Another Bloody Nobody

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Stardate January 2021… I

ot a huge t ekk

ut I like the a the did dates!

All this started with a trip West to East across the Nullabor on highway 1. Not a drive I recommend anyone to do alo e. I d fl ut I a ted heels at the othe e d a d gi e the ti e I d e i a ious easte states it a tuall worked out cheaper to drive! The train was another option too. Not being light of right foot I as ha e i g. Bei g of ad a ed iddle age I d de ided to take ti e, to hou s ehi d the heel the stop at a oadhouse o e ight fo hou s kip. I d i e a XC G“ V Pa el Va I d spe t a lot of hours doing up. Major league suspensio ha ges, heels – which needed some bodywork changes. The original 302 cleveland donk was pretty much had it so I had a 302 Windsor motor completely re- o ked it ll u o petrol, lpg, cng and, one day, hydrogen. The next planned mod is an energy recovery system but the batteries will he spa e I ot et p epa ed to gi e up. I e got the a k set-up so I can sleep in it if necessary. The roof on these old vans tended to make a racket at over 140kmh so I d had a light eight oll age added to strengthen it. A decent Bose speaker system and MP3 compliant DVD player with USB for an external drive and wohoo music – loads of it…. Both the dog and I are hard rock/light metal nuts. He occupies the passenger seat. This time I stopped at Norseman and then instead of pushing on for Nullabor had overnighted at the border in the back of the van on a small track leading down to the old telegraph station to avoid the light and noise from the scores of trucks heading both ways. I e also got o e of those oof mounted tent set-ups but did not bother with it this time. Be ause I d eed the spa e u de eath fo the ta ks the spa es I a t o e e i the a k li iti g the space to single bed only. The dog likes to sleep outside under the van come rain or shine. I had plenty of space for extra water, his kibble, some spares etc too. I e p ett u h al a s ee a ea l ise up ith the su ise. This as su e a d ei g ell east of Pe th ut in, now the same time zone (not over SA border) it was up early therefore so was I. A quick feed at the roadhouse and back on the road. With the long range tank set-up, another major mod that took some of the space out of the a k, I d skipped filli g up at the o de . This section is the longest straight stretch of oad a he e o pla et ea th a d Nulla o is ight it s nowt out here to worry about with the possible exception of the odd wild camel or wombats.

o oto ous

I was doing some low flying and about 100km out of the Nullabor roadie when what looked like a completely rebuilt GTHO f o the late s e t aki g e look like I as sta di g still. F o hat I sa of it it as o e set of really mean wheels. No e e though he as o i g the ti e I d pulled i to the oadie to top off o e of the ta ks, out here I aint paying for the whole lot to be filled, he was on the forecourt filling up. Now this is the weird bit and as part of writing this tome I checked in to what went down later. Whoever was behind the wheel never left the car and nor did anyone else. I never saw inside. One of those front windscreen protectors was up and the rest of the windows had so e ki d of pola isi g fil . No joke this as o e eall g eat looki g set of heels I d ha e lo ed to talk to the owner and get a much longer look at it. It had a vanity plate 1HOTGTHO. Could not argue with that. It was cool and the paint was great and not over the top. One of the station staff was at the pump. Turns out someone had called ahead and pre-paid and requested the station staff do the fill – the d paid e t a fo the se i e. But ho had do e so as ell hidde f o ie a d, he e is the ki ke , e ause of Natio al “e u it . Yeah ou got it the Aussie Gu e e t as p ote ti g all so ts o this – more later.

©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

Only needing enough to make Ceduna before I needed to top up or fill again, depending on price, my fill was not slo a d I d go e i g a ed a Big Cola lo e that stuff a d paid a d as a k ehi d the heel ui k. I d ee watching the GTHO and the antics associated with it and none to casually all the time. As soon as his fill was done and the filler cap closed the attendant tapped the roof and the thing was started and pulled out. He was not that far ahead of me. Most of this section of road to the south has tracks leading to the cliffs of the bight. At certain times of the year hales a e see out i the d i k ut it ai t to ad isa le to get too lose to the edge… the edges can be loose and it s a a ful lo g a do . I told that e e i ou su e ti e the ate down there can be quite cold. To the north, west and east, using the imperial because it paints a better picture, miles n miles of nothing – salt ush flats…. As before the driver the GTHO had the pedal to the metal. I followed him out and kept close enough to keep him within visual range only. A out k out of Nulla o the GTHO took a ha d ight, ell o t olled too he d not slowed down much, and headed straight for the cliffs. No it did not stop. It sailed straight over the edge and out in to the water. Nothing would have survived that hit even with the most modern of airbags etc. I slowed and took the same turn and kept well back from the cliff edge. It aint fenced along this section, not even a low old rail iron post and rail fence – nothing. I keep a sat phone and had it on the charger connected to the ciggie lighter. I had it bluetoothed up to the GPS unit, not that I needed that out here. I unhooked it from the cable and grabbed some binoculars (no idea why I keep them) from the glove box and got as lose as I d da e to the edge a d looked o e . Just so e u les o i g up from where the GTHO was making its way to the bottom and some other debris. Not much else. The dog, Nutjob, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (I aint typing all that out again) had hopped out too and being somewhat lighter and braver than I took a look over the edge too and then backed up and gave me a what the fuck look – eats e ate, looks like e ight e he e a hile , as all I ould sa . I switched on the Satnav and made a ote of the oo di ates a d got o the pho e. Not supposed to use fo a o ile i Aussie ut do t ask e the e e ge se i es sho t u e fo the I ha e ze o idea. “o it as. I paused the music, sorry Tease (Canadian band from the 7 s to ake the all. What happened over the next 15 or so minutes was a complete surprise and, well, peaked my curiosity and hence my digging and putting fingers to keyboard (and sometimes using Dragon too) and writing this whole thing up. I asked for the police, an ambulance or fire guys (who have the jaws of life etc) were not going to be much help. I explained where I was, gave the Satnav coordinates, told them what happened, gave them the plate number of the car that went over. I had to repeat a few things – I speak fast – and heard a lot of typing as data was being bashed in to so e o pute s ste o a othe i the a kg ou d. Ne t thi g I got as a e uite, huh a d a Please hold the li e e t dead fo a out a i ute a d I had sta ted to thi k I d lost the . The I got This is spe ial age t Bloggs, AFP, please gi e e ou a e a d a egist atio details . Yeah e yankeefied the Federal Police, the question was why the Feds? Thinking nothing of it at the time I gave my name and rego. Mr Sims, thank you for calling in. Now get back in your car and get back on the road to where you were going. A heli opte is o the a , it ll e the e i i utes, DO NOT e the e he it a i es. “a othi g to a o e EVE‘. Clunk dial tone. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

I looked at Nutjo a d said

ou e e ight

ate, hat the fu k‌. .

Not being one to want to attract the ire of any kind of rozzer, other than for perhaps speeding on open roads, I complied but it all got me to thinking and well digging! I did risk a quick stop on the oad a d e e tu ed a k est fo a little a . I did t fi d a thi g at all to suggest that the GTHO had hit or clipped anything to cause a blow out on either side of the car, left side would have pitched him off to the left anyway. There were no skid a ks to sho he d go e left a d o e o e ted just a lo el set of d ift a ks to the ight i a o t olled high speed ight tu . To e ho est I su p ised it did t oll a d the e e e a few fish tail marks early in the track but that is all. I was a good 20 km up the road toward the east bopping along to Tease when I heard and saw the chopper coming in from, I guess, Ceduna. It swooped low and took a good look at me it was hard not to wind down the window and give them a wave. It did not stop heading west and I guess it went to the crash site. I never saw it heading back east. I topped off again at Ceduna not wanting to hang around and headed for my overnight planned stop at Port Augusta to e ho est I did t get a lot of sleep that ight a d was glad to see Adelaide around 10 the next morning. I checked-in to the caravan park and set up the extension tent, broke out my fold up eBike, charged it up and went about my business. I have to admit to having some trouble shutting out what had happened but did my thing and kept moving on my journey. 6 months later back home in Perth with little else to do I started in on this. This has been a long process and the stardate is now 2023. I e had fights ith the last gunnerment and even the new one and all sorts of threats along the way that my lawyer, not known for backing down, told me to take se iousl . I e ot ee a le to use a eal a es a he e i this epo t, ot a o e, a d o a u ate des iptio s of the people involved. Some of the conversations shown have had to be modified to protect all sorts of people and self, the la e elie e e he s pissed a d pu lishe f o , at est, ha i g this o k delisted. I fa t I o lo ge live in Aussie, have had several name changes and carry three or four legit passports to try to stop them keeping t a k of e. I happ he e I. Thi gs a e ot as the

ould appea

ut ou ll fi d that out soo e ough.

Note that I use the word gunnerment he e ot go e e t. Fo a a lo g ea e e had so alled leade s of various political flavours and typically they promise to do this and do that and generally do what-ever the fatcat oligarchs who really did, until recently, run this planet tell them to do. Effectively SFA for the common man and anything that makes more money for the bastards who have more than they could ever need and generally pay fuck all tax on. Sad but true these oligarchs controlled the media and could bring down a government overnight if they so choose and the politicians/puppets know it, those that have stood up to them have not lasted long in any political sphere and generally ended up bankrupt because they became unemployable by anyone. In some ways this book is littered with what I think of some of these people. I do respect the way most, not all, made some of their money but their absolute need to pile more on more when they already have more than they could spend and the filthy way (indirectly sponsoring wars was one) they get it and then forcing their hands on governments they paid little or no tax to (from their personal wealth at least) just fucking pissed me right off. I ge ui el ha e the g eatest a ou t of espe t fo Wa e Buffet I allo ed to a e so e people he s pla ed the ga e s a t, he pa s his dues, does t i te fe e i politi s u h a d is a eal phila th opist ot o e of those ho plays at it. A majority of the rest should understand that Greed is one of the 7 deadly sins but then whoever said Po e Co upts a d A solute Po e Co upts A solutel hit the ail o the head. To these people, a d a , money is power. I do t a e hat eligio ou sa ou follo o religion on this planet was money. Š2016 – Huw R Grossmith

o e at all ut the t uth is that fo a se iousl lo g ti e the o l

Anyway enough of that - on with the show.

Stardate 2019 Up until July 2019 Australia had never been invaded other than by the Australian Aboriginal people, no one knows how they got there, and, of course, the Brits and in that respect it was always basically considered a step too far – difficult to maintain supply lines the main reason. Indonesia out of pure necessity, nothing to do with Islam but others would have you believe that, invaded northern Western Australia as mentioned above in July. The sad truth is they were desperately short of food for the future and were after the fertile ground in the Ki e le . We d make some half-hearted efforts over the years to do something with it but those efforts amounted to not a lot – without much in the way of gunnerment incentives or investment those who tried needed megabucks to really achieve anything and just did not have the cash. Remember Cambalin? Anyone and the numerous idealogues that wanted to turn the Ord/Fitzroy River areas in to all sorts of farms for crops such as sugar cane and cotton no intensely serious and none really got off the ground. The fact that the Indonesians also made a beeline for some of our other developed resources sort of turned half the world against them and some for them too and caused Australia to call on various treaty nations to help come to our defence. With the Russians and most of their BRICS partners (except SA and Brazil [who cheered from afar]) either directly or indirectly assisting the Indo s fo a ious easo s ou so alled treaty partners, or at least two of them, were reluctant to say the least. For that matter most of the Eastern Australian states were convinced it would be ette to let the I do s ha e WA u til the e e e phati all told that for years it was the money from WA that kept them afloat. With some huge oil deposits, developed and undeveloped, plus the other resources at risk they finally joined the fray. The Kimberley is also loaded with mineral wealth but being an area of, no joke, outstanding natural beauty few efforts to mine there were made and at the least the various Aussie gunnerments had taken some great steps to protect the region from the ditch diggers. It was fertile ground they were after as a future food bowl and the oil/gas/gold/iron ore et al would have aided financing the operation. The hero of this piece made his way back to Aussie from a home he had established overseas in SE Asia. He was al ead ell i to his s the ut had studied up o ilita strategy and also had one or two ideas on how to se d the I do s pa ki g a d et still help the ith thei di e eed fo food i the futu e. As ou ll lea u h late he d al ead ee i ol ed i se e al o e t op s a d did ha e lood o his ha ds. I ll call him X and for want of a better description and refer to the team of people he assembled for part of the ultimate defence of the state as the tea o alpha s. U til the he d ee elati el u hea d of a d had a tough time getting in front of the minister for defence and WA government people. Had it not been for some of his political contacts from years previously and more recently in SE Asia it may never have happened. B that ti e the I do s had se u ed ost of the est Ki e le a d had, a huge istake does t anyone learn from history), two fronts now open. One to the east to secure the east Kimberley and parts of the NT and another ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

pushing south. At this point they had only secured the two tidal ports in Broome and Derby and the supply line was already struggling. They had the airfields at both Broome and Curtin near Derby and were flying in as much gear as shipping – costly and inefficient and not exactly well thought out.

Perth Sep 2018, State Government Offices in 100 William St. In attendance the then Federal Minister for Defence and his team of public servants and military men and women, the Premier of WA and several state gunnerment ministers, reps from some of the big companies with resource and other interests and big money invested in or being made from the Kimberley and Pilbara and Mr X and two of his team of 10 or so. Although ideo d a d oi e e o ded the a tual footage a d disks a e u de seal fo ea s. Most of the i utes are too and what I did get hold of had lots of blanked out stuff in them. Some of the people I spoke to were prepared to talk and risked prosecution many now live in nations that have no legal arrangements with Australia and to be honest risked their lives talking to me even if in locations nowhere near their homes. Despite what you might think this is not a gentle world and to protect secrets or for other, at best, nefarious reasons gunnerments and oligarchs who think they may face any kind negative exposure of a type the do t a t ill ot hesitate to u p people off. The meeting had been hastily and grudgingly assembled. Mr X and his people had some presentations ready and instead of being quiet and asking questions at the end of every sub-part during the presentations on the first phase butted in frequently often in disdain or with vehement objections. Mr X, not known for his patience, tolerated it for a while and then popped a cork and told them to either shut the fu k up a d liste o he d pa k his stuff a d tea up and leave and still carry out some of his plan but for their own gain not that of Australia and its allies. That got their attention. During WWII when there was a genuine threat of invasion by Japan, it would have been an island too far for them, our strategy was to draw a line east to west in the sand and not let them south of it. Get in behind, cut the supply lines and hit the ground forces with guerrilla tactics and harry them til they got hungry, its damn hostile country up there, and gave up. In the e d it did t happe as histo e o ds. The did o so e o the to s a d ities and sent midget subs in to Sydney Harbour (south of that line) but that was about it. A similar strategy is called for here ladies and gentlemen. Raucious noise and some decent. He must have glared at them they shut up but fast. The forces heading east are skinny let them go and harass them from Katherine and Tindal from the air. Drop some ush t ai ed ie su i al skills o a do s i f o t of the a d use hit and run tactics on them – slow them but do not make a major effort to stop them. This will hurt the local communities they already control and others but we must cut all supplies especially oil/petrol/diesel and food. That will just make it too eas fo the . Food o t othe the u h the a take attle ut u less the k o the e i o e t ell the ll fi d little else to go with it. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

The rest we let move south but due south in to the Iron Ore country not south west. We have to stop them getting o t ol of the oil/gas fields a d po ts do that a . The ll p o a l ot dest o the platfo s et the a t the resources for the income but we should protect them from the sea and with the latest patriot missile systems and other anti-missile missile systems and a naval flotilla. We need an aircraft carrier battle group and long range tanker support. If they get too far west pound the hell out of them but otherwise let them drift south as far as a line from Newman to the coast. Again we need to get behind them and cut the supply lines and stop them getting at food and fuel and we must not let them get any port facilities such as Hedland, Dampier etc. The ll steal diesel f o the i es the get to ut e a do to it. “ti k so e suga or anfo in it (increases the octane rating and blows motors). It will be hard to get the numbers on the ground to put a full scale defence north of Newman but we can harass the hell out of them. Remember this too is damn hostile country and it s bloody hot up there. Where we can - doctor the water they might get to. We suggest botulinum e ough to ake the e e si k the ll ot fi d a atu al sou es alo g the a . In the main do the VC thing. Try to maim not kill it takes more soldiers out of the equation and messes with moral. We can push them back but we must also give them an out. If they volunteer to leave offer them safe passage to the ports where they abandon their gear and then safe sealanes to Indonesian ports. Mi iste ou eed to i g i the Ministers for Agriculture and finance and the Treasurer and you major league miners too need to get with the state and commonwealth and work out ways to develop the food bowl potential in the Kimberley and offer to get food – rice and beef especially - to Indonesia in the future for a fair price in good ua tities. The ll ha e to a age the suppl , espe iall k o i g it s ot ea ou d, out to the populatio . We ll ha e to o ito to ake su e it s getti g he e it s eeded a d ot hogged the i h. More condescension. Wh should e feed the fu ki g Mussies?

The atta ked us! a d so o .

Mr X This has othi g to do with Islam and you know it. Indonesia knows it will experience a food shortage in the next two years which will continue add on infinitum unless they control population growth which is counter to their eliefs ut the ha e o hoi e. People you make me sick with this crap, shut the fuck up and do what you are told because you have not yet heard what my team are going to do to make this a quick victory. What we are about to do can and will be turned on you if ou do t do hat ou told f o he e o out – take ou sole o d fo it! You a t th eate us ou ha e fu k all. Mi iste fo Defe e, Ia G atto . ‘eall , M G, ell at h o di khead e ause e do. M X The room quiets again. No fo the se o d stage of ou p ese tatio . We e al ead o ed a lot of kit i to the Mu hiso “ettle e t a ea – right under your noses and disguised it. You might find some of ou stuff like sola pa el a a s ut e e that I ha e dou ts a out e sp ead it out ell. “o lood

hat? – Air Marshall Bombem.

©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

Befo e e left “E Asia tea a d I i estigated the possi ilit of uietl tapping in to the Indo and Axis satellite network and had some success. Our work is now well advanced. We know we can, after a bit more development, take control of their entire system and do with it as we will . M X Its e o ple o k. We got i ut the k e e e e the e. We a defeat their protections and stop any further effort at that. What we are also working on is using the system to send remote commands to the advanced warships causing them to turn or fire missiles at dud targets and/or when they do fire on anything really confuse the crap out of the guidance system and see that they hit nothing or, even better, hit the launch vehicle. M Y – one of X s tea . Ho does that th eate us? - General Lobotomy Push us a d fi d out idiot. M X We e al ead pat hed i to the NA“A Ast o a a up the e a d the had o idea e d do e it. Need I sa Mr X

o e?

We ha e a deal ith the lo al shi e to take po e f o thei diesel ge e ato if e eed it, e ha e t et ut e might – I suggest you protect the diesel shipments from any attack and not interfere with it either. If we have to e ll ake ou o , e a , o add to ou sola a a s. M Y. I ill e t a siti g et ee the tea i Mu hiso a d the f o t to he k o ho the a e fa i g o a egula asis. M X. We a e, for the time being, asking your permission to continue our work. Belie e e if e do t get it e ll head a k to “E Asia a d o ti ue o , ou ll ot fi d us, a d ou ight ot like the out o es. We d ot suppo t the I do s ut elie e e e a do ou, all of you that is your allies too, a power of damage. Will you play all? We a t a de isio o people. At this point there was some quiet talk among the others assembled. We ha e to dis uss this

u h fu the M X a d ask that ou a d ou tea

Fine, you have two hours, tea

lea e the

eeti g. P e ie Lu k o .

lets go.

They file out. O e out of the uildi g M ) does a s eep of the e ti e tea . We e lea . The ha e t ugged o tagged us. Our comm stuff is heavily encrypted the ll ot ha k it i the e t two hours, if ever, e e ok to talk. The kicker is that oo is so ell shielded e ll ot k o hat the sa a d thei o s a e se u e too. M X

akes a all. A e e ei g tailed?

“hit eah, ut e k e that, the o ti ge is i pla e. Ms A - another team member who was not in the meeting and is not known by sight to any of the local or other services under government or Oligarch control. ‘ight tea , o ti ge

A. “ee ou i

Mi utes at site B. M X

The team then split and all headed to different offices and rooms and did enough to change outer appearances. M s X, Y and Z packed their meeting outfits in to ruck sacks. They then re-assembled with other team members on a ferry, through a very o ple thing, which stopped in the middle of the Swan. The goi gs o i the

eeti g oo

©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

hai the d ought the

e e p ofou d a d ge e all a tago isti to a d M X s tea .

In the main the general consensus was the strategy was sound and they had to admit the second part of it was attractive and worth taking on-board. But helping Indonesia in the future was a serious bone of contention. In the end it was agreed to go along with Mr X but to screw him over and ignore the offer to help Indonesia sometime later. Exactly 2 hours later Mr X, Y and Z arrived back. Ok, e ag ee to take ou o a d a ede to ou

ishes should e se d the i ade s pa ki g. M G atto .

Gu s e a e ot e ti el stupid. You o d ea s othi g to us. Get o the fa or email now. Have this put in writing and witnessed by the Governor General. The PM, the GG, Premiers (all of them) and the state governors are all to sign. Here is the document to be signed. When you have all the signatures we will sign too. You have another 12 hours. We will want the wet signed originals too so make three sets one for you, two for us – e ll keep o e a d put one in safe keeping. We ll e a k i hou s, that gi es ou ti e fo sig atu es a d to get the do u e t o a plane here, I will bring 3 totally independent witnesses. M X With that he and his team got up and left. Twelve hours later they were back. Incredibly with a WA man who, at the time, was a high court judge, and two WA Supreme Court justices. Some jaws did drop. The PM. Ms Grouch, as also p ese t ith a e ti ed looki g pu li se a t ho d ee a i g the do u e t all o e Aust alia. Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Darwin, Adelaide and then Perth. M X, e do t usuall su s i e to ou ki d of la k ail . PM G Ms G, la k ail – really – it esses ou hea d that? Nods of assent. Put as ge tl as I a if ou a t ou help to get WA f ee of the i ade s a d keep it a pa t of Aust alia the e is a price to pay. That price is fair and reasonable to you, the people and the bloody oligarchy. Have you signed to do u e ts ithout a e d e t? Yes, e ha e all of the sig atu es ou e uested e ept o . PM G

i e hi h ou a d ou

it ess tea

a see added

Mr X quickly scanned the documents and checked the sig atu es agai st so e he d ee a le to olle t a d had had checked to ensure they had not been made under duress. The NT Premiers signature was a little shakey. Ms G. I ot happ ith this sig atu e he e. The NT P e ie appea s to ha e ee under duress or drunk. Get him here to re-sig . We ll e a k i hou s. M X “hit M X, hat do ou e pe t – pe fe tio ? Ms PM e a e ot fools e a t o possi le outs. M X With that he and the witnesses upped and left. Predictably they were back in 4 hours. This time the NT Premier was there too. He signed and the signature was compared to the examples. That s ette M Butthead, Tha k You. PM G ou tu . She signed, the signature was again compared. You a e a it pissed off Ms G but the sig atu e is oka Mr X, Y and Z also signed on behalf of his team. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith


No Ms G, as ou ill k o i the do u e t ou a e e ui ed to p o ide us ith pa do s fo a i es e a have committed in every state and the Commonwealth of Australia and all its allied nations. We will be back in 72 hou s to olle t the . He e is a list of the a es of e e e e of tea . The list was not entirely complete so e a es e e deli e atel o itted. B i g a fe pa do s ith o a es o the too, tha k ou. We o je t to this

ost ehe e tl , M X. PM G

You sig ed. It s i the o t a t a d o -negotiable. At the worst no member of my team has done anything worse than try to minimise tax – hi h let s fa e it all the oliga hs ho o t ol ou do. That s just lood offe si e M X! Offe si e to ou o t a t too. F o

a e, ot to the general taxpaying public. I think you might have missed that clause in the o the pa thei ha k of pe so al ta i e e atio the a e legall eside t i .

What? Pa s to ead hat ou sig does it ot? Fu k. With that Mr X and the team left again. To avoid detection they met at a small harbour well out of town reached by a number of differing routes and means and took a boat out to a converted mega yacht outside the 200km limit. One that was well shielded and had all sorts of anti- detection equipment on-board including an LED lighting system that made it look like it was part of the ocean. Another part of the fine print, the government was now paying the bill for it  They most certainly had no idea it was out there! 3 days later pardons secured part of the team headed for the Murchison, some remained aboard, the security expert and her team headed for Canberra to keep a quiet eye on the major players. She had her spies in place in some of the big mining companies, military and other interested party offices too. Mr X and the team soon new a fix was on. It worried them not but tightened their resolve to eradicate the problem their own way. Say and think what you want but Mr X and his team were prepared no question. Let s o look at so e of the politi s a d othe issues su ou di g the i asio a d the t eat pa t e s o i g to assist our defence. To understand some, not all, of global economics and how so called foreign aid is aimed at creating debt and solving little you should read Confessions of an Economic Hitman. To understand other global economic indicators and espe iall oo / ust les look at histo , espe iall i Aussie a d I do t ean what the newspapers tell you. A majority of the mass media is owned by the oligarchy. In some cases the independent media, especially where it relies on advertising, is also dominated by the oligarchy, where they are not they are often (not always) instruments of the state who, in many cases, are instruments of the oligarchy. The simple rule with anything in the mass media is to question everything all is not as it would appear. The glaring example of this was Gulf War II. It was a long time before any admission was made by at least two of the major world leaders of having misled the public (based on information to hand – yeah right what crap out) and a third refused to admit any fault at all – ours! The truth is that Iraq was so heavily embargoed that we knew what was going in and what was coming out and there was no way they could have had WMD even if they were trying to develop some. They were attacked purely because they refused to take part in the whole Petrodollar bullshit, Hussein was happy to sell oil to anyone in any currency, and to undertake a similar scheme to that the KSA and others did with respect to the KSA SAMA deal. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

A food crisis has been coming for years. Many will blame global warming. Not true. Sure shifts in climate, which detractors (I am one) generally believe is the process of the planet evolving and its cycles of ice ages and mini ice ages, have changed some crops but only the time period in which they are sewn and harvested and not by a huge amount. Some cyclic weather conditions have either wiped out or harshly affected some crops this cannot be denied. Drought and floods take their toll. A ajo it of eathe e o di g, o a u ate e o di g, did ot sta t u til the ea l s so ou e o ds o those against which we can make accurate comparisons are limited. The whole so called science of climate change is suspe t. Yes, so e ities ha e had te pe atu e i eases. It s alled hu a de elop e t a d is p edo i a tl structural and mechanical heat. Many rural areas, while experiencing a shift in when seasons start and end, have experienced little or no temperature change at all. Fo o e i fo enlightening.

atio o this ead Mi hael C i hto s “tate of Fea the last

o so pages a e fa tual a d e

In truth a majority of governments, democratically elected (bullshit) or otherwise rule by fear. In many so called western or first world nations this is done in different ways. The right and far right years ago liked to hit us with Reds Under the beds and the scourge of communism. Little changed really now they blame terrorists, many of these terrorist groups the west or its M/E supporters fostered and financed. The left does tend to be a little gentler. They tend to rely on environmental issues such as The Greenhouse Effect, Global Warming and now Climate Change. In Australia, and no doubt other nations, governments also tend to use disinformation or rumour mills to divert attention away from the fact they are doing a shit job or pandering to the oligarchy. The favourites in Australia are: The flag, the republic and fights between the states and commonwealth over funding. Australians, I am sad to say, although not generally badly educated (that system has gone downhill since my youth) tend to watch too much American and British TV, the great Aussie lingo is almost deceased. We think we have rights a d f eedo s. No e do t. The e a e o e i ou o stitutio . The High Cou t has i se e al ases passed judgements on which it has clearly stated that being a constitutional democracy implies certain rights such as freedom of speech but I for one would not push it. The Brits helped us develop this constitution and it is, to a large degree, different to theirs amazingly they did learn a bit from history. In the UK anything that is not expressly illegal is legal. In Australia the opposite is true technically anything that is not expressly legal is illegal or questionable at best. A othe sad t uth is that i ost so alled Weste de o a ies e get the gu have not necessarily the one we, the common people, need.


e t the oligarchy want us to

We have over populated and this was a big deal as far back as the mid to late 19 s a d uite a it of a a le la d has been consumed by ever spreading urban development. Some nations made efforts at a form of control. The Brits did in India before they left. China until Nov 2015 had a one child policy. We have heard horror stories of how this was managed early on and, in 2015 still happening, boys being stolen and sold and girls being dumped. Later in its life cycle the policy used fiscal disincentives. It was also not rigidly adhered to all over China – farming families whose first child was a girl were permitted to try for a boy. The fiscal disincentives, which I think should apply everywhere, were simple each extra child cost you more in tax the new rich paid the tax. ‘e e tl Aust alia, i the s, had a baby bonus – one for mum, one for dad and one for Australia. In truth this a d the supe la s of the id s ere a frank admission that successions of governments had taken the taxes the current workforce were paying toward their pensions and, well, pissed it away hence the need for more future taxpayers. The likelihood is that a lot of those bonus babies were born to teenagers, who palmed them off on the ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

g a dpa e ts a d le the dough o ste eos, tax at all.

o iles a d TV s, ill e d up o so ial se u it

e e ha i g paid a

China moving to a 2 child policy instead of a one child policy is a similar admission – they need more taxpayers in the system in the future. We a t keep populati g the pla et. The e just is ot e ough a a le la d, even with western aid and techniques being deployed in Africa, to feed us all simple as that. How we do this? Really this is up to individual nations and governments. For my two bobs worth – restricting both men and women to two children each or as a couple makes some sense after that tax them more not less these kids cost money – education and health especially they should pay not be rewarded by bonuses and less tax. This would mean that a married couple having had two children that then divorces limits each partner to no more children with a new partner or they pay the tax. I know some nations do this on the QT but every government should have a DNA database of the entire population. If that DNA turns up in a baby it must be logged. NO more men fathering children to mistresses or single women, walking away and getting away with it. Governments need to learn from Malaysia who invest that portion of tax that is for pensions and the like. People are permitted to draw down on it for various reasons most especially buying real estate at home and abroad. With respect to the invasion we need to look at global politics as it was. The so called war on terror was still creating more terrorists than it killed. The US had been on a fiscal precipis for at least 4 years and kept on being let off, the UK were not that far behind them. Australia was just starting to bounce back from a resource crisis and had invested in, after they elected a new government, heavily in developing alternate energy sources and selling the products to the world. Although i de t Aust alia s de t as a ou d % of GDP. The UK was approaching 100% and the yanks 160%. Australia was also starting to force the hands of those who had the rights on two massive oil strikes one off WA and one in SA that were as yet undeveloped but the governments were getting stroppy and threatening cancellation of leases. Chi a s e o o had slo ed a little i ut ith the glo al esou e p i e dip iti g, despite aki g so e products a lot cheaper, their manufacturing sector was going gangbusters although a lot of stock was being warehoused because, despite our consumerism habit (another thing that needs to change), we were not buying what we were in the 10 years previous to 2015. This meant China was still a huge importer of oil. Most of which either went to making petrol for their rapidly growing driving population and making plastics to feed the consumer manufacturing sector. The question on many lips should now be where did the US and UK get most of their money from – effectively both had been borrowing to pay interest, often on interest, on earlier borrowings. In short they were selling bonds to China! If they ever chose to dump or sell the bonds off the USD and GBP could have hit big trouble. Both those nations also owed a lot of money to oil producing nations, particularly those in the Middle East and the US had a big de t to ‘ussia too. M Ca th ill e spi i g i his g a e… What did this all mean when Indonesia moved on WA? With the Chi ese a d ‘ussia s p o idi g e uip e t a d e pe ts to the I do s a d I dia o al i its support too the US and UK were slow to want to do anything to help. Although Australia owed a debt to the US for its actions in the pacific in WWII it had also paid for those in full and in cash. It, Australia, had also followed them in to Korea, Vietnam, Iraq (both) and a number of other conflicts. The UK had financed Australia pretty much up until WWII. We paid them back too, following them in to the Crimea, North Africa, South Africa, WWI, WWII, Malaya and other punch ups too. Both had to be reminded of this and the US of its ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

espo si ilities u de the AN)U“ t eat . The Ki is eeded to e e i ded too the d, u de sta da l , athe ha e torn that thing up and declared neutral as they did as soon as this conflict ended.

For the next month the defence of WA was undertaken as advised by X and his team. The US moved its Indian Ocean fleet to the WA coast and commenced flight operations against the Indo navy and ground forces keeping them on the straight southern path. The US and Aussie naval fleet also did everything they could to cut the Indo supply line in to Broome and Derby. The naval forces off WA were shadowed by a large part of the Indian navy, the rest were committed to keeping an eye on the Pakistani and Iranian naval fleets in their own region, the d posed o th eat ut e e a efull monitored. Our Brit cousins had a tougher time of it. Egypt closed the Suez Canal off to British naval shipping, ostensibly in support of their Muslim brothers. That meant they had to sail through the Panama Canal or around the Cape of Good Hope. They eventually parked a small aircraft carrier group in the Gulf of Carpentaria with extra naval support provided by NZ. Their operations focused on keeping the Indo navy and air force away from Darwin and on harassing the east bound ground forces. Indo progress was slow and the support caravan was strung out for miles (sounds better and is easier to picture than kilometres). Mr X and his team kept up their programming work and regularly reported their progress, not all of it, to those in need. Mr X also kept his commitment to visiting ground forces in the Pilbara region and often provided some sage advice. He also found some of his old Aboriginal friends who contacted the Elders and passed messages to others still capable of fantastic bush craft including moving around at night noiselessly. They helped train the teams on the ground in this and other bush craft skills. It must be said many Aborignal people thought the I do s ight e ette for them than European settlement was until they were told social security and booze would be cut under their control. About 6 weeks after the first meeting Mr X found out through Ms A that the combined military forces had plans to attack Indo mainland targets. He was not a happy camper and called another meeting. People I u de sta d the e a e pla s to atta k I do esia

ai la d ta gets. Is this t ue?

Ho the fu k did ou fi d out M X? General L. No e of ou usi ess Ge e al ut I ha e sou es a d the a e u t a ea le a d ette tha ou d elie e so forget any witch hunts. Under no circumstances are to you attack any Indonesian mainland target ever do you u de sta d. M X e ha e that ight. Ms PM G That a e so ut i the ai , as e ide ed the ess i Iraq and Syria and countless other places, your intelligence is generally shit and resultant actions a complete failure at anything other than making more business for Arms manufacturers. Basta d. You sa i g e e i o pete t? U“ fou sta ge e al “ a kem I a o d, YE“.

©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

If ou e e ot a i ilia I d ha e ou ou t a o et. Ge “ a ke

a tialled a d st u g up. Whe this is o e I ll gut ou ith a ust

Ge e al, e e i a ti e the e is o death pe alt i Aust alia a d t i g to e fil e to the US would put you in deep shit as you would soon find out. When this is over you will a. want to thank me and my team and b. never ever e a le to fi d us. If ou t the o se ue es fo ou a d ou ou t ill e di e ake o istake. You fu ke th eate

e, ou a oga t u t.

Pot, kettle, la k, Ge e al. No th eat a a tual p o ise. No let s get do to usi ess. U de o i u sta es will you attack any Indo mainland, not matter which island, target with any form of munition – do I make myself lea . M X ou i tellige e is good, these a e


ta gets a d e i te d to use P e isio Guided Mu itio s. PM Ms G

PM G ou i tellige e is at est dodg a d e e ith PGM the ha es of taki g out i ilia s ho o k o those bases or live near them etc is very high and that will just piss off the entire Muslim world, allies in Malaysia will disappear and wealthy muslim nations, who have not chucked in much money so far, will pour money in to Indonesia and the Ruskis and Chinese will sell them top flight shit and may become directly involved. You will NOT atta k a ta get othe tha g ou d fo es i WA. E d of. We ll eed to dis uss this fu the

ot the least of hi h ith ou f ie ds i the Middle East.

I e o ta ts thei too. Go ight ahead but I know what their reaction might be and one of those, other than that I e al ead des i ed ight e to all i ou de ts, ut the da oil off o oth, the ould also stop pu hi g the money they do in to your treasury General S – talk to you people i Washi gto too. Ma k o ds the e ot happ ith the U“ a d a e looki g fo a e use to hu t ou ithout a shot fi ed. I

su e ou so alled i tellige e is ap M X. But I ll talk to Washi gto .

‘ight ell ou ha e sa e pla e.

hou s et ee

ou to flap all the ap ou a t. We ll o e a k to o o sa e ti e,

With that he and his team left. The meeting continued on and the antipathy toward Mr X and his team was vast but international phone lines ran hot. The ultimate outcome was that Mr X had pretty much hit the nail on the head but the oligarchy pushing the national leaders still wanted an attack on Indonesia if not an all-out i asio . Let s fa e it the d get to sell shitloads of eapo s…. The decision was reached to lie to Mr X and his team. At the sa e ti e M X as talki g ith his tea ia e pted o s. o plete a d a e e o fide t e a do as e pla ed M Y a d )?

Is hat testi g e a do u

oti ea l

Yes, M X, it ill o k. Good e ause ot o l ou li es could depend on it – we could be looking at WWIII if this goes tits up. Ms B you will accompany us tomorrow I suspect they will lie their tits off – e al ead k o the ll do hat the a to eak the contract when this is over if it is ever over, say nothing just observe them closely. Ms A activate your entire et o k e ll all the i fo e a get. “u e thi g X. Ms B ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

I ll get the e ti e et o k up ut the ll e told to keep lo p ofiles. The ll eed to Ms A, e do t eed a o e k o i g ho they are. Mr Y are will still tapped in to the NSA and others such as GCHQ in the UK ithout thei k o i g? We get i g a ‘ight tea

hat e a t a d get out it s ot a fullti e li k ut e a e i .

ait fo

o d ut e

a ha e to go li e.

24 hours later Mr X and his now extended by one team arrive back at 100 William St. People this is Ms B a othe de ided?


e of

tea , she


ot get i ol ed i the o e satio s. What ha e ou

We e spoke to ou people i the Middle East a d Washi gto , othe pla es too, a d e ll a ede to ou M X. We ll ot atta k a o WA ased I do esia ta get othe tha those o the high seas.


Good. M team is ready to execute Phase 2 of our plan. I will head out to the Pilbara and attempt to gain an audie e ith the I do esia o a de of the g ou d fo es. What is phase , othe tha

hat ou p e iousl told us? PM G

You ill see. But i the e t hou s I a t it i iti g, as pe the o t a t, sig ed all the allies, that a safe passage to the coastal ports will be opened and a safe sealane will be in place for them to withdraw with nothing to e te that la e i the ai i o u de ate . We need more info on your phase 2 pla . Ms PM G All ou eed to k o at this poi t is e a take control of the Indo and axis powers satellites anytime we chose e e also do e so e uiet testi g a d k o e a get o t ol o e o ja p ett u h e e s ste o thei ad a ed a ships a d ja all o s o the less ad a ed stuff. We ll e a k in 24 hours for the contract and peace agreement with the deal to supply food to Indonesia for the foreseeable future as per the contract. Same deal wet signed contracts this time 4 copies, 1 for the indo general, 2 for us, 1 for you lot. Before any fu the o

e t ould e

ade M X s tea


Once outside and having used their contingency for slipping the followers Mr X spoke with Ms B. The

e l i g a e the

ot Ms B?

