Hunter Campbell - 2022 Market Insights Sales and Marketing

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Sales and Marketing. Specialist Recruitment


Kia ora and welcome to Hunter Campbell’s Market Insights publication. As we reflect on the year that was, we’re profoundly inspired by what we have achieved. Despite the year’s challenges, we continue to build strong networks both in New Zealand and globally. These connections enable us to deliver outstanding outcomes for the people and businesses we work with. Looking to the future, we grow and evolve. We are proud to welcome Hunter Campbell’s Specialist Sales and Marketing Division. Hunter Campbell’s Sales & Marketing division is a strategic addition to our offering. Made possible by our successes, our brand value and our reputation - and driven by our unwavering focus on improvement and growth to best service the needs of the market. As a business, we understand the importance of good chemistry. We create high-level connections through listening and learning, working closely alongside businesses and engaging with the best talent on offer. It’s through these relationships that we recognise the opportunity for a genuine sales and marketing specialist to deliver outstanding recruitment outcomes to the sector. To ensure the success of our new Sales and Marketing division, we’re pleased to announce the appointment of Director, Sindy Ward. Sindy’s appointment is further confirmation of our dedication to bring specialist experience to everything we do. Sindy joins


Hunter Campbell with eleven years’ experience building and leading teams of up to twenty employees recruiting across sales, marketing, HR, legal, operations and business support. Sindy is extensively networked in the sector and has strong affiliations with the key industry partners and bodies. Sindy is a devoted mother to three and has a varied background setting her up for her successful recruitment career; including eight years media and acting experience. Crowned Miss India World 2005, Sindy has an energy and drive that we know is going to make a huge impact for Hunter Campbell’s clients. Sindy’s understanding and hands-on experience in the sales, marketing and communications sectors will be complimented by the extensive background of Hunter Campbell Founding Partner, John Nevill. John’s impressive involvement in sales and marketing recruitment includes the establishment of a well-know, leading New Zealand sales and marketing recruitment business set up in the early 1990s. We’re excited for the year ahead. As we watch our Hunter Campbell Sales and Marketing division make its mark in the market, we know the possibilities for what may come next, are endless.


Contents. 01.

Economic Update - Brad Olsen, Principal Economist Infometrics



Recruitment Trends



Debunking Market Myths



The New Zealand Labour Market Landscape



Tapping into a Global Market Hunter Campbell in the UK



A word from Lee Marshall



Introducing Sales & Marketing - Sindy Ward



Sales and Marketing Market Insights



In Demand Roles and Salaries



Thanks from us to you



Economic Update. - Brad Olsen, Principal Economist Infometrics New Zealand continues to maintain strong economic foundations, but headwinds are building that will make it harder, and more expensive, to grow over the next year or two. High inflation and an intensely stretched labour market are chief concerns for the economic outlook, with businesses unsure about how to resource current orders with such scarce and costly resources available. Inflation is at a generational 32-year high of 6.9%pa in the March 2022 quarter, the highest since June 1990. Pricing pressures are broad-based, with domestic spending and overseas disruptions both fuelling the fire. Concerns remain that high inflation now influences higher inflation expectations, with the risk of more persistent price increases sticking around over the next couple of years. Government support to low- and middle-income households in Budget 2022 faces the unenviable task of trying to provide a band aid measure until October 2022, without adding too much more pressure to inflation. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has added extreme pressure to already limited resources and high prices, sending commodity prices for energy, food, and industrial inputs skyrocketing. Shipping prices remain high, and transport costs are now rising again after oil prices increased. China’s continued zero-COVID policy has seen substantial lockdowns across the country, with diminished production and further port disruptions.


A brain drain has emerged, with young Kiwis aged 20-29 leading the talent outflow. Over the last year, a net 7,000 more people left New Zealand than moved here, and expectations are for that outflow to continue. Infometrics estimates that around 40,000 New Zealanders who usually would have left, didn’t during the 2020 and 2021 years, and are looking to make up for lost time. Inward migration appears limited, with other parts of the globe reopening sooner and locking in talent ahead of New Zealand’s reopening. Immigration New Zealand visa processing timeframes also threaten to remain a key limitation on sourcing overseas talent. Pay increases are coming through as businesses seek to retain and attract staff but are still lower than inflation. Both Treasury and the Reserve Bank have highlighted that current demand levels in the New Zealand construction industry far outstrip the supply of materials and people, which is putting pressure on achieving economic growth

