i he Hun School of Princeton 2011 Edgerstounian
Student Jlifae <znd-£lca.demlc6 6 -f)tti and (2luh 56
-Qtkbtici 82
People 126
Fusion 2011 Edgerstcnian The Hun School of Princeton 176 Edgerstoune Road Princeton, New Jersey 08540 www.hunschool.org Jonathan G. Brougham, Headmaster Ryan Hews, Head of Upper School Enrollment: 500
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DEDICATION Perhaps one of the most dedicated and passionate faculty members, Mr. Bernard Gilroy brings enthusiasm into his endeavors both in and out of the classroom. A wellexperienced teacher, whose courses include Physics Honors and AP Physics C, Mr. Gilroy is described by his students as "engaging and extremely interested in the material that he teaches," making each one of his classes especially meaningful. Even more so, Mr. Gilroy goes above and beyond to help out his students, especially those who need specific reinforcement in certain areas of the material. Alex Barker, a new student to Hun who is enrolled in Physics Honors, recounts a time when Mr. Gilroy went the extra mile. "I remember at one point, I stayed after class because I asn't understanding a concept we were going over. It was something that was relatively basic, and I felt a little abashed that I had to seek his help, so I kept on apologizing. Mr. Gilroy told me to stop apologizing- that I was doing the right thing to ask questions. We spent probably 20 minutes on the concept until I understood it. That was the day I began to realize that Mr. Gilroy is genuinely devoted to making sure W students grasp the material being presented in class." Inrggards to his activity in\tudent life, Headmaster Jonathan Brougham highlighted hi* breadth of commitment. "Outside the ^sssroom, Mr. Gilroy has devoted time and skill t o many of the School's more demanding projects, having served on committees assigned to Student Life, Headmaster Search, Strategic Planning%nd most recently, the Bell Schedule Committee. He also serves the School as a resident faculty member, advisor to the^tudent Coitficil, Gaming Society and Film Society."
Because of his dedication to improving our school, it is no wonder that Mr. Gilroy was sefected as this year's yearbook dedication by the Upper School. Mr. Gilroy's commitment to The Hun School and its tradjtions make him an integral part of our diverse community.] MICHAEL CHANG
Characterized by his dedicated to his craft," Mr. component of The Hun depth of knowledge Art History as well
ucial ; his own x teaches AP tory. "He's a really
good teacher and
. what he
teaches," says sen
i. "His interest makes
our classes so m When ask for history, seni say he is the m demonstrates t student he teach1 Wilcox's approad
ilcox's particular enthusiasm Kolman replied, "I'd definitely e about art history which he bility to connect and engage every s evident not only through Mr. lasses, but also his pursuits outside
of the classroom.
chool began, Mr. Wilcox went on a 9,113 mile journe; h North America with his family, nal Parks and monuments. visiting a multitude naged to gather materials, Through this process, ivels, that he would later use in including photographs ;ed together both educational his history courses. His ti ing a memorable experience and personal ambitions, serving as a terrific resource for him and his family, and ing on Mr. Wilcox's for his future students. Elab n, Brendan Hurley states, integration of outside inform; the ones to the Met, and his "He incorporates field trips, ijects so well into the own personal experience and a very enriching and true curriculum. He teaches histo The summer
ion and genuine interest for the field of history overlap: :ctly with his teaching plans, istory from a whole new enabling his students t o urprise that Mr. Wilcox was perspective. As tribute, an honor that recognizes chosen as th £nior students. Mr. Wilcox's academic
riginally born in Montreal, Alexandra Djamen is no stranger to international affairs. Because of her mother's position as an audit counselor for Deloitte LLP, an international financial firm, she has been enriched by cultures across the globe. "I was four years old when I moved from Montreal to Douala, Cameroon. Later, I moved to Princeton
when I was fourteen after my mom was offered a job ,\
here," she stated. Now, after living in the States for almost three years, Alexandra still holds true to her Cameroonian
• roots and traditions. "We have discovered new cuisines, such as Indian and Chinese food, and I really eat anything now. But we still try to eat Cameroonian food every week. It's nice to mix things up." Among her favorite Cameroonian delicacies is fu fu, a staple food of Central Africa, which is a type of dough made by root vegetables. According to Alexandra, Cameroon is like a miniature Africa in itself. "We actually have a lot of culture within the country," she added. "We have so many different local languages, but most people speak at
t 4
least two." Admittedly, she claims that the transition to America was a little tough for her. "I miss my friends, but I definitely don't miss the corruption," Alexandra said. "But I do miss my room so much! It was so beautiful." She furthered mentioned, "In Africa, people are very, very hospitable, but people in American schools are kind of isolated because they have already been friends for years." However, she said that being part of the theater program has been a very welcoming experience. From her life experiences, Alexandra realizes, "In life you have to learn how to be flexible because everything evolves, and everything changes, and you have to know how to go through that and start it all over again... new life, new house, new school - a new world." BY MICHAEL CHANG
eresa Bedzigui at first glance seemed like a typical American Hun student with her trendy clothes, lack of accent, and exposure to pop culture topics. If one were to assess her based on these qualities, it would be safe to assume that she, like many Hun students, came from a town a few miles from the school. iH
Digging a little deeper, however, one would find that her Cameroonian background "formed the basis of everything" she knew. "I just have a different mentality than people [from America]." H Even though she lived in the Washington D.C. for most of her childhood, she was born in Cameroon, and spent her summers enveloped in the "slow, relaxed' attitude characteristic of the African culture. ^ i ^ % W . "I may live in America and this is my 'home,' but I am most comfortable walking around barefoot in my village just eating Cameroonian food," Bedzigui remarked. B Many facets of Bedzigui's life reflect her Cameroonian upbringing. She said that she and her mom agreed on the importance of learning and perfecting French, one of the official languages in Cameroon. Further, Bedzigui attributed her "perpetual tardiness" to her exposure to life in Cameroon.
"In Cameroon, if you tell someone to be somewhere at a certain time, and you'll be lucky if they are there only fifteen minutes later than that time," Bedzigui remarked. "Everyone needs to adapt to the culture around them, and maybe I'll someday feel completely comfortable in America, but I will always want to keep the Cameroon a part of me." BY STEPHANIE MASON
BY THE NUMBERS distinct ethnic groups in Cameroon, making it one of the continent's most diverse nations. major African language groups, with English and French as » the most widely spoken. million people, the estimated population of Cameroon, approximately 16% of that of the United States.
1. Andrew Winterstein presents his group's proposal to the rest of the students. "I thought Andrew had some really great ideas that our group did not think of when we met*tfverall, the whole convention experience was really educational and fun," says Carter Broad. 2. Delegates Matthew Blake, Herwig Konjngs, and Michael Buckbinder have an exchang?of ideas regarding the core structure of a government and what its branches should be responsible for.
V '
PEOPLE or the first time in School history, a formal 1
jit * constitution was drafted by various student delegates in the fall. Prior to this conference, elections in all grades were held to determine the two "at-large" delegates who would join the preexisting class officers on the trip to Philadelphia. The idea was originally crafted by Mr. Hews himself, who has been an advocate of reforming our student government. The students and faculty chosen to attend this workshop were brought to Independence Hall in Philadelphia. The school chose this location in order to recreate the actual signing of the United States Constitution. Once they arrived there, the representatives entered the main room, which was composed of many different tables and featured a large screen television that Mr. Hews connected his iPad to for presentations on various forms of government. After introductions were made, the students split off into different groups. In these discussion groups, the students discussed what a core government structure should be like and, at
the end, each group voted on which group had the best idea. After long hours of discussion and rough drafts, a constitution was finally agreed upon. The Hun School of Princeton Constitution will be effective starting fall of the 2010-2011 academic year. BY BRITTANY ANDERSON
^fS'rn October 15 to 17, I set out on
piece of fruit, bag of chips, and a drink.
the journey of a lifetime. I did not
As we walked through residential
know what to expect from an event
and commercial districts, there were
that was mostly women who had been
signs of encouragement, people out
personally affected by breast cancer.
cheering and many cars honking in
My story started in third grade
support of the cause. The amount of
when I foundKut my violin teacher had
support throughout the process was
breast cancer. At the time, I did not
very helpful as we walked. At the end
understand exactly what cancer was,
of each day, buses transported all the
but I knew it was dangerous. A t the
end of third grade, my
Convention Center.
teacher told our class t f i S t m y violin teacher did not outlive her c the
Cure ad
massages. Dinner was served by a peppy group of volunteers who sang
danced as they served. The first
October 2009, and I decided to walk in
d days were relatively easy,
memory of my third grade teacher. My mom
entertainment, games, and even chair
' I saw the Susan G. Komen for
decided to join Ttte, and we
but waWig up on the third day was a
We ,^ach
challengeBlWe had to pack our bags
reached our minimum of $2,300 with
and start walking.early because we had
to reach the Closing Ceremony by a
together. We also began vigorously
certain 4ime. My morf^ and I set out
training over the summer with long
with the rest of the group^and stayed
walks on the beach and around town.
with the group^Hy mom had a blister
When the walk finally arrived, we
on her foot that sheHreated thfuiight
were excited and ready for whatever
was to
multiple blisters, so it wavha
come. We
spent the
before in a hotel near the starting point, When we got to
them to walk.
the hotel,
At the end of sixty mile!
everyone was dressed in all pink with
finally reached the Closing Ceremc1
pins, ribbons, and many other crazy
We walked in through
accessories on them. Everyone was in
people to receive our final shirts and
an aisle pink shirts,1
Ceremony in the morning. It was cold,
walkers got white shirts, and crew got
but the adrenaline was rushing and
gray ones. Everyone was cheering, and
singing along to the songs playing over
the speakers. When it was time to
GOOD INTENTIONS "After walking the first 20 miles, all the walkers j'ere transported to the Pennsylvania Convention
We set off with lots of layers and
reunite with our families, every walker
became emotional. We walked into
|nter to set up our sea of pink tents. Each tent was
communities, and families cheering us
the gate wearing our new shirts and
enough for two walkers to comfortably fit with
on. Along the way, the communities
holding our flowers. The families were
handed out candy, pizza, and many
other snacks. Every few miles there
were "Pit Stops" with porta potties, a
cheering the
a lot.
Tern^^University football team arrived to help the
tired w S ^ t c a r r y the luggage and help set up tents.
satisfaction was
medical tent, and a snack tent. Partway
amazing. We
through each day, lunch was served.
circle raise the Susan G. Komen "A
World Without Breast Cancer" flag
outfits, pink flamingos,
and hula skirts. The lunch was simple: a
a final time. Our
the survivor
journey was
Local boys^^^^roops
throughout t h e ^ ^ ^ ^ f c B j g ^ j e n t s
walked our second d l ^ walk, but. on the third morning, we all used the boy scouts and football team final 20 miles."
also helped set up tents^A
to pack up and clean the area before embarking on our BY CAROLINE KNIGHTS
ige, sleeping bag, and sleeping pad. The
feeling of
BYT 4,530
• *,».-*
aised by Caroline towards breast esearch. Her team raised $7,722. who participated in this event. days, thjjspan of the Susan G. Komen 3le Cure
faiiy -IOUS? Susan G. Komen for the Cure" thanks you for everythingWpu have done today!
Komen ' --cure. "••«'•
very Sunday morning, the resident students gather in f r o n t of the dining hall at 12 o' clock and wait for the
comfortable if you buy what you need here." There are other reasons why the boarders love t o go supply run among the
supply run bus. Supply run is offered for the
other weekend activities. The variety of
resident students w h o need t o get
stores offer students products from home
commodities and food. Since the resident
appliances t o sportswear. Also, having spare
students live on the campus, they don't have
time after making purchases gives students
enough opportunity t o leave campus and
more opportunities to get along with one
buy things that they needed during the
another. Restaurants such as Panera Bread
and McDonalds, which are nearby the
Seong W o n Hong, holding a pack of
stores, are popular hang out locations.
snacks, stated, "I have t o buy everything I
Because many students prefer to buy what
need for a week in an hour which is t o o
they need and get along with their friends,
short. Although waking up early on every
the supply run has been a famous residential
Sunday for the supply run may seem very
weekend activity for years.
tiring, your weekdays become very comfort-
TARGET 3 4 2 5 WALMART WEGMAN'S 14 12 DICK'S BEST BUY 11 1. Karl Boisrond and Austin Licw are having conversation
while waiting for the bus. That day, Austin bought a threepound bag of Lemon Heads from Wegman's. He shared the candy with his friends on Monday. 2. Kevin Zhou puts his drink on the cash register. Perrier is among his favorite beverages. 3. Tina Heinrich is looking for her daily needs in Walmart
Q: Before you moved in, what were your expectations for living in Carter dorm? A: I expected it to be very noisy and fun Q: And how's life now, since you are actually living in Carter dorm? A: Very noisy and very fun! Q: What is the best thing living in Carter dorm? | A: I think being able to interact with so many different kinds of people is one of the best things about living here. They all come from different backgrounds and have different personalities. MS. SANBORN Q: What were your expectations before you came to our school? A: Well, everyone I met was very supportive and caring. Although it is hard sometimes to adapt to a new environment, it has been fantastic so far. Q: In your opinion, what is the best thing about living on campus? A: The school I used to stay had about 90 girls in the dorm. Having less girls and staying together is good experience because I can know more about them. Also, they arc always welcome to visit and eat apple pies that I love to cook!
Whafs vour dream school?
RACHEL MCENROE "I want t o go a great research school and I want t o study chemistry and
foreign language."
I want to go t o school in a small town in the South."
TONY TSAO "I want to go to college in big cities, like N e w York or Boston."
CONNOR . STEVENSON I want to go college in a smal town and have great biology
want t o go t o school in a small town
r GOOD GUIDANCE The new head of the college counseling department, Ms. Icenhower, starts her first year by putting lots of passion into her work and her students. "I empathize with them. It's a very different and stressful process; much different than when I applied and even 10 years ago. I empathize , with their parents as a parent myself."
Words of Advice from Ms. Icenhower to the Class of 2012 1 . Keep your options open 2 . Learn Naviance, keep your grades up 3 . Explore what your interests are, what your skills are, and what you value.
PRINCETON UNIVERSITY One of the world's most prestigious universities, Princeton is located only a couple of miles away from our school. Thousands of students flock from across the world to visit its famous campus.
SIGNED OFF FOR SUCCESS! One of the best crew members, Patricia Jean Kolman, more commonly known as PJ, will be studying at Duke University next fall. According to PJ, she chose Duke because it has both the best athletic and academic programs. She understands that her case is special and she is lucky to have the early acceptance. joined by Mr. William Quirk and Mr. Jonathan Brougham on signing day, PJ anticipates her future career in collegiate rowing with great excitement.
A t Duke, PJ will strive towards excellence in both her athletics and academics, typifying the excellence embodied by the Hun student athlete. BY LEWIS K I M
World History Seminar Hono.
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1. Inside the equipment house, Mr. Kidder teaches some of his students about some 19th century
farm equipment and how they revolutionized farming. 2. Some of Mr. Kidder's students wade t h r o u g h a small stream on their way t o see the oxen. Jake and Chris 3. Brendan Hurley '12 holds t h e wheel of an old tractor which is still used by the farm today to harvest crops.
American History Honors
tracing time Mr. Hews took his students from
On the trip, Mr.
both of his sections of American History
Hews's class visited
Honors up to Boston and the
the site of the
surrounding area for one weekend. On
Salem Witch trials.
their trip, they got to see various sites ,
They are standing in front of Salem
around Boston and Salem, and had the
Village Witchtrials
opportunity to experience what life was
Victims' Memorial.
like in the early colony of Plymouth
through a living history reenactment. "The trip was an enriching experience
and well-spent," says Alex Barker. "Few people get to witness the historical sites that they learn about in class." .
ven though the day was cold and rainy, it did i not deter Mr. Larry Kidder from taking his World History Seminar Honors class to Howell Farm. Howell Farm is a historic working farm that serves to educate the community about what farming was like at the turn of the 20th century. S i During their day at the farm, the class learned about how the oxen revolutionized agriculture and what technology was used during the 19th century to harvest wheat and other cereal crops. They had the opportunity to participate in the shelling of spelt and milling of the spelt into flour using old-fashion tools. The experience ended with a trip to the stable where they learned about how important the horse was.
Meeting the seminar s goals of going full circle in its educational aims, the trip to Howell Farm coincided with what the class was learning at school. "We were learning about how food changed the world and how key events in history were _ impacted by food," says Juliana Bello. "It was 1 especially interesting to see this at the farm." 1 The class members benefited from this experience because they had the opportunity to apply what they learned through class discussions. "I ,. had never taken a history course before where I • could actually witness what I read and heard in class,w adds Herwig Konings. "This was eye-opening." BYGARRETTLAU
new addition t o The Hun School this year was the iPad.
A n o t h e r interesting feature of the
Finally, the iPads also allowed the
iPads that was put t o use in the
class to watch high quality Planet Earth
Many classes have used the iPad as a
classroom was the eClicker/Response
clips by episode, or on YouTube.
learning aid t o help students gain a
W a r e system. This system lets the
"[Watching these videos] allows the
different perspective on the material
teacher t o get real time data f r o m the
teacher to lecture for a short time, then
studied in class.
class and then solve problems m o r e
use a video to support the lecture... It
easily. "This allows the teacher t o get
essentially makes the lesson more interactive," added Mr. Loffredo.
In Mr. Loffredo's Marine Biology class, students are using the iPads for
instant feedback on w h a t the class thinks
various activities. Students used these
about a certain question or problem. It's
Throughout the first half of the
devices t o create Keynote Presentations,
also good because it's fun for the
which allows students t o create
students at the same time," said Mr.
in a contest to see which class could use
presentations in the classroom instead of
Loffredo w h e n asked about the iPads.
the iPads in an innovative way during a
having t o go t o the c o m p u t e r labs. Instead of having t o use real animals, the students can also p e r f o r m
The iPad also allowed the class t o
year, students and teachers participated
lesson. The winners of the contest won
identify macroinvertebrates, small
the donation of an iPad to the charity of
biological creatures, when they w e n t t o
their choice, iTunes gift cards and dinner w i t h Mr. Hews.
dissections right on the iPad. Replacing
nearby stream. Instead of having t o walk
conventional t e x t b o o k s , this technology
back up t o the school building t o record
gives students a m o r e hands on learning
their findings, the students could instead
fostered technological excitement,
use the iPad and continue their w o r k .
showing how much potential our school
The introduction of the iPad
has for future innovation. BY THOMAS HYDUK
ALEXANDRA DJAMEN "My favorite app is Globe Converter
"My favorite app is Color Splash because I like to edit photos."
because it can convert units quickly."
Cut The Rope
"My favorite app is
because it is a
Angry Birds
"My favorite app is
huge time waster."
because I love the game."
PETER SENDZIK "My favorite app is
Fruit Ninja
Tetris because it
Mr. Loffredo surfs the veb with Andrew
because it's fun,
Colifichio :n class
makes our iPods
the new arcade
run out of battery.
mode is legit, and it has awesome
It's lots of fun for traveling."
IN THE CLASSROOM "We're using the iPads today!"
SmartBoard, every student can
Using the iPad on a landscape orientation, Sam Dauer takes
These are the words all students pray
explore museums around the world at
advantage of the
to hear their teacher say. Mr. Loffredo
their fingertips. The iPad provides
the full size on-
isn't the only teacher from using the
many opportunities that were once
iPads for some in-class fun. In Mrs. McNulty's World history
either unfeasible or unavailable to
classrooms before.
classes, students use the iPads to get a
In almost every class, the iPads
close look at art from ancient
get students engaged in what they're
civilizations. It's an easier way to get
learning, while having some fun at it,
students involved in the lesson; rather
than have everyone staring at the
screen keyboard to research topics
e community service club, Carter Dorm organizes bake sale, buys Christmas presents for local family in need Decorating a cupcake in the Carter Dorm kitchen, Hanna Iinmky
partakes in the
bake sale sold donuts and ho from Dunkin' Do< •!•-1 u'Kjk i-^ Rice K n s p i e
ueats, brownies, and cookies homemade by Haley Sanbom and the other Carter TODs, raised money to provide an ;
gifts to Deanna, a
sixteen year old non-verbal autistic child, and her family. The school's Enable program volunteers typically undertook Deanna's family, but whenever the dorm showed an interest in the program, Enable was atso able to help another girl named Jasmine, a wheelchair bound ixteen year old, and her singleparent family
I 1
, a Carter TOD and the planner of the event gives the inside coop on the service project: "I believe participating activities outside of the i issroom provides an Jucation in itself. I think adership and teamwork were among some of the major skills the Carter girls learned and applied particular. Many girls
stepped out of their tie opportunity to spend comfort zones, emulated time together as a the leadership behaviors of residential community and others, worked hard to within our quads getting to plan and raise money, and know each other better. were very generous in their We were able to help gift giving. bring the joy of the holiday Taking on Deanna's season to a family that family as a dorm gave us wouldn't have it, and in
the process became more open-minded, aware and sensitive to those less fortunate than us. What could be better than giving someone a Christmas? If anything, 1 hope the girls learned that everyone has an important role to play
o TO
1. Shukra Sabnis helps a member of the Enable community make a jingle bell necklace at the Enable home visit in Trenton. 2. Lisa Torquato glues the pieces of a penguin ornament together with the help of one
"5. o. o ^™ ^y% ^™ MHI
5 a
of the members. 3. Alyssa Risoldi works on a snowman M ornament before hanging the ornament on the tree with the resident.
. Kate Weeks purchases a R Krispie treat from Annie Rogoff 2 Lauren Rankin, a Carter TOD, wraps a gift for Deanna's sister The girls wrapped gifts one evening together, enjoying pizza, Oiristmas tunes, and bonding ,w boarden
i wraps a puzzlo eanna, the autistic child whose family has been sponsored by Hun s community service dub for several years. Ms. Haley Sanborn's quad bought Deanna s gifts
and teamwork is essential in order to reach a common goal. This project would not have been as successful without the hard work of all the Carter TODs and all of its residents."
Believe ^P^^
Stoune Section
here else can a freshman laugh,
tend to have over 100 students in the
wear body paint, and scream
with a senior who is doing the same exact
Munley became a consistent Stoune
thing?" asked Scott Munley, student leader
of the Stoune Section. This year there was
sophomore, although he wishes he began
hope that there would be a record number
as a freshman. His hope for the younger
of Stoune Section members and shirts sold
reminders, flyers, Hun TV announcements,
to of
sportsmanship" and have a "sense of loyalty
e-mails, word of mouth and even a little
to Hun long after graduation." He then
went on to say, "Stay as involved as you
bought their shirts.
can. You only get four years here and you
At the games, the Stoune Section has
should try to make as much of an impact as
themes for each game ranging from beach
possible while appreciating everything you
and neon to camouflage and Cowboys and
have at Hun."
Indians. Along with the exotic themes,
Stoune Section members are encouraged
to wear their standout red Stoune Section
generating a ton of school pride and a
shirts to the games. On game days, the
chance to help students work
buzz in the hallways is about where people
towards a common goal rather than just
are getting ready for the games, what they
something a few kids do after school.
at for
are wearing, and what clever chants are
"Remember to have fun, get involved,
prepared to intimidate the other teams.
and always support you school," Munley
adds. "If you do that, the tradition will
has around
students each game, but the biggest games
continue for as long as Hun does." BY CAROLINE KNIGHTS
1. Candace Whiteside cheers on the ', basketball team
at the last home game of
Stoune Section members ever, Mr.
the season. 2.
Jones decided to hold a t-shirt design
Scott Munley
contest, to raise involvement and
leads the pack
by directing his fellow members
The contest consisted of drawing a
and motivating
new and original design for the front of
them to display
the shirt. After reviewing the submitted
their best
designs, Simone Cotton's "Just Do It"
school spirit.
entry was chosen. stands
Aside from just raising awareness,
the contest created a sense of school
entry for the t-shirt contest.
spirit before the basketball season even
Her design was used on all
Simone proudly
Cotton with
the Stoune Section shirts for the year.
Life in the SAC Student Activity Center
he Alexander K. Buck Student Activity Center, better known as the SAC, is one of the most popular spaces on the Hun campus. The SAC is a common site for students to hang out during their tree periods. Students can do homework, watch the Top 10 Plays on ESPN, or just chill with their friends. "I normally go to the SAC after lunch with my friends," says Jesse Pazdera. The SAC is filled with
couches and tables so students can be comfortable while not in class. Inside the SAC, students have the freedom to use their phones, be on their laptops, or listen to music. It's a great place to simply relax before, during, and after the school day. A popular attraction in the SAC is Quyen's snack bar, where students can purchase candy and other snacks to get them through
the long, work-filled day. In addition, the scene in the SAC is constantly changing. It has a steady amount of students during class time, but activity peaks during the hours before and after school. Also, the SAC is a popular location during Community Life Activities period, and the ten minute break after fourth period. The SAC is a great addition to our campus. BY KAMARON MCNAIR
Heston Charres buys a Powerade from Jenny at the the Snack Bar. Many athletes stop by Quyen's to get a sports drink before heading down to the fields.
1. Freshmen Bella Cura, Alexa Fares, and Ben Natan share a few laughs in
SAC Snackin
their free time in the SAC. 2. Sam Troilo, Jordan Fusco, Caroline B r o w n , Heather English, and Olivia BraenderCarr relax after a long day of learning. 3. Juniors Julia Curley, Will Baker, Jamie Werner, Zoe Wilson, and Morgan Leahy hang out in their daily spot. "I like that the SAC is really social, it's not like the library where you have to be quiet. And there's normally not too many people, so you can talk and do work at the same time," says Julia Curley. 4. junior Carly Sussman studies hard in between classes.
The snack bar is a
fstudent favorite for great food during jmd after the school day: Quyen, the manager, has been running the snack bar for 28 years. He introduced the snack bar to Hun, and has been running it ever since. Quyen loves working at Hun because he loves the
kids. He loves helping suit the needs of the students, and hearing feedback on what they want in the snack bar. "Quyen and Jenny are always helpful to the students at Hun, and we're so grateful to have them here," says Kyle Frascarelli. BY KAMARON MCNAIR
AT THE ROCK Alex Barker explores the Rockefeller Center and Plaza, relaxing on his day off before the tournament. There, he enjoyed a quick snack at La Maison du Chocolat and saw the famous ice skating rink.
lex Barker and Michael Chang first
and took photos of funny things for
came up with the idea of going
their friends at school.
together to the Columbia Invitational
On the day of the tournament,
for forensics when Michael asked if he
they had to wake up early and compete
could accompany Alex to New York.
from 8 A.M. until around 9:30 PM. Alex
After they made all the arrangements
ended up winning three out of his six
and finished their grueling prep, they
took the train up to NYC the day after
quarterfinals in Oral Interpretation.
semester exams were done.
Since they couldn't go to
finished, they spent the day with Alex's
hotel room until later that day, they
parents who visited him from Seattle,
decided to have fun and explore the city.
Washington for the weekend. Overall,
They first had lunch at Korea Town near
the experience was great for both of
Penn Station and ate a very warm, filling
them; they were able to relax in New
York City while competing in an activity
Rockefeller Plaza, ate at nearby bakeries
that they both enjoyed. BY CAROLINE KNIGHTS
*9 ^ \ m \m I "
schools that competed at the Columbia Invitational. This amount was the largest number of schools at the meet in the meet's history.
£Z ^J
states that had schools competing in both speech and debate events.
days in New York City was the duration of the trip. They left Friday morning and returned Sunday night.
1. Alex Barker walks out of The School at Columbia University, an elementary school on campub where he spent the entire day debating. 2. Michael Chang and Alex Barker eat Pinkberry frozen yogurt.
any students venture into the SAC
it by the end of the year.
each day in order to buy a book or
When asked how the apparel of the
find a new Hun sweatshirt at the school
store has changed this year, Mrs. Stokes
replied, "I have expanded the clothing line
bookstore without at least one student
by bringing it up to date, making it more
searching for clothing or buying new school
colorful." The store is now packed with a
variety of clothing in different styles and
With the entire new inventory that arrives throughout the school year, students
colors, appealing to
find that their pencil cases and backpack
Her idea to update the clothing line is
supplies are always up to date with new
due to the fact that "times are changing so
the bookstore wants to keep up with it."
The person in charge of the entire
She wants the new items to be fashionable.
operation is Mrs. Fran Doyle Stokes. As bookstore throughout
1. Paul DesRochers buys a workbook for his class using the 1Card at the register. 2. Brendan Hurley holds a stack of textbooks for his classes. 3. Katelyn Kubala purchases a classic novel for her English class.
a broader base of
student customers.
Mrs. Stokes
the year, working with
The biggest sellers in the bookstore this
sweatshirts and rugby shirts. Along with all
departments of each academic subject and
the students who come in daily to browse
dealing with the publishers to figure out
the clothing displays and book shelves,
how many books to order and to ensure
they arrive on time.
This year, Mrs. Stokes took over the head position
means she has to order everything and sell
return The
bookstore and
the is all
new where come
together to satisfy their daily fix and buy spirited school attire. BY CAROLINE KNIGHTS
"I think my favorite thing to write with at the bookstore is the erasable pen. It's so cool because I can erase ink, unlike my other pens"
ALEX SHAY "My favorite book that I have purchased in the store is the book we use in my Chinese class because it's the best class I have taken at Hun."
MAX ELEFSON "I love buying my English books at the bookstore every time I need one for class because they are always readily available
1. Vivian Parrish checks out some her favorite funky pens at the counter before signing the receipt. 2. Anthony Marino searches the racks at the bookstore for a new jacket to wear during the cold winter months. 3. Connor Rice buys Heart of Darkness from the bookstore for his senior English class.
whic! wichT As Dongwan Kim and Stephan Jones wait in line, Chrismaine Felix serves Ms. Deborah Watts the featured panini and chips with salsa at the Maine Street station. Mr. Gabe Csapo named the station after Felix in acknowledgment of her contribution to the new station. Not only did Felix plan out the featured menu for the Maine Street station, but she also designed the graphics for its sign.
* • • •
HUN COMMUNITY ENJOYS INCREASED VARIETY THROUGH MAINE STREET STATION When the dining hall serves wings at lunch, they prepare over 270 pounds. Eight gallons of milk are consumed daily, and the dining staff grills about 600 burgers in a day.
Hun School, welcomed openly the creation of a third station, Maine Street, in the spring of 2010, ensuring a smoother transition in serving such large amounts of food.
customers, so when we see the kids went for, say, the Asian chicken salad rather than something else, we made note for the next time."
Another aspect of The dining hall lunch is the social In response to the utilizes a four week component. Because new schedule which cycle menu, making The Hun School has took away much time alterations based on one dining hall for between lunches (for community response. both faculty and the staff to restock students, there is "It was all about and clean tables), Mr. trial and error," Csapo more opportunity for Gabe Csapo, food interaction outside of recounted. "We're service director at the here to please our the classroom.
Mrs. Patty Garrison, a teacher at The Hun School for ten years, loves eating in the same room as the students because "there is an enthusiastic, infectious energy brought to lunch" and "it gives the kids a different perspective of those people who usually stand in front of the classroom!" BY STEPHANIE MASON
At three in the afternoon, Gloria Martinez completes the necessary preparation for grilled cheese sandwiches served at lunch the next day. After one meal ends, the dining hall staff immediately begins planning for the next meals- The dining hall prepares about 570 grilled cheese sandwiches for the community.
Every morning, Hun provides to the community fruit, cereals, homemade bagels, muffins, and pastries, pancakes or French toast, potatoes, ham, and bacon in addition to eggs any style, cooked by Alexander McMillan (left) and served by Anna Scharko. Ms. Chrismaine Felix enjoys working the mornings because "there is time to talk to students and get to know them better." unlike the fast pacing of lunch. Above, resident students Krys Maingrette, Howard Chiao, and Alex Barker meet for breakfast, which runs from seven until about eight in the morning.
1. Hun students enjoy lunch together, conversing and sharing stories about their daily experiences and upcoming events 2. For meals during summer session students and into the fall, Mr. Gabe Csapo grows herbs, fruits, and vegetables like lemon verbena, watermelon, and Japanese eggplant to enhance the existing menu items.
A SNOWY SURPRISE Without realizing what she has done, Caroline Brown accidentally walks straight into a snowball fight and prepares herself as one flies Straight towards her face.
Jack Frost Pays a Visit W
inter is that time of the year
your hands shoved into your pockets
when walking outdoors is
and scurry quickly through the winding to
Visions of snow ball fights dance ijj
we would probably prefer be inside the
destination. And when the doors swing
hearth of our warm library, lounging on
open and the rush of warm air blows in
W e gather round our cell f
the comfy leather chairs in our SAC, or
your face, you have finally found your
computers, buzzing aroundj
eating a delicious, warm bowl of Italian
heads. O u r
thought of waking up at a
W e treat snow as both a godsend
N o w , we know it is^pfuer when it
Alas, such fantasies are not always
and a miserable inconvenience; snow
is not surprising t o see^r familiar frozen
possible as each student has t o walk
days are welcomed, but frost bite not
friend chilling out b ^ T h e Mall or the
outside some point during the day. Each
so much. W e
diligent w o r k e r s p r ^ d i n g salt on the
excursion into the white, cold tundra
possible blizzard coming our way, asking
that is the walk up t o the cafeteria
requires a hat, gloves, coat, and scarf.
predictions will come true.
Then, the adventure really begins. While
that night.
practically a painful experience. After all,
wedding soup in our dining hall.
avoiding the
rumors of a
math teachers whether
year when the
It is the t sound
o'clock in the morj
is music t o our JO
perhaps, we constantly check weather
dirty snow that has also been colored
updates t o see whether or not it is
Bad weather... who<
by various sugared drinks, you keep
w o r t h doing our chemistry homework
SAY WHAT? FUN SNOW DAY TRADITIONS KATYA HUXEi "When we don't have school because of snow I like sleeping in late and eating food, especially mac and cheese!"
PETER SENDZIK "On snow days I like to play outside with all my friends. Snowball fights are always a lot of fun."