“hit, eah! “ee ou a k o the “ a . Once the team that was in town were aboard they activated comms shielding and then sailed out thru Fremantle. Once they rounded Rottnest Island they activated the LED masking system and effectively disappeared. M Y a ti ate the a ht tea . M ) a ti ate the Mu hiso tea a d dou le up on security no one in, out or above. The e goi g to t to fu k us o e a d o e tha likel sta t WWIII u less e stop the . A k o ledge. We a e all i ag ee e t X e all k e it

ight o e to this. I

A ho us of he su e does, e e all i a d so is e e G eat. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

su e I speak fo us all. M Y

pe so o ou tea s.

Let s split up a d head to ou a to get the do u e ts.

a ious o

a ds. I ll head a k to Pe th ith Ms B a d olle t ou

f ie ds o the

Within 24 hours Mr X had his contracts, 1 secured with his High Court judge witness and 2 in his possession and he was on his way to the Pilbara. His entire team got seriously active. Fo those ho do t the a ea Mu hiso “hi e is the o l lo al go e e t ju isdi tio o the pla et ith o to n. The settlement may soon be recognised but then it was 6 homes, more under construction, a sports hall and dirt oval, a roadhouse and caravan park and museum plus the shires plant maintenance workshop. A great place for a few days of outright peace and quiet and one of the places, among many, I used to write this. It was the best spot in WA i the id s to ie Halle s Co et – much better than Mt Augustus much further north. When the street lights go out the sky is an unadulterated sea of stars it is just a magnificent sight and a reminder of how small our little part of the galaxy and universe really are. Let s just sa fo so eo e ho likes solitude it is a eso e ou t . Fo it sli ke s its ool sheep ou t desolate.

a d

Just to the north of the settlement is a series of break-aways. Basically the result of the 1960 earthquake effectively the area to the north of it is somewhat more elevated than that to the south from atop this plateau the settlement can be seen when the 7 street lights a e o at ight. M X s tea had set-up false but well shielded targets just below the rift but to the north of the Settlement to protect it from any stray munitions in the event of the attack. The real set-up was above it and craftily hidden camouflage and LED masking systems were used. Their connection to the NASA satellite dish array and yacht was purely radio and satellite comms and heavily encrypted the link to the yacht used some of the most complex burst transmissions known and the time. The masts were retracted when not in use. Despite sa i g the d take po e f o the shi e the did ot eed it although they had run an obvious cable and set-up transformers to the false camp. Hiding solar arrays to create the kind of power they d need is far from simple but they managed it not all were used to generate power for their operations some were connected to a small desalination unit that made fresh water from the slightly (too salty for humans) nearby Meeberrie Station mill. To create false targets they d set-up a series of false arrays near the fake camp. They also had some of the quietest generators that could be found anywhere for charging the battery systems and additional power when necessary. Like a lot of the buses in Perth the generators had been modified to run on LNG. U ek o to the o e s the d a aged to tap the Da pie to Bu u LNG pipeline for the gas they needed. This was the only real big risk – tapping the line and transporting the gas via a small tanker. Said tanker was also disguised with LED technology. The d also hea il odified the generators to hide heat signatures and had scrubbers on the exhausts to hide emissions. Money had been spent but, again in the fine print contract, the government was paying for what had been spent and was to be spent at cost plus including the water supply from the station well. Withi hou s of the eeti g the so alled Allies atte pted a atta k o hat the e e a le to fi d of M X s Murchison ground team. They were careful not to harm the Satellite dish set-up. The attack failed completely it e t afte the fake a p. M X s tea o pletel ja ed all thei o s a d o issile that as headed that a hit one single target it was aimed at. The tea s g ou d fo es fou d a d took p isoner every member of the ground attack team with few shots fired and no injuries, other than pride, to either side. Mr X was told straight away. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

We k e the d t . The ll get thei s. Keep the p iso e s fo the ti e ei g. Follo all Ge e a Co e tio s, Mr Y. You got it M X. Give me a secure link to Mr Z please. You satellite pho e is Oh,

% se u e.

the a , do the ha e a

idea ho

e shagged thei

Nah, a d the a e f a ti all looki g ut ill fi d ot have up our sleeves or to cut us off.

issiles a d o s?

u h - if anything. Certainly not enough to know what we

OK, tha k ou, keep up the good o k. We should e ead to

eak a p e

soo .

We ll eed to lea e e ough fo a se u it tea

o that “at Dish Fa

, o t e?

Ma e ot, e e u i g tests e e p ett su e e e e ough g u t to do hat e a t out o the a ht a d it s a da sight ha de fo the to fi d. We e also testi g the a a o ou isla d ut that ould e easie to dete t if we have to go live 24/7. OK. Let e k o the out o e of all those tests. I suspe t e eed to p ote t f o the g ou d a d ai .

a ha e to e ote i to that “atdish fa

We e o ki g o fi di g a s a ou d that a d still ei g up

/ .

a d e ll

Cool, ou gu s a e the est. Tha k ou M X, e a e a out ou ho e state ut like ou e do t a t to see the I do s s e ed o WWIII. That s hat this is all a out f ie d the o e the ll e illed, lots, o es se o d. No eed fo e to all ) ou have said all I need to k o . Bu st the tea tell the I ot too fa f o headi g out to the I do a a a I ll sat i when we leave base – e ead to at h ou a ks a d fo the sho . Ha e a g eat da . No p o le , tha k ou M X. An hour later Mr X and Ms C, one of his best military strategists and advisers met with their aboriginal friends in a house rented via another chain of untraceable companies. Lad a d ge ts, o

agoi ?

‘ead to o k M X. Cool, the e ill e $ fo this fo ou gu s i the futu e. I ll e e send down a top financial consultant to advise on i esti g it to ake it g o a d he e est to spe d so e. Tha k ou, M X. Ha e ou gu s sele ted so e of the ette grunts with bushcraft skills, note that I want no rifles or guns of any kind, if we ha e to kill it has to e ith oss o s, spea s o k i es.

©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

The e a e so e good “A“ gu s a o g that lot, o e o t o a e a it kill az it is est to take. This eed o l

e a s all tea .

With us as ell is Ple t ,

ut e ha e ou list ight he e of those

e ough o too

a e a fe too

O e of ou gu s is a este Cool ut e e



a ?

ut e a t take a t ai ed

edi a d e e

e eed to t a el light a d he

No igg that M X that s he


ha es eithe so eo e ould get hu t alo g the a . i gi g alo g a A o igi al ush

edi i e do to too.

e get lose, afte da k.

o e est.

Ik o f ie d I just hope the g u ts get the essage ut e ll he k e tho oughl su e the do t get a supplies f o the ai o f o stashes alo g the a .

efo e e lea e a d


Ms C, a e ou spe ial WD s ead ? “u e a e M X, o o e ill see the

othe tha


e get i .

Cool. Ms C a d I ill go see the g u t oss ith ou list. Be ead to

ou t up at p

to o o .

Do e M X. Tha k ou fo t usti g us. Do t

e tio it ou gu s a e the est I k o at this stuff.

At about the same time there was a big commotion going on in the main command headquarters in Perth. Whadd a

ea the g ou d tea

i the Mu hiso has disappea ed? Ge “

That is ot the o l p o le ge e al. No issile got lose to its ta get the a p a d “atdish fa a e u ha ed. The Super Hornet pilots also reported having lost very system for a few seconds and then only getting enough back to fly visual flight ules a d a igati g the oads a k to Pea e. Majo Lo g, ho as uite sho t a d ide a d the adjutant in charge of working with the Americans in Perth. Ho did this happe ? We e o lood idea a d eithe do ou gu s eithe . No e of the ground teams responders are working at all – ot e e to epo t o thei ha i g ee killed. We a e getti g othi g. At that time a call came in. Ge e al “ please. Who is alli g a d ho did ou get this u This is M Y. The ho is

usi ess ot ou s.

Majo L put it o speake please. O

o , si .

M Y ou a e o e o

o ious u t.

©2016 – Huw R Grossmith


Oh dea Ge e al su h la guage. Do ou a t to k o

hat happe ed to ou tea ?

Of ou se a d I a t to speak to the . No ha e of that Ge e al we aint that silly, you can send a Red Cross rep and believe me we know who they all are. Fl hi o he i to the ai st ip at Mu hiso “hi e a to o o e ll eeti g the the e. The hole of your team is alive and well and be treated in accordance with the Geneva Conventions but I can tell you if one of your Yank cousins abuses me or my team again he might not live to tell the tale. You la a ha d of a

of the

a d I ll lo

ou a d ou

hole tea

i to a



“hit ge e al a e ou kill az o hat? Wake up a d s ell the oses ill ou! You a t all ou like ut ou ill fail a d to e ho est ou ll e u likel to fi d us. I e got so e se iousl ell t ai ed a tial a tist people keepi g them under watch and one or two of your guys have already found out the hard way that they do not take too well to ei g ph si all th eate ed. We e had to tell the atio s ill e ut if the keep it up. You eall a e a o e

o fide t ass.

The o d ge e al is arse. We have every right to be cocky we screwed every missile you fired at us and the pilots were lucky we gave them back enough systems to get home. Your guys were rounded up and taken prisoner in less than an hour and our guys fired not one shot and your lot missed. When we release them you will still have no idea where we really are or how we can do this. So cut the crap and threats General and get that Red Cross person on the a . I ll ush the lot of ou o e a o a othe

he this is do e.

Free advice is generally not worth a lot General but I advise you now not to even try you will regret it you have no idea et hat e a do. With that Mr Y hung up. Fu k, fu k, fu k, I ll ipe those u ts off the fa e of this pla et. With due espe t General it might be wise to wait and see what these guys have because we have no idea and they ha e p o e the a hu t us if the t ul desi e. Fu k ou too. Get out. Gladl . Colo el “laughte , this is Ms C o e of stuff.

top flight


ad ise s a d she aint just a desk jockey she has lived this

Good da to ou too, M X . Yeah so

fo got the fo

I e ee

ette .

alities. O

agoi Colo el?

No u ke s this ould all e o e a the shouti g soo . We ha e a list of ou gu s e eed for our meet with the I do Ge e al. He does t k o e a e o i g a d is t to k o eithe . Please all these gu s i . Most a e i the field he do ou eed the

©2016 – Huw R Grossmith


We ll ake t a ks to o o at p . The should epo t to me here by 2pm latest, e ll eed hou s fo the briefing. They are not to wear responders of any kind nor to carry any weapon other than a knife, cross bow or spea . What? You a e ossi g th ough the f o t li e

o e o less u a

ed do t e sill .

We k o he e the gaps are in that line and how to pass through them. When we hit the caravan it will swift but silent. Responders could give us away they are not to have them. They will be inspected and electronically scanned before we go and will never leave our sight until we are near that caravan where they will do what they are told or ot o e a k ali e o at least ot ithout ha d a d a kle uffs. Colo el e also eed to e su e that othi g is atta ked a ea s, g ou d, ai , issiles et within a 30km adius of the I do o a d a a a afte to o o u til e sa othe ise. We ll gi e ou the o-ords for it to o o du i g the iefi g. Ms C Al ight, al ight ut I ill hold ou, Mr X, to account for any lives lost this is a fools e a d if ou ask Ia ot aski g Colo el. You a u k this up the hai if ou a t o eed to. Whe the head out to o o e a e ot to e follo ed a ea s a I lea . C stal M X. No eed to go up the hai I a Tha k ou Colo el, see a at

field o


e depa t he e to ight a d

a de I ll take the fall if it all goes tits up.

to o o . Ha e a good e e i g, su k do

a fe fo

e too.

I e o idea hat ou gu s ha e up ou slee es M X ut I ha e lea t that ou a d ou gu s know what you are doi g a d ha e to pla e so e faith i it. I off fo a affei e fi , ooze is off li its he e e e fo the do gu s. Back at their house Mr X informed Mr E, the aboriginal nominated leader, that the guys will be ready tomorrow at the Army HQ tomorrow at 2pm. Ha e a g eat ight gu s, see ou the e at p . Tha k ou M X e ll e the e. Mr X called Mr Z on the Yacht. Hi ), o



Blood a eso e,

f ie d, hat s the latest?

We e o i g out at p to o o ight. I ll fa do a list of the g u ts o i g ith us. We ll s a the efo e e go ut if the s eak a fo of t a spo de I ll eed to k o A“AP o take the step of ja i g the thi g. We ll let ou k o asap, if e ja

the ll k o so ethi g is up.

Cool, e ll ief the at a d sta t s a i g a d disa i g the at the li dfold the a d head a k to our Newman base for the off. Around 1700 run a scan on the Newman digs for anything not ours and make sure if they try to follow us to jam or stuff them. At I d like a full ep ith pi s, i us a thi g the a use to o k out where we got it on that Indo command caravan. No p o le

e a do that.

Just then an alarm sounded in the background on the yacht. Ha e the fou d us a d lau hed a atta k M )? ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

Nah, the ll ot fi d this east, the i fo o i g th ough is the Allied a ship to ship issiles.

a e spi

i g up

issiles a d these a e ot

A g ou d atta k o I do isla d ta gets? “u e looks like it. Fu k, these people e e lea

do the ?

We a e talki g a out puppets, g u ts a d oliga hs oss. Whe e is Ms A at the Ca

o e t.

e a ut ou ould all he

ou d ot gi e he a a .

Ok I ll do that. If the lau h a ki d of atta k f o a he e ja the ap out of the lau h vehicles and either splash the issiles o tu the a k. I ll speak to Ms A I a t to k o hi h Oliga h is the puppet aste o this, ale t M D o the isla d that e ight eed his se i es. Wil o oss. Cat h a late . Mr X put in a call to Ms A. “he ut the all off. He k e that He worried for about 3 mnutes when she called back. “o

Ms A, did ot

I e got the thi g o shado s. “o

ea t she eeded p i a

o he d isked e posi g he .

ea to put ou at isk. i ate ut the alls a ou d he e ha e ears and I had to talk a walk and make sure I had no


No eed to e, I as a out to all ou. The a e go this stage. Yeah, e k o , just got the oti e the “o e


Ok he

o ef o

e e spi

a lau h a atta k o the I do isla d ta gets,

i g up

issiles o l at


ships ot i the u e t WA fleet.

e e do e I ll tell ) to ide his th eat s ope a d a tio s.

That d e ise. Whi h of the oliga hs is at the top of the food hai o this a d pulli g the st i gs o these puppets? T o of the

doi g the pushi g, the e s o

a d i the

ajo p ess pla e s diffe s little.

Got a loud a d lea . Ti e to se d a f ight up the . What do ou pla o doi g? If ou ha e sha es eithe sit tight o sell o . Got a oss. Tha ks. We o e out o the I do o ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

a d aa a

to o o . Be ead to

o ito the ea tio s to the sho .

No p o le

oss, this ill eall

e o th at hi g. I just love seeing the long faces among that lot.

E jo , talk to a soo , if thi gs get di e head fo the Ya ht o the Isla d, OK? ‘eadi g a loud



Ciao. Another call. M ) ou i tellige e tells us so e of the atta k o I do ill ot o e f o expand your watch and protections. We just spotted it, e e got the

just this attle g oup ou


eed to

o e ed, M D is e pe ti g a all.

Tha k ou M ), keep o top of this atta k it has to fail. Oh it ill fail a d the ll e e figu e out ho . I like the positi e attitude M ). But do ot fail to e e Do t put O a

e that so e

issiles o ai


ight get th ough.

o e o it oss! We ll stuff the up ig ti e.

a . I ll all D, the Colo el, a d the tu

i .

Good ight. D speaki g. O


a ?

Wat hi g de elop e ts it s sta ti g to get hot. I d lo e to do so ethi g to ail those l i g shits. You a do o e tha that do a peg o t o. What ould ou like

f ie d. We know who the top two oligarchs are pulling the strings time to take them

e to do?

Cause a pa i sell off of so e stocks, the news on 7 and in the major papers in Aussie differ little if you get my d ift. I do, I ll get o it ight a a . Wipe the out if ou a . Also use so e of ou o e elia le sou es to leak the i fo o the lies a d the atta k about the comme e o the I do g ou d ta gets i I do. Do e a d do e. I lo e ou thi ki g oss. Tha k ou M D, ha e fu , I e o e

o e all to


Good lu k M X. M D Out. M X tu ed to Ms C. A ti ate the se o d se u e lo atio a d the o ti ge fo getting the grunts there. Also the back-up to a tuall ope ati g ithout the , e a ha e to ha ge the ti i g fo that o e. I ot goi g ea that o a d post he e afte thei atta k o I do effs up the ll t to a est o shoot us o sight. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

I thi k it est to fo get the g u ts a d ha ge the ti i g A o igi al people too.

hou s, I ll get ou o

people i a d tell the

Tha k ou, let s go ith that. The last call he made that night was to the Colonel. Colo el, do t othe e alli g those t oops e ll ot eed the

afte all.

Wh , hat has ha ged. I thi k ou ill k o soo e ough. Good ight olo el a d tell the g ou d fo es a d jet jo ke s to sta outside that k li it fo hou s please. Ok do t k o Mo e tha likel

hat ou a e doi g ut I ll pass that alo g. The

ight ot liste .

ot ut e ll isk it. Good ight Colo el.

You eall a e o e pie e of o k, I hope ou pla

o ks out. Good ight.

Late that night the assault on the Indonesian island ground targets bega . The failed. M X s tea essed up every missile fired either by causing their tracking systems to fail completely, they fell in to the ocean harmlessly, some returned to the vessel that fired them and caused massive damage and major embarrassment to the fleet. Other missiles were instructed to self-destruct and did so. No aircraft sent found its way to where it was to go. Most suffered massive systems failures. Only one was caused to crash in to the sea and that was more to do with the way the pilot tried to deal with the systems shut down than what caused the shut down , the others made it back to their respective carriers and bases, even those that were flying at low altitude to start with. It as a us ight fo M X s tea . The ‘ussia s, Chinese and Indians having seen the launch got in on the act too. They made no effort to fire on WA assets but fired off missile after missile at the naval and air assets who were i ol ed i the atta k o the I do s a d othe s too. I a ouple of ases their ships sailed inside the 200km limit and fired cannons at the defensive flotilla. As with the allied attack the missile attacks and other airborne attacks failed. There was little they could do about cannon fire but they did manage to stuff up some of the more advanced ships systems and get them to turn away. Allies and Axis powers both suffered casualties and much deserved they were too. To say things got interesting the next day is an understatement. When the ASX opened it looked like a major sell off of sha es i t o ig o pa ies as u de a . That pa i d a lot of investors including some of the bigger institutional investors. No one had a clue who started the selling or why but it was a veritable blood bath. Two, on paper, billionaires, were down to, on paper, next to nothing by the next and asset stripping vultures were circling looking for the deal of a life time. To say they were no longer puppet masters would not be true but the puppets were in a place where strings could be cut. For the other oligarchs a warning shot had been fired they were reticent to keep up the pressure on their puppets. The phones across the world ran hot. Politicians now with some independence from their influencers were talking to each other and counterparts worldwide. Š2016 – Huw R Grossmith

The UN Secretary General also got involved and called a meeting of the main protagonists or at least those who fired on each other outside Australia to a phone conference meeting. Let it be said that at this first meeting little was achieved except accusations about the actions and who did what he thei s ste s all failed i ludi g la i g ea h othe ….. No settlement was reached on ceasing any other military actions! At 10am a light aircraft landed on the strip at the Murchison Settlement. Mr Y was nearby but not on the strip. He radioed the pilot. This is M Y, ho


passe ge s do ou ha e.

T o. H

…. Both lai

to e ‘ed C oss?

Yes. I a e pe ti g o e. Ta i to he e the t o st ips oss. Lo e the doo a d tell the passe ge s to get out. Then take-off and fly due east there is an old airstrip there called Barloweerie or you can radio Wooleen Station and ask to put do the e, I ll adio ou he e e do e he e. Tell the gu s that get off to alk o th o the sho t st ip. 0- . I ll do that, the a e go Do t tell the

a ki k up sti k.

ou a e lea i g just go he the a e lea of the ai


- . The pilot did as he was told. Two men alighted the aircraft. Using a bull horn Mr Y gave them some simple instructions. Walk o th alo g the s all oss st ip. You ill e et soo . Ha e ou do u e ts ead fo t ies a thi g fu a d the a e d up joi i g the othe s o ith a ig hole i the .

alidatio . A o e

Just as the gu s sta ted headi g o th M Y s phone rang. Ms U, hat is it? We a e t a ki g hat appea s to e a old Ca i ou t a spo t ai spot o the ai d ag to put do . U less it s had a We e ja

ed o

aft f o

ajo s ste s o e haul all e ll e a le to do is ja

the o

s a d guida e ut a t do a thi g ith the o

Do e still ha e those hea il

©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

s ut ot

u h else.

oa d s ste s the a e old.

odified “AM“ – the o es e a guide di e tl i ?

Yes ut e a e ja i g the guida e s ste espo de s o othe g ou d o e e t? The e a e espo de s i the ai

the south looks like he s looki g fo a

o that Caribou it could jam our SAMS are you tracking any

aft ut othi g o the g ou d at all.

Ok, oad ast a essage o Gua d, tell a a d all ai aft ithi a k adius of us to stay well away or face being shot down or otherwise crippled make that double for the Caribou. We have 2 pax off the light aircraft, so ethi g is up. What do ou a t If the do t tu

e to do afte that?

tail a d u

a the ja

e a d shoot the asta ds do


You got it. We e o l got a othe That Pass a


e so e hat

hou s a d e a

eak a p a d high tail it out of he e.

o e o fo ta le.

essage to all g ou d tea s to e o dou le ale t too.

Wil o, out. Mr Y made another call with his SatPhone. M E the e a e t o headed ou a , so ethi g is ot ight. App oa h ith autio . If ou see o s a put a ig hole i the a ie . I ll e the e sho tl .

eapo s

“u e thi g. Mr Y proceeded with due caution from his vantage spot to the meeting point. When he arrived one man, not his, was down. Does this

a s credentials check-out?

We e he ked i

ith ase, pe fe t

at h.

What happe ed to this idiot? He as a ‘ed oss

i g a M a d had a ti ated a a , so


ou had to see that. You

espo de .

a e please.

I M T. I as ot o fo ta le ith hat the did to a e good e eithe sa o hea d the o i g. I

e, he got his o e-uppance he was kill crazy. Your guys

su e the app e iate ou o pli e t M T.

Just then there was a huge explosion not too far to the south. The Red Cross guy hit the deck and was shaking like a leaf when assisted up. We had ette o e out, M T. Looks like e had to shoot do o a d ill pa fo this ake o istake.

a t a spo t full of troops, the idiots in Military

If the e a g ou d tea ill disa le thei espo de s a d i g the i . I a sad to sa that u less i ju ies a e light anyone that is seriously hurt is likely to die even if we have to shoot them, we are miles from any medical fa ilit a d e o t allo a o e flights i a d o l ou s out. That is just plai

ea .

©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

“o M T ut that is the a it is the ha e p o e the a ot e t usted and there really are no medical facilities nearby, you can take anyone ambulatory but injured with you and put down at Mullewa if necessary. I will ot sa ifi e ehi les o people to d i e the do a d it s a t o hou u . We ll he k i ith the shi e fo volunteers to take them but after that silly effort they might not be too willing. Do you still wish to visit the prisoners? Afte

hat ou just said I thi k I


Apa t f o o e idiot ho t ied to o e o e a gua d the a e all pe fe tl health , pissed off ut healthy. These guys will take you, you will blindfolded for our own protection, I have other things to do but will see you at the base a p. Ok. When he was well out of earshot another call was placed. Well do e Ms U. ‘e o s ste . We thi k that the g u ts

e e ja

i g ut if ou a e e pt it do t k o k out the “hi es

ight e tappi g i to that s ste

i o a e telepho e


Ok ja e e thi g. Tell the g ou d tea s to sta ale t these gu s ould t direction but a e u likel to do so ithout heels o ai aft.

o i gi

ithout espo de s f o


Wil o, oss. “ee ou a k he e soo . An hour later Mr Y was back at the base camp. He logged in to a highly encrypted network and called Mr X. X the t ied it o agai , e shot do ‘ed C oss gu .

a Ca i ou t a sport loaded with troops and shot another who was with the

Tha k ou M Y, sad is t it that these people just do t lea . Ho is the testi g goi g? We a eak a p i a out hou s a d should o lo ge testi g f o the Ya ht a d Isla d. Ok if a thi g else ou e es ope .

eaks let

e k o . I ll ask ) to do the

eed the “atdish fa appi g fo ou

, e e just u

issio . G eat jo

i g so e fi al the a , keep

We a e, tha k ou M X. M ), ho a e ou? Ha e ou ee follo i g e e ts i the Mu hiso ? We sa the light ai

aft a d Ca i ou – the Ca i ou disappea ed. The light is he e he as told to e.

The t ied it o agai hi h is h the Ca i ou disappea ed. M Y is a ful us please do the s a up he e we need the lo atio of that I do o a d a a a a d ALL t oops a d a oute th ough e e got the hiz WD s ut t to keep the t ek eas . We s a the a

ed a hou ago, the o a d a a a is statio a ut the I do fo es a e oales i g a d the look like e getti g set fo a push est to a d Po t Hedla d. Ou lot a e shado i g at a dista e.

What s the status o the a k a ie afte the Li ited ope atio s ut still i theat e. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

ess last ight?

Let s just hope if the I do s oute at p .

o e i the e t 24 hours they hammer them. Please send the scan and prospective

Do e oss. B the a is the u e t sha e

a ket sell off the o k of M D?

Fo hat I ha e see thus fa so e of it es, the ta gets a e i t ou le, the est is just ommon panic during a mini o ega ash it ll settle. I hope he

o ed ou i est e ts fi st!

He s a ool pla e , he ll ha e do e hat he had to do ut do t e su p ised if e d up o hoi e ta gets at heap p i es… Looki g fo

i g a ig hu k of so e

a d to that M X, safe t a els, out.

Mr X then called the Colonel. Good afte oo Colo el, o

agoi ?

Looki g at hat the I dos a e up to e a e getti g set to elo to Hedla d. Did ou k o a out the atte pted atta ks o the I do Neithe the do t tell

e e e thi g, as that ou

ai la d a d o us do

o k stoppi g that I do

south? ai la d atta k?

Ah olo el that ould e telli g. I do k o


“e es the


a d is pissed.


What s ith the atta k o

ou gu s do


Let s just sa it as a othe failu e. This ti e a lot of li es e e lost, tha kfull

o e of


Fu k, hat happe ed? The se t i a Ca i ou loaded ith t oops, he it as told to get lost o got shot do .

e shot do

it ig o ed the a i g a d

“hit a d fu k, the ll e eall pissed I d ot e su p ised if the did ot lau h a uke at a! If the do it ight take out so e of thei o assets of that I a assu e ou. You a let the k o I a pissed too and if they try anything more while I am on the way to the Indo command post they will suffer a fate worse than that the suffe ed last ight. Da

ou a e a o k so ofa it h ut I ha e o easo to dou t ou.

Call the , a

the , tha k ou Colo el.

Wil o. E jo Hedla d, out. Mr X placed a missed call to Ms A. She called back within the hour. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

Good afte oo

oss hat a I do fo

What s the latest o the

ess f o


last ight a d o the sha e

a ket thi g?

The a e pissed a d o fused as all get out a out last ight. The UN Secretary General called a phone conference between all the major players but they agreed nothing. The share market thing has caused a lot of very long faces a d if it keeps goi g so e, o pape , fat ats ill e looki g positi el a o e i . The have plenty in their various tax haven bank accounts. Unfortunately. As for the so called world leaders what did M “e Ge e pe t…. We ll keep a e e o de elop e ts if the spi up a o e issiles e ight lo the up in the launchers. If they send ai aft i the o g di e tio the ll go do this ti e. The e a e o fi ed pla s e k o of. M spies else he e a e epo ti g o fu the pla s. Good. I ll ha e a hat ith M D it s a out ti e the o ld k e a out ho where it came from and what taxes they paid – if a . G eat

o e…..

u h

o e these shits ha e stashed,

o e lo g fa es to see I ll lo e it.

You go e sadist o


Nah, I just hate those p i ks. You ai t the o l o e. We ll

o e out soo . Out.

M D, a eso e jo o the sto k

a ket thi g, o

Fa tasti M X. What a I do fo


agoi ?

This ight take a little lo ge . Fi d all the o e the top Oli s ha e stashed, hat – if any – tax they paid on it and leak to our reliable media sources. Item 2 speak to Ms A, miscall her and let her call back, get the names of the military leaders involved in this – the big ones, we know the names of the so called World Leaders, hack their bank accounts make their money disappear temporarily and shut down their current payroll accounts so their salaries ou e. Oh I lo e it, o side it do e. Tha k ou, M D, out. Shortly after the maps and scans came through from Mr Z. Ms C, hat is the status o the tea

ou a e

i gi g i ?

Most a e he e so e still i t a sit ut ot too fa a a . Ok, e ll ha e to ake a o e toda i stead of to o o fo ou o se u it . Let s he k the aps a d see where we can hole up on the way for 24 hours while the others catch us up and the newbies get a break. Call in our Aboriginal friends e ll ou t up i t o hou s assign one of the fresh guys to stock up the wheels. Plenty of fresh water, extra fuel, 2 spares, overnight camping get it might get cold out there. Let

e all ou f ie ds a d assig so e duties the

e ll he k out the


As soon as she was finished X and C checked the maps and satellite images and the suggested route. When the Aboriginal people arrived they rechecked with them and made limited changes and found a shady place to hole up along the way during the next day and a good spot for an overnighter. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

Despite ha i g g eat a ouflage the WD s ould ha e ee eas pi ki g at ight. E e usi g ight isio equipment and the best possible heat dissipation night time temperatures would drop low enough for an infrared scan to pick-out the vehicles even if they could not otherwise be seen. Travelling in daytime out there is hot, thirsty work. Travel is best just on sunrise through to mid-morning then midafteroon through to just after sunset. The guys did not want to be tracked at all by either side. X, C a d W the he ked the WD s a d ade su e the had e ough ate , atio s a d fuel. Note that the word rations was used. Yes, if you know what you are looking for, there is plenty of bush tucker out there but, as Major Les Hiddens put it in 1988 – you have to keep moving to find it and it burns a lot of energy it is the main reason why Aboriginal people were nomadic. Even if they had watched The Bush Tucker Man and/or were taking cattle and sheep the I do s ould have been struggling for both food and water especially with their supply caravans being attacked constantly. Back in the Murchison the Caribou that had been shot down had been on a final approach trying to put down on a straight stretch of the Carnarvon-Mullewa Road south of the Settlement. The missile had hit one of the two turbo p op oto s a d take out a fuel ta k. Those ho had su i ed e e ho e dousl disfigu ed. Whe o e of Y s teams got there they found that not all the grunts on board were wearing a responder but that there were odd transmissions. On investigation they found that those who were transmitting were doing so at irregular intervals in burst format and their entire body was acting as a transmitter. Y this is g ou d tea g ou d tea

leade do ou ead, o e ?


hat is the situatio , o e ?

We ha e fou d fe su i o s ho ould ot su i e a ki d of t ip to the ea est hospital o atte ho the a e taken they all have massive burns and some internal injuries. But get this some are not wearing responders but are still transmitting in burst format we think they are using Nanobots / Nanotech they may have had injected or s allo ed. We e see the t a s issio s a d o de ed hat the e e a d ha e lo ked the f e ue . Tell the medico to take lood a d tissue sa ples f o those ho a e t a s itti g a d to t to keep the at opti al te pe atu e e ll get the out to the Yacht for analysis. If ou ha e to put a of the est out of thei ise . ‘oge , out. The Red Cross man was happy with the conditions that the prisoners were being kept in, told there were no survivors from the shoot down, and was once again blindfolded and taken back to the shire strip, where his aircraft was waiting having been given the okay to relocate back from Barloweerie. Not long after it had left a light helicopter with the tissue and blood samples took off from near the SatDish Farm then deployed all its masking systems and flew low over largely unoccupied land, except for sheep, across the coast and out to the Yacht. In the Pilbara the outbound route involved major sealed roads, dirt roads and outright bush bashing. The overnight stop selected was, or at least would return to being, an active Iron Ore Mine. The load-out system, currently ot i use o full ith o e, as a e la ge tu el hi h the WD s fitted i easil . ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

The balance of the team made their way there by various means – mostly rented motorcycles and a truck which were also parked in the tunnel. ‘ight tea fi st thi gs first. DO NOT drink any of the water on the mine site unless you use the tablets you will be given to steralize it first. Keep plenty of them spare too we may need to take water from pools and other sources later. Our Aboriginal friends know where they all a e. We ll a o fi e-arms. You can use knives if necessary and we have the aerosol knock-out gas – I remind you not to get any on you or accidentally inhale it. It will knock you for a loop. If you go down get to shade and stay put. Anyone you take down use the flexicuffs – ankles and wrists - and gags then drag them under shade. Tag them with a ‘FID tag. We ll a ti ate the tags efo e e depa t, olle t a o e left ehi d a d tell the I do s he e to fi d thei e . The tea s a e ….. ea h will be led by one of our Aboriginal friends they will tell you how to move and how to speak et so e e ai as sile t as possi le. We ll do t o o e o es usi g the ehi les oth to u e tl a a do ed i es. We ll use eithe hea o light vehicle a s fo o e . “a e ules appl ith ate a d a food left ehi d should e t eated as suspe t too. F o a ou d p to o o ight e should e a out to k f o the I do a a a a d e ll go the est of the way on foot - e ll get a e s eep f om Z before we depart – we will try to avoid all contact with any patrols or guards. We a p ett u h a oid dete tio f o A is satellites o o fuse the hell out of the ut e ll ot do the sa e to the Allied satellites yet – they have no idea what ki d of o t ol e a take o e thei assets a d I d athe the did ot k o til u h late . A

uestio s?

None were forthcoming. Cool, e a e i fo a e us eek o so. If the I do s a ept the offe to ithd a e ll shado the a d ou lot because to be honest I am not sure which lot I trust less but suspect it might be ours! This will mean a quick split and a team heading for the Kimberley to keep an eye on events as they unfold up there – needless to say it would be wise for us to remain unsee eithe side du i g this phase.

Experiments with the blood and tissue samples were undertaken in the excellent medical facility aboard the yacht. Y s g ou d tea leade as ight a out Na ote h. Ms H, the medical expert and technologist, received the samples in good order. Without a totally alive body the s ste the uild i side the hu a od as i o plete ut she had e ough i fo atio to o k ith to st ike a reasonable hypothesis having had some prior exposure to the technology before. ) this stuff ould e a issue if the t

to lau h a othe atta k o the Mu hiso .

We ll e out of the e i the e t hou s a d ha e ide tified the f e ue ies the s ste like a la a s idea of ho it o ks.

is usi g to t a s it ut I d

The a o ots a e s allo ed o i je ted. Ea h s ste has a p e-programmed role. Generally they monitor things like heart rate, breathing, blood pressure and body temperature. Each sub system reports any deviation from the normal which is established over a 72 hour period prior to the user being deployed they then transmit changes to ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

another sub unit which zips up the data and burst transmits it. The range is limited but in the Murchison they could have piggy backed either/or both the Microwave telephone system or the “hi e/Pasto alist s adio asts to o a d transmit. The system only reports deviations within a specified range from the norm so they would have been transmitting changes from those with the ots i thei s ste s afte the shoot do . We ja tha ja

ed the transmissions and yes they were trying to use any sort of radio system they could lock on to. Other i g ho a e deal ith this stuff?

E e hea d of EMP? “u e, e e used it efo e to take do

so e et o ks a d ATM s.

You d o l eed the small home- ade t pe de i e ith a ouple of olt atte ies. You d ha e to e a eful ot to have anything electric like a watch, cell phone etc on you when you point it at a carrier because it will likely blow that too. But one zap should be enough to take do the ot s ste . Tha k ou. I ll pass this o to X a d Y, a

ou o a

ou i st u t the spa k o - oa d ho to uild these de i es?

“u e, e eed so e si ple pa ts that a

e o tai ed i to

e t ti e so eo e goes i .

Give me a list - e ll uild a out of the . Even though we can jam the frequencies they use they may develop so e ki d of phase shift s ste o i ple e t so e ki d of oute s ste i the field that e do t at h o to u til after a few transmissions. No p o le . Late ) aught up ith Y. The ag eed that thei testi g as o plete a d esults e e as e pe ted. The d o longer need the Satdish Farm but would leave a small team out there, with security, just in case otherwise the entire site could be dismantled and removed. Unlike when it was assembled they could not ship it out on trucks but were able to secure a modernised Caribou like aircraft with the necessary camouflage and shielding to do a pick up and with, also a new system, air refuelling support get the stuff to a safe location outside Australia with little risk of being seen. Y established and agreed a roster with his entire team and then they set about breaking camp. Z contacted X and updated him on the Murchison situation and the Nanobots. “o e a e out of the Mu hiso e ept a ha dful of people i the e t

hou s?

Yes. What do e pla to do ith the p iso e s? We ll li dfold a d a kle uff the a d take a e ou d-about route to a spot well north of Butchers Track – to make it look like we went north – drop them off in the shade with a good water supply. When the team is close to ou oastal pi k up poi t e ll tell thei osses he e the a e. The

ould e the e


hou s.

We d sa hou s tops ut e ill e t i g to es ape any detection getting to the coast. The aircraft is a big e ough isk ithout ou gu s ei g see o the de k. If ou ha e to i t odu e a satellite su eilla e la k spot o e the egio u til the a e out. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

Do e, he do ou eed ou f esh s eep up i I a othe

hou s. Is the o

attle / i o

ou t ?

a d a a a still statio a ?

Yes, it s ot go e a he e et ut a uild-up still appea s to e u de a fo a push est it s to the est of the caravan you should not be seen coming from he e ou a e a d e ll do the sa e thi g a d i t odu e a su eilla e blackspot out there, oh a d e ll get so e EMP de i es to ou afte the sho . The a e ot e ti el stupid the k o he e e a e headed ut ot ho , the ll ulti atel figu e out here the vehicles might be stashed I hopi g that the e ot atte pted to tip the I do s off so eho i a effo t to prolong this mess. We ll lea e a tea to a e fo the a d oo t ap the hell out of the pla e too. The la k spot will be very handy - tha k ou, e ead fo the sho i a out to hou s. Do e, out. Tensions between all the players and hangers on remained high. Telephone and other diplomacy was not working well - no matter what those with the best of intentions tried it all became a blame game. None had yet attempted to spin up more missiles or start any other form of attack on anyone else. All were trying to figure out why their initial missile atta ks failed a d o i g up la k othe tha to k o that X s tea a ell ha e had a ha d i it.

X and his team made their third and last camp as planned. A small team was left behind with enough equipment to booby trap the vehicles and tell them if anyone was approaching. Through the dusk and in to the evening the team proceeded on foot with the Aboriginal people taking the lead and often picking out guards and working their way around them without incident. As they got closer to the Caravan it became necessary to take down several guards who were bound, gagged and left u de o e . O e of X s tea e e s had to also e left ehi d afte i hali g so e k o k out gas. X and his small team of 5 basically approached the command van unmolested and took down the guard unit assigned to protect it after determining the Indo general was in. X and one of the team, Ms C, entered the command van. The General started to pull a weapon but had it removed from him quickly by Ms C. Salaamu Alaykum General, I know you speak English very well and advise you not to try anything like that again. There is no point in calling for your guards, they are alive but useless and we want to get out of here before they are due to report in. We come in peace and you will note neither of us is armed. We have a peace deal with escape outes fo a ithd a al apped out a d ead to e i ple e ted. Wh

ould e ithd a ?