The workforce is severely stretched, with the unemployment rate remaining at a record low of 3.2%. Short-term, there are concerns around worker burnout, with considerable numbers of workers off with COVID-19 or as isolating household contacts, leaving other staff to pick up the slack.

and forcing prices higher. To dampen demand, the

Businesses are reporting the most difficult period on record to find workers, and the highest levels of job poaching since at least the 1970s, as competition for talent remains intense. Job advertisements remain 15% higher than a year ago, with the workforce wanting to increase by at least 1% from its current high level immediately, if there were people available. Yet the workforce is severely limited, with a 0.2% fall in the working age population over the year to March 2022.

rise, with sales volumes sharply lower, and house prices

Reserve Bank is lifting interest rates at pace, with the Official Cash Rate (OCR) rising to 2.0% in May 2022. The pathway ahead shows continued rate rises as the Bank plays catch-up and frontloads increases to limit demand. Housing activity has slowed markedly as interest rates falling over the last five months. There is a swiftly emerging risk of a recession, which now seems inevitable. Attempts to secure a “soft landing”, although admirable, are seldom successful. After frontloading considerable spending over the last two years to support the economy during COVID-19, there’s not a lot left in the tank for the next couple of years ahead.


Job advertisements remain 15% higher than a year ago, with the workforce wanting to increase by at least 1% from its current high level immediately, if there were people available


Recruitment Trends.

To attract and retain the best talent in the market, businesses must tailor their offering to suit employee expectations. This is true now, more than ever. So, what does the best talent expect from their employer? SALARY REMAINS KING FOR THE BEST TALENT. Recent research into candidate-drivers tell us that salary, work/life balance, career development and the organisation itself are the most important factors. Often when we’re speaking with candidates, they talk about culture, working from home and work/life balance as being their primary drivers, which align with this research. However, candidates are often reluctant to admit how important salary is. In this current market, financial gain is indeed an important factor - if not the most important. When people talk about non-financial considerations, they’re generally meaning ‘on-top’ of an increase in salary. It is our experience in these current market conditions that there is no willingness to look at a salary reduction, even if the other drivers are impressive.


ENTER MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS. The consistent message we are hearing from our candidates is how important a sense of belonging and sense of purpose is. Aside from salary, these are two of the most critical factors that lead to employee retention or attrition. Belonging and purpose is a fundamental human need, featuring in Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs - which according to the American Psychologist, underpins all human motivation. It is related to connection, and in business can be linked directly to culture, leadership and community. Paradoxically, remote working adversely impacts connection and belonging - despite the option of working from home remaining a candidate expectation. For employers, fostering a workplace culture and creating a sense of belonging is challenging to replicate when much of your workforce is remote. We will watch with interest to see if candidates’ expectations will shift to either prioritise other drivers over culture and sense of belonging, or whether eventually the shine will come off remote working when sense of belonging suffers through lack of connection. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs can be applied to other areas of employee engagement. At a very basic level, your salary makes food and shelter possible – which is why it remains a primary motivating factor for most candidates. It can be an interesting and valuable exercise to analyse your offering as an employer against Maslow’s hierarchy to see how your attraction, engagement and retention strategies measure up against the basic drivers for human motivation.


Salary remains king for the best talent. 7

Debunking Market Myths.

There’s no doubt that COVID-19 has had farreaching impacts on every aspect of New Zealand’s economy. Our Labour market is no exception. We see sensational headlines every day, many with conflicting messages.

year on year, in February 2022 ad volumes were up 40% and applications down 46%. With more and more baby boomers set to exit the labour market, and with the border re-opening enabling talented New Zealanders to move off-shore, the candidate shortage is having a profound impact on recruitment. Employers are seeing a dramatic reduction in the number of applications to online advertising and are recognising the crucial importance of networks, databases and the search process in their hiring approach.

THE GREAT MIGRATION OR THE BRAIN DRAIN The reconnection of the globe is putting further pressure on our talent short market. We expect to see the recommencement of international movement hit New Zealand’s talent market in the second half of 2022.

‘Candidate Shortage,’ ‘The Great Resignation’, ‘Great Migration’ and ‘Brain Drain’. So, what is actually playing out in the market and what can you expect to see for the remainder of 2022?

