Drinksbiz December 2013 January 2014

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WAH WINE WOWS STARTING ANY dinner with bubbles labelled Trilogy is tasty but when Wah – a mystery white made to drink with sushi – is the next wine poured, you know the hosts are on to something. The something is innovation. It’s alive and extremely well at Jacob’s Creek in the world HQ of Shiraz – the Barossa Valley. In fact, innovation is not only alive, but thriving at the big JC. So much so that at a dinner just prior to Savour Australia this year, we had to wait 24 hours before we clapped eyes – or lips – on a glass of Chardonnay or Shiraz. The first Savour Australia was about wine but food was incredibly important to the organisers, who championed great Aussie food as much as the wine. And we’re not talking kangaroo here. We were eating morels sautéed in truffle salt. The winemakers also put their best feet forward. At Jacob’s Creek they are spearheading new wine styles to drink with food. These wines have been blended in collaboration with chefs from Japan, Thailand and other yet-to-be revealed destinations.

Does Wah work with sushi? You bet. It’s a blend of three white grapes. It’s soft, smooth and it doesn’t clash with wasabi; it works brilliantly with it. The identities of the grapes are not important. The taste of the wine is. The Jacob’s Creek Innovation wines also include a fantastic Montepulciano; a red grape which originally comes from the small, under populated and relatively isolated Marches region on the opposite coast to Tuscany, Italy. These wines are not available in New Zealand. Yet. But their existence just goes to show how surprises can come from big wineries as well as small ones – which goes for the Editor’s Picks this month too. Happy festive season. May you travel safely, enjoy a break from email and screen reading and, as writer Neil Gaiman says, leave the places you holiday in this year in even better condition than you found them. And enjoy a good wine, beer or spirit there too. Cheers Joelle Thomson

cover story:

Read “Bird in the hand”

~ page 36

“We have an obligation to make things beautiful. Not to leave the world uglier than we found it, not to empty the oceans, not to leave our problems for the next generation.” – Neil Gaiman

EDITOR’S PICKS 2012 THE WOLFTRAP SYRAH MOURVEDRE VIOGNIER South African wine importer Martin Cahnbley brings this fabulous red to New Zealand from its Svaartland homeland – a hot, dry region in South Africa where Syrah and Mourvedre grapes ripen fantastically. The proof is in every wonderful full bodied sip of this velvety red.

COINTREAU An old fave which is just perfect on ice (and also makes a mean ingredient in chocolate truffles).

HALLERTAU The West Auckland beers from this small brewery are originals and always fresh.


CONTENTS Muscat vines at Auntsfield in Marlborough; a new vineyard pays tribute to an old grape, which the region's earliest winemaker fortified. Photo: Joelle Thomson, November 2013 – at Wine Marlborough.

Columns Publisher’s letter from Karen Boult


Editor’s tastings from Joelle Thomson 8 Beer geography by Jenny Cameron 10 Out & About


News & Views




Beer & Cider

Design meets drinks at Interpack 27

The Independent – Nigel Davies from Sileni on a great vintage 34

Cider comes of age – our report 49

Rare birds vodka and gin – top new brand 36 Tea for you: Mr Twining talks 76

High 5


Fizz for festive season – Bubbly category report 42

Beer’s up for summer 52 Heineken hits tennis highs 55

Spirits & Cocktails Michael F FraserMilne on whisky 58 Cocktail basics series 61 Rum diaries – category report


Whisky: Collector Bruce Irvine shares a wee dram 70

Final Orders





Diary Dates


What’s new



Karen Boult Joelle Thomson Roger Pierce Lewis Hurst e . karen@boult.co.nz e . joelle@drinksbiz.co.nz e . advertising@drinksbiz.co.nz e . lewis@hcreative.co.nz m . 021 320 663 m . 021 376 786 t. 09 361 2347 m . 021 146 6404 m . 0274 335 354 w. www.hcreative.co.nz

Associate Member (NZ)

Drinksbiz is published every second month by Trade Media Limited, 300 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand, phone (09) 361 2347. The contents of Drinksbiz are copyright and may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher. Please address all editorial, subscription and advertising enquiries to Trade Media Limited, P O Box 37745, Parnell, Auckland.



PUBLISHING’S NEW ERA DAWNS Technology beckons to work smarter, not harder By Karen Boult, Publisher, Drinksbiz

ensuring we provide clever and engaged solutions for our advertising THE YEAR of 2013 has been a game changer. Across the board, clients. I was reading an article the other day discussing the changes we’re seeing changes in the way media and marketing work together; in this field. It seems New Zealand is leading the it’s the dawn of a new era. pack in a lot of ways and we at Drinksbiz are up Don’t get me wrong, budgets are still smaller, Media and marketing with the play. and we are all finding ourselves putting in longer In 2014, we’ll be looking at even more ways hours and with reduced resources to produce work together far we can work together to ensure advertising results. But we Kiwis are a clever bunch, and we more closely now that engages and involves, as well as unbiased seem to be well on our way to developing a work than ever before in editorial that keeps our readers in the know. smarter, not harder attitude when it comes to As we head into the Christmas season, I marketing and media. the history of print. wish you all the best, and look forward to the As we push towards a place where editorial implementation of these developments – which and marketing are becoming even more tightly are set to change the game even further, in the new year. aligned, we’ve been working on ways to ensure we can deliver Merry Christmas. the best editorial, with the most up to date information, while still

Touching base New keg technology keeps wine fresher for longer than the 750ml bottle we have known and loved for centuries, as Josh Scott explains WHEN THEIR Central Otago Pinot Noir won gold at the Air New Zealand Wine Awards in 2012, Allan and Josh Scott knew they wanted to get the wine out to a wide audience – in good condition. And therein lies the perennial rub for winemakers – how do they sell a wine to a wide audience and ensure their customers are tasting it when it’s in optimum condition? The answer may sound counter-intuitive because it’s that three letter word: keg. And it’s working really well for the Scott family of Scott Base Wines.” Josh Scott says that serving wine from a keg gives a high degree of flexibility, which is why they are serving all varieties of wine from it.

“It’s been phenomenally well received and people love it because they don’t have to throw wine out, the quality is good and it gets rid of the problems of traditional wastage from wine bottles that have been open in a bar for too long.” They system they are using is Key Keg and Scott says his family was the first to bring it into New Zealand three years ago. It houses between 20 and 30 litres of wine, but he has just opted to move to the new 20 litre slimline version, which is a different shape with a more elegant look, given it’s a keg wine. “The whole idea behind this is that the wine’s always fresh with every single pour and eliminates the risk of oxidation


from opening a bottle one day and going back to it the next.” While some systems of keg wine delivery use inert gases (such as argon and nitrogen) to displace oxygen, the Key Keg system works differently. “The traditional keg is based on old beer technology which doesn’t work consistently because the gas eventually comes into direct contact with the wine and over time this dissolves in the wine and gives spritzy wines. With Key Keg there is no risk of that happening.” At the time of writing in mid November, winery founder

Allan Scott was overseas sourcing wine from the top end of the market, which will go into keg early in 2014, all going according to plan. As Josh Scott says: “It’s all about premium wine. Top end is where it’s at – people want quality, not quantity.”



CLIMATE CHANGE IN AUSTRALIAN VINEYARD A visit to Steingarten – stone garden – was a spine tingling pilgrimage to the white jewel in Jacob’s Creek’s crown, writes Joelle Thomson

IT WAS 51 years ago when Colin Gramp planted his ultimate white wine vineyard on a cool, steep, east facing hillside in South Australia. A visit to Steingarten Vineyard today is a pilgrimage for Riesling drinkers and for anyone interested in old grapevines. Steingarten is in the Eden Valley. It’s parallel to but cooler and more elevated than the Barossa Valley. Both are home to some of the oldest vines on Earth, many

of their thick trunks showing the majesty of aged plants which are still bearing fruit, often at over 100 years old. The difference when visiting Steingarten is that while the vineyard is 51 years old, the vines look even more youthful. Some have been replaced, but there are many original vines on this 3.8 hectare patch of cool beauty and their trunks pay a slender twisted tribute to Riesling’s own ability to age for decades and still taste incredibly fresh.

… there are many original vines on this 3.8 hectare patch of cool beauty and their trunks pay a slender twisted tribute to Riesling’s own ability to age for decades and still taste incredibly fresh, pale and crisp. It’s this incredibly slow transformation in Riesling which partly accounts for why it has such a staunch fan club globally.



Aside from the sheer beauty of the vineyard and the wines made from it, Steingarten Vineyard is different now to what it was 30 years ago, says Orlando chief winemaker Bernard Hickin. The weather is changing. Hickin anticipates picking grapes a full month earlier - from mid March to mid April, as opposed to May, which was the norm when he began three decades ago. It’s not only the harvest date that’s changed. Levels of sugar and acidity in the grapes have moved down, which is a small price to pay to protect the natural acidity of the Riesling grapes, which give Steingarten its incredible ability to age for decades.

RIESLING SHINES 2011 Steingarten Riesling Eden Valley RRP $37 Dynamite, crumbly stones and steep hills can evoke many things but in Australia’s Eden Valley they are code for Riesling from the Steingarten Vineyard. Old Riesling vines can be gnarly but when it comes to Riesling, they’ve got to be a whole lot older than a mere half century to develop thick trunks, as the beautiful, youthful looking, aged vines at Steingarten show. But what we all care about most is the taste and Steingarten Riesling is one of Australia’s finest expressions of the great German grape – it’s bone dry in style, which is usually the Aussie way, and it ages fantastically for at least a couple of decades in the right conditions (cool, dark, left alone and rediscovered as a total beauty later on).



State of the art wine service technology imported from Europe called lindr, and utilises the revolutionary keykeg technology KEY ADVANTAGES • KeyKeg System saves you 50% in the cost of delivering Premium Quality Wine. • Lower freight charges, no need to return kegs. • Customers enjoy premium wine at an affordable price. • The KeyKeg system and line will require cleaning once every two weeks. • KeyKeg has 80% less environmental impact than that of wine served from a bottle. • Wine in KeyKeg weighs 25% less than the same volume in steel kegs and 50% less than the same volume in bottles. • An empty KeyKeg weighs 1.5kg and is 100% recyclable. • The volume of the KeyKeg equates to 26.6 x 750ml bottles.


THE G I SPOT Is beer the next drink to be tarred with the geographical indication brush? By Jenny Cameron, Brewers Association of Australia and New Zealand, email: jenny.cameron@brewers.org.nz

YOU MIGHT have thought that the world of geographical indications (GIs) was solely the thorn in the side of the New Zealand wine industry. But no. Beer too is included in this wonderful world of complex trade and intellectual property law, which may start to impact on our industry as exports grow. A geographical indication, as defined by the World Trade Organisation, refers to a product’s quality, reputation or other characteristics which can be determined by where it comes from. Geographical The issue of GIs is hotly debated in the indications are place names (in some TRIPS (Trade Related aspects of Intellectual countries also words associated with a place) Property rights) Council at the WTO. Some used to identify products that come from see them as another technical barrier to these places and have these characteristics, trade (TBT) that stops legitimate trade and for example, Champagne, Scotch whisky or an attempt to wind back Roquefort cheese. They are closely Geographical indications the clock of emigration, colonisation and linked to trademarks, are place names (in globalisation that took but instead of belonging these products around to a company they some countries also world. Others see it attach to a location and words associated with a the as the only way to stop therefore belong to all place) used to identify passing off and inferior the producers of that product in that region products that come from product trading on the heritage and reputation or country. A term these places and have of the original. is not a geographical these characteristics, for Exports of beer are still indication if the term small when compared to has become common example, Champagne, the magnificent success and is now generic, or Scotch whisky or story of the New Zealand when it has already wine industry. But been registered as a Roquefort cheese. offshore exports of beer trademark. Examples of have experienced spectacular growth in the generic terms are cheddar cheese, pilsner past five years, from $20 million in 2008 and Sauvignon Blanc. Except commerce to $55 million in 2012. Beer exports were is never that simple. Many terms that we identified by MBIE as having potential for in New Zealand would consider are now future growth due to our high quality and common names for a style of product (eg. unique hop profile. Exports are a focus for feta cheese, sherry) are not considered so by New Zealand’s many breweries as an avenue the European Union. 10 DRINKSBIZ DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014

for growth, for example Epic’s inroads into Sweden. Currently the EU is pursuing an aggressive position around GIs, particularly in their Free Trade Agreement (FTA) agenda as the debate in the WTO TRIPS Council has not made much progress. Beer GIs are included in the EU-Singapore FTA, the EU-Canada FTA, and the EU-Korea FTA, to name but a few, not to mention protection in the EU market itself. These are all markets into which New Zealand beer is currently exported and which are also likely to grow. Some terms in these agreements for which the EU is seeking protection are Munich-style Helles, Dortmunder, and Oktoberfest beer. The Czech Republic has also sought to protect the term pilsener or pilsner under the Lisbon Agreement of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO). Whether or not some of our beers have the right to use these terms if they are not made the same way as the original may be a topic of debate for some, but it’s clear that as the range of styles New Zealand brewers make increases, and as exports grow, this is an issue on which we all need to keep a close eye.


HOSPITALITY STANDARDS CHANGE By Nadine Mehlhopt, Hospitality New Zealand Auckland regional manager AUCKLAND HOSPITALITY operators stand to gain from a new industry led initiative to raise host responsibility standards across the region. Currently being piloted in central Auckland, the Supercity Host Charter asks licensed operators to commit to standards beyond just their legal obligations, helping improve safety and enjoyment for people going out in the city centre. The initiative grew out of the 2012 Mayoral Taskforce on Alcohol and Central City Safety. The voluntary programme has been developed for licensees by licensees, Hospitality NZ and Auckland Council, with the overall aim of creating a selfregulating industry support system to help lift standards across the industry as a whole.

With a six month trial currently underway in central Auckland, all hospitality operators stand to benefit from signing up. While the majority will already have sound hosting policies in place, the charter goes beyond what’s required by law and empowers you to demonstrate your commitment in a tangible way. A code of conduct sets out what both licensees and patrons can do to contribute to a safer, more enjoyable hospitality environment. Those requiring assistance will receive it, with the steering group committed to helping as many potential members as possible to reach the required standards. Anyone who doesn’t reach the initial membership standard will be assisted through advice, mentoring or referral to other agencies.

How to apply

To apply, fill out the online questionnaire about your premises and host responsibility policy. Applications are assessed monthly. If successful we hope to use feedback from the pilot to help roll the initiative out across Auckland, so please help us by getting on board. For more info or an application form, email: supercityhostcharter@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Members will also benefit from working together to share best practice and improve standards across the industry, and from networking with their peers and improving communication with local government, hospitality agencies and the community.


CHAMPAGNE, VODKA AND RUM PARTIES A HIT Festivities began early this year as the warm days leading up to Christmas and the New Year saw a shedding of layers while hard drinks workers slaked their thirst with top shelf drops…

Cathy McKeown and Ham

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The Art of Sabrage with G H Mumm Champagne G H Mumm Champagne was the house, the noble art of sabrage was the theme and chief winemaker Didier Mariotti was the host at Auckland’s Longroom bar where media and guests enjoyed top fizz and learned how to open a Champagne bottle with a sabre; a popular tradition dating back to the days of Napoleon. A ndr

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Heady night with Dan Ackroyd CANADIAN ACTOR, writer, comedian, musician and entrepreneur Dan Aykroyd was in New Zealand recently to officially launch his Crystal Head Vodka brand. Aykroyd and the brand’s co-founder, artist John Alexander, came up with the idea of a skull bottle in 2007, after realising they both had a fascination with the legend of the 13 ancient crystal skulls. The bottle was designed by Alexander and took two years to create – with Milan-based glass manufacturer, Bruni Glass. The vodka is quadruple distilled, then filtered seven times through semi-precious 500-million year old crystals known as Herkimer Diamonds. Crystal Head Vodka is distributed in New Zealand by Hancocks Wine, Beer & Spirit Merchants. Photographs copyright James Ensing-Trussell.

Riki Carter - Angostura Brand Amba


A Rum night ANGOSTURA HOSTED a gathering at Mollies in Auckland for an exclusive tasting of the Angostura rum range. Lucky guests tasted Legacy by Angostura, the world’s most expensive rum.