CAMILLESCHRIER "I like sliding around outside on the slippery walkways in my neighborhood."
visiting a friend
in Pittsburgh,
Stephanie Mason was surprised to wake up one day with her feet feeling like pins and needles. The
day before, Stephanie and her friend
decided to go on a walk, despite the cold weather. Thinking the walk would be short, she borrowed a pair of shoes that were too small. Unfortunately, she and her friend got lost
Laying on her bed in her dormitory. Stephanie Mason
and the five minute walk became a forty-minute
shows her frostbitten feet. "I felt extremely out of my
escapade. The next day the doctors told her
nature because I was essentially belittled to the status of
that she had frostbite and would not be able to
an infant. I couldn't even go to the bathroom by myself."
walk for five days. Lucky for her, if she had been
Mason says. "It was frustrating, but entertaining."
outside for another ten minutes she would not have been able to walk for months! BY COLETTE BECKETT
ocial networking sites, specifically Facebook, have emerged as one of the biggest communication revolutions of this generation. Facebook allows friends to communicate, share pictures, videos, and play games. As of the beginning of this school year, Wi-Fi has been installed school-wide. This has allowed students to access the Internet during class. As a result, students have been able to access Facebook during school. However, there are differing opinions between teachers and students as to the benefits of letting students use the Internet and be on Facebook during school. BY THOMAS HYDUK
According to many students, Facebook, as well as the ability to use the rest of the Internet during class, has been a welcome addition to Hun. According to Alexis Gray (pictured in the background using Facebook), "Facebook is an easy way to get in touch with group members during a project. Using Facebook can also help with finding and communicating with members of. group during the day." In addition, Alexis had this to say: "Facebook is a
The teachers' views of using Facebook during school differ greatly from those of the students. According to Miss Mount, "fooling around on Facebook during the school day is a great way to waste time and accomplish nothing." She ^ advises that students, "invest their
good way to keepin touch with friends from attiSverthe country, like my best^tend from Washington D.C." Lastly, Jordan Fusco commented on the use of Facebook during school by saying, "If students choose to browse Facebook during a> free period, then it's their owj choice
r •time in their education while they're at school!" Likewise, Miss Sanchez , «also thought Facebook was a great disturbance in the classroom environment. She said, "Facebook may be tempting for students, but it is very distracting and an enormous waste P | J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ iproacl the potential to be a tic tool. Teachers ir students , and
match that crib! WHOSE ROOM IS WHOSE?
Leah Han is known to have the messiest room, pictured right, in the Carter Dormitory.
As the only postgraduate girl in the program, I worked my way through many roles.
At times, I was the PG mother, making sure everyone had a Valentine's Day treat
In most situations, I ( transformed into being just "another one of the boys," learning to tolerate , guy humor and closing my ears when deemed necessary by Mr. O'Brien. j
INSIGHTFUL THOUGHTS Postgraduate students listen intently as Mr. Charles O'Brien comments on Kate Chopin's The Awakening.
class: we came from
understand the
English class," O'Brien
different roles
different backgrounds
confusing and
continued, "is that
culminated with my
and had different goals
sometimes frustrating
the postgraduates will
nickname, Sophie, the
for our PG year, but
situation of completing leave Hun prepared
name I, at the age of
we were able to mesh
a senior year twice, so
to read and write
five, felt drawn to as
so well together
English class served as
successfully in college.
And always, my
my "true" identity and
because we were the
a comfortable place
We work to achieve
the boys insisted on
anomalies at Hun.
where we could stay
this through the
grounded and remind
challenging level of
earned our diplomas,
ourselves that we
academic discussion."
attended our senior
were not alone in our pursuits.
using throughout the year. To everyone at
Having already
Hun, I was Stephanie.
proms, and watched
To the postgraduates,
as our friends from
I was Sophie.
home excitedly
overseeing the
dispersed to various
In his twelfth year
Between these assignments, our class thrived off of Mr. O'Brien's countless
boys' utilizing my
colleges, we found
postgraduate program, stories and joked about any one of us Mr. Charles O'Brien
childhood nickname
ourselves in high
agreed, commending
attending the
the "camaraderie of
"University of
the PG class year after
Nowhere" if Mr.
O'Brien found one of
It seems like the
described the unique
Only a
tone in our English
postgraduate could
class: we came from
"My goal for the PG us unprepared for
delighted in each
Like the Breakfast
other's company for
Club, we truly were a
our high school
few misfits who found
victory lap.
each other, and
WHAT THE BOYS SAY "One of the most important concepts that I learned from Mr. O'Brien is to remain especially attentive to detail in analyzing every literary work." •D • A * - 8ENOIT MATHIEU Postgraduate English has prepared me "My favorite for next year memory of PG by teaching me English is when we essential all went out t o techniques for dinner together." in-depth study - DYLEN of both poems SETZEKORN and novels." -ALECEIBER
"I loved how everyone got along really well, and how we always talked about how we should watch The Godfather, but we never did..." - DYLAN SHERWOOD
"My classmates were the best parts of English class. W e could always have fun!" - DOUGLAS MACRONE "The environment of our English class was refreshing and different from our other classes that had younger students because we didn't have any age differences and overall shared the same level of maturity." -JULIAN HAYES
"My favorite part about PG English was being in a class with everyone in the same situation of transitioning into
college." -AJ DILLIONE
It is common knowledge that people are supposed to get at least eight hours of sleep each night, and recent research proves that nine hours is the ideal amount of sleep in which a typical teenager should get. However, as a high school student, it seems impossible to get even eight hours when class starts at 7:50 am and homework keeps you up until 10 or 11 pm each night, but many students are able to pull it off. After sports games and clubs, students go home to find a few hours of homework which leaves them almost no time for a proper dinner or time to relax. Even after all homework is done, it sometimes seems necessary to spend a little time for yourself. Some people have admitted to waste time talking to friends, going on Facebook, and watching television. In addition, it is not uncommon for resident students to sneak back up to their dorms for a midday nap during a free period. After chatting with some boarders, it is easy to understand why. Isaiah West explains, "The majority of people try to make up for lost time late at night. The two hours of study hall cut into our time for hanging out, going on Facebook, etc, so we stay up to unwind." Some students find that, even if they are ready for sleep, there are many distractions that keep:* them from their comfy pillows. Lauren Kotler describes the annoyance of late night activity: "It is really loud in the halls. People play music until pretty late, and its hard to get to sleep." In addition, Seong Won Hong sees the late-night social scene as a chance to get his game on: "We like to stay up playing PS2 and XBox." With all this hustle and bustle, it seems absurd that we are expected to get a minimum of eight hours. Falling asleep in class is not surprising for some students anymore. It is just another day to day occurrence. Sleep is an essential part of life, yet students lack the vital amount each night.
Q: Where do you like to shop? A: I like to get my clothes from online boutiques and small stores in the city. Some of these include freepeople.com, shopbop.com, and Urban Outfitters.
Q: What are your favorite types of clothes and styles? A: I don't have just one type. I like to mix different styles, like classic and edgy. Celebrities that wear these styles include Rachel Bilson and Blake Lively. Q: What was your best shopping experience? A: When I was in Paris the summer before junior year, I got to see the stores where all the clothes I love came from. BY MICHAEL CHANG
When I was a student, there weren't many specialty stores. You either went to a tailor or a department store like Sears or JCPenney. Specifically in Princeton, , you would go to the Army & • . •• . Navy, the English Shop, or A . ^. Bamberger's (which is
^ ?f * ,. V>"-
-.*; ^ f
"I prefer contacts because my prescription for contacts helps me see better than the one for my glasses." MS. GARRETT "I like wearing contacts because it's easier to wear sunglasses over them."
now Macy's)." \
NEALON SUTHERSAN "I actually like my glasses more because they're comfortable and easier to put on than contacts."
"It's good quality clothing and, if you need any outfits for school, Ralph Lauren is the way to go. They have really good rugbys. I'm not a big fan of the Oxfords but their rugbys are nice and comfortable."
J.CREW "The thing I like about J. Crew is that all their clothes are simple but also look nice as well. A lot of people at Hun wear their clothing because they're good to wear both inside and outside of school. I always make sure to buy something e\/ery time I shop there." - KYLE FRASCARELLI
THE NORTH FACE "I have a ram jacket and the regular black Denali fleece. They're warm and protect me from the wind - best of all, they're waterproof, too. " - CARLY SUSSMAN
her months of arduous planning, the freshman formal was , already in full swing. After making preparations for food, finding a disc jockey, establishing the yearly theme, and making sure all the decorations were bought and hung, the freshman officers of the student council looked forward to seeing all their hard work enjoyed by their peers. Approximately half of the entire freshman class attended the formal dance, a relatively large figure compared to the amounts in previous years. The theme of this year's dance, |g|f chosen early in the year by the student council and freshman class, was "Oscar night." According to Juliet Kapanjie, a committee member who helped plan the event, freshmen walked down the red carpet and into Russell Hall and were greeted by a giant Hollywood sign and miniature Oscar statue replicas. "The decorations were so amazing," raves Francesca Bello. "They were so cool and made the dance a lot more special." However, perhaps the most challenging and rewarding part of the entire process was actually getting dressed up and ready for the big night. "It took me more than forty minutes to do everything and I had to put on my make up, my clothes, and do my hair," says Juliet. "Later, I went to my friend Olivia's house and we all took pictures and went to the formal together." Dancing all night and feeling like celebrities, the freshmen certainly enjoyed themselves at the dance. The freshman formal is just one of many dances to come in these young students' time at Hun. In addition, it was certainly a memorable bonding experience for many of the freshmen, who spent the night happily with their friends. "I'm looking forward to future dances, especially prom and Cotillion, so I can spend them with my friends!" says Juliet. "I can't wait to help plan them, too!" BY MICHAEL CHANG
A NIGHT TO REMEMBER Clad in heels and formal dresses, the freshman girls put on the finishing touches with beautiful corsages. This was the first formal j dance for this year's freshmen. Photo Credit: Tim Pitts
FOR MINOS very year, Mr. Bush's Advanced Studio Art Honors class takes a trip to a faraway land that fuses both artistic pursuit and recreational fun. This year, seniors Noreen Mohsin, Alana Rudolph, Emily Pittenger, and Cindy Pi accompanied Mr. Bush on a trip to Crete, one that took place on the dates of March 15 through March 23. The trip was part of the class curriculum, as well as the final senior project.
The class was studying Minoan myths and researched the topic during school before leaving for Crete. The overall educational objective of the trip was to provide students with firsthand experience that would help aid them with the theme of their final projects, which was on mythology, and the past and present. While in Crete, they rented a villa called "Villa Ariadni" to stay in for the duration of their journey. "When you walk in there's a kitchen that's connected to the living room. Outside of the living room is an outdoor area overlooking the pools and mountains," says Cindy Pi. "We were all in shock that we were actually going to be living there for a week." They also met a few unexpected guests during their stay. "There were lots of stray cats and dogs, as well as sheep and goats that were all over the mountains. We met one cat whose name
A BEAUTIFUL SIGHT At a beach near Kissamos, the gang relaxed after climbing a mountain that was used for religious ceremonies. "The beaclvw; windy and cold, but still very beautiful," says Cindy Pi, j who also took this photo.
was Piggy; she was really friendly." During the trip, the group did a lot of exploring, hiking, and climbing in the mountainsides. They sketched and discussed a lot about the material that they were witnessing. On top of all of this, they also went to a museum at Chania. "We saw a lot of artifacts in the museum and did a bunch of sketches on what we saw. They had a lot of different things from different time periods, like cow statues and ancient coins." After the trip, the students gained a better understanding of how to approach their projects. "We kind of broadened the topic to the past and present, sort of what the ancient Crete used to look like versus what the ruins seem like to us now. And we use this as the basis of making the project more personal. We can apply our experiences to our lives... it doesn't have to be all about Crete." According to the girls, the trip-was both fun and t[ring, since they were a,t "a different place everyday" and "therej^vas so much new information to take in." "I definitely gained a new . perspective on the world because of this trip," concludes Cindy. "I'll never forget what it was like being able to experience a different culture and way of life." ' BY MICHAEL CHANG
f a person were to glance at the Human Anatomy and Physiology class syllabus, it would seem through the medical diagnoses, online forums, opinion papers, and highly developed lab activities that Mr. Alan Metcalf had perfected this extensive curriculum over years of trial and error processes. In only his second year of teaching the course, however, Metcalf formed his innovative teaching approach out of his experiences as a personal trainer, which required interactive instruction. "Also," Metcalf noted, "I consider how I myself would best grasp the material." Overall, he received a favorable response from students. "Most everyone I talked to outside of class loved to show me how they've applied what they have learned in their everyday lives," Metcalf commented.
they wanted to pursue science as a career through their experiences in HAP. Erik Gunstensen, for example, enjoyed diagnosing medical conditions for imaginary patients, and developed his interest for "the biomedical aspect of computing." These diagnosis assignments received the best student response, according to Metcalf. "A big part of the curriculum are the medical causes and problems attached to every part of the body," Metcalf added. "It seemed like a fun extension of the material to see the challenges faced by doctors every day." Labs included taste tests, video dream interpretations, and even a demonstration of the intense incline and breathing difficulties faced by Mount Everest climbers by walking on uphill-inclined treadmills.
"I enjoy being outside during lacrosse practice and having my students run by and identify the muscles they are using. I love that more than anything."
"My favorite assignment in HAP was the video dream interpretation because it was fun to analyze our dreams and see how our subconsciouses relate to them," Gunstensen said.
Students not only gained practical knowledge about their bodies and how they function, but in some cases also learned
Other activities included online forums, which Metcalf enjoyed "the accountability in playing off of each other," and opinion
papers, which allowed students to respond openly to a given topic. "I just like hearing about what kids really think," Metcalf said. Topics ranged from controversial lifestyle choices like smoking, to the obesity epidemic, and also how society defines beauty. The class was geared toward "inquisitive" students, with a majority of the material requiring feedback from the students for full effectiveness. "When students don't ask questions, it doesn't matter how many crazy and applicable stories that I tell," Metcalf emphasized. "Not asking questions relating to their own lives translates into not using the class to its full potential." It seemed as though his students reacted well to this challenge. "I believe that Mr. Metcalf s hands-on learning style has made it much easier to learn," Gunstensen decided. "I really liked Mr. Metcalf s direct teaching style and how he was never afraid to say what he was thinking." Metcalf, through his out-of-the-box teaching approach, demonstrated that often there are multiple ways to arrive at the same destination-some more impacting and effective than others. BY STEPHANIE MASON
Sarah Liu happily watches the unique sight of Candace Whiteside curling jared Hassman's hair on class "pampering day."
A WAXY SITUATION Mr. Alan Metcalf grimaces at the dpKjght of waxing his arm - a feat Anthony Alosi and other boys in HAP partook in as one of the first labs of the year.
i- "
etropolitan affairs W
' ith the intention of learning from art firsthand, Mr. Wilcox's AP Art History class went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art early in the fall. Embarking on a field trip, the students brought their cameras and notepads, eager to learn from the art that lay before them. According to Brendan Hurley, a junior who enrolled in the course a year early, they "went to photograph and observe ancient art work from the Egyptian culture" in order to better understand the works they were studying in class. They walked through the galleries, observing specific works of art, and continued after they ate lunch in the dining hall. "This trip made art history more of a hands-on experience than just learning about it in the classroom," says Brendan. "We actually
got to see the art, rather than just hear about it. That made it truly special for me." In addition, the breadth of the museum's collections astounded some of the students. "I thought it was so cool that the museum had such a large collection of this specific art and allowed us to really imagine the work when we studied it," says Anahi Ruiz. This is especially true given the fact that the Metropolitan Museum of Art has some of the world's largest and most expansive collections in practically every field. Reflecting on the benefits of the trip, the students consider the time spent at the museum to be a valuable experience. "It was enriching and a privilege to be able to encounter such wonderful masterpieces," says Brendan. "I have no complaints." BY MICHAEL CHANG
alloween is the spookiest time of the _ year! This year, the community got into the spirit of the day in many ways. Students were greeted in the morning by Ms. Chmielewski's pretzel-promoting double in the Academic Office, consumed way too much sugar during classes, and, quite possibly the highlight of the day, even participated in a costume contest. Some students had a variety of costumes to choose from as the day went on. "I dressed up as a banana during the school for the contest and later a Solo cup when I went out at night," says Emily Decicco. "It took a lot of careful planning and creativity." This year's costume contest winner, featured on a special episode of HUN TV, was a group who called themselves "Snap, Crackle and Pop," which consisted of Mackenzie Pyne, Kara Kettelkamp, and Elizabeth Brown. They each dressed up as a different member of the popular cereal trio. iH "It was cool to see everyone get into character," says Emily Decicco, who also competed in the contest. "It was fun to see people express a different side of themselves." H With both students and faculty gj showcasing their spirit for the national holiday every year, many find the costumes and creativity to be a unique aspect of our student life. BY MICHAEL CHANG
1. Scott Munley rocks the Twisted Sister look 2. Unlike their cereal counterparts, Elizabeth Brown and Mackenzie Pyne won't go soggy in milk.
DARING DOPPELGANGER While some wear costumes of their favorite pop singer or serial killer, Mr. Isbirian decided to spice things up by dressing up as one of his fellow coworkers, Mrs. Chmielewski.
-l^'J •?/-* 3n!
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A CHANGE IN THE his year, our Janus Players decided to change it up with the fall play. The production entitled All in the Timing was a different kind of show for our theater company. The play fused seven separate one-act plays, all with the consistent theme of spoken language. Whether the actors were speaking "unamunda" or trying to write Hamlet, the laughs kept on rolling. This season, producer Aaron Bogad had something bigger than the play on his mind: a new born child. In his absence, Kelly Byrne, Michael Ray, and Kaitlyn Bastedo stepped up to direct
plays on their own. Michael explained that he's been primarily an actor in the past, but "It's going to be cool to watch the actors on stage. I'm excited to be the guy in the back wearing the black clothes." Even though they each had separate rehearsals, the little plays flowed together quite well. The opening act included a couple learning the underlying meanings of spoken English, and the play ended with a couple exploring all the different possibilities and outcome of the words that come out of their mouths. Spoken language is its own universe, and this play described that it really is all in the timing. BY KAMARON MCNAIR
1. Adam Mnnccll gets .1 lesson in spoken English in English Made Simple. 2. Andrew Colicchio swindles .1 wary young girl into learning "Unanuinda" in Universal Language. 3. Brandon Coleman observes some monkeys in Words, Words, Words. 4. Morgan Leahy does it in the dark as a one of the production's stage managers. 5. Michael Buckbindcr monkeys around also in Words. Words,
*i.' >
PRETTY IN PINK Abby Seitchik stars as Kafka the Monkey, who, in the play, ] ittempts to rewrite Shakespeare's scripts. "She showed a great amount of range in her ability to play different kinds of characters," praises Mike Ray.
1. Elizabeth Mydlowski slides to the ground during
SENIOR DANCERS BID FAREWELL ~ NINA RUSSO "The Hun Dance Company has been a great experience for the past four years of my life. I'd like to thank my family for always being there for me, and always pushing me to my potential. Without them, I wouldn't have danced for the past thirteen years. Ms. Yacomelli, I want to thank you for your hard work and dedication to the Dance Company. Without you, none of this would exist.'
ALYSSA RISOLDI "Variations' marks my fourth dance show at The Hun School and my fifteenth year of dancing. I would like to thank my parents for supporting my dancing for fifteen years. Also I would like to thank Ms. Yacomelli for being an amazing dance instructor all four years. She has allowed me to grow as a dancer and a person through her caring and supportive attitude."
"Immediately." 2. Noel Baptiste shows off her own choreography with "Sands of Time." 3. The Hun Dance Company performs their choreography for the number "Wish Right Now," a hip-hop arrangement created by Ayana Reed.
Fall Dance Production
ot only did the academic system of the Upper School undergo changes this fall, but The Hun Dance Company also experimented with new mediums of performance. With diverse, new faces from all over the world, a wide
of dances from
hip-hop to ballet, and increased
participation in the choreography, the Hun Dance Company presented what the Hun community has been attempting to create - variation. Ms. Yacomelli and the dance team collected their cumulative experiences
WHAT "I feel that working with the girls
cultivated within Hun and the end product was marvelous - the creative
is an honor and privilege. I get
production "Variation over Time," which reflects the constantly changing
very excited watching them work as a team and create beautiful
nature of our school.
moving pictures made through the process of unity"
-MS. Y A C O M E L I T
EDUCATE A > Girls Learn International (GLI) is an organization whose jgal is to bring awareness to women's issues and the importance "of women's education through human rights^ advocacy. Girls Learn International works with other organizations ««tfprm ties with schools^reand the world. The Hun School's GLI Club is partnered with the Khidderpore School, which is located in New Delhi, India. The school is located in the Red Light district, and its purpose is to provide education to the children of prostitutes who are at risk of entering the sex industry. The students in the club work with their partner school through fundraising, advocacy, and cultural exchange projects. Some of the cultural exchange projects include exchanging letters with the girls of the partner school and discussing how the choreographer of Slumdog Millionaire taught the girls dances from the movie. For another project, the girls decorated a tapestry for the Hun chapter, explaining the celebration of Durga Puja, an annual Hindu festival worshiping the goddess Durga.
" -"i
Along with their cultural exchange projects, the Hun students also sold fair-trade products, purchased from Ten Thousand Villages, to raise money to send over to their partner school. They also held an assembly on human rights to bring awareness to the student body. The club focuses on
education with the idea that every effort certainly counts. BY COLETTE BECKETT
Girls from the Khidderpore School practice their newly learned dance moves taught by the choreographer of Slumdog Millionaire. The girls were excited to get dressed up in festive clothing and perform. All photos provided by Mrs. Sharon Saatsoglou.
?t **&
DAY OF THE DRAGON Myles Melville and Ms. LeRhondn Greats stop to pose with the "ferocious" Jordan McDonald, wearing a traditional Chinese dragon costume. Photo Credit: Meghan K. Poller
cultural. . .. celebrations DIVERSITY CLUB
ulture is not a foreign concept to students at Hun. After all. with students coming from 14 states and 20 different countries, all eager to learn and thrive under one roof, it's no surprise that the School has many opportunities for diversity awareness on campus.
In recent years, students have experienced increased awareness in many forms, whether it be discussion in the classroom, assemblies, organized activities, or simply by speaking with their peers. However, one of the most intense efforts thus far, was the inaugural Diversity Day that took place late last year and the follow up discussion that occurred in the fall. And students are finding such discourse and activity to be both beneficial and essential to their social experience. "Encouraging diversity awareness is a great concept that The Hun School is trying to build within our school," says Rohit Malhotra. "Not only is there the opportunity to learn how to interact with other cultures, but also there are a lot of
1. Melody Jiang performs a song on the classical Chinese
interesting friendships that may develop. For example a person from America and one from Korea may become the closest friends; this helps in our sense of community, and it also lets everyone understand different cultures." In addition, this mutual exchange of ideas extends beyond the social environment; it also facilitates a depth of learning outside of the classroom. "Especially with Diversity Day, the events help the students to think about the stereotypes we cast on certain ethnicities and dispel them," comments Kaleigh Choi. "In addition, in a world now dependent on globalization, it is important for us, the world of tomorrow, to understand the truth about diverse ethnicities and work with different countries on global issues." Thus, engaging events, such as Chinese New Year celebration and an African drum demonstration, send across a message and lesson to students that is both beneficial for their social and educational experience at Hun. BY MICHAEL CHANG
HISTORY TEACHER SHARES CULTURAL EXPERIENCE After training in martial arts for a few years in Japan, Dr. Stephen Fabian has been described by his students to have a "worldly perception," one that translates over nicely into the classroom.
instrument known as the gu zheng. Photo Credit; Meghan K. Poller 1. Joe Anthony proudly displays
A student in his East Asian History class, Olivia Ding says, "Dr. Fabian's personal experience in Japan makes his classes so much more engaging and fun to be in, especially his anecdotes."
his Chinese name written in traditional calligraphy. Photo Credit: Meghan K. Poller In the cafeteria, Dr. Stephen Fabian
a Japanese and
Thus, as an advisor to both AHAMA and the Diversity club, Dr. Fabian is a crucial component to the Schools fusion of culture and heritage. BY KAMARON MCNAIR
.strumentc" music's winter icert succeeds with festive^ erformance
Before the orchestra performance begins, Yoonha Cho carefully
s eke ted holiday
International Students Perform with Traditional Chinese Instruments
c CO
Jamie Chen glances at his music as he plays his cello. He has been involved in the Chamber Orchestra since his freshman year, and is one of the few
"It felt great to play with Melody and to combine our culture with Western instruments. I would really like to work on it further and see what we can create!" -Lesley Cai
(D Q
cellists in the group.
Melody Jiang, above top, plays the guzheng as Lesley Cai (above left) strums the pipa, both Chinese instruments. The girls used the two instruments in an arrangement with a piano and guitars, popular instruments in the U.S.
1. Christopher Meinert rocks his trumpet solo while on stage. 2. Mike Ray and Jason Elefant are both experienced instrumentalists in the jazz band. 3. Will Brosha and Rhys Johnson play their bass guitars in the winter concert.
veryone at Hun is familiar with the veteran female a capella group, The Edgertones. However, as of last year, a brand new male a capella group has emerged. Advised by Ms. Lauren Rankin, Voice Male is an all-male a capella group that meets almost every week for rehearsal. Their first debut was at the spring music concert and, since then, the boys have made considerable progress. "Although three members graduated last year, we have four new members this year. We're also performing over twice as many songs at each concert," says singer Robert Chen. Their first concert of the school year took place at the Princeton Public Library, where high school a capella groups from the Princeton area were invited to perform in the event Friday Night Live. And just a week later, the boys put on a wonderful show at the winter music concert for the school community, where they performed Maroon 5's "Sunday Morning," "Silent Night," and "Let it Snow."
In regards to how Voice Male is different from his other musical pursuits, Robert Chen says, "A capella is a lot smaller and feels very free and relaxed. We can pick our own songs and choreography. There's a sense of open creativity." And what's with the name, you might ask? According to the group, they originally settled on calling the group aHa's, after some disorganization and disagreement. However, at the beginning of this school year, Joseph Anthony brought up the name Voice Male as a possible alternative. "Everyone thought it was very clever," adds Robert Chen. And it has stuck ever since. "Voice Male means a lot to me because we just started, but we're making so much progress. I love every rehearsal and spending time with the group. If I keep this up, I might even want to do it in college. Who knows?" BY MICHAEL CHANG
r 1. Seung Bo Choi and Alexandra Djamen prepare to give Ms. Kankin a floral bouquet as a tribute to her hard work and dedication to music. 2. Mr. Mayo thanks the audience for coming out after receiving his bouquet.
CHOIR CHAT Q: Why did you decide to join choir this year? A: Because I wanted to keep my voice in shape and I knew that having class everyday would give me an opportunity to do that. Also I just like singing and I take advantage of any opportunity to do that. Q: What do you do during the day of a concert? A: We warm up together and then do the concert. Q: What does singing mean to you? A: It's one of my favorite methods of musical expression and I would be lost without it. BY MICHAEL CHANG
1. YeMo Koo performs his solo in "Sunday Morning at the Winter Concert. He is accompanied by Carl Boisrond, Joseph Anthony, Robert Chen, and Howard Chiao. 2. Sarah Week performs the song "Clocks," by Coldplay with the Edgertones. 3. Samantha Heyrich, Emma O'Connor, Kaleigh Choi, and Noreen Mohsin harmonize the accompaniment to Sarah Week's solo.
members of the Edgertones, the all-female a capella group, the largest size it has ever been. hours spent by the choir group each week in the classroom with Mr. Mayo. songs performed by the choir at the annual Winter Concert held in the theater.
While a great performance relies on passion and dedication from the student performers, a little bit of guidance goes a long way. As such, the faculty advisors for the choir and a capella groups, Mr. James Mayo and Ms. Lauren Rankin respectively, have helped their singers find their inner talents. When he first arrived at Hun in 2008, Mr. Mayo had big plans for the music program at Hun. Working on each individual student's skills, he eventually became an integral part of the school community. "Mr. Mayo makes us push ourselves to the limit and explore our inner qualities," says choir
member Alexandra Djamen. "He taught us how to read, perform, and explore new music." In addition, Ms. Rankin has also developed a close bond with her — fellow students at school, not only as head of the Edgertones, but also as a TOD in the dorms. "I don't know if words can sum up Ms. Rankin," says Noreen Mohsin. "She's just incredible!" Overall, both Mr. Mayo and '•— Ms. Rankin have made wonderful progress with the vocal groups and instilled a legacy of musical appreciation in many of Hun's young performers and future stars. BY MICHAEL CHANG
1. Will Brosha shows off his singing skills as he performs a powerful solo. This was Will's _
debut performance in a Janus Players ' production. 2. Kyle Frascarelli and Adam Mantell show off their funny bones as they play two thugs who bully the leading male, Will Brosha.
A TROUBLED LOVE Emma O'Connor gazes down at her onstage exhusband during the balcony
For the winter musical, students performed Kiss Me Kate, a production written by Cole Porter that can be best described as a play within a play.. The story highlights the relationship between an ex-husband and wife who play the leading roles in a rendition of Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew. With so many theater enthusiasts at The Hun School, it was necessary to have two casts. Both casts provided an original interpretation of the same play and the dynamic between all the characters was equally unique. As the characters' lives played out on and off the stage, the students showed off their acting skills as they smacked and shoved one another quite realistically. Their passion went so far as to cause one of the actors to even acquire a nosebleed! Humorous and endearing, the play was truly "Wunderbar"! BY COLETTE BECKETT
I.Juliana Bello, as the lead of the other cast. 2. Kaleigh Choi. 3. Connor Stevenson and Michael Ray. 4. Michael Ray gets harassed by Connor Rice and Alex Goldenberg. S.AIyssa Risoldi and the dance ensemble.
rom the beginning until the end of the school year, HUN TV keeps students updated on news and stories. However, little is actually known by the community regarding what goes on behind the overhanging television screen, the effort it takes to engage a student audience. The crew members meet each week and discuss what they can make for the next episode. "Sometimes we'll talk about series like HTV Cribs and other special features," says Arno Konings, a senior member of the group. Having come up with interesting routine specials, such as Mike Ray's "Study Hall" and Lui's weather forecast, students who contribute to HUN TV often spend hours brainstorming ideas they think the community would enjoy watching. Then they get to work. They arrange interviews and places to film their individual stories and eventually, when everything is edited and done, meet back the day before broadcast and do a complete run through. And their hard work has paid off. Students are more attentive than ever before during activities period when HUN TV is on. Many are excited for new episodes, especially when new features such as "Study Hall" are aired every H day. "I think HUN TV has gotten so much more student oriented in the last couple of years," says Brendan Hurley, a student viewer of the show. "There's a lot of student involvement and it really shows in all the special features they put together in such a short amount of time." Still, the Hun TV crew still believes they a lot of work ahead of them. "All of us, including Mr. Hoban, still want to improve_pur range of coverage," says Arno. "We want to serve our school in the most omplete way possible. After all, isn't that the purpose of video media?" BY MICHAEL CHANG
1. As the news anchor for the second semester, Nick Pierce dishes out recent school news, announcements, and videos on/ HUN TV. 2. Behind the glas/ window to the back room, Rob Chen, Mr. Hoban, and Alex Griese manage the tech
equipment during the broadcast.
. -«£_•
- *
LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION As a member of the Hun TV group, as well as the Janus Players tech crew, Avery Dorgan invests hours of his time every week to the craft of video technology. Along with his partners, he is responsible for filming episodes and making sure all the equipment is in sync.
artistic abilities
he Fine Arts Department at Hun
because the new schedule allows for
allows students to explore their
more in depth art making during the
creativity through painting, drawing,
period," says Ms. Collingham. During
photography, and much more. With
these extended periods, the students
each stroke of the brush and each
can take advantage of the resources
snap of the camera, Ms. Collingham
within the room as well as interact
and Mr. Bush are there to guide their
with their classmates and teachers to
students. Classes such as Intro to
get additional input on their artwork.
Visual Arts, Photography, Advanced
When not working on projects,
Studio Art, and AP Studio Art give
often times students can be found at
students the opportunity
the computer researching past artists
new techniques
to learn
and perfect
or looking in books and magazines for
skills. During class, students are given
Regardless, it is
obvious that these art courses have
ample time to work on their current
had a great influence on the students.
projects. The new schedule, which is
composed of an 80 minute fourth
Collingham inspires me to express
myself through my photographs. Her
class is the highlight of my day."
artwork. "This year is different
In Ms. CollinghanVs AP Studio Art Class, her students, which include both photographers and drawers, choose their own area of concentration to focus on throughout the entire year. In the photos to the left, photographer Janel Mitchell explores her concentration: Love. She uses both film cameras and digital cameras to capture pictures that reflect teenage romance.
Artwork by Cindy Pi, a student in Mr. Bush's Advanced Studio Art class
Leah Han paints on canvas in Ms. Collingham's AP Studio Art Class
SMILIN1 ANNIE Sydney Dodson Nease's "Anna Sage" was featured as one of this year's best paintings. "I like how J! it uses complementary colors to highlight features," says Sydney.
Olivia Braender-Carr sketches a drawing in Mr. Bush's class
Nicole Shockely. a student in Ms. Collingham's Photography class, focuses an image in the darkroom
Painting by Gita Kriek, a student in Mr. Bush's Intro to Visual Arts class
Photograph taken by Katya Huxel in Ms. Collingham's AP Studio Art class
all fired up! Artwork from Mr. Arp's ceramics class is displayed on the shelf as it prepares to enter the kiln.
carve away! Jonathan Tattoni works diligently on his bust in Mr. Bush's sculpture class
knock on wood! Polished cutting board from a student of Mr. Niederers, one of the two projects in the introductory woodworking course.
CERAMIC GALORE A first-year ceramics student, Garrett Lau signed up for the class out of pure interest for the art. The sculpture displayed is an original creation of his.
s the center for writing and communication, the Lindsay Jacob '04 Room for Journalism facilitates a melting pot of student personalities to write and produce a variety of publications. The student newspaper staff meets regularly in the Journalism Room to plan and publish The Mall. Currently in its 65th year, The Mall offers students the opportunities to both develop their skills in journalistic writing and move closer to the people, places, and happenings that define their high school community. The Journalism Room also serves as headquarters for the yearbook staff, which meets throughout the year to produce the Edgerstounian, a compilation of the interactions and school culture unique to each academic year. In the room, they plan coverage ideas, layout designs, and photo assignments, all of which keep them busy and active every week. Meanwhile, in the springtime, The Hun Review staff begins to work full time in the Journalism Room as well, editing and compiling a fine arts magazine that offers students another distinct form of literary and artistic expression, based not so much on school life as on personal experience and creative energy. To add to the fusion of creative writers and journalists who work in the Journalism Room, the School's Marketing and Communications Office moved in at the start of this school year. Students who frequent the Journalism Room value the help Ms. Meghan Poller and Mr. Ryan Egan provide, adding two professional journalists to the mix. Likewise, Ms. Poiler and Mr. Egan enjoy being so closely connected to the daily life of the student community, particularly students involved in journalism. "I'm always pleased to see how many students dedicate their time to write for school publications," says Mr. Egan. In addition, Ms. Poller calls the new connection between the School's professional and student publications a "mutually beneficial experience" because "[she] can get to know students better and get a good sense of what is important to students at Hun" while "journalism students benefit from being around a professional communications staff." While the room can be sometimes hectic with busy journalism students, the overall process is very rewarding for all. "I've learned a lot of skills through both the yearbook and newspaper in my time at Hun and find the room to be a very useful resource," adds Michael Chang. With an eclectic sampling of students and faculty who make good use of the facility, all members benefit not only from what they learn through their publications but also from each other. BY PAUL SOLTIS
1. Writers Alexis Caldwell and Andrew Katz work with editor Michael Chang on how to improve future issues of the paper by using old ones as examples. The meeting room they are using was introduced at the beginning of the year as a place to hold conferences. 2. The bulletin board is used by the yearbook staff as a reference for scheduling, planning, and guidelines for producing their pages.
