Chainless TX205 | TE205 | TH205 Instruction Manual

Page 4

Chainless Trailed Series Bale Feeder

Original Instruction

Dear Customer,

Welcome to the Hustler family!

We’re delighted to know that we can make a difference in your operation and would love to take this opportunity while you’re reading this instruction manual to say a special THANK YOU for purchasing a Hustler!

We hope you enjoyed dealing with us and our business partner(s) and trust that we contributed to make your purchasing journey easy.

Here at Hustler we are on a mission to help farmers and ranchers ‘Achieve More Everyday’ with the ‘World’s Best Livestock Feeding Solutions’. If at any stage you have any queries/questions or even a feel like a chat, our passionate team would value the opportunity to help.

We hope you enjoy your Hustler as much as we do, for many years to come.

Thanks again, hopefully we will meet someday.

Kindest Regards


Thank you for purchasing a HUSTLER TX205/TE205/TH205 BALEFEEDER. Please read through this manual as it contains important information which you need to know.

Please take special note of the warnings on page 4-5, routine servicing on pages 7-11 and trouble-shooting on page 15-16. Correctly maintained and operated this machine will give many years of service. If you have any questions please contact the dealer who supplied you this machine. They have trained technicians who will be able to help you.


• Please ensure this booklet is read and understood by every operator of this machine.

• Also ensure that this booklet goes with the machine if it is resold and is read and understood by owner.



2250 - 3000 PSI.


25 - 60 Litres/minute (our recommended minimum flow is 25 Litres/ minute)

Hydraulic Requirements:

2 x set of double acting hydraulics.

Tractor size:

Large enough to safely handle the TX205|TE205 (1070 kg’s) | TH205 (1230kgs) and 2 bale up to 1500kgs each. (One on the platform and one on the loading tynes.) Up to 6’ round bales and 8’ square bales with optional extension bar.


All machinery manufactured by Hustler in 2023 or later is covered by a 5-year warranty against manufacturing defects for the original purchaser from an authorised Hustler dealership. In the rare event that a defect is discovered, we will repair or replace the product or part at our discretion. To enjoy the benefits of our warranty, simply register your Hustler equipment online at www. and ensure that servicing or warranty claims are processed through an authorised Hustler Dealership (original proof of purchase is required).


- Puck board floors on wagons are covered for 10 years, except for fading and conditions caused by excessive ultraviolet light (UV) or outdoor exposure.

- Components are covered against damage due to manufacturing defects for the original purchaser for a period of 2 years. While we carefully select the highest-quality components for our equipment, the manufacturing of these components is outside our control. These include for example:

> Hydraulic components – hose valve blocks, motors, gearboxes, rams & grease lines

> Chains & bars

> Jack stands & tow eyes.

> Axles, hubs

> Tines

> Electronics – loadcells, Feedlink units, junction box, joysticks, spray controllers, lights, looms, solenoids, GPS systems, flow meter, sprayer valves.

> Bearings, shafts, sprockets & drive couplers.

> Plastic Covers.

> Other components.

- Paint and finish are covered for 1 year (normal wear-and-tear from general use is not covered).

- Wearing parts are covered against faulty workmanship or manufacturing defect for the original purchaser, but not for normal wear, consumption, or expiration. These include:

> Batteries

> Filters

> Tires

> Wear pads

> Brake pads

> Chain slides / guides

> Bushes

> Towing eyes or pins

> Harrow rings & casings

Labour is covered for all warranty repairs including a reasonable allowance for travel time, but mileage is excluded.

Damage or injury due to ordinary wear and tear, neglect, misuse, abuse, alterations, or modifications, accidental or intentional destruction, incorrect maintenance or storage are not covered.

Consequential damage is not covered, including continued use of the product after any defect became apparent to the user.

Damage due to modifications or alterations made to the product.

Hustler Equipment International are not responsible for any impact to business or financial loss due to the failure of machinery or component. This includes but not limited to:

> Personal liability.

> Work contract or agreements

> Revenue in profit.

Machines Manufactured PRE 2023:

> Production

> Increase in a business overhead cost

- Bale feeders, Bale handlers, Sprayers: 2 years warranty if registered. 4-year warranty if registered online.

- Sprayer Electronic Components & GPS: 1 year.

- Combis, Silage Wagons, Tip Trailers & Accessories: 2 years.


• All persons must be kept WELL CLEAR of the machine in operation.

• Shut the tractor off and apply the handbrake BEFORE trying to clear feed material or cut strings/ net anywhere from around the machine.

• BEFORE attempting maintenance or any work, ensure the tractor engine is shut off, the handbrake is applied, and no one is near the hydraulic controls.

• DO NOT allow any person(s) to ride on the machine at any time.

