of our life.




Mare and Dad, you have had to deal with me for 17 years and soon enough it will be all over You have given me so much and I am thankful for all of it. Without you I would have never grown into the person I am. I am so grateful for all that you have provided for me. MJK. who would have known that after all those years of fighting we would have grown so close? You mean so much to me and I miss you more and more everyday. I know wherever we end up there will always be those late night phone calls. No one can have a bond like ours. I love you so much. Ali, we have been best friends since we were born. A lot of good memories to savor and a lot more to come. Joby. chuppy where would I be without you? You have been there for me since we were little. Who knew that we would end up at Hun together? You are my best friend and always will be. We have such a special bond that no one could ever fill. We have so many memories that I will cherish forever. But. please don't hold what I said about the J in your name against me! Shhhh...l love you so much. Eliz. tricky trio. We did so many stupid crazy things that I will never forget. I am so glad that even though the three of us were broken up in high school we still stayed close, even though we fought. I love you so much and know that since we were able to survive high school apart we can handle college! Stephy. who could ever forget the wild times just the two of us? I will miss you so much when we all leave for college. Tricky Trio forever, we will last, I love you. Brian Bob Fran (BK). I can't believe you left us this year, our senior year and we had been going to school together since 1st grade! I will miss you so much next year and I miss you so much this year. I love you. Myron. I am so glad we became such good friends. I will miss you so much especially since you are leaving early for school! I'll never forget when you called me from Live 8 to let me hear Bon Jovi & I will always remember pancakes. Blow out. Bad boys of comedy, the pink shoes, and "on top of me." Keep in touch Kwan baby. Kevmo. You are such a great guy I love you. Those good old days playing together when we were little and it turned out that we became such good friends. I don't know who will cuddle with me because you are irreplaceable. Steve, "my best friend" we have been through so much and been friends for so long I love you. Matty, good times together. OAR and all. FC. we have had such good times together and I will never forget any of them. You are my best friends and have helped me through so much. Thanks for putting up with my singing and when I am a big "weirdo." Thank you for everything no matter what happens I love you all, always and forever. Carcoochie. "Give it to me give it to my..." "Duh, it's cause we're popular!" 2/27/04. "Can you get like a scholarship to therapy?" SoCo, our "boarder," we had so many great times just lying in bed watching sex and the city. Who else would practically live at my house other than you, at one point you had your own toothbrush here! You are right we are a big deal. Bush. Beth Coyle Ahh! "So what are you thinking about?" "Can you shock yourself?" I'm kinda faded but I feel alright. Volvo! For seriously? Goose. I will remember our fun times at Ohio, dancing, going down to the beach and shopping. KTizzle, there is just too much to say. But, I will give you this. I love us and there is so much we share Let's remember coloring. O.A.R.. fight the machine!, muffin fights. ..Tree. I cant explain how happy I am that you stayed. You have helped me through so much and are always there to listen and talk. I will miss our Real World and ice cream dates. Krut. baby girl, who else would have made I love Ashlee shirts? I am so glad that we are together everyday for lunch and we can eat our cookies and milk together. I will never forget our movie dates: there will be more to come and yes now we'll never be separated! Boogs. English class freshman year feels like decades ago...We are so alike the only two neat ones you understand me so much. Many fun times at your house. FTK's. truth circle. I will always remember dancing at the Nut House and Olentangy. Mars, you are like my sister I love you so much. I will always remember those weekends together Soph year, the hurricane! Field Hockey together, living through preseason with me as a roomie. Our song: "I'm trying to keep my feet on the ground I'm getting to like this feeling I've found I'm getting to love the thought of having you around and I will never let you down." Jack. I am so glad you came and we got so close. You make me laugh and you are always there to talk. "Where you going in that skirt, skirt girl?" Thank you all so much I will love and miss you: AC. BS. CB. CM, GR. HP. HTS. JG, KM, KP. KR. LN. MA, NN. NV. RD. RP. SB. SH, SD the list goes on...

No matter where we end up. always remember where we started." "People come into your life and people go. But it's comforting to know the ones you love are always in your heart. And if you're very lucky a plane ride away."

Meghan Kollar "The most important thing in life is your family. There are days you love them, and others you don't, but in the end they're the people you always come home to. Sometimes it's the family you're born into and sometimes it's the one you make for yourself.

Beth Coyle Mom & Dad- 1 love you both so much and a simple 'Thank you1 doesn't even begin to deseribe how much 1 appreciate what you have given me. I can't believe these years have gone by so fast, and I'm going to miss yon so much, until dad shows up at my dorm room to install the security system....Laura, Katie & Jackie- You girls have no idea what you mean to me. saying goodbye to you w ill probably be one of the hardest things I ever have to do. I'm sorrj for the fights and I know that there will be more, but know that I love you more than you think and that if you need anything just call... TO THE REAL FC-you know who you are and you know that you couldn't ask for a group of friends more tightly knit. Next year will be hard without you guys. Don't get in too much trouble and CALL 2/27/04. GUA '06. Now. the following names are in alphabetical order so as to avoid any sort of "ranking" so order does not matter (ahem maty). Kate - 1 don't think 1 will be able to find anyone quite as gassy as you are. That being said, you ha\ e been and always will be an amazing friend, 'love it like it's dom". 'can you shock yourself, 'just a little bit'Mary- I'm nearly always over your house whether or not you invited me. you have always been there for me and we always manage to have fun. the park, intbrttpne. redic-likculous. Meg- I love you and your impeccably clean room. I always look forward to your amazing joke of the year, and you better watch out cause im gonna try and steal your 'fat jeans' for next year. VOLVO! N'oro- O booger where do 1 start. I'm going to miss you and biscuit so have always been there to listen and offer help whenever I need it. and someday youre going to come home from college to find us all sleeping in your bed. To my friends -To say that you guys made my high school years amazing is an understatement. Thinking back on it now 1 couldn't have possibly asked for anything more perfect. Next year it will be the nights we spent just hanging in. all the time spent in the car. and all the games we made up. that I'm going to miss more than anything else. I love you and good luck. SC LD JM EG(there's your shoutout) Katie, Emily and N'itole-the way we get along whether it's been an hour or a month since we've seen each other is what has kept us close all these years.You girls mean the world to me and we always have our summers. I love you all. Ryan-Last but certainly not least. In more ways than you know, you are the best friend I could ever ask for. Sometimes I'm surprised by how well you understand me. I love you and I'm going to miss you so much next year...good luck at Babson 1 know you'll do well. Make sure you call. To everyone else: Thanks and good luck out there...


Juctfueline MaMea "1 can do all things through Christ Who Strengthens Me." Philippians 4:13


Mom & Dad the sacrifices that you have made tor Chris, Matt, and I to live a life that you only imagined I am fore\er grateful, though sometimes I may not acl like it. I know I have been a challenge lo both of you. The path I am now on is thanks to your encouragement and commitment to me. The opportunities that I have had at Hun. J still cannot believe and it's all because of your love for me. I LOVE VOL BOTH! Chris & Matt- My two best friends and biggest role models. When we were younger, I followed both of you c\ery where you went. K only made sense to take the biggest risk and come to Hun, which became the best opportunity I could ever experience. We have had our struggles and obstacles, but without your love and guidance. 1 do not think I would be where I 3m today. Both of you have put me on the righteous path in life. Thanks for always overprotecling me. Chris and Matt you have always pushed me harder in sports and school. I always thought it was because I was younger, and now I know it is you want me to achieve and accomplish so much in life. I admire both of you for your determination and your will to become the the men you are today. Your passion and dedication in life makes me so proud to be your sister, i Love YOU BOTH! "To give anything less than your best is to Sacrifice the Gift." Steve Prefonlane Mary- You were the first one to befriend me and welcome me to Hun. and I am so thankful that you did! You are such an extraordinary girl and can always make me laugh when 1 need it the most. Your riveting personality and athleticism w ill take you to great places in life. The effect that you have had on me I cannot even begin to describe, how much you have meant to me. I have been at your house for the pas! 2 years longer than I have been in my own dorm. Your family welcomed me warmly and made me feel like a Stinson. Thank you so much for always being there for me. Meg- The times we have had together have been some amazing memories that 1 w ill not forget. You are such a genuine girl and I admire you so much from your hard work in school to always reaching out to your friends. I remember the first time 1 slept over your house i was so anxious and you made me feel like we knew each other for years. Our phase of "I Love Sharks." "I love Birds." "Thirsty." and ur"UH-Brceze". O yea, how can I forget, thanks for driving me. Your family has always had their door open for me and I am so thankful that God has bestowed such a wonderful friend like yourself upon me. Katie- We may have accidentally met freshman year, but accident or no accident we were bound to become friends. You have enlightened me in lite on some truly astonishing things. ! have always appreciated your concern for me. Your family has been so supportive of me. Keep an eye on my brother for me. K-Kut- You arc such a strong soccer player and person. I am so happy that I was here to see you tics clop into the person you are today. I may have laughed when you told me you were a girl scout, but I am so impressed with your outgoing personality. 1 know with all your skills you will accomplish so much. Myron- We are two completely different people, but yet we formed an unbelievable bond. By God's will hopefully we will be as close as we were at Hun, Thank you for always listening and protecting me. I ha\e learned so much about life from you. I have such a deep respect and understanding of you. No matter where life will take you always, remember what gifts and talents God bestowed upon you. I know that you will be successful in life no matter what your future brings to you became of your dedication and hard work. I am always here for you. Nora- You're always up for a new challenge in your life and your set on accomplishing any task. COPS& Crew Lucy- SurfTaco Queens, you have really come out of your shell since working HI see you at I'oinl

Kiitrimi- 1 have had some fun times and talks with you from soeeer bus nips to SAC talks. Soph- I he Boarder uirls it hftS been fun living amongst you. and I can always come talk to you Bunny. Beth- It was so fun having you on the V'G's our fallen hero what will you do without a BBC. Row I am going to miss you so much I am so proud of you. Don't stress out too much Val «& I .inds- Stay focused for each other and lead the VG's. Hriitn- The BOX... good limes. You have worked so hard this past year and I am so proud of you. Shane- You're one ol the nicest kids I know. Your turn to finally rule the school. Good luck with everything Ki»us- learn Korea, being in your advisor group, & STONE Section you have put up with my bros and antics. O'Dca- Thank you for e\ eryihing you have ever done for me and my family, w ithout you my brothers and I would not be where we are today. We truly do appreciate all the hard work and dedication you have pul into us over the years. I'll see you at those good old family reunions. io all my friends DO matter wheie lite takes you do not forget the memories we have all had here and how each of us meant something to one another JAs one chapter ends...


Another Begins

%atrina O'


To my Family: I love you. Thanks for the memories, the opportunities, and the love. Thanks for always being there. Mom and Dad - Thank you for everything. Thank you giving me countless opportunities, encouragement and support. Yianni - We've become closer in the last few months than we've ever been. I'll miss you next year. Stay strong and have fun! Pete- You've always been there. You can always make me laugh and I'll miss that next year. You're the only brown eyed one next year. Good luck! Dianna - Good luck next year without me. Stay true to yourself and never change for anyone. I'll miss you. Anya + Clancy too. Nana and everyone else- thank you for all your support.



To my Friends: Lisa -You've become more than a friend: you're part of my family. You're my best friend and your friendship has helped me get through high school and means everything to me. I love you. Jackie - Candy Cane. Over the last 4 years our friendship has gotten stronger than ever. I want to thank you for always being there. I love you. K.D, JS, EG, EB. JR., DL. MK. BF, AM. and everyone else - Thanks for the memories. 1 love and will miss you guys. To the F.C. - SC, MK, KK, BC, MS, NS, LW, LD, JM, KR - It's not often you find such a great group of girls you can experience four years of friendship, love, and fun with, You girls have made my experience at Hun what it was. and the memories we've shared together will always be a part of me. Thank You. 1 love you. Meg and Katie - Of all the people I've met at Hun, you have had the greatest impact on my life. You are everything anyone could ever want in best friends. It's hard to find true friends and you've been nothing short of amazing. Meg, you deserve nothing but the best. Your friendship has meant everything to me. Katie, you're the greatest. Thanks for lending me your ear and always supporting me. You've both taught me so much and I will cherish all the time we spent together. Thank you for your honesty and friendship. I love you both. KM, CM, JB, BK, SD, JG, M L - Thanks for all the fun. Good luck in everything you do. ['13 miss you guys. I love you Joe; Kevin is a great spooner. Naevia - Thanks for everything. I'll always remember our rides home and the trust and honesty I found in you. Christina - You're a great person and a true friend. You've been there for me since frosh year. I love you. Hun VG's - In four years, you have given me so much. Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Davis for taking a chance on me. Thanks to my teammates, past and present, whom I've grown to love and who always had my back. Kate: 4 years. 1 still love you. JF. LB. HB. .IF. KR. JM. BC. LC. MM. EM. JM. CB. LS. VR CH, AT. NG. AC. GP. CS. Hun Softball - State Champs '04! Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Quirk for believing in me and supporting me. To the girls; we are family. Our memories together are my most cherished. 1 love you guys. Zimm and Reds: 4 years. 1 love you guys. Dileo: may yours be plentiful. GP. CZ. KK. SD. AF. CE, KK. MC. LF, AF. FM, PH. BR, LP. SD. To everyone else who has touched my life - Thanks for everything you've done for me. You mean more to me than you know. Kristen, Gwen, Jeff. Martin. Murdock. Connor. Caitlin, Myron, Kristian, Kira, Brendan. Scanlon. Alyssa, Lauren. Zimm. Fatty. Carugatti. Dileo, Georgie, Steveo. Kirby. lea. Turner. Buddy. Joelle. Let. Hillary, Lindsey. Hannah. Pete. Scott. Catherine, Symphony, Kelly. Brittney.

"Some Sefieve in ^Destiny, some 6efieve in 'Fate, But I befieve that 'Jfappiness is something we create. (Best befieve that I'm not going to wait, tfiere's got to be something more. I'm going to take my chances, taking the chance I might find-what I'm footing for. "



Nikki Wu


id A

CONGRATULATIONS to the CLASS OF 2006 we FINALLY DID IT!! thanks for always being there for me, shei shei nee men duh support. Wo I nee men. Tor'm/Lor'in wozuei haoduh lianguhshon dee. Xiao shr hoduh fights wo yon yuan boo hwei won gee<! STAY OUTTA TROUBLES! Woonichii 9 years of friendship hao Kwei oh seems liKe yesterday wo men high zai 3"; grade. Too many memories with u, xiao pon ;) £hei shei nee yon yuan shan guh jei mei duh gwan shin wo. don't spend money liKe crazy next yr! Forgive wo duh childish-ness. Ya-ZUh bee wo xiao dan yong yuan xian guh dah jei zou guu wo. nee duh talent high yo Knowledge ee t)o ee ding tiwei bong ctiu nee!! KTV NUE WON1 D e b O R A H wo duh A nu! Gun nee nian gee duh ren bee chi lai nee zuh duh tai mature luh- gKi trip+ciubbing tai fong Kwong'jia yo sports nu woniANTM! £heeyobiya shei shei nee yon yuan duh zi chr. Min nian yo gee shu chu church. Eat and Keep Knitting! A a s h i e e da lian =D rmin nian jia yo! Gifitii get me more sKinny lotions' stop thinKing of *** Jeel\JON •? HAi-Muh-Ni please don't get stressed out next yr. smile! Q_ Umma! English •*- Latin, I'd hate them if you weren't there' Where r our on bafis? MsSomer thanK you for your support, youVe not only been a great teacher but also a great MOM that's always there for us. Hun f r i e n d s v t e a c h e r s the past two yrs wouldn't have been the same if you guys weren't t h e r e o Xioumuel friends b<* we were born eh? You can always an wei wo. sieepover at my house in 7" grade w/ Sydney Oiympics+HANK. Momoparidse. Mrs.yuan, AFTERNOON TEA!! EMtniiyWHO! Have always heard about u but didn't become friends w/ chu til 9'" grade. KirKwood duh FAT STOMACH! CJ're getting good at taKing pixi we either party around ur house or party around wo nd Joyce's zhon xiao'g'iucK in BO' t)SU xiao gen Can't live witout maKeup duh nu ren! Stop trippin! Stop meeting min-shin! HEY!"Remember our fights bacK in middle school? LoL- lorriANN u nd ur #iess eye lids;) YMS trip in my cooper, 18 wit u nd lena. Whatever happens between u nd my bro, \'\\ always be ur friend forever!! Meiiy we have the coolest birthdays eh? Do u still have my TABOR.sweater? Shei shei u 5 for always being there for me even tho I'm all the way on the other side of the world. Hopefully we'll be near each other next yr! FRIENDS FOREVER,' 1 LOVE YOU ALL"