New Zealanders could already be getting ready to leave the

Broadly speaking, it’s taking longer to hire because there are

Of course, the opening of the borders conversely means that

working age population) in New Zealand who have not been able to travel for two years. Infometrics forecasts 40,000 country. In addition to this many more will soon head overseas for OEs, or be lured to Australia by higher salaries. Will New Zealand be a successful ‘net importer’ of talent?

significantly fewer candidates to choose from and those who

overseas talent – both relocators and returnees, can now come

are receptive to a conversation are looking for more money than

to New Zealand. However, with the visa application process

ever before. Employers are having to shift their expectations, and

facing the biggest backlog in New Zealand history, the inflow of

retaining the best talent is becoming a top priority for businesses.

talent could be significantly slower than the outflow.



There are 750,000 people in the 25-35 age bracket (20% of the

It’s also worth reflecting on our pull factors as a location. We need to work on ensuring we are offering better conditions than other countries / regions near us, like Australia and Asia. This

2021 was the year for the job hunter and this has not changed

means facilitating an easy pathway for senior professionals who

in 2022. During 2021 job listing numbers increased by 51%

may have families and their situations to consider.


At Government-level, we believe there are things that can be

operations and procurement and sales and marketing - the

implemented to slow the talent drain. Ease of visa application,

sentiment is still that employers will need to have a well defined

longevity of visas issued, ease of access to visas, incentives, time taken to convert to a permanent residency, the tax issues we face compared to Asia on our doorstep, cost of living, and rental access to name a few.

UPWARD PRESSURE ON SALARIES From retail, hospitality, farm workers and picker-packers, right through to the professional services market – everyone is calling out for workers. At Hunter Campbell, we are seeing a lot of businesses we work with attracting graduates with sign-on bonuses, offering a retention bonus for returning parental leave or long-service workers, providing incentives (even in non-sales roles) and offering significant pay rises above CPI. Pre-pandemic, people were moving for flat salaries or slight increases. Today, we’re regularly seeing 20-25% shifts in salaries for in-demand areas. The question is, how long can this go on? Such upward salary pressure will have a drawn-down effect at some point, as productivity outputs will have to rise along with the cost increases to business - and that’s not sustainable. We’re already an expensive country to do business in, and if you add in 20% increases in labour costs, large multinationals will start looking at the cost of hiring in New Zealand relative to other countries.

strategy around their EVP and an ability to meet or in fact exceed market rates to attract the best talent throughout 2022.

THE GREAT RESIGNATION The Great Resignation refers to a pandemic-driven market shift experienced in the USA and Europe which has seen a change in priorities and a drive to strike a more harmonious work/life balance. Though predicted to take hold in New Zealand, the actual impacts have been much less drastic. Recent reports state “the New Zealand workforce is generally satisfied with their work lives”. However, this needs to be tempered with this same workforce believing they have “solid job opportunities in the market”. You can infer from this that movement in the market is not driven from dissatisfaction in their current role, but the lure of greater opportunities available in the market. It’s not too different from a peak or trough in any economic cycle. We’re in a boom market because confidence returned with a huge spike after two difficult years globally. People came up for air looking for jobs after many lockdowns and market uncertainty. We’re seeing that as confidence has returned, people are prepared to look for jobs and the appetite for change has increased. There is a higher certainty they’ll find a job not

In turn, this will have a flow on effect on hiring processes in

only providing career advancement, but perhaps a significant

the wider sense, how much we manufacture vs. import, how

pay rise. This causes more elasticity in the market. This will

much flexibility a company can really offer while holding people

remain a factor until the borders open and visa protocols are

accountable for outcomes, and so on.

in place for new talent entering the market.

In the markets Hunter Campbell operate in; middle market to top

The Great Resignation won’t last, as the salary increases that

end qualified professionals in accounting & finance supply chain,

it brings are not sustainable long-term.


The New Zealand Labour Market Landscape. Effect of these factors on the Labour Market.

Employees seriously considering their current remuneration and using market pressures to maximize their employment.

Business Impacts.

Wages have risen by 7.6%. Minimum wage is now 74% of NZ’s median wage.

Business pressure to increase wages in an already stretched environment


Continued wage growth as cost-of-living increases allow employees to apply pressure for market wide pay increases.

Business is optimistic that border openings will alleviate some of the strain. Visa applications processes risk this.

Employers prioritising retaining staff



Big pay rises are concentrated to specialised roles in talent short markets where the balance of power sits with the employee.

03. Job advertising is less effective, networks and databases are crucial to finding talent.


Govt. Initiatives

Unemployment Record low at 3.2%

Global ‘great resignation’ trends starting to impact the NZ market.

“In the current market employers are having to change their expectations and recruitment processes.”

Increase between 4.8% - 5.4%


Supply Chain Disruptions

Visa Processing Delays

At a three decade high at 5.9%

Impacting consumer goods availability and costs.

