2024 華泰劍橋英語教材目錄

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New Titles for 2024



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掃描產品介紹文的 QR Code,將帶您前往「華泰劍橋英語學 習網」(cambridge.hwatai.com.tw) 的該產品網頁,觀看更多 產品樣章與介紹。

Key to symbols

American English Titles 此符號代表該書籍採美式英語

British English Titles 此符號代表該書籍採英式英語

International English Titles 此符號代表該書籍採國際英語

Cambridge English Corpus 此符號代表該書籍參照劍橋語料庫編撰

Pre-A1 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Titles with this logo include a reference to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) levels, as a general guide to teachers.
歐洲語言共同參考架構 的級數,可作為 教師選用教材時的參照。
Online Workbook/Practice 此符號代表該書籍有線上作業本/練習題 English for Academic Purpose 此符號代表該書籍為學術英語教材
see page 70 see page 73 see page 73 see page 60 see page 54 see page 54 see page 54 see page 51 see page 51 see page 35 see page 14 06 Level Chart 級數對照表 08 Courses for Young Learners 兒童主教材 28 Courses for Junior & Senior High Schools 青少年主教材 34 Courses for Adults & Young Adults 成人主教材 42 Examinations 劍橋英檢 62 Grammar 文法 64 Vocabulary 字彙 66 Business English & Examinations 商用英語與英檢 67 Professional English 專業英語 68 Pronunciation 發音 69 Writing 寫作 70 Teacher Development 師資增能 73 Teacher's Resources 教師用書 76 International Education 國際課程用書 78 Cambridge Examination Chart 劍橋英檢考試一覽表 80 How to Order 訂購辦法 01

華泰文化身為劍橋英語學習教材的台灣總代理,長年致力於輔助台灣師生享有優質的英語學習教材 與新知。現在華泰亦正式成為「劍橋領思英檢官方授權考試中心」,辦理領思英檢「在家考」遠距 測驗,落實提供「學考合一」服務的願景。

華泰辦理的領思「在家考」,全程採用 AI 遠距監考技術,讓台灣英檢考生免出門,即可透過 AI 科技, 獲取國際認可的劍橋英檢成績,向世界證明自己的英語能力!


劍橋研發 AI 英檢



依國際標準 CEFR 給分


考後 3 個工作日查成績


目前全球超過 60 個國家、1300 家機構認可採用領思考試, 成為國內外求職與升學/職的最佳國際英語能力證明。

高等教育 企業求職 公職人員

● 英語畢業門檻

● 研究所申請證明

● 留/遊學申請證明

● 國際知名企業求職證明

● 國內知名企業求職證明

● 航空公司求職證明

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● 高考英檢證明

● 特種考英檢證明



兩種情境測驗組別:實用組 & 職場組



提供英語聽讀 (Listening & Reading)、口說 (Speaking)、寫作 (Writing) 三個測驗項目,





前往報考網站 03
了解測驗 了解測驗

劍橋領思成績與 CEFR 國際語言標準

領思成績單上除了提供考生測驗分數與國際語言標準 CEFR 程度外,也針對單一項目提供了詳細具 體的能力描述 (Can do statement),讓考生了解目前程度,也能進一步設定未來的英語學習目標。

Get More Info... 認識 CEFR 國際語言標準 Get More Info... 劍橋領思 AI 出題與評分技術 Skill Test Date Score CEFR Level Listening 10 March 2020 180+ C1 or above Can follow complex spoken language related to daily life and work and unfamiliar topics. Can extract details and key information, and infer intentions that are not explicitly stated. Can follow the sense of spoken information even when it is not clearly structured. Skill Test Date Score CEFR Level Reading 10 March 2020 180+ C1 or above Can understand long and complex texts on a wide range of topics in daily life and work, including unfamiliar and abstract. Can extract key information and details, and comprehend information that is implied. Can detect the writer s tone and point of view. Skill Test Date Score CEFR Level Speaking 10 March 2020 166 B2 Can exchange views on familiar topics, accounting for and sustaining opinions. Can present clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of topics with a degree of fluency and spontaneity. Skill Test Date Score CEFR Level Writing 10 March 2020 177 B2 Can write clear and detailed texts on a range of subjects, which follow standard layout and paragraphing conventions. Average Score 178 CEFR Level B2 Test Report Date of birth 01 January 2000 Organisation Example Organisation Cand date name Example Candidate Institution Example Institution Username candidate@example.com Candidate number Linguaskill General 2 3 4 1 1 考生及報考測驗資訊 2 測驗項目加總平均分 數及 CEFR 對應程度 3 單一測驗項目分數及 CEFR 程度 4 針對單一語言技能提 供具體的能力描述 (Can do statement) 了解更多 04




Linguaskill Online Course


針對實用組與職場組分別提供聽讀、口說及寫作考衝課程。內容提供考生考衝期間所需之語言訓練 及應考技巧訓練,提升英語技能同時,也並進提升測驗表現。

聽讀課程約 20 小時自修時數;口說/寫作課程約 10 小時自修時數

適用語言程度:CEFR A2-C1(初級-高級)



結合官方領思題型導讀與應考技巧建議,進行解題訓練 內含官方模擬考題,供考生熟悉題型,鍛鍊解題技巧用 學習者將於完成課程後,取得課程結業證書



American Empower


Content you love. Assessment you can trust.

由劍橋大學出版社與劍橋大學考試院共同研發,課程學考結合,透過貼近生活的主題、吸睛影片激 發學習者學習動機,並搭配由劍橋評測專家所研發的豐富評量練習,確保學習進程。

◎ CEFR-aligned:

同劍橋領思考題,課程完整依循國際語言標準 CEFR 編寫。

◎ Real world English:


(如欲進一步了解教材,請至 p.38-39。)

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Level True Beginner Beginner Elementary Preintermediate~ Intermediate Upper Intermediate Advanced CEFR 歐洲語言學習、教學、評量共同參考架構 Pre-A1 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 YLE 劍橋兒童英語認證 Starters Movers Flyers Cambridge English 劍橋五級國際英語認證 KET PET FCE CAE GEPT 全民英檢 初級 中級 中高級 高級 IELTS 雅思國際英檢 0-3.0 3.0-4.0 4.0-5.5 5.5-6.5 6.5-7.5
Pippa and Pop (p.8-9) Level 3 Cambridge Little Steps (p.10-11) Level 3 Super Safari (p.12-13) Level 3 Kid's Box New Generation (p.14-15) NEW Starter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Super Minds (p.16-17) Starter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level Up (p.18-19) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Science Skills (p.20) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Guess What! (p.21) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Cambridge Primary Path (p.22-23) Foundation Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Cambridge Primary Reading Anthologies (p.24) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 級數對照表 Level Chart 06
Young Learners 兒童教材


Level Beginner Elementary Preintermediate~ Intermediate Upper Intermediate Advanced Very Advanced CEFR 歐洲語言學習、教學、評量共同參考架構 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Cambridge English 劍橋五級國際英語認證 KET PET FCE CAE CPE Linguaskill 領思英檢 100 120 140 160 180 TOEIC 多益測驗(聽讀) 120 225 550 785 945 IELTS 雅思國際英檢 4.0-5.5 5.5-6.5 6.5-7.5 7.5-9.0
成人教材 Interchange (p.34) Intro Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Passages (p.34) Level 1 Level 2 Evolve Digital (p.35) Level 1 Level 4 Level 1 Level 2 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Evolve (p.36-37) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 American Empower (p.38-39) NEW Starter Elementary Pre-intermediate Intermediate Upper Intermediate Advanced Unlock (p.40-41) Basic Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Adults & Young Adults
Pronunciation Clear Speech (p.68) From the Start Clear Speech Pronunciation Pairs (p.68) Pronunciation Pairs Writing Academic Writing Skills (p.69) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Writing from Within (p.69) Level 1 Level 2 Junior & Senior High Schools 青少年教材 Game Changer (p.28-29) NEW Starter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Shape it! (p.30-31) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Think (p.32-33) Starter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level Chart 級數對照表 07

Pippa and Pop

American English


► 180 teaching hours, extendable to 280 學齡前素養啟蒙英語主教材

A world full of stories and play!

Pippa and Pop 課程以「全人發展」為主軸,結合 「遊戲化學習」(Learning through Play)、「素養教 育」(Life Competencies) 及「幼兒讀寫萌發」(Early Literacy) 全方位提供幼童充滿想像力、學習樂趣及閱 讀體驗的英語啟蒙課程。

◎ Life Competencies

課程全面融入 劍橋生活素養架構 (Cambridge Life Competencies Framework),透過多元課程任務來 訓練幼童語言基礎外,也提供其創意思維、慎思明 辨、溝通互動及學習方法與態度等重要生活素養能 力的啟蒙教育。

◎ Learning through Play

課程圍繞「遊戲化學習」理念,結合多元課程遊 戲,讓幼童從玩中學、學中玩。

◎ Early Literacy

各單元包含一篇繪本式故事及一篇課程角色故事, 除了逐步養成幼童基本英語讀寫技能之外,也蘊含 品格教育 (Value)。


結合跨學科活動,逐步引導幼童認識數字、英文字 母及貼近生活的多元知識。

◎ Pre-YLE Course

課程涵蓋 YLE 英檢 Pre-A1 Starters 級數的字彙及句

型,可作為 Pre-YLE 英語主教材。

See also…

page 18 for LevelUp

(PippaandPopAmerican English 向上延伸教材)

Peep inside Dan and Kim’s family bookshop and discover the marvellous miniature world of their toy mice, Pippa and Pop! This new course will stimulate the imagination and foster a love of stories, songs and rhymes, helping very young learners to:

Acquire essential early literacy skills

Build the foundations for independence through Learning to Learn activities, underpinned by the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework

Develop early creative, critical and communication skills through guided play

The perfect start to the learning adventure

A gradual introduction to numeracy, letters and sounds

Exciting projects and cross-curricular lessons

A focus on values

All your digital tools in one place

Presentation Plus with interactive routine boards, interactive

Student’s Book, Activity Book, Teacher’s Book, Flashcards, Class Audio, Big Book and rewards for completing activities and games

Animated chants and stories, videos and interactive games

present, practise and revisit language in a playful way

Online teacher training course introduces teachers to the material

Lively and fun Digital Pack for students

Complete downloadable classroom audio

Complete library of Pippa and Pop animations, chants and videos to enjoy after class

Developing life skills through play

劍橋研究指出:當孩子們全神貫注、享受玩耍的時刻,正是 最好的學習時機。想了解如何透過玩來發展幼童生活素養力 嗎?一起閱讀劍橋的研究報告吧!

levels 3
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Student’s Book with Digital Pack 978-1-108-92857-1 978-1-108-92861-8 978-1-108-92865-6 Workbook 978-1-108-92858-8 978-1-108-92862-5 978-1-108-92866-3 Teacher’s Book with Digital Pack 978-1-108-92860-1 978-1-108-92864-9 978-1-108-92868-7 Big Book 978-1-108-92859-5 978-1-108-92863-2 978-1-108-92867-0 Flashcards 978-1-108-92834-2 978-1-108-92845-8 978-1-108-92853-3 Posters 978-1-108-92836-6 978-1-108-92846-5 978-1-108-92854-0
f 掃描 QR Code 閱讀研究報告 兒童主教材 Courses for Young Learners

各單元包含一篇繪本式故事及一篇課 程角色故事,除了逐步養成幼童基本英 語讀寫技能之外,也蘊含品格教育。

結合跨學科活動,逐步引導幼童認識數 字、英文字母及貼近生活的多元知識。


Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-92865-6 — Pippa and Pop Level 3 Student's Book with Digital Pack American English Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press 14 1 Numbers Review numbers: 1–20 Look. Count. Match. 15 10 20 5 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-92865-6 — Pippa and Pop Level 3 Student's Book with Digital Pack American English Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press 12 1 1 4 2 5 3 6 Language presentation: He’s / She’s I’m (bored / sleepy / surprised angry / excited scared). She isn’t / He isn’t I’m not (bored). 8 Listen. Point. Circle. Look at Dan. He’s bored. Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-92865-6 — Pippa and Pop Level 3 Student's Book with Digital Pack American English Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press 15 1 Music Emotions from music 10 Listen. Circle. 1 3 2 4 Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-92857-1 — Pippa and Pop Level 1 Student's Book American English Paperback 9781108928571 Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press 10 1 Duck’s friend 7 Listen. 1 3 2 4 Literacy Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-92857-1 — Pippa and Pop Level 1 Student's Book American English Paperback 9781108928571 Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press 11 1 5 7 6 8 Values Be friendly Pippa and Pop Student’s
1 Pippa and Pop Student’s
Pippa and
Student’s Book 3 Pippa and Pop Student’s Book 3 Pippa and Pop Student’s Book
Courses for Young Learners 兒童主教材 09

兒童主教材 Courses for Young Learners

Cambridge Little Steps


► 280 teaching hours, extendable to 400 學齡前英語讀寫萌發教材

For a future full of opportunities!


Cambridge Little Steps 結合「探究式教學」(Enquirybased Approach) ,以貼近幼童生活的 Big Questions 展開 課程單元,增加其學習好奇心,並透過三大課程設計主軸: 幼兒讀寫萌發 (Pre-literacy)、 口語溝通表達 (Pre-oracy)、 創 造力 (Creativity) 帶領幼童以多方角度探索不同的主題內容, 讓幼童在英語環境中自然地培養 21 世紀必備的生活素養能 力 (Life Competencies)。

◎ Pre-literacy

透過繪本式故事章節,啟發幼童對於印刷文學的認知,進 而發展其基本讀寫技能。課程故事亦蘊含寓意,連帶培養 幼童情感認知並建立正向的社會價值觀。

◎ Pre-oracy

由劍橋大學出版社與劍橋大學教育學院 (Faculty of Education) 專家學者共同設計,結合發音、肢體動作、情 感表達與人際互動的引導,逐步培養幼童自信心並有效發 展其英語溝通表達能力。

◎ Creativity

課程結合貼近日常的啟發性活動,如:說故事、戲劇、繪 畫等,培養幼童創意思維,進而發展其解決問題的能力 (Problem-solving)。

◎ Pre-school Preparation

另融入數理邏輯啟發課程 (Concept & Numeracy) 及 CLIL 課程(跨學科知識),讓英語課堂更具靈活性及實 用性,幫助幼童為國小學科課程做準備。

See also…

page 22 for CambridgePrimaryPath (CambridgeLittleSteps 向上延伸教材)



Class Audio (Downloadable)

Presentation Plus*


*To receive an activation code, contact your Hwa Tai ELT representative.

Cambridge Little Steps is a three-level English language and early literacy course that gets very young children exploring and communicating in English while nurturing the key life competencies and values they need to become kind and creative individuals, ready to make the most of life’s opportunities.

Its rich variety of content and research-informed approach to pre-literacy, oracy and creativity creates a better learning environment where children can:

Develop rich, natural vocabulary as well as emotional competencies with literature

Start to investigate life’s Big Questions from a variety angles

Develop body awareness and listening skills, key to confident communication

Act out, think creatively, collaborate on projects and enjoy learning with every step!

These aims are achieved through child-friendly design that captivates very young children and helps them focus.

Cambridge Oracy Framework

由劍橋大學出版社與劍橋大學教育學院 (Faculty of Education) 專家學者共同研發建立,內容包含發展口語表達 溝通能力必備的四大面向:Physical Linguistic 、 Cognitive 、 Social and Emotional,且提供 Oracy 課程教學的 建議。

f 了解更多: The Development of Oracy Skills in School-aged Learners










levels 3
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Student’s Book 978-1-108-71961-2 978-1-108-73658-9 978-1-108-73661-9 Activity Book 978-1-108-73662-6 978-1-108-73663-3 978-1-108-73664-0 Phonics Book 978-1-108-73691-6 978-1-108-70672-8 978-1-108-70673-5 Numeracy Book 978-1-108-70674-2 978-1-108-70675-9 978-1-108-70676-6
Edition 978-1-108-73665-7 978-1-108-73666-4 978-1-108-73668-8
Big Book 978-1-108-73674-9 978-1-108-73676-3 978-1-108-73677-0

Unit Opener

Every unit starts off with a Big Question that sets the context for the unit, fosters high-level thinking skills, and promotes a deeper exploration of the theme.

以貼近幼童生活的 Big Questions 展開課 程單元,增加其學習好奇心。

A photo activates prior knowledge and gets students thinking about the topic.


Each unit includes a unit-opener song and a unit-opener video that introduce the topic and present the key language.

透過繪本式故事章節,啟發幼童對於文字與印刷品的認 知,進而發展其基本讀寫技能。課程故事亦蘊含寓意, 連帶培養幼童情感認知並建立正確的社會價值觀。

Big Question that sets the context for the unit, fosters high-level thinking skills, and promotes a deeper activates prior knowledge and gets students thinking unit-opener song unit-opener video that introduce the topic and present the key language.


CambridgeLittleSteps Student’s Book 1


結合發音、肢體動作、情感表達與人際互 動的引導,逐步培養幼童自信心並有效發 展其英語溝通表達能力。

CambridgeLittleSteps Student’s Book 2


課程結合貼近日常的啟發性活動,如:說故 事、戲劇、繪畫等,培養幼童創意思維,進而 發展其解決問題的能力 (Problem-solving)。

CambridgeLittleSteps Student’s Book 3

125 9 What are your favorite fruits? Listen. Circle. Say. Key Vocabulary: pear, apple, banana, strawberry, grapes, orange Key Language: What are your favorite (fruits)? My favorite (fruits) are … Track: 56 Oracy My favorite fruits are strawberries and oranges. What are your favorite fruits, Leo? Look. Make. Say. 30 Key Vocabulary: scared, excited, surprised, bored, shy, silly, scream, jump up and down, shout hooray, yawn, cry, laugh, candy, cake, candle, balloon, present, party hat, birthday party Key Language: When we’re (bored), we yawn. What do you do when you’re (scared)? When I’m (scared), (scream). How old are you? I’m (five) years old. Project HOW CAN WE SHOW OUR FEEL How can we show our feelings? 2 4 1 3
vocabulary encouraged
Courses for Young Learners 兒童主教材 11

Super Safari

American English


► 90 teaching hours each level, extendable to 180


Join Super Safari, for a super start to learning! 啟發幼童英語學習的優質教材

Super Safari 秉持著「培育聰慧的孩子」的教育理念,透過故 事、歌曲、創意勞作與肢體活動,訴求讓幼童在自然情境下習得 英語能力,並同步發展孩子的邏輯思維、社會價值和肢體感知技 能。這種全面性的英語教育觀旨在確保孩子在學齡前階段掌握必 要的技能,信心滿滿地繼續他們的學習與人生旅程。

◎ Student’s Book with DVD-ROM:全彩學生課本內含貼紙、面 具等活動素材;書後所附 DVD,含有每單元兩則互動式單字 遊戲、學生課本歌曲動畫。

◎ Story: 透過討喜的角色與精彩故事,將社會價值 (Social values) 融入其中,讓孩子不僅學會英語,更加強品格教育。

◎ Family Fun:書中特別設計“Family fun!"頁面,邀請父母在 家中與孩子一起感受故事人物的喜怒哀樂,並協助孩子完成相 應的輔助練習。

◎ Think: 透過巧妙設計的活動及趣味的手作,發展幼童的創意 及潛能,培養專注力及思考能力。

◎ CLIL: 搭配不同主題,融入跨學科的知識,幫助幼童探索世 界,培養多元的興趣發展。

◎ Teacher’s Book:教師手冊提供靈活彈性的教學計畫,幫助教 師快速輕鬆地縮短或延展教學方案。

◎ Teacher’s DVD: 含學生課本中的故事彩色動畫版、歌曲、伴 唱版本。

◎ Presentation Plus: 將學生本、作業本、教師手冊、音檔與所 有資源整合電子化,幫助教師打造互動式課堂。

◎ Parrot Puppet:透過鸚鵡手偶 Polly 帶出故事及歌曲等內容, 提供老師更加生動且富饒趣味的教學方式。

Based on the successful pedagogy of Super Minds, Super Safari welcomes children as young as three on their first learning adventure. With its holistic approach of “becoming smart” the course supports all aspects of learners’ development by improving their memory, thinking and motor-sensory skills as well as language and social skills.

“Becoming smart” approach develops children’s thinking skills, memory, concentration and creativity with varied activities and projects

Lovable animal characters and colorful stories introduce children to new language as well as sharing, working together and other social values

Children will also love the songs, creative arts and crafts, and TPR (Total Physical Response) activities, which make lessons fun and develop motor-sensory skills

Teaching English with phonics gives children the building blocks for fluent reading and spelling skills With engaging CLIL sections young learners discover the fascinating world around them


主教材 Course title 程度

Also available... Super Safari

Correlation level Super Safari (p.12-13) Super Minds (p.16) Kid's Box (p.14-15) Level 3 Starter Starter Level 2Level 1 -
American Edition Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Student’s Book with DVD-ROM 978-1-107-48177-0 978-1-107-48190-9 978-1-107-48217-3 Workbook 978-1-107-48178-7 978-1-107-48202-9 978-1-107-48219-7 Teacher’s Book 978-1-107-48180-0 978-1-107-48203-6 978-1-107-48220-3 Teacher’s DVD 978-1-107-48186-2 978-1-107-48216-6 978-1-107-48232-6 Class Audio CDs (2) 978-1-107-48181-7 978-1-107-48204-3 978-1-107-48223-4 Flashcards 978-1-107-47679-0 978-1-107-47692-9 978-1-107-47716-2 Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-107-48184-8 978-1-107-48208-1 978-1-107-48225-8 Parrot Puppet 978-1-107-47732-2
British Edition Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Pupil’s Book with DVD-ROM 978-1-107-47667-7 978-1-107-47688-2 978-1-107-47707-0 Activity Book 978-1-107-47669-1 978-1-107-47689-9 978-1-107-47708-7 Teacher’s Book 978-1-107-47670-7 978-1-107-47690-5 978-1-107-47709-4 Teacher’s DVD 978-1-107-47687-5 978-1-107-47704-9 978-1-107-47728-5 Class Audio CDs (2) 978-1-107-47673-8 978-1-107-47691-2 978-1-107-47712-4 Flashcards 978-1-107-47679-0 978-1-107-47692-9 978-1-107-47716-2 Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-107-47682-0 978-1-107-47699-8 978-1-107-47720-9 Posters (10) 978-1-107-47729-2 978-1-107-49662-0 978-1-107-49664-4 Big Book 978-1-107-53925-9 978-1-107-53927-3 978-1-107-53928-0 Pre-A1 cambridge.org/supersafari/ame levels 3
兒童主教材 Courses for Young Learners

Courses for Young Learners

SuperSafariAmericanEnglish Student’s Book 2

See also…

page 74 for Activities for Very YoungLearners

Phonics Land

Isabel Shao-Yu Li 李紹毓、Lisa Mei-Shin Liao 廖玫欣



► 32 teaching hours each level, extendable to 64 自然發音的學習新樂園!

◎ 本書系共分三冊(26 個字母、母音、子音),分別以不同 主題風格呈現,並用活潑逗趣的角色人物,帶領孩子一同 發掘學習的樂趣。

◎ 字例選自 YLE 字表,課本標註 K.K. 音標,可作為補充或 延伸教學。

◎ 單元設計採左右頁對照,左頁介紹發音與相關字例;右頁 則為練習活動與韻文。

◎ 趣味韻文以該單元字例所編寫,除可做複習外,更訓練孩 子語感和閱讀能力。

◎ 每項活動皆有感官式活動指示,新手老師也能輕鬆上手。

◎ 學生課本皆附聽力光碟,作業手冊附有發音圖卡;另有閃 示卡可搭配教學。

Phonics Land is an exciting three-level phonics course for young learners. Students can learn phonics rules and build their English four skills by going through the multiple activities in the book. Teachers are also supported with additional materials like workbooks and flashcards. The vocabulary in the book has been selected from Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE) exams. It helps with YLE preparation. Phonics Land is definitely a phonics learning wonderland for students and teachers.

“Think!"培養幼童專注力 及發展思考能力。

將社會價值 (Social values) 融入 每單元的故事,在學習過程中同 時培養幼童的品格教育。

SuperSafari Student’s Book 2





978-7-777-20071-0 Flashcards




Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Book with Audio CD 978-9-576-09913-7 978-9-576-09947-2
Student’s Book
Downloadable Audio /
978-9-576-09970-0 Workbook
Pre-A1 A1 A2 levels 3
兒童主教材 13

Kid’s Box

New Generation

American English


► 100-250 learning hours

【YLE 劍橋兒童英語認證官方備考主教材】

The classic course for a New Generation!

課程呼應 YLE 劍橋兒童英檢「 趣味學習 」(Fun learning) 的核心價值,以活潑主題、逗趣角色激發學童學習興趣, 不僅貼近兒童心理,還結合了完善的學習進程,培養兒童 自主發展。適用於一般兒童英語課程,更是準備 YLE 英檢 的最佳選擇!

◎ Bigger, brighter and even better 改編自全球暢銷兒童主教材 Kid’s Box,課程視覺及內 容全面更新,且額外納入多達 300 個課程影片,提供兒 童優質、完善且生動有趣的英語啟蒙之路。

◎ YLE Exam Preparation

學考自然結合,課綱完整涵蓋 YLE syllabus,提供更豐 富的 YLE 考題形式練習活動,循序漸進規劃 Starters、 Movers 及 Flyers 三階段。每冊學生課本亦附有 Exam Folder,提供一份完整 YLE 試題。

◎ Digital Packs


See also… cambridge.org/kidsboxng

學生:額外線上聽說讀寫及 YLE 練習活動、課程影片、 遊戲等。

教師:課程音檔、影片、額外學習單、考題資源、課室 軟體 (Presentation Plus) 等。

Kid’s Box New Generation is everything you want and more. We’ve listened to teachers and retained its magic formula and humour, making it the most exciting, the most brilliant and visually vibrant Kid’s Box ever!

The Star family and the loveable characters are here, ready to grow with a new generation of children. The winning formula is back – but now even better, with new design, new content, new technology, and 300 new videos. With laughs and smiles in class and at home, Kid’s Box New Generation delivers the best results and a joy in learning.

Official Exam preparation

With new Exam Folders in every level, Kid’s Box New Generation is now even more effective at preparing students for Cambridge English Qualifications

Digital Packs

Digital packs for teachers and learners (including enhanced eBooks) and a huge range of new audio-visual content converts Kid’s Box New Generation into ‘the course you can almost watch’!

*Student’s Pack includes: Student’s Book with eBook and Workbook with Digital Pack.

