Drinksbiz August September 2024

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How d’ya like them apples?

THERE'S SOMETHING really exciting about seeing a new product, business, or even industry emerge onto the scene.

I’ve been writing about New Zealand's food and beverage sector for nearly 25 years and can still recall the days when farmers’ markets were a new thing, when craft beer was taking its first tentative steps into the mainstream (I had to push hard to get an article about craft into the consumer title I worked on at the time), and even when those early adopters were

touting the benefits of screwcap wines, for heaven’s sake.

So, when the press release announcing plans to create a new premium New Zealand cider industry pinged into my inbox recently I got that same feeling that something big was on the horizon.

For a start, it makes absolute sense.

As those behind the plan (cidermaker and pommelier John Powell and renowned apple breeder Allan White) point out, New Zealand is already

New Zealand is already excellent at growing top quality apples and making top quality beverages, so why not play to our strengths?

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My picks

2021 Craggy Range Gimblett Gravels Syrah

I’m a self-proclaimed sucker for Syrah – especially when it’s from Hawke’s Bay. This Craggy Range release hits all the right notes. (Pg 31)

Sunshine Tiramisu Stout

Sunshine Brewery has taken one of my all-time favourite desserts and put it in a can. What an absolute winner for winter. Yes please. (Pg 45)

Tahitian Queen Pineapple Rum

I love the packaging on this Tahitian rum. It's like something you’d find tucked away in the cabin of a swashbuckling pirate. And the pineapple is a delicious touch too. (Pg 61)

excellent at growing top quality apples and making top quality beverages, so why not play to our strengths?

The pair founded Cider Apples NZ to drive the project forward and with industry support have created a ‘Roadmap’ that charts a course towards achieving a billion-dollar export sector for premium New Zealand cider within 15 years. (You can find out more about it in the feature on page 22.)

It‘s a really exciting proposition with huge potential for growers, cider makers and all those associated with the industry.

I‘m certainly looking forward to being able to say “Oh yes, I remember when New Zealand’s premium cider exports were just starting out!”

Enjoy the issue, Victoria.


Karen Boult


+64 21 320 663


Victoria Wells


+64 27 575 9021


Lewis Hurst


Roger Pierce


+64 274 335 354 drinksbiz.co.nz

Associate Member (NZ)

Drinksbiz is published every second month by Trade Media Limited. The contents of Drinksbiz are copyright and may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.

Please address all editorial, subscription and advertising enquiries to Trade Media Limited, P O Box 37745, Parnell, Auckland.

Glory for Greytown gins

Greytown Distilling Company has gone from a village start-up to making one of the world’s top-rated gins…

A SMALL distilling venture launched in the tiny South Wairarapa village of Greytown and crowdfunded by enthusiastic locals has found itself in the international spotlight after major wins in the prestigious International Wine and Spirits Competition (IWSC).

Greytown Distilling Company (GDC) won Gold and Silver medals at the 2024 event in London, placing the boutique distillery, and its gin-maker Peter Warren, in the spotlight as the maker as one of the world’s top-rated gins.

GDC’s Tweed Gin was awarded Gold, scoring 95/100 points, while its popular winter release, Frostbite Gin, received Silver. The two gins are part of a range of nine that the company currently offers, all packaged in distinctive stainless steel flasks.

The medal wins have put the Greytown company firmly on the map, says Gavin Hodder, CFO of Greytown Distilling Co.

“We wake up most days with a flood of overnight orders, enquiries from bars and restaurants, franchisee applicants and great reviews from our customers and we have to pinch ourselves,” he says. “In what has been a pretty tough market to launch in, it’s great to be able to report back to our shareholders that we continue to smash our own aggressive targets.”

Global recognition for GDC

“We entered the 2024 London awards after just over a year in business, and we are extremely gratified to be recognised in what is considered to be the global home of gin,” says Gavin. “Over 4,500 gins from all over the world were entered in this competition and, as a tribute to our

“We wake up most days with a flood of overnight orders, enquiries from bars and restaurants, franchisee applicants and great reviews from our customers…”

team and our investors, it is wonderful to see Greytown gins come through with such success, placing Tweed amongst the world’s top 50 gins.

“Tweed Gin was one of our original releases at the end of 2022, and right from the moment we tasted Peter’s masterpiece, we knew we had something very special,” says Gavin. “The judges in London awarded it Gold, with 95 points. Their comment was: ‘The delicate and inviting aromatic profile opens with citrus notes, leading to a palate abundant in zesty orange and satsuma peel flavours. A long, generous finish showcases perfect

balance and an indulgent silky quality, with a lingering touch of pine and musk adding depth and complexity.’ We’re not going to argue with that!”

The second GDC winner was the best-selling Frostbite Gin, which received a Silver medal with 90 points. Frostbite Gin was re-released in May 2024 due to demand after its initial run as a winterspecialty gin the previous year.

“Our customers were the enthusiastic judges of Frostbite gin,” says Gavin, “and they actually demanded that we re-release Frostbite for a second winter this year. It is our runaway best seller and is rapidly

GDC director Gavin Hodder hosts a gin tasting at the tiny “tasting shed” inside Blackwell & Sons cycle store in Greytown.

making its reputation known all over New Zealand. Our ability to keep up with demand for Frostbite is being tested right now, but we are doing our best!”

The London judges said of Frostbite Gin: “Aromas of orange blossom, satsuma, and white flowers greet the senses, while appealing woody undertones add depth. The palate is delicate and creamy, evolving into an herbaceous and bold experience. The attractive, peppery finish leaves a delightfully lasting impression.”

Ready for the best bars, restaurants and retailers

GDC’s focus on its own retail offer has taught the fledgling company a lot about what its customer are looking for. From a tiny two square metre “tasting shed” inside the popular Blackwell & Sons cycle store in Greytown, GDC has captured a loyal following of fans visiting the town for a weekend or day trip.

Complimentary gin tastings take place on Fridays, Saturdays and public holidays and are usually hosted by GDC director Gavin Hodder, or Blackwell & Sons’ Shane Kelly.

“Our tasting room must be the smallest in the world,” laughs GDC Director and CMO Adam Blackwell, “but being where we are in the heart of Greytown and getting such direct feedback from our customers has enabled us to really hone what we are doing with our gin, our packaging, the marketing messages we use, and the customer experience we are creating. People are always looking for something new, so innovation is one of our GDC hallmarks.”

Flagship gins from Greytown Distilling Co.

Frostbite Gin - Silver at IWSC 2024

A gin designed to create a frosty mouthfeel sensation with its blend of lemon peel, mint and pink peppercorns. It is GDC’s runaway best seller gin, available in 750ml and 375ml stainless steel flasks.

Tweed Gin - Gold at IWSC 2024

This is GDC’s first martini-formulated gin offering a clean, subtle and sophisticated cocktail experience. Tweed is now ranked as one of the 50 best gins in the world having scored Gold (95/100) out of 4,500 submissions to IWSC 2024.

Watch out for…

Greytown Distilling Company has announced a purpose-built distillery, tasting zone, restaurant and bar is to be built in the heart of Greytown Village, with a planned opening of summer 2026.

Having been featured on the popular television series A New Zealand Food Story in March 2024, appearing in national magazines, and with an active social and digital media presence, GDC has shot from being an unknown to national recognition in just over a year. “We’ve had

to grow up quickly from being a cottagestyle business to a supplier with the right systems in place to serve the country’s hospitality industry,” says Adam, who runs global brand and marketing agency Stun in L.A. and Vancouver as well as New Zealand.

“It’s good to know we are ready to respond quickly, and without wanting to sound elitist, we’re pretty choosy about being in the right retailer, restaurant or bar in the right market. Not all gins are for everyone, and it’s important to be clear on that so you know the right fit for your brand,” he says.

International queries have arrived from distributors in India and Singapore. “We’ll look forward to that opportunity after we have our wholesale offer to our key New Zealand customers in good order,” says Gavin Hodder. “Some businesses come unstuck by growing too rapidly and that won’t happen to us. Taking one step at a time and making sure it is about quality product, smart operations and a solid brand story will always be our model.”

For wholesale inquiries regarding GDC’s award-winning range of gins email info@greytowngin.com greytowngin.com

GDC’s boutique retail offer inside Blackwell & Sons cycle store in Greytown.

Hospo and retail welcome payment inquiry


across the retail and hospitality sectors are welcoming the Commerce Commission’s investigation into the retail payment system.

The Commerce Commission has announced it is consulting on the potential to reduce hundreds of millions of dollars a year in costs to New Zealanders using the Mastercard and Visa payment networks.

Retail NZ and Hospitality New Zealand say retail payments are a contentious area for businesses and they are joining forces to seek changes in the system, to make it easier for businesses to understand and enable them to provide better customer experiences.

“Retail NZ has advocated strongly for the Government to take action on retail payments so we’re pleased to see the Commerce Commission has opened a consultation on this issue,” says Retail NZ Chief Executive Carolyn Young.

Hospitality New Zealand Chief Executive Steve Armitage adds: “This is

a very complex area for both hospitality and retail businesses to navigate. We believe there is an opportunity for consumers to keep more money in their pockets if the system is improved and surcharges are reduced or removed.”

Digital payments involve a broad set of participants, including customers, retail and hospitality businesses, the payment networks processing the transactions, technology companies providing point of sale infrastructure, and the banks that issue cards to their customers and work with retailers.

Hospitality New Zealand and Retail NZ say there is an opportunity to reduce the complexity associated with digital payments and provide clarity around the role of each participant. This includes clarity over the costs associated with payments acceptance.

The Commission says it is seeking views to inform its next steps by 4pm on 20 August 2024.

Find more at comcom.govt.nz

Vineyards and wineries offer popular alternatives for visits

THERE IS a growing trend among New Zealand consumers for visiting alternative On Premise venues offering experiential drinking occasions, according to the latest New Zealand On Premise Pulse+ Report from CGA by NIQ.

The Pulse+ Report highlights vineyards and wineries as the most popular alternative venues, being over 15% more popular than spirit distilleries or breweries among New Zealand consumers. Almost half of those surveyed (47%) say they have visited vineyards, and wineries (46%), slightly more than those visiting breweries (39%), and distilleries (22%).

The high popularity of wine-based venues such as vineyards and wineries serves as a model for other

specialty venues to learn and adapt. Breweries and spirit distilleries can draw inspiration from the success of wine-based venues by translating the factors most appealing to consumer preferences.

A large proportion like to visit these venues for special occasions (50%) or as something to do whilst on holiday (37%).

Additionally, relaxed, quiet drinks (30%), specific events (29%), on-the-go experiences while travelling (28%), and romantic occasions (26%) each influence when over a quarter of consumers would think about visiting an alternative venue.

The report also identifies several key influences attracting consumer visits. Leading the list is the desire for new experiences (49%), followed by

New Air NZ beverage menu showcases Kiwi craft

AIR NEW Zealand has announced a new beverage menu designed to showcase some of the country’s leading craft distillers and brewers to its international travellers.

The airline says the new selection, which is available now, will feature onboard and in select Air New Zealand lounges.

Business Premier and select Air New Zealand lounges:

• Scapegrace Classic Gin

personal interest (38%) and the pursuit of authentic experiences (37%). Socialising with likeminded people, supporting locally produced brands, and discovering new brands and drinks are also significant motivators.

Tom Graham, Client Success ANZ said:

“Specialty venues provide an exceptional platform for reaching new customers and making impressions that last long after visits are over. For these purposes, getting to grips with consumer motivations and behaviours helps brands and operators to tailor highly targeted strategies, leading to sustainable growth and increased brand loyalty.”

For more contact Tom Graham at Tom. Graham@nielseniq.com

• Scapegrace Vanguard Single Malt

• Reefton Distilling Co. Wild Rain Vodka

• National Distillery Company Port O Ahuriri Golden Rum

• Parrotdog Craft Beer – Birdseye Hazy IPA

• Parrotdog Watchdog IPA <0.5% alc.vol

• Parrotdog Lager on tap in select lounges

Premium Economy and Economy

• Rogue Society Gin

• Rogue Society Vodka

• Parrotdog Watchdog IPA <0.5% alc.vol

Air New Zealand Chief Customer and Sales Officer, Leanne Geraghty, says the new menu showcases the quality and diversity of producers from across Aotearoa. “Our inflight dining menu ‘A Taste of Aotearoa’ showcases the exceptional produce and flavours from the regions, our wine list exclusively features New Zealand wines, and our onboard snacks are all crafted here in New Zealand. Now, our beverage menu offers customers an impressive selection of spirits and beer from some of the country’s best producers. Showcasing the best of New Zealand onboard is a win-win for both our customers and our local suppliers.”

Alcohol excise rise sparks concerns

THE BREWERS Association of New Zealand, Brewers Guild of New Zealand and Hospitality New Zealand have expressed concerns over the Government’s decision to increase alcohol excise tax by 4.1%, which took effect on July 1.

The latest hike follows increases of 6.92% in 2022 and 6.65% in 2023, amounting to a 17.7% rise in three years. Alcohol excise revenue totalled $1.29b for the 2022/23 government financial year, meaning this year’s increase would add $52.9m tax to businesses and consumers.

“The brewing industry is disappointed by these continued and unsustainable excise tax increases,” said Dylan Firth, Executive Director of the Brewers Association. “At a time when New Zealanders are grappling with a severe cost-of-living crisis, this move will undoubtedly harm local businesses and ultimately burden consumers further.”

However, the associations say they also recognise the broader government focus on reducing inflation to ultimately ease cost pressures on businesses, potentially leading to moderate future alcohol excise increases, and acknowledge the Government’s signal of support through the creation of a Hospitality portfolio.

The industry bodies note that while alcohol excise tax, adjusted annually based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) year ending March, has seen record increases over the last three years, it

has not proven to increase the revenue as projected by the government. In the 2022/23 fiscal year, despite a 6.65% rate increase, the excise revenue was $1.29 billion ($443m from Brewing), $110 million lower than the forecast $1.4 billion.

“It is deeply concerning that excise revenue fell short of projections, even after imposing a substantial rate hike,” said Firth. “This raises questions about the effectiveness of such measures in achieving their intended goals.”

Furthermore, the associations note that general inflation, coupled with the added burden of significant excise increases, has driven prices up for consumers. The Selected Price Index shows that alcohol inflation has outgrown general inflation.

The compounding effect of excise tax increases has had a significant impact on the cost of beer for consumers. The amount of excise tax paid on a 50-litre keg of 5% ABV beer has risen from $77.72 in 2021 to a projected $92.17 from July 1, 2024, representing approximately 32% of the price paid by hospitality venues1 When combined with GST, nearly half (47%) of the price of a keg of beer is now tax.

“This unprecedented run of high annual tax increases taxation not only burdens consumers but also undermines the viability of our local brewing and hospitality industries,” Firth remarked.

Melanie Kees, Executive Director of the Brewers Guild of NZ said, “Collectively,

we have asked for a temporary freeze on further excise increases, and capping the annual indexation rate to 2%, something the government can easily enact under the current regulatory regime. This allows the Government to strike a balance between generating revenue and supporting the growth and viability of the beer industry.”

Steve Armitage, Chief Executive of Hospitality New Zealand, said that while the hospitality sector welcomed the Government’s appointment of a dedicated Minister with responsibility for hospitality, it shares the concerns raised by the Brewers Association and Brewers Guild regarding the impact of excessive excise tax increases on businesses in the industry, and consumers.

“Against a broader backdrop of increasing costs, and given the hikes of recent years, we need to ensure excise increases return to a sustainable level to ensure the future viability of the industry,” said Armitage.

Melanie Kees added: “The craft beer sector is poised for growth and recovery as visitor arrivals increase and consumer confidence improves with the government’s focus on economic recovery. We would welcome government support in developing brewing and hospitality tourism initiatives to showcase the unique offerings of our local breweries and hospitality establishments.”

[1] Based on the retail trade price for a mid-range 5% abv beer.

Pernod to sell international wine portfolio

PERNOD RICARD is to sell its international wine portfolio to Australian Wine Holdco Limited (AWL), a consortium of international institutional investors and owner of Accolade Wines.

The agreement includes New Zealand wine brands Church Road, Stoneleigh, and Brancott Estate, as well as Jacob’s Creek, Orlando and St Hugo from Australia, and Campo Viejo, Ysios, Tarsus and Azpilicueta from Spain. It also includes seven wineries.

In a statement announcing the signing of the agreement with AWL, Pernod Ricard said: “This disposal will allow Pernod Ricard to further strengthen its premiumisation strategy and to direct its resources to its portfolio of premium international spirits and champagne brands that drive the growth of its business.”

Australian Wine Holdco Limited is a consortium of international institutional investors which comprises funds backed by Bain Capital, Intermediate Capital Group, Capital Four, Sona Asset Management, and Samuel Terry Asset Management. Closing of the transaction remains subject to regulatory clearances and other conditions. Pernod Ricard says it expects that to occur during the first half of 2025.

DSA Update

Chair of Distilled Spirits Aotearoa, Richard Wilson, reflects on the year so far and what’s ahead for New Zealand’s spirits industry…

The last twelve months has been a very big year for the DSA, with lots of work happening to deliver our strategic focus points. Many changes have taken place, as well as a huge effort from the committee and other volunteers from the membership to get so many of our goals across the line.

Some of the key areas of achievement have been the development of membership benefits continuing, the development of industry standard guidelines, delivering more educational content, and our excise lobbying strategy and delivery.

Another large piece of work is delivering the Spirits Conference – on the back of a very successful inaugural conference in 2023, a team of both board members and volunteers from the membership have worked for months to deliver another great conference with all new speakers and opportunities.

This year we have seen 29 new members join the Association, both in distilling members and in associate members.

We are also seeing the domestic spirits industry grow year on year. In the last 12

months we have seen an overall decrease in alcohol products available for sale, with spirits taking the biggest hit with a 5.7% drop. However, while that sounds gloomy, it is not the end of the world for craft spirits. The New Zealand spirits industry is currently estimated to be worth around $150 million per year, and as much as 70% of that is gin sales, with an export value of around $30 million.

While overall volumes of spirits are down, the overall dollar value is climbing because of inflation, excise, and general cost of goods. But the biggest loss area in spirits came from spirit-based RTDs, leaving core spirits, gin, whisky, rum, to have a small climb of 1.4%. People are drinking less, but better.

And as we start the era of change, where the gin sales in New Zealand start to plateau, we are seeing the spike in the

new category capturing people’s attention: New Zealand whisky.

Consumers have got the hint, value doesn’t mean the lowest price, and while purse strings are tight, the mindset of opening the door to premium spirits is seeing our domestic whisky and rums being welcomed through virtue of quality over quantity.

NZ Distillers Conference 2024

This year’s NZ Distillers Conference runs from Thursday 12 to Friday 13 September in Auckland. The two-day event offers educational sessions, workshops, and networking events, as well as the opportunity to connect with exhibitors showcasing the latest in distilling technology and equipment.

There is also a Pre-conference Distillery Tour on Wednesday 11 September and the NZ Spirits Awards Gala Dinner will be held on the Friday night.

Full programme and tickets details are available online at dsaconference.co.nz

Chair of Distilled Spirits Aotearoa, Richard Wilson

Spirits sales tipped to overtake wine

CHANGING CONSUMER trends mean that global spirits sales are likely to surpass wine, according to a new international study.

Released in Geneva to coincide with the World Spirits Alliance’s (WSA) annual meeting in July, the Spirits: Global Economic Impact Study 2024 produced by WSA, Oxford Economics and alcohol market research firm IWSR, reported that 2.67 billion cases of spirits were sold in 2022, almost as many as the 2.8 billion cases of wine sold that year.

“Should current trends in both categories continue, spirits volumes will soon surpass those of wine,” the report said.

In Geneva for the WSA meeting, Spirits New Zealand Chief Executive Robert Brewer says the trends identified in the Global Economic Impact Study can be seen in New Zealand.

“As consumers drink less they are choosing to spend their money differently,” says Robert. “This has meant



Thursday 1 – Saturday 31 August

Visa Wellington on a Plate

A month-long celebration of the capital’s best food and drink experiences with special menus and events throughout August. visawoap.com

Thursday 22 August

Beervana Trade Show – Wellington

A special afternoon for key buyers to meet the breweries exhibiting at Beervana. This event is open to hospo professionals and tourism operators, brewery sales reps and marketing managers, importers and exporters, brewing ingredient and hardware suppliers, and media. beervana.co.nz

Friday 23 – Saturday 24 August

Beervana – Wellington

New Zealand’s biggest beer festival returns to Wellington over two days at Sky Stadium. beervana.co.nz

a surge in popularity for premium spirits and spirit-based beverages. It’s part of the global trend where consumers are moderating their drinking by sipping and savouring a premium spirit or cocktail.

“In fact, in 2023, according to Statistics NZ data, the volume of spirits and spirit-based beverages available for

Thursday 29 – Friday 30 August

Altogether Unique 2024 –Wellington

The annual wine industry event will be held at Te Papa and includes the Wine Business Forum, Celebration Dinner, Women in Wine Breakfast, and the inaugural Research and Innovation Forum. nzwine.com


Friday 6 September

Entries close for NZ International Wine Show

Entries for NZIWS close today with samples due by Friday 13 September. nziws.co.nz

Thursday 12 – Friday 13 September

Distillers Conference 2024 –Auckland

A two-day event organised by Distilled Spirits Aotearoa for the local distilling industry. It offers educational sessions, workshops, and networking events, as well as the opportunity to connect with exhibitors showcasing the latest in distilling technology and equipment. There is also a Pre-conference Distillery Tour on Wednesday 11 September and the NZ Spirits Awards Gala Dinner on Friday 13 September. dsaconference.co.nz

consumption in New Zealand overtook wine for the first time,” he noted. “This is also good news for our fledgling homegrown spirits sector, which prides itself on producing premium spirits and is already establishing itself as a growing exporter of premium product.”

Headline figures from the report include:

• The spirits industry contributed US$730 billion (approx. NZ$1,197 billion) gross value added to global GDP in 2022.

• With US$120 billion (approx. NZ$197 billion) spent on third party suppliers like grain growers and bottle-makers, the spirits industry fuels a diverse range of sectors.

• 50% of spirits sold globally in 2022 were at premium level or above, reflecting consumers’ growing preference to drink less and drink better.