Samatha Waldman


(Dana'MaryOppenfieim M o m a n d D a d : Thank you so much for going through this experience with me. I know HUN was not exactly what you planned on, but you were there for me through the good and the bad and I love you both for it. Billy a n d Jay: you guys are really the best. Jay-1 know I have not been around but that does not change the fact that I love you and that I am always here for you. Billthanks for always being there for me when I needed someone to talk to, you never let me down and always made things ten times better. I love you both so much. Nana: all I can say is thank you. Without you there would be no me, you are my survival kit, and I love you so much for it. Thank you for always being there for me and even if you disagreed with everything, you never stopped supporting me. AleX: So there was this boat, and 4 kids who wanted to go on this boat, well only 2 actually once you and I found out it was about to thunderstorm and it was low tide. Well you felt the need to jump out of this boat even though you were told not to because there was not a secure deck. You soon found that out and were thrown back into the boat causing 2 boys to be very amused and for you to have a huge bruise on your leg for the rest of the summer. Wow, we have had some good times but I know more are to come. I love you so much and you are really my sister, there is nothing that will ever change that. Can't wait till COLLEGE! I LOVE YOU!!! Mia, Kiala, a n d Dave: You are 3 of the most amazing friends I have ever had. I love you guys so much and I don't know what I am going to do next year without you guys. Ki- thanks for putting up with me, I know I'm not always the easiest person to live with. You really are my fav tool in the shed. I love you. Mia-1 love you so much and we will always have 4lh of July and LBI to go back to. And don't forget you will always have a bed at my house. Dave- you have really become one of my best friends and I know we will stay close. Don't you forget to come visit me in college, and you know I will be forever visiting you in LBI. I love you.

Katlin, Aly, Caroline, and Wilder: Its been fun. I am going to miss all you guys but I know I will see you around town and such. Be nice to the newcomers, they are going to need your support and having someone from your hometown makes the change a lot easier. I love and will miss you all. C a r t e r D o r m : I grew up with all boys in my family, and coming here gave me more sisters than I could ever hope for. You all have helped me through the good and the bad and I love you all for it. Don't forget me, because I know I will never forget any of you! Sam- you are amazing and I know you will go on to do amazing things. We have had such good memories, and I know there will be more. I love you. Lauren and Banning: keep the dorm straight next year, you guys are gonna be the big sr's. I know you are going to do amazing. I love you both. Steph and Lucy I (SHOUTOUT to Stevenson's quad 2004/5- you girls are so amazing and so much fun, don't change, I love you all k.t. c.b. p.g. a.f. k.v. y.l. d.o.)

Gabri, Emily, Mary, Teresa, and Jen: I know you are probably not going to see this but I just wanted to say that I love you all and you made HUN such a better place for me. This year was hard without you, but you all stood by me and made sure that I made it through. As your little sister, I miss you all. B e e a n d M e g : you two have been there for me through everything, and have stayed my closest friends even with me away. You are both amazing and I love you guys so much. Bee- you are my other half. Who else would I do all those ridiculous things with? Just remember, Scott and Taylor for life! Meg- You are so supportive of me and I could always go to you when I needed you. I love you.

Ms. Poller, Ms. Leming, Ms. Tung, & Ms. Marino: thank you for taking care of me over the years. I will never forget you. Finally I would like to thank everyone at the Hun School for making this an experience I will never forget.


"Watch your thoughts: they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch you actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character for it will become your destiny.'' 'Frank Outlaw Mom- You are the most important person in my life. Thank you for your ove, guidance, and opportunities you have given me. I love you more then all the stars in the sky. Dad- Thank you for all your love and support. I appreciate all the opportunities you have given me. 1 love you' Ms. GamsonMy second mom, because of your support I was able to tackle the hard tunes and realize that these times would pass. You were always there for me and that meant so much to me. You will forever be apart of my life! To Dr_ Byer and Administration- Thank you for making this institution one that is so great to attend. I am so happy I had the opportunity to grow and learn in a school that is so nurturing. Thank you! To My Teachers &• Coaches- thank you for always believing in me. You have impacted my life and prepared me r or what is ahead. Thank you for everything. Sophie- I have no idea how will say goodbye to you after graduation. You're my sister and wherever we end up we will always stay close. I could never replace you. Reach for your dreams. I love you. Dana- I am so happy you decided to come to Hun. You're my best friend and this summer is going to be awesome. There will lever be a real goodbye. Luv yah! Mis- I am going to miss you like crazy, consider you my little sister and that won't ever change. You better come /isit me at college. LBI is going to be amazing! Lyndsey- It is going to be iard for me next year without you. You are one of the greatest girls I know, ach for the stars; you can do anything you strive for. Katrina- Thanks for always being there for me. You're an amazing friend and I will never forget the memories we share. Graduation is not going to be our goodbye. 1 love you and I know that us four will stay close. Samantha- W e were the best roommates ever... not quite, but I am so happy we became so close. I will niss you tons and keep in touch. Dave. Nick, Wilder, &• Spencer-I am going 0 miss you guys so much! Stay out of trouble and you better visit. Love you! Aly- I am so happy you came to Hun. I know how hard it can be. but promise you that when you are a senior you won t want to leave. Call lie a thousand times a day! Lucy &- Stephanie- I am going to miss you both ons. Keep in touch! Carter Girls- 1 consider you all my sisters. Our bond is rreplaceable, 1 love all of you. Ms. Ppller. Ms. O, Ms. Leming. Ms. Tung, a- Ms. Marino Thanks for always being there: I love each of you so much. will definitely be back to visit Ms Piel- You have helped me in more ways hen one. Thank you for everything. 1 will miss our human anatomy study times and our daily talks You're the best and I love you! Costa Rica 2005 V I.I', (you know who you are)- The memories we share are ones I will yer forget. Shout out to Rico! Brent- I consider you my brother and love you. Thanks for always being there for me. To my Family- 1 have the best n the world. Thanks for your support and guidance throughout my life. I nope that one day I can be a mixture of all my beautiful aunts, Debbie, Mary, Nancy. Elbe, Cindy, and Pam. 1 love each of you so much. Ms. ChiarelloThank you so much for being there for me. it meant a lot. Tennis Girls-We lave shared so many great memories. Caiti, Anna. Hilary, and Lauren dominate next year- Lucy. Nora, and I will be back to cheer you guys on. Love each of you so much! Fencing Girls- I will miss each of you so much! Remember what you learned and work hard and I will be back next year to visit. Class of 2006 I can not believe it is over. However, I wish the world r or each of you. I hope that everyone achieves everything they dream for. Keep in touch! I will see you all at our five year reunion. Congratulations Class of 2006!


Sophie Melissa Cohen Mom-Everything I am or ever will be is because of the love and strength you have shown me. Words cannot describe our relationship but know that you will forever be my best friend and role model. Dad-1 can't thank you enough for the opportunities you have presented me with. I love you and thank you for everything you have done. Jordan- When I am lost. I look to you for inspiration. You have been an incredible role model and I love you Alex- You have not only been a great friend, you have been a sister. I could never tell you the impact you have had on my life but I can say that I am a better person because of you. Keep in touch next year, much love. BAC, MHS, LMD, NMS, MPK, KAR- My girls. You have all been with me since the beginning and have made my years at Hun unforgettable. I can't begin to express my gratitude to all of you. I will never forget the times we have] spent together. "These are the best days of our lives." Lyndsey- "If you need a friend, I will be around." I will never find another friendship like ours and it all happened so fast. You are beautiful, strong, and talented so never cut yourself short. Shout out to B.Spears, watch out Gavin. Katrina- You are a great girl with a lot going for you. Good luck next year and enjoy the time you have left at Hun. Love you. Keep in touch, Carly- Little Bunny, things will be very different next year but keep your head high. Remember who your true friends are and don't let anyone bring you down. Good luck and stay great. I love you. Joe- It is amazing that a boy like you could understand a girl like me so completely. No matter what happens between us, know that I believe in you and will stand behind you always. I love you. Brian- Over the last few years you have been an amazing friend. The family will always have a special place in my heart and I will never forget the times we have spent together. Matt, Kev, Charlie, Steve, Nick, Ben, Geoff- You guys are awesome, thanks for the laughs. Mrs. Poller, Mrs. Leming, Ms. Tung-1 am forever grateful to all of you. Thanks for being moms away from home. Natale Family- You have become like a second family and I will miss the times I have gotten to spend with all of you. Thank you for your kindness and hospitality. Mrs. Piel- Your endless support is what got me through. I will never forget you Underclassman- You guys will make it through, keep your heads held high. To the Class of 2006- Thanks for the good times, good luck to all of you.