CEFR Level Kid’s Box Cambridge YLE Test A2 Level 6 Flyers Level 5 A1 Level 4 Movers Level 3 Pre-A1 Level 2 Starters Level 1 Starter Pre-A1 A1 levels 7
44 for 「YLE 劍橋兒童英語認證」簡介
45 for Fun for Starters,Movers and Flyers Fourth Edition
46 for StoryfunforStarters,Movers andFlyers Second Edition
兒童主教材 Courses for Young Learners
American English Starter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Student’s Pack* - 978-8-880-01138-5 978-8-880-01139-2 978-8-880-01140-8 978-8-880-01141-5 978-8-880-01142-2 978-8-880-01143-9
Book with Digital Pack
- - - - - -
Book with eBook - 978-1-108-79583-8 978-1-108-79519-7 978-1-108-79570-8 978-1-108-81534-5 978-1-108-81540-6 978-1-108-81567-3
with Digital Pack - 978-1-108-89010-6 978-1-108-89469-2 978-1-108-89006-9 978-1-108-89530-9 978-1-108-89533-0 978-1-108-89546-0 Teacher’s Book with Digital Pack
978-1-108-89013-7 978-1-108-89504-0 978-1-108-89007-6 978-1-108-89531-6 978-1-108-89534-7 978-1-108-89547-7
978-1-108-81586-4 978-1-108-79552-4 - -
Flashcards 978-1-108-81553-6 978-1-108-81561-1 978-1-108-81576-5
NEW 14

Bigger, brighter and even better 課程視覺及內容全面更新,且額外納入多達 300 個課程影片,提供兒童優質、完善且生動有趣的英語啟蒙之路。

YLE Exam Preparation

學考自然結合,課綱完整涵蓋 YLE syllabus,結合多元考題 形式練習活動。

Digital Pack

學生另提供額外線上聽說讀 寫及 YLE 練習活動、課程影 片、遊戲等。

Courses for Young Learners 兒童主教材 British English Starter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Class Book with Digital Pack 978-1-108-89540-8 - - - - -Pupil’s Book with eBook - 978-1-108-81557-4 978-1-108-81572-7 978-1-108-81582-6 978-1-108-79548-7 978-1-108-79558-6 978-1-108-79531-9 Activity Book with Digital Pack - 978-1-108-89543-9 978-1-108-89549-1 978-1-108-89554-5 978-1-108-88997-1 978-1-108-89003-8 978-1-108-89490-6 Teacher’s Book with Digital Pack 978-1-108-89541-5 978-1-108-89544-6 978-1-108-89551-4 978-1-108-89555-2 978-1-108-88999-5 978-1-108-89004-5 978-1-108-89491-3 Flashcards 978-1-108-81553-6 978-1-108-81561-1 978-1-108-81576-5 978-1-108-81586-4 978-1-108-79552-4 -★ New Edition Available Fall/Winter 2024. Cambridge University Press & Assessment 978-1-108-79519-7 — Kids Box New Generation Level 2 Students Book with eBook American English Excerpt More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press & Assessment 9 Story: unit language in context 1 8 Watch the video. 2 9 Listen and say the number. 1 1 5 6 OK, Trevor. It’s your turn. Um. What’s this? T-h-r-e-e. Where’s the red pencil? No, Trevor. It’s purple. Your hair’s purple. Are pencils your favorite food, Trevor? Um, yes, they are. Sorry, Monty. Three. I only have three pencils! a, b, c, d, e, f, g … Kid’s Box New Generation Student’s Book 2 Cambridge University Press & Assessment 978-1-108-89530-9 — Kid's Box New Generation Level 4 Workbook with Digital Pack American English Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press & Assessment 15 A1 Movers: Reading and Writing Part 3 M o v e r s R e a d i n g a n d W r i t i n g Movers Reading and Writing 1 Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1–5. There is one example. My name is Emma. My dad’s a farmer , and I live on a big farm in the country. We have about eighty (1) and thirty cows. My dad’s always busy, and he sometimes works at (2) ! On Saturdays and Sundays, I sometimes help my dad with the animals. I don’t want to be a farmer. I want to be an art (3) I study art at school, but I only have two classes a week, and I want to (4) better pictures. Every Friday afternoon, after school, my aunt and I catch the bus to go downtown. My aunt goes shopping, and I take another longer art class. It’s never (5) , it’s exciting! (6) Now choose the best name for the story. Mark (✓) one box. Emma wants to be a farmer Emma goes shopping with her aunt Emma wants to be an art teacher boring sheep school night tiger teacher farmer draw pretty Kid’s Box New Generation Workbook 4 60 3 Look, say and guess. Where do animals live? Marie’s geography geography garden polar region savannah 1 Watch and answer. Geography: animal habitats | critical thinking 2 100 Listen and match. Write the number. 1 lion 2 penguin 3 fox 4 polar bear 5 snail 6 bug 7 zebra It lives in the garden. A bug. 1 Fact The biggest land mammal is the elephant and it lives in the savannah. Fact Make a bird house. Kid’s Box New Generation Student’s Book 1

兒童主教材 Courses for Young Learners

Super Minds American English


Herbert Puchta, Peter Lewis-Jones and Günter Gerngross


► 200 teaching hours, extendable to 320 【兒童思維邏輯訓練英語主教材】

Real super minds!

本教材由知名認知心理與語言教育專家 Herbert Puchta (曾出版 全球暢銷 ELT 教材 English in Minds)及其團隊精心編寫,結合 語言學習和思辨能力的訓練,提升兒童語言技能之餘,也強化其 思考力、記憶力與專注力。

◎ Creative and Critical Thinking

第二版依循 劍橋生活素養架構 (Cambridge Life Competencies Framework),著重培養學童 創新思維 與 慎思明辨 等生活素養 力,激發學童智力潛能,也強化其思維邏輯、孕育智慧。

◎ Cognitive Control Functions

課程配搭兒童認知發展與專注力訓練,透過活潑有趣的活動設 計,協助兒童養成穩定的心智及良好學習態度。

◎ Cinema in your classroom 提供電影級高規格 3D 精緻動畫影片,結合每單元語言課綱, 以課程角色的冒險故事為主題,提供學童既生動且動機十足的 英語學習歷程!

◎ CLIL lessons

Think and Learn 章節提供學童跨學科與真實生活知識,並搭 配專題影片及學習任務 (Project),促進學童以多元思維看待生 活中的人事物,並增進解決問題的能力 (Problem-solving)。

電影級高規格 3D 動畫



程 3D 角色人物,製作出高規格的課 程動畫影片。

f 掃描 QR Code

一起來看看製作 過程吧!

Book with Digital Pack


★ Also available in British English. Please contact your Hwa Tai ELT representative for further information.

Super Minds American English Second edition is a thoroughly updated and enhanced new edition of the much-loved English course from this renowned author team. It contains a rich learning experience combined with the latest pedagogical research and has been transformed with brand new design and illustration. While this new edition maintains its easy-to-use, comprehensive language syllabus and unit structure, the experience of learning and teaching with the course is thoroughly refreshed and contemporary. Methodically develops and enhances students’ thinking skills, training their memory and improving their concentration

Contains new Think and learn CLIL content linked to topics students will be studying in their first language

Creative and Critical thinking strands have been updated and are now mapped to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework

Enhanced digital support for teachers and learners

Teacher’s and Learner’s Digital Packs provide a wealth of digital support material for the classroom and home learning including access to the wealth of audio-visual material provided with Super Minds Second edition


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Super Minds

Pre-A1 A1 A2 B1 cambridge.org/superminds2 造訪網頁 levels 7 American English Starter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Student’s Book with eBook 978-1-108-92540-2 978-1-108-82708-9 978-1-108-82715-7 978-1-108-82730-0 978-1-108-92534-1 978-1-108-92536-5 978-1-108-92538-9 Workbook with Digital Pack 978-1-108-92091-9 978-1-108-92085-8 978-1-108-92086-5 978-1-108-92087-2 978-1-108-92088-9 978-1-108-92089-6 978-1-108-92090-2 Super Practice Book - 978-1-108-82717-1 978-1-108-82719-5 978-1-108-82721-8 978-1-108-82723-2 978-1-108-82725-6 978-1-108-82727-0 Teacher’s
- -
978-1-108-92083-4 978-1-108-92084-1 978-1-108-92092-6 978-1-108-92093-3 978-1-108-92094-0 978-1-108-92095-7
978-1-108-82862-8 978-1-108-82863-5 978-1-108-82864-2 978-1-108-82865-9 978-1-108-82866-6
Starter Level 1 Level 2 CEFR Level Pre-A1 Pre-A1 Pre-A1 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 A1 A1 A2 A2-B1

Creative Thinking & Critical Thinking

著重培養學童 創新思維 與 慎思明辨 等生活素養力,激發學童智力 潛能,也強化其思維邏輯、孕育智慧。

SuperMinds Student’s Book 3

訓練兒童情緒發展與專注力的三大課程主軸 善用記憶力 能夠記住資訊 並透過記憶力 達成指派的課 程任務。

彈性思考 能夠針對問 題提出解決 辦法,並從 不同面向討 論議題。

SuperMinds Student’s Book 3

Cinema in your classroom

課程角色冒險故事另結合電影級高規格 3D 精緻動畫影片, 提供學童既生動且動機十足的英語學習歷程!

全神貫注 能夠專注於 指派的課程 任務,並能 管控自我情 緒與行為。

SuperMinds Student’s Book 3

f 觀看課程動畫影片 Watch Video Courses for Young Learners 兒童主教材

兒童主教材 Courses for Young Learners

Pre-A1 A1 A2 B1 cambridge.org/levelup levels 6

Level Up

Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson with Colin Sage BEGINNER TO PRE-INTERMEDIATE

► 200 hours, extendable to 320

以「素養教學」為課程設計主軸, 成就「未來就緒」的學習者!


Confident in learning. Confidence for life.

Level Up 融入劍橋生活素養架構 (Cambridge Life Competencies Framework),以任務式教學 (Task-based Language Teaching) 引導學生在語言學習的道路上能夠自主 學習,並培養其解決問題的能力 (Problem-solving) 及協同合 作素養 (Collaboration),漸進養成充滿自信且「未來就緒」 (Future-ready) 的學習者。

◎ Mission:單元內容採闖關式學習進程,循序漸進帶領學生 運用習得的語言技能完成貼近生活的各種任務 (例如:規 劃一趟環遊世界之旅、製作一張瀕危動物宣導海報)。

◎ Literature:透過各國經典寓言故事或文學,融入情感教育 並增進學童社會責任心 (Social and Emotional Skills)。

◎ CLIL: 結合跨學科及真實生活知識,並搭配影片及學習任 務,拓展視野並增進解決問題的能力 (Problem-solving)。

◎ Exam: 學考自然結合,課綱內容涵蓋 YLE 劍橋兒童英語 認證及劍橋國際英語認證 (A2 Key & B1 Preliminary for Schools) 考試內容,有效幫助師生審視學習狀況,以考試 促進學習成效。


因應日新月異、快速變遷的世界,我 們如何幫助學生為未來生活做準備呢 ?


劍橋生活素養架構,內容提出當代必 備之六大素養能力,試圖為新世代教 育者提供具備實證而全方位的素養教 學實踐藍圖。

f 了解更多請參考 p. 26-27

Learning, like life, is an exciting adventure filled with challenges and triumphs. Level Up offers the perfect start to this great adventure, helping learners become “futureready” and able to embrace life with confidence.

Student-centred learning is a core focus of the course, with ongoing unit tasks or “missions” giving ample opportunity for collaborative learning

One of the first generation of courses to integrate the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, a research initiative which maps thinking and learning skills according to different life stages

Provides both general English and comprehensive preparation for Cambridge English Qualifications, and is jointly published with Cambridge Assessment English

CEFR Level Level Up Cambridge English Exams

B1 Level 6 Preliminary for Schools

A2 Level 5 Key for Schools Level 4 Flyers

A1 Level 3 Movers Level 2

Pre-A1 Level 1 Starters

Get More Info...









素養這樣教! Level Up 兒童教材介紹


978-1-108-43388-4 - -


Class Audio cambridge.org/levelup

Test Generator* esource.cambridge.org

Presentation Plus* esource.cambridge.org

*To receive an activation code, contact your Hwa Tai ELT representative.



Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Student’s Book 978-1-108-41393-0 978-1-108-41396-1 978-1-108-41398-5 978-1-108-41400-5 978-1-108-41402-9 978-1-108-41404-3 Workbook with Online Resources and Home Booklet 978-1-108-41472-2 978-1-108-41474-6 978-1-108-41477-7 978-1-108-41480-7 978-1-108-41482-1 978-1-108-41484-5 Teacher’s Book 978-1-108-41369-5 978-1-108-41431-9 978-1-108-41452-4 978-1-108-41454-8 978-1-108-41456-2 978-1-108-41461-6 Teacher’s Resource Book with Online Audio 978-1-108-41373-2 978-1-108-41432-6 978-1-108-41453-1 978-1-108-41455-5 978-1-108-41459-3

Science Skills


► 75-150 hours

CLIL 教學與「素養導向課程」的完美結合!

Everything starts with a question!

蝙蝠是鳥類嗎 ? 游泳池的水從哪裡來 ?

吃完飯後,我們的食物去哪裡了呢 ?

Science Skills 結合貼近生活的學科內容,以「探究式教學」

(Enquiry-based Approach) 帶領孩童探索自然科學的奧妙, 並給予充足的語言輔助,同時發展學生語言技能及學科知 識。此系列為專為英語教師撰寫的兒童英語自然科學教材, 適用於 CLIL 課程,亦可與一般英語主教材做搭配,幫助學生 延伸學習並拓展視野。

◎ 素養導向教學模式: 著重 情境式教學、 學習策略發展 及 知 識的整合與創造,讓學科知識與生活接軌,創造可靈活因 應速變世代的「未來就緒」(Future-ready) 學習者。

◎ Mission: 單元內容採闖關式學習進程,階段性帶領學生透 過多元且貼近生活的情境理解學科知識,並培養其思考能 力及協同合作力 (例如:製作田野調查報告、規劃永續都 市等)。

◎ Learning to Learn: 提供多元學習方法及策略指引,幫助 學生複習習得的學科知識,培養正確的學習方法與態度。

◎ Language Link:結合語言訓練章節,輔助學生於全英文的 自然課程中有效探索並吸收學科知識。

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CLIL 與素養教學的最佳課程組合 !

學習語言除了技能發展外, 讓課程內容與生活接軌也是 很重要的一環。Level Up 與 Science Skills 系列教材皆為 「素養導向」課程教材,以任 務式教學創造多元發展的課程 環境。不僅如此,兩套教材語 言課綱完美呼應,且學科知識 內容互相呼應,讓語言技能與 學科知識的發展並進,同步採 用,效果加倍!

*To receive an activation code, contact your Hwa Tai ELT representative.

It all begins with a question!

Cambridge Science Skills is a dynamic new skills course, written especially for English teachers teaching Science, through which students can practise their English, broaden their vocabulary, and improve their language skills.

Cambridge Science Skills takes learners on an exciting journey through the wonders of Science while ensuring topics are introduced at a manageable pace, so students can engage with, enjoy and fully assimilate new concepts. An enquiry-based approach to learning aids in the development of thinking skills

Student-centred learning ensures an active classroom experience and allows the children to work alone or collaboratively on projects, investigations and experiments

Characters, songs and even stories bring the content to life and help make the Science content as accessible as possible

Interesting facts and thought-provoking questions encourage learner autonomy

Cambridge Science Skills can be used as a standalone course or as supplementary material alongside Cambridge ELT textbooks

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Pupil's Book 978-1-108-46048-4 978-1-108-46357-7 978-1-108-46078-1 978-1-108-46479-6 978-1-108-46492-5 978-1-108-46536-6 Activity Book with Online Activities 978-1-108-56264-5 978-1-108-65670-2 978-1-108-56267-6 978-1-108-62635-4 978-1-108-63058-0 978-1-108-68501-6 Teacher's Book with Downloadable Audio 978-1-108-56265-2 978-1-108-56460-1 978-1-108-56268-3 978-1-108-57850-9 978-1-108-56560-8 978-1-108-56584-4
Presentation Plus* esource.cambridge.org
CEFR Level Science Skills Cambridge English Exams B1 Level 6 Preliminary for Schools A2 Level 5 Key for Schools Level 4 Flyers A1 Level 3 Movers Level 2 Pre-A1 Level 1 Starters 造訪網頁
Pre-A1 A1 A2 B1 cambridge.org/scienceskills levels 6
兒童主教材 Courses for Young Learners 20
CLIL 教學當道! Science Skills 英語自然科學教材

以「探究式教學」(Enquiry-based Approach) 帶領孩童探索自然科學的奧妙。

Pre-A1 A1 A2

Guess What!

American English

Susannah Reed and Kay Bentley

Series Editor: Lesley Koustaff

COMPLETE BEGINNER TO ELEMENTARY ► 75 teaching hours, extendable to 150

【CLIL 短期語言課程教材】

Are you ready to explore?

孩子是天生的探險家,Guess What! 就是專為「對世界充滿好奇 心」的兒童學習者而編寫的英語教材。課程主題生動有趣,並透過 大量美麗的真實世界圖像與引人入勝的知識影片,帶領孩童在學習 英語的歷程中也能探索世界萬物。










Why do whales jump out of water? What makes our bodies move?

Guess What! has the answers. Through beautiful photography, captivating video and interestgrabbing topics, this highly visual series takes young learners on a remarkable journey to explore the world as they learn English.

978-1-107-55743-7 Grammar Practice Book -

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-46357-7 — Science Skills Level 2 Pupil's Book Paperback 9781108463577 Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press 32 26 Brush your teeth after you eat. Wash your hands. Have a shower every day. Who is doing the right thing? Tick (✓) HOW LONG DO YOU BRUSH YOUR TEETH FOR? Find out 27
happens to egg number 1? What happens to egg number 2? What happens to egg number 3?
Put an egg in cola. Observe it for a day 2 Put another egg in vinegar. Observe it for two days 3 Put a third egg in water. Observe it for three days Find out what cola, vinegar and water do to eggs. Conclusion Which egg changed first? 1 2 3 Which egg stayed healthy? 1 2 3 What happens if you do not brush your teeth? Try it out Try it out 13 Science Skills Student’s Book 2
階段性帶領學生透過多元且貼近生活的科學實 驗理解學科知識,並培養其思考能力。
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Student’s Book 978-1-107-55652-2 978-1-107-55673-7 978-1-107-55685-0 978-1-107-55695-9 978-1-107-55703-1 978-1-107-55729-1 Workbook with Online Resources 978-1-107-55657-7 978-1-107-55678-2 978-1-107-55686-7 978-1-107-55696-6 978-1-107-55708-6 978-1-107-55730-7 Teacher’s Book with DVD 978-1-107-55661-4 978-1-107-55681-2 978-1-107-55687-4 978-1-107-55697-3 978-1-107-55714-7 978-1-107-55732-1
(Downloadable) cambridge.org/guesswhat/americanenglish
Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-107-55671-3
- - - (Downloadable) Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Teacher’s Resource and Tests CD-ROM 978-1-107-55672-0 978-1-107-55694-2 978-1-107-55726-0
cambridge.org/guesswhat/ame levels 6
Courses for Young Learners 兒童主教材 21

兒童主教材 Courses for Young Learners


Pre-A1 A1 A1+ A2+ B1 B1+ B2 cambridge.org/primarypath levels

Cambridge Primary Path


► 320 hours, extendable to 500

【ESL 國際課程推薦教材】

For a Future Full of Opportunities!

Primary Path 著重讀寫能力的養成 (Literacy-based Approach),並透過三大課程設計主軸 讀寫能力 (Literacy)、口語溝通表達 (Oracy)、 創造力 (Creativity) 多方發展學生語言技能、思辨能力及創意,以培養靈活 且充滿自信的英語使用者,能夠開創機遇豐沛人生!

◎ Literacy

依循美國共同核心標準 (Common Core Standards, CCSS) 規劃閱讀課程,各單元集結真實報章雜 誌文章 (Non-fiction) 及各國經典文學或寓言故事 (Fiction), 供學生涉略多元文本內容並助其發展 閱讀技能。另透過「過程寫作」教學法 (Process Writing),逐步建立學生寫作技能。

◎ Oracy

依循劍橋大學教育學院最新學術研究 Cambridge Oracy Framework,融入 Oracy 訓練章節,除發展 學生語言溝通技能,更搭配 Oracy 示範影片增強學 生肢體動作、語調、人際互動等口語表達必備能力, 培養能於各種情境靈活與他人交流的有效溝通者。

◎ Creativity

學生課本另附創意發想手冊 (My Creative Journal),

內容提供多元豐富的互動式活動,如:拼圖、繪畫、 遊戲等,讓英語成為學生伸展想像力與創造力的媒 介,語言與創意思維並進發展。

Cambridge Primary Path is a language and literacy course that helps young learners become articulate speakers and writers of English, empowering them to make the most of life’s opportunities.

Through three essential pillars, the course offers a truly effective learning environment:

Its comprehensive, literacy-based approach provides students with essential language support integral to literacy training that will ensure they become fully literate in English

A ground-breaking Oracy Framework helps students become confident communicators, able to articulate their learning in multiple contexts

The creativity principles encourage students to become better thinkers and problem solvers … and to have fun!

Cambridge Oracy Framework

f 了解更多: The Development of Oracy Skills in School-aged Learners page 10 for CambridgeLittleSteps (CambridgePrimaryPath 系列幼童預備教材) See also…





由劍橋大學出版社與劍橋大學教育學院 (Faculty of Education) 專家學者共同研發建立,內容包含發展口語表達溝通能力必 備的四大面向:Physical、Linguistic、Cognitive Social and Emotional,且提供 Oracy 課程教學的建議。


Class Audio cambridge.org/primarypath

Test Generator* esource.cambridge.org

Presentation Plus* esource.cambridge.org

*To receive an activation code, contact your Hwa Tai ELT representative.


978-1-108-70974-3 - -

Foundation Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Student’s Book with My Creative Journal 978-1-108-72689-4 978-1-108-70987-3 978-1-108-70988-0 978-1-108-70989-7 978-1-108-70990-3 978-1-108-70991-0 978-1-108-70992-7 Activity Book with Practice Extra 978-1-108-62792-4 978-1-108-67190-3 978-1-108-67191-0 978-1-108-62767-2 978-1-108-62768-9 978-1-108-62775-7 978-1-108-62776-4 Grammar and Writing Workbook - 978-1-108-70975-0 978-1-108-70976-7 978-1-108-70977-4 978-1-108-70978-1 978-1-108-70979-8 978-1-108-70980-4
Edition 978-1-108-72694-8
978-1-108-70952-1 978-1-108-70953-8 978-1-108-70954-5 978-1-108-70955-2 978-1-108-70956-9
Foundation Level 1 Level 2 CEFR Level Pre-A1 A1 A1+ Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 A2+ B1 B1+ B2


各單元集結真實報章雜誌文章 (Non-fiction) 及各國經典文學或寓言 故事 (Fiction), 供學生涉略多元文本內容並助其發展閱讀技能。

Key Words 2

Healthy Eating Eating

There are a lot of foods we can eat: chicken, broccoli, rice, cookies, and more. Food is delicious. It gives us energy so we can run, jump, and study. But some foods are healthier than others. Your body needs good quality foods every day to grow and play.

Look at the Healthy Eating Guide to learn how to eat smart and grow up healthy.

Green Section: Fruits and Vegetables Fruits and vegetables, like bananas and tomatoes, give us all the vitamins and minerals we need. Eat fruits and vegetables every day.

Yellow Section: Potatoes, Bread, Rice, Pasta

These foods give us energy for our brain and our body. Eat whole grains to add fiber and to keep your tummy happy. Eat one serving at every meal. 53 CambridgePrimaryPath Student’s Book 2


CambridgePrimaryPath Student’s Book 6


Oracy 訓練章節除發展學生語言溝通技能,更搭配示範影片 增強學生肢體動作、語調、人際互動等口語表達必備能力。 學生課本另附創意發想手冊 (My Creative Journal),內容 提供多元豐富的互動式活動,如:拼圖、繪畫、遊戲等。

Oracy essor

Oracy Skill: Participating in a Discussion For a good discussion, everyone should take turns talking. Invite other people to speak, and listen to what they say.


1 6.2 6.10 Watch and do the tasks.

a In which discussion do all the children share ideas? Mark

I think we should bring burgers and fries.

OK. Sure.

2 6.2 6.10 Watch again and circle the expressions you hear. 2

I think we should bring burgers and fries. What do you think, Jack?

Well, I disagree because …

b What does Emma say to invite Jack into the discussion?

I disagree because … That’s awesome! Really? What do you think? It’s your turn. That’s

Let’s Practice Oracy! O 14, 15, 16

1 Form groups. Discuss the Oracy Time! topic for 10 minutes.

2 Be sure to participate in the discussion.

Check Your Oracy!

S Oracy Time!

In your opinion, what is the best way to stay in shape? Think about exercise, diet, and other healthy habits.

1 Everyone participated in the discussion. Yes / No

2 I invited another student to participate.

3 Everyone took turns speaking.

Yes / No

Yes / No

You’re famous. You’re a star. And now everyone wants to see where you live. Show everyone what they can see in your house.

You have to see this!

Take yourselfies here!

In my house, you’re going to eat this.

Buy your souveniers here!



Languages you will hear at my house.

3.3 3.2 banana rice tomato pasta milk yogurt sugar
a good point. 124 CambridgePrimaryPath Student’s Book 3 There once was a girl called Riding Hood, Who was smart and sweet and usually good. But one day in the forest while she was out walking, She forgot mother’s rules about not stopping and talking. She was a curious girl and easily distracted, So when a mean wolf appeared, she naturally chatted. “Where are you going?” it asked Riding Hood. “To my grandmother’s house; she’s not feeling so good.” “Ah, that’s a pity; why not pick her some flowers?” “That’s a great idea. I have a few hours.” They said their goodbyes, but the wolf had a plan. It would get there first and eat poor old Gran. But when it arrived, much to its dismay, Gran had left early for the market that day. It searched through the house and put on Gran’s clothes, Then jumped into bed with the shutters well closed. 130 Is the main character’s personality the same or different in the two versions? Think 6.13 Riding Hood, Gran, and the Wolf
By Kim Milne
6 UNIT 1 1
What makes your community special? Take a tour ... of housemy
MyCreativeJournal 3
Courses for Young Learners 兒童主教材 23

Cambridge Primary Reading Anthologies


► 80 teaching hours



Reading with Confidence!