Find the full report at worldspiritsalliance.com

Friday 13 September

2024 New Zealand Spirits Awards –Auckland

A gala dinner presented by Spirits New Zealand Inc. and Distilled Spirits Aotearoa (NZ) Inc. in celebration of the winners at the 2024 New Zealand Spirits Awards. Tickets can be purchased via the website. spiritsawardsnz.nz/tickets

Thursday 26 – Friday 27 September

Chardonnay Symposium 2024 –Hawke’s Bay

An event designed to explore the ‘sense of place’ in Aotearoa Chardonnay. The Symposium will be held at Toitoi: Hawke’s Bay Arts and Event Centre in Hastings and will feature keynote speakers, panel discussions, and wine tastings. Tickets can be purchased through Eventfinda. hawkesbaywine.co.nz/ chardonnay-symposium


Friday 18 October

NZ International Wine Show Awards Night – Auckland

The Trophy Awards event for the 2024 NZ International Wine Show will be held at Auckland’s Crowne Plaza Hotel. nziws.co.nz

New Zealand Winegrowers announces 2024 Fellows

NEW ZEALAND Winegrowers has announced the appointment of its 2024 Fellows – Nick Hoskins, Xan Harding and Michael Brajkovich MW – recognising them for their outstanding contributions to New Zealand’s wine industry.

“From spearheading invaluable research, to holding the gauntlet in governance, to setting enviable, word-class winemaking standards, the work of these individuals has helped to elevate the New Zealand wine industry on the world wine stage over the past 40 years,” says Clive Jones, Chair of New Zealand Winegrowers.

“This award recognises them for their years of dedication and their role in shaping the New Zealand wine industry to be what it is today.”

The New Zealand Winegrowers Fellows for 2024 are Nick Hoskins, for services to research; Xan Harding, for services to industry organisations; and Michael Brajkovich MW, for services to winemaking.

The 2024 Fellows will be formally acknowledged at the Altogether Unique 2024 Celebration Dinner on 29 August in Wellington.

Xan Harding
Michael Brajkovich MW
Nick Hoskins

National Finals on the horizon


build-up is on to the 2024 Young Vit & Young Winemaker National Finals…

NZ Young Viticulturist of the Year

FOLLOWING THE regional competitions held around the country, the heat is now on as six talented Young Vits prepare for the prestigious 2024 Young Viticulturist of the Year National Final.

The event will be held at Escarpment in Martinborough on 28 August.

This year’s finalists are:

• Leon Henson, Batch Winery, Waiheke Island

• Joe Stenberg, Te Mata Estate Hawke’s Bay

• James Sutcliffe, Craggy Range, Wairarapa

• Anna Kelland, Constellation Brands, Marlborough

• Nick McArthur, Tiki Wine & Vineyards, North Canterbury

• Nina Downer, Felton Road, Central Otago.

Tonnellerie de Mercurey Young Winemaker 2024

THE TONNELLERIE de Mercurey Young Winemaker regional finals were still taking place as Drinksbiz went to print, with the North Island representative confirmed as Katie Cameron from Ata Rangi.

Regional finals were due to be held in Marlborough and Central Otago at the end of July and in early August.

Winners from the three regional finals will compete in the

Good luck to all contestants in this year's competitions

National Final at Foley’s The Runholder in Martinborough on 27 August.

The overall winners for the Young Viticulturist and Young Winemaker will be announced at the Altogether Unique Celebration Dinner at Te Papa on 29 August and full details will be published in the October-November issue of Drinksbiz

Leon Henson
James Sutcliffe
Nick McArthur
Joe Stenberg
Anna Kelland
Nina Downer

Nagardo now in NZ

Discover Nagardo – a natural preservative for non-alcoholic beverages…

FOR A long time, non-alcoholic beer (NAB) led a niche existence – both in terms of market growth and consumer acceptance. This has changed continuously in recent years. The market for NAB is growing rapidly and according to Statista, reached a global sales of USD $37.2 billion in 2023. Based on Market Research Future, it is expected to further grow by more than 7% annually until 2027.

The market share and the variety of products on offer are increasing steadily. One of the main reasons is the social shift towards a more conscious and healthier diet, which also includes an increasing avoidance of alcohol and a switch to products with low or no alcohol content. This is a trend in which everyone from small to large breweries would like to participate. However, the production of NAB carries certain challenges compared to alcoholic counterparts, because the lack of alcohol content means that particular attention must be paid to microbiological protection to provide product stability.

More attention to microbiological protection

In terms of their microbiological profile, NAB are more similar to traditional soft drinks, whereby the high pH value, the availability of fermentable sugars and, of course, the presence of yeasts from the brewing process make them even more sensitive to the growth of microorganisms. The residual sugar content is particularly dependent on the production process of the NAB. With a biological process such as stopped fermentation, cold contact process or the use of special, mostly maltose-negative yeasts is applied, a higher sugar content can be expected in the finished product. If, on the other hand, the alcohol is removed from a fully fermented beer by means of a physical process, like thermal evaporation or membrane technology, a significantly lower residual sugar level can be expected. In practice, combinations of biological and physical processes tend to be common, however the investment in plant technology in addition to the sensory profile are the driving factors for decision on the product process. Next to that, there’s the continued threat to micro stability of the NAB and to keep out undesirable flavor notes. This would have dramatic consequences as the alcohol content would rise above

0.5 % and thereby, falling foul of the regulatory limits for NAB. Furthermore, secondary fermentation activity in the closed packaging is always associated with the risk of bombarding container and therefore a huge safety concern.

Until now, brewers have had two thermal processes at their disposal to protect the beer in glass bottles or cans: tunnel or chamber pasteurization. However both processes are only suitable for KEGs to a limited extent, as the large volume means that long thermal exposures are required for the complete heat treatment. Furthermore, product protection ends as soon as the KEG is connected to a dispensing system and thus opened. In addition to the technical limitations, space and above all energy consumption are of particular relevance, especially, nowadays when availability and sustainability are playing an increasingly important role.

Since 2022, breweries in the EU have a new tool to microbiologically protect their NAB: the natural, edible fungusbased and fermentatively produced preservative Nagardo. It is a pure mixture of glycolipids that is added to NAB as well as to other microbially sensitive, non-alcoholic beverages during the production process to control the growth of microorganisms. Hence, the application of Nagardo now enables many breweries to produce NAB in-house for the first time. In addition the reduction in energy consumption and thus the product carbon footprint is an important factor for some customers when deciding to use the technology. Nagardo not only protects against secondary contamination from the filler environment during filling, but also offers continued persistent protection of the NAB or mixed beer beverage to the point when a KEG is connected to the tap. For the first time, Nagardo now offers the possibility to make microbiological safe draught NAB or mixed beer beverages in normal KEGs, thereby avoiding complaints from the trade and product losses. Nothing now stands in the way of a refreshing and tasting tapped NAB in the pub or beer garden.

Like with any production of sensitive beverages, Nagardo is one of the puzzle pieces when it comes to microbiological stability, and for NAB, that starts from in the brewhouse. It is generally advisable to mash in with a gravity of around 7°Plato or even significantly lower in order to reduce the amount of fermentable sugars.

Since 2022, breweries in the EU have had a tool to microbiologically protect their non-alcoholic beers: the natural, edible fungus-based and fermentatively produced preservative Nagardo.

Article by Dr Michael Dahmen of Lanxess

In this case, a spring mashing process or mashing between 70°C and 73°C is recommended to avoid the beta-amylase rest. For NAB using a biological process, wort acidification should be considered as the pH drop is significantly less pronounced during fermentation. After the fermentation step, yeast is removed by cold-crash or centrifugation, the beer then undergoes flash pasteurization or filtration prior being made ready for bottling in the bright beer tank (BBT).

Simple procedure

Addition of Nagardo to the production process is very simple. Start, by determining the appropriate concentration. Typically, physically de-alcoholized beers with low turbidity require a concentration of between 10 – 14 mg/l, while NAB produced by biological method require slightly higher concentrations of between 14 – 20 mg/l. It is also advisable to check the foam stability with the selected concentration,

as glycolipids tend to reduce it. This can be counteracted in the brewhouse by selecting foam-promoting malts, especially wheat malt, or by adding foam-stabilizing hop extracts in the downstream section after fermentation. Depending on the selected process after fermentation, there are different ways to add the glycolipid powder (Nagardo) to the NAB. First, simply dissolve the powder into water to a 1% w/w stock solution. Being heat stable, this can be added to NAB prior to flash pasteurization, but after filtration to avoid loss of the ingredient. Or, in a lot of cases, add the Nagardo solution in the bright beer tank before, during or after filling and then distribute it homogeneously by means of CO2 injection.

The aim is always to use existing equipment for the addition or inline dosing and thus avoid additional investments. Especially with small batch sizes of product to be treated, the preparation of the Nagardo stock

solution can still be carried out using simple equipment such as a professional hand blender.

Even if the use of Nagardo is reserved for NAB that do not comply with the German purity law, many European breweries are very interested in testing the new microbiological stabilisation method or are already using it successfully. The first NAB labeled with “glycolipids” are already commercially available in some European countries. Nagardo has also been approved for non-alcoholic soft drinks such as lemonades, spritzers or cola mix products. These are all beverages that breweries would like to produce in order to utilize existing filling capacities and expand their portfolio. Nagardo therefore allows new product categories to be developed quickly, flexibly and without major financial investment.

Nagardo is now available in New Zealand. Visit victus.co.nz for more.

The Saverglass story

DESIGN EXCELLENCE is at the very heart of French specialist glass company Saverglass, and rising to the challenges of maintaining aesthetic integrity while attaining lower bottle weights, the Roble is a masterpiece.

Our centuries-old history, forged by an economic model combining know-how and cutting-edge glassmaker technology, characterises our Group’s industrial adventure. This history distinguishes itself by its adaptability, focusing on supporting the growth of the high-end wine and spirit markets, and by extension, the growth of our clients.

Our passion for glass, shaped by our pursuit of excellence, is fundamental to our existence. Each day, our noble, virtuous, and 100% recyclable material, or “extra glass”, enables creating our

exceptional and impeccably reliable bottles for the safety of end consumers; – a result born of our requirement for strict specifications, capable of combining quality and aesthetics.

Vision & Strategy

To ensure the present and future development, our organisation has been able to build on a solid foundation of values that constitute the identity of Saverglass:

• A culture of difference

• The pursuit of excellence

• A pioneering spirit

• A passion for design and creation

• Solidarity

This precious DNA is passed down from generation to generation by the men and women engaged in the continuity of our Group.

In 1993, we reached a founding milestone; we

achieved the ISO 9001 certification. This initial quality pledge marked a step towards an approach based on the continuous improvement of our manufacturing processes and preserving our eco-system.

We understood our duty to preserve the environment early on. That is why, in the early 2000s, we began to build and consolidate a sustainable commitment based on simple, commonsense principles (reducing plastic packaging, choosing not to recycle flue gas cleaning dust to avoid heavy metals in our glass, developing our first organic inks, creating our first carbon footprint assessment, etc.).

More recently, in 2020, our second carbon footprint assessment showed a significant decline in our CO2 footprint over the past

ten years. This has helped establish our roadmap for the gradual decarbonization of our activity, with a mission to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

Finally, the ongoing dialogue we have with our stakeholders confirms that our actions are meeting their main expectations. We will also continue to assess the scope of these actions regularly.

• Adapting our manufacturing processes to environmental challenges,

• protecting and developing our teams,

• and acting on behalf of society are the priority focus points of our CSR policy.

Drawing on our beliefs and actions, which we are constantly striving to perfect, we are committed to continuing our contribution to building a better world.



The iconic Bourgogne silhouette has been lightened, retaining its original modern aesthetic proportions without altering them: 293mm in height, a harmonious shoulder, straight sides, no curve at the base, 30mm punt with node and an optimized glass weight of just 500g. simplicity this timeless design, coupled precision dimensions, make Roble BVS obvious choice for brands seeking heritage renewal.

Hong Kong bar named Asia’s Best for 2024

HONG KONG’S Bar Leone has been named as the No.1 Bar in the list of Asia’s 50 Best Bars 2024 – the first time in 50 Best Bars’ history that the overall winner has been a new entry on the list.

The list features bars from 18 cities across Asia, including 15 new entries.

Bar Leone debuted at the coveted No.1 spot, winning The Best Bar in Hong Kong title, as well as the Disaronno Highest New Entry Award.

The one-year-old neighbourhood bar in Central, Hong Kong, was founded by bartender Lorenzo Antinori and embodies the Italian ethos of ‘cocktail popolari’ or ‘cocktails for the people’.

With behind-the-bar experience at Argo in Hong Kong and top bars in Seoul and London, Antinori brings expertise to a beverage programme focused on classic, approachable cocktails that are inspired by the traditional Roman bars of his home country.

The bar programme focuses on revived classics made with a low-intervention, seasonal approach, and is complemented by minimalist garnishes, like manicured citrus peels and quality olives. The relaxed and fun vibe has decor featuring burnt orange banquettes, a mahogany bar, church candles, Italy-themed posters, a 70s-80s Italian pop soundtrack and personal knick-knacks – all of which

China’s spirits

ELITE BAIJIU brand Moutai (brand value up 1% to USD50.1 billion) has extended its reign as the world’s most valuable spirits brand for the ninth consecutive year, according to a new report by Brand Finance, the world’s leading brand valuation consultancy.

Wuliangye (brand value down 15% to USD25.9 billion) and Luzhou Laojiao (brand

combine to create a space that feels both homely and high end.

Emma Sleight, Head of Content for Asia’s 50 Best Bars, says they are thrilled to celebrate the region’s vibrant bar community. “The region’s bars continuously redefine exceptional drinking experiences, showcased by the talent and creativity at this year’s winning establishments.

“Huge congratulations to the tour de force that is Lorenzo Antinori and the whole team at Bar Leone for the impressive – and previously unheard of –feat of entering the ranking at No.1. This is undoubtedly a strong testament to the bar’s irreverent and casual approach to cocktails, design, service and hospitality.”

Asia’s 50 Best Bars 2024 - Top 10

1. Bar Leone, Hong Kong

2. Zest, Seoul

3. Jigger & Pony, Singapore

4. Coa, Hong Kong

5. Bar Benfiddich, Tokyo

6. Nutmeg & Clove, Singapore

7. BKK Social Club, Bangkok

8. Penrose, Kuala Lumpur

9. Argo, Hong Kong

10. The Aubrey, Hong Kong

See the full list at theworlds50best.com/bars/asia/ list/1-50

soar; Jim Beam fastest-growing brand

value up 6% to USD8.2 billion) sit in second and third place.

Every year, Brand Finance tests 6,000 of the biggest brands and publishes over 100 reports, ranking brands across all sectors and countries. The 50 most valuable and strongest spirits brands are included in the Brand Finance Alcoholics Drinks 2024 report.

“Brand value” is understood as the net economic benefit that a brand owner would achieve by licensing the brand in the open market. “Brand strength” is the efficacy of a brand’s performance on intangible measures relative to its competitors.

American bourbon whiskey brand, Jim Beam (brand value up 83% to USD539 million) is the world’s fastest-

growing spirits brand. The brand’s massive surge in brand value has seen it jump 24 spots to 42nd. Germany’s Jägermeister (brand value up 38% to USD914 million) and Italy’s Martini (brand value up 23% to USD586 million) have also recorded solid brand value growth.

See more at brandirectory. com/rankings/spirits

Otis brings oat milk manufacture home

NEW ZEALAND oat milk brand Otis has opened its new facility in East Auckland, bringing the manufacture of its milk back to Aotearoa.

The facility’s build is the culmination of an 18-month project collaborating with the best-available New Zealand, German, and Swedish food technology to create a world-class production facility for plant-based milk. Owned by premium beverage producer Free-flow Manufacturing, the facility boasts worldleading enzyme technology developed by Sweden’s Angie Triantafyllou, known as the “godmother of modern oat milk”.

“It’s taken us nearly five years to establish a first-of-its-kind, purpose-built New Zealand factory with the technology required to produce premium oat milks to the gold standard we make our oat milk,” says Tim Ryan, co-founder of Otis.

Otis launched in Canterbury in 2018 as New Zealand’s first oat milk producer. Tim and co-founder Chris Wilkie opted to safeguard their premium recipe by exporting New Zealand oats for manufacturing in Sweden, but have always wanted to return to making their oat milk here.

Chris says, “It’s exciting that the technology is available in New Zealand for the first time, enabling Otis to produce the freshest, highest quality, nutritious and delicious oat milk in our homeland.

“This new facility will produce our oat milk recipe to the world-class standard levels of beta-glucan, the nutritional gold ingredient found in Otis oat milk. BetaGlucan helps the body to maintain stable cholesterol levels and a healthy gut.”

The business’ return to New Zealand comes at a time of consistent growth in the plant-based milk sector. More Kiwis are drinking oat milk than last year with the beverage making up 41% of plant-based milk sales in New Zealand, compared with almond milk at 27.3% (-0.3%), soy milk at 23% (-1%) and coconut milk at 5% (+.3%)1

Otis’ new 100% homegrown oat milk is available now.

1: Scan data to w/e 14 April 2024 (Circana & Nielsen)


Red Bull ready for Summer

RED BULL is launching its new Red Bull Summer Edition from late August, with the limited edition to feature the taste of Blueberry alongside hints of fresh blackcurrant with a subtle fruity finish.

Red Bull Summer and Winter Editions rotate through the current lineup in the Red Bull Editions series and are sold alongside the original line of Red Bull Energy Drink.

Red Bull Summer Edition with the taste of Blueberry will be available in azurecoloured, 250ml cans from 26 August.

Red Bull

V Black is back

V ENERGY’S most requested flavour is back on shelves, with the return of V Black. The cult-classic flavour made its debut nearly two decades ago in 2006, returning for a limited-edition release in 2018 for V’s 21st birthday celebrations.

Josh Wheeler, Head of Marketing Energy and Transformation at Suntory Beverage & Food Oceania, said they are thrilled to bring the iconic drink back to market. “Loyal fans of V Energy have waited patiently for its return, sharing stories with our newer fans about its memorable, now almost mythical taste. The product is regularly referenced on the V Energy social media channels, averaging over five requests a day, six years on since it was last available. All V Energy lovers will now be able to experience this unique energy drink flavour all over again –and newer drinkers will finally be able to see what all the fuss is about.”

V Black is available in 250ml and 500ml formats.

Frucor Suntory

New Tui arrives for spring

TWO NEW additions to the Tui Vodka range are arriving in September with the release of Tui Vodka, Sour Cherry & Soda, and Tui Vodka, Blackcurrant & Soda.

The two pre-mixed cocktails (7% ABV) are a blend of triple-distilled vodka with natural flavours and soda water.

Tui Vodka, Sour Cherry & Soda, and Tui Vodka, Blackcurrant & Soda will be available in 250ml can 12-pack at RRP $27.99


Behemoth branches out with new RTD ranges

CRAFT BREWERY Behemoth has diversified its offering with two new RTD ranges –including a “brewed cocktail” that can be sold in supermarkets.

The Tasty Beverage Co. range from Behemoth blends premium malt beverage with classic cocktail flavours and Behemoth says the products are a first in New Zealand. The three flavours in the Tasty Beverage Co. range are:

• Sparkling Marg – premium malt beverage with lime juice and margarita flavours.

• Blood Orange G&T – premium malt beverage with blood orange juice and G&T flavours.

• Dark & Stormy – premium malt beverage with lime juice, ginger, and rum flavours.

The Tasty Beverage Co. range is 5% ABV and available in 330ml can 6-pack at RRP $23.99.

Behemoth has also launched Kedah – a range of canned cocktails inspired by the Kedah region of Malaysia. The Kedah cocktail range includes:

• Passionfruit GnT – made with real passionfruit pulp for a refreshing twist on the classic gin and tonic.

• Mexican Lemonade – a tequila-based cocktail that blends lemon and lime juice.

• Mexican Mule – a fiery combination of tequila, ginger beer and lime.

Kedah (5% ABV) is available in 330ml can 4-packs at RRP $17.99.

Behemoth Brewing

A New Zealand cider renaissance

Plans are afoot for New Zealand to create a billiondollar premium cider export industry with new and unique cider apple varieties at its heart. Victoria Wells explains…

NEW ZEALAND cider has always been somewhat in the shadows when compared with the successes of our local wine, craft beer, and even spirits more recently – in both local and global markets.

But that could be set to change with a new ‘Roadmap’ that charts a course towards achieving a billion-dollar export sector for premium New Zealand cider within 15 years, and shows substantial returns are possible for both cider apple growers and cider makers.

It is the work of Cider Apples NZ – an organisation co-founded by seasoned cider maker and New Zealand’s first certified pommelier, John Powell, and worldrenowned apple breeder, Allan White.

Their research has been supported by funding from MPI and AGMARDT and several initiatives are already underway, including a breeding programme for new

cider apple varieties and even an early trial of cider to test in market.

John Powell says that New Zealand needs more major export businesses, and premium cider can draw on the country’s existing strengths in growing top quality apples and creating premium beverages.

“We envision a future where New Zealand premium cider stands at the forefront of global markets, celebrated for its quality and authenticity.”

The first step? The cider apples.

The importance of apples

“After you’ve been making cider in New Zealand for a few years, you realise the biggest impediment is access to apples that are good for making cider with,” says John.

In fact, the majority of cider sold in New Zealand (with the exception of products from a few local craft cider brands such as Peckham’s, Elemental,

Cider Factorie and Teepee) is made from eating apples, which are designed to be fresh, juicy, sweet, and crunchy. Cider apples, on the other hand, are designed to be full of flavour intensity, with high sugar levels for fermentation and tannins to generate body.

“It’s like trying to make premium wine from table grapes,” John explains. “They’re really designed for different purposes.” Even the heritage cider apple varieties grown in New Zealand are from the UK and developed 100-200 years ago – so not only are they battling warmer climatic conditions in New Zealand, they are also more prone to the different pests and diseases around now.

Seeing a gap for a quality raw material, John got in touch with Allan White, who led the development of Rockit, Jazz, and Envy apples, and in 2021 the pair formed Cider Apples NZ with the aim of putting premium New Zealand cider on the international map.

Central to this vision is the cultivation of new cider apple cultivars boasting distinctive levels of tannins, polyphenols, and sugars, coupled with enhanced pest and disease resistance and tolerance to climate change.

Their goal is to use these new cider apple varieties to make unique premium New Zealand ciders that captivate global consumers in the same way that New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc and aromatic hops have done with their distinct flavours and quality.

John points out that a premium product has to be the goal as New Zealand is too far away from the rest of the world to try and compete on cost.

“There are other countries that will produce cheaper apples and there are other countries that have economies of scale that are far superior to ours. So we’ve got to look at playing in the top end.”

Purely premium

Focusing on a premium product also plays well in the current consumer shift to “less but better”.

Today, the global cider market, though currently the smallest among fermented alcoholic beverages, shows promising growth trends.

Their goal is to use these new cider apple varieties to make unique premium
NZ ciders that captivate global consumers

“Globally, premium cider categories are gaining traction as a lower-alcohol alternative to wine, a gluten-free option compared to beer, and for their high levels of antioxidants and polyphenols,” says John.

