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TERRY Tanker Publisher ttanker@hvacrbusiness.com PETE Grasso Editor pgrasso@hvacrbusiness.com MEGAN LaSalla Art Director mlasalla@hvacrbusiness.com

ADVERTISING STAFF ERIC Hagerman National Sales Manager Tel 216-409-3246 ehagerman@hvacrbusiness.com TERRY Tanker Publisher Tel 440-731-8600 ttanker@hvacrbusiness.com

BRUCE Sprague Circulation Manager bs200264@sbcglobal.net BARBARA Kerr VP Operations bkerr@hvacrbusiness.com

HVACR Business, founded January 1981, is a monthly national trade magazine serving contractors, mechanical engineers, manufacturers, manufacturer representatives, wholesalers, distributors, trade associations, and others in the heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) industry primarily in the U.S. The editorial focus and mission of HVACR Business is to provide business owners and managers with the very best business management concepts available. Critical topics covered include leadership, management, strategy, finance, sales, marketing, training, education, staffing, operations, human resources, legal issues, customer service and more. We are dedicated to helping contractors master these key management skills and provide them with the resources necessary to build strong, profitable companies. Every effort is made to provide accurate information, however, the publisher assumes no responsibility for accuracy of submitted advertising and editorial information. Copyright©2021 by JFT Properties LLC. No part of this publication may be reproduced or retransmitted in any form or by any means, including, but not limited to, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or any information storage retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Unauthorized copying may subject violators to criminal penalties as well as liabilities for substantial monetary damages up to $100,000 per infringement, costs and attorneys’ fees. This publication should not be utilized as a substitute for professional advice in specific situations. If legal, medical, accounting, financial, consulting, coaching or other professional advice is required, the services of the appropriate professional should be sought. Neither the authors nor the publisher may be held liable in any way for any interpretation or use of the information in this publication. The authors will make recommendations for solutions for you to explore. Any recommendation is always based on the authors’ research and experience. The information contained herein is accurate to the best of the publisher’s and authors’ knowledge; however, the publisher and authors can accept no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of such information or for loss or damage caused by any use thereof. Subscription Rates: Free and controlled circulation to qualified subscribers. Non-qualified persons may subscribe at the following rates: U.S. and possessions: 1 year $48; 2 years $75; 3 years $96; Canadian and foreign, 1-year $108 U.S. funds only. Single copies $8. Subscriptions are prepaid, and check or money orders only. Subscriber Services: To order a subscription or change your address, write to HVACR Business, 31674 Center Ridge Road, Suite 104, North Ridgeville, OH 44039 or call (440) 731-8600; or visit our Web site at www.hvacrbusiness.com. For questions regarding your subscription, please contact bkerr@hvacrbusiness.com. HVACR Business (ISSN 2153-2877) Copyright ©2021 is published monthly by JFT Properties LLC,31674 Center Ridge Road, Suite 104, North Ridgeville, OH 44039, Phone: 440731-8600. Periodicals postage is paid at North Ridgeville, OH and additional mailing offices. (USPS 025-431) POSTMASTER: Send address changes to HVACR Business, 31674 Center Ridge Road, Suite 104, North Ridgeville, OH 44039.



The Finale


here are many ways to say goodbye; and leaving a lasting impression is important. It’s also important to recognize and thank all the people to whom you are saying goodbye.

There have been many others — industry consultants and association leadership — that have also had a big impact on my time here. Ruth King, the magazine’s longest-running columnist, is a truly great person. Matt Michel, from Service Roundtable, is someone I’ve known for more than 15 years and I’m happy to consider a friend.

There are many ways to say goodbye; and leaving a lasting impression is important.

It’s no secret to anyone who knows me just what a “Seinfeld” fan I am — I’ve even written quite a few columns over the years based off lessons learned from the show. I sometimes like to view “The Finale,” with its parade of classic characters, as a final goodbye to the many people who made the show so great for so many years. This is the point in my column where I make the “Seinfeld” episode I’m referencing relevant to current events … and in this case, it’s personal. After more than seven years as editor of HVACR Business magazine, this is my final column as I move on to the next phase of my career. I’ve enjoyed my tenure as editor of this magazine and hope you have appreciated the quality business management and industry focused content I’ve made it my mission to provide each month. One of the best aspects of this job over the years has been the ability it has afforded me to travel and connect with so many wonderful people. Contractors, consultants, manufacturers and distributors — this industry is full of so many smart and talented people. It has truly been a thrill to connect with so many of you. In a similar vein to “The Finale,” I’d like to use the rest of this space to recognize some of the people I had the pleasure of getting to know my past seven-plus years here. I’ve been lucky to have become closely acquainted with so many excellent contractors — business leaders and allaround great people. I’ve come to rely on so many of you for content, advice and industry knowledge.

I’ve also gotten to know Bart James from Air Conditioning Contractors of America and am thrilled he’s doing such a great job for ACCA and the industry. Chris Hunter, from Go Time Success Group, is someone I got to know when he was president of Hunter Super Techs in Ardmore, Okla. and had been a great resource for me over the years. I can’t forget about Jim McDermott. He’s been such a valuable part of this magazine and the industry for so many years (congrats again on your retirement, Jim). And of course, there’s Ron Smith — the godfather of HVACR. If you’ve ever met Ron, you know how lucky you are. There are too many others to name, but you know who you are. Finally, I’d like to express what a pleasure it has been to work with the internal staff here at HVACR Business: Terry Tanker, publisher who gave me the opportunity to be the editor; Barb Kerr, VP Operations the best proof reader of all time, and the person who has found every one of my grammatical and proofing errors; and Megan LaSalla, the art director who simply makes HVACR Business the best looking magazine in B2B publishing. Thank you. u

Among them, I’d like to recognize Brian Stack (my neighbor) from Stack Heating & Cooling in Avon, Ohio; Michael Rosenberg from Rosenberg Indoor Comfort in San Antonio; Eric Knaak from Isaac Heating & Cooling in Rochester, N.Y.; Carmine Galletta from GallettAir in West Babylon, N.Y.; and Wade Mayfield from Thermal Services in Omaha, Neb.

31674 Center Ridge Road, Suite 104 North Ridgeville, OH 44039 Tel: (440) 731-8600 Web site: www.hvacrbusiness.com (ISSN: 2153-2877)

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