• EXTREME CARE must be taken when traveling on uneven ground or hill country. A steep or slippery slope may cause the feeder or tractor to rollover. This could cause INJURY or DEATH.

• ALWAYS lift the platform to the recommended initial rounds/square feeding position when travelling regardless of with or without a bale.

• Watch CAREFULLY when driving, especially the width when travelling through gateways or near objects or people.

• ENSURE the jack stand is PROPERLY latched in place before driving the tractor away.

• This machine is designed for off-road use ONLY. If towing on the road, two safety chains rated to at least 4.2 metric tons each MUST be used and securely fastened in the correct cross over technique. Tail lights and a registration plate may be required. It is the owner’s responsibility to adhere to the law in their country/state.


• Take CARE when travelling with a bale up on the rear forks as this lessens the stability of the machine. The closer the bale to the ground to lower the centre of gravity.

• Always ensure the rear loading forks are in ‘transport’ position when travelling without a bale. ( Approximately 45 )

• No alteration or modification is to be done on this machine unless undertaken by Hustler or its authorised dealer. This will void the warranty.

• ENSURE chain covers are in place when the machine is operating. Chain may cause pinch point.

• Vehicle MUST be operated no more than 30km/h when the bale feeder is attached.

• KEEP CLEAR of moving feed platform. DO NOT use for transporting anything other than a bale.

• KEEP CLEAR of feed rotors. These have sharp points which are needed for teasing the bale .

• ENSURE the jack pin is securely in place so the jack doesn’t move in either the stand or transport position.


(also do this before initial operation)

• Grease all points regularly.

• These are:

- 4x main shaft bearings (do not over grease).

- 2x drive couplings

- 6x pivot points in rear loading mechanism

- Inside the hook latch contact surface

• Keep the 2 drive chains oiled. Use non-tacky black or brown chain lube monthly.

• Grease the wheel bearings annually or earlier depending on conditions. If the machine is travelling through water occasionally we recommend ADR High Tech Lithogrease 3 or equivalent.

• After the first 10 hours of operation:

- Check the wheel nuts are tight. (x12)-220Nm

- Check the nuts on the tynes are tight. (x2)-600Nm

- Check the drawbar bolts are tight. (x3)-200Nm

• During routine servicing check that all the grub screws and bolts are tight.

• In a salty atmosphere keep grease on parts that are likely to rust. i.e. pins, diverter valve and cylinder shafts.

• If rear chain is replaced or removed, ENSURE feed drums are timed correctly as shown. NOTE: top drum tooth should be flush with centre of bottom drum radius. This is very critical, one tooth out on sprocket will cause jamming in the wiper pannel.


Connecting bale feeder onto tractor

• Connect the bale feeder to the drawbar of the tractor.

NOTE: The drawbar height can be adjusted by rotating the towing eye 180 degrees, (M16 Bolts should be torqued to 220Nm dry)

• Connect the hoses so that:

Lever 1 - lever back - platform lifts. (2 small hoses. Inside lever closest to driver.)

Lever 2 - lever back - rotors feed out. It will also operate the rear loading forks - see following page. (2 large hoses. Outside lever.)

• The hydraulic flow rate should turn the top rotor 1 turn 2-3 seconds. Many high flow rate tractors have an adjustable control. Use this to reduce the flow to the required rate. If there is no flow adjustment, simply operate the tractor at low rpm.

• Some bales are just plain difficult for any feeder, however the CHAINLESS TX205|TE205|TH205 will generally feed these out. They will take a little patience and the feed rotors may need to be reversed.

• The hydraulic flow should actuate the platform at a smooth, controlled rate i.e. not too jerky or sudden.

• Familiarise yourself with the hydraulic controls on the machine. Using your 2 hydraulic hand controls, 3 Hydraulic functions are achieved very simply.

Loading Mode

• Lever 1 controls the platform only. Raise or lower as required. When the platform is right down - the Diverter valve shuts and allows LEVER 2 to operate the rear loading mechanism.

• This is a built-in safety feature, making it impossible to load a bale when the platform is in the up/raised position.

Feeding Mode

• As the platform is lifted the diverter valve opens and with the platform in a slightly up position, even slightly, LEVER 2 will operate the feeding out rotors.

• (LEVER 1 continues to operate the platform.)


Loading Bales:

Loading Wrapped Round Bales

For loading wrapped bales - first remove the plastic wrap only (fig. 1). DO NOT remove string or net-wrap at this stage.

NOTE: In most cases it does not matter which way the bale has been rolled up.

• With the platform right down (using lever 1), use lever 2 to adjust the height of the rear forks to suit the bale size/height (i.e. for a 5ft high bale, lift the forks until the indicator shows 5ft), then back the forks into the bale.