According to the Weston’s 2024 Cider Report, global consumption exceeds 2.6 billion litres, with a notable shift towards premiumisation echoing trends seen in wine and craft beer.

“The strongest growth is observed among affluent millennials and Gen-Z consumers seeking sophisticated beverage choices. They’re interested in the authenticity, the provenance, the story behind the products, getting that genuine experience.

“What we want is to make sure we’ve got the apples that will really generate that point of difference, that provenance; an authentic New Zealand flavour that will capture the imagination overseas.”

Industry excitement

Jody Scott, Chair of the Fruit Wine & Cider Makers Association and head cider maker at Peckham’s Cidery in the traditional apple-growing region of Tasman emphasises the significance of this initiative.

“New Zealand has always been known for its exceptional wine and beer. This roadmap highlights that we’re poised to bring the same level of excellence and global recognition to our premium ciders. The roadmap is a testament to the collaborative spirit of our industry. By working together, we can ensure that New Zealand’s premium ciders can exceed global standards, setting a benchmark for quality and authenticity.”

Carmen Gray, cider maker at Elemental Cider, an emerging premium cider producer on the Kapiti Coast shares her enthusiasm too. “Premium cider is about more than the made-from-concentrate options currently in market; it’s about quality, and a deep understanding of the incredible flavours and aromas cider apples offer. By focusing on premium ciders made from fruit that we’ve developed and grown ourselves, we’re not only creating an exceptional beverage but also telling a story of passion from Aotearoa.”

John Powell
Allan White

A good story for growers

To achieve the projected $1 billion export milestone, Allan White says that approximately 2,232 hectares of cider apple orchards would be needed, producing 125 million litres of cider annually, assuming an average export price of $8 per litre.

New Zealand is estimated to have less than 100 hectares of cider apple orchards currently, and John Powell says there is a significant opportunity for existing growers to add cider apples to their production, and for orchard land recently lost to weather and other circumstances to return to apple growing.

“If you go back two or three years, we used to have about 11,000 hectares of apple orchards,” says John. “So that roughly 2,200 hectares we’d need for cider apples would replace the area lost over the last couple of years. It’s a good story for apple growers – it gives them an opportunity to diversify, and de-risk their investment as well.”

He says that cider apples have several advantages in that they don’t need to be cosmetically perfect and so require less intensive orchard management and extreme weather events become less of an issue, potentially opening up use of land just outside the main traditional apple growing areas.

“You’re only interested in the juice from inside the apple,” he points out. “If they get a bit bruised, or the skin is hail damaged you’re not really that concerned. They’re still good for cider.”

The path forward

Although the Roadmap has only just been released, Cider Apples NZ’s apple breeding programme is well underway. It has more than 3,000 trees in the ground already and plans to expand that to 12,000 trees that will deliver a pipeline of new

cultivars over the next 10 years. John says they have about five cider apples they are keen on so far and want to develop at least a dozen more commercial cider apple varieties.

In fact, they’ve already made a trial batch of cider from one new apple variety with several trees in New Zealand. John says they’re using it to test the market here and with key cider making experts and companies in the US, UK, France, Japan and China.

“We’re really trying to understand what people could be looking for, what they’d get excited about,” he says. “And we’ve had really positive feedback from that one selection so far. It produces a very clean, light, fragrant cider. And what we keep hearing is that it’s not very cider-like, it’s more like a very fragrant lunchtime wine – with only half the alcohol. And that’s the other great advantage for cider.”

“We’ve had really positive feedback from that one selection so far. It produces a very clean, light, fragrant cider.”

As the breeding process scales up, Cider Apples NZ is working on sourcing partners and funding for several other areas including investment around export development, establishing a model cider orchard to demonstrate that cider apples can be grown at a globally competitive cost structure; and looking at R&D and cider-making techniques.

John says they want to explore how easily wine companies could make cider. “The pressing is a little bit different, but once you’ve got the juice, the process is virtually identical. So the question is, can we look at producing cider in existing winemaking equipment?”

Cider Apples NZ is also looking to develop capability in the cider industry in terms of leadership development, training, and the regulatory environment in terms of a standard of identity for premium cider.

With discussions now happening with investors, growers, beverage makers and other key parties, there are hopes work can move at pace.

“It’s certainly taken off a lot faster than we thought it would, which is great,” says John. “Most people are very supportive and say, ‘Why hasn’t someone thought of this before? It makes perfect sense’. Cider’s time has come again, it’s time for a cider renaissance.”

For more details and to download a copy of the report, visit ciderapplesnz.com

Jody Scott
Carmen Gray

Our team at Greytown Distilling Company are slow and methodical, mostly because we are all old guys and only want to produce very small batch gins our friends will be impressed by. GDC gins are created to be instant classics that will stick around for decades.

We’re a pretty small outfit so we can't make enough gins to be everywhere. That means we need to be choosy about where GDC gins will show up.

We could just sell our gins to you and leave it at that. But because we’ve been around a while,


we’ve learned that satisfaction

great relationships.

One of our guys runs a flash harry advertising outfit that designed our handsome flasks and labels. He’s keen to work with you to make sure your bartenders or servers are well equipped with the right stories about our gins, and your premises can bring those stories to life with good promotional collateral, social media images and whatnot, and even some GDC merch if you think that’ll turn the dial. Let’s have a chat when you’re ready so we can get the right support heading your way.

Visit our WHOLESALE page at www.greytowngin.com to sign up fast and get some of our gins on your shelves even faster.

Pervinder Davies

Pervinder specialises in alcohol licensing law and is a director of Pervinder Davies Law in Christchurch. pervinderdavieslaw.co.nz

Community engagement – the silent superpower

Pervinder Davies explains why getting the community behind your business is a crucial part of success…

AS AN entrepreneur in the alcohol industry, whether you’re opening a cool new bar, neighbourhood restaurant, or bottle store, securing an alcohol licence is an obvious and important step.

However, an often overlooked but equally crucial aspect is engaging with the community in which your business will operate. This interaction can significantly influence the success of your application and the future of your establishment.

Here, we look at the pros and cons of engaging with the community during this process.


1. Building trust and goodwill

For alcohol industry clients, establishing trust and goodwill with the local community is key. When residents see that you’re committed to listening to their concerns and collaborating with them, they are more likely to support your licence application. This support can be especially beneficial in neighbourhoods that might have reservations about new alcoholrelated businesses.

2. Understanding local concerns

Engaging with the community allows you to understand their preferences and concerns. This knowledge can help you tailor your business to meet the local demands better, such as offering popular local beverages or creating a communityfriendly environment, thereby making your establishment more attractive to residents.

3. Enhancing application success

A community that backs your business can significantly improve your chances of getting your alcohol licence approved.

Local authorities often take community opinions seriously, and having their support can be a decisive factor during public hearings or district licensing committee meetings.

4. Fostering long-term loyalty

Creating a positive relationship with the community from the outset can have longterm benefits. Happy community members are more likely to become loyal patrons and recommend your establishment to others, ensuring sustained business growth and a strong local customer base.


alcohol industry clients, establishing trust and goodwill with the local community is key.


1. Time-intensive engagement

Engaging with the community takes time and effort. Organising meetings, addressing concerns, and fostering relationships require significant effort, potentially delaying your application process and business launch.

2. Risk of opposition

No matter how proactive you are, some community members may oppose your business. This opposition can be vocal and organised, posing challenges to your licence approval and necessitating additional efforts to mitigate concerns.

3. Additional costs

Community engagement can incur extra costs, such as hosting meetings, creating informative materials, or modifying your business plan based on feedback. These expenses need to be factored into your budget and can sometimes strain your financial resources.

4. Balancing competing interests

Different community segments may have varied and conflicting interests. While some residents might welcome a new bar or bottle store, others might be concerned about potential issues like noise, traffic, or safety. Balancing these interests can be complex and may require compromises that affect your original business vision.

In conclusion, engaging with the community when applying for an alcohol licence presents opportunities and challenges. On the positive side, it can help build trust, provide valuable local insights, enhance your chances of application success, and foster long-term customer loyalty. On the downside, it can be timeintensive, expose you to opposition, incur additional costs, and require navigating conflicting interests.

Ultimately, the decision to engage with the community should be made thoughtfully. Consider your specific business goals, the nature of the local community, and the resources you can allocate to this process. Seek expert advice on how you should go about it. When approached strategically, community engagement can be a powerful tool in creating a successful and sustainable alcohol business.



Wine writer Joelle Thomson rounds up some delicious full-bodied reds, perfect for wintry weather.

RRP $19 – RRP


2021 Lake Chalice The Falcon Merlot

RRP $19.99


This is everything you want and need in a Merlot. Soft, plummy fruit flavours are underpinned by firm structure, giving way to a medium-bodied, smooth red wine. Warming spice aromas add a touch of complexity.

2021 Askerne Hawke’s Bay

Cabernet Franc

RRP $25

Co Pilot

If there is one big red grape that is trending now and offers a surprise factor in every sip, it is Cabernet Franc. This wine from Askerne in Hawke’s Bay proves the point with its perfumed red fruit and dark, juicy black plum flavours combined in a powerful, structured, velvety red wine. It is easy to taste why Cabernet Franc is a firm new favourite of red wine devotees globally. I hope we see more of it planted in New Zealand.

2019 Charles Wiffen Merlot

RRP $26


At four years old now, this wine is in an excellent window of drinking and great value for money. It’s a smooth, medium-bodied Merlot with aromas of mocha, mint and spice, supported by fresh acidity that adds length and freshness. Merlot fans will love this plush and plummy South Island red made from grapes grown on the north block situated on the site of the old Wiffen homestead in Marlborough. Winemaker Bec Wiffen gently hand-plunged the Merlot grapes to extract balanced colour and tannins, which were softened in barrel (20% new).

2021 d’Arenberg The Footbolt Shiraz

RRP $26


This impressive ruby-hued Aussie Shiraz is dry, spicy, smooth, tight and youthful in style with a long life ahead: this is a 10-year wine. A great investment, on a relative shoestring. Fabulous value for money.

2021 Jim Barry The Cover Drive

Cabernet Sauvignon

RRP $26


If there is one big red grape that is trending now and offers a surprise factor in every sip, it is Cabernet Franc

This is one of Australia’s most iconic Cabernet Sauvignons, with dark mocha aromas, a hint of capsicum suggestive of Cabernet and a dark, powerful, structured style. Drinks well now and can hold, developing touches of further complexity for the next three to four years.

2020 Mission Reserve Malbec

RRP $29

Mission Estate

This impressive Hawke’s Bay Malbec has a deep purple hue, powerful spicy aromas and a smooth tannin structure leading into rich, ripe Omega plum flavours. Complex, layered and drinks well now, with the ability to reveal layers of softness and depth over time.

2022 Čuvar Iris Malbec Merlot

RRP $29.99

Fistonich Family Vineyards

Dark, spicy and vibrant with richly fruitforward aromas and a smooth mediumbodied style. Impressive tannins add depth in an approachable style for a wine so young. Drink now and over the next three to four years, preferably paired with meaty slow-cooked dishes.

2022 Čuvar Iris Merlot Cabernet Franc

RRP $29.99

Fistonich Family Vineyards

Merlot may play the lead in this red blend, but Cabernet Franc is the shining star with its deep, velvety smooth textures, lifted fragrant dark fruit flavours and bold, powerful but elegant edge of beauty. This is an excellent, structured wine from a tricky vintage in Hawke’s Bay, showing what a great region, great winemaking, and great vision can achieve.

RRP $30 – RRP $39.99

2021 Terrace Edge Syrah

RRP $31.99


North Canterbury is one of New Zealand’s highest-hitting wine regions when it comes to quality, diversity and price, as this fleshy, plummy, cool climate Syrah shows. This wine tastes best decanted and served in a large glass with savoury food. It drinks beautifully now, allowed to warm to room temperature on a cool night. It can also age well for the next four to five years, developing further savoury complex flavours.

2022 Vasse Felix Filius Cabernet


RRP $32


Western Australian winery Vasse Felix has carved a name for itself as a producer of outstanding, complex wines. This is one of the best. It is an affordably-priced classic Cabernet Sauvignon, overflowing with juicy layers of red and dark berries, dried herbs and black olives, all intermingling in a complex juicy wine. Drink now in a large glass, decanted, or age for up to 10 years.

2020 Spy Valley Syrah

RPP $32.90

Red + White Cellar

Marlborough is so synonymous with Sauvignon Blanc that other grape varieties in the region tend to be overshadowed, so it’s heartening to see a plush and peppery Syrah from Spy Valley. Wines such as this one champion much needed diversity in the New Zealand wine industry. A lovely expression of red fruit and spice with a light touch of vanilla, all captured in a mediumbodied red.

2021 Stonecroft Gimblett Gravels

Serine Syrah

RRP $33


Serine Syrah has a certain ring to its name and also to its spicy, dark flavour notes of ripe plums supported by bold, spicy aromas and firm, smooth tannins. This is one of Hawke’s Bay’s oldest and most iconic brands of Syrah and continues to consistently provide wines with great balance and the ‘wow’ factor in spades.

2020 Delta Hatters Hill Cabernet


RRP $35

Black Market

Hatters Hill Cabernet Merlot takes its name from Tom Hatter, who lived in rural Marlborough in the early 1900s and walked the hills that now overlook Delta Vineyard. This wine is a layered and complex expression of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot with red berry aromas leading into a structured, impressive wine for drinking now and over the next three to four years.

2021 Pegasus Bay Merlot Cabernet

RRP $35


Inspired by the best of Bordeaux, this blend of Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Cabernet Franc is driven by intense blackcurrant aromas with complex notes of smoked meat, cedar, and gorgeous smooth tannins. Commanding in structure and with long flavours, this wine drinks superbly now, preferably decanted. It will age well for at least five to six years, potentially longer.

2021 Langmeil Valley Floor Shiraz

RRP $36


South Australia is home to some of the world’s most approachably smooth, seductively fleshy, full-bodied reds, and this powerful Shiraz is one of them. Complex aromas of caramel, spice, and hints of red pepper add depth to the taste spectrum. An impressive wine and very good value for money.

2020 Yalumba The Cigar Cabernet


RRP $38


Western Australian winery Vasse Felix has carved a name for itself as a producer of outstanding, complex wines.

Named after a long strip of red earth known as “terra rossa” in Coonawarra, South Australia, this complex Cabernet speaks of warm ripening conditions, which come through in layered ripe fruit flavours. Complex, earthy, and dried herb aromas add depth and complexity to the commanding structure of Cabernet Sauvignon’s powerful personality.

RRP $40 – RRP $60

2020 Saint Clair Pioneer Block 30

Table Top Cabernet Franc

RRP $42


An impressive expression of Cabernet Franc from one of New Zealand’s largest familyowned wineries, Saint Clair. Hawke’s Baygrown grapes are used to make this structured, perfumed red, which is deep in colour with lifted blackcurrant leaf aromas and notes of savoury spice.

2021 Saint Clair Pioneer Block 17

Plateau Cabernet Merlot

RRP $42


Saint Clair Family Estate is a large family winery with a talented and well-resourced winemaking team to span a wide range of wine styles and grape varieties, including this superbly structured classic blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. Dark blackberry aromas and firm black olive flavours are held in balance by the soft lushness of Merlot’s smooth plum character. Complex and satisfying now, but can age for a further six to seven years plus.

2021 Craggy Range Gimblett

Gravels Syrah

RRP $44.95


This Craggy Range Syrah is an outstanding wine now and will continue to be, offering smooth approachability coupled with dark and impressive black plum flavours leading into subtle notes of spicy black pepper. This wine tastes lively, refreshing and flavoursome now and has the ability to develop further complexity in the next five years.

Spy Valley S Block Syrah NV

RPP $45

Red + White Cellar

This is a hearty Syrah with deep, dark berry fruit character in a full-bodied wine that was aged five years prior to blending. It is made from hand-picked grapes that were fermented separately in the winemaker’s quest to make the best, richest and most elegant wine possible. Vegan-friendly.

2023 Huntress Syrah

RRP $46

Huntress Wines

This is the first Syrah from Huntress Wines owner/founder Jannine Rickards. Grapes grown at the TK Vineyard in Hawke’s Bay’s Bridge Pa Triangle were hand-harvested and transported to the Wairarapa, where Rickards gave them 30% whole cluster wild yeast fermentation followed by 10 months in French oak barriques to create this this delicate, plush Syrah. The oak leaves the lightest imprint on the wine, adding a touch of spice and structured complexity to the red fruit lift.

2023 Čuvar Guardian Cabernet Merlot Malbec

RRP $54.99

Fistonich Family Vineyards

Fantastic structure comes through in this outstanding Hawke’s Bay blend from one of the toughest vintages (if not the toughest) on record. Cabernet sings from its classic song sheet here, leading with tannic structure and power, supported by the softness of Merlot and spicy overtones of Malbec. Drink now (must be decanted to be enjoyed at its best) or over the next four to six years.

Church Road 1 Syrah is a brooding, highly structured Syrah.

2021 Stonecroft Reserve Syrah

RRP $60


A great Syrah from a great vintage. Dark peppery spice aromas lead into a firmly tannic, structured red made from grapes grown on the Gimblett Gravels from the superlative 2021 vintage – a year of great warmth and dry weather that produced exceptional grapes and wines. This wine offers a snapshot of excellence now, and will evolve further over the next eight to nine years plus.

RRP $100 and above

2021 Church Road 1 Syrah

Redstone Vineyard

RRP $120

Pernod Ricard

Church Road 1 Syrah is a brooding, highly structured Syrah from winemakers Chris Scott and Craig Thomas, using grapes from the Redstone Vineyard in Hawke’s Bay’s Bridge Pa Triangle. This site has produced complex tasting grapes with both red and dark fruit aromatic appeal, which make for an impressive red to decant now and enjoy with meaty flavours or savour in four to five years or more.

2021 Trinity Hill Prison Block

Cabernet Sauvignon

RRP $120

Trinity Hill

Cabernet Sauvignon is the great red grape of Bordeaux and the sole ingredient in this impressive wine from one of the great vintages in Hawke’s Bay: 2021. Powerful structure, concentrated colour, fruit flavours and complex layers of spicy notes are all present and counted in this focused Cabernet Sauvignon. This wine has the restraint of a youthful Cabernet with the balance of cedary oak aromas and succulent acidity suggesting a long life ahead of up to and beyond 10 years.

2020 Black Barn Concetta

RRP $125

Black Barn Vineyard

Fans of dark red wines and soft smooth Merlots will love Concetta. This outstanding red is a quirky and sensationally successful blend of Montepulciano, Cabernet Sauvignon (each contributing 48% of the blend) and Sangiovese with a humble 4%. Dry, smooth, plummy and deep with a full body that is approachable now thanks to the juicy, velvety and lifted perfume characters of Montepulciano, with the structured power of Cabernet Sauvignon. Concetta was first released in 2015 and has been made in small volumes from great vintages ever since. It is made from dryfarmed grapes grown in the Havelock Hills on vines with an average age of 28 years, all destemmed and with 18 months maturation in French oak.

2020 Black Barn Single Vineyard

Cabernet Franc

RRP $125

Black Barn Vineyard

Gentle spiced blackcurrant and warming notes of cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg sit in the background of this dry and richly fruit-driven Cabernet Franc. Firm tannins are held in check by a ripe, juicy core of plums on the mid-palate. Talk about Cabernet Franc being well-suited to Hawke’s Bay’s climate and winemaking culture. This is a great Franc that needs time to reveal its most layered flavours and will reward those with the patience to wait four to five years.

2022 Craggy Range Sophia

RRP $140


Merlot plays the starring role in this wine made from hand-picked grapes, fermented with wild yeasts and given extended barrel ageing. The result is a wine that lets Merlot shine, with Cabernet in the supporting role. Together, they create a smooth, richly coloured red wine with a lush mid-palate and powerful aromas of black olives, dried herbs and wild thyme all adding complexity to the appealing plummy fruit flavours. Sophia is part of the Prestige Collection from Craggy Range and is one of New Zealand’s best reds based on classic Bordeaux grape varieties Merlot and Cabernet.

2019 Huchet Gimblett Gravels Syrah

RRP $150

Mission Estate

Syrah is the second most-planted red grape and the most exciting in Hawke’s Bay today, as this ruby-coloured, impressively well-structured wine shows in every seductive sip. Powerful tannins are reined in by balanced, fleshy black plum flavours, underpinned by layers of warming spice, cedar and vanilla notes. The wine is named after Brother Cyprian Huchet, a French-trained winemaker at the Mission Estate from 1871 to 1884. Cellar with confidence for nine to 10 years or longer.

2021 Trinity Hill Homage Syrah

RRP $150

Trinity Hill

Homage is one of Hawke’s Bay’s most famous Syrahs, made in tribute to the great red wines of France’s northern Rhône Valley. Powerful layers of ripe fruit and floral aromas suggest blueberries, red fruits and spice, all of which are supported by concentrated powerful tannin structure with a silky note in the background. This wine has power-packed lifted fruit aromas and a full body with balanced acidity adding cut-through and freshness. Drinks well now, if decanted, but ideally leave it to age for 15+ years and taste the transformation.

The 2021 Homage was aged in a combination of oak barrels for 18 to 21 months, with the intention of building smoothness and accentuating the impressive structural qualities in this wine.

2022 Craggy Range Le Sol Gimblett Gravels Hawke’s Bay

RRP $170


“Le sol” translates from French as “the soil” and this top Syrah from Craggy Range comes from Hawke’s Bay’s renowned Gimblett Gravels, where the stony ground absorbs, retains and reflects the warmth of the sun back onto the vines to aid the ripening process. The result is a powerful, deeply coloured Syrah that gains structure from a portion of whole bunch fermentation, complexity from the use of wild yeasts, and smooth, round appeal from extended barrel ageing pre-bottling. This is an exceptional wine and among the pinnacle of Syrahs in New Zealand. Le Sol forms part of the Prestige Collection from Craggy Range.

For distributor contacts see the Distributor Index on page 78.

Joy with the “heartbreak grape”


Central Otago winery continues to make major waves internationally with its Pinot Noirs, as Joelle Thomson explains…

ONE OF the world’s biggest wine competitions has awarded one of the world’s smallest wineries its ‘Best in Show’ title this year in London.

The winning wine is the 2022 McArthur Ridge Southern Tor Pinot Noir and it scored 97/100 points at the Decanter World Wine awards in June. It’s a lithe, elegant expression of Pinot Noir (rather than an overwhelming blockbuster) and all the better for it.

The Decanter World Wine Awards is one of the world’s largest and most influential wine competitions. It has a rigorous judging process and a long track record, which makes it doubly gratifying for the owners of McArthur Ridge, who produced their first wine in 2007. The winemaker today is Matt Connell, one of the most experienced in Central Otago and a dab hand at Pinot Noir, in case that wasn’t self-evident.

The 2022 McArthur Ridge Brassknocker Pinot Noir also won the New Zealand Pinot Noir Trophy at the 2024 International Wine Competition in July.

Central Otago is the region best known for Pinot Noir in New Zealand because the winemakers there have a staunch devotion to “the heartbreak grape”, as Pinot is often known, both in jest and not. It is just not an easy grape to grow or make money from, even in a region as vast, varied and diverse in climatic zones as Central Otago.

Vines are planted as far north as Wanaka and Waitaki (North Otago, strictly speaking) and then in Bendigo, Northburn, Lowburn, Pisa, around Cromwell, Bannockburn, Alexandra, and Gibbston Valley. This means that Central Otago is far from one region, and its winemakers create highly diverse styles of wine as a result of so many variable

“Central Otago is the region best known for Pinot Noir in New Zealand because the winemakers there have a staunch devotion to ‘the heartbreak grape’.”

climate factors. Not to mention their own winemaking philosophies and approaches. Pinot Noir occupies at least 80% of the 2,054 hectares of producing vineyard land in Central today and there are 143 wineries there, making it second only to Marlborough in terms of registered wineries. This is impressive for a region so young and so unknown until the 1990s, but certainly in the spotlight now with its consistent run of prestigious wins.

2022 McArthur Ridge Southern Tor Pinot Noir

RRP $36.99


Southern Tor Pinot Noir has a seductive lightness of touch that comes through in its bright fruit-forward aromas of ripe red cherries and macerated plums that lead into a wine of power and depth. This is a complex, youthful wine that sits in a beautiful drinking window right now and will evolve to a lithe, silky Pinot within the next six to seven years.

Top Picks

Joelle Thomson highlights delicious new release wines for late winter enjoyment…

2022 Greywacke Chardonnay

RRP $49.99


Chardonnay is the world’s most popular white wine and thrives everywhere it is grown in New Zealand – from Northland to Central Otago, and in Marlborough too, which is home to this impressive wine. The 2022 Greywacke Chardonnay was made by the father-son team of Kevin and Alex Judd, who have gently coaxed the best into each bottle of this fullbodied bone-dry wine from two outstanding clones (Mendoza and clone 95). All grapes were handpicked and whole-bunch pressed then fermented with indigenous yeast in French oak barriques (20% new) for 11 months. Occasional lees stirring adds depth and a creamy texture to this complex, nuanced wine, which drinks well now and will really come into its own in another five years.

2021 Čuvar Guardian Collection

Rivermere Gimblett Gravels


RRP $43

Fistonich Family Vineyards

Hawke’s Bay had an excellent vintage in 2021 and this outstanding crisp, dry and complex Chardonnay shows it. It is made with grapes grown on the Rivermere vineyard by the Ngaruroro River on the Gimblett Gravels, a site where warm days and cool evenings bring freshness to balance the ripe stonefruit, baked apples, cinnamon and spice nuances. Čuvar (pronounced “choo-var”) translates from Croatian as “the guardian” and is the new brand of Sir George Fistonich. The wine was made by Hugh Crichton.

2021 Settlement Ashmore Riesling

RRP $28


Settlement Vineyard was established in 1997 on north-facing, free-draining, deep alluvial soils on a sloping site in Marlborough that has full organic certification. This is one of Marlborough’s most exciting Rieslings, with powerful depth and freshness, vibrant aromatics of lemon, limes, red apple, melon and fresh herbs all shining through. This pristine Riesling contains 11.5% alcohol and 18 grams of residual sugar. It has fruity aromas and a dry, crisp finish.

The 2022 Greywacke Chardonnay was made by the father-son team of Kevin and Alex Judd, who have gently coaxed the best into each bottle of

this full-bodied bonedry wine from two outstanding clones.

Pinot Noir

RRP $130


This is a powerful Pinot Noir from Gibbston Valley in Central Otago. Dry, savoury aromas of spice, dried mushrooms and a touch of fresh herbs all bring complexity to this outstanding wine, which drinks beautifully now and, history shows, can age superbly for up to and over 10 years. “Le maitre” is French for “the master” and is named in homage to Alan Brady, founder of Gibbston Valley Wines who planted Pinot Noir on this site 38 years ago. This wine is certified organic.

2022 Mora Riesling

RRP $37 Mora

Mora Riesling is a gorgeous expression of a cool vineyard site on the deep alluvial soils and schist rock of the Redback Ridge on Cairnmuir Road vineyard in Bannockburn. Grapes were picked in cool morning temperatures to retain the fresh acidity that drives Riesling, providing it with backbone and structure. The lively, high acidity in this wine is balanced by depth from brief lees ageing, along with aromas of limes, apples and a hint of peach. This wine drinks well now and has a long life ahead.

2022 Gibbston Valley Le Maitre

NZ Women in Wine ramps up professional development


Women in Wine has launched its 2024 mentor programme and a new online Development Series.

The first three online sessions focus on governance, negotiation and conflict resolution, and how to crush imposter syndrome. Nicky Grandorge, Leadership & Communities Manager at New Zealand Winegrowers says that registration numbers have been high.

The first session was held in early July and the sessions are recorded, to reach even more people looking to progress their careers within the wine industry. The key presenters this winter are Jenny McDonald, Trish Lui and Jo Cribb.

Boxing clever

MARLBOROUGH SAUVIGNON Blanc is the most successful wine in the New Zealand wine industry and made in such high volumes that it takes only a short stretch of the imagination to pack it in a box to reduce the impact of packaging on the environment.

This is the country’s first modern bagin-box Sauvignon Blanc that I am aware of, and is a lively, fresh and fruit-forward expression made from the Te Manawa Vineyard in Renwick. Winemaker Nadine Worley added cultured yeasts to a cool ferment in stainless tanks, gave the wine a little time on lees, post ferment, to add weight. The wine was filtered and it rocks a crisp vibe of freshness. – Joelle Thomson.

2023 Fugitive Sauvignon Blanc, certified organic, 2 litre box RRP $59.

Fugitive Organic

NZ Women in Wine’s 2024 Mentoring Programme is also underway, with 10 pairs of mentors and mentees from around the country, all of whom work in a wide range of roles within the New Zealand wine industry.

The 2024 mentors are: Andrea Craig (Whitehaven); Anna Remond (O:Tu); Emma Lowe (Monowai Estate); Kat Mason (Cloudy Bay); Raffaela Dragani and Katherine Minchin (Indevin); Ryann Calder, (Monte Christo Winery); Sarah Burton (Calvert Vineyard); Sophie Matthews

(Wineworks); and Ngarita Warden (Bragato Research Institute).

Nicky Grandorge led the induction workshops at Spy Valley in Marlborough and the pairs will now meet six times over the next six months.

With the guidance of coach and author Fiona Fenwick, the bespoke programme has been running since 2018 with over 100 women having taken part. nzwine.com/en/initiativesevents/ women-in-wine

Maison Vauron to distribute Petrus

FRENCH WINE merchants Maison Vauron in Auckland have secured the exclusive distribution of Petrus in New Zealand for restaurants and private clients.

“We are thrilled to welcome Petrus into our family of French wines,” says Jean-Christophe Poizat, co-founder and co-director of Maison Vauron. “Its rarity and high demand make it a sought-after label for many wine lovers and collectors. Petrus has extraordinary ageing potential, with bold, concentrated fruit flavours in its youth that can transform into something quite complex and multi-dimensional over time.”

One of the world’s most prestigious wines, Petrus is renowned globally for its winemaking heritage and outstanding quality. Its origins can be traced back to 1837, but it was the Moueix family of Jean-Pierre and sons Jean-Francois and Christian who were key in building the estate’s modern reputation. They took 100% ownership in the 1960s, with JeanClaude Berrouet appointed as winemaker in 1964 and staying on for 45 vintages.

Today, a new generation is at the helm of Petrus with Jean Moueix, grandson of Jean-Pierre, and with Olivier Berrouet, son of Jean-Claude, as head winemaker.

Pricing upon request by contacting JeanChristophe Poizat on jc@mvauron.co.nz

Maison Vauron

From left: Kat Mason, Katherine Minchin, Nicky Grandorge, Emma Lowe, Anna Remond, Raffaela Dragani and Ryann Calder.

Pinot Noir NZ back for 2025

WINE EVENT Pinot Noir New Zealand has been confirmed for February 2025 in Christchurch.

PNNZ 2025 will be held 11 – 13 February and returns after an eight-year hiatus. Tickets are on sale now and expected to sell out quickly.

“We have some amazing speakers lined up and are looking forward to hosting influential trade and media from our key export markets,” says Michael Henley MW, PNNZ 2025 Chair.

“This is the chance for experts from around the world to experience New Zealand’s phenomenal Pinot Noir at the incredible Te Pae conference centre. For anyone engaged in the global wine scene, it is an opportunity not to be missed.”

More than 70 wineries are taking part in the three-day programme.

“Attendees can expect to immerse themselves in the stories of the land, people, and culture of New Zealand,” says Henley. “There is no better opportunity to get under the skin of New Zealand Pinot Noir and discover what makes it so unique.”

Ticket and programme details at pinotnz.co.nz

Medal sweep for Trinity Hill in Shanghai

TRINITY HILL is celebrating multiple wins at the Shanghai International Wine Challenge (SIWC) 2024, with the Trophy for the Best Chardonnay and Best Syrah and five Platinum Medals.

The SIWC is renowned for its rigorous judging process, which involves a panel of judges comprising Master Sommeliers, certified wine educators, and seasoned industry experts. This year, at the 18th annual event, over 500 wines submitted from 20 countries were tasted blind by the 15 international judges, and wines were selected for four awards: Trophy, Platinum, Gold and Silver.

Trinity Hill’s Awards:

• Trinity Hill Gimblett Gravels Chardonnay 2022: Chardonnay Trophy, Platinum Medal

• Trinity Hill Gimblett Gravels Syrah 2021: Syrah Trophy, Platinum Medal

• Trinity Hill Single Vineyard Prison Block 2019: Platinum Medal

• Trinity Hill Single Vineyard 125 Gimblett Chardonnay 2021: Platinum Medal

• Trinity Hill Homage Syrah 2019: Platinum Medal

Warren Gibson, Chief Winemaker, Trinity Hill Wines said, “We are delighted with these awards. They reflect our team’s hard work, passion, and unwavering commitment to producing exceptional wines that showcase the unique characteristics of the Gimblett Gravels Wine Growing Region in Hawke’s Bay. China is a key and growing market for Trinity Hill, and the Shanghai wine scene is exciting and dynamic, so to achieve these results at the SIWC is a real honour.”

Warren Gibson

New head winemaker for Nga Waka

NGA WAKA Winery has announced the appointment of Paul Mason as its new winemaker. He will join the Nga Waka team in November, taking over from current winemaker Roger Parkinson, who will retire at the end of the year after 32 vintages.

Paul is currently head winemaker at Martinborough Vineyard, where he has won many awards and accolades during his 20-year tenure.

well-suited to Nga Waka, with these varieties making up 90% of their production.

Mick Hodson, GM of Nga Waka, says that Paul’s in-depth understanding of Martinborough and passion for Pinot Noir and Chardonnay makes him particularly

Nga Waka owner, Jay Short, says that as a pioneer of the Martinborough wine industry, Roger Parkinson’s retirement will leave an incredible legacy at Nga Waka, and more widely across the region. “I want to acknowledge the hard work and dedication that Roger and his wife Carol have put into Nga Waka and the wider Wairarapa wine industry over the past 30 years,” says Jay. “Roger has made some exceptional Pinot Noirs and set the benchmark for Chardonnay in Martinborough.”

NZ wines world-beating at IWC

NEW ZEALAND claimed two of the seven International Varietal Trophies at the International Wine Challenge in July, with a Waiheke Island Syrah and Hawke’s Bay Chardonnay judged best in the world.

In its 40 th year, the International Wine Challenge awarded medals to 38 countries following an intensive blind tasting by a global panel of experts.  New Zealand came sixth for medals overall, with six wines awarded coveted Trophies.

Church Road took home

11 medals in addition to the New Zealand White and Red Trophies. Its Grand Reserve Chardonnay 2021 was named the best Chardonnay in the world, knocking South Africa off the top spot. In addition to two Golds and two Silvers, Waiheke Island’s Kennedy Point Vineyard beat wines from 11 countries to claim the International Syrah Trophy. The winning wine, Syrah 2021, which judges described as “everything you could desire from a cool climate Syrah” also took home the IWC Organic Trophy.

Full results at internationalwinechallenge.com

Of the 58 New Zealand Pinot Noirs awarded medals, it was Central Otago’s McArthur Ridge Wines that claimed the New Zealand Pinot Noir Trophy for its Brassknocker 2022.

Marisco Vineyards took home more medals than any other New Zealand producer, with two Golds, eight Silvers and 13 Bronzes. The King’s Favour Sauvignon Blanc 2023 took home the New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc Trophy, while The King’s Series “A Sticky End” Noble Sauvignon Blanc 2022 claimed the New Zealand Sweet Trophy.

Toast Martinborough sets the date for 2025

TOAST MARTINBOROUGH has confirmed it will return in January 2025, following the cancellation of the 2024 event after its sale to Foley Wines earlier this year.

Previously held in November, Toast Martinborough is moving to summer and the event date of Sunday 19 January coincides with Wellington Anniversary Weekend.

“Toast is one of the region’s best-loved events,” says Destination Wairarapa chief executive

Anna Nielson. “The day spent discovering our wonderful wines, matched with delicious regional food, alongside great music provides relaxed festival fun in an incomparable setting. The Toast experience celebrates so many aspects of what our region excels at and is one which visitors very much look forward to.”

Eight wineries have been confirmed for the 2025 event: Poppies Martinborough, Ata Rangi, Tirohana Estate, Luna Estate, and Moy Hall, while Palliser Estate joins Te Kairanga and Martinborough Vineyard at The Runholder.


Paul Mason

Famed Faustino Wines now at Hancocks

THE RENOWNED Faustino Wines from Spain’s famed Rioja region are now available in New Zealand through distributor Hancocks.

With a legacy of over 160 years, Faustino is included in the World’s Most Admired Wine Brands 2024 in position #19, with Faustino Gran Reserva named the World’s Best Wine by Decanter UK in 2013.

The acclaimed Bodegas Faustino Bodegas Faustino has been a significant part of Rioja DOCa’s history since its founding in 1861. The company remains family-owned today, now in its fourth generation.

Faustino is one of the largest vineyard owners in the DOCa Rioja wine region, with 700 hectares under its ownership. Its vineyards are spread across all three sub-regions of Rioja: Rioja Alavesa, Rioja Alta, and Rioja Oriental.

With 160 years of experience, Bodegas Faustino has earned international prestige for its dedication to crafting and ageing some of the finest wines available.

In the 1950s, when Don Julio Faustino Martínez launched the Faustino brand internationally, he combined his two passions, wine and art, as a tribute to his father, Don Faustino Martínez Pérez de Albéniz. One of the most iconic elements of the Faustino brand’s launch was the use of a portrait by Rembrandt, which has since become a globally recognised symbol in the world of wine.

For wholesale inquiries contact your Hancocks rep or call 0800 699 463.

The iconic Faustino range

Hancocks is proud to distribute the following wines from Bodegas Faustino:

Faustino I Gran Reserva Rioja 2012 RRP $69.99

Known in over 140 countries and represented at the most significant international events, Faustino I is the winery’s most famous award-winning wine. Carefully selected grapes and a meticulous ageing process have resulted in mythical vintage years since 1945.

Gran Faustino I Gran Reserva 2004 RRP $199.99

A timeless blend of Tempranillo, Graciano, and Mazuelo (Carignan), this wine embodies the classic Rioja Gran Reserva. Aged for at least 38 months in American oak (80%) and French oak (20%) barrels, with five meticulous rackings, it epitomises Faustino’s dedication to quality and tradition.

Faustino Rioja Icon Edition 2017 RRP $89.99

A unique wine that highlights all the virtues of Bodegas Faustino’s Crianzas. An interesting combination of mostly Tempranillo grapes from the most exceptional vineyards at the Malpica estate, in the Rioja Alavesa region, with a limited number of bottles produced.

Faustino V Reserva Rioja 2018 RRP $69.99

This balanced and elegant wine is part of the Faustino V range. It comes from a cellar containing more than 60,000 American and French barrels with a range of toasting levels. This enables the winery to compile an interesting collection of reserve wines aged for at least 24 months in American oak before being left to settle in the bottle. Faustino V Reserva Rioja has a smooth mouthfeel with hints of tannins and cocoa and light reminiscence of ripe fruit.

Faustino VII RRP $25.99

Bodegas Faustino’s most popular wines, the Faustino VII range, are authentically Spanish and known all over the world.

The range includes Cabernet Sauvignon, Garnacha, Sauvignon Blanc, Tempranillo, and Rosé.

Hancocks is also offering other product lines within the Bodegas Faustino range, such as Finca Les Trenzones, Fortius, Portia, and Don Hugo.

Top results at Decanter World Wine Awards

THREE NEW Zealand wines topped the rankings at the 2024 Decanter World Wine Awards – among them a Hawke’s Bay winery still recovering from Cyclone Gabrielle.

The top title went to Central Otago winery McArthur Ridge, which won the prestigious Best in Show award for its 2022 Southern Tor Pinot Noir.

The 2022 Saint Clair Family Estate Reserve Chardonnay and 2021 Mutu Reserve Chardonnay were both awarded Platinum.

Entries were blind-tasted by nearly 250 world-leading experts in a rigorous, multi-stage judging process and of the 18,000 entries only 117 wines were awarded with coveted Platinum medals.

Chief Winemaker Kel Dixon is at the helm of the New Zealand-owned and operated Mutu winery.

Shed 530 Estate, home to the Mutu label, faced significant challenges, requiring a complete rebuild after Cyclone Gabrielle hit in February 2023.

The storm caused extensive damage, resulting in the demolition of three buildings and the destruction of most winemaking equipment.

“Thankfully a majority of our latest vintage had already been moved off-site, allowing us to continue sharing these delicious Hawke’s Bay wines,” said Kel. “Our team’s perseverance and the support from the community has been incredible and we plan to be back open this summer. Plans are well underway to rebuild our cellar door, with exciting winery redevelopment to follow.”

Full results at decanter.com/ decanter-awards

Rare release of Marie Zelie out now


VINEYARD has announced the sixth release of ‘Marie Zelie’ – a rare and coveted fine wine only produced in outstanding vintages.

The Marie Zelie Reserve Pinot Noir 2019 marks the sixth release of the wine in the past 20 years and the first since 2013. Parcels from some of New Zealand’s oldest Pinot Noir vines were hand-picked, and pressed for the wine, which was aged for 13 months in selected French oak barriques. The wine was bottled in July 2020 and has spent four years resting in Martinborough Vineyard’s cellar. It is extremely limited in volume with just five barrels selected, resulting in only 1,471 bottles of the 2019 vintage.

The wine is named for Marie Zelie Hermance Frere who arrived in the Wairarapa in 1882 and planted vines to remind her of her French home. She made wine from more than 3,000 cuttings on the family estate near Masterton until Prohibition was adopted in 1908 and the vines

were pulled out. A century later, Martinborough Vineyard founder Derek Milne married Marie Zelie’s great-great-niece, Margaret.

The 2019 Marie Zelie Reserve Pinot Noir is expected to retail at $220 per bottle.

Foley Wines

Mutu Chief Winemaker Kel Dixon

Fridge F i l l e r s

From rich dark beers to hop-packed IPAs, there’s a slew of new releases for the fridge this winter…

Note: Beers and ciders are listed in order of % ABV.

McLeod’s Big Brum Dark Mild

3.3% ABV, 440ml RRP $8.99


English Mild is a style you don’t see much of in New Zealand but McLeod’s could be about to change that. Their Big Brum Dark Mild is an eminently drinkable brown beer, packed with malts for notes of toffee, chocolate and subtle dark fruit. At 3.3% it’s good as a session ale, and the big 440ml can would probably last an entire game of darts.

Behemoth Cream Soda Ale

4% ABV, 330ml RRP $3.99


Cream soda is an old-school soft drink that tastes like an ice cream float – and Behemoth’s Cream Soda Ale is just that. They’ve loaded an amber ale with sweetness and big hits of vanilla and just a touch of coffee. It’s a party in a can and not at all what you’d expect from an amber ale. Ideal served with dessert – maybe an apple pie?

Monteith’s Ginger Beer

4% ABV, 330ml 10-pack RRP $28.99


Monteith’s has gone back to its roots with a new Ginger Beer, a blend of zesty ginger and subtle sweetness. A refreshing brew with zing, it captures the flavour of a summer day that you can enjoy all year round, whatever the weather.

McLeod’s Search for Surf PA

4.3% ABV, 440ml RRP $9.99


Here’s a beer that fair reeks of summer. One drop and you’re reaching for the togs bag, ready to hit the beach and sink a few beers under the shade of a pohutukawa tree. Pouring golden and clear in the glass, this is a sunny pale ale, expertly balanced with citrus and herbs mixing beneath a nose of rose petal and sage. Delicious, and a cool can too. Recommended.

Behemoth Hazy of the Century Hazy IPA

4.5% ABV, 330ml 6-pack RRP $21.99


A collaboration with Four Square to celebrate its 100th Birthday, Behemoth’s Hazy of the Century is a New Zealand classic – just like the iconic grocery stores. Golden and hazy in the glass, the Motueka, Nelson Sauvin and Riwaka hops give a veritable fruit and vege section of tropical and citrus flavours. The familiar Four Square guy on the can will hit those nostalgia notes for customers too.

Garage Project Susegad

4.5% ABV, 330ml RRP $5.50

Garage Project

This spicy collab sees Garage Project team up with Chef Chetan Pangam at One80 Restaurant in Wellington. From the Portuguese word for calm, “susegad” is a carefree attitude or relaxed and contented enjoyment of life associated with the Indian state of Goa. The beer is a hazy Goan-spiced witbier, infused with kokum (a sweet and sour dried plum rind), and a special blend of spices prepared by Chef Pangam. A refreshing, tart hazy wit with a delicate spicy twist.

Sprig + Fern Black Tyre Stout

4.7% ABV, 440ml RRP $8.49 and 888ml RRP $13.49

Sprig + Fern

Black in colour and true-to-style, this oatmeal stout from Sprig + Fern is toasty and slightly desserty, with hints of liquorice and a silky, somewhat dry finish. The brewery team likens Black Tyre Stout to a good adrenaline rush after shredding the local trail.

Krombacher Pilsner

4.8% ABV, 660ml RRP $5.99

Q Liquid

Brewed in Germany, Pilsner Krombacher is known as the five-star Premium Lager. It has an abundance of fruity hop aromas, which give way to a balanced malt backbone on the palate. Fresh and smooth, the famous Felsquellwasser and Hallertau hops ensure the beer is crisp, clean and with a refreshing, longlasting light bitter finish.