Cambridge Primary Reading Anthologies 以對話式閱讀教學 (Dialogic Reading) 讓兒童自然沉浸於英語閱讀的樂趣之中,並 透過多元文體 (genre) 及階段性的閱讀技巧訓練,激發兒童閱讀 熱忱,同時也培養了自信、自主且富有探究精神的學習者。

◎ Appreciation for Reading

為激發兒童英語閱讀熱忱,此教材用心設計視覺呈現, 將單 元內的兩篇文章分別以精緻兒童故事書與雜誌編排風格呈現 頁面,跳脫傳統課本視覺印象,激發兒童想像力與好奇心。

◎ Common Core Standards

依循美國共同核心標準 (Common Core Standards, CCSS) 規劃閱讀課程。

◎ Diversity of Genres

結合多元文體,每單元提供兩篇閱讀文章,一篇來自各國的 經典文學或原創故事 (fiction),一篇為結合多元議題的報章 雜誌文章 (non-fiction)。

◎ Reading Strategies

文章結合字彙及閱讀技巧練習,另搭配 Digging Deeper 章 節進一步培養兒童 Critical Thinking(慎思明辨)素養能力, 可反思文章內容,並以圖表統整資訊。

◎ Global Perspectives

選文題材廣納多國文化與全球議題,並搭配 Personalization 章節輔助學生檢視自身、當地文化與全球大環境的關聯,進 一步拓展視野。

◎ Downloadable Audio


Cambridge Primary Reading Anthologies is a six-level extensive reading series which delights young learners while improving their reading proficiency through a wide range of genres.

Carefully curated fiction from award-winning authors and illustrators and thought-provoking nonfiction combine with activities and practical teaching ideas to strengthen students’ literacy and appreciation for reading.

Invite your students to:

Engage with texts linked to a Big Question

Explore and enjoy new genres

Practise and progress on their path to fluent reading in English

Achieve great results:

Texts matching your students’ pace of learning thanks to English Vocabulary Profile

Practical and creative teaching ideas from experts

Downloadable audio recordings of every text to aid comprehension

A1 A1+ A2+ B1 B1+ B2 cambridge.org/primaryreading levels 6 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Student’s Book with Online Audio 978-1-108-86098-7 978-1-108-86099-4 978-1-108-86100-7 978-1-108-86102-1 978-1-108-86103-8 978-1-108-86104-5 Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Teacher’s Book with Online Audio 978-1-108-86105-2 978-1-108-86106-9 978-1-108-86107-6 Class Audio (Downloadable) cambridge.org/primaryreading
page 22 for CambridgePrimaryPath (CambridgePrimary ReadingAnthologies 最佳英語主課程搭檔)
CEFR 程度對照表 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 A1 A1+ A2+ Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 B1 B1+ B2 Get More Info... 從小培養 ESL 閱讀實力!劍橋兒童閱讀選集
Primary Reading Anthologies 造訪網頁
See also…
兒童主教材 Courses for Young Learners

the classic course for a new Generation!

Caroline Nixon and Michael Tomlinson

Pre-A1 A1 A2

100 teaching hours, extendable to 250 hours COMPLETE BEGINNER TO HIGH ELEMENTARY

課程貼近兒童學習者心理,以活潑主題、逗趣角色激 發學童學習興趣,結合了完善的學習進程並培養兒童 自主發展。適用於一般英語課程,更是準備 YLE 英 檢的不二選擇!

◎ 課綱完整涵蓋 YLE Syllabus,且呼應了 YLE「趣味學習」的核心價值。

◎ 涵蓋跨學科領域知識,幫助學生透過英語增廣見聞。

◎ 富含品格教育,建立學生正向價值觀,包含:團隊合作、與他人分享等。

see paGes 14-15 for more details

confident in learninG. confidence for life

YLE 英檢官方備考主教材

Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson with Colin Sage


A1 A2 B1


融入劍橋生活素養架構,以任務式教學引導學生在語 言學習的道路上能夠自主學習,並培養其解決問題的 能力及協同合作素養,漸進養成充滿自信且「未來就 緒」(Future-ready) 的學習者。

200 teaching hours, extendable to 320 hours

◎ 採闖關式學習進程 (Mission),語言技能及生活素養能力發展並進。

◎ 結合各國經典寓言故事或文學,融入情感教育並增進學童社會責任心。

◎ 結合跨學科及真實生活知識,拓展視野並增進解決問題的能力。

see paGes 18-19 for more details

for a future full of opportunities!


320 teaching hours, extendable to 500 BEGINNER TO UPPER INTERMEDIATE Pre-A1 A1

透過三大課程設計主軸:讀寫能力、口語溝通表達、 創造力,多方發展學生語言技能、思辨能力及創意,

以培養靈活且充滿自信的英語使用者,能夠開創機遇 豐沛人生!

◎ 依循美國共同核心標準 CCSS (Common Core Standards) 規劃閱讀課程。

◎ 結合 Oracy 技能訓練,培養能於各種情境靈活與他人交流的有效溝通者。

◎ 結合多元創意發想活動,語言及創意思維並進發展。

see paGes 22-23 for more details

ESL 國際課程推薦教材

A2+ B1 B1+ B2
Courses for Young Learners 兒童主教材 25

劍橋生活 素養架構 明日教育 藍圖

Future-ready lear ning with Cambridge Life Competencies

世界迅速變遷,日新月異,我們如何輔 導學生,幫助他們獲得成功?全球發展 日益精細複雜,我們必須與國際人士合 作,發揮創意解決問題,明智審慎分析 資源,有效表達本身觀點,還要保持積 極正向的心態。許多教育人士常提問, 當代必備的生活技能與素養該如何培 育?且想知道這些做法如何在英語教學 的領域中推動,劍橋責無旁貸,必盡力 回應。

「劍橋生活素養架構」揭櫫21世紀必備 的六大生活素養能力並提供教學相關指 南,試圖透過這份素養架構,為新世代 英語課程提供具備實證且可實踐的全齡 段教、學指引。

Creative Thinking 創意思維

As the world around us changes, so should we. Today, learners need far more than just academic skills to succeed in the real world – they need life competencies too.

There have been many initiatives attempting to address this skills gap, each relating to different contexts. We are responding to educators that have asked for a way to understand how all of these approaches relate to English language programmes.

We have analysed what the basic components of these competencies are and grouped them into six main areas. This forms our Cambridge Life Competencies Framework. To make sure these skills are actioned and not just discussed, we are now mapping our courses to this unique framework. This way, you can feel confident your learners will leave the classroom as well-rounded, future-ready citizens… all without making any extra work for you!

協同合作 Lear ning to Lear n 學習方法與態度


Critical Thinking 慎思明辨

Communication 溝通互動

Social Responsibilities



(The Cambridge Life Competencies Framework)



參與創意活動 創意思維 (Creative Thinking)

根據自己的看法 或其他來源資 料,發想新內容

臺灣師範大學英語系及翻譯研究所 周中天 教授 譯者

掃描 QR Code 觀看譯者導言 

運用新的發想內 容解決問題,並 做出決定

慎思明辨 (Critical Thinking)

學習方法與態度 (Learning to Learn)

了解並分析各種 想法之間的關係

溝通互動 (Communication)

從事學習的實用 技巧

比較評估各種想 法、論述,以及 可能選項

針對情境適當地 使用語言,表達 得體


整合各種想法和 訊息

協同合作 (Collaboration)

善盡個人責任, 對團體任務有所 貢獻


反思並評估自己 的學習成果

社會責任 (Social Responsibilities)


了解個人在團體 和社會中的責 任,包括公民 修養

對他人見解認真 聆聽,積極回應

不卑不亢、態度 明確進行溝通

在專案活動中適 當分配任務

就活動任務所需, 尋求解決之道

主動積極,表現 領導力

了解並說明自己 和他人的文化

了解並討論環境、 政治、金融和社 會等方面的全球 性議題

情緒發展 (Emotional Development)

數位知能 (Digital Literacy)

學科知識 (Discipline Knowledge)

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青少年主教材 Courses for Junior & Senior High Schools

Game Changer

Denise Santos, Mauricio Shiroma, Veronica Teodorov, Viviane Kirmeliene, Liz Walter and Kate Woodford, with Paulo Machado


► 80 teaching hours


Inspire the Game Changers of tomorrow.

課程結合國際主題,以新穎且活潑的方式帶領青少年透過 英語進入高度全球化的世界,培養能夠尊重並包容多元文 化,且能與他人共融共享的新生世代。

◎ Developing confident global citizens 各單元環繞不同的 國際文化議題,導入「 國際公民 」 概念,培養學生國際觀。

◎ Vibrant videos

在喜馬拉亞高山上學習是什麼感覺?從地球可以看 到木星嗎? Game Changer 透過吸睛的專題影片 (Documentaries) 呈現國際主題及跨學科課程內容,生 動體現課程主題,也提升學習動機。

◎ Life Competencies for the next generation 課程結合素養教學,著重培養學生 學習方法與態度 (Learning to Learn)、慎思明辨 (Critical Thinking) 及創 意思維 (Creative Thinking) 等生活素養能力,養成能夠 終身學習且能靈活思考的學習者。

◎ Cross-curricular Lessons (CLIL) 跳脫傳統語言課程框架,透過跨學科課程與 Project (學習任務)讓學習者透過英語學習更廣闊的知識, 增廣見聞。

See also…

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「Game Changer


With a lively, fresh approach and a firm focus on cultural, real-world issues this course develops teens who embrace diversity and initiate change.

Travel the world to visit a school high in The Himalayas, and discover Africa’s record-breaking geography, with vibrant documentary videos in every unit

Nurture confident global citizens to develop their own voice through clear speaking and writing development

Future proof your learners with activities to help them think critically and work collaboratively

Aim for better results with on-the-go, mobile-friendly practice activities and fun games

 一冊含 8 個單元,每單元皆含有 2 個課程影片,生動


Digital Packs (including Practice Extra, Collaboration Plus, Test Generator and teacher/student resources) provide extra support and online practice. Interactive eBooks with embedded audio and video bring topics to life CEFR

Starter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Student’s Book and Workbook with Digital Pack 978-1-009-21995-2 978-1-009-21996-9 978-1-009-22017-0 978-1-009-22018-7 Teacher’s Book with Digital Pack 978-1-009-26778-6 978-1-009-26779-3 978-1-009-26780-9 978-1-009-26781-6 Pre-A1 A1 A2 B1 cambridge.org/gamechangerint levels 4
Level Game Changer 全民英檢 GEPT
Level 3 中級
Level 2 初級
Level 1 -
Starter -

Global Cultural Topics

各單元環繞不同的 國際文化議題,並搭配專題影片,幫助學生導 入「國際公民」概念,培養學生國際觀。

GameChanger Student’s Book 2

Cross-curricular Lessons

GameChanger Student’s Book 3

跳脫傳統語言課程框架,結合趣味影片,透過跨學科課程與 Project (學習任務)讓學習者透過英語獲得更廣闊的知識,增廣見聞。

GameChanger Student’s Book 2

Courses for Junior & Senior High Schools 青少年主教材

A1+ A2 B1 B1+ cambridge.org/shapeit levels 4

Shape It!

Claire Thacker, Samantha Lewis, Daniel Vincent and Stuart Cochrane with Andrew Reid and Melissa Wilson


► 80-90 hours, extendable to 150 形塑青少年生活素養的課程教材

It’s your world, so Shape It!

Shape It! 融入劍橋生活素養架構 (Cambridge Life Competencies Framework), 逐步培養學生 Critical Thinking( 慎思明辨 )、Creative Thinking( 創意 思維 )、Collaboration( 協同合作 ) 及 Learning to Learn( 學習方法與態度 ) 等素養,旨在協助青少年 學習者於變遷迅速的全球化社會中,能夠具備自信來 面對未來的各種挑戰。

◎ Teen-friendly Videos

課程導入多元影片開展單元內容,每冊教材皆有 多達 45 個影片,包含:Documentary(專題紀 實影片)、Grammar in Action Vlog(樂趣學文 法影片)、Everyday English Videos(生活情境 短片)。

◎ Global Perspectives

環繞「 全球公民 」概念,結合 CLIL Project( 跨學 科活動)及 Culture Project(多元文化活動),帶

領學生透過英語探索全球議題及多元文化,進一步 建立正向價值觀、國際觀及團隊協同合作能力。

◎ Learning to Learn

每單元皆融入 Learning to Learn 章節,培養青少

年在學習之路上必備的學習技巧與能力(如:利用 不同的圖表整理資訊等),養成能夠主動學習、反 思並評估自身學習狀態的積極終身學習者。

◎ Practice Extra

結合多媒體線上學習平台,提供額外練習活動, 包含:單字文法練習、線上口說任務 (Speaking Tasks)、遊戲等。

◎ Assessment

考題資源豐富,且題目皆經劍橋考試院審查,考題 種類包含:分級測驗、診斷測驗、單元卷、期中 末卷。

With Shape It!, teens develop the confidence and competencies they need to pave their own path in an ever-evolving global landscape. Shape It! is designed to help students take ownership of their learning. The combination of learner training and project work helps students develop their individual and collaborative skills in order to become more confident, independent learners. Through vibrant global topics, a focus on developing life competencies and learner autonomy, and supported by powerful digital tools and an abundant range of videos, Shape It! ensures that students will be more motivated to take charge of their own learning, empowering them to shape their own futures.

Aligned to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework Builds metacognitive, communicative and collaborative abilities

Introduces students to peoples and cultures from around the world

Features mobile-friendly Practice Extra which is fully aligned to the course content

Exam content checked by Cambridge Assessment English builds students’ confidence in preparation for the Cambridge A2 Key and B1 Preliminary Exams

B1+ Level 4 Preliminary (for Schools)

B1 Level 3 Towards Preliminary (for Schools)

A2 Level 2 Key (for Schools)

A1+ Level 1 Towards Key (for Schools)

*Digital Pack includes: Class Audio, Class Video, Supplementary Worksheets, Assessments, Presentation Plus.

Developing Life Competencies through Shape It!

閱讀 Shape It! 生活素養手冊,詳細了解 劍橋生活素養培育,如何融入課程教材的 各單元活動設計。

f 掃描 QR Code 閱讀原文資訊

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Student’s Book with Digital Pack 978-1-108-84701-8 978-1-108-84702-5 978-1-108-84703-2 978-1-108-84704-9 Workbook with eBook 978-1-009-04301-4 978-1-009-04302-1 978-1-009-04303-8 978-1-009-04304-5 Teacher’s Book and Project Book with Digital Pack * 978-1-108-92344-6 978-1-108-92345-3 978-1-108-92346-0 978-1-108-92347-7
Class Audio (Downloadable) cambridge.org/shapeit
CEFR Level Shape it! Cambridge English Exams
Courses for Junior
造訪網頁 青少年主教材
High Schools

ShapeIt! Student’s Book 1

課程導入多元影片開展單元內容, 包含:專題紀實影片、樂趣學文法 影片、生活情境短片。

每單元皆融入 Learning to Learn 章節,培養學生 在學習之路上必備的學習技巧與能力。

ShapeIt! Student’s Book 1

ShapeIt! Student’s Book 1

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-84701-8 — Shape It Level 1 Student's Book with Practice Extra American English Claire Thacker Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press AROUND THE WORLD What is Children’s Day? • When is Children’s Day in Japan? • Which city are the superheroes in? Watch video 1.5 Children’s Day Globetrotters READING An Article 1 Look at the photo below. Where are the children? What is special about them? Read the article to check your answers. 2 Find words in the article that mean: 1 two children born at the same time 2 three children born at the same time 3 four children born at the same time 4 very young children 3 Read the article again.  Circle  the correct words. 1 The Festival of Twins is one week / day long. 2 Pleucadeuc isn’t a big / small town. 3 The festival is for twins, triplets, and quadruplets from France / all over the world 4 Oscar and Oliver have some / don’t have any photos as babies at the Festival of Twins. 1.12 Voice It! 4 Discuss the questions. 1 The Festival of Twins celebrates something unique. Why is it important to celebrate things that are unique? 2 How can it be diff icult to be unique? 3 What is something unique about you?
France is the third-biggest country in Europe and it has a lot of different festivals. They have a film festival in Cannes, music festivals in Paris and in Lyon, and there’s a festival of lights. But perhaps one of the most unusual festivals of all is “Deux et Plus” or “Festival of Twins” on August 15 in the small town of Pleucadeuc in the northwest of France. More than 1,000 twins, triplets, and quadruplets from all over the world meet in one place. Some look the same and some look different. Some even speak their own language! Imagine that! The festival has its own traditions. Each twin, triplet, or quadruplet is usually in the same clothes with the same hairstyle. There are also a lot of interesting activities to do, like face painting, watching live music, dancing, and playing fun games. Oscar and Oliver have photos from their first visit to the Festival of Twins as babies. Now they are 13. “It’s a great day! We have a lot of new friends this year.” Their new friends have the same thing in common – they all have twin brothers or sisters! WHAT IS YOUR FAMILY LIKE? | UNIT 1 18 Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-84701-8 — Shape It Level 1 Student's Book with Practice Extra American English Claire Thacker Excerpt More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press LEARN TO LEARN Increasing Your Vocabulary When you learn an adjective, it’s a good idea to learn the opposite adjective. Learning word pairs increases your vocabulary. 5 Write the opposite adjectives for words 1–4. Then find and underline them in the article. 1 big small 2 last 3 normal 4 old 6 Close your books. Say an adjective from Exercise 5. Can your partner remember the opposite adjective? Guess the correct answer. Identical twins have the same DNA, but they don’t have the same … a eye color. b fingerprints. c hair color. Find two more interesting facts about twins. Choose your favorite fact and write a question for your partner to answer. Explore It! CULTURE PROJECT A Poster Oscar and Oliver go to the Festival of Twins in France. Choose another festival from around the world. In groups, design and present a poster about it. Teacher’s Resource Bank FESTIVAL OF TWINS Come to Festival Twins! twins, triplets and quadruplets are wel Come and have a fun out, with your family and friends and meet new Where and when? In beautiful of Pleucadeuc on 15th August. UNIT 1 | WHAT IS YOUR FAMILY LIKE? 19 課程環繞「全球公民」概念,結合 CLIL Project 及 Culture Project, 帶領學生透過英語探索全球議題及多元文化。
Twins Day
for Junior & Senior High Schools 青少年主教材 31

青少年主教材 Courses for Junior & Senior High Schools




Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks and Peter Lewis-Jones


► 80-90 teaching hours, extendable to 180 【青少年全人發展英語主教材】

Think Big in English!

Think 教材由知名認知心理及語言教育專家 Herbert Puchta (曾出版全球暢銷 ELT 教材 English in Minds)及其團隊精心 編寫,針對青少年時期特有的心理認知發展狀態,研發出訓 練語言技能也同時形塑終生能力的創新課程,幫助學子在青 少年階段,不只在學業上獲得好成績,更為終生的成功立下 良好的基石。

◎ Thought-provoking global topics

融合全球議題及多元文化,並結合 Documentary 影片,激 發學生好奇心並增進其思辨能力、同時提升國際觀。

◎ Teen-friendly Videos

提供多個貼近青少年學習心理的課程影片,包含:課程 專題影片 (Documentaries)、文法動畫影片 (Grammar Videos)、青少年 Vlog。

◎ Life skills for the future 依循 劍橋生活素養架構 (Cambridge Life Competencies Framework) 的能力指標,運用青少年 Vlog 影片,以活 潑有趣的方式建立學生終生必備的生活技能,如:理財觀 念、提供具有建設性的回饋、調適壓力等。

◎ Cambridge English Qualifications 學考自然結合,課綱內容涵蓋劍橋國際英語認證 KET、

PET、FCE、CAE 考試範圍,於單元間提供正式考題形式 練習題,另附有 Test & Train 官方線上模擬試題。

Have you ever wondered what the world will be like in fifty years’ time? Or thought about the impact of social media and how it affects you?

Think Second edition develops your students as learners and challenges them to consider global issues such as climate change and important scientific discoveries. Challenge and inspire your students with thoughtprovoking global topics

Develop students’ vital life skills for the future like managing money, giving constructive feedback and managing stress, all mapped to the Cambridge Framework for Life Competencies

Build students’ confidence for Cambridge English Qualifications with exam practice checked by Cambridge Assessment English

Over 30 new teen-friendly videos

Every unit is launched with an authentic documentary style video exploring global issues and topics, to pique students curiosity in the world around them and get them thinking critically Cambridge Life Competencies are embodied in entertaining vlogs recorded by students

Short catchy animated grammar raps in the early levels and videos in Levels 4 and 5 explain grammar concepts in a fun and memorable way

CEFR Level Think Cambridge English Exams

C1 Level 5 C1 Advanced

B2 Level 4 B2 First for Schools

B1+ Level 3 -

B1 Level 2 B1 Preliminary for Schools

A1 StarterGet More Info...

A2 Level 1 A2 Key for Schools

最適合青少年的英語教材:劍橋 Think 系列

American English Starter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Student’s Book with Interactive eBook 978-1-009-15204-4 978-1-009-15205-1 978-1-009-15206-8 978-1-009-15207-5 978-1-009-15208-2 Workbook with Digital Pack 978-1-108-86570-8 978-1-108-86593-7 978-1-108-86620-0 978-1-108-86589-0 978-1-108-86595-1 Teacher’s Book with Digital Pack 978-1-108-93664-4 978-1-108-93665-1 978-1-108-93666-8 978-1-108-93667-5 978-1-108-93668-2 British English Starter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Student’s Book with Interactive eBook 978-1-009-15192-4 978-1-009-15193-1 978-1-009-15194-8 978-1-009-15195-5 978-1-009-15196-2 978-1-009-15197-9 Workbook with Digital Pack 978-1-108-78590-7 978-1-108-78582-2 978-1-108-78597-6 978-1-108-78565-5 978-1-108-85558-7 978-1-108-78608-9 Teacher’s Book with Digital Pack 978-1-108-94341-3 978-1-108-94342-0 978-1-108-94343-7 978-1-108-94344-4 978-1-108-94345-1 978-1-108-94346-8
A1 A2 B1 B1+ B2 A1 A2 B1 B1+ B2 C1 levels 5 levels 6

Thought-provoking global topics

融合 全球議題 及 多元文化,並結合 Documentary 影片,激發學生 好奇心並增進其思辨能力、同時提升國際觀。

Think Student’s Book 2

Life Skills for the future

依循 劍橋生活素養架構 的能力指標,運用青少年 Vlog 影 片,以活潑有趣的方式建立學生終生必備的生活技能。

Think Student’s Book 2

Think Student’s Book 4

學考自然結合,課綱內容涵蓋劍橋國際英語認證 A2 KET、B1 PET、 B2 FCE、C1 CAE 考試範圍,於單元間提供正式考題形式練習題。

Think Student’s Book 4

Courses for Junior & Senior High Schools 青少年主教材 33

Courses for Adults & Young Adults



Jack C. Richards with Jonathan Hull and Susan Proctor


► 90-120 teaching hours per level


◎ 由 ELT 溝通式教學法大師 Jack C. Richards 所精心研發編寫, 提供豐富且貼近生活的實用對話練習,讓學生學以致用。

◎ 線上資源豐富完備,可供下載,包含:課室軟體、教師手冊、 課程音檔、分級測驗、單元複習考題、額外學習單、課堂活動 設計參考、教學資源規劃表等。


提供個人化字 彙學習歷程,

加深主題字彙 印象。

課程融入最新 時事,提供與 時俱進的課堂 話題。

B2 C1

cambridge.org/passages levels 2



Jack C. Richards and Chuck Sandy


► 90-120 teaching hours per level

Passages 為 Interchange 和 Four Corners 系列的延伸教材,亦是 ELT 溝通 式教學法大師 Jack C. Richards 所編寫。

◎ 口說活動設計多元,除正反面表達自我意見的活動外,尚有分組討論、 辯論、故事述說、角色扮演等,老師可依學生程度調整口說活動。

◎ 教學資源豐富,可供下載,包含:教師手冊、課程音檔、單元學習單、 考題及課室軟體 (Presentation Plus)。

Student’s Book A with eBook NEW 978-1-009-04076-1

Student’s Book B with eBook NEW 978-1-009-04082-2

Workbook 978-1-107-62725-3

Workbook A 978-1-107-62718-5

Workbook B







Intro Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Student’s Book with eBook NEW 978-1-009-04041-9 978-1-009-04044-0 978-1-009-04049-5 978-1-009-04052-5 Student’s Book A with eBook NEW 978-1-009-04042-6 978-1-009-04047-1 978-1-009-04050-1 978-1-009-04053-2 Student’s Book B with eBook NEW 978-1-009-04043-3 978-1-009-04048-8 978-1-009-04051-8 978-1-009-04054-9 Workbook 978-1-316-62237-7 978-1-316-62247-6 978-1-316-62269-8 978-1-316-62276-6 Workbook A 978-1-316-62239-1 978-1-316-62254-4 978-1-316-62270-4 978-1-316-62277-3 Workbook B 978-1-316-62240-7 978-1-316-62266-7 978-1-316-62271-1 978-1-316-62279-7
A1 A2 B1 B1+ cambridge.org/interchange levels 4 Level 1 Level 2 Student’s Book 978-1-107-62705-5 978-1-107-62707-9 Student’s Book A 978-1-107-62701-7 978-1-107-62714-7 Student’s Book B 978-1-107-62706-2 978-1-107-62715-4
Book with eBook
MUSICAL OR ARTISTIC WORD POWER Talents and abilities A Complete the word map with talents and abilities from the list. Then listen and practice. ✓ bake cookies build a robot design a website do math in your head edit a video fix a computer make electronic music play chess ride a horse run a marathon skateboard take good photos tell good jokes B GROUP WORK Who can do the things in part A? Make a list of guesses about your classmates. A: Who can bake cookies? B: think Melanie can. C: Who can design . . . ? C CLASS ACTIVITY Go around the room and check your guesses. A: Melanie, can you bake cookies? B: Yes, I can. INTERCHANGE 10 Hidden talents and abilities Learn more about your classmates’ hidden talents and abilities. Go to Interchange 10 on page 124. 10 11 LISTENING Are you good at sports? Listen to three people talk about their abilities. Write J (Joshua), M (Monica), or A (Anthony) on the things they can do well. 9 1 5 3 7 2 6 4 8 AND TALENTS ABILITIES TECHNICAL OTHER bake cookies ATHLETIC bake cookies - Melanie design a website 68 Unit 10 READING A Some people like to set world records. Why do you think they like to do that? 12 Awesome Sports Records Base jumping is a dangerous sport. People jump off buildings, bridges, and other high places. The Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, is 824 meters (2,717 feet) tall. That’s a very scary jump. But Fred Fugen and Vince Reffet of France can jump it! They also enjoy skydiving and parachuting. Do you know what a unicycle is? It’s a bicycle with just one wheel. David Weichenberger of Austria has the world record for longest jump on a unicycle. He can jump 2.95 meters (about 10 feet). Kalamandalam Hemalatha of India has an amazing marathon record, but it’s not for running. She can dance, and dance, and dance! In fact, Kalamandalam can dance for 123 hours and 15 minutes. That’s the longest dance marathon on record. Kalamandalam’s special dance is from India. It’s called the Mohiniyattam dance. Can you squash an apple? Can you squash it using just the muscles in your arms? One woman can! Her name is Linsey Lindberg. Linsey is from Texas, in the U.S. In one minute, she can squash 10 apples. That’s one apple every six seconds. Do you know about Otto? Otto likes surfing, skateboarding, and playing soccer. Otto is a champion skateboarder, but he’s a dog from Lima, Peru! Otto has the record for skateboarding through the legs of 30 people! base jumping Otto the skateboarding dog Mohiniyattam dance B Read the records. Then check (✓ the correct answers to the questions. 1. What’s special about a unicycle? a. It has no wheels. b. It has one wheel, not two. 2. Who likes base jumping? a. David Weichenberger b. Fred Fugen 3. What sort of marathon can Kalamandalam do? a dance marathon b. a running marathon 4. How does Linsey Lindberg squash apples? a. with her hands b. with her arm muscles 5. What is one sport that Otto plays? a. basketball b. soccer C GROUP WORK Do you think it’s fun to set world records? Why or why not? What other world records do you know about? Tell your classmates. 69 What sports do you like?