• Still using lever 2 raise the bale up off the ground and over towards the platform. To facilitate easy removal of the net on bales with net-wrap, we recommend to stop just before the bale settles on to the platform (try not to let the bale start falling apart while removing the net). With the net removed, finish lowering the bale onto the platform.

• Now withdraw the forks and lower the forks right back down to ground level. Once you hear the ‘clack’ of the loading mechanism resetting, you can then re-adjust the forks to pick up another bale if required.

• Next, ALWAYS raise the forks, whether carrying a second bale or not, to the ‘transport’ position. (This keeps the forks safely away from animals etc.)

Loading Hay/straw Round Bales

• For hay/straw bales with strings, lower the bale right down onto the platform then remove the strings (fig. 3).

• Knots may be hard to pull out - using a small stick as a grip makes it easier. If they are net wrapped, the bale will need unwrapping before lowering right onto the platform.

• Note the warning on the front indicator label ‘Do Not Lift Platform’ this shows that the forks are in a raised position high above the platform.

• Always return the forks back immediately after loading the bale. Lower the forks right down to the ground, to reset, and then back up to the transport position, unless loading another bale.

• If loading a second bale, raise forks to selected bale height, then back the forks into the bale and raise to the transport position.


• Lift the platform up sufficiently to cradle the bale securely against the rotors while travelling. See sticker on the machine.


Feeding Out Round Bales

• Keep the platform at the recommended ‘ROUNDS’ position - then operate the rotors (using lever 2) to start feeding out.

• As the bale is fed out and the diameter reduces, raise the platform (using lever 1) to keep the bale against the rotors.

• Getting the bale turning is the secret to successful feeding out.

• The higher the platform, the better the chance of turning - even the most odd shaped bales.

Square Bales

• Lift platform to the recommended position shown by sticker on the machine.

• When ready to feed, operate the rotors (using lever 2) to start feeding either one ‘biscuit’ at a time or intermittently.

• Most silage bales will tease out nicely. However some hay or straw bales won’t, especially if they were wet when baled. If several ‘biscuits’ are coming off together, lower the platform slightly and/ or reverse the rotors 1 turn then forward 4 turns, reverse, forward, continue.

• Near the end of the bale, lift the platform to help feed out the last bit.

TIPS for round and square bales

• Drive in a circle slightly to the right. This helps to see the hay feeding onto the ground . Select a higher gear to achieve thinner feed-out line if required.

• To feed out on a hillside, start feeding out the ‘down side’ rather than the ‘uphill side’ to start the bale turning. After that any way is OK.


Adjusting Indicator Cable

• When the forks are at the lowest position the indicator should point vertically down.

• To adjust: Lower the rear forks to the fully down position, turn the dial indicator clockwise to point vertical down.

• NOTE: Ensure inner cable is kept lubricated and free from any debris.

Adjusting the diverter valve

• The diverter valve is adjusted so that the rear loading mechanism operates only when the platform is down. This is set at the factory but may need adjusting over time. Loosen the lock nut. With the platform right down, adjust the striker plate so the diverter valve just bottoms out.


Tyne Installation:

When installing tynes in the 3PTL frame, please ensure the bale tynes are installed with the I Beam Profile standing upright like this: Nut Torque should be 600Nm.

Don’t install like this:

Way Correct Way UP



• Recommended to be cleaned before use, daily or any time of buildup.

• Turn off tractor/telehandler.

• Release both silver end latches of the wiper, let wiper panel slide open.

• Remove excess material.

• Close wiper by pulling bottom of wiper with one hand and pushing the top of wiper panel with other hand. (Keep fingers clear of pinch points).

• Press both latches down into lock position.


• Wiper Panel must be set up as close to the top drum as possible. (This reduces any build-up in the wiper with sticky bales)

• Remove front and rear plastic covers.

• Loosen M16 bolts at both ends.

• Slide wiper towards the top drum, to reduce the gap to a minimum. (keep fingers away from pinch points)

• Re-tighten M16 bolts at both ends, (recommended torque 140Nm).

• Latch must be down (locked) when resetting wiper position.

ADJUSTING PLATFORM - The platform can be adjusted to suit the type of bale you’re feeding.

• Factory setting as shown below. This is great for round bales and most square bales. (Please note these pictures are shown without the plastic platform for better understanding for the reader, it is not necessary to remove the plastic when altering the platform position).

Remove this bolt

• However, if you have trouble feeding tight square bales this simple adjustment can help.

• First remove the steel platform flap bolted to the bottom edge of the plastic cover. Replace the bolts and washers once flap is removed.

• Extend the platform ram about 100mm.

• Remove the two fixed bolts which are not in the slots and loosen the other six bolts.

• Using a bar for leverage, (or a hoist) slide the base of the platform up.

• Refit the bolts and tighten.



