1 minute read
Some major secondary data sources use in case study and their possible limitations
The listed are some major, apart from it the following have been used as well: (Urbis 2008; Rogers 2012; Pinnegar 2013)
The listed are some major, apart from it the following have been used as well: (Levin et al. 2013, 2015,2018; Kelly 2019)
Bonnyrigg Public Estate Renewal:
S No Title Data Type Observations
1 The Bonnyrigg Living Communities:
Baseline Survey Baseline Survey Interviews
2 Summary of contracts of the Bonnyrigg ‘Living Communities’ Public
Private Partnership project 3 Citizenship, tenant participation and a public–private partnership 4 Bonnyrigg Longitudinal Panel Study
First wave: 2012 5 Urban and Social Planning Through
Public-Private Part-nership: The Case of The Bonnyrigg Living Communi-ties Project, Sydney Australia Contract Summary No information on negotiations, only final contract
Phd Thesis
Focus on community engagment Longitudinal Survey Survey is taken to different cohorts
Book Chapter Insights on context, policy framework
Carlton Public Housing Redevelopment:
S No Title
1 Carlton Housing Redevelopment – Report Nº 1 Baseline Study 2 Best Practice in Multi-Tenure Development: Part A: Australian Case Studies 3 Experiences of Tenants Relocation in the Carlton Public Housing Estate, Melbourne Journal Article
4 Public Housing Renewal Program: Submission to the Legal and Social
Issues Committee Inquiry into the Public Housing Renewal Program
Data Type Observations
Baseline Study
Less qualitative information Industry report Proceedings from interview with DHHS Interviews from the residents
Government Report Insights on Policy framework & context