1. ROLL CALL The Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 5:46 p.m. with the following members present: Jon Richardson (9/10), Brock Wells (9/10), Tommy Hornbeck (8/10), Terry Bisbee (9/10), Valery RobertsRopp (9/10), Janet Hamilton (8/10), Todd Carr (9/10), and Darryl Peterson (8/10). Member Mark Woleslagel (6/10) was absent. Planning Staff present were: Jana McCarron, Director of Planning & Development; Amy Allison, Senior Planner; Aaron Barlow, Associate Planner; Charlene Mosier, Planning Technician; and Jade Shain, Planning Technician. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the June 12, 2018 meeting were approved on a motion by Carr, seconded by Hamilton, passed unanimously. 3. CORRESPONDENCE & STAFF REPORTS The documents and staff reports were accepted into the official record on a motion by Bisbee, seconded by Carr, passed unanimously. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. ZA18-000004 – Zoning Amendments for Parking, Landscaping & Related Sections Hornbeck opened the public hearing asked for the staff presentation. McCarron provided the staff presentation. Staff recommended approval of the request. Citizens who addressed the Commission on this matter were Jack Martin, former Planning Commissioner; Steve Dechant, City Councilmember, and Jim Gruver, local developer. Mr. Martin spoke in favor of the recommended changes. Mr. Gruver was not opposed to the changes but indicated that there are still some properties that won’t be able to meet the new requirements. He encouraged economic development in the City. Mr. Dechant urged the Commission to be thoughtful about their choices and indicated that the decisions made today would impact the City far into the future. He mentioned that aesthetics are a valid consideration and the City cannot only look at economics when developing standards for our community. The Commission considered lowering the threshold for expansions to 20%, as well as possibly calculating parking needs on the expanded portion of buildings only, but ultimately decided to go with Staff’s recommendation of 30% as the threshold. Hornbeck asked for staff’s recommendation; McCarron responded that staff recommends approval. Hornbeck closed the public hearing and asked for a motion.
PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF: TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2018 Motion by Richardson, seconded by Hamilton and passed unanimously, to recommend approval to City Council of proposed changes to the City of Hutchinson Zoning Regulations pertaining to landscaping, paving/parking, administrative adjustments and exceptions. This item will be considered by City Council on July 3, 2018. 5. OLD BUSINESS a. None. 6. NEW BUSINESS a. SDP18-000002 – Prairie Star II Preliminary Plat, Request for approval of the preliminary plat of the Prairie Star II Addition. Hornbeck asked for the staff presentation. Allison provided the staff presentation. Allison said that this case is a request for preliminary plat approval to replat Lot 1, Block A of Prairie Star Addition and adjoining lots, located at 2700 E 30trh Avenue, as Lot 1-2, Block A Prairie Star II. She said that the preliminary plat meets all the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations. Hornbeck asked for the applicant presentation. Dan Garber, Garber Surveying, said that the pedestrian easement on the original Prairie Star plat has been vacated. The sewer easement is also being vacated.
Motion by Bisbee, seconded by Carr and passed unanimously, to approve the Preliminary Plat for the Prairie Star II Addition, a replat of the Prairie Star Addition and adjacent lots. b. SDF18-000001 – Prairie Star II Final Plat, Request for recommendation to the City Council on the final plat of the Prairie Star II Addition. Hornbeck asked for the staff presentation. Allison provided the staff presentation. Allison said that this case is a request for final plat approval to replat Lot 1, Block A of Prairie Star Addition and adjoining lots, located at 2700 E 30trh Avenue, as Lot 1-2, Block A Prairie Star II. She said that the preliminary plat meets all the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations. Allison discussed the Conditions of Approval: 1. Title Report. A Title Report, completed within 90 days of the application date, must be submitted to the City 7 days prior to placing this item on the City Council agenda. 2. Signed and Notarized Mylar. A signed and notarized mylar shall be provided to the City a minimum of 7 days prior to placing this item on the City Council agenda.
PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF: TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2018 3. Proof of Paid Taxes and Special Assessments. A signed certification of paid taxes from the Reno County Treasurer shall be provided a minimum of 7 days prior to placing this item on the City Council agenda. 4. Check for Recording Fee. A check in the amount of $29.00 made payable to the “Reno County Register of Deeds” shall be provided within 7 days prior to the desired City Council meeting for consideration of the Final Plat. 5. Garage Demolition. The garage located along E 30th Avenue shall be demolished and the access removed prior to approval of an occupancy permit for the Expansion. Motion by Bisbee, seconded by Carr and passed unanimously, to recommend approval with conditions of final plat number SDF18-000001 for Prairie Star II, for property located at 2700 E 30th Ave, to the City Council based upon a finding that the plat is compliant with the Hutchinson Subdivision Regulations and pursuant to the staff-recommended conditions of approval . 7. STUDY SESSION – ZA18-000001 – USE TABLE MODIFICATIONS McCarron began the study session by sharing the background of what prompted use table modifications. In February 2011, the City of Hutchinson adopted new Zoning Regulations, including the current Table of Land Use Categories. The table has more than 300 classifications of uses and has proven to be internally inconsistent, as well as cumbersome to use. In Fall 2017, Planning Staff held a Study Session with City Council to discuss updating the Table and outlined the proposed process. City Council endorsed moving forward. Next, McCarron provided a summary to the major changes of the land use tables in each of the zoning districts: Residential Use Table, Commercial Use Table, Industrial & Other Use Table, and Accessory Use Table. McCarron next brought up outstanding issues for discussion: Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), Inoperable Vehicle Storage Accessory to Vehicle Repair, and the Adult Entertainment District. ADUs: McCarron proposed allowing this development in lower density zoning districts – R-3 and R-4 – because there is community demand for it. Discussion: The board wondered about what this would do to the character of these neighborhoods but admitted that residents were already doing it in ways that conformed to the code (by using attached breezeways). They agreed there should be a limit of 1200 ft ^ 2 on ADUs for lower density zoning districts. Inoperable Vehicle Storage: McCarron explained that the City’s Zoning Regulations classify storage of more than one inoperable vehicle for more than 3 weeks (non-residential district) as a salvage use. Salvage uses are only allowed in the I-2 and I-3 Zoning Districts and require conditional use permits. In practice, many of the older auto repair shops in town have more than one inoperable vehicle stored on the property and these vehicles are often stored for more than 3 weeks. These businesses do not comply with the City’s regulations and it is staff’s opinion that some inoperable storage should be allowed. However, if there are no regulations on inoperable vehicle storage, these sites can become replete with inoperable vehicles and a blight on the neighborhood. The State of Kansas also regulates salvage yards, requiring that more than 10 inoperable vehicles on a property meet state requirements. McCarron said that our current regulations are difficult to enforce because there are so many properties around the
PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF: TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2018 City in violation and said there is not enough staff to enforce it. Discussion: Bisbee suggested that the number should be increased to six and that inoperable vehicles should be screened by a six-foot solid fence. Richardson thought there should be a lot coverage limit for inoperable vehicles, perhaps around 10%. Adult Entertainment District: The City’s regulations presently handle adult entertainment as an overlay district, however, no locations are identified on the official zoning map, meaning that any adult entertainment use would require a rezone. Staff proposes treating adult entertainment as a use rather than a zoning district and keeping the separation requirements specified in the current district. McCarron added that after discussion with the City Attorney, the Adult Entertainment District as is currently treated in the Zoning Regulations may not hold up in court under the First Amendment. Discussion: The Board agreed with staff’s proposal. Other Items of Discussion: Large Scale Assembly: The Commission agreed that 20,000 square feet or larger could classify as a Large-Scale Assembly for the use table. Emergency Shelters: The Commission directed staff to find a balance for emergency shelters depending on their size, location and use. Shipping Facilities: Shipping facilities be grouped together. Landfill: Staff will add the landfill use under the mining use. 8. UPCOMING CASES a) ZA18-000005 – Elliot Mortuary Rezone (July 10, 2018) 9.
ADMINISTRATIVE CASES c. Site Plan Review – Egbert Liquors – Approved d. Site Plan Review – Prairie Star Addition – Pending Platting e. Site Plan Review – Cargill Expansion – Approved
10. COUNCIL ACTION ON CASES a. None. 11. OPEN COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE 12. ANNOUNCEMENTS McCarron said that Amy Allison, formerly the Housing Program Coordinator, has been promoted to Senior Planner. Everyone congratulated Allison for this promotion and for passing her AICP examination. Jim Seitnater will be the Interim Director of Planning and Development.
PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF: TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2018 13. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM. Respectfully Submitted by Charlene Mosier, Planning Technician Jade Shain, Planning Technician Approved this 10th day of July, 2018 Attest: