AFLNZ NPC 2012 Programme

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2012 National Provincial championship

Parrs Park, Oratia, Auckland October 20–21 2012

auckland # 3 6 7 8 9 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 23 24 25 26 28 31 32 33

First Name James Andrew James Steven Michael William Michael Shane Dan Ben Brandon Sam Andriu Carl Adam Richard Andrew Dan Adam Callum Matt Dwayne Jesse Ty Jamie Dylan

Last Name Roughan Creighton McKenzie Johnson Gregson Gregson Boyce Leat Moyle Horne Sucu McKenzie Sucu Gabriel Booker Taylor McKenzie McGregor Simpson McLean Hackett Cleugh Mager Smith Beckham Beckham

Club Mt Roskill North Shore Mt Roskill Manurewa Waitakere Waitakere Mt Roskill Waitakere Waitakere Mt Roskill North Shore Mt Roskill North Shore Waitakere Mt Roskill Mt Roskill Mt Roskill Waitakere North Shore Mt Roskill Waitakere Mt Roskill Manurewa North Shore Waitakere Waitakere

The Auckland Team are looking to get their name back on the trophy after quite a few years finishing runner up. Co-coaches Callum Mclean and Andriu Sucu are also playing, and this may lead to more direction on the park. Only two players are joining the team with Australian experience, Andrew Crighton and Matthew Hackett, the rest of the squad have been selected from the club scene. Five NZ U18 players have made the cut, and are looking to continue their good form following the recent series against the Victorian Amateurs in Wellington a fortnight ago. It looks like an exciting mix of new and experienced players, and they should push the defending champs to the line.

canterburY # Name Club 1 Wayne Sullivan Bulldogs 2 Phillip Shaw-Rowling Cougars 3 Levi Inglis Blues 4 Jake Toplis Bulldogs 5 Josh Robles-McGill Eagles 6 Sean Butler Blues 7 Mike Burr Eagles 8 Brendan Swift Cougars 9 Steven McCarron Bulldogs 10 Todd Andrews Bulldogs 11 Aaron Harris Cougars 12 Callum Mckenzie Cougars 13 Neil De Joux Cougars 14 Andrew Howison Eagles 15 Izaak Williams Bulldogs 16 Simon Carden Eagles 17 Justin Clark Cougars 18 Matthew Rushton Cougars 20 James Stevenson Bulldogs 21 Dan Young Blues 22 Jared Court Blues 23 Chris Morel Eagles 24 Matty Crighton Eagles 25 David Risdon Cougars 26 Steven Howard Eagles 29 Ricky Van Olphen Eagles Coach: Harry Peterson Manager: Steve Langridge Strapper: Jason Beck With energy to burn off the Richter scale the defending NPC Champions Canterbury Cobras have prepared tirelessly for this event. With Harry Peterson as the returning coach of the Cobra’s we have the most experienced coach in CAFL history steering a Canterbury team that has been brimming with confidence and competitiveness. Participating in the highly competitive and even CAFL league where each team has won, drawn or lost to each other in 8 rounds the desire to earn a Canterbury jersey was fiercely contested. The players to watch for are the powerful marking and rucking Captain Canterbury, Todd Andrews whose agility is awe inspiring. The return of Steven Howard, Andrew Howison, Justin Clark and Aaron Harris from across the ditch where they have been honing their AFL skills in the VAFA will display skills that spectators will marvel at. Young guns Phillip Shaw, Callum McKenzie, Sean Butler and the mad Mexican Josh RoblesMcGill have the youthfulness to go all day and display mature skills for their experience. We thank our Sponsors Stream Group NZ, Air Rescue Trust, NZCT, Mainland Foundation, Youth Town and Westminster Sporting Club GM Eddie Cropley for making it possible. Special mention to our tireless President Terry Anderson for organising the world to spin on its axis.

OtaGO # 1 5 20 4 3 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 17 19 24

First Name Mike Dan Logan Jay Ben Jonty Mike Logan Joel Dan Ben Paul Chris Craig John George Nathan Conor Will

Last Name Coventry Benny Taylor Johnson Bradley Kay Bruhn Toomer Hodgkinson Smart Miller Kirby Bailey Sneddon Gilmour Reid Rose O’Fee Dickenson

Club Uni Riot Uni Riot Uni Riot Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Uni Riot Old Boys’ Uni Riot Old Boys’ OBHS Uni Riot Uni Riot Old Boys’ Old Boys’ Uni Riot Uni Riot Old Boys’ Old Boys’

Otago are a young, developing team, with this being many players’ first game on a full sized field with a full squad, and the chance to rest and run off the bench. However, don’t let this relative lack of game experience trick you into thinking that Otago don’t know how to play! All winter long they have been training together as a team, developing skills, learning the lingo and giving it their all. Fearlessly led by experienced club captain Chris “Aussie” Bailey, with speed to burn out of the centre, a solid target at full forward, and a watertight back line, they are ready to announce the arrival of the mighty blue and gold to the NPC scene! The coaching staff have a strong pedigree, with both Warwick “Dingo” Kain and Michael “Modra” Bruhn tracing their lineage back to the Nightcliff Tigers in Darwin’s NTFL. Together they have selected players from varying codes, including basketball, soccer and Gaelic football, and have honed their skills through specialised and targeted coaching to transform them into Aussie Rules stars. Players to watch out for include: U20’s NZ representatives Ben Miller and Logan Toomer; Otago's league founder Nathan Rose; soccer-goal-keeperturned-specialist forward-Conor O’Fee; speedsters Craig Sneddon, Dan Benny, Will Dixon and Michael Coventry; crumbing goal sneak Modra; and the toughin-defence duo Paul Kirby and Joel Hodgkinson.

WaikatO # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 28 29 30

First Name Jason Matt Jason Mitchell Scott Mark Alex Aaron Phil Luke Cody Mike Dylan Hayden Brad Nigel Kolo Ludi Liam Martyn Callum Daniel Rhys Andrew Matt Todd Sam

Last Name Kjestrup van Wijk Sklenars Mace van den Bemd Caldwell Brown Fegusson Mourits Kneebone Max Pratt Bower Mourits Morgan Goodhue Tomu Hope Annals Gaines Flynn Carston O’Connor Laversha O’Neill Arnold Cooper

The 2012 Waikato season has seen an introduction of a new team into the fixtures, that team being a development one, the Waikato Taniwhas, a youth team with leadership from Luke Kneebone, Phil Mourits and Hayden Mourits. The Thunder side this year will comprise of a lot of new players, youth and experience, which is always unpredictable when mixed with Waikato passion. The goals for Waikato’s NPC campaign are simply to win all games, to be a team that will match opposition man on man, provide competition at every contest, fight for every ball with a will to win and command respect from opposition. We have said it before and it will be said again: Opponents beware: we are from Waikato Taniwha rau, he piko he taniwha, he piko he taniwha; Waikato of a thousand Taniwha, on every bend is a Taniwha. Kia Mate Toa – Never Give Up!!

WellinGtOn nPc draW # First Name 1 Daniel 2 Matt 3 Stanley 4 Hamish 5 Fletcher 6 Craig 7 Jay 8 Kade 9 Danny 10 James 11 Tom 13 Hayden 14 Hugo 15 Gus 16 Richard 17 James 18 Jason 19 Sam 20 Jason 21 Dan 22 James 23 Jalan 26 Mark Coach Manager Captain Vice Captain

Last Name Club Annand Hutt Valley Eagles Poole Hutt Valley Eagles Chung Eastern Bulldogs Mackay Wellington City Saints Barclay Wellington City Saints Morgan Hutt Valley Eagles Kealy Eastern Bulldogs Riddell Eastern Bulldogs Morgan Eastern Bulldogs Terry Eastern Bulldogs Robinson Eastern Bulldogs Schrivers Hutt Valley Eagles Phillips Wellington City Saints Ferguson Eastern Bulldogs Williams Hutt Valley Eagles Kusel Hutt Valley Eagles Wozniak Eastern Bulldogs Sherring Hutt Valley Eagles Cox Wellington City Saints Couling Wellington City Saints Kerse North City Demons Farris Hutt Valley Eagles Langdon Wellington City Saints Mark Langdon Margaret Lavery James Terry Danny Morgan

The Wellington Tigers 2012 campaign had a rocky start with injuries to key NPC regulars. However, with a combination of skillful and experienced campaigners and some exciting youngsters, the Tigers of 2012 are looking to leave their claw marks all over their opponents this year. Coached by Mark Langdon and lead by James Terry and an experienced leadership group including Danny Morgan, James Kusel, Stan Chung and Jason Cox come and hear the Tigers roar in 2012.

saturdaY, OctOber 20, 2012 1.00Pm Final scOre

2.00Pm Final scOre

3.00Pm Final scOre

4.00Pm Final scOre

5.00Pm Final scOre


auckland v WaikatO tO

WellinGtOn v OtaGO tO

canterburY v auckland tO

WaikatO v WellinGtOn tO

OtaGO v canterburY tO


sundaY, OctOber 21, 2012 10.00am auckland v WellinGtOn Final scOre


11.00am WaikatO v canterburY Final scOre



OtaGO v auckland

Final scOre


1.00Pm WellinGtOn v canterburY Final scOre

2.00Pm Final scOre

3.00Pm 3.15Pm


WaikatO v OtaGO tO

Games cOnclude PresentatiOns

best PlaYer FOr each team leadinG GOal kicker tOurnament best PlaYer tOurnament Winner



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