Danielle Walsh, a veteran member of The Hun Review, works
publication's adviser of many years. They are planning
production are extremely
dedicated; they review
as a group
masterpieces and make them into one larger piece of
as a student organization.
art. It's what I look forward to all year long. I would
and brainstorming ideas for the upcoming issue of their
Last year's magazine was nominated by The
publication in regards to art and literature selections.
National Council of Teachers of English for the highest
The Hun Review is Hun's award-winning fine arts
award, and was one of six other schools in New Jersey
magazine that is composed of a collection of students'
to win the Supreme Award. This is the magazine's
rather be there among friends and among the amazing works than anywhere else in the spring." Bringing together
Hun's literary
second time winning the award in the twelve years it
to display
photography, drawings, sketches, and many other
has been published.
creative minds within a vast pool of talent.
The students involved in the magazine's
and artistic
community, the magazine continues to serve as a tool
creative writing and artwork. It includes prose, poetry, forms of art.
submissions and handle the production of the magazine
Hun's diverse literary
scholars, fusing
together of a bunch of ideas," says member Alex
freezing time
SAY CHEESE! Samantha Heyrich's baby cousin is all smiles as Samantha snaps a photograph. Photo Credit: Samantha Heyrich
ALL ABOARD! Stefanie Fox captures a picture of a cruise ship sailing by in beautiful Aruba. Photo Credit: Stefanie Fox
1. Stephanie Fox takes a photo of a crosswalk light from an interesting angle. 2. Sophomore Camille Schrier uses digital photography to capture a breathtaking image of an ice skate. 3. Camille explores her natural side by photographing beautiful flowers.
* % •
1. Keon Rankins watches as Peddie scores their only touchdown at the Homecoming game. 2. Ian Maltz kicks one of the two field goals during the game. 3. Kylan Baker and Julian Hayes congratulate each other on a successful play. 4. James Knopf celebrates another win for the season. 5. Brett Forman receives a ball during warm ups.
A League of Their Own: Junior Varsity WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT JV'S RYAN ROSS:
I.Alexander Fabian, JV quarterback. scrambles in attempt to find
a receiver. 2. Cameron Dudeck stares into the crowd. 3. Zachary Bicho punts the ball across the field.
1 . Other than football, Ross is a member of the Black Student Union, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and the Community Service Club. He is also very active in his church. 2 . His positions on the field are tailback on offense and any defensive back position on defense. j . His most memorable game of the season was the game at Blair, because "We were coming off a game in which we had lost 30-0, and I was so proud of our team for not letting that loss get into our heads." 4 . What he found challenging about the season: "Because of the small number of players on our team, many players were forced out of their comfort zones and had to learn how to play new positions. This was a very tough process, but our players adapted well and played their positions to the best of their abilities."
a play-by-play of the Peddle game-according to wide receiver Keon Rankins
ome people think that a 10-6 game was just low scoring, but we saw it as a battle. This was one of the first times I started for Varsity. It was also a little weird to play Brendan Dudeck since he was our leader in previous years. It was interesting to see him on the other side in that uniform. As for the activity of the game, Kylan (Baker) was able to run for a touchdown and for that particular play, our offensive line was really good. (Chris) Cardinali also made a great block, giving Kylan the hole to score. The people who actually score usually get most of the credit, and Kylan deserves it, but it was also a huge contribution from the whole team. (Ian) Maltz also had a really great game. He not only scored the other three points for the team with the field goal, but his kick-offs, extra points, and punts were both strong and accurate. The only negative part of the whole experience was Zach (Hundertmark) getting injured. I felt really bad for Zach because I know him pretty well, and I know that when he is in pain he usually just brushes it off, but we all knew that he was hurting. He ended up breaking a bone in his hand and could not play the last two games. He was a great left tackle for our offense and defensive end, and his absence definitely affected our team. It was a great game and I was lucky to be able to play with these guys. They all do so much for the team, and they were truly a great group of guys, better yet a family." \\
Family Matters A commitment to athletics in high school requires not only hard work, but a significant devotion of one's time. As a result, players often feel a close connection to their fellow teammates. In David Dudeck's situation, however, having a brother as a teammate and his father as a coach extends beyond the typical familial bounds. With the eldest Dudeck, Brendan, playing on the Peddie team as a postgraduate, the Homecoming game slowly transformed into a family feud of sorts. Before the game, David commented on the irony of his Dad "watching film, game planning around
how to stop his own son." "It was . , r, . , „ _ ., weird to see Brendan leave, David
D u d e c k han
continued, but I knew that Cam was
Cameron and David
Sin8 a r o u n d - 2 The boys with their father '
David Dudeck 77. 3. The
_ , . youngest Dudeck sports a
coming to the team and that we could form that bond just as Brendan and I had last year."
s h i r t t h a t reflects t h e
divided household of Hun and Peddie.
1. Daniel Gonzalez shows off his brand new cleats. He bought this pair before the fall season started. 2. Jeff Kaminski sets up for a goalie kick at the Princeton Day School match. The team went into overtime, unable to earn a victory.
3. Liam McManimon thwarts his
opponent from The George School. 4. Connor Stevenson, a four-year member of the boys soccer team, tried to block off the incomin opponent. 5. After the home game against Mercersburg, Frank Villaverde said, "We did alright. There's stilt some things we can improve on. Overall we tried our best."
kicking &screaming Varsity Boys' Soccer
ne of the most memorable events for the varsity boys' soccer team this year was the
Homecoming game. This game was one of the most
Kaminski, a senior and the team goalie, proved his leadership skills and loyalty to the team by giving his all to every single shot taken by the other team. Within
challenging and dramatic games of the season. The Raiders
the last five minutes of this game, it seemed as if both
played the Peddie School Falcons and it was a game to
teams were heading for overtime.
remember. Leading seniors such as Mark Nicholas and Julian
The crowd audibly stomped their feet and clapped their hands for joy when post graduate Federico
Plummer strategically helped their teammate Connor
Urnadetta scored the winning goal before the clock ran
Marino score a critical goal in the first half. The Peddie
out. This game raised the overall energy of the team,
School then retaliated by assertively scoring a goal. Jeffrey
leading them to their consecutive MAPL victory. BY BRITTANY ANDERSON
86 •i
FOREIGN FUSION Q&A with Venezuelan international student and starting player Daniel Gonzalez.
Q: Did you have any difficulties in communication with the team?
A: I did a little at the beginning, but after pre-season I felt extremely comfortable with the team and there was no language barrier. Q: Is there any difference between soccer in Venezuela and soccer in the United States? A: The only difference I can think of is that soccer in Venezuela is all year round rather than a season. Everything else is the same, soccer is a universal sport. Q: Did soccer help you transition into the Hun school? A: Yes, it helped me make close friends quicker and preseason showed me what to expect. BY BRITTANY ANDERSON
1 oyheseoson thai hasTnaTDeeWrnore tru season we were (Slaying afo^lery hji "hich was gratifying to see." - COACH STE adverWie? surh a i injuries
s, l^st yea'
:occer team lost keyj on. However, the girl and i m p r ^ e d
as a
•,,^..:..'-.a. ^specialty the four Dwyer, Monki- King, and C
commitment, worked ha
ither, and made sut
every touch counted, as Coach Stevenson emphasizes when co; As a result, the girls came within a whisker of being repeat
8Y ANNA C^)l
I. Monica King prepares to kick the ball 2. Lexi Golestani gives the block her all. 3. Joey Crivelli stays^ head-to-hejd with h opponent
BROOKE BtVANS "Play well,
ASHTON DWYER "Varsity gitrn soccer is about
4. Olivia BraenderCarr signals her teammate that she is wide open. 5. Holly Hargreaves anticipates blasting the ball across the field. 6. Phoebe Huang flails against her opponent to return the high ball.
Super Rookies tm here are 10 minutes left on the clock, and the JV soccer team I starts to push back. We are down by one and BAM! We score a goal. The game against The George School ended 5-3, with the Raiders coming out on top. The players, audience, and the coaches were all nervous throughout the whole game, which was unpredictable from the start. In the beginning, Hun was winning with a two-point lead. Nicholas Guns and Robert Merfield scored one goal each. Our players were so confident that they were going to win. However, as soon as the boys loosened up, The George School took advantage of this and scored. After the goal, the Raiders gathered themselves and scored again. The first half of the game ended 3-1. Before the second half began, Mr. Favaloro and the team were positive that they were going to win this game. However, the opposing team came up with a new plan and some of our players were benched out and injured. When our team was having a hard time trying to pull back up, The George School scored two more goals. All of a sudden, the opponents caught up so fast that Hun became nervous. There was not much time left and Coach Favaloro changed players and directed with more passion. Both the players and the coach were determined to not lose a game they were initially winning. All the Hun and George School players were exhausted. However, with strong teamwork and determination, Hun won the game. The team coach, Mr. Favaloro, compliments, "I'm proud of my players' unity, camaraderie, and determination."
1. Robert Merfield shoves his opponent to reclaim the ball. 2. Scong Won Hong rejoices with his team members after winning a hard-fought match. 3. Before the match begins, Mr. Favaloro instructs his players on how they should play out the game. 4. The entire team gets together for a pre-game confidence boost. 5.Nicholas Guns sprints and leaps in the air to send the ball flying down the field.
1. Chris Meinert sets up to punt the ball against the incoming Academy of New Church players. 2. Fighting off his opponent, Jason Geter vl sprints to get the ball back to his teammate.
LEARNING TO SHOOT FRESHMAN BOYS' SOCCER Unafraid of the competition, these bold freshmen proved that while most of them were new to the sport, they had nothing to lose. Coach Gonzalez has always acclaimed his hardworking freshmen for their versatility on the field. In seasons past, he and his troops have had incredibly successful seasons, ones that rival and sometimes even trump those of the junior varsity and varsity teams. However, this year was a building team for the boys. Although they began with a losing streak, they eventually corrected their wrongs and fell into sync with one another. This harmony proved strong when the freshmen defeated their rival Peddie after losing to them in the season opener. BY JUNG YEON CHOE
JASON GETER "We improved so much Some kids didn't even know how to shoot the ball straight in the beginning of the year but now we can depend on them to score and do passes in the game for us."
"The game against George was the hardest because first we scored two but they pushed back and tied us. But the last 10 minutes were really good because we scored again and won."
TIMOTHY ANDREWS "We didn't necessarily improve individually but as a team we improved definitely passing wise and played more as a team."
n Wednesday, October 6, 2010, the Varsity Field Hockey 'team was presented with a big challenge in their season- a game against Stuart Country Day School. Varsity Field Hockey plays Stuart Country Day School every year, but for the past eight years the team has fallen short of victory. This year the team stepped up to the challenge. Carey Million '13 was able to beat the Stuart defenders and score the first goal for Hun. After Hun's first goal, Stuart felt the pressure and scored on the Hun defense. During the second half, both teams needed some extra energy, and the Hun Varsity Field Hockey girls showed Stuart the level of play they can perform. Katya Huxel '11 scored Hun's second goal. Kara Kettelkamp held her own in goal, and Hun Field Hockey won 2-1 to put a hardly fought "W" on their season record. BY CAROLINE KNIGHTS
A MATCH TO REMEMBER Kelsey Gallagher marches down the field seconds before passing the ball back to her fellow teammate. A returning varsity member, Gallagher is well experienced on the field.
tAM Kara Kettelkamp Look on a major task during her senior year field hockey season. After seeing the strength of the team, Kettelkamp was faced with the fact that there were no potential goalies who were capable of playing at the necessary level of play. Kettelkamp played goalie in eighth grade, but she has played defense since then.
1. Taylor Havard goes in for the ball against Stuart 2. Kristen Manachio takes the ball away from her opponent. j Manachio and Havard's combined efforts helped close out another win j against Stuart for Hun JV Field Hockey.
1. Kettelkamp defends the goal in the match against Stuart. Photo Credit: Tim Pitts 2 A l s o a strong defender, Kettelkamp plays on thyroid against
After talking to Coach Quirk, Kettelkamp decided to start practicing goalie again. She trained as a goalie in practices to prepare her for the high school level. Although playing goalie during her senior year of high school was not ideal, Kettelkamp played with strength. When told that it was her first year as a high school goalie, many fans and coaches had trouble believing it. Kara Kettelkamp's ambition and courage kept the team powerful in her senior year.
Hailey Culhane and Nicolette Natale '11 have played on the Hun Field Hockey team since . their freshman year at Hun. They both have helped lead the team to the many successes ; T J i throughout this season, including a win against Stuart Country Day School. When asked how the' field hockey team has influenced their impression of Hun student life, Culhane explained how much she enjoys the "combination of people." She also loves "being together as a team," and this season £ their team has made many significant advances as 1 team players. •
Natale added that she likes "watching the girls work so hard on and off the field." When asked how the Stuart game affected her last season at Hun, Natale stated it "picked up everyone's spirits." Some of Culhane's favorite I games in the season were against Steinart, Stuart, I and "holding [their] own against Lawrenceville and | Peddie." Both seniors were very impressed with [ the level of play their team has played at this year. BY CAROLINE KNIGHTS I
SHOOT IT HIGHER JV GIRLS' TENNIS Although the team lost against Peddie, their closing match of the season, Coach Cheryl Beal still had words of optimism to share. "We came out with a winning season," she stated. "I'm happy. There's nothing to complain about." Captain of the junior varsity girls' tennis team, Danielle Walsh shared her favorite experiences with the team at the last match. "I like to play tennis and love my teammates. It's been a great season... we've all grown so much as players." Although most of the girls are young underclassmen, they demonstrated great potential this season with a record of six wins to four losses. They are all proud of their accomplishments. BY ERIN LEE
1. Sarah Week and Danielle Walsh practice hitting cross court rallies before their match begins. 2. Julia Zollner bends her knees and follows through to hit a finishing winner
1. While the girls were practicing hitting against the
down the line. Julia enjoyed playing tennis
fence, Juliana Bello picks up a ball in preparation for
in Hun's middle school, as well. 3. Caroline Campbell belts a backhand lob deep into the court, pushing her opponent back. 4. Merrill Gardner watches her ball fly long.
the next drill. 2. Coach Joan Nuse demonstrates a proper follow through stroke for the girls to emulate in their practices.
v As Ms. Joan Nuse, head coach, said, "This year held a 'rough season' for the girls' tennis team." After graduating many valued seniors from last season, 2010 presented the tennis team with a season for
\ \
rebuilding. However, the tennis players took a really good attitude about the situation and worked hard. Despite the difficulties this season presented, the tennis players focused on the advantages their situation offered. Everyone on the team grew with the chance to gain new experience, as new players got their first encounters with the game while veteran players entered into new positions in which they had never played. Between all the hard work the girls put in this season, they still found time for a little fun. Games like tennis volleyball allowed the teammates to practice their skills while breaking up the normal practice routines with some other activities. Boys' tennis coach Mr. Todd Loffredo even joined in on a few occasions. Team Captain Katie Seitz '12 continued to lead the team this year, holding the position of first singles player. Aside from her tennis abilities, Katie's teammates also looked to her as a good model of hard work and a great example of a friend. BY BRITTANY ANDERSON
he first home race of the season is always the hardest. Returning runners know the difficulty of the infamous course at Greenway Meadows Park. N e w runners are terrified by the stories. Many say that our home course is one of the hardest courses of the season. But with the degree of difficulty comes the ultimate satisfaction of finishing the race. But the race is not over even when you cross the finish line. Once you are done, you don't go sit down and stretch out, yet. You stand by the finish line and cheer as your teammates and competitors alike come through the finish line. Even though some people may see cross country as an individual sport, it truly comes down to the camaraderie between the whole team. This is where a fusion of individualism and teamwork meet. Going from the first win at home, the team went on to accomplish so much more, with another win at home and a handful of wins away.
The team came out strong this year compared to years past. W i t h hard work, dedication, and good leadership not only from the top runners, but also from Coaches Angela Haberle and David Davis, the team built upon each win as the season went on. This season has been a series of highs and lows, literally. From running through the hilly terrain at Blair to running at the flat golf course at Peddie, the team and its path embody the same idea. Runners had new personal bests and tough moments when disappointment ran through their minds. But that never stopped them. The team ran hard all the way until the end of the season. It is not the results in the wins and loss column when you look back but rather the friendships you form, the endurance you have built, and the fun times you have which you can look back on. BY GARRETT LAU
1. Second-year varsity runner, | Harrison Whelan finishes I strongly at The George School. 2. Brian Lynch cruises through ' flat terrain at the home course. ,TT' 3. Gilles Merckx sprints up his !» last hill before finishing first • place in the race against Rutgers Prep. g
Q: Why did you decide to run on the cross country team? : I played basketball, soccer, golf and other sports, but I thought this sport would make me feel proud of my work. Q: What do you do during the day before a meet? : During the day before, to prepare myself, I eat high carbohydrates and drink enough water. Before the race, I try to relax my body and mind. Q: What does running do for you? : When I feel troubled and agitated, running actually makes me feel calm and focused. Running teaches me to be myself. BY DONGWAN KIM
1. Paul Soltis stretches his calves before the start of the race 2. Emily Stout, Alexis Caldwell, and Thomas McNulty smile with enthusiasm before they head off to start in the race against Rutgers Prep at Greenway Meadows, the home course. This season was the trio's first with cross country. As Emily stated, "I love being part of the cross country team because everyone is so nice and it's so fun."
f^ \»
miles run over the course of the season, about the distance from Princeton to Boston. days since the beginning of preseason in August to the last race in November. kilometers, the distance of a typical high school cross country meet.
Although cross country is an individual sport, through practicing, working, and racing together, cross country teammates fuse together into a solid team throughout the season. However, like in any group, certain teammates achieve levels of distinction above the rest. Three cross country runners this year led the team, not only in placing at races but also in their guidance and commitment t o their fellow teammates. Since his start on the cross country team last year, Gilles Merckx has consistently led as the
team's number one runner. Gilles goes beyond the requirements and works with a personal coach t o improve his running prowess. Gilles1 dedication to running inspires his fellow teammates. Harrison Whelan contributes his own abilities t o the team. W i t h his hard w o r k at meets, Harrison has earned his place on the varsity team for the past t w o years. Lastly, Brian Lynch has been part of the team since his freshman year. His teammates enjoy running with him as their captain, a title he has earned for both his running ability and seniority on the team. BY PAUL SOLTIS
Young Promise ^
tarting the season with
Academy in January. It was
their first loss, but the girls
upperclassmen, no one knew
varsity girls' basketball team.
season if they continued to
Playing against the odds, the
hard and put in the
team started their season with
an eight game winning streak.
The team was energetic and
regained their strength and
happy about the prospect of
unstoppable, and they determined to
keep up the
winning spirit. Although the team was
a few
the the
Although the end of the season the
had a successful
season with a lot of ups and downs.
strong and capable, they had a
well and was willing to face all
devastating loss to Blair
obstacles that it faced. BY CAROLINE KNIGHTS
At the match against Shipley, Johnnah Johnson goes for a lay up. She ended up scoring 11 points that game, despite the team's eventual loss. Photo Credit: Tim Pitts
Johnnah Johnson
came to
Hun as a freshman this year with high hopes for the team. She towers over many of the other girls at a height of 6'1". She has worked hard to become a great player. This year, despite being a new member to the team, she demonstrated
the skill and will
power necessary to be successful and
streak in the very beginning. Johnson team
with the
the season a
productive, rebounding one. With her new teammates, she had an instant
them dominate on the court, as if they had been playing together all their lives. BY CAROLINE KNIGHTS
ASHTON DWYER "You couldn't tell that 8 out of 9 girls are new this season. We play together and our efforts are endless. Impossible is nothing."
1. At the game against
"We are like a family, We
Mercersburg, Miranda Muscente watches as the ball soars upward
argue, and we have
towards the basket. Muscente was
overcome our issues
a new addition to the varsity team
throughout the season."
this year. 1. Johnnah Johnson attempts to knock the ball out of
the opposing player's hands. 3. Carey Million braces herself for the rebound after a foul shot.
Photo Credit: Tim Pitts
"Our scheduling was more rigorous as the season progressed but our record does not depict the effort we put in. We are a young team with a lot of potential; next year will be our year."
bouncing back VARSITY BOYS' BASKETBALL^^^RESURGES IN MAPL TOURNAMENT players were new to the team, the
"This team has shown, over the it hard to get back on track." season, the reason for playing a
The team achieved its greatest
team sport," Coach Jonathan
accomplishment at the February
Stone explained. "Most all of our
Doug Macrone agreed.
players formed "strong bonds" through traveling, practicing,
Additionally, players learned vital skills from the influence of
MAPL championship tournament in working out and playing together.
Coach Stone over the season.
wins came from an entire team
the successful semifinal game
"These are the kinds of friendships
Jared Cotton, who played his
against Blair Academy, to whom
that last a lifetime," Stone said.
fourth season of Hun basketball,
Stone, whose coaching philosophy focused on getting the most out of the players by "going
they lost two games earlier in the season.
While Dylen Setzekorn, a post graduate shooting guard, learned
"We played our best game, even "better ball handling and
solidified key concepts of "defensive intensity" and to relax when playing offense.
with the strengths of the team and without our best forward, (Dylan
rebounding" from working with his
getting the boys to compete hard
Sherwood was unable to play after
teammates, Dylan Sherwood
telling us to not rush and make
every day," remembered the
an injury in the January 25th
learned how to play defense in the
sure to get a 'good [basket],'"
schedule being the most
Lawrenceville game) giving us a
post because "it was the first time
Cotton reminisced. "That truly
challenging aspect of the season.
chance at winning the
[he] played with people who were
made the difference."
championships," Stone stated. "It
the same size or bigger than [him]."
"We played some of the best teams in the country," he
was rewarding to see the team
recounted, "and having lost a few
come together."
games in the beginning, we found
"I felt extremely prepared for the games because we had such
Despite the fact that eight of the good competition in practice,"
"I'll always remember coach
Grant Fiorentinos concluded by remarking, "The most rewarding part of this season was improving as a team, and growing as a family." BY STEPHANIE MASON
KEEPING IT AWAY Point guard Ferguson Duke heads toward the basket, ducking to avoid Blair Academy's Mike Silverthorn. Players Dylan Sherwood and Will Wise watch in anticipation.
Doug Macrone shoots a layup despite the opposing team's attempt to block the ball. Macrone's most memorable game was against St. Benedict's Prep, when his successful shot tied the score, extending the game into overtime; Hun defeated St. Benedict with a score of 80-78.
Will Wise takes a shot in the game against Germantown Academy, contributing to the 19 points he made during the game. Like a majority of his teammates. Wise was a resident student; the large amount of boarders allowed the team to practice even during snow days, when icy conditions handicapped day students from attending school.
Liam McManimon actively covers his opponent as he dribbles toward the basket. Ferguson Duke reinforces defense closer to the basket. Grant Fiorentinos, a forward on the team, described the team as "a family." "We all wanted the same thing-to win the championship-and we all have each j others' backs," he explained.
Myles Melville demonstrates his ball handling skills as he dribbles past the opposing team.
his year's team took up the daunting challenge of matching the excellence, sportsmanship, and selflessness of last year's squad to great effect. The team's motto, "WE," resonated throughout every practice and game, win or lose, as teammates encouraged and supported each other especially in trying moments. We began to experience the essence of what
it means to be a team: we were a group of individuals who came together to accomplish a common goal, sublimating the team at the expense of the individual. We accomplished honing our offensive skills and knowledge of the game, including the principles of help-defense, motion offense, and tireless, full court, man-to-man defense.
tiUN ' 1. Jason Geter, a key point scorer for the freshmen, goes for
a lay-up in the game against Peddie. 2. Taylor Heilman passes the ball to a teammate. Both Heilman and Geter helped lead
• the team to a strong beginning of the season and had a I positive influence on the team's chemistry. 3. Jordan I McDonald goes up to get the rebound from the opposing I team. McDonald came up from the middle school to continue I his basketball career in high school.
GAINING NEW GROUND This season was a rebuilding
period for the JV Girls' team. When asked to comment on the season, Coach Katie Butler said, "It is rare to have a team as friendly as this one. These girls were always fun to be around, and I hope that I get to coach them all again next year." When asked about one of the leaders of the team, she replied "Bella Cura is a natural leader, she is not afraid to step up and take charge on the court. She was always willing to take a chance with a drive to the basket or a 3-point shot." Finally, she commented on t w o other rising players. She said, "Erica
Brosha dominated the post. She was
Isabella Cura drives to the net in the game against PDS. Both Erica Brosha and Isabella added greatly to the team and will return as fierce competitors.
our leading scorer in every game she played. She and Breyana Greats led the team in rebounds." BY THOMAS HYDUK
YOUNG GUNS Coach Patrick Quirk looked back on the Rutgers Prep game and commented on Bobby Ganges performance. He said, "No one will forget Bobby's performance against Rutgers Prep when he took the team on his shoulders and dominated play."Afterwards, he commented on the game against Gilman where Ethan Chee made a critical basket to send the game into overtime. He stated, "Good ball handling, quick defense and a knack for finishing
in the paint against bigger defender. Ethan Chee's buzzard beating three sent the Gilman game into overtime which the team eventually won." Finally, Coach Quirk commented on the team itself. His comment on the season was: "TheJV Boys' Basketball team was made up a very talented group of players. Known for quick defensive guards, each game someone different stepped up to help lead the team." BY THOMAS HYDUK
Keon Rankins goes for the rebound in the game against Germantown Academy. Rankins was one of the JV Boys' leading players this season. Photo Credit: Tim Pitts
1. Phoebe Huang advancing toward victory. 2. Avery Dorgan lunging for the point against his opponent. 3. Avery Dorgan preparing for another lunge.
Walsh about her experience teams compete in a number of Santelli. Although fencing is an tournaments throughout the season against many schools from individual sport, when asked about the New Jersey area. The girls the tournaments all the fencers competed in the Santelli Fencing responded, "We did well." Despite Tournament on January 16th, while the fact that fencing is an individual the boys competed in the Cetrulo sport, all the\encers act like a Fencing Tournament on January team. The teamVwins based on 9th. The tournaments start early in individual bout resllts. Soyoun Lee the morning and last the remainder commented on theftoumament by of the day. "Let's just say, we didn't saying, "It's not about winning or see the sun that day," says Danielle losing. We all ffest motivate jncmg
worked as a team and kept fighting!" - Phoebe Huang "Some of our bouts were hard, but I think we did well in the end." - Brighid QuinnGordon
each other to do our best." Throughout the tournament, the fencers saw their teammates cheering on the sidelines and offering support and advice. Alex Barker commented on the boys' experience at Cetrulo by saying, "The boys really came together despite the tough competition." Both the girls and boys competed against 45 different schools and fenced excellently.
1. Phoebe Huang and Danielle Walsh are all | smiles as they wait for their next bout 2.Soyoun Lee, Christy Huang, Phoebe Huang, Kanako Shibano, and Sabrina Liu have some downtime before they go back on the strip. Photo Credit: Annette Jeffs 3. Brighid QuinnGordon, Sara Galik, and Noel Baptiste, gather before they warm up before the tournament. Photo Credit: Annette Jeffs
I -VARSITY swirmii
iving in, you feel the immediate rush of
swim in practice as you would swim in a meet,"
water. The cold current moves around you
says Caldwell. As such, when the team puts effort
as you gradually gain more and more momentum.
and energy into the practice, it carries over to the
The nerves build up as you push harder and harder
until you finally make it to the end. And when it's
passion for the sport and each other. Meets
moment of accomplishment makes it all
usually consist of both sprint and distance events
covering the main strokes of freestyle, backstroke,
The swimming team this year was-extremely dedicated and enthusias day, the team l o a d ^ P ^ o n the buses and drove
•O4M puttertiy. One of the most memorableHBoiaaents of the n for the new swimmers was when
to the pool locales off campus. There, they would
semorWjrew them into the pool. They wout<
practice foj^rie next two hours.
gather around the sioVand, one by one, they
Atypical practice consists of warm-ups, speedier endurance work, and a cool down, a common procedure among most sports. jm However, the most difficult part of practice, S#:ording to Alexis Caldwell as well as other Ambers of the team, is the dreaded Tennessee Tumbles. These grueling exercises consist of f swimming from one end of the pool to the other, and back, completely underwater. The challenging aspect of this warm up is being able to hold one's
would go flying in. "I was thrown gretty far and pretty high," recalls freshman Mirabelte Murray. Another memorable moment from the season was when the Coach Kolman held a relay for his team and two of the participating groups cheated. The members of the cheating teams were then forced to run laps outside in the freezing weather wearing nothing but their swimsuits. Through determination and perseverance, the swim team members forged unforgettable
breath for such a long period of time while
connections with one another during the season.
swimming for a relatively long distance.
All it takes is that initial rush of water.
"Our coach's most meaningful advice was to
At the meets, the team overtly displays its
over, with all the cheering and smiles, that
1. lain Alcxandridis swims the butterfly. 2. Alec Eiber swims freestyle during a Pennington meet. 3. Coach Kolman gets the team fired up before their first race. 4. Coach Kolman shows the swimmers proper technique during their daily practice. 5. Alexander Velit dives into the pool during warmups.
WATCH YOUR BACK Jordan Wang stands firmly on the ice, making sure no obstacle gets in his way. His solid defense made a huge difference in the overall strength of the team.
he 2010-11 season had a rough start for our boys. With two straight losses to start off the season, it wasn't looking good for The Raiders. This season, head coach Mr. Bourbeau was faced with the challenge of having a younger team to train and develop into varsity-level hockey players. Since many seniors graduated from the team last year, Bourbeau was given a team of mostly freshmen and sophomores with less experience. As such, the team faced a lot of struggles, including getting back into the groove of things after two weeks
off for winter break. But Coach Bourbeau had faith that the team would make it through. The team showed a lot of improvement from the start of the training in November up to winter break, but when they returned in January, it was slow getting back on the ice. Reflecting on their season, he knew that there were some ups and downs in the first half of the season, but he had hopes that the boys were learning from their mistakes. The players tried to keep up their morale, but it was a long second half of the season. The
team had a lot of good games like a 5-0 win over Montclair-Kimberly Academy, but they also had some low days like the 1-7 loss to LaSalle High School. On the positive side, players agree that the team has bonded a lot since the beginning of the season. They have seen a lot of improvement, and the players really became a team. It's always a challenge for teammates to come together when the going gets tough; however, overall the team both lost and won together and, at the end of the day, had a great season. BY KAMARON MCNAIR
1. Greg Seelagy skates down the ice in hot pursuit. 2. Harry Hagen races an opponent towards the puck. 3. Brad Stern takes a knee after a hard fight for possession. 4. Nick Pierce fights for the puck while an opponent falls to the ice.
For freshman goalie Devin Cheifetz, hockey is more than a sport - it's life. Devin started skating when he was just two years old, and started playing hockey by age four. Coming from a half Canadian family, hockey is kind of implied. His father, also a hockey player, inspired Devin to get on the ice. When he was still early on in his career, Devin decided to become a goalie because he "always wanted to get jumped on at the end of the
D e v i n c h e i f e t z defends the
Soal at the f i r " Same o f t h e
_ season. "Devin is one the most determined goalies I have Ever since, Devin has been „ , ,, , ever met, says Brendan Hurley, fellow team member. He s getting better and better in the rea || y brave to put himself out their for us in his first year goal. To put It simply, he just loves playing on the team. His courage is an example of how much the rush that comes with blocking our team emotionally cares." a shot. —•BY KAMARON MCNAIR
1. Scott Munley picks up a ground ball during the match. , "He is a good leader as captain and his strong work ethic
compels the team to do its best, while making significant ^ -
contributions to the offense," remarks Andrew Winterstein. 2. Garrick Wier runs down the field to return to his defensive position. 3. Will Sweetland strategically waits for the ball. 4. Steffen Gratch looks down the field to make a pass.
WITH In what seems to be a common trend this year for spring sports teams, the varsity boys' lacrosse team has had to make some adjustments coming in from the previous season. " W e lost a lot of good players who graduated last year," says Garrick Wier. "So a lot of our returning players had to change positions. It really tested our versatility as lacrosse players." However, the adversity did not dampen the spirit of the team. Inspired to overcome these difficulties, Garrick commented, " W e simply had to learn from our strengths and weaknesses in order t o get ahead. W e became better players in the end."
In an effort to w o r k out the kinks of a new team, the team was hesitant initially going against Academy of New Church. " W e started off the game a little shaky giving up a couple quick goals but then we rallied and won big," says Michael Buckbinder. " W e can really bring it together as a team when needed and part of that is because of Mr. Kelso. He is good at encouraging us and hyping us up before games." In fact, Head Coach Tom Kelso sees the importance of guiding his team in terms of goal setting and personal motivation. According to his philosophy, this provides the team with structure
and solidarity as they move together towards becoming stronger athletes, both physically and mentally. This mental strength is evident in how the boys closed the rest of the match. "Eventually everything came together. W e knew it was a match we needed to win, so as a collective whole we just rallied and brought it together," adds Michael. The team's unity and relentless pursuit for the win attribute to its successful season. The boys' path shows that motivation and keeping a clear mind of what's up ahead is essential for playing well on the field. BY SHUKRA SABNIS
TALKIN' TACTICS Before the mntch against ANC, the boys gather for a quick inspirational talk with Mr. Kelso../
tarting off the season right, the girls' varsity lacrosse team won its opening game against Blair by one goal. However, this game was only the beginning for the girls. Monica King, senior, and one of the three captains this year, explains that the team is still looking to improve and become stronger and fitter so that they can out compete all of their opponents. According to Monica, this year the team is focused especially on fundamentals. At preseason in Florida, the team worked hard and training was intense. Many key players graduated last year, so the team is very young, which has only encouraged the girls to work even harder to improve. The team remains focused on practicing ground balls and draw control, as these skills are crucial and could be the determining factor of a win or loss. Also, new to the team this year, Coach Bethany Loffredo has become an important contribution. "She's awesome, and brings a lot of knowledge because she played and coached D1 at Fairfield. She brings new drills, and she's really easy to get along with," says Monica. Along with Coach Loffredo, Coach Sanborn and Coach Kittle provide the girls with insight about the game. They push the girls to work hard at practice, and offer a lot of encouragement. Although the team is young this year, Monica is excited and confident about the season. "We are super young, but we have a lot of heart, which is going to help us win games."