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get" -Forest Gump


Brian Scanlon


Will Appelt

I want to thank my parents for giving me this opportunity. You guys are the best. I would also like to thank my sisters and brother for being there. These last 2 years have been long. E8, DB, MP, PP, AD, CS, BN, CR, Horn and Amack long before he was lost and his cookouts. 1 want to thank Nassau Blvd. Train station for the nice nights. Belmont 03', 04', 05'and in general. Preakness road trip 04'. Out East is always a good time at Felix's. GCHS 05'. Freshman year 01 '-02' was the best year. I'm glad it only took me 5 years to graduate at the High School level. Bogart's at 16. LBC, "always too many guests" and Lido Beach. Saratoga 04', I will never forget. The basement was always the last resort. Goodbye.

2006 141

Myron Rolle

We Rolle Tight...


Thanks Mom and Dad.


Kristian Richardson K.Rich

To my parents: I have put you 2 through everything a son can put his parents through, and the fact that you're willing to do it all again for another 17 years keeps me going. Mom, you have meant so much to me, and like Dad always says, I am very thankful I have you and without you, I don't know where I'd be. I thank you for always being there for me. Dad, I can't put words together for the relationship you and I have had throughout my 17 years as your son, nor will I try to find any words, [•ven though you might not know it, I love you for everything you've done for me. Lil' sis, you know I love you, and I always will. We will always be tight, and there is no one coming between us. The more you seek security, the less To all niv friends: you have. But the more you seek The past four years were filled with good times. opportunity, the more likely it is that I loved every second of it, so there's no specific ones to write down. Ur name on this page doesn't signify what y'all truly mean to me. you will achieve the security that So you're better off knowing 1 had the time of nay life when it was u and me. you desire. I regret no actions I've taken, that'd me taking all four years back. I appreciate all who've shown me love at any time. — Instead of your name here with past memories, just remember K.RICH, and the rest will take care of itself—

"The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible." Richard M. DeVos "It's not what happens to you, it's how you deal with it." Chris Kingston Kinfjs. you've taught me so much as a coach in the past 4 years, more than you'll ever know, ami for those life lessons of hard work. I thank you. These days, it's hard to tell who really cares for me. so when you read these words, you should say a prayer for me.


Robert V. Ross

My God: Karl Marx called religion the opium of masses? Well after a lifetime of church and Jesus I guess I'm in that group. I thank God for everything. My Family: I'd like to thank you Mom and Dad for everything, I don't know how you did it. I only wish when I ahve kids I can be as good to them as you were to me. Jasmine, Jessica, and Ryan: u guys really mean a lot to me and I don't think you know how much u influence what I do, thank you to you guys too and to the rest of the family I love you all. My friends: Unless conversations and arguments in the SAC mean little now, but they'll mean something when we struggle to recapture the memories of our youth, because the memories we keep and the legacy we leave are all we have in the end. It's been fun, and it's been a good ride, four years of memories can't fit onto this page so to all people who influenced me at Hun thank you. I'll never forget, but like all good things it must come to an end.... 145

Chris Petri 18=:'




Thanks to my parents and my sister Caren. I want to thank Coach Stone and the basketball team for a great experience.




I'd like to thank my parents for providing me with such a great life, as coming to Hun really showed me how fortunate I was to have grown up in Belgium. Coach Stone, thanks for everything, essentially getting me into the best school and giving me this opportunity. To all the ball playas: hold it down next year...G, Boss, and Toph in college...and Big E, Lance, Pooch, Flo, Ghost, Kenny and the rest of ya'll keep up the winning tradition. R33





I couldn't have done it without you: Mr. Wilcox, Mr. O'Dea, Mr. O'Brien, and Ms. Shuler-Misra.




Osofsfcy To !Mr. <3rown and his office, to Tuesday mornings in the cafeteria, to chocolate chips in foods they shouCdn 't be in, to Cove things and everything else we can't explain, to new hopeian shindigs, to winning states in fence- offs, to having Th grade teachers as coaches, to hours in the art room and even more on the big green couch, to great fieCd trips and reaffy bad assemblies on amber, to getting driver's licenses, to dress code violations, to dress code changes and every other change we haveforced, to 193 signatures and to Mr. (Bush, to the stories we have to teff, and the stories we have to make, but best yet, to being freshmen, a ff over again.


Just when I thought I had to make it alone. You were right there by my side. Making a stand, holding my hand, the way you do. Then to remind me of a "me and you"...

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(Don't cry because it's over, smite because it happened.


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Mom, Dad and Virginia: Thanks for always being there for me. I'll miss you guys next

year. To all my friends: You are all truly amazing people and I consider myself extremely lucky to have gotten to know you all. Alex C: One of my first and greatest friends I've had at Hun. With everything from zebras locked in the boot wrapped in aluminum, to cowboy boots and mini-skirts, Eric to J.J. It's been awesome. Alex L: Aaahh where to begin... So many good times over the years I couldn't possibly fit them all here. Jazz Band, 19 like for today..., I give you a candy, Bella Simamaer. Dayo Liya Goma yat horey soa ikeas. Iceland and Russia here we come. Smokin' Sturgeon! Amanda O: We can stay up all night swappin' manly stories and in the morning, I'm makin waffles! The neighbor *gasp* and the amusing stories that ensued, Jew camp songs. I don't think anyone wants to graduate as much as you do. Amanda B: Fencing Buddy, Talent show partner, Alias Convert, and so much more. Bjork, Puffy Ami Yumi, t.A.T.u. and Bit' Naked all rock my socks. Pineapples, wearing my clothes on switch day, The Color Kitty Band with Deb, Princeton Record Exchange and the many Interesting things we found there, "poke* Eep! I'm not a nugget! Liz: My favorite hippie! The Britney Spears concert was awesome! Timber!! I got you to like her!! Stay away from ski lifts... Honey! Pangolins, elevators and I still haven't seen RHPSIII Deb: My fake sister! You're awesome. Kitty Witty Strawberry Splash Kitty Shampoo! And everything else Kitty related. Our truly awesome waterfall for Sculpture, that random house hunting spree we went on, fun with cameras, Brown's office and all that other stuff. Wonder Woman will forever be better than Wonder Will. Hey! What if... Hey! They're not his. Caroline: 5 years in French class together. Wow. It's been awesome. Phedre (fwaaaa), your many interesting sweaters. I am oh-rate-ing! The Finer Points of the Day... My parting words to you: What is this? What's going on? What are you doing? Miranda: I'm learning! Not six each but TWELVE! Vendetteton, my buttercakes, please! Weird Al, Augustatest ("psh is that all??") and our many, many movie trips. Laura: 1 am emo....l listen to Die Die Die Die. I V you! High on Pie with Brittany, and the creepy cupcake children! Expunge And everyone else, Cimarron, Chris, Atif, Rose, Sarah, Sam, Lauren, Joey, Carla, Julia, Brittany, Jackie, Sam, Paige, Alix, Adam, Sung, Fencers, Jazz Banders, Laura J, Jeremy, Senor, Wolarsky, Mr. Brown, Mr. Bush, and any others I forgot (I didn't mean to honestly)



You and me we are so oddly the same, the way we think, the way we play Right from the start, so off the chart, about this thing. But we didn't know at first that we were making..


