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Innovation Program
Huon’s Innovation Program
We have a long history of innovation at Huon which is why in late 2019 we rolled out our Innovation Program. In the three months after launch, 14 ideas have submitted from across the business with two currently being developed for implementation.
The program provides an opportunity to do things differently which will ultimately encourage positive employee and company growth. The program is all about providing an opportunity to fix the challenges employees encounter, as well as creating the path forward for individuals, their teams and the company.
–“Ideas submitted to the program go through an assessment process where they are all considered equally on their merit against a matrix of Huon’s values. These values include People, Safety, Integrity, Creativity and Quality.” –
Ideas also go through a financial assessment process to evaluate the real-world cost to the business of implementation.
Undertaking these assessments is Huon’s Innovation Team who assess all ideas, gather information and present the idea to the Management group. Comprising of 10 people from across Huon, the team was carefully selected to ensure all major business units were represented, guaranteeing there is no bias in the assessment process.
–“Importantly, employees submitting ideas can choose to remain anonymous. Of the ideas submitted to date, 65 per cent of people chose not to receive recognition.” –The program has backing of the Board who are pleased with how the program has been taken up so positively.
The program will be rolled out to northern hatcheries and Hideaway Bay shore staff in the coming months.