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Huub Verhoeven


Getrouwd met Riëtte en hebben samen drie kinderen; nu tussen de 17 en 22 jaar. Geef levensbeschouwing op havo/vwo, 1e t/m 3e klassen. Luister graag naar allerlei serieuze muziek, speel soms keyboard en knutsel graag met geluidsapperatuur. I'm 1.86 tall and weighing nearly 90 kg. Originally raised Catholic and later became a Christian by chose. Through various churches and groups now in the Evangelical Church the Lichtstad. But I just go as easily to the Catholic church in our neighborhood. I've always done something with music, sometimes even played in a brassband, but also as sound technician of a band and of course listen to all different music types. Sometimes I play on my keyboard. From childhood I had interests in life and its meaning, but I became a teacher R(eligious)E(ducation) ten years ago. Something I love to do very much. Ik ben 1,86 lang en weeg bijna 90 kg. Van huis uit katholiek opgevoed en later van harte christen geworden. Via verschillende kerken en groepen nu bij d