Alexandra Louise Cheetham / have walked that Cong road to freedom. I have tried not to faker, I have made missteps along the way. -But 1 have discovered the secret that afterclimbing a great hill one onCy finds that there are many more hifls to climb. I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal'a view of the gforious vista that surrounds me, to (bo^Bacfcjon the distnace I have come. (But I can rest only fora moment, for with freedom comes responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long waCl{is not yet ended. - NeCson 'Mandefa To all my teachers at Hun. thanks for all your time and commitment over the years! Mom and Dad: You have supported me in every thing I do. thanks for being there for me. no matter what. 1 went to 1 lun thanks to you. and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I don't care where we end up, SO long as it's where you want lo be. Ms. O: You were my mother and my friend. Thanks for making my experience in the dorms and on the field the best ever. And thanks for all the gnat cookies! Mr. Brown: All the hours upon hours 1 have spent in your office, just hanging out. Thanks for making every day fun! Mrs. Poller, Ms. Tung, Mrs. Lemming, Ms. Marino, and Mrs. Stevenson: Thanks for making Carter a great place to live. Carter Girls: Paige, Carla, Dami, Katelyn, Kiala, Mia, Deb, Ruby, Soo Yeoung, Tip. Anna. AConn, Katrina, Lyndsey. Sam. and the freshmen: Thanks for making Carter so much fun! Good luck in everything you pursue, you can do anything! Jee Won: You were an awesome roommate, thanks for all the great times we spent together! Gift: You were a great roommate, once 1 got to know you anyway, but you are a better friend, Thanks! The Held Hockey Team: Great season girls! Everything from camp to MCT's and States was awesome, thanks for all the great times on and off the field. Good Luck next year, make it a good one! Mary and Katie: thanks for keeping me in line! Thanks to all the coaches- Coach Allen, Tung, and McNulty. The Fencing Team: Great job this year Keep it up!...Maybe you will actually have your own practice space next year. Thanks to Senor and EWo for pushing me and never giving up on me. you make it happen! Miranda: You think you're such a cool day student... maybe because you are. I will never forget "AugustaFest", it was awesome! All the times in Mr. Brown's office, HP and The Goblet of Fire (and Jon's possy), GSA meetingskeep up the club and Liz Byrne's memory. You're great, and you'll go a long way. Deb: It was great getting to know you this year. Stay strong in your faith: you can do whatever you want! Joey: Thanks for all the great times since eighth grade. For having my car a! your house, for all the pizza and movies, and afternoons in town! 'The Library Kids': 1 love you guys- Laura. Doug. ")". Morgan. Noelle, Danielle, Courtney, Kara, Lisa, Rose, and Aaron "AP privileges". Jon: You've been there for me ever since eighth grade, you stuck by me, even when I made mistakes, and never let our relationship go. Never forget the definition of fecund, and yes HP is hott! Don't worry about your parents, they will come around! You're such a great person, thanks for all the great times we spent together, no one could ask for a better friend! Good Luck wherever you end up, and keep in touch! I Love You (just not like that). Mijne Bobbejaan: Thanks for being such a great friend all these years! All the great times we have shared together in our totally platonic relationship...Despite the fact that the first time we met 1 yelled at you, you still gave me a chance. Everything from baboons and boxers to "Cookie" and our obsession with Harry Potter (and Hermione) it's been GREAT! Mr. O'Brien's class is where it all started, and it ends in Mr. Brown's office. I can't believe high school is over, but Europe will be Awesome! Dank u voor alles. Ik hou van je altijd, en ik zal je nooit vergeten!

"You 're off to great (places! Today is your day! 'Your mountain is waiting. So.. .get on your way! -(Dr. Seuss


R. Alexander Latella

Mom and Dad: Thank you would be an understatement for what I owe to you. The experiences that you have given me have had an unbelievable impact on my life. Wherever I go or whatever I do I know that you will be there to support and love me always. Bog zaptac. Nanny: Tak wiele rzeczy zmienilo sit; dookota nas, ale nic nie zmienilo si? pomi?dzy nami. Wybralas mnie bym opowiedzial Ci historic: opowiem Ci i na zawsze b?d? Ci za to wdzi?czny. Obiecuj?, ze gdziekolwiek b?d? i cokolwiek b?d? robil, zawsze b?d? mial u Ciebie dfug. Zawsze si? modi?. Ja kocharn ci?. Pop: Years may go by and we all may change, but your love and spirit remains constant. 1 only wish that 1 am half the person you were to me someday. Grandmom and Poppy: I have always admired your strength and sense of family. You have taught me so much and I will promise to make you proud. Grandmom you make the best sauce in the world. Lauren: 1 am glad that over the last two years we have become very close at school. Knowing that there is someone else, especially family, willing to always be there for you is an unbelievable feeling. 1 only hope that your experience at school was as memorable as mine. Elizabeth: You have been one of my greatest inspirations. I thank God every day that 1 have a sister like you. Good luck with everything and 1 promise to always be here for you. Ja kocham ci?. Toia's, Caskey's, Quarino's, and DeSantis': Friends like you are hard to find. Thanks for always being there whenever 1 needed you. Mrs. Warriner: Thanks to you, music has become one of my most powerful modes of expression. Brandon: For so many years we've been like brothers and I know wherever you end up you'll do great. Crazy times at the club, New Hope, and NYC 2x4, golf carts, tennis shop ceiling, Gary's shack, sun-dried tomatoes. Keep ordering that chocolate cake. Matt: RAMWOOD. Nothing will be the same without Tony. Good luck with everything and remember, fire de a moose moose tail, but he tink it's a cool breeze. Rishi: If you ever are stuck just remember that it is very gold in here. Good luck next year and thanks for all the help, "did you see my babushka?" Brad: Dude you so owe me. Great times - hayride. spiders, Dehby and Paul stories make my life; you agree? Actually the game was the best present. Ross: Blue goo- copy machine; PA rocks, good luck at Yale buddy. Kara: The van, windex I'll never forget, l.anibertville, Wawa, Walmart, - some of the best places in the world. Keep collecting those postal boxes and writing amazing English papers. Sung: Fun times in New York at the exchange. Promise not to kill me and I'll promise to visit you in Korea. Kolasa: Dzi?kuja, za wszystek. Wyjestescie dobrymi osoha_. Caroline, Kelly, Rose, Sarah: Fadora's Friday? Sleeping on New Year's. Circle de Confiance. Jon: Hector. Havana, cookie in NYC, adapt a yak foundation, gling glo,...inga. coach. 19. oslo tour road,...Brendan and Liz. honey hughes, too much. Liz: 1 guess opposites really do attract. So many good times, live 8, Havana, Panera, New Hope, ski lift, election 2004, brown's office...the list goes on. I am really going to miss you. Mijne Bobbejaan (Alex): Het schijnt alsof gisteren dat wij waren een de boekenwinkel. Er waren zo vele goede tijden. Ik hou van jc. "I like it when they walk". I am so thankful to have found a friend like you. Wherever we are I hope that we can still share the same great memories of the last four years. "What will come, will come...and you will have to mcei ii when it does." - J.K. Rowling.