Co e o Ge e al the a paig is goi g adl fo ou. We ha e he e do u e ts f o the Aust alia go e e t gua a teei g ou safet fo a ithd a al a d also suppl of food stuffs at a easo a le p i e fo the e t ea s. What th eat a e ou to us? We ha e o e

illio people a d e e

o e ould joi us he e.

Ge e al ou k o as ell as I that the d most likely not make it. We have a demonstration to show you. You are a a e that a atta k atte pt as ade o I do esia Isla d ta gets? Š2016 – Huw R Grossmith

Yes. But it failed. It failed e ause


ade it fail.

What? Ms C ill step outside fo

i utes.

Ok. Let us do ‘akkah, I k o

ou a e a Musli

a d I u de sta d the p a e s. You a

eI a .

When complete Ms C stepped back in. No Ge e al, ha e ou oti ed issues ith ou satellite s ste s su h as la k spots a d ha e ou a al commanders repo ted p o le s f o the o e ad a ed essels a d othe s p o le s ith ou o u i atio s? Yes to all. Ok ell tu o ou o ito s a d take a look at hat tea a do ith ou s ste s, ou s a d those of ou allies. This will be a bit of a sho . Afte this I hope ou eed o fu the o i i g. You e ha ked ou s ste s? Mo e tha that Ge e al,

u h

o e, o

at h o , this is all eal ti e e e do to ed othi g.

The general noted a range of satellite surveillance black spots change and move. Allied ground forces detected multiply then go down to nothing and two of his own naval vessels almost completely taken over with changes in direction and communications jammed then re-opened. “peak to ou

a al o

a de s a oa d those essels Ge e al fi d out hat happe ed.

After 10 minutes of discussions the General had to admit the commanders had no idea what had happened but was still not convinced. “i this ould all ha e ee do to ed e ept of ou se the essels I a

ot o i ed of ou a ilities to hu t us.

Ok ou asked fo this. What ou ill see o is o e of ou ad a ed essels hi h is u e tl outside the theat e spin up a missile and sink a very old, cleaned up and disused FPSO ship. There is a risk to this that the Allied forces will see the attack but we will jam all their systems too from now and leave the comms on your ship untouched I suggest ou tu e i to the . Well offshore and out of the theatre an advanced Indonesian naval vessel span up a missile without anyone on board instructing such an action to take place – this was obvious by the radio chatter – then the missile fired and as promised it hit and sank the old FPSO. No a e ou o i ed Ge e al? Yes, hat do ou ha e to offe us? He e a e th ee sets of documents in both English and Bahasa Indonesian. One set is the withdrawal plan and peace treaty, the second is the guarantee of supply of food stuffs etc, with the current prices and allowances for rise and fall blah blah. The third set is to remain entirely confidential between the Indonesian Government and us no one, a d I ea o o e, else is to k o a out these it is a o t a t et ee ou go e e ta d tea . ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

What a

I to do ith these do u e ts?

“i ple e ll allo ou ie ai aft of ou nomination to get them to Jakarta. They are to be signed by all the players shown except your President and yourself. He and you will fly to Perth unmolested and take part in two signing ceremonies – with the Australian and West Australian governments and the other privately with myself and it esses. We ll gi e ou hou s to e i Pe th, afte that I a ot gua a tee ou o a o e else s safet . Please have a quick read now of the peace treaty. I have it on memory stick too so, if necessary, we ll let it th ough – we can control all your comms links too – ou a e ail it to Jaka ta. The General read through the peace treaty and withdrawal documents quickly and nodded his assent – I ll se d these up the line please let me have the memory stick. Fi e. Also I eed ou to ea this espo de a d keep it ith a ha ged atte at all ti es so I a t a k ou p og ess to eithe /o oth Jaka ta a d Pe th. If ou a t a k

e so a the Allied fo es, o.

Ge e al I assu e the o l people that ill e a le to t a k this u it is a i e a d the desti atio s safel a d ithout ei g atta ked. “ou ds to

i it, I ll gi e ou t o a d a ha ge ,

e as if ou do ot e ti el t ust ou o

tea , e a e o l t i g to e su e ou


M people yes, some of the allies – o. That is hat the se o d o t a t is all a out. H

, this does ot sou d the est.

Ge e al I a t gi e ou % assu a es to the futu e, o o e a , ut world peace and, obviousl , ou o se u it at the top of ou i ds. Ok the do u e ts ill e se t ith


has the i te ests of I do esia,


Fi e, the e o sti k has also added a u t a ea le little p og a to ou s ste , if ou eed to ou a o ta t myself or if I am unavailable Ms C or men who will ID themselves to you as Y and Z. Here is your unit it is on now and transmitting. This is the spare battery and charger unit, the spare is currently charged, battery life is about 12 hours tops I d e o e d ha gi g the out at tops. We ll lea e ou o Ge e al, ou t oops ill o e a ou d soo e ough. We ll tell ou he e the othe s a e found when we are secure in our hide-away – do t let a o e atte pt to follo us that ill esult i the ot goi g home – a e e lea o that? Clea , hat do I all ou? M X. Tha k You, Ge e al. The strip of the camp and equipment was all but over. The aircraft had been sneaked in and loading was underway. ) to Y, o e . Y e ei i g loud a d lea , hat a

©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

e do fo

ou )?

Mo e hat e a do for you. There is a build-up of 6 WD unimog type trucks at the Overlander Roadhouse to the north of Butchers Track on Highway 1. From what we are seeing 2 empty and the rest with gear and/or troops. The e ot o ed a d do t look like the a e headi g o th. “o the


ake a othe pla at us.

Looks like it. It ll take e a good hou s to get up But he s T a k f o the e i those thi gs ut the are cutting one of our escape routes off for the vehicles. Anything north or south of us on the Carnarvon-Mulewa Road? Anything gathering at Gascoigne Junction, the bridge over the Murchison or to the east and north east –I thi ki g Cue a d Pindar. No those routes are ope . Ok so e eed to thi k o a out a o plete pa k-up here and moving everyone and everything out. Then split up big time and do a disappearing act – e e ot got that a ehi les a d a shit load of optio s fo a es ape. Looks that a . We a e ote i to that “atdish farm anytime we need to – it s a it slo e a d ea s ha el ha gi g o the o s o a egula asis to a oid ja i g a d dete tio . It s a pai ut e should o lo ge eed the thi g a a e e got e ough g u t he e a d ho e to do hat e ust. If you buzz us out when you move other there will be some black spots on the sat coverage. Is the shi e s lo loade still at the “ettle e t. Let

e he k. Yeah, it s the e.

‘ight I thi k the a to go is k o k the est of the a p a d fake a p do , stick it on the loader and give it to the shi e, the e do e al ight us. I a get ost of the ele t o i s i the pla e. What e a t take I ll zap ith one of the EMP devices you got to us then strip all the guts out of the cases and to be on the safe side drill holes in ha d disks et . Is the e a i e deep old ell sho i g up ea he e? Yeah, o-o ds a e ….. What ill ou do a out p i ts? The do gas and other buildings e ll hit i side a d out ith i dust ial st e gth lea h a d then citric acid, the ele t o i s e a t pa k ill go do the ell if it s ot o e that is i use e ll du p a pape i it too a d collapse it. “ou ds like a pla . I ll tell X. Buzz e he Ove la de a d hi h a . Good lu k.

ou o the a out. I ll let ou k o if that u it

o es f o


Tha ks ), out. X and his teams withdrew to their last overnighter, holed up for the day, then moved back east to another abandoned mine with plenty of cover early the next day on the way out they activated the RFID tags on the Indo guards and collected their team member who had gone down. X then contacted the Indo General via the secure set-up from the memory stick with a map where he could find his men and instructions on how to pick up the signals from the tags. The typed conversation also discussed goings on in Jakarta. It was a little early the day for a full decision but it would not be long in coming. Z appraised X of the situation in the Murchison and Meadow/Overlander region. “hit

f ie d the just do t lea

©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

do the ?

It ould appea


I ll ha e a hat ith D, it s ti e e

ade a fe allied a ks look a it ill as e did i the

iddle east.

No that I like M X. Let e k o if the e is a o e e tf o a he e. The Ge e al has his espo de he s to go a needs to unmolested – pass that o to the g u ts too please.

he e he

Wil o, out. X to D, o e . Got ou loud a d lea X. Ho did ou go ith the a k a ou t thi g e dis ussed? All do e o e o t o of the ha e fou d out thei de it a ds a e o good the ha d a . Othe s ha e t oti ed a thi g et it s ot et pa da fo ost of the . Yeah, pit a out that. Ca

ou do so e da age to so e of the ig a ks like e did i the Middle East?

Whe e, ho u h a d he e do ou a t the o e to disappea to , oh a d do ou a t to lea e a false t ail a d ha e it look like the all stole f o ea h othe ? No that is thi ki g I like. I d like to hit the Fed i the U“ a d the e ui ale t i Aussie, ‘ussia, Chi a, B itai a d India. Doa le. The a e lood tough uts to a k I ll ot gua a tee a thi g i side of a eek a e t o. I a get at so e of the igge Co e ial Ba ks a d Me ha t Ba ks hi h so e go e e ts a d so e of the Oli s or their companies use p ett ui kl . Ok work your magic my friend, if you can do it without leaving a trace top up our accounts, make the rest disappear for a while into the ether and leave the false trails. Cause a run on another select few banks in each country too and plant a virus or worm or whatever and take some down for 24 or 48 hours. This bloody lot have pissed me off now they look like mounting another attack on the Murchison – the e ll e ugge all the e he the get the e apart f o the p iso e s e took ut I e had e ough its time their pockets started to hurt a lot more than they already have. They can have their money back when they learn to behave. Might as well play with our shares in those i stitutio s too so lo g as e do t e d up o the da oa ds afte it all lo s over but enough to do some da age at AGM s if e ust. Do e a d do e. Does t pa to piss off this tea

does it oss?

“o lo g as e a e a eful – revenge is mine sayeth the lord – e aught.

ust e e fo get e ai t god that ll just get us

I hea i g a oss, little tea a d I ill e ult a a eful a d I ll o pa t e talise it so that the left a d ight ha ds ha e o idea hat the othe is doi g. Tha k ou M D, out. The melt down on the fiscal markets and the rush on the banks over the next few weeks is the stuff of legend and now you know who did it and why. It most certainly took a lot of eyes off of what was happening in WA. Very early ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

in the process X dropped the hint to all the parties involved in the fracas that if they wanted it to stop all they had to do was stop their silly games too. Half worked. Less than 12 hours after X spoke to D. ) to Y, o e . ‘eadi g ou loud a d lea

f ie d.

That g oup at the o e la de is o the esti ate hou s to ou.

o e – east most along Butchers Track some are using station tracks. We

Ok, e ll e out of he e i a hou . The ll fi d othi g. Based o a ook I sa at the shi e the e is also a histo i well not far from the Mt Narryer turn-off just up the ai d ag is it still the e? There was some clicking in the background and a few hard disks roared in to life along with a purloined satellite. Yes, o the ight side headi g o th. Cool gi e us hou s a i u the tell the g u ts that is he e to fi d thei p iso e s. Tell X he e on the way out a d ask hat he a ts us to do o I suspe t a ha ge i pla s ill e afoot. I ll get a k to ou, out. ) to X, o e . ‘eadi g ou

), hat s up?

The o e la de

o ae

I e so ethi g i

o i g east. Y is ead to

o e out ut thi ks ou

a ha e so e pla s it h.

i d, es. M guess is a ti it at the Meekatha a ai po t is o side a l highe tha



“u e is. Che k out Mt Augustus, o the uiet, I a t to k o if it ill take a Bae


A short delay. It ill ut the e a e o fa ilities. No igg that. It s fa e ough out of the a fo a o e to get the e othe tha us to se u e it if e o l gi e the o hou s oti e. What e ll do is se d Y a d his g ou d tea up the e. Di e t the I do ai aft i to the e, I ll tell the Ge e al, a d he the a e a out hou s out e ll tell the allies that is he e the ust go a d ja ap out of thei o s so the a t get a thi g else i the e the a do a deal ith Ge aldto o othe ai po ts if the eed fuel to get ho e. Ask Y to se u e the a p site a ea a d uildi gs fo the so alled sig i g e e o . No p o le e a su eilla e too.

ap out se e al outes fo Y a d his tea

so the do t t a el i

o o a d la k spot the

Tha k You ), I a sad to say this is far from over now and our contract with the Indos will come in to play for more tha e had hoped. We k e it as a isk espe iall gi e the t ust ele e t. Yes, I had hoped the a ki g ess ould ale t the to hat a happe if the eff about but my guess is that all the a e doi g is t i g to ake those s ste s se u e. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

Oh the i .

a t

ut the ll ot get a ou d hat e a do oss it s like PC viruses there will always be a way to get

Please assist Y a d e p epa ed fo

o e fire- o ks a d a ui k t ip ho e.

Wil o oss, out. Again X raised the General on his secure link. Ge e al ho a e thi gs i Jaka ta? The ll a ept all the te

s a d the sepa ate o t a t too.

G eat to hea Ge e al ut the e is a little ha ge of pla fo the sig i g. Oh, h ? Let s just sa the allies t ied so ethi g fu

ith us a d lea ed little f o

the fis al

ess e aused fo the .

You did that? It hu t us too. You e e fa f o the o l ta get a d e ll put it ight soo e ough. Now your people will need to fly down in othi g igge tha a Bae . We ll ake su e Po t Hedla d is se u e e ough fo the to la d to olle t ou ut you must go there with one aid only and no back-up olu . “hould e o p o le . Whe e f o

the e a d he ?

The ust la d i Hedla d o late tha this ti e to o o . O e the e a d ith ou o oa d a d ai o e agai head south a d east e ll tell ou i flight he e to put do . Keep the load light a d NO, I ea o eapo s of any kind or respo de s, ‘FID tags et . Whe ou a e i the ai tu ou s off. Fi e, it ill e do e. Tha k ou Ge e al, “alaa u Ala ku . Wa Ala ku

salaa .

X and his team moved to yet another location during the course of the evening and holed up again. Over the next 48 hours most telecoms systems the world over broke down coping with the panic on the banks. Governments, many of whom had seen their own funds disappear, had to assuage their public by guaranteeing last known bank deposits for the common man – the corporates would have to look after themselves. X called Z 12 hours later. ) is ou alte ate st ip a d su ou ds o se u e? Yes, oss. Do the g u ts k o

he e to fi d thei p iso e s?

The ha e the a d a e eati g a hast south to a d Mulle a. One unit stayed to check out the Caribou but none of thei o s o k. The do t uit do the ? No igg though it as p edi ta le. I ll speak to A a d get thi gs i pla e fo the sig i gs. We ll eed ou to keep a e e o hat app oa hes that st ip – I o l a t the I do s a d o e ai aft fo ou lot – ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

othi g else. Also the I do s a e o i g out of Jaka ta o a path di e t to Po t Hedla d i hou s let s ake absolutely sure that nothing goes anywhere near that aircraft so enforce a corridor 50km wide surface to atmosphere around that aircraft or the Indo general on his way to Hedland airport. Ok oss, out. X miscalled A. She called back quickly. A e all the

ajo pla e s i pla e i Pe th?


ost of the o lds

a d

edia, ell those ith

Yeah, ell e e ha gi g the lo atio a d the e ll oad ast the hole thi g a a .

o e fo ai fa es at least.

edia ill

iss out o ha i g thei epo te s o the g ou d ut

I e spoke ith the I do ge e al a d he ill e pi ked up f o Po t Hedland in 8 hours. Have Z tell you when it s on the ground, the general will board and once airborne we will direct them to Mt A it ll take the a out a hou from there if that. We want them on the ground for an hour before we tell the PM and others where to find them e ll get ou usi ess do e fi st. You a tell the , ia ), now that the location has been changed but not to where. No media welcome. Oh that is go

a hu t the

– I like it.

Thought ou

ight e pleased – e jo , out.

X called the Colonel, who himself was now in Port Hedland. Good X, I

o i g Colo el, ho a e ou e jo i g the delights of ust it ? doi g ell, this pla e is a ful…. Wh do people li e he e. Whe e a e ou.

Da good uestio s. As fo li i g the e I do t ightly know, where we are you can forget – ot telli g a d do t t to t ia gulate the all it o t o k. Gee ou t ust us that

u h?

You a ot k o it ut ou lot t ied a othe u at Mu hiso . The fou d ugge all e ept the p iso e s – when we told them where to find them - a d that do ed Ca i ou, so t ust is a se ious issue. What is the pu pose of this all? You a do se e al thi gs Colo el. Fi st ou a uietl let it e k o that e k o he e all the o e that disappeared from the a ks is a d if e e o e eha es the ll get it all a k i d i s a d d a s o e the e t ea s. Private citizens who may have lost cash on deposit will get it all back, corporates and governments will have to behave – pe iod. That s la k ail. Damn that is such an ugly word. They deserved what they got. Now the second and third items. A Bae146 tail no XXX-NNN will depart Jakarta in about 4 hours. It will fly a straight line course to Port Hedland and will be directed by us from there. There is to be a corridor free of any and all aircraft, including civilian, 50kms wide (that is 25 either side of the aircraft itself) and from sea level to the atmosphere. NO ifs or buts on this anything goes in that corridor ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

and it will have trouble – civilian aircraft, if they have competent pilots, will survive. Military or other unmarked aircraft detected will not. The indo general will leave his caravan with an aid only in about 2.5 hours. They will be completely unarmed a 10 km corridor (5km either side of the vehicle) and from sea level to atmosphere is to be permitted them to the Port Hedland airport where they will drive straight to the strip and await the inbound aircraft. Again no ifs or buts we see anyone in that corridor and there will be trouble a d e ll tell the da o ld too. E fo i g ou o ido fo the Ge e al ould e diffi ult. The othe I pe so all ha e o t ou le ith. I ll pass everything on. Where is the Indo aircraft to go from Hedland? Colo el I ga e ou the ti e ou ha e to ake that o ido happe the I do ge e al ill follo this oute ….. a e e good? As for the Indo aircraft all I can say at the moment is it will track toward Perth but not get there it will put down elsewhere I will not, for the time being say where. Tell them to hire a Bae146 there are to be no weapons of any description and no media they can bring a satellite linked camera nothing, other than pens, more and that also means responders, RFID tags and trying it on with the nano stuff too. I e o ig issue ith it just getti g so e of ou t oops out of the o ido ould e a little diffi ult. If, ig if, the e a e st aggle s a d the appea to e o i g a a to the o th, south o east of the I do ut ot to a d hi o to a d the West e ll ot take any action against them – ut if a o e app oa hes ig p o le s. I ll do hat I a Tell the

a t

a o e fo

ut elie e

Afte the a k Let

ot ag ee.

getti g so e of thei da

The su e a e go The

ut HQ

a k ha gs o it.

ou he this is do e.

e e a hu t the

a d hu t the


ess I do t dis elie e it.

e k o if ou ha e p o le s.

Wil o M X. But ou ai t i

i g f ie ds.

The just should ot ha e pissed I

o e

e off, t i g to take out a all is plai stupid.

hea i g a o that o e. I ll get us , out.

The o e satio s that follo ed et ee the pla e s i Pe th a d else he e I ot at li e t to di ulge suffi e it to say that they wanted the head of X and his entire team but knew too that that would, with the pardons and with what they now knew he could do, not that they knew all of it, and the beginnings of plans to exact revenge and renege on the various contracts was hatched. Tacit agreement was given to the corridors and a Bae146 was obtained. The media went troppo over being disallowed access to the signing. Such a globally significant moment and they were being denied access – heads should oll….. X and his team split in two. Both were collected by privately leased Fokker 100 aircraft and taken to Mt A with Z providing surveillance black spots and other protection for the journey. For there the aircraft moved on to Cue and Mt Magnet respectively to await further instructions. Also fe ied to the site e e X s th ee it esses f o

©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

Pe th all ith adequate cover.

The inbound Indo aircraft was near Hedland and had remained unmolested. The Allies had drawn back 50km from Hedland airport and had let the Indo General through without a problem. As soon as the General was on-board Z contacted the pilots. I do ai

aft tail u

e XXX-

We ead ou loud a d lea , “o

a out the ha

, this M ) f o

M X s tea

o e to


f e ue

, a k o ledge, o e .

o i g o .

el shift gu s this o e a t e

a ked i the ti e e ll talk.

A k o ledged, o e . Tu due south a d fl sta da d i te atio al outi g fo Pe th I te atio al Ai po t, I a t a ki g ou a d so is the Natio ATC o . I ill all ou he ou a e to tu a d tell ou he e to go at hi h ti e ou ll disappea f o any radar if ou a e o a at that poi t. A k o ledged, out. Just on an hour later Z contacted the aircraft. You a e a out to disappea f o this o e, a k o ledge, o e .


su eilla e a d the o l


i uit ou ha e that ill o k f o

o o is

A k o ledged. Tu left o . You a e to la d at a di t st ip, it s lo g e ough a d good e ough fo the ai Details of the st ip a e as follo s ……………. A k o ledge. A k o ledged, e d eed fuel to get ho e f o

aft, at Mt Augustus.

the e.

We e so ted that. On arrival U turn at the end of the strip and taxi to the hard stand area. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is to exit the aircraft and line up 50m away to its left. You will be met and scanned for weapons etc and the aircraft will be inspected thoroughly. When we are happy transport to the meeting room will be organised. A k o ledge. A k o ledged, this is pa lia e t. “o

ost u usual a d ot e

a d if it o fo ts ou a

diplo ati t eat e t fo a p eside t a d leadi g


e s of the

ou lot ill get the sa e t eat e t too.

A k o ledged, out. Z then contacted the Allied HQ in Perth and told them where to fly to and explained that they were not to be follo ed a ethod a o e a d ould disappea f o ada . The e e told the d ha e hours to turn up and not to bring any form of weapon, wear or otherwise have any kind of transmitting devices on them and that the aircraft radios would be jammed 30 minutes out of Perth. There was a considerable amount of consternation and more than one threat made. I suggest ou stop u pi g ou gu s a d fo the th eats ade, ell, let s just sa he ou o e is etu ed it ll e a it light just do hat ou a e told a d this ill go off ithout a hit h, ess us a out a d it ll get da ed uncomfortable – out.

©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

O a i al the I do s did e a tl as i st u ted a d e e s a ed, lea ed a d take to the eeti g oo . The ai aft a d a go a s e e lea ed to a d X s tea efuelled it ith supe isio f o the pilots. “alaa u Ala khu Mr President, ladies and gentlemen. I apologise for the treatment. Gentlemen a wudu and p a e oo is o e that a fo ou, ladies o e that a . Let s e o e e i i utes. Tha k ou, hat do e all ou? I a M X, t ue a e is u ied among many false ones in the contract documents that I must remind you are to e et ee us a d us alo e. Whe ou etu f o p a e s e ll ha e so e light ef esh e ts a d sig the o t a ts a d I ll olle t a d he k all the othe ate ial e e ui e as a pa t of the o t a t. A short while later they reconvened and in a semi-formal atmosphere discussed many things over refreshments. M P eside t ha e ou a d ou people sig ed the o t a t et ee I do esia, its allies a d

o ga isatio ?

We ha e and do so willing, you confuse us though. You have guaranteed services and our deal will benefit us espe iall ith the leases a d o k fo lo als i those isla d hai s ut ou ha e asked fo o o e . Mo e e ha e othe a s of aisi g the leases a d other paperwork and documents we asked for and guaranteed privacy is all we seek. Shall we sign, I have a document here that every member of my team has signed in their u e ous guises autho isi g e to sig o thei ehalf. The president accepted the document and it was passed to, checked and filed away by his aids. I ha e ith

e a si ila do u e t autho isi g

sig atu e o

ehalf of all ou allies.

Mr X accepted the document and passed it to his team, it to was checked, accepted and filed away. They both signed the contracts multiple copies for various others with a need and for their own records. All do u e ts e e the high speed s a ed as a a k up. The disappea ed . No e ide e that the e e existed was to be seen or found when the Australian and other officials arrived, copies were also retained and hidde M X s it esses. M P eside t, Ge e al, e ha e a hou o so efo e the a ious ep ese tati es of the Aust alia Go e its allies arrive, would you like a quick tour of the worlds, arguably, largest monolith?

e ta d

That ould e o de ful, tha k ou. Let s go a d ou a e el o e. Just o e a hou late the Allied o ti ge t a i ed. The e ei ed the sa e i st u tio s as the I do s. Thi gs ith them did not go as smoothly. The US 4 Star was, as usual, vociferous and vulgar. This is a fu ki g out age, t eati g

self a d ou PM a d P e ie this a , M Y a d he e the fu k is M X?

M X ill e at the eeti g a ea he light a little it of o e he e etu

e a i e a d fo it to ou.



outh a d ulga ity General your country will be

He was about to kick off again when the PM spoke up. “hut up, fo ou o good Ge e al a d su it to hat these gu s e ui e, ou a d I ad it ou , fo es ha e t ied to ess ith the a d lost e e ti e do ou ot lea ? ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

They were scanned and a problem immediately arose. E e o e e ept the “ta he e a p o eed to the us. We ha e a p o le afte e e he ked the ai aft a d e o e ed the satellite a e a.

ith hi

I ll get i st u tio s f o


The aircraft failed inspection too. Weapons were found aboard and in the cargo bays. Y to X, o e . ‘eadi g ou loud a d lea Y, I assu e e ha e a p o le ! T o. The sta foul outhed idiot has at least t o t ansmitters I think one is Nano and the other hidden in the brass. The aircraft had a mini-army worth of weaponry on-board but no one carrying any and no hidden grunts have been found. These people ust e thi k as i ks. Cuff the all e ept the P e ie a d PM a d i g the i . “teal the eapo s o dest o the . Do t efuel the aircraft they can make other arrangements. )ap the Ge e al ith the EMP de i es e do t eed his sig atu e as far as I know so cuff him to a seat in the damn aircraft hands and ankles and ditch the key down the lav. Before you do all that use that sat cam to record the Generals scan and the weapons save to a file – e ll use it late the bring the cam with the bus. Tell the Fokker pilots to be here in exactly three hours as well please, once these people are in the air send a few members of your team to our alternate strip 3 with the vehicles. ‘oge , out. X to ), o e . ‘eadi g ou loud a d lea . A thi g

o i g to a d us at all f o

The e a e t o olu Hedla d to a d Ne


di e tio

e fou d a shitload of a

s ell to the o th o e o i g do a . Nothi g else.

s o the ai

aft f o

Pe th.

the oastal high a , the othe headi g east f o

Ok I ot su e ho as goi g to use those da ed a s the the ground forces are too far away. If anything is ai o e i ludi g i i ilia guise ithi k adius of he e tell the o gua d to get lost o the ll e dealt ith. Keep an eye out to sea too in case they try to spin up any missiles or if any subs get within missile range I trust this lot not one bit. Contact me if there are any issues at all. Oh, nearly forgot, scramble our transport back to alternate strip 3 – tell him to carry extra fuel on-board for the trip home. Da

these gu s e e lea , il o oss, out.

The bus carrying the Allied mob arrived at the meeting area shortly after the calls were made. The contingent were escorted off. I

ust o plai ost ehe e tl a out the t eat e t of these people what is the meaning of cuffing them and he e is the Ge e al.

Ms PM the Ge e al, u less e eed his sig atu e, ill ot e atte di g this

eeti g.

What o , his sig atu e is ot eeded. He had at least t o t a s itte s o hi a d the ai aft had a lot of eapo o -board and in cargo. We trust none of you now only your positions kept you and the Premier from being cuffed too. Now may I introduce The P eside t of I do esia his field o a de a d othe dig ato ies hile M Y sets up that “atellite a e a? ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith


a , I ll ski that idiot ali e.

I suggest Ms PM that as he is the defa to head of the allied fo es i theat e ou t eat hi as he a ted to t eat othe s a d ou t a tial hi a d do so i the U“ e ass g ou ds he e he a e se te ed to death. We do ot suppo t the death pe alt

ou k o that.

The e is othi g o e ou a do to hi that ill a hie e u h. Co e to thi k of it the e is. Git o is still u de U“ control and operational send him there for the term of his natural life. Despite that when we return the money that disappeared from the US Government accounts it will be light and if I find out those weapons were Australian owned yours will be too, I am seriously pissed off and have had to take extra security pre-cautions. At that moment X received a vibration alert on his comms device. E use

e please people. Please talk a o g ou sel es I ha e a all to


X wondered off to where he could not be over heard. X to ), o e . X, the e is a Cooks Tou s oa h headi g ou so oss.

a fo

the Ju tio . It as ell hidden we did not see it before

What s the go ith it. It s ho k full of t a s itte s. We he ked ith Cook he sa s the oa h as stole t o da s ago he epo ted it to the fuzz. We hacked their system that is true but the report was bu ied ith a fe flags, e did t distu those, a d a take o a tio ote. ‘a ge? ETA t o hou s. A thi g si ila f o


othe di e tio ?

We e t iple he ki g o , does ot look like ut e e follo i g e e thi g that is road up – e e lea ed the ai .

o i g a d ithi

hours by

Ok hat ha e e got e a fi e at it? The I dia s ha e a ad a ed issile uise a out so e i e issiles o oa d that ha e the a ge.


off the oast

o e o less due est of ou. It s got

“pi t o up and take that coach out and whack or fry, if you can, anything else that fails to check out or even looks suspect. With the attack on the coach get as much as you can on audio and video, so they know it was not deliberately fired by the Indians etc and the hit a d ha k the “atellite et o k he e a d ea it i li e. I ll tu e i to GWN and wait for it – uzz e he its u de a . Wil o oss. Ha e e high-ja ked all the o ‘ead


ou a e oss.

Ok ell sho the

this too.

©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

s satellites fo the t a s issio f o

he e?

Wil o oss, out. X walked back to the meeting area with a face like thunder. I a so people e ha e a se u it situatio hi h e a e goi g to ha e to atte d to hi h ill dela ou sig i g here for about 30 minutes. If you will join me in watching the video feed about to hit the TV you will find out what I ea , i sho t the e is a stole tou oa h full of t a s itte s of the t oop atu e a out hou s f o he e. What ill ou do a out it M X? The I do Ge e al. Ge e al ou sa

hat e a do to ou stuff ou a e goi g to see so ethi g e

si ila .

At that moment his comms unit vibrated. The feed is o i g i

o .

The first pictures, time and date stamped and with GPS coordinates was of the coach on its way east. The second lot, with audio of some very confused Indian sailors was of the missiles being spun up and launched. The last were of two direct hits on the coach. People I a t ul so , i a a s, a d pe haps delighted i othe s that ou had to it ess that. Ms PM I suggest you use this comms unit to call the HQ in Perth and tell them that if we see anything remotely suspicious ithi hou s of he e oad f o a di e tio it ill e dealt ith i a si ila a , do I ake self lea ? M X a d M P eside t please e assu ed I k e

othi g of this.

The I suggest ou get that Ya k p eside t o the li e too a d tell hi Y a e ou getti g all this?

the sa e thi g. I a

se iousl pissed off. M

Yes M X its e o di g. Go li e please, the o ld eeds to see a d hea this. T a s itti g o . Ladies a d ge tle e a ou d the o ld a e is M X, the i age ou see of e o the s ee a d oi e a e being altered. What you just saw was an attempt by our so called allied forces to bring about an attack on the peace t eat sig i g e e o he e at Mou t Augustus i WA. The Aust alia PM lai s o k o ledge of the atte pt a d is o i the p o ess of telli g HQ i Pe th that a other suspicious vehicle within two hours of here will also be destroyed. If you have not worked it out the Indian navy, even though the missiles were fired from their ship had no control of the ship or missiles at any point – my tea did. Ms PM ill the speak di e tl to the U“ P eside t. His sta ge e al a e here with personal transmitter and a lot of weaponry against our instructions it is clear he and/or the US President want to continue and escalate this conflict – that ill ot happe . For the next 30 minutes, as many of you will know, there followed televised live, vehement conversations between the Australian PM, Perth Headquarters and the US President. The US President was unapologetic and largely crude. X left the room. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

X to ), o e . ‘eadi g ou loud a d lea X – that a k ai t pla i

all is he?

He eeds to e taught a lesso . We a take o t ol of thei All the


a al assets o


he e ight?

stuff, es.

‘ight take out ta get i the U“ ith thei o stuff a d f a ki d of issile defe e s ste sea or on the g ou d that a p e e t the atta k, pat h the lot i to this feed. “u e thi g oss, gi e us

i spa e, o the

i utes, out.

X walked back to the meeting room. M U“ P eside t a d Ms PM a d othe s i i utes ou a e goi g to see a othe de o st atio of hat e can do to hu t ou if ou keep up this lood ullshit. To e f a k if I e e the ho ou a le I do P eside t ight o I d be having more than a second thought about signing any treaty but he, unlike you, is not stupid and wants this to end without further ado. What ill ou do o M X? Aust alia PM. What e e ou do M X the U“ ill hu t ou do all do ou ead e?

a de e o ee e

e otel


Oh I ead ou, ou a oga t shit. Wait until the show is over you might ha ge ou I

the leade of the f ee o ld do t da e talk to

e ted to ou a d dest o


i d.

e that a .

F ee o ld a se, ou sp out a out de o a ut ha e take do a fe i ou histo a d the est of the o ld does t get to ote i ou ele tio s. I fa t M P esident only 55% of Americans voted in the last election and ou a el got % of that ote. Wait u til ou see hat e a do efo e ope i g ou outh agai . Fu k ou. With that the U“ P eside t hu g up. Ms PM did ou tell that fool this as goi g out li e? No, I k e

hat his ea tio

With that M X s o The feed is o i g i

ould e a d a ted the o ld to see it.

s u it uzzed agai . o .

As with the coach the first pictures were audio and video of two missiles being spun up and launched from, this time, a US naval missile destroyer off their eastern coast. Audio cut in while the missiles were tracked on screen of American ground and other forces madly trying to target those missiles and attempts to have them self-destruct all failing. The missiles with plasma yield war heads detonated above a disused and unpopulated military base in Maryland none too far from Washington. It was effectively wiped off the map with no loss of life or radioactive fall-out of any kind.

©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

What ou just sa as the destruction by US owned missiles of a disused military base not far from Washington, as you heard, their anti- issile defe e s ste failed as did a atte pt to ha e the issiles self dest u t, lets s see what Mr P has to say now. He acquiesced. But made his I ll get ou th eats all o e agai . M P eside t if so u h as o e hai o o e head of a o e I k o a he e o this pla et falls out ithout ause I assure you that the next missiles will be targeted at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, or the residence of any of your allies that can be held to blame and the money that went missing from one of your US and other allied treasury accounts ill sta issi g. No ill ou allo this sig i g to o ti ue a d uphold the t eat a d o t a ts? You k o

he e that money is – all of it the I do allies

o e also?

“u e e do it s all e safe a d fo a i ilia ho lost o e e ll etu it e soo ith i te est paid o it too, government and corporate money will depend on them behaving themselves – now do we go ahead and get these t eaties sig ed? Yes. With that he hung up again. Gee he is a a oga t asta d. M I do esia P eside t I ill gi e ou o s de i e please he k i ith ou allied leade s a d assu e yourself that they too are still p epa ed to sig a d uphold the pea e t eat a d asso iated o t a ts. Gi e hat has happe ed he e toda I a ake the alls. Ms PM I suggest ou he k i

loath to t ust a

of the Aust alia Allies ut I do t ust ou M X I ill

ith ou othe allies too, pa ti ula l the B its.

I ill, tha k ou. While all the calls were taking place X took another. Yet again he moved out of earshot. Boss e e got a p o le ! Let

e ha e it.

We e pi ked up a e lo te h ai aft o i g at ou f o the east, e e guessi g Lei ste o Leo o a. It s lo , e lo , the o l appa e t ode te h o it is the pi ge of MH i fa hi h is ho e got hi . “ou ds like the so alled leade of the f ee o ld as pla i g fo ti e a d possi l ou o That s

PM too.


A d the p o le

is the e is othi g ou gu s a


e it ith?

I o e agai oss. It s a out i utes out f o ou a d the e is t a thi g I a hit hi reliable I could try one of those Yank laser satellites ut …...

ith that is supe

We ll a ti ate ou “AM u its ut o l to e ei e ot t a s it a ou pat h i a d feed oo di ates i do he it s i a ge. Also do a si ila s a fo othe ai aft this o e a ot e alo e. I ll get o it oss, out. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

e ll take it

X to D, o e . ‘eadi g ou loud a d lea X, o e . Ou allied f ie ds a e still pla i g u ith. I did ot e pt e e

fu ts

f ie d. The

a ou t the all ha e a d the

lea l still ha e so e

ould e o o i g f o

o e so e he e to pla

thei othe

ates o floggi g o ds.

T a k he e the o e is o i g f o the ake it disappea a d if the a e getti g it f o othe s ake thei s disappea too. You e see the ea lie atte pts at atta ki g this sig i g – another is underway. This time we aint giving the money back so it has to go without a trace as to where. While I think of it empty the accounts and/or ause a u o e e k o a s p o ide o the pla et. I a thi k of a fe e poo ou t ies ho ould app e iate the o e a d say nothing of where it came from – if the e e o ked it out. Do ou a t e to top up ou esou es too? With edi e ted ash o, ut do ou a ti ities. I ll get o it a d keep it all e

agi i the sto ks, optio s a d futu es

a kets ased o the othe

hush, hush.

Tha k ou D. Back in the meeting room X took Y and C aside and explained the problem. They activated the SAM units. All the so called diplomatic calls were done. Everyone had agreed to sign. X took the Australian PM aside. Ms PM another attack on us is underway – it too will fail. Some people are going to experience some very empty a k a ou ts e soo . I ho estl k e

othi g of this M X.

To e f a k I ha e dou ts see s to e ou e e u i g ti e o ei g pla ed either way you are not looking too good, I ill ot tell the I do s e ause I a su e thei allies ill ot sig if the fi d out. You a a

utal o

u i ato X, ut I u de sta d that. Let s get this do e.

In front of the Satcam and broadcast to the world the peace treaty and contracts for supply of food were signed by all. Agai M X s it esses e e gi e a op . While this was happening the suspect aircraft was shot down. X and his team escorted the Indonesian people to their aircraft and issued their instructions for the return trip and promised them safety. 15 minutes later the Australian contingent was returned to their aircraft and given similar instructions. Within the hour X and his entire team were gone too. The peace treaty included a guaranteed safe zone for the withdrawal of the Indo and other forces. There would be a 10km wide corridor from east to west to allow the southern most Indo forces to proceed west to Port Hedland to board a cruise ship chartered to take them home. 20km outside Hedland the forces were met and all personal arms ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

and ammunition for tracked and other military vehicles removed. Military and all other vehicles were to be left on the port only the invading forces were going home. To the north the forces were guaranteed safe passage to Darwin with similar provisions made for disarmament and carriage home. The sealanes for the chartered cruise ships with to be 25km either side of the ship and from sea floor to atmosphere inside the mapped 50km wide strips. All Australian Naval forces were to withdraw in to the 200km zone but keep clear of the sealanes. Chinese naval forces to withdraw above 10 degrees north of the equator and no further west than 120 degrees unless in their own territorial waters – the US Northern Pacific fleet was to steam north of the equator and stay west of 125 degrees. Indo forces to withdraw to their own 200km zone. Brits, Indians, Russians and the US (indian Ocean fleet) were to steam west of 100 degrees and stand down - no northern limitations were applied. Air operations from Tindal, Curtin, Meekatharra and Learmonth were to be curtailed to withdrawal only and all other air operations normalised to peace time activity only with all aircraft, including civilian to stay out of the sealane and a 50km radius of the two ships bound for Jakarta. Things were going as promised and planned until about the 10th day with the cruise ships on the open high seas headi g fo Jaka ta. X s tea oti ed su a i es i side the k adius of the southern group and a couple of US patrol boats that should have been well west making little runs at the edge of the radius then turning back. Double checking revealed no such issues with the northern group. Others had noticed the activity too and the Chinese naval forces turned south quickly shadowed by the Russians. X contacted General I via his secure link. Ge e al I, e e seei g su a d su fa e a ti it . The su s a e i the k zo e of the southern group and the surface activity appears to be feints at the ou da . A e ou seei g it too a d do ou ha e su s i the a ea? We e ID d t o ut ot the thi d - its ot t a s itted o s o kelled et. We e see the fei ts ut the ships do t ha e so a o g eat ada . The su is ot ou s. Ok, lea e it ith

e, e ll fi it, the ll e go e i side the e t

hou s.

X to D, o e . ‘eadi g ou oss, hat a I do fo These idiots still appea to ha e


o e ! We e ptied all thei a ou ts did t e?

The e a e a ou ts that ill e i edi l diffi ult fo us to get at like ‘ese e Ba ks et . We e e ptied o e ial a d othe e a tile a ou ts ut the ill al a s ha e i o e f o ta es a d o alties et . Ok ho


e eall hu t the ?

We ha e ut e ould do o e. I suggest e play the currency markets and devalue the currency of anyone that ats us off ut e ll ha e to e a eful to offload u e ies e ha e efo e it e o es alueless a d if e de alue too many then there will be little net effect. The major players all have oil industries but, with the exception of Russia, have to import oil too. Most of the debt that, for example, the US, owes is either to China and then the major oil producers. Y and Z have the tech to slow or stop oil production. The problem with that is it could hurt e e o e ith oil s a e pet ol p i es ill sk o ket a d e e thi g else ith it. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

Do e ha e e ough o e , i ludi g hat e ha e ot gi e a k, to pla the futu es a kets a d ake oil ea l worthless, that will hit the petrodollar and ut o alt i o e plus da age the e o o ies of the ig le de s. Oh su e e a do that a d

ake a tid p ofit hile e a e at it.

We e ID d t o su s i the safe zo e fo the I do et eat – one septic and one Aussie, there is a third and we think its Indian. The US is also messing about with patrol boats taking feints at the outer edges of the zone. The Chinese and Ruskies have turned south again and we need them to back off but not to hurt them too much. Oil, Gas, Coal and Iron Ore prices crashing will hurt Australia but could benefit China, the US and India. What can we drive up in price that will hurt them? Or what can we do to their currencies to really put the bite on them? Chi a a d I dia, ell…. Oh ut this ould help Aust alia and to a degree the US and threaten the deal with I do esia ut e a pu p up heat, ool, otto , eat et . The ha e to d ess a d eat. At this stage I a loathe to hu t Aust alia too u h I thi k the a e ei g a ipulated but quite possibly willingly. Let s very quietly buy up gold and Australian diamonds and pump those prices up. Do what you said with respect to other product prices that will hit the Chinese hard and massacre Oil/Gas, Iron Ore and Coal. Work your usual magic and make a nice profit out of it fo us a d I o u o ied a out ha i g to p o ide oa d e e s e ha e good people and know others. Also crash the USD make it worthless – we both know it should be anyway based on their debt the problem is that might hurt some small oil producers ut e a fi d a s the so t the out late . I ll get o it. The s all oil p odu e s e a tip off a d get the doi g so e da age fo us i the futu es a ket to cover the potential losses – e ll e a eful ho e talk to so o d does ot ea h the yanks or have too many big sells et i pla . Tha k You D. While your about it top up the accounts of say 10 of our favourite non UN low overhead charities f o the o e e e got o hold f o the a ious go e e ts a d o po ates the o t a e he e it came from. We ll eed to dis uss glo al e o o i s i la a s te s a o g the tea he e get a k ut its plai , has ee fo a hile, that thi gs ust ha ge. The su e do oss I e so e ideas a d I a Ok pla it out fo a

o th f o

i g i othe s ho ha e si ila ideas or some of their own.

o .

X then called the Australian PM. Ms PM e e dete ted su s i side the k e lusio zo e group of ships a i g the I do s ho e. O e is U“, one ours and the third we think Indian – it s ot t a s itti g a d has ot s o kelled et, e ll k o ho it is he it does. Our American cousins are also sending two patrol boats to the edge of the zone then backing off. This must ease i ediatel . Ik o

othi g of this.

This is e o i g ou sta da d ef ai Ms PM. O e of those su s is Aust alia . You eithe k o hat it s doi g o your defence minister and his military staff are failing to inform you of ongoing operations – I know you are unlikely to be told everything but I am sure you would e told of su h a flag a t atte pt to ea h the pea e t eat a o ds. I e ot ee told. I ill speak to the A e i a s a d ou people o a d get the

out of the e.

Let s just sa the a ifi atio s of thei ei g the e o a e ot goi g to e i e. If the a e still the e i hou s, hi h ti e e ll ha e ID d the thi d su , the ill e su k a d that i ludes the t o pat ol oats. This is o threat Ms PM we will take a tio . ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

What do ou pla to do to hu t us o ? You , o at least I assu e it as ou, last atta ks o ou fi a es a e al ost ippli g. Not ippli g e ough, ou a e still p i ti g a d spe di g o e sources of income and loans – that is all I ill sa fo o .

ou eed to sta t to thi k a out that a d your

Ho do I o ta t ou? You do t I ill o ta t ou Ms PM. T el e hou s sta ti g o , out. A hou late the U ID d su s o kelled a d suspi io s e e o fi M PM, this is M X – no doubt you know of me a d hat I ha e hea d of ou. What is it I a do fo

ou o

ou fo


ed. X alled the I dia PM. is apa le of.


O e of ou su s is i side the k e lusio zo e a ou d the southern fleet taking the Indonesians home. You have 11 hours to get it out of there or it will be sunk as it is you are not going to like what we will do to your country fo ei g stupid e ough to se d it the e. Please M X I k e

othi g of this. It ll e out of the e i side hou s.

You fi st state e t is e e o e s u e t espo se a d it s ot a epta le. The se o d state e t is fi e. We ill be watching your military and other activities, civilian too, e losel f o o o , out. X then called the Australian PM. Ms PM e e identified the third sub and it was Indian. Their PM has guaranteed it will be out of there in 6 hours. I need your guarantee and that of the US President about your vessels in writing, signed scans will do, you have our e ail add ess, ithi the hou . Ia

su e ou k o I ha e spoke

ith the P eside t a d hat that dis ussio

esulted i M X.

We a p ett u h o ito e e thi g ou do Ms PM ut e hoose ot to. While the e a e o ights o freedoms in the Australian Constitution we respect your right to privacy along with everyone elses but if these silly a tio s pe sist the e ll o ito e e politi ia i Aust alia a d ost of the ajo pla e s a o g ou Allies a d othe s too a d he e hea so ethi g e do t like e ll head ou off. A I lea a out this? Yes M X a d I a

tha kful fo that ou tes .

I a also these a tio s safel assu e that the foul a he e o at Git o. He s f ee a d still i


outhed Ya kee sta is ot sitti g i a tight little ell

a d of the Joi t Chiefs i the U“.

I suggest that ou speak fu the ith the U“ P eside t a out ha i g that a sla ed a d kept i o u i ado with anyone but a lawyer. I further suggest your defence minister and the current ADF Chiefs of staff military and civilian face criminal charges for their failures to tell you of this encroachment and be stripped of their positions immediately – the ilita leade s a e ou t a tialled ut I d ot t ust that s ste to o e to a good judgement, the civies have to face the civilian ou ts. I a speaki g ith the AG this afte oo o that e atte a d the defe e i iste has ee asked fo his resignation the others stood down pending investigation. Do not break my trust again Ms PM, one hour for the gua a tees. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

It ill e do e M X. Tha k You, out. The rest of the withdrawal went smoothly. Effectively the war was all over by Christmas 2019. Over the next month the USD crashed to an all time low, debts had to be cancelled to allow them to survive. Oil/Gas, Iron Ore and Coal dived the super low oil price would have helped the US if its currency were actually worth anything and they could afford to buy oil. Gold, Diamonds and many agricultural products, which did help the US some, sky rocketed. Within the year the prices for all these products normalised but were sharply watched by X and his team. Many governments, less their fines, were given their money back. Few of the corporates saw theirs ever again. Civilians who may have lost out were paid first direct to their accounts. Consternation among populations about information security was high but no matter what all the financial institutions tried because somewhere or another they had to rely on some form of telecommunications, even in closed circuits, they became hackable and therefore could be damaged or at least spied upon. While some leaders had already been anti the futures market it and the options markets stayed in place. There was some talk of a single currency across the globe but nothing was agreed on. Trading currency was also called in to question especially when some nations that had had a high value currency had little by way of assets other than tax payers to back up that value. The whole global fiscal system was a complete mess but no one, too many self-interests, could or would agree to any plan, regardless of what to fix it. When I started to dig and do the research to write this book I got a call and was then transported, via an incredibly circuitous and sometimes blind folded (the last leg I was fed so e ki d of k o k out d ops to M X s isla d ho e. Mr X and his team were incredibly divisive figures. About 60% of the planets general public thought that what they had done in Mt Augustus, WA, as a whole and to other players was justifiable but that number, when their bank accounts were replenished went to 70% for their plays in the fiscal markets. In other quarters they were roundly hated. I did ot, e ause I as u i ol ed at that poi t, get to atte d M X s e o o i fo u as it e a e k o . There were any number of people who were invited to attend and did so. The meetings were held in secret but in mainland Thailand just outside Chiang Mai in a resort that was owned by a majority, as per their law, Thai consortium the owners of which would be incredibly difficult to trace or find. In short the following conclusions and ideals were reached and would be worked toward: A single, global, currency to be, as the scifi fans will recall, credits with no bank notes or cash to be in existence 24 months after introduction all trade of any kind would be paid direct to a bank or be a fair barter; A single, global, tax system. A simple flat tax of 6% on any bank credit with 5% to go direct to the home nation and 1% to a completely rebuilt UN. There were some exceptions and other lines drawn too. No deductions for anyone. However businesses whose only income is derived from alternate energy sources such as solar and wind would pay no tax on the first 100mn credits of income per annum. For each nation a Š2016 – Huw R Grossmith

line was drawn marking a realistic income to poverty line below which no personal tax was payable and a line above which people could be said to be rich and therefore able to afford 12% flat tax. 6% flat tax on everything raises a lot of money. All governments would be required to give 1% to the global social security net. All current global government to government debt created by dodgy foreign aid and the like cancelled. Bond debts and cash loans were to be settled in 10 years at a maximum of 2.5% per annum interest. A global fixed interest rate on personal, credit card and other debts to be 2.5% p/a. Bank interest paid at a maximum of 2.0% - they do have to make credits somehow. Corporate entities and mega rich church groups would not be exempt the flat tax. A carbon tax on polluters would also be implemented with credits allowed for cleaning up such as power stations burning coal adding scrubbers to their smoke stacks or pumping CO2 in to big holes in the ground. Other methods of encouraging them to clean up were also discussed and permitted as deductions – re-forestation, growing and releasing phyto-plankton and steady phase out of the use of non-renewables in favour of renewable energy sources. To stop individuals registering as a corporate a baseline income was set for each nation and to be monitored at which a corporate entity would be recognised. Corporates above another figure set for each nation would also pay 12% (11% and 1%) not 6%. Effectively no one was going to get out of paying tax - unless a low income earner – period. There would be no other taxes or any nature nor excises. National credit and debt and value would be measured by assets, not including the taxpayers as an asset. A global social security system which would be a hybrid of the US system, the Australian System, the Malaysian system and the Swedish system would be established. The US element would apply to unemployment, except for school leavers, the time permitted to claim a benefit would be limited to time as a taxpayer. Long term unemployment would result in governments providing retraining for functions that existed in the employment market place. Failure to attempt to find work and prove it or to attend interviews or accept work offered by government recognised agencies or their subcontractors would result in cancellation of benefit. School leavers would be given a maximum of 12 months or be sent back to school. Boundaries and employment visas would be dropped over 20 years but movement of people limited by there being actual employment available in the emigrant/immigrants field in the new country. An element of the tax collected from all would be invested for future pensions and NOT spent by all governments there-by limiting the need for population growth and the need for new generations to pay the pensions of their parents and grand-parents. Education would become free globally, no student loans etc. Existing student loans were to be cancelled. A global system of recognising degrees and course materials etc was to be founded based on a system used in Australia. Health care would become free globally over a period of 20 years. Insurance would still be encouraged but no gap between doctor charges and actual rebates would be permitted to exist. Standards of care for free care would be set, monitored and updated as necessary but never downgraded. All currently illegal drugs would be legalised and sale controlled by governments. Anyone using the health care system with a condition provably caused by their drug use, which would include tobacco and alcohol, ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

would not be permitted free treatment. Drugs purchased through government sources would require the user to register for matching to potential need for health care. Anyone found guilty in an honest legal system of manufacturing, providing or using drugs outside the governmental system would be sentenced to death or term of natural life in prison in nations where the death penalty is abhorrent. The futures and options markets were to be killed off forthwith. All products to be sold or otherwise traded via a barter system would be sold on fixed price contracts with rise and fall clauses which would be strictly monitored. The resource sector would be required over a 20 year period to cease selling raw product with some exceptions such as gold a secondary product for example, for Iron Ore, pig iron or useable steel were to be produced by the seller. Some exceptions where actual transport is considerably difficult such as petrol would be permitted. Instead of being subjected to the flat tax system a PRRT and MRRT would be applied of 11% (10 and 1) flat of actual gross – no deductions – on raw product sold, 7.75% (6.75 and 1) on secondary product and 6% (5 and 1) on tertiary. Similar rules to those applying to the resource sector would apply to the agricultural sector but more exceptions would apply with some products being declared secondary or tertiary at the farm gate or where transport is also difficult such as, for example, transporting flour internationally thereby permitting wheat to be sold as a tertiary product in to some markets. Oil based product Engines were to be phased out over 10 years with Electric and Hydrogen engines being those favoured. Trade in animals, especially animal products such as ivory and rhino horn would be globally illegal and military muscle, death penalties and/or term of natural life prison sentences, to be used to stamp out all forms of poaching. Live animal trade would only be permitted by zoos and registered owners. Where necessary for food production live trade in edible farm animals would be permitted for a further five years while alternate arrangements were made by the current shippers such as, for eg., Halal Slaughterers being put in place. Shipments of ALL live animals would be closely monitored and huge fines or prevention of further trade applied to any company, zoo or collector where animals died in transit or where farm animals were killed in inhumane ways on arrival at the import nation. Any government accused of and subsequently found guilty of ruling populace by fear, disinformation or distraction would be legally terminated and a new government elected or otherwise, in non-democratic nations, installed by popular choice. Note that democracy does not work well in some countries and should not be forced on them. These are a few very salient excerpts from a very large and generally agreed to manifesto which went in to some nitty gritty detail such as governments being subject to, including being fired, Citizen Initiated Referenda and electronic voting by the public at large on pre-defined government bills. They started slow but pressed their ideas via all forms of social media networks. In some countries people who agreed with the manifesto were forming political parties and the political scene was changing albeit slowly the Oligarchy still had its own agenda but they were suffering too. Note thus fa I e said little of hat the thought of the UN. This I discussed out with Mr X and others and will discuss further on. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

A lot of the information above came from Mr X and his team but almost certainly not all of it. You all probably also no doubt know what happened in August 2021 – to be honest I have always had an interest in politics in my state, my country and some others too, I along with a few other people, was sad at the lurch to the far right many countries had made in the noughties and later and the lack of any balance from centrists and lefties. What happened then and after the crash got me started on this. I was actually at home in Perth back then, feet up and telly on at hi g, I thi k a o ie ou k o o e of those ou e see a gazillio ti es efo e a d otte ads he ….. Good Evening, my name is Mr X, the face and the voice you hear are not mine. No point trying to change channels my people have got them all – pretty much worldwide. What you are seeing is coming from the Senate chamber of the Australian Parliament in Canberra. This is a joint sitting of both houses. These sittings are not uncommon. The most unusual part of this sitting is that it has been called by the Governor General and he is in attendance and will control the meeting – e e he ked ith the High Court about this and have a 5 – 2 decision that this is all legal and above board. The other unusual part of these proceedings and at their own insistence all 7 members of the high court bench are also here. Unless overseas on business or almost dead every Senator and Member of the House of Representatives is here – there has been no pairing that is the member of the opposition or other parties who does not front the house when their pair is away is here. What ou a e a out to see ould ulti atel lead to se e al e e s of the Aust alia Go e e t s a i et ei g impeached to await further trial either by the courts or the parliament itself. There is also a chance that a double dissolution will be called by the GG the first since 2016. Depending on how much our elected representatives try to filibuster and delay this process depends on how long we will be here tonight. Hopefully we can have you back to your normal programming soon and the two houses back to going about the resultant business in their own chambers. Why? As you know there was a war fought in WA in 2019. This was, as you were told by main stream media, nothing to do with religion. It was to do with attempting to take control of fertile arable land, that we at the time had never properly developed, for food production and the push south was an attempt to secure natural resources as an income stream to cover the cost of the development. We e do e so e ith that g ou d si e a d p og ess has ee slo , ge e all dela ed ou o go e e ts (WA and Commonwealth) dis-interest and inability to offer any incentives to anyone prepared to attempt to undertake such development – a problem that has been ongoing for years. That is problem number one. What you may not know is that when that war came to an end there were two documents signed by the Australian PM, who had authorisation in writing to sign on behalf of all our allies (except my team but we wrote the documents with a lot of help) and the Indonesian President with similar authority. As you may recall from TV attempts were made to bring the signing ceremony to a premature end. To that end the US President has since been impeached on that and another count, found guilty by congress and imprisoned - the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at that time has joined other prisoners in Gitmo, who he had no sympathy for, as a prisoner himself. Our PM declared that she knew nothing of those attempted attacks and of the safe sealane route for the Indonesian troops on the high seas also being broken by a US, Australian and Indian submarines and also put under threat by 2 ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

US patrol boats, the then defence minister and chief of the defence forces (military and civilian) were sacked, charged and are still processing through the courts. Also signed was a contract guaranteeing development of arable land in Australia, particularly in the North of WA and fixed price (with rise and fall permitted) supply of staple food stuffs to Indonesia. The Indonesian people are not the cause for the delays up north. Our people and allies are. Indonesia has always paid its way in full, in cash and on-time. Evidence will be presented to this sitting of deliberate attempts by our lot to delay progress. Further, for a number of other reasons, not the least of which is the preparedness of richer nations to pay more for that food, the government with support is trying to renege on the deal or force, in our opinion and that of other independent adjudicators unfair and inappropriate price increases in the supply contract. Evidence of that will be produced at this sitting. Please also understand similar sittings are taking place in a number of other nations and they are also watching this and other broadcasts of those proceedings too. What happens to these people in their own countries is up to their own people and processes. The President of Indonesia is innocent of any charge other than raising the red flag over the contracts. The guilt or innocence of the involvement of others is up to their own national processes to determine. I am not a proponent of the death penalty but my own opinion is that some of these people after being given a fair trial, perhaps by the world court, and if found guilty by a convincing majority should be hanged in public. For that reason other than to pass the evidence I and my team and other impartial adjudicators have collected to the people who will now take over these proceedings and, of course if required, being subjected to questioning, I will take no further part in these proceedings. If you are returned to normal programming it will be because some people must have their true identities protected for their own safety and that of their friends and families too. A ticker will be used during those proceedings and all names blanked or false. The Governor General then spoke. For the time being I am assuming the role of the President of the Senate and therefore the leader of this joint sitting. The actual President of the Senate and his deputies are to face charges as are the PM, Deputy PM and a number of other Senators, Ministers, members of the House of Representatives and a considerable number of Public Servants and several other civilian non-government people. I therefore seek the approval of this sitting to continue in this role until it elects another person, who can be a civilian, as President for the balance of proceedings. The motion was carried without debate. All other procedures of a Joint Sitting are to be followed with the following exceptions, debates will be limited to 5 for and 5 against no more. Unless absolutely necessary where needed for the prosecution or defence of those charged speeches will be time limited to 5 minutes. Are we agreed? Again the motion was passed. The list of people to be charged and the charges are: The PM , the Deputy PM and their senior Public Servants and advisors of being guilty of attempts to renege on the contract with Indonesia or of gross incompetence in their failures to enforce the contracts. The Minister for Agriculture and his parliamentary assistant and much of the department for its failures with respect to the development of arable land in the Kimberley WA and parts of the NT and for attempting to sell staples to nations and businesses outside of Indonesia for much higher than common market prices. Š2016 – Huw R Grossmith

The lists went on and on. All non-parliamentary civilians, ie non-elected office holders, have been taken in to custody by agents of the Australian Federal Police and been charged and will be facing prima facie and bail hearings in courts all over Australia tomorrow. To allow the elected members time to appoint council and for discussions to take place over their defence and to discuss who should now chair these proceedings to take place we will adjourn this hearing for 2 hours only. These are prima facie hearings only we are not here to establish guilt or innocence only if there is sufficient evidence for charges and further actions by the courts or this parliament. I will take no further part other than as an interested spectator. The High Court judges will also, due to legal reasons and potential appeals to the court take no further part. Prosecutors will be named when each of the charged is called upon. Are we agreed? There was some discussion here but the numbers in support were stronger on the first vote. We stand adjourned – 2 hours. I thought I d get ovie back. I thought wrong. A new broadcast took the place of the one from the Aussie Parliament. A fully independent news channel had been hastily assembled and was transmitting from studios in undisclosed locations. It s it hed to the C“pa a e a s i the US where a joint sitting was determining the prima facie cases against the current President, many of her cabinet team, and a bunch of others. News of arrests and charges against some pretty heavy hitting business leaders was also given. There were similar goings on in the UK and in other nations. The Chinese had allowed Interpol and World Court representatives in to their country and the Chinese President and some of this team plus another swathe of business people were under arrest and were given permission to be taken to The Hague for hearings. This had been a well planned operation and kept incredibly quiet, or completely buried, until it was too late for anyone to make a run for it. When the broadcast returned, at least in Australia, to the Australian parliament a President of the Senate was elected an independent Senator from SA. He proposed that a 3 or 5 person panel be elected to make the judgement call on if prima facie cases had been proven against the accused. This failed it was clear that the majority party in the parliament and senate might attempt to use its numbers to get their accused off. He was awake to that and made it clear that no matter what threats had been made by party whips and others all those sitting were to vote with their conscience not their party hats on. He also reminded them that they were not prosecuting charges. They were not courts. They were there purely to decide if a prima facie case existed on the evidence provided for the accused to be arrested and subsequently tried. Each of the accused, being elected members and if found to have a prima facie case against them, would be given the right to choose a hearing in the Federal Court or by the opposite house upon a case being declared. That is to say lower house members could choose to have a case heard by the Senate and Senators by the House of Representatives. For the next hour charges were read against the PM and others. The prosecutors, for this hearing were introduced, as were the chosen defence teams, mostl QC s a d “A s ho e e also MP s fo the defe e of the PM and others. The accused were not charged or heard en-masse.

©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

The PM s defe e tea i ediatel alled fo a adjou e t to assess e ide e agai st he . T o hou s as permitted and all evidence against was to be provided to the defence team. This was done. Again we were taken to the news channel for updates on what was happening elsewhere. On return the defence team asked for more time which, on the weight of the evidence provided to him, was rejected by the President and the howled down by the sitting. The defence team then tried to have all charges against the PM including on if there was even a prima facie moved to the courts. The President then reminded them that this would mean immediate arrest, detention and a bail hearing. They backed down. It started to become very clear that despite what the new President of the Senate had reminded them of with respect to conscience voting and the agreed 5 speakers for/against and five minute time limits that the majority party was going to make every effort to shut down the hearings and find for their officials. The opposition and others were unimpressed. It was quickly becoming a riot. The President called a 60 minute recess to take further advice. During which time he conferred with the GG. The GG e t to a p i ate offi e a d ith o u i atio s e uip e t se u ed a d kept p i ate X s tea alled the offi es of the new King of the Commonwealth. Then he consulted with the Chief Justice of the High Court and with the Governors of the states of WA and NT and the leaders of the Supreme Courts there. O etu to the “e ate a d the Joi t “itti g the Go e o Ge e al had etu ed to the P eside t of the “e ate s position. Outside the chamber were a number of Australian Federal Police. Ladies and Gentlemen. With the Authority of the His Royal Highness King William V, King of the Commonwealth I hereby dissolve this parliament and call for a double dissolution election to take place in exactly 5 weeks time on Saturday 09 October 2021. Enrolments for electors are not to close until 7 days prior. All nominations for election to close in 16 Days. Further all of the currently elected officials who were to have prima facie charges heard against them in the hearing that has just ended are to be arrested and charged by the AFP and will face bail hearings as soon as the Federal Courts can allow. None of them will be permitted to nominate for this election but if found innocent at a later date may nominate for later elections. At this very moment the Governor of the State of Western Australia and The Administrator of the Northern Territory are taking similar action and the Premier/Chief Minister and a number of Civil Servants and Ministers are to be similarly taken in to custody and stood down. None will be permitted to seek election in the elections there which will take place one week exactly after the Federal Election. All necessary Writs have been signed and issued. The State Governors will select caretaker parliaments for their states. I ill sele t a o o ealth a etake pa lia e t to e d a f o those MP s a d “e ato s ho ha e ot been charged. I have no further comment. This sitting and parliament is now terminated. Normal programming resumed, mostly with news broadcasts. Mr X managed to completely avoid the scrum. In a later report from an undisclosed location Mr X, images and voice altered, permitted one only interview by a ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

journalist who had been heavily vetted and accepted as being independent and likely to even handedly present both sides of a possi le a gu e t. We ll all he Ms J. Ms J. Mr X what do you think of what happened in Australia with the dismissal of the parliament? Mr X. I am sad to say it was truly predictable. Ms J. Will you be nominating on behalf of any party? Mr X. No. I made myself non-resident many years ago for electoral purposes – at the time because I could ill afford a 48 hour return trip to the nearest polling station. However, a new party that registered prior to the mess that just happened, will contest every lower house and senate seat. It is called the Centrist Party and its manifesto has been pu lished. I d ot o test if I ould it ould put self, fa il a d othe s I t ul lo e at fa too much risk there are those out there who would love to see us die and not necessarily cleanly or slowly. I also have other bigger, in many ways, and smaller in others ambitions. Ms J. Do you trust every member of the team seeking election? Mr X. I do not personally know and for many reasons I have not met or vetted them all. Some of the members of my team, who were not made publically known during the war or since, have nominated and at least 4 or more other nominees are known to and trusted by each of them. I trust in them. Ms J. What really caused the joint sitting and the actions in other nations? M X. Whe e egotiated the o t a t, o shall e sa ote it, e fou d out ia ou o ito et o k that the Allies had little intention of maintaining it and would attempt to renege on it pretty quickly. When we saw it going on we chose, this time, not to punish those nations financially as this generally punishes the innocent too. Believe me we could have done so. The manipulation attempt in the contract rise and fall on the staples to be provided to Indonesia were in effect a complete rig. Some of the companies and countries who were willing to pay over the market prices for the produce did not really want it or need it. Some truly did but at the most were only offering around 15% over the actual a ket p i e set i the o t a ts a d had do e shad a k doo deals et ee the sel es. “o e of I do esia s so called Allies and most ours were in it up to their eyeballs. Sad truth is that although 15% over market price was being offered Australia tried to double the fixed prices to Indonesia. Ms J. Given the number of elections and political turmoil taking place in some other nations the innocent are also suffering at the very least the cost of an election. Mr X. True but if we had emptied government accounts again or disrupted the flow of income in to the governmental accounts by diverting the funds elsewhere – even temporarily - or smashed currencies etc the innocent public would have suffered much more. As for the political turmoil perhaps it was about time. We can only hope that in the so called democratic nations the people elect a sensible government and not be manipulated in to electing puppets again. In the non-democratic nations, and let me say this, democracy does not suit them all, the people can still use their numbers and join the central party and use the new strength to affect outcomes. Ms J. Why do you say so called? Mr X. In most, certainly not all, nations we tend to get the governments the main stream media want us to have. My team took down some of those during the conflict in Australia but we still elected a load of puppets at the following elections both in WA and nationally. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

Ms J. Are some of the, as you call them oligarchs, really that bad? Mr X. Not all, but most. Forget not many of them have mountains of personal cash they paid little or no tax on but still want ever more and to influence governments almost everywhere often for personal gain and little else. They worship money so long as its coming their way unadulterated. My team published quite a bit of that information during the war. We chose not to interfere with more of the same information during the elections but to watch on with interest. I am not judge, jury and executioner here. My team, others, and I discuss most of these issues at considerable length and arrive at decisions by majority. Ms J. It is obvious your team can take down anyone it chooses financially or shut down pretty much any media outlet it chooses or at least destroy its ability to publish will you try to do this for any reason during the current electoral and other political processes? Mr X. We can and we will not unless we expose blatant lies, which we will feed to trusted sources. Taking such a tio s ould ake us as guilt of a ipulatio as othe s a d e o t go the e. Ms J. You mentioned other ambitions what are they? Mr X. Both humble and global. I am and have been a politi al a i al i the past. I getti g old ut I ha e othe agendas too. If you are amendable and at no cost to you or your network and with guarantees that no one on my team will tell any untruths or alter or otherwise edit any of the material or otherwise try to stop it being broadcast you can come with us and record unhindered. You will need a month or six weeks to take it all in. Ms J. I am amendable. Mr X. Just you. One of my team can work your camera and sound equipment all the digital and other material will remain yours. Ms J. I had already gained permission from the network for that. M X. Let s go. During the process Ms J was permitted to transmit a considerable amount of material live and it was transmitted across the globe. Ms J as take to M X s isla d ho e a d i t odu ed to his e e te ded family most with identities hidden and the fa il i luded the tea too. I e si e e ome a part of the family, Nutjob too, but this has not influenced the writing. She was then flown to a number of different parts of the world to view the work some of their chosen charities were doing. She was also introduced to a number of the people who helped develop and influence the manifesto some who were seasoned authors themselves. Ms J eventually also met others who had chosen to seek election and was permitted to interview them. Along the way Ms J was also permitted to speak to many others – she was given carte blanche there was no effort to present a completely one sided view. In her time away with Mr X and other members of his team the elections in Australia, Western Australia and the NT had been completed and the Centrists had won handily and both houses except in the NT where there is no Upper House. Š2016 – Huw R Grossmith

On advice from others it was decided by both the new state and federal parliaments would not select cabinet or other government appointees from the upper houses. The new PM made it plain he wanted the Senate to return to its oots as a state s house ot a pa t house. The e P e ie i WA a ked this up a d the Legislati e Cou il became a true house of review. Both parliaments wasted little time putting in to effect as much of the manifesto as they could. The Commonwealth Parliament also assembled a constitutional convention with the view to making constitutional changes to ensure Rights and Freedoms currently implied but not guaranteed. Other elections had yet to be completed but some solutions were becoming clearer in non-democratic nations in most the centrist ideal was holding sway. At the end of all her travels a 2 hour documentary was shown that I watched with keen interest. Many may not have bothered. The final interview was once again conducted with Mr X. Ms J. To e f a k I

i p essed

hat ou a e t i g to a hie e M X ut su el

ost of it is the ole of the UN?

Mr X. Sure it is but look at what has happened to the UN. It is under incredible influence from the places it chooses to keep its main buildings and from those where it obtains a majority of its money. It is also terribly top heavy. I am not saying it does not try but it failed to stop the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and took no action to punish the invaders and actually begged other nations to join in in the end. Look at the end result what a damn mess that was. It has never had any success in the Middle East, which is almost a no win situation, and is roundly ignored by many ME nations and Israel. With the fu di g odel e ha e p oposed the ll still e, to a deg ee, i flue ed but the money will come direct from the taxpayers.

the igge

o t i uti g atio s

I e got a eeti g ith the UN leadership soon. You are welcome to attend I have some ideas, agreed with the forum members many of whom you met, to put to them. Ms J. As I am no doubt aware some of the places you took me with respect to both charity work and environmental destruction affected me, no doubt some viewers, dramatically. I personally tried not to colour my reporting. Did you choose those sites deliberately to garner sympathy for what you are pressing with your manifesto? M X. Both es a d o. It s ot a ifesto. The entire thing was agreed by the forum. Not all of us, me included, agree with every bit of it but we are in agreeance by majority on the whole. As for the places chosen, sure I took you to some of the worst. Trying to help the people directly affected by actions in Israel, Palestine, African Nations and Syria etc is far from simple. The old ha d t uth is it eed t ha e happe ed and a lot of people, some governments too, have given a lot to help often the people doing the giving and some of those you met are from the countries whose interests caused the mess in the first place. The same can be said for so e of the e i o e t disaste a eas ou sa too. We took ou to the good e s a eas too ut let s fa e it the e are far fewer of them. I am not a supporter of selling bad news and in a lot of places, although roundly ignored, it does out eigh the ad ut is u see a d e do t o k the e the do t eed ou help o the help of the ala e of the world. We took you to some great news places. Brazil and what it did to eradicate poverty was one and I truly wish nations such as, for example, India would learn from them and implement similar programs. Ms J. You are given some credit for ending the threat of ISIS in the middle east is that true? Š2016 – Huw R Grossmith

Mr X. Me alone no. My team had an awful lot to do with it. Ms J. What do you think of the Middle East? Mr X. We are working to try to make everyone aware, as they generally are, that they are all related to Abraham. They are all monotheist and it is the same god. That they should ultimately as their holy books tell them, learn to live in peace and tranquillity and let god make the decisions on where they will go for eternity when they die or on judgement day. All the holy books make that plain it is gods de isio ot thei s. It s a ha d sell the like to la e each other for actions instead of looking at themselves. Ma

ha e t ied efo e us a d failed o

uit. We ll keep t i g.

Ms J. What do you see as the current cause of war? Mr X. Since and including WWII – simply put money. I am far from a communist but my leftie hat tells me that if we fi d a o e e uita le a of e su i g that all people ha e a fai sha e of the ealth that is a ou d the e ll remove the necessity to fight. Man is, without doubt, a tribal animal. Much of the so called modern world manages to keep its t i alis to the spo ts fields. Let s t to keep it the e. Ms J. Do you not then blame religion? M X. I so e ases it ight e t ue ut it s a e. As far as I can see anyone killing in the name of a god, any god, is a psychopath nothing more. As a e a ple let s look at the ess et ee Is ael a d Palesti e i the ea l a d say the strike off the Israeli coast would cause problems.


s. It as oil a d A

as did

I ll sta d o e ted ut f o e o he A afat got the pea e a o ds he a d othe s th ashed out a tual a iti e boundaries were not agreed a d a ot ha e e e ee dis ussed I do t k o fo su e. Peace ensued for some time. Then oil was found off the Israeli coast and no agreement could be reached over who would benefit from its development if any attempt was made to reach any agreement at all that is. Then they started lobbing rocks and rockets etc at each other and it escalated and escalated. Ho estl …. Just effi g ag ee a easo a le split o the i o e the e ould e ple t fo all. Religion instead of the truth is far too easy to hide behind. Ms J. You are clearly a very passionate man, where to next? M X. We ll see hat the meetings with the UN bring and then, hopefully, graceful retirement to my extended family hi h o ti ues to g o i e e tall so I a tuall o t uit o ki g. Ms J. Wo t ou tea

iss ou leade ship?

M X. It eall is t tea pe se. There is no I in team – corny but true. We e g o a ou d a ideal o ideals and work for each other and the benefit of the common man as much as anything else – e e all a it so t of ‘o i Hood and the Three Musketeers rolled in to one group. In the main I a the elu ta t f o t a . That jo I ll happily pass on. The team have already selected a successor as chair and a front person – they need not be one and the sa e. I ll al a s e a ou d fo a o e that a ts help o i put. I ll stop o ki g the day I die but perhaps cut back on the travelling and spend loads more time with my immediate family. Ms J. I wish you well for the future Mr X. I also accept the offer to attend your meetings with the UN.