Hampering immigration, backlog of resident applications is largest in NZ’s history.

Change in expectations. Less willing to travel to work, flexibility & WFH options are the norm.

Employers are using counter offers to try and retain staff. Multiple offers are common place in the market.


Household Living Costs

Increase minimum wage, additional sick leave and stat holidays.

More roles than candidates – in 2021 job listing numbers increased by 51% vs. 2020.


Macro factors impacting the labour market.

Candidates are not moving for the same money, but for increases at a minimum of 5% but up to 50%.

Employers are having to incorporate WFH and flexible working into their proposition.

06. There are 750,000 people in the 20-30 age bracket who may be considering their OEs as borders open.


08. Expect less applications and shortlisted candidates, processes need to move fast and best offers need to be put forward upfront. 11

Tapping into a global market. Hunter Campbell heads to the UK. Matching true talent with the right team and culture requires proactive agility. By responding quickly and seizing opportunities, we put you and your business ahead of the game. That’s why this year, Hunter Campbell will again be heading over to London to host a series of events to connect with the best and the brightest people looking to return, or relocate to New Zealand. We’re anticipating we’ll have face-to-face time with over 200 New Zealanders across ten-days.



In the UK, Hunter Campbell enjoys a solid reputation as the preferred New Zealand recruitment agency of choice. That’s evidenced in our unrivaled returnee-talent pool. On this trip, we’ll aim to further reinforce this reputation, ensuring the businesses we work with have access to true talent – whether they’re based at home, or abroad. Our partnership with CAANZ and INFINZ gives us access to a wide network and we look forward to hosting events in partnership with these respected industry bodies. Following our last recruitment drive in London, we supported over thirty candidates in their journeys to employment in New Zealand. When you’re connecting people with opportunities on the opposite side of the globe, good chemistry is vital. We combine specialist expertise, deep understanding, strong relationships and hands-on experience to make magic happen. The work we do is meaningful and rewarding.


A word from Managing Partner Lee Marshall “I am exceedingly grateful to our exceptional team for their hard graft, and the lasting relationships we’ve built.” 14


The blend of unique market conditions throughout 2021/2022 produced one of the most challenging recruitment markets that I have seen in my career. Unemployment is at an all-time low

We consult and collaborate with our clients. We work

and moving lower, long term border

tirelessly to understand their business, and by sharing

closures are adversely impacting the candidate market, and the ongoing

our expertise we’re able to provide valuable insight and advice around attracting the best talent through tailored benefit and pay packages, professional

effects of the pandemic are impacting

development and flexible working initiatives.

how, when and where we can operate.

It’s my opinion that challenging market conditions will

Despite this, Hunter Campbell thrives.

persist for the next 12 months. We begin the new year

It has been the biggest year in our history. We’ve re-branded, moved to stunning new offices, partnered with more incredible businesses and placed more candidates than ever before. In the face of challenging market conditions, we’ve worked harder than ever before. We’ve not wavered from our mission to create good chemistry by matching the best talent with the right teams, and we’ve done this through innovation, agility and collaboration.

stronger, even more energized and delighted to be welcoming a Specialist Sales and Marketing Division to our offering.

“At Hunter Campbell, the future is bright.” Whether you’re reading this as a business looking to connect with the best talent, or a leader looking

From nurturing emerging talent through our Future

for your next opportunity - we’re honoured that you

CFO programme, to our investment in London events

choose to be a part of our journey.

which has created an un-rivalled pipeline of relocators and returnee talent – we strive to deliver excellence to

Lee Marshall

match the demand in the market.

Managing Partner


Introducing our first Sales and Marketing Insights publication. Hunter Campbell is a people business that understands the business of people. And nowhere is that more important than in the Sales and Marketing sector. Effective Sales and Marketing is built on understanding human motivation, creating lasting relationships and inspiring people to join you on a journey. That is what Hunter Campbell aspires to achieve with our Sales and Marketing division. We’re dedicated to connecting the best talent with New Zealand businesses by listening and learning, developing collaborative partnerships with the people and businesses we work with - and applying our specialist expertise to everything we do. As customer-facing functions in a business, Sales and Marketing teams are crucial for bringing in steady revenue,


generating quality leads and building a strong value proposition and brand story. In 2022, as businesses begin to re-build after a challenging couple of years, skilled talent in this space is highly sought. Hunter Campbell recognises the importance of equipping businesses with the right narrative to attract, retain and develop the best talent. This is our first of the series of market insights for the Sales and Marketing sector. We’re pleased to be sharing the latest salary information, talent shortage areas, in-demand skills, industry sectors that are booming, as well as advice on building the best recruitment process for your sales and marketing teams. This comprehensive market overview addresses current recruitment trends for sales, marketing and communications professionals. Some of the industries booming in this space currently are FMCG, building & construction, industrial manufacturing, professional and financial services. Drawing upon recent research and expert views shared by other thought leaders, this report is designed to help companies grow sales revenue and build strong brands, by engaging the best sales and marketing staff through Hunter Campbell. We welcome the opportunity to discuss your plans for 2022 and showcase the best talent to join you on your journey.