8 Wired The Good Fight Sunupper

5% ABV, 440ml RRP $9.49

8 Wired

The Good Fight is a series of collaborations with profits going towards building educational resources for New Zealand breweries, with help from Pink Boots NZ, NZ Beer Fam and RespectED. 8 Wired and Beer Baroness have combined for “Sunupper” – a harmonious blend of Riwaka, Nelson Sauvin, and Mosaic hops providing a burst of tropical and citrus flavours. Brewed to make a difference.

Emporium Chasing Rainbows Hazy

Pale Ale

5% ABV – keg only


Emporium’s entry into the popular hazy category is a delicious, juicy fruit number bursting with mango and tropical flavours. The floral nose recalls frangipani and the golden hue looks like a Fijian beach at sunset. Very drinkable – the kind of beer that makes you smile with every sip. Recommended.

Sunshine Schwarzbier

5% ABV, 440ml RRP $10.99


Another of Sunshine’s Lager House Series, their Schwarzbier is a classic German lager style using a heavy dose of Munich malt fermented with Franconian Lager yeast. In the glass, this dark lager has bready, lightly roasted malts and notes of chocolate and caramel. Enjoy with dark deli meats.

Sunshine Sunrise 07

5% ABV, 440ml RRP $10.99


Arriving in a pretty pink can, Sunshine’s Sunrise 07 is a hazy brewed in collaboration with Pink Boots, an organisation that supports women in the craft brewing world. Brewed by two of Sunshine’s rising stars – Nona and Marion – this is a hazy with hints of berry, tropical and stone fruits, all tied together with a soft, foggy haze.

Sprig + Fern Hidden Gem Hazy with NZH-109

5.2% ABV, 440ml RRP $8.49 and 888ml RRP $13.49 Sprig + Fern

The “hidden gem” in this beer refers to the experimental hop NZH-109 from the Bract Brewing Programme. This trial hop is a real citrus bomb, bringing lively and bright notes of lemon and lime zest alongside juicy grapefruit flesh, with a faint sweetness to balance the beer’s pleasantly bitter finish.

Krombacher Weizen

5.3% ABV, 500ml RRP $4.99

Q Liquid

Krombacher Weizen has sweet, fruity aromas of honey and banana and is fresh and full-bodied on the palate with a restrained bitterness that leads to a fruity finish.

Emporium Notastout Porter

5.4% ABV – keg only Emporium

Emporium’s Notastout is definitely not a stout – it’s a porter. While stouts use roasted unmalted barley, porters use malted barley for big chocolatey notes and a lighter body. Emporium’s porter delivers on all fronts. Pouring a deep reddish brown, it is light and playful with hints of berry fruit and big notes of chocolate and coffee. A very drinkable, darker (though not stout!) beer.

Sprig + Fern Tank Tetris West Coast IPA

6.4% ABV, 440ml RRP $9.49 and 888ml RRP $14.49

Sprig + Fern

The team at Sprig + Fern say that much like a game of Tetris (and owner/brewer Tracy Banner’s tank plan at the brewery) the flavours and aromas of their 2024 West Coast IPA Challenge entry slot right into place. A dank and resinous aroma greets you at the glass, while the palate delivers orange peel, apricot and tropical fruits, followed by a crisp, assertive bitterness and an oily, smooth finish.

McLeod’s High Country WCIPA

6.5% ABV, 440ml RRP $10.99


Waipu brewers McLeod’s produced a big entry for the 2024 West Coast IPA Challenge at The Malthouse and won the People’s Choice Award. They went all in with a mid-strength IPA boasting Mosaic, Centennial and Idaho 7 hops. The result is a dank, floral and citrusdriven number, that is clearly delighting serious hoppy IPA lovers already.

Sunshine NZIPA 2024

6.5% ABV, 440ml RRP $10.99


Sunshine’s entry into the 2024 Smiths NZIPA Challenge takes inspiration from American West Coast-style IPAs. A simple pilsner malt base is layered with Southern Cross, Wai-iti, Nectar and Verdant IPA hops for an astringent nose and a resinous flavour bomb in the mouth. There’s the familar pine aroma, but also lemon and stonefruit.

Behemoth Slinging Hops NZ IPA

6.7% ABV, 440ml RRP $10.99


The little brother of Behemoth’s Triple IPA is this still-not-small NZ IPA. Packed with Riwaka and Nelson Sauvin hops there are bold tropical notes, a zesty citrus punch, and that hoppy, grassy, dank aroma only the best hops can deliver. Dedicated to the Clayton Hops Team who were shopping their wares at the American Craft Brewers Conference in Las Vegas, this is a serious hop hit for craft lovers.

Hop Federation Binecraft WCIPA

6.8% ABV, 440ml RRP $10.49 – also in keg Hop Federation

(Warning: Minecraft-related gags follow.) For those not down with the lingo, the climbing stems of a hops plant are known as bines. See what they’ve done here? This Minecraftinspired release was created for the 2024 West Coast IPA Challenge and will strike a chord with anyone who has spent happy hours crafting in biomes or has children under 12. Constructed with hoppy building blocks of Citra, US Cascade and Nectaron, this West Coast IPA is packed with bursts of citrus and tropical fruit. Delicious, and not a crossbow-wielding skeleton in sight.

McLeod’s Amplifire NZ IPA

6.8% ABV, 440ml RRP $10.99


An entry into the Smiths NZIPA Challenge, McLeod’s have put Clayton Hops Amplifire to use in conjunction with Nelson, Pacifica and Riwaka hops. The result is a green and hoppy brew over a bready malt base. Golden and smooth.

Pacific Coast Undertow

6.8% ABV, 440ml RRP $10.99 – also in keg Pacific Coast

Mangawhai brewers Pacific Coast have used a couple of exciting Australian hops – Vic Secret and Enigma – to brew  this vibrant hazy IPA. The flavour profile includes notes of pineapple, grape, rock melon and of course, pine. The hops sit atop a base of New Zealand Light Lager malt and the addition of wheat gives a soft and smooth hazy body.

Parrotdog Limited Release 17 Hazy IPA

7.2% ABV, 440ml RRP $11


First impressions: a really cool can. Geometric, colourful, great design. In the glass, Limited Release 17 is a big, strong hazy IPA brewed with HBC 586, Ekuanot and Motueka hops. The combo brings big tropical, citrus and jet plane lolly characteristics to create a beer that the brewers call “an instant hit that’s likely to be gone in a flash”.

Sunshine Tiramisu Stout

7.5% ABV, 440ml RRP $11.99


Can I interest you in dessert? Sunshine’s Tiramisu Stout is exactly what it says on the can: this dark, dessert-inspired stout is laced with Tongan vanilla, New Zealand cold brew coffee and cacao from the Wellington Chocolate Factory. All that’s missing is the whipped cream.

Behemoth Our Stash of Hash Triple NZIPA with Hop Hash

10% ABV, 440ml RRP $14.99


Behemoth have gone about as big as you can go with this Triple IPA, both in terms of hops and alcohol (and references to marijuana). They’ve taken Nelson Sauvin, Amplifire, and Nectaron hops and blended them with Clayton Hop Hash. Sweet and resinous with massive bursts of hoppy pine, and for such a monster of a beer, it goes down surprisingly smoothly. A true ale for the hop heads out there.

Sunshine Russian Imperial Stout

10% ABV, 440ml RRP $13.49


Pouring an inky black, Sunshine’s Russian Imperial Stout is not messing around. A classic style at 10% ABV, there are notes of leather, tobacco, booze (of course) and dark, dark chocolate. Perfect for a long winter’s night.

8 Wired Double Espresso iStout

Imperial Stout

13.5% ABV, 330ml RRP $11.49

8 Wired

To celebrate 15 years of brewing in New Zealand, 8 Wired are releasing a series of special birthday brews. Owner/brewer Soren Eriksen has always wanted to brew an Imperial coffee stout, so for the second special release he has taken the original 10% iStout and cranked the ABV all the way up to 13.5%. The flavour profile is an intense coffee, chocolate, malt concoction held together with a birthdayamount of booze.

Sunshine’s Tiramisu Stout is exactly what it says on the can: this dark, dessert-inspired stout is laced with Tongan vanilla, New Zealand cold brew coffee and cacao from the Wellington Chocolate Factory.


Morningcider 0%

<0.5% ABV, 330ml 4-pack RRP $15 Hancocks

As the 0% beer category keeps growing, Auckland craft cidery Morningcider has now put its own zero alc offering forward. Morningcider 0% has all the fun of a crisp apple cider but none of the boozy downside. Tart and refreshing. Would be an excellent accompaniment to a cheeseboard.

Good George Pineapple and Margarita Cider

4.5% ABV, 946ml RRP $14.99

Good George

Good George are bringing Mexico to Hamilton with their Pineapple Margarita Cider. Pouring a pale gold with a slight cloudiness, you’re initially greeted by aromas of juicy pineapple and zesty lime. The flavours are a contrast of sweet pineapple and tangy citrus, with a hint of saltiness and agave syrup. Olé!

Morningcider Sangria

4.5% ABV, 440ml RRP $6.99


Here’s a fiesta of a cider from Morningcider. Pouring a bright purplish/raspberry colour, this is an apple and ginger cider infused with blackcurrant and peach. More sophisticated than many fruity ciders on the market, this is a nicely balanced drop with the ginger and blackcurrant tartness counterbalancing the fruit sweetness.

Morningcider BLACK

4.5% ABV, 440ml RRP $6.99


It’s called Black Cider but don’t worry, that’s just the striking all-black can. The black actually refers to the cider being crushed together with blackberry and blackcurrant, which in fact creates a bright pink cider. Sweet and tart at the same time, this is a fruit-driven cider that will delight cider lovers looking to avoid anything overly sweet.

Auckland craft cidery Morningcider has now put its own zero alc offering forward with Morningcider 0%.

Peckham’s Spiced Apple

5% ABV, 330ml RRP $5.99


This popular Peckham’s seasonal is back for winter. It’s an infusion of exotic spices and orange zest in one of Peckham’s traditional barrel-aged ciders. Notes of cinnamon, star anise and orange zest make this a perfect winter cider and can be served warm. Medium in style with a refreshing finish.

Peckham’s Wild Feijoa

5.6% ABV, 330ml RRP $5.99


Freshly pressed feijoa and apples from Peckham’s orchard are wild fermented with a portion co-fermented and aged for 12 months to create this complex cider with intense depth of flavour. Off-dry and zesty, this is a mouthwatering number that will delight feijoa fans.

Peckham’s Roasted Apple

5.7% ABV, 330ml RRP $5.99


This small batch seasonal cider won the Trophy for Specialty Cider at the most recent New Zealand Cider Awards. It has been crafted by roasting apple juice to create a fire cider with baked apple and smoky flavours. The fire cider is then blended with a traditional barrel-aged cider to finish. Rich, caramelised apple and orange notes, maple, baked apricot and hints of ripe peach with a smoky finish.

Time for some new thinking

With times getting tougher, Michael Donaldson reflects on new ways to draw in the punters…

THE RECENT Auckland Beer Week got me thinking about hospitality, craft beer, and finding new customers in a declining beer market.

Auckland Beer Week, the brainchild of former Society of Beer Advocates president Maree Shaw, is an annual collection of events that every year grows both in size and ideas.

There are many of the usual offerings we come to expect from beer-focused events: beer and burger, beer and pie, quiz nights, etc. But there’s also the more unusual, and one that caught my eye was a “speed dating” event held by St Leonard’s Brewing in the central Auckland suburb of Kingsland.

The event placed you in front of a series of random strangers, accompanied by a series of St Leonard’s beers, with tasting notes to start the conversation. It’s the kind of lateral thinking that hospitality needs to bring people in –you can drink all sorts of good beer at home, but interacting with strangers over a shared love of beer is actual entertainment.

Admittedly, that’s a small-scale solution to the myriad problems that plague both hospitality and beer at the moment, but it illustrates the sort of thinking that businesses need to grow.

Craft beer, in particular, is struggling with the new hospo-conomy. In pre-Covid days and especially in the mid-2010s, craft beer lived in the equivalent of a “build it and they will come” world. Brew a good beer and you’ll sell it fast. In fact, I can

remember the nights when people would line up for new releases!

But post-Covid, good beer alone is not enough. Everyone sells good beer. And people are not going out the way they used to. And the supermarket shelves are crowded with an array of high-quality products. So how do breweries cut the mustard in an economy that’s lost some heat?

Great regional breweries and suburban taprooms can find success based on strong loyalty, local networks, and good service.

It’s the kind of lateral thinking that hospitality needs to bring people in.

One example is Altitude Brewing in Queenstown. In the recent period of doom and gloom they have expanded, putting in new tanks. I spoke to managing director Eddie Gapper about this, and his secret is a plethora of simple things tied together by great customer service, and underpinned by a keen business sense.

He notes that for years craft brewing was often a passion project, but as starker realities bite a more rigorous approach is needed. Potentially, that’s as simple as forgoing festivals (which tend to draw the already-converted) and focusing your energy on getting beer into other venues where you’ll find new customers, such as the local golf club.

And Eddie’s big on that adage: the customer is always right. Again, the days are gone of brewers trying to sell something like triple dry-hopped 9% IPA just because it’s what they like to make.

It’s one of the reasons we’re seeing the rise and rise of lager in craft beer. My friend John Austin and former Alibi brewer Bernard Neate recently opened Twofold on Auckland’s Parnell Road.

A couple of months into the operation I asked them about which beers were selling the best. The short answer was: “Lager, lager, and more lager.”

It’s a fabulous bar with an amazing tap list that will satisfy any beer geek, but they understand their local market and therefore lager is a focus. A decade ago, craft breweries didn’t make much lager, let alone make it their focus.

And, speaking of giving the customer what they want, any bar without a great selection of non-alcoholic beer is not thinking of their clientele. Good George, which has a strong on-premise offering around the country, has two non-alc beers (a hazy and an IPA), a non-alc cider, and will soon have a mocktail version of one of their popular canned cocktails.

Founder Brian Watson told me recently that zeroes are now 10% of their sales. That’s potentially 10% of customers through the door. And if the non-drinker or sober driver in a group can enjoy a great non-alc while their mates have normal beer, you can guarantee they’ll be parked at the bar a lot longer.



now in 6-pack

SAWMILL’S POPULAR Hefeweizen (4.8%) will be available in a 330ml 6-pack from September, joining the current 440ml format. The cloudy German beer has notes of banana and clove and a bready malt base.

Sawmill Hefeweizen 330ml 6-pack is RRP $26.99


Winter goes Super Cold with Steinlager

STEINLAGER’S POPULAR Super Cold taps are expanding into more on-premise venues across New Zealand in August with Steinlager Ultra Low Carb joining Steinlager Classic as a choice for consumers opting for the super chilled experience.

The Steinlager Super Cold taps are designed to pour the beers at a super chilled 0°C for the ultimate in longer lasting refreshment.

Lion is now adding Steinlager Ultra Low Carb to the Steinlager Super Cold tap options.

Steinlager Brand Manager, Lauren Dyke, says they’re excited to bring the Steinlager Super Cold tap experience to more venues across New Zealand.

“With Steinlager Super Cold, beer drinkers know they’re getting a refreshingly cool pour every time, so it’s awesome that we can now offer that experience to even more fans of Steinlager Classic and Steinlager Ultra Low Carb around the country.”


Liberty lifts the Golden Gumboots for 2024

LIBERTY BREWING has won one of the most coveted titles in the New Zealand brewing industry, taking first place in the 17th annual Malthouse/Fork & Brewer West Coast IPA Challenge and lifting the Golden Gumboots.

The Challenge has become a major event on the national brewing calendar with the country’s top breweries bringing out their best hop skills and competing to brew the ultimate West Coast IPA for judging at Wellington institution The Malthouse.

This year’s event drew 31 entries from across the country and brewers were challenged to use video games as their inspiration.

The WCIPA 2024 award winners were: Winner: Liberty – God of War 2nd place: Epic – Atari Baby 3rd place: Brave Brewing – Dreamcast People’s Choice: McLeod’s – High Country.

Piratical tales from Behemoth

AUCKLAND CRAFT brewery Behemoth is releasing a limited-edition series of blended Barrel Aged stouts for winter, each one with a strong seafaring vibe. Each Barrel Aged release is 12% ABV and available in a 440ml can.

The original tasting notes from the brewery are delightfully piratical (and well worth seeking out), but we were limited on space, so here’s a taster of what to expect.

Batten Down the Hatches

A bourbon barrel aged Imperial Mocha Stout with intense chocolate, a bold kick of cold brew coffee, and oak notes from the barrel ageing.

Walk the Plank

A blend of Imperial Stouts and barley wines aged in a mix of bourbon, brandy, and red wine barrels. Notes of roasted malt, caramel, and dark fruit.

Dead in the Water

An Imperial Stout aged in rum, bourbon

and red wine barrels. A bold beer with layers of rich, complex flavours.

Some Kind of Monster

A blend of Imperial Stout and barley wine, aged in red wine and bourbon barrels. A dark, formidable body and a rich, complex flavour profile with depths of roasted malt, caramel sweetness, and hints of dark fruit. The barrel ageing lends a smooth, velvety texture.

Barrels Overboard

A blended barrel aged Imperial Stout aged in bourbon and red wine barrels. Rich, velvety flavours and bold, spirited notes.

Jack Sparrow

This barrel aged Imperial Stout has spent time in rum, red wine and brandy barrels, creating a dark brew with flavours of roasted malts and hints of oak.

Behemoth Barrel Aged Series 12% ABV, 440ml RRP $11.99 Behemoth

Just because you don’t want a beer, it doesn’t mean you don’t want a beer.

So, we brewed you a beer. Inspired by the big bold flavours of Bird Dog IPA, but without the bite. Little Bird is an alcohol-free* IPA, with a deliciously-puritanical, true expression of the hop flavour. It’s so tasty, you won’t even realise you’re not drinking. Until the morning, of course.

Alcohol Free* IPA

*Contains not more than 0.5% Alc/Vol

RICH pickings

From fresh and grassy, to richly intense and aged, and everything in between.

Discover the wide range of rums available…

RRP $35 - $59.99

Malibu Original

21% ABV, 700ml RRP $37.99, 1L RRP $49.99

Pernod Ricard

Malibu Original combines white rum with coconut extract for a tropical flavour.

Malibu Passionfruit

21% ABV, 700ml RRP $37.99

Pernod Ricard

The taste of passionfruit is blended with Malibu white rum to create a fruity, tropical hit.

Havana Club Cuban Spiced Rum

35% ABV, 700ml RRP $45.99

Pernod Ricard

The Spiced expression from Havana Club balances sweet vanilla and aromatic spice with hints of juicy ripe guava, toasted coconut and fresh pineapple.

Bati Banana Rum Liqueur 2YO

25% ABV, 750ml RRP $47.99

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners NZ

A 2YO Fijian white rum with creamy banana flavour. Ideal for tropical cocktails.

Bati Coconut Rum Liqueur 2YO

25% ABV, 750ml RRP $47.99

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners NZ

A 2YO Fijian white rum with rich coconut flavour. Ideal for tropical cocktails.

Bati Coffee Rum Liqueur 2YO

25% ABV, 750ml RRP $47.99

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners NZ

Aromas of freshly ground coffee beans lead this 2YO Fijian white rum, which has soft and smooth mocha finish.

Havana Club Añejo 3 Años

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $47.99, 1L RRP $60.99

Pernod Ricard

Aged for three years, this rum has an intense nose of banana and smoked oak, with flavours of smoke, vanilla and chocolate.

Havana Club Especial

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $47.99

Pernod Ricard

A golden rum that is rich, round and creamy with notes of vanilla, caramel and a hint of wood thanks to a second finish (double ageing) in young white oak barrels before the final blend.

Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold

35% ABV, 1L RRP $49.99


Spice and natural flavours are blended with Caribbean rum before ageing in charred white oak barrels. A smooth rum with notes of rich vanilla, brown sugar, warming spices and a hint of oak.

Flor de Caña 4 YO (Extra Seco)

37.5% ABV, 700ml RRP $49.99


A sugar-free premium rum that is sustainably produced (Carbon Neutral & Fair Trade certified) at a 5th generation family estate in Nicaragua. A light-bodied rum with aromas of sweet almonds and vanilla leading to a palate of white chocolate and orange essence with a long, dry finish.

Lost Barrel Caribbean Rum

37.5% ABV, 700ml RRP $49.99


A Caribbean rum that is rich on the palate with flavours of caramelised fruit, banana, vanilla and a lingering five spice finish.

Bati Coffee Rum Liqueur is made with a two-year-old white rum and has aromas of freshly ground coffee beans and a soft, smooth mocha finish.

Lost Barrel Caribbean Spiced Rum

37.5% ABV, 700ml RRP $49.99 Brandhouse

A spiced version of the original Lost Barrel Caribbean rum.

Tahiti Black Barrel Rum

37.5% ABV, 500ml RRP $51.95 and 1L RRP $82.95 World@BWS

A versatile Tahitian rum aged in French oak barrels. A nicely complex sipping rum or ideal for mixed drinks.

Black Heart Dark Rum

37.5% ABV 1L RRP $51.99 Asahi NZ

A smooth rum with a rich, strong flavour. Black Heart also played a part in New Zealand’s naval history as the official rum in the days when sailors enjoyed a free daily rum ration.

Cruzan Aged Dark

40% ABV, 750ml RRP $52.99

Suntory Global Spirits

A blend of rums aged two to four years in charred oak casks. A rich aroma with prominent oak. Smooth, medium-bodied and well-rounded with a buttery mouthfeel and wood tones followed by a sweet honey finish.

Bati Dark Rum 2YO

37.5% ABV, 1L RRP $53.99

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners NZ

This rum combines 80% column still spirit aged in oak vats with 20% pot still aged in ex-bourbon American oak barrels. It has intense dried fruit aromas finishing with molasses and charred oak flavour.

Bati Spiced Rum 2YO

37.5% ABV, 1L RRP $53.99

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners NZ

Aged in large oak vats, this is a subtle, wellrounded rum that is lightly spiced, with warm vanilla overtones.

Angostura 3YO Reserva

37.5% ABV, 700ml RRP $54.99

Federal Merchants

Aged in barrel for three years, this white rum is charcoal filtered to remove any colour from the ageing process. The rum is dry, with a rich vanilla flavour and smooth finish.

Bacardi Carta Blanca Superior

37.5% ABV, 1L RRP $54.99


This classic Cuban white rum is a mainstay behind bars the world over. Aromas of tropical fruit with distinctive vanilla and almond notes alongside banana and apricot. Ideal for a classic mojito.