©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

To say there were questions I wished Ms J had asked is another understatement, no check that I got to ask them, but I ha e to sa I d fou d it ha d to disag ee ith a ything he had to say or that the Do o s p ese ted. The e e as balanced as they could be. In the period between the meeting with the UN and Mr X and the Forum several other national electoral results came in. The UK had gone centrist but only just and they had had to JV with the LDP, who had been almost totally routed during the 2015 election and were a little left of centre but had bounced back in this election, to gain a parliamentary majority. The UK has an odd political system. Scotland has its own parliament with two houses but is also represented in the UK pa lia e t. Wales has a Legislati e Asse l of its o a d ep ese tati es in the UK parliament. Northern Ireland is similarly represented. All of them have all sorts of local councils with varying degrees of power but England itself had no separate representation. Other oddities included the Isle of Man and the Channel Isles being self-determining but still a part of the Queens dominion and relying on the UK for defence and, oddly, passports. Therefore unlike in Australia where there are three clear often muddled, levels of government, local (with some differences between states such as Qld and others as to how the councils are structured and what power they hold), State and National the UK was a bit of a hodge podge and arguably England itself not fairly represented even though they send the majority, by dint of population, to the National parliament. We must not also forget that the House of Lords, the house of review, while now having some elected members was still largely unelected unlike both Senates in Australia and the US. I was not able to find any evidence of, but will be corrected no doubt of any joint sittings of the Lords and Commons to break deadlocks where one house passed legislation and the other blocked it. Over the years there had been various ideas floated about representation for England. Brown, a Scotsman, favoured 7 regional super councils. And about making the Lords truly an elected house of review. Discussions at the time of the UN meeting were ongoing however solidification of ideas were taking shape and a referendum proposed to ask the public if it supported the model still being agreed to. It was considered paramount not to split the UK but to give England adequate separate representation. Under its Manifesto the Centrists supported the EU but only so far. They preferred to back a more global parliamentary ideal. The Centrists in Australia were also setting about changing the political landscape as they worked toward constitutional change too. The general idea was to adopt the Alderman super councils as used in Queenland and ultimately cut the total number of local councils across the nation but to also give those councils greater control over such things as state housing. The major change would be the introduction of those super councils being comprised of much smaller borough level councils. The public would elect a mayor to each borough council and a leader of the super council. The mayors of the Super Councils would form the state parliaments. Every state parliament, including Queensland and the two territories which do not have one, would have an independently elected house of review. The state parliaments would then elect their senators for the national Senate from their two houses themselves based on the current 12 per state and 2 per territory. Only the commonwealth House of Representatives would go to the vote of the nation as a whole and preferential voting was out. Compulsory voting was to be phased out too. Š2016 – Huw R Grossmith

Matters of great importance to the public and general elections would go electronic with a system of how this would be achieved and made un-hackable to be decided ASAP. Other matters could go to a referendum on receipt of a validated petition signed by more than 7.5% of the voting public. All borough, super council, legislative council and national elections would be on a four year cycle and held on fixed dates for each over a four month period (with a one month campaign for each). The only time this would change would be if a fully validated petition was received to sack a member, mayor, other representative or entire parliament was received and an election called for the replacement. In the main the public liked the idea but would have preferred fewer elections and discussions were held about one date for all but it was believed that that would muddy the waters between local, state and national issues too much and the waters there were already murky at best. Being able to vote from a home computer or other device was viewed with both suspicion and relief. No more polling booths and running the How to Vote Card gauntlet was a great relief but security and rigging was a massive concern to be overcome. Using one each of their many Diplomatic Passports X and quite a few of this team members and other members of the Forum and the UN team headed to the KLCC in Malaysia, a atio that had also issued pa do s fo X s tea i their various names anyway, for their meeting. Although there would be a number of smaller side-bar meetings the meeting was to discuss and vote on a number of issues with the p i a o e s of the UN s effe ti e ess a d current locations being high on the agenda. There was to be no media scrum, the location had been kept quiet. Although it upset many an outlet only Ms J, who was universally trusted anyway, and her small team would be permitted to broadcast and only live on a very few occasions. It had taken some time to put this meeting together. Primarily because the UN contingent needed the concurrence of the General Assembly and all the other UN Councils such as the security council that the decisions reached at this forum would be binding upon them all. One of the side bars involved Mr X, the SecGen and a few others from both teams. “G. I e hea d of so e of ou eefs ith espe t to the UN M X a d e a e ot all in agreement that you are 100% right. Would you care to provide some examples of your concerns? Mr X. Sure, why not? The 2003 invasion of Iraq by predominantly US, UK and Australian forces was not UN authorised was it? SG. No. Mr X. Yet the UN sought no sanctions against any of those nations involved in the invasion. Later it even asked for other nations to send troops and help out yet pretty well acceded to the strategies pressed by the US. I think I know why. SG. What is your take on that. Mr X. Simple enough, Location, location, location. I i idl e all i $1bn US to renovate its headquarters in New York is that not true?

that the UN also eeded to aise i e ess of

SG. Yes we needed the funds. But the need is not related. Mr X. My dear SG of course they are. Even being in NY leaves you at the mercy of the US and what it wants. Further while I have to respect Switzerland and its utter neutrality you later needed another $1bn to update your buildings ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

there. $2bn over 2 years an awful lot of money that might have been better spent finding somewhere to relocate the operation in its entirety to. SG. That could have cost considerably more. Mr X. That would depend on location. There are any number of smaller nations that would have happily had you build an entire new UN Office Central and construction costs would have been far less than in some of the bigger western nations. We have spoken to a number and many have agreed to consider a proposal that would also have the UN offices treated in a similar way to the Vatican in Rome as a completely neutral (not that it ever was) and separate nation. We even propose, as you have now, two locations. One to also become the permanent home of the summer Olympics and World Cup(s) and the other the permanent home of the winter Olympics as we feel massive amounts of money are wasted on those too. We also believe that although it does a great job where it is the world court should move too. SG. Much would depend one where. Many of our people might not want to move and accommodation could be an issue. I am not sure that FIFA and the AOC would accede to permanent locations either. Mr X. The overall plans we have drawn up include adequate accommodation with full on shopping, schooling, sporting and other facilities. For those the refuse to move I am sure we can find 10 suitably experienced applicants fo e e positio that ould. As fo FIFA ell let s just say the corruption scandals of a few years ago are not going a a a d the AOC is t e a tl clean itself is it? Having one location everyone chips in to on neutral ground makes o ga isatio u h si ple a d the ll still ake ega-bucks from TV etc. SG. Forcing people out of a job because of refusal to relocate is damnably mean. Mr X. True but when we go through the actual need for those roles and many more in fine detail we might find they need not exist anyway. Let s fa e it a lot of the people i oth NY, Austria and Switzerland are there because they are NY, Austria and Switzerland and they are terribly expensive places to live – I ll e e pt Nai o i f o these considerations. SG. What are some of the other proposals to put to us? Mr X. A global free trade agreement with one massive exception. Members of the UN GA being elected either directly by the public in each nation or by their parliaments with the UN to become a true world government in many ways. Seat numbers to be decided on proportional representation. With every small populated nation, such as for example, Qatar getting one seat but with much bigger nations being limited to say 1 seat per 10 million registered voters. In the main we intend for the UN to become a, for most nations, fifth level of government but mostly as an adjudicator and a forum for settling disputes and not as the huge interfering entity we have seen the EU to have become – o telli g a atio o fa e the a t g o , sa , Ki g Ed a d potatoes e ause so eo e else already does. Where necessary it can provide genuine experts to help developing nations and not the damnable economic hitmen out there now. A complete phasing out of the Security Council by all nations agreeing to phase out ALL military spending over the next 25 years at a genuine 4% per annum. All nuclear arms and land based, sea and air missiles of any type and all warheads to go immediately. No military aircraft, shipping or armies to operate outside of current national boundaries without the absolute permission of the nations they intend to operate in and the permission of the full UN GA by a 75% majority. For operations on the high seas the UN must agree. All space based weapons to go immediately – my team can deactivate most of them now anyway but we chose not to do so. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

The big exception on free trade is arms of any kind. Not to happen period. If we remove the ability to make war the likelihood of it happening is significantly reduced. As per our manifesto no oil based energy cars with the phase out. Oil itself a t e phased out because of plastics but we can kill off petrol, diesel, LPG etc. Phase out of lignite and black coal power stations in favour of clean technologies and/or renewable sources. Other environmental efforts as per our manifesto. The other major planks of the manifesto with respect to currency and trading. No futures market, no options market, no currency exchange – one currency, one tax system, one social security system across the globe – honestly this is not hard to do its not rocket science. Clean up the World Bank and IMF wipe out the so called foreign aid debt factories. Less motherhood government in general. “G. You a ifesto is e thoroughly analyse it.

e te si e. Not e e o e ill ag ee to all of it. We e ot all eall had ti e to

Mr X. I personally do not agree with all of it but support it 100%. As for Analysis the world has had plenty of time to take it all on-board. Most certainly, or at least I hope, the people at this conference have all read it and our proposals for the future of the UN. SG. This conference could argue for months on any number of points. Mr X. I most certainly hope not. We are not here to railroad but as you know we have won a majority of democratically elected governments where elections have been held. We are ahead on polls in many other places and in the non-democratic nations our people have joined the controlling groups or party en-masse and are exerting their influence and in others the public in general is in support especially since we broke all the state controlled media enterprises. No matter what they do try to cut us off we get back on air their efforts are futile and we do epo t fai l a d e e l ala ed e do t just ash fo the sake of it. SG. Some people say your efforts there are as bad as those of the people you profess to hate. Mr X. So they may but they cannot prove it. We are even handed and feed both the good and bad out to the media outlets we trust to be truly proportional in their representations and not just presenting a stilted view that supports their ownership or purely our view either. We e take so e hits too a d a e happ to do so – we need that to evolve. SG. Do you seek to replace me with yourself? M X. No I do ot. I d ot seek ele tion to your role or any other I e had tilts at politics over the years and hope to retire to my family as I told Ms J. Who I would openly or privately support will depend on the outcomes of this conference. If the UN is to become truly democratic then it will depend on who nominates. I have nothing against you personally but as the UN operates o it s ot t ul ep ese tati e a d is faili g i its issio i a a sa d is a costly failure at that. This is not the fault of you alone or any one person. SG. I am not 100% sure I agree with all that you see as our failings but I do not 100% disagree either. I do tend to support many of your arguments and in general like most of the manifesto and will make my support for what I support known to the conference. Mr X. Thank you Mr SG we can ask for nothing more. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

The conference started well and went downhill from there. Again too many self-interests on behalf of their nations and snouts in the trough on the side of the UN delegates were prevalent for there to be any real support for the major planks. The Forum remained united but moral started to drop. X called for an adjournment for exactly 7 days such that everyone could take further advisement, read through the Manifesto and other material being produced by the veritable tonne. Everyone would be told of a new location 36 hours prior to the next convening. He the took his e ti e tea

a d Ms J s

edia e

a k to the eso t i Chia g Mai.

The Forum had also had a team of observers quietly analysing everything going down at the conference and Ms A had her spies very active. Mr X had a few quiet meetings with the Analysts, Ms J, Ms A and a number of other members of The Forum. The main thrust of it all was what they all honestly thought the outcome of the conference to follow might be, where the major blocks were and what might be done about them. Ms J although having no particular view on the politics involved believed that going live might offer a solution with the public being given the opportunity to vote using their remotes. The problem with that Ms J is many people in the impoverished nations just do not have televisions or access to the technology to do that. It would be almost impossible in the time before the re-convening to set-up global electronic town hall access. – Mr X Ms J. How long do you think it would take? Mr X. I am not su e e d ha e to assu e e a u the TV s at the e least, get the he e ost eeded without them being stolen etc and then get word out to the public in general and how do we make it one vote, one value and absolutely ensure the people vote only once even if the voting is intended to guide the conference? Ms J. Let s ask The Fo u . Mr X. I also kee to e pose so e of the o e e e t fo eig aid to eate de t deals that ha e go e do a d make the World Bank and IMF look bad and perhaps link it to the UN or at least show they have to be complicit at some level in all that mess but think doing so might colour the convention but perhaps not the general public who just might not know about it. Ms J. I

happ to o k ith the Fo u

M X. Let s go do


that path the the k o

e s a d lea e your team out of it if it came to such exposes. o e tha I a out ho this is all do e.

The forum in its entirety met. A number of motions were put and agreed. The consensus was that the global electronic to halls idea as al ost a total logisti al ight a e ut the d atte pt it. The did elie e that the reconvened meeting would howl it down or attempt to carry a motion that it would be non-binding and how they might influence that outcome. The answer to that was simplicity in itself if they could over the logistical nightmare that the first vote would be on whether the public at large would permit the conference to regard further votes as a referendum rather than a plebiscite. Mr X and The Forum were reluctant to use their power to crash markets or currencies but were not above it as a last resort. Š2016 – Huw R Grossmith

They did agree to high jack the entire global satellite network if they could get the electronic town halls in place to ensure everyone got the broadcast in every possible language and with the technology necessary to vote. The IT experts got together while others who were experts on supply chain and logistics worked with geopolitical experts to determine where the town halls would be essential and how they might go about the whole lot. The supply of televisions and comms gear for voting was not a huge issue. In the meantime Mr X set up a meeting with the UN Secretary General. It was agreed between the two of them that the meeting could be broadcast live by Ms J. This meeting took place in Male a point roughly halfway between where both were at that time. That immediately tipped X off to the fact that SG was not in New York but Geneva which peaked his interest. Prior to the meeting they agreed to postpone the re-convening of the conference to a location, date and time to be advised. Ms J interviewed both the SG and Mr X live, individually, before the meeting. You may or may not have seen the broadcast. X took the view that he did not want to high jack the globes broadcasting for these interviews but would, on advisement, consider doing so for the meeting between the two small teams. As you may, or not, be aware the SG was sadly convinced the re-convening of the conference would not happen. Mr X believed it would be in a vastly altered format. After considerable discussion X and his team did decide to high jack the globes electronic media for the actual meeting of the teams it was going out live in hundreds of languages and also recorded to various media for free distribution globally. The SG also agreed with this plan after private discussions with X. Essentially that meeting agreed to do everything that could be done between the two organisations to implement the electronic town halls. Ms J held off on broadcasting the material with respect to foreign aid creating debt – her decision. A method to ensure one vote one value and no vote rigging was discussed. The idea hit upon was to take facial recognition media of any person turning up in the town hall and monitoring their comings and goings. Every person voting would be given complete privacy while voting but they not be able to vote twice. Other identification methods came straight from a Dale Brown book and had been used in the WA war. Nanotech. Each person would be asked to swallow a capsule. Each nano system would have a unique identifier tied to the facial recognition application. The voter on leaving could chose to leave the system in place, which had been programmed to deactivate itself after 5 days or to have it deactivated by harmless EMP on exit. All facial recognition and Nano records would be permanently destroyed when the convention and all voting was over in front of any witnesses that wanted to see it done. For western nations where access to computer and television equipment was easy a similar process was agreed to. Biometric log-in and nanotech were also to be used the voter would log in to a website using a biometric scan and then be directed via link but with no id attached to a voting site or by using TV remotes with biotech nano scanners built-in. Where the technology was cost prohibitive electronic town halls would also be used. The new convention would basically have a list of motions only. If the first motion passed, that is the balance of the whole being a global referendum not a plebiscite then what followed would be binding on all nations throughout the world. If that vote failed then the balance of the motions would be put to the conference vote after the town hall and general public votes were in. Š2016 – Huw R Grossmith

All motions would be permitted argument and counter argument. It was agreed the arguments would be time limited to 5 minutes each for and against and there would be no filibustering or attempts to adjourn or derail any vote in any way. The arguments for and against, limited to 5 A4 pages each or 4000 words in Calibri 11 point font or similar format and translated to a majority of known languages and also converted to MP3 format would be sent globally to people with little or no media access on inexpensive book readers with solar chargers. Those files would protected from deletion or other tampering but the people could keep and use the e-readers after that. Printed wording to introduce what was happening and why the e-readers were being given out and how to use them was agreed by the meeting. The arguments for and against each motion would only be permitted by an agreed team for each argument and would only be available in electronic format. The airwaves and print media were not to be used to urge a vote one way or another by anyone for any reason. The global populace would only be urged to take an active interest and to vote. As u h as it usted M X s jo ks to ha e ilita i ol e e t it as ag eed to asse le a ulti-national UN Blue Helmet task force to ensure security at many town halls and full scale surveillance would be used to spot and, if necessary, put down any threat to a peaceful and unmolested outcome. After considerable bickering and a small backlash by the viewing public based on privacy and a large one form UN delegates (self interests yet again), there was a final agreement on the town hall concept. The SG was deeply concerned that some nations or their governments would refuse to cooperate and allow in the town hall teams and UN Blue Helmets. As much as I hate to do this - and believe me I do hate to do it - anyone giving us any grief and not genuine valid reasons why this should not take place in their nation will need to watch their national, personal and other bank accounts, markets, currency value and national, corporate and personal debts too. That goes for anyone trying to influence the outcome of the voting other than in the way we have agreed. Mr X. We ll use the po e of this edia outlet to publish the names and excuses of those who refuse and absolutely make sure that their public will know of their decisions. A time frame of 6 months for roll out was agreed and an anticipated date of the convention was set. In the intervening time the laborious democratic process in the US was completed. The Centrists gained the presidency and control of both houses. They also won elections or entered coalition governments in many other nations including, surprisingly, ousting the regime in Zimbabwe. There were few democracies left where the Centrists were not now in control of the government by genuinely valid means. Most of those left had not yet had elections. In the non-democratic nations, mostly by stacking party branches with supporters or by sheer weight of public opinion the Centrist manifesto was being taken on-board in whole or part. This was hugely surprising, in many ways, result, considering the major lurches to the right and far right in many mid s ele tio s and possibly the reason that many of the global hotspots had cooled. There were even peaceful overtures taking place in the Middle East between Arab Nations, who generally hated each other, Israel and even Iran!

Š2016 – Huw R Grossmith

There were detractors, greedy dictators mostly, who tried to block the electronic town hall concept but when the public wielded its power and many of their own military people refused to shoot or otherwise take action of any kind and actually joined in with unarmed protestors a majority of them too yielded. Only two nations had their economies toyed with and they too acquiesced.

Some later material to go in here

As you no doubt know by now the whole thing worked like a charm. There were flash spots and some violence as far as could be assessed no person attending an electronic town hall lost their life or was in any way threatened and the areas around them were secured so they could be approached safely. No UN Blue Helmet was injured. Some of those attempting violence lost their lives a majority of who were later identified positively as known warlords and criminals. Also along the way the AOC, RU and RL Authorities and FIFA agreed, influenced by the voice of the public at large, to permanent homes for the World Cup(s), Winter and Summer Olympics. A set of conditions was agreed with respect to the land to be used including that all nations would contribute toward the construction and upkeep of the facilities and that the two areas would be treated as the Vatican and regarded as a completely separate and neutral country. Each site was to be reviewed for suitability every 20 years. The sites among other requirements were to be entirely powered by renewable energy sources. Competition among nations to house the two UN and other facilities was fierce but friendly and fair. The final decision was actually an incredibly difficult one. China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Russia agreed to a site that would have been ideal for the Winter Olympics but all had good economies and although a great offer it was not believed that the nations would gain anything from acceptance. In the end North Korea, who had not caused any issues during the UN Convention or with any other process got the nod for the Winter location. An area at the northern end of Lake Malawi/Nyasa with borders agreed by Malawi, Tanzania and Mozambique with some interest and agreement from nearby Zambia was also selected for the summer base. The World Cups would be able to alternate between the two sites as could the Summer Olympics, as it turned out, if they so chose depending on the time of the year. The UN chose which of its Swiss, Austrian, Kenyan and New York operations would move to which location quickly to determine office and accommodation space necessary. In the end very few jobs were lost by refusal to relocate they were in effect getting two or three years notice of the move. Little time was spent messing about with determining successful bidders and over-arching project managers for the massive projects and they were soon underway. This included major new port facilities in North Korea and Tanzania connected by new rail lines to the agreed regions and a huge new airport in Tanzania near Takuyu. All possible precautions were taken to keep the environmental impact negligible. All the construction companies agreed to use as much locally available produce as possible and some temporary and permanent factories and facilities were setup to produce enviro friendly construction materials. Local labour was deployed and all training necessary provided.

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It was clear from the electronic town hall convention that the populace were saying get this done, do it in peace, a spirit of cooperation and do not rip anyone off. The first ballot was, as discussed, whether or not the process to follow was a plebiscite or referendum. Referendum won hands down although the arguments against it in the material that went out were strong. As was a certain amount of scare mongering over information security. The security issue was put down quickly by demonstrations of how the systems were to work. Those at an electronic town hall only had their coming and going recorded. Once inside at the machine they were completely in private using computers or TV/Remote systems that then took them through a number of VPN like systems each with 256 bit encryption to the questions to be voted on. For those at home the scanner in the TV remote and a webcam like device recorded their ID as a voter and then they too were passed through numerous links to the voting system with all ID stripped along the way. The ID verification chips were wiped as soon as the TV set was turned off. The systems or the HDD of any system recording ID were completely destroyed after the whole process was over and no back-ups to another network or in any other form were made. These were essentially a stand-alone PC with an operating system, the ID software, a small HDD and no ports of any description only a hardwired scanner for the nanotech and facial recognition tools there were no other connections or WiFi or other comms ports. They were there to stop anyone attempting to vote and that was it. Effectively the convention was limited to a live debate limited by the fixed amount of time and speaker numbers and then waiting for the votes to come in. As part of the process is was agreed as to how the new UN General Assembly would be elected and for the town halls to stay in place for four yearly elections. This did ea the e pe se of epla i g the HDD s ith the ID software. The SG would be also elected by the populace and it was agreed that the nominees should have no party affiliation at all. These elections too went off without a hitch. The GA itself was also dominated by people sworn to the centrist cause with enough right and left wingers to keep the balance. The current SG was actually re-elected. Work is still ongoing on many of the planks of the manifesto the electronic town hall convention agreed but trade globally was now free, the arms trade across nations shut down, nuclear, space and missile disarmament was underway at a pace that was unexpectedly quick – the public had made it clear that they were unimpressed with the cost and the ability of more than one nation to wipe out another many times over as a deterrent. Sweeping reforms to protect the environment were also underway. The global currency, credits was now in place, as were fair and equitable bartering systems. The futures and options markets were gone. Cash was dead. Mr X took his retirement and three new leaders of the team and of The Forum were elected. X kept a sharp eye on the whole and was always available if needed but stepped away from a directly active role. In effect he had no need to be involved. That said all agreed to ways to ensure no possible unpredictable and damaging lurches to the left or right could take place anywhere but their views were never discredited and always considered around the globe. Effectively he totally disappeared hence the crash. Most nations were now democratic and using the electronic town hall technology to elect, local, state/regional and national parliaments. The world is no doubt in a better place than it was in late 2015 and in 2019 when the invasion that brought Mr X and his team to the fore took place. I asked him about this later – read on there is quite a bit more to tell. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

From this point there are a number of stories and sub stories and interviews, except for keeping the names as they are and being vague on descriptions I wanted you to see how this team was assembled and how it all came about a d so e of the othe thi gs the d do e. A o g talki g ith people i The Fo u a d o X s Tea I also a ailed self of t a elli g out ith se e al of the Electronic Town Hall teams. I also guinea pigged, under strict scrutiny the Nanotech system and the system guaranteeing no one would know how anyone voted. I tried both methods for the Nanotech with independent verification. I swallowed the Nanotech pill and was scanned after 12 hours of swallowing it and the ID Recorded on the system along with facial recognition. I was shown how the PC with that system was set-up a d the p o ess fo o pletel dest o i g the HDD s. The swallowed pill I had neutralised with EMP. No problem there was nothing active when they scanned me after that took place. The second was an injection and I was scanned after 6 hours and ID recorded then re-scanned after 5 days when the system was due to die – it had. Working with some of the most skilled hackers on the planet we tried to force our way in to the ID system but no connection to any other system anywhere in any way it was impossible to do from the outside. Security on those PC s as set-up in such a way as to never leave them unattended by less than two people who were independent but otherwise interested scrutineers. Even with them there was no way to introduce anything to the system there were no ports. Then we tried to bust in to the voting systems without first having had ID recorded. The guys that wrote it were ex hackers and new every trick in the book, including attempting to high jack the comms satellites or jam the signals from the town halls - any possible loop hole was shut tight it just could not be done. The areas around the town halls in rural zones where radio/satellite comms were used were well patrolled and constantly scanned for electronic jammers and scanners. In non rural areas the town halls were also radio/satellite linked and similar patrols and scanning took place. There was originally an idea to landline link them but landlines are far too easily tampered with no matter what systems are in place to stop that happening. Everything we did was scrutinised and independently filmed, photograph and audited. Getting everything ready in 6 months for the convention was a mammoth effort but it was achieved in a spirit of cooperation rarely seen anywhere. In the Beginning In one of my breaks X was away but I spoke with a member of what X calls his extended family just to confuse things e e o e let s all hi E. How did all this start? I mean the team, The Forum pretty much everything. E. I a utshell it e ol ed f o the e fi st jo X did. That as i the se o d ua te of . He d ee working in a northern region of an Eastern Asian country and the job had ended – teaching English end of term. Be ause he d had too a sta p e t ies fo the ou t he ould ha e p efe ed to all ho e he had to get pape visas. While at the embassy he was heard to say something like he wished there were a way he could be made a resident or citizen of that nation. They did the usual, took the papers and said come back tomorrow afternoon.

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When he got back he paid the money and got back his passport with the visa. On the way out he was approached by someone from the embassy staff. The conversation went something like: ES. Excuse me sir, you were overheard saying you wished there were a way to become a citizen of our country is that true? X Sure. E“. We ha e so ethi g e eed do e. We e he ked i to ou a it. We k o this is ot ou o al thi g but we also know you have a small network of people, are very resourceful and a good problem solver. We know you have some debt too. X What would you have me do? ES.

Please follow me.

X was lead in to the Embassy in to a shielded room, he noticed that much, and spoke with three men two in civilian clothes and one in uniform. He was offered citizenship, a home for him and his family in a great estate in his chosen location, his debts paid and a monthly stipend. All he had to do was snatch a very rich national that they wanted back from the compound of a very rich friend of his in the Middle East. He asked for maps, diplomatic passports, a bunch of other information, a written contract signed by the PM and time to think about it. Also what would be offered to anyone who helped him. The offer for anyone joining in the quest was good. They too would be given diplomatic passports from various nations and given cover as visiting delegate/consultants in case anything went wrong. No one would be disowned. They were warned not to use any kind of armament. X said he d

ull it o e . The asked hi


o e to a oo

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o pou d hile he did.

He took to the oo ith the aps, do u e ts, photo s a d a thi g else he ould get his ha ds on and spoke with people who had, for a short time watched that compound in the Middle East. He made a few phone calls to some friends, I was one, he had an idea bubbling away in his mind. I was happy to join and so were the others. He deliberately kept the numbers low and was vague about the target but he especially needed people to watch the compound for a week or more who would not raise much suspicion, being European we could not do that, and settled on an Arab friend and two from the Philippines. As it turned out, later, one of the Philippine people knew someone on the inside and was able to get a little more information without tipping that person off to what might be coming. He then asked for the contract and guarantees. They were willingly given and he scanned and used a secure email system to send scans to all of us. Some of the team were already in the location the rest of us went our own ways with the diplomatic passports we were given and established contact, to keep cover, with the embassies we were supposedly representing – they had no idea what we were up to. We generally met in hotel rooms or privately rented meeting rooms and planned out what we would all do to contribute to the project. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

What X particularly wanted to know was if this Rich local had a Majlis as part of the compound or away from it and if the target was often at the Majlis – he felt it might be safer and easier to snatch the target there. The watchers continually swapped non-descript vehicles, often with magnetic signage that was also swapped out regularly. After a week the Majlis was settled on as the easiest place to make the snatch. Ho he did it I do t k o ut he got hold of so e gas that ill k o k a o e out fo a hou o o e. The la out permitted us to introduce gas to the security check-point while making it look like it was being serviced by injecting it from the canister, in to the cold air returning to the split inside, always running. The Majlis was cooled by a huge ducted system. That too we could introduce the gas to that system during a service too. The Majlis system was connected to the service company via modem/landline. We found it simple to hack it and have it report a problem and generate all the paperwork we needed. The big risk was that often the Majlis is only used at night. From just before the sunset prayer to after the evening prayer they struck lucky it was summer and they could b/s that they had had a lot of call-outs prior to arriving if necessary. The other risk was that food arrived in from outside so we had to get in directly after sunset prayer and be gone before evening prayer. We had a hite a ith the ight sig age, ID s, pape o k a d all the kit of the Ai -conditioning trade. X had made an arrangement to have the target flown out i fi st lass o a atio al ai li e e tio i g he d look ill a d e i a wheelchair. It was while all this was going on that he met A. She had some knowledge of what we might be doing and had been watching us. How she found out you can ask her. He did a deal for her to join the team and she was signed up straight away. He placed a lot of faith that she would not turn on us and that was rewarded. We picked a day and one of the watchers acknowledged that the target was at the Majlis. We rolled. The job went smoothly. Because I had the most knowledge about A/C systems I went out with one of the Philippine guys. X hid in the back of the van. As I said we had all the right paperwork and had also, through a series of cut-outs, rented a small property where we could switch vans and do one or two other things. The gas works quickly and the guards and all the people in the Majlis were out cold we went in with gas masks and grabbed the target. As a precaution we cut the phone lines and A had a contact mess with the security system so it continued to report in as programmed. At the little property we gave the target an injection to make him look very ill ut o X s i siste e e li ited it, switched the van to one that looked like an ambulance and got VIP service, aint diplomatic stuff great, straight on to the plane from the tarmac. We were, those of us leaving via that route, the only ones in first class. When the target roused X sat and spoke with him very quietly and showed him a few pages from the contract, he was to be guaranteed a fair trial and good treatment. X Let s all ou TT fo the ti e ei g. I as o t a ted to s at h ou out of ou olt hole. A o di g to the o t a t I have you will receive a fair trial and be treated humanely. To be honest once you are out of my hands I cannot gua a tee that. That said I d like ou la e s a d/o othe s to e uietl sta i o ta t ith e. I thi k the should have that document and, being quite frank, if they do not keep their word I may be seriously tempted to snatch you away from them but you will not be able to return to that hidey hole. Š2016 – Huw R Grossmith

TT I am surprised at your being so candid. I guessed you for a bounty hunter. X You could call me that but I am not without concern for your welfare. TT You know I am a very rich man can I buy my freedom now? X No we are too far gone but if I hear, with any substantiation of truth, that you are not being treated humanely or accorded a fair trial I am happy to consider stepping in. The problem is I will need help none of my team are locals. We d ha e to ha e a i o lad o t a t a d I ll lose e e thi g that this jo as a out. I ll gi e ou ti e to ead the rest of this contract, we are totally private, the cabin staff have been told to stay away unless we call them, you will have time to understand why my team and I did what we did. Mr TT read through the contract and asked some more pertinent questions. Mr X if I am not treated as per this document my people will make contact via Bitwise. We can then talk business even if via cut outs. I fully understand why you have done what you have. Thank you Mr TT. Please give me the documents back and say nothing of them. When we get close to our destination we will give you another injection to make you look seriously ill. Nothing major, it will pass but you should be taken to a hospital not a prison or safe house. Thank you Mr X. X administered the necessary injection and called the cabin staff. Please ask the pilot to tell Air Traffic Control our special passenger is very ill he should be taken straight to hospital, tha k ou. They reported back that arrangements had been made. On landing X refused to hand over TT until such a time as evidence that the rest of the contract was honoured, citizenships, money and homes under contract in the agreed names and locations. All was in order and TT was taken to a private medical facility. X headed to his family and they relocated to their new home. He also updated A on the conversation with TT and asked if she had reliable and honest informants in the local system. A. I sure do. I will quietly contact them to keep an eye and ear open. X. Also uietl leak the o d e a e i te ested i o e o k. I espe iall kee to help people t apped i ME countries, one in particular, because of old debts and have no visa or ability to work to pay off the debt or are languishing in prison. I have a few people who might tip you off to those who are suffering. The conversation about what work they were prepared to take on and who they may be able to help and how continued for some time one agreement was reached before being accepted any kind of snatch assignment or contract hit would be thoroughly researched before being accepted. A fee would be charged, upfront, for research. We d ot o side o ki g i the ai la d U“ e had o o ta ts the e of a des iptio . THE TEAM GROWS Word soon spread and we had more offers of work than we could deal with. We became selective. While investigating how we could help people trapped in ME atio s due to de ts a d e ause he d ee p e iousl fo al on social media about some of the whole mess in the ME he was, not entirely unexpectedly, contacted by Y, Z and D. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

They are communications and internet experts and D gifted when it comes to finances. They agreed to meet and X was on his way again. The meeting was an interesting event it turned out that they were with a big hacking group and while happy that the group was attacking a certain, so called, Muslim group in the ME that the e e t doing enough and explained what they meant and what they thought they could do. A number of discussions took place about them and a bunch of others they trusted joining with X to help him spring people from problems in the ME but they wanted to be able to carry out further e attacks on a bunch of terror groups in the ME. X was keen for them to hack others too he knew that some of the funds had come out of other ME nations and wanted the rest tracked too. He was becoming convinced that the West was giving tacit approval for a new Ottoman Empire. The same empire we, in part, had fought and split during WWI. A was involved in the meetings too but heavily disguised. She, X and I met later and talked things through. We agreed to give them a few tests. X had D move some of his money from the snatch and he quickly doubled it without playing any silly Ponzi games. He also asked Y and Z to trace how the Ottomans were paying for stolen oil and to steal the money and make it untraceable. He also asked what they could do with communications. He felt if the comms systems of the entire region failed, including the so called allies, Russia and others that the confusion might halt some of the aggression. They went away and a week later the whole ME hotspot regions comms systems went down entirely. This included most of Iraq, Iran, Israel, Syria and Palestine. With hopeless communications and with the major so called terror groups the fighting pretty much ground to a halt. No money equalled no arms and no comms meant no way to organise properly and that included the active forces against them. They got together again and worked to trace where some of these terror groups got their money from in the first instance. This was harder and well shielded but found none the less. It was agreed to mess with the accounts of those guilty of the assistance too, shutting down systems forcing mirror servers in to play, making cash reserves disappear and re-appear and forcing runs on the banks. Basically causing enough economic issues to make them forget about messing with other countries. While the ould ha k ost a ks the ould ot e otel f ATM s – they could be re-programmed to spit out 10x the money requested without debiting the account of the holder or credit the holder with 10x more than deposited. A small unit of people spoke directly or via others, who they could trust, for those suffering from being trapped by debts, large and small in the ME. Anyone who had had their visa cancelled or were then refused work permits or to transfer employers were to be helped. History was also obtained from anyone who had tried to help including charities and stories were verified. Those who could help themselves or had, obviously, stolen they money they borrowed were left to help themselves. Banks, police, lawyers and others were spoken to. Where any form of sympathy was lacking action was taken. It is non-sensical to refuse to let someone leave a country because of a debt and to refuse them a right to work so they can earn the money to repay. This is where the first experiment with EMP devices was used. Banks who absolutely refused to do any kind of deal o edu e i te est to . % total sta ted to ha e ATM s su eptitiousl f ied. The little devices they used were crude but easily made. They could not fry the entire ATM, they are too well shielded for that, but they did fry the camera(s) and any monitor. Machines that were heavily used near or in major shopping areas were targeted. There had been some discussion about trying to take out EFTPOS terminals but in many of these countries drawing cash at the terminal is not possible and it was too risky. Š2016 – Huw R Grossmith

The hackers also got to any record the ATM cameras may have made of a fryer and wiped them. Often funds that had been stolen from terrorist groups was used to pay off the debt. In some cases the banks have Muslim clients whose accounts have earned more than the permitted 2.5% interest. They often get attacks of the guilts and will take the capital and 2.5% only but leave the rest. These are called Ribbah accounts – as is the si i the Qu a a d left u tou hed ut do ea e e o e interest. Oddly most of these people would use it to help those caught out but their governments prevent it they can only donate to charities and the charities will not payout, large anyway (some do for small) debts. With their quiet permission funds were transferred by the back door to clear debts. Where no permission was received and because the money would never be claimed they would be diverted. Overstay fines for visas were not paid, deportation out with an airfare home was sorted instead. Many of these people, if they had talents that could be used, became part-time members of the team. Other team members also used funds removed from Terror groups to finance legitimate businesses in other countries and re-employed them. Some efforts were also made via those with some diplomacy, this did not include X for a number of reasons, to persuade governments that the whole work permit refusal issue was non-sensical. In some cases it worked and changes were made. In others no, often with no reason given. Those that refused often had interest payments that were over the 2.5% permitted in the Quran also diverted. While they were working on this they also found out that many of the workers who had died on various projects in these countries families received little or no compensation often not even outstanding salary. Employers, judges a d politi ia s e e app oa hed a out aki g ha ges to the hole H“E la set a d a out o pe satio . Agai there was little sympathy many believed the laws, although (if at all) poorly enforced were adequate. Some companies and governments also lost money over it. Often the bereaved were offered work in the Teams legitimate businesses. THE ISLAND AND THE YACHT While the actions were underway in the Middle East, which also included some very successful snatches and the odd hit, A epo ted to X that TT as i di e t ou le. TT s people soo follo ed up the o ta t. TT had ee o ed f o the safe house to another and was being kept almost entirely incommunicado and was to be sentenced to death with no trial or parliamentary hearing in a matter of weeks. X, th ough TT s people ade it k o he ould atte pt to s at h TT a k ut he eed lo al help, those ho ould be trusted 100% and a contract which included immediate relocation for the entire team and their families to somewhere safe. TT s people a e a k ith a list of a es a d a o t a t. The list as passed to A a d ea h a e as tho oughl but quickly investigated. The contract was very rewarding for X and his people and included relocation to an island in the Indonesian belt, part of a chain of small islands, that already had a compound of sorts that could be modernised and expanded while te po a a o odatio as used. The isla d as o ed o e of TT s o pa ies via a chain that made it entirely untraceable back to him. It was where he to intended to go with his family. It also included the Yacht and funds to turn it in to what it is now and a very large sum of money for the entire team. An attempt to make a snatch was agreed. The location, which was a mistake by locals, was near the border with Cambodia and there were ways to get across without being noticed, uncontrolled dirt road crossings, low level (under radar) air to old but serviceable ex-military airfield. Those not heading east would go north and cross the ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

river at a number of points in to very rural Lao and then make their way to the airfield in Cambodia with transport laid on from another similar field in south central Lao. It was a huge risk. They stood to lose everything that they had worked for in the first snatch and more, lives too, if anything went wrong or if they were dobbed in. X brought in Y and Z to manage and/or take-out communications and the like. The Thai people now on the team watched the o pou d TT as i a efull / . TT s people a d A kept thei fingers on the pulse of progress in the government on the penalty. In the end they were forced to move a lot quicker than they might have wanted to save the mans life. Again, somewhat fortunately, the safe house was not difficult to access. While it was rural with one road in and outf the property itself the surrounding terrain meant that it could be approached from many directions and there are several roads nearby that could be used. A da p io to the aid se e al tea e e s, led Thai s e t i to the surrounding bush land and using some sophisticated but, in many ways simple and reliable, equipment located any movement sensors and cameras and marked them with GPS coordinates on maps for the teams coming the next evening to take out with EMP kit. There were no mines or trip wires. The main problem would be the open ground around the house itself which were on movement activated flood lighting and, of course, getting in the house. It was decided that one of the team would pose, with excellently forged orders, as a government man with permission to speak to TT, let s all hi H. He would carry a briefcase in which an EMP bomb was secured. Getting it past security might be an issue, in which case they had agreed on a method of making it look as if an attack was being mounted from three sides as a diversion. As it turned out the man had rank and, well, rank has privileges. He was not even checked just his papers. They were unable to radio or phone through to test those all the comms went down as soon as he approached the house. The layout of the house was known and the room in which the security team monitors were using to watch the approaches was known and, again by good fortune, on the route through the house to the room in which TT was being kept. The briefcase was quietly left by the door to the room and by spinning the combo the bomb activated. He k o ked o the doo of a d uietl e te ed TT s oo ith a fi ge to his lips then quietly mumbled come with me. He led TT to the back door where he told the guard that he had permission to interview away from the cameras and that TT wanted to take a walk around the grounds. They were let out and headed straight out across the open lawn under the glare of the security lights and with an armed guard watching from the verandah. H. Mr TT you will soon hear a bang when you do dive forward and hit the ground and stay down until I tell you it is safe to move. TT. OK. The particular type of EMP device did not make a massive bang nor did it involve any kind of nuclear material it was loud enough to be heard from outside and everything electronic within 100m was totally fried. Luck however, this time, was not entirely on their side. There was plenty of moonlight and the guards kept their nerve. The snatch teams moved in from 3 sides firing at the house the idea being to cause a large enough field of fire to weaken the defensive efforts at the back to allow the team coming in from the rear side to get TT out. The rear most team moved forward quickly but under fire and at least 2 went down. As soon as they were ahead of TT and H they, TT and H moved and ran a zig zag path to the bush where they were met by a smaller squad who led them through the bus to waiting vehicles. Snipers eventually brought down or incapacitated most of the defenders and then attack teams also withdrew. Š2016 – Huw R Grossmith

Taking down comms both worked and failed. The team knew irregular security checks were done frequently. Y and Z had hacked in and with a Thai support team member tried to intercept the calls going in. Unfortunately, even with the tapping they had done, they had been unable to get the codes for the time of the attack. The intercept failed and the alarm was raised and more personnel sent from the Army barracks and the Air Force scrambled. The snatchers did have some luck, they had a number of different vehicles and the first of the responders to the snatch went straight to the safe house. It was those following who tried to give chase. Given the time they had their convoy and split a number of times and vehicles were heading in many directions on several roads and not doing anything such as running without lights or speeding to attract unwanted attention. The defenders only had immediate access to two helicopters and no time to arm them before they took to the skies so they could only pay attention to anything headed toward the nearby border but were unable to attack all they could do was try to guide ground forces on to vehicles that looked suspicious. The snatchers headed for three different little used crossing points but TT was not in any of those vehicles it was felt safer to actually take him out further north across the river in to Lao then move him south to Cambodia to join the main team and from there out to the island. To t to keep suspi io off of the a of X s e pats sta ed i thei ho es a d e t a out thei this included his own family. X himself was on the Island.


al outi e

On the island itself when the team finally arrived in X met with TT. X I do have some concerns over this region Mr TT it is known for its pirates and local instability. TT Tha k ou fo the es ue M X. We a e safe o this isla d I ha e a fi a ial a a gement with the local chieftans and warlords to keep us safe. I apologise that the accommodations at present are a little crude but as you can see a construction effort is well under way. X My only suggestion to you Mr TT is for your own safety and that of your family is that you try to stay clear of Thai politics for good. TT That we have agreed and will do. We are also quietly making it look as if we are selling off all our assets while we really are only moving them through numerous blinds to other Thai businesses we own but do not appear to own. X Y and Z say they can hack the Thai systems we need someone we can trust implicitly to work with them and D messing up any investigation in to your snatch and your and our financial affairs. TT I am more than happy to do that myself. X I ill lea e ou ith the , to a d off suspi io I goi g to head to the ME a d see hat is happe i g ith ou work there then take my family to Australia for a break.

PERTH This is something I have spoken to a few of the team members about and pieced together as much as I can. X prefers to remain quiet about one of the incidents but will talk freely about another. X, his immediately family, and several members of the team decided to take a break during the late Spring and early summer season in Perth, well just outside. They hired an entire new resort apartment complex and quite a few ehi les fo the t ip. Pe th had ee X s ho e a d a ajo it of his fa il e e still the e. Š2016 – Huw R Grossmith

I have to be clear about something here too. Unlike other parts of the world there exists in Australia, other countries too, bikers and bikies. Bikers are guys and gals who like to get together on weekends and other holiday breaks and ride their motorbikes and camp out. Sort of like the guys in the Wild Hogs movies. They are not committed to one specific brand of bike but do prefer kick start bikes. Bikies are outlaw motorcycle clubs period. They all tend to p efe Ha le s. I e ofte o de ed if HD like this asso iatio fo a thi g othe than the fact they make money from selling bikes. Some of these outlaw gangs run legitimate businesses, although I think the police and governments would like to know how they funded them. Others have done a service for the community from time to time – let s ot fo get that the Coffin Cheaters ran the Bindoon Rock festival for a number of years from the id s and again later, rebranded, - an event that was copied some 25 to 30 years later with Big Day Out and SoundWave etc. In some ways some of the outlaw outfits were becoming more like Biker groups than Bikie gangs. Not long after they had arrived the team decided to head to one of the local pubs. They had heard that it was bikie owned but that they kept to the front bar not the family bar/meal area and trouble was extremely rare – ho d a a sta t a thi g stupid i a ikie a ight…. There were quite a few of them with their immediate families along too. During the course of that day, no one knows why, something had happened that had ticked X off and he was not in the best of moods. Also in the family area, a rarity, were some bikie hangers on – unpatched hopefuls. 3 men and their molls. X and the crew put together a number of tables and placed dinner orders. Drinks and food are collected from the bar. While sitti g a d e jo i g a fe d i ks the a e u de e al atta k f o the ha ge s o . Ma of X s tea a d his immediate family are of Asian descent. The bikie hopefuls were affiliated with a Nazi outfit and started mouthing off. Some of the girls were becoming worried and disturbed by the attacks. It tipped X over the edge of his patience. He stood and let them have a verbal tirade and basically told them to shut the fuck up or there would be trouble and he had no fear of them or the real bikies. As a final insult on the so called men of the outfit he looked at the molls and said I really hope you slags do not want to breed with this scum. Tempers flared but, remarkably, the hangers on went quiet. Not long after the tirade X went to the bar to collect a food order. The apparent ring leader of the hangers on follo ed hi to the a . O e of X s ou ge kids te ds to like the Thai e sio of po idge a d he d ha ded o e a pack for the people in the kitchen to make up. The bikie spotted that meal hawked and spat in it. The kid saw this and was not impressed she mouthed off at him in Thai then cried. The bikie made a beeline for the kid then had second thoughts and returned to his table with his beers but did say something to her along the way which really got her going. Now, according to one of his actual brothers, generally after X has blown his top he cools down but on this night he was still fuming and had gone quiet after the tirade which was according to him, and others I have spoken to, can be a danger signal. X quietly placed the tray of food back on the bar and walked over to the bikies table and stood behind him. He grabbed him at a pressure point on the neck, which more or less paralyses the victim while held with his left hand, with his right he reached across the table and picked up a full ash tray, they were in a smoking area, and tipped the lot in the morons beer then emptied the beer over his head. X then said its time to die scum come and pick on someone that can fight back. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

Now it must be remembered that at this time X was approaching 60. X then started to walk toward the clear dance floor. Several of this team seeing what might be coming were on the move too and cut off the other two bikie hopefuls and the molls who were up for a fight too. X, unusual for a man about to get in a fight in a bar, had his back to the moron nazi. The Nazi pulled a knife and went for a roundhouse swing at him, which if it had connected would have slashed through X s kid e s a d lo e spi e. In the words of others I spoke to this is what then happened and in, more or less a heartbeat, certainly faster than this can be described or read. X had sensed the movement and instead of leaping forward out of the way stepped right back in to the moron thus the knife arm went around him or would have. X grabbed the knife wrist with his own right hand and then stepped to the left pulled on the arm with the knife using the momentum the swing still had and stuck out a foot sending the bikie to his knees.. This would not have done much damage to the bikie but X still had hold of his wrist and then he let fly with a kick that dislocated that same arm from the shoulder. The nazi dropped the knife which X kicked out of the way. Next came a huge, some say it still makes them ill when they think of it, kick to the morons midsection. At least two ribs snapped and blood was seen to dribble from the mans mouth. X then used the dislocated arm to flip the bikie on to his back and released the arm, stepped back and slightly side a s a d let fl ith a ki k the elo ated the o o s k ee, he ll e e ride a rear brake pedal type bike again, then he quietly stepped over the moron and kicked the other knee in the same way – he ll e e ide a manual or kick start bike again either. The follo i g o e akes ost of the e that talk a out it tu g ee …. X sto ped the a s g oi . He as li i g up a s ap ki k to the o o s head he t o of this o tea d agged hi off a d told hi it as ot worth it. Hearing the commotion a couple of real bikies had ossed th ough f o the f o t a . T o of X s tea headed them off and told them to let X sort this. They became somewhat aggressive and were put down with a couple of lightning fast martial arts strikes and told to stay down and watch. X quietly looked at the morons oll a d said hope ou e e t hopi g to eed ith that s u e ause it o t happen now. She mouthed off and X looked at her and said – oti e he s sta ti g to go a it ellow, his liver is damaged you and those other morons need to get him to hospital quick. The o o s did ot a k do a d t ied to ad a e th ough X s tea . He sa th ough. You gu s a t to ha e a go too? Ho fu ki g thi k a e ou?

hat as goi g o a d said let e

They came on and in a matter of seconds both were down getting the same treatment on their knee caps and nuts. At the same time the molls decided to try their luck too but were quickly put down by A and C. X then spoke to the few people who had not already fled the family bar and apologised for his behaviour which actually received a round of applause. Then he walked over to the patched guys and said you can get up now but if ou t a thi g fu ou ll go do like the did. We e o eef with you, they should not have been here, they are feeders for a rival gang trying to start a turf war. Yeah, like I elie e that. M tea , fa il a d I a e goi g to lea e a d fi d a eal else he e ou a tell ou manager and barman that we will not be paying the bill and that meals and drinks for the general public still here are free for the night – ag eed. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

Ag eed. ‘ight e a e o the a out o if e see o e si gle oto ike follo i g a of us the e ill e so e se ious trouble guys I know where your club is and believe me we will take it out – u de sta d. You ll get o t ou le f o

us, like I said not ours.

X and the entire team left but swapped vehicles and drivers around. No one knows how he got them but he had arms in several of the cars X EMP d the a pa k lights a d the eapo s were quietly taken out and loaded. Front seat passengers were all armed. MPVs were escorted and all other vehicles went different routes toward an agreed restaurant several suburbs away. About halfway to their intended stop trouble struck. No one can say for sure if it was the same bikie gang, another, or a bunch of hangers on but two bikes with two up each were spotted coming up behind one of the escorts. These guys did t k o that the es o t as i fact an escort and attempted to pass. The back seaters were seen to have sawn off shot guns. The escort flashed the MPV driver who put his foot down and the forward escort also dropped back. X as i the ea es o t as a d i e . ‘ight as the septi s sa lo k a d load a d take the da safet off. I go a roar up between these two (they were riding just far enough apart to force the way in). Take out the one on your side, if you can shoot out the rear tyre if not shoot the morons. As soon as you fire I go a s e e ight i to the othe idiot a d t to take out his a k heel. You ead ? Yeah, let s do it. X planted his foot and split the two bikes. His front seat passenger shot the rear wheel out on the left side bike the driver promptly lost control. X veered right and clipped the rear wheel of the other bike and then stood on the brakes. As it turned out the two bikes collided with each other and both went down. X stomped on the gas and went around them and disappeared back up the road after the MPV and other escort who had gone on without further trouble. They found out later that a very fatigued truck driver behind the wheel of a loaded 18 wheeler doing a little over the limit and, unable to use the candle power they usually have on the front of the truck mounted to the bull-bar (law in metro areas where the roads have street lights or houses) and not able to stop or evade after he finally saw them, hit the mess of bikes and riders who were still untangling themselves in the road. The morons did not live to tell any tales. The team returned all but the slightly damaged vehicle to the hire company with, already paid for, at least two weeks left to run on the hire which they told the hirer they could keep and hired vehicles from another company. The damaged car was taken to the yard of a wrecker, who would not tell a soul, and stripped of useable parts the est as put th ough the ushe . It s hi e as e te ded fo o ths, all paid upf o t, afte a other month the hire company received an email stating that it had been written off in an accident on private property and that the full book value for it had been paid to their account as they could not be hassled filling out shitloads of paper. All the hires and payments had been made through an intricate web of companies set-up by D and TT. They did not leave Perth and many visited other friends and relatives. In some cases they also recruited others to the team who had skills that the team did not yet have or that were in short supply.

PERTH AGAIN ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

While in Perth through their secure channels X was contacted by ASIO, the AFP and WA Police. A credible threat had been received tipping them of an assassination attempt on Prince, at the time, William. X met with a number of officials and was given a copy of the taped phone conversation, something that the US based NSA had picked up. X took the copy to A. She immediately recognised the voice of the contractor. X, A and C and other members of the team agreed to provide additional security and to use their own resources to track the hitter. It was not going to come cheap to the Aussie government who, among other things, also had to issue a number of diplomatic passports (Aussie and others) in various names. X had several more meetings with the alphabet soup and advised the threat was credible. This particular hitter was a known sniper and would unlikely be working alone. X Will the P i e e idi g i a Pope Mo ile th ough the st eets. The ple iglass i them can stop most, but not all rounds? AS No and he will want to press the flesh too. X OK can we at least insist he limit the press the flesh, walk-about, to the stadium he came to open? AS We can try X Myself and two members of my team need to thoroughly check the intended route of the parade and we may ake oute alte atio s if e a e ot o i ed e a se u e the oute. We ll eed to do this p efe a l f o a lo le el slo o i g pass f o the ai , let s sa a “u da , a d also o foot ith ope a ess to all buildings along the route. AS We can do that. XI

ot o i ed this ill e the o l hitte . Do ou gu s ha e a

ideas at all ho pla ed the o t a t?

AS None we were hopeful that you would. X My team is digging but we have to approach that ith autio e do t a t the to k o the ha e ee rumbled and that also means that myself and my team will either have to be in uniform or have credentials for the route assessment. AS We can do the ID. X For the time being we need to up the security in the Prince. Nobody but nobody is to provide him, or his family, with anything at all – which includes food – unless they have been vetted, re-vetted and vetted again. It is best that other than thoroughly checked security people that anyone that has to go near him for any reason has nothing on them – no jewellery, no pens, anything you can think of other than basic clothing – all pockets must be empty too. You d e a azed at ho eas it ight e to i t odu e a poiso i to his s ste and make it feel like an insect bite. I ot totall o i ed that e e e ot ea t to hea that pho e o e satio a d that that is a dist a tio from the real hit attempt. The same goes for anyone going anywhere near that stadium they carry nothing, visitors, staff everyone – nothing. I d keep a pat ol of a ious dogs i the e as of o espe iall o a d d ug dogs. Make it e pu li that that is what is being done too. A street parade in Perth is best done on a Sunday and often done along St Georges Terrace with both sides closed to traffic and the intersections that the parade will pass through blocked off. That was the plan for this parade. While ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

other city streets now have multi-sto e offi e a d shoppi g o ple es the Te a e has y far the most. It still has some older buildings too many with windows that can be opened or with simple access to the roof top. Sunday as a day for a parade is somewhat simpler than weekdays. It means that implementing a ban on people entering any building along the Terrace for any reason makes life a lot simpler. Yet, that action can still piss people off they might hope to see the parade from above from an office window. That was not going to happen on this parade. Buildings will be individually checked and locked down starting on Saturday night along the entire route. X, A and C still had some concerns o e this ut the p oposed oute as si ple f o the Go e o s ‘eside e i to the Terrace left (at the only partially open intersection) in to William St and left again in to The Esplanade from where they would be taken by helicopter to the new stadium. X hated it straight away. X, A and C thrashed out a proposal quickly. Out of the G residence turn the wrong way on the Terrace, right in to Terrace Rd, left in to Riverside Drive and a slow run past Langley Park, then a fast run over the Causeway to the “tadiu . We d still eed to he k all the apa t e ts a d uildi gs alo g Te a e ‘oad a d the othe s ut e a stop boats on the Swan or keep them back a specified distance and any boat approaching from either end of the i e stopped a d i spe ted. To shoot a oss the i e is t i possible but even with modern super-duper rounds and weapons putting a round through the Pope Mobile is unlikely. Keep everyone off the causeway and Herrison Island too but it s an easier route to keep secure. Langley Park(s) can be fenced and pedestrians prohibited from the riverside of riverside drive. Otherwise the same rules also apply. Everyone out of the buildings along the Terrace and Terrace Road from Sat evening until after the parade has passed. Fewer buildings to check. Langley Park(s) can be fenced in a night. Run buses from the train stations down William St and along the Esplanade the Riverside Drive to Terrace Rd and back up Vic Ave and the Terrace for the return and/or buses along Wellington St to Plain St then in to Terrace Road looping back up Bennet St. All bus services for the parade to stop exactly one hour before the parade itself and none to be parked anywhere near the route. No private cars, other than those registered to occupants of the apartments on Terrace Rd, permitted anywhere near the parade route from Saturday night to 2 hours past the scheduled parade completion (they always run over time) on Sunday. Keep the route change unpublished until Saturday night. The hitter may have already found a spot on the current route and set-up a hide. Her back-up shooter will have found a spot by now too. The plan was taken to the Alphabet Soup. They liked it and took it on to the Politicians. The answer came back no. X asked to speak to the, then, Premier. X Sir, the route must be changed and the change published only at the last moment. PR Sorry, no. X This is foolish in the extreme this is a known shooter who may already have set-up an almost undetectable hide on the route. A decent .50 or other high powered rifle with a spent uranium round and the prince could be less his head. P‘ Well the se u it people, ou i luded, ill ha e to just

ake su e it does t happen.

X It o t if ou ha ge the oute. PR Not going to happen and to make matters worse he wants to open, although it has been done but not by a royal, Elizabeth Quay too.

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X Tell him and opening versus his head going missing is not worth it and securing the Quay will be almost impossible. P‘ We e t ied, e e alled i his fathe Ki g Cha les, o di e. It is ot goi g to ha ge the ope i g is to be in memory of his grand othe . He s e e a i g a e e to e e had to fi d a lo atio a d ake a plaque for it. X Damn, did Alphabet Soup know of this stop off? We were given the route and told he was being ferried by Chopper from the park in front of the Quay to the stadium. PR They knew but the chopper is going off the roof of the building the me e to is i . He e s the eal ki ke , the parade is just him, we won the Pope Mobile argument, but the show at the Quay is him and his family too. Alphabet soup say they can handle it but are more worried about the route. X I need to now also inspect all the buildings on the Quay and along The Esplanade plus some along Mounts Bay Road including the Bus Station, Hotels and Convention Centre. P‘ The ll all e e a uated as pe the oute uildi gs a d o Qua

uildi g ill e o upied.

X And the river? PR locked off from the Narrows to the Causeway. X Problem is in a chopper that opens up a new threat a man portable SAM even a line of sight SAM can be fired from ithi se e al K s. Put the i a hea il p ote ted a i – if any of those buildings has one – the basement, clear the roads and take them to the Stadium along Riverside Drive and over the causeway. PR That we can agree to. X Still put the chopper up and tell no one. Keep this between us and only the top echelon of Alphabet Soup they are to organise the cars and traffic lock down themselves no one else. There could easily be a leak. The River needs to e lo ked off fu the upst ea due to usi g the ause a a d gi e the “tadiu is he e it is I d push it a k to the Garret Rd Bridge. PR Agreed. X As fo the “tadiu e ll eed to he k out the ‘eso t/Casi o a d p o a l lo k off a floo that o e looks the inside of the Stadium that a shooter or someone with a shoulder launched missile or mortar could use and make sure there is no way anyone can get on the roof – o dou t C o ill fi d a a to ha ge ou fo that. We ll eed to inspect and secure any tall building across the river that has a view inside the stadium too – there might some e u happ eside ts…. PR Nothing we can do about those issues what must be done must be done. X I d suggest keepi g the P i e a d his ife a d kids ell apa t if at all possi le the shoote take out one of them or a miss might.

ight just hoose to

PR Not an easy thing to do. We can split the Prince and Princess but keeping the kids apart from her will not go down well. X Honestly not sure I care how difficult it might be but if necessary stick them in a corporate box – perhaps yours with your kids and a sympathetic security team. P‘ Good idea I ll

ake every effort to ensure that happens.

©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

X I ll ha e a a iatio o ou o t a t to ou i

hou s.

P‘ It ll e sig ed a d etu ed st aight a a . “e d so eo e to this offi e ith it, the


ait hile its sig ed.

X Done, not happy, but done. PR I understand the not happy element, neither am I. -Tea , the pa ade oute ill ot e ha ged a d to ake atte s o se the e ill e a ope i g at Bett s Wha f with the Prince to unveil some kind of memento in one of the buildings. Between us and Alphabet soup we e gotta find the hitter, her back-up(s) and any kind of hide. All buildings in the Quay will be off limits to anyone not cleared fo “u da ut e ll ha e to i spe t e e thi g i the ge e al a ea. The Busport and all the buildings around it, everything on the Esplanade and e ll eed to hu k eside ts out of the talle uildi gs o the south side of the river and inspect every part of them that has any kind of view of the Quay over the river. We got one decent concession the planned chopper will still fl ut he o t e i it ut e ust keep ou e es ope fo a possi le “AM not just a good spot for a sniper. The stadium will be secured as well as it can be and all buildings with a view inside inspected, emptied and locked down. The Premier will suggest the young royals join his kids with a security team in a corporate box and try to keep the Prince and Princess apart while walk-about in the stadium. Security at the park opposite the Quay is going to be tight and I tend to think a hitter will take to a building along The Espla ade ut I a ot uli g out o e o the othe side of the ‘i e o alo g the Te a e eithe . It s a ig jo to inspect and secure every possible site. We could be looking for a shooter and we know who she is. But I am not ruling out a SAM, mortar or an RPG either. To be honest the threat of a mortar is a serious nuisance to secure for the unit could be well back and hidden from view with a spotter in the general crowd or nearby so it must be pu li ised that o adio s, o iles etc will be permitted anywhere near the royals. Alo g ith the Alpha et “oup leade s let s hit the ta les ith the D stuff o the trying to visualise where the hitter and back-ups are going to be.

a d sta t

aki g so e pla s a d

This was a planning session that lasted hours but they all knew the military adage – I s dotted a d T s ossed a d the whole thing can turn to shit when the first shot is fired. Actual security checking of the people in the various teams was given to another team for example A team checked by B and so on. Let s fa e the a ge of so e o ta s is around 3.5k! In a city with people living in it securing out to a radius of 3.5k or more – near impossible if not actually impossible. ---It was no doubt a massive task with a good many buildings having to be checked then locked down and security beefed up on many of them. The parade route meant locking down a lot of buildings along St Georges Terrace from the corner of Victoria Avenue up to Milligan St and many of the taller buildings as far back as and including Wellington St. A massive disruption for Sunday operating businesses, hotels and the like. There was no way to count the full cost of such a shut down. While it as o side ed u likel a hit ould take pla e alo g the pa ade oute a d st o g fo the Qua a u e of sites e e sele ted fo ou te hitte s a d hides set-up for them. A huge team of ground watchers was put in place on both sides of the River.

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No hides e e found during the inspections on Saturday or Sunday morning but a cagey hitter could have easily still been in one of the buildings and keeping out of plain sight or simply well disguised and in actual plain sight too. Choppers were to be kept in the air while the parade and opening were going on – all except the three decoy choppers those originally planned to ferry the royals to the stadium. X and several of his best shooters were hidden in various buildings in and around the Quay. The parade itself went smoothly. While the Prince was in the Quay area things started to get, shall we say, interesting. One of the street watchers spotted something in one of the buildings along The Esplanade. to all o se e s I e got a possi le “AM o ‘PG, G iffi Coal Centre, 5th or 6th floor hard to tell from down here, south facing windows. Possible only there is someone in a window with a tube that is all I can say for sure. X to Ob 2. You are closest what can you see, over. Ob 2. Just focusing in now. I can see a pe so i a i do fo su e hat the tu e I a t sa . X 01001 what sort of ground team do you have nearby? 01001 We have a squad of five can be there in less than 60 seconds – the problem is the building is locked down tight getting in could be a problem. X Smash a bloody window go in. Ob2 if that tube goes to should level or parallel to the floor shoot first, ask questions later. Co fi

ed e ll go i .

Ob2 Confirmed X 01001 go in armed and use extreme caution there could be back-up, there is not supposed to be anything in there so if it moves shoot it. 01001 Confirmed Ob2 – X there is definitely a hole in the window whoever is there has a cutter. X – Ob2 as soon as you have a clear shot take it. X to PS1 – Get the Prince out of here now. Move! Decoy team give it 2 minutes after the Princes team have gone in the building and head toward the chopper. Chopper 1 spin up but when the team is aboard do not take-off. Everyone confirm over. PS1 Confirmed, DT Confirmed, Ch1 Confirmed. Seconds later a shot rang out. Panic reigned in the quay and park area. Most people fled in the direction of the Esplanade Underground, which had barricades rapidly opened, and Convention Centre or the Terrace. As soon as the Prince started to be moved a mortar shell hit near the centre of the Supreme Court Gardens nearby he e a of the o d had ee o still e e e ause of the se u it a i ades. The se o d la ded i the ate pa k pa t of the ua . The actual location where they were fired from was found but ot the tu e o the fi e . The shots had come from a rarely visited section of Kings Park. The spotter was at the War Memorial with high powered binoculars and a mobile phone with, as it turned out, a cloned sim. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

It was pandemonium but the teams had to stay calm. 01099 to X – I a t ake it out fo su e ut I a Allendale Square SE side.

positi e the e is

o e e t i the i do s a out


floor of

X to Ob 3 can you see anything? Ob3 – no sorry the sun is in the east the windows are just reflecting light. X to 01099 go in, go in. If it moves shoot it. 01099 Confirmed X to Ch1, Ch2 and Ch3 – stay put, stay put. Ch1, 2 and 3 - Confirmed. There were 3 different choppers on the roof top. A tight fit at best. The Decoy teams went for all three. It was a tense time for the next 5 minutes. 01099 to X – Building secure one suspect down no team casualties. X – Confirmed, secure the entry point and check all remaining floors. Team 10101 provide assistance to Team 01099. 10101 Confirmed. PS1 to all teams we are about to hit the ramp to the carpark. X to Choppers – scramble and do some fancy dancing. Ch1, 2 and 3 – confirmed. Three choppers took to the air and were doing some fancy manoveuring over the river when a SAM fired from near the top of an apartment tower on the south side of the river took one out. Everyone aboard survived the initial blast and the pilot managed a somewhat controlled crash in to the River – to steal so eo e else s li e – all landings are controlled crashes - but this was a crash there was little the pilots had any control over. All aboard were rescued within minutes. The SAM shooter escaped but was caught streaking south on the Kwinana Freeway a short time later a stupid move considering it had been closed north and south bound from South Terrace to the Narrows. It is i po ta t to ote he e that e ha e go e a k a ds a d fo a ds a it a d that hile thei ha ks e e ell advanced they were not in operation at this time. Also that a SAM with around 1000m to travel to target is almost impossible to stop or evade. Just because everyone was taken off the chopper alive does not mean they were all uninjured. The whole stadium event went off smoothly and although shaken by events at the Quay and over the River the Prince was very gracious with the crowd and made a promise of honours for the entire chopper squad and those in the protection teams. ID on those taken down produced some interesting results. None were local and it was a genuine mystery as to how they got into the country in the first place the big problem was that none of them were the original suspect who was either out of the country or still at large. The Royals security team was doubled and all further events in the nation

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cancelled which, sadly for them, included cancelling the NZ leg of the trip too. The entire family was rapidly taken to RAAF Pearce and put aboard a chartered civilian aircraft for the UAE then home. As we now know his youngest son and third child was killed in Fujirah a day or so later but no terror group or anyone else ever claimed responsibility. You all know how close we came to the brink of all out war because of this with disinformation by right wing nutters making the main stream media and many supporting the idea of nuking the ME into dust. The huge problem with doing so would be making the largest source of oil on the planet radio-active let alone the loss of innocent lives and creating massive problems in other nations with muslim populations. To have carried out the desires of most would have been to fall in to a carefully laid trap by people with other interests. The point I am making here is never believe everything you see or read in the news media the fourth estate has failed. Thailand and others One of the things that X was always keen to investigate and try to shut down was child prostitution, kids being snatched for paedophile rings and outright slavery and trafficking in people. The Thai government had made some inroads in to the problems there but had not really shut it down it could t e e a poli e/ ilita go e e t has laws it must live up to when dealing with suspects. He d had



e s of his tea

o ito i g the situatio i Thaila d a d else he e.

Afte so e o ths the had de eloped a hit list o e of the had gone completely unnoticed by the authorities there.

ai suspects was in Perth and a bit of a big shot that

X sent out a snatch team, grabbed the man and then taken to a very private but none too remote location. At the same time snatches were made of suspects all across the globe the main targets were those thought to be at the top many in positions of power and with money. Some were also members of law enforcement agencies who were supposed to be working on shutting down these networks which stands to reason as the networks always appeared to be a step or two ahead of the law. X. Righto fella we are not the law, nor do we intend to operate inside some of the silly rules that the police and others have to abide by. We have evidence that you have been involved in having kids snatched from Asia for paedo rings – got anything to say to that? Sus Get stuffed. Prove it. Doubt that you can. X. You do not get what I said to you. We are not going to play by any sill ules. We a e ot a “ta Cha but what we do have is enough for us to want to talk to you. Do you have anything more to say?

e eithe

Sus I plead the fifth. X. Fuckwit there is no fifth in Aussie – you have no rights under the Aussie Constitution and even less with us. Now I do ot a ide to tu e that just akes ost i ti s ad it to a thi g ut I e got so e people he e ho ould quite enjoy taking you apart slowly. We do have ways that you will not be able to resist, regardless of what you read or how well you may have trained yourself or been trained of getting you to talk. Now what do you have to say? Sus. Fuck off. X. OK have it your way. The team here will start work on you straight away.

©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

With that a bunch of different drugs were fed in to his system and a, more or less, fool proof lie detection system set-up – a very power MRI. Sus was strapped down so he could not possibly move and mess up the machine and its readings. Volu tee p sh s had ee e plo ed to a al se all the ate ial which was recorded. 3 to a case. They had also, ithout ei g gi e the e ide e helped ite all the uestio s ut o l o e p s h as p ese t fo uestio i g and able to provide follow up questions. This was somewhat messy and in many cases took so e ti e. The ps h s o ked alo e a d p o ided a epo t a d were sworn to secrecy. A prima facie case was considered to be established if two of three concluded that the subject was guilty. Subjects who did not admit guilt under questioning could not be kept for a long time so the early trials of the a ote h pills o e ed ith the . The e e all told the ould e o ito ed ut ot ho . The e e also told to remain quiet and tell no one what had happened to them there was no veiled threat here they were given an absolute assurance of what would happen if they blabbed to anyone or tried anything on. They were then hit with knock out drugs and taken back to their homes and dumped in the front yard or foyer etc. In truth this happened rarely most admitted their sins under questioning. X s u e t sus pled guilty under the influence of the drugs and honesty was established on the MRI. He also gave up uite a fe othe s hi h did t do hi a good at all although it ight ha e ith the la . X You realise ou ha e gi e questioning. “us. You

ou self a d a load of othe s up, e ll g a the

ethods a e illegal a d ou a t tou h

efo e e let ou go, u de


X Are you stupid or what? Do you think we are now going to take you to the cops and then trust the courts to deal ith ou? Not go a happe a . We e esta lished a p i a fa ie ase agai st ou – you are right royally fucked man. I am not here to do a deal of any kind I am here to tell you what happens next. Sus. Fuck off. X. Well your loss a of ki d se te e o

o I ll ot othe ou.

ith a

atte pt at talki g the people i ou

ou t i to passi g a

ki d

Sus. A kangaroo court – whoopty duck. X. You still do t get it. You a e guilt – end of. They are not going to listen to a case of any description they have all the evidence and are only going to be asked what should be done with you. I know what I want done – I want your hands chopped off and to have you chemically castrated and a drug put in your system that will wipe out half your brain so you cannot possibly organise anything of the nature or even do what you did again. Sus. I can buy them all five times over. X. Have it your way but I tell you now they are not interested in being bought and you will get to say fuck all anyway, unless asked anyway, at the hearing. “us. Just fu k off a d let either. X. Nah a o t. ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

e go, I ll ha e ou all a d ou fa ilies hu ted do

a d offed a d ot i a

good a

Later at the hearing at which X was only an interested spectator 7 members of the team who volunteered stood as a jury of sorts. The lead juror looked directly at Sus and asked him if he had anything to say for himself. Sus. How much do each of you want to let me go and forget this ever happened. LJ. Man we are not interested in your money and we hacked all your accounts and have it all anyway. Now what do you have to say for yourself. “us. Go fu k ou sel es, I ll ha e ou a d all ou fa ilies a d ki hu ted do

a d killed slo l .

LJ. What with we have all your money and assets all your influence and power is gone but your threat is noted. Sus. Threat – you arseholes – it s a p o ise. LJ. We will now retire to consider your fate. You have done yourself no favours. A hou late the ju

etu ed to the



LJ. Mr Sus we have considered at length what should be done to you. Your punishment would never have been light but your threats and demeanr were noted and have gone against you. You are to be removed from this room. Your hands are to be chopped off and the wounds cauterised with hot coals. A person who was raped as a child will also chop off your penis and testicles the wound will not be cauterised and only minimal effort will be made to stop you from bleeding out. You will also be injected with a drug that will fry most of your brain function. You will then be returned to society in a very public way. Security take him away and carry out the sentence. Now it is true to say that many cities and towns across the world now have CCTV or other cameras pretty much everywhere. In the case of this Sus the activities of his being publically exposed were covered up by pretending to be a bunch of prosh pranksters. He was strapped naked, with a maxi pad strapped to his nethers to slow the bleeding, to an old fashioned stocks like device in the middle of Forrest Chase in the depths of the night. A sign hung around his neck with the words Kiddy Fiddler on it and a pa kage of e ide e f o his uestio i g se u ed to the post i a lo ked box. Within 10 minutes of his having been left the police and media received anonymous untraceable tip-offs as to his being there. Believe it or not the media got there first a d a possi le p i t e ide e, the e as t a , o o i that locked box was messed up. The police did manage to recover it all. All over the world similar events took place. The names of those given up were given to law enforcement agencies worldwide but many chose to keep those from the media. X s tea , he the fou d this out, leaked the a es anyway. Many of these people were lucky to have been arrested by the time that this happened, many of those who had not been were lucky to live through the retribution of an enraged public. Where the cases involved slavery the slaves were freed and slavers dealt with. Slave were given every possible assistance with education or training, housing etc and in to new jobs and lives. Most were forever grateful and volunteered to help the team in any way they could and were often called upon for tasks of many descriptions. There are many many more stories as to what X and/or members of his team did that in someways assisted the downtrodden and took on crooks, often those at the very top, across the world. The so called now, global war on ©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

drugs, had been more or less won but not because of law enforcement. I ll lea e those sto ies fo othe to es i the future. Let s e lea he e. Offi e s of the la ha e ules they are forced to follow. Often, to an outsider, those laws seemingly protect the guilty. They are there for reasons. A lot of those sprang from a lot of people having been convicted and some sentenced to death with the penalty carried out who were later found to be completely innocent of their crimes. It is not possible to give a life back to the dead or his kith and kin. Capital punishment has not proven to be a deterent in the committing of a crime. Some prisons were. Many now closed were places no one wanted to be interred among those, in Australia were Boggo Road, Fremantle and Pentridge – the e e e o dou t othe s. “o h lose the ? I k o I d e e a t to go to p iso ut o pa ed to some of the now gone prisons what we have in their place and how prisoners are not treated plus the watered down charges and short sentences just goes to boggle my mind. Further there is no reason when a suspect pleads guilty to a capital crime in a court of law and is found to be well aware of what the sentence would be and what would then happen should not be executed. Many Australians complain when drug dealers who were caught in Asia are executed – many applaud it too. While I personally doubt many of those on whom sentence was carried out were anywhere near the top of the food chain what they may have successfully imported in to Australia or elsewhere would have ruined many many peoples lives – if not taken them. Personally I am against the use of things like Narcan. You OD on illicit drugs stiff poo. I personally am glad I am not a op o a o e ause to e f a k if I e e alled to a situatio that i ol ed illi it d ugs I d ot go. D ugs i this defi itio i ludes al ohol too. Let s fa e it a a E‘ late o a F ida o du i g “atu da a d e e Sunday are full of people who are pissed off their trees and have hurt themselves and often others too or just have alcohol poisoning and/or a hang-over. They and the druggies also tend to cause trouble. To my way of thinking if they are causing problems and do not have life threatening injuries I personally would permit medical staff to hit them with a dart gun loaded with knock out drops and then ignore them until genuine emergencies are dealt with or just ignore them period. But that is me. I find it weird that the far right wants to go and inflict damage on people in other countries for what-ever reason, usually to make money out of the military industrial establishment, but rarely want to address the problems at home! X and I actually agree on most of this. Where is X now. Happily ensconsed on his island living with his very very extended family. He keeps an active interest in politics and the goings on inside and outside of the team, the UN and is very actively involved in charitable work doing his, as he alls it, little it to help othe s ostl kids. His fo us is o uildi g o pha illages hi h share school, sports and health care facilities with the local community and the schools take in kids whose parents could not afford schooling in government or other schools. “o eti e ago Geo ge a d his o Weedo G oss ith ote a d illust ated a ook alled Dia never been able to find a connection but the family is quite fractured.

of a No od . I e

X never ever claims to be anything more than another bloody nobody despite having been thrown into or having thrust himself in to the spotlight. I like the guy I will admit that.

©2016 – Huw R Grossmith

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts On a day post the events described in Another Bloody Nobody, I was taking my dog Nutjob for a walk around our island. Nutjob thinks he is a top hunter but the island is rabbit free and the Macaques wind him up something awful…. I bumped in to one of X’s brothers, more by accident than design. G’day M, I’ve not seen X for a while, is he actually here? Nah mate, he’s gone to Aussie, didn’t say why or take any kind of back-up and went in via one of the backdoors. Unusual for him to keep any need to go to himself, any idea where he is? None, he EMP’d himself before he went and has not taken any of the SIM cards or other traceable kit we know about. All we know is he used the yacht to get to a drop off point near Melville Island. But he didn’t use any of the usual pick-ups and mainland transfer contacts we usually use or told them to keep quiet. My suspicion is he has gone to do some observation but not a hit. He’s not exactly the kind of person who can hide in the madding crowd though. You’d be surprised he has a few useful disguises. But he generally has back-up when he goes on an observation mainly because he can become too focused on the target to notice anyone who might be observing him. Even people, we know of, he might use on the mainland have denied knowledge. Not picked up any vehicles or kit from one of his hidey holes? No, but he either told them keep quiet, or, more likely, he has some we do not know about. How does he usually get from the Top End to the south? Drive, fly or train(s) but if he is he is using cash, he has a stash here, and is avoiding the usual plethora of cameras or we’d have seen him – both ends and he is not in one of the cars we know about. I wonder if we should attempt to follow just in case he needs support. A has gone and he has, so far, managed to elude even her! == As far as it goes M was right. I was on an observation job, I had EMP’d myself, took from my personal (untagged) stash a chunk of cash, a passport I’d kept quiet about all nicely wrapped in plastic to keep it all dry and did have some kit no one else knew about. What he did not know was that I did have other contacts and back-up and other nefarious means of getting on to the mainland and getting around. In hindsight I should have told the crew on the yacht to keep quiet about where they dropped me too. The normal method we use, other than the stash of different passports we have, of getting to the mainland is to use the yacht to drop us in the water near Melville Island where one of our groups of friends pick us up while, ostensibly fishing. From the island another boat trip to a very quiet beach near Darwin where another group of friends picks us up and takes us in to the city are itself. That was what I did this time but with groups of friends I’d kept quiet about and who could be trusted to stay quiet. I also had a stash of necessary kit on the mainland known only to me which I visited and drew from.

Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts It took a couple of days and some messing about but I identified ways to stay away from station cameras or only present them with my back at the train station in Darwin. One of my contacts got the tickets using the name in my passport and using cash, damn another burned passport…. I got off the train at Port Augusta and managed to fool the camera’s with one of my simple disguises and just simply changing the way I walk. I paid cash for a car I found on gumtree while in an internet café in Darwin and headed on out. Why was I doing an observation run? Our, newly elected, PM had notice of a credible personal threat to himself and other members of cabinet. Upon election he did do something unusual. He shunned both the lodge in Canberra and Kirribilli house in Sydney preferring to transit between official duties and his home in WA and spending as much as he could in his electorate and with family. Staying only in the lodge on sitting and other days he had to spend in Canberra. A nightmare for security services and he had to give in and take the family to the lodge when he had to be in Canberra. He also rarely used the RAAF transport for anything other than official business and often used, with his family, commercial services and even then flying cattle class too and at his own cost. Other members of the cabinet also presented security problems - many took rental rooms – usually a double – while in Canberra instead of renting a home and relocating family both ways – again spending only the necessary time on official duties and the rest in their electorates or at home. The threat had increased security on all considerably and not inexpensively either! What he needed to know is was it all working? Hence, my going alone. No doubt A could have done this or had someone do it but between the PM and I it was decided that I would do it and, mostly, my identity had been masked during the “great political change”. I called on resources I could trust and who were unobtrusive as people to watch my back while I was doing my own observing. This is a must no ifs or buts one becomes so focused on the target(s) or what is around them that one does not necessarily see who might also be watching them! I tell you now this was no simple and quick process. Using a base and simple disguise, one I could remember from one day to the next, I had to establish a presence in Parliament house initially by attending sittings either in the Senate or Reps just to get security teams used to seeing me and, at the same time, assessing their watchfulness and establishing what sort of physical systems were in place too. A mutual friend of the PM and I met and I was given a pass, using photos from another disguise, to the MP’s, cabinet and non-public areas or parliament house as a, often frowned upon, lobbyist / adviser. I spent a lot of time wandering those halls talking to all and sundry under this guise and checking out the hard, soft and human systems too. What bothered me is that, on most occasions, I was not too guarded about looking around and was not once challenged hmm once in – fortress parliament house…. Er not. Knowing movements of various members of cabinet and the PM in advance helped some. I was able to either travel ahead of, slightly behind (different airline) and sometimes even on the same plane. I was also able to tip off team members in other states who could also observe any of them at any time if I were elsewhere or coming to the same place later. Or to observe me! Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts Picking individuals at random to follow and observe over the days, weeks and months both when parliament(s) were sitting and in non-sitting time when they were either in private time or on parliamentary business (and I followed a couple on what we call junkets or fact finding missions) or in the electorate office gave me some flexibility to watch many in every situation I could think of. I often had watchers in other places do some watching too and one or two got a junket. On the first day of the third sitting since I had hit the ground I let myself in to the PM’s office, some chicanery there too and it was a problem to add to my report when he arrived later in the day. He, and his security team, got quite a shock to find someone in his office not on his staff! Mr PM can we speak in private? I know the office is swept regularly so there are no listening devices but I’d like you to unplug the phone and clear everyone else out, including those in the outer office. Tell them the camera is going out too. OK. When everyone had been cleared I used a very small, localised, EMP device on the cameras and did my own sweep and found some, friendly but otherwise not known about, listening devices and killed those too. That was problem No 1 the biggest being I got in here hours ago and have not yet been seen or heard on any of those devices either. Shit, there’s more right. Yes, I am armed. The sensors around here will detect metal but are not the full body type scanners that some airports use. I have on me a pistol made entirely of ceramics and loaded with bullets that are also entirely ceramic and I have a ceramic knife too. Shit, shit and double shit. So we need full body scanners on all entries. Yes, and on your so called garden door too. What you may not know is that because of the threat is that others, not protection services, are on your case including ASIO and AFP you have quite a few people following you but the fact that the team did not enter this office in front of you bothers me greatly. Go on. Neither myself or any of my other watchers or back-ups have seen anything that may have been a threat to you. It’s almost impossible to guard against a missile or long range shot but increasing the perimeter, which I believe the others you did not know about, were doing continues to be a good idea. We are working on an EMP field device for missiles but it won’t stop a bullet. A also assessed the threat and its source as credible and it’s still in place as far as we know but these things can blow over and now I can report to the team I can set them loose and find the actual, shall we say, problem. As for security for the cabinet I’ll be honest and say it should stay in place til we find the threat. Costly I know. Security around here is not good. Yes I used a bunch of disguises and my pass but I knew, before I came in here, what hardware was in here and how to beat it without EMP’ing it. No one, other than at check points, ever really challenged me and I can draw out of the top of my head a map of pretty much every camera et al in this building and Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts was not seen, or challenged, checking them out either. I even used and hand held device to detect some of the smaller cameras – it does look like a tablet pc but no one stopped me on it either – more a safety issue wandering about looking at something on a pad or phone or even reading documents mean you are not watching where you are going. As far as I know all the security staff passed vetting but they have, mostly, become complacent and need to be turned over. For this building and some of the “plants” in the Lodge, Kirribilli and various rental places the cabinet use too. I’ve not tried but don’t doubt I, or my back-ups, could get by most of them. That said, known or not, threats always exist and we can’t have everyone getting around in a Kevlar bubble or Pope Mobile either. I am not under any circumstances going to tell you how I got in the country nor how I will get out and the ID that was used for my pass here will be destroyed totally. A full written report, and my invoice, will be with you in two weeks and we’ll find the peron(s) who made the threat and either bring them to justice or deal with them as we see fit. Thank You X. The return leg to the island varies greatly but it is never the same route as coming out. This time I used cash to “hire” a yacht in Cairns and then paid a reliably quiet crew to take me to one of the smaller Islands off the tip of Cape York then made my way to Badu Island. We have one or two longer range jet ski’s stashed there and I arranged for the yacht to meet me out in the drink at a spot I will not disclose. Back on the island I fired up the team, in particular A, to track down the actual threat. A pumped her source and we got somewhere quite quickly. The source, it turned out, was very credible. The threat - not really. It was a member of the public who had felt slighted by the Social Security system – can’t blame him others have felt the same way including me years ago – and, letting off steam at the local, said that he was gonna start bumping off people from the top down! Not that he could. (Might have been more effective to start at the bottom and work up anyway). We put the fear of ….. in to him and told him, in no uncertain terms, that we’d be watching and if any of the cabinet or high ranking Public Servants or anyone else on the governments payroll was in any way harmed we’d be looking at him for it first. I reported this back to the PM and physical security was downgraded on all those under threat but all recommendations with respect to personnel change-over, training and hardware were under-taken. ==== A whole bunch of X’s immediate family were sitting in the family/dining area of a large south metro pub in the southern suburbs of Perth. Dinner time! X was noticeably absent. “Ok, so where is he, he asked us all here and he aint, bunch of people I do not recognise too.” Said one of the family not resident on the island. “He’s outside. Shouldn’t be much longer now. There are others to come too, the Tassie mob or quite a few of them at the least – some are here now, he sorted all that.” “The others are ….” And he introduced them all round. “Did you see all the cop cars, ambo and morgue vehicles outside?” “Don’t tell me he has something to do with the cops out there?” “Yeah, you remember a few years back we had a meal and had to do a runner to another place because of some bikie wanna be’s he took out.” Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts “Yeah. Not again….” “Well yes and no. The gang leaders did promise no more trouble but….” “What’s the story?” “Well he went in to the main bar here, not realising it was a hang-out for bikies and other rough necked Nutters. When he ordered a pub squash one of them started in on him and gave him a tough time.” “So, don’t tell me he cleaned him up.” “Yeah and three others too, then two more outside.” Said M. “Three dead and one badly off.” “Oh shit, so he won’t be in then will he?” “Yeah he will, the camera’s will show he did everything right and apart from the one he killed he actually killed none, the one was accidental and the coroner who surfaced thinks it was a lump of cholesterol from his neck that broke loose and lodged in his brain that got him.” “Ok, tell us all.” “Well the idiot that started giving it to him started to get a bit physical. X warned the guy his whole body is registered as a deadly weapon but that just wound the twit up even more.” “His whole body deadly weapon, really.” “Been a long time since you saw him for any length of time, for a codger he’s ripped, and he’s trained with some serious martial arts people. He is hell fit n not to be messed with.” “Yeah dad, he hit the pool the other day, he asked us to pace him. He did a mile and we did the last 800 at 100 each to pace him. His daughter did the last 800 and some kids she rounded up from the swim club paced her and him too. She can go so can he! Dad, he out swam most of the pacers even after 1200m or more and did a sub 20 minute 1600 – that’s almost world record pace for an Olympian let alone someone his age.” “Yeah he and his daughter do swim thru’s once a month too. She does the last 5km he does the whole 25!” “Uncle I, I wanna do the full 25 too I can do it. Made Mr P’s jaw drop.” “She did too.” Said Mr P. “She has staying power, can breathe bi-laterally, is able to negative split and she is quick – period.” “Anyway, you may not have seen the commissioner’s car out there, the minister is with him too, that’s where X is.” “So what happened.” “There were four guys in the bar. 2 at the bar, one standing, one on a stool and two playing pool. The guy standing started giving X shit and getting a bit physical. After he got the warning he decided it was bullshit and took a swing. X ducked and used the guys rotation to spin him and got him under the ear, nice nerve bundle there usually knocks them out – he caught him by the collar as he dropped and eased him down.” “One of the pool players decided to chuck a pool ball at him, he swayed back out of the way and it got the guy on the stool in the temple he went down – deader n a rat on RatSak.” Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts “The pool players, one armed with the heavy half of a cue came at him. The nutter swung the cue and missed, same sort of thing, X ducked under it and using the momentum keep him revolving and the cue got his mate in the scone – he’s cactus too. X then got the guy in the nerve bundle in the neck and eased him down.” “When he checked the first guy there was no pulse or breathing and he was not of the mind to do CPR.” “The barman then told us more of them were on the way and they could be armed.” “We went to the carpark to wait. Two of them surfaced, one with a sawn off double barrel shotty and the other with a Glock 9 mil – they have no safety. The guy with the glock kept his finger outside the trigger guard but the shotty guy had his finger on the trigger and both barrels were cocked. ” “X told me to get behind a 4WD if I could but anything really solid and to stay behind the wheels and stay low and keep the nutter with the glock in sight and him too he was gonna take out the shotgun goose first. He’d give me a thumbs up if he needed a distraction.” “The bugger is like a cat he can move really silently. He got up behind and just slightly to the side of the shotgun guy and the glock guy saw him and fired. X read the movement grabbed shotty guy and stepped him in to the bullet path before the shot was even off and as he was hit the shotty guy pulled the trigger and took his mate out – two more down.” “OK. Won’t he go down for the guy in the bar and the shotty guy?” “So far – no. One can be claimed as a pure act of self-preservation and the other, both even, just pure fluke. I’ll have to tell you about one of our other jobs sometime. It’s far from the first time he has had to kill someone with his hands face on.” X walked back in. “Sorry for the delay guys. The rest of the tassie mob will be here shortly too. My shout drink up and / or grab some tucker.” “We just found out about the goings on. Will the rest of the gang be here?” “None of them left mate. That lot were the last - other gangs were looking to over patch them.” “Won’t you be arrested?” “Publically, maybe if the coroner’s findings on the first guy that went down are negative, but privately I’ll be released on no charge. Self-defence, plus I’ve done a deal with the cops and minister about sorting out some of the other organised crime mobs around town.” “Shit dad there goes the holiday.” “Nah, we’ll not start til the holiday is done and I can get some of the other team members in.” Hmm I think to myself an old story I knew nothing of and a new one coming.. As it turned out the coroners initial thoughts on the death were confirmed. The guy had a lot of cholesterol in his neck, was lucky to be breathing, and X’s “hit” on his neck dislodged some, which went further up the artery, and then totally blocked blood flow to the brain (they found one) further up the artery. While we were back on the island X was sorting out his teams, to stay and to go, for the organised crime contract I found time to quiz him and others about the old job where X had had to use his hands to kill someone. Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts It goes something like this note that I’ve blended a bunch of stories together here and think it is pretty close. Very early in the life of the team they got a contract to go and bring back some, shall we say, non Arabic, rebels from Syria to face the music in their home country. This was before they found a quick way to shut the lot of them down including the so called international allies. Syria, at the time was a complete mess. There were the Assad, government forces, the anti-Assad non-government forces initially funded and backed by KSA and Qatar and then ISIS/ISIL/Daesh (who may have been initially funded by Israel*) surfaced to make things even more confusing as to who was shooting at whom. For example the US and allies were in there helping anti-Assad but trying to hit ISIS/ISIL/Daesh. The Russians were in there helping the Assad lot and also trying to hit ISIS/ISIL/Daesh. To add to the mess Turkey, a strong ally of the US, was accused of buying oil from fields controlled by ISIS/ISIL/Daesh so they had money that is for sure. *Makes some sense if Arabs are shooting at Arabs then they are not shooting at Israel. Sad to say the “factions” in the Muslim faith such as Sunni and Shia make it all too simple to do but then Allah says in the Quran that there will be 73 sects by worlds end and he’ll make up his mind which is the closest to his ideal at that time. X and some members of his team, at great personal risk, managed to insert themselves in to the group where the wanted non-Arabs were. The issue was in liberating them, most were unlikely to come quietly and others were likely to be “exterminated” if they tried to walk away. As it turned out with X’s team the non-Arab element was now larger than the Arab element which caused some discomfort but many of the non-Arabs had had their brains fried and believed that they were fighting for a just cause and would receive their 72 virgins on ascending to paradise* if they were to lose their lives in the fight. Some on the other hand were starting to ask why they were stupid enough to involve themselves. Two factions within the group ensued the non – fundamentalists (brain fried lot) and the non fundamentalist (those who understood the Quran and Haddiths). *I found nothing in the Quran or Haddiths about this and most would descend to hellfire because they were breaking the base rules of warfare according to both including killing civilians and prisoners of war and attacking infrastructure. The split worked in X’s favour. Although both sides went on various missions X quietly managed to get his lot to shoot high and wide unless their lives were directly threatened and they refused to destroy infrastructure or kill civvies or prisoner regardless of their religion. X, at one time, managed to actually insert himself into the opposition lines and tipped them off to the attacks to come and told them to shoot high and wide too when it came to non-Arab targets. It caused them some angst that he managed to effectively cross no mans land, if there even were one, and walk straight in on them he could well have taken quite a few out if he so chose. It was quietly made plain to those who were questioning why they were there that they could be gotten out. His team agreed that there was little to be done about the brain fried mob other than to either take them out themselves or send them in to a massive trap and ensure their descending in to hellfire. They’d need some evidence though. RFID tags that could also report on the wearers having a pulse were adhered to the clothing, unbeknown to them, of the fried lot and data links established with team members in safe locations. The rebels did not have that kind of technology they were not to know they were permanently transmitting. So how/who/what/when/why (we know the where) did X kill someone by hand on this mission? Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts The division in the groups was causing the leader some angst. He was also leading the men in prayers and Quranic lessons. X challenged him on his views of what the Quran really said. “I can’t read Arabic and the English translations might not be great but I have read the Quran and many Haddiths many times and I feel what you are teaching is wrong you are cherry picking some bits over others. I’m not an Imam but neither are you. To be honest you are leading your men to hellfire in my opinion.” “You challenge my authority in the field and in our beliefs, what you believe is of no consequence, the men will do what I tell them and when and will believe what I tell them to.” “Really? Who died and made you Allah on earth? You are leading the men in to hellfire, attacking infrastructure, killing civilians, killing when you yourself have not been attacked – you are not even from Syria what threat do the other groups we attack pose to you and your homeland?” “Are you trying to take the leadership of this group from me? Those we attack are infidels and attacking infrastructure is, as the Americans say, collateral damage. If these people succeed they may well threaten my own country they need to be stopped now.” “No I do not want the leadership. Infidels, really, they are, mostly, Muslims too just a different sect and only Allah will say which is the better sect and that will be on judgement day not before. Who is to say if these Muslim people will spread their beliefs and move or attack eastward? Not you that is for sure.” “Who are you to challenge me? You are from an infidel nation, one of those allied in opposition to us! I should have you killed now! You, your men and those of this group who now follow you.” “The problem with that is that we out number you and yours. From this point forward those that follow me will not take part in further attacks unless our own safety is threatened, we will not attack directly or indirectly infrastructure and we will offer 2.5% tax or guaranteed safe exit to those who are truly civilians and caught in the cross fire as it says we should in the Quran and Haddiths.” That did it. The leader became physically aggressive. “You want to take me on, unarmed combat, here and now, ok. You sure? Give me a number between 1 and hmmm oh 20.” “Like I’m gonna do that.” “20 it is.” “20 what?” “Bones I break before I finish you off.” The men from both factions formed a ring. The combatants each submitted to an arms pat down by a member of the other faction. It was awfully one sided in the end. Let’s call him L came at X in a rage, always a mistake, and swung for him. X stepped sideways from the swing and used L’s momentum to pull him forward and trip L over his own out stretched leg then stomped on his hand. “I’ll call that five and I got the left too, if u live have fun wiping your butt.” Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts Then X, against all his training, let L up. He came again and was dropped and had his left Ulna and Radial broken for him. He was so hopped up on adrenolin he barely noticed. X let him up again. One of his buddies slipped L a knife. X was offered one by his team but waved it off. L came at X swinging. X managed to avoid the charge and again used L’s momentum to drop him. This time he stomped the right hand and kicked the knife away not that L could have held it. “I’ll call that 12 – you have nothing left to hit me with do you wanna quit or do you wanna die?” “I’m going to kill you or have you killed, men kill him.” Silly move X’s guys outnumbered L’s and they had them all lined up in gun sights quickly. L was back on his feet and charged X again. This time he stepped aside and not only tripped L but assisted him down with a huge double axe handle blow to the neck which snapped it. “Right he’s dead. You guys can either follow me or leave, we’ll guarantee safe passage – drop your weapons now. My guys make sure they have no arms and/or access to any.” Later, after contact had been made with members of his team in a safe location, it was agreed to send the brain fried lot in to a false safe location and tip off the allied bombers they were there. This was done without others knowing what was being done. The brain fried lot were led to the location in a supposedly safe zone and left there without arms or rations to make their own way. As soon as X and his men were safely away from the drop off point, using the RFID transmitters to home in on, the brain fried lot were wiped out by a stand-off missile strike from the air that was ultimately put down as a missile with a programming glitch. For the next few months X lead his new larger team on missions of mercy and helping the displaced with safe passage out of a rapidly increasing area of danger. He then assisted the arabs of various nationalities to get home or find other non brain fried groups and led his team and the non-arab members out. The non-arabs were returned to the people with whom the contract was held but were not formally charged based on a report from X about their having assisted others that were trapped in the cross fire. === Among many of the discussions that took place between the Minister(s), Commissioner of Police and X the subject of actual legality of some of the investigations and actions to be taken by X’s team came up. “To be frank at the moment police here are hampered by a number of laws with respect to their investigations and whether or not, for example, they can carry out a raid on a suspected gang headquarters. Even if they have sufficient cause by the time they get the necessary warrants the bad guys have been tipped off or otherwise find out and either scarper or remove anything incriminating.” “That’s true but what, if anything, can you do about it?” “Well for one thing there are things we can do on the QT you just do not want to know about. We can also carry out some planned raids and do some, shall we say marking, that will give you or us the opportunity to track goods or Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts cash. How we do, what we do you have no need to know believe me WA laws will be bent, but not from inside WA and are you going to get a complaint to police from a gang of an uninvited raid on their premises?” “If the law is broken from outside the country it still is broken but with respect to raids no I doubt we will have any complaints.” “So then I won’t tell you at all how we can do what we will do. Yes, I know, ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of the law but do you want these guys stopped and/or stopped and binned? “Yes we do, go ahead, do what you have to.” “Ok then break one law now, sort of, take one or two members of my team on as honourary policemen and give them enough info, which need not be a lot, on who you would like us to go after, believe me the web out there will be much bigger than you know. We also need to know who you may have undercover because we’d hate to expose them. Oh and I hope you are in tandem with the AFP.” “Which people? Yes, we work closely with the AFP.” “I’ll send a list and this list has to be kept quiet. These people will not be around long and may turn-over quickly mainly to confuse leaks and protect themselves too.” X returned to the Island and a large number of team members cycled through the various police investigations departments and collated quite a bit of info that had not been computerised or was on a network that was not connected to any kind of external network and therefore impossible to hack. It is safe to say that in most cases the police were super confident that their targets were “guilty” but had insufficient evidence for arrests or searches especially with the litigious society the modern world was operating in and, albeit expensive, defence lawyers attuned to “springing” people. Also remember this was in a period of the phase out of cash entirely but many nations or parts of, let’s say states, were slow to move to or adopt a cashless society and where there is cash there is likely to be crime of some description. All the data was returned to the Island and its extensive, utterly land locked or otherwise completely secure computer network and systems. A number of targets were identified for further investigation. Where really strong evidence existed of bank accounts holding funds from dubious sources transactions were traced back to source and others of interest traced too – accounts, of the “guilty” were then “drained” sometimes temporarilyand often permanently, in the hope it would cause a little more than a few nasty calls to the banks (who were tipped off) and police advised of assets accrued from suspected ill-gotten gains such as real estate and businesses, such as pubs, potentially being used to launder cash from other activities. Teams hit the ground in WA for a number of carefully planned raids. This is the story of one such raid. A house used for the distribution of drugs had been positively identified. The idea was not to seize drugs or cash but to tag some of it and watch where it went. Any weapons found would be tagged and have firing pins removed. Knives would also be tagged. Full frontal assault was decided against. But surprise was among the elements to be used. An EMP device that would work like a hand grenade was used. A/C’s and their types were identified and being the middle of a hot Perth summer were all, thankfully for the team at least, running. A knock-out gas was introduced to the A/C out (in to house) ducts the stuff guaranteed to keep someone out for at least 8 or more hours with no ill effects on waking. Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts When the gas had been given sufficient time to get to those who may have been asleep and to have dispersed sufficiently not to affect the team the EMP grenade went in. A quick scan showed nothing electrical inside was working. The guys went in with night vision kit. The premises were searched very very thoroughly a huge number of weapons were found rendered, where possible, temporarily at least, useless and tagged with an invisible RFID tracking tag. A fair amount of cash, not all of it but high value notes and some lower ones, were also invisibly tagged with trackers and also, in case the tags failed, indelibly and invisibly marked too. Then the team left as quietly as it arrived. The idea behind the EMP device was that it would render the HQ useless until completely re-wired and all electrical stuff replaced either forcing a lot of work, in most cases a complete re-wire and replacement of everything with electrical energy, or causing a major move which could be followed. Most moved…. The technology on the island was put to work. All trackers were followed closely. Cash and weapons. Some went down the “food chain” to underlings, some went sideways to corrupt officials and some went way higher and it was as much these guys as the middle and street people that the team was after – they are rarely caught or identified. Many eyebrows were raised. Cash going through any kind of laundry cycle id’d the launderers and they too were noted. Any cash used to buy assets was also traced and the assets id’d too. Even with tagged and tainted cash in their possession a damn good lawyer could claim entrapment and try to get a client off of any charge either directly or through the courts. X trusted that system not at all. Banks and other “institutions” that were accepting cash to accounts or in the slow move to a cashless society were equipped with readers, silent, that could tip off staff to a tagged or otherwise marked note coming through. The cash was accepted but the account flagged and then monitored carefully by the team which identified, via transfers etc, other high level suspects too. When it was believed that the trail had led to the spider at the centre of the web the accounts were drained temporarily, permanently or utterly frozen. There was no undoing this in a hurry running off to the courts resulted in actions being delayed often by the documents continually ending up on the bottom of an in tray or by “booked out” calendars. Most didn’t try such action often unable to explain where the funds came from anyway. Most assets that might have escaped seizure under the law was either EMP’d or otherwise disappeared. Evidence mounted. Yet, in many cases, the police still could not move. X and his team did. Several of the Bigs got, shall we say, visited or quietly and unobtrusively snatched from the streets for further “questioning”. We’ve already gone in to some of the techiques the team used in these cases, unless there was evidence to suggest otherwise, they did not receive the same end result as the paedophiles they had previously gone after. Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts Where it was thought the authorities could do something with the “evidence” accrued against them they were handed over with the evidence. Otherwise they are returned to society with an empty bank account and a stern warning that they would be watched and any nefarious activity would soon be noticed and they would otherwise be dealt with. Some, hardened criminals, and those with no respect for the law were otherwise dealt with and never seen again. Very few of those let go chose to go down the illegal pathways again. One should note here - the illegal drug industry is not the largest $ value crime going. Stolen or misappropriated art and antiquities is. Lots was recovered and either returned to legitimate owners or handed over to museums. The whole thing though is ongoing and where the team can assist with shutting down organised crime it does.

After the events described in Another Bloody Nobody X was supposed to have retired. He sort of did, he left the running of the team to others, except for contract he himself arranged, but was readily available to provide advice and guidance. Did he retire – no not really. He dedicated his time to his contracts and charities and a shedload of orphaned kids either housed on the Island or elsewhere. The man, in that respect, is a big kid. He’ll not only dedicate time to teaching, stuff that should be on a syllabus anywhere but isn’t and syllabus type material but provides a load of entertainment for the kids or just runs around with them in the sports grounds and play grounds or the beach or pool. While someone from the team is always available 24/7 the hours worked and a work/home life balance is carefully monitored. This actually also included the hours they too give to the charity work. They all love it but many were not comfortable, until they got involved, with teaching or otherwise dealing with the kids. It’s not all go around here. Two work days a month are given over to the charity work, work days. The island is quite large but there are others nearby that are almost untouched by human hands that have been, shall we say, cleared of pirates. There have been some, despite deals done, run-ins with them when their leadership changes but they never once won or came even close to hurting anyone and the seas around the island itself are, generally, pirate free – in the main constructive paid employment was found for them and a few disappeared. One story that came out is about one of his exploits, among others, in Bangkok. Not a city he likes but then he is not a city kind of guy. He had, from his own funds, purchased a fairly run down 3 storey warehouse building in a not so nice part of town. He’d seen potential in it and snatched it from under the noses of developers. He also owns a market where all the stall holders have come through one of his programs and all do really well and love the man to bits. He also rents, and made them suitable for art work, a huge number, in square metre terms, walls all over the city. They are given over to proper graffiti art, not rotten tagging, and several members of the team have graffiti talent and are always available to help guide the kids doing any kind of art work. Even to straighten out, even assist them with their real needs, those who try to work on the walls behind the backs of others and others seen tagging. The warehouse was converted. Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts The lower floor held admin offices, kitchens, stores, a couple of common areas and other facilities such as medical there is even a great doctor onsite during the day and nurses available around the clock. The second floor has a school. This and the medical facility are open to others outside of the warehouse itself but they are vetted as some cheaters, even wealthy people, have been caught trying to get something for nothing when they could have afforded to pay. The upper floor has private bedrooms, for X and staff and some of the kids or older people undergoing a training course and dorms max 6 to a room with great facilities – robes, desks, chairs, shared ensuite and plenty of space for the kids to spread-out and study etc. It is, in my humble opinion, a wonderful facility. It’s even being, where it can be, duplicated in other SE Asian cities. That is not to say the, often huge, converted sea container “villages” in remote areas are not great facilities and there is also a very carefully monitored lessons learnt process and an open suggestions scheme anyone can contribute to. Being in a big city all it really lacks is playing fields and the like but X has a deal with a nearby facility where the kids can play all sorts of sports and have even installed play gear for the youngsters that like to climb and stuff. The one on the island is a model for many more all over the world. X often goes for a walk along the main drag, where the sky rail is, near terminal 21 and other parts of Bangkok. He’s not readily recognised. There are a number of beggars out there – many with kids. With an interpreter, as he says languages are far from his strong suit, he will stop and talk to many. He learnt many years ago many are brought in as cheap labour for well off Thai’s or businesses and often dumped on the streets if the authorities get too close. As a leader of the charity he was always in discussion with the government over these issues and homelessness and they too are running programmes and have tightened border controls and will go bust a dumper. One of the programmes is to give homes to the homeless but it does require some administration to ensure they are not being cheated – it does happen. They are also organised. Some of the “ring” leaders have warehouse or other space they rent bed space to the beggars, they transport them out to their “spots” and take a percentage of what money they get. Spot filchers are often chased off or harshly dealt with. X has taken many people off the streets with his programmes but never gives them any cash. He will buy them food. On one such night he was handing out food to those who refused, often because they are scared of the ring leaders, despite assurances of protection, further help and many others. He also had some shopping to do for the warehouse – not that he had to do it himself he just chose to from time to time. He had just given food to a blind person when a young lady gave him a huge smile and said what about me in good English. “Are you hungry? Have a bit of time on your hands? I’ll buy you a meal but nothing super flash just good old Bangkok café food, ok?” Over dinner X found out that, shall we call her N, was an experienced teacher looking for a change of employer but not career.

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Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts “Can you think and teach outside a syllabus? We can provide training and materials but we need people who will not drop back on the “tried and tested” rubbish.” “Who is we?” “Do you have some time now I can give you a long or short, your choice, tour of our facility.” “What is a short tour and what is a long?” “Well today is a Friday a short tour would have you home sometime late tonight, a long tour home in time for enough sleep to make it to work Monday and we’ll provide a room for you for tonight and Saturday. Actually Saturday evening we have a visitor and a show with and for our kids.” “I’d need to go home for a change of clothes but I’d like the short and if what you have strikes me as something I am keen on change that to long. Oh and I need not be in on Monday it’s the holidays but I may need to do some lesson planning.” “No problem on the change of clothes or getting home. Have you had enough to eat, we can always find more later. We can go now if you like.” “I’ve had plenty, but where are we going?” “Trust me you’ll see when we get there, ok?” “Ok.” Outside a tuk-tuk motorcycle type came up to them. “I can’t afford a tuk-tuk.” “I can and he’s one of ours and so is the one behind him – it’ll be no cost to either of us.” “One of yours?” “I’ll explain later.” The shopping was loaded aboard the second Tuk-tuk and they jumped in the first. “No hurry, but take us to the warehouse, ok!” “Ok boss.” “You trust that guy with the shopping?” “Yeah it will arrive and all be taken where it has to go.” “Who are you?” “You’ll see.” When they arrived at the warehouse there were some kids outside doing some artwork on one of the walls. “Hey they are vandalising your property!”

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Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts “No they are not they are ours and what they are doing actually pretties the place up and is also a bit of an incentive there are adults around helping and guiding them too. Come on in.” Despite saying the Tuk-tuks were free X slyly slid both the drivers money. “Boss were the bread mix and the groceries for your kitchen coz that is where I put them – the rest of the stuff I put in the store are and main kitchens.” “That’s fine, thank you.” “What is this place?” “I’ll give you the guided tour and you can stop and talk to anyone in, mostly, Thai or English too.” X showed N the ground floor facilities and in one of the large rooms there were kids practising for the next nights show with a few adults present some of whom N recognised but could not place. X then showed her all the school facility and some of the materials they used for teaching. Very advanced classrooms, many still had kids doing some work. “You work them this late?” “No they are here of their own free will. Most of them love what we teach and a number of our kids qualify for Universities all over the world, some come back here or go to other places and work for us.” N stopped and spoke to a number of the kids, who were all very settled and happy, she also spoke to a number of teachers and instructors about the program. X left her to this and returned to his own apartment to change and tune out to some music and left instructions for the instructors to call when N was done. X then showed her all the facilities on the upper floor, including instructor accommodation. “This would be your room if you join or one like it and its rent free. It does have a rudimentary kitchen but the mess turns out good meals too.” “This is better than what I have now.” “Do you want to extend your stay?” “Oh yes please, I’m not sure what the kids were doing down there but it looks like it might be a good show.” “I think you will be surprised.” X showed N his own apartment which included a good kitchen with a couple of bread makers. “Do you want me to arrange transport home and back for you.” “Please. But what are those?” “I make my own bread the local stuff is too sweet for me and the cooks downstairs make theirs a bit sweet too. When you come back I will show you how they work. What are your initial thoughts?” “The place is awesome. The kids all think you walk on water.”

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Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts “They know I do not. When you come back can you bring or email, while home, your resume and qualifications to me – not that that they are that important.” “I’ll bring them back along with a change of clothes for tonight and tomorrow is there a dress standard for the show?” “Not all at all, slack casual is how I dress.” “Ok. Please wait till I get back on the bread thing. I could be a while I live a long way from here.” “No problem. Let me rustle up one of the guys.” The tuk-tuk he found was one of the lady drivers. It can be damn hard to talk on one of those due the noise all around and the noise it makes and of course a passenger is talking to the drivers head so not a lot was said on the way to N’s home. At N’s home the driver was invited in. She had been instructed by X to wait. She and N had a long talk. Essentially the driver had been a street beggar who X had rescued and her kids were in his school. She had been keen to own and run a Tuk-tuk so X put her through one of his business programmes and provided the Tuk-tuk. She was happy and doing very well and the kids were doing very well in the school too. “He appears to be faultless this guy.” “He worked damn hard to get this far, often hard but not smart – he has learnt that lesson, and often accrued too much debt helping others he’s fantastic but far from faultless. When he’s not here I have no idea what he does but he makes an awful lot of money and is in tight with a lot of government people here and elsewhere. I recommend you listen to what he says though and if he offers you a job or a chance to train for something else – take it. We all love him to bits and when he’s here we clamour to spend time with him that is why quite a few of the tuk-tuks were around or nearby tonight.” On her return X escorted N to a room and she stowed her things then changed and made her way back to his apartment. There were a bunch of kids sitting quietly watching an old movie and another asleep in his room. “Ok, you want to see how the machines work.” “Yes.” “Kids, who wants to make bread.” “Some were in the kitchen in a flash.” “This stuff in the bags is pre-mix, I sometimes use my own recipe or that from a cook book but tonight pre-mix. OK kids what kind of bread would you like.” “Fruit loaf, dad.” Dad? Said N.

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Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts “Yeah, I let them call me that or a few other things too. Fruit loaf is fine but this lot have sweet teeth too. Ok team one or several of you, got get some machines from downstairs please. 3 more should do it. Check the larder down there for more fruit loaf mix too please – I think there is some another bag should do it.” The kids moved like greased lightning. One bag and three more machines appeared in no time. N went in to the lounge area of the apartment and tried talking to the kids still watching the movie but got shushed! One kid broke from the group and sat with her and talked. “What is the show tomorrow night? She asked. “Dad told us not to tell you it’ll be a surprise.” “Are you in it?” “All of us in one way or another involved it’s a bit like this movie, School of Rock, everyone has something to do or a part to play.” She then returned to the kitchen. The kids had the 3 machines from downstairs and were checking them for cleanliness – there was no real need but X would not progress without it done. “Ok guys measure out 3 fruit loaves and 2 bird seed bread loaves.” Each of the kids carried out a task and soon the machines were full. “Alright said X set them to start cooking at 5am and either go watch the movie or go to your rooms please – I’ll see you at 7am here for breakfast – ok?” “Yes dad, thank you.” A half hour later the movie ended and the kids headed to their rooms. The youngster asleep in his bed was left there. “What is the story with that one?” “Oh, when she came she was a little insecure, most are but bounce fast, and one of the kids already here had been an “apprentice” to the guys that organise the beggars and pro’s. She is scared of him and he bullied her tonight.” “How do you address that?” “It’s not the first time he has caused trouble he’s not here any more.” “You didn’t put him on the streets did you?” “No that never happens, we have some contacts on big, very remote sheep and cattle stations in Aussie. He’s on the way there now under escort, they’ll be met in Perth and he’ll do 3 or 6 months out there depending on the station owner’s reports. The bugger can ride so he has to go out to a really remote spot where he has no hope of making a town on a bike. Before you ask all the cars have kill switches he’d not make it far in one.” “That was fast.” “Sad to say he had to go. The young lass in there will be fine soon, she’ll bounce, but she is scared now and wants to stay here tonight. It’s no problem. I’ll make up the sofa bed soon and move her there.” Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts “Won’t she freak when she wakes up in a strange bed?” “Good point she might, I’ll go get her best mate and her teddy bear before I move her.” Let’s talk a while. X reviewed N’s CV and Qualifications and asked a few questions. “The leading question is do you want to come to work here?” “I’d love to – what is the salary? I’m a bit in awe of what you do here.” “Wait til tomorrow we’ll really impress you. Said X with a huge smile. What do they pay you now?” N told him. “That’s awful but I guess ok for a Thai person in a Thai school. Ok here is the deal, I’ll need to put you on training for 3 months – yes you will get to teach in that time but it is more about the material and how we present it than anything. During that period I will double what you make now. If you get through that and want to stay I’ll triple it. You can have free room and board too. Sound like a deal?” “Absolutely wonderful, I’ll shake on that.” “Would like more to eat or a drink, I’ll understand if not, it is getting a little late.” “I’ll pass for now thanks – I want to be bright eyed and bushy tailed for your breakfast tomorrow.” “Ok can you be here at 6am, I know it’s early, but the kids will get a proper meal not just fruit bread I could do with a bit of a hand to make it.” “Sure, I would love too. Good night boss.” “Bosses wear knickers.” Replied X. N left with a laugh still going. X went off and found his “room mates” besty and her teddy, made up the sofa bed for them and moved her. Then went off for a shower, did some reading and retired for the night. At 5.30am, sparrow fart as us Aussie’s call it, he was up and back under the shower then dressed. The bread was still baking but he went to the kitchens downstairs and grabbed some basic ingredients, western, for the kids breakfasts. N surfaced at 6am. “We’re going to have a very unhealthy fry up with baked beans, tomatoes and mushrooms (neither of which I can stand) and the bread too – when it’s ready.” “It smells awesome, making me hungry…. “ “Ok can you start helping me fry eggs, bacon, sausages probably in the reverse order, what I nabbed from downstairs should be enough for all of us. Then we’ll do the beans and tomatoes etc.” “Sure thing.” “It’s a big cooker so we shouldn’t trip over each other a lot. I’ll do ours last because I’d like to make you an omelette instead of fried eggs. In fact forget frying the eggs, tomatoes and mushrooms I’ll get my really big omelette pan out Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts and make some big ones we can cut up. In the fridge is a bag of shredded cheese please grab that for me then you can do the bacon and sausages.” “Ok.” The kids started rocking up at 6.30am and mucked in to help out, setting the table, getting orange juice and other fruit juices and fruit from down stairs and generally licking their lips and somewhat impatiently awaiting the bread to be done. When the machines finished they grabbed oven gloves got the loaves out and let them cool before putting them in the slicer.” “I’ll go get the two sleepy heads from the lounge room.” Those two were already up and had showered and were on their way in to the kitchen. “You ok kitten? Dingbat won’t bully you any more sweet heart he’s not here he’s, by now, on the sheep station, ok?” “He’ll beat me up when he comes back.” “Not sure he will be back I think the station work might suit him and other than being a bit street wise he was none too bright – but we tried.” “Thank you daddy.” “Hungry.” A chorus of “yes, daddy” rang out from the two kids. “Hit the dining room and take your seats. It’s ready.” An hour later the “mountain” of food was gone and the kids had cleaned up and set the dishwasher going. “OK, so what would you kids like to do this morning? Asked X The kids went in to a huddle and finally one spoke up. “Can we go to the market?” “Oh, that’s right it was pocket money day yesterday wasn’t it. Anywhere else?” “Some of us would like to go the temple with the Emerald Buddha, others would like to go to the mall. We know you like the candy shop there too, dad.” “Tell you what one of you go round up two of our bus taxi’s we’ll go to the temple, market, Terminal 21 and if you are really well behaved we’ll also hit the ice-cream shop but we have to be back just before or after lunch for practice etc a couple of you need to get changed for the temple so go and be quick. All of you make sure you have your tags with you just in case ok?” A chorus of “yes dad”, said as if it were like we’d forget… “Tags?” Asked N

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Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts “Some of these kids were taken from under the noses of pimps and others and could be snatched back, others just like to explore – they are kids after all. We have a little blue tooth like tag they can wear so we can locate them fast if we have too.” One of the older kids sorted the bus- taxi’s and they were off. N tagged along for the ride and chatted with many of the kids on the way out to the temple. “You girls, in particular, have got him sorted, yes?” “He’s a big softy really but none of us would like to see him angry. He tries hard to keep this and his former life, apart from some lessons, well apart but we’ve heard stories of what he used to do and what happens if he is pissed.” “I’ll be sure not to make him angry then.” After the temple they hit the market X owned. Despite all being sort of related the kids drove hard bargains with the store holders which made X and N smile some. In terminal 21 a couple of the kids became detached from the main group. A pimp tried to collar them both. One hit the panic button on the tag. An alarm went off on X’s mobile. “Here we go… said X. N please take the kids to the ice-cream shop there and keep a head count and strict eye on them, I’ll go after the other two.” “OK. Bad is it?” “Could be, someone might get hurt and it won’t be me!” X caught up with the pimp dragging the two kids along and yelled at him to stop. The fool tried to run. Big mistake on top of the one already made. “Let go of the kids shit head.” One of the kids translated. “What you gonna do about it old man?” Said the pimp squaring up to X. “Give me a number between Nong and Sip.” “Why?” “Just do it shit for brains.” “Nong.” “Bummer I had hoped for more.” With that X let fly with a snap kick that totally dislocated the pimps right knee cap. He was down and screaming in agony. “I’m not gonna count that as broken.” Said X Upon which he let fly with a huge kick in to the lower rib cage. “I’ll count that as three. Kids come to me please. Translate.” Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts “If I ever see you in Bangkok anywhere ever again I will kill you and it will be a lot more painful than this, you get me?” “I’m gone.” Sad to say that after his stint in hospital he’d learnt nothing and was disappeared. X led the kids back to the ice-cream shop and settled them down with the others and then held his hands up for quiet. The kids yammered on and miss N got the picture of what had gone on.