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Senior Superlatives <


2006 Most Flirtatous Buddy Buckner and Sarah Byrne

Best Personality Sherri St. Marie and Nick Notte

Best Dressed AH O'Shaughnessy and Kevin Foley

Most School Spirit Mike Arduini and Jack Malleo 156

Biggest Hazard to Pedestrians Ryan Putman and Kira Provenzano

Most Likely to Violate the Dress Code Gift Supaongprapa and Andrew Philhower

Teacher's Pest Liz Weidel and Matt Loy

Best Couple Steve Diverio and Lucy DiPastina

Teacher's Pet Alex Connell and Ross Uhrich

Most Likely to Become a Teacher at Hun Caiti Speaker and Brian Albanese

Best Nickname Kate "K-Rut" Rutkowski and Joe "Gonzo" Gonazales

Most Musical Jee Won Choi and Matt Smith

Most Theatrical AJ Sweeny and Caroline Kehoe

Most Talkative Kevin Morse and Katrina O'Hara

71 Class Clown Mary Stinson and Brendan Ryan

Most Athletic Myron Rolle and Katie Kirnan

u. Born in the Wrong Decade Amanda Osofsky and Sulia Mason 157



Juniors All Saeed Abbas Damyal Ahmed Stephanie Arditte Katherme Baker Jack Barrett Andrew Baxter

Hampton Bell Shannon Berger Kaitlin Bevans I Taylor Bicho I James Blackburn Arda Bozyigit

I Ryan Breen I Kyle Bremer I Jordan Browning Jacob Buinewicz Amanda Bullington Sarah Bunevich

Daniel Burke Nicole Caplinger Jason Carnevale Joseph Carugati J. Michael Chaykowsky

l-Kao Chiang

William Christiansen Deborah Chuang Savannah Clement Benjamin Cogswell Alyssa Collins Eric Conocenti

Matthew Cortina Shane Davis Joseph Deane John Del Rossi Elisa DeVincenzi


Juniors Sarah Dileo Rosemary Dorsett Caitlin Druker Spencer Emmet Charles Evans Alyssa Fares

Margretta Feuer Lauren Fisher Joseph Flotteron Ashley Forman Willis Fries Kevin Gallagher

Charles Gates David Gef f ner Gerard Geier Andrew Godfrey Ton Gomberg Mary Gonzalez

Melissa Goss Johnathan Gray Bryant Greats Timothee Gnmblat Natalie Gnmsley Claire Halliday

Matthew Heck Philip Henson Idns Hilliard Lauren Holstein Chen-En Hsieh Jennifer Jacob

Laura Jones Randy Kellman Lauren Kosiorek Maxence Knegel Ayn Kuebler Elina Kurbatova


Juniors Stefan Lan Robert Lang Ya-Che Lee Joseph Liberta Sylvia Liu Christina Lloyd

Logan Mack Mohamed Sami Mandeel Elizabeth Marino lullanne Marino Ruben Marques Solomon Mason

Randolph Mershon Elizabeth Michal Carol Ann Michel Christopher Milione Daniel Milstein Andrew Mino

Joseph Moffitt Francine Morales Sean Munley Katrina Murray Lyndsey Natale Sameed Naviwala

Olga Nikolaeva Lucy Obus Harish Pasupuleti Valerie Patriarca Elizabeth Patterson Michael Perkins

Bradley Pietras Sean Pucciarelli Deborah Ouinn Sebastiano Ratti Pistoi Evan Rosen Colin Rosenblum


Juniors Aaron Rubinstein Bertram Royce Russell Laura Saatsoglou Robert Sampson Matthew Sanford Mia Sapienza

Morgan Scarpat Ryan Schmitz! Lindsey Scott Lauren Silverstein Jong Hwa Song Christopher Stiilitano

Thomas Stoddarc Ali Tartacof Nicholas Thypin-Bermed] Sam Thypin-Bermecj Eric Tschan4 Kiala Vislocky

Elizabeth Walter Atif Wasti Anna Wnnberg Tyler Willey1 Michael Williams Brian Wills


Sophomores Dana Aidekman Michelle Arduini Morgan Arons Michael Azzara Tucker Barth Carla Ba

Samuel Baxendale Jaclyn Benowitz Daniel Birch Robert Borzillo Connor Bowman Nicole Buckbinder

Matthew Byrne Alexander Caulfield Morgan Cawley Colin Cento Conor Choi Eun Mok Chung

Bruce Clarke Angel Clybourn Sean Corwen Laura Coyle Erica Crawford Scott Dernier

Mary DiPastina Mark Doghramji Hillary Drewry Christina Eberhardt Carly Evans Matthew Everts

Andrew Felker Joseph Fetch Matthew Flono Bernard Foyuth Anthony Freda Jonathan Furlong


Soohomores Christopher Gardner Steven Giannacio Michael Gidding Paige Gilbert Laura Goiten Enka Gokcen

Lance Goulbourne Emily Gratch Andrew Gutowski Robert Hackett Eliza Hammer Emily Hardman

Christine Heiiman John Hill Yao-Peng Hsu Peter Johnson Jason Kann f Ryan Kelly

Alexander Kerr Alexander Khegay Soo Yeong Kim leramy Knoepfler Miles Kvalheim Lauren Latella

John Lawrence You-Jin Lee Kristin Maglies Jeremy Mantell Melissa Marino Mary Grace Martin

Jared Maziarz Anne McGrath Connor McManimon Catherine Mills Stephanie Mirsky Ka Ho Mok


Sophomores Jessica Nixon Jacob O'Donnell Damllola Odedeie Seok Moon Oh Chikezie Ohayia Alexander Orleans

David Pankove Alexandra Perrine Brent Petrone Caroline Philhower Robert Piel Peter Plumen

Jenny Prucnal Charles Puma David Putman Joshua Raiffe Sara Reisler Alexandra Rice

Peter Riguardi Matthew Robinson Nicolas Rouco Michael Russo Lauren Ryan Michael Salazar

Benjamin Siegel Miranda Sitney Allegra Smith Connor Snook Robert Solonick Campbell Stevenson

Bridget Stinson Tyler Stockton Brian Stoddard John Stoddard Lauren Suchenski Samuel Super


Sophomores Benjamin WaMrop

.Vendler Amanda //hite •

Goeffrev Yianilos

\ , .


Freshmen Kimberly Abrams Brittany Amron Kristen Baker

k1 Hunter Barth Matthew Bei kelmsnn Yamira Bell

I Chad Berger Harrison Blackburn t Ryan Brett I Kimberly CartiDbell Michael Campellone Peng Chen

Jelani Cherryrooks Mary Chiarello HaeYoon Choi Michael Christiansen Chi Chuang Daniel Cohen

Kara Colicchio Darryl Copeland Cyndra Couch Matthew Deane Derek DelCore Alyssa Denning

Alyssa Drazm Egheosa Edomwonyi Devin Emerson Amanda Eshleman Jacquelyn Evans Cara Fiori

Brendan Gallagher Maura Giordano Addie Godfrey Sarah Gordon Amanda Hardman Guy Helman


Freshmen Maria Hower Seong Bo Hwang Kyle Janick Aroon Jeyakumar Kaitlin Kalm Melissa Kay

Sarah Kendnck Patrick Kirnan Thomas Kmiec Yvonne Koh Ryan Kreger Ross Kuchin

Daniel Kuo


David Kuo In-Yeol Kwon Hayley Lamendola | Mikerson Laurent Ellen Lee

Stacey Lee Bradford Lewis Andrew Lincoln Chrisopher Loy Eric Loy Jonathan Mann

Zachary Martin Megan McCormick Tyler McNeely Ryan Megaro Katharine Melodia Catherine Monigan

Keith Morse Laura Murphy Melanie Nachamkin Thomas Nicholas Stephen Norman


Freshmen Thomas Pallotti John Park Alyssa Pone Chalisa Poolvoraluck

' I


Travis Potts Emma Richardson

Danica Roskos Kenneth Ross Annam Samiiutlun Jeffrey Sands Jennifer Schach Meghan Schermerhorn


Emily Scott Ashley Shpak Bradley Starr Jeffrey Starr Victoria Stoop Caroline R Taylor

Caroline T. Taylor Alexandra Thier Raymond Trakimas Janak Tull Bion Urubshurow Sabrina Valentine

Darrell Washington Valencia Washington Eric Weinand Madeline Welch Stryker Weller Dillon Williams

• vJ

Nicholas Williams Nathan Wilson Julia Wong Jeong Yoon Yu




Who's Who?