Sindy Ward Director


“Effective Sales and Marketing is built on understanding human motivation, creating lasting relationships and inspiring people to join you on a journey.” 17

Sales and Marketing Market Insights. We are your specialist Sales and Marketing search and recruitment partners. These are our insights.

evolved accordingly - from leveraging geo-targeting, to creating custom apps, and emphasizing brand values over product features to reach younger demographics. Consumers in 2022 are electing to engage with ‘brands’ and associated digital experiences that make them a part of a similar minded group. According to market research company, Forrester, this will bring about the need to create digitallyenabled group experiences that make consumers feel like they’re part of something more than just the brand or product.


Good marketing teams will seek to create experiences for groups that align with their own brand values, and those of their target audience. This will be seen through integrating marketing efforts which will mean agency spend will increase.


Over the past two years, we’ve seen advances and adaptations

Businesses should prepare to spend on contractor talent for

of new technology in the face of radically changing customer

special projects in activations, events/promotions, creative/

expectations. How marketing teams approach campaigns has

development space, and brand building.

on removing boundaries traditionally placed between staff and their goals. This has been a common approach in the digital space, but

At Hunter Campbell, we’re seeing growth in specialist social

we’re seeing more marketing teams adopting agile working

media and digital engagement roles as businesses look

to increase productivity by finding the most appropriate and

to become smarter and more strategic about their social

effective way of working to carry out a specific task. The

media and online presence.

fast-paced and constantly changing nature of marketing

One-person social teams are a thing of the past and businesses will be seen to build out their teams with customer-centric social media roles as these platforms become their primary source of communications with consumers. Marketing Managers with experience and knowledge in implementing social media strategy are in high demand to lead these newly formed social media teams.


lends itself to this approach.



Research suggests that employees operating in an agile working environment become more satisfied, loyal, and innovative. Agile marketers engage more in their work because they have control over it.

THE CHALLENGES OF RE-BUILDING COMPANY CULTURE The pandemic significantly changed the way we work. Throughout the lockdowns many sales and marketing teams pivoted to remote working. And while that was positive in many respects, today businesses are beginning to discover that it has adversely affected their workplace


culture and ability to engage employees with a sense of purpose and belonging. This is especially true for sales teams who often work collaboratively and feed off each other’s energy and successes.


Unsurprisingly then, after two years we’re finally seeing a return to the office, as businesses begin to re-build their workplace culture. Culture is not something you can manufacture, much


of the re-building will happen organically as colleagues re-connect, and good leadership becomes more visible in and around the office. Nurturing diversity and inclusion, encouraging and supporting team work and social events, establishing trust from the top down, setting measurable organisational goals and offering tailored professional development, are all ways to lay the foundation for an


authentic workplace culture. Over the past two years, ‘remote working’ has also meant ‘remote hiring’. From video call interviews, to on-boarding/ induction on a computer at home. This also has a part to


play in a diminished workplace culture. In some instances, new team members have never met their manager or the people they’ll be working with in person.

Across the telco, professional services and banking sectors, businesses are embracing the concept of agile working to

Humans are social animals and our need for connection

ensure they’re as adaptable and efficient as they can be.

is evident in our behaviours. While technology allows us

While flexible working refers primarily to flexibility around

to see each other through a screen, nothing is quite like

working hours, agile working goes beyond that and focuses

meeting someone face to face.


Sales and Marketing Market Insights cont. GETTING A GAUGE ON CANDIDATE EXPECTATIONS The best talent expects businesses to be able to articulate their mission and vision with ease. Having clearly defined organisational goals underpinned by an overarching vision, means candidates can better engage with, and relate to a sense of purpose.

Story telling remains the key skill set. Justifying price increases due to limited stock, new brand investment, new formulations or new packaging will be very important. The ability to build trust and take customers on a journey will set the best sales talent apart in this ever-changing and challenging landscape.