Evolve Digital

David Baker, Kenna Bourke, Lindsay Cland eld, Ben Goldstein, Leslie Anne Hendra, Mark Ibbotson, Ceri Jones, Philip Kerr, Kathryn O’Dell, Chris Speck


► 60-120 learning hours

Because online teaching has evolved !

Evolve Digital 為「 成人英語線上自修課程 」,以口說能力培 養為核心,結合多元生活職場主題與創新科技,提供學習者 有效提升語言溝通能力並增進學習動機的線上語言課程。

◎ Motivational Videos

課程結合多元影片輔助學習,包含:Real Student Video (真實學生口說示範短片)、Grammar Video(文法教 學動畫)、Documentaries and Dramas(專題/影集影 片)、Vox Pop video(紐約街頭訪談影片),讓自修學習 不枯燥乏味。

◎ Real Teacher Video Support

每單元皆有真實教師錄製的課程簡介影片 (welcome video) 及總複習影片 (summary video),在課程聽力音檔 內,也會處處結合該位教師的聲音引導學生學習,讓學生 有一致的學習體驗。

◎ Speech Recognition Technology 結合創新聲音辨識技術,提供學生英語溝通表達 Role Play 活動,模擬真實口語溝通情境,增進英語口說自信心。

◎ Learning Anytime, Anywhere 結合劍橋學習平台 Cambridge One,學習者可透過電 腦、平板、手機登入課程,學習不受限。

Evolve Digital is a flexible online course A1–C1 that combines independent learning with synchronous, teacherled lessons to get students speaking with confidence. Expectations around online language courses have evolved rapidly in recent years. Our insights-led approach to content development has helped us create a course that meets the changing needs in language schools and higher education institutions.

‘Real teacher’ content helps guide and motivate students through their independent learning. Studying online can sometimes feel very lonely, so we’ve included videos at the start and end of each unit, and lots of friendly support throughout

Timely, relevant and helpful feedback is key to keeping students motivated. Feedback needs to go beyond marking answers right and wrong, so we’ve incorporated regular feedback that also explains the answers

Students consider their ability to speak as evidence of their progress in English, regardless of where and how they’re studying. The course therefore makes use of the latest speech recognition technology, building students’ confidence to interact in real-world scenarios

Evolve Digital keeps students motivated with plenty of variety in language input and practice activities, making the most of multimedia, including lots of video, from drama and documentaries to people-on-thestreet videos, and much more. This helps to sustain engagement and get the very best outcomes

from CEFR 程度對照表

可用於準備劍橋領思英檢「在家考」, 了解更多,請至 p.2-5。

Courses for Adults & Young Adults 成人主教材
A1 A2 B1 B1+ B2 C1 cambridge.org/evolvedigital levels 6 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Student’s Course 978-1-009-10148-6 978-1-009-10157-8 978-1-009-10168-4 978-1-009-10177-6 978-1-009-10186-8 978-1-009-10102-8 ★ 線上課程序號使用期限為 18 個月(開通後開始計算)
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 A1 A2 B1 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 B1+ B2 C1 Next Next Next 35


Lindsay Clandfield, Ben Goldstein, Leslie Anne Hendra, Mark Ibbotson, Ceri Jones, Philip Kerr, Kathryn O’Dell


► 90-120 teaching hours A1


Speaking Matters!

劍橋研究指出:「學生在語言能力上的自信心,往往取決於其口 語能力的好壞。」 為了有效提升學生口語表達能力,Evolve 以學 習者為中心,結合 日常生活與職場主題,成為一套有效提升語言 溝通能力並增進學習動機的成人主教材。

◎ Real-world Strategy: 特有「溝通互動能力」訓練章節,結合 Functional Language 幫助學生有效使用英語與他人交流。

◎ Peer Models: 結合各國學生真實口語示範影片,貼近學習者 心理及增進自信心。

◎ Find it! Activities:課程融入手機活動,讓英語課堂與學生生活 雙向接軌(例如:以手機中不同時期的照片作為練習比較級句 型的材料)。

◎ Presentation Skills:以多元形式的簡報活動總結單元,加深語 言學習印象並增進思辨能力(例如:分析健身房會員方案、最 喜歡的手機 App)。

◎ Video: 教師可下載資源(課室軟體 Presentation Plus)內附 Video Resource Book,搭配觀看劇集型影片及專題影片,可 與課程內容呼應,提供更多聽說練習。

Practice Extra


◎ 提供額外聽、說、讀、寫等練習活動,學生亦 可上傳口說錄音檔供教師審視學習狀況。

◎ 結合全新學習平台 Cambridge One,於電腦、 手機及平板上皆可登入使用,學習無受限。 “Practice Extra” offers bite-sized activities and games that allow students to easily fit homework into their busy lives.

Mobile friendly as well as accessible on a desktop or tablet, “Practice Extra” means students can study at home or on the go.

◎ Practice Extra:結合多媒體線上學習平台,提供額外聽說讀寫 練習。

*To receive an activation code, contact your Hwa Tai ELT representative.

Evolve is a general English course that gets students speaking with confidence. This student-centered course covers all skills and focuses on the most effective and efficient ways to progress in English. What makes Evolve special?

Peer models and content from real students

Bite-sized learning and mobile phone activities for inside and outside the classroom

Dedicated speaking lessons based on immersive tasks

Integrated teacher development in the Teacher’s Edition

Dedicated speaking lessons

Based around immersive tasks that involve information sharing, problem solving, and decision making, “Time to Speak” is a lesson dedicated entirely to developing speaking skills

“Time to Speak” creates a buzz in the classroom where speaking can really thrive, evolve, and take off, resulting in more confident speakers of English Research shows that students learn better in contexts where they feel confident, motivated, supported, and able to experiment with language. Evolve helps teachers create a safe speaking environment in which students have space to develop their speaking skills freely

Get More Info...

Speaking matters! 劍橋溝通互動及口語表達 訓練教材 Evolve

Teacher’s Resource** (Downloadable)* cambridgeone.org

**Teacher’s Resource includes Teacher’s Edition, Video Resource Book, Class Audio, Test Generator and Presentation Plus.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Student’s Book with Practice Extra 978-1-108-40522-5 978-1-108-40526-3 978-1-108-40528-7 978-1-108-40532-4 978-1-108-40534-8 978-1-108-40537-9 Student’s Book A with Practice Extra 978-1-108-40504-1 978-1-108-40506-5 978-1-108-40508-9 978-1-108-40510-2 978-1-108-40513-3 978-1-108-40515-7 Student’s Book B with Practice Extra 978-1-108-40915-5 978-1-108-40919-3 978-1-108-40921-6 978-1-108-40925-4 978-1-108-40927-8 978-1-108-40932-2 Workbook with Audio 978-1-108-40894-3 978-1-108-40898-1 978-1-108-40900-1 978-1-108-40901-8 978-1-108-40907-0 978-1-108-40909-4 Workbook A with Audio 978-1-108-40859-2 978-1-108-40863-9 978-1-108-40872-1 978-1-108-40874-5 978-1-108-40881-3 978-1-108-40885-1 Workbook B with Audio 978-1-108-41191-2 978-1-108-41192-9 978-1-108-41193-6 978-1-108-41194-3 978-1-108-41195-0 978-1-108-41196-7
A2 B1 B1+ B2 C1
Choose the correct words to complete the conversation. 01 26 00 38 Next Do you have ? some cash Yes. have about twenty dollars. Correct! levels 6 造訪網頁
成人主教材 Courses for Adults & Young Adults 36

Evolve Student’s Book 3

特有「溝通互動能力」訓練章節,結合 Functional Language 幫助學生有效使用英語與他人交流。

Evolve Student’s Book 4 Courses

Students told us that speaking is the most important skill for them to master, while teachers told us that finding speaking activities which engage their students and work in the classroom can be challenging.

That's why EVOLVE has a whole lesson dedicated to speaking: Lesson

結合各國學生真實口語示範影片, 貼近學習者心理及增進自信心。 課程融入手機活動,讓英語課堂與 學生生活雙向接軌。

Time to speak


Speaking ability is how students most commonly measure their own progress, but is also the area where they feel most insecure. To be able to fully exploit speaking opportunities in the classroom, students need a safe speaking environment where they can feel confident, supported, and able to experiment with language.


Time to speak is a unique lesson dedicated to developing speaking skills and is based around immersive tasks which involve information sharing and decision making.


Time to speak lessons create a buzz in the classroom where speaking can really thrive, evolve, and take off, resulting in more confident speakers of English.

結合日常生活與職場主題,貼近 學習者真實生活及語言需求。

Evolve Student’s Book 3

Evolve Student’s Book 2

以多元形式的簡報活動總結單元,加深 語言學習印象並增進思辨能力。

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-40528-7 — Evolve Level 3 Student's Book with Practice Extra Leslie Anne Hendra Mark Ibbotson Kathryn O'Dell Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press START SPEAKING A Where are these people? What are they doing? B What do you think the people are like? Guess as much as you can about them. C Imagine you’re in this place talking to these people. What are you asking them? What are you telling them about yourself? For ideas, watch Andres’s video. What does Andres say about himself? 1 1 UNIT OBJECTIVES ■ talk about people’s personalities ■ ask and answer questions about people ■ make introductions and get to know people ■ write an email to get to know someone ■ ask questions to test a leader’s personality WHO WE ARE Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-40532-4 — Evolve Level 4 Student's Book with Practice Extra Ben Goldstein Ceri Jones Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press 1.4 LESSON OBJECTIVE ■ write a comment on a blog post FLIPPING YOUR JOB INTERVIEW 1 READING A PREDICT Look at the picture. What are the people waiting for? How are they feeling? B READ FOR GIST Read the article from a job search site. Match each heading to the correct section in the article and write it there. Questions = Answers The big day A two-way street C Read the article again. Choose the best summary. a The article recommends different ways to impress an interviewer. b The article suggests a different way to prepare for a job interview. c The article explains what happens after a job interview. D INFER MEANING Explain the meaning of the bold phrases. 1 You’ve landed an interview for a great job. 2 You’ve done your homework prepared answers for all the usual questions … 3 There’s nothing left to do but cross your fingers and hope. E GROUP WORK THINK CRITICALLY Do you agree with the ideas in the article? Do you think this is a good approach in all job interview situations? Why or why not? I’m not sure this is good advice because … I disagree. think this is good advice because … A Finally! You’ve landed an interview for a great job. You’ve done your homework, prepared answers for all the usual questions, done your research on the company, its products, and its customers. There’s nothing left to do but cross your fingers and hope. Or is there? B A job interview is not a one-way conversation. The company is looking for the right candidate, but you’re also looking for something – the right job for you. Come prepared with a few questions that show you are serious about the job. Think about how you want to develop your skills, your training interests, the types of projects you’d like to work on. You can also ask about the social side, if it’s a fun place to work – though maybe not in so many words! C Your answers to their questions are important, but the questions you ask will also help you make a good impression. If you ask about training opportunities, they know you want to learn. If you ask about career paths, they know you have long-term goals. If you ask your interviewer about their own career, they know you are a person who respects their coworkers. Flip the interview! Be confident and ask the questions that will help you decide if this is the job for you. Flipping your job interview 8
5, Time to speak Speaking matters. Find out more about creating safe speaking environments in the classroom. USEFUL PHRASES 3.5 To check your progress, go to page 153. DISCUSS Free fitness programs are good because … Free fitness programs help people to … What do you think? PREPARE What about (soccer/swimming/tennis, etc.)? Where can people do them? What time is good for people/parents/ students? How does it help? PRESENT Our program is called … It helps people because … Any questions? LESSON OBJECTIVE ■ create a fitness program TIME TO SPEAK Fitness programs A RESEARCH Look at the sports and fitness activities on the phone. Where are the people, and what are they doing? Read the information on the screen. Go online to find information about free sports and fitness activities where you live, if you can. B DISCUSS What are the positive things about free fitness programs? What other types of free activities are usually available in a town? In a school? Use the phrases at the bottom of the page to help you. C PREPARE Design a fitness program for your town, workplace, or school. Use your ideas from A and B. Think about … ■ activities Choose four different activities. ■ location(s) You can choose one place or a few. ■ timetable When do people do these activities? How often do they do them? ■ people Who is it for, and why? D PRESENT Tell the class about your fitness program. Listen to the suggestions from the other groups. Which ideas do you like? Why? E AGREE Your town can have two new fitness programs. Discuss which two programs to choose. Make a decision as a class. FIND IT programs. Discuss which two programs to YOUNG OR OLD, we have an activity for you! Find out todaywhatFREE programsfitnessthere arein city!your 30
You spoke. We listened.
Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-40528-7 — Evolve Level 3 Student's Book with Practice Extra Leslie Anne Hendra Mark Ibbotson Kathryn O'Dell Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press 2 REAL-WORLD STRATEGY A  1.07  Listen to another conversation at Jodi’s party. How are Ji-soo and Nathan related to Jodi? B  1.07  Read the information in the box about meeting someone you’ve heard about. Then listen to the conversation again. Which sentences from the box do Ji-soo and Nathan use? MEETING SOMEONE YOU’VE HEARD ABOUT When you meet someone you’ve heard about before, you can say, “I’ve heard a lot about you,” or “I’ve heard good things about you.” The responses can be, “Good things, hope!” or “Oh, that’s nice.” It’s great to meet you, Mia. I’ve heard good things about you. Oh, that’s nice. So, how do you know Jodi? Hello C  1.08  Complete another conversation with sentences from the box. Listen and check. A Hi. I’m Jessica, Nathan’s sister. B Hello, Jessica. I’m Leo. I work with Nathan. A Nice to meet you, Leo. B D PAIR WORK Student A: Go to page 157. Student B: Go to page 159. Follow the instructions. 3 PRONUNCIATION: Stressing new information A  1.09  Listen to the conversations. Notice that words containing new information are stressed. 1 A Hello. I’m Nina B I’m Mia, Jodi’s sister 2 A This is Rafe my husband B Nice to meet you. B  1.10  PAIR WORK Underline the new information in the conversation below. Then listen. Do the speakers stress the words you underlined? Practice the conversation with a partner. A Hi, I’m Robert, Jessica’s brother. B Hi, Robert. I’m Amaya. A So how do you know Jessica? B Oh, we work together. She’s my boss. A Oh really? Is she a good boss? B Uh, I don’t know yet. I just started. 4 SPEAKING A PAIR WORK Imagine you are meeting for the first time. Introduce yourselves. Then ask ques to get to know each other. You can ask about the topics in exercise 1A and your own ideas. Hello. I’m Nick Martin. Nice you meet you, too. So, Alexandra, do you live here, in San Francisco? Nice to meet you, Nick. I’m Alexandra Clark. B GROUP WORK Get together with another pair. One person in each pair: Introduce yourself and your partner. Everyone: Ask the other pair questions to get to know them. 7
& Young Adults 成人主教材 37

American Empower

Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine, Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones


► 80-120 teaching hours

【Linguaskill 劍橋領思實用英語檢測 官方推薦備考教材】

Content you love. Assessment you can trust.

American Empower 由劍橋大學出版社與劍橋大學考試院 共同研發,課程學考結合,透過貼近學習者生活的主題、 吸睛影片激發學習者學習動機,並搭配由 劍橋評測專家 所 研發之豐富評量練習,確保學習進程。

◎ CEFR-aligned 課程完整依循 歐洲語言共同參考架構 CEFR 之能力指標 (Can Do Statement),並參照 Cambridge English Corpus (劍橋語料庫)及 English Profile(專屬於英語的語言分 級描述),以確保學習者在每個階段,習得最適切的語言 能力。

◎ Real world English 結合劍橋語料庫大數據分析,提供學習者真實生活中高頻 率使用之詞彙、片語及 Functional Language,並提示學 習者常犯錯誤,有效幫助學習。

◎ Engaging Videos

各單元包含 一個劇集型影片 及 一個專題影片,前者搭配 Everyday English 課程章節,提供學習者於真實語境中的 語言使用範例;後者呼應單元主題,另可搭配學習單,提


◎ Assessment

適合作為 Linguaskill 劍橋領思實用英語檢測及 Cambridge English Qualifications 劍橋國際英語認證成人一般組 備考 書籍。

欲了解劍橋領思英檢「在家考」(p.2-5), 請洽台灣授權認證考試中心華泰文化 TW043。 from

American Empower combines course content from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from the experts at Cambridge Assessment English.

The unique mix of engaging classroom materials and reliable assessment enables learners to make consistent and measurable progress.

Thought-provoking images, texts, video and speaking activities create an emotional response; content keeps students engaged and gets them talking

Tests developed by Cambridge Assessment English, world leaders in language assessment, ensure reliable results

Cambridge One – all digital resources in one place on this mobile-friendly platform

A syllabus informed by the Cambridge English Corpus and English Vocabulary Profile means students encounter the most useful language at the right point in their learning

Supplementary Empower materials:

Academic Skills Plus: Classroom lessons focusing on light academic skills and language

A lesson for every unit focusing on all four skills plus language for academic purposes. With full teacher’s notes and additional tips and ideas. Use it as well as, or instead of, Lesson D of the Student’s Book

Reading lessons including ‘Reading Extension’, offering an optional additional text and activities

4 levels: B1, B1+, B2, C1

Reading Plus: Extra reading lessons to complement the Student’s Book

Longer and more challenging reading texts, with activities, to use in class as an extra lesson

5 levels: A2, B1, B1+, B2, C1

* Digital Pack includes: Online Assessment, Digital Workbook, an eBook version of the Student’s Book with Audio and Video, Student Resources.

** Digital Pack includes: Online Assessment, Digital Workbook, Presentation Plus, Teacher Resources.

Starter Elementary Pre-intermediate Intermediate Upper-intermediate Advanced Student’s Book with eBook 978-1-108-81813-1 978-1-108-81751-6 978-1-108-81812-4 978-1-108-79807-5 978-1-108-81719-6 978-1-108-81721-9 Student’s Book with Digital Pack* 978-1-108-86221-9 978-1-108-85046-9 978-1-108-84969-2 978-1-108-86152-6 978-1-108-86138-0 978-1-108-86144-1 Workbook with Answers 978-1-108-81814-8 978-1-108-81755-4 978-1-108-81835-3 978-1-108-79812-9 978-1-108-81720-2 978-1-108-81735-6 Teacher’s Book with Digital Pack** 978-1-108-81833-9 978-1-108-79719-1 978-1-108-81853-7 978-1-108-79823-5 978-1-108-81732-5 978-1-108-79803-7
A1 A2 B1 B1+ B2 C1 cambridge.org/americanempower levels 6 NEW 成人主教材 Courses for Adults & Young Adults

AmericanEmpowerElementary Student’s Book 結合貼近學習者生 活的主題,激發學 習者學習動機。

結合劍橋語料庫大數據分 析,提供學習者真實生活中


Functional Language。

AmericanEmpowerElementary Student’s Book

課程依循 CEFR 能力指標 (Can Do Statement),具 體呈現語言學習進程。

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-86247-9 — Cambridge English American Empower Elementary/A2 Student's Book B with Digital Pack Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine, Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press c Learn to talk about what you like and dislike about transportation G love like / don’t mind hate + verb + -ing V Transportation adjectives I LIKE THE STATIONS 7B a b 72 1 READING a Which cities do you know that have a subway or express buses? b Read the article. Match the cities with pictures a–c. c Read the article again. Which city’s transportation system … ? 1 is more than 150 years old 4 has interesting stations 2 is less than 30 years old 5 doesn’t use trains 3 has good views of the city 6 do you think is the best d Underline two things in the article that surprise you. Tell a partner. e Read “From the locals” and answer the questions. Which transportation do you think each post is about? Which words tell you the answer? Who likes public transportation? Who doesn’t? f In pairs, ask and answer the questions. Do you use public transportation? Is it fast? What is the best way to get around where you live? From the locals Antonia “So easy!” I use it to go to work every day, and I love it. The buses come every few minutes, so don’t wait at all. They’re clean and they’re comfortable, too. And it’s a safe way to travel when the roads are busy – I can leave my car at home! Sergei “A good way to get around” Most of my friends drive in the city, but always take the subway. The trains are good, and it’s a fast and comfortable way to get around. And like the stations – they look like palaces! Joanna “Not much fun” I don’t really enjoy it. I have to walk up and down over 300 steps because the stations are so deep. In the mornings, the trains are often full, and it’s uncomfortable. CityTripper.com Fast City Transportation ... Around The World Bogotá If you visit Bogotá, there isn’t a subway, but you can go on an express bus system called the TransMillenio. It opened in 2000, and there are now 12 lines through the city. The buses travel above ground along main roads. They have a special “line” and platforms, so the city traffic isn’t a problem. The buses are very fast, and they’re a great way to see the city. They’re also very easy to use. You just go across a bridge to the station, pay with a card, and wait for a bus! Moscow If you visit Moscow, go on the Moscow Metro. It opened in 1935, and the stations are very beautiful, with statues and lamps. Eight million people use it every day, so it can get very crowded. There are police at the stations so it’s very safe, even at night. It’s also very cheap – you can go across the city for 30 rubles. People on the trains are very polite. They always give their seat to an old person or to anyone with a baby. London The London Underground –the “Tube” – was the first subway system in the world. It opened in 1863. It now has 270 stations, and you can go nearly everywhere in London. It’s not cheap, and the trains are often full, but it’s unusual because it’s very deep under the ground (50 meters in some places). One station, Hampstead, has 320 steps! Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-81812-4 — Cambridge English American Empower Pre-intermediate/B1 Student's Book with eBook Adrian Doff Craig Thaine , Herbert Puchta , Jeff Stranks Peter Lewis-Jones Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press 16 3 WORDPOWER like I CAN … ask and answer personal questions talk about how communicate greet people and end conversations write a personal email. REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1 for each objective. 3 = very well 2 = well 1 = not so well Review and extension UNIT 1 a Match sentences 1–4 with replies a–d. 1 have a jacket like yours. 2 What was the movie like? 3 enjoy visiting countries with a lot of history, like Greece. 4 We can go for a walk later if you like a Yes, that would be great. b And Italy! Me, too. c Yes, this style’s popular right now. d thought it was all right, but my friend hated it. b Match the expressions in bold from 3a with meanings a–d. a what was your opinion of c if you want b similar to d for example c Complete the sentences with the words in bold from 3a. 1 A Is your college different from others in your country? B No, it’s most of the others. 2 A We can meet tomorrow B OK – come to my apartment for coffee. 3 A Do you want me to bring something to the dinner party? B Yes. Bring something sweet, some ice cream. 4 A We went to that new restaurant yesterday. B it ? d We often use like with the verbs look and sound Look at the examples. • saying people or things are similar John looks like his brother – they’re both tall with black hair. think this new song sounds like all their other stuff. • saying what you think will happen It looks like it might rain – it’s very cloudy. giving your opinion about what you heard or read spoke to Sara yesterday. It sounds like she had a really good vacation. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of look like or sound like 1 It their first song. really like it! 2 Sam invited Tom to the party, so it he’ll come. 3 You don’t your sister. She’s very tall. 4 That was the last bus. It we’ll have to walk. 1 GRAMMAR a Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 night / did go out / you / last ? 2 where / you / last / weekend / go / did ? 3 kinds of like you what do / TV shows ? 4 do / this school / know who at / you ? 5 you how play / sports often do ? 6 you do what / on weekends do / usually ? 7 tired you / are / today ? b Ask and answer the questions in 1a. c Complete the conversation with the simple present or present continuous forms of the verbs. JACKIE Hi, Mom. MOM Oh, hi, Jackie. Nice of you to call. You 1 (not call) very often! JACKIE Oh, come on, Mom! 2 (work) really hard in college right now. I never 3 (have) time to call! And 4 (send) you emails all the time. MOM 5 (like) to talk to you and hear your voice, that’s all. Your sister 6 (call) me every weekend. JACKIE Well, we 7 (talk) now, but the world 8 (change), Mom! Some of my friends never 9 (call) home. They just 10 (email) or send a text. MOM preferred how things were in the past. 2 VOCABULARY a Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives. 1 The movie was a at the beginning, but didn’t like the ending. 2 We ate some really d s food at the party. 3 They have a nice house, but they live in a really u y part of town. 4 It was a w l day, so we decided to go to the beach. 5 I bought a b new dress to wear to my friend’s wedding. 6 He listens to really s e music – I don’t know any of the bands. 7 This summer, the weather here was h e – it rained all the time. 8 This is a p t day for a walk in the park – it’s so warm and sunny. b Choose the correct answers. 1 I absolutely / fairly love football. 2 My parents live abroad. I rarely / always see them. 3 I think Italian movies are especially / pretty good, but I don’t love them. 4 I usually / particularly go for a run once or twice a week. 5 I really / fairly hate rock music. 6 I love all sports, but tennis is especially / usually good. c Which sentences in 2b are true for you? AmericanEmpowerPre-intermediate Student’s Book 1 LISTENING a Look at the pictures. Where are Martina and Tomás? 1 at school 2 at work 3 in a coffee shop b 02.13 Listen to Part 1 and check your answer in 1a. c Work in pairs. Choose the correct answers. 1 Tomás orders a small / large coffee, a small / large latte, and one muffin / two muffins 2 It costs $7.25 / $8.25 3 Martina asks Tomás for help / a croissant d 02.13 Listen to Part 1 again and check your answers in 1c. e 02.14 Listen to Part 2. What does Martina need help with? Choose one answer. She asks Tomás to help her ... . a pay for school b study for a test c make dinner f 02.14 Listen to Part 2 again. Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences. 1 Martina asks Tomás for help. 2 Tomás is free tonight. 3 Martina isn’t free on Friday. 4 Martina’s test is on Friday. g Where do you usually meet friends and family? in your home in their home in a coffee shop in a different place 2 USEFUL LANGUAGE Asking for things and replying a Look at these ways to ask for things. Who says them: Tomás (T ) or Martina (M)? 1 Can we have a coffee and a latte, please? 2 Could come to your place tonight? 3 Could have a blueberry muffin instead? 4 need your help to get ready for a big math test. b 02.13–02.14 Listen to Parts 1 and 2 again and check. Match a–d with 1–4 in 2a. a So a large latte and a small coffee? Anything else? b Oh, sure! No problem. c Of course. It’s the same price. d Sorry, I have to work tonight. c In pairs, take turns asking for things and replying. Use the phrases from 2a and 2b. 54 Learn to write an email with travel advice W Paragraph writing Learn to ask for things and reply S Reacting to news P Sound and spelling: ou EVERYDAY ENGLISH I’d like a latte 2C
Courses for Adults & Young Adults 成人主教材 39



Kate Adams, Lida Baker, Robyn Brinks Lockwood, Stephanie Dimond-Bayir, Nancy Jordan, Alan S. Kennedy, Lewis Lansford, Michele Lewis, Richard O’Neill, Sabina Ostrowska, Susan Peterson, Kimberley Russell, Chris Sowton, Carolyn Westbrook, N.M. White, Jessica Williams


► 56 hours per Student’s Book, extendable to 90


UNLOCK your academic potential!

