1. ROLL CALL Higgins (Vice Chair) Wall Haag
AGENDA HUTCHINSON LANDMARKS COMMISSION Thursday, November 9, 2017 – 4:00 pm City Council Conference Room 125 East Avenue B, Hutchinson, Kansas Bartlett (Chair) Dawson
Whetzel Holmes
527 East 1st Avenue
Porch Fascia and Soffit Rehabilitation
Local Landmark Yes.
District and Contributing Status Vincent House, Houston Whiteside District (NC)
5. PROJECTS APPROVED BY THE SHPO – None 6. PROJECTS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL – None 7. REPORTS a. Report on the 2016 Historic Preservation Action Plan (Barlow) i. Action Plan Item 4.1.a. Staff Visit to Dodge City for Historic Violation Fine Research ii. Action Plan Item 3.6.a. Halloween event to publicize the Houston Whiteside Historic District iii. Action Plan Item 3.1.a. Presentation at Board of Realtors Breakfast b. Report on the 2016 Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) Grant (Jones) 8. NEW BUSINESS a. Discussion – Awards and Incentives (Barlow) 9. OLD BUSINESS a. Potential partnership with USD 308 on historic rehabilitation projects (Barlow) 10. OTHER BUSINESS a. Open comments from the audience 11. ADJOURNMENT The next Landmarks Commission meeting will be at 4:00 pm, Thursday, December 14, 2017, at City Hall.
Staff Contacts:
Jana McCarron Amy Allison Aaron Barlow
620-694-2681 620-694-2638 620-259-4198
Casey Jones Charlene Mosier Jade Shain
620-694-2667 620-694-2635 620-694-2617
Note: Persons needing special accommodations should contact Meryl Dye, Assistant City Manager, at 620-259-4118 or 7-1-1 TDD Kansas Relay at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Item 3 MINUTES Thursday, October 12, 2017 – 4:00 p.m. City Council Chambers 125 E. Avenue B, Hutchinson, Kansas
1. Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 4:00 PM. Members present: Chelsey Dawson (7/9), Shannon Whetzel (7/9), Gale Wall (6/9), Jo Higgins (7/9), Joel Haag (1/1), and Wes Bartlett (9/9). Member Greg Holmes (6/9) was absent. Planning Staff present: Jana McCarron, Director of Planning and Development; Casey Jones, Senior Planner; Aaron Barlow, Associate Planner; and Jade D. Shain, Planning Technician. 2. Welcome by Chairperson – Bartlett welcomed all who were in attendance. 3. Approval of Minutes from September 14, 2017. Higgins motioned to approve the minutes from September 14, 2017, seconded by Wall, and passed unanimously. 4. Projects Approved Administratively Barlow reviewed the three projects that were approved administratively. 5. Projects Approved by the SHPO There were no projects approved by the SHPO. 6. Projects Approved by the City Council There were no projects approved by City Council. 7. Reports a. Monthly Report on the 2016 Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) Grant Jones discussed the monthly report on the 2016 Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) Grant. An invoice from William Morris Associates for consultation services was processed for an applicant interested in redeveloping the Sugar Mill. Jones reported that he will be closing the HPF grant soon.
8. New Business a. Welcome Joel Haag, New Landmarks Commission Member Bartlett welcomed Joel Haag to the Landmarks Commission as a new member. Haag introduced himself to everyone. He is a designer working for Mann & Co. and has worked on many historic preservation projects. He was a former Landmarks Commission member approximately eight years ago, and is excited about historic preservation issues. b. Discussion – Historic Preservation Funding McCarron discussed the current state of Historic Preservation Funding opportunities within the City, an overview of Historic Preservation Fund Grants, Historic Trust Fund Grants, tax credits, and various programs and incentives offered directly by the City. She recommended that the Landmarks Commission work toward developing a rehabilitation plan, including a combination of public, private, grant and other funding sources, to move the District in a positive direction. McCarron asked what direction staff should go with the next HPF grant application that is due in February of 2018. Haag suggested that the vocational programs at local High Schools be contacted. Students in those programs could learn skills (such as masonry) with hands-on projects in the District. Higgins asked that staff check with the high school to see if this is a viable option. Bartlett and Haag volunteered to accompany staff when meeting with the high school and this was the direction of the Commission. c. Houston Whiteside Neighborhood Halloween Promotion Barlow showed everyone the promotional materials that will be distributed to the three homes in the Houston Whiteside District that volunteered for the event. Everyone was pleased with the materials. 9. Old Business a. Nomination to fill vacancy on the Landmarks Commission Design Review Committee Bartlett nominated Joel Haag to fill the vacancy on the Landmarks Commission Design Review Committee, Dawson seconded the nomination, which passed unanimously.