Bacardi Carta Oro

40% ABV, 1L RRP $54.99


This golden rum was used in the original Cuba Libre, made to celebrate the end of the Cuban War of Independence. Ageing in toasted oak barrels gives its golden hue and mellow flavours of vanilla, buttery caramel, toasted almond and sweet banana, balanced by orange zest and a light oaky finish.

Two Peanut Butter Rum blends the rich, smooth taste of Tahitian rum with the creamy, nutty notes of peanut butter.

Bacardi Spiced

40% ABV, 1L RRP $54.99


This rum is aged in charred American oak barrels then charcoal filtered and blended with spices. It has a hint of barrel smoke, subtle dried fruit and intense creamy butterscotch on the palate with a slightly peppery finish.

Ron Santísima Trinidad 3YO

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $54.99


Designed for use in cocktails, the three-yearold expression from Ron Santísima Trinidad has aromas of sugarcane and oak with a hint of almonds. In the mouth there is slight sweetness with defined notes of sugarcane, wood, almonds, vanilla, grapes and dried plums.

Two Peanut Butter Rum

35% ABV, 700ml RRP $57.95


This unique combination blends the rich, smooth taste of Tahitian rum with the creamy, nutty notes of peanut butter.

Appleton Estate Signature Blend

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $57.99 and 1L RRP $72.99

Thirsty Camel

Fifteen select aged rums (aged for an average of four years) are combined to create the Signature Blend from Jamaican rum producer Appleton Estate. This rum has aromas of rich fruit and sweet caramel, with flavours of subtle orange peel, dried apricot, fresh peach, and a hint of molasses and woody notes.

Beenleigh White Rum

37.5% ABV, 750ml RRP $57.99


A bright white Australian rum. Soft and rounded on the palate, it has molasses and hazelnut character, with a hint of oak and vanilla.

Coruba Gold

37.2% ABV, 1L RRP $57.99

Thirsty Camel

This 100% Jamaican blend is a versatile entry-level rum, whose golden colour derives from ageing in small oak barrels. Smooth on the palate with hints of brown sugar, nutmeg and vanilla.

Coruba Original

37.2% ABV, 1L RRP $57.99

Thirsty Camel

A mellow, full flavoured rum. Aromas and flavours of molasses, cocoa and caramel, and a hint of spice.

Stolen Dark

37.5% ABV, 1L RRP $57.99

Suntory Global Spirits

A lighter, smoother version of the traditionally heavy, naval-style dark rums. Stolen Dark is aged for a minimum of two years in ex-whiskey charred oak barrels. Demerara caramel provides its deep colour, along with lightly toasted sweet caramel aromas on the nose and honeyed texture.

Stolen Gold

37.5% ABV, 700ml RRP $57.99

Suntory Global Spirits

A smooth, full-bodied and versatile gold rum. Aged for a minimum of two years in ex-whiskey charred oak barrels. Aromas of butterscotch and cinnamon spice; smooth and buttery on the palate with notes of toffee apple.

Stolen White

37.5% ABV, 700ml RRP $57.99

Suntory Global Spirits

Barrel aged for a minimum of two years and then carbon filtered to remove any trace of colour or impurities. Aromas of cocoa and fruit, which continue on the palate, and a sweet, delicate mouth feel.

Bacardi 4 Años

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $59.99 Lion

A blend of rums aged for a minimum of four years, this new arrival has aromas of vanilla and cinnamon that lead to a palate of dark honey clove. Toffee and oak on the finish.

Bayou Reserve Dark Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $59.99


This rum from Louisiana is matured in bourbon barrels for up to three years using the Solera ageing method. It has aromas of creamy vanilla with hints of apple and cinnamon. The palate opens with a dry oak-like character, followed by pronounced cinnamon and maple. A dry rum with lingering notes of dark fruit and wood.

Bayou Spiced Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $59.99


A spiced rum inspired by the Creole baking traditions for which its hometown of Louisiana is famous. Bayou Rum is rested for up to 30 days with a special blend of Creole baking spices, creating aromas of cinnamon and sweet banana and a palate full of maple, banana, allspice, clove, vanilla and pepper.

Beenleigh Australian Spiced Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $59.99


This Australian rum is copper pot distilled and aged in ex-brandy vats and American oak ex-bourbon barrels. Aromas of soft vanilla and subtle spice lead to a palate of vanilla, rich spice and a hint of citrus.

Black Collar Golden Rum

38.5% ABV, 700ml RRP $59.99

Black Collar

A small batch rum made in Black Collar’s copper still in its Bay of Island distillery. The aroma is almost creamy with subtle butterscotch and vanilla. It’s light and smooth on the palate with more butterscotch and slight vanilla sweetness balanced by oak. The lingering, creamy finish is of vanilla and oak.

Black Collar Spiced Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $59.99

Black Collar

This New Zealand rum is made with 100% natural spices and designed to be served neat. It has aromas of cinnamon, cloves and a hint of almost raisiny sweetness. It’s smooth and rounded in the mouth with a subtle spicy kick of clove and charred oak and sweet vanilla to balance.

Brugal Añejo

38% ABV, 700ml RRP $59.99


Brugal Añejo offers a clean, dry rum that’s ideal for traditional rum serves, without an overly sweet finish. It has light aromas of wood with hints of chocolate. Buttery in the mouth with a slight hint of caramel and wood tannin. The finish is long and dry.

Husk Coconut Cane Spirit Drink

32% ABV, 700ml RRP $59.99 Proof & Company

This tropical offering is made from 100% single estate cane juice rum, infused with natural coconut and a hint of vanilla. Husk Coconut is full-flavoured with a lot of depth and a tropical, rich and velvety coconut flavour. Husk Coconut is very versatile, easy to mix with pineapple juice or soda.

Langs Jamaican Rum Banana

37.5% ABV, 700ml RRP $59.99


Aromas of warm banana bread, brown sugar, cinnamon and vanilla lead to a palate full of fresh sweet banana over classic rum flavours. A fruity finish.

Langs Jamaican Rum Mango & Ginger

37.5% ABV, 700ml RRP $59.99


The scent of fresh and fruity mango coulis mixes with warming hints of fresh ginger. Intense tropical fruits in the mouth, alongside lime and crystallised ginger. The ginger heat builds in a long, spiced finish.

Langs Jamaican Rum Pineapple

37.5% ABV, 700ml RRP $59.99


A classic pineapple and rum combo with earthy sweetness and notes of coconut, vanilla, molasses, rum and subtle spice. On the palate there’s fresh pineapple, rich caramel, cinnamon, oak and a touch of lime. The finish lingers with fruits and spiced oak.

Doorly’s White Rum 3YO

47% ABV, 700ml RRP $POA

Whisky Galore

Although this white rum is matured in casks for three years, the colour is removed through a filtration system leaving a full-bodied and flavoursome spirit. Fresh and fruity with hints of coconut and a clean finish.

RRP $60 - $79.99

Tahiti Love Coconut

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $61.95 World@BWS

Made from Tahitian sugarcane, this rum is macerated with real coconut for a blend of tropical flavours.

Tahiti Love Coconut Vanilla

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $61.95


A marriage of tropical tastes with Tahitian vanilla and coconut combined in this unique rum.

Tahiti Love Dark Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $61.95


A blended and aged rum made from Tahitian sugarcane. Extremely smooth with a bouquet of exotic scents.

Tahiti Love Punch

34% ABV, 700ml RRP $61.95 World@BWS

A blend of light rum and an original recipe from the islands of Tahiti using sugarcane sugar mixed with lemon and local flavours.

Tahiti Love Spiced Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $61.95


A complex blend of all natural spices from around the world creates layers of flavour in this Tahitian rum.

Tahiti Love Vanilla

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $61.95


A showcase of Tahitian flavours, this rum is made from Tahitian sugarcane and the island’s distinctive vanilla – Vanilla Tahitensis – unique to Tahiti.

The Black Collar team in Northland slowly roast ripe, juicy pineapples over a bed of red-hot coconut charcoal to use in Black Collar Spiced Pineapple Rum.

Flor de Caña Gran Reserva 7YO

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $62.99


A full-bodied rum with aromas of toasted coconut vanilla and figs. On the palate there is honey and dark chocolate, leading to a long, smooth finish.

Havana Club Añejo 7 Años

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $63.99

Pernod Ricard

A combination of barrels that have been aged and blended, with the minimum age of any barrel being seven years. A rich rum with aromas of cocoa, vanilla, cedar, sweet tobacco and lush tropical fruits. Flavours of sugarcane, chestnut and caramelised tropical fruit sit above a backbone of oak and rich brown spice.

Angostura 5YO

37.5% ABV, 700ml RRP $64.99

Federal Merchants

Five years in oak barrels gives this rum a rich golden colour, with flavours of chocolate, spice, vanilla and toasted oak leading to a warm and mellow finish. Serve as a sipping rum or use in spice-driven mixed drinks.

Bacardi Reserva Ocho 8 Años

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $64.99


A selection of barrel-aged reserve rums aged for a minimum of eight years are blended to make this more premium offering from Bacardi. It has aromas of vanilla, toffee, honey and caramel with toasted oak. The flavour is smooth and rich with notes of prune, apricot, nutmeg and vanilla, and a soft wood finish.

Black Collar Spiced Pineapple Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $64.99

Black Collar

The Black Collar team in Northland slowly roast ripe, juicy pineapples over a bed of red-hot coconut charcoal then infuse them into Black Collar Rum and rest it in oak barrels to further develop its full-bodied flavour. The label is made from wood and really stands out on the shelf – Black Collar says that each label has a slightly different woodgrain to reflect the handcrafted nature of their products.

Black Magic Spiced Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $64.99


A blend of light and dark rums made in the Caribbean. Aromas of caramel, spice, cinnamon and vanilla lead to flavours of rich fruit cake and a long finish of vanilla and brown sugar.

Black Tears Roble Superior

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $64.99


A golden aged rum, with aromas of light and subtle wood with sweetness. Smooth and mouth-filling with notes of young wood; slightly sweet without being cloying.

Black Tears Spiced Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $64.99


This dry spiced rum from Cuba uses coffee, cacoa and aji dulce – a sweet chilli pepper synonymous with Cuba’s cuisine. The complex palate is of gentle cocoa with a punch of coffee on the finish, along with the lingering, peppery spice. Elegant and well-balanced.

El Dorado Cask Aged 3 Years

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $64.99


This three-year-old full-flavoured cask-aged rum has aromas of citrus and vanilla, enhanced by notes of chocolate and raisins. A smooth, rounded palate with coconut; fruity with a dry, rounded finish.

Neptune Caribbean Spiced Rum

37.5% ABV, 700ml RRP $64.99

Premium Liquor Co.

This full-bodied spiced rum is blended from five-, three- and two-year-old rums, selected from four Caribbean islands and then infused with passionfruit, Persian lime, vanilla and cinnamon.

Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $64.99

Federal Merchants

Sailor Jerry rum is distilled in the Virgin Islands and has a Caribbean influence with flavours of cinnamon, nutmeg, clove and rich vanilla. It has a long, dry finish with a hint of toasted toffee. Pairs especially well with ginger.

Plantation 3 Stars White Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $64.99

Proof & Company

This rum has delicate scents of brown sugar, honey and coffee bean, developing into baking spices. Light-bodied on the palate with flavours of dark chocolate and egg cream.

Plantation Original Dark Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $64.99

Proof & Company

A richly exotic dark rum with black peppercorn, clove, cinnamon, baked cherry, and molasses on the nose. Fruity on the palate with white raisins and dried pineapple and a spicy, minerally character moving to a dry, spicy finish.

LWF Distilling Spiced White Rum

40% ABV, 500ml RRP $65


Described as a ‘new world’ spiced rum, this rum starts with a strong citrus nose moving through warm spices, and finishing with a sweet, earthy mānuka honey note while adding no sugar.

LWF Distilling White Rum

40% ABV, 500ml RRP $65


This was the first rum from LWF Distillery in Oakura, Taranaki. A clean, white rum created using molasses from Bundaberg in Queensland, a specialty yeast, and five-times filtered New Zealand rainwater. A fresh rum, with clean flavour and just enough ‘rum funk’ to be mixed into classic cocktails.

Diplomático Mantuano

40% ABV 700ml RRP $65.99


A blended dark golden rum from Venezuela. Balanced, rich and complex with notes of dried fruit and oak. Vanilla and delicate spice lead to a slightly dry finish.

Diplomático Planas

47% ABV 700ml RRP $65.99


An elegant aged white rum with a fresh, smooth and complex taste. Charcoal-filtered for its clear colour.

Stolen Smoked

37.5% ABV, 700ml RRP $66.99

Suntory Global Spirits

Stolen Smoked uses roasted Colombian coffee beans, Madagascan vanilla, Moroccan fenugreek and a smoking process using American hardwood to infuse the aged Caribbean rum with layers of vanilla, warm caramel and dark chocolate that leads to a long smoky finish.

Beenleigh Double Cask 5YO

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $67.99


This Australian rum is aged two years in ex-brandy vats and three years in American oak ex-bourbon barrels. It has soft aromas of molasses, fruit toast and dried coconut. In the mouth there are rich Demerara and traditional fudge notes with a hint of floral. Apricot and dessert pastry notes emerge too.

El Dorado Cask Aged 5 Years

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $67.99


A deep golden-hued rum with aromas of dried tropical fruit, caramel, butterscotch and molasses. Flavours of vibrant spice, fruit, caramel and toasted coconut, fading to vanilla.

Pacific Coast General Grant New

World Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $69

Pacific Coast

A recent release from Mangawhai distillery Pacific Coast. This white rum blends molasses, Canterbury-grown barley and a unique mix of yeasts to create rich flavours.

Black Collar White Rum

45% ABV, 700ml RRP $69.95

Black Collar

Fermented from organic molasses and traditionally double pot distilled at Black Collar’s Northland distillery, this white rum bursts with tropical flavour and is balanced with a naturally sweet molasses rum finish. Gold Medal winner at the 2023 Rumbles Rum Awards.

Angostura 7YO

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $69.99

Federal Merchants

A blend of select rums aged for a minimum of seven years at House of Angostura’s Trinidad distillery. Aromas of vanilla, molasses, coffee, spice and oak lead to flavours of chocolate, honey, toffee, caramel, coffee and roasted nuts.

Pacific Coast General Grant New World Rum is a recent release from the Mangawhai distillery.

Cruzan Black Strap

40% ABV, 750ml RRP $69.99

Suntory Global Spirits

Robust liquorice and molasses flavours make this rum ideal for mixing into tropical cocktails: it pairs well with lemon, lime, ginger and pineapple. Its deep black hue is also great for adding colour to drinks.

Dead Man’s Fingers Coconut

37.5% ABV, 700ml RRP $69.99

Premium Liquor Co.

Dead Man’s Fingers Coconut Rum is made using a blend of Caribbean rums as well as spices and the tropical flavour of coconut.

Dead Man’s Fingers Passionfruit

37.5% ABV, 700ml RRP $69.99

Premium Liquor Co.

This rum has sweet, tropical passionfruit aromas with hints of mango.

Dead Man’s Fingers Spiced

37.5% ABV, 700ml RRP $69.99

Premium Liquor Co.

This was the first rum created under the Dead Man’s Fingers brand at the Rum & Crab Shack in St. Ives, Cornwall. It is a blend of Caribbean rum and spices, inspired by Cornish favourites such as Christmas cake, nutty dried fruit and rum-raisin ice cream.

Husk Pure Cane

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $69.99

Proof & Company

Husk’s most awarded spirit, the Australian distillery describes Husk Pure Cane as “the essence” of their rums. Distilled from 100% fresh cane juice, it is bold, grassy and fresh and designed to be mixed in classic cocktails such as mojitos, daiquiris, and caipirinhas or simple mixed drinks.

Husk Rare Blend

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $69.99

Proof & Company

A modern Australian rum that combines single estate fresh cane juice with Tweed Valley cane honey. Aged in small barrels in the sub-tropical climate of Husk Farm Distillery. Notes of ripe fruit, honeysuckle, vanilla, Oriental spices and toasted oak.

Plunders Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $69.99


The team at KJ & Co. in Christchurch use a premium aged base rum imported from Panama to make Plunders, which is loaded with flavours of banana and tropical spice and rounded out with notes of vanilla and oak. Made for sipping, it has a light sweetness and complex flavours.

Ratu Signature Blend Rum Liqueur 8YO

35% ABV, 700ml RRP $69.99

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners

Aromas of zesty orange, dark chocolate and coffee, with a velvet mouth feel of coconut and spiced oak followed by a lingering fresh citrus flavour.

Ratu Dark Rum 5YO

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $69.99

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners NZ Savoury, smoked oak aromas give way to the rich sweetness of caramel, vanilla and tea leaves with a mouth-watering liquorice finish.

Ratu Spiced Rum 5YO

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $69.99

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners NZ

Complex charred oak and citrus aroma with a rich vanilla and candied orange flavour, combined with the warmth of cinnamon and star anise.

Spirited Union Pink Grapefruit & Rose

38% ABV, 700ml RRP $69.99


This intriguing rum expression combines citrus and blossom – with fresh pink grapefruit, blood orange, vapour distilled rose petals and elderflower blossom all in the mix.

Spirited Union Organic Coconut

38% ABV, 700ml RRP $69.99


Sustainably distilled organic Belizean rum is united with toasted coconut flakes, organic coconut water, raw Peruvian cacao and Madagascan vanilla for a complex rum with fresh notes of coconut.

Spirited Union Queen Pineapple & Spice

38% ABV, 700ml RRP $69.99


This release from Amsterdam’s Spirited Union distillery uses queen pineapple, cassia wood and cinnamon. It has complex fruity notes and tropical freshness, with the natural sweetness of the pineapple balanced by the heat of the spices.

Tanduay Gold Asian Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $69.99


A silky-smooth gold rum from distillery Tanduay in the Philippines. Made using their own heritage sugar cane, the rum is aged up to seven years in ex-bourbon barrels. On the palate there is mature honey with hints of toasted oak, almond and vanilla.

Tanduay Silver Asian Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $69.99


With a light straw appearance, this Silver expression from Tanduay is aged up to five years in ex-bourbon barrels. It has flavours of green ripe fruits with hints of burnt sugar, mandarin and vanilla.

Tanduay Spiced Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $69.99


Made from heirloom sugar canes, Tanduay’s Gold rum is infused with flavours of exotic spices and tropical fruits. A smooth, elegant, spiced rum.

LWF Distilling Spiced Mandarin Rum

40% ABV, 500ml RRP $70


A sweet mandarin-forward rum that marries spiced cinnamon heat with LWF’s signature ‘rum funk’ molasses character. A strong, complex rum to serve on the rocks, or with ginger ale or cola.

LWF Distilling Triple Molasses Rum

40% ABV, 500ml RRP $70


The team at LWF dialled up the molasses in this expression for a rum with a deep, fruity flavour. Smooth on the palate with a subtle burnt note on the finish.

Beenleigh Traditional Rum Liqueur

20% ABV, 750ml RRP $71.99


A rum liqueur with aromas of plum and apricot alongside caramel and toffee dessert notes. Pronounced, silky rum notes with a long finish.

Appleton Estate Rare Blend 8YO

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $72.99

Thirsty Camel

This flagship rum of Appleton Estate was crafted by Master Blender Joy Spence to commemorate the distillery’s 250th anniversary. Aromas of spicy fruit and oak lead to hints of honey, vanilla, spice, and Appleton Estate’s signature orange peel note. A smooth finish balanced with a hint of molasses and warm oak.

Port O Ahuriri Botanical Rum

42% ABV, 700ml RRP $72.99

The National Distillery Company

This offering from The National Distillery Company in Hawke’s Bay is described as an ode to the botanicals discovered by the early whalers and fishermen who travelled through the historic Port of Ahuriri in Napier from the 1830s. With no oak ageing, the Botanical Rum draws its layered flavours from its sugarcane base, which is vapour distilled through cacao, roasted coffee beans, lime peel, and tonka bean. It has notes of vanilla, stone fruit, chocolate and sweet lime. A sweet and rounded mouthfeel.

El Dorado Cask Aged 8 Years

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $74.99


Aromas of subtle tobacco mix with caramel toffee alongside dried stone fruit and flambéed banana. The mouth-feel is smooth, soft and faintly sweet, with traces of oak and butterscotch.

Husk Spiced Bam Bam

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $74.99

Proof & Company

A rich and spicy rum that has been barrel aged for a minimum of two years in ex-wine barrels before being naturally infused with whole native and traditional Australian spices – including roasted wattle seed, native ginger, dried orange, vanilla, cinnamon and golden berries, and finished with a pinch of sea salt.

Skipper Dark Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $74.99


This rum has been produced and aged in Guyana since 1930 and still boasts the original label on its bottle. Buttery smooth in the mouth with flavours of crème caramel, toffee and custard with pepper, cinnamon and nutmeg. Notes of cinnamon and ginger on the lengthy finish.

Russell Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $75 Blush

A rum inspired by the historical seafaring township of Russell in New Zealand’s Bay of Islands. It infuses Caribbean rum with flavours of caramel and spice, with a vanilla backbone. Highlights of local citrus, nutmeg and clove.

Russell Rum Black Strap

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $75


A new addition to Blush Gin’s rum range, this is a spiced Caribbean rum with an intense flavour.

Mount Gay Rum Eclipse

37.5% ABV, 1L RRP $75.99


Mount Gay describes this release as a “heritage blend” and the embodiment of the Mount Gay style. Eclipse is crisp and aromatic with distinctive aromas of vanilla and banana and underlying caramel, summer fruit and spice. On the palate there is an oaky character with slight burnt notes. Also available in a 700ml limited edition packaging Mount Gay Rum Eclipse Sailing release.

Ariki Black Rhum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $76.95 World@BWS

Aged in oak barrels, this premium Tahitian rum has rich aromas of sugarcane and a full-bodied mouthfeel. ‘Ariki’ is the title of the chief of a tribe and represents authority, nobility and divine ancestry.

Skull Island Black Rum

37.5% ABV, 700ml RRP $76.95 World@BWS

A Tahitian dark rum presented in a distinctive skull-shaped bottle for an extra dose of piratical charm.

Bumbu Original

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $76.99

Pernod Ricard

This rum from Barbados is aged up to 15 years in American bourbon barrels. It has rich and complex aromas of Madagascan vanilla, soft caramel, and oak. Notes of cinnamon, roasted nuts, banana and allspice on the palate and a light, smooth finish.

Sagatiba Cristalina

38% ABV, 700ml $76.99

Thirsty Camel

Sagatiba Cristalina is a Brazilian cachaça made using multi-distillation to separate any impurities and create a pure and crystalline liquid. Clean and delicate with a sweet/ spice character.

