Endowment Fund About the Endowment With a generous gift from Howard V. Jones, a longtime supporter of the performing arts in Black Hawk County, the Cedar Valley Chamber Music Endowment Fund was established to ensure the longterm support necessary to provide high quality chamber music to the Cedar Valley. Cedar Valley Chamber Music (CVCM) started in 2006 with a mission to provide a musical experience that breaks the barriers between the performers and audience. CVCM offers intimate performance environments where people can enjoy a variety of sounds ranging from string groups to woodwind and harp solos.
Make a gift to the Cedar Valley Chamber Music Endowment Fund online at www.cfneia.org, or please fill out this form. Your tax-deductible gift to the Cedar Valley Chamber Music Endowment Fund will help ensure their programs, classes and activities will continue to be provided for the men, women and children they serve. Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: Email:
For information about Cedar Valley Chamber Music including upcoming performances, visit www.cedarvalleymusic.org
o Enclosed is my check for $
Benefits of Giving
o I would like to pledge a total of $ ___________________
Because the Fund is permanently endowed with the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa, only the income from the principal will be used annually to support CVCM, ensuring permanence and growth for the fund over time. Additional gifts can be made to the fund online or by completing the form below. Through the Endow Iowa Tax Credit Program, gifts to the fund are eligible to receive a 25% state tax credit in addition to the federal deductions for charitable giving. Also, through December 31, 2013, legislation allows for individuals who are 70 1/2 or older to roll over up to $100,000 from an IRA to a permanent endowed fund with the Community Foundation tax free. This option is also eligible to receive the 25% state tax credit. For more information about the endowment, please contact the Community Foundation’s office at (319) 287-9106 or visit online at www.cfneia.org.
of Northeast Iowa Established in Waterloo/Cedar Falls in 1956
Confirmed in Compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations.
(Payable to Cedar Valley Chamber Music Endowment Fund)
To be paid:
o annually for 3 years o semi-annually for 3 years o quarterly for 3 years
I would like my payments to begin: _____/______/____________
o I would like more information about the fund and additional giving opportunities such as stock gifts. Please contact me.
o My gift is made in honor of:
as a:
o memorial gift o holiday gift o other
o anniversary gift o birthday gift
Please send notice of gift to person/family I have chosen to honor. Name: Address: City/State/Zip:
Please clip and mail this form to: Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa Cedar Valley Chamber Music Endowment Fund 425 Cedar St., Ste. 310, Waterloo, IA 50701