John Hawkesby and David Wald


David Farrier and Sam

antha Hayes



BLING IN THE TAIL The billionth bottle of Yellow Tail sold this year, proving how influential this mammoth Australian wine brand is globally The makers of Australia’s Yellow Tail wine bottled their one billionth bottle of the brand this year, which means on average 100 million bottles of Yellow Tail have sold each year. Family owned Casella Wines was presented with a commemorative bottle by Amcor Glass, which has supplied bottles for Yellow Tail for over a decade. “One billion bottles means that 10 billion glasses of Yellow Tail wine have been enjoyed around the world. We’re extremely proud to have provided one billion bottles of Yellow Tail wine to people in more than 50 countries. This result shows there is strong demand for Yellow Tail wine not only in our home country, but also abroad,” says John Casella, managing director of Casella Wines. The brand was launched in 2001.

Pernod’s new name

TO P D R O PS F R O M TE AWAN GA ar TWO TOP new wines from the stell Rod 2013 vintage have been released by McDonald in Hawke’s Bay. McDonald has a strong focus on susta inability in winemak ing and es viticulture and he sources his grap entirely from Hawke’s Bay. nga The new wines are the 2013 Te Awa 2013 the and , Rosé lot Estate Mer h Te Awa nga Gew urztraminer, whic was and hol cruises in with 14.8 % alco d made with grapes grow n on an inlan of Both ce. terra river old an on vineyard se inten , these new wines are super fresh but in flavour and ready to drin k now, g estin inter lop deve to they will cont inue s. year of le coup next the over flavours has The Gew urztraminer in part icula r y zing and exceptional concentration ish acid ity addi ng bala nce to its rich Turk urs. flavo er ging fresh and ee lych Delight, The Merlot Rosé is a deep pink with –a light tann ins and med ium acid ity fresh with h matc really good wine seafood this sum mer.

Pernod Ricard New Zealand is changing its name to Pernod Ricard Winemakers to reflect the company’s commitment to the craft of winemaking The announcement was made in November this year and goes hand in hand with the creation of two distinct divisions to the company’s business; a brand owner side and a distributor side. The new name will become a legal entity on 2 December 2013 and will be Pernod Ricard Winemakers New Zealand Limited. Aside from the name change, there are no operational changes to the business. All day-to-day contacts, procedures and practices will remain unchanged. 14 DRINKSBIZ DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014

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Drinking your words Three new drinks books for the festive season…

BRITS FLOP IN FIZZY KNOWLEDGE One in five British wine drinkers buy Champagne at least once a week but most have no idea where it comes from A survey conducted to mark National Champagne Week this year revealed that half of all British people surveyed don’t realise Champagne comes from France – despite the UK being the second biggest consumer of the drink. The survey was commissioned by Searcey’s Champagne bars to mark National Champagne Week from 7 to 13 October. It revealed that almost one in five 25 to 34 year olds buy the bubbly at least once a week, but 60% admit they don’t know where it comes from. The most knowledgeable drinkers were those aged over 55 years; 70% of whom were also able to correctly identify the difference between a cheap and a premium Champagne. “The research showed us that people like to drink Champagne but many don’t really know anything about it and therefore don’t know how to recognise quality and value for money,” says Champagne operations director Joël Claustre. “Champagne purchasing amongst younger people is growing rapidly and yet many admit they would not be able to tell a great Champagne from a poor one as they don’t know what they’re looking for.” More education was needed around Champagne, he said. “We did complimentary tastings throughout the week so that people could find what they like and talk to our experts so that they can begin to appreciate Champagne in the same way that knowledge of wine has grown.” 16 DRINKSBIZ DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014

Waiheke An Island and its People

BY JOHN HAWKESBY AND PHOTOGRAPHER DUNCAN INNES Penguin RRP $45 John Hawkesby teamed up with photographer Duncan Innes on the new book, in which he tells of the love at first sight experience which led him and his wife, Joyce, to live on the island. It’s a summery read with a beachy feel and lovely images to match. Hawkeby has previously written two books: Save The Last Dance For Me (1997) and Vintage: A Wine Journey (2006).

How to act like a Champagne expert BY FRITZ GUBLER New Holland NZ

RRP $29.99

Too much of anything is bad, but too much Champagne is just right, said Mark Twain, whose quotes readily fit with the indulgent image of Champagne – the drink and the region from which it comes in north east France. This little book is a great stocking filler and it over delivers on the facts and information, given its slender size. Author Fritz Gubler delivers a steady stream of bubbly facts – a Melchizedek-sized bottle holds 30 litres; there are over 21 million bubbles in a glass of Champagne and Madame de Pompadour’s breast inspired the sexy bowl-shaped glass; not Marie Antoinette’s. He also explains simply the difference between different types of bubbles: cava, spumante, and sekt.

The McCashin’s Story Random House

RRP $45

The year was 1981, the people are Terry McCashin and his wife Bev and the story is a tale of how they cobbled together enough funds and DIY inspiration to create Mac’s Brewery. Two decades later they sold the Mac’s brand to one of their competitors, and the story continued when their children then launched the McCashin family business, Stoke Beer. And here it is in print form; an inspiring tale of entrepreneurship, determination and more than a little love for a decent brew.


BREWERS’ BOOST New pre mixed drinks ARTY LABELS, evocative names and delicious flavours are the order of the day from Bundaberg, which has just released three new flavours of premixed rums. The new drinks are called Dark & Stormy (a ginger beer and rum blend); Light & Crunchy (apple ale and rum) and Smooth & Shifty (sasparilla and red rum). Each of the new drinks has an RRP of $6.99 per 500ml bottle, and are being targeted to shoppers at liquor retailers nationwide. These drinks were brand new in New Zealand in mid November, having been launched in Queensland, Australia earlier this year. Their launch coincides with that of a new range of Park Lane RTDs; gin & sparkling plum flavoured soda and gin & apple elderflower flavoured soda; both 7% ABV. To find out more about these drinks or to stock them, contact your nearest Lion sales representative: lionco.com

Supporting New Zealand’s

Beer Industry Talk To us Today abouT: • Laboratory testing • Third party certification • Industry training AsureQuality has IANZ Accreditation for beer testing for export which meets Brazil market access requirements.

Global experts in food safety and quality. Freephone 0508 00 11 22 | www.asurequality.com

ASUREQUALITY WILL give New Zealand’s boutique brewing industry a boost in export markets with a New Zealand first for achieving IANZ Accreditation for beer testing. AsureQuality is a state owned enterprise. It is also New Zealand’s leading food testing, auditing and certification company with over 1700 staff spread nationwide. It has world class laboratories in New Zealand, Australia and Singapore and provides food safety testing for food producers and processors in the dairy, meat, horticulture and viticulture sectors. It also works closely with IANZ, which is New Zealand’s premier accreditation body, working closely with government

agencies to develop international trading opportunities for New Zealand exporters. “When the industry approached AsureQuality for assistance with export testing to meet Brazil OMARS, our chemistry team took up the challenge to expand its IANZ scope to include 10 tests which would meet beer export and Brazil Market Access requirements and certification,” says Brian Watson, AsureQualiy group manager. “Through the IANZ accreditation process we are now able to meet these requirements and offer the New Zealand brewing industry testing that is recognised by both the Ministry for Primary Industries and Brazil.”

Alcohol licensing rules are changing The new Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 comes into force on 18 December. Under the new Act there are a number of changes for licence holders. This means new licensing conditions and fees. Visit www.ccc.govt.nz/typesoflicences or contact the Christchurch City Council at 03 941 8999 for more information on the Act or fees.


CENTRAL OTAGO ATTRACTS BURGUNDY GREAT The name Aubert de Villaine is sure to attract Pinot Noir lovers from all over the world to Central Otago in January 2014 FORTY CENTRAL Otago wine producers will open their Pinot Noirs for wine lovers over three days of the 2014 Pinot Celebration from Thursday 30 January to Saturday 1 February 2014. Registrations are now open and available at the website pinotcelebration.co.nz The celebration is held two years out of every three and run by Central Otago Pinot Noir Ltd (COPNL). This time around it is destined to attract more Pinot Noir lovers than ever, thanks to the presence of one of the world’s most famous Pinot Noir makers – Aubert de Villaine, co-owner of Domaine de la Romanée-Conti in Burgundy, France. Villaine will attend the celebration as the spearhead of a delegation seeking recognition of Burgundy’s vineyards as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, says winemaker Jen Parr of Terra Sancta; chair of the 2014 Central Otago Pinot Noir Celebration. “Aubert de Villaine is a tremendous inspiration to us all and his desire to visit

Ceres Pinot wins Bouchard Finlayson Trophy A TINY artisan wine producer from Bannockburn in Central Otago, Ceres Wines, has won the coveted International Wine and Spirit Competition (IWSC) Bouchard Finlayson trophy for Pinot Noir. The trophy is awarded to the top Pinot Noir at the IWSC each year and this is the third consecutive year the trophy has been awarded to a Central Otago winery. “We are absolutely stoked to have been awarded this trophy. It’s the first time 18 DRINKSBIZ DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014

Central Otago and participate in our signature event is an incredible way to mark our 10th Celebration and is a great testament to how far Central Otago has come in the international Pinot Noir community in such a short space of time,” says Parr. Wanaka winegrower Nick Mills of Rippon Vineyards worked at Domaine de la Romanée-Conti in 2002. He describes Villaine as one of the most erudite, articulate and respected figures in the wine industry today. “What strikes you most, and almost immediately about his character, is the

“What strikes you most, and almost immediately about his character, is the warmth and humility with which he approaches his craft and the people around him.”

we have entered our wine into the competition and were on cloud nine when we were told we had won. It means a lot to such a small producer – we only produce 250 cases of Pinot Noir each year from our vineyards in Bannockburn,” says Ceres Wines viticulturalist and co-owner James Dicey. “We feel it is a real validation of the approach we take – hands off wine making, letting both the vineyards and vintage shine through in the wine.” Ceres Composition 2010 Pinot Noir is a blend of grapes grown on co-owner and wine maker Matt Dicey’s Black Rabbit Vineyard and James Dicey’s Inlet Vineyard. Both are located in Bannockburn.

warmth and humility with which he approaches his craft and the people around him.” The British wine magazine Decanter awarded Aubert de Villaine the Man of the Year award in 2010; a title bestowed not just for his achievements at the Domaine, but “his complete integrity and his willingness to involve himself in the wider community.” Domaine de la Romanée-Conti makes some of the world’s priciest wines, including La Romanée-Conti itself and La Tâche. La Romanée-Conti is considered by most to be Burgundy’s greatest vineyard site, its wines having reached almost mythical status.

“The 2010 wines from Central Otago are shining on the international stage. Excellent wine has come out of a very challenging season for us, and to have a prestigious competition like the IWSC validate our approach on such young vines is a very encouraging sign for the future of both our vineyards,” says Matt Dicey. The wine is named after the Roman goddess of agriculture, Ceres. It is made using sustainable grape growing practices and a minimalist winemaking approach, says Dicey. Peregrine won the IWSC Bouchard Finlayson Trophy in 2011 and Valli Wines, owned by Grant Taylor, won the award in 2012.

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Waipara Hills celebrates new brand name

NORTH CANTERBURY IS HOT Under the radar but over achieving, this wine region is one of New Zealand’s best, says winemaker Simon McGeorge What brought you to North Canterbury? I’ve been making wine here for seven years. North Canterbury is where I grew up, so coming back seven years ago to make wine was coming home - and an opportunity to work with the aromatic varieties that I love Riesling, Pinot Gris and Pinot Noir – which are renowned for doing well in this region. What do you see as the biggest strengths of wine of the region? I love the aromatic wines that we make in Waipara, which I feel demonstrate the best of the region. Pinot Gris has a lovely rich texture, while Riesling has structural acidity. Our Pinot Noir displays a complete tannin structure that fills but doesn’t overwhelm the palate. All of this comes from the broad range of soil types in Waipara, from gravelly deposits to limestone and alluvial subsoil. Coupled with the natural sun-trap

The best of North Canterbury includes, among other wines, Pinot Gris, which has a lovely rich texture, while Riesling has structural acidity. Our Pinot Noir displays a complete tannin structure that fills but doesn’t overwhelm the palate.

of the valley, this allows for production of intense flavours, lifted aromatics and enticing textures. What’s your idea of a dream wine for this region? We’re always looking for new wines and styles. At the moment we’ve got new plantings of Grüner Veltliner going in, but more often it’s playing with the established varieties that can be equally exciting. There’s still a lot to explore. Since 2011 we’ve been working on barrel fermented Sauvignon Blanc, aiming to combine the vibrancy and freshness which Sauvignon Blanc is known for with the added weight and complexity of barrel maturation. This has resulted in a lovely soft, rich wine, yet still fresh and crisp as you would expect a Sauvignon Blanc to be. And what do you see as the future of Waipara/North Canterbury in wine terms? We’re seeing the cellar doors of the region becoming more developed; there is a greater enticement for people to come out and explore the region. Being just 45 minutes north of Christchurch, it is easy for Cantabrians to travel and spend the day amongst the vineyards. I think of Amberley as the southern gateway into the region and, with greater visibility of the wineries, people will see the area as a fun and exciting place to spend a weekend, trying the wines and exploring the countryside.

The iconic stone building 45 minutes north of Christchurch which was formerly known as The Mud House Winery and Café has changed its name to Waipara Hills. “The Waipara Hills winemaking team is based in Waipara, the wine is made in Waipara, it makes sense that the name has become Waipara Hills,” says Jenny Anderson, who has worked as cellar door manager for over a decade. “It is indeed an honour and a pleasure for our iconic building, to become the home of Waipara Hills,” she says.

2014 Classic Hits Winery Tour 2014 Waipara Hills will host the annual Classic Hits Winery Tour on the 22 February 2014. The tour is a combination of wine, music and scenery, says co-promoter Campbell Smith. The Exponents has reunited its four founding members, including frontman Jordan Luck for the winery tour. They will be joined by Stan Walker, who has a new album. And the line up is completed this year with Breaks CoOp; winners of the 2005 Song of the Year at the New Zealand Music Awards with their song The Other Side. “I’ve been recording the new Breaks Co-Op album in England and I cannot wait to get back to New Zealand and spend a long, hot February travelling to the most beautiful parts of the country and bringing our music to life on stage,” says Breaks Co-Op lead singer Andy Lovegrove.

HOW TO GET THERE Tickets $65 plus booking fee from waiparahills.co.nz, winerytour.co.nz or from Ticketmaster ticketmaster.co.nz (0800 111 999). One child under the age of 12 will be given free admittance when accompanied by one adult ticket holder. Discovery Travel is once again taking buses to the event from Christchurch. Please contact them directly for tickets at discoverytravel.co.nz or phone 03 3578262.



HOW LOW CAN – OR SHOULD – A WINEMAKER GO WITH ALCOHOL? LITTLE HARVEST is New Zealand’s newest range of low alcohol wines. The four wines in the range vary from 6% abv to 9% abv and are made by Constellation. The pick of the range is the Moscato at 6%. It’s not better because it’s lighter

in body and alcohol, but because the intense Moscato (aka Muscat) grape has so much intensity that it suits a relatively light alcohol style. The others in the range are, like many of the new wave of low alcohol wines, just a tad on the light side

Belvedere gives aid THE MAKERS of Belvedere vodka have unveiled special edition Belvedere Red, which was created to help the world’s fight against HIV/AIDS. The message is: Buy Belvedere Red and save lives. It’s still the same vodka in the bottle and will retail for $59.99, with 50% of the profits from each bottle sold during its launch event going to the global fund to fight HIV/AIDS in Africa. Belvedere Red is available in specialist wine and liquor stores. Belvedere partnered with Ginny Blackmore to perform at a special red night out launch event on 30 November in Auckland, which was free to the public. The only condition for concert goers was that they had to wear red, in homage to World Aids Day on 1 December.


when it comes to flavour. You could say they are a direct reflection of what they lose; alcohol contains flavour, texture and weight. The Little Harvest range retails for $19.99 per bottle. For more information on Little Harvest see littleharvest.co.nz.

TAYLORS WINES AND BROWN BROTHERS TEAM UP TAYLORS WINES and Brown Brothers have joined forces as distribution partners in New Zealand from 1 March 2014. The two family owned wineries will trade as Taylor Brown Ltd; a partnership which will enable both family wineries greater control of their wine distribution, with Dean McHenry leading the New Zealand sales team for both brands. “We’re excited about this new chapter and eager to maintain the longstanding relationships we have forged. We will be working closely with all stakeholders involved to ensure a seamless transition and good growth,” says Mitchell Taylor, managing director of Taylors Wines “Taylor Brown will work across the North and South Islands to create win/win business with customers and continue to make the Brown Brothers and Taylors Wines brands strong consumer favourites,” says Ross Brown, executive director of Brown Brothers and third-generation family member.


NEW TWIST FOR OLD COACH ROAD Seifried Estate winery in Nelson has given one of its oldest brands a new look to celebrate 40 years of grape growing in Nelson. The company was established by Hermann and Agnes Seifried and is now run by their children, who have rebranded the Old Coach Road wines – which were first introduced in the early 1990s. “The emphasis is on bright, fresh, fruit-driven wines,
reflective of the Nelson soils and climate in which they are grown,” says Anna Seifried. The brand is named after the Old Coach Road, a local Nelson landmark running along the crest of the


DISTRIBUTED BY: PICCADILLY LTD 7 Peterkin St, Wingate, Lower Hutt Phone: +64-4-974-6454

hill dividing Nelson’s coastal farmland from the small inland village of Upper Moutere, where Austrian-born Hermann Seifried and his New Zealand wife Agnes, first planted vines in 1973. All eight wines in the Old Coach Road brand have the new look – Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, Pinot Gris, Gewurztraminer, Unoaked Chardonnay, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and a red blend of Malbec, Cabernet Franc and Merlot. To find out more about Old Coach Road wines, contact Seifried Estate, which manages its distribution, email: wine@seifried. co.nz or freephone 0508 4 WINES.


BABICH BOYS’ BIG WIN The self-described senior citizen of New Zealand wine, Peter Babich, and his equally highly esteemed brother Joe have been honoured at the 2013 New Zealand International Wine Show AND THE winners are… Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, winemaker Nick Piccone from Villa Maria (winemaker of the year) and Peter and Joe Babich. That’s a lot of ‘ands’, but the 2013 New Zealand International Wine Show has a lot of wines entered. It is the largest wine competition held in New Zealand each year, attracting 2005 entries this year, says founder and convenor Kingsley Wood, who began the show in 2005. Wines from any country and made from any grape variety – or blend - can be entered. There were 14 countries represented this year and 201 gold medals were awarded by a team of wine judges chaired by Master of Wine Bob Campbell. The assistant chief judges were winemakers Larry McKenna, Peter Cowley and Australian winemaker Ralph Kyte-Powell. “The competition this year provided the industry with its first major assessment of the 2013 vintage for our most important grape variety, Sauvignon Blanc. From the largest vintage ever for Sauvignon Blanc, the judges awarded 24 gold and 42 silver medals from the 179 entries from the 2013 vintage. This is a great result and New Zealand and our export markets will enjoy many excellent wines,” says Wood. “New Zealand’s other major export variety, Pinot Noir, enjoyed a successful show with 24 wines awarded gold medals. Another highlight was five medals in the Rosé class.” For the fifth time in the show’s history, Chardonnay was crowned Nissan Champion Wine of the Show; in this case the 2012 Nautilus Marlborough Chardonnay was the big winner. 24 DRINKSBIZ DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014

Winners of the Sir George Fistonich Medal for a Legend of New Zealand Wine, Peter and Joe Babich

The 2013 International Wine Show winners Nissan Trophy for Champion Wine of Show

Nautilus Estate Marlborough Chardonnay 2012 Nissan Trophy Champion Winemaker of Show

Nick Picone – Villa Maria Estate First Glass Trophy 2013 Wine Company of the Year

Villa Maria Estate Treasury Wine Estates Trophy for Champion Chardonnay

Nautilus Estate Marlborough Chardonnay 2012 Eurovintage Trophy for Champion Sauvignon Blanc

Triplebank Awatere Valley Sauvignon Blanc 2013 Constellation Brands Trophy for Champion Pinot Gris

Freeland Central Otago Pinot Gris 2013 Negociants New Zealand Trophy for Champion Viognier

Villa Maria Single Vineyard Omahu Gravels Viognier 2010 Southern Wind Trading Company Trophy for Champion Riesling

Riverby Estate Eliza Marlborough Riesling 2012 Rapid Labels Trophy for Champion Gewurztraminer

Johanneshof Marlborough Gewurztraminer 2012 The wineoftheweek.com Trophy for Champion Other White

Tyrrells Vat 1 Hunter Semillon 2006 Federal Merchants & Co Trophy for Champion Sweet Wine

Villa Maria Reserve Marlborough Noble Riesling Botrytis Selection 2012 Vino Fino Trophy for Champion Champagne and Methode Traditionelle

Champagne Bollinger Special Cuvee First Glass Trophy for Champion Rosé

Sileni Cellar Selection Cabernet Franc Rosé 2013 Eurovintage Trophy for Champion Cabernet Sauvignon & Predominant Blends

Villa Maria Reserve Gimblett Gravels Hawkes Bay Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot 2010 Federal Merchants & Co Trophy for Champion Merlot & Predominant Blends

Church Road McDonald Series Merlot 2011 Vino Fino Trophy for Champion Shiraz or Syrah

Johnny Q Shiraz Viognier 2010 Negociants New Zealand Trophy for Champion Pinot Noir

Terrace Edge Waipara Valley Pinot Noir 2012 Riedel Trophy for Champion International Red Wine Varieties

Farnese Oversettanta Primitivo Di Manduria DOC 2010 Wine Orbit Trophy for Champion Fortified

Krohn Quinto Do Retiro Novo Vintage 2009 Federal Merchants & Co Trophy for Champion New Zealand Sparkling

No. 1 Family Estate Cuvée Adele The bizambrands Trophy for Champion New Zealand Bordeaux Red

Villa Maria Reserve Gimblett Gravels Hawkes Bay Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot 2010 Federal Merchants & Co Trophy for Champion New Zealand Syrah

Villa Maria Cellar Selection Gimblett Gravels Hawkes Bay Syrah 2010 First Glass Trophy Champion Commercial White Wine

Yealands Estate Land Made Series Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2013 Constellation Trophy for Champion Commercial Red Wine

Mud House Central Otago Pinot Noir 2012 Sir George Fistonich Medal for a Legend of New Zealand Wine

Peter and Joe Babich

AVAILABLE IN 3 GREAT FLAVOURS You must be 18 years or older to purchase. The promoter is The Drinks Factory, 27 Napier St, Freeman’s Bay, Auckland.


TOP IN THE SOUTH A Christchurch partnership has created a winning bar environment for staff and visitors alike at Christchurch International Airport LOCATED IN the heart of Christchurch International Airport, South Bar & CafÊ is the perfect place to relax and watch the world go by – while waiting for the plane, which will take you to your own destination. The bar has its own library, an extensive menu and a relaxing atmosphere, making it a great destination in its own right. And now, thanks to Skope, it is also an efficient environment for those who work there too. The equipment that Skope has installed helps to maximise efficiency, provide speedy service and optimise kitchen organization. The equipment includes an Irinox Blast chiller,

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GREEN RULES… designer’s impression of Interpack’s manufacturing plant (a green field operation purpose built for metal closure manufacturing).

GOOD DESIGN MEETS HEALTHY PACKAGING Interpack is a new incarnation of an old family business, which aims to create high quality, sustainable packaging for food and beverages WHEN TONY Arduca arrived alone in Australia aged 12 after a boat trip from Italy, he never imagined he would one day own a factory. Let alone that his own children would take over its reins and spearhead sustainable manufacturing. But he is a resourceful man and his sons have absorbed the same strong sense of survival themselves. Skip forward half a century and the Arduca family have now just begun phase two of a new era in the packaging business in Melbourne – they have begun a new company called Interpack. It is devoted to manufacturing packaging, largely for the food and beverage industries in both Australia and New Zealand. The family have manufactured packaging for the past 30 years, along with running an alpaca carpet factory and other business ventures. But Interpack picks up where their previous packaging company left off, says Andrew Arduca, Interpack managing director. While this manufacturing plant focuses largely on closures and packaging for beverages and food, it also extends its services to printing and coating for can makers. It offers its clients the entire process – from design to manufacture and transportation of the products back to their customers. There is a full in house design department, which is fully compatible with any iOS device. “Everything’s gone mobile now. People can download an iOS or android APP and make annotations to the design that they like, then send the ideas to us and we can turn those ideas into a design within 24 to 48 hours. It’s a big competitive advantage,” says Arduca. High speed is one thing but less waste is another. It’s a strong focus for Interpack,

which has relatively few factory workers but high levels of automation. This allows Interpack to compete with low cost imported products, while still retaining its own high quality. “We give high quality assurance to our customers. Because we have designed a factory at Interpack which is highly automated in high speed manufacturing, we believe we compete on scale without scaling down product features or options, therefore offering a competitive edge. Achieving high quality with high speed isn’t always easy – but that’s the challenge we thrive on,” Arduca says. These include options such as photographic styled images on the crown seals that Interpack manufactures. The company can also emboss wine closures (both top and side) and crown seals with PVC-free profiles inside them, even for twist style crowns. Not that every company wants PVC-free crown seals, but this is a growing trend, as is BPA-free packaging.

DESIGN DIVERSITY Diversity is key to Interpack’s philosophy. “We can offer solutions to different bottling conditions tailored to customers’ specific needs. Interpack is singularly customer-focused. We don’t just create generic products,” says Arduca. “That means Interpack can cater to a wide range of different company needs. For instance, an Australian brewery makes a beer which ferments in the bottle and we have created a PVC-free twist crown seal suitable for those bottles. We optimise product designs in this way for specific clients’ needs. “Up until now, PVC twist crowns have just been supplied and there have only been

reluctant initiatives to move people into more environmentally friendly products with a greater focus on health. That’s changing,” he says. “We also have strategic partners around the world who have new technology, which we can pass onto our customers by giving them the latest possible designs and features. Our international alliances enable us to create cutting edge products but they do require thorough assessment and evaluation prior to commercial use. Each customer has their own set of variables in terms of bottles, capping equipment, product type and processing conditions. We always try to simulate those variables as closely as possible with our own laboratory to ensure that our products match our customers’ needs.”

INTERPACK PHILOSOPHY Research and development is also extremely important at Interpack. “We want to nourish our employees and their opportunities to learn. We don’t want to just draw from the here and now but to learn about new ideas.” We are trying to create a continuous learning enterprise where each employee learns something new every year even if it means enrolling in a course in ancient history, it means that you’re always learning something. Our R&D department is always working on new innovations and ideas –often in conjunction with local universities and with our extensive technology partners.”

WHAT DOES INTERPACK MAKE? Crown seals for beer Screwcaps for wine Speciality closure systems for food and beverages

HOW TO CONTACT INTERPACK Phone Andrew Arduca, managing director, Interpack, phone +61 3 8358 4444 or by email: aa@interpack.net.au



THIRSTY WORK As the new owners of Thirsty Liquor, Renee Patel and Tina Govan have plans to grow their brand throughout the country WHEN RENEE Patel and Tina Govan bought the Thirsty Liquor brand in April this year, they knew they wanted to expand the brand even more throughout the country, but first things first. Their immediate priority was getting word of the stores out to the trade and the public. So they re-designed the company website and created a number of additional functionalities including a new online shopping facility, the ability to sign up major suppliers. And, just as importantly, on-line to the Thirsty Loyalty Card this successful business team does all programme and the ability to purchase the advertising and marketing for the Thirsty gift vouchers on line, to name but a entire brand. few changes. They are more than qualified for the roles Prior to them owning the brand, it was they have undertaken. Patel has worked in essential to go into a Thirsty Liquor store to the liquor industry for nine years now and become a loyalty member. Now, it happens was the first Thirsty Liquor store owner with the click of a button. Membership is when she signed up in immediate, easier and 2011 at her Huapai store. for the consumer – Our website, Facebook She has been in retail as faster to start and Twitter are all the owner of a number earning rewards. working well for us. of different businesses After just two for over 25 years. Govan months in the We are also part of the at Independent business, fans of Ultimate Student website, worked Liquor for three years Thirsty Liquor’s which is backed by over and held senior financial Facebook page grew roles in large FMCG significantly. They 40 tertiary campuses up corporate companies now have over and down the country prior to that. Between 9,000 followers – reaching over 700,000… them, they have a wide an extremely high range of commercial numbers of fans for a and business skills and experience – not to liquor banner in New Zealand on Facebook. mention a broad range of contacts. These two have passion and drive. In One of the most important steps now is to seven months, the business duo have opened grow brand awareness through social media up 14 new Thirsty stores up and down the marketing and sponsorship deals. country and the brand now has over 62 “Our website, Facebook and Twitter are all stores nationwide. working well for us. We are also part of the “The biggest growth area is Auckland but Ultimate Student website, which is backed we are focusing on growth in all areas of the by over 40 tertiary campuses up and down country,” says Tina Govan. the country reaching over 700,000 students Each Thirsty Liquor store operates as nationwide. We are the only liquor banner an independent enterprise with an ownergroup exclusive to that site, so that gives us operator, but Govan and Patel come into strong in-roads to a big potential market,” the big picture by negotiating pricing and Patel says. monthly specials for the group with all 28 DRINKSBIZ DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014

The Thirsty Liquor website includes a constant range of appealing specials and has full details of each store’s location. They have their own-branded beer Thirsty Draught (in cans) which sells in every store and from early next year, will be joined by Thirsty Lager, packaged in 330ml bottles. This passionate and hard-working pair have now secured a major sponsorship deal in the D1NZ National Drifting Championships – check out the Thirsty Nissan Skyline R34 Car driven by Darren Kelly - D1NZ 2012/2013 Pro-Am Champion. There are six events being held nationwide running from November 2013 through to May 2014, giving them excellent brand exposure.

WANT TO OWN A THIRSTY STORE? To find out more about joining a liquor brand that’s going places fast – contact Renee Patel or Tina Govan: Free Phone: 0 800 THIRSTY 0800 844 7789 Renee Patel, email: renee@thirstyliquor.co.nz or phone: 021 127 7493 or Tina Govan, email: tina@thirstyliquor.co.nz or phone: 021 854 786 thirstyliquor.co.nz facebook.com/ThirstyLiquor.NZ


The founder of Corbans Wines Assid Abraham Corban Circa 1908

CORBANS WINS GOLD TWO PURE gold medals at the 2013 Air New Zealand Wine Awards put Corbans Wines back where they belong – in our glasses. Over delivering and often forgotten are the best words to describe Corbans wines today, which won two Pure Gold medals at the 2013 Air New Zealand Wine Awards in November. The 2012 Corbans Homestead Riesling and the 2012 Corbans Homestead Sauvignon Blanc both won Pure Gold medals in their respective classes for their 100% sustainable wines. The brand was one of the first to set this country’s wine industry on

Bag in box is back its feet at the turn of last century when the late Lebanese immigrant, A A Corban, planted nine and three quarter acres of vines in West Auckland. And this year the win for two Corbans white wines is a salient reminder of both the great value of the wines today – and of the company’s rich legacy. The 2013 Air New Zealand Wine Awards attracted nearly 1400 wines to compete in the show, which is organised and owned by New Zealand Winegrowers. In the latest competition, 111 wines received gold medals. They were judged by 26 judges, including two international judges.

SAINTS WINE has gone into a 1.5 litre cask, joining Jackman Ridge in a 2 litre cask. “Saints is an award winning brand with the 2012 Sauvignon Blanc recently gaining gold at the New World Wine Awards. This demonstrates the brand has an excellent pedigree,” says Kate Fisken, Saints brand manager. “By using the same wine across both our Saints bottle and cask ranges, we are confident we will help overcome some of the existing perceptions surrounding cask wine.”

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This expansion of the Saints range is designed to meet consumer demand for wine from a trusted bottle brand to be made available by the cask. Saints cask wine

1.5L, RRP $25.99

Jackman Ridge cask wine 2L, RRP $19.99 The Saints range includes the following wines: 2013 Sauvignon Blanc (Hawke’s Bay/ Marlborough), 2012 Chardonnay (Gisborne) and 2012 Merlot Cabernet (South Eastern Australia).


WORLD’S SHIRAZ HQ IN BOOK The Barossa Valley is Australia’s best known wine region and widely regarded as the world’s headquarters of Shiraz, which makes it the perfect subject matter for this new book, writes Editor Joelle Thomson

IF READING has fallen to the bottom of your to-do list, a festive break might just allow you time to delve into the pages of this book and into Barossa Valley’s 11 sub-regions – and its defining grape. We’re talking of course about Shiraz; the most planted grape in Australia. Author Dr Thomas Girgensohn has written in depth about Barossa Valley’s 11 sub-regions, soils and weather patterns that define each one. It’s the first indepth study of climate, weather, soils and aspect written specifically about the Barossa. “As the desire to understand the link between wine and terroir (the combinations

Designer drinks WE MAY not be able to judge a book by its cover, but it seems we certainly can judge a bottle. This year’s Best Design Awards lifted the lids, tabs and screwcaps on dozens of designer drinks, which have also wowed our team here at Drinksbiz. A couple we have selected to share include Cleminger’s Wellington in a Pint, which won the Gold Pin in Self Promotion award, thanks to design director Peter Montgomery. Clemenger launched a contest asking the public to make a beer that actually tasted like Wellington. The idea was to create a campaign that asked how people would capture Wellington in a bottle. The contest was a huge success with the city’s home brewers making 156 new brands. The judges applauded the winning entry describing how it transcended self promotion into something that had local and cultural relevance.

TUATARA WINS While the whole point of craft beer is what’s inside the bottle, a rapidly expanding number of beers and breweries here and overseas place a premium on how it’s housed too. Designer Anton Hart has created a reptilian bottle replete with spinal bumps and an eye lid. The design took two years to develop from basic 3D models to the bottles that rolled off the production lines; in 500ml and 300ml variants.

DRINKS DESIGN AWARDS… Other winners at this year’s Best Awards include Beck’s and Black Dog beers and the non-alcoholic and super refreshing classic ginger ale, Gingerella – a real ginger ale minus the alcohol, plus the flavour and ticking all the right boxes in its simple but clever design. 30 DRINKSBIZ DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014

that go into making wine from soil to climate to winemaker) increases, it becomes clear that it has not been studied systematically here in the way it has been in Europe, in particular in France,” says Thomas Girgensohn, a former managing partner of the Boston Consulting Group and an Australian company director with experience in a range of industries. Girgensohn has been collecting Australian wine for nearly 30 years, closely observing and following developments in the wine industry over this period. Follow Girgensohn’s blog at australianwinereviews. blogspot.co.nz



Nature so often gets it right – the perfect combination of function and design. That’s our goal too.

The Interpack design and manufacturing process utilises state-of-the-art technology to create, decorate, inspect and pack to a new standard of excellence.

At Interpack we protect your precious wines and brews with beautifully crafted screwcaps and crowns. We promise you more choice with greater efficiency.

Our unique systems have been designed for complete plant optimisation. This allows for flexibility from short to long runs, including multiple top and side printing and embossing.

To find out what we can do for you, call on +61 3 8358 4444 or email info@interpack.net.au

NEW ZEALAND’S PREMIER PARTY CUP Best quality cups available in NZ glass-washer friendly Available in four great colours Fully recyclable 16 oz or 470ml capacity ideal for beer but also with pour lines for spirits and mixers







TURNING TABLES TO PROFITS Beer Pong is hugely popular in the United States and is now set to grow in New Zealand, thanks to a new business run by Tim Kerr and Nick Borland

WHEN TIM Kerr and Nick Borland first imported 100 Beer Pong tables from overseas in 2010, they had little idea of the market that was unfolding before them. Three years down the track they have branded the plastic cups they import as Kiwipong and have them in about 120 are in a particular store, the larger it sells. liquor outlets nationwide. Repeat orders They put in an order at least once a month are gathering momentum and they now and sales are growing there exponentially. I import foldable Beer Pong tables, inflatable think it’s becoming very successful because Beer Pong tables and the branded ping pong it is a product people want but they don’t balls, all of which are as essential to the beer know they want it till they see it.” game as the hard plastic cups they started Having a full range of colours in front out with. of people helps too. And the other growth Their main target market is liquor outlets. factor is that Beer Pong as a game is just The stores which have so far had the biggest taking off, says Kerr, who has done major uptake are Liquorland, Liquor King, Super sponsorship deals with mainstream radio Liquor and some supermarkets too. stations nationwide. So, what “To keep the name differentiates their The first store we ever original, we decided to use products for the age sold Beer Pong cups the name for our business old game of Beer and call it Kiwipong.” Pong? to was Liquorland The name derives from “Hard plastic cups in Howick, which a beer game where cups are needed and they was in about 2010. are placed in a pyramid were only available at each end of a table. in New Zealand to a Since then, sales have Each cup is filled with very limited extent grown massively… 100 mls of beer and each before we began exponentially in fact. team takes turns to throw importing them,” a ping pong ball into the Kerr says. opposition’s cups, which then determines “We also make custom tables with people’s who consumes what from which cup. logos on them to enable our customers Without giving all the rules away, Kerr says to promote their own product while their it’s not so much about consuming beer, but customers are playing Beer Pong,” he says. about having fun and taking small sips – as “The first store we ever sold Beer Pong well as learning to aim accurately. The game cups to was Liquorland in Howick, which is also known as Beirut Party. was in about 2010. The longer our products

“The main idea is to get the ball into the cup, which means the opposition then has to drink the cup.” The original importing of the tables was so successful that the pair realised they needed to sell the cups as well to provide the whole package. “We started with the red cup, which was the classic and then we brought in the black ones – which is great for New Zealanders who buy them for All Blacks games. We then brought in green ones for St Patrick’s Day and now we have blue. The game, its tables and the balls are all starting to become more popular than we ever imagined.”

FIND OUT MORE AND ORDER KIWIPONG To order Kiwipong cups and Beer Pong tables and products, phone Tim Kerr at Kiwipong Ltd (Beerpong Table and Product Specialists), phone (09) 306 7425 or mobile 021 985 454. kiwipong.co.nz DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014 DRINKSBIZ 33


Clockwise from left: Nigel Davies; Sileni chief winemaker Grant Edmonds; red winemaker Cairn Coghill

SILENI REDS SHINE Hawke’s Bay winemaker Nigel Davies shares his wines and vintage 2013 with Drinksbiz readers How many vintages have you worked in Hawke’s Bay now and which are the best in your experience of winemaking there?

Should we all be saving our pennies to stock up on the Hawke’s Bay reds when they come out later next year, 2014?

15 vintages in Hawke’s Bay. The best would be 1998, 2007 and 2013.

Hold your hats. They will blow you away. Honestly. The colour, aroma and flavours are amazing - and the balance in the wines. You know we had a warm year but we also have a natural acidity in the grapes – and the wines made from them – that stops them from being overblown.

What made 2013 such a stand out? It was the driest summer for 75 years so we had plenty of sunshine and ideal temperatures. This led to clean (disease free) and physiologically ripe fruit, so we had more than just decent sugar levels but also ripe tannins. The colours are due to the relatively high anthocyanin levels that we were able to achieve in the berries. Even though it was dry, as we are situated on the Heretaunga Plains, we have one of the largest aquifers underneath us so irrigation was not a problem. Tell us about the whites from 2013 from Hawke’s Bay and Marlborough.

Hold onto your hats, says Davies, because the 2013 reds will blow you away with their intense purple colour, beautiful rich flavours and medium body and alcohol levels – it seemed like the perfect year.

SILENI WINES THAT SHINE 2013 Sileni Parkhill Pinot Gris RRP $25 Parkhill is always a single vineyard Pinot Gris with 50% barrel fermentation in old French oak and the balance of the wine being fermented in tank to retain a signature freshness. This white has a distinctive aromatic taste of light fresh white pears, and it is only just off dry. There is also more pronounced acidity than many Pinot Gris, hence its recommendation here as a good serve-by-the-glass white. 2013 Sileni Cellar Selection Pinot Noir

RRP $20

Gorgeous soft smooth red; it’s an early release made to drink right now, but thanks to its full body and dark fruit colour, it’s a wonderful drink as a Beaujolais-esque style of red, by the glass any time of day or evening. 2013 Sileni Cellar Selection Merlot

RRP $20

This wine has an amazing purple colour, super intense aromas of dark fruit and is still very youthful (obviously) but approachable as a smooth drink-me-now wine. Roll on July/ August 2014 when the first wave of 2013 big reds from Hawke’s Bay wines come out.

A VINTAGE OUT OF THE BLUE Due to the weather conditions we had to watch for vine stress, which was alleviated by irrigation. Harvest decisions also had to be spot on, so as not to lose inherent fruit flavours, due to leaving fruit hanging on the vines for a long time. The Marlborough vintage was quite compressed for us. We harvested fruit from both Wairau and Awatere Valleys. The feeling from when we did our blending sessions was that the batches looked very strong. 34 DRINKSBIZ DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014

Vintage 2013 was, in Nigel Davies’ words, a vintage out of the blue. Very dry, very warm. Across the board it was fantastic but if he had to single out a single grape which did well this year, it was Merlot. Davies believes Hawke’s Bay’s cooler areas also have great potential with Pinot Noir, and the evidence is convincing too; from vineyards on the coast and inland above sea level – at Sileni’s Maraekakaho Plateau Vineyard, 110 metres above sea level – to be precise.

2012 Redmetal Vineyards Syrah

RRP $18

This is the first Syrah from Redmetal where winemaker Grant Edmonds and Nigel Davies (who work together on this wine) have harnessed bright fresh red fruit and black pepper aromas in the wine. Just 100 cases were made. TRADE ENQUIRIES: Phone 06 879 8768, sileni.co.nz

GOLD & TROPHY Hawke’s Bay A&P Wine Awards Sileni Estate Selection ‘The Circle’ Hawke’s Bay Semillon 2010 GOLD & TROPHY Hawke’s Bay A&P Wine Awards Sileni Exceptional Vintage Hawke’s Bay Chardonnay 2007


GOLD & TROPHY NZ International Wine Show Sileni Cellar Selection Hawke’s Bay Cabernet Franc Rose 2013 GOLD NZ International Wine Show Sileni Estate Selection ‘The Straits’ Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2013 GOLD & BEST NZ White Wine Trophy Mundus Vini, Germany Sileni Cellar Selection Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2013 GOLD Mundus Vini, Germany Sileni Estate Selection ‘The Priestess’ Hawke’s Bay Pinot Gris 2012 BEST IN CLASS Hawkes Bay A&P Wine Awards Sileni Cellar Selection Hawke’s Bay Pinot Noir 2013

Sileni Estates: 2016 Maraekakaho Road, RD1, Hastings, New Zealand | 06 879 8768 | info@sileni.co.nz | www.sileni.co.nz


BIRD IN THE HAND Hold a species in the palm of your hand when you serve and savour New Zealand’s latest vodka and gin brands, Blue Duck Rare Vodka and Black Robin Rare Gin, writes Editor Joelle Thomson

WHAT DOES New Zealand have that is totally unique? It’s a question that Peter Darroch has answered in the creation of his new vodka and gin brand; Simply Pure Rarified Spirits, which gives New Zealand native birds pride of place. Well, at least two of them. When the Blue Duck Rare Vodka and Black Robin Rare Gin were launched in October 2013, they were served at a fundraiser for Forest & Bird at the Auckland Museum; a launch to pay respect to those who value these rare birds enough to try and save them. Darroch was on an overseas business trip when an offshore wine and spirit distributor asked him why New Zealand didn’t have a quintessentially Kiwi vodka and gin brand. “That question was the birth of our brand,” says Darroch, “It got me

“The stories of the Fiordland Blue Duck (Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos, also known as Whio, due to its call) and the Chatham Island Robin (Petroica traversi) are inspirational; particularly the robin, which is still highly endangered (about 250 remain) and entirely traceable to one breeding female.” thinking ‘what on earth do we have that’s quintessentially New Zealand?’ and then it dawned on me - it’s our bird life. We have 380 species of native bird life in New Zealand. That’s the one thing nobody else has.” The Blue Duck Rare Vodka and Black Robin Rare Gin were first launched on 10 October at the art auction at which 47 of the 50 piece exhibition sold. All profits went to

Wine Company of the Year 2012

Forest and Bird. The works were by Ralph Hotere, John Gow and Dick Frizzell, some of whom were in attendance. But there was later an even bigger launch party at Sky City in Auckland, in November. As a fly fisherman, Darroch knew of the blue duck from Fiordland but he stumbled on the story of the Chatham Island Robin when he devised the brand’s philosophy. It’s taken two and a half years from initial

The Negociants team thanks support through 2013. Merry


“If awesome was a vodka it would taste like this.”

© nzbirdsonline.org.nz

~ Mike Holland, former worldwide CEO of Tanqueray

conception to the production and, now, the launch of the new drinks. For every bottle sold, a percentage of the sale goes to Forest & Bird; something which Darroch is keen to emphasise is not a launch promotion but part of the constitution of the company, Simply Pure Limited. The stories of the Fiordland Blue Duck (Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos, also known as Whio, due to its call) and the Chatham Island Robin (Petroica traversi) are inspirational; particularly the robin,

which is still highly endangered (about 250 remain) and entirely traceable to one breeding female, Old Blue, who was the sole breeder in 1980. The original artwork of the birds on the bottles was hand painted by artist Andrew Barnes-Graham, then screenprinted and acid etched by the French company, Saver Glass. The other Simply Pure shareholders are Phil Clark, Keith Edwards and Ben and Tam De Haan. The spirits are produced at Distillerie Deinlein in the Bay of Plenty.

PAY HOMAGE TO RARE BIRDS Blue Duck Rare Vodka and Black Robin Rare Gin are distributed by Negociants New Zealand, phone 0800 634 624. To find out more about the birds visit forestandbird.org.nz

its Trade customers for their Christmas and Cheers to 2014.

Blue Duck Rare Vodka

750ml, RRP $79

The production process of the vodka isn’t quite as rare as the birds, but it is uncommon nonetheless. The vodka is 43% ABV; higher than usual. The vodka is distilled seven times in a copper reflux still, made using New Zealand spring water which has been filtered five times and demineralised. There are no additives, preservatives, sugars or softeners and Darroch attributes its smooth mouth feel to the production process. Black Robin Rare Gin

750ml, RRP $79

Like the vodka, this gin is 43% ABV. It was distilled three times in a copper reflux still and infused with the native Horopito, which has a spicy citrus tang, which suits a premium gin style. “We wanted the high note of the gin to be a New Zealand botanical, hence horopito (Maori pepper). All gin should have a slightly peppery flavour.” Distributed by Negociants New Zealand, phone 0800 634 624, negociantsnz.com


HIGH 5 The first trickle is beginning to flow from New Zealand’s 2013 vintage and the wines are outstanding, as our ‘must stock’ below show, writes Editor Joelle Thomson


MUST STOCK – BY THE GLASS 2013 Sileni Cellar Selection Pinot Noir

PRIDE IN PINOT GRIS – SERVE IT 2012 The Elder Pinot Gris RRP $32

RRP $20

It’s soft, fruity and intense purple in colour – and if that sounds overly optimistic, check out the taste of this early release red. Or better still, stock it by the glass on your wine list – at this price, that’s a cinch. The wine was made with grapes grown on a relatively cool vineyard in Hawke’s Bay; a good site for producing Pinot Noir grapes with depth and lightness – and at a very moderate 12.5% alcohol. No wonder the winemaking team at Sileni - Nigel Davies, Grant Edmonds and Cairn Coghill – are so excited about 2013 reds. TRADE ENQUIRIES: sileni.co.nz

The 2012 Georges Road Riesling is an absolute no-brainer; a must stock on your wine list for summer.