1. Monica King prepares to receive a pass from her teammate. 2.Emily Decicco and Monica King are al! smiles at practice. 3. Peyton Lutz runs after a loose ball 4. Skylar Tucker tosses the ball to her teammate as she runs down the field. 5. Focused. Senior Ashton Dwyer gets ready to catch the ball from her teammate.
1. Olivia Albanese jogs off the field after the play ends. 2 Goalie Lucia Perasso prepares herself for a shot from the opponent. 3. The team gathers around Coach Loffredo as she discusses tactics .
SENIOR ALERT Caroline Knights, Ash ton Dwyer, Tori Van Heyst, and Monica King smile for the camor.i
1. Ryan Hayes swings away at a pitch from the opposing team. 2. Morgan Browne throws strikes at the mound. 3. Jason Geter sprints to first base after getting a hit.
1. Steven Wells focuses intently on the varsity game. Photo Credit: Emanuel Aliprantis. 2. Nathaniel Bayona, a new
addition to the team, watches the game like a hawk. 3. Varsity catcher Chris Leach walks about to home plate. Photo Credit: Emanuel Aliprantis.
I his season, the varsity baseball team opened with a tough loss against Lawrenceville, but Coach McQuade remained confident that the players would find success as they continued to improve. However, there have been some new obstacles this year that the team overcame. "For the first time in many years we did not have any returning players who have pitched at the varsity level," says Coach McQuade. Regardless, the pitching staff was still very talented. This year, juniors Alex Fabian, Gavin Stupienski, and John Campbell, along with sophomores Austin Goeke, ike Manfredi, Eddie Paparella, Devan Birch, and iteven Wells pitched for Hun. As the players continued to work hard in the gym"» well as at practices, they were able to develop and pelfect their skills. In fact, the team rebounded
quickly from their loss against Lawrenceville and later defeated Blair as well as Academy of the New Church. Coach McQuade also recognizes the leadership on the team this year. Chris Leach (catcher), Mark Rende (short-stop), and Dave Dudeck (outfielder) are the three captains of the team. "All three players are great leaders and outstanding players," says Coach
McQuade. The team managed to stay resilient and hopeful, despite difficulties, and proved that determination is key in performing well. '&"
Despite facing obstacles coming
inexperienced varsity players," Coach
team has had a successful season so
into the new season, the varsity
Kathy Quirk explained. "Co-captains
far with a 20-0 win against Academy
Softball team remains confident in its
of the team, Meghan Hayes and
of New Church.
Mackenzie Pyne are ready for the
that many of the players are new to
challenges of leadership roles."
the team, they continue to form
abilities. The team's strength was featured early on as the girls swiftly defeated the Academy of New Church 20-0,
With the strong leadership of these two girls, Coach Kathy Quirk
Despite the fact
"strong bonds" through practicing and playing together.
despite the heavy rain and inclement
has high expectations for of her team,
"Though we are young, we have
weather conditions. Considering the
as "returning pitcher Meghan Hayes is
a group of players willing to learn and
varsity Softball team's impressive start,
looking strong on the mound with
make the season a successful one.
one may be surprised to discover that
new comer Carey Million behind the
We have set our goals high! We left
the team actually is relatively new in
plate who proves to be a strong
some unfinished business last year on
terms of returning members.
the Lawrenceville field and we are
"Upon graduating 6 starters from
In addition, Coach Quirk
ready to start a new chapter with
last year's squad, the Softball team is
encourages her players to play by
year's squad," Coach Quirk confirms.
working hard to find the best nine
their strengths and use teamwork to
With dedication as great as the
players from a pool of 17 young and
make up for any weaknesses. The
team's, anything is possible. BY SHUKRA SABNIS
KEEPING IT AWAY New player Carey Million executes a perfect line drive. Carey is a welcome addition to this year's team.
1. Senior Meghan Hayes never lets a ball get out of her sight. 2. The team watches as Carey Million runs into home plate, scoring yet another point. 3. Carey Million swings for the ball, but barely misses it at the end. 4. Emily Kuchar focuses adamantly on the game from second base.
BACK TO BASICS JV BOYS' TENNIS After quickly defeating The Hill School just a few days earlier, the team struggled
with their home match against Peddie the following Saturday. The team's defeat can mostly be attributed to the stormy weather and cancellation of practices during the week. "It was tough to compete on Saturday," says Casey Bayer, a returning doubles player. "The weather really played a detrimental role by not letting us practice at all." Despite this, the team is well aware of overcoming difficulties. As evidenced by the team's past success, a little hard work and practice can go a long way. On a final note, Casey mentioned, "Once we put in the work, we become a lot better." BY MICHAEL CHANG
1. Rohit Malhotra winds up to hit a backhand winner across the court in his first singles match. 2. Matthew Beal waits for his opponent's return during his third singles match. 3. Coach Francois Bourbeau looks on as his players compete,
1. Practicing with the ball machine. Peter Sendzik
watching for potential areas of improvement.
tries to keep up with the pace as the tennis balls
4. Rob Hedberg challenges his opponent's call
come flying at him. 2. Chris Seitz shouts at Matt
on his serve during his second doubles match.
Head, his hitting partner, to focus on rallying and keeping the balls in the court. Both are returning singles players.
After a tough close loss to Hill as the season opener, and a follow up loss to Peddie the week after, the varsity boys' tennis team demonstrated strong resifience in spite of these disappointing losses by following through with a quick win against Ranney. When asked about the loss to Hill, Mr. Loffredo J/Commented, "We beat them 7-0 last year. We shouldn't have lost to them." However, the team remained intact and continually practiced, dealing with sporadic bouts of rain and an illness that affected the health of over half the players. Another problem the team encountered was a lack of experienced players. "We've had a tough loss with 2 seniors less so we are still accustoming ourselves to the big change," says Dobrin Mitev. "In addition, certain players should have had a better attitude about their match and should not have let the opponents think they got in our heads. On another note, Chris Seitz mentioned, "I think it was a case of little bit of nerves for the new players on the team and also staying focused. However, as always, we definitely become more confident as the season progresses." BY MICHAEL CHANG
are of
hard work truly does pay off.
comes next are six minutes
After facing obstacles, such as the absence of their
coach Mr. Geoff Evans and a few
racing, driving
graduated rowers, the team held
the boat closer towards the finish
up their reputation as one of the
best in New Jersey.
But the race does not begin at that start November.
line; it began in Months
"A lot of the reason why we're such a solid team is our overall
conditioning and careful planning
dedication to putting in effort at
prepared the team to be ready to
practices," says Phoebe Huang.
race. Whether it be a 10K on the
"We always strive to be on top
erg or
a 6 mile
around workout
prepared the team to be ready to compete. And when that fateful
disappoint. Winning the coveted Seat Race Trophy showed that
performance at races." Thus, it is no surprise that this resilient team will enjoy a
came at Blair, the team did not
successful season, for both the girls and boys' teams. BY GARRETT "GARY" LAU
Matt Blake. John Marbach, Herwig Konings, Anthony Marino (filling in for Carrick Porter against Peddie), and coxswain • Garrett Lau all are a part of the second varsity four boat named "The Demler"
Out of every single boat, the second varsity four was the only undefeated boat in dual races this year.
attributes the boat's success to their strong group dynamic. "Last year all four of these guys
coming into this year they know each
Garrett Lau. "They know better than anyone else what it takes to win and succeed." Unity
and teamwork
essential for success in rowing. As demonstrated by this boat's hard work and commitment this past season, their harmony out on the water
compete at
their best. BY MICHAEL CHANG
o o
u LL.
o Q.
"Rowing makes you know the other people on your team like no other sport. If you want to do well you have to know them better than you know yourself." ,
1. Dominik Engshuber, Jason Elefant,
Parker Lewis, and Tyler Veth are getting
"In rowing, success lies not only in the sum of individual
ready to launch the first varsity four boat. All of the boys won their races against
Peddie. 2. The seniors show off their Seat
Race trophy after defeating Blair for the second year in a row. When asked how it felt to win the trophy again, Jason Elefant commented, "It never gets old. It's a testament to everyone on the team. We worked hard and we got our reward, plain and simple." 3. Freshman rowers rig the
effort, but also in team growth and solidarity."
LU co
novice eight boat in preparation for the race against Peddie. 4. Abigail Buckley carries back oars to the boathouse. CO
"There are days when you hate it, but when it comes down to it, nothing beats making a boat go fast and the feeling you get from training hard. That's what's satisfying."
THE HANDOFF Justice Healy runs for the for the finish line during the distance medley relay at the Lawrenceville Relays. Photo Credit: Nixon Grant
he Run T
he varsity track team opened the season by missing the first race due to weather. But the team worked hard and rebounded, winning some medals at the Lawrenceville Relays. " At Lawrenceville, many of the jumpers and throwers got their personal bests. Furthermore, this streak of record breaking results would be continued at the first home race of the season, which shortly followed.
— 1. Nicole Glass throws the javelin at the meet at Lawrenceville. Nicole is one of the top throwers on the track team. Photo Credit: Nixon Grant. 2. Gilles Merckx races for the handoff at the Lawrenceville I Relays. Photo Credit: Nixon Grant.
At the first home race of the season, the team faced the tough competition of both the Peddie and Blair track teams. The boys' team managed to win over Blair by a substantial margin while losing to Peddie only by a small difference. Sadly, the small girls' team could not muster up enough points to beat either team, but still competed very well, with some girls placing in the top three or higher for their events. Reflecting back on on the team's history, it has grown in numbers over the years. The girls' team has grown from just a few girls to over ten. The boys' team has also grown in numbers in just a few years. The team has also increased its notoriety, since it was invited to the Mercer Twilight Relays for the first time. The captains had a key role in leading such a large team. Each division of the team, such as the jumpers, had a captain that encouraged them and helped the other members to learn proper technique. "From the beginning, the team has had great chemistry. Each member of the team cheered on the other members as they competed. I think that the support of the team has led to many good performances during the meets and some personal bests," said Stephanie i
FAIRWAY FOLLOW THROUGH Harry Hagan tracks his shot during the match against Pennington. Proper form is essential in golf if one is to make accurate and powerful drives down the fairway.
he varsity golf team looks
able to be so competitive despite the
forward to returning to the green
logistical difficulties.
every spring so that they can tee-off at
As evidenced by their strong
Jasna Polana, the stunning 230-acre
start of the season in their away match
Princeton golf course that hosts its
against Hill, it seems that the golf team
truly makes most of what it has. "The
Participating on the golf team
golfers on the team compete because
requires dedication and hard work,
they love the sport," says Brendan
since golfers have to leave almost
Hurley. "None of us would make the
immediately after school each day to
effort of having t o travel by bus every
travel by bus to the golf course. For
afternoon and go against some of the
other private schools in the area that
strongest teams if we didn't absolutely
have their own golf courses, it is an
enjoy what we were doing."
impressive feat that our golfers are
1. During the match against Pennington, Peter Nawn retrieves the flag to
follows through
smoothly after taking
prepare for the putt. 2. Ryan Bruvik
a solid swin 3. Peter Stoddard adjusts his stance before taking the
When asked why the number of male golfers outnumbers females year after year, Tori Weeks comments, "Golf started out as a 'guy-getaway'. It has taken a while for women to catch on." The notion that golf takes a lot of upper body strength is a misconception. Weeks explains that the power comes from the midsection and the motion and focus are extremely important. "It's all about the zen," adds Lauren Kotler. "Size and strength are not what matter most." BY HEATHER MOUNT
Mom: Believe me when I say that I know that no one on the face of this Earth works harder than you. I know sometimes I seem unappreciative, but I'm thankful for everything you do for me. I love you. Dad: You're everything I aspire to be. I love you always. Dana, Kevin, Anna, Ava: Thank you for all the support—you guys mean the world to me. Grandma: I'll never forget out time together. I love you for believing in me from the moment I was born. Uncle Alan, Aunt Ashley, Megan, Caitlin: Words cannot express my gratitude for the ' opportunity you have given me. I love all of you, and thank you. Truly. To all my bros at Hun, it's been pretty awesome, I'll catch you guys on the flipside. Terry, G and Taylor, you guys have made be a better person-Ill never forget the stupid stuff we did. For everyone who reads this, and Terry, a teacher of mine who didn't even like the • NBA—I beg you carry this with you: "All things are subject to interpretation; whichever interpretation prevails 'at a given time is a function of power and not truth." - Friedrich Nietzsche
JjLuL&t Sn&o-K I want to thank my whole family especially Connor, my brother, and my mother and father, who have helped me through so much in my last seven years at the Hun School. My friends have been a constant in my time here and have all been unbelievable, thank you Terry, Greg, Trevor, and Abby. I love you guys. I can't put into words how much each of you guys mean to me. Thank you everyone, you have all had an influence on me. Now let's get ready for the next step. Remember class of 2011...
"Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity." -Henry Van Dyke
Congratulations Class of 201
• K -
Congratulations Class of 201
'o-knl&n teachers, family, and friend memorable. ^Success in golf depends entirely on how effectively you learn to manage the game's ' NO ultimate adversaries: the course and yourself." -Jack Nicklaus
filletce Mom and Dad- Thank you so much for making going to Hun possible. I understand how much you sacrificed to insure I would have a successful future. Now it's up to me to take advantage of it. Thank you for all the times you picked me up from practice, all the times you came to my games, all the times you woke up early to drive me to school. I'll always appreciate everything you've done. I love you. Football team- To the rest of the seniors thank you for everything. I love everyone of you. And-to those who are staying behind, bring the MAPL back to where it belongs. I can't thank the coach's enough for bringing me to Hun and helping me to succeed as a student and athlete. Hockey team-1 always looked forward to puck season just because of all the bodacious bro's that loved sniping top corner, dangling plugs, lining up big time bowangos. The hockey locker room will forever be one of the best kept secrets at Hun. What happens under one shower nozzle stays under one shower nozzle. I love you.
Matte rcenaz Mom and Dad- Thank you for your unending support, and encouragement in everything I do. You are the best parents a son can ask for. I aspire to grow up to be as loving, thoughtful, and hard-working a person as you two are. Grandma- Thank you for everything you have done for me and all the sacrifices you have made for me over the years. You would do anything for our family and I admire you for that. Albert and Tommy- You two guys are my best friends, and you both have always been there for me. Thank you for the good times and memories we have shared in the past and I look forward to those that we will share in the future. Lauren and Ed- Your house is like a home away from home, and I am sure that will never change. My teachers and coaches- You have helped shape me into the person that I am today, and, for that, I cannot thank you enough. My friends-Thank you for the great memories and for making my high school., .>.»
experience so enjoyable.
"Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm"- Abraham Lincoln "'
Dear Mom and Dad, Thank you for everything, you guys are the greatest parents in the world. Mom you are the coolest mom in New York and always have my back when something goes bad. Dad you are such a great person and always help me out when I need you. I love both of you so much! :
I want to begin by thanking my parents for giving me the amazing opportunity to attend Hun. I cannot even begin to express how grateful I am for the advantage I have now been given that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I also want to thank them for doing their best to keep me on track when I occasionally derailed. I want to thank all of the lovely people I have met for making my experience at Hun so enjoyable and memorable. These truly are memories I will carry out through the rest of my life. I also want to give a shout-out to Patrick Quirk for all the memorable games we have had, and the MAPL titles we have brought to Hun. I also want to thank my teammates throughout my career, we have truly become a family. Last but not least I want to thank Mrs. Rad and Mr. Davis. Together you two have made the golf season so much fun. Also thanks for all the extra time you invested in my education. I will really miss you both, and hope we can stay in touch and continue to be close.
tant. rlotentlnod I would like to first especially thank my parents for giving me the opportunity for being at The Hun School. I would like to thank Mr. Kolman, Mrs. Piel, Mrs Fisher and Mr. Stone for all the extra help and support to my success. I would also like to thank Ms. Mount and Mrs. Kolman for my SAT tutoring. Thanks to all the basketball coaches for teaching all that I know today on and off the court. I would not be going to the university I am going to if wasn't for the entire life lesson that the coaches have taught me. ; To my roommate Mike Champion it's been an experience mate. Keep safe and in touch, brah. . • -J Shout outs: White Guy Crew, 3Ms, Team Tatted and 2 Fingers. HOLLA
Mom and Dad- Thanks for sending me to to Hun. Coach McQuade- Coach we did it. Didn't get kicked out and didn't get into too much trouble. Thanks for being a great coach. Jones- Thanks for being a good friend to me throughout my time at Hun. PQ/Sanders/VBS- 2 time MAPL champs with you guys Brendan- Bren you're like a swagged out older brother. You set a good example in everything you do. David- Although you are younger than me I have always looked up to you. Your passion and drive in everything you do is admirable. Bruvy and Plum- Soccer studs. Plum I can't wait to watch you play in college... Bruv not really sure what you're gonna do but I promise I'll at least come visit. For everyone else- If we were friends then you all know who you are. I would put your initials in but i feel like its cliched. When I get texting for graduation I'll text all of you to make up for it. ~~ ~~
Mom, Dad, & Kelly - Thank you so much for all that you have done for me. If it was not for you, I would not be where I am today. You have pushed me to be the best that I can be. I realize that you all have given me a hard time here and there but I have come to realize that it is because you care. I appreciate all you have done for me. Thanks for everything. Coach Quirk & Coach Davis - You have both been there for me. Your door has always been open to talk about sports or life. I appreciate the discipline and work ethic you have taught me on and off the field. You both know how to make the sport fun and improve in the game at the same time. Julian & Chris - You guys have made my experience at Hun both fun and rememberable. We have been through a lot and I'm going to miss you both next year.PSN Triple Threat - Well from fireworks, donuts, 3-D glasses, and french accents, its been a fun senior year. I will miss you both next next year. Thank you to all of my teachers and coaches who have been there for me.
"We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us." -E.M. Forster I never imagined graduating high school twice, but my postgraduate year has been one of the best academic decisions I have ever made. Being a "super senior" has been well worth the toil and tears, and I know that I have emerged stronger and am now 200% ready for university level learning. Hanna, thank you for your continual friendship from day one; I appreciate your unceasing kindness towards me, and I know we will not soon lose contact. Mo: my roommate, my buddy. I have loved laughing with you and sharing our lives! ' Stay focused next year and keep in perspective that your "victory lap" will be well worth it! My beautiful family: Your daily encouragement always picked me up, dusted me off, and sent me skipping on my way. Thank you for supporting me and loving me unconditionally. My PGs: I truly love you guys, and I enjoyed getting to know you all as we survived our fifth year of high school together. We're finally going to college!!! Isaiah 61:10
'anna. citut6i Mom & Dad: Thanks for all your love and support. I really appreciate that you honored my request and allowed me to go to boarding school when you may have thought I was making the wrong decision. Love you. Jacob: Even though we don't see each other very often we always seem to bond over that one basketball game that we both really wanted the Knicks to win. Thanks for always having my back. Ms. Piel: Thanks for being there for me in any possible way you could. Stephanie: There is not a number big enough, to count the number of times I've been in your room complaining about one thing or another. I remember that night at Winberrie's and I never thought we would be as close as we are today. Thanks for always being there for me. Anahi: te quiero much baby. Janel, Ashton, Sydney: I'll never forget the fun times we've had this year. You guys have been really good friends. I'm going to miss you so much<3 Ben and Jasmine: Thanks for always being there when I needed you guys the most. MM. VT. CL. LH. KJ. RG.AR.KO. CR. AS.AG. SWJ. CAD.
To my family, Mom I love you very much and admire your strength to always be there for me . Angie, thanks for being a wonderful sister tqm. Gabriela, one day you will read this and understand better how much you save me with your smile and laughter. Papa, I love you no matter the distance between us. To Hanna and my close friends who made these years memorable, meaningful, full of laughs, and support. I may forget what you did, or what you said, but I will never forget how you made me feel. Gracias por todo y te quiero mucho, now live it up.
U&aindzt l/ellt I would like to thank my family for all the support they have given me and for providing me with the opportunity to attend The Hun School. I would also like to thank all my friends for the great times we have had over the past four years.
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"The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively." - Bob Marley , "Life is a wave, which in no two consecutive moments of its existence is composed of the same particles."
I would like to thank my family for giving me the opportunity to come to Hun, and for supporting me during my time here. [would like to thank my teachers for challenging me and for putting up with me. I would also like to thank my friends for all the good times we had here. "Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -Ralph Waldo Emerson " .< "If you only get to go around one time, I'm gonna sit back and try to enjoy the ride." -Dierks Bentley
'onain Mom, you know I would not be anywhere without you. I am so grateful for all the opportunities you have given me, including sending me to Hun. I love you and I hope I have made you proud. Elyssa, you are my little big sister, I love you and I appreciate all of your "wisdom" Grandma, thank you so much for all your support, you know I love you
I'd like to thank Dr. Fabian and he has stuck with me the entire way. I can't thank him enough for what he has done for me as a teacher, a coach and a friend. I'd like to thank Coach Dudeck, and the rest of the coaches for giving me the opportunity to play football even if I wasn't big enough or good enough. I have grown so much from football and I will cherish all the amazing moments I experienced playing. To all the bros, it has been amazingly awesome. "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."- Marianne Williamson
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." ~Maya Angelou~ Mom & Dad- Thank You so much for believing in me through everything these past four years. I love you both so much!! Mom, Rory once said, "Mom, you've given me everything I need." Dad, someone once said, "A father is always making his baby into a little woman." Kyra & Louis-1 cannot thank you two enough for everything, you've been through so much with me. I know I am hard to deal with so merci, Je t'aime <3 AP & KM-1 will miss you two so badly, all the car rides and everything I will never forget those <3 always & forever OMG, BFF triplets!!! Girls- HP TB HC TVH Y'all have made the past two years unforgettable. The memories will never be forgotten!! Boys-JW ES EG CS SD AK DV TT HK Thank you for all the hilarious memories!: J '•'• ~ m TODAY IS YOUR DAY! ; •-" i YOUR MOUNTAIN IS WAITING. B SO...GET ON YOUR WAY! ~DR.SEUSS~
imc Mom and Dad- Thank you so much for everything you have done for me. You have supported me throughout all my years at Hun and you made me into the person I am today. I love you guys. Rob- The house was not the same without you this year. You have taught me a lot! throughout the years, you are my best friend and I will never forget the fun times j we've had together and the ones yet to come. J To all my friends: whether we met in the middle school or high school, it has been as great journey together. I wish you all the best of luck! To all the faculty, staff, and administrators: Many of you believed in me, guided me, and pushed me to do my best throughout my Hun career. You have all had a great impact on me. Thank you.
Sehek otn The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you-Matthew 22:37-39.1 would like to begin by giving thanks to God, who deserves all glory and praise for the opportunities that have been afforded to me. May we use these experiences to touch the lives of those around us. To Mom, Dad, Laiken, Cason, Rylan, Nana, Pappa, Mamma Sue and BT, thank you for all the support you have provided for me, and specifically to my parents, the sacrifices you have made mean more to me than you will ever know. Thank you for the things you have given up in order to push me towards a better life. Thanks to the Hun Basketball Program, all of my teammates, and coach Stoune, for helping me to grow as a player and preparing me for my future. To Ashton, Dylan, and Doug, you have been great friends and I am happy to have had the opportunity to spend the year with you as my closest friends. I pray you are blessed in all you seek to do from here. Finally to all the people I have met this year, it has been a pleasure getting to know all of you, and I wish you blessings as you move forward on your own journey.
My Family: I truly appreciate the sacrifices you've all made to get me where I am today. Love you. Crew Girls: In the words of Nicky P, "DOSE CREW GURLS ARE WEIRD". Even though crew practices were the equivalent of being viciously torn apart by a school of hammerhead sharks, I still looked forward to them because I knew I'd have a good time with all of you. You'll always have a special place in my heart, right next to food and explosions of course, and you know how much I love food and explosions. Nerd Herd: Awesome. That's all that needs to be said. Oh, and TORRRRRIIIII. Liz & Peej (aka PJ the Walrus): BG4L. You are the She-Wolves to my closet. We have too many memories from crew, adventuring, and many days in the library to list here... And maybe someday we'll be invited to the SAC for more. We may be going our separate ways, but I know the titans will clash again soon. Love you lots. The Shad loves you as well. GFCW: <3 M.B: For you, words aren't needed. "Obligatory inspirational quote about going off into the world" -Someone inspirational and noteworthy EXCELSIOR!
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••.-•.-.. ...-*
!: *'
Mom: My teammate and confidant. Thank you for providing me with so many opportunities, and for your advice, guidance, and for comforting me when Michael Jackson died. Dad: my hero. Although I haven't done everything right, thank you for being there at the end of a bad day for a hug and to call me Bub. Pepper: my GURRRL. I am so proud of you. When you decide what to focus on, I know you'll be the best. See you in Rio. Mr. Loffredo & Ms. Garrett: Thanks for listening when you didn't have to. Mr. R. Brown: Without your kindness and patience I could not have achieved my goals. Crew Girls: Lay it all on the line to keep the dream alive. Sit proud, and work the height. TAYINAWIN, Namaste. Nerd Herd: The best group of friends imaginable. Ouija sleepoyers.JM, and the back corner of the library are all things I will miss, i GFCW<3 The Teachers that pushed me to improve as a student and person: Ms. Rad, Mr. Wilcox Dr. Fabian, Mr. Volz, Mr. Metcalf, Dr. Shaffer, Mr. Dippery, Mr. G. Brown, and Col. O'Brien.
"There is advantage in the wisdom won from pain." - Aeschylus
In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. -Thomas Jefferson '
PJK, EB, HP, KK, AR, TVH, MP, AR, HC, CK, EO'C, KM, LT. "Finally," Part II
Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the ' ' ,. end of the beginning. D: ' -Winston Churchill
Mom and Dad: Thank you both so much for being there and supporting me through these four years. You have both been everything I could have ever asked for in parents. Emily: I promise you will make it through the next few years as an only child. Love you=] Teachers: All of those who have known me thank you for being there to help me grow and succeed to the best of my ability. '• The Herd: I do believe this is enough said. I love you girls=] always. , , ..-, My Page Girls: You two are the best and there are no words to describe how thankful I am for having each of you there for me throughout high school. Shma: I love how we can just look at each other and burst out laughing because we know what each other will say. Shanners: well where do I begin with you, I am going to miss more then anything knowing everything about your life!! I better be updated! My Dancers: I looked forward to fall season each year because I knew it would be filled with many laughs and smiles. Thank you all for bringing me that excitement.
Mom & Dad - Thank you for encouraging me to challenge myself and strive for greatness. You two have given me so many opportunities and you have no idea how - thankful I am for them. Love you lots! Warren - Did my best to keep our legacy intact. You set a great example for me. Thanks for being such a great big brother. Da Herd - Words can't express how much I love you girls! The days we sat at lunch laughing about stupid stuff are some of my fondest memories. The jokes between us never end! I know that I can always count on each of you. The library shall forever be ours. A.R. HP. M.P. P.K. Z.Z. CK. H.C. K.K. E.B. E.O'C. Shma & Nanners - I can't imagine not knowing you! Love you two! l.yfaz - We did it! 7 years went by like the blink of an eye! 7 years of love all packed into one hug! Z.Z. P.K. E.B. T.B. D.V. E.S. K.O. C.S. My Boys - You guys are hilarious and I know that I can always find a good laugh when I'm with you. Thanks for letting me crash the brofests. "We only regret what we don't do in life."
Mom and Dad- Thanks for all the opportunities you've given me. I love you guys! Cassie- Good luck teaching, you'll do great! Mel and Bri- You guys are my sisters from another mister, thanks for making me normal! Da Herd and My Girls- PJK, ZZ, EB, KK, TVH, AMTR, AR, MP, EO, HC, CK, KH, TB, AP, There's too many good times to count, high school wouldn't have been the same without you. We're CAWLIDGE girls now! Yoda/Tyler-I think we both know I wouldn't have made it through without you. You're the best guy a girl could have! Boys- ES, CS, jW, JE, JM, SD, HK, AK, CP, JK, MC, Sloppy, DE, DV, HS, TV, You guys are hilarious, I'm glad our group finally became co-ed. "Those Weird Crew Girls"- So many long van rides and trips to Nowhere-ville, USA but joining the team was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I can't imagine what Hun would have been like without you. Keep pulling hard, you girls are the best! Lastly, thanks to all my teachers for all you've done! "What's the point in being cool if you can't wear a sombrero?" -Hobbes, Calvin and Hobbes
Hun: You showed me what I am capable of and how to achieve it. Mom and Dad: Thanks for pushing me to do my best. I owe everything to you. Charlie and Owen: Most of the time, you are the best big brothers I could ask for. Thanks for teaching me everything. The Herd: (TVH, HC, ZZ, KK, MP, AR, HP, PJK, EB, KM) You are the best group of friends. Thanks for it all! Xoxo, New Girl/Cady Tori VH: BWB. "It's cause we're different." Don't stop being sassy. Rawr. Kara: You got me with all those tiger pictures. GS and BWB. Hailey: "You're beautiful, every little piece love. And don't you know, you're really gonna be someone. Ask anyone." -TS Will: We can make each other furious at times, but it's all worth it. "And somethings are over, and somethings go on. And part of me you carry, part of me is gone." -Tom Petty SBL: It's been epic since the start. MX: I'll never walk across the circle for graduation or give a senior chapel, but I learned a lot about life there. MXGirls: You were the best. To the teachers, faculty, and everyone else: Thank you for putting up with everything? I appreciate every minute of it.
Dad- Thanks for the opportunity to attend Hun. Your constant encouragement and guidance has helped me so much over the years. I love you. Mom- Thanks for all your love and patience through the years. You were always there for me when I needed it most. I'll miss our late night chats. Love you! Kyle- Thnnks for making me the comedian I am today. I'll always look up to you. We've had our fights but I love you...Snake. Hannah- I'm happy we became great friends this year. You'll always be the JWoww to my Snooki. I'm gonna miss you next year. Tori- I've known you for 7 years and I'm sure of one thing; we're basically the same person. Miss you next year. Rosie- It's been 7 fun and crazy years. Hailey, Katya, Mackenzie, Caroline, Alyssa, Kaleigh, Lisa- My years at Hun wouldn't have been the same without you. Love you all. Erik, Connor, Jeff, Tyler, Herwig, Matt, Sam- You're like brothers to me. I couldn't ask for better guy friends. Emily, Kelly and Lexi- Enjoy your senior year!! I'll miss you. "Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous , than absolutely boring." -Marilyn Monroe
Mom and Dad-1 appreciate everything you've done for me over the years so much. I couldn't have gotten this far without you. I love you both so much. Sara- Thanks for being my best friend. I love you little sis. "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one." - C.S Lewis The Girls (Hannah, Kara, Liz, Mackenzie, PJ, Caroline, TVH, Katherine, Zoe, Alyssa, Alana, Tori, Katya and Angela) I love you guys. Thanks for so many fantastic memories. The Boys ( Erik S.Jeff, Sam, Jeff K, Tyler, Connor, Dominic, Dominik, Max) I might always say the opposite, but I love you guys. Thanks for all the laughs. Alex K- Country music and fhocks. Love them always, freshman. Caroline- "So don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine." Will- Thanks so much for always listening. You have no idea how much that means to me. "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr. Seuss
Thanks to myself! Finally Graduate!!! To my parents: Thanks for giving me the chance to study abroad. I hope I can be a real man and help you soon! To Steven&Tony: I will remember the sick days we spent together. Have a good time in college my buddies. To Siran&UU&Kevin&Joseph&Tim: No more Nobunaga with you guys! Keep in touch! Good luck in college!
To Melody&Christy&Sabrina: I really enjoyed the days with you! Good Good Study! Day Day Up! Good girls HAH A! -•_„,_To 2011 class: Congratulations!!! Freedom starts now till September
For Mom, Dad, and my sister: Thanks for bolstering me to study abroad, I really appreciate! You always give the strength and the encouragement to me when I fall into the abyss. I know that I don't do well sometimes at Hun, but you never condemn me once. Anyway, I will do my best in the college in the future therefore to achieve my goal. For my friends at Hun: Hey guys! It's really great to meet all of you at Hun. I know it is hard to say farewell to you... However, I think I may come back to see all of you if I have time! Just don't forget me, ok ? Haha! For my senior roommates: Will and Tony, I really have fun by living with both of you, although the room is a little crowded... Haha~ We always share our food, our problems, and our goods : together! Anyway, good luck to both of you in college! For Yuyu, Tim, Kevin, and Sarah: We are the four students who come to Hun together in the freshman year! It's really great to meet all of you in the first year! We have lots of fun experiences during these four years! If we have time, we should meet again!
@Mr. & Mrs. Davis, Ms. Somers, Mr. Gilroy, Mr. Treichel, Dr. Fabian, Dr. Kiefer, Ms.; Roux, Ms. Beal, Mr. Holup, Mr. Sanders, Ms. McNulty and all other teachers: Thank you veryA(1000) much. With your instructions and patience, I have great time learning at Hun. I know although sometimes I am lazy and sneaky, you still overlook my transgressions. My greatest deficiency is English. I really appreciate your patience in trying to understand what I say, and what I write. You also explain the class materials to me individually. Honestly, I am astonished by what I have accomplished since I came to the US. You are all great teachers. I thank you for accompanying me through these enjoyable four years. ©Friends: I do not list your names because I am afraid of omitting any of them. Thank you for helping me in different areas throughout these four years. I hope our friendships will last forever even though we will go to different universities. At last, Good Luck to classes of 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014.