NEW-LOOK INCENTIVE PROGRAMS In the fight to attract the best talent, we’ve seen a shift in

We’re also seeing that more than ever, candidates are keen to

compensation packages. Commission rewards are being revised

understand a business’s diversity, inclusion and sustainability

to incentivize more than just revenue generated.

commitments. Being able to demonstrate that you’re a responsible employer is vital to attracting the best talent.

And, along with a base salary, commission and vehicle component, packages now often include additional bonuses,

Recent research shows that 65 percent of people around the world want to work for an organisation with a powerful social conscience and 36 percent of HR professionals are building their talent strategies around their organisations’ social & environmental conscience. With sales performance often linked with mindset and drive, wellness is an important focus for sales professionals. Many sales and marketing teams are investing in wellness programs such as weight loss competitions, exercise, stress management or resiliency education, smoking cessation programs, and wellness assessments to boost team performance.

external training and tailored professional development, koru lounge memberships, sign-on bonus, retention schemes, medical insurance and wellness allowances such a gym memberships and yoga classes.

RECOMMENDED RECRUITMENT PROCESS A fast process in a good process in this market. Typically what we’re seeing with companies that are able to hire the best talent are the ones following a process similar to this:

The option to work from home remains a factor in candidates’ decision-making process, though we expect that exactly what this looks like will change in 2022, as many businesses head back into the office.

THE 2022/2023 SALES PROFESSIONAL As businesses continue to face supply chain and stock issues across multiple industries, sales people who understand how a pricing strategy works will be in a better position to secure longterm relationships.


First interview with Line Manager

Second interview with HR and another business partner

Two Verbal References

Case Study presentation (for senior Sales & Marketing staff)

Psychometric Testing for Management

Third meet the team or meet the CEO/GM on a more low key level

We recommend a process of no longer than 4 weeks in this

But how do you manage pricing when costs are increasing whilst

market for junior-mid level roles and 6 weeks maximum for

still maintaining good relationships?

senior management and leadership level.


“Effective Sales and Marketing is built on understanding human motivation, creating lasting relationships and inspiring people to join you on a journey.” 21

In-demand roles and salaries.

Sales Management Role Level / Type

Salary Indication

Account Management Role Level / Type

Salary Indication

Business Development Role Level / Type

Salary Indication

B2B Generalist management of a small-med team

$85,000 – $110,000

Junior Sales Executive

$60,000 – $70,000

Entry Level / Graduate / Outbound Phones Sales

$50,000 – $65,000

Regional / National

$120,000 – $150,000

Account Executive

$75,000 – $90,000

Technical Business Development

$60,000 – $75,000


$150,000 – $180,000

Account Manager

$80,000 – $110,000

2-5 years’ experience

$75,000 – $90,000

Senior Leadership

$180,000 – $220,000

Key Account Manager

$110,000 – $130,000

6+ years’ experience

$110,000 – $130,000

In 2022, strong Sales Managers will be highly sought after, as will sales staff as companies ramp up their sales activity. Businesses who are seen increasing their training and development budgets and skills in delivering effective training will be desirable. Empathetic leadership is the style most businesses seek out to help teams develop their skills, confidence and performance. Retention will be key as companies compete for the best talent in this space. Salaries for leadership remain stable at the senior level. Investment in technology and CRMs is a must. Leaders are moving away from having EAs and opting for sales coordinators who can be a fruitful pipeline for future sales staff. Psychometric testing during hiring processes is on the rise again after a dip in the last two years.

B2B Account Managers, Relationship Managers

Growing market share and diversifying operating

and Client Services Managers will remain in high

channels will be the focus for most New Zealand

demand as customer expectations soar.

businesses in 2022.

The yearning for human interaction and building

This means multi-talented business development

relationships face-to-face once again, means

professionals will be required. BDMs will have to

that more demand will be placed on effective and

fight more to stay relevant.

efficient account management.

There is a new set of skills that are now necessary

Customer segmentation experience and industry

to be great at BD – the ability to use modern

specialisations will be considered while hiring

software or tools. Most tech-driven companies

Account Managers. Data analysis and story-telling

require their BDMs to be familiar with specific

ability are in-demand skills in this space.

tools that save time and enhance sales results.

Key Account Managers with experience managing

Companies are to think about the next-gen

large value accounts can expect salary increases.