Unlock 教材分成聽說與讀寫兩書系,同一級數的相同單元,採相 同主題設計,惟切入探討的領域不同。課程結合豐富且與時俱進 的學術議題,同時增進學生語言技能及思辨能力,並搭配多元課 程影片,增進自信心及視野。

◎ Video:結合 BBC 專題影片,提供學生議題反思及探討機會。

◎ Critical Thinking:引導式思辨能力訓練章節,以「布魯姆教育 目標分類學」(Bloom’s Taxonomy) 作為學理基礎,逐步訓練 學生思辨能力。練習活動亦與單元口說及寫作活動緊密相扣, 輔助學生呈現更完整的語言表達能力。

◎ Exam Preparation:適用於準備留學英檢(IELTS 雅思或 TOEFL 托福)的考生,及大學院校生。

*To receive an activation code, contact your Hwa Tai ELT representative.


Second Edition is a six-level, academic-light English language students need for their studies (CEFR Pre-A1 to C1). critically in an academic context right from the start of their new inspiring video on a range of academic topics.

, an academic-light English course, builds the skills and language students need for their studies. It helps students to think critically in an academic context right from the start of their language learning and has been developed using academic and classroom research to ensure it meets their needs.

Improved Critical Thinking

Confidence in teaching.

Joy in learning.

100% brand new and improved video lessons at every level with a greater focus on comprehension Research using the Cambridge English Corpus and English Profile focuses on the language areas students find most challenging Clearer contexts for language presentation and practice, text-by-text glossaries, and more supportive writing sections


Better Learning is our simple approach where insights we’ve content that drives results. We’ve listened to teachers all around Unlock Second Edition better supports students along the

Online Workbooks with more robust content


End of unit review tests and mid-course and end-ofcourse tests

Critical thinking

• is informed in the 1950s, more recent

• has a refined lower-order

• is measurable students can

• is transparent why they’re

• is supported teachers so so that students academic success.


Most classroom time is currently spent on developing lower-order critical thinking skills. Students need to be able to use higher-order critical thinking skills too.


Unlock Second Edition includes the right mix lower- and higher-order thinking skills development every unit, with clear objectives.

造訪網頁 Pre-A1 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 cambridge.org/unlock
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Listening, Speaking & Critical Thinking Student's Book with Digital Pack NEW 978-1-009-03145-5 978-1-009-03146-2 978-1-009-03147-9 978-1-009-03148-6 978-1-009-03149-3 Reading, Writing & Critical Thinking Student's Book with Digital Pack NEW 978-1-009-03138-7 978-1-009-03139-4 978-1-009-03140-0 978-1-009-03141-7 978-1-009-03144-8 Teacher’s Manual (Downloadable)* esource.cambridge.org
(Downloadable)* esource.cambridge.org
REMEMBER APPLY CREATE ANALYZE LOWER ORDER THINKING SKILLS HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILLS UNDERSTAND EVALUATE 4 UNLOCK Improved Critical Thinking levels 6 Basic Combined Skills Student’s Book with Audio 978-1-316-63645-9 Teacher’s Book with Downloadable Audio, Video and Presentation Plus 978-1-316-63648-0 CEFR Level Unlock IELTS TOEFL iBT C1 Level 5 6.5-7.5 80-105 B2 Level 4 5.0-6.5 45-79 B1 Level 3 4.0-5.0 30-44 A2 Level 2 3.0 A1 Level 1 Pre-A1 Basic 成人主教材 Courses for Adults & Young Adults 40

3 Watch the video. Number the main ideas in the order you hear them.

UnlockLevel5Listening,Speaking&CriticalThinking Student’s Book

4 Watch again. Complete the sentences.

1 Hermès started making designer bicycles because there was a

2 The Japanese artisan thinks it is the first time that the whole world

3 Paris shops are increasing their sales by

4 These days bicycles are becoming a showcase for

5 Watch again. Answer the questions.

1 What are the special features of Hermès’ ‘Le Flâneur Sportif’?

2 How much does Hermès’ ‘Le Flâneur Sportif’ cost?

3 How much do some designer bikes cost in Tokyo?

4 What material does the Japanese artisan make bicycles from?

5 What examples are given of cycling accessories sold in Paris?


6 Work in a small group. Discuss the questions.

1 What kind of people do you think buy the designer bicycles you saw in the video? Why?

2 What other kinds of cycling accessories do you think that cycling shops sell? How might they be made luxurious or personalized?

3 Do you think that the bicycles you saw in the video would sell well where you live? Why / Why not?

4 Think of another type of product that people use to show off their wealth. What are the features of an expensive model of this type of product?

5 Are status symbols important to you? If so, which one(s) would you like to have? Why? If not, why not?

UnlockLevel1Reading,Writing&CriticalThinking Student’s Book

引導式思辨能力訓練章節,有效增進學生思考力並輔助其 呈現更完整的語言表達能力 (Speaking & Writing)。

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-56791-6 — Unlock Level 5 Listening, Speaking & Critical Student’s Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Audio and Video Jessica Williams , Sabina Ostrowska , With Chris Sowton Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press WATCH AND LISTEN PREPARING TO WATCH 1 You are going to watch a video about bicycle design. Before you watch, circle the statements you think are true about cycling in your country. Explain your answers to a partner. 1 Cycling is more popular today than it used to be. 2 Cycling is a fashionable way to travel. 3 Cycling is the best way to get around a city. 4 People care what their bicycles look like. 5 There are too many different bicycle designs to choose from. 2 Look at the diagram and discuss the question with your partner. How could a designer make each part of a bicycle special or luxurious? GLOSSARY fashion statement (n) something that you own or wear in order to attract attention and show other people the type of person you are classic (adj) having a simple, traditional style that is always fashionable gap in the market (n) an opportunity for a product or service that does not already exist personalize (v) to make something suitable for a particular person accessory (n) something added to a machine or to clothing that has a useful or decorative purpose status (n) the amount of respect, admiration, or importance given to a person, organization, or object ACTIVATING YOUR KNOWLEDGE USING YOUR KNOWLEDGE TO PREDICT CONTENT frame chain handlebars saddlebags water bottle pedals seat 38 UNIT 2 Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-56791-6 — Unlock Level 5 Listening, Speaking & Critical Student’s Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Audio and Video Jessica Williams Sabina Ostrowska With Chris Sowton Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this
service Cambridge
A Japanese designer has started making luxury bicycles instead of boats.
have launched two designer bicycles.
designer bikes are extremely popular.
are using bicycles to show how much money they have.
in Paris sell a variety of expensive cycling products.
UNDERSTANDING MAIN IDEAS UNDERSTANDING DETAIL WATCH AND LISTEN 39 www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press CRITICAL THINKING
the end of this unit, you are going to write about your country. Look at this unit’s writing task in the box below. Write facts about your country. SKILLS Classifying topics and key words Classifying means putting words into groups with the same topic. Classifying helps you to plan your writing. A writer thinks about words to describe his or her country. tourism language fishing Dhivehi industry English Then the writer classiies the words to organize and plan. topic key words industry tourism ishing language English Dhivehi 1 Look at Reading 2 on page 88. Circle the key words which the writer used to discuss each topic. topickey words geographyislands climate food Indian Ocean near Sri Lanka languageEnglish Thai Dhivehi industrytourism ishing cooking currency diving 2 Find the paragraphs in Reading 2 with the topics in the table below. Then list the key words. topickey words capital population UNDERSTAND APPLY 92 UNIT 4 WRITING Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-68161-2 — Unlock Level 1 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student’s Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Video Sabina Ostrowska , Kate Adams , With Chris Sowton Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press 3 Think about your country. Choose ive topics from the box and write these in column A. capital climate currency food geography industry language population sport A topic B key words 4 Think of key words for the topics and write them in column B. 5 Without showing your table, tell a partner your key words. Can your partner guess your topic? If your partner is wrong, you may need to choose different key words. ANALYZE CRITICAL THINKING 93 Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-68161-2 — Unlock Level 1 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student’s Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Video Sabina Ostrowska Kate Adams With Chris Sowton Excerpt More Information
課程結合 BBC 專題影片,提供學生議題反思及探討機會。
Adults 成人主教材 41
Adults & Young

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欲了解劍橋領思英檢「在家考」,請洽 官方授權考試中心:華泰文化 TW043, 詳見 p.2-5。

Official Exam Preparation Materials


若您有英檢的課程規劃諮詢或教材採用諮詢的需求, 請洽華泰文化各區業務代表!



YLE 劍橋兒童英語認證,引導自信有效的英語學習

全球最受歡迎的劍橋兒童英語認證 Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE) 是由世界最頂尖的兒童英語 教師、英語教學專家和教育心理學者共同研發設計, 並經由長年實證研究而推出。YLE 檢測共分 Pre-A1 Starters、A1 Movers 和 A2 Flyers 三級,完整評量聽、 說、讀、寫四項技能。每一個級數都規範了明確的語言 主題、詞彙、語法句型架構和認知表達能力需求,並在 劍橋考試院官網 (www.cambridgeenglish.org/tw) 提供 豐富的教學及學習資源。

Checklist Buddy and around the world, who through this exciting Pre A1 Starters, A1 all the skills you need the Professor the Squirrel.

Checklist Buddy. world with Think Big everything to life with animations and quirky


為顧及兒童的心理並鼓勵其學習,證書上的成績以 劍橋大學的盾牌呈現。成績共分聽力、閱讀與寫作 和口說三項,各項滿分為五個盾牌,由各項評量部 分的盾牌數,可了解考生的英語能力。

級數 聽力 閱讀與寫作 口說 測驗時間

Fun Skills



Katherine Bilsborough, Jane Boylan, Stephanie Dimond-Bayir, Bridget Kelly, Claire Medwell, Anne Robinson, Colin Sage, Adam Scott, David Valente, Montse Watkin

► 40 teaching hours per level, extendable to 50

【YLE 劍橋兒童英語認證官方備考加強教材】


Mini Trainers


Fun Skills 以來自世界各地的兒童親自創造的角色人物作為 課程核心,內容逗趣且貼近兒童心理,陪伴孩童學習語言並 培養劍橋兒童英檢 (YLE) 所需的應考技能。

Meet Sage the Squirrel, Checklist Buddy and friends, created by kids around the world, who guide and entertain you through this exciting journey. Fun preparation for Pre-A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2 Flyers covers all the skills you need to be ready on exam day.

Home Booklet

Home Booklet



The Home Booklet provides extra skills practice to do at home as well as “Fun boost” activities on every page to share with the family. ELEMENTARY

◎ Exam Tasks:結合 YLE 考題形式練習題,效率備考。

◎ Exam Tips:提供應考技巧提示,助學生掌握應考要點。

◎ Grammar Fun:提供單元文法整理與額外練習活動。

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The Mini Trainers include two practice tests with ‘Training’ and ‘Exam Practice’, providing gentle, focused exam preparation and helping build confidence in young learners.

YLE 英檢官方備考:Fun Skills 技能加強書

Download 978-1-108-56344-4

*To receive an activation code, contact your Hwa Tai ELT representative.

Home Booklet 共六冊,提供額外英語 練習活動,讓學生課內課外皆學習不 間斷。

The Home Booklet provides extra skills practice to do at home as well as ‘Fun boost’ activities on every page to share with the family.

Home Booklet 1

Presentation Plus (Downloadable)* esource.cambridge.org

Pre-A1 Starters 20 分鐘 4 部分/ 20 題 20 分鐘 5 部分/ 25 題 3-5 分鐘 4 部分 約 45 分鐘 A1 Movers 25 分鐘 5 部分/ 25 題 30 分鐘 6 部分/ 35 題 5-7 分鐘 4 部分 約 1 小時 2 分鐘 A2 Flyers 25 分鐘 5 部分/ 25 題 40 分鐘 7 部分/ 44 題 7-9 分鐘 4 部分 約 1 小時 14 分鐘 Flyers Movers Starters Pre-A1 A1 A2 cambridge.org/funskills levels
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Student’s Book with Home Booklet with Audio Downloads 978-1-108-56369-7 978-1-108-67737-0 978-1-108-56370-3 978-1-108-56371-0 978-1-108-56376-5 978-1-108-56378-9 Student’s Book with Home Booklet and Online Activities NEW 978-1-108-58214-8 978-1-108-67301-3 978-1-108-56366-6 978-1-108-56367-3 978-1-108-65725-9 978-1-108-56368-0
978-1-108-56346-8 978-1-108-56347-5 978-1-108-56350-5 978-1-108-56351-2 978-1-108-56352-9
Teacher’s Book with Audio
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
劍橋英檢 Examinations 44

Pre-A1 A1 A2

cambridge.org/funfor levels 3

Fun for Starters, Movers and Flyers



► 60 teaching hours per level, extendable to 80


【YLE 劍橋兒童英語認證官方備考加強教材】


內容參照 2018 年劍橋兒童英檢 (YLE) 新制考試內容,著重文法 字彙練習,可搭配任一主教材教學,亦可作為考前複習加強用 書。內頁色彩豐富且提供互動性十足的練習活動,另搭配 YLE 考題形式練習題,增進學習興趣之餘,亦協助學生輕鬆備考。

◎ 學生課本附線上帳號,透過線上學習平台,提供更多文法字 彙練習。

◎ 學生課本另附 Home Fun Booklet 綜合練習本,可穿插於課 程中或作為考前複習用。

◎ 教師手冊包含:完善的教學指南、一份完整 YLE 練習試題, 與可列印教學資源等。

◎ 課室軟體 (Presentation Plus):內含課本所有內容、音檔、 影片與線上教學資源的連結。

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融合主題字彙文法,提供多 元互動式練習題,加深學習 印象。

練習題巧妙結合劍橋兒童英 檢 (YLE) 考題內容,讓學童 輕鬆備考。

YLE 英檢備考:如何提升孩童英語寫作力

Starters Movers Flyers

Student’s Book wtih Home Fun

Booklet and online activities

Teacher's Book with downloadable audio

Presentation Plus (Downloadable)*








*To receive an activation code, contact your Hwa Tai ELT representative.

Updated for the revised 2018 Young Learners tests! Classroom, online and mobile technology provide the perfect blend to keep learners engaged. This fourth edition provides bright, full-color and interactive preparation for Young Learners. Fun activities balanced with exam-style questions practice all the areas of the syllabus.

Now comes with Home Fun Booklet which provides activities for students to complete at home, and allows parents to support learning

Teacher’s Book contains photocopiable resources, a full practice test, integrated extension projects and clear guidance on which areas of the test syllabus are covered

Presentation Plus provides complete course content, including audio, annotation tools, links to online resources and the ability to save your customized lessons to any computer anywhere

Flexible to use alongside a general English course and where not all students are taking Young Learners

Home Fun Booklet

BEGINNER TO ELEMENTARY Home Fun Booklet 共有六冊,提供學童

在家持續學習英文的機會。內容涵蓋劍橋 兒童英檢 (YLE) 之所需語言能力。可搭配 Storyfun 或是 Fun for 系列一同使用。

The Home Fun Booklet provides opportunities to continue English learning at home. It covers the language needed for Cambridge English: Young Learners. Get it either with Storyfun, or Fun for Starters, Movers and Flyers

Fun for Movers Student’s Book
Examinations 劍橋英檢 45

Pre-A1 A1 A2 cambridge.org/storyfun levels 6


for Starters, Movers and Flyers



► 15 teaching hours per level, extendable to 45


【YLE 劍橋兒童英語認證官方備考加強教材】


內容參照 2018 年劍橋兒童英檢 (YLE) 新制考試內容,著重加強故 事閱讀及口語表達,可作為 YLE 備考用書,亦可作為一般英語閱 讀加強用書。內容以故事閱讀為主軸,共分六冊,每兩冊對應一個 YLE 的考試級別。每冊均有八則插畫故事,配合趣味練習活動、歌 曲以及 YLE 考試形式練習題,培養考生的閱讀理解能力,並強化字 彙、文法及應試技巧。

◎ 提供額外口說單元,加強學生口語表達能力,並建立學生 YLE 考試所需口說技能。

◎ 學生課本另附 Home Fun Booklet 綜合練習本,可穿插於課程中 或作為考前複習用。

◎ 學生課本附線上帳號,透過線上學習平台,提供更多文法字彙練 習。

◎ 教師手冊提要每則故事的單字及文法重點與可列印教學資源等。

◎ 教師可於官網下載課本故事與活動的音檔。

每單元皆含有四頁主題 故事,並搭配插畫,有 助孩童進入故事世界。

Enjoyable and engaging story-based practice for the revised 2018 Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE). Now in 6 levels with two books per test. Each book contains eight fully-illustrated stories followed by fun activities, songs and exam-style questions that practise the grammar, vocabulary and skills needed at each level.

Now comes with Home Fun Booklet which provides activities for students to complete at home, and allows parents to support learning

Extra speaking practice and projects provide opportunities for extension beyond the units

Audio recordings of all the stories and activties are available as an online download for teachers

Teacher’s Book includes extra photocopiable materials and a summary of the main grammar and vocabulary points covered in each story

Student’s Book with online games and Home Fun Booklet

Teacher’s Book with Audio

Presentation Plus (Downloadable)*

Student’s Book with online games and Home Fun Booklet

Teacher’s Book with Audio

Presentation Plus (Downloadable)*

Student’s Book with online games and Home Fun Booklet

Teacher’s Book with Audio

Presentation Plus (Downloadable)*

Starters 1



Movers 1

Starters 2






Flyers 1

Movers 2






*To receive an activation code, contact your Hwa Tai ELT representative.

Flyers 2




閱讀測驗融入 YLE 考 題形式練習題,加強 學生單字文法技能。


Student’s Book 4

Get More Info...

See also…

故事閱讀 v.s 孩童英語力:Storyfun 介紹

page 14-15 for Kid’sBoxAmericanEnglish New Generation

劍橋英檢 Examinations 46

Pre-A1 A1 A2 levels 3

Mini Trainer


【YLE 劍橋兒童英語認證解題訓練本】

內容以正式考試題型為主軸,逐步解說解題方法及技巧, 並搭配主題單字及文法寫作練習,讓學習者熟悉考試題 型,並建立自信心。

◎ 每冊含兩份完整模擬試題,第一份提供詳細題型解說, 並搭配主題單字及文法等練習活動。第二份則為完整模 擬試題,提供備考生練習機會。

◎ 隨書附可下載聽力音檔及解答。

◎ 掃描內頁 QR Code 可觀看逗趣題型解說動畫。

Pre-A1 Starter A1 Movers A2 Flyers Mini Trainer with Audio Download 978-1-108-56430-4 978-1-108-58511-8 978-1-108-64177-7

Cambridge English Exams Practice Tests 全真考題本

Cambridge Assessment English and Cambridge Unversity Press

◎ YLE 劍橋兒童英語認證,唯一官方全真考題本。

◎ 書封數字代表考題新舊,數字愈大,考題愈新。

◎ 每冊含三回完整試題。

Each set contains three complete tests.

Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers, A2 Flyers 1

Pre-A1 Starters

Student’s Book 978-1-316-63589-6

Answer Booklet 978-1-316-63593-3

Audio CD 978-1-316-63597-1

A1 Movers

Student’s Book 978-1-316-63590-2

Answer Booklet 978-1-316-63594-0

Audio CD 978-1-316-63598-8

A2 Flyers

Student’s Book 978-1-316-63591-9

Answer Booklet 978-1-316-63595-7

Audio CD 978-1-316-63599-5

Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers, A2 Flyers 4

Pre A1 Starters

Student's Book without answers with Audio

Student's Book with answers with Audio with Resource Bank

A1 Movers

Student's Book without answers with Audio

Student's Book with answers with Audio with Resource Bank

A2 Flyers

Student's Book without answers with Audio

Student's Book with answers with Audio with Resource Bank

The Mini Trainers provide full exam practice for each level of Pre-A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2 Flyers. Each level of the Mini Trainer contains two full-colour practice tests, one with full guidance and the second without. This gentle, focused exam preparation for Pre-A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2 Flyers, helps to build confidence in young learners as they move towards exam day.

Training and Exam Practice in the first test provide complete guidance on how to tackle the exam, and include friendly online character animations to familiarise children and parents with each part of the test. The second test provides a complete run-through for assessing progress.


page 14-15 for Kid’sBoxAmericanEnglish New Generation

page 18-19 for Levelup

Pre-A1 Starters, A1 Movers, A2 Flyers 2

Pre-A1 Starters

Student’s Book 978-1-316-63623-7

Answer Booklet 978-1-316-63626-8

Audio CD 978-1-316-63629-9

A1 Movers

Student’s Book 978-1-316-63624-4

Answer Booklet 978-1-316-63627-5

Audio CD 978-1-316-63630-5

A2 Flyers

Student’s Book 978-1-316-63625-1

Answer Booklet 978-1-316-63628-2

Audio CD 978-1-316-63631-2

Pre-A1 Starters, A1 Movers, A2 Flyers 3

Pre-A1 Starters

Student’s Book 978-1-108-46511-3

Answer Booklet 978-1-108-46517-5

Audio CD 978-1-108-46522-9

A1 Movers

Student’s Book 978-1-108-46513-7

Answer Booklet 978-1-108-46518-2

Audio CD 978-1-108-46523-6

A2 Flyers

Student’s Book 978-1-108-46516-8

Answer Booklet 978-1-108-46520-5

Audio CD 978-1-108-46526-7

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YLE 劍橋兒童英檢:官方備考書單推薦

Examinations 劍橋英檢 47

Detailed feedback

Statement of Results celebrates strengths and includes ideas on how to improve Foundations for future success Increase confidence, giving them the best start on their English learning journey

Qualifications for young learners Make learning English enjoyable in a fun and practical way You could set the Practice worksheets to practi colours and clothes (see Materials). Material Listen and draw lines. There is one example. Pre A1 StartersWordlist picture book for exams from 2018 Copyright UCLES CER/6019b/7Y12 cambridgeenglish.org/younglearners A favourite toy shop At the doctor’s Can you understand what your doctor or nurse says to you? Things you may say when you’re not well What’s the matter? Where does it hurt? Tell me what happened. You must go to bed today. am not well. feel terrible! have temperature. I’ve hurt my arm. I’ve hurt my leg. I’ve hurt my foot. have have earache. I’ve hurt my shoulder. A1 Movers Designed
Tests are interactive, colourful, and activity based using familiar
celebrating their
for young children
topics Certificates for all candidates No pass or
and candidates
a certificate
Pre A1 Star ters A1 Movers A 2 Flyers 訂購 YLE 劍橋兒童英語認證官方備考書籍,請上華泰網路書店 eShop eshop.hwatai.com.tw/page/CambridgeYLE 48

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B2 First for Schools

B 1 Preliminar y for Schools

A 2 Flyers

A2 Key/

A2 Key for Schools

A1 Movers

Pre A1 Star ters

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劍橋五級國際英語認證測驗內容 劍橋五級國際英語認證 (Cambridge English Qualifications) 各級數皆包含聽、說、讀、寫四項技能的評量及該級數應 具備語言技能 (subskills) 的檢定。(詳細內容請前往劍橋考試院官網:www.cambridgeenglish.org 查詢)

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A2 Key/Key for Schools (KET)



1 小時

7 部分/ 32 題

佔 50%


30 分鐘

5 部分/ 25 題 佔 25%

C2 Proficiency (CPE) 閱讀與英語用法

1 小時 30 分鐘 7 部分/ 53 題 佔 40%

1 小時 30 分鐘

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Preliminary/ Preliminary for Schools
閱讀 45 分鐘 6 部分/ 32 題 佔 25% 寫作 45 分鐘 2 部分/ 3 題 佔 25% 聽力 30 分鐘 4 部分/ 25 題 佔 25% 口說 12 分鐘 4 部分 佔 25%
閱讀與英語用法 1 小時 15 分鐘 7 部分/ 52 題 佔 40% .寫作 1 小時 20 分鐘 2 部分 佔 20% .聽力 約 40 分鐘 4 部分/ 30 題 佔 20% .口說 14 分鐘 4 部分 佔 20% C1 Advanced (CAE) 閱讀與英語用法 1 小時 30 分鐘 8 部分/ 56 題 佔 40% 寫作 1 小時 30 分鐘 2 部分 佔 20% 聽力 約 40 分鐘 4 部分/ 30 題 佔 20% 口說 15 分鐘 4 部分 佔 20%
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劍橋英檢 Examinations 50

A2 B1 B2 C1 cambridge.org/compact



Sue Elliot, Amanda Thomas, Barbara Thomas, Laura Matthews, Peter May, Emma Heyderman, Frances Treloar, Susan White


► 50-60 teaching hours


濃縮型備考教材,適合短中期備考課程。依真實考題題型編排章節,提供大 量考試技巧及應考建議,協助考生做充足的準備。 新版 Key for Schools

Preliminary for Schools 級數內容參照 2020 新制考試做課程更新。

◎ Exam Tips:提點應考注意事項及解題技巧。

◎ Common Errors:大數據收錄過去考生常犯錯誤,並提供對應的語言練 習,有效幫助考生備考。

◎ Digital Packs:提供線上額外單字文法練習活動,內容完整涵蓋劍橋國際 英語認證考試範圍,協助考生複習及備考。

◎ 教師資源豐富,含數位課室軟體、考題、學習單等。

Ideal for shorter courses and easily integrated with a general English course, Compact offers intensive revision and practice to quickly maximise student performance.