The person, who I want to appreciate the most, is my uncle. Thank you my uncle. Without your help, I cannot accomplish my dream at Hun though this far. Thank you Ms. Somers, Ms. Mitchell and all teachers. Without your help, I cannot achieve my dream at Hun. There are two people always standing by my side. Thank you Tim. Thanks for your brotherhood. And thank you Sabrina, my little sister. Thanks for your sisterhood at Hun. Take care, my beloved sister and brother. Joe, U A 2, Steve, Tony, Will, Siran and Sarah: It's my pleasure to spent my high school career with you all. Especially joe, living with you was extremely fun this year. Have fun in college and I will miss you guys and girl. Take care and keep contact. Christy, Melody and Kanako: You little sisters made my last two years at Hun shine. I will miss you girls. Take care. David: I hope you will have fun at Hun and grow up faster to achieve your basketball dream. Charley: I hope you will get into your dream school and have a bright future. All freshmen, sophomores and juniors, Good luck. Take care, my friends. I will miss you all.
i Congratulations Class of 2011!
Mom and dad: I really appreciate what you've done for me. Without you, I wouldn' walk this far. Ms. Somers and all the teachers: Thank you for giving me knowledge and warmth, i You have always supported my dreams. '. Sarah, Steven, Yu-Yu, Melody, Christy, Kanako, and all my friends: Thank you for being my classmates and my friends through those years at Hun. It is my fortune to meet you girls and guys. We are having so much fun together and you give me a : feeling of home. Kevin and Joseph: You guys are the best roommates ever. Thank you for living with me. I'll remember everything that happened in that room 40. I hope you guys enjoy your college life. Sabrina: Thank you for being an important person in my life. You have made my senior year different and unforgettable. I'll always remember the dreams that we've shared and the happiness that you've given to me. Keep in touch and promise me to take care of yourself, ok? I hope you will enjoy your years at Hun. ' -•Thank you everyone. I'll miss you and I'll never forget the memories that we weaved.
First of all, I want to thank my parents for sending me to Hun. These past two years were unforgettable. Secondly, thanks to all the teachers, I learned a lot from you. Finally, thank all my friends. Ydu guys gave me the greatest memory in my whole life I will miss you guys so much!!
These two years in Hun mean a lot to me, including some unforgettable memories. Thanks Dad and Mom first of all, and rest of my family members. Thanks all of the teachers and people who helped me or supported me. v: Thanks AC SZ CW WH SL CP ML FW SS, you guys really mean a lot to me! And all of my friends that made my year fun and meaningful, and someone who made last year really important to me. Wish everyone whoever is graduating a great freshman year in college and those whoever are still in school a wonderful year at Hun too! Thanks everyone!! Bye =) __
Congratulations Class of 2011!
un Congratulations Class of 201V.
im Congratulations Class of 2011!
Hi Mom, Hi Dad. Thanks for everything. Thanks to all my teachers and Hun for you're infinite patience with me. To all my friends at Hun and outside, thanks for making these 5 years pretty sweet, Good luck in college! Shoutout to Hun middle school teachers + librarians for keepin it real. love you, Matt "NOOOO SIMBAAA"
Everyone's afraid of their own life if you could be anything you want I bet you'd be disappointed, am I right. No one really knows the ones they love. If you knew everything they thought I bet that you'd wish that they'd just shut up. ] Well you were the dull sound of sharp math when you 8 were alive. No one's gonna play the harp when you diei§| and if I had a nickel for e\zery damn dime I'd have half the time. Do you mind.
- Isaac Brock Thanks to everyone that made my high school experience great!
Mom and Dad- Thanks for the opportunity to go to Hun and supporting me with my achievements. This has changed my life and I'm glad I have such great parents. Caroline- Have a great time being the only child when I'm gone, enjoy the rest of high school. Kim- Thanks for all the great advice, you're a wonderful sister to have and I will always look up to you. Friends- We had some awesome times and you really made Hun great. Hopefully were still friends in the future! Mrs. Davis, Mr. Davis, Dr. Fabian, and Mr. Dippery- Thanks for helping me reach my potential and for all the great memories in class.
SuLcdm&n Mom and Dad - Thank you both for all of your motivation and support. I have reached great heights here at Hun. I wouldn't be here without you and I will do my best to make you two proud. Love you both. Saheedat- You may have been annoying; don't worry you still are. No one can take that away from you, but you're still a great sister at heart. Keep up the success in
the family!
Tyler- Thanks so much being an amazing friend and keeping me on the right track. Also, we survived AP Chem with Treichel! We're unstoppable! Wherever we go we'll stay close, but remember, "BEWARE ANTI-HAFEEZ!" MC, EG, JW, CS, ES, TV, SD, AW, MB, MR, DE - Thanks for making Hun what it was for me. I'll see you soon. Good Luck!
Mom and Dad: I owe you so much. I can never thank you enough for the opportunities you've given me and for supporting me through it all. I love you. Family: You've provided the stability that an over-worked high school student needs. I love you all. Caroline, Tony, Will, and Michael, try not to break anything while your big cousin is off at college! Teachers: Especially Dr. Fabian, Mr. Treichel, Mr. Volz, and Mr. Davis, you have eat.. helped me become the person I am and I would not be the same without your -;•'• guidance. Mike: You're one of my best buds and I know we'll keep in touch. Hayley: You're a cool girl. Keep it up. Hannah/Oprah: We survived, and I wouldn't have made it through without you. Tamasi Posse: I came into Hun as a shy freshman and you helped make me into the guy I've become. We've had too many great times to mention. Anyone for a Friends marathon? —^Jason, Herwig, Arno, Erik, Connor, Shubes, Feez, Sloppy, Kara, Carrick, Hailey, Vettoj Matt, Alana, Raporte, Mackenzie, Jeff, Chris, Rende, Sam, Tori, TVH, Marbs. Jon .• "The old believe everything: the middle-aged suspect everything: the young know everything." - Oscar Wilde v
To all of my friends, teachers, coaches, and everyone else who has helped me navigate the rocky channel of high school, I am humbly thankful. To my parents and sister, your impact in helping me grow into the person I want to be has been immeasurable. I cannot adequately express my gratitude for that. "Meet me, Jesus, meet me. Meet me in the middle of the air. If my winds should fail me, Lord, please greet me with another pair." - Led Zeppelin, 1975 "All great and
great difficulties" - William Bradford, 1620
tbt&pnetyxelc Mom and Dad - Both of you have put me first in so many situations. Regarding my education, I cannot begin to thank you enough. Hun has been an amazing experience. In reference to everything else, thank you for guiding me in the right direction. 18 years: through great times and the occasional rough patches, I could not ask for better parents. I love you both. Friends - Wow... we have had some wild times: Maine, The Mansion Party, Ocean City, Belle Mountain, Roof Adventures, 5th to 6th Period Fiestas. Shoutout to: ES, DE, AK, TT, MG, TV, MC, MR, HS, and everyone else. And for a few friends, I must reminisce in a couple of cherished or otherwise unforgettable moments. To Sam: the incident on Hughes Road just south of Old Trenton Road and our love of Green Day. To Connor: everything from Middle School to now: handball, trampoline basketball, paper, and meatballs throughout. To Jeff: the Virginia Tech Boise game (and Chipotle), the Gridiron Club (and Chipotle), multiple New York trips (and Chipotle), watching my Grandma (and Chipotle), and everyday after school at my house (and surprisingly, no Chipotle) Bus. Essential Knowledge - "Tigers love pepper. They hate cinnamon." - Alan
Mom & Dad - Thank you so much for helping and supporting me throughout the past four years. Whether it was Spanish, English, or Latin you were always trying to push me be the best that I could. I love you both. Erin - You have really helped out me a lot over the years, and you were always there for me when I needed you to be. Thank you for everything that you do. You're the best sister ever. Friends - Wow. What good times. We have done just about everything on our many most epic adventures. Wawa, White Castle, Chipotle, New Years, Papa Smurf, Football, Collar Bones, Roof Ninjas, 4th of July, Ocean City, Snowball fights, Sledding, The Incident on Hughes Dr. just south of Old Trenton Rd, and Maine. You guys are the best set of friends anyone could ask for, and our set of most epic adventures will only get bigger. JW, ES, CS, DE, CR, TT, RM, HC, TVH, MC, HP, KH, AK, HK, TB, EG.CP.TV. "Every new beginning comes from some other new beginning s end. - "Closing Time" Semisonic
etf Wcujn Mom, Dad, Ben, Emily and Cami - I couldn't have achieved anything in the past four years without you. The support you guys have given me and the opportunities you| have presented me with are invaluable. Although it is not always apparent, I truly appreciate everything you guys do for me, large or small. Your love and guidance has helped me grow as a son and a big brother. I can't imagine a better family. Thank you so much. Woof. Dudes - We have had some most excellent times over the past four years. Chris, i Erik, Connor, Sam, Dom, and every single one of my friends, there is no one on this planet I would have rather spent some of the best years of my life with. Roof adventures, football, snow-play time, Chipotle, New York, Maine, and many, many nights, will never be forgotten. Although we will all be in different places next year, no distance can get between what we have started here. Thanks for making my years at Hun better than I ever could have thought possible. Party on. The question isn't, "What are we going to do?" The question is, "What aren't we ;
' - • '•'* ••'•"
. going to
•- Ferris Bueller .
Mom and Dad, thank you for supporting through my 7 years at Hun. I know it hasn't been easy or cheap, so thank you for all that you've done for me. I appreciate all of the help and encouragement that you have provided for me. I'll miss you guys next year in college. Ian, Cole, and Julia, you guys have been great support to me throughout my Hun School career. You guys were always there for moral support and lightening the mood. I'll miss you next year and it will be hard without. My friends, it's been really fun hanging with you guys for these years. We did a lot of crazy and fun things. Next year will be so different without Hun and you guys. I'll never forget any of you guys. "Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul." . -Billy Madison
Mom & Dad: You have always been there for me, and for that I am truly grateful. Thank you for being such amazing parents. You have done so much for me throughout my life, and your unconditional support and love has really meant a lot to
Laura: You are the best sister anyone could ask for. Thank you for supporting me and guiding me anytime I needed help. Friends: You guys have been an amazing group of friends throughout high school. You have made these past couple years an awesome journey filled with crazy adventures and hilarious stories. I will never forget you and all the fun we had. Hun Crew: Rowing with you guys has been a blast. It amazes me to see that we went from crashing boats, breaking oars, and stabbing officials to the crew we are today, a great team and an even better group of friends.
o-nn&t "Every man dies. Not every man truly lives." - Braveheart • Mom and Dad: Thank you so much for everything. I haven't been nearly thankful • enough for all the things you have done for me, from supporting ridiculous hobbies that you knew wouldn't pan out, to helping keep my chin up when I'm struggling. I will never be able to truly appreciate what you mean to me. Campbell: You are such a bum. But you're our bum. Thanks for always pushing me and helping when I need it. Tucker: I'm watching my back 'cause I see you catching up. Eventually you'll surpass both Campbell and I. Riley: You're our only hope! (No pressure) Andrea: Wish I saw you more ES, DE.JW, CR, SD, TT, CP, AK, HK, HS, WB, RM, TB, HC, KK, HP.TVH, MP, LB and others. I love you all. So many good times we've had together: glorious roof escapades, Maine, road trips, paper, epic sledding adventures, New Year's surprises, finishing a Monopoly game at 4 a.m., the beach, camping, campus golf, snowy treks, movie marathons, Wawa, living it up. I can say I have truly lived with you all. "And there was much rejoicing" - Monty Python
Years from now, maybe a generation in the future, people are going to be flipping though this yearbook. They will be looking at the photos of their sports teams, reminiscing about the clubs that they joined, trying to relive the feelings from high school. But some will be people I don't know and who won't know me. They will judge me for what I write here, for how I leave my mark. I have just a few things to say to those people. Yes, that is a pencil behind my ear and yes, I lost that pencil about five minutes after this. ;P Yes that is the book The Giver, the book that inspired me to be a writer. And yes, I did have regrets. We all have them. How we are judged in the future should not be by what we regret but how we deal with it. When I graduated I let them go. Nothing can hold me back. ---— : Jamie: Tartanka!!! Zoe: Unicorns!!! Emily: R.I.P. Phillip.... Rachel: Carbonated Life Forms!!! GO QUIDDITCH!!!! I Just Lost The Game :)
'ittenaet Mom: I couldn't have made it the past eighteen years without your help, support, and endless cups of tea. Dad: "Hard work, determination, concentration"; only you could have taught me those three words. I love you both and thank you for everything. James: Love you little brother! Rachel: This is how you write a short passage: Who knew Freshman Trip would actually be beneficial. I have an appreciation for guineas and buns thanks to you. Alex: Wow. We're just two carbonated life forms who understand each other...for the most part. Kaleigh: I'm glad we share a love of bacon. Lisa: Sorry we almost burned down your house over a French project. Anyone I missed, thank you! Fhocks: Hold the rope. «» Theater: Whether the weather is not, or whether the weather is.not, we'll be together whatever the weather whether you like it or not. • Mr. Bush: You totally changed the way I view art. Thank you. Bogad: Thanks for expanding my love for theater. ' . ._ Mr. Brown: Thanks for putting up with my rants and low-attention span. ; Congratulations Class of 2011! "It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right I hope you had the time of your life" - Green Day ;
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Emily: You're the one and only carbon dioxide based life form! I suppose that we'll luce the world to cockroaches and cheerios next year. Alex: Actually, Emily and I may not have to worry about causing the apocalypse...because you will be a nuclear reactor operator! Sarah: Lab partner! You know that you will miss me drawing lagomorphs all over your stuff. Yvette: I will always be suspicious of people who are wearing purple because they're all insane. Sasha: Mello loves you! Matthew, Kaleigh, Aly, Zoe, Jenny, Kanako: I'll miss you! Mr. Gilroy: I have a question, or two, or three... Mr. Brown: Thank you for letting me use your office as a 2nd home! Mr. Treichel: B Day=Alchemy Society=Fire drill. Mrs. Davis: Lagomorph! Mr. Volz: I'm late! Mr. Evans: You're late. Mr. O'Brien and Hun Review (past and present): Your one and only troglodyte will miss you! Multivariable Calculus Class: 2x3=4. The angle from the z-axis is pronounced "fed." Mom: Thanks for driving 145,000 miles for me. Dad: Thanks for doing both sides of a conversation when I am too busy to do my half. Josh: Thanks for calling me a "demi-god." Chick: Thanks for screaming "Rapunzel" outside my window when I am trying to concentrate on my homework. Bubbe and Papa: Thank You! The Bun: I know that you're watching me. All of the Pigs: WHEEK!
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Congratulations Class of 2011!
Congratulations Class of 2011!
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." -Henry David Thoreau From my first day of school to my last, and all the days in between, I have enjoyed it all! To all my family and friends, thank you for all of your love, kindness and support. Mom, I am truly blessed to have you. Grandmom, you are so loved, thank you for all you do. Pop-pop, I made it! I miss you. T Uncle Ed, every day is a new beginning, "spy school" is out! Uncle George, thank you for your patience...keep calm and carry on. Aunt D, luv u 2. And to all, a wish of peace and happiness, and remember, "Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike." -Theodore Roosevelt,
Congratulations Class of 2011!
Congratulations Class of 2011!
Congratulations Class of 2011!
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icLn Congratulations Class of 2011!
Mom and Dad- thank you for everything you have done for me. You two gave me the opportunity to come to Hun and have supported all of my decisions. I love you both. My Siblings- Thank you for all of the advice you have given me. You guys have helped me with school, sports, and life. I love you all Coach Stone and Coach Nixon- Thank you for coaching me the last three years. You two have not only been great coaches, but great mentors. Thank you for helping me with college recruitment. The Quad (Dylan, Zuttah, Doug, and Zach)- We had a great run. I'm going to miss you group of guys. This year was too much fun. Basketball Brothers- you guys are my second family. I had a lot of fun with you all. Good luck to all of you. Grant- you're short. Setz- you jump really low. Will-you have good hands Bo- you're still growing. Myles- You're Humble. Fergus- You are American Shout out to all my dudes and girls that made my time here fun. I love you all. Goons, Free Agents (Plummer), Savages, Team Tatted, White guy Crew, PL's...keep the spirit alive.
Mickccd Cika.inpLO: I would like to thank my Dad and my Mom. Without my dad's unforgiving work ethic that pushed into my brain Iwouldn't have been able to make it through this year. Without my mom's loving nature I would have given up a long time ago. Thank you to Ms. Garrison you have been behind me the entire year and I would not have been able to make it with out you...seriously. Emily- Despite the fact that you thought i was a tool at the beginning of the year we turned out to be good friends I'm gonna miss you girl Abby- You were my first friend here at Hun and definitely one of my best here too. Cristy-1 have had some of the best times with you, hands down , Kate- Watch your head please I want you to be able to remember me in later years ' My boys- Brett, Liam we had some good times in Poe. Steph, Mark you guys are the most straight forward down to earth people I have ever met and ya'll are going to do good in life. GRANT! mah man we have had our high and low times living with you has made the difference in making it through that first year i had here thanks for the memories dude theres no point in saying i'm going to miss you cause ill see you soon just keep in touch Mayo-LOVE YOU HOMIE!
I first want to thank my parents and sister for always being there for me and giving me the confidence that I need to be who I am today. I love you all. Next, I would like to thank Coach Stone for everything he has done for me, I greatly appreciate it and without him I wouldn't be going where I am going next year. Next I would like to thank the basketball team for a great season, you all have become family to me and I'll never forget you guys (Setz I know you're jealous of my hops but don't worry you'll get there one day!) I also would like to thank Mr. O'Brien for everything he has done to help me. Keep it real Hun.
To Mom and Dad: Thank you so much for all your support and for allowing me the opportunity to go to Hun. It's been a good year and I can't tell you how grateful I am for all you have done for me. tiSfi" To my teachers: I could not have grown and accomplished so much without your i unwavering encouragement and support. I would also like to thank the college j counseling staff for guiding me through the college application process.
w "The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination." I want to thank my parents for always encouraging me to be my best and sacrificing in order to help me reach my goals. Mom and dad thank you for always pushing me to do more and to be better. Mom and dad thanks for instilling in me the importance of hard work. Aunt Janet without you none of this would have been possible. You opened my eyes to the possibility of the PG year and for that I am so grateful. Coach Dudeck thank you for believing in me and without your help and support I would never have been able to reach my goals. Thank you Coach.
Congratulations Class of 2011!
Mom- thanks for always being there and pushing me do to my best. I appreciate all that you have done, from keeping me on track with my schoolwork to coming to watch my soccer games. You taught me how to work hard and that will carry me throughout my life. I LOVE YOU! V Dad- Thanks for being my coach and my role model. I know no matter what the circumstance I can always come to you with any problems and you are able to help ._. me and we can talk about anything. Everything that I have learned from soccer I learned from you. I LOVE YOU ALWAYS! Coach Quirk- Over the past three years the team and the experiences have been- i great and I will never forget them. To be able to be a part of the first ever team to win the MAPL outright back to back years is such an honor. I thank you for coaching me for my years on varsity and appreciate all the things you did to help me grow as a player and a person. _ VBS- We made history boys. Back-to-Back MAPL Championships. The past three m years that we've spent together will always be remembered for the rest of my life. 9 CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2011!:
Congratulations Class of 201'
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dJlltcLll Mom Dad & Justina: I thank you for all of the love, laughter, support, and opportunities you guys have given me. I am eternally grateful and I love you with all of my heart. Sydney: Since freshman year we have been on one crazy ride and I wouldn't have it any other way. You have always been there for my ups and downs and I thank you for that. Continue to reach for the stars; I know you're going to make it there someday <3 Taylor Ashton & Hanna: I thank you for showing me what true friends really are. The memories that we've shared together will forever be a part of me. I Love you girls so much. Victoria SNicole: All of the laughs, tears, jokes, and adventures we have been through together have been nothing short of amazing. Simply being with you guys is what I live for. Bestfriendsforever-DONE. Stephan Kemji Julian & Myles: You boys have made these past four years unforgettable. Thanks for always putting a smile on my face and making an impact on my life in more ways than one. MM.BA.CW.EK.CLTIPB.LA.DT.JCMN.LcK.GF.AP.JC.AJZ.RG.LM.NR.B'S.JE. "Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same."
AJecue When I first came to Hun I DESPISED it, but now I have come to the realization that this school may have been the best thing that has ever happened to me. Mom&Dad: I love you guys so much. Dad, I will always be your scooter! And Mom, you are the most inspirational woman I know! JM: We have been through it ALL gurrrrlll. Idk what I'm going to do without you next year. You are one of my best friends and you always have my back. Thank you for being my friend outside of closed doors<3. MM: Can you come to college with me and be my roommate?! Thanks for always being there for me. <3 You are one of the strongest people I know. Don't ever forget that. VT: Thanks for always being there for me...and coming to the doctor with me to hold my hand.Jawlz. You have grown immensely since your freshman year and I am so happy for you. ILU<3 HZ: So glad we became close this year. ILU<3 NG: Thanks for being there for me gurl! CL: DOBRIMIR<3 ._ GURLZZZ-*AD*BA*EK*LK*LH*AS*CR*RG*AR*TS*CW*AR*HH*MH* 9 GUYZZZZ-*KF*SJ*LA*DT*DS*JC*AP*LM*BF*SM*RE*GF* Every ending is a new beginning. CLASS of 2011: We're done. ;PWAIT OH.
etn Mom&Dad, I wish you were here to share this moment with me, Love you both Mom-Mom&Pop-Pop, Thank you for raising and supporting me in everything. I J couldn't have asked for better grandparents. I Victoria, My best best friend in the world. Theres so much to say about you I ' CANNOT fit it all. LOTR, Spork, ITS PIZZA, Larry and the list goes on for eternity. Thanks for having my back kid Syd, you are the best roommate, and we had the best room! Good late night convos with you. Thanks for being there for me when I needed you. . Janel, Remember when we hated life freshman year? We're finally done dawg! T.T: one word FOOD. And too much of it. Live life with a smile and keep pushing your almost done. I'll miss my Friday nights with you homie. ! O'melly the Goon: QF IN THE BUILDING! We the hit makers! I'm glad I'm the reason you came to Hun. Kemmy: You're the best. And we've had some good times with more coming. Take ; : care of Jerome. To my carter youngins: Nicole D.D, Rakiyah, janine, Kiki, johnna, Coutney. — Love you all. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
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These four years have academically and musically been a very important part of my life. I could stretch my insight of the world and could reflect my mind. My friends and teachers always helped and led me to build myself up today. I will never be able to forget this incredible experience. Thank you for everyone who spent four years with
Special thanks to Ms. Somers, Ms. Mitchell, Ms. Watts, Mr. Mayo, Mr. Brown, Ms. Burkmar, Ms. Kiefer, and all my friends of the class of 2011.
un Congratulations Class of 201'
Congratulations Class of 2011!
Mom, Dad, Erica-Thanks for pushing me to succeed. I love you always. Erica, I wish you the best and brightest high school years. Grandpa and Grandma O.-You always support and cheer me on. Thank you for being awesome grandparents. I truly love you! Aly Walsh-1 love you, you are my best friend! You're always there for me and give me the right advice. Best wishes in college. You will be extremely successful in life. Keep in touch always. Janel M. and Noreen M.-you were awesome roommates! Hanna Z. and Brittany A., I love hanging out with you guys and having crazy fun. Annie, I will miss you and love you! Lauren K. and Katie S., Sunbury, PA...star. Stephan J., DJ Tucker, RashidYou help me with everything and I will miss you greatly next year. Dylen S.-l love you so much. I'll miss the ecopond with you...wink face. I can't wait to come see you light 'em up next year at Citadel. Coach Holup, Davis, and Stevenson-Thank you for pushing me to become a better athlete. You are awesome coaches. Girls Varsity Bailers-1 love you! Work hard next year, and play your hearts out. (Jackie, Naja, Courtney, Johnnah, Ashley, Camille, Miranda, Carrey, Jabria, and Teresa) "Together on 3"...haha jk<3 your captain. Grant- 62 % . Ms. Mishra and Ms. Esposito- Thank you for helping me get into my number one school, Bryn Mawr College. I am so grateful for your patience and excitement during the application process.
Mama Baba - Words cannot describe how thankful I am to have such amazing parents. You two have always been there for me for everything, supporting me, and keeping me grounded. I am truly grateful.. Dani - We've been through so much together and I'm so lucky to have you as a sister. Good luck at Hun and work hard <3 g Ashton - "Whaaattt?" You are my best friend and my other half. I could not have gone through high school without you. We have so many memories and thank you for being there for me. Love you. ; 3 Coco - (Smeagol) you're my little sis, I'll miss you. Hun Swimming/Kolman - Good luck next year {Lane 5 & Lane 6 girls} I'll miss you guys! Emma- K.K. You are my twin <3 To all my friends at Hun, thank you so much for making these three years memorable, I'll miss you all. "You cannot escape the results of your thoughts.... Whatever your present lenvironment may be, you will fall, remain or rise with your thoughts, your vision, your ideal. You will become as small as your controlling desire, as great as your dominant aspiration." . .. .. .. . -James Lane Allen '
Come writers and critics/Who prophesize with your pen/And keep your eyes wide/The chance won't come again/And don't speak too soon/For the wheel's still
ill be later to win/For the times they are a-changin', -Bob Dylan Momma & Daddy: Thank you. For everything. I love you. Rhys: Good luck in high school. Live every week like it's Shark Week. Ave & Sone: You guys are my favorite. I honestly don't know what I would have done without you. Twist? Adam: What can I say? ...It's a blazer. Aly: My twin. I wish you the best of luck next year. KCK. Lisa: You've always been there for me. I can never thank you enough. Sarah: Starbucks just isn't the same without you. Liz: I don't love olives... Kale: You are one of the most terrific people I have ever met. Edgertones: You are my sunshine... Crew Girls: Stay strong, pull hard, and win. To everyone who made these past four years ones I won't forget: Thank you.
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j Thanks to my parents for the love and opportunity to attend Hun. Shout-outs to my boy Myles and the rest of the boarders. Good luck with everything next year!
Congratulations Class of 2011!
'Ldn Congratulations Class of 2011!
'da Mom and Dad - Thanks for raising me. For real. You guys are the best parents I could ask for. I really appreciate both of you during the rough times and the not rough times. Jeremy - You're a bro. Not just literally, but also in non-literal way. Abby - You are my one and only mush. MUSH! Lay off the redbull, ok? But more importantly, you're my best friend and you've always stuck by me since freshman year, thanks Abbazabba. You look just like your mother. Emma -1 feel like you're the tall, female, cat-loving other half of me. We are SO different, yet we love a lot of the same things. I'm proud to say you're one of my \ closest friends, and I hope our friendship never dies. Bogad - Thank you for helping me establish a serious interest in the arts. You drastically influenced the course my high school career took, the way I think, and the path in front of me. Thank you for opening a whole new world of opportunities for me, and being a man I can look up to. "If you're going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don't even start." • - Charles Bukowski
Madre, I don't give you enough credit for putting up with my teenage ways. Thanks for always supporting me. I love you. Musty, where else can I walk into a room barking and get barked at back? I have a : suitcase reserved for you with chocolate and pistachios, so you won't get bored on the way to Tampa. Skip with me? My bess friend beauafuh! BestRoomieEver. Mushie, thanks for letting me serenade you and invade your personal bubble. You've kept me sane and you're always there for me like I am for you. You're beautiful and you look just like your mother. Snoochik, I'm so happy I became close with you (Buckley) this year. How's betfig a mutant? You have beautiful eyes. And fine, p90x KIND OF worked. Thanks for always having my back. I'm always here for you. Bogs, you've helped me mature so much since freshman year. I can't thank you enough for what you've taught me. You've made the biggest difference in my years
here. "Have you ever sat down in the fresh cut grass, thought about the moment and when it would pass? Hey man, now you're really living." -The Eels 200 isn't enough to describe.
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Mom-1 admire your courage to raise me as a single mother and you give me confidence to pursue anything I want to accomplish in life. I love you and I know you're always there for me. Dad & Amy- you are going to be the best parents and I can't wait to watch our family grow. I'm so excited to have a sibling! Abby - HANGIN ON, TODAY! Get ready for me to constantly visit TampaKyle - 2010 was the "oh" year. All that is needed to be said. Syd - angie venizza. ] Brooke- ayo chonga, STAY ON YO SIDE Candace - funni bed and nugget bucket. Ash - random beach trips., "youre not ghetto.. I'M GHETTO!" Taylor - unfriendly black hotties! Alex g - rock senior year, sko Janel - I'm sincerely going to miss our facebook status fights and discussions about the real world. Oh, and let's not forget jv lax <3 Dom - stop only saying "lot" Hanna - lo bosworth:".. i said BYE!"
otion First off, I would like to thank my parents for giving me the opportunity to attend Hun. I have received a great education over the last four years! Mom, thank you for everything you have done for me; especially putting up with me through the college application process. Slim, thank you too! Dad, thank you for not only being a father but a coach as well. I really appreciate all of the advice you have given me. Simone-you have been a great sister. Good luck with the rest of your time at Hun. Mikkel- you are a great little brother with a really big heart. (I love your eagerness to hang out with older kids just so that you could be with me). Also, thank you God for everything you have done in my life. Thank you to all of my teachers and other administrators who have worked with me at all times no matter what the situation. I truly appreciate you. Coach Stone, thank you for pushing me and making me work so hard, it has not only made me a better basketball player, but most importantly a better person. Coach Favaloro, thank you so much for being an awesome advisor, coach, mentor and friend. Coaches Metcalf and Kelso-thank you both for working with me to make me a better lacrosse player. And last but not least, Grandmom, thank you for making my favorite foods whenever I asked you to. I love you! Class of 2011 we did it!!!!
Mom and Dad -Thank you so much for your continuous support. You are the best parents anyone could ask for. I will do my best to make you proud. To the Bros-It's been chill.
Mom and Dad - I cannot thank you enough for motivating me to come to Hun. Thank you so much for supporting me in everything I do. You guys really are the best parents a son could ask for and I will always try my best to make you proud. Nana - Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to attend Hun. It was great experience and I will treasure it forever. .,.Becca - Thanks for letting me get a car first, that was chill. You have been a great sister, good luck at BU! ... .; To the Bros - It's been chill.
Mom and Dad- Thank you so much for everything you have done for me. I couldn't have asked for better parents. I know I can always go to you when I need help. Jen and Nicole- You are the greatest sisters a brother can ask for. You have been there in the past, and I know you will be there for me in the future. And yes, I am the j favorite child. Tyler- You have been a great friend throughout our lives and I hope we can stay close for as long as possible. Can you swim? Friends- You have made the last four years fun and enjoyable for me. I hope we can maintain our friendships for a long time. WS.CR.AW.TR.SM.JH.CLNN.MH.MK.BB.NR.SB.CW.AS.TS Lax Team- It has been an awesome four years. From the lax trip, to messing with Kelso, I can look '£ back and say I genuinely had fun. Theater- Before Hun, I never thought I would do a school play. However during my three shows, I have met some of the nicest kids. Thanks for everything! ^g" A wise man once said: "I wish people would quit telling me I can do anything I want never thought I couldn't." ...
onnot Mom & Dad- Thank you for supporting me these past few years. I know we have had our rough patches, but you guys have always been there for me. I appreciate all that that you two have done for me, and without it, I wouldn't be where I am today. Ali- Over these past few years you and I have grown much closer and I know I will always be able to count on you. Good luck in your last year at Loyola and you know I will always be there for you. Bryan- Although this has been a busy few months, I know that you will always have my back and I want you to know that I will support you no matter what. Good luck in your new coaching job. I know you will be great! Boys- AW, MB, SM, WS. TR, NP, JH, AM, MJ, GS, TS, TJ
Girls- CW, BB, NN, MK, MH, NR, SB, TS I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul. - William Ernest Henley
Mom & Dad- Thank you for giving me the opportunity to attend Hun and always serving as excellent role models. You are two of the hardest workers I know and hope I can one day achieve everything you wanted me to and more. I love you and thanks for being the best parents I could ask for. Zach- Even though we may get on each other's nerves from time to time, I really enjoy spending time with you. You are the smartest one in the family and as long as you keep hitting the books you are going to do big things, ggjjjgg Friends- We have had a lot of good times over the past four years and I wouldn't trade you guys for anyone else in the world. You have made my experience at Hun enjoyable and worthwhile. I hope we keep in touch over the years and remain close. CR MB SM WS TR NP JH GS/ NN MH MK NR CW SB BB TS Teachers- Thanks for putting up with my bad jokes and always having faith in me. Special thanks to Mr. Pitts and Mr. Wilcox for being awesome. "The sun shines today also." • • Ralph Waldo Emerson .
igttence. Congratulations everybody. Thank you Mom and Dad for everything you've given me, I would be nowhere without you guys. Trev, I consider you my best friend and I want to say thanks for everything you've done for me man, I love you always bro. Taylor, I'll never forget you man, you'll always be my first friend at Hun and you've taught me so much, love you bro. To everybody else, its been a great time knowing all of you and I want to thank you all for helping me make the most of this experience. Hun Hockey boys, my time with the hockey team has given me some of the most fun times of my life, keep the traditions alive, young guys. "A return to first principles in a republic is sometimes caused by the simple virtues of one man. His good example has such an influence that the good men strive to imitate him, and the wicked are ashamed to lead a life so contrary to his example." Niccolo Machiavelli
To my family, thank you for providing unwavering support and making my education your top priority. Thank you, teachers and faculty, for helping me grow as a student and person. To my friends, thank you for all of the good times. Good luck in school and b e y o n d !
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"I'm a competitor and a very proud man. If a guy beats me once, he'll have to do it again to make me believe him." - Sugar Ray Leonard
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Mom & Dad - You've both shown me what true hard work is and have given me every opportunity you never had as kids. I cannot thank you enough for how much you've given me. Dad, I know you tried to raise Sean and I better than your father raised you, and you could not have done a better job. Thank you for everything you have done for me, I love you both very much. Sean - Thanks for paving the way for me through everything and being a great influence. You can be a bro anytime. The Bros - A.W/C.R/M.B/W.S/T.R/N.P/J.H/C.L -: The Girls - N.N/B.B/C.W/M.H/M.K/S.B/N.R/T.S -1 ; . .,, . . Dr. Fabian & Mr. Lytle - You'll never know how much you've influenced me, both inside and outside of the classroom. Thank you for giving me someone to confide in when the pressures of school or decisions became too great to handle. You both have shown me the man I hope to someday be, and will always remember all that I've learned from both of you. "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." -Henry David Thoreau "Fortune favors the bold." - Virgil HHHil Carpe Diem
zoo* Mom and Dad- Without your love and support I wouldn't be where I am today. Thanks for always believing and encouraging me to do my best. I love you two. Kaitlin- Thanks for always being just a phone call away and an amazing role model. I love you Sista- good luck in the real world! Sammie- You're the only person who always knows what I'm thinking and can always make me smile. I love our ability to laugh so hard together and kill every possible joke. Although we'll be apart next year (separation anxiety!) you know I will always be here for you. Thanks for being an amazing best friend-1 love you boyfriend. Kyle-1 have never laughed so hard or sang so loud with anyone else. Thanks for making high school so enjoyable and always having my back. I love you and good luck next year Seabass- you da best. MY GIRLS! Without you wild and crazy people, these past 4 years wouldn't have been so memorable- I'll miss you. The Bros- Thanks for being awesome and always making me laugh. I'll miss you next year- love you guys. VGS- Represent and continue to look good next year- love you girls.
Mom & Dad- You mean the world to me and I am forever grateful for everything you have done for me and taught me throughout the years. I love you, to the moon and back! Ethan & Callie- You both have brought so much joy and love into my life, and no matter what I will always be here for you. I love you both always and forever! Brooke-1 could not have done it without you. Through tears of sadness, and the countless tears of laughter, you have always been by my side. You have shown me the meaning of true friendship, and I could not ask for a more caring, loving, and beautiful best friend. No matter how far away, I will always be here. I love you forever. Kyle- Married for 20 years and counting. I will never forget our thousands of hilarious memories, and whatever you need I'll always be here. Dinner will never be more than a phone call away. Love ya Bass! TS CW MH MK NR NN-1 am so thankful for the amazing times we have shared these past 4 years, I love all of you so much! The Boys- I'll miss all of you so much! Good luck next year!:
tCttCCLW Mom & Dad: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to go to Hun. Despite how crazy we get at times (with the late night math studying sessions and all) you both have not only put up with me, but have supported anything I've ever chosen to do. . I'll'miss you both in college. Dave: What can I say, it's nice not being dad's top priority at the moment. Between me, you, and Jacci, we have had some of the most fun times together, specifically when we went to a Kiss concert. I hope college is as fun as you say it is. -ga Sammie: You're my best friend. You have always been there for me and we have™ had some of the greatest times together. Even though we're not going to college Wo. together I know we'll always be "at Teresa's!" Brooke: You're my best friend. From playing Nintendo 64 in your basement to going to the beach in 40-degree weather, we have had loads of fun together. Thanks for always putting up with my crazy sea bass antics. To all my other friends: Good Luck everyone. I'll miss you guys. I hope we ail stay in touch
Congratulations Class of 2011!
lot -sumnet Congratulations Class of 201
Mom & Dad: Thank you for supporting me for the past eighteen years. I love you both. Chris: Thanks for always being there for me. You're the best big brother I could ask for. I love you. Emily: I am going to miss you more than you know. You're 'my bestest friend forever and ever—since we broke that fence, sorry Hun. Thank you for justifying all my good (and bad) decisions. Don't stress! I love you. Nina: Uh hi. We made it, through honors physics and through high school. You,— /. never fail to make me smile! Toy Story Mac&Cheese, nuff said. I love you forever, best friend. VGS: No matter what, we always look good. Good Luck! Brooke and Can: thank you for everything on and off the field. 4 years! Ryan: You have been such an impact on my life and I will always love you for thatf NR. CW. BB. SB. MH. TS. NN I love you all so much...Thank you for all the memories and for making my life better by being in it. __,, "I've figured out through out this year that life is all about a time and a place, we aren't here to figure it out...just be open to it" -Kristey King
Mom, Dad, Heidi and Porkchop: Thanks for always being there for me, I love you guys! Lisa: Thanks for walking me to my art classes, being my prom date, and making me laugh all the times you trip over'your size twelve feet and spill hot chocolate on yourself. I love you and will miss you and your feet. Oh and there something I have to tell you... Krysie Bear: It only took you three tries...from watching cute movies - its so fluffy I'm gonna die! - to after school painting lessons, polar bear hats, hanging out in the theater, you made this year stunning. Sorry I was conflicted. I love you. Kaleigh: We hugged Taylor Swift. You're the reason I got involved in theater and I love you for it I'll miss you. Mrs. Collingham: Thanks for being my advisor and favorite teacher ever. I really do appreciate your criticism, even if it doesn't seem like it. Mr. O'Brien: You're stunning. I really enjoyed eating lunch with you. Mr. Bush: Thank you for pushing my artwork beyond pretty and for just being there to talk about life. TT.AD.DR.RC.KJ.JA.AK.KB.BC.CW.WC.MLME.
' ""
"Everything's going to change now isn't it?" - Hermione Granger
Wow. What a voyage it's been. From freshman year, young and impressionable, to senior year, weary but finally ready to face the world. The days fall away like wisps of smoke into thin air, but so much has changed, and changed me. — Mom,Dad,Conor,Kieran-Thanks for your love and support. Ave-Thanks for bein^ there and listening. Miss you. Brandon-My little brother. Thanks for giving me someone to watch out for. Cindy-OhMaGoodness, what would I have done without you the last four years? It's been one fluffy, glittery, snippity ride. Em Stout....oh Em. My little sister. Assassins<3 LoveStory<3 Er<3-Thanks for teaching me so much § about myself. I'll always owe you for what you mean to me. <3 Kelly-Princeton, Disney World, or London...it's always a blast. Lisa-Eight long, insane, wonderful years. I wouldn't be me without you; thanks for always being there, through the mud and over the clouds. Emma.Noreen.Anna- Inspiration, sunshine, and teddy bear. All 3 are all 3. <3 Edgertones- a thousand pictures, ten thousand memories, a million laughing jags and a billion words couldn't approximate how I feel about you. I'll miss every single second. K.M. L.G.x2 S.S. J.G. A.W. F.W. CM, B.P. C.K.J.A. M.R. A.M. H.LJ.S. A.E. S.D. E.P. A.D. T.B. R.M. M.E.
First and foremost, I want to thank Daddyo, Mama, and Nana for providing me with my amazing home-away-from-home for the past four years. I owe this to the three of you. Thank you for your steadfast love and support. (Sissy, *cue secret-handshake,*) September 2007:1 entered Hun a scared little freshman, literally eight inches shorter, and not at all realizing what I was about to get myself into. May 2011: Today I see how my time at Hun has shaped me more into the person I hope to become. I can't even begin to thank all those who have so profoundly affected me during my time here. What would I ever do without: *my F.P.S. professional heart-2-hearter*my ABC azn*extreme skipping*wearing purple to junior-prom*THE TREEEE and the grapist who came with it*ghost lights and infected blankets*GROGing and cymbal-facing*animal hats*Firecro... okay, never mind*"There's something I need to tell you..."*every single sasquatch, tiny shoes, Lisa causes earthquakes joke*every single tragic story of tripping, falling prey to the cursed dress, being rugby tackled, etc.*Penelope Otraquat*evil lemon tarts that burn your house down*Part of Your World auditions*Bart the Blinker*discovering the hidden language* ...This place, these moments, and these people will not soon be forgotten...
e&n Time feeds upon memory and the numerous footsteps I have taken here during the last 4 years enabled me t o become a person I am today. I have a fair share of my moments of pride, but the most significant events of my life, experiences that shaped the course of my outlook and approach, are the episodes that humbled me. Thank you so much Ms. Somers for going through all those moments with me. You were always there for whole 4 years watching me grow. I cannot thank you enough. I love you. Ms. Rankin... I cannot imagine myself without you. You make H U N feel like home for me. Thank you for everything. Saranghaeyo <3 Thank you Mr. Stevenson, Ms. Smith, Carter TODS, Dr. Liebmann, Ms. Roux, Mr. Treichel, Mr. Volz, Ms. Mount, and every teacher who has given me guidance and support. Edgertones = 10 wonderful sisters of mine. You guys mean so much to me. Thank you and I love you. All the Korean students: I know I am not the kind, warm "sunbae" to you guys but thanks for being nice "hubaedeul" to me. Wish you all good luck. And thanks to everyone who has been with me on this difficult but valuable journey. Last but not least, thank you umma, abba, halmoni for giving me this great opportunity t o see the world that I would never have been able t o see if it were not you guys. I love you so much and I will do my best to make you proud. I LOVE Y O U .
oteen All I can say is that "y° u don't know what you got until it's gone." Then you spend days, months, even years chasing your imago of that someone/ something / someplace, but it's never the same. "The only thing constant in life is change." Life is still so amazing. Shout outs: Family, Edgertones, Ms. Rankin, Zaid, Ali Kelly, Lizzy, Teryn, Olivia NIB, Jess, Manga, Parker, Beatrice, Little Red, JG, Berry (DS), Smiley (MB), Ashton, Nadia, Dan, Ria, Mr. Bush, Mr. Joyce, Mr. Shelley, Mr. Brown (x2), Mr. Floor, Mr. Dippery, Shabib, Norris, KaLlndy, DJAmen, others. My life would never have been the same without any of you. Highlights: Freshman: the magical Forensics Spring. Jonas Brothers, "Let go" Frou Frou. No inhibitions. One of the boys. Sophomore: "Happy Ending" solo. Cool Roommate. "Built this way" Samantha Ronson. Amazing friends. Boyfriend. Laughter. Chemistry. Ebullient. Family filled summer. Junior: Emerald green eyes. "Use Somebody" Kings of Leon. Edgertones. Drama class. More best friends. More Laughter. The Incredible Summer of 2010. "Dynamite" Taio Cruz. Dancing, Love. Senior: Nostalgia. Happy thoughts. Peter Pan. When in doubt, laugh. "In the end, everything is ok. If it's not ok, it's not the end." P.S. K3JB.
(ihtiltlne Pops and Moms: I could have never made it without you. And you earn extra points for coping with my eccentricities . Brothers: You sure can be a pain but you have always been there for me. mm LSE, JB, VH, LG, ML, N M , HZ, Theatre Folks, to those who know they deserve it: Thank you for such an eventful journey. "Et de quel cote est Dieu Du cot6 des ostensoirs Ou bien du cote de ceux '5 Qui le prient matin et soir Ce J6sus que Ton adore A t-il toujours prefer^ Les Rois Mages avec leur or A nous autres pauvres bergers'
Mom, Dad, Gianna and Nunzio Biscotti - I just want to say thank you for everything you have ever done for me. Knowing that I have an amazing family to fall back on helps me get through each and every day. No matter where life takes me, I know we will always be a close family. Love you guys! Moni - uhh... hi! You once told me that the littlest things in life were the most comforting. Knowing I have you through thick and thin is the biggest comfort I could have ever asked for. I love you always, best friend. MK TS MH NN SB BB CW You eight will always have a special place in my heart. Always remember that if you ever need me, I'm here. Anytime, anywhere, any place, forever. To the rest of the people I have met along the way, thank you for making my Hun experience unforgettable. I will forever cherish all of your friendships. And I will always remember my best class at Hun, GFC-W (Love you Ms. Garrett) "Take a look in that mirror and remind yourself to be happy because you deserve to be. Believe that. And believe that dreams come true every day. Because they do." - One Tree Hill
Mom and Dad-1 appreciate everything you have done and all of the sacrifices you have made. Thank you for always supporting me. I love you both so much. Mike, Erin, Ryan - I love you guys, you are the best siblings I could ask for. Mr. and Mrs. Quirk- Everything you have done for me means the world to me. I cannot thank you enough for all of your support throughout high school and all of the help you have given me. Nic- Thank you for putting up with me best friend! I love you so much. Nina- You will always be my fishie. You are such a great friend. Thank you for always being there for me. I love you. ShmeegsTaylor, Sammie, Brooke, Monica, Candace- The past four years have been so memorable because of you girls. I love you all.
Mom & Dad- You two have been nothing but amazing parents, and I just wanted to thank you for everything you have done and all the opportunities you have created and allowed us to pursue. I would not be where I am today without you guys! Dom, Lyndsey, & Alex- You guys are my best friends, and I truly cherish each and every one of you. We might be the most dysfunctional group of 4, but we seem to make it work. Mr. Quirk & Mrs. Quirk- Thanks for letting me be the 3rd addition to your wonderful family. You will truly be missed, but never forgotten. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done. Friends- MH.NR.SB. BB.MK.TS.KG.EK.FB. NP.TR.MB.CR.AW.MC.RB.AC.WS.KR.CL.SM.LA.ZH.JP.AZ. Without you guys the Hun Bubble just would not have been the same. We all know it's an experience like no other, and I am going to miss you all. Lets just hope this is no goodbye, just a see you later. But in 40 years when we decide to take a trip down memory lane I hope we all utter 3 little words. (I miss it)
, would like to thank my family because without them I would never have come to Hun and had the opportunity to go somewhere great. Love all of you. I want to thank Mr. Quirk for always looking out for me, Mr. Mayo for always letting us chill in his room, and the rest of the Hun staff. I want to give a shout out to: SL: KR- them smacky lips. MMthat huge dome. SJ- 'ol wide nose. MN- the white boy. QH- hefty. BS- silent savage. The Goons: dw dd ca sm mv ra. The Quad: LA ZH DS DM. Everyone else: np ajd wl jh ag Im bf kb aa cc dd gs jm ek nn jam tr. And last but not least everyone in my three years of Hun Football. I love everyone of you guys. I will miss you all of you... Dear Lord, the battles we go through life. We ask for a chance that's fair, A chance to equal our stride, A chance to do or dare, If we should win, let it be by the code, Faith and Honor held high, If we should lose, we'll stand by the road, And cheer as the winners go by. Day by Day, we get better and better! The team that can't be beat, WON'T BE BEAT!
\ Mom and Dad, thank you for sending me to The Hun School, I really learned a lot and enjoyed studying for the first time in another country, and I had a great experience. To Abdullah Noura Aziz, I love you guys. Mrs. Sommers, Dr. Fabian, I really enjoyed your classes and learned a lot.
fit First I'd like to thank my parents, brothers, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and family friends for helping me through this year and pushing me towards my goal of going to the Academy. You guys really made my year at Hun mean something more than just a Post Graduate education, but an opportunity to make my future the best it can be. So, thanks! Also, Swim Team ROCKS and Go Navy, Beat Army!!
'let vein To my parents, grandparents, and entire family - thank you for providing me with the opportunity to attend Hun it has been the best four years of my life, and I was able to accomplish so much. I love"you all. To my teachers - I want to thank you for all your support and the great education I received over the past four year. To my advisors - Dr. Byer, Mr. Stone, Mr. Evans, and Mr. Hayden thanks for the advice over the past four years. To Hun Crew -Jason, Carrick, Marbs, Tmas, Sloppy, Herwig, and Shubes, I had some of the best experiences with you guys both off and on the water. I will never forget the times we spent together and I will miss you guys the most over the next four years. To the rest of the team have fun, work hard, and good luck in the future. To Coach Evans, Sussman, and Lanzone thanks for the great coaching over the past four years they wouldn't have been the same without you. To all of my other friends thanks for the great times -SD, CR, JW, ES, CS, MG, AK, HS
'ottet What to say? Thanks Mother and Dad? What you have taught me will always be with me. Thanks to Nani and Pop? What can I say? Thanks Gramrnom, Aunt Jean and Aunt Julie, too? j For ever present support. Thanks to Mary, Mr. Heberlein, and Mrs. Farehty? Who taught me to see, feel and do. How about my crew? Cycling, Rowing, Bouldering, Forensics and Hockey! Marbach, Blake, Veth, Elefant and Konings two, It's been a great ride at every turn.
I have liked it, lived it, and loved it! Who knew! Thanks Teachers and Staff for help from September to May? Mr. Joyce, where are you! Mr. Mayo, my tenor will miss you! Messr. Kidder, McQuade, and Dr. Byer: your sage thoughts go with me. Mr. Brown, your couch was an oasis. Mr. O'Brien, I learned more than you know! Ms. Greats, what can I say, but you are! Nurse Smith, you helped me through! Evans and Haberle: we will make it to Boston one year. And, in the end, my constant friend, Cate, the great, My sister, who will always be with me!
C-.uk \ would like to thank my parents for the ability to go to Hun and allow me to further my academic career. I would like to thank all of my friends for being there for me and just having a great time. If you ain't first, You're last!
'aicm <Llef\a.nt Mom and Dad: You have been there for me since day one and have supported every single thing I do. You have consistently steered me in the right direction, and I am a better person for it. You have given me every advantage I have needed to be successful. Thanks for never letting me settle for anything less than my best. I love you. Dan and Sean: You two have grown up so much, and I am proud to call you my brothers. I'll miss you next year. Keep working towards your full potential and you will both go very far. Mr. Evans: It's been an absolute privilege to have had you as a coach, counselor, advisor, and mentor. I've learned more from you than you can imagine. Thank you. Crew guys: John, Carrick, Veth, Herwig, Slops, Shubes, Tamasi. We've had some great times, on and off the water. My teachers: Thank you for preparing me for the challenges of the real world. To everyone else who has impacted my life and made my high school experience the best ever, I am extremely grateful. "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit." -Aristotle
'ezu/la K&ninai Mom and Dad - Thanks for everything all these years. I appreciate it. Arno - You're a true brother. Good luck in the future, and be sure to stop by the U. Everyone - Thanks for the good times in high school. You all have affected me for the better. It was fun getting to know you all. To my crew bros - Do work. [JE, JM, TV, DE, EG, CP, TT] To the crew girls - It has been real since freshman year. [HP, PK, EB, ZZ, AR] To my party animals - Go hard or go home. [|W, ES, TB, MP, EB, CK, JM, JK, TV, SD, CS] Brosefs - There are still adventures to be had together. Stay Classy. [You know who you are] Future Leaders of the World Club - See you guys after college. [SM, AW, MB, CR,
JH] Caroline -Thanks for writing this. Girls/ non-seniors - Thanks for the memories It's All About the U.
WA Dear Future, I am ready now. Thank you Mom and Dad, your advice and support have been ; invaluable. Hun is a place I didn't think I would end up, but I am so fortunate that I did. Megan and Melanie, we've made it through the last four years together; thank you for helping me every step of the way. Andrew and Kate, thank you for all of the encouragement and fun times during the summers. . ..^^_^ Hun School Crew: '•; . You guys have been the best team that I ever could've imagined. From the winter training, spring trip, early mornings in Philly, and long days on Mercer, we've made it. through a lot together. Remember to keep going hard, dig deep, and bury the I B competition. Good luck next year: Jason, Carrick, Veth, Herwig, and Dominik. M To the Hun School Class of 2011: * Never miss an opportunity to be fabulous. I have no regrets and painless memories. And guys, there will be times to be wild. But mainly, stay classy. -
Congratulations Class of 2011!
' 'vet- ' While I want to thank my parents for sending me to Hun, I am going to reserve most of this for quotes. My friends know who they are and shouldn't need validation. You have enemies? Good. That means you stood up for something, sometime in your life. - Winston Churchill Play for more than you can afford to lose and you will learn the game. - Winston Churchill You must be the change you wish to see in the world. - Mahatma Ghandi The future depends on what you do in the present. - Mahatma Ghandi Thank you to all of my friends. You mean a lot to me. I am going to miss you all next year. If you remember nothing else, carpe diem.
I hated ewery minute of training, but I said, "Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion." Muhammad Ali Thank you to my parents who have always been there for me, gave me a chance to be a great student, and never gave up even when the advantage was not in my i corner. Thanks to Coach Grant who helped me improve as a runner through two seasons of track. A special thanks to the man that changed my life, and the best part of Hun, August Leming. He has helped me grow and become a better man mentally and physically. Because of him I also not only worked with, but befriended the entire Source staff, especially Chris Matakis, who taught me self motivation. Lastly, my boarding friends have been great the past three years, they have made life much easier as a Hun student, and my roomate DJ (aka tyga, juelz santana, ludacris, chris brown, and kid ink) ,f"~*~~ "~ We Are... Penn State Congratulations Class of 2011
• > • : *
Thanks to my family for supporting me. Thanks to CR, JW, TV, JM, AD, and EA for some fun times. Hun fencers single lights only!!!
'ani&L Uf&nictt Congratulations Class of 2011!
Congratulations Class of 2011!
{uLan S>hetw<><>(£_ I would like to thank everyone that made this opportunity possible for me. Mom, Dad, Mackenzie, Maddie, Catherine, and Caroline I want to thank you for being there for me every day and for supporting me with every decision I have made. Leaving you guys may have been the toughest task I have ever had, but I know you guys will always be with me. I next want to thank Coach Stone and the rest of the basketball family, you guys welcomed me in from day one and made me not only a better player, but a better person (Setz you're soft...). The memories and friendships I have created with you guys will always be with me and I will be honored to represent you guys when I'm throwing down over people next year. I want to give a shout out to Mr. O'Brien for guiding me this year, even though he thrived on making fun of me in class every day. I also want to give a shout out to White Guy Crew, The PL's, Team Tatted, and Sweet Tards. Last I want to give a shout out to the quad and my PG bros ( and girl, SOPHIE). The times I have had here will never be forgotten and I wish you all the best of luck in your future plans.
JuCLnet Congratulations Class of 2011!
*%\ *K
Arriving at Hun as a senior, Monique Howard faced an unexpected absence from school earl/ in the year due to illness. In order to have the best academic experience, Mo decided to restart her student career as a junior instead. Her situation exemplifies our community's unique flexibility with ensuring each student's success. In addition, Mo's transition demonstrates our student body's ability to thrive under challenging circumstances.
: How is Hun different from your old school? A: Originally, my parents decided they wanted me to go to an all-girls boarding school that I despised! I had to travel two hours a day to row because they didn't have a crew program. The school in general was not • athletic, and that wasn't for me. Hun was a much better fit because of its academics and athletics.
: What was running through your mind the first week? ' A: I was really nervous and it was overwhelming, ' but in a good way! Everyone was really welcoming and I found a senior group of friends really quickly that I stayed close with. I loved it. I knew it was the right fit.
MO FUN AT HUN A new addition to the School, Mo is described by faculty and friends as warm and friendly, with a contagious enthusiasm.
: When you found out you were spending another year here, how did you feel? A: The first thing I thought of was that I wouldn't be graduating with any of my friends, neither at Hun nor my old school. That was the toughest for me. Then I started meeting new juniors and became close with, them. I mean, I love Hun, so that helps. And now I can go visit all my senior friends in c d M f c but I'm going to miss them a lot. I am lo^HJ|TOrward to an easier, healthier second senji
unL<yt5 Jeong-Bin Ahn lain Alexandridis Timothy Andrews Joseph Anthony James Arnold Zoran Arsenijevic William Baker
Alexander Barker Austin Barth Casey Bayer Matthew Beal Colette Beckett Teresa Bedzigui Juliana Bello
Alexander Benthem de Grave Matthew Blake Carl Boisrond William Brosha Kevin Brown Morgan Browne Mark Burke
Kelly Byrne Alexis Caldwell John Campbell Nicole Campellone Christopher Caputo Julian Caridi Michael Chang
Lu Chen Robert Chen Chia-Hao Chiao Wing Hin Chui Andrew Colicchio Matthew Collins David Corbin
Julia Curley Emily Decicco Miriam Dessailly Olivia Ding David Dudeck Maximilian Elefson Rashid Epps
Alexander Fabian Brett Forman Stefanie Fox Rocio Galan Kelsey Gallagher George Ganges Ian Gill
Nicole Glass Alex Goldenberg Alexis Golestam Steffen Gratch Alexis Gray Alexander Gunstensen Kayla Gursahancy
Harry Hagen Sang A Han Holly Hargreaves Justice Healy Michael Henry Alexandra Hordes Phoebe Huang
Brendan Hurley Thomas Hyduk Andrew Katz Ji Young Kim James Knopf Kweon Mo Koo Emily Kuchar
Cristiana Lamberti Ibidapo Lana Garrett Lau Wendy Laurent Michael Lavine Morgan Leahy Jun Young Lee
Soyoun Lee Parker Lewis Austin Liew Peyton Lutz Elizabeth MacGregor Krystopher Maingrette Ian Maltz
Bolster McKinley Caitlin McManimon Liam McManimon Myles Melville Dobrin Mitev Jacqueline Mullen Javier Munarriz
176 "
Miranda Muscente Daniel Natan Thomas O'Boyle Angela Pallotti Chan Hyung Park Alexander Passikoff Jesse Pazdera
Lucia Perasso Dustin Raiffe Keon Rankins Ashley Ravelli Annie Rogoff Camille Rosen Shukra Sabnis
Robert Sands Benjamin Schenkman Christopher Seitz Katherinc Seitz Sydney Seitz Peter Sendzik Kanako Shibano
Nicole Shockley Brandon Smith Paul Soltis Katherine Stevenson John Stillwell Emily Stout Gavin Stupicnski
Carly Sussman Victoria Taraborelli Cameron Troilo Olivier Van Pelt Julia Vari Francisco Villaverde Jake Vizzini
Benjamin Walker Danielle Walsh Yiran Wang Jamie Weiner Zoe Wilson Nicholas Woo Ming Cheng Wu
SAY WHAT? DURING SCHOOL HOURS, JUNIORS SAY THE WILDEST THINGS "Alexander the Great was crazy, not insane." - ANDREW COLICCHIO, during World History Seminar Honors.
"Living is the leading cause of death." - D A N NATAN, to his friends in the cafeteria.
"Brain damage is good for you... just look at me." - WILL BAKLR, to Jesse Pazdera while hanging out in the SAC after lunch.
pno-mot^6 Sang II Ahn Olivia Albanese Lauren Apuzzi Kylan Baker Jacqueline Baptiste Danielle Beal Zachary Bicho
Devan Birch Benjamin Brougham Janine Cadet Connor Cahill Yilin Cai Caroline Campbell Christopher Cardinal]
Ander Celaya Heston Charres
Ethan Chee Minghui Chen Yoonha Cho Jung Yeon Choe Hee Eun Choi
Brandon Coleman Simone Cotton Jacqueline Coyle Gianna Crivelli Joey Crivelli Gabriel Csapo Joseph D'Avanzo
Jon Carlo DeFazio Gordon DeGeorge Scott DelPrato Ferguson Duke Mehrtash Ferdows James Frazier Nicholas Freda
Yuheng Fu Jordan Fusco Steven Godich Austin Goekc Jared Golestani William Grayson Jordan Greces
Adam Greenfield Alexander Griese Nicholas Guns Trevor Guzy Taylor Havard Robert Hedberg Tina Heinrich
Quashae' Hendryx Samantha Heyrich Seong Won Hong Jack Horton Wei-Jou Huang KeeaunaJacobs Mingming Jiang
Su Jung Jo Kyria Johnson Christina Kilganff Dong-Ho Kim YeMo Koo Lauren Kotler Cheng Kou
Amor Kriek Eliza Lavine Max Leone XinYi Li Yi San Liu Michael Manfredi Anthony Marino II
& Gilles Merckx Robert Merfield Carey Million Peter Nawn Ian Oakes Rebecca Pankove Edward Paparclla
Kwan Yong Park Patrick Prendergast Alma Prokudina Brighid Quinn-Gordon Michael Ray James Recine Ayana Reed
Nicholas Revano Matthew Riello Frances Roden Ryan Ross Angie Ruiz-Mitchell Anton Salienko Jenna Sands
John Sayles-Hartman Edward Scanlan Madeleine Schade Camille Schrier Matthew Schweitzer William Sharpies Alexander Shay
Eliza Shiffman Sang Ki Shin Alexandra Sitepu Peter Stoddard Max Sudhoff Saheedat Sulaimon Kathryn Sullivan
Chenzuo Suo Eric Szeker Angelica Tabares Tomoko Takeuchi Jonathan Tattoni
Christian Toto Catherine Tsao
Alex Vukasin Jordan Wang Deanna Washington Sarah Week Kaitlyn Weeks Victoria Weeks Yixuan Wei
Steven Wells Jr. Isaiah West Harrison Whelan Rakiyah White Marien Wilkinson Kaley Wills Hyun-Jae Woo
Paulo Zarvos Andrew Zhou
THAT WAS SO... EMBARRASSING \ DUSTIN RAIFFE JESSICA BUSH "I was with a friend in Mr. Brown's office and Mr. Loffredo walked by the office window and made a face at me. I replied with a silly face back and then a stranger walked by. I ducked down right away."
"I was in the dining hall for dinner on Pajama Day, and someone ripped off my bathrobe. Everyone turned to look. It was definitely not a fun experience."
SIMONE COTTON ROBHEDBERG* "I was walking down to the gym and a group \ of girls were waving in my direction. I obviously thought they waved at me, so I waved back at them. Then I realized they were waving at the person behind me."
"I was walking in the hallway after class when saw my friend Breyana and yelled, 'Hey Buddy!' across the hall to her. In response, Mr. Jones turned around, thinking I was talking to him."
Omar Abbasi Angelo Abis Connor Adams James Atbanese Paul Anthony, Jr. Spyridon Avgoustiniatos Calvin Bailey
Kaitlyn Bastedo Jabria Baylor Nathaniel Bayona Francesca Bello Hanna Bettner Alex Bidwell Olivia Braendcr-Carr
Carter Broad Erica Brosha Caroline Brown Matthew Bruno Abigail Buckley John Bucsek Matthew Bunsa
Anajha Burnett Jessica Bush Courtney C^idwcl William Carlson Vaughan Carman Devin Cheifetz Ashley Cheng
Torray Chester Jess Coleman Isabella Cura Alexa De Paulis Paul DesRochers Peter DesRochers Avery Diamond
Tara Dorgan Cameron Dudeck Alexander Embree Heather English Mete Eser Alexa Fares Courteney Faulkner
Sara Galik Merrill Gardner Jason Geter Andres Gonzalez Charles Goulburn I Breyana Greats David Grossman
Phillip Gursahaney Bailey Hammer Olivia Hanks Victoria Harinxma-Jenkins Ryan Hayes Taylor Heilman Jonathan Hu
Sooyoung Huh Rachel Huselid Annette Jeffs Johnnah Johnson Rhys Johnson Alexandra Kane Anisha Kannambadi
Juliet Kapanjie Julia Kaplan Alec Karanikolas joon Yeon Kim Luke Klein Stephen Kostman Katelyn Kubala
Katelyn Lavine Chernjen Lee Jiehua Lei XinLi Victoria Lowrie Rohit Malhotra Kristen Manochio
Collin Marino Jordan McDonald Kamaron McNair Thomas McNultyJr. Lauren McTigue Christopher Meinert Monique Morris
Mirabelle Murray Elizabeth Mydlowski Benjamin Natan Vivian Parrish Raymond Pfundt Melissa Poulsen Isaiah Powell
Haochen Shi SuJiShin David Soltis Bradford Stern Yuzhang Su Nealon Suthersan Darnel Theagene
Samantha Troilo William Tsao Muhammad Wainwright XiaoRan Wang Noah Weisfogel Kolby Williams Lingjun Xia
MIX IT STUDENTS CROSS-DRESS BEFORE HOMECOMING TO SHOW THEIR SCHOOL SPIRIT On Tuesday, October 19th, the usually bleak morning was instead filled with student excitement over one another's funny cross-gendered appearances. The Student Council came up with the idea of having a "Switch Day" during Spirit Week, among other various casual dress themes, and it was met with great success. Males were seen toting leather purses, strutting in their worn-in Uggs, and even sporting patterned mini-skirts to show off their "attractive," hairy legs.
1. Lou Adesida and AJ Zuttah sported skirts and girly accents for the whole day. "I cross dressed because I had no more pants to wear," jokes Adesida. 2. Donning a pale green sweater and matching gold necklace, Krys Maingrette enjoyed entertaining his
On the other hand, the females put on ties, dress shirts, and long pants to more closely resemble their male counterparts. "I can't imagine how guys can wear ties," Katie Stevenson mentioned while eating in the dining hall. "I've only been wearing it for a few hours and I can
friends with his outrageous attire. "The best part of
barely stand it."
switch day was being able to put on a girl's shirt and
Switch Day was a successfully entertaining event that unified both males and females. It allowed everyone gain perspective by putting themselves in someone's else's shoes literally.
make other people laugh," says Maingrette. 3. Seniors Anahi Ruiz, Emma O'Connor, and Sydney Dodson act "macho" in history class, wearing shirts and ties.
administration Candice Bain Database Administrator, Admissions
Steven Bristol Director of Admissions, Financial Aid, and Enrollment Management
Megan Butcher Assistant Director of Admissions
Gabriel Csapo Director of Food Services
Mary Lou Davall Office Assistant, Advancement
Franklin Dippery Director of Junior/Senior Academic Programs
Ryan Egan Associate Director of Communications
Jonathan Brougham
Ryan Hews
Upper School Head
Alison Chmielewski Administrative Assistant to the Upper School Head
Stefanie Connell Director of Business Services
Sandra Campbell Bookstore Assistant
Barbara Finnegan Receptionist
Richard Fleck Chief Financial Officer
Mary Ann Fox Head Librarian, Director of Curricular Integration Technology, Archivist
Jill Goldman Director of the Annual Fund
Nixon Grant Database Administrator and Administrative Assistant
Andrew Hamlin Assistant Headmaster for Advancement
Bruce Hayden Faculty Technology Coordinator
Nancy Icenhower Director of College Counseling
Katharin Kiefer Dean of Faculty
Andrea King Student Accounts
Jasmin Leary Barry Administrative Assistant to Alumni Relations
Maureen Leming Director of Communications and Marketing
Dana Liebmann Director of Personal Counseling
William Long Deon of Students
Adrienne Marchioni Administrative Assistant, Admissions
Mike Chaykowsky Director of Facilities
Diane Fisher Director of Academic Support Services
John Isbirian Registrar
Karen McGovern Payroll/Benefits Coordinator
David McMillin Director of Freshman/ Sophomore Programs
William Quirk Director of Athletics
Kenneth Stevenson Director of Res/dent Life
William McQuade Assistant Headmaster for Administrative Projects
Kyle Morse
Amy Nexon
Judith O'Brien
Associate Director of Admissions
Administrative Assistant to Parent Relations
Administrative Assistant to the Upper School
Lauren Rankin Assistant to the Assistant Headmaster for Advancement
Maryellen Rende Full Charge Bookkeeper
Frances Stokes Bookstore Manager
Janine Vanisko Director of Alumni Relations
Sherry Roberts Assistant to the Headmaster and
Lynn Watson Office Assistant, Auxiliary Services
Michele Schenk Administrative Assistant to the Dean of Students
Mary Jane Williams
Donna O'Sullivan Director of Auxiliary Services
Lisa Schwarzwalder Accounts Payable
Meghan Poller Associate Director of" Communications for Electronic Media
Carolyn Pontani Administrative Assistant to the Director of Admissions
Carol Smith Director of Health Services
Dianne Somers Director of International Student Program
Jocelyn Zoog Office Assistant
Director of Parent Relations
Oubject Departments and
Reinaldo Gonzalez, Doris Lin, Joy Noel Straight, Jennifer Mitchell. Thomas Lytle, Constance Shaffer (Chair), James Santaeularia, Sharon Saatsoglou, Melissa Dorfman, Michelle Koenen David Davis, Scott Sanders, Katie Butler, Patrick Jones, Francois Bourbeau, Dana Radanovic, Julie Davis (Chair), Patrick Quirk. Ryan Brown, William McQuade, Jonathan Stone
A modern Renaissance man, faculty member
Ms. LeRhonda Greats has served
Ryan Brown ~xercises both right and left sides __ y
Science Department for twelve
on v
^ ^ H ^ f l Pre"Calculus courses, but also AP Music Theory
c O
as the chair of the Computer
of his brain on a daily basis in his teaching of not ' Geometry Honors, Algebra II Honors, and
years. As the chair, she teaches computer classes to both middle
and contributing to the winter musical. Brown
and upper school students, attends
finds the balance between the dissimilar subjects
curriculum meetings, and works
"perfect," because "just like other people pick
"to infuse technology education
up hobbies to rest from their work." Brown
into the lives of our students." In addition to this job, she has
merely swaps to his other passion. In class, he
I worked as Hun's Diversity liaison
incorporates his understanding of the way both
since 2008 and as the girls' dorm
types of minds grasp subject material by introducing projects in his math classes to aid the more artistically-inclined
head since 2008. "My favorite part of these jobs is that I get to
students and by teaching AP Music Theory in a more straightforward manner for
the math-minded student. Brown's life passions provide him with the opportunity
with them to make their lives richer with technology and diversity,'
to meet the needs of both types of students he encounters.