CRMs, sales acceleration tools, NPS scoring and

Skill shortages in FMCG manufacturing,


construction and industrial sectors will be relieved

The best BD professionals will engage their

with borders reopening to overseas talent.

marketing teams for strong lead generation tactics. Soft-skills wise, drive, energy and enthusiasm continue to be what companies are testing for to build positive rewarding cultures.



Territory Management Role Level / Type

Salary Indication

Marketing Generalist Role Level / Type

Salary Indication

Communications Advisor Role Level / Type

Salary Indication

Sales Merchandiser

$45,000 – $55,000 $20-$25 p/h

Marketing Coordinator

$55,000 – $75,000

Junior 1-3 yrs. internal comms experience

$60,000 – $80,000

Sales Representative

$60,000 – $75,000

Marketing Executive / Specialist

$80,000 – $110,000

Mid – 3-6 yrs. internal comms experience

$85,000 – $120,000

Territory Manager

$75,000 – $85,000

Marketing Manager

$130,000 – $150,000

PR Manager Event Manager

$80,000 – $120,000

Area Manager

$90,000 – $100,000

Marketing Director / CMO

$160,000 – $220,000

Media Relations

$90,000 – $150,000 $50-$100 p/h

The field sales sector took a real hit in the last two

Generalist Marketers at all levels will be valuable

Communications freelancers and agencies will see

years with the highest number of redundancies

and sought after for SME businesses seeking

a spike in business as businesses ramp up their

in sales.

growth in 2022.

storytelling through affiliations with brand partners

However, Territory Sales Manager vacancies

They will be well-versed in the changing

are up nationwide in the main hubs as well as

landscape of marketing across brand, comms,

The role of internal communications becomes

the regions.

digital, PR, sustainability, CRMs, and e-commerce

materially important for CEOs, board members

where relevant.

and the C-suite this year as companies focus on

More outsourcing of sales merchandising and

and influencers.

employee engagement and re-building culture.

regional sales coverage to sales agencies will be

Consistent upskilling and accreditations will

seen, however the demand for field sales talent

be attractive. The ability to influence internal

Business leaders will be an integral part of the

remains high in the market.

stakeholders becomes a key aspect of assessment

communications team to drive messaging straight

while hiring marketing leaders this year.

for the top, so senior stake holder management will

Junior field sales staff will be hard to find as we

be crucial.

see more of our young people leave New Zealand

Permanent salaries will see a lift in this space as

for overseas experiences. Graduate and entry-

junior to mid-level Marketers are seen to take on

This year communications specialists with

level salaries rise due to the talent shortage in

more and more freelance or contracting work,

experience in new formats will be sought after –

this area.

and of course a large contingent in the 1-3 years’

video vs long text, short-form intranet posts vs long

experience level are predicted to seek overseas

printed handouts, updates on employee platforms/

experiences this year.

portals and internal.

Elite CMOs will establish control that extends

Creativity and boldness will be desirable with

beyond marketing and move into more of a voice

events and PR space.

HR teams are focusing on ways to get field teams to be part of the business culture virtually. A sense of belonging and high-touch guidance from managers will be key to retaining field staff.

of customer or customer experience role to build, express, sell, communicate, connect or service today’s brands in totality.


In-demand roles and salaries.

Brand Management Role Level / Type

Salary Indication

Role Level / Type

Salary Indication

Insights & Research Role Level / Type

Salary Indication

Brand Assistant / Marketing Assistant

$50,000 – $60,000

Product Assistant

$55,000 – $70,000

Research Analyst Insights Analyst Data Analyst Pricing Analyst

$70,000 – $95,000

Brand Manager / Brand Executive

$70,000 – $100,000

New Product Development Specialist

$90,000 – $100,000

Insights Manager Data Manager

$90,000 – $130,000

Senior Brand Manager

$110,000 – $135,000

Product Manager

$90,000 – $120,000

Strategy Manager

$120,000 – $160,000

Group Brand Manager

$140,000 – $150,000

Innovation Manager

$130,000 – $160,000

Head of Insights & Strategy

$180,000 – $240,000

Junior Brand Managers will see salary increases above CPI as qualified Brand Marketers are hard to find. Large companies will invest in grad programmes to secure the top minds to join their teams. FMCG Brand Managers with multi-brand and multi-channel experience will be in high demand. Brand Managers with manufacturing experience launching new products to market will be sought after and price increases in supermarkets will continue. Brand Managers are specifically looking to align with brands and companies who have similar values. So, the articulation of brand values will be important to lift business EVP and secure the best talent. Senior Brand Managers with 6+ years’ experience will be popular. Above the line budgets are being shifted to accommodate more of a ‘through the line’ style integrated campaigns.