Build confidence with Compact’s unique step-by-step approach

依真實考題題型編排章節,提供大量考試技 巧及應考建議,協助考生做充足的準備。

Learn essential strategies through user-friendly Exam tips

Deepen understanding of language structures with exam-specific Grammar sections and Grammar reference

Extend proficiency in productive skills with the Speaking bank and Writing bank

Digital resources for teachers Presentation Plus – an easy-to-use tool puts all your multimedia resources into one place Test Generator – create your own Unit, Term and Final Tests to measure progress

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-61619-5 — Compact Preliminary for Schools Student's Book without Answers with Online Practice Sue Elliott Amanda Thomas Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press 14 SPORT Winning & losing 2 Reading Reading Reading Part 4 How many Olympic sports can you name? Write the missing words. Noun (person) Noun Adjective (1) championship –athlete (2) athletic (3) competition (4) Complete these words. Use the table in Exercise 2 to help you. 1 Some of the best ath come from Jamaica. 2 This year, the golf champ was held in Scotland. 3 You have to be a very comp person to succeed in sport. don’t like sports. I’m not very ath Match sentences 1–3 with sentences a–c. 1 The first modern Olympics took place in Athens in 1896. 2 More than 240 athletes, who were all men, competed in 43 events. 3 Now more than 11,000 athletes from over 200 countries take part in the Olympic Games. a These included gymnastics, swimming, cycling and tennis. b It is the biggest international sports event in the world. Teams from around 13 countries competed there Look at sentences a–c in Exercise 4. What do the underlined words refer to? 1 5 A C D E F B Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-61619-5 — Compact Preliminary for Schools Student's Book without Answers with Online Practice Sue Elliott Amanda Thomas Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press Reading UNIT 2 Exam task Five sentences have been removed from the text below. For each question, choose the correct answer. There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use. First decide if each sentence (A–H) relates to the topic of the paragraph. Then look for clues such as pronouns in the sentences before and after the gap to help you. Exam tip A As a result, they decided not to include football at the 1932 Games. B Another important change happened in 1992 in Barcelona. C This was surprising, because it had been a very popular game in the UK in the early part of the 20th century. D Because of this, they didn’t win the match. E It continued to grow after that and is now one of the most popular Olympic events. F They impressed everyone with their amazing display of skills. G The highest score in Olympic history was Denmark’s defeat of France in 1908, 17–1. H This meant that the best professional players in the world could not comp The history of football as an Olympic sport Football was one of the first team games to become an Olympic sport. The first football games were at the Paris Olympics in 1900, but it wasn’t a very big competition, with only three teams taking part: France, Great Britain and Belgium. However, in the 1908 London Olympic Games, the Football Association of England organised a proper competition with new rules. Six national teams took part this time. 1 The first South American team, Uruguay, took part in the Paris Games in 1924 and easily won the event. 2 The Uruguayan side, which included the first Olympic black footballer, José Leandro Andrade, defeated Switzerland 3–0 in the final. Four years later, Uruguay won their second gold by defeating Argentina in the final. It was becoming very clear that South American teams were among the best in the world. For many years, only amateur athletes were allowed to participate at the Olympic Games. 3 But at the Berlin games in 1936, this changed and countries were able to include their top athletes in all their teams. 4 There was a new rule which said that the majority of players had to be under the age of 23. Only three players over this age could play in each team. The idea was that it would give African and Asian teams a chance against the big footballing nations in Europe and South America. This helped to make it possible for countries like Nigeria and Cameroon to win gold medals in 1996 and 2000. Women’s football, however, didn’t become an Olympic sport until 1996. 5 In 1920, an allfemale match had attracted a huge crowd of 53,000 people in Liverpool. In the 21st century, women’s football is becoming very popular again, and there are more opportunities fo girls to learn to play.
CompactPreliminaryforSchools Student’s Book
Examinations 劍橋英檢 NEW Edition Key for Schools Second Edition Preliminary for Schools Second Edition First for Schools Third Edition NEW First Third Edition NEW Advanced Second Edition NEW Student's Book without Answers with Online Practice / Digital Packs 978-1-108-34874-4 978-1-108-61619-5 978-1-009-16716-1 978-1-108-92187-9Student's Book with Answers with Digital Pack - - - 978-1-108-92188-6 978-1-009-39490-1 Student’s Pack (Student’s Book without Answers with Online Practice and Workbook without Answers with Audio Download) 978-1-108-34878-2 978-1-108-34909-3 978-1-009-16726-0 978-1-108-92198-5Self-Study Pack (Student's Book with Answers and Workbook with Answers with Audio with Class Audio) - - - 978-1-108-92201-2 978-1-009-39496-3 Workbook without Answers with Audio Download 978-1-108-61404-7 978-1-108-34910-9 978-1-009-16722-2 978-1-108-92191-6Workbook with Answers with Audio - - - 978-1-108-92194-7Workbook with Answers with Digital Pack - - - - 978-1-009-39492-5 Teacher’s Book with Downloadable Class Audio and Teacher’s Photocopiable Worksheets 978-1-108-34888-1 978-1-108-34911-6 978-1-009-16718-5 978-1-108-92197-8Teacher's Book with Digital Pack - - - - 978-1-009-39495-6 NEW Edition NEW Edition 51


Guy Brook-Hart, Emma Heyderman, Susan Hutchison, Peter May, David McKeegan, Lucy Passmore, Jishan Uddin


► Key for Schools: 80-120 teaching hours

Preliminary: 70 teaching hours, extendable to 120

First for Schools: 90 teaching hours, extendable to 120

First and Advanced: 90 teaching hours, extendable to 120


整合主題式單元設計,適合長期備考課程。內容結合語 言訓練 (Language Development)、應考技巧加強 (Exam Training) 及實務練習,讓考生在發展語言能力的同時備考 劍橋英語認證。 新版 Key for Schools 及 Preliminary for Schools 級數內容參照 2020 新制考試做課程更新。

◎ Common Errors:大數據收錄過去考生常犯錯誤,並提 供對應的語言練習,有效幫助考生備考。

◎ Writing Bank:針對考試寫作項目提供完整引導、練習活 動及範文。

◎ Speaking Bank:針對考試口試項目提供完整引導、圖片 及口說範例。

◎ Vocabulary Extra:作業本另提供劍橋國際英語認證主題 字彙複習章節,增進學習印象。

◎ Online Workbook:提供線上額外單字文法練習活動,內 容完整涵蓋劍橋國際英語認證考試範圍,協助考生複習 及備考。

◎ 數位教師資源一應俱全:

1. Presentation Plus:數位課室軟體,內含學生課本、作 業本、教師手冊、音檔完整內容。

2. Test Generator:提供可編輯及可下載之單元、期中、 期末考試卷。

3. Teacher Resources:另有可下載聽力音檔、閱讀及口 說學習單。

These stimulating, topic-based courses cover every part of the exam in detail, ensuring students are fully equipped to tackle each part of every paper. Language work is fully integrated with exam preparation in each unit. The Complete series combines the very best in contemporary classroom practice with first-hand knowledge of the challenges students face.

Complete offers an integrated approach with exam information, advice and practice alongside language development

Build confidence through our unique understanding of the exam and insights from previous candidate performance


Guy Brook-Hart, David McKeegan, Emma Heyderman, Peter May, Simon Haines, Vanessa Jakeman, with Helen Tiliouine


First and Advanced: 90 teaching hours, extendable to 120

IELTS: 50–70 teaching hours per level

These stimulating, topic-based courses every part of the exam in detail, ensuring are fully equipped to tackle each part paper. Language work is fully integrated exam preparation in each unit. The Complete series combines the very best in contemporary classroom practice with first-hand knowledge the challenges students face. Complete offers an integrated approach exam information, advice and practice language development.

A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
Complete Complete First Second edition Complete Complete Key for Schools for revised exam from 2020 Student's Book without answers with Online Practice 978-1-108-53933-3978-1-108-53905-0978-1-108-52521-3978-1-108-64733-5 Student's Book with answers with Online Practice –Student’s Book without answers with Online Workbook 978-1-108-53937-1978-1-108-53908-1978-1-108-52522-0978-1-108-64735-9 Student's Book with answers with Online Workbook –Workbook with answers with Audio Download –Workbook without answers with Audio Download 978-1-108-53940-1978-1-108-53911-1978-1-108-52576-3978-1-108-64742-7 Student's Pack (Student's Book without answers with Online Practice and Workbook without answers with Audio)  978-1-108-53936-4978-1-108-53906-7978-1-108-52523-7978-1-108-64736-6 Student's Pack with answers (Student's Book with answers with Online Practice and Workbook with answers with Audio)  –Teacher's Book with Downloadable Resource Pack (Class Audio and Teacher's Photocopiable Worksheets)  978-1-108-53941-8978-1-108-53910-4978-1-108-39958-6978-1-108-64203-3 Presentation Plus Software* 978-1-108-71613-0978-1-108-71614-7978-1-108-43738-7978-1-108-70326-0 Test Generator* 978-1-108-43923-7978-1-108-43911-4978-1-108-43742-4978-1-108-72707-5 Revised 2020 A2 Key for Schools and B1 Preliminary for Schools exams
– covers everything! Language development Exam training Exam advice Complete confidence *Contact your local Cambridge University Press representative for details.
Key for Schools Second Edition Preliminary for Schools First for Schools Second Edition First Third Edition Advanced Third Edition NEW Student’s Book without Answers with Online Practice 978-1-108-53933-3 978-1-108-53905-0 978-1-108-64733-5 978-1-108-90334-9 978-1-009-16233-3 Student's Book with Answers with Online Practice - - - 978-1-108-90333-2 978-1-009-16231-9 Student’s Book without Answers with Online Practice and Workbook without Answers with Audio Download (Student’s Pack) 978-1-108-53936-4 978-1-108-53906-7 978-1-108-64736-6 978-1-108-90339-4 978-1-009-16239-5 Student’s Book with Answers with Online Practice and Workbook with Answers with Audio Download (Self-study Pack) - - - 978-1-108-90338-7 978-1-009-16240-1 Workbook without Answers with Audio Download 978-1-108-53940-1 978-1-108-53911-1 978-1-108-64742-7 -Teacher’s Book with Downloadable Class Audio and Teacher’s Photocopiable Worksheets 978-1-108-53941-8 978-1-108-53910-4 978-1-108-64203-3 978-1-108-90337-0 978-1-009-16238-8 A2 B1 B2 C1 cambridge.org/complete 劍橋英檢 Examinations NEW Edition 52

整合主題式單元設計,內容結合語言訓練、 應考技巧加強及實務練習。

CompletePreliminaryforSchools Student’s Book

收錄過去考生常犯錯誤,並提供對應的 語言練習,有效幫助考生備考。

2 02 3


they live. They agree that

A there’s too much traffic.

B some parts of it are dangerous.

C it’s smaller than they would like.

5 You will hear a boy talking to a friend about a shop. What does the boy think about the shop?

A There aren’t enough assistants.

B The prices there are reasonable.

C It sells a wide variety of items.

6 You will hear two friends talking about their homes.

The girl says her room would be better if

A it was quieter.

B it was a lot bigger.

C it was sometimes warmer.

For each question, choose the correct answer. Listen again and check your answers.

Think of the three best and worst things about the place where you live. Use the ideas below, or your own.

Work in small groups and compare ideas.

• how big or small it is

• interesting places to visit

• the people who live there traffic and public transport

• how safe it is

• things for young people to do

新版 Key for Schools 及 Preliminary for Schools 級數內容參照 2020 新制考試做內容更新。

CompletePreliminaryforSchools Student’s Book

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-53905-0 — Complete Preliminary for Schools Student's Book without Answers with Online Practice Emma Heyderman Peter May Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press 1 My life and home 8 • Before you listen, quickly read the first line of each question and underline the key words. • Don’t choose an answer until you have heard the whole text for that question. Work in pairs and answer the questions. • The pictures show four bedrooms. Tell each other what you can see in the photos. • Which room is most like yours? Which is the most different? Give reasons. • What changes would you like to make to your room? When you go away, what do you miss about your room? 1 Listening Part 2 Work in pairs. Tell your partner about these things. • the building where you live • the street where your home is a place where you would like to live 1 Starting off Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-53905-0 — Complete Preliminary for Schools Student's Book without Answers with Online Practice Emma Heyderman Peter May Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press 1 You will hear people talking in six different situations. With your partner, look at questions 1–6. Who will you hear? What is the situation in each conversation? 1 two friends, a flat they would like to live in 1 You will hear two friends talking about the kind of flat they would like to live in. They agree that it should A be on one of the higher floors. B have at least three bedrooms. C be close to public transport. 2 You will hear a boy telling his friend about changing school. What does he say about it? A He finds the lessons hard. B He still misses his old school friends. C He thinks his new classmates are unfriendly. 3 You will hear a girl talking about a trip to the beach. What did she like best about it? A swimming in the sea B going on a free boat trip C playing volleyball
You will hear two friends talking about the town
4 Prepositions of time Exam candidates often make mistakes with prepositions of time. Choose the correct option in italics 1 sometimes leave work in / on the evening. 2 On / In summer, you must come to Poland. 3 I’ll see you on / at 4 o’clock. 4 We usually go to the beach at / in the morning. 5 go shopping in / on Saturday. Complete the table with phrases from the box. Think of more phrases to add to the table. at (with times of the day and the weekend in (with parts of the day, years, months and seasons) on (with days and dates) the weekend When do people do the things in the pictures? When do you do them? Use prepositions of time. Page 116 Grammar reference Prepositions of time 5 6 5 o’clock 2020 bedtime half past four July 25 May my birthday Sundays the afternoon the holidays the weekend weekdays winter 7 Some people go by bus very early in the morning. I get the bus at 8.15. 9 My life and home Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-53905-0 — Complete Preliminary for Schools Student's Book without Answers with Online Practice Emma Heyderman Peter May Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press 1 14 Page 119 Grammar reference Prepositions of place page 152 Speaking bank Speaking Part 1 Exam candidates often make mistakes with prepositions like at in and on. Choose the correct option in italics 1 Sometimes we play on / at his house. 2 He sometimes goes running at / in the park. 3 We usually stay in / at home playing computer games. 4 There’s a window on / in the left of my bed. 5 I normally spend my day in / at the beach. 6 I have some photos in / on the wall. Work in pairs. Tell each other about your apartment or house. Describe each room and what’s in it. Draw a picture of your partner’s home. Show it to your partner. Complete the gaps with at in and on 1 2 3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions from Exercise 4. Use the correct prepositions in your answers. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets and prepositions of place and time. 5 6 Speaking Part 1 Matteo: How old (1) (you / be), Alba? Alba: I’m 15. My birthday was (2) March. Matteo: And where (3) (you / come) from? Alba: live (4) Manresa, a town about 60 kilometres from Barcelona. Matteo: Who (5) (you / live) with? Alba: With my parents and my little brother Miquel, who’s still (6) primary school. Matteo: How (7) (you / go) to school? Alba: usually go by bus, but (8) spring and summer I sometimes walk. Matteo: What (9) (you / enjoy) doing in your free time? Alba: Well, I really like seeing my friends (10) the evenings and (11) weekends, but I often stay (12) home and read. Listen and check. are you 03 7 In the Speaking exam, be friendly and polite when you meet the examiners and the other candidate. Speak clearly and loudly enough for the examiners and your partner to hear you. Give longer answers by adding details such as places and times of day. the coast a hill an island school work home a town a country my room Prepositions of place Work in new pairs. Ask and answer the questions from Exercise 6. 8 Put the words in order to make questions. Then match the questions with the answers. 1 your / what’s / name? What’s your name? 2 old / you / are / how? 3 live / where / you / do? 4 at / English / do / study / school / you? 5 it / you / like / do? a In Ancona, a town on the coast, in Italy. b Yes, because I enjoy talking to people in English. c I’m 13. I’ll be 14 next month. d Matteo Bianchi. e Yes, I have English lessons every day. 4 Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-53905-0 — Complete Preliminary for Schools Student's Book without Answers with Online Practice Emma Heyderman Peter May Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press 1 My life and home 15 page 145 Writing bank An email Work in pairs. Look at the exam task and answer the questions. 1 Who has written to you? Alex, your English-speaking friend. 2 What do you have to read? 3 What kind of text must you write? 4 What news does Alex tell you first? How do you feel about this? 5 What does Alex ask you next? What information must you give? 6 What does Alex ask you in the third sentence? 7 What does Alex ask you last? 1 Writing Part 1 From: Frankie To: Alex Hi Alex, I’m so happy you can spend a fortnight at my place. I’m really looking forward to it! Summer is lovely here. usually spend August on the coast, so July would be the perfect time. I live in a three-bedroom flat on the fifth floor, in a quiet neighbourhood. It’s comfortable, with modern furniture, big windows and a large balcony where sometimes have barbecues at weekends. It hardly ever rains in July, so I’d recommend bringing just light clothes, plus your swimming costume. There’s lots to do here and I’m sure we’ll have a fantastic time. See you in the summer! Frankie • You must answer this question in the exam. • Read the instructions and the email that’s included in the question. Who do you have to write to? Which points must you include? • Note down ideas and plan your reply. How many paragraphs will you need? Read Frankie’s reply and answer the questions. 1 How many main paragraphs does Frankie use? 2 Which paragraph deals with each of the notes? 3 How many sentences does Frankie write about each of the notes? 4 In Frankie’s email, find prepositions of place, prepositions of time and frequency adverbs. 2 Plan your own reply to Alex. Use each of the notes as a heading and write your own ideas below them. Brilliant!Say when and whyDescribe Suggest It’s great that Write your email in about 100 words. Begin and end in a friendly way • Use paragraphs, one for each of the notes. • Write at least one sentence about each of the notes. • Try to use frequency adverbs and prepositions of place and time Check your partner’s email. Has your partner: • organised the email like Frankie’s? written about all four notes on Alex’s email? • written about 100 words? 3 4 5 Read this email from your English-speaking friend Alex, and the notes you have made. To: From: Alex Hi, Many thanks for inviting me to come and stay with you for a couple of weeks. I asked my mum and dad and they said yes! Which month would be best for me to come? We’ve never really talked about your home. What’s it like? I’ll start planning my trip today. What should I bring with me? See you soon! Alex Brilliant! Say when and why. Describe it. Suggest ... Write your email to Alex, using all the notes
Examinations 劍橋英檢 53


Annette Capel, Wendy Sharp, Louise Hashemi, Barbara Thomas, Felicity O'Dell, Annie Broadhead and Michael Black


Student’s Book with answers with CD-ROM (Self-study)

Student’s Book without answers with CD-ROM

Advanced Fourth Edition Proficiency Second Edition



Student’s Pack with answers (Student’s Book with answers with CD-ROM and Class Audio CD) -

Workbook with answers with Audio CD

Workbook without answers with Audio CD



Teacher’s Book -

Teacher’s Book with Teacher’s Resources CD-ROM

Class Audio CD

Presentation Plus DVD-ROM

A2 B1 B2 C1







978-1-107-68145-3 -



Cambridge Exam Boosters



Carole Allsop, Caroline Chapman, Helen Chilton, Sheila Dignen, Mark Fountain, Mark Little, Anne Robinson, Frances Treloar, Susan White


Book without Answer Key with Audio (Downloadable) (For Students)

Book with Answer Key with Audio (Downloadable) (For Teachers / Self-study Edition)

A2 B1 B2 C1


Karen Saxby, Sue Elliott, Liz Gallivan, Helen Tiliouline, Felicity O'Dell, Peter May, Michael Black, Louise Hashemi and Barbara Thomas


◎ 適用於考衝前期熟悉題型、鍛練解題技巧用。

B2 C1

Cambridge Grammar and Vocabulary

Louise Hashemi, Barbara Thomas, Sue Ireland, Joanna Kosta, Laura Matthews, Martin Hewings, Simon Haines



First and First for School

Book with answers with Audio 978-1-107-48106-0


Book with answers with Audio


KET and KET for Schools PET and PET for Schools FCE and FCE for Schools CAE


◎ 內含六套完整模擬考題、考題詳細介紹,額外單字文法和 寫作練習,協助學生避免考試常見錯誤。

A2 Key for Schools Trainer 1

Six Practice Tests with Answers and Teacher’s Notes with Resources Download with eBook

Six Practice Tests without Answers with Audio Download with eBook

A2 Key for Schools Trainer 2 NEW

Six Practice Tests with Answers with Resources Download with eBook

Six Practice Tests without Answers with Audio Download with eBook

★ Available Summer 2024

B1 Preliminary for Schools Trainer 1

Six Practice Tests with Answers and Teacher’s Notes with Resources Download with eBook

Six Practice Tests without Answers with Audio Download with eBook







B1 Preliminary for Schools Trainer 2 NEW

Six Practice Tests with Answers with Resources Download with eBook








Trainer books contain six full practice tests, expert guidance, and exam tips. The first two tests are fully guided, with step-by-step advice on tackling each paper. Answer keys provide clear explanations, including model answers for the Writing papers.

B2 First Trainer

Six Practice Tests without Answers with Audio Download with eBook

★ Available Summer 2024

B2 First for Schools Trainer 1

Six Practice Tests with Answers and Teacher’s Notes with Resources Download with eBook

Six Practice Tests without Answers with Audio Download with eBook

B2 First for Schools Trainer 2

Six Practice Tests with Answers and Teacher’s Notes with Resources Download with eBook

Six Practice Tests without Answers with Audio Download with eBook

B2 First for Schools Trainer 3 NEW

Six Practice Tests with Answers with Resources Download with eBook

Six Practice Tests without Answers with Audio Download with eBook

★ Available Summer 2024


Six Practice Tests with Answers with Audio

Six Practice Tests without Answers with Audio

B2 First Trainer 2







Six Practice Tests with Answers and Teacher’s Notes with Resources Download with eBook

Six Practice Tests without Answers with Audio Download with eBook

C1 Advanced Trainer

Six Practice Tests with Answers with Audio

Six Practice Tests without Answers with Audio

C1 Advanced Trainer 2

Six Practice Tests with Answers and Teacher’s Notes with Resources Download with eBook

Six Practice Tests without Answers with Audio Download with eBook









C1 C2
劍橋英檢 Examinations


Cambridge English Assessment and Cambridge University Press

◎ 劍橋國際英語認證,唯一 官方全真考題本。

◎ 書封數字代表考題新舊, 數字愈大,考題愈新。


Each set contains four complete tests.

A2 Key for Schools 1 for Revised Exam from 2020

Student's Book without answers

Audio CDs



Student's Book with answers with Audio 978-1-108-67659-5

A2 Key for Schools 2

Student's Book without answers

Student's Book with answers with Audio with Resource Bank



A2 Key 1 for Revised Exam from 2020

Student's Book without answers

Audio CDs



Student's Book with answers with Audio 978-1-108-69463-6

A2 Key 2 for Revised Exam from 2020

Student's Book without answers


Student's Book with answers with Audio 978-1-108-78158-9


Each set contains four complete tests.

B1 Preliminary for Schools 1 for Revised Exam from 2020

Student's Book without answers

Audio CDs


Cambridge English Exams Practice Tests

◎ 每冊含四回完整試題。 The only official range of authentic practice material anywhere. Each set contains four complete tests to help you prepare for test day.

Each set contains four complete tests.

Cambridge English First for Schools 1 for revised exam from 2015

Student’s Book without answers

Audio CDs (2)

Student’s Book Pack (Student’s Book with answers and Audio CDs (2))





Cambridge English First for Schools 2

Student’s Book without answers


Student’s Book with answers with Audio 978-1-316-50352-2

Cambridge English First for Schools 3

Student’s Book without answers


Student’s Book with answers with Audio 978-1-108-38085-0

B2 First for Schools 4

Student's Book without answers

Student's Book with answers with Audio and Resource Bank

B2 First for Schools 5

Student's Book without answers

Student's Book with Answers with Audio with Resource Bank



Student's Book with answers with Audio 978-1-108-65229-2

B1 Preliminary for Schools 2

Student's Book without answers

Student's Book with answers with Audio with Resource Bank



B1 Preliminary 1 for Revised Exam from 2020

Student's Book without answers

Audio CDs

Each set contains four complete tests.

Cambridge English Advanced 1 for revised exam from 2015

Student’s Book without answers

Audio CDs (2)

Student’s Book Pack (Student’s Book with answers and Audio CDs (2))

Cambridge English Adavnced 2

Student’s Book without answers

Student’s Book with answers with Audio

Cambridge English Advanced 3

Student’s Book without answers

Student’s Book with answers with Audio

C1 Advanced 4





Student's Book without answers

Student's Book with answers with Audio with Resource Bank


Each set contains four complete tests.










Cambridge English Proficiency 1 for updated exam

Student’s Book without answers

Student’s Book with answers



Cambridge English First 1 for revised exam from 2015

Student’s Book without answers

Audio CDs (2)

Student’s Book Pack (Student’s Book with answers and Audio CDs (2))

Cambridge English First 2

Student’s Book without answers





Student’s Book with answers with Audio 978-1-316-50356-0

Cambridge English First 3

Student’s Book without answers


Student’s Book with answers with Audio 978-1-108-38078-2

B2 First 4

Student's Book without answers



Student's Book with answers with Audio 978-1-108-67641-0

B1 Preliminary 2 for Revised Exam from 2020

Student's Book without answers


Student's Book with answers with Audio 978-1-108-78155-8


Student's Book with answers with Audio 978-1-108-78014-8

B2 First 5

Student's Book without answers

Student's Book with Answers with Audio with Resource Bank



Audio CDs (2)

Student’s Book Pack (Student’s Book with answers and Audio CDs (2))

Cambridge English Proficiency 2

Student’s Book without answers

Student’s Book with answers

Audio CDs (2)

Student’s Book with answers with Audio







Examinations 劍橋英檢 Get More Info...
「劍橋國際英語認證」相關 文章專區:考試改制資訊、 備考書單都在這!

IELTS (International English Language Testing System)

雅思國際英語測驗 (IELTS) 是全球認可的英語測驗標準,專門用來評估欲前往英語系國家求學、移民或工作者在聽、 說、讀、寫四項全方位英語的溝通能力。測驗分成學術組 (Academic) 與一般組 (General) 考試,前者供考生申請英語 系國家留、遊學之用,後者供考生移民或申請海外工作之用。


雅思國際英語測驗 (IELTS) 包含聽、說、讀、寫四項技能的評量,各項目滿分為 9 分,測驗成績單將標示考生四項技能 各項分數,及平均總分 (Overall Band)。






時間:60分鐘 三篇文章,40題


時間:60分鐘 兩篇文章(圖表題150



時間:60分鐘 三篇文章,40題


時間:60分鐘 兩篇文章(書信150 字和申論題250字)


時間:11-14分鐘 與專業考官面應試


The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS

Pauline Cullen, Amanda French and Vanessa Jackman


本書為劍橋官方雅思考試指南,全書分為五大部分,依照聽、 說、讀、寫技巧編寫成四大單元;第五部分為雅思模擬試題。

◎ 適用於學術組與一般組的考生,可用於自修或課堂授課。

◎ 根據雅思受測者的答案及常見錯誤作為教材設計基礎,避 免學習者再犯重複錯誤。

◎ 含 8 份完整模擬試題,第一份含有 Test & Study Tips 指引 作答方向,其餘七份為純考題;第七、八份考題,除學術 組題型外,還有一般組的閱讀與寫作題型。

◎ 隨書附 DVD-ROM 含聽力音檔與 17 份口說測驗實境影片。

Get More Info...

雅思自修必備 II:劍橋官方應考指南大解析






IELTS 雅思備考書籍好多,我該怎麼選?

雅思自修必備 I:備考讀書計畫大公開


官方考試 指南

The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS is the definitive guide to IELTS from the organisation that produces the test, Cambridge Assessment English. The most thorough and authoritative preparation available for this life-changing exam, it includes language and skills development, with a focus on test-taking strategy, to help students maximise their band-score.

Suitable for students at all levels covering both the Academic and General Training modules

Eight practice tests ensure that students are completely familiar with the exam and are able to perform with confidence Videos of the speaking test provide a head start in a part of the exam which is tricky to prepare for Student’s Book with answers with DVD-ROM 978-1-107-62069-8

CEFR Level IELTS Exam Cambridge English
Band 7.5-9.0 CPE
Band 6.5-7.5 CAE
Band 5.5-6.5 FCE
Band 4.0-5.5 PET
- -
Get More Info...
劍橋英檢 Examinations 56
B1 B2 C1 C2

B1 B2 C1 C2


Guy Brook-Hart, David McKeegan, Emma Heydrman, Peter May, Simon Haines, Vanessa Jakeman, with Helen Tiliouine


► IELTS: 50-70 teachig hours per level


◎ 主題式單元設計,提供考試準備、實務練習及應考建議,考生在 發展語言能力的同時備考雅思考試。

Complete offers an integrated approach with exam information, advice and practice alongside language development. The series combines the very best in contemporary classroom practice with first-hand knowledge of the challenges students face.

B1 B2

Action Plan for IELTS

Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell

INTERMEDIATE TO UPPER INTERMEDIATE ► 25 teaching hours, extendable to 30 【IELTS 考前衝刺】

為雅思考前衝刺最佳利器,在最短時間解析雅思考試並熟悉題型。 隨書附有完整考題一份。

This short guide is ideal for last-minute self-study. Organized by paper, it offers examples of typical test items, mini practice tasks and strategies for maximizing band score.

Self-study Student’s Book

Self-study Pack (Self-study student’s Book and Audio CD)

Audio CD

Academic General Training





Academic Module and General Training Module


B1 B2

Step Up to IELTS

Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell


► Approximately 60 teaching hours

【IELTS 準備教材】

本書在最短時間內,將雅思考試題型做詳盡解析。單元編排明確, 針對各類題型提供大量習題,幫助學生掌握雅思考試。

This course is designed to quickly cover essential exam skills and familiarize student’s with the tests in both the Academic and General Training modules. Shorter exam-style tasks progress to more challenging tasks at authentic test level.

Self-study Student’s Book (with answers)

Student’s Book (without answers)

Teacher’s Book

Audio CDs (2)

Student’s Book with answers with CD-ROM

Student’s Book without answers with CD-ROM

Student’s Pack with answers (Student’s Book with answers and CD-ROM and Audio CDs)

Workbook with answers with Audio CD

Workbook without answers with Audio CD

Teacher’s Book

Class Audio CD


Bands 4-5






Bands 5-6.5






Bands 6.5-7.5





978-1-107-60244-1 978-1-107-40196-9 978-1-107-66444-9

978-0-521-18515-8 978-0-521-18516-5 978-1-107-60964-8

978-0-521-17958-4 978-0-521-17950-8 978-1-107-64281-2

B2 C1

New Insight into IELTS

Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell


► 50 teaching hours, extendable to 90

【IELTS 準備教材】

此書是以考試技巧,如:速讀、聽力分析、寫作組織、口語訓練等 為單元主軸的考試準備書。

New Insight into IELTS is short courses that offer integrated exam preparation and practice for IELTS examinations. Organized paperby-paper, the concise units give students a sense of progress while covering all areas of the exams.

Student’s Book with answers

Student’s Book Pack (Student’s Book with answers and Student’s Book

Audio CD)

Student’s Book Audio CD

Workbook with answers

Workbook Pack (Workbook with answers and Workbook Audio CD)

Workbook Audio CD

A1 A2 B1 levels 2

IELTS Life Skills

Official Cambridge Test Practice

Mary Matthews and Anthony Cosgrove


【IELTS Life Skills 官方考題本】







雅思生活技能考試 (IELTS Life Skills) 是針對聽力及口語所執行的檢 定,適合需申請英國居留證的考生。測驗分別為兩個級別:A1 級 別—聽力與口說,B1 級別—聽力與口說。

◎ 每冊含四份完整練習試題與解答。

◎ 另附有口說測驗的參考答案、額外的練習活動與考生應試技巧 提示。





Student’s Book with answers and Audio CD

Student’s Book with answers and Audio CD





Examinations 劍橋英檢 57

Mindset for IELTS

An Official Cambridge IELTS Course

Greg Archer, Joanna Kosta, Lucy Passmore, Jishan Uddin, Susan Hutchison, Claire Wijayatilake, Peter Crosthwaite, Natasha De Souza, Marc Loewenthal


► 60-90 teaching hours

【IELTS 雅思官方備考主教材】

Get your mind set for IELTS

Mindset for IELTS 系列為劍橋大學出版社與劍橋大學語 言測評考試院共同研發,內容結合雅思考試 語言技能培 養、 應試技巧 及 全真試題 於一冊。課程豐富多元,教師 可依學生語言需求彈性安排課程進程。

◎ Topic-based: 課程依主題區分單元,並分別按聽、 說、讀、寫四大考試項目編排課程。內容結合廣泛主 題,不僅增進考生視野,亦提升語言靈活度。

◎ Common Mistakes: 課程設計參考劍橋學習者語料 庫 (Cambridge Learners Corpus),收錄過去雅思考 生常犯錯誤,提點考生有效運用正確的單字及文法。

◎ Exam Tips: 附有豐富應試技巧解析,協助考生掌握 得分關鍵,並考取目標分數。

◎ Exam Practice: 課程擷取雅思全真考題作為各單元 學習總結,協助考生有效備考。

◎ Digital Workbook: 課程搭配線上學習,提供豐富的 聽說讀寫練習。

Get More Info...

See also…

雅思官方備考主教材 Mindset for IELTS

Step inside a space that lives and breathes IELTS. The organisation that produces the IELTS test, brings you a course to get into the MINDSET of the exam. Designed to help students achieve exam excellence, Mindset takes you on a journey that can be tailored to individual teaching requirements.

Suitable for students preparing for IELTS Academic

Topic-based units cover Speaking, Writing, Reading, and Listening with extra online practice

Updated digital resources including new end of unit, placement and practice tests

eBook gives you all of the material in the Student’s Book in a digital format

Dedicated Teacher Support

IELTS Placement and Practice Tests help teachers gauge where students are on their IELTS journey

Progress tests help students demonstrate and work on their language development

Free online teacher training modules at cambridge.org/training

page 40 for Unlock Second Edition

(IELTS 學術組先修課程 最佳搭配教材)

Mindset for IELTS

Teaching Guide


題型介紹、評分方式、分數對照、讀 書計畫表、說寫項目自我審視表等。

另提供課程教材 Lesson Plans 及額外 學習單。

*The Student’s Digital Pack includes eBook, Audio, Unit Tests and Digital Workbook. The Teacher’s Digital Pack contains Class Audio, Unit Tests, Placement and Practice Tests.

CEFR Level Mindset for IELTS IELTS Exam C1 Level 3 Band 7.5 B2 Level 2 Band 6.5 B1-B2 Level 1 Band 5.5 A2-B1 Foundation Foundation Level
B1 B2 C1
雅思教學大補帖:官方教學資源彙整 A2
cambridge.org/mindset levels
Foundation Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Student's Book with Digital Pack* NEW 978-1-009-28028-0 978-1-009-28029-7 978-1-009-28030-3 978-1-009-28031-0 Teacher's Book with
Pack* NEW 978-1-009-28032-7 978-1-009-28033-4 978-1-009-28034-1 978-1-009-28036-5
劍橋英檢 Examinations 58

Lead-In 章節循序漸進建立 考生考試所需語言技能。

Bullet Box 協助考生熟悉 雅思考試各種題型。

Mindset for IELTS Student’s Book 1

Exam Skills 章節擷取雅思全真 考題,幫助考生有效備考。

Mindset for IELTS Student’s Book 1

Tip Box 提點考生應試技巧及得分關鍵。
Examinations 劍橋英檢 59

B1 B2 C1 C2

Cambridge Grammar and Vocabulary for IELTS

Diane Hopkins and Pauline Cullen


◎ 文法整理式的單元規劃,提供大量擬真題,並針

對 Spoken & Written 文法做比較和例句分析。

◎ 將字彙以各類不同的練習方式,例如:填空、 填字謎、短篇閱讀等,提供同學活用字彙的練 習機會。

IELTS Grammar for Bands 6.5 +

Book with Audio 978-1-108-90106-2

IELTS Vocabulary

up to Band 6.0

Book with Audio 978-1-108-90060-7

Book without answers

Book with Audio



For Bands 6.5 +



Common Mistakes at IELTS

...and how to avoid them

Pauline Cullen and Julie Moore


B1 B2 C1 C2

IELTS Booster


◎ 內容依照 IELTS 聽說讀寫考試項目分 成四大單元,依各考試項目每種題型 提供跨頁 worksheets。

◎ 每章節皆融入全真題,讓考生從不同 面向增進語言能力、培養應考技巧並 實戰演練。

Zoom in on essential exam practice with IELTS Boosters. Maximise learners' potential with dedicated exam task practice for class or home study. Use alongside a coursebook or as intensive exam practice.


Book with Answers with Audio 978-1-009-29914-5

General Training

Book with Answers with Audio 978-1-009-29915-2

Cambridge English Exams Practice Tests 全真考題本

Cambridge Assessment English and Cambridge University Press

◎ 雅思國際英語測驗,唯一官方全真題本。

◎ 書封數字代表考題新舊,數字愈大,考 題愈新。

◎ 每冊含四回完整試題。

Cambridge IELTS

12 Academic

Student’s Book with answers

Student’s Book with answers with Audio

Cambridge IELTS

12 General Training

Student’s Book with answers

Student’s Book with answers with Audio

Cambridge IELTS

13 Academic

Student's Book with answers

Student's Book with answers with Audio

Cambridge IELTS 13 General Training

Student's Book with answers








◎ 資料蒐集自劍橋國際語料庫,根據全球考生常 犯的錯誤整理編寫而成。

◎ 包含三十回常犯英語錯誤破解及十回演練,幫 助使用者釐清觀念,迅速提升實力。

◎ 適合用以準備雅思考試課程,亦適合欲提升英 語實力者自修使用。

Intermediate Bands 5-6

Paperback NEW 978-1-108-82784-3

Advanced Bands 6-7

Paperback NEW 978-1-108-82785-0

B1 B2 C1 C2

IELTS Trainer


◎ 適用於考衝前期熟悉題型、鍛鍊解題 技巧用。

◎ 內含六套完整模擬考題、考題詳細介 紹,額外單字文法和寫作練習,協助 學生避免考試常見錯誤。

◎ 前兩份試題提供步驟詳細的專家導 讀,額外模擬考題則來自真正考生考 卷常出現的錯誤及需加強範圍。

Academic Book with Answers and Audio* 978-1-108-56758-9

General Training

Book with Answers and Audio* 978-1-108-59366-3

*Audio is downloadable (esource.cambridge.org)

Student's Book with answers with Audio

IELTS 14 Academic

Student's Book with answers

Student's Book with answers with Audio

IELTS 14 General Training

Student's Book with answers

Student's Book with answers with Audio

IELTS 15 Academic

Student's Book with answers with Audio

IELTS 15 General Training

Student's Book with answers with Audio

IELTS 16 Academic

Student's Book with answers with Audio with Resource Bank

IELTS 16 General Training

Student's Book with answers with Audio with Resource Bank

IELTS 17 Academic

Student's Book with answers with Audio with Resource Bank

IELTS 17 General Training

Student's Book with answers with Audio with Resource Bank

IELTS 18 Academic NEW

Student's Book with Answers with Audio with Resource Bank

IELTS 18 General Training NEW

Student's Book with Answers with Audio with Resource Bank

IELTS 19 Academic NEW

Student’s Book with Answers with Audio with Resource Bank

IELTS 19 General Training NEW

Student’s Book with Answers with Audio with Resource Bank

★ Available Winter 2024
















B2 C1 C2
NEW NEW 劍橋英檢 Examinations 60
Giving people the skills they need to succeed

The world’s most popular English language test for higher education and global migration

• Millions of IELTS tests are taken each year in over 140 countries

• More than 10,000 organisations accept IELTS scores, including over 3,400 institutions in the US

• IELTS tests the English skills that people need to live, study and work around the world.


IELTS is jointly owned and managed by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge Assessment English. Get More Info... IELTS 雅思備考書籍好多,我該怎麼選? 雅思教學大補帖:官方教學彙整 61

Grammar in Use 劍橋活用英語文法書系 全球 最暢銷

◎ 暢銷全球百萬本之文法書系,共有三種版本,分別為:英式英語版 (English Grammar in Use)、美式英語版 (Grammar in Use) 及中英雙語版。

◎ 劍橋 in Use 系列以「左右對照,兩頁一單元」清楚易讀的版面聞名,文法系列每個單元 皆是:左頁解說一個特定的文法要點,右頁立即進行活用練習,讓讀者馬上加深印象。

◎ 文法要點以與生活經驗相結合的方式,帶領讀者了解用法,並提供饒富幽默感與趣味性 的例句、插圖和比較句型解說,幫助學習者在理解真實使用情境後,輕鬆學會文法,揚 棄背公式的學習模式!

This series has become a cornerstone for grammar teaching and grammar reference around the world. Its huge success and popularity can be attributed directly to the simple, clear grammar explanations. The left-hand page presents a specific grammar point such as Present Perfect or Relative Pronouns, while the right-hand page offers a wide variety of exercises for practicing the grammar point.

British English 英式

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Essential Grammar in Use


Book with answers with eBook 978-1-107-48053-7

Book with answers 978-1-107-48055-1

Book without answers 978-1-107-48056-8


English Grammar in Use


Book with answers with ebook 978-1-108-58662-7

Book with answers 978-1-108-45765-1

Book without answers 978-1-108-45768-2


全球最暢銷的文法工具書 Grammar in Use 選書大解析 !

Essential Grammar in Use

Supplementary Exercises


Book with answers 978-1-107-48061-2

Basic Grammar in Use


Book with answers with eBook 978-1-316-64673-1

Book with answers 978-1-316-64674-8

Book without answers 978-1-316-64675-5

English Grammar in Use

Supplementary Exercises


Book with answers 978-1-108-45773-6

Advanced Grammar in Use


Book with answers with Online Tests and eBook 978-1-108-92021-6

Advanced Grammar in Use


Book with answers


Book without answers


Advanced Grammar in Use

Supplementary Exercises


Book without answers 978-0-521-78806-9

Grammar in Use Intermediate


Book with answers with ebook


Book with answers


Book without answers


*eBook 可於平板、手機、筆電或是桌機電腦使用。


(Basic Grammar in Use

THIRD EDITION) 978-1-107-60042-3

劍橋活用英語文法:中級 (Grammar in Use


THIRD EDITION) 978-0-521-14787-3

American English 美式 Bilingual 中英雙語
全民英檢 -
B1-B2 全民英檢 - 中高級
全民英檢 中高級Elementary Intermediate Advanced
f 劍橋 in Use 簡介影片 Watch Video 文法

「左右對照,兩頁一單元」,清楚 易讀的版面就是暢銷的祕密。

Basic Grammar in Use


Raymond Murphy with William R. Smalzer and Joseph Chapple


Basic Grammar in Use 第四版,保有廣受好評的兩頁對 照格式,專提供初學者參閱之練習書籍且加以貼近美式英 語運用,內文以全新樣貌呈現,搭配生動有趣的插圖與圖

表,讓文法學習時光更加輕鬆愉快,原隨書 CD-ROM 升 級為互動式電子書 (Interactive eBook),包含:全書內容 與例句音檔,另可畫重點及個人筆記等功能,學習文法同 時也增進聽力與發音,整體英語能力大躍進。

Basic Grammar in Use Fourth edition is an American English, self-study reference and practice book for beginning-level learners, used by millions of people around the world. This edition retains the key features of clarity and ease-of-use that have made the book so popular with learners and teachers alike.

左頁解說一個特 定的文法要點。

右頁立刻進行活用練習, 有助馬上加深印象。

Interactive eBook makes it easier to study on the go, with all of the content from the printed book plus integrated audio to help with listening and pronunciation practice

Two-page units in an easy-to-use format, with clear explanations of grammar points on each left-hand page and exercises to check understanding on the right

The eBook works on smartphones, iPads and Android tablets, as well as desktop and laptop computers

劍橋活用英語文法 —

中英雙語版 Grammar in Use


總審:周中天教授 譯者:(初級)王舒葳、(中級)游毓玲



Grammar in Use 中英雙語版是專為學習美式英語的台灣 學生所編寫的版本。除了保有 in Use 系列獨有的「左右 對照,兩頁一單元」格式外,為了將文法概念解釋清楚又 不流於艱澀的術語,在例句的選材上較為生活化及口語 化,將所學落實於生活中;另外更針對台灣學生覺得特別 困難的文法要點,加註解釋,讓學習者更容易掌握重點。

◎ 本書根據不同主題區分單元、按類型編排,並非依照 文法難度排序,學習者可依照需求選讀,不必再從頭 讀到尾。

◎ 結合文法參考書與實用練習題於一冊,可作為課堂教 材,也可供自修使用。

◎ 適用於準備國中會考、高中學測及指考英文科測驗,以 及全民英檢 (GEPT)、多益 (TOEIC)、托福 (TOEFL)、 雅思 (IELTS) 等英語檢測考試。

◎ 書後附有附錄、補充練習、中英文索引、學習指引及 完整解答。

雙語版保有 in Use 系列「左右對照, 兩頁一單元」的特點。

「學習指引」幫助使用者 檢測文法能力,再決定優 先學習、加強的單元,學 習更有效率。

劍橋活用英語文法 初級 978-1-107-60042-3

中級 978-0-521-14787-3

A1 A2 B1 A1 A2 B1 B2 levels 2
Grammar 文法 63

Vocabulary in Use 劍橋活用英語字彙書系

◎ 劍橋 in Use 系列以「左右對照,兩頁一單元」 清楚易讀的版面聞名全球,字彙系列每個 單元皆是:左頁解說一個特定的主題字彙用法,右頁為實境活用的練習題。

◎ 英語語料庫大師 Michael McCarthy 領銜編寫之暢銷字彙書系,分別有:英式英語版 (English Vocabulary in Use) 與美式英語版 (Vocabulary in Use) 兩種版本。內容編寫參照 劍橋國際語料庫,以確保習得當代實用英語字詞,欲加強字彙能力學習者,千萬不能錯過 此書!

This innovative series, based firmly on current vocabulary acquisition theory, helps learners master more than 6,000 words and phrases in modern English. Just like its sister series, Grammar in Use, this series uses familiar two-page units. The left-hand page presents a specific vocabulary area such as weather or the environment, while the right-hand page offers a wide variety of exercises to consolidate learning.

British English 英式


English Vocabulary in Use (Elementary)


Edition with answers and Enhanced eBook


Edition with answers


累積字彙量:約 1,250 字

English Vocabulary in Use (Pre-intermediate to Intermediate)


Edition with answers and Enhanced eBook


Edition with answers


累積字彙量:約 2,000 字

English Vocabulary in Use (Upper Intermediate)


Edition with answers and Enhanced eBook


Edition with answers


累積字彙量:約 4,000 字

English Vocabulary in Use (Advanced)


Edition with answers and Enhanced eBook


Edition with answers


累積字彙量:約 6,000~8,000 字

American English 美式

Basic Vocabulary in Use


Edition with answers


累積字彙量:約 1,250 字

Vocabulary in Use (Intermediate)


Edition with answers


累積字彙量:約 2,000 字

Vocabulary in Use (High Intermediate)


Edition with answers


累積字彙量:約 4,000 字

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Vocabulary in Use 選書大解析 !

全民英檢 中高級
全民英檢 -
Upper Intermediate 字彙 Vocabulary 64

English Vocabulary in Use

Elementary, Upper Intermediate and Advanced:

Michael McCarthy and Felicity O’Dell

Pre-intermediate and Intermediate: Stuart Redman



◎ 最暢銷 in Use 字彙書系最新版,採主題式清晰易瞭的解說及活用練習 題,有助提升用字遣詞的自然流暢度,並於過程中培養自信心,可供 課堂教學,亦適合自修者使用。

◎ 新版加入線上電子書 (eBook),可於平板、手機、筆電或是桌機電腦 使用,大幅增進字彙學習成效。

Ideal for classroom use or self-study, these popular books are specially designed to boost learners’ confidence along with their vocabulary skills. Easy-to-understand explanations and practice exercises Vocabulary presented and practised in context with a wide variety of topics


English Collocations in Use


Michael McCarthy and Felicity O’Dell


本書分為兩個級數,收錄上百組常見搭配詞組,有助提升英語 口說與書寫自然度與流暢度。

Cambridge research into how English is really spoken means that learners can be confident about what they are leaning

Develops good vocabulary learning habits

All four levels have been revised and updated


The printed books are now available with eBooks that can be used on smartphones, iPads and Android tablets, as well as desktop and laptop computers.

These books present and practise hundreds of collocations in typical contexts to help students improve their written and spoken English.

Intermediate Advanced Book with answers 978-1-316-62975-8 978-1-316-62995-6

English Idioms in Use


Michael McCarthy and Felicity O’Dell


本書分為兩級數,收錄一千多個英文高頻使用慣用語,有效幫 助理解英語母語人士的日常用語。

Academic Vocabulary in Use


Michael McCarthy and Felicity O’Dell

English Idioms in Use present and practise over 1,000 idioms in typical contexts to help students understand the everyday English spoken by native speakers.

Intermediate Advanced Book with answers 978-1-316-62988-8 978-1-316-62973-4 B1


English Phrasal Verbs in Use


Michael McCarthy and Felicity O’Dell


本書分為兩級數,收錄來自簡訊、日常對話、表格及圖表中一千 多個英語常用動詞片語,使學習者的英語更加自然生動。

Using short texts, dialogues, tables and charts, these books explain and practise over 1,000 phrasal verbs at each level to help students develop more natural-sounding English.

Intermediate Advanced Book with answers




【EMI 全英授課最佳學術字彙參考工具書】

◎ 第二版真實反映學科領域、科技以及溝通方式 的變遷,增加工程、社會科學、商業及法學領 域等學術用字, 內容涵蓋學術書籍、文章、演 講及研討會等各學術場合。

◎ 根據劍橋大學語料庫及學術字彙表,編纂重要 及高頻率使用的學術字彙;附有完整解答及音 位表,可供課堂教學及自修者使用。

◎ 適用於 準備雅思 (IELTS) 及托福 (TOEFL) 留學 考試及各類以學術研究為目的的入學測驗。

Ideal for students of any discipline, from engineers and social scientists to business students and lawyers, it covers all the key vocabulary found in academic textbooks, articles, lectures and seminars. The book is also useful for those preparing for IELTS and university entrance examinations. The Second edition has been updated to reflect changes in education, technology and communications, includes a selection of new reading passages, and is now in full color.

50 easy-to-use, two-page units with clear explanations of new vocabulary on the left page, and a variety of practice exercises on the right The most useful and frequently-used academic vocabulary, based on the Cambridge English Corpus and established academic word lists

Book with answers


A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 levels 4
B1 B2
B2 C1 C2 levels 2
B2 C1 C2 levels 2
B2 C1 C2 levels 2
Vocabulary 字彙 65


Dynamic Presentations

Mark Powell


► 15-20 hours short course

本書希望將成功並且啟發人心的簡報技巧傳授給需要的學習者,以確保產出 的簡報內容和形式能發揮最大的效果。全書 10 個單元網羅所有簡報所需的 主題技巧,學生課本附有兩片 CD 收錄所有聽力檔案、額外補充教學材料、 標準答案及簡報評註。另有搭配單元內容的 DVD,提供簡報專家的建議和 真實簡報錄影內容。

Student’s Book with Audio CDs (2)


Writing for Impact

Tim Banks


► 15-20 hours short course



Business Vocabulary in Use




【Linguaskill 劍橋領思職場英檢字彙加強書】

In Use 商英字彙書系,依字彙難度分為三級,每單元提供 清楚解說與練習題,內容涵蓋時下最實用的商業用字。

本書共分 12 個模組,練習範圍包括各式商業英文書信、郵件、報告和會議 紀錄等。聽力 CD 收錄會議與電話對談等語料,提供學生更真實的英語學 習情境。適合商業寫作、祕書英文課程。另外,線上可免費下載「教學大 綱」,循序漸進培養學生商業寫作能力,亦可下載「教學手冊與範本」,協 助老師教學面面俱到。

Student’s Book with Audio CD

B1 B2

每單元提供清楚 解說與練習題, 包含電子商務、 簡歷及求職信件 等主題應用。

BusinessVocabulary in Use Intermediate



Communicating Across Cultures

Bob Dignen


► 20-30 hours short course

單元內容涵蓋了各種語境,小自國際團隊中的工作溝通,大至妥善處理國際 間的衝突;網羅各類口語及書寫的最佳跨文化溝通範例,含括電子郵件和電 話往來至會議舉辦及國際談判。學生能從本書中學到有效的跨國溝通基本技 能,順利地與來自世界各國不同文化背景的同事或商業夥伴共同工作。

Student’s Book with Audio CD


Book with answers and Enhanced eBook 978-1-316-62997-0

Book with answers 978-1-316-62998-7


Book with answers and Enhanced eBook 978-1-316-62822-5

Book with answers 978-1-316-62823-2

Get More Info... 職場必備的商英單字書 Business Vocabulary in Use


978-0-521-18198-3 DVD

International Negotiations

Mark Powell


► 15-20 hours short course


B1 B2

Grammar for Business

Michael McCarthy, Jeanne McCarten, David Clark and Rachel Clark


英語是國際商場上所共同使用的「國際語言」,然而在商場上最重要的溝通 技巧莫過於談判了!本書適用短期商英課程,提供中級到高階程度的學習者 所有必學的英語談判技能,以利成為商業溝通中的談判佼佼者。

Student’s Book with Audio CDs (2)

978-0-521-14992-1 B1

全書參照「劍橋語料庫」編寫,提供清楚的英語口說與書 寫的文法差異解說、各式實境練習,協助學習者增強職場 溝通力。

Book with Audio CD 978-0-521-72720-4

商用字彙 in Use 系列
B1 B2 C1 C2
B2 C1
B2 C1 C2
B1 B2 C1 levels 3
114 Business Vocabulary in Use Intermediate CV tips A CV or curriculum vitae is a document about your education, career and objectives. Look at the tips: Put your and details at the top. b Talk about your career goal − professional objective. Mention your skills (see Unit 4). d Include your qualifications (see Unit 4). e Write about your experience and your achievements You can mention relevant interests g Use keywords relevant to the employer, ones that will be picked out by automated systems. h Avoid exaggerations − saying something is better or more important than it really is. Be concise − not more than two pages, preferably one. Parts of a CV Layout is the way that information is arranged on the page. Clear layout is very important for CVs. A B 53 CVs, cover letters and emails Note BrE: CV curriculum vitae AmE: résumé Experience is uncountable in this context: ‘I have a lot of experience in this area’, not experiences 34 Avenida da Liberdade, 1250 Lisbon, Portugal email: maria.soares88@gmail.com mobile: +351 93 472 3792 Career goal: Looking for stimulating career in web design in an established design company Visual creativity good leadership skills Understanding of all technical and design issues in website construction and maintenance; Bilingual in Portuguese and English Qualifications: 2016−2017 London Business School – MBA 2011−2012 University of Berlin Master’s degree in Advanced Web Design (course taught in English) 2002−2007 Porto School of Architecture and Design − Architecture degree Experience: Web Designer, based in Berlin. Worked with a number of German internationals, contributing design and technical expertise. 2009−2011 Internet Advertising Manager, Publicidades Inovativas, Lisbon. Worked on key client website advertising campaigns. 2007−2009 Architectural Assistant, Projetos do Norte, Porto. Provided support to senior members of the firm, working on commercial building projects. MARIA SOARES If writing a letter, start Dear Sir or Madam or with the name of the person if you know it, and end Yours sincerely Cover emails and letters should also be concise − less than one page. Cover letters and emails Find out if you should send your application by post or email. If by email, you can copy your cover letter into the email, or send it as an attachment. Look at Maria’s cover email C Dear Ms Santos am writing with reference to your online advertisement for a department manager. As you will see from the attached CV my background is in this area. have long experience of web design, and recently completed an MBA in London, where developed my management and leadership skills. would now like to relocate back to Portugal. am available for interview on the date that you mention. look forward to hearing from you. Best regards Subject: recruitment@lisbonwebdesign.pt Application for position of Department Manager Note Position is a formal word for ‘job’, used especially in the context of job applications. interesting and exciting one that has producing new ideas ability to manage people and lead them in new able to speak two languages working independently, employee
商用英語與英檢 Business English & Examinations 66


Be My Guest English for the hotel industry

Francis O’Hara


Student’s Book 978-0-521-77689-9

Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-77686-8 A2


English for the travel and tourism industry


Leo Jones


Student’s Book 978-0-521-60659-2

Teacher’s Book 978-0-521-60660-8

Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-60661-5


B1 B2


Cambridge English for Engineering

Mark Ibbotson


Student’s Book with Audio CDs (2)

B1 B2


Professional English in Use: Engineering

Mark Ibbotson


Book with answers 978-0-521-73488-2

B1 B2


Cambridge English for Scientists

Tamzen Armer


Student’s Book with Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-15409-3


B2 C1

Professional English in Use: Law

Gillian D. Brown and Sally Rice


Book with answers 978-0-521-68542-9

B1 B2

English for the Financial Sector

Ian MacKenzie



B2 C1


Cambridge English for Job-hunting

Colm Downes


Student’s Book with Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-72215-5

B1 B2 C1

Professional English in Use: Finance

Ian MacKenzie


Book with answers 978-0-521-61627-0


B2 C1

Professional English in Use: Management

Arthur Mckeown and Ros Wright


Book with answers


B1 B2



Cambridge English for Marketing

Nick Robinson with The Chartered Institute of Marketing


Student’s Book with Audio CD


Professional English in Use: Marketing

Cate Farrall and Marianne Lindsley

Book with answers



Cambridge English for Nursing

Virginia Allum and Patricia McGarr




Student’s Book with Audio CD 978-0-521-14133-8


Student’s Book with Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-71540-9

Professional English in Use: Medicine

Eric Glendinning and Ron Howard


Book with answers 978-0-521-68201-5




Cambridge English for the Media

Nick Ceramella and Elizabeth Lee


Student’s Book with Audio CD

B2 C1 醫護英文

OET Trainer

Cambridge Assessment English


【OET 海外醫護英語能力測驗 官方備考書】


Six Practice Tests with Answers with Resources Download with eBook 978-1-009-16286-9


Six Practice Tests with Answers with Resources Download with eBook 978-1-009-16292-0

978-0-521-54725-3 Teacher’s
Audio CD
A2 B1 B2 levels 2
B1 B2
財金英文 求職英文
B1 B2
978-0-521-72457-9 B1
Professional English 專業英語 NEW 67

English Pronunciation in Use

Elementary: Jonathan Marks with Sylvie Donna

Intermediate: Mark Hancock with Sylvie Donna

Advanced: Martin Hewings


◎ 此系列分三個級數,整合性的發音練習設計,讓使用者從單字、片語和 句子中練習完美發音。

◎ 每單元兩頁,左頁解說、右頁練習的設計,上課自修兩相宜。

Elementary Intermediate Advanced

Book with answers and CD-ROM/Audio CDs 978-0-521-69373-8 978-0-521-18513-4 978-0-521-69376-9

Book with answers and Audio CDs - 978-0-521-18514-1 978-0-521-61960-8

Book with answers and downloadable Audio 978-1-108-40352-8 978-1-108-40369-6 978-1-108-40349-8

The best on the market, these books thoroughly cover all aspects of pronunciation, including individual sounds, word stress, connected speech and intonation. They also develop learners’ listening and speaking skills by providing both receptive and productive practice. Ideal for self-study as well as classroom use.

整合性的發音練習設計, 搭配口腔側面圖,協助使 用者學習正確發音。


Clear Speech

Clear Speech from the Start –SECOND EDITION



◎ Clear Speech 系列分為兩級, Clear Speech from the Start 適合初級使 用者,以簡單基礎的單字與短句帶入發音練習,介紹最基礎發音規則如子 母音、重音、音節等概念。

◎ Clear Speech 適合中級使用者,以圖片來呈現口腔結構與正確的發音位 置。單元內容深入介紹音節、母音和重音、子音字母、句子組成等。

◎ 新版課本內容以大量彩色圖片表示發音位置,讓學生一目了然,同時也可 以上劍橋官網下載完整聽力音檔學習正確發音。

Clear Speech, the world’s favorite pronunciation series, helps students master the most important features of spoken English. The Clear Speech, New Edition, Student’s Book provides easy-to-follow presentations, helpful rules, and extensive practice in pronunciation. This revised edition offers new and updated content, additional visual support, and is now in full color.

Clear Speech from the Start Clear Speech

Pronunciation Pairs


Ann Baker and Sharon Goldstein


◎ 專為初級與中級程度的使用者所 設計的發音教材,可向上銜接 Pronunciation Plus。

每單元兩頁,左頁 解說、右頁練習, 上課自修兩相宜。

Student’s Book with Integrated Digital Learning

Teacher’s Resource and Assessment Book

Class and Assessment Audio CDs (4)







◎ 全書共五十個單元,每單元針對一個母音、子音、單 音、重音及音調做練習。

Student’s Book with Audio CD

Teacher’s Manual

Class Audio CDs




B1 B2

Pronunciation Plus

Martin Hewings and Sharon Goldstein


Student’s Book

Teacher’s Manual

Class Audio CDs




A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 levels 3
in Use Intermediate Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-40369-6 — English Pronunciation in Use Intermediate Book with Answers and Downloadable Audio Mark Hancock Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press 12 English Pronunciation in Use Intermediate C B A The vowel sounds /eɪ/ and /æ/ Plane, plan 2 When you say the letters of the alphabet, A has the long vowel sound /eı/. You hear this sound in the word plane But the letter A is also pronounced as the short vowel sound /, as in the word plan A4 Listen to the sound / / on its own. Look at the mouth diagram to see how to make this long vowel sound. Listen to the target sound eɪ/ in the words below and compare it with the words on each side. Listen and repeat these examples of the target sound. play played plate grey grade grea im g eigh longer shorter A5 Listen to the sound /æ/. Look at the mouth diagram to see how to make this short vowel sound. Listen to the target sound æ in the words and compare it with the words on each side. Listen and repeat these examples of the target sound. bank bag back h nd c sh c tch h m h h t longer shorter Accent variation SE / NE /ɑː or /æ/ ⇒ Unit 57. Accent variation SE / NZ / / or / / Unit 57. Spelling frequently /eɪ A-E (mate), AY say), EY grey), EI eight), AI (wait), EA great) /æ/ A (hat wide mouth move jaw up move front of tongue up target /eɪ/ meat come white buy mate came wait bay met calm wet boy ta ge /æ/ mud sing pen hot mad sang pan hat made sung pain heart wide open jaw down back of tongue down The plane was delayed so we waited and played. A man in a black hat with a bag of cash in his hand Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-40369-6 — English Pronunciation in Use Intermediate Book with Answers and Downloadable Audio Mark Hancock Excerpt More Information www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press 13 English Pronunciation in Use Intermediate Exercises 2.2 2.3 2.1 Write the words for these things in the correct part of the table. words with eɪ words with /æ/ cake apple A6 Look at the blue words or syllables in the dialogue. Do they contain 1 / or 2 / / ? Write 1 or 2 in the gap after each word. Then listen and check your answers. Kate: What are your plans for the holiday Jack? Jack: I’m off to Spain with Jane Kate: Sounds great How are you getting there? Jack: Train to Manchester and the plane to Malaga. And you? What are you doing? Kate: No plans I’m a bit short of cash actually so I’m staying here. Jack: Oh. In that Kate can you do me a favour? Kate: What? Jack: Can you go to my flat and feed the cat ? It’s just for a few days Kate: When do you get back ? Jack: I’m back on Saturday Kate: Well, okay then. A6 cont. Listen and underline the word you hear. If you find any of these difficult, go to Section E4 Sound pairs for further practice. 1 Man or men? Did you see the man / men? ⇒ Sound pair 1) 2 Cap or cup? Have you seen my cap / cup? ⇒ Sound pair 2) 3 Hat or heart? She put her hand on her hat / heart Sound pair 3) 4 Pain or pen? I’ve got a pain pen in my hand. ⇒ Sound pair 4) 5 Stay or stare? There’s no reason to stay / stare ⇒ Sound pair 5) 21 Follow-up: Play the recording again. Pause and repeat after each line. Follow-up: Record yourself saying the sentences in 2.3, choosing one of the two words each time. Make a note of which words you say. Then listen to your recording in about two weeks. Is it clear which words you said?
A1 A2 B1
A1 A2 B1 B2 levels 2 發音 Pronunciation 68

B2 C1 C2


Academic Writing Skills

The Comprehensive series for developing skills in college-level essay composition

Peter Chin, Yusa Koizumi, Samuel Reid, Sean Wray and Yoko Yamazaki


◎ 本書系共分三級,主要訓練大專院校學生的學術寫作能力,包含 邏輯、摘要、引用與組織等能力,適用於學期課程。

◎ 特別指導學生如何在寫作時,正確的改述、摘要和引用他人文 章,避免抄襲。

◎ 課綱採循序漸進式安排,隨級數增加,寫作難度亦隨之提升。

◎ 使用大量範文標示學習重點。

This series is aimed at university students in all disciplines who require instruction in completing academic writing tasks.

Ensures essays are logically organized and written in a suitable academic style

Assists student in avoiding plagiarism through structured citation of paraphrases, summaries and quotes

Gradual progression of more complex writing structures through the series

Ideal resource for aiding students to write authentic academic essays

Ideal length for a semester course

Writing from Within


Curtis Kelly and Arlen Gargagliano



每冊 12 個單元循序漸進發展建構寫作能 力,學生透過各個單元,練習寫作過程中 所需的主要技巧,並融入自身的知識、信 仰、文化及個人經歷,產出富有創意的寫作 內容。

Writing from Within is a two-level series that prepares students for basic paragraph writing (Level 1) and composition writing (Level 2). Each book in the series contains 12 ten-page units. Students are guided step by step to produce a final unit writing assignment, with each page of a unit teaching a separate step in the process.

Student’s Book

Teacher’s Manual

See also…

Level 1



page 62 for Grammar in Use 劍橋活用英語文法書系 ◎ 文法要點貼近生 活,提供饒富幽 默感與趣味性的 例句、插圖和比 較句型解說,幫 助學習者理解並 輕鬆學會文法!

page 64 for Vocabulary in Use 劍橋活用英語字彙書系 ◎ 內容編寫參照劍 橋國際語料庫, 以確保習得當代 實用的高頻英語 字詞。

Level 2



levels 3
Contents: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Unit 1 Writing a Paragraph Writing an Expository Essay Preparing to Write Unit 2 Writing an Essay Research and Citation Essay Paragraphs Unit 3 Paraphrasing, Summarizing and Citing Information Writing an Argumentative Essay Using and Citing Sources Unit 4 Writing a Research Essay Writing a Compare and Contrast Essay Accuracy and Clarity Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Student’s Book 978-1-107-63622-4 978-1-107-62109-1 978-1-107-61193-1 Teacher’s Manual (Downloadable) cambridge.org/academic-writing-skills
2 B1 B2 cambridge.org/writing-within-2nd-edition
your words meaningful
high quality, corpusinformed dictionaries and language learning resources for free.
Writing 寫作 69

TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test)

劍橋英語教師認證 (TKT) 主要檢測教師們對語言及語言應

用基本概念的瞭解,以及對教學及學習的背景知識執行過程 的掌握。通過此測驗後,由英國劍橋大學語言測評考試院 (Cambridge Assessment English) 核發證書,讓英語教師 在提升教學專業之餘,更具備國際接軌的證明。


TKT 認證分成三個核心模組及兩個延伸模組,評鑑方式共 分成四個等級 (Band),考試後教師可取得印有等級之終 身證書,等級愈高代表受試者對教學所具備的知識理解愈 深入。

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Core Module 核心模組

Module 1

Language and background to language learning and teaching (語言及語言教學學習背景知識)

Module 2

Planning lessons and use of resources for language teaching (教案設計及語言教學資源利用)

Module 3

TKT 劍橋英語教師認證是什麼 ?


The TKT Course

Modules 1, 2 and 3

Mary Spratt, Alan Pulvemess, Melanle Williams and Joanne Welling PRE/IN-SERVICE TEACHING TRAINING

【TKT 核心模組官方準備書籍】

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TKT: CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning)


Managing the teaching and learning process (教學與學習進程管理) Specialist Module 延伸模組


Young learners(兒童英語教學)

我想自修準備考試:TKT 劍橋英語教師認證


◎ 結合五大重點內容:基本英語教學理論、延伸閱讀與學習活動、應 試訣竅、TKT 模擬試題、英語教學學術用語彙整等。

◎ 參考價值高:除用於 TKT 應試準備外,更協助教師在上課前了解重 要教學理論;上課時驗證書中提及之概念並融入教學;上課後省思 教學過程,提升教學力。

◎ 另有 Training Activities CD-ROM,內含三十個師訓活動,幫助教師 及師培生將教學理論付諸實際應用之中。適用於準備 TKT 核心模組 認證及一般師訓課程。


The TKT Course Young Learners Module

Kate Gregson


【TKT YL 兒童英語教學模組官方準備書籍】

◎ 兒童英語教學必備參考書籍。內容提供英語教師及師培生提升教學 能力所需之知識與教學技巧,包含:兒童英語教學理論、教案設 計、課堂教學技巧與學習進程管理等。

◎ 內容完整涵蓋 TKT YL 兒童英語教學模組測驗內容,書後亦提供一 份完整試題,輔助教師考取證照。

A comprehensive course for teachers and trainee teachers preparing for the Cambridge English Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT), or other initial teacher training qualifications. It contains concepts, guidance, activities and practice tests.

Modules 1, 2 and 3 Paperback

Training Activities CD-ROM



This comprehensive book provides full coverage of the TKT Young Learner syllabus. It provides all the content teachers need for their course and encourages them to analyse the theories, approaches and activities in their own contexts, supporting them to improve their classroom practice. The book includes sample test tasks and a complete paper, to help teachers prepare for their exam.



師資增能 Teacher Development
NEW 70

劍橋 CLIL 教學專業參考書 【雙語教師必備!】

CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning),又稱為「學科內容與語言整合學習」,是將學科內容與語言學習 互相結合的一種教學方法。例如:用英語教授自然、數學、藝術等課程內容,進而同時促進學科知識與語言技能的整 合式學習。此教學方式對於學習者有諸多益處,一方面透過學科內容鞏固語言在真實語境下的應用、一方面也能透過 外語促進學習者進一步思索學科知識,達到相輔相成的學習效果。 The TKT Course CLIL Module



Kay Bentley

【CLIL 教學入門書籍】

涵蓋 CLIL 教學四大面向:教學理論、教案 設計、教學方法、學習評測。適用於英語教 師及雙語學科教師,另可用於準備劍橋 TKT

CLIL 模組教師認證。

A self-study preparation course for the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Module of the Teaching Knowledge Test. This book covers theory and practice and is suitable for both content and language teachers.

CLIL Module Paperback

CLIL 教學延伸理論書籍


Beyond CLIL: Pluriliteracies Teaching for Deeper Learning

Do Coyle, Oliver Meyer

【CLIL 教學延伸理論書籍】

為 CLIL 教學經典理論書籍作者 Do Coyle 新著作,書籍針對語言及內容整合學習提出 進一步的見解與教學執行方法上的建議。

In this book, a follow up to CLIL, the authors review new developments in the understanding of the interface between language and learning, and propose an original new ‘pluriliteracies’ approach which refines and develops current thinking in CLIL.


CLIL 實務教學活動參考書


CLIL Activities with CD-ROM

Liz Dale , Rosie Tanner , Scott Thornbury

【CLIL 實務教學活動參考書】

CLIL 教學經典理論書籍

CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning

Do Coyle , Hood Philip , Marsh David

【CLIL 教學經典理論書籍】


述了語言及內容整合學習奠基的理論、如何實 際執行教學、研究及實踐的關鍵走向和發展。

This book gives a comprehensive overview of CLIL and summarises the theory which underpins the teaching of a content subject through another language and discusses its practical application, outlining the key directions for the development of research and practice.


CLIL 教學延伸理論實務參考書


A Deeper Learning Companion for CLIL: Putting Pluriliteracies into Practice

Do Coyle, Oliver Meyer

【CLIL 教學延伸理論實務參考書】

內容針對 Beyond CLIL 一書所提出之理論做

延伸,給予具體教學指引,並提供多達 9 個 學科的教學 Case Studies 分析。

Designed as a companion to the influential volume Beyond CLIL, this highly practical book offers step-by-step instruction for designing and implementing innovative tasks and materials for pluriliteracies development.


結合真實學科課程材料(包含地理、自然科學、數學、ICT 等學科內容), 提供多元 CLIL 教學活動,並針對 CLIL 評測、學習成效追蹤與反饋給予實 務教學建議。

The book contains a wide range of easily accessible activities that can be used in any order. Dedicated subject pages include annotated extracts from authentic school teaching materials, demonstrating how language is used in particular school subjects, such as geography, science, maths and ICT.




f 更多劍橋 CLIL 參 考書籍,歡迎掃描

QR Code,前往 「華泰劍橋 CLIL 書籍專頁」。

Teacher Development 師資增能

Professional Learning and Development

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若您有線上師資增能進修課程的需求, 歡迎聯繫華泰各區業務代表。

Cambridge Pocket Handbooks for Teachers


Scott Thornbury’s 66 Essentials of Lesson Design

Scott Thornbury

This user-friendly book provides practical advice and strategies that support teachers to develop effective lessons and take a longer view across a sequence of lessons or whole curriculum. It explores a wide range of topics including learner-centred lessons, lesson implementation and testing and evaluation, which are relevant in all teaching contexts.



Penny Ur ’s 100 Teaching Tips

Penny Ur

Drawing on the author’s extensive experience as a teacher and trainer, this book contains clear and concise advice. The tips are broad-ranging, covering areas such as error correction, mixed-level classes, discipline, homework, testing and assessment.




Jeremy Harmer ’s 50 Communicative Activities

Jeremy Harmer

This book provides a range of practical activities teachers can use in the classroom to develop their learners’ language and communicative confidence. It features a variety of effective activity types which can be used in a wide range of contexts. For ease of use, each activity includes a clear rationale along with teaching and management procedures.



Scott Thornbury ’s 30 Language Teaching Methods

Scott Thornbury

This easy-to-read book takes a fresh look at a range of language teaching methods, grouping them by what they have in common, rather than by chronology. Some forgotten methods are rehabilitated and some current orthodoxies challenged.



Penny Ur ’s 77 Tips for Teaching Vocabulary

Penny Ur

This compact, user-friendly book provides practical ideas for teaching vocabulary in a variety of contexts. It draws on the author’s own teaching experience and applied linguistics research to explore a wide range of topics including introducing new vocabulary, reviewing and practicing new words and expressions, and ways of expanding and enriching learner vocabulary.



Alan Maley ’s 50 Creative Activities

Alan Maley

An engaging book of practical classroom activities designed to promote creative language use. Alan Maley considers how fostering creativity and exploring new ideas helps the formation of critical mind-sets, among both students and their teachers.


Carol Read’s 101 Tips for Teaching Primary Children

Carol Read

This concise book draws on Carol Read’s significant expertise in teaching children aged 6–12. It considers all aspects of children’s development in primary language teaching, along with linguistic outcomes, and offers methodological tips and practical ideas. 978-1-108-74422-5

Herbert Puchta’s 101 Tips for Teaching Teenagers

Herbert Puchta

This compact, user-friendly book draws on Herbert Puchta’s rich experience and knowledge of teaching teenagers. It addresses many of the challenges in the teenage classroom, offering practical suggestions for creating positive classroom dynamics and guiding teenagers towards becoming mature and responsible adults. 978-1-108-73875-0

Scott Thornbury ’s 101 Grammar Questions

Scott Thornbury

In this compact, user-friendly reference book, Scott Thornbury answers the most frequent grammar questions that regularly confront both novice and experienced teachers. The book is designed to fulfil this everyday need, and is informative and pleasurable to read.


Mark Hancock ’s 50 Tips for Teaching Pronunciation

Mark Hancock

This user-friendly book draws on Mark Hancock’s wealth of knowledge and experience in teaching pronunciation. It outlines the key issues and challenges, provides practical tips and addresses the questions of what to teach and how to teach it.


Nicky Hockly

This accessible book draws on relevant research and theory to provide practical guidance on implementing learning technologies in the language classroom. It explores key issues including the use of technology in different teaching and learning scenarios, e-safety and assessment, and how teachers can use technology for their own professional learning.


Sarah Mercer and Herbert Puchta’s 101 Psychological Tips

Sarah Mercer and Herbert Puchta

This accessible overview sets out key concepts in educational psychology, with practical tips and activities for applying the theory to improve learner outcomes. It explores a wide range of topics including wellbeing, learner engagement and learner empowerment, which are suitable for teachers in all contexts.


Series Editor: Scott Thornbury Penny Ur’s Tips for Teaching Vocabulary
77 77
Series Editor: Scott Thornbury Mark Hancock’s 50 50 Tips for Teaching Pronunciation
101 個文法教學大哉問
發音教學 Pocket editions Series Editor: Scott Thornbury Sarah Mercer and Herbert Puchta’s 101 101 Psychological Tips
學習心理 Series Editor: Scott Thornbury Nicky Hockly’s Essentials for Using Learning Technologies 50 50 Nicky Hockly
’s 50 Essentials for Using Learning Technologies
NEW 學習與科技的應用 Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers Series Editor: Scott Thornbury 66 Scott Thornbury’s 66 Essentials of Lesson Design
Series Editor: Scott Thornbury Jeremy Harmer’s Communicative Activities
Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers Herbert Puchta’s Tips for Teaching Teenagers 101 101 青少年英語教學 劍橋英語教學大師口袋書系列
Teacher’s Resources 教師用書
More Info... 更多劍橋英語教學大師口袋書籍 NEW 73

Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching


Jack C. Richards

An extensively revised and up-to-date edition of this popular book. The section on current communicative methodology has been updated to include new material on CLIL, text and genre-based teaching. Further new material deals with other directions in language teaching.


Background to Teaching and Learning

Curriculum Development in Language Teaching


Jack C. Richards

The 2nd edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect contemporary issues in curriculum. As well as describing and examining a traditional product-focused curriculum perspective, it considers curriculum from the perspective of classroom processes.


100 Great Activities: The Best of the Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers

Penny Ur and Scott Thornbury

This book brings together 100 of the best-loved and most impactful activities in our award-winning Handbooks series. The activities include new author commentary and support for teachers to adapt them for use in a range of teaching contexts, including online. 978-1-009-34873-7

Course Design

Fraida Dubin and Elite Olshtain In this book, the authors have set out to describe the factors which must be considered in constructing courses and materials. Examples of different types of materials are discussed, and the process of creating materials is described as the link between the syllabus and the audience.


Teacher Training and Development

Classroom Management Techniques

Jim Scrivener

This essential book offers a huge range of practical suggestions and techniques to help you create the right conditions for effective learning, delivering real solutions for real classrooms.


Teaching Primary Learners

Activities for Very Young Learners

Herbert Puchta and Karen Elliott


Teaching Languages to Young Learners

Lynne Cameron


Teaching and Developing Reading Skills

Peter Watkins


Teaching Adult English Language Learners


Betsy Parrish

This book provides an accessible, comprehensive introduction to the context of adult ESