1 minute read

Walk the walk

Last month I set myself a goal of walking at least five kilometres each day. I called it ‘5k a day in May’. It’s part of a very unscientific training program (which I am making up as I go) for an international adventure I have planned for later this year. More on that in coming months.

The exercise itself wasn’t hard. You can’t publish a letterbox delivered community newspaper for nine years without putting your walking shoes on more than a few times.

What was hard was getting into the habit of building an hour of walking into each day. Dawdle over one more cup of coffee in the morning and I could miss my chance to notch up my walk before work. Agree to a few extra hours at work here and there and I found myself walking in darkness late into the evening. Nevertheless I got it done.

Early in the month I thought Lucky the dog would join me for the 5k each day. While he’s always up for a walk, I soon realised it would take much more than one hour if I wanted his company. He simply can’t pass up the opportunity to check the wee-mails along the way. And he won’t be hurried with his detailed replies left at each tree or sign post.

If I left the house sans canine I could cover 5km in about 55 mins. Ear buds firmly inserted I could catch some news via radio, delve into my playlist or return a phone call or two.

The ideal balance I found was to take Lucky on a shorter, slower walk for about two km, perhaps accompanying the kids on foot to school. Returning home I could pop Lucky back in the yard and then knock out the last 3km on my own.

I think I may have formed a new healthy habit.

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