Pacific Coast Howling Wolf Spiced


40% ABV, 700ml RRP $79

Pacific Coast

A complex rum made from molasses, Canterbury-grown barley, and Pacific Coast’s house-blended mix of yeast strains. Notes of peppery horopito, cinnamon, coconut and dark malts.

Tahitian Queen Pineapple

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $79.95


A rum made in Tahiti from locally grown sugarcane – this rum is bright and refined with distinct pineapple flavour. Ageing in French oak reveals lingering notes of vanilla and spice.

Neptune Barbados Gold Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $79.99

Premium Liquor Co.

A light-bodied rum with aromas of maple syrup, apricot, and allspice with touches of oak and vanilla. The palate has bitter orange peel, chocolate, vanilla and Caribbean spicy herbs that fade into a hint of peppercorn and coconut husk. The finish is dry with slight woody tannins and citrus oil.

Duppy Share ‘Duppy White’ Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $79.99


A 100% Jamaican white rum with aromas of bright banana, mango and green thyme. There is smooth caramel sweetness on the palate, with tropical fruits leading to pimento spice and a lively pot still rum finish.

Goslings Black Seal

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $79.99

Federal Merchants

A blend of aged rums made in small batches, Bermuda-made Goslings has a distinctive dark colour. Rich, smooth and full-bodied with subtle butterscotch, vanilla and caramel.

Port O Ahuriri Golden Rum

42% ABV, 700ml RRP $79.99 (also 200ml RRP $27.50)

The National Distillery Company

A balanced blend of molasses and sugarcane, Port O Ahuriri Golden Rum is aged in ex-Buffalo Trace bourbon barrels and has notes of vanilla, stone fruits, toasted oak and a slight saltiness.

Equiano Light Rum

43% ABV, 700ml RRP $POA

Whisky Galore

This release from Equiano is produced from a blend of aged and unaged Caribbean and African rum (Barbadian and Mauritian). The freshness of tropical fruit and citrus oil gives way to vanilla and a distinctive tone of ripe sugarcane.

Equiano Light Rum is produced from a blend of aged and unaged Caribbean and African rum (Barbadian and Mauritian).

RRP $80 - $99.99

Lunatic & Lover Organic Spiced Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $80

Lunatic & Lover

A richly complex spiced rum that uses a range of botanicals, including smoked black tea, orange peel, dried figs, sage, allspice, cacao nib, roasted dandelion, burdock root, and vanilla pods. Light citrus brightness on the nose overlays a gentle toffee. Herbs and a deep, earthy dark chocolate develop with a little time in glass. Rich and indulgent on the palate with the dried fruit, cacao nib and roots creating an intense base layer with a mouthfeel to match. Lingering smoke on the finish.

Matusalem Añejo

38% ABV, 700ml RRP $80.99

Thirsty Camel

A blend of aged rums, Matusalem Añejo offers vanilla, dried fruits, and honey notes overlaid by the aroma of caramelised molasses.

Matusalem Platino

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $80.99

Thirsty Camel

A triple-distilled double-filtered white rum with a clean taste and subtle flavour. Notes of vanilla and brown sugar on the nose, smooth and creamy on the palate with fruity flavours, a hint of vanilla and a dry finish.

Spytail Cognac Barrel

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $80.99

Thirsty Camel

The recipe for Spytail is based on a 19th century French tradition of ageing Caribbean rum in barrels with fresh ginger and spices. The Cognac Barrel expression is further aged in cognac casks for added complexity.

Spytail Ginger Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $80.99

Thirsty Camel

This rum has intense, rich ginger on the nose, against a background of vanilla and spice. Smooth on the palate with continued vanilla, rich fruit cake spices and earthy ginger.

Plantation Barbados 5 Year

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $81.99

Proof & Company

This five-year-old Barbados rum is aged in bourbon barrels for three to four years, then sent to Cognac Ferrand in France for finishing in cognac casks, which draws out notes of wood and nutmeg. It has aromas of leather and caramel with hints of cinnamon, dried coconut and vanilla. Initially sweet on the palate, with molasses and hints of leather, alongside orange rind, salted butter and allspice. The finish is sweet with fiery spice at the very end.

Plantation Black Cask

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $81.99

Proof & Company

This limited edition release combines rums from Barbados and Venezuela, distilled in pot still and column. After a first ageing in ex-bourbon barrels in their country of origin, under a tropical climate, these two rums crossed the Atlantic to the southwest of France for a second maturation in French oak barrels, slightly toasted. A rich rum, intense and fresh, with delicate pastry notes and citrus.

Plantation Stiggins’


40% ABV, 700ml RRP $81.99

Fancy Pineapple

Proof & Company

This rum was named for Reverend Stiggins, the character in Charles Dickens’ The Pickwick Papers, whose favourite drink was “pineapple rum.” The rinds of Queen Victoria pineapples are infused in Plantation 3 Stars White Rum and distilled, and then the pineapple fruit is infused in Plantation Original Dark rum. The distillate and fruit infusion are then blended and cask aged. The rum has aromas of honeydew melon and a hint of Jamaican ginger cake with pineapple notes. Flavours of spiced molasses, and shortbread accompany a juicy, slightly earthy element from the pineapple with notes of vanilla, lemon, mango and spearmint on the finish.

Plantation Xaymaca Special Dry

43% ABV, 700ml RRP $81.99

Proof & Company

This 100% pot still Jamaican rum was created to revive the quintessential rums of the 19th century and the tradition known as “rum funk”, with intense aromas and flavours of black banana and flambéed pineapple. Xaymaca Special Dry has a complex, slightly smoky and meaty aroma, with fruity, herbal and sour notes building. It’s dry on the palate, with a floral and fruity profile of rose water, pear, white grape and apricot, with coconut milk, allspices, bread and nuts.

Duppy Share Spiced Rum

37.5% ABV, 700ml RRP $82.99


A blend of 2-year-old rums from Jamaica and Barbados. This aromatic aged golden rum is naturally spiced with ginger, vanilla, cola, grapefruit, pineapple, clove, nutmeg, basil and orange. Balanced and complex.

Ariki White Rhum

50% ABV, 700ml RRP $84.95


This Tahitian rum is made from sugarcane grown on the island of Taha’a – a sister island of Tahiti. Rich in flavour, its slightly higher ABV makes it ideal for classic cocktails.

Ariki White Rum is a Tahitian rum made from sugarcane grown on the island of Taha’a – a sister island of Tahiti.

Bayside ‘Sugar and Spice’ Rum

42% ABV, 700ml RRP $84.99


The first infused rum from Bayside, it uses a range of ingredients including sweet orange peel, chai, vanilla, cocoa, and horopito. The rum is rested in American oak barrels, adding notes of toasted wood to the rum’s vanilla and warm spice notes.

Bayside ‘Three Moons’ Rum

42% ABV, 700ml RRP $84.99


This New Zealand rum uses a kumara fermentation starter in its creation and is aged in ex-Pinot Noir barrels for three months. It has notes of golden kiwifruit, honey, pear and citrus.

Honest Six Spiced Botanical Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $84.99


This local rum has an initial burst of citrus and a delicate hint of vanilla, combined with aromatic notes of ginger and cloves. Intense orange peel is followed by a subtle hint of scorched sugarcane, with spicy warmth of cinnamon and ginger and lingering nutmeg. The finish is warm and comforting with undertones of cloves and elegant spice.

Ron Santísima Trinidad 7YO

40.3% ABV, 700ml RRP $84.99


This expression from Cuba’s Ron Santísima Trinidad has hint of sweet raisins on the nose, while in the mouth there is oak, vanilla and sweet almonds.

1919 Cane Single Cask

46% ABV, 750ml RRP $85

1919 Distilling

Aged exclusively in a first-fill ex-bourbon barrel, 1919 Distilling’s Cane Overproof takes on new depths and flavours in this single cask release. The banoffee notes created during fermentation are captured, while showcasing the vanillas and caramels from ageing on oak.


& Lover Fundamental Unaged Organic Rum

44% ABV, 700ml RRP $85

Lunatic & Lover

Fundamental is made from only molasses, water and yeast, distilled in a copper pot still and completely unaged. It was the first rum in New Zealand to be certified organic. Fundamental has aromas of red fruits, cream and peaches; it is silky on the palate with notes of chocolate and a soft liquorice finish. Awarded Gold at the NZ Rum Awards ‘The Rumbles’.

The Kraken Black Spiced Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $86.99, 1L RRP $119.99

Thirsty Camel

This inky black rum produced in Trinidad and Tobago is infused with herbs and spices. Aromas of nutmeg, vanilla and cinnamon lead to flavours of vanilla, dark chocolate, clove, rich fruit cake and toffee. Rich and spicy.

Helmsman Spiced Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $87.99


This New Zealand-brand rum is made from a blend of Caribbean golden rum and spices. Initial aromas of fruitcake are followed by banana, vanilla and a hint of warm spice. A full-bodied rum with flavours of rich fruit, cinnamon and toffee.

Pusser’s Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $87.99

Thirsty Camel

This Royal Navy-style rum uses the same blend that it supplied to British warships up until the Royal Navy discontinued its daily ration in 1970. Pusser’s Rum uses five West Indian rums (three from Guyana, two from Trinidad) aged for at least three years. It has aromas of Demerara sugar, molasses, dried fruits and spices, with flavours of deep vanilla and honey.

Appleton Estate Rare Blend 12YO

43% ABV, 700ml RRP $88.99

Thirsty Camel

A blend of rare golden rums that have all been aged for a minimum of 12 years. This deep bronze rum has flavours of oak, fruit, cocoa, molasses, orange peel, rich vanilla and subtle coffee with a bittersweet finish.

Duppy Share Aged Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $88.99


This blended rum contains a 3-year old 100% pot still rum from the Worthy Park Distillery in Jamaica combined with a 5-year old 100% column still rum from the Foursquare Distillery in Barbados. A versatile and balanced blend –ideal for rum cocktails.

Black Collar Overproof White Rum

60% ABV, 700ml RRP $89.95

Black Collar

This higher strength rum from Black Collar brings an almighty punch of flavour and depth to rum-based cocktails. It has balanced tropical fruit notes of nectarine, mango and pineapple that develop into a smooth, long lasting rum finish. Multi-award winner at the Rumbles Rum Awards 2023, winning a Gold Medal, Best in Class, Best NZ Made Rum, and Best in Show.

Broken Heart Spiced Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $89.99

Broken Heart

A spiced rum from New Zealand spirits brand Broken Heart. Smooth and well balanced, it is aged three years in barrel and uses natural spices of galangal, vanilla, orange peel, cloves and cinnamon, with distinct caramel, candied walnuts and cinnamon on the palate.

Bumbu XO

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $89.99

Pernod Ricard

The XO expression from Bumbu is aged up to 18 years in American bourbon barrels and then finished for at least six months in Spanish sherry casks. It has aromas of toffee, toasted oak, and vanilla, leading to a palate of orange zest, peppery spice, and a hint of coffee.

Flor de Caña 12 YO

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $89.99 Hancocks

An ultra-premium rum from Nicaraguan distillery Flor de Caña. Aromas of red fruits, honey and toasted nuts leading to a palate of wood, vanilla and baked apples, with a smooth and well-balanced finish.

Millenhall Rum

45% ABV, 750ml RRP $89.99

Armada Spirits

This small batch barrel-aged rum from Pāpāmoa distillery Armada Spirits is made with sugarcane and molasses. It’s copper column distilled and has spent a minimum of three years in an ex-New Zealand red wine barrel in the distillery near the Pāpāmoa coastline. The resulting rum has developed rich flavours of caramel and honey, with an oak character from the barrel ageing and a whisky-like finish.

Plunders XO

45% ABV, 700ml RRP $89.99


This special release rum is distilled and aged in the Caribbean. Matured in ex-bourbon barrels, it is then blended by hand by Plunders’ master blender in Christchurch.

Lunatic & Lover Organic Overproof

Rum - Exponential

60% ABV, 700ml RRP $90

Lunatic & Lover

Made with a nod to the tradition of the highoctane, overproof rums often found in the Caribbean, ‘Exponential’ is an exploration of what it is possible to create in an unaged rum using quality raw ingredients, some unusual yeasts and a dash of unconventional creativity. Big tropical fruit aromas lead the way with honey, floral elements and an indefinable wild note that adds complexity. Big tropical fruit flavour and the Auckland distillery’s signature rich, solid body and chocolatey molasses in a solid finish. Certified organic. Awarded Gold at the NZ Rum Awards ‘The Rumbles’.

No.8 Pineapple Elixir

36% ABV, 700ml RRP $90

No.8 Distillery

Distiller Julien Delavoie first started making this style of rum, aged with fruit and spices, as a 16-year-old in France. Cask aged for a year, this light and luscious rum has an aroma of sticky sweet pineapple with a hint of earth and then verges into raisin, fruit cake and baking spice. The pineapple persists on the palate with a burst of freshness and a rounded mouthfeel. The finish is delicately sweet.

Mount Gay Black Barrel

43% ABV, 700ml RRP $92.99


Double ageing in deeply charred bourbon oak barrels creates an undertone of classic bourbon spices balanced with oaky vanilla and sweet caramel.

Angostura 1919

40% ABV, 70ml RRP $94.99

Federal Merchants

A specially blended multi-award-winning rum named for an important date in the development of the rum industry in Trinidad & Tobago, as well as the Caribbean. After a fire in 1932, which destroyed the Government Rum Bond, the master blender of Fernandes Distillers bought the charred casks, only to discover they had been filled in the year 1919. The prized rum was blended and called “1919 Aged Rum.” A soft rum with complex toasty flavours from extended ageing in charred barrels.

Smith & Cross Navy Strength

Jamaica Rum

57% ABV, 700ml RRP $94.99


A traditional navy strength rum with notes of caramelised banana, tropical fruit, baking spices and some earthy characteristics. A distinctly flavourful and aromatic rum style.

Diplomático Reserva Exclusiva

40% ABV 700ml RRP $94.99


A refined and elegant rum with aromas of orange peel, toffee and liquorice. Smooth on the palate, complex and well balanced with oak and vanilla notes for a long-lasting finish.

El Dorado Special Reserve 12YO

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $94.99


This is the youngest expression in El Dorado’s Luxury Cask Aged Range, which are rums designed to be savoured. Aromas of lush tropical fruit and spice with hints of honey and dark sugar. The palate is round, mellow and full-bodied with rich flavours of fruit and spice and a dry finish.

Cane Overproof by 1919 Distilling

63% ABV, 750ml RRP $95

1919 Distilling

This full-strength New Zealand-made rum is made using combinations of boiled brown sugar from Mauritius and grade A molasses from Australia. It is slow fermented for 4-12 days and then copper pot distilled to create a mouth-coating spirit with deep, rich flavours. This aromatic white rum has a fruity aroma with hints of molasses. Provides depth and punch in cocktails or serve neat.

Husk Signature ACR Rum

41.8% ABV, 700ml RRP $96.99

Proof & Company

Husk Signature is Husk’s first rum to carry the mark of Australian Cultivated Rum (ACR). Cultivated 100% at Husk Farm Distillery in the Tweed Caldera near the coast of northern New South Wales, it is a farm to bottle rum made from 100% single estate cane juice. It has notes of spicy oak, dried fruits and soft pineapple leading to an earthy finish with hints of blonde tobacco.

Charles Merser & Co Double Barrel

43.1% ABV, 700ml RRP $99.99


A golden rum with aromas of vanilla, tropical fruit and a toasty oak character. The palate is mouth-coating, warming and generous with soft notes of vanilla, more tropical fruit and some vinous notes created through the cask maturation process. Toasty oak returns on the finish alongside sweet vanilla and hints of pastry cream.

Wray & Nephew White Overproof Rum

63% ABV, 700ml RRP $99.99

Thirsty Camel

An aromatic and intense rum at 63% ABV with top notes of citrus, pear and pineapple, married with bottom notes of honey and molasses.

Black Tot Caribbean Rum

46.2% ABV, 700ml RRP $POA

Whisky Galore

Crafted from a marriage of fruity Barbadian, full-bodied Guyanese and vibrant Jamaican rums, the Black Tot gets its name from the ration of rum issued daily to sailors of the Royal Navy. A rich and complex rum with flavours of golden syrup, tropical fruits and a leathery hint. A note of coffee and chocolatey mocha on the palate, with butter toffee and oaky spice. A roasted banana character on the finish, ending this rich, fruity and slightly funky rum.

Doorly’s 12YO

43% ABV, 700ml RRP $POA

Whisky Galore

This 12-year-old rum was produced at the multi-award-winning Foursquare distillery on the Caribbean island of Barbados. It is rich and sweet with notes of butterscotch and tropical fruit and has a full-bodied mouthfeel with flavours of toffee apple, toasted spices and orange.

Doorly’s XO Rum

43% ABV, 700ml RRP $POA

Whisky Galore

Doorly’s rum has been made on the island of Barbados since 1908 and this new XO expression is a blend of some of its oldest rums given a secondary maturation in ex-Oloroso sherry casks. Notes of caramel, brown/ Demerara sugar and banana and toffee apple are joined by a hint of sultana and spice from these casks.

R.L. Seale 10YO

46% ABV, 700ml RRP $POA

Whisky Galore

This Bajan rum is juicy with hints of roasted apple and caramel along with fig and raisin flavours and layers of tropical fruit.

RRP $100 - $149.99

Lunatic & Lover Silver Botanical Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $100

Lunatic & Lover

This rum uses carefully selected organic molasses as well as locally grown fruit and herbs, alongside more exotic spices. It’s described as a ‘botanical rum’ thanks to the use of vapour distillation. Aromas of bright citrus and clean herbal top notes from bay leaf and mairehau lead to a complex palate of baking spice, subtle heat and green pepper (courtesy of the horopito) that mellows into a warm earthiness and rich molasses finish where the quality of the base rum shines through.

Eltom Jack of Clubs

57% ABV, 700ml RRP $103 (also in 20L tubs for on-premise)

Eltom Distillery

Eltom Distillery has built a name for itself by using its proprietary technology to control the maturation process of its spirits, rather than traditional barrel ageing methods. Jack of Clubs is an overproof sipping rum with notes of oak, leather, chocolate, smoke and a hint of spice.

Eltom Queen of Clubs

57% ABV, 700ml RRP $103 (also in 20L tubs for on-premise)

Eltom Distillery

A rum described as combining notes of vanilla sponge cake, creme brûlée, rickhouse (barrel house) floor, and hard candy. Matured on virgin American and French oak, Queen of Clubs is ideal for mixing in cocktails.

Planteray Sealander Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $103.99

Proof & Company

Sealander unites the traditions of three great rum-producing islands: Barbados, Mauritius and Fiji, each bringing its own unique style. Aromas of Christmas spice complements notes of quince jelly, gooseberry and gingerbread, with hints of smoky molasses. On the palate, clover honey and nutmeg meet liquorice, cinnamon and vanilla fudge, with a lingering sweetness on the finish.

Duppy Share XO Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $104.99


A blend of 5-, 8- and 12-year-old 100% column still rums from Barbados. Rich aromas of velvet caramel and tamarind are balanced with light tones of toasted coconut and violet. Flavours of butter fudge, caramel and condensed milk marry with accents of apricot, vanilla and nutmeg.

Matusalem Gran Reserva 15

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $104.99

Thirsty Camel

A Solera rum with an intense, rich nose of wood, toasted nuts and butterscotch. It has a smooth texture with flavours of cocoa, pronounced oak and a cognac-like finish.

Plantation OFTD Overproof Rum

69% ABV, 700ml RRP $104.99

Proof & Company

An intensely flavourful rum, ideal for cocktail making. Notes of coffee, orange, plum and truffles on the nose. In the mouth there are bursts of caramel, chocolate, vanilla, cinnamon, oak, nutmeg, and smoke. Lingering finish with dark chocolate and clove.

Deadhead 6 Year Old Rum

40% ABV, 750ml RRP $109

Hi I.Q. Liquor

A single blended 6-year-old rum made from estate-grown sugar cane juice and molasses and aged in American oak and Chiapas oak. Assertive aromatics and complex flavors make it a great choice for use in classic Tiki cocktails.

Bayou Mardis Gras XO Single Batch

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $109.99


This Louisiana rum is matured in bourbon barrels for up to six years using the Solera ageing method and then partially finished in sherry barrels. Aromas of dried dark fruit and cedar wood lead to a complex palate of orange marmalade and dark stone fruit with blackcurrant and honey. A long, dry finish with black pepper, sherry and hints of smoke.

Ron Santísima Trinidad 15YO

40.7% ABV, 700ml RRP $109.99


An intense woody aroma with caramelised, toasty character and prunes and raisins, alongside a slightly sweet fragrance. Complex flavours of wood, almond and walnut leading to a long finish.

Deadhead Dark Chocolate Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $112

Hi I.Q. Liquor

A single blended 5-year-old rum infused with organic cacao. It has the essence of coffee and butterscotch on the nose, along with the echo of dark chocolate. Decadent dark chocolate on the palate layered with a back note of Bing cherry and cream soda.

Brugal 1888

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $114.99


A double-aged rum that rests first in ex-bourbon American oak casks, followed by a second maturation in ex-sherry Spanish oak casks. On the nose there are red and dried fruits, a spicy woodiness and hints of cinnamon. It’s well-rounded and smooth on the palate with toffee, vanilla, peach, cocoa and cloves. Long-lasting finish with a hint of honey.

Plantation XO 20th Anniversary


40% ABV, 700ml RRP $115.99

Proof & Company

The 20th Anniversary bottling of XO rum from Barbados is aged in bourbon barrels before being shipped to France for a secondary maturation in Ferrand Cognac casks. It has hints of spicy oak on the nose, with guava, coconut and dried banana. On the palate it is spiced and creamy, with sweet vanilla notes and caramel. Finishes with notes of caramel and toasted oak.

Mount Gay XO New Edition

37.5% ABV, 700ml RRP $119.99


A triple cask blend with a wider ageing scope, to allow for a broader palette of aromas and flavours. Round and complex with notes of salted caramel, baked fig, clove and dark chocolate.

Plunders Extra

52% ABV, 700ml RRP $119.99


Plunders Extra is a rich, smooth Caribbean rum aged in ex-bourbon barrels and blended by hand. Designed to sip on the rocks.

Flor de Caña 18 YO

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $120


As with all rums from Nicaraguan distillery Flor de Caña, this sugar-free ultra-premium rum is sustainably produced (carbon neutral and Fair Trade certified) and naturally aged without artificial ingredients, distilled with 100% renewable energy and Kosher certified. It has aromas of nuts and caramel with intense vanilla and spices on the palate and a long, smooth finish.

Gaugin Noa Noa Vieux Rhum 1848

Single Cask

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $122.95


A single cask rum created to replicate the style of rum that artist Paul Gaugin would have sipped on while creating his now famous ‘Noa Noa’ journal, describing his time in Tahiti. It is made with organic sugarcane from the Tahitian island of Taha’a and aged in French oak for a minimum of five years. Light and fresh with a smooth finish.

Pomare V Single Cask

43.5% ABV, 700ml RRP $122.95


This is the most premium expression from Tahitian distillery T.I.E. Aged in French oak, each numbered bottle of rum comes from a single cask.

Lunatic & Lover Barrel Rested Botanical Rum

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $125

Lunatic & Lover

Lunatic & Lover Silver rum is aged for a minimum of two years in oak to create this Barrel Rested expression. The oak melds a sweet and woody vanilla aroma with the rum’s orange top notes. The herbal element of the Silver remains but is more subdued and integrated with the spice notes from the heavy barrel char. Deep, rich coffee and chocolate work with the tannins from the wood to dominate the finish.

Angostura 1824

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $129.99

Federal Merchants

A blend of rums aged in charred American oak bourbon barrels for a minimum of 12 years then hand-picked by House of Angostura’s Master Blender from selected casks. These rums are then hand-blended and re-casked before being hand-drawn, filtered and bottled. The 1824 has rich aromas of vanilla, honey and warming spice followed by a long complex finish.

El Dorado Special Reserve 15YO

43% ABV, 700ml RRP $129.99


A cognac-like rum with a complex nose of dark coffee, candied orange, almonds, dark chocolate, pepper and rich vanilla. It’s silky and rounded on the palate, with flavours of grilled tropical fruit and smooth, oaky spice.

Presented in a striking bottle adorned with agave fibres, the Ron Mocambo 20 Años Art Edition is a complex rum with notes of vanilla, caramel, almonds, and hazelnuts.

Ron Mocambo 20 Años

40% ABV, 750ml RRP $129.99


Presented in a striking bottle adorned with agave fibres, the Ron Mocambo 20 Años Art Edition is a complex rum with notes of vanilla, caramel, almonds, hazelnuts and tobacco. Balanced on the palate, with a subtle and elegant woody finish.

Deadhead 10YO

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $130

Hi I.Q. Liquor

This premium Mexican limited-edition rum was made to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the release of the first Deadhead rum. It features a whiskey-style nose of stonefruit and maple syrup. On the palate there is brown sugar, cigar-leaf and sassafras with toasted pecan and oatmeal driving textural complexity. Oak and leather on the finish.

Appleton Estate 15YO Black River


43% ABV, 700ml RRP $134.99

Thirsty Camel

A new release from Appleton Estate, this rum is aged for a minimum of 15 years and is a rare blend of pot and column-still rums. It has delicate spice and a rich and full-bodied finish with a fruity, subtle oak ending.

Angostura 1787

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $149.99

Federal Merchants

A super-premium rum made from a blend of rums aged for a minimum of 15 years. It has aromas of banana, dried fruit and oak with top notes of apples. The medium-bodied palate has hints of dried prunes, sweet rounded oak and subtle toffee, leading to a long, crisp finish.

Doorly’s 14YO

48% ABV, 700ml RRP $POA

Whisky Galore

This 14-year-old rum was produced at the award-winning Foursquare Distillery on Barbados. The rum is a blend of pot and column still rums that have been aged predominantly in bourbon casks, as well as some Madeira casks, which help impart flavours of dark chocolate, red berries, tropical fruit and sweet spices.

Equiano Original Rum

43% ABV, 700ml RRP $POA

Whisky Galore

A blend of Caribbean and African rums from Gray’s distillery in the Mauritius and Foursquare in Barbados. This is a traditional style of rum, created without any additional sweetening, flavouring or enhancing. Full and rich with warm butterscotch, flowing caramel and a tang of orange and anise to finish.

Renegade Rum ‘New Bacolet Etudes’

55% ABV, 700ml RRP $POA

Whisky Galore

Produced by the team behind the Waterford distillery in Ireland, this exciting new cane rum comes from the Renegade Rum Distillery in Grenada, West Indies. This is a singular expression of sugar cane grown at the ‘New Bacolet’ farm and shows the spirit-forward style of the distillery. Distinctive notes of sugar cane juice and fermented qualities (apples) are followed by fruity toffee apple, raisin and freshly sawn sweet oak spice.

El Dorado Grand Special Reserve 25YO was created to mark the turn of the millennium.

Renegade Rum ‘Pearls Etudes’

55% ABV, 700ml RRP $POA

Whisky Galore

Distilled from sugar cane juice grown at the Pearls farm in Grenada, West Indies, this brandnew expression from Renegade Rum Distillery celebrates the unique character of the cane grown around the island. Made in Renegade’s pot stills, this rum carries a distinctive aroma of fermenting sugar cane, apples being cooked and a vegetal note throughout. Sweeter tones of prune juice and exotic fruityness come through, finishing earthy and slightly phenolic.

RRP $150 and above

Matusalem Gran Reserva 23

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $170.99

Thirsty Camel

This premium offering from Matusalem has subtle aromas of dried fruit, fresh honey and a floral hint over a sweet toffee base with notes of mango and exotic wood. The palate is creamy with liquorice, roasted almond, hazelnut and dried fruit. A sherry-like finish.

El Dorado Special Reserve 21YO

43% ABV, 700ml RRP $209.99


Described as being for “true rum connoisseurs”, this 21-year-old rum has a nose of lush tropical fruit and spice with hints of honey and dark sugar. A round, mellow, full-bodied palate with rich flavours of fruit and spice.

Appleton Estate Rare Blend 21YO

43% ABV, 700ml RRP $239.99

Thirsty Camel

A blend of select aged rums, all matured for at least 21 years. An intense aroma with spice, woody notes and delicate citrus. Notes of orange peel, deep vanilla, rich nutmeg, warm coffee, and cocoa notes. The finish is long and dry, with a brown sugar sweetness.

Flor de Caña 25 YO

40% ABV, 700ml RRP $279.99


A full-bodied rum with aromas of vanilla, wood and dark cocoa. There are fruity notes of almond and nuts on the palate, with a full and long finish that lingers.

El Dorado Grand Special Reserve 25YO

43% ABV, 700ml RRP $1,599.99


Created to mark the turn of the millennium, El Dorado Grand Special Reserve 25 Year Old has been aged in the constant ambient warmth and tropical conditions of Demerara. It is rich, smooth and mellow with a silky smooth mouthfeel and subtle notes of caramel and heavy fruit cake.

Ready for rum?

Sarah Miller examines the growth of British rum and its place in the UK spirits landscape…

“A RUM renaissance is on the way”… “Rum is coming for whisky’s throne!”... “Rum’s time is now!”

For the last 15 to 20 years the rum narrative has hardly changed. Awardwinning writer Dave Broom first declared rum “the next big thing” as far back as the early 1990s, and only weeks ago a British trade magazine declared that “rum seems to be on the verge of big things”.

There is, of course, always a supporting argument – there are now believed to be around 70 rum producers across the UK, and on-trade rum sales have surpassed whisky for two consecutive years – but the reality is the rum boom hasn’t happened. And I am not sure it will.

Rum has long been under-premiumised and can be a confusing proposition for consumers. Not only is there a multitude of (sometimes meaningless) categories and classifications, there’s no easy and well-known rum serve to showcase the spirit, such as the ubiquitous G&T. Consumers may enjoy drinking rum cocktails, but that doesn’t necessarily translate to identifying as rum lovers or knowing what to do with a bottle at home.

Despite this, rum was deemed the natural successor to gin, and many distilleries tried to get ahead of the trend and insulate themselves against the inevitable gin downturn by diversifying their range. But rum and gin require very different skill sets, and so many British brands have opted to import (often cheap) rum, and blend, sweeten or flavour it to create some character. Unfortunately,

Rum has long been under-premiumised and can be a confusing proposition for consumers.

this has resulted in a proliferation of rums of inconsistent quality, which risk oversaturating the market, and has also created confusion regarding what British rum even is.

To my mind, British rum should be made by fermenting and distilling raw materials in the UK, and there are indeed a growing number of distilleries doing just that, such as England’s Scratch Spirits and Dropworks, Scotland’s Matugga Distillers and The Isle of Man’s Outlier Distilling Co. Not only does making rum from scratch enable distillers to experiment with every part of the production process to create a product with a distinct flavour and style, but also to embrace ideals such as provenance, which was so crucial to the success of gin as distilleries opened their doors and shared their stories, as well as transparency and sustainability.

Two distilleries at the forefront of sustainable production are Kent’s Greensand Ridge and Devon’s Two Drifters. Greensand Ridge makes its large range of spirits using only surplus produce from the local food system. Their Wealden Rum, for example, is made using out-ofdate molasses from East London’s sugar refiner Tate & Lyle. This means that if they can’t obtain locally-produced molasses they simply won’t make rum.

Two Drifters, on the other hand, make only rum and so usually import molasses from a more reliable source in North Africa, where much of the world’s sugar processing takes place. However, having undertaken a full cradle-to-grave analysis of their carbon footprint, Two Drifters permanently remove the emissions they can’t avoid – including the initial sourcing and shipment of sugarcane from Brazil and importation of molasses – with Climeworks’ direct air capture technology to achieve their carbon negative footprint. And all this is achieved without compromising what is really required for British rum to succeed: exceptional quality and flavour.

I believe authentically made British rum will succeed. However, the market landscape has changed so much since the beginning of the gin boom it’s hard to imagine any spirit will ever have the same impact, or see the same success, again.

With more consumers cutting back on consumption and spending, and the drinks industry moving towards more seasonal and celebrity-led trends and spikes, it seems likely that craft rum will remain a spirit mostly enjoyed by a small sector of society. But, for those in the know, there’s certainly plenty to get excited about.

Kiwi spirits shine at IWSC

NEW ZEALAND distillers had a strong showing at the IWSC 2024 in London with a slew of medals, including Golds for gin and whisky from Aotearoa.

This year’s event saw more than 4,000 spirits entries from around the world assessed by 100 international judges.

Gin was the biggest category in the 2024 event and topped the medal table with over 760 medals, including over 50 Golds.

Strange Nature Gin led the Kiwi pack, winning Gold Outstanding (98/100). This placed it in the top 2% of awarded spirits, secured a spot in the top five across all gins internationally at the IWSC 2024 and tied for #1 Contemporary Gin with Fiesta Gin from the Czech Republic.

Gold medals were awarded to Enceladus Distilling for its Astra Premium New Zealand Gin (96/100), Karori Drinks

New Mango Shotta

CREATE A spicy hit with Mango Shotta, new from distributor Federal Merchants & Co.

Mango Shotta is a mango, jalapeño and tequila shot offering, inspired by the Mexican “mangonada” recipe, a Mexican dessert made of mango sorbet and chamoy (a pickled fruit sauce) topped with chilli powder. Mango Shotta combines tequila with the fruity flavour of mango and the bold, spicy bite of jalapeño and contains 26% ABV.

Serve chilled and pour into a shot glass lined with lime and tajin (chilli and lime seasoning).

Federal Merchants

Company for Chemistry Gin (95/100), Elemental Distillers for Roots Rosso Pinot Noir Gin (95/100) and Greytown Distilling Company for Tweed Premium Gin (95/100).

Golds also went to New Zealand whisky, with Pōkeno Whisky Co. winning for its Revelation Single Malt Whisky (95/100) and Totara Cask Single Malt Whisky (95/100).

Full results at iwsc.net

A taste of rum

THE NATIONAL Distillery Company has released its Port O Ahuriri Golden Rum in a new 200ml format, joining the existing 700ml bottle. The award-winning rum won Gold and the Trophy for Best NZ Rum in Category at the 2023 New Zealand Spirits Awards.

Port O Ahuriri Golden Rum (42% ABV) 200ml is RRP $27.50

The National Distillery Company

Mount Gay sets sail

MOUNT GAY Eclipse is available in a new limited edition Sailing packaging. The bottle contains the popular Eclipse expression from Mount Gay, regarded as the embodiment of the distillery style, with the striking label featuring bright sailing ships.

Mount Gay Eclipse Sailing limited edition (700ml) RRP $56.99


Matt Johns of Pōkeno Whisky Co.

NZ bartender chosen for Jameson global comp

ANDREA MARSEGLIA of Teresa Bar in Napier has been selected as one of ten international finalists in the Jameson Black Barrel Bartender Series 2024 competition.

Marseglia, who co-owns Teresa Bar, will head to Ireland in September to compete in the Grand Final at the Jameson HOSTS Global Summit, to secure one of three ‘Global Champion’ titles.

Entrants were challenged to create a unique regionally-inspired cocktail that championed their local cultures and communities, using Jameson Black Barrel. Marseglia’s cocktail, ‘Jupiter’s Acorn’, used fallen leaves from a tree.

The final will be judged by a live taste test of the 10 finalists’ cocktails, which will be anonymously evaluated by 100+ global bar community members, including


the rest of the Regional Winners in a peerjudging process.

The final three Global Champions will win an additional €5,000 each and gain access to the first-ever Jameson Black Barrel Bartender Series mentorship programme. Comprising one-on-one in-person and virtual sessions, the new mentorship programme will allow each individual winner unique access to industry giants such as hospitality consultant Danil Nevsky, bar owners Ezra Star and Beckaly Franks, and summit curator Remy Savage, to discuss topics from brand building to social media strategy and team culture development.

The three overall winners will be announced on 5 September and Drinksbiz will have the result online at drinksbiz.co.nz

Auld Farm Distillery opens for tours

SOUTHLAND’S AULD Farm Distillery is now offering tour experiences and has opened its new tasting room.

The family farm and distillery at Scotts Gap, just north of Riverton, uses farm-grown grain to make its whiskies, gins and usquebaugh. The experiences include a ‘Seed to Sip’ tour, a ‘Gin Guided Tasting Experience’, a ‘Whisky Guided Tasting Experience’ and the ultimate experience: a three-hour ‘Private Founders Tour’ hosted by Rob and Toni Auld, the founders of Auld Farm Distillery and third generation to farm the land.

aulddistillery. co.nz

Introducing Appleton Estate 17-Year-Old Legend

APPLETON ESTATE has launched a brand-new limited-edition rum into the New Zealand market: the 17-year-old Appleton Estate Legend.

This ultra-premium release is the reimagining of a rum lost to the ages; a Jamaican rum used in the creation of the very first Mai Tai cocktail.

With only 1,500 bottles of this limited liquid available globally, New Zealand is fortunate to have an allocation of 22 bottles through distributor Thirsty Camel –a joint venture of Campari Group.

The making of a ‘Legend’

The moniker ‘Legend’ refers to a past rum also made at the Appleton Estate distillery. That 17-year-old Wray & Nephew Rum was the one chosen by Victor (“Trader Vic”) Bergeron as the rum of choice when he created the Mai Tai cocktail in 1944.

The Appleton Estate team have created ‘Legend’ to be a replica of that. While the history books and distillery records were consulted in the development of this rare liquid, it maintains all the elements we’ve come to love from modern Appleton Estate rums. Thanks to the minimum ageing stipulation upon Jamaica, we can be certain there isn’t a drop of rum in the bottle that is aged for less than 17 long years in Jamaica’s tropical landscape.

The original Wray & Nephew 17YO may have been lost to history, but now you have a unique chance to try a Mai Tai closer than ever to the original, as close as you’ll get without a time machine!

C.G.R. Merchants in Wellington and Mr Brightside in Christchurch have been

chosen as the flagship venues in New Zealand to launch this incredible rum.

Limited stock of Appleton Estate Legend 17YO is available now through Thirsty Camel – email customerservice@thirstycamel.co.nz

Skrewball launches in NZ

SKREWBALL – the popular super-premium peanut butter whiskey flavoured liqueur –is now available in New Zealand.

Skrewball co-founders Steve and Brittany Yeng visited with trade and partners in New Zealand and Australia earlier this year ahead of the Australasian launch. The two countries are the first locations outside of the Americas for Skrewball.

Skrewball launched in the US in 2018 and was born from a bestselling cocktail at the Yengs’ restaurant in Ocean Beach,

California. “It was one of those drinks that people couldn’t stop talking about, embodying both smooth whiskey and creamy peanut butter flavours, so we started working on bottling the magic that is Skrewball,” say the couple.

Pernod Ricard Pacific Marketing Director Kristy Rutherford says Skrewball is set to make its mark in Australian and New Zealand markets. “Skrewball will be taking peanut butter flavour to the next level with its outstanding quality and flavour profile. The brand’s passion for embracing the quirky, left-of-centre approach to life is set to resonate with the Australian and Kiwi sense of humour and fun.”

Pernod Ricard became a partner in the brand as a majority stakeholder in 2023.

Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey (750ml) is RRP $65.

Pernod Ricard

New Pineapple & Chilli Margarita from Batched

BATCHED HAS added new Pineapple and Chilli Margarita to its range of pre-mixed premium cocktails.

The new shake and pour cocktail is made using authentic tequila sourced from the Jalisco region in the Mexican Highlands and jalapeños from Mexico.

Lizzy Yeo from The Premium Liquor Co., creators of Batched, says 2024 is the year of the Chilli Margarita. “Margaritas are spicy-hot right now. We’ve recently launched Club Sola by Batched, our easy-drinking sparkling Margaritas in a can.

Now, we’ve created a new Margarita in our Shake & Pour format, giving you a convenient, bar-quality Margarita with a sweet and spicy twist and our signature foamy head.”

Batched Pineapple and Chilli Margarita joins the existing Batched range, which includes Espresso Martini, Strawberry & Rhubarb Gin Sour, Salted Grapefruit Margarita, Passionfruit Martini, and Whiskey Sour.

Batched Pineapple and Chilli Margarita (725ml) RRP $49.99

Premium Liquor Co.

Seeing stars with Good George

GOOD GEORGE is releasing two new gins in its Zodiac range –Leo and Virgo have now joined the line-up in the astrologicallyinspired series.

Leo is a mango and coconut expression with tropical aromas and a palate of bright citrus, lush mango, and sweet and creamy coconut.

Virgo balances the smooth sweetness of maple syrup with subtle notes of Marlborough sea salt, which enhances and deepens the overall flavour profile. Himalayan juniper berries also lend classic gin characteristics.

Good George Zodiac gins (40% ABV) are 500ml RRP $55.

Good George


1919 Distilling 021 0242 2067 1919distilling.com

8-Wired 022 106 1709 8wired.co.nz

Armada Spirits info@armadaspirits.co.nz armadaspirits.co.nz

Asahi Beverages NZ 09 298 3000 asahibeverages.co.nz

Behemoth Brewing 09 948 0425 behemothbrewing.co.nz

Black Barn Vineyards 06 877 7985 blackbarn.com

Black Collar Distillery 09 407 4429 blackcollardistillery.com

Black Market blackmarket.co.nz

Blanc angie@blancnz.co.nz blancnz.co.nz

Blush Gin 021 612 165‬ blushginstore.co.nz

Brandhouse 0508 468 688 brandhouse.co.nz

Broken Heart Spirits 03 442 0819 brokenheartspirits.com

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners NZ 0800 692 337 cocacolaep.com

Co Pilot 09 412 9137 copilotdistributors.co.nz

DB Breweries 0800 746 432 db.co.nz


Eltom Distillery mark@eltomdistillery.com eltomdistillery.com

Emerson’s 03 477 1812 emersons.co.nz

Emporium Brewing 03 319 5897 emporiumbrewing.co.nz

EuroVintage 0800 388 766 eurovintage.co.nz

Federal Merchants 0800 846 824 federalmerchants.co.nz

Fistonich Family Vineyards 027 678 9044 cuvarwinery.com

Foley Wines 03 572 8200 sales@foleywines.co.nz

Frucor Suntory 0800 437 8267 frucorsuntory.com

Fugitive Organic fugitiveorganic.co.nz

Garage Project 027 535 0917 garageproject.co.nz

Good George 07 846 9364 goodgeorge.co.nz

Good George Brewing 07 846 9364 goodgeorge.co.nz

Greytown Distilling info@greytowngin.com greytowngin.com

Hancocks 0800 699 463 hancocks.co.nz

Hi I.Q. Liquor Merchants 09 634 4202 hiiqliquor.co.nz

Hop Federation brews@hopfederation.co.nz hopfederation.co.nz

Huntress huntress@huntress.co.nz huntresswines.co.nz

Kono 04 546 8648 kono.co.nz

Lion 0800 107 272 lionco.com

Lunatic & Lover 021 222 3311 lunaticandlover.com

LWF Distilling lwfdistilling.com

Maison Vauron 09 529 0157 mvauron.co.nz

Marisco 09 522 9684 marisco.co.nz

Matahiwi Estate 06 370 1000 matahiwi.co.nz

McLeod’s Brewery 09 432 1011 mcleodsbrewery.co.nz

Mineral orders@mineralwine.co.nz mineral.co.nz

Mission Estate 06 845 9350 missionestate.co.nz

Mora 03 777 6161 mora.co.nz

The National Distillery Company 06 833 7317 nationaldistillery.nz

Negociants 0800 634 624 negociantsnz.com

No8 Distillery no8distillery@gmail.com no8distillery.com

Otis finn@otisoatmilk.co.nz otisoatmilk.co.nz

Pacific Coast Beverages 021 0393 155 pacificcoastbeverages.co.nz

Parrotdog 04 384 8077 parrotdog.co.nz

Peckham’s Cider 03 543 2959 peckhams.co.nz

Pernod Ricard 0800 655 550 pernod-ricard-nz.com

Pōkeno Whisky Co. contact@pokenowhisky. co.nz pokenowhisky.com

The Premium Liquor Co. 09 975 7432 premiumliquor.co.nz

Proof & Company ordersnz@ proofandcompany.com proofandcompany.com

Q Liquid 09 636 7730 qll.co.nz

Red + White Cellar 09 376 0760 redwhitecellar.co.nz

Red Bull NZ customerservice.nz@ redbull.com redbull.com

Sawmill Brewery 09 422 6555 sawmillbrewery.co.nz

Sprig + Fern 03 544 8675 sprigandfern.co.nz

Stonecroft Wines 06 879 9610 stonecroft.co.nz

Sunshine Brewing office@sunshinebrewery. co.nz sunshinebrewing.co.nz

Suntory Global Spirits 0800 69 23 37 beamsuntory.com

Thirsty Camel 0800 844 778 thirstycamel.co.nz

Tickety-Boo Liquor 09 377 7597


Trinity Hill 06 879 7778 trinityhill.com

Victus 0800 VICTUS victus.co.nz

Vintners 0800 687 9463 vintners.co.nz

Whisky Galore 03 377 6824 trade.whiskygalore.co.nz

Wine2Trade 021 1800 253 sue@wine2trade.co.nz

Wine Diamonds 021 0228 4206 winediamondstrade.co.nz

World@BWS 021 0277 1475 worldbws.co.nz



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