Product Management

Experience with end-to-end product life cycle

Marketing teams seek to enhance data science,

will be popular, whether you’re building physical

market insights, and analytical capabilities so skills

products or a software solution.

in this space will be in high demand.

2022 will be the year of transition between the

As the talent pools in this niche area are limited,

pandemic and returning to the old ways. From

salaries are expected to increase.

sustainable product adoption to digitizing, to the impact of personalisation, this transition

Companies will target overseas talent.

year will see companies prioritise meaningful

Businesses are collecting more data than ever

product development.

before to understand and cater messaging to

Specialist roles are set to rise in this busy space to focus on smaller areas like market,

customers. Making sense of this data will be the difference between good and great teams.

growth, operations, personalisation, user

To overcome the skills shortage, marketing teams

design and experience.

will work to identify existing employees with

Technical expertise in this space will demand top dollar.

analytical backgrounds and train them in these skills to develop talent in-house. Skills in effective articulation of insights will be highly attractive for senior leaders in this space.


Category Management Role Level / Type

Salary Indication

Digital / E-Commerce Role Level / Type

Salary Indication

Content Management Role Level / Type

Salary Indication

Category Executive

$70,000 – $100,000

E-commerce Coordinator

$60,000 – $80,000

Content Writer / Creator / Content Specialist

$50,000 – $90,000 $30-$60ph

Category Manager / Trade Marketing Manager / Shopper Marketing Manager

$110,000 – $140,000

E-commerce Manager Online Channel Manager

$100,000 – $150,000

SEO Specialist

$80,000 – $100,000

Marketing Activations Manager

$90,000 – $120,000

Digital Performance Manager / Customer Experience Manager

$130,000 – $150,000

Social Media Manager

$90,000 – $130,000

Head of Category

$160,000 – $190,000

Head of Digital & E-commerce

$140,000 – $190,000

Head of Social Head of Content (often paired with Comms)

$150,000 – $160,000

Good Category Managers are hard to come by and good category teams are hard to find as this skillset is limited in New Zealand in general. The on-going trend of more and more scan data

The pandemic-driven shift from in-person to online in many businesses has highlighted the importance of the digital field and means that digital marketing is emerging as one of the most in-demand skills.

The social media field is becoming more complex as it expands and as expected more senior level marketing roles are calling for social media and content experience this year.

becoming available means the large, big-box

Newly created roles in this senior level means

retailers are getting better at collecting and

proactive headhunting will be a good strategy for

utilising their own data as well as making their

quick hires.

open data available through their own platforms. This is a major shift in the category space to focus on shopper behaviors in addition to just traditional scan data. So, people with experience on shopper data platforms from the United Kingdom or Australia will be very attractive as they get rolled out more and more in New Zealand. The large multi-nationals will be the first to buy into that data. Category Managers who are analytical and have overseas experience will be highly sought after. Retailers will look for strong supplier relationships

We’re beginning to see non-agency leadership roles which highlights that expertise here is a highly valued skillset. One-person social teams are a thing of the past and companies will be seen to build out their teams with customer-centric social media roles as these platforms become their primary source of comms with consumers. Remote and hybrid work has shaken up content formats in a good way, and this is particularly true for employer branding so most candidates in this space will expect hybrid/remote working arrangements

through Category Managers in addition to key account managers, so negotiation and presentation skills are a crucial skill set. We are seeing a rise in case study presentations at 2nd interview stage


Thanks from us to you. At Hunter Campbell we’re inspired by what we do. We’re energised and empowered by the connections we make, and the lives we impact.

While this market insights document contains its fair share of figures, statistics and forecasts, it is people who form the heart of our business - our clients, our candidates, and our outstanding team of specialists. We all face an uncertain year ahead. A stretched labour market, high inflation and continued disruption to the global supply chain will make for challenging conditions. Hunter Campbell is steadfast in our commitment to work with you to deliver best practice consultation, expert advice and valuable insight to help you and your business navigate these complexities. We thank you for choosing Hunter Campbell as your specialist search and recruitment partner. Our team are here to help, and we welcome you to pick up the phone for a chat, whether about the current market, specific recruitment needs or defining a team structure. Together we are stronger.



We are the drivers of good chemistry, your specialist Sales and Marketing Search and Recruitment Partners. We are Hunter Campbell.

Sindy Ward

Rose Buffalo-Snell


Associate Consultant, Sales and Marketing

021 659 193

021 0892 8708


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Specialist Recruitment

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