“Ok, I’m going to bring in some self defence people and all you kids are going to go through a self defence course and if anyone tries that again while none of us is around you’ll be able to deal with them ok.” “Ok dad, that’ll be cool.” “Miss N, you’ll have to do the course too., along with everyone else, and I’ll pay you extra for it and for doing “escort duty” too. By the way how much notice do you have to give?” “We are on summer break now. If I give notice now I can effectively start with you on Monday.” “Ok, I’ll sort someone to help you move tomorrow, but I will put you in charge of the self defence course – don’t sweat it too much I’ll give you all the contacts all you really need do is work a schedule and make sure all the kids get through, later today I’ll explain the grading etc to work with, ok?” “Fine, happy to do it.” “Right, kids we are running a bit late. I’ll go to the lolly shop and organise a big delivery one of you call the bus-taxi’s up. Don’t go outside til I get back or catch up with you. Miss N please keep a really close eye on them. Do you have a mobile?” N handed over a mobile and X downloaded an app from his servers and installed it and gave her basic instruction on its use while the kids finished their ice-creams. X contacted the warehouse and told them they will be late back and to keep some lunches open. When they went outside four or five, I can never get that one straight, of the pimps mates were there. X quietly noted the presence of a number of plain clothes and uniformed armed police and security guards. “I’m going to lead them off from the main group.” X said to N. “Get in the bus taxi’s and watch what happens.” These guys were armed with knives and clubs but none had a gun. X by his movements got them away from the main group. He noted the plain clothed police and security watching intensely and fronted the pimp that appeared to be the ring leader. “Want to try your luck do you?” The leader launched an attack with the others. It didn’t last long and they were all down and disarmed. Most with nasty injuries. The cops came running, guns out, and arrested the gang after they were down. The boss nodded at X. Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts “Don’t think this lot will give anyone any more trouble.” “Just make sure they are binned for a long, long time.” “Don’t worry we’ve been after a couple of these for a while but this time we have evidence. They’ll not see daylight from outside of bars for a long time.” “Please make sure of it, they come near me or any of the kids or my people again and they die. It will be self defence all the way too.” “I know that is not an idle threat but be careful you are not above the law yourself.” “Yes, I know. Any more of this gang left?” “Yes there are but we don’t have enough on them.” “Ok, I’ll get my guys on it, they’ll be cleaned up. I’ll get one of my lot to contact you, pass along what you do have.” “Done. Enjoy the rest of your day.” X jumped in the bus taxi and they returned to the ware-house. “I’ve never seen anything like that, you really put the hurts on those guys, the police were a bit late helping out.” “They knew I didn’t need much help they only really had guns drawn in case there were others that might have been in the back ground and not been seen.” “What will happen to those guys and, for that matter, the rest of the gang?” “Well, let’s just say, I have a private business too, the rest will dispurse or disappear. That lot, when they get out of hospital, will spend a hell of a long time in the Bangkok Hilton but I suspect that no one will take them food etc and they will eventually leave in wooden boxes.” “I’m curious about the business.” “Sorry to sound rude, you might be told all about it in the future but for the time being you have no need to know but it is what brings in the money for all this.” Most of the rest of the warehouse team was at lunch in one of the dining rooms and X introduced N around and left her with them and made his way to the kids dining room and took his lunch with them. N noted some people who were familiar but she could still not place. No one would crack and tell her who they were other than to say they had something to do with the show later. When lunch was done and the tables cleared and cleaned they were all stacked against one wall with the chairs and futon type mattresses taken from store and laid out. N and a couple of other teachers joined X with the kids. “Kids who need to practice for tonight off you go please. The rest of you, what would you like to do – stories, movies, life lessons.” “STORIES.” “Made up or out of a book?”

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Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts “MADE UP.” N queried X with a look. “This is a continuous story, I start it and each person, until it sort of dies, takes it on and tries to make it hard for the next one to continue without killing it.” X told N. “Anyone want to do whiteboard drawings for it, or should I say them.” A chorus of me, me, me. X picked out five kids and made sure they had good markers and that the markers were all the white-board type. The stories that were told, oddly enough X can remember most and they are recorded, I’ll leave until later. At around 3.30pm X asked the kids who would like to do some extra school work and who would like to have a nap until around 5. Most, oddly enough, chose a nap. The mattresses were all shoved up together, X, N and the kids all crowded in and had a nap. At 5 they all trooped in for dinner and most went off to change for the show. “What is this show?” N asked X “You’ll see.” Said X with a smile on his face. At around 6 the show got started with all the staff and a number of invited guests watching. It was a, shall we say, science based, magic show. The kids showed off some tricks and then the guys N had seen but could not place came on. They were from a science based magic show on UK and international TV. The whole thing lasted nearly 4 hours and a majority of the audience and the kids were rapt with the whole thing. Toward the end X picked out 7 kids to come and help make bread for the morning, he, the kids and N went up to his apartment. The kids set the bread machines up and got them going on a timer to start at 6. “Come back for a light breakfast at 7am, ok kids.” “Ok, dad. Good night.” With that they retired off to their rooms. “That was wonderful N said to X, where did you get the idea for that and how did you talk those TV people in to it.” “All the kids love magic, last month we had a world champion card guy here nearly all of it was slight of hand and some of the kids show promise. As you saw this one was science based and although, some, I’d say not all, of the kids don’t quite realise it they are learning some good science lessons too. Getting the TV guys in was easy.” We’ll leave what happened next right there….. I digressed The uninhabited islands. Many of the team members had been out to the islands and one was selected for away days they’d also done some exploring and set-up different hides for watching native animals and birds and had also checked out beaches and Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts set-up gas fired, they take bottles out on a separate boat, stainless steel benches and other equipment for a comfy bbq/picnic. The pirates were warned to leave it all alone or suffer the consequences. Despite the so called détente and the area supposedly being pirate free on away days boats out to the island in question were escorted by a vessel or vessels no one in their right mind would argue with! I always go on away days but Nutjob, because we try to leave the local wildlife as we found it and because he thinks he is a hunter is left behind, oddly enough the kids don’t like that idea either but most understand why. He generally won’t talk to me for a day or so after one of those trips! There are so many kids here that away days are split in three! X goes out on most – when he is here. The general idea is the kids spend some time off their own island and can take part in all sorts of activities. Swimming, in differently graded beaches (for swimmers of different capabilities), surfing, boating, going out watching animals and, on days when the trackers are around, they learn to navigate and track different animals and play a more adventurous game of hide and seek. Generally, having fun. I like the aquanet game myself. A couple of the beaches are very shallow for quite a long way. A net is set-up, similar to volley ball and we play a volley ball like game in different depths of water – dependent on the height of the players. X likes to swim and is, for his age, an accomplished “marathon” swimmer and some of the kids, including his own daughter, are too! He will also go out to the hides and sometimes goes fishing off a beach or rocks. The kids who go out to the hides are also taught techniques for moving almost silently through the bush and leaving as small as possible trail behind too. At the end of every day, gas bottles are removed, everything except the permanent structures removed and the island left, as much as possible, as it was found. Apart from the other “adventures” that go on around here these are days I really look forward to, Nutjob, obviously does not and he seems to know when they are coming he starts to get a bit aloof with me.. Because of the threat of possible pirate attack on our own island, you’d be surprised some of those that disappeared tried but did not get close and were sunk, and the other we visit – the kids are drilled and drilled. They understand the importance but dislike the drills and know the difference between a drill and no drill (ie this is real) call/warning. The trackers I already spoke of are all used on the islands too and include audio alarms, vibrate (like mad) and are, somehow, water proof down to 10 plus metres. Our island has a bunker or bunkers for everyone that’d survive almost anything. The other has a bunch of caves identified as good secure points and locations are all set in the trackers everyone, if the tracker goes off knows exactly where to go and has an audible alarm and guidance to the respective cave. The caves have self defence mechanisms which the adult accompanying the kids trips being the last one in. It trips off when an all clear is given but I know I’d not go near one if the system was live. I tell you all this because on one such trip pirates tried it on. They’d been seen coming in by monitors on the yacht and our island and the tracker alarms were tripped in both locations and the defenders took up their “action stations”. They had come in numbers. The defence “boats” took out quite a few but some got through. On our island the alarm and the drilling worked incredibly well. The kids hit the “bunkers” along with their appointed carer very quickly. Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts The attack was quite well coordinated. There were some fierce fire fights and the attackers had mortars too. One of the attackers got close to a bunker and tried to attack with a mortar. He never got the shot off – it would not have damaged the bunker or entry point anyway – he was cut down. The defence mechanism saw him coming and, although supposedly illegal to use (X takes no chances), put a .50 calibre hole in him. That said it just did not last all that long. Few attackers survived and no one on our team was at all hurt. The surviving attackers were disarmed and retained. Any who were seriously wounded were taken out to sea and finished off – we have some facilities but …... The main island attackers made the beach but got no further and were cut down by either well directed fire or mines that had been activated - until activated they are not much and totally harmless. The “experts”, a word X dislikes, then set about questioning those taken prisoner. Their main location was identified and force numbers and equipment worked out. The team sent a satellite across in several passes. At the same time at least two freighters were identified as being under the control of pirates. X did a deal with the owners – no ransom, pay us what was demanded and we’ll get them back. Another freighter, also taken over, was now an asset of the pirates. Plans for the freighters were sent to the team and possible prisons within the ships identified. It was also suspected that at least one crew member was also a pirate or sympathiser. A reliable local spy was sent to the island the pirates were using that person identified, and where possible, quietly tagged a number of the pirate gang and their infrastructure. There was no way, without totally giving himself away that he could tag everything before he was withdrawn. He did manage to get some info on the ships too. A plan of attack was worked out. X told a trusted source within the government what was going to go down but not when, there is only so far that trust goes.. He sent out two combat teams backed-up by the team on the island and the yacht and the, shall we say, well armed, but older torpedo boats with crews and teams to attack the freighters that were under pirate control. They did not use their snazzy tech to shut them down that would have put any prisoners onboard at great risk. The other ship was just sunk. X had some snazzy tech and spun up a missile on a nearby Philippine war ship and fired it at that ship. No doubt it could have been recovered but not without a fire fight. You hear, in the news etc, a lot about Collateral Damage. In many cases it is utterly unavoidable. X does tend to apply the rules, oddly enough, of the Quran and Haddiths. He felt the attack justified as they were putting his home under threat. The problem is knowing who is a threat and who, other than some young kids (even they can be a risk) is not – the “allies” in Vietnam learnt that one the hard way. Taking out infrastructure is supposed to be against the rules but when that infrastructure is an arms dump or a fuel supply for the boats they use it’s taken out. The teams hitting the pirate island were led in by the spy. They were really quiet and got in undetected. They were not silly enough to mount a full frontal assault. The attacks on the freighters and ship were all coordinated in timing so that none would tip off the land base. The battle, as was, was short lived. Tagged people were put down, some prisoners were taken, and tagged infrastructure raided or just plain destroyed. All the boats found were destroyed too. Another, that had been at sea, tried to come in to effect a counter attack but was taken out by an MTP – it never got close. Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts The “experts” were brought in with some chemicals and prisoners interrogated. A number of other people were also taken out. Any kid, who may have been left an orphan or in the care of someone who really could not care for them or would not care for them, were taken out to the yacht and calmed down by professional members of the team who explained to them where they were being taken, why and that they would be properly cared for. Some of the women wanted to go too and, after they were carefully vetted, they were taken as well. A lot of very valuable information was obtained from them and others. The pirates, instead of operating in, often, opposing groups were trying to organise. Information was passed to various governments who were watched for their actions – if little or none then bases were taken out by X’s outfit. The rules put aside and, in the main, naval missiles used. That said land attack teams were also used and followed in by “care” teams who set-up, sometimes staffed, facilities for those left behind like orphanages with schools and medical facilities for all to use – some of the staff were also excellent intelligence gatherers. Piracy still goes on today but in this region it is amateurish and poorly organised and because they were now being monitored, or radio and other comms were, they were often cut off before they could attack a sea going vessel of any kind. When the bulk of the threat had blown over X declared 5 island days in a row. We had a great time every day and it served well to introduce the new kids to the island and people who were now home and defacto parents. Some of the older kids initially caused some trouble but soon realised where their bread was best buttered and calmed down but were also monitored along with one or two suspected quiet seethers. X also organised with the trackers and others for kids to be rotated through parts of the northern half of Australia with trackers and bush tucker experts every one that returned had great stories to tell and loved their time there. There a few “public” places on the island where X is not mobbed by kids looking for lessons or to have some fun and he usually gives in to them. That said he still calls himself “Another Bloody Nobody”, I know of a hell of a lot of kids all over the world who call him Dad and love him to bits to them he is far from Another Bloody Nobody. The Bangkok story was rather fresh and I asked X if I could go through the same training as N. “Sure, why not? I’ll organise for you to go to Phuket with all the others, N is not the only recruit to undergo the training.” I had previously, on the island and elsewhere seen him teach or train he loves it. The system he uses is a whole lot different to many others I have seen. We spoke about it in bits and at length. One particular trip he took myself and N along to one of the villages out in the boondocks of Cambodia. He does not have favourites among the kids but he does have favourite subjects and a preferred method. Soon after we arrive he made a bee line for one classroom in particular after a short discussion with the school administrators. As soon as he entered he was mobbed by 20 or so kids and a couple of adults too. Dad… X…. Now I have to say, and he admits, he can’t dance at all but he stuck a usb stick in the room pc and fired up the projector and got everyone, Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts N and I too, dancing. It was great fun. 10 minutes later he held up both hands and the students all returned to their seats without question. Well sort of.. One kid put her hand, a youngster – “Dad, did you bring candy?” “Cheeky sod, yes I brought candy would I come without candy? But you all know it’s a reward so if you get throught the class without giving me any hassle I’ll give you all some candy. I also have another surprise for this class and will tell you all at dinner, ok?” “OK, dad!” Another hand shot up. “Dad, are you teaching swimming tonight? Are we having dinner at the beach?” “Yes, I will be teaching swimming tonight, let’s say 4pm for beginners, 5pm for intermediates – someone else will do advanced. 6pm dinner at the beach, ok?” A chorus of “Way cool, thanks, Dad.” Beach! We were nowhere near the lake. What are they going on about beach ran through my head. When the excitement died he started in on his lesson. This was a life lesson built around Robert Kiyosaki’s pipeline story of working smart not hard. He gave the class a big number of working smart “tool kits” – to be honest both I and N took lots of notes. When he finished the lesson he gave out a big of what we Aussies call mixed lollies to everyone in the class even the adults including N and I. I quizzed him later with N about the methods he used to teach. “It’s nothing new but the people I bring in to train the others, you too, developed the methods we use and work on to try to improve or adapt for our subject matter and the capacity of the learners. We have a little test or two we try with the kids and adults and try to put them in a classroom that best suits their learning needs – there are three, auditory (polly wanna cracker stuff – how I hate that stuff….), visual and kinaesthetic. Very few end up in auditory classes and I really do understand that but it does suit some. You’ll learn those techniques, how to plan, and some others we also teach proper speed reading – we’ve had kids as young as 2 speed reading. All the students in that class can speed read. We’ve also had some older kids head off to uni’s overseas and some got through 3 and 4 year courses in less than a whole year.” “Wow!” Said N, “the system really appears to work.” “I’ll admit we have had a couple of bombs, kids and adults that we ended up having to work with separately using really experienced teacher and physh’s too but we got them through in the end and we took the lessons we learnt from those too and have a better vetting/testing system. Some of them have problems, especially ex child soldiers in Africa, that have to be undone.” “X, what beach, where?” “Come along it’s almost time for the first swimming lesson, you’ll see.” Understand that is is one of my first trips, other than to the warehouse in Bangkok, to one of these facilities. A point I must make here is that X put a lot of his personal money in to these ventures. The team too – from funds that were taken from dodgie outfits etc that they closed down and, where, those funds were returned to either the suspected dodgy or authorities they’d made good returns on investments that also got sunk in so the “charity” was well funded. Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts The beach is a huge pool or pools. One end of which has a sandy beach and that part of the pool is separated from the rest and has a wave machine in it too! There is even a diving pool. Oddly enough it’s where X takes the beginners, generally non swimmers, for their first lesson or two. He has, to someone watching from the outside, an odd approach to that – he does not tolerate flotation aids (other than kick boards which come in later) and the first thing he sets about teaching is confidence and how to float, tread water etc. When those beginners hit the main pool they have little fear of but respect for deep water. It works! The classes are quite serious but this does not mean that he and the learners do not have a little fun in the lessons too. Some of the better swimmers were being taught to body surf, body board and stand-up surf too. N was also in the learner’s class and even though she showed some, natural to a degree, fear of the diving pool she too got through the floating and treading water phase of the lessons. Just how he handles those with the “fear” and gets them to relax and then to enjoy the water really is something to watch. The beach “end” also have a similar bbq set-up to the other island I’ve already spoken of, a “hangi” area too, plus a play area for the kids. Dinner was something else. We were blessed with a clear night and the sky was a veritable sea of stars. Sunset was colourless but there were no clouds or pollution around to colour the sky at all. As dinner and the following clean up wound down X addressed the school. “As you know the school year is about to end. At the start of each year we promise the best performers prizes. Now it’s time for me to tell you who has a prize and what the prizes are.” Prizes? another question to ask, another thought to record. “Ok, the top student in each class, will be going to London and other parts of England for a holiday. They are ….. we will be going in 3 weeks time and stay 2 weeks, we’ve organised all sorts of activities and w’ll not only learn a lot of stuff but also have a serious amount of fun. I’m coming too.“ “The most improved class as a whole, the one I taught today, are going to Australia, Perth and the Gold Coast, with me for a holiday. We’ll be leaving in 3 days all the paperwork is done and you will be given your passports and visas that day. Ditto, lots of learning activities and fun too.” “These swimmers …… will also be coming to Australia and are entered in a swimming carnival as a team. Those others coming will also attend the carnival to make a lot of noise cheering on our team and I’ve organised for it to go live on the TV’s here with a two way feed so you guys left can make a noise too.” “Everyone else who got through, all of you I am super happy to say, will get a prize too. There are choices and the list will be sent around the day after tomorrow and you can choose your prize.” “Tomorrow we are all of us off to Angkor Watt. It’s a long way but we’ve sorted some good coaches and several places to stop, stretch our legs and get food etc. The monks will give us a long tour of the Watt and you are all permitted to ask questions and attend “prayers” too. We set out at 8am so all of you breakfast at 7am latest. That means an early night for many of you.” “One last thing, I nearly forgot – chorus of Dingbat please…” Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts “DINGBAT!” “The students have qualified for Universities and he read a list of students, universities and courses.” He also stated categorically where the students will stay and full fees were met and a living allowance would be paid. “Just so you know these students from this school are at ……. . Also these students from this school are about to graduate university and are going to work for …. “ I have to admit here most wanted to work for X’s charity. Needless to say the kids and adults whooped it up for a while and many asked X what the other prizes were but he just told them to await the list but he was sure they’d be happy. N and I spoke to a few of the adults who were absolutely beaming. Many had kids who were either off the Uni, already at Uni and some had come through Uni and were off the great jobs one or two themselves had aims of making it to Uni or attending one of X’s other programmes mostly small business. They were rapt and all praised X and the charity to the stars and beyond. The trip to Angkor Watt was something else. Granted when it’s full of tourists and Buddhist, for want of a better word, pilgrims it can lose (much like other places I have been such as the Olga’s and the York Minster) some of it’s, best word I can use here, vibe. That said we had it to ourselves with the Monks and it is, without a shadow of doubt, a “religious” experience. Everyone learnt a lot and there was a good deal of fun had on the way out and back. There was not one sad, but many tired, faces coming off the buses when we got back. “X, prizes?” both N and I were curious. “That was a big spend. Does it work.” “Spend, schmend, it works, since we introduced it no student has missed out on a prize they all pass and the line between best performers and other is very very small. It’s getting hard to actually do the award for most improved class might have to re-think that one a bit. We also charter the aircraft – ultimately its cheaper than individual seats on airlines and the airlines compete hard for that business too.” “No one gets left out either, we have little tests and carefully watch kids who may not be too gifted academically or who just might be the right type to be a good tradie. We have our own trade schools and many companies will take our kids as apprentices. We even work a way of giving out prizes for them too.” “How did you swing the swimming carnie and do the prizes happen in other schools?” “All the schools have similar prizes but we try to stagger the year ends. There will be four schools in Perth and four swim teams too, then all of us hit the Goldie for some serious fun. The carnie went from a medium sized event to rather large – what went from state A, B and C grade carnies were merged years ago but they may have to re-split them if we keep surfacing or we may have to also use carnies in different states. What I kept quiet is those kids all stand a chance of qualifying for the world championships and/or Olympics too – didn’t want to put that pressure on them.” “Where will we all stay?” “We? Do both of you want to come?” “YES!” “It means changing over your training but sure thing come right along, I’ll sort it in the morning. As for stay – we have similar facilities near both Perth and the Goldie to this one kept aside just for these trips and are permanently staffed. We’ve got other facilities in the Aboriginal communities, well quite a few not all, too and those kids also do well but get trips elsewhere as prizes.” Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts “It appears to be a hugely successful system.” “One of the seven deadly sins – but, I am proud to say, yes, it is it’s working incredibly well. I think we have hit on a winning formula but we still need to make notes on lessons learnt and take action of those lessons too.” The kids got a day out at a local wildlife park and then at Adventure World, both of which we had to ourselves, then a day off, which most of us spent in the city or Kings Park in manageable groups – all the kids had trackers on but there was no trouble at all. The swimming carnie was something else. There were teams from all over the state. X had organised complete outfits, swimmers, trackies, terry cloth robes as towels, sun block the whole lot with Team …… on the swimmers and towels all four teams had different colours and openly competed not only with the state teams but each other too. The open both ways connections worked a treat and the various “camps” tried hard to not only outdo each other but the state teams supporters for noise. I am pleased to say the team from Cambodia won! With another X Charity team taking third, by one point from second on a count back, and the two others were fourth and fifth. Many swam worlds and Olympic qualifying times and not the increased times for poorer nations either! Various state and the national squad coaches, who were there, approached X about trying to sign some of the team members but he’d have nothing of it. He’d managed, dunno how, to have the charity teams registered as a separate nation and had poached world class coaches for the successful swimmers and others from the squads who would all go to a separate facility in Thailand set-up like a sports institute for ongoing training with trips home, if they wanted them, every three months. “I never had to say I expected this sort of outcome, X.” I said. “Neither did I, but we were quietly confident, this is the first really big carnie these kids have swum in. We’re in the process of addressing other sports too. Football, basketball, volleyball, badminton and, oddly enough, cricket are all sorts of popular – have to say I am not totally sure which places we will choose for the Institutes for those but, based on this result, we’re going to have to, really soon, and I’ve had enquiries from top flight coaches and others with huge potential as coaches to come on board. We’ve also got some great ten pin bowlers, snooker players and, even though I do not support gambling, poker and other card game players too.” We spent a week camped at the Goldie. First day was given to getting over the travel and having a walk about. The next we spent the whole day up near the Sunshine Coast at the immensely popular Zoo up that way. He had a special treat for some of the kids who went up to FNQ and spent a day in the bush with a super popular author and photographer. The rest of us went nuts at one of the theme parks on the Goldie. All in all it was a fabulous trip. N and I did the UK trip too which was also awesome and we even got to watch, live in the ground, a Premier League game and the kids got to spend time with players and those in the group showing football promise got a day in a Premier League juniors training set-up at Southampton. We spent time in Scotland – where some of the kids swore they say Nessie, Wales – ditto the dragon, Ireland – yeah, leprechauns and some historic towns in England too plus Legoland, Alton Towers and a few other places for serious fun. There was even a wax work of X at Madame T’s with the monicker “Another Bloody Nobody.” The other prizes I hear you ask. There was cash, in a savings account on offer, bicycles and all sorts of other stuff. No one chucked a sad and everyone I spoke to when we got back was gonna push hard for an end of year trip. Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts Another note to make here is that quite often “research teams” from government and private schools visited the charity facilities to see how they were so successful. X, for a fee, offered to have their teachers trained too – all the proceeds of which less legitimate (no wonky overhead) costs went straight to the charity too. Late, great, news our island and some other isolated villages are going to be entered in the state championships in SA and other states too and Swimming Australia and FINA have permitted the teams to enter world and Olympic qualifications events in Australia and FINA permitted our qualifiers to enter the worlds under a Team Charity banner as a nation. Add to that we now have a number of football teams entered in local leagues and often get top quality European and UK league players coming in to do training camps and many top flight coaches not only wanting to coach (they’d made enough out of the leagues) but also sending talent scouts to regularly watch our players. Several have already under the guidance of the charity signed for youth/apprentice teams in big leagues. At the moment we are even considering putting up a team in several different leagues and those leagues are keen to have us!

As an aside I found a girlfriend for Nutjob. I argued with myself for hours over what to call her. In the end I went for Stevie (as in Nix from Fleetwood Mac). They have already had one set of pups and they have become mascots for some of our villages. The kids love them and look after them really well. His breed are matriarchal so if he chucks a strop at me, especially when he knows I am going to travel, I just tell Stevie to sort him, she casts him a look and he behaves – sorry I did not think of this a while ago… N and I are also an “item” and we too are hoping for babies soon. Both of us went through the charity training and we sat through some of the programmes that had been devised. Some of the villages are big. Yes the charity has a lot of money but feeding everyone 3 solid squares a day, prizes, salaries, bonuses, construction, maintenance and in some places security too all mounts up. So how does he feed everyone? He has several programmes which work for that. The villages often have a small farm and/or fruit/vegie patch and many of the kids like doing some work in those and many say stuff they grew tastes better! Among other programmes the charity helps local farmers who are struggling to modernise and plan out their farming it helps others on to small holdings and does a lot of research as to what will grow on those farms best, the best rotation crops and “protective” border crops too. The charity cuts out middlemen and buys most of their produce at, often, a more than a fair market price – the farmers often chuck in a little extra knowing they are making more than if they sold to middlemen. They also have a programme for middlemen too! What produce their farmers do not take is taken by middlemen, again at a fair price (we don’t tolerate retailers trying to bully us down) and sell on in villages, towns and cities either via markets or direct to retailers. The villages all have trucks that can collect and good storage, including freezers and refrigerated stores too. X views everyone as his family and I am always amazed that given the time he spends “on the job” at how much time he can spend with his own direct family too. The team has a classification of information system which is very effective. Like many governments, until they were recently all, more or less, removed, documents in information can be “archived” with very limited access for many years but one or two did become open enough for me to talk about here. Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts As we’ve discussed before X avoids or places so many requirements on political hits that he rarely, if ever, did one. This particular one he did do. He got offered Dubya, by the way, but given Dubya’s age and his influence being utterly on the wan he refused it – if it had been while he was in he’d have done it. Got offered Trump too but he turned out to not be as bad as predicted and only got a 4 year run anyway. The project X did take on was one of the leaders of an African nation beginning with a Z. The man had become a global nuisance. He also considered taking out Kim Jung “Fatty” but felt the risk, of incurring the wrath at the time of single party China (who backed the man because he was little other than a puppet and would do or say things they would not), was not worth it one little bit. The Z job was a hard task. A white man in the predominantly African capital observing movements of a certain high level / powered person was gonna stand out and he took in with him little equipment. He had a couple of teams across borders on permanent high alert stand-by for extraction. How he escaped detection in the capital he puts down to poor training all around and was one of the reasons he accepted the contract. Again the tech that was used later was not as advanced as it is now but they did have some capabilities. How he managed to keep himself unobtrusive is beyond me and he won’t say. He also managed to find some people he could trust to watch him while he was doing the watching. A pattern soon emerged. Often the target, with a shedload of security, disappeared for 3 or 4 days at a time. X and the team here managed to track where they went. What they were unable to do was work out what went on where he ended up! X relocated himself to the final destination and had some equipment dropped at point where suspicions would not be aroused and he’d not have to lug it too far. What, on the surface, appeared to be a house in the middle of the bush was where the target went. A house with a massive clear area around it and X’s tools picked mines, movement sensors and cameras in both the cleared area open zone and just outside it too. There was also a helipad with a sloped “taxiway” in to what appeared to be an underground hangar with some pretty solid doors on it. The open area was very brightly lit at night but, depending on the light nature provided they often went out at 2 or 3 am. To X’s mind this meant motion sensors and mines were activated at the same. He watched the hangar over a few days and noted all the external security and also saw guards exiting the hangar door and walking around the house, often with a smoke going, to the house door and re-entering. What images he could get on the thermal told him the guard that had left was replaced before leaving. A couple of things happened to indicate that the above ground structure was not what it at all appeared to be. Lights coming on and off at too regular intervals, even guards coming out of the house for a smoke at regular timings, so was what movement that could be seen through windows too regular and then the target rocked up with a security entourage but his vehicle peeled off in to a garage the door to which has only opened as they approached. What gave it away is the driver kept his foot on the brake and even with the door closed there was just enough gap to see the lights as the vehicle was lowered on a big lift underground. X called in and asked for a thermal imager and, one of the early, EMP devices and small EMP grenades – all to be fully charged and with spare batteries. It was dropped at another not too distant but out of way location.

Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts He will never say how he escaped detection hanging around and watching the house but I do know he is an expert bushman but in his native Australia where some of the skills to survive could we be different to this part of Africa. What he did find though through the thermal imager was that the house, although it had rooms (we guess for the security), the place was basically a big ventilation system, albeit a quiet one, for an underground complex. The team, at the time, did not have the control over satellites etc it does now so it could not “X-Ray” or otherwise get an image of the underground system. X then called in for some gas and smoke which was also delivered as above to a third location. Being that he only needed smoke in a cylinder, not a heavy gas type cylinder, and gas in grenades he didn’t have to lug much or take two trips. His attack, as such, was quite simple. He waited out the lights going out and the guard change then used the small EMP grenades to create a path to the hangar door but mostly used the direct approach down the ramp. Another EMP Grenade removed the electronic lock on the door and the catch sprung open he quickly but quietly opened the door far enough to lob in a gas grenade. He then, with mask on, followed it in armed just in case the guard did not get enough gas to put him down. The guard was down. X moved him to a shadowy spot. X found a small tow tractor for the two choppers in the hangar. Even though one was behind the other he did not take the risk only one would be used. He adhered wafer thin pressure sensitive detonators to both a blade on the rear stabilising rotor and the gas tank – set to go off at 100m altitude. Then he made his way around the house using the same path as the guards but did not take chances on it being a safe zone and lobbed out an EMP grenade every 10m or so. He used his second last on the front door, went in fast and lobbed a gas grenade in as he went then went to all the rooms he guessed or knew, from the imager, the guards to be in and lobbed in gas grenades. The last EMP grenade went in to the garage. He found the a/c plant and the lines going down to the underground system and connected the smoke. Smoke detectors down there went apeshit, as we Aussies say. Alarms went off everywhere. The security team down there was organised but both tired and panicked. They did not take much notice of the security guard in the hangar being missing or the fact the door was unlocked but not automatically opened. The tractor towed out a helicopter which already had a pilot and the target aboard as soon as the tow was disconnected the pilot lifted off. He, fortunately, for X went more or less straight up. The detonators worked and the machine came straight back down. Given the amount of activity and the fact two covered stretchers came back from the site, X assumed death. He did wait it out, not at the site but in the city, too see if the target re-surfaced but newspaper and TV reports all suggested death there was even a state funeral. X trusted that not much. He waited. The target never did resurface. Job done.

During the AIDS epidemic in the 80’s and 90’s in many parts of sub-saharan Africa whole generations were lost. In many countries this meant many orphaned or abandoned, by grandparents that could not cope, kids. Some, most certainly not all, may have been carriers too. One nation embarked on a horrendous program of rounding them up, shooting and burying in pits dug by bulldozers. Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts One has to understand that the culture there and in many Asian communities is different. They have lots of kids in the hope that some will survive and be able to support their parents when they age. As we know a new version of HIV has also started to bite. Yet again it is at its worst in sub-saharan Africa. X knew of treatments that worked but because they did not involve drugs and kick backs from big pharma, even in a cash less society it still went on, many Doctors dismissed the treatments as quackery. Those who might be interested should look up Royal Raymond Rife and Dr Bob Beck. These devices used with a strict diet and herbal capsule package has produced stunning results. We are not permitted to say cure but many of those treated were virus free in as little as 6 months. We should note here it is not totally impossible to cure something caused by a Virus but so called modern medicine rarely has had a great deal of success. Proper flu, not the man flu or common cold, is a virus but the body usually manages to defeat the virus itself. The common cold is bacteriological and can be treated – I won’t go in to some of the super bugs some Anti-Bio’s have created along the way or, for example, TB bacteria that have become Anti-Bio resistant. X had asked the team, well more or less directed, to get some converted sea-tainers with MSF/DWB doctors and others along with support teams, nurses etc, who would use the technology and other materials provided to treat people when he heard the same nation was going to do the same thing it had done previously to the kids left behind. “Fuck that he exploded. Find out who voted for this in parliament or if it was a cabinet decision and kill the fucking lot! I kid you not go wipe them out! We could easily take on all those kids this government sucks." “Assemble a field combat and medical plus psyche team to come with me.” They developed a plan in the air. The team to take out the government was also on board under separate leadership and had their plan in place before hitting the ground too. The speed of the outward movement allowed no time for training in dummy buildings they just went. The teams split in the capital. The capital team got to work and fed information on where the kiddy hit teams would be next to X and his crew. This team did lose two members in the attacks that took place but those who decided on the action they did were taken out and displayed on stakes in their home town square with a big “child killer” sign hung around their necks. X and his crew got to the next site but not in time to stop a round up. Running gun battles ensued. Zero kids were harmed other than for psyche damage and were evacuated to nearby, now heavily defended, charity facilities. A story that came out of that particular action is somewhat difficult to believe but knowing the man, even given his age, I don’t discredit it. Some of the governments forces had a ‘dozer and were still despite the fire fight taking their mates out trying to round up kids at gun point and were using the ‘dozer where possible for cover. X spotted them and directed his fire at the soldiers and cops with his laser targeting rifle – no chance of hitting a kid. Then while others helped direct fire at the soldiers X charged the ‘dozer jumped on a track fired at the driver then hauled himself in to the cab and slightly turned it then dropped the blade. Using hand signals and his voice he managed to get the kids directly behind the dozer, thus using the blade for cover and dived out to keep them quiet and defend them if needed. He carefully tried to watch all around him until joined by the three team members who had directed fire at the soldiers rounding up the kids joined him and guarded approach from the rear and the sides. Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts They didn’t have to guard for long the other “bad” soldiers and cops had been taken out and weapons recovered and destroyed or kept. The teams then returned to the island with their dead where a full funeral was held and X compensated the families, who lived on the island anyway. X took the deaths hard and put it down to his patience, or lack of, being stretched and making an immediate go decision. I was permitted to cover all of this and the action of taking out the killer government. This was broadcast worldwide by our friendly journo as a warning to other governments with the message treatment facilities were being shipped and airlifted out to all hotspots. As it turns out the government in this nation was elected in the manner set out in ABN. There is also a senate of independently people. This was a government, prior to ABN, of some 500 people including the Senate that had been paired back to around 400. This turned out to not be a decision put before the parliament but made by cabinet, something that may need review for the future, the city team did not wipe out all the decision makers. Some, including some top level public servants such as the various ministry public servant heads and the police chief and military chief were taken prisoner for questioning at another facility that the Team owned. They were questioned for many hours. Both the police and military guys tried the Nuremburg defence. X was having none of it. These people could have appeared to be complying while slowing down or delaying the whole process while making plans, obtaining equipment and resources etc. In the end some were let go. The four main ring leaders were detained. I mentioned before about X killing people with his hands. This was one of those occasions. Two of the four died horribly – there were totally able to defend themselves, he in no way, had them restricted etc, they both selected a low number but that failed, X set about breaking as many bones or doing as much internal damage as he could do before he finished them off . Two he had taken to the main square in front of the parliament building and clamped in an old fashioned stock. The public were given rocks, rotten food etc to throw at them – they did not die quickly either. It just does not pay to piss the man off. When the parliament was reformed they were informed in no uncertain terms that any further decision of this nation would be met with similar results and the national bank account, if it had anything in it all, being totally emptied. To date nothing of this nature has ever happened again – anywhere! The programme to roll out the sea-tainer treatment facilities went ahead at full tilt. Within something in the order of 12 to 18 months a pandemic was averted, millions treated and a huge percentage of those recovered fully. Don’t even ask me how many condoms got handed out. Those who did not recover were offered a humane way out or treatment until death. It took some doing but finally the source of the modified virus was identified and it too, sad to say another government programme gone wrong, wiped out too. While they were at it they also made every effort to identify the source of other nasty viral bugs like Ebola and Zika and made efforts to stamp them out too. X again avoided the limelight and went back to the charity work and villages and continued teaching – it is his second great love after his own children. As I said he’s getting on a bit. When I asked him about Africa he told me he had seen it in a dream many years before but in that dream he was 175 not 75….. and had died taking out the ‘dozer. Who knows it could happen! Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

Another Bloody Nobody – In Shorts In the humble opinion of this writer he is far from another bloody nobody and always will be but he does shun the limelight and keeps his identity, where he possibly can, to himself and his teams. Oh and as for his retirement plan… what plan …. “It’s simple - I’ll drop dead working or doing this kind of work in the charity. There is no way I can actually stop and do zip, maybe for a day or so, but I am not tuned up for stop so it’s all go at one speed or another…” For the time being, at least, this is where I will leave my “shorts”. I do hope to get back to you, at some point in the future, with more perhaps even including my own, and those of N, experiences in the charity and of course the team too. Thank You for taking the time to read this tome.

Copyright © 2016 – Huw Robert GROSSMITH

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