General Issues


Bales coming over the drums

Feed ‘jams’ in the wiper

• Platform too high

• Super sticky bale

• Wiper not adjusted correctly

Bale starts falling apart after removing the plastic or the net wrap, even when I try removing it carefully

The bale is dropping hard onto the platform

• Fine chopped bale

The feed rotors won’t turn

The forks will not operate

• The bale isn’t speared in the correct place for its size

• The Fork Height Indicator may need adjusting

• A string or net wrap is left in the bale and wrapping around the rotor causing it to jam ∙Hydraulic pressure to low

• The platform isn’t fully down

• The diverter valve may need adjusting

• Slow down the rotors or lower the platform once the bale has started feeding.

• Reverse the rotors (no more than B revolutions) and then forward again.

• See WIPER PANEL ADJUSTMENT section to set up wiper position.

• Remove the covering just before lowering the bale onto the platform.

• For very difficult bales, lower bale onto platform and remove the covering around the bale where you can, and collect the rest afterwards.

• Spear into the bale lower down before loading.

• When the forks are fully down the indicator should point vertical down.

• Remove any strings or net wrap.

• Check tractor hydraulic oil pressure.

• Lower platform

• Release the lock nut on the striker plate. Lower the platform fully down, adjust the striker plate so the diverter JUST bottoms out. Then screw the striker plate in 2 turns, so the diverter valve doesn’t bottom out. Tighten lock nut and re-test operation.

Round Bale Issues


Bale rotates but hay will not feed.


• Simply lift the platform so the bale expels over the rotors and onto the ground. Then drive forward and reverse into the bale pick it up to reload.

Outer Layer of the bale separating from the inner layer

The rotors turn OK but the bale won’t revolve.

• Dirty platform

• Platform too low

• Rotors going too fast

• If this occurs the platform should be cleaned and silicon sprayed on, as the residue can stop the bale rotating properly.

• The platform is not high enough.

• The higher the platform the more weight of the bale is on the rotors. It may be too late if it has taken a ‘gouge’ out of the bale. Remove the bale and try again. NOTE: Fine chopped bales may fall apart.

• The speed of the rotors is too fast, chewing off some hay before the bale has time to turn. Slow down the top rotor to 1 revolution every 2-3 seconds.

Square Bale Issues


Several biscuits coming off at once.


• The platform is too high

• The biscuits congealed too tightly together when baled

Bales are too long for the platform.

• Bale longer than 2 metres

• Lower platform.

• Reverse the top rotors 1 turn then forward again (repeat this continually).

• If the bales are too tightly compressed you may not be able to tease them out separately.

• Purchase the optional extension kit for the platform. Order Code: 7107012


Platform Extension

For feeding square bales up to 8’ long.

Order Code: # 7107012

Wiper Extension

For feeding into a trough or over a hot wire.

Order Code: # 7107022


= 3/8

= 1/4












Register your warranty online! Scan the QR Code to register your warranty. Or visit

Follow our 3 easy steps:

1. Dealer or end user? Click which applies to you.

2. Follow the instructions and fill out the info required

3. Submit your form!

Note: The machine is NOT covered by warranty until the EUSA Product Registration form and your warranty form is completed!


This record is to stay with the instruction manual and be used as proof of upkeep should a claim be lodged. Hustler requires you to keep track of approx 12 monthly maintenance by having your service provider routinely fill out the log, or by keeping receipts of work done. Routine checks will save ongoing repair costs. Pre-season is the best time for this. Excluded items are wear parts and electric components.

Purchase Date ____________________ Machine serial number ___________


Date of service

Number of bales / hectares sprayed

Signature and Dealer Name


Date of service ____________________

Number of bales / hectares sprayed ___________________________________

Signature and Dealer Name ____________________________________________


Date of service

Number of bales / hectares sprayed

Signature and Dealer Name


Date of service ____________________

Number of bales / hectares sprayed ___________________________________

Signature and Dealer Name ____________________________________________


Grease all nipples

All fastenings tight

Wear parts replaced (bushes, cables etc. are not covered items)

Secure all hoses and clamps

Drive components not wobbly

Wash down + Throughly

Inpect Machine

Chassis/boom Hairline Cracks repaired

General Inspection of construction



Free call: 0800 487 853


After sales: 06 873 9520 1287 Omahu Road Hastings, 4153 New Zealand


Free call: 1800 750 428 6 Ravenhall Way, Ravenhall, Melbourne, VIC 3023


Office: (612)-351-4885 14311 Ewing Avenue South Burnsville, MN 55306


Phone: 01563 481 330 International House, Rowallan Business Park, Southcraig Ave, Kilmarnock KA3 6BQ, United Kingdom


Phone: +33 4 71 59 51 86

Z.A. le Fieu 43190 Tence France

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