a. Approved Landmarks Commission Bylaws The Commissioners all noted that the bylaws have been formally adopted and signed; there was no discussion. 10. Other Business a. Open comments from the audience There were no comments. 11. Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 5:09 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Jade D. Shain Planning Technician Approved this 9th day of November 2017. Attest:
Item 7a: Historic Preservation Action Plan Update Description
Project Start
Project End
Nov 2017 Update
Action Plan: 1.2.a. Direct Mail Campaign
Conduct a direct mail campaign to educate Houston Whiteside homeowners about the NRP tax rebate program and to promote the rehabilitation of HW properties.
In June, staff mailed a newsletter promoting the City's programs and incentives, including the NRP tax rebate program and two pilot housing initiatives. More recently, staff mailed brochures with information on programs available to homeowners.
Action Plan: 1.2.b. Facebook Page Resource Link
On the Houston Whiteside Neighborhood Facebook page, provide links to the City's web site for preservation, NRP, and other historic resource information.
Staff developed infographics for the Department’s Facebook and Twitter pages, a copy of which are included at the end of this report.
Action Plan: 1.3.a. Historic Preservation Workshop
Conduct a historic preservation workshop.
Seminar completed on June 17, 2017. The video has been shared on the Department's Facebook and Twitter pages.
Action Plan: 1.3.b. Historic Neighborhood Tours
Conduct tours of the Houston Whiteside Neighborhood to promote historic preservation.
Actual responsible party is Houston Whiteside Neighborhood Association. Tours could be planned for before or after historic preservation workshop.
Action Plan: 1.4.a. HPF Grant Funding Architectural Services
Apply for 2016 HPF Grant Funding for architectural services for historic preservation projects in Houston Whiteside.
Application was submitted and funding was awarded. Grant has been completed and is in the process of being closed out. The city received over 20 inquiries, and 7 homeowners and 1 prospective homeowner took advantage of the service.
Action Plan: 2.1.a. Houston Whiteside Photo Survey
Conduct a survey of all Houston Whiteside properties for evaluation and assessment.
Jo Higgins took photos of all properties between January and March 2016. Staff posted all photos to KHRI web site in December 2016 and January 2017.
Action Plan: 2.1.b. Houston Whiteside Assessment
Conduct an assessment of all Houston Whiteside properties for possible status changes.
Staff forwarded the Landmarks Commission's recommendations to the SHPO. On 1/27/2017, the SHPO changed 1 property to Contributing and 11 properties to Non-Contributing.
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Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Project Start
Project End
Nov 2017 Update
Action Plan: 2.2. - Houston Whiteside Realignment
Petition the State, if warranted, to reduce the size of the Houston Whiteside Historic District.
Results of the windshield survey indicated more than 50% of structures are still contributing, and changes to the Houston Whiteside District boundaries are not warranted at this time.
Action Plan: 3.1.a. Board of Realtor Presentations
Contact the Board of Realtors to schedule a biannual presentation on Historic Preservation requirements.
Aaron Barlow presented to the Board of Realtors on October 18, 2017. The presentation was wellreceived and realtors are now contacting staff for more information on properties they are listing.
Action Plan: 3.2.a. Monitor HW Realty Listings
Monitor real estate listings in the Houston Whiteside District and notify Preservation Planner when properties are listed for sale.
Staff is currently monitoring online listings within the neighborhood. The Houston Whiteside Neighborhood Association will need to report any listings they see.
Action Plan: 3.2.b. Send Historic Preservation Brochures to New Listings
Send Historic Preservation brochure and letter to Realtors with listings in the Houston Whiteside District.
Staff created a cover letter and now sends it with the Houston Whiteside District brochure whenever they are informed of a new listing.
Action Plan: 3.3. Houston Whiteside Brochure
Develop a customized historic preservation brochure for the Houston Whiteside District.
Brochure completed May 2017
Action Plan: 3.4. Houston Whiteside Brochure Distribution
Distribute Houston Whiteside Historic District brochure door to door.
Brochure was distributed in July 2017.
Action Plan: 3.5. - Houston Whiteside Brochure-Utilities
Distribute Houston Whiteside Historic District brochure to new property owners and tenants when properties change utilities.
This will be implemented after the Finance Department installs its new Munis utility billing system.
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Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Project Start
Project End
Nov 2017 Update
Action Plan: 3.6.a. Historic District Public Monuments
Seek out opportunities for more sign toppers, plaques, etc., to publicize the historic districts.
Staff and Landmarks Commission brainstormed ideas in September and decided to promote the district on Halloween when residents flock to the neighborhood for trick-or-treating.
Action Plan: 3.6.b. - Historic District Events
Organize events, such as walking tours, awards ceremonies, and preservation month to publicize the historic districts.
Landmarks Commission and Houston Whiteside Neighborhood Association are the lead parties on this. This item will need to be removed if there is no one to lead it.
Action Plan: 3.7. - Friends of Preservation
Consider re-establishing a Friends of Preservation organization.
Landmarks Commission is the Lead Party on this. This item will need to be removed if there is no one to lead it.
Action Plan: 4.1.a. Historic Violation Fine Research
Research other cities to see if fines are levied for violations and present findings to the Landmarks Commission.
Staff reported on the feasibility of historic preservation violation fines in September with the recommendation to wait until the impact of the cost comparison tool and recent education efforts can be fully evaluated.
Action Plan: 4.1.b. Historic Violation Fine Landmarks Recommendation
Landmarks Commission reviews Historic District building permit violation research and makes recommendation to City Council.
Staff will visit Dodge City to understand how they implement historic preservation violation fines.
Action Plan: 4.1.c. Historic Violation Fine City Council
City Council review Landmarks Commission recommendation and implement Historic District building permit violation fines.
Staff has recommended waiting until the impact of the cost comparison tool and recent education efforts can be fully evaluated.
Action Plan: 4.2. HPF Grant Historic Preservation Cost Estimates
Apply for HPF grant funding to assist with historic preservation compliance cost estimates.
Application was submitted and funding was awarded. Draft cost comparison tool was reviewed by Landmarks Commission and City Council in March 2017. Tool is currently being piloted by staff.
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Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Project Start
Project End
Nov 2017 Update
Action Plan: 4.3.a. Preservation Website Preservation Contractors
Update the City's web site to including preservation resources and a link to the State's preservation contractors list.
Staff is now updating the historic preservation page on the website. Updates should be completed by the end of November. Cost comparison tool is available on the City’s website for use.
Action Plan: 4.3.b. Preservation Website Resources & Links
Add useful preservation resources and links to the City's Historic Preservation website.
Staff is now updating the historic preservation page on the website. Updates should be completed by the end of November.
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Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Item 8a Planning and Development Department P.O. Box 1567 Hutchinson, KS 67504 620-259-4139 (ph) 620-694-2673 (fax) July 6, 2017
Hutchinson Preservation Award Policy Purpose The purpose of the Hutchinson Preservation Award, presented by the Hutchinson Landmarks Commission, is threefold. The first is to recognize historic preservation projects that exemplify the goals of the Commission to identify, designate, protect, enhance and preserve the City’s historic resources (Hutchinson City Code sec. 4-201). The second is to promote the goals of the commission to community members and to educate residents of the value of historic preservation. Finally, this award has been established to celebrate Hutchinson’s history and its historic assets.
Criteria 1. Project must have been completed with the past five years. 2. Property must be listed on a local, state or national historic register. 3. Property owner must have completed all steps required by City of Hutchinson and the property must not have any outstanding violations with any City department. 4. Property owner must not have previously received preservation award. 5. The project must meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. 6. The completed project must improve the property’s overall quality.
Procedure 1. The Hutchinson Preservation Award shall be presented each May, which is recognized as preservation month. 2. Nominees for the award may be submitted beginning the first day of the January prior to determination. The final day for submittal shall be the first day of March. 3. To qualify, all nominations must include at least one exterior and two interior photos and a brief statement establishing why the nominee should receive the award. 4. In March, the Commission shall establish a committee consisting of three of its members that will provide a recommendation based upon the above criteria. 5. If the Selection Committee and the Landmarks Commission feel that there are enough qualifying projects, they may present an award to both a commercial and a residential project. 6. Recipients of the award shall be given a plaque indicating the year, recipient, name of the property, and name of the award.