PINOT PERFECTION – GREAT PRICE TOO 2012 Waipara Hills Pinot Noir


RRP $21.99

Waipara Hills winemaker Simon McGeorge has a region of promising Pinot Noir grapes at his feet, which is why this low priced beauty is so consistently full bodied, suited to the spicy oak treatment it receives – which adds nicely to the wine style here – and also why Waipara Hills wines have so many relativey recent trophies internationally and locally to its name; 11 trophies, 87 gold medals and counting. TRADE ENQUIRIES: waiparahillswines.co.nz


Dry as a bone and succulent too, this wine is made from a 2.75 hectare vineyard overlooking the Ruakokopatuna River, 10 kilometres south of Martinborough. It’s a cool site area and grape yields are low, thanks to the hands-on attention of the viticultural team of Nigel Elder and Mike Hansom. The first vintage of The Elder wines was in 2010. This wine’s high quality and dry style set a new benchmark for Pinot Gris. TRADE ENQUIRIES: theelderpinot.co.nz



Sam and Mandy Weaver have just made New Zealand’s first ever Petit Manseng, which they’ve packaged in a 500ml bottle at a pretty lowish 9% alcohol. And while it’s off dry in style, it’s the stunning aromatic appeal that gets me in every juicy sip. This tastes like a cross between ripe ruby grapefruit and Chenin Blanc (thanks to Petit Manseng’s naturally high acidity). The Petit Manseng grape originally comes from the French wine region of Jurancon.

SMALL IN NAME BIG IN TASTE The Weavers made just 117 six-packs of their first Petit Manseng, which are all destined for specialist wine retailers and restaurant lists. The grapes are grown on a half hectare vineyard above the Waihopai Valley, surrounded by mountains and farmed biodynamically. It’s a relatively late ripening grape; it’s usually picked in May when the sugars have risen to meet the high levels of acidity. TRADE ENQUIRIES: churtonwines.co.nz


GREAT SUMMER WHITE – SERVE IT 2012 Georges Road Riesling

RRP $32

Here’s another top Riesling from New Zealand’s natural home of this wonderful white grape – North Canterbury; aka the Waipara Valley. Winemaker Kirk Bray is a Riesling specialist as this lovely fresh, intense tasting 11.8% wine shows. The 2012 Georges Road Riesling is an absolute no-brainer; a must stock on your wine list for summer. TRADE ENQUIRIES: georgesroadwines.co.nz


DOUBLE THE Editor Joelle Thomson selects top fizzy drops for summer festivities




king of champagnes :


time early morning in Champagne, France, where the vintage crew for Dom Perignon pick Chardonnay early in the day to get the grapes at their best - and retain their acidity when morning temperatures are still relatively cool.

Introducing Méthode Marlborough New Zealand’s biggest wine region now has its own sparkling winemaking rules and an organization which governs them – it’s called Méthode Marlborough and it was launched officially on 1 November this year at Wine Marlborough. The new group’s rules will raise the quality bar for big brands – and small – of bubbly from Marlborough. There are 11 wineries in the group and their rules for bottle fermented sparkling wine

production stipulate a longer minimum ageing time pre-release than that in Champagne, France; 18 months in the bottle on lees, as opposed to just 15 in France. Their rules state that 100% of the grapes must be grown in Marlborough and must be all or any of the three traditional Champagne grapes – Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and Pinot Meunier. The bubblies must be aged on lees for 18 months; believed by Champagne expert Tom Stevenson to be the optimum time for autolytis work – the production of amino acids and other compounds that are

precursors to yeast breakdown flavours in bottle fermented sparkling wines. We can’t use the ‘C’ word – Champagne – and nor should we. But the New Zealand makers of high quality bottle fermented sparkling wines can now use their own Méthode Marlborough label – a great step forward for the New Zealand wine industry. The founding members of Méthode Marlborough are: Allan Scott, Brancott Estate, Cloudy Bay Vineyards, Hunter’s Wines, Johanneshof Cellars, Lion, Nautilus Estate, No 1 Family Estate, Spy Valley, Summerhouse and Tohu Wines.



ON A MISSION Half a century ago the Mission Estate winemaker, Brother John Cuttance, returned from a year in France with a plan to make New Zealand’s first ever méthode traditionnelle – top quality sparkling wine with its second fermentation (that’s when and how the bubbles get into the wine) in the bottle. His plan worked. He made a bubbly called Fontanella and it was released in February 1963. The name is Italian for ‘little fountain’ and was inspired by Mission’s Rector, Fr. Kelly S.M, who said it reminded him of the fountains he had seen in Rome. There were two bubblies; a white and a pink and both Fontanella wines cost 21 shillings and sixpence each. Because production was limited and demand was high, sales were limited to one bottle per customer. Today, 50 years on from the release of that first fizz, Mission Estate is again making a sparkling wine, this time calling it Fête - French for party. “We use mostly Pinot Gris, which is unusual for méthode in this country. It’s a nod to our history, since Pinot Gris was also used in Fontanella,” says Mission Estate winemaker Paul Mooney. “The Pinot Gris fruit was hand harvested during the 2010 vintage, carefully pressed, and part barrel fermented. It was aged in barrel for a year, then blended. Using the charmat process it fermented for a month before being bottled.” Mission Fête is available from most liquor outlets. RRP $19.99.



KEEPING MUMM G H Mumm Cordon Rouge Champagne NV


RRP $94.99

Nautilus Estate Cuvee Brut NV

RRP $38-$40

Just the bubbles that would have Patsy and Eddie (Ab Fab) singing into their glasses and all the way down the street; this is a sensationally Bolly-like bubbly, thanks to its clean fresh style and pronounced yeasty and toasty aromas. Very good quality and a great price too. Nautilus Estate Cuvee Brut NV won the Champion Wine of the Show at the Air New Zealand Wine Awards.


RRP $44

Nautilus pink bottle fermented bubbly has been released just in time for Christmas. Winemaker Clive Jones says Pinot Noir forms the basis of this bubbly, which is a blend of both Pinot and Chardonnay. “Ten years ago we planted some new Pinot Noir grapes (clones 115 and 777 – popular for top quality red wine as well as in this bubbly) on a vineyard suited to sparkling wine and the natural fruit character we saw from this site got us thinking about a single site 100% Pinot Noir Cuvée Rosé. And after many trials, Nautilus Rosé was born.” TRADE ENQUIRIES: Negociants New Zealand, phone 0800 634 624, negociantsnz.com

This wine tastes so good I feel like keeping mum about its deliciousness; who knew such a widely available French bubbly could taste so complex and multilayered? Actually, I did have a sneaking suspicion about its excellent quality, having been lucky enough to have tried this well known French bubbly many times before. Its top taste comes from having had its second ferment in the bottle, where the wine not only absorbs all the CO2 from a bottle fermentation but also gains nutty, savoury flavours from resting on the yeast lees; aka the left over yeast sediment after fermentation. TRADE ENQUIRIES: Pernod Ricard NZ, phone 0800 503 000, pernod-ricard-nz.com


RRP $19-$20

Grandin is one well kept secret – a pretty unknown French bubbly from outside the Champagne region, which is made along the same lines as Champagne with its secondary fermentation in bottle. The Grandin winery was founded in 1886 in Les caves de La Bouveraie; in the Loire Valley. Grandin’s winemakers age every bottle for at least 12 months on lees – in the bottle on its yeast cells – after the second fermentation. Grandin Methode also comes in pink; Grandin Rosé RRP $16-$17 Federal Merchants & Co, phone 09 578 1823, federalmerchants.co.nz



BEST OF THE BEST 2004 Dom Perignon RRP $249.99

The best description of Dom Perignon might also be the least wine related one – “the poshest of the posh” – but it describes perfectly how sensational this wine is. It is what is known in Champagne circles as a Prestige Cuvee. Which is another way of saying it’s the poshest of the posh; a top bottle fermented sparkling wine in which no expense has been spared in the making. It’s named in honour of the 17th-century monk, Dom Perignon, from Hautvillers, the man regarded by many as the father of Champagne. The 2004 Dom Perignon is a rich, full bodied style from a relatively dry harvest in the Champagne region. It’s the aromas and flavours of dried toasted nuts, white flowers and super fresh apple crispness that I adore in this lovely wine. And by the way, that wonderful description ‘poshest of the posh’ was a line from the opening of a film but not a Bond flick (in which Dom Perignon often does feature) but an outstanding Daniel Craig film nonetheless, but that’s another story. TRADE ENQUIRIES: Moet-Hennessy New Zealand, phone 0800 22 66 50 Richard Geoffroy, Chef de Cave, Creator of Dom Pérignon Vintages.

Nautilus Estate Cuvee Brut NV won the Champion Wine of the Show at the Air New Zealand Wine Awards. TOP MARLBOROUGH BUBBLY 2009 Daniel le Brun Blanc de Blancs

RRP $39-40

This was one of the most outstanding wines in the line up at the launch of Méthode Marlborough, thanks to its intense lemon zest taste, beautiful vibrant acidity and full body. TRADE ENQUIRIES: daniellebrun.co.nz

SAUVIGNON FIZZ Peter Yealands Sparkling Sauvignon Blanc

RRP $16.99

Winemaker Tamra Washington has her work cut out for her at the vast Yealands Estate Winery – due to the sheer size of the vineyards, rolling over reshaped green hills in Marlborough’s Awatere Valley. This sparkling Sauvignon Blanc is one of the newbies pouring out of our largest wine region at an affordable price, made in a fresh aromatic style to drink any day, anywhere this summer. Clean, bright, fresh and a good bargain too. Stock it. TRADE ENQUIRIES: Yealands Estate, phone 03 575 7618 or yealandsestate.co.nz DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014 DRINKSBIZ 45


“We must be ready as we always have been ready, to take the rough with the smooth.”

~ Winston Churchill


RRP $38

Hawke’s Bay winemaker Rod McDonald breaks new ground with this long lees-aged (24 months) bubbly from Hawke’s Bay. After all that yeast lees contact, it’s no surprise to find this full bodied beauty is so intensely nutty, super dry and has freshness to burn; it’s a blend mostly of Pinot Noir (54% of the blend) with the balance being Chardonnay (46%). TRADE ENQUIRIES: osawawines.co.nz

FRESH AND FABULOUS Cloudy Bay Pelorus 2008 RRP $49-$50 No longer just famous for top Sauvignon Blanc and, now, also very good Chardonnay, Gewurztraminer and Pinot Noir, Cloudy Bay is also one of New Zealand’s top bubbly producers. This vintage wine – made with grapes grown in just one year (rather than a blend of several years) is fresh in style with zesty lemon aromas and a long finish. Full bodied and smooth. TRADE ENQUIRIES: cloudybay.co.nz

BUBBLES THAT SHINE Te Hana Reserve Cuvée NV RRP $20-$22 Te Hana is Maori for ‘to shine’; something this elegant, super fresh sparkling wine does naturally, thanks to New Zealand’s cool climate delivering crisp acidity in the grapes which went into making this full bodied but fantastically affordable sparkling wine. It’s a stunner, consistently over delivering at this price. TRADE ENQUIRIES: lionco.com

FAMILY AFFAIR No 1 Family Estate Cuvée Remy 2007

RRP $39.95

CHAMPAGNE CHARLIE Deep golden colour, complex layers of flavours which move from fresh and fruit driven to full bodied, nutty, yeasty flavours. This is a big wine in flavour and body – which is a direct expression of its key ingredient of 80% Pinot Noir. It will be a winner with roast chicken, turkey or game of your choice this Christmas Day. Drink now or soon. TRADE ENQUIRIES: no1familyestate.co.nz

TOHU BLANC DE BLANC 2011 Tohu Rewa Methode Traditionelle Blanc de Blanc RRP $29-$30 Tohu means sign or signature and stands for New Zealand’s first Maori-branded wine company, based in Marlborough – which is where the grapes in this outstanding Chardonnay bubbly come from. The words blanc de blanc – white of white – are a clue to the crisp elegant finesse that this lovely bright, super fresh and 100% Chardonnay holds. It’s a great price too, sneaking in at an RRP of just under $30. TRADE ENQUIRIES: tohuwines.co.nz 46 DRINKSBIZ DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014

Charles Heidsieck Brut Réserve

The Great Heidsiecks This year’s relaunch of Champagne Charles Heidsieck has raised the profile of this exceptional champagne. It has a new label, a new bottle shape and a more modern design but it’s the old reserve wines in the blends which add the real X-factor to these bubblies. Up to 40% of wine in every bottle of Charles Heidsieck Brut Reserve is a blend of older ones, which were aged for up to 10 years. The extra age in Heidsieck doesn’t make it taste old; just more intense, with aromas of hot gingerbread, lemon zest and freshly baked bread. It’s a mouthwatering brand which consistently over delivers from its non vintage Champagnes right up to its prestige cuvées.

RRP $89

Charles Heidsieck Brut Réserve is one of the best NV (non vintage) Champagnes made today because it’s so characterful and intense, containing 40% of aged wines (which average eight years old), which give its signature intensely nutty and fresh baked bread aromas.

TOP OF THE POPS 1995 Charles Heidsieck Blanc des Millenaires

RRP $360

Top in price and in taste but it has been aged for 15 years prior to release and this wine is made from four grand crus vineyards in the Cote des Blancs (the Chardonnay-only area in the Champagne region) and one premier cru. Its flavours are super intense, lemon zesty and long. Totally delicious. TRADE ENQUIRIES: Hancocks, phone 0800 699 463 or hancocks.co.nz




Move over boutique beers, the hottest cool new drink this summer is cider, as our special cider report shows, writes Editor Joelle Thomson




4 pack, RRP $10.99

South Africa’s Savanna Cider has taken off in New Zealand since it launched here for the first time in 2011. It’s no surprise as a sip of this dry cider reveals super fresh and intense flavours which clearly come from top quality raw materials (in this case, Granny Smith and Golden Delicious apples). There is also a Savanna Light. The first was Savanna Dry, launched in South Africa in 1996 at 6% ABV, which was followed by Savanna Light in 2000 which contains only 3% ABV and therefore also has fewer calories than Savanna Dry. Both taste delicious. They are targeted at the 24 to 36 year olds but no doubt have a huge market in the over 40 age group too, thanks to the refreshing taste and distinct lemony tangy zing on the finish of each. There’s a growing cider market globally which is now taking off at full speed in New Zealand and the growth of Savanna in sales since it arrived here less than two years ago proves this category’s popularity.

comes across in its full body and lingering finish with a super fresh taste explosion of fresh apples with a twist of citrus. If you have yet to decide on a go-to drink around the pool - or to serve to customers who need to channel just that experience –add this divine dry South African cider. It is a great alternative to a beer. TRADE ENQUIRIES: For Savanna and Hunter’s. Marius Fouche, managing director, Distell Group, email: mfouche@distell.co.za or phone +27 21 809 765, mobile: +27 72 621 3850.

ROCK ON Rochdale Cider with Lemon Honey

500ml, RRP $5.99

Rochdale’s lemon honey cider was originally brewed as a one-off cider for the Marchfest event in 2010, but it proved so popular it has been served at the brewery café and bar on tap ever since. Now it has been released in a single serve (a rather generous one at that) size of 500mls. It’s a refreshing style, though distinctly off dry, which is well balanced by the freshness of the tasty lemon finish.


Rochdale Three Berry Cider

Hunter’s Dry 6 pack, RRP $9.99 to $11.99

What a bargain. And what a delicious dry drink this South African is too with its 5.5% ABV and pale gold colour. It’s targeted predominantly to a male audience, as the packaging demonstrates, as does the taste – this is a very dry cider and has been since its launch in 1988. There is an unexpectedly intense concentration in this cider, which

This is a blend of Rochdale Apple Cider with Nelson-grown boysenberries, raspberries and blackcurrants. It contains no added sugar and is also a gluten free and preservative free beverage, containing 4% ABV. TRADE ENQUIRIES: Glengarry Hancocks, phone 0800 699 463 or hancocks.co.nz

Top tasting cider comes in every flavour and style imaginable – from Hawke’s Bay, the South Island and the lush fruit orchards of South Africa. 50 DRINKSBIZ DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014

500ml, RRP $5.99


Zeffer wins best in class

SWEDISH PASSION Rekorderlig Premium Passionfruit Cider

RANGA’S NEWEST Ranga Blackcurrant & Apple Cider 500ml, RRP $6.49

Swedish cider Rekorderlig has launched this new Passionfruit Cider in New Zealand for summer, teaming up with local fashion brand, Ruby, for the launch of the new flavour. This new flavour joins Rekorderlig’s stable of other ciders: Strawberry-Lime, Orange-Ginger, Mango-Raspberry, and Pear. It is 4% ABV.

6 pack, RRP $19.99

Ranga’s tangy new blackcurrant and apple cider has been released just in time for summer and is an off dry style at 4.5% ABV. Its has an intense sweet blackcurrant taste on the finish, which its makers say comes from the inclusion of real blackcurrant. TRADE ENQUIRIES: For St Andrews and Ranga. Federal Merchants & Co, phone (09) 578 1823 or federalmerchants.co.nz

MONTEITH’S MARVEL Monteith’s Orchard Thieves Cider


Isaac’s Feijoa Cider 12 pack, RRP $26.99

500ml, RRP $5.99

Orchard Thieves Cider is the newest addition to the Redwood Cider range and is made with fresh New Zealand apples in two distinctive flavours. They are: Mandarin & Lime and Raspberry & Vanilla. Both ciders are intense, fresh and well balanced, thanks to the sweetness of the fruit and the acidity of citrus which works as a foil. This is particularly noticeable in the mandarin and lime flavoured cider. The pair offer two markedly different tastes to the growing cider market, which will appeal to both the sweet tooth cider drinker and those who prefer their cider to taste bone dry. TRADE ENQUIRIES: For Rekorderlig and Monteith’s. DB Breweries, phone 0800 746 432. db.co.nz

BAY WATCH St Andrews Cider

250ml, 4-pack, RRP $19.99

750ml, RRP $17.99

St Andrews Road has been at the core of Hawke’s Bay’s apple scene for over a century so it’s no surprise to taste the proof in each bottle of this intensely apple tasting cider with its 5.8% ABV and long flavoursome finish.

This tropical flavoured cider was first launched as a seasonal and one time summer beverage in late 2012. It proved so popular that it was re-released again this year, on 1 November 2013, and fans of feijoa and Isaac’s cider will be happy to hear this zesty drink is now a permanent addition to the Isaac’s range. TRADE ENQUIRIES: Lion NZ, phone 0800 107 272, lionco.com

YE OLDE RASCAL Thatchers Old Rascal

500ml, RRP $7.95

This Somerset medium dry cider was aged in oak vats to mature and slowly add smoothness through the slow, gentle oxidation process that wood maturation allows. This carefully controlled ageing accentuates the depth of flavour in this classic West Country drink while retaining its fresh apple bite. It cruises in at a gentle 4.5% ABV. TRADE ENQUIRIES: email: admin@piccadilly. co.nz, phone (04) 974 6454.

The Australian Cider Awards were the place to be for Zeffer’s chief cider maker and founder Sam Whitmore in October this year when his Dry Apple Cider won Best in Class in the dry cider category. The awards attracted over 160 entries from cider and perry makers from around the world. Judges included US cider expert Gary Awdey and Australians Max Allen and Neal Cameron. “The judges saw a marked step change in quality this year with Australian and New Zealand cider producers taking some top awards in a competition previously dominated by international entrants - the future looks very bright for the cider industry in Australia and New Zealand” said Cameron. The Best in Class win was a welcome surprise to Whitmore. A winemaker by trade, he started experimenting with cider in 2009. So it’s less than four years ago that he founded Zeffer with his partner, Hannah Bower. The pair initially sold their cider at the Matakana Farmers’ Markets. “It was a real learning curve because while cider making is similar to wine making, it has its nuances and it was trial and error as we figured these out,” says Whitmore, who started making 3,000 litre batches in a relatively dry style, using fresh, New Zealand grown fruit.” He is now producing more than 200,000 litres of cider and exporting his dry apple and pear ciders to Australia and to the United States. “As a growing number of drinkers in Australia and New Zealand embrace cider as an alternative to wine and beer, it is important for Cider Australia to recognise the best of the best,’’ says Cider Australia president James Kendell. Zeffer Dry Apple also recently won a silver award at the New Zealand Brewers’ Guild Association Awards. TRADE ENQUIRIES: zeffer.co.nz




Stock these new brews for sunny days – and evenings in the warm months ahead

HENS DO FLY Old Crafty Hen

500ml, RRP $6.99

Fans of real ale need no introduction to the famous brand, Old Speckled Hen, and this brew comes from the same company. It was brewed with a blend of the famous old 5X and comes in at a relatively hefty 6.5% ABV, which sits well with the full bodied style, malty taste and intense dried fruit aroma, which lingers on the finish. It’s available in 500ml bottles and also as a scarce cask version. Golden Hen

500ml, RRP $6.99

Golden Hen was brewed by the same people who make the famous Old Speckled but this is an altogether more summery style, thanks to its light golden hue and medium body. This is made from pale malts, with the inclusion of the relatively rare galaxy hop, which gives it a light golden colour and fruit aromas. TRADE ENQUIRIES: Federal Merchants & Co, phone (09) 578 1823, federalmerchants.co.nz




Theakston Old Peculier 500ml, RRP $6.99

DB Export Citrus

Old Peculier is Theakston’s most famous beer and one of the brewery’s oldest, having been brewed under this name since the 1890s. In 2000, it won the silver medal in the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA’s) Champion Winter Beer of Britain competition; an acknowledgement of its full bodied, intense but smooth taste. The name comes from the Peculier of Masham – a peculiar was a fridge parish, so to speak; one of which was outside of the jurisdiction of a diocese. This beer is 5.6% ABV.

Flavoured beer is growing in popularity worldwide, which led DB brewers to create the new Export Citrus for New Zealand beer drinkers. It promises to be one of the most refreshing beers on the market this summer, thanks to its infusion of natural lemon juice and the relatively low 2% ABV. Export Citrus contains no additives or preservatives either. “DB Export Citrus is a natural lower alcohol content beer which doesn’t compromise on taste with its flavour being both refreshing and balanced at the same time,” says DB Export marketing manager Julia Imlah. Export Citrus is available in a 6 pack, 12 pack and 24 pack. TRADE ENQUIRIES: DB Breweries, phone 0800 746 432, db.co.nz

HOPPING GOOD Badger Hopping Hare 500ml, RRP $6.99 Little wonder this is hopping with flavour; it was triple hopped for full body but retains its freshness, thanks to the classic English ale style – a touch of pronounced bitterness, which acts as a foil to the huge flavoursome style; just like good acidity does in great white wines. The result is a stunning ale which tastes great with lightly spiced foods, such as Thai flavours and also with classic roast lamb. The alcohol is a relatively modest 4.4% ABV. TRADE ENQUIRIES: email: admin@piccadilly. co.nz, phone (04) 974 6454.

12 pack, RRP $19.99

NEW LOCAL BREW Willie’s Pale Ale

12 packs, RRP $21.99

This summer Lion is launching a limited release beer specifically targeted to the Waikato region. It’s called Willie’s Pale Ale and is a lightly hopped beer made from five types of malt. It is available this summer only and was made in homage to Waikato Draught.


PRAISE BE Stoke Recognition Cirrus Wheat

500ml RRP $5.99

This fresh new brew is made from Palaeo water, wheat malt, New Zealand hops and ale yeast, which combine to create a beer which is both pale and light in body, but with an intense aroma, thanks to its strong wheat flavours. Cirrus Wheat beer is part of Stoke’s new Recognition Range, this one is in honour of the late John Whiti – “a true Maori from Horowhenua” – who once ran the social club at McCashin’s Brewery. Stoke Recognition Double Pale Ale



Stella Artois

Coconut & Vanilla Pilsner

750ml, RRP $7.99

This new limited release Stella has been just bottled in time for Christmas and tailored to beer lovers as a gift – as well as to the trade. Stella was first brewed as a holiday gift in Belgium over 600 years ago, so this new Stella limited edition recalls its origins all those years ago.

TURNING THE TIDE Mac’s Spring Tide

12 pack, RRP $26.99

This light, fruity lager from Mac’s has one third fewer carbohydrates than many full strength New Zealand lagers. It’s made with lightness in mind; both in alcohol and body. The taste is not sacrificed, making this refreshing lager a lovely beer to drink with seafood this summer.

500ml, RRP $5.99

This zesty golden coloured Pilsner was originally created and brewed for Nelson’s Marchfest in 2013 by Ondrej Vojta; Stoke’s resident Czechoslovakian brewer. It has strong toasted vanilla and coconut aromas, which lead into a full bodied tropical taste – it has proven to be so popular on tap that the brewery decided to bottle a limited release for summer. Also available in a 6 pack, 500ml.

500ml RRP $5.99

It’s golden coloured, malty in taste and has bold hop aromas; which is how the Nelson brewer, Jim Pollitt, likes it. He was the head brewer for Carlsberg prior to working for McCashin’s as brewer. He is now retired but he still puts in a regular appearance at the McCashin brewery, popping in to give advice (and enjoy a coffee with McCashin staff). Stoke Recognition Rich Porter

500ml RRP $5.99

As its name implies, this porter really is rich in aroma and flavour, with both sweet and dry savoury tastes coming to the fore. It was made in recognition of Bill Peck, who joined Rochdale Cider as a factory hand in the early 1950s and was renowned for working one of the longest days of any staff member there. TRADE ENQUIRIES: Hancocks, phone 0800 699 463, hancocks.co.nz


6 pack, RRP $14.99

Zesty in flavour, pale in colour and brewed in Mexico, Corona is one of the best selling beers in the world. Not only because of its perfect partnership with a wedge of fresh lime or – failing that – lemon, but also because it’s so versatile. Here’s a beer that matches seafood magically with its dry grass, light toasty aromas of summer and that slice of citrus. This fruity addition in the neck of a bottle of Corona adds to its appeal – no glasses needed for this one – as well as to its taste. TRADE ENQUIRIES: Lion NZ, phone 0800 107 272, lionco.com DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014 DRINKSBIZ 53


SUMMER SAMPLER FROM STOKE New Zealand craft beer brands, Stoke and Hancock & Co have teamed up to release a limited edition Summer Sampler Craft Beer Mixed pack, including a pilsner and a lager as well as Hancock & Co’s increasingly popular Colonial Wheat and Cardinal Red Ale. The sampler also includes a recipe card in the pack, which encourages not only the idea of matching beer with food, but also how to incorporate beer into the dishes themselves. The recipes include a lager battered fish, red ale marinated steak, wheat ale infused mussels and a pilsner roast chicken.

BEER OF THE PEOPLE Stoke Bomber Bohemian Ale RRP $8.99 Nelson based McCashin’s Brewery has added another winning rosette to their Stoke Bomber Bohemian Ale, which won the People’s Choice Award for the Best Beer in New Zealand at the 2013 annual Beer and Brewer Magazine Awards. The awards were started in 2009 to recognise excellence and popularity for the best beer, brewers, venues and campaigns in Australia and New Zealand. The Beer & Brewer People’s Choice awards are decided entirely by the public and readers of Beer & Brewer; this year over 300,000 votes were cast online over a three month period in both New Zealand and Australia. “The People’s Choice is the most popular beer amongst our readers. It is an excellent indication for any brewery that they are in tune with what people enjoy drinking, and furthermore making a beer that is preferred above others in a competitive category,” says Beer & Brewer Magazine’s David Lipman. The Bohemian Ale also won a gold medal at the Asian Beer Awards 2013; bronze at the Australian International Beer awards 2013; and silver at the Australian International Beer awards 2012. TRADE ENQUIRIES: Hancocks, phone 0800 699 463, hancocks.co.nz 54 DRINKSBIZ DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014

And the winner is… Stella 2013 draught master SAM CUNNINGHAM from Blankenberge Belgian Beer Café in Auckland was crowned the official 2013 Stella Artois Draught Master for New Zealand. The awards ceremony was held at The Occidental Bar in Auckland (the first official Belgian Beer Café in the Southern Hemisphere) and saw 16 Stella Artois specialists from all over the country compete this year. Each contestant was judged on their passion, enthusiasm and skills on the 9-Step Pour; a technique that is said to perfect the pouring – and therefore the enjoyment - of Stella Artois. Cunningham will represent New Zealand at the Stella Artois World Draught Masters in Cannes, France in 2014. “Since the competition began some 16 years ago, Kiwis have won the world title three times – I’d love to be the fourth to bring it home,” says Sam Cunningham. “The Stella Artois Draught Masters is a celebration of pouring perfection and this competition helps provide our discerning fans a superior beer experience,” says Stella brand manager Peter Dick. “If successful in France, Sam could have an amazing opportunity ahead of him, going on to become an international brand ambassador for Stella Artois around the world.”

CLAUSTHALER GOES GOLD CLAUSTHALER HAS again rated the world’s top alcohol-free beers at the World Beer Awards. In the past 30 years Clausthaler has won many prestigious national and international awards and now it is officially the best alcohol free lager in the world, says Johannes Fürst, international marketing manager for Clausthaler. “Receiving gold at the World Beer Awards this year is fantastic confirmation for our beer among alcohol-free beers,” says Fürst. For a beer to win at this competition, it must first beat competitors on its home continent. In the second round it must compete against winners from the other continents in the competition. If it is successful in that round, the international selection committee of journalists and brewers will then judge round three and select the winners in each category. Clausthaler Classic won the alcohol free lager category at this year’s World Beer Awards.

Heineken hits new high HEINEKEN’S 16 year sponsorship of the Heineken Open will hit a new high this year with the opening of the Heineken Open Rooftop Apartment. Two lucky friends will score the best seats in the house for the duration of the Heineken Open 2014 in their own custom built pop up rooftop apartment. The apartment has its own private balcony and overlooks the centre court and Auckland’s cityscape. The apartment includes Panasonic electronics, furniture by Nood, a 24 hour private concierge, catering by The Sky City Restaurant Group and a well-stocked Heineken fridge. The lucky winners will also have access to Next Generation Club gym, pool, spa and sauna plus tickets to the official Heineken Open Baseline After Party.

“This summer we want Kiwis everywhere to get involved in the excitement of the Heineken Open and the fantastic calendar of entertainment on offer thanks to Heineken Open Play,” says Jen Macindoe, Heineken marketing manager. “We’re creating a festival of tennis in the same league as other major tennis tournaments around the world.” heineken.com/openplay

ENTER HEINEKEN’S ROOFTOP PAD To win the Heineken Open Rooftop Apartment, entrants can visit heineken.com/ openplay or text ‘tennis’ and their email to 5333.


ALL NEW ABSOLUT BLUE… ABSOLUT ORIGINALITY was launched in November 2013 at retailers nationwide, just in time for Christmas but only while stocks last. This is a limited edition. There were 4 million individually created blue glass bottles made, of which 5,200 were available in New Zealand. The makers of Absolut have always experimented with new techniques. Releasing a drop of cobalt blue into the glass only takes a millisecond. It’s added just as the molten glass goes into the mould at 1100°C. At that temperature, the cobalt is invisible, but as the glass cools, a beautiful and unique blue infusion appears inside the glass of each bottle. “The streak of cobalt forms a sophisticated contrast to the crystal clear glass, and the blue colour makes each bottle unmistakably Absolut. This classy remake celebrates the original thinking that has always been the Absolut creed and pays tribute to the world’s most iconic vodka,” says Kathryn Love, Absolut marketing manager for New Zealand. Absolut Originality is available while stocks last, RRP $55.99.

FEDERAL’S NEW MEZCAL AGENCY FEDERAL MERCHANTS & CO has taken over the distribution of Dos Gusanos Mezcal – which is made from the native Mexican agave plant; like tequila, only different. The name mezcal comes from the word mexcalli and means oven cooked, the process by which the heart of the agave is baked to convert its natural starch into sugar, which is then able to be fermented into alcohol. Mezcal is different to tequila. It’s the oldest distilled spirit in North America and can be 56 DRINKSBIZ DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014

made from up to 28 different varieties of agave which, it’s worth noting, is a member of the lily family – not a type of cactus. Today mezcal can be legally produced in seven different Mexican states and it tends to have a smokier taste than tequila. By law, it must contain at least 80% agave so that it is a relatively pure drink. Gusanos Mezcal comes with two worms in each bottle, which are considered a delicacy in Oaxaca; the predominant Mexican state in which mescal is made.

GIVEAWAYS! Drinksbiz and Federal Merchants & Co have two great Christmas giveaways which you could win by telling us which is the predominant Mexican state in which mezcal is made. Two winners will be drawn from the correct entries and they will each receive one of the following products. Tullamore Dew Irish Whiskey 700ml with a gift glass RRP $49.99 Hendricks Gin 700ml Tea Cup Set

RRP $104.99

Send your entries to info@drinksbiz.co.nz


INDEPENDENT LEGEND William Cadenhead and Company is the oldest independent bottler still in operation, writes Michael F Fraser-Milne, who is a fan of the wee drams made there NEGOCIANT OR independent bottlers of Scotch whisky were at one time about the only source of single malt whisky of any variety available and William Cadenhead and Company is the oldest still in continuous operation. Founded in Aberdeen in 1842, it began as an Italian merchant, which was once considered very exotic, providing groceries of a continental persuasion, such as teas and coffee, wine and of course whisky. The whisky would have been delivered in casks and the butler or bottler would bring his or her own bespoke bottles along to be filled. Some merchants discovered they had a natural bent towards the art of blending and choosing fine whiskies. William Cadenhead of Aberdeen was one of these. The company became by the 1950s exclusive rum and whisky merchants trading casks for customers and acting as brokers while at the same time bottling fine whiskies from Scotland; both blends and single malts, such as Putachieside (still available and named after the area in Aberdeen where they were based). In 1972 the business along with all stocks were purchased by J & A Mitchell; owners of Springbank and Glengyle Distillers in Campbeltown. Now all the bottling and selections processes for their famous line up is done there most ably by Grant 58 DRINKSBIZ DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014

spice (cinnamon) and custard cream, and MacPherson and Mark Watt. The famous again a superb finish. Eaglsomes shop is now the Cadenhead Companies such as William Cadenhead shop in Campbeltown with outstanding are not only an icon to whisky lovers offerings available and this selection has around the world, but also the heroes of now been upgraded to new packaging for Scotch single malts and more interesting the company’s small batch selection and whiskies. Some of the more interesting and the WC; 46% selection which is receiving tempting expressions of fine whiskies are rave reviews. All are bottled on sight in made by independent Campbeltown. We distillers, however, not all met in the back office The Small Batch Dalmore independent bottlers are with Grant and Mairi at 24 years of age was equal. Far from it. To me, on our recent trip there are really only a few and later with Mark an outstanding example worth dealing with and Watt to see what was of a whisky that is not this company is in the top on offer and I was more than impressed often seen at full strength. tier of this group of elite bottlers and has been in with the imprint that Its flavours were of fig, continuous business and Mark is making on orange and chocolate under private individual this brand. ownership for 171 years. The Small Batch and the most amazingly also gives the Dalmore at 24 long finish on this whisky This company substantial years of age was an made it the best... credibility, not to mention outstanding example a great selection of casks. of a whisky that is Their whiskies may be hard to source, but not often seen at full strength. Its flavours they are worth finding. We are chuffed to were of fig, orange and chocolate and the see William Cadenhead with Mark at the most amazingly long finish on this whisky helm and the recent enhancement of their made it the best Dalmore example I have packaging that they are leading their way tried. Following on was a sample from forward for the next 170 plus years. a cask not yet bottled – an 18 year old Michael F Fraser Milne is the owner of Whisky Glenrothes with an abundance of classic Galore in Christchurch. www.whiskygalore.co.nz notes such as honeycomb, limeade, touch of


Sherry Cask connoisseurs



The GlenDronach - Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky Pioneers of sherry cask maturation since 1826 www.glendronachdistillery.co.uk

Nearly 70% of the flavour in whisky is derived from the cask it has been matured in. Wood’s important, which is why we adopt a ‘no compromise’ approach when choosing our world renowned Sherry casks to enrich our whisky.


BACK TO BASICS TAKE TWO This month Kenny Ariaens continues his back to the basics series with a focus on bartending tips and tricks of the trade. It is easy to get caught up in the hype of all the latest cocktail trends and forget about the basics. Here are some interesting and extremely useful tips and tricks that he has learnt along the way.


talking about mint. Mint is made up of hundreds of small pockets of oil and when It seems mindless and common sense, you hit or clap the mint leaves these pockets however, this basic tip is far too often burst. You are left with amazing smelling forgotten about. When you hands, but most are serving a cold drink of the flavour has When garnishing with (Martini, Daiquiri and other been lost. Instead, mint leaves, a gentle such classics), especially gently press the mint neat (without ice), it is leaves with a splash clap of the leaves will extremely important to have soda to retain intensify the mint scent of a cold glass. This will help these essential oils of the drink. keep the drink at a colder for a more flavourful temperature for a longer beverage. When period of time. On the flip side, serve a hot garnishing with mint leaves, a gentle clap drink in a warmed glass (hot toddy). Not of the leaves will intensify the mint scent of only does it help retain the temperature, it the drink. also looks professional and shows that you pay attention to detail. DISSOLVING SUGAR There is nothing worse than finishing your drink and gulping down a teaspoon TO CLAP OR NOT TO CLAP of sugar. As you know, sugar is one of We are not talking about getting the the main ingredients in a large array of bartenders attention here; instead we are

cocktails. Sometimes the recipe calls for sugar syrup, yet other times it calls for raw sugar (caster sugar or other variants). Using a splash of soda water and a bar spoon with muddler to press, crush, and dissolve the sugar will do the job and result in a well balanced, enjoyable drink to the last sip.

MEASURE EVERYTHING With cocktails, like baking, in order to get a consistent and desired result you must measure every measurable ingredient. Although it might take a few seconds longer to use a jigger as opposed to freepouring, it is worth it to get a consistent and well balanced drink. Because the flavours and products we use behind the bar are usually very strong, a few millilitres more or less will make a huge difference in the final product. Kenny Ariaens is the Monin Beverage Innovation Manager South East Asia DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014 DRINKSBIZ 61



Negroni 20ml Gin 20ml Sweet vermouth 20ml Campari

• Pour ingredients into a chilled rocks glass.

Manhattan 45ml Rye 15ml Sweet vermouth 2-3 dashes A ngstura bitters Maraschino cherry

• Add ice ball and stir to taste.

• Chill Martini glass with ice.

• Garnish with orange rind by squeezing the oils out of the skin.

• Pour Rye, Vermouth, and bitters into a mixing glass.

Mint is made up of hundreds of small pockets of oil and when you hit or clap the mint leaves these pockets burst. You are left with amazing smelling hands, but most of the flavour has been lost. Instead, gently press the mint leaves with a splash of soda to retain these essential oils for a more flavourful beverage.

• Stir until desired taste is reached. • Strain into chilled martini glass. • Garnish with cherry.

Order of pouring

Mojito 60ml White rum 6-8 Mint leaves 30ml Lime juice 1tsp Caster sugar Perrier water

• Put sugar in glass with splash of soda.

Paloma 45ml Tequila Reposado 30ml Monin pink grapefruit 15ml Lime juice Perrier water

• Rim highball glass with sea salt.

• Muddle until sugar is dissolved.

• Pour tequila, pink grapefruit, and lime juice into glass.

• Add mint and gently press.

• Top glass with ice and stir.

• Add rum and lime juice.

• Top with ice and Perrier soda water.

• Fill glass with ice. • Stir well. • Top with ice. • Add splash of Perrier soda water. • Garnish and serve.


Although seldom discussed, it deserves more recognition. There is no one correct way of building a cocktail or drink, however, there are two scenarios which are widely accepted. i) Cheapest leads; meaning that the least expensive ingredients go first, followed by the enhancers, liqueurs, and spirits. In case you make a mistake, you will not be wasting the expensive products. ii) Spirits First; this scenario suggests that the alcohol is the base and the rest of the ingredients can be adjusted accordingly. Whichever method you use, they both agree that the ice is added last to stop dilution of the beverage. By focusing on these basics you are going to ensure you get a well balanced, consistent, and great tasting drink. Your customers pay good money for their drink so I am sure they wouldn’t mind waiting an extra 30 seconds for their drink if it means you are paying close attention to all the smaller details. At the end of the day, it’s the little things that really matter – Trinity Roots.


Congratulations to the team at Maunganui t M , s r e h t o r B Barrio inner! W 3 1 0 2 y g lo o ix ers of M De Kuyper Mast ng Thang a C a u D : il a t k c Winning Co nam inspired by Viet

h Bartender - Joel Bartos with the winning cocktail

THE DE KUYPER RANGE of liqueurs consists of over 30 flavours and is sold in over 100 countries worldwide. To this day, De Kuyper is still in possession of their own distillery in Schiedam producing high quality liqueurs.


Enjoy Responsibly


Adam Neal (right) with Rene Bros, Director of Marketing at Beam Global NZ

JAMESON JOINS GINGER TREND Irish whiskey Jameson has added new flavours to its ready to drink range in New Zealand JAMESON IRISH Whiskey, one of the world’s fastest growing international whiskey brands, has hailed in a new era of taste by adding Jameson & Ginger Beer to its ready-to-drink range in New Zealand. The Jameson & Ginger Beer joins Jameson & Cloudy Apple and Jameson & Raw Cola. All the new flavour variants have been added to Jameson’s triple distilled Irish whiskey and are packaged as RTDs. “After generating a fantastic response on the taste from consumers following the release of our first two Jameson flavours, diversifying the sophisticated range was a simple decision,” says Kathryn Love, marketing manager for Jameson in New Zealand. “We have remained dedicated to continually delivering products with superior quality and constantly seek innovative ways to keep refreshing the whiskey category,” says Love. Jameson & Ginger Beer is now widely available. RRP $18.99, 4-pack, 333ml, 5% ABV.

About Jameson Jameson Irish Whiskey is the World’s No.1 selling Irish whiskey. Since John Jameson started producing his triple distilled whiskey in 1780, Jameson’s success has been fuelled by a desire to constantly produce whiskies that deliver on quality and taste. Triple distillation delivers exceptional smoothness making the whiskey very approachable and versatile, perfect for mixing with other flavours.


Beaming Adam BEAM GLOBAL has its new king of cocktails – Adam Neal, who was crowned the new Beam Bar Legend for 2013 in October this year. The win saw Neal beat 481 other bartenders in this year’s competition. He works at both Racket and Orleans bars in Auckland. “It’s a surreal moment when you’ve been crowned the best bartender in the country’s biggest bartender competition. I am overwhelmed but bloody stoked. “For the past two days, I’ve been going up against five outstanding bartenders. It’s been said before but I’ll say it again, everyone was legendary,” he said. Beam brand ambassador Calem Chadwick said the judges struggled to narrow the top six to a single winner.

“With an exceptional prize pack at stake, we put a lot of pressure on our judges to help us find the right person for the title. To make sure that happened, we had International Midori Brand Ambassador Manuel Terron, former Australian bartender of the year Jason Williams, 2012 Beam Bar Legend Chase Bickerton and ex-42 Below marketing director Dion Nash come on board to help,” he said. This year’s finalists were tasked with six rounds including a formal interview, blind tasting, aperitivo challenge, a masterclass with Manuel Terron and two cocktail invention challenges at the live final. Neal’s win saw him take home a prize pack of $25,000 as well as the title of Beam Bar Legend 2013.



Stock your bar and restaurant with these top summer rums for cocktails, classic mixers or neat


CAPTAIN’S CHOICE 1 litre, RRP $38.99

It’s barely arguable that Bacardi is the best known white rum on the planet, but it’s also one of the oldest. The brand was founded in Cuba in 1862 by Don Facundo Bacardi, who once described his spirit as the drink which “doesn’t dominate, and doesn’t disappear when combined with other flavours.” Its signature aromas are vanilla, banana and subtle tropical fruit flavours. Bacardi is also available in 500ml, 200ml and 50ml.

THE BACARDI CLASSIC… CUBA LIBRE 45ml (2 parts) Bacardi Superior Rum 90ml (4 parts) Cola 2 Lime wedges

Method • Fill a highball glass with cubed ice • Squeeze and drop in fresh lime wedges into the glass • Pour in 45ml of Bacardi Superior Rum • Top with 90ml of chilled cola.


Captain Morgan Original,

Coruba Gold

700ml RRP $39.99

1 litre, RRP $44.99

1 litre, RRP $40.99

American white oak gives Captain Morgan Original Rum its distinctive caramel aroma, which is accentuated by charred barrels and a triple distillation before bottling. This is good quality rum; made with every day drinking in mind.

Cocoa, caramel and a certain golden syruplike taste (that’s the raw ingredient; the molasses) are the hallmark flavours of the always popular Coruba Gold. Add a dash to an espresso and top with freshly whipped cream for coffee with a kick.



Captain Morgan Spiced,

Appleton Estate VX

700ml RRP $43.99

1 litre, RRP $54.99

1 litre, RRP $40.99

This rum is made to an old family recipe, the ingredients for which are not being divulged by the makers of Captain Morgan Spiced Rum. Suffice to say that the recipe came from two Jamaican pharmacists, originally from Kingston. The taste is in the bottle; every sip of which lives up to its spicy name – aromatically rather than hot spice, that is.

Appleton Estate is known all around the world but its home is in one small place; the Nassau Valley in Jamaica. This lush fertile valley is home to the water that goes into this top shelf molasses-based spirit. It’s also made with environmentally friendly practices in mind, most notably the company’s move to green cane harvesting in 2011; a process which ensures no burning is involved in the sugar cane fields prior to harvesting.

OLD IS THE NEW ‘NEW’ Appleton Estate Reserve 8 Year Old

The art and hard graft of rum Rum production begins with the sugar cane, which is planted, grown and then harvested before the cane stalks are placed in a press to yield their natural syrup. The syrup is then boiled multiple times to purify it, with the crystallised sugar then extracted to gain the sweet, sticky residue – molasses. This is the basis of a vast number of rums. It is diluted with water and then injected with yeast. On its own, molasses is too syrupy and sweet for yeast to survive in. The diluted liquid is referred to as the mash and it undergoes fermentation to convert the sugar to alcohol; into a type of beer, which is later heated in stills to make the rum spirit. The makers of El Dorado rum estimate 10kg of sugar cane is used to produce 1 litre of rum.


700ml RRP $57.99

With age comes beauty in spirits with strict minimum ageing rules, such as Appleton Estate, which sticks like glue to its label ageing statements – which are governed by Scottish-English law. This means the older rums, such as this 8 year old, have a mellow, rounded and full bodied appeal – as well as distinctly more complex aromas from the time the rum has spent in barrel. This is an affordable entry to what great top shelf rum is all about. TRADE ENQUIRIES: For Bacardi, Captain Morgan, Coruba and Appleton Estate. Lion NZ, phone 0800 10 72 72, lionco.com


HAPPY DAYS Mount Gay Eclipse

1 litre, RRP $54.99

Eclipse is the reference for character, body and aroma by which Master Blender Allen Smith uses to blend every variety of Mount Gay Rum. For many rum aficionados Eclipse is also the reference by which all rum should be measured. Eclipse has a brilliant golden amber colour and a luxuriously complex aroma

MIGUEL SMITH visited New Zealand in October 2013 to launch Mount Gay’s newest rum, Black Barrel. Smith is the Mount Gay brand ambassador for Europe, Asia and the Pacific; a role which sees him travelling and training cocktail makers all over the world – something he is well qualified to do from his previous life as a mixologist. He was born and bred in Barbados; the world’s rum capital. “My role is to help build the Mount Gay brand, introduce our portfolio of aged rums, between Eclipse, Silver, XO and 1703, present our latest expression, Black Barrel, to maximise our distribution - especially in restaurants and bars.” Black Barrel, which launches in New Zealand in December 2013, is made from double pot and single column distillates; which are aged separately in toasted oak whiskey barrels before being blended when mature.

NEW MOUNT GAY Black Barrel

1 litre, RRP $64.99

The latest from Master Blender Allen Smith, Black Barrel is a small batch, handcrafted blend made of matured double pot distillates and aged column distillates. In a process called finishing, the blended rum is then matured for a second time in deeply charred bourbon oak barrels. This unique process releases spicy aromas that are balanced, and bold. TRADE ENQUIRIES: Hancocks, phone (0800) 699 463, hancocks.co.nz

SEVEN LUCKY YEARS Havana Club Añejo 7 Años

700ml, RRP $64.99

MOJITO MAGIC Havana Club Añejo 3 Años

700ml, RRP $41.99

If you’re looking for the perfect base ingredient to a stunning mojito, here it is; a white rum with a minimum ageing of three years in white oak, with the result being a complex spirit showing why it’s a rum of choice in iconic Cuban bars, such as La Bodeguita del Medio.

It’s pale walnut in colour but its flavours are intense with caramel and dark chocolate aromas in this rich and tasty Cuban rum. Each whiff and sip confirm its quality as a beautiful expression of an aged rum and at 7 years minimum ageing, this really is outstanding value for money too – satisfying on its own (with a piece of great dark chocolate, possibly) and also as a top ingredient to add complexity to cocktails. TRADE ENQUIRIES: Pernod Ricard NZ, phone 0800 503 000, pernod-ricard-nz.com

The English Navy adopted a decree in 1687 that entitled every sailor to half a litre of rum per day.



SAILING AWAY Sailor Jerry Rum


Angostura 1919


El Dorado Special Reserve 15 Year Old

The practice of infusing rum with spices began to soften the harshness of the spirit but it has evolved to accentuate the smoothness. Sailor Jerry Rum is no exception. Cinnamon and the distillery’s own one-of-a-kind special mixture of spices (for which, read: a secret recipe) both lift the aromas in this dry, appealing vanilla tasting rum.

This rum takes its name from the charred oak barrels in which it was first aged – they had been filled in 1919. Its name – and charry, toasty, rich caramel style – live on as a tribute to that time, thanks to master rum blender J B Fernandes, who first made Angostura 1919. TRADE ENQUIRIES: For Sailor Jerry and Angostura. Federal Merchants & Co, phone (09) 578 1823 or federalmerchants.co.nz

TASTE Angostura 7 Year Old Rum RRP$56.99

THREE YEAR BEAUTY El Dorado 3 Year Old

The toffee and caramel tastes in this aged rum come from the bourbon casks in which it is aged for seven years, adding smoothness and a few spicy bells and mellow flavours as well. This is a good mixer or stand alone old fashioned rum to enjoy; on ice – or not.

You name it, this three year old rum has it: fresh citrus aromas of lemon and mandarin; oak influence of vanilla, chocolate and dried nuts and a fruity finish. It ends slowly, lingering with intermingling of these flavours which combine in a complex and dry rum.

Angostura Crowns Oceania Cocktail Champion Auckland bartender James Goggin took the Oceania crown at this year’s Angostura’s Oceania Finals, which saw 11 finalists compete by creating two cocktails each – which were judged on appearance, aroma and taste. Goggin will now compete in the Global Final in Trinidad during the world famous carnival in March 2014. He will face winners from North America, South America, Caribbean, Asia, Africa, Trinidad & Tobago, Australia and India. The winner receives a cash prize of US$10,000 and a year’s contract as the global Angostura brand ambassador. Photos by Luke Calder


RRP $49.99

RRP $100

Winner of the best rum for the past two consecutive years at the International Wine & Spirit Competition. Big but elegant. These two words describe the rich coffee, toffee, chocolate and coconut tastes in this winning rum. It’s a full bodied style, made in the world’s only operational wooden stills.
The wooden continuous Coffey still from the Enmore Estate and the wooden single pot still from the Versailles Estate as well as the wood- en double pot still from the Port Mourant Estate are now all located at the Demerara Distillery at Diamond and are attributed with the distinctive style of El Dorado’s Special Reserve 115 Year Old rum. TRADE ENQUIRIES: Tickety-Boo Liquor Limited, phone (09) 377 7597, mobile (029) 6387975 or email:kevin@tickety-boo.co.nz

Distributed by Federal Merchants & Co | E: info@federalmerchants.co.nz | federalmerchants.co.nz


A LOVE AFFAIR WITH WHISKY Cantabrian and independent professional director Bruce Irvine shares his favourite drinks; all hailing from his Scots heritage “I buy most of my whiskies from Michael Fraser-Milne because he’s got such a great selection and remembers exactly what I like and want. He has a great business.”

What was the first whisky that turned your head? I have Scots heritage through and through and I tried to follow other aspects of Scottish culture but the thing they’ve been most successful at on a consistent basis is whisky. I started drinking Islay malts, the really smoky ones. My old perennial favourite is still Islay but I have now broadened my horizons.

Does bourbon feature in your whisky glass?

If you really want to push the boat out, which whiskies take your fancy?

I’ve got enough challenges with single malts. We sometimes do a degustation dinner at home and match different malts to each dish to show how different each style of whisky really can be. I get a lot of the single cask bottlings through the merchants and one of my favourites is Caol Ila; an Islay malt.

What’s your favourite comfy slipper whisky experience these days?

How much does the idea of making your own whisky appeal?

“You get some of these double matured whiskies which have spent time in Ximenez barrels and they’re so dark and spicy and they feel like nectar going down your throat.”

It doesn’t. I love buying whisky and I particularly like the single cask bottlings from a hog’s head or a butt because it’s a once only and there’s enough of these once onlys to keep me going. It’s completely different to the blends, which are all about constant flavour, which is great but in a different style.

Cardhu; a Highland Single Malt. It was hard to get at one stage but I tracked it down as the key ingredient in a famous whisky and also at a duty free in Spain, so I was able to buy it when supplies globally were short. Now the production has increased sufficiently so you can buy it widely again. How do you store your whisky? I maintain about 75 bottles at any one time in my wine cellar but I store whisky standing up because you don’t want it touching the cork. Where would you recommend a beginner to whisky should start? A lighter than usual Highland malt. If you take Glenmorangie then it’s quite an easy drink. It’s slightly sweeter and a little less imposing than some. Go for a lighter Highland malt or a lighter Speyside one. What is your favourite vessel for consuming whisky from? I drink all my whisky in a brandy flask because it concentrates the nose. I only ever drink whisky with a single drop of water because it releases flavour without diluting it.



Adam Neal

of racket & orleans

- welcome to the hall of legends -

Adam Neal is our Beam Bar Legend 2013 winner


Eat Drink and Be Crafty

Book your own stall to display your drinks or food or simply attend and taste test the best of the Wellington region and those who come from further afield to this one day food, drink (and craft) extravaganza at the evocatively named Battle Hill, Wellington. 10am to 4pm. Battle Hill, Pauatahanui, Wellington. eatdrinkcrafty.co.nz


Central Otago Pinot Noir Celebration 2014

The 10th anniversary of this celebration is destined to be one of the most important yet for Central Otago Pinot Noir – with the greatly respected Burgundian, Aubert de Villaine, co-owner of Domaine de la Romanee-Conti (DRC), attending. DRC is code for the most highly sought after Pinot Noir in the world. Everyone can attend this outstanding celebration, days of tastings and enjoying great Pinot Noir (and Riesling) from the world’s most southern wine region. Registrations are open now. pinotcelebration.co.nz


Classic Hits Winery Tour… The Exponents, Stan Walker and Breaks Co-Op at Waipara Hills, February 2014. Waipara Hills winery hosts the annual Classic Hits Winery Tour on the 22 February 2014 with the four founding members of The Exponents, including front man Jordan Luck. Stan Walker and Breaks Co-Op also feature at the concert in North Canterbury. Fine out more at: waiparahills.co.nz or winerytour.co.nz or ticketmaster.co.nz (0800 111 999).


Beer Festival NZ

Distributed by Federal Merchants & Co. | P: 0800 846 824 E: info@federalmerchants.co.nz | W: federalmerchants.co.nz

Dress up, show up and brush up on your knowledge of the best beer, food and music to serve at your bar, café or restaurant by attending this festival in downtown Auckland. Sign up now and you could win a free entry to this one day taste festival. 12.30 to 9pm. Public transport is available. The Cloud, Auckland. Tickets are now on sale at beerfestival.co.nz

More than just green C








The Classic hits Winery Tour will feature at left The Exponents and below Stan Walker as well as Breaks Co-op.

2014 Food Shows

The Food Show begins its annual tour in Christchurch in 2014 with food and drinks, suppliers and appliances all on display for tasting, trying and learning about. 10am to 6pm Friday and Saturday; 10am to 5pm Sunday

CHRISTCHURCH Friday 4 to Sunday 6 April 2014 CBS Canterbury Arena

WELLINGTON Friday 9 to Sunday 11 May 2014 Westpac Stadium

AUCKLAND Thursday 31 July to Sunday 3 August 2014 ASB Showgrounds Learn more about the three shows at foodshow.co.nz

Meet the rest of the family Available in a range of sizes from 1 litre to 30 mls.


Fine Food New Zealand

The biennial Fine Food New Zealand is regarded as the leading trade exhibition for food, hospitality and retailers in the food industry. If you’re in the hospitality industry, this is a mustattend. Auckland. finefoodnz.co.nz


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HOT PINK The new Allan Scott Marlborough Pinot Noir Rosé 2013 is light and fresh, thanks to Marlborough’s hot nights and cool days, which enable wine to retain its zingy acidity. “It is a wine that signals the arrival of spring and summer and is a delightful addition to a table set with summer fare. Our relaxed entertaining style during the warmer months is why New Zealand’s love affair with the simple flair of Rosé-style wines continues to flourish, in step with the same trend in Europe,” says winemaker Allan Scott, winemaker and founder of Allan Scott Wines. allanscott.com



The new Just Juice Tropical captures all the classic tropical flavours of pineapple and mango with a 250ml glass containing 100% of the recommended daily Vitamin C requirements, say the makers of Just Juice. Just Juice also has fresh, modern packaging, with newly-designed 2.8L and 2.4L bottles replacing the current 3L and 2.4L bottles. The new bottle is easy to pour – especially the first glass – and easier to fit in your fridge door. Just Juice Tropical, RRP: 2.8L $5.99; 1L; $2.99 and in 350ml bottles. facebook.com/justjuiceNZ.

The makers of Electrolux and 3M filters have created a new water filter jug in two sizes. The Electrolux AquaSense has a filter to remove lead, mercury, chlorine, pesticides, plastic residues and lime scale build up. Available in Love Red, Ice White, Aqua Blue and Ebony Black colours, the new jug is widely available. Electrolux AquaSense jugs are widely available in two sizes; RRP $49.95 and RRP $59.95.



Dom Pérignon is renowned for its daring style and commitment to making a prestige champagne entirely from Chardonnay grapes grown only in the best vintages in France’s Champagne region. This year, the makers of Dom Pérignon have collaborated with Jeff Koons in a festive package. 2004 Dom Pérignon and Jeff Koons RRP $219.90.

Ardbeg Ten Years Old is revered around the world as one of the peatiest, smokiest, most complex single malt whiskies on the market. Its peaty aromas are balanced with the natural sweetness of the malt to produce a whisky of excellent stature. This festive gift pack comes with the new Ardbeg green glass so that you can sip this top single malt – and serve it – in style. Ardbeg Ten Years Old Glass Pack – RRP $95.00.



MOET & CHANDON DIAMOND RRP $59.99 The iconic Moët & Chandon Impérial has been dressed up in a gorgeous gold Diamond Suit that is not only beautiful but keeps your Champagne chilled as well.



TWINING ASSAM BOLD The best description of Twinings’ new Assam Bold tea might be not for the faint hearted, but this strong cuppa – aimed at the 35% of New Zealanders who are on the search for a stronger cup of tea – has plenty of subtlety too. Its deep amber hue, rich flavours and firm tannins mean it works especially well with a splash of milk, says Stephen Twining, global ambassador for Twinings of London. Twining is a 10th generation Twinings family member. Twinings Assam Bold, 24-pack RRP $3.65.

NEW FRESH UP APPLE & PINEAPPLE Fresh Up’s newest flavour addition is Apple & Pineapple and it contains 18% fruit juice. “Fresh Up Apple & Pineapple fruit juice drink is the ultimate way to obliterate your thirst. Whether you’re hitting the gym, the pavement or the wilderness, it’s sure to provide thirstquenching deliciousness,” says Fresh Up spokesperson, Brooke Bayliss-Browne. New Fresh Up fruit juice drinks start at 355ml, RRP $2.50; 500ml, RRP $3; 1L bottle, RRP $2.59 and 3L, RRP $4.99.

MOËT ICE IMPÉRIAL Moët & Chandon has launched its new seasonal Moët Ice Impérial in restaurants this summer at Harbourside and Soul Bar & Bistro at the Auckland Viaduct. “We created Moët Ice Impérial to offer a refreshing new champagne experience while remaining true to Moët & Chandon’s centuries of celebrated winemaking style,” says Benoît Gouez, Chef de Cave of Moët & Chandon. Download the Moët & Chandon Ice Impérial app and upload your photo on Instagram with #moeticeimperialnz until 1 February 2014.

FESTIVE FIZZ Allan Scott Cecilia Brut NV has been launched in time for Christmas and the festive season. The bubbly is a bottle fermented blend of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes. “Cecilia is a blend of fruit from three different vineyards, with each vineyard prepared meticulously to ensure flavoursome crops that express themselves individually in a blended wine,” says winemaker Allan Scott. allanscott.com

HANGOVER CURE Nobody benefits from a hangover. Families, individuals and business all suffer when someone is nursing one of these dreaded, but all too common conditions. Raisey’s Original are an established New Zealand owned sports and lifestyle nutrition brand, whose owners are looking to tackle this problem. They want to help get people on their feet and back with their families again with a new product that is soon to be launched on the local market. “People tell us our existing Hydrate range of products works well for hangover relief, so we are focusing on that aspect specifically, blending traditional remedial ingredients with a dash of science. The results so far have been fantastic,” says owner Kane Raisey. “We have isolated the separate steps in the body’s chain reaction in dealing with alcohol and are looking to minimize these individual symptoms.” Watch this space for updates. Email info@raiseys.co.nz for more information or go to raiseys.co.nz



TEA TOTAL Restaurants and cafés are embracing tea as quickly as the makers of this age old beverage are expanding their repertoire of flavours, Stephen Twining tells Drinksbiz

What are the biggest challenges for you in tea right now?

increasingly happening, but there is always room for improvement.

Recruiting new drinkers and getting existing drinkers to try different blends.

How do you discover new ways to innovate in creating accessibly priced but still good quality teas?

What would you like to see happen in restaurants and cafés with tea? I would like to see a great choice of teas and infusions in cafés and restaurants, but also have them served in stylish tea pots. It is also important that good quality water is used to make tea properly. This is

Education about tea is vital. Making a good cup or pot does require the attention to detail that you would expect in all other aspects of running a good restaurant or café. 76 DRINKSBIZ DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014

else. Being born a Twining helped me get a head start in knowledge, by listening to my father, and I decided very early that this is what I wanted to do. What is your all time favourite food and drink combination?

Our master blenders, who have a huge network of contacts throughout the tea world, are always on the lookout for great new teas. The art of blending is taking several good teas, and making them in to a new great tea, by blending them together.

A stand out on my trip to New Zealand this year was a combination of Tio Point Oysters from Marlborough with Wrights Reserve Chardonnay at Depot Eatery.

How important is education in tea?

If you could swap places with anyone in the world for just one day, who would it be?

Education about tea is vital. Making a good cup or pot does require the attention to detail that you would expect in all other aspects of running a good restaurant or café. How did you get into the tea business? I have always wanted to be doing what I am doing, and cannot imagine doing anything

It sounds a little odd but I would like to swap with a master tea taster, which takes 20-plus years’ tasting experience to earn the title. I would love to experience the delicate nuances of the teas as they taste it, which is at a level much greater than I currently experience.

Distributed by Federal Merchants & Co | E: info@federalmerchants.co.nz | W: federalmerchants.co.nz

We’ve been providing New Zealanders with something to smile about since 1902. This year we have the judges smiling yet again.


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