The Thypin-Bermeos

The Loys

The Fairs


The Marinos

The Kuos



Varsity Football

Back Row: Mr. Papiscapo, Mr. Zieglcr, Mr. Jones, Mr. Dudek, Mr. O'Dea, Mr. Monfiletto. Fourth Row: Nicholas Williams. Third Row: Tyler Stockton, Andrew Felker, Angel Clybourn, Chikezie Ohayia, Sam Baxendale, Peter Johnson, Michael Gidding, Griffin Zucosky, Peter Plumeri, Nick Rouco, Scott Dernier. Second Row: Randy Mershon, Shane Davis, Robert Lang, Kevin Gallagher, Jon Gray, Brian Wills, Matt Cortina, Bradley Pietras, Randy Kellman, Bryant Greats, Kenny Worthington. First Row: Matt McGrath, Myron Rolle, Nick Notte, Mike Arduini, I as Rouson, Steve Diverio, Charlie Martin, Michael Boyle, Ryan Campbell, Buddy Buckner, Turner Wimberly



TV Football

Back Row: Mr. Junes. Mr. ZieglerTTiird Row: Robert I'iol, Robert Willey, Matthew Everts, Peter

Johnson. Egheosa lulomwonyi. Keith Morse. Tliomas Kniiee Second Row: Niek Rouco. Robert Lang. Eric Tschanz, Derek DelCore, Michael Gidding, John Stoddard, Peter Plumeri, Joseph Fetch First Row: Brendan Gallagher, Sam Baxendale, Bryant Greats, Gtiffen /ucoskv. Andrew Felker, Mikerson Laurent. C'hike/ie Ohayia. Jonathan Mann. Devin Emerson



Back Row: Lauren Suehenski. Ashley Shpak. Tip Poolvoraluck. Eliza Hammer. Jenny Prucnal, Amanda Hardman. Amanda While, Alyssa Pone. Michelle Arduini. Jordan Browning, Jenny Schach, Jen Jacobs, Stacey Lee. HaeYoon Choi, Alyssa Denning. Jeong Yoon Yu, Kate Melodia. Yamira Bell, Morgan Arons, Soo Yeong Kim, Ms. Yacomelli. Front Row: Danielle Fair. Rose Hallett. Sarah Staller. Caroline Kehoe. Rei Manabe.


Cross Country : • • <

Back Row: Mr. Evans, Phil llenson. and Ross Uhrich. Second Row: Will Christiansen, Samced Naviwala. .lake Buinewicz, Mike Chavkowsky, Kyle Janick, Sean Corwen. Beom Koh. Jeremy Mantell. Ms. Panko. From Row: Zach Gottlieb, Douglas Eshleman, Kyle Bremer, Chad Berger, U-Jin Lee, Sherri Si.

Marie, M o r g a n Barlh. C a t Mills.


JV Field Hockey

l l f l E M HOCKEY

Back Row: Carla Baurista, Kristin Maglies, Caroline Taylor, Katelyn Taylor, Valencia Washington, Taylor Bicho, Sarah Bunevich, Sam Wendler, Laura Jones, Jacquelyn Evans, Sarah Kendnck, Maria Howcr, Caroline Taylor, Victoria Stoop, Christine Heilman. Front Row: Sara Reisler, Grace Martin


Varsity Field Hockey

Back Row: Ms. Tung, Ms. Allen. Meghan Kollar. Sarah Kendrick, C'aiti Speaker. Rosemary Dorsett, Lyndsey Natale. Mary Stinston. Katrina Murray, Mrs. McNulty. Second Row: Steph Arditle. Dana Aideknian. Alex C'heetham. Fran Morales. Missy Goss. Sarah Dileo. Sara Reisler. First Row: Tyler Willey, Katie Kirnan. Dana Oppenheim. Kara Colicchio.





Varsity Girls' Soccer

. turn s

Back Row; Gwyncth McNeill, Bridget Stinson, Emily Gratch, Beth Coylc, [acqueline Malleo, Julie Marino, Valerie l'atriarca, Claire Halliday, l.indsey Scott, Liz Marino, Natalie Grimsley Fronl Row: Kimberly Campbell, Laura Coyle, Mary DiPastina, Melissa Marino, Kate Rutkowski, Katrina O'Hara, Alexandra Thier, Caitlin Mothenvay



JV Girls' Soccer



Back Row: Madeline Welch, Amy Worthington, Melanie Nachamkin, Cyndra Couch, Ali Rice, Mr. Doak Front Row: Sarah Gordon, Hayley Lamendola, Catherine Monigan, Meghan Schermerhorn, Miranda Sitney, Cara Fiori

JV Boys' Soccer

Back Row: Wade Copeland, Jon Hwa Song, Dan Cohen, Tom Stoddard, Ruben Marques, Miles Kvalheim, Warren Van Heyst, Brent Petrone, Anthony Freda, Mr. Stevenson Front Row: Michael Campellone, Connor Snook, Darreli Washington, Hunter Barth, Conor Choi, Tucker Barth, Mark Doghramji, Michael Azzara, Dillon Williams


Varsity Boys' Soccer

Back Row: Morgan Scarpati and Tori (iomberg (managers). Spencer Emmet. Rodrigo Hernandez, Ryan l'utman. Kevin Morse. Mare C'hiarello. Kristian Richardson, Matt Sanfbrd. Andrew Mino, Se Beom Park. Mr. Volz, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Kingston Froni Row: Matt Florio, Mike Williams, David Putman, Ryan Kreger. Jetani Cherryrooks. Thomas Nicholas, Stephen Norman. Jacob O'Donnell, Steven Giannacio, Kenny Ross. Campbell Stevenson, Ryan Breen



Varsity Girls'

Rob Solonick, Hilary Drewry, Lauren Latella, Nora Saunders, Lucy DiPastina, Alexandra Connell, Anna Wiinberg, Caitlin Druker, Mrs. Nuse


JV Girls' Tennis


Deb Chuang, Erica Crawford, Annam Saminathan, Alyssa Drazin. Emma Richardson, Maura Giordano, Mary Chiarcllo, Margrctta Fcucr, Mrs. Khanna Missing: Laura Saatsoglou


Varsity Boys' Basketball

Hack: Randy Kellman. Egheosa Kdomwonyi. Idris Hilliard, Josh Davis. Chris Petric. Lance Goulbourne, Mr, Jon Stone. Front: Mike Russo, Sean Pucciarelli, Tyler McNeely. Kristian Richardson. Matt Horio, Mr. Chris Kingston





Varsity Girls' Basketball

Back: Mr. Rich Volz . C'ara Fiori. Cyndra Couch. Emily Gratch, Mary Stinson, Carol Ann Michael, Morgan Cawley, Mr. Bill Holup. Front: Mary Chiarello, Bridget Stinson, Melissa Marino. Ali Tartacoff. Amanda Sepulveda



i«rs wail rra


JV Boys' Basketball

Front: Connor McManimon, Dan Birch, John Hill, Peter Johnson, Mr. Justin Fevil Back: David Puttnan, Zach Martin, Raymond Trakimas





Nuns issi sir

JV Girls' Basketball ra

Back: Mrs .Cheryl Beal, Melanie Nachamkin. Deb Quinn, Liz Michal. Stephanie Hirsky. Kaitlin Bevans, Mrs. Julie Davis. Front: Maria Hower. Megan McCormack. Meszhan Schermerhorn. Kim Abrams


Varsity Ice Hockey

Back: Mr. Larry Sanford, Ben Coswell, Trey (icier. Robert Hackett, Peter l'lumieri. Andrew Godfrey. Brendan Ryan. Ryan Schmilz. A.I Blackburn, Brendan Gallagher, Andy Ashenfeltzer. Vlr. Francois Bourbeau. Front: Travis I'oiis. Stephen Norman. Harry Blackburn, Jeff Starr, Joe Deane, John Del Rossi. Mike Williams. Ben Wirjosemito

i 1


^ 6 •


Freshmen Boys' Basketball

Back: Mr. Dan Kvarta, Ryan Brett, Janak Tull, Raymon Trakimas, Eric Loy, Daniel Cohen, Nicholas Williams, Mickerson Laurent. Front: Bradley Starr, Zach Martin, Matt Beckclmen, Chi Chuang, Aroon Jeyakumar, Patrick Kirnan. Matt Deane, Daniel Kuo, Ross Kuchin

Varsity Winter Track

Back: Will Christiansen. Kyle Brcmcr. Andrew Gutowski. Mr. Peter Hammer


Varsity Wrestlin:

Back: Mr. Jim Nehlig, Ryan Breen, Matt Sanford, Robert Lang, Mark Doghramji. Miles Kvalheim. Mr. Pat Jones. Front: Harish Pasupuleti. Nick Thypin-Ik-rmeo, Eric Conocenti. Solomon. Matt Byrne


Varsity Fencin


Back: Peng Chon. Jeff Sands. Annan Saminathan. Lauren Holstein, Lauren Kosiorek. Deb Chuang, Julia Wong, Betty Hsu, Kara Lang, Tip Poolvoraluck, Sulia Mason. Third: Mr. Rei Gonzalez. Derek Washington. Seong Bo Hwang. I-Kao Chiang. Atif Wasti, Alex Cheetham. Tom Hsieh, Alex Connell, E£ric Weinan. Jon Schneider, Jeremiah Van Doren. Patrick Oh, Jon Park, Mr. Eric Wolarsky, Ms. Michelle Koenan. Second Row: Kate Melodia. Soo Yeong Kim, Dillon Williams. Matt Heck, Jackie Turner. Amanda Eshelman. Cimmaron Sharon. Lisa Estrada. Ashley Shpak. Aaron Rubenstein. Front Row: Bion Urubshurow, Valencia Washington, Carla Bautista. Mohamed Mandeel. Amanda Bullington. Miranda Sitney, Yvonne Koh


Varsity Swimmin

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I'ourth Row: Daniel Kuo. Jessica Nixon. Kim Campbell, Jennifer Schach. Stacy Lee, Emily Scott, Amanda Hardman, Ellen Lee, Michael Christiansen. Third Row: Brian Stoddurd. Caroline Philhower. Ryan Kelly, Lauren Ryan. Andrew Mock. Emily Hardman. Morgan Arons. Jon Furlong, Jared Maziarz. You Jin Lee. Second Row: Guy llclman. Connor Bowman. Allegra Smith. Cat Mills. Laura Jones. Arda Bozyig, Alyssa Collins, Tori Gomberg. Bradford Lewis. Front Row: Ms. Madeline Jones. John Mulrey. Laura Crawford, Brian Murdock, Mr. Mark Kolman.


Back Row: Kira Provenzano, Ali O'Shaughnessy, Michele Arduini, Ashley Forman, Sarah Byrne. Middle Row: Jessica Cohen, Christina Lloyd, Alyssa Pone, Nicole Caplinger, Lauren Fisher, Lauren Washington. Front Row: Julia Wong, Keely Fitzpatrick.

Water Polo

Back Row: Jon Furlong, Andrew Lincoln, John Lawrence, David Pankove, Jessica Nixon, Emily Hardman, Melissa Hedberg, Daniel Burke, Guy Hclman, Brian Murdock, John Mulvey, Caroline Philhower, Connor Bowman. Front Row: Andrew Philhower, Bradford Lewis, Brian Stoddard, Alyssa Collins, Allegra Smith, Arda Bozyigit, Stephanie Mirsky, Jared Maziarz. Missing: Mr. Kolman.




Student Council

Peer Leaders

Community Service Club

The Hun Review

Model UN. Red Shield Society



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Gay Straight Alliance

Asian Language Club

Diversity Club

Young Alumni Association





Chess Club Janus Players Hun Film Society




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Chamber Orchestra

Fall Play: The Diary of Anne Frank



Edgerstounian 2006





Deb Chuang

Angel Qybourn and Tyler Stockton

Car Wash

Jong I Iwa Song

Mohamed Mantled



Solomon Mason

Stefan Lan and Alex Khegav

Mike Salazar

Sophie Cohen, Lyndsey Natale, and katnna Murray


Jackie Turner, Sarah Beno\ich, ECelly Van Pelt, Katelyn Taylor, and Amanda White

Paige Gilbert

Gross Out Olympics

Ruben Marques


Andv A.shenfelter and Nick Ventura

Dana Aidekxnan and lackie Turner

(Charity Auiction


Soo Yeong Kim, I lae Yoon Choi, Ellen Lee, and Jcong Yoon Yu

Reed Simon

Rodrigo Diaz and Karolis Maldeikis

Chrystal Changs |ack Malleo, and Nikki Wu

Yao-Peng and Tip Poolvoraluck

Andrew Mok and Ali Saeed Abbas

Pepper Kolman and Ethan Hindle

Eghec^sa Iklomwonvi

Brittan\' Amron and Alex Cheetham

Alex Connell

Arda Bozyigit

Seong Bo I twang and Sung ("Ivan Yoo

, Alex Kerr and Brian Albanese

I' 'l


2006 Edgerstounian Staff: Editor-in-Chief: Caiti Speaker Assistant Editors: Charlie Punia and Jackie Benowitz Senior Pages Editor: Laura Saatsoglou Candid Pages Editors: Evan Rosen and Kaitlin Bevans Sports Photograph Directors: Chrystal Chang, Nikki Wu, Ruby Lee Staff: Liz Marino, Julie Marino, Andrew Gutowski, Lauren Latella, Margretta Feuer, and Anne McGrath. A Special Thanks to Ms. Jocelyn Cipolaro (Faculty Adviser), Caren Demyen of Herff Jones, Dr. Byer, Mr. McQuade, Ms. Chmielewski, Ms. Greats, Ms. Garrison, Mr. Williams, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Amontis, Mr. Gilroy and Student Council, and Tim Scott of Spencer Studios. Our Inside Jokes: "Am I blind?!", "Look I'm an elephant!", dartboard article, crack?, too hot to handle, insult board (shockingly E.R. lost), "Did someone fart or is just the candle?", yellow-tooth McGee, guessing Mr. (i's itunes password, chewy candy, personal space, Darth Vador, Jackie's boyfriend, "Should I go to the gym today?" Spinner, Madonna, The Hair Styler, the blacklist, "Wait, I have a question!", page 64, "At least 1 didn't rip my pants," 1 leadband picture, trips to Quven, the good chair and crap printer, "you play basketball?" and cute trainer.



Be. «


Arthur Wright

"There have been many, many nights that Arthur has been here past midnight. Arthur is a peoples person, and has a very big heart tor humanity. We appreciate everything he does." -Bill Quids "1 have known Arthur since 1966, the second year of his employment at I lun, and truly regard him as among the most valued members of our comminity and most important people in our school." -Jim Bver

"Arthur is a cornerstone of this campus, not just in the work he does but in the way he glues the community together. 1 le always has a kind word tor everyone as well as a genuine wide smile." -Bernie Gilroy "He is proud of his heritage, honest, and has a high level of intergrity. I le is a good friend." -Bill Long Thanks for forty years!


In Memory: Marie Felix Marie was an important part of the 1 Iun School community from 1994 to 2005, and since her death on November 2'"1, 2005, she continues to be in all our hearts. She was a member of the facilities staff and considered by its residents to be the caretaker of Cartel Dorm. Her impact on the school is unforgettable and has continued to live on within the community.

"Marie was Carter's smile. She was always there tor as even when she needed us more. She always had a smile on her face and a nice thing to say. 1 will never forget her." 1 )ana ()ppenheim

"She was so sweet. She always said hi to everyone in the dorms and she was always in a good mood. We miss her so much." -Katelyn Taylor

"Marie always had a smile on her taee. W hen we all knew things were rough, she made sure to look happy and normal so we didn't worry." Sophie ( J ihen

"Marie was one of the kintlest people I have ever met. She was always there for every girl in darter and we will always love her for that. Marie is always in our hearts tor that. Marie is always in my thoughts and 1 could never forget her." -Alex Connell

"Mane was an unbelievable person inside and out. She made everyone feel like they could feel cotnforatble. Shewas so nice. We all loved her." -('aria Bautista "Marie was the friendliest person 1 know. We used to always laugh and talk in the bathroom. Marie, 1 miss you

and love you." I .ama \l I lasan "Mane was someone who made us smile every time we came hack from school. She always seemed happy and her generousity, and kind heartedness made us teel at home." 1 .inn Kurbatova and Olga Nikolaeva


I personally adored Marie and talked with her a lot over the past three years. Marie often told me about her suffering from breast cancer; however, although she was enduring such pain she smiled at the end ot our conversation and said, "but 1 am still laughing and 1 thank God tor it." Marie was such an optimistic and bright lady who brought positive energy to everyone on campus. She was strong enough to accept her illness and tight against it by working harder. Marie was also very courageous to accept her coming death. 1 remember her telling me at the end ot last year that she might not see me again next fall. Then she said, "if that is God's will I'll accept it." I admire Marie for her strong and sound mind and realized my tedious complaints in life were nothing compared to what Mane had endured. -Jee Won ('hoi


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