Greats said. "I enjoy that I get to learn something new on a daily
o 'co 13 LL
interact with students and work
I Stacy Collingham, Deborah Watts, Martin Hoban, James Mayo. Aaron
, David
Bush (Chair) Not Pictured: Mark Niederer, John Sabol
Tim Pitts, Stephen Fabian (Chair), Alex Soudah, Thomas Wilcox, Kelli Sanchez, Bruce Spengler, Ryan Hews, Bill Long, Lynn McNulty, and Bill Holup. Not Pictured: Larry Kidder
Bernard H.P. Gilroy, Angela Haberle, Julie Shuler-Misra, Kay Kiefer, Matthew Treiche Vivian Piel, Gary Brown (Chair), Todd Loffredo, Edward Sabol and Alan Metcalf. Not Pictured: Robert Groover.
Bethany Loffredo, Charles O'Brien, Cheryl Beal, Franklin Dippery, Alexandra Kittle, Allayna Garrett, Joan Roux, Lisa Yacomelli, Heather Mount, Thomas Kelso, and Richard Volz (Chair).
Carrie Repash, James Nehlig, Kathryn Quirk and William Quirk.
Deborah Kvarta, Mary Ann Fox and Mildred Weber.
Jeff Gurec, Matthew Sozio, John Ford, Edwin Garcia. David Vroman and Robert
Sanderson Barchue, Arthur Wright, Elio Mejia, Rosa Paz, Millery Laurent and William
Thomas Kctso, Scott Sussrnan, Jennifer" Marino and Ken Stevenson.
Gabriel Csapo, Ligia Osorio, Jose Rave. Su Khiem Chung, Gloria Martinez, Ellen Branham, German Pisabaj, Jenny Chung, Alexander McMillan, Esteban Navarro, Mark Million and Anna Scharko. Not pictured: Dionisio Cardona and Chrismaine Felix.
John Ruby, Roy Mesker and Ed Gainer.
Diane Fisher (Chair), Patricia Garrison, Mark Kolman, Vivian Piei, Hnlcy Sanborn.
Back Row: Radha Mishra, Nancy Icenhower. Front Row: Kimbcrly Esposito, Beth Ann Burkmar
MS. WATTS INSTILLS GREATER MUSICAL APPRECIATION Ms. Watts has spent an inspiring first year at Hun. As a cellist, as a conductor, she is making a large impact on the Hun music department. Ms. Watts says, "An orchestra is a fusion in that a lot of people come together to make one sound, with lots of different nuances. It is one entity and a singular performance."
VARSITY BOYS' FOOTBALL Episcopal 21-20 W Mercersburg 48-0 W Kiski 48-0 W Lawrenceville 20-14 W Blair 17-20
Peddie 10-6 W Poly Prep 14-34
Hill 12-14
L Front Row Kylan Baker, James Frazier, Cameron Dudcck, Gavin Stupienski. David Dudeck, Brett Forman, Ryan Ross, Ian Maltz, Alexander Fabian. Second Row: Julian Hayes. Jonathan Mathew, Michael Henry, Benjamin Schenkman, Nicholas Pierce, Zachary Bicho, Christopher Cardinali, Quashae' Hendryx. Third Row: Coach Nixon Grant, Alfred Dillione, John Thomas Bucsek, Mehrtash Ferdows, Alexander Shay, Wendy Laurenc. Anthony Alosi, James Knopf, Alexander Benthem de Grave, Muhammad Wainwright. Fourth Row: Alexander Gunstensen. Gordon DeGeorge, Zachary Hundertmark, Jonathan Zuttah, James Arnold, Stephan Jones, Charles Goulburn, Keon Rankins, Will Grayson. Back Row: Coach William Quirk, Coach Ardweeny, Coach Patrick Jones, and Coach Tom Kelso.
VARSITY BOYS' SOCCER Episcopal Chestnut Hill Mercersburg Pennington
0-0 1-0 3-1 2-1 PDS 0-0 Montgomery 1-1 George School 4-3 Lawrenceville 1-3
w T
St. Benedict's Blair Rutgers Prep WW-PN Peddie WW-PN Hightstown Pennington
0-3 2-1 4-0 1-2 2-1 3-0 2-1 1-2 Hill 5-2
L W Front Row: Liam McManimon, Alexander Griese, Ibidapo Lana. Nicholas Revano, Bailey Hammer. Andres Gonzalez, Olivier Van Pelt, Connor Stevenson, Ryan Bruvik, Julian Plummer, Jared Golestani. Back Row: Coach Scott Sanders. Brian Patriarca, Connor Marino, Christopher Caputo, Ryan Stokes, Steffen Gracch. Matthew Beal, Jeffrey Kaminski, Mark Nicholas. Francisco Villaverde, Daniel Gonzalez, Luis Romero Arcia, Christopher Leach, Coach Patrick Quirk.
L PDS 1-2 L WW-PN 0-1 L Mercersburg 7-0 W Episcopal 0-3 L BRHS 0-4 L Pennington 0-4 L George School 0-0 T Springside 0-1 L Mt. St. Mary's 1-1
Blair Lawrenceville Rutgers Prep Peddie Blair Germantown Pennington
5-2 2-3 2-2 1-0 2-1 2-0 0-1 Hill 1-2
w L L Front Row: Nicole Shockley. Rebecca Pankove, Olivia Breander-Carr. Joey Crivelli, Phoebe Huang, Katherine Stevenson, Monica King, Angelica Tabares. Back Row: Coach Kenneth Stevenson, Danielle Beal, Nicole Campellone. Brooke Bevans, Holly Hargreaves, Alexis Golestani, Ashton Dwyer, Mirabelle Murray, Gianna Crivelli. Candace Whiteside. Jamie Weiner, Coach Kclli Sanchez.
VARSITY GIRLS' TENNIS Pennington 1-4 Ranney 0-5 Mercersburg 1-6 Germantown 0-5 Lawrenceville 0-7 PDS 1-4 Notre Dame 1-4 Mt. St. Mary's 3-2
Blair 0-7 L W Stuart 3-2 Rutgers Prep 1-4 L Peddie 1-6 L Hill 1-6 L
Front Row: Alexis Grey. Katie Seitz, Shukra Sabnis. Second Row: Coach Joan Nusc, Sydney Seitz, Yilin Cai, Juliana Betlo, Coleue Beckett, Alison Park, Sydney Dodson.
VARSITY GIRLS' FIELD HOCKEY WW-PN 1-2 Pennington 5-0 Mercersburg 2-3 A N C 1-2 Ranney 8-0 Stuart 2-1 Lawrenceville 0-5 Springside 1-2 Blair 0-0
Steinert 2-1 PDS 1-2 Hightstown 1-0 Peddie 0-4 PDS 2-1 Robbinsville 1-2 Germantown 0-2 Lawrenceville 0-3 Hill 1-7
Front Row: Alexandra Kane, Nicolette Natale, Taylor Sumners, Camille Schrier. Second Row: Hailey Culhane, Katya Huxel, Emily Pittenger, Seul Yun. Third Row: Coach Kathy Quirk, Kara Kettelkamp, Stefanie Fox, Lauren Apuzzi, Olivia Albanese, Kelsey Gallagher. Carey Million, Hanna Bettner, Francesca Bello, Anna Rogoff. Mackenzie Pyne (Manager). Not Pictured: Coach Bethany Loffredo, Alexa Fares (Manager).
VARSITY CROSS COUNTRY Pennington PDS George Invitational Solebury Rutgers Prep Lawrenceville GSB Invitational Blair Peddie
1st States 2nd MAPL 1st 1st 2nd 4th 2nd 2nd 2nd
6th 6th
Front Row: Lu Chen. Cheng Kou. Yixuan Wei, Yuheng Fu. Brian Lynch. Alexander Velit, Gtiles Merckx, Arno Konings. Second Row: Paul Solas. Sang II Ahn, David Soltis, Edward Scanlan, Thomas Hyduk, Peter Sendzik. John Campbell, Thomas O'Boyle, Coach Angela Haberle. Third Row: Coach David Davis, Chan Park. Victoria Lowrie. Bella Cura. Thomas McNuky. Jeffrey Wagner. Kaitlyn Weeks. Sam Dauer, Jon Carlo DeFazio. Stephanie Mason. Aiexis Caldwell. Emily Stout- Back Row: Harrison Whelan, Erik Snyder. Not Pictured: lain Alexandridis. Michael Chang, Garrett lau. Hafeez Sulaimon. Nealon Suthersan.
JV BOYS' FOOTBALL Hill 0-30 Blair 20-18 Peddie 26-8 Lawrenceville 7-40 Blair 6-24 Peddie 0-14
Front Row: James Frazier, Cameron Dudeck, Ryan Ross, Trevor Guzy, Alexander Fabian, Michael Henry, Benjamin Schenkman, Zachary Bicho, John Thomas Buscek, Heston Charres. Second Row: Coach Thomas Lytle, Coach David Dudeck, Mertosh Ferdows, Alexander Benthem de Grave, James Knopf, Gabriel Csapo, Mohammad Wainwright. Alexander Gunstensen, Gordon DeGeorge, Charles Goulburn, Keon Rankins. Will Grayson, Coach William Quirk, Coach Arduini.
JV BOYS' SOCCER ANC Episcopal Chestnut Hill Pennington Montgomery George School
2-0 1-2 4-0 2-1 1-3 5-3
Lawrenceville 1-4 St. Benedict's 0-8 Blair 2-2 PDS 3-1 Rutgers Prep 1-0 Peddie 1-3
Front Row: John Sayles-Hartman. Robert Hedberg, Nicholas Guns. Seong Won Hong, Jonathan Tattoni, John Stillwel!, Timothy Andrews, Nicholas Freda. Robert Merfield, Seok Mok Chung. Back Row: Coach Cosimo Favaloro. Paulo Zarvos. Kweon Mo Koo, Anthony Marino, Jun Lee, Carl Boisrond, Jeong-Bin Ann. Hyun-Jae Woo, Yiran Wang, Morgan Browne, Anton Salienko, YeMo Koo. Adam Greenfield.
FRESHMAN BOYS' SOCCER Peddie Lawrenceville Montgomery George School Lawrenceville
1-2 2-0 0-2 1-2 0-2 ANC 0-0 Blair 2-0 Blair 1-1 Peddie 1-0
T W Front Row: Nathaniel Bayona, Angelo Abis. Collin Marino. Christopher Meinert, Connor Adams. Jordan McDonald, Joon Kim. Back Row: Coach Reinaldo Gonzalez, Peter Desrochers, Sooyoung Huh. Taylor Heilman, Jason Geter, Bradford Stern, Paul Desrochers, Matthew Bunsa. Mete Eser.
^ ^
Ranney 0-5 Episcopal 0-7
Germantown 1-4 PDS 5-1
Notre Dame 3-2 •••....
B l a i r 3-2
|"™^ ^ M ^ 2 H i
Moorestown 4-1 Stuart 6-0 Rutgers Prep 3-2 Peddie 1-4
Front Row: XinYi Li (Manager), Caroline Campbell, Sarah Week. Julia Zollner, Jiehua Lei (Manager). Second Row: Coach Cheryl Beal, Merien Wilkenson, Ashley Cheng. Alexis Hordes. Lauren Kotler, Annette Jeffs. Danielle Walsh. Menll Gardener.
JV GIRLS' FIELD HOCKEY WW-PN 1-4 Solebury 1-0 Stuart 4-0 Lawrenceville 0-3 Springside 0-1 Blair 1-1 Steinert 1-1 PDS 3-0 Peddie 0-1
Front Row: Angie Ruiz-Mitcheil. Courtney Faulkner, Simone Cotton, Caroline Brown, Elizabeth Mydlowski. Saheedat Sulaimon. Second Row: Coach Alexandra Kittle, Taylor Havard, Gita Kriek, Kristen Manochio, Madeleine Schade, Samantha Troilo. Juliet Kapanjie, Samantha Heyrich, Peyton Lutz, Lucia Perasso.
VARSITY ICE HOCKEY Chestnut Hill 3-5 A N C 3-9 Lawrenceville 5-0 Haverford 3-2 Calvert Hall 2-1 PDS 1-2 PHS 1-4 Chestnut Hill 5-4 Hill 2-1 Pennington 4-2
Landon 2-7 L Calvert Hall 3-3 L Germantown 2-4 L LaSalle 1-7 T Pennington 2-2 W MKA 5-0 L Pingry 2-10 L
ANC 1-5
Front Row: Brendan Hurley. Brad Stern, Alec Karanikolas, Devin Cheifetz, Spyridon Avgoustiniatos, Nick Guns. Will Sweetland. Back Row: Coach Francois Bourbeau, Coach Larry Sanford, Andrew Zhou. Harry Hagen, Mark Burke. Eric Szeker, Jordan Wang, Nick Pierce, Matt Johnson, Peter Nawn, Terry Ryan, Greg Seelagy. Coach James Nehlig. Not Pictured: Anton S.ilienko
VARSITY BOYS' BASKETBALL Northfield PDA, MD Blair Abbington Lawrenceville Solebury St. Benedict's South Kent TCA Newark Tech Blair Peddie Life Center ANC
49-66 56-65 62-69 66-60 38-54 40-37 80-78 61-80 38-54 54-57 43-44 49-33 58-66 32-45
Hill Mercersburg Lawrenceville Rutgers Prep ANC Solebury Gilman Germantown Peddie Blair Hill St. Joseph's States v. Blair Front Row: Coach Justin Feil. Myles Melville, Ferguson Duke, Liam McManimon, Bolster McKinley, Jared Cotton. Adeolu Adesida, Coach Sylvester Cuyler. Second Row; Coach Jonathan Stone, Dylen Setzekorn. Will Wise, Grant Fiorentinos, Dylan Sherwood, Douglas Macrone. Rashid Epps.
VARSITY GIRLS' BASKETBALL McDonogh Roland Park Friends' Central Pennington Lawrenceville Notre Dame Montgomery Solebury Blair Peddie Army Prep Hill
40-38 44-35 46-30 57-34 54-17 59-30 44-25 57-20 20-46 33-37 49-60 47-56
w w w w L L L L
Mercersburg 57-29 Ramsey HS 49-38 PDS 42-45 Rutgers Prep 35-47 Paulsboro 47-50 Pennsauken 60-27 Shipley 35-50 Mercersburg 59-25 Blair 31-57 Life Center 57-42 States v. Peddie 50-52 West Point 45-55
L W L L ' Front Row: Camille Rosen, Jacqueline Mullen, Ashton Dwyer, Anajha Burnett. Back Row: Coach Bill Holup, Miranda Muscente, Ashley Ravelli, johnnah Johnson, Carey Million, Courtney Caldwel
JV GIRLS' BASKETBALL Friend's Central Pennington Montgomery HS Solebury Peddie
15-42 16-50 14-41 15-21 26-29
Hill 13-43
PDS 28-60
Paulsboro HS 26-59 Rancocas HS 19-41 Blair 21-46
Front Row: Julia Kaplan, Alexandra Kane, Isabella Cura, Katelyn Lavine, Alexa De Paulis, Jabria Baylor. Second Row: Olivia Hanks, Merrill Gardner, Erica Brosha. Breyana Greats, Samantha Heyrich, Coach Katie Butler.
Front Row: Jamie Chen, Colltn Marino, Rob Hedberg, Will Tsao, Kevin Zhou, Noah Weisfogei, Jordan Grcccs. Second
PDS 12-15 Newark 11-16 WW-PN 11-16 St. Benedict's 7-20 Voorhees 10-17 PDS 11-16 Ranney 9-18 Livingston 13-14 WW-PS 16-11 Lawrenceville 10-17 Moorestown 15-12
Row: Coach Alex Soudah, Steven Lai. Yu-Yu Hsueh. Avery Dorgan. Thomas McNulty. Michael Koo, Nick Woo, Stephen Kostman, Angelo Abis (Manager), Coach Reinaldo Gonzalez. Back Row: Will Hu, Siran Zhao, Michael Guarasci, Anderson Wu, Alex Barker, Jesse Pazdera.
VARSITY GIRLS' FENCING PDS 14-13 Newark 13-14 WW-PN 13-14 Voorhees 10-17 PDS 14-13 Livingston 9-18 WW-PS 11-16 Lawrenceville 10-17 Moorestown 16-11 Oak Knoll 13-14
Front Row: Alexandra Sitepu, Kanako Shibano, Sabrina Liu. Christy Huang, Soyoun Lee, Brighid Quinn-Gordon. Back Row: Melody Jiang. Alex Marker Pittock. Noelle Baptiste, Phoebe Huang. Dani Walsh. Tara Dorgan. Sara Galik, Annette Jeffs.
Front Row: Isaiah West- Ethan Chee, Quashae' Hendryx, Ryan Ross. Isaiah Powell. Back Row: Coach Patrick Quirk. Kylan Baker. Ian Oakes, Jared Golestani. Bobby Ganges. David Li, Paul Sang II Ahn, Keon Rankins.
PDS 50-20 Blair 49-34 St. Benedict's 44-51 Newark Tech 45-48 Blair 41-32 Peddie 55-46 Life Center 46-47 A N C 47-48 Hill 34-53 Lawrenceville 43-57 Rutgers Prep 47-32 Gilman 61-56 Germantown 35-51
w L
FRESHMAN BASKETBALL Blair 43-50 Pennington 59-49 Lawrenceville 42-37 PDS 55-40 Blair 46-36 Lawrenceville 49-46
Peddie 25-43 Hill 31-30 Peddie 39-44 St. Joseph's 39-46 BRHS 40-62
Front Row: Coach Thomas Lytle, Vaughan Carman, Jordan McDonald, Alex Embree. Chase Goulburn, Taylor Heilman, Darnel Theagene, Rohit Malhotra, Jason Geter, Muhammad Wainwright. Torray Chester, Ryan Hayes, Jonathan Hu.
VARSITY BOYS' SWIMMING George School 73-97 Rutgers Prep 93-77 Pennington 60.5-107.5 South Plainfield 74-90 Lawrenceville 93-65
Omar Abbasi, Atex Velit. Matthew Riello, Robert Chen, Tyler Tamasi. lain Alexandridis. Howard Chiao. Matt Campbell. Alec Eiber. Sky Walker, Javier Munarriz, Raymond Pfundt, Brandon Coleman.
VARSITY GIRLS' SWIMMING George School 73-97 Rutgers Prep 93-77 Pennington 60.5-107.5 South Plainfield 74-90 Lawrenceville 93-65
Front Row: Caroline Campbell. Sydney Seitz. Austyn Barth, Catherine Tsao. Janine Cadet. Back Row: Caitlin McManimon, Olivia Ding, Sydney Seitz. Aly Walsh. Alana Rudolph, Mirabelle Murray. Camile Schrier.
Front Row: Connor Rice. Andrew Winterstein. Michael Buckbinder, Steffen Gratch. Will Sweetland, Scott Munley. Brian Patriarca. Jared Cotton, Garrick Wier. Second Row: Coach Alex Soudah, Coach Tom Kelso, Matt Bruno. Kevin Brown, Phil Gursahaney, Cameron Dudeck. Mark Burke. Andrew Colicchio. Gordon DeGeorge, Nicholas Guns. Will Grayson, Coach Alan Metcalf, Coach Cosimo Favaloro. Back Row: John Thomas Bucsek, Ben Schenkman. Alex Bidwell. Zach Bicho, lain Alexandridis, Devm Cheifetz, James Arnold, Krys Maingrette.
Front Row: Skylar Tucker, Lucia Perasso, Francesca Bello, Gianna Crivelli, Marguerite Tucker. Simone Cotton. Second Row. Madison LeBeau-Maltese, Hanna Bettner, Marien Wilkinson. Peyton Lutz, Monica King. Emily Decicco, Jackie Coyle, Alexandra Kane. Back Row: Coach Bethany Loffredo, Caroline Knights, Lexi Hordes. Kate Weeks. Lauren Apuzzi, Ashton Dwyer, Tori Van Heyst. Madeleine Schade. Olivia Albanese. Coach Haley Sanborn.
ii /Viiiiam Golden, Will Carlson, Chenzuo Suo, Luke Klein, Coach Scott Sussman. Alex Barker. Herwig Konings. Tom O'Boylc, Tyler Veih. Tony SI,: Jason Elefanc. John Marbach, Dominic Engshuber, Alex Gunstensen, Brandon Coleman. Jonathan Tattoni. Max Elefson, Anthony Marino, Abby Seitchik. Garrett Lau, Erik Gunstensen, Adam Fu, Carrick Porter. Parker Lewis. Alex Shay. Mate Schweitzer, Spyridon Avgoustmiatos. Christian Toto. Matthew Blake. Connor Cahill. Eddy Scanlan. Jon Carlo DeFazio. David Soltis. Alex Passikoff. Paul DeRouchers, Gabe Csapo.
GIRLS' CREW Front Row: Emma O'Connor, Alana Rudolph, Jessica Bush, Monique Howard, Phoebe Huang, Isabella Cura, Abigail Buckley, Alexa De Paulis, Austyn Barth. Back Row: Rakiyah White, Caroline Brown, Elizabeth Brown, Abby Seitchik, Zoe Zabor, Coach Dan Gerstein, Kaitlyn Bastedo, Alyssa Risoldi, Eric Brosha, Carly Sussman, Julia Vari, Hannah Putnam, Christiana Lamberti, Olivia Hanks, Coach Ali Stevenson.
VARSITY BASEBALL Front Row: Dave Dudeck, Chris Leach. Mark Rende, Coach Bill McQuade. Back Row: Coach Scott Sanders, Terry Ryan, Edward Paparella, Bailey Hammers, Brett Forman, Brandon Smith, Michael Manfredi, Andrew Lavine, Devan Birch, Gavin Stupienski, Austin Goeke, Ryan Stokes, John Campbell, Steven Wells, Alex Fabian, Timothy Andrews, Dominic Vanisko, Coach Patrick Jones.
JV BASEBALL Front Row: Nick Freda, Jess Coleman, Mike Henry, John Stillwell, Nathaniel Bayona, James Recine, Jonathan Hu. Back Row: Coach Bill Holup, Alex Embree, Jason Geter, Steven Godich, Brad Stern, Morgan Browne, Ryan Hayes, JT Bucsek. Coach Rich Volz.
VARSITY SOFTBALL Front Row: Mackenzie Pyne, Meghan Hayes. Back Row: Coach Kathryn Quirk, Coach Bill Quirk, Anisha Kannambadi, Nicole Shockley, Joey Crivelli, Kristen Manochio. Lauren McTigue, Carey Million, Emily Kuchar, Danielle Beal, Stefanie Fox. Samantha Heyrich, Christina Kilgariff, Taylor Havard, Alexa Fares. Coach Cheryl Beal. Not Pictured: Rebecca Pankove, Kamaron McNair.
MATH COMPETITION CLUB Mrs. Julie Davis, Lewis Huh, Howard Chiao, Rachel McEnroe, Chan Park, Jenny Kim, Seul Yun, Jun Young Lee, Yu-Yu Hsueh, Christopher Meinert.
EDGERTONES Anna Choi, Kaleigh Choi. Emily Stout. Samantha Heyrich, Emma O'Connor, Samantha Troilo, Lisa Torquato, Sarah Week, Morgan Leahy, Anisha Kannambadi. Noreen Mohsin.
VOICEMALE Krys Maingrette, Howard Chiao, Robert Chen, Jamie Chen, Chris Koo, Michael Koo. Joseph Anthony.
COMMUNITY SERVICE CLUB Front Row; Caroline Knights, Shukra Sabnis, Olivia Ding, Colette Beckett, Aly Walsh Back Row: Mackenzie Pyne, Kara Kettelkamp, Garrett Lau, Alyssa Risoldi, Alex Marker Piuock Not Pictured: Katie Stevenson. Angela Pallotti, Phoebe Huang. Michael Chang, Danielle Walsh, Heston Charres, Melody Jiang, Mrs. Lynn McNulty. Ms. Jennifer Mitchell. Ms. Julie Shuler-Misra.
BLACK STUDENT UNION Front Row: Jacqueline Mullen, Keeauna Jacobs. Janine Cadet, Deanna Washington. Memphis Madden, Rakiyah White. Back Row: Dr. Stephen Fabian, Breyana Groats. Teresa Bedzigui. Ms. LeRhonda Greats
PEER LEADERS Front Row: Victoria Bremen. Michael Buckbinder, Nina Russo, Connor Rice. Back Row: Emma O'Connor. Patricia Jean Kolman. Mackenzie Pyne, Anna Choi, Kara Kettelkamp, Alexandra Zabor, Elizabeth Brown. Jeffrey Kaminski. Tyler Tamasi. Dominic Vanisko. Brooke Bcvans. Monica King, Christopher Reiche. Erik Snyder. Meghan Hayes. Kevin Zhou. Mark Rende, Taylor Snook.
ALCHEMY SOCIETY Sang II Ahn, Hafeez Sulaimon, Mr, Matthew Treichel, Rachel McEnroe. Matthew Schweitzer, Garrett Lau, Jesse Pazdera, Phoebe Huang
FORENSICS Front Row: Ms. Michelle Koenen, Rebecca Pankove, Shukra Sabnis. Middle Row: Mrs. Joan Roux, Robert Hedberg. Brighid Quinn-Gordon. Michael Chang. Last Row: Matthew Blake, Alex Barker, Chan Park, Brian Lynch. Not Pictured: Noreen Mohsin.
THE MALL Front Row: Alexis Caldwelt, Juliet Kapanjie, Michael Chang, Stephanie Mason, Kamaron McNair, Andrew Katz, Isaac Lee, David Soltis. Back Row: David Merfield, Max Leone, Noah Weisfogel, David Corbin. Alexander Barker, Max Elefson, Chan Park, Paul Soltis, Lewis Huh, Nealon Suthersan.
DIVERSITY CLUB Front Row: Courtney Caldwell, Samantha Heyrich, Simone Cotton, Rebecca Pankove, Jabria Baylor, Anajha Burnett. Back Row: Chan Park, Jamie Chen. Deanna Washington, Robert Chen, Carl Boisrond, Andrew Katz. Austin Liew, Dr. Stephen Fabian. Saheedat Sulaimon, Mehrtash Ferdows, Ms. LeRhonda Greats, Kanako Shibano, Alexandra Djamen, Christy Huang, Johnnah Johnson, Steven Lai.
GIRLS LEARN INTERNATIONAL Front Row: Caroline Campbell, Emily Decicco, Monica King. Shukra Sabnis, Katherine Stevenson. Back Row: Teresa Bedzigui, Francesca Bello, Nicole Campellone, Elizabeth MacGregor, Nicole Shockley, Colette Beckett. Danielle Walsh, Alexandra Hordes, Aly Walsh, Victoria Taraborelfi. Eliza Levine, Juliana Bello, Alexandra Djamen, Brighid Quinn-Gordon. ••^
Not Pictured: Dustm Raiffe.
THE HUN REVIEW Front Row: Olivia Ding. Rachel McEnroe, Katherine Seitz, Zoe Wilson. Jamie Weiner. Max Leone Back Row: Mr Charles O'Brien, Aly Walsh. Danielle Walsh. Caitlin. Colette Beckett, Alex Marker Pittock, Sang II Ahn. Not Pictured: Michael Chang
CHOIR Alexandra Djamen, Emanuel Aliprantis, Annie Rogoff. Mr. James Mayo, Kanako Shibano. Tony Tsao. Memphis Madden, Juliana Bello, Emily Stout. David Li, Erik Snyder, Michael Koo
Not Pictured: Noreen Mohstn.
FRENCH CLUB Kelsey Gallagher. Kelly Byrne, Phoebe Huang, Emily Stout. Dr. Constance Shaffer.
YOUNG ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Front Row: Stephanie Mason, Caroline Knights, Alyssa Risoldi. Monica King, Ms. Janine Vanisko. Back Row: Mr. Patrick Quirk, Dominic Vanisko, Hannah Putnam, Mackenzie Pyne. Kara Kettelkamp, Alexandra Zabor, Ms. Jasmin Barry.
PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB Front Row: Alexis Golestani, Monique Morris, Su Jung Jo, Abigail Buckley, Lauren McTigue. Back Row: Mr. Pitts, Kaitlyn Bastedo, Yoonha Cho. Julia Vari, Alexander Passikoff, Nicole Shockley, Dobrin Mitev. Peyton Lutz, Maximilian Elefson. Samantha Heyrich. Nicole Campellone.
EDGERSTOUNIAN Caroline Knights, Garrett Lau, Stephanie Mason, Paul Soltis. Michael Chang, Colette Beckett, Nicole Campellone. Janet Cho, Kamaron McNair, Alex Kim. Not Pictured: Thomas Hyduk, Shukra Sabnis, Brittany Anderson, Kyle Frascarelli, Anna Choi, Lewis Kim, David Corbin.
JEWISH CLUB Core Members: Dustin Raiffe. Adam Goldberg, Collin Marino, Carl Boisrond. Noreen Mohstn, and Matthew Bunsa. (Photo depicts members of the Jewish Club hosting a Shabbat lunch)
FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES Cameron Dudeck, David Dudeck, Myles Melville, Stephan Jones. Mr. Jonathan Stone. N o t Pictured. Kamaron McNair
HONOR COUNCIL Front Row: Rachel McEnroe, Kanako Shibano.Ji Young Kim. Back Row: Matthew Blake, Chris Reiche. Tyler Tamasi, Jason Elefant. Kara Kettelkamp, Colette Beckett, Juliana Bello, Zoe Zabor. Monica King, Emily Decicco, Mrs. Sharon Saatsoglou.
STUDENT COUNCIL Stephanie Mason. Carter Broad. Alexander Shay. Connor Cahill. Matthew Blake. Mark Nicholas. Kelsey Gallagher. Stephan Jones. Not Pictured: Samantha Heyrich. Nick Pierce. Will Sweetland. Ben Natan.
HUN TV Front Row: James Recine. Paulo Zarvos. Abby Seitchik. Alex Griese, Anahi Ruiz, Mike Ray. Back Row: Heston Charres, Robert Chen, Adam Mantel!. Nick Pierce. Quashae Hendryx, Erik Gunstensen. Mark Nicholas. Steven Godich. Arno Konings. John Marbach. Avery Dorgan. Alex Goldenberg.
CULTURAL EXCHANGE CLUB Front Row: Carl Boisrond, Leah Han. Su Jung jo. Kanako Shibano. Sarah Liu. Second Row: Jamie Chen, Robert Chen. Chris Koo, Will Tsao, Christy Huang. Sabrina Liu. Third Row: Luke Kim, Jay Wei, Cindy Choi, Melody Jiang, Tomoko Takeuchi Back Row: Max Ferdows. Chen Park, Siran Zhao, Austin Liew. Lewis Kim, Sky Walker, Tony Shi, Michael Koo.
JAZZ BAND Front Row: Wing Chui, Haul Ahn, Luke Klein, Ben Brougham, Michael Ray, William Tsao, Courteney Faulkner, Tony Shi. Back Row: Will Brosha, Raymond Pfundt, Christian Toto, Sarah Moffitt. Ms. Deborah Watts, Spyridon Avgoustiniatos, Jason Elefant. Mark Rende, Jon Carlo Defazio, Carter Broad, Chris Meinert, Rhys Johnson, Paul Anthony, Matthew Beal, Dapo Lana. Not Pictured: Rob Hedberg.
CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Front Row: Benoit Mathieu, Lesley Cai, Sabrina Liu, Christy Huang, Susie Su, Chris Koo, Soyoun Lee, Jamie Chen. Back Row: Annette Jeffs, Howard Chiao, Melody Jiang. Adam Fu. Nicholas Woo. Chan Park, and Ms. Deborah
LIBERTY IN NORTH KOREA Jordan Greces, Michael Koo. Chan Park, Annette Jeffs. Benoit Mathieu. Kanako Shibano. Tomoko Takeuchi, Carl Boisrond. Robert Chen. Mr. Tim Pitts Not Pictured: Jamie Chen. Soyoun Lee, Robert Lee, Austin Liew, Alex Barker, Benjamin Walker, Will Baker, Yoonha Cho.
QUIDDITCH CLUB Alex Marker Pittock, Benjamin Walker, Jesse Pazdera, Zoe Wilson, Jamie Weiner. Not Pictured: Max Leone, Carrick Porter. Nick Woo, Brighid Quinn-Gordon. Kayla Gursahaney.
CLASSICS CLUB Candace Whiteside. Meghan Hayes. Brook Bevans. Michael Buckbinder. Elizabeth Brown. Kara Kettelkamp. Hannah Putnam, Mr. Thomas Lytle.
INDEX A The Techno Raiders, featuring Emanuel Altprantis, Jordan Greces. Mr. Ed Sabol, Carrick Porter, and Herwig Konings, is a group of people who come together from different interests to focus on a single passion - technology.
The Red Shield Society, featuring lead tour guides Dustin Raiffe, Nicole Glass, Nicole Campellone, Emily Stout, Alyssa Risoldi. Dominic Vanisko, Zoe Zabor, Nina Russo. Monica King, Emily Decicco, and Katie Stevenson (as shown), consists of many students who demonstrate their passion for the School through daily tours, spreading awareness about what makes Hun special. Lead tour guides not pictured: Erik Snyder, Carrick Porter, Garrett Lau, Herwig Konings, and Brendan Hurley. Tour guides for '10-'11 school year are listed alphabetically as follows: Angelo Abis, Olivia Albanese, Anthony Alosi, Lauren Apuzzi, Jim Arnold, Spiros Avgoustiniatos, Calvin Bailey, Alexander Barker, Kaitlyn Bastedo, Nate Bayona, Matt Beal, Teresa Bedzigui, Alex Benthem de Grave. Samantha Berlin, Zack Bicho, Matthew Blake, Carl Boisrond, Tori Bremer, Erica Brosha, Elizabeth Brown, Kevin Brown, Morgan Browne, Mike Buckbinder, Abigail Buckley, Mark Burke, Kelly Byrne, janine Cadet, Leslay Cai, Alexis Caldwell, Caroline Campbell, Matt Campbell. Will Carlson, Lu Chen, Ashley Cheng, Torray Chester, Yoonha Cho. Janet Choe. Kaleigh Choi, Seokmok Chung. Brandon Coleman. Matt Collins, David Corbin, Jared Cotton, Simone Cotton, Jackie Coyle, Gianna Crivelli, Joey Crivelli, Hailey Culhane, Avery Diamond, AJ Dillione, Christine Djamen, Avery Dorgan, Ashton Dwyer, Alec Eiber, Maximilian Elefson. Dominik Engshuber, Yuheng Fu, Jordan Fusco, Sara Galik. Kelsey Gallagher, Bobby Ganges. Merrill Gardner, Nicole Glass, Steven Godich. Adam Goldberg, Breyana Greats, Erik Gunstensen, Harry Hagen, Holly Hargreaves. Ryan Hayes, Quashae Hendryx, Mike Henry, Samantha Heyrich. Will Hu. Christy Huang, Phoebe Huang, Wei Huang, SooYoung Huh, Zachary Hundertmark, Rachel Huselid, Thomas Hyduk, Keeauna Jacobs, Annette Jeffs, Melody Jiang, Kyria Johnson, Rhys Johnson, Stephan Jones. Jeff Kaminski, Anisha Kannambadi, Juliet Kapanjie. Andrew Katz, Kara Kettelkamp. Christina Kilgariff, Dong-Ho Kim, Dongwan Kim.Ji Young Kim. Caroline Knights, Pj Kolman, Katelyn Kubala, Cristiana Lamberti, Dapo Lana. Wendy Laurent, Eliza Lavine, Morgan Leahy, Isaac Lee, Jennifer Lee, Soyoun Lee. Andrew Levine. Parker Lewis. DuoYi Li. Sabrina Liu, Peyton Lutz, Brian Lynch, Elizabeth MacGregor, Memphis Madden, Rohit Malhotra, Ian Maltz, John Marbach, Collin Marino, Alex Marker Pittock, Jonathan Mathew, Caitlin McManimon, Lauren McTigue, Chris Meinert, Myles Melville, Janel Mitchell, Dobrin Mitev. Noreen Mohsin, Nicolette Natale, Ben Natan, Daniel Natan, Peter Nawn, Mark Nicholas, Emma O'Connor, Angela Pallotti, Becca Pankove, Cindy Pi. Julian Plummer, Melissa Poulsen, Isaiah Powell, Hannah Putnam. Mackenzie Pyne. Keon Rankins, Ayana Reed, Chris Reiche. Mark Rende, Nick Revano. Frances Roden, Anahi Ruiz, Shukra Sabnis, Ben Schenkman, Camille Schrier, Abby Seitchik, Chris Seitz, Peter Sendzik, Will Sharpies, Alex Shay. Dylan Sherwood, Kanako Shibano, Suji Shin, Nicole Shockley, Connor Stevenson, Peter Stoddard, Ryan Stokes, Saheedat Sulaimon, Carly Sussman. Will Sweetland. Angelica Tabaraes. Tomoko Takechu, Tyler Tamasi, Victoria Taraborelli, Jonathan Tattoni. Darnel Theagene, Lisa Torquato, Cameron Troilo, Sam Troilo, Tony Tsao, Tori Van Heyst, Olivier Van Pel*.. Tyler Veth, Frank Villaverde. Aly Walsh, Danielle Walsh. Jordan Wang. Deanna Washington. Sarah Week, Steven Wells, Rakiyah White, Kolby Williams, Andrew
Abbasi. Omar 181. 196 Abis. Angelo 181, 192, 195 Adams, Connor 181, 192 Adams, Robert 188 Adesida. Adeolu 151,183,194 Ann, Jeong-Bin 175,192 Ahn, Sang II 178, 191,201. 202 Al-Nassar, Mohammed 167 Albanese. James 21. 181 Albanese, Olivia 178, 191 Alexandras, lam 107, 175, 191. 196 Aliprantis. Emanuel 149.203 Allen. James Lane 156 Alosi. Anthony 51.190 Anderson, Brittany 11,86. 87,95 158.204 Andrews, Timothy 91, 175, 192 Anthony, |oseph 68, 69. 175,200,205,206 Anthony, Paul 181 Apuzzi, Lauren 178. 191 Arcia, Luis Romero 171, 190 Ariadni, Villa 49 Arnold, James 175, 190 Arsenijevic, Zoran 175 Ashton, Taylor 154 Avgoustiniatos. Spyridon 181. 193
B Bailey, Calvin 181 Bam, Candice 185 Baker. Kylan 84. 178, 190, 195 Baker, Will 27. 175. 177 Baptiste. Noel 60. 105, 178.195 Barchue. Sanderson 188 Barker, Alex 4, 18.28.29, 33, 104, 105. 175. 195,
201,202 Barry, jasmin Leary 185. 203 Barth, Austyn 175, 196 Bastedo, Kaitlyn 58.181, 203 Bayer, Casey 175 Baylor, Jabna 181. 194, 202 Bayona. Nathaniel 181. 192 Beal, Cheryl 94, 187, 193 Beal, Danielle 178,190 Beal. Matthew 175, 190 Bear. Krysie 164 Beckett, Colette 175. 191, 200, 202, 204, 205, 206 Bedzigui. Teresa 175,201, 202, 205 Bello. Francesca 46. 181. 191,202 Bello. Juliana 19,69,71.94. 175. 191.202.203,204 Benthem de Grave, Alexander 175, 190, 192 Bentley, Dierks 134 Berlin, Samantha 162 Bettner, Hanna 181. 191 Bevans. Brooke 88.89.162. 190,201 Bicho. Zachary 84, 178, 190,
Bidwell. Alex 181 Bilson. Rachel 44 Birch, Devan 178 Biscotti. Nunzio 166 Blake. Matthew 10. 175. 201. 204 Bogad, Aaron 58, 187 Boisrond. Carl 15.69. 175, 192.202.204 Bourbeau, Francois 109,186. 193 Bradford, William 145 Braender-Carr, Olivia 27, 75, 89. 181. 190 Branham. Ellen 188 Bremer. Victoria 31, 139. 201 Bristol, Steven 185 Broad, Carter 10. 181 Brock. Isaac 144 Brosha. Erica 103,181,194 Brosha, William 67.70, 175 Brougham, Benjamin 178 Brougham, Jonathan 1,4, 17,185 Brown. Caroline 27. 34, 181. 193 Brown, Elizabeth 5, 16. 54. 136.201 Brown, Gary 137, 187 Brown. Kevin 175 Brown. Ryan 137.186.187 Browne. Morgan 175. 192 Bruno, Matthew 181 Bruvik, Ryan 132.190 Buckbinder, Michael 10, 58, 160,201 Buckley. Abigail 181.203 Bucsek. John Thomas 181. 190, 192 Bukowski, Charles 158 Bunsa, Matthew 181, 192, 204 Burke. Mark 175.193 Burkmar, Beth Ann 155,189 Burnett. Anajha 181, 194, 202 Bush, David 49,74, 148. 187 Bush, Jessica 180, 181 Butcher, Megan 185 Butler, Katie 36.103, 186, 194 Byrne, Kelly 58. 175.203
Cadet. Jarane 178,196,201. 20.5 Cahill. Connor 178 Cai. Yilin 67. 178. 191 Caldwell, Alexis 78, 97, 106, 175, 191,202 Caldwell. Courtney 181, 194,202 Campbell, Caroline 94, 178, 193, 196,202 Campbell. John 175. 191 Campbell, Matt 144,196 Campbell. Sandra 185 Campellone, Nicole 74, 175, 190,202.203,204 Caputo. Christopher 175. 190 Cardinal!, Christopher 178, 190 Cardona, Dtonisio 188 Candi. Julian 175
Carlson. William 181 Carman. Vaughan 181., 196 Celaya. Ander 178 Champion, Michael 132. 151 Chang. Michael 29.78, 175, 191.200.201,202.204, 205. 206 Charres. Heston 26. 178. 192.200.205,206 Chaykowsky, Mike 185 Chee. Ethan 103.178,195 Cheifeu. Devin 109,181, 193 Chen, Lu 67, 175. 191, 195, 200. 202. 205, 206 Chen. Minghui 178 Chen. Robert 68, 69. 72. 175., 206 Cheng. Ashley 181. 193 Cherukuri, Sahitya 149 Chester, Torray 181, 196 Chiao, Chia-Hao 33,69, 175, Chmielewski. Alison 54.55. 185 Cho. Yoonha 66, 178.203 Choe. Jung Yeon 90. 178. 204 Choi. Anna, 201. 204, 205, 206 Choi, HeeEun 178 Choi, Kaleigh 69,71, 164, 200. 205. 206 Choi, SeungBo 68, 143 Choi, Yeon Kyo 165 Chui. WingHin 175 Chung, Jenny 188 Chung. Seok Mok 143,192 Chung. Su Khiem 188 Coleman, Brandon 58, 178, 196 Coleman, jess 181 Collcchio, Andrew 21,58, 175. 177 Collingham, Stacy 74, 164, 187 Collins, Matthew 175 Connell, Stefanie 185 Corbin, David 85, 175,202, 204 Cotton, Jared 100,159.194 Cotton, Simone 25, 178, 180, 193,202 Coyle, Jacqueline 178 Crivelli, Gianna 178, 190 Crivelli, Joey 88, 178. 190 Cruz. Taio 165 Csapo, Gabriel 178, 185, 188, 192 Csapo, Mr, Gabe 32, 33 Culhane, Hailey 92,93, 139, 191 Cura, Isabella 27, 103, 181, 191. 194 Curley. Julia 27. 175
D D'Avanzo, Joseph 178 Dauer. Samuel 21, 146, 191 Davall, Mary Lou 185 Davis. David 96, 131. 144. 145. 186. 191 Davis. Julie 140, 144. 148. 186,200, 206 De Paulis, Alexa 181.194 Decicco, Emily 54. 175.202, 204 DeFazio. Jon Carlo 178, 191 DeGeorge, Gordon 178, 190, 192 DelPrato. Scott 178 DesRochers, Paul 30, 181, 192
Winterstein, Will Wise. Siran Zhao, Hanna Zirinsky, Julia Zollner and AJ Zuttah
"I'll never forget drafting the student constitution because it gave us current students the power to set the precedent of student delegation functions for future generation. It was truly history in the making." CARTER BROAD
"I wrote my first play this year. It means a lot to me just because I spent a good 100 hours on it and it's a story that was inspired at least in part by real events so there's sort of a personal connection to it. It also changed the way I think." -JESSE PAZDERA
"I will always remember singing really loudly and off-key with all my varsity girls' soccer girls on the bus rides to and from games. They're my best friends. I'll look back when I'm older on all the fun times we've had." - LEXI GOLESTANI
DesRochers, Peter 181,192 Dessailly, Miriam 175 Diamond, A very 181 Dillione. Alfred Peter 41. 152,190 Ding, Olivia 175.196,200. 202, 205, 206 Dippery, Franklin 137, 165, 185, 187 Djamen, Alexandra 8.21, 68,69,165,202,203 Dodson. Sydney 183, 191 Dorfman, Melissa 186 Dorgan, Avery 73,104.170, 195 Dorgan, Tara 181. 195 Dudeck, Cameron 84, 181, 190, 192,204 Dudeck, Coach David 134,152, 192 judeck, David 85, 175, 190, 204 Duke. Ferguson 100, 101. 178, 194 i;//yer, Ashton 88.99, 156, 190, 194 Dylan, Bob 156
E Egan. Ryan 78, 185 Eiber. Alec 41, 107. 167. 196 Elefant, Jason 67. 169.204 Elefson, Maximilian 31, 175. 202. 203 Fmbree. Alexander 181, 196 fnglish. Heather 27. 181 [ ngshuber, Dommik 147 Epps. Rashid 175. 194 I'ser. Mete 181.192 ! sposito, Kimberly 189
F Fabian, Alexander 84.176. 190. 192 l.ibian, Dr. Stephen 134, 140. 144, 161, 167, 187, 201,202.205 Fares. Alexa 27, 181, 191 Faulkner, Courtney 181,193 Favaloro, Cosimo 90. 159, 192 Feil. Justin 194 ^elix. Chnsmaine 32, 33. 188 Fcrdows, Mehrtash 178, 190, 192,202 Fmnegan, Barbara 185 Fiorentinos, Grant 100.101, 132, 194 fisher, Diane 132, 185. 189 Fleck. Richard 185 lord. John 188 I orman. Brett 39. 84. 176. 190 Fox. Mary Ann 185, 188 Fox. Stefame 21. 176. 191 Frascarelh, Kyle 27. 45, 70, 162,204 Frazier, James 178. 190, 192 Freda, Nicholas 178.192 Fu. Yuheng 178. 191 I usco, Jordan 27.36. 178
G Gamer. Ed 189
Galan. Rocio 176 Galik. Sara 105.181.195 Gallagher. Kelsey 92. 176. 191,203 Ganges. George 103.176, 195 Garcia, Edwin 188 Gardner. Merrill 21, 94. 181. 193, 194 Garrett, Allayna 45, 137. 166. 187 Garrison, Patricia 32, 151, 189 Geter. Jason 91. 102, 181. 192. 196 Ghandi. Mahatma 170 Gill, Ian 176 Gilroy, Mr. Bernard 4. 140. 148, 187 Glass, Nicole 176 Godich, Steven 178 Goeke, Austin 178 Goldberg, Adam 170.204 Goldenberg, Alex 71,176 Goldman, Jill 185 Golestani, Alexis 88. 176, 190, 203 Golestani, Jared 178, 190. 195 Gonzalez. Andres 181, 190 Gonzalez. Daniel 86, 87. 171. 190 Gonzalez. Remaldo 91, 186. 192. 195 Gordon, Bnghid Quinn- 105 Goulburn. Charles 181. 190, 192, 196 Grant. Nixon 170, 185. 190 Gratch. Steffen 176. 190 Gray, Alexis 36.176.191 Grayson, William 178.190, 192 Greats, Breyana 103, 181. 194,201.205 Greats. LeRhonda 168, 187, 201.202,205 Greces. Jordan 178, 195 Greenfield. Adam 178,192 Griese, Alexander 72. 178, 190 Groover, Robert 187 Grossman, David 181 Guarasci. Michael 171,195 Guns, Nicholas 90, 178, 192, 193 Gunstensen. Alexander 176, 190. 192 Gunstensen, Enk 50,168 Gurec.Jeff 188 Gursahaney, Kayla 176 Gursahaney, Phillip 182 Guzy. Trevor 178. 192
H Haberle, Angela 96. 187. 191 Hagen, Harry 109, 176, 193 Hall, Calvert 193 Hamlin, Andrew 185 Hammer. Bailey 182. 190 Han, Leah 38, 75 Hanks, Olivia 182. 194 Hargreaves. Holly 89. 176. 190 Harinxma-Jenkins, Victoria 182 Hassman. Jared 50, 130 Havard, Taylor 93. 178. 193 Hayden. Bruce 168, 185 Hayes, Julian 41.84, 157. 190 Hayes, Meghan 166.201 Hayes. Ryan 182.196 Hayward, William 188 Head, Matthew 159 Healy. Justice 176 ^__
Hedberg. Robert 178,180. 192.201 Heilman. Taylor 102.182. 192, 196 Heinrich, Samantha 205 Heinnch, Tina 15, 178 Hendryx, Quashae1 179. 190. 195 Henry, Michael 176, 190. 192 Hews, Ryan 1,11,18,20 185, 187 Heynch, Samantha 69,179. 193. 194,200,202,203, 206 Hoban, Martin 72, 187 Holup, Bill 140. 156, 187, 194 Hong, Seong Won 14,90. 179, 192 Hordes, Alexandra 176. 193.202 Horton.Jack 179 Howard, Mo 173 Hsueh, Yu-Yu 140.195.200, 206 Hu, Jonathan 182, 196 Hu, Will 140, 195 Huang, Phoebe 89, 104, 105,176. 190. 195,200. 201,203,205,206 Huang, Wei-Jou 105. 179, 195,202 Huh, Sooyoung 182, 192,
200, 202, 206 Hundertmark, Zachary 190 Hurley, Brendan 5, 18, 30. 53.72, 109, 176. 193 Huselid, Rachel 182 Huxel, Katenna 35, 75. 92 135. 191 Hyduk, Thomas 20.36, 103. 106.176,191, 204
Kettelkamp. Kara 54. 92, 93, 136. 191.200,201,203, 204. 205. 206 Kidder, Larry 18, 19, 187 Kiefer. Kathann 140. 155. 185, 187 Kilgariff, Christina 179 Kim, Alex 204 Kim, Dong-Ho 179 Kim. Dongwan 155,204 Kim. Jenny 200.206 Kim. Ji Young 176.204 Kim.Joon Yeon 182. 192 Kim, Sewon 143 King, Andrea 185 King, Kristey 163 King. Monica 88.89, 163, 190,201.202,203,204 Kittle, Alexandra 187, 193 Klein, Luke 182 , Knights, Caroline 139,200, 203, 204. 205. 206 Knopf. James 84. 176. 190. 192 Koenen, Michelle 186,201 Kolman, Mark 106, 107. 132 189 Kolman, Mrs. 132 Kolman, Patricia Jean 5, 17, 137,201 Konings, Arno 72. 144. 191 Konings. Herwig 10. 19, 169 Koo, Chris 69. 179, 192, 200, 205, 206 Koo. Michael 176, 192. 195, 200. 203, 205. 206 Kostman, Stephen 182. 195 Kotler, Lauren 179,193 Kou, Cheng 179,191 Knek, Gita 75. 179.193 Kubala. Katelyn 30,182 Kuchar, Emily 176 Kvarta. Deborah 188
L Icenhower. Nancy 16,185, 189 Isbinan, John 55, 85
J Jacob, Lindsay 78 Jacobs. Keeauna 179.201. 205 Jeffs, Annette 45. 105. 182, 193, 195 Jiang, Mingming 67. 179. 195, 200 Jo, Su Jung 179,203 Johnson, Johnnah 99. 182. 194,202 Johnson, Kyna 179 Johnson, Matthew 130, 193 Johnson, Rhys 67, 182 Jones. Patrick 25. 180, 186. 190 Jones. Stephan 32. 150. 190, 204 Jones, Trevor 129
K Kapanjie. Juliet 46, 182, 193, 202 Kaplan, Julia 182, 194 Karanikolas, Alec 182. 193 Katz, Andrew 78. 176, 202 Kelso. Thomas 187. 188, 190
Lai, Steven 140, 195. 202 Lamberti, Cnstiana 176 Lana, Ibidapo 176. 190 Lau. Garrett 77, 176, 191, 200,201,204,205,206 Laurent, Millery 188 Laurent. Wendy 176. 190 Lavine, Eliza 179 Lavine, Katelyn 182, 194 Lavine, Michael 176 Leach, Christopher 132.190 Leahy. Morgan 27, 58. 176, 200, 205, 206 Lee. Chernjen 182 Lee, Isaac 202 Lee. Jun Young 176.192. 200, 206 Lee, Soyoun 104, 105. 176. 195 Leijiehua 182. 193 Leming, August 170 Leming, Maureen 185 Leone. Max 179.202 Levine, Andrew 1 31 Levme, Eliza 202 Lewis, Parker 176 Li. David 195.203 Li. Duoyi 141 Li. XinYi 179.182.193 Liebmann, Dana 165, 185 Liew, Austin 15.176,202 Lin. Dons 186 Liu, Sabrina 105.195 Liu, Sarah 50,142 Liu. Yi San 179 Loffredo, Bethany 187. 191 Loffredo, Todd 20, 21,39. 95, 137. 180 187 Long. Bill 185. 187 Lowrie. Victoria 182, 191
Lutz. Peyton 176. 193. 203 Lynch. Brian 96. 97, 145, 191.201 Lytle, Thomas 161. 192. 196, 186
M MacGregor, Elizabeth 176, 202 Machiavelli. Niccolo 161 Macrone, Doug 41, 100, 101, 152, 194 Madden, Memphis 154,201. 203. 205 Maingrette, Krys 33, 176, Malhotra, Rohit 182, 196 Maltz, Ian 84, 176, 190 Manfredi, Michael 179 Manochio. Kristen 93, 182.
193 Mantell, Adam 58.70.158 Marbach. John 169 Marchioni, Adnenne 185 Marino. Anthony 31.192 Marino. Collin 182.192, 195.204 Marino. Connor 86,153. 190 Marino. Jennifer 188 Marino IN. Anthony 179 Martinez, Gloria 33, 188 Mason. Stephanie 35.133. 191,202,203.204 Matakis. Chris 170 Mathew, Jonathan 134,190 Mathieu, Benoit 41. 152 Mayo, James 187 Mayo, James 68.69, 155. 167,168. 187.203 McDonald. Jordan 102,182. 192. 196 McEnroe, Rachel 148.200. 201.202,204,206 McGovern, Karen 185 McKinley, Bolster 176, 194 McMammon, Caitlin 176, 196 McMammon. Liam 39. 82, 86, 101, 176, 190, 194 McMillan, Alexander 33,188 McMillin, David 186 McNair, Kamaron 182,202. 204 McNult;.Lynn 140, 187, 200, 205, 206 McNulty, Thomas 97, 191, 195 McQuade, William 132.186 McTigue. Lauren 182.203 Meinert, Christopher 67.91. 182.192,200,206 Mejia, Elio 188 Melville, Myles 101.176, 194,204 Merckx. Giles 96,97. 179. 191 Merfield. David 170,202 Merfield, Robert 90. 179, 192 Mesker, Roy 189 Metcalf. Alan 50.51, 137. 159, 187 Million, Carey 92.99. 179, 191, 194 Million. Mark 188 Mishra. Radha 156. 189 Mitchell, Janel 74, 154 Mitchell, Jennifer 141. 155. 186,200,205,206 Mitev, Dobrin 176,203 Moffitt, Sarah 149 Mohsin, Noreen 49. 69, 165, 200,201,203.204.205,
105. '77.193. !95.2OO.
23.177.191. 2CC. 201.202. 204. 205.
20e iicvv EO»*T1
~r- 46,9}. 99. "05. •6C. IS-. 203 . our 86. ' 5 ' . 190
ia-o. . « v IS' Sage. V r a ">5
• MinevSccc: 25.54. ^6' '
MJT-*>. '"iraoele
'45. 191.
-90. '96
'-90 195. 202 SJkvan. *UtNvn 180
!93 r. n a e . 22. 23. 18« Sancnerfce* 3o. '87. '90 r '40. 186. 190 '79
^jcxsr^e 54. ^36. •9' 2 X : : • .203. : : 5
is,ri- ~ r ar*w 2?. 182 Ns.ar-e. Eswtar 'S8 N*»-. Pew '^9. '93 Docsor ~5. Ne'-g..i-^es '38. '93 Nexc. A.-. '36 52. 5c.
'36 : O 5^<a Mr. Chares -<C - ' 79. 2C2 • O Sr^'S. *V. *• ~:.-S6. :83.100.2c.. 205. 206 OS-*.a-. Oor*\a "86 Ones, JT '79. !95 . O-3> i < s - y * a 150 Oso~c -ga '55
' 86
19 Scanar. Scf-arxc.
. 193 33. '88 186 1T
190. 192 179. 191. ^sa '86
a * o - 188. ' 9 : QurK. Patro. '03. 13V '86. •K. 195.203 Qurk. W * « n 17. 186. :36. T9C. 192
109.129.193 59. 158
177.191.196 21.35. 177. . 100 •3 5. '94 . Ccs*s-\:e 13". 136.
7. '3C. 202. 2O«
Snarpws. ^\ a -
Rantr. J i m '5.68.69. •23.'65.'86 34. 85. 103. «Q£ . ^ 2 195
O C^rxr. ^ r ^ 52. 69. ; •
Sarg «. oaui 195 Santaeitana. james
=.^- " • . - « • 58.59.6-.- ; -"9 •\K"«. , i " « '79 : \eec A.ari 60. 179 '46.
D-.'ir 41. 100. '72. 194 Sn. -iaocnen 182 t o 105.177. 195 202 203 204
. Palloni. Angela 177.200, 205. 206 j Pankove. Rebecca 45.179. • 190. 201,202 Paparella, Edward 179 • Park. Alison 191 [ Park. Chan 191.200.201.
202. 206 ' I
Park. Chan Hyung 97,177 Park. Da Young 155 Park. Kwan Yong 179 Park. Roland 194 Parrish, Vivian 31. 182 Passikoff, Alexander 177, 203 Patriarca, Brian 153, 190 Paz, Rosa 188 ; Pazdera. Jesse 26. 177. 195. 201 Perasso, Lucia 177,193 • Pfundt, Raymond 182, 196 Pi, Cindy 49.74, 164 Piel. Vivian 132. 133, 187. 189 Pierce, Nicholas 72. 109, 130, 190, 193 Pisabaj, German 188
g 180. :«0 Tak.euc*«. Totnoi.0 '80 Tamas. TyW 145. 196. 201. 204
201 Ruby. John 189 Rudolph. Alana 49, 137, 196 Ruiz.Anahi 53, 133, 183 Ruiz-Mitchell, Angie 179. 193 Russo. Nina 60, 166.201 Ryan, Terrence 161. 193
Saatsoglou. Sharon 62. 186, 204
202 "V<*. Sweet ' - 2 Tar.on.. Jonathan ^6. ISO. 192 TSeageo*. Darr* 182.196 Torquato. Lisa 23. 52. '64. 200. 205. 20* Toto. Chrstan 180 Tre<het.Mr 140.145.148. 165. 187.201 Troto. Cameron 177 Trofe. Samar*a 27. 183. Tsao. Cathervie 180.196 Tsao. Tory 16. 203 Tsao. Tsi»-feng 142 Tsao. W * a m 183.195 TjAer. D*ayne 156. 157
201.202.205 Waoon. Lyw 186 W a t t i O f h s r a h 32. 1SS. 18". 18« 188 ^9.-J4 180 193. 200. 205. 206 vv«v.s. Kaittvn 23. 180. t « l 180 180. 191 27. 177. 190. 202 Wwfogel. Noah 183. 195. 202 Wffejr.SWvfO 180 West Isaah 180. 195 Wheian. Harnson 96.97. 180. 191 W M f . Rakiyah 180. 201. 205 WMewde. Caodace 25.50. 88. 163. 190 Wier, Garnck 159 Wiicox. Thomas 5.52. 160. 187 W*mson. Mirwn 180. 193 W*ams. Kdbv 183 \V.Hams. Mary Jar* 186 WMamson. Marianne 134 Wills. Kalry 180 Wihon. Zoe 27. 177.202 W»iter5teio. Andrew 10. 160 Wrse. W * a m 100. 101. 157. 194 Woo. Hyun-Jae 180. 192 Woo. Nicholas 177. 195 Wnght. Arthur 188 W u M<ng Cheng 177.195
Sitepu, Alexandra 180,195 Smith. Brandon 177 Smith, Carol 165. 186 Smylie, Timothy 134 Snook. Taylor 129,201 Snyder, Erik 147.191.201, 203 Soltis. David 182.191.202 Soltis. Paul 97,177,191. 202, 204 Somers, Dianne 140, 141, 155. 165, 167, 186 Soudan, Alex 187, 195 Sozio, Matthew 188 Spengler. Bruce 187 Stern, Bradford 109. 182, 192. 193 Stevenson. Connor 16. 71, 86, 147, 190 Stevenson. Katie 177. 183, 190,200.202.205,206 Stevenson. Kenneth 88. 165, 186, 188, 190 Stillwell. John 177.192 Stoddard, Peter 180 Stokes. Frances 30, 186 Stokes, Ryan 153. 190 Stone, Jonathan 100,132, 151, 152, 159, 168. 1^2. 186. 194,204 Stout. Emily 97,177,191. 200. 203. 205, 206 Stupienski, Gavin 177, 190
member s of the new student government
newly added courses ,ind
National Merit finalists, among the top scorers followers of Hun's
Twitter account
athletes that will compete in college
victories for the varsity football team
student groups and organizations
the average class size for every
1 ^ I /
V Van Dyke, Henry 129 Van Heyst, Victoria 138 Van Pelt, Olivier 177, 190 Vanisko, Dominic 135.201. 203 Vanisko, Janine 186,203 Van. Julia 177.203 Velit. Alexander 107.134, 191, 196 Veth, Tyler 168 Villaverde, Francisco 86. 177, 190 Vizzmi.Jake 177 Volz. Richard. 137.145, 148. 165, 187 Vroman, David 188 Vukasin. Alex 180
w Wagner. Jeffrey 146,191 Wainwnght, Muhammad 183. 190, 192.196 Walker. Benjamin 177,196 Walsh, Aly 156, 196, 200, 202, 205, 206 Walsh, Danielle 79. 94, 104.
Y Yacomelli, Lisa 60. 61. 187 Yeh, Yow-Tyng 141 Yun, Seul 52, 155. 191,200. 206
z Zabor. Alexandra 137,201. 203. 204 Zarvos, Paulo 180, 192 Zhao, Siran 142, 195 Zhou. Andrew 180, 193 Zhou. Ronghui 15, 141. 195.
201 Zirinskyf Hanna 22, 133 Zollner, Julia 94, 183, 193 Zoog, Jocelyn 186 Zurtah, Jonathan 167, 183. 190
faculty and staff
different sports
Snoctuey. Nkeoie 75. 177.
r ' 8 7 . 200.
Uroaneta. Fedeixo 86. 172
5' 3 ' . 201 Rende, Maryelien 186 Repash, Came 188 Revano. Nicholas 179, 190 Rice. Connor 21, 31, 71. 160.201 Riello, Matthew 179, 196 Risoldi. Alyssa 23, 71, 138. 200, 203. 205. 206 Roberts, Sherry 186 Roden. Frances 179 RogofT. Annie 23. 177, 191. 203 Ronson, Samantha 165 Rosen, Camille 177. 194 Ross, Ryan 84. 179. 190, 192. 195 Roux.joan 140. 165, 187,
'"' 31. ' "
T Tarafcore*. V<TC»M
J i x - e . 187 N-jt o r 94. 95. '91
O 5c Oy~
188 on 45. !82. '91.202 > » « e r * « . W * 161. I " 3
NC-<MS. ^.ar*
SucOwvruo 180
202. : 0 V 206 W ing. Jo- -dan 106. 180. 19 3 W*n$. \*.>(Un 183 V. »ng. "< «-*i 91. \77, 192 WasNngton, P«nna 180.
Thiel "20 under 20' fellowship winners
cast members in the spring play Noises Off
forensics tournaments attended by members
state finalists
in girls'
percent of total students who board
students who submitted prizewinning photos hours of practice a week for the pit band number of memories made
BY THE NUMBERS 2 18 47 105 4 0
missing computer mouses in the journalism room that have yet to be found. total staff members, all of whom have been a part of yearbook for at least one season. markers, including Mr. Sketch Scented Markers and Expo Markers (in fun scents and colors, too). yearbooks, both those belonging to Hun and other schools, on display on the room's shelves. white boards that have mysteriously disappeared into corners of the room since the beginning of the year. missed deadlines, an accomplishment achieved by hours of stressful planning and diligent work.
1. The yearbook staff open up a surprise present, filled with snacks and treats, from representative Caren Demyen. 2. Garrett and Shukra have a blast looking through the school facebook. 3. Paul Soltis and Caroline Knights pose with sample yearbooks.
After hours and hours of working a x home and in school, the yearbook is finally finished! In what perhaps has been the most challenging and demanding year of production, it is certainly one of the most rewarding feelings to be able to complete such aj| involved task. ^ The yearbook staff and yearbook adviser Heather Mount, developed the theme Fusion in April 2010 at the Herff Jones Yearbook Design clinic after exhausting literally hundreds of other possibilities. This theme was determined under the idea that it would be a creative way to express the diverse nature of our school and its many unique components. Edgerstounian was produced by the yearbook club at The Hun School of Princeton in Princeton, NJ, and printed by Herff Jon%, Inc. in Gettysburg, PA. The account was serviced by representative Caren Demyen a customer service adviser Lisa Kiick. The cover was designed by editor-in-chief Michael Chang, yearbook adviser Heather Mount and Herff Jones Gettysburg plant artist Eric Staub and incorporated a 4/C litho with matte lamination with UV glass lamination. Applied foil included HJ-1F Silver. The endsheets were printed on Classic Soft White CL-2 paper, using 4/C ink. The book's 212 pages are printed on 100# Bordeaux Special stock in full color. All copy was set versions of AHJ Avalon and AHJ Chantilly. Pages were submitted to the plant through the Herff Jones online program, eDesign. Senior and underclassmen portraits were taken by Spencer Studios. Candid photography was taken by the yearbook staff using Canon Rebel xsi cameras. The 2011 Edgerstounian is a student publication and any errors or omissions are not intentional. The 2010 Edgerstounian was featured in Volume 176 of Herff Jones Ideas that Fly which contains samples from 150 of the top-rated yearbook in North America.
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Michael Chang'12 r
SISTANT EDITOR Stephanie Mason '11 ADVISER Heather Mount STAFF Brittany Anderson '11
Colette Beckett '12 Nicole Campellone '12 Janet Choe '13 Anna Choi '11 David Corbin '12 Kyle Frascarelli '11 Thomas Hyduk'12 Alex Kim'13 Lewis Kim '11 aroline Knights '11 Garrett Lau '12 Erin Lee '12 Kamaron McNair '14 Shukra Sabnis '12 gaul Soltis '12 AL THANKS TO Jonathan Brougham Gabe Csapo aren Demyen Ryan Egan Ryan Hews Tim Pitts Meghan K. Poller Doug Walsh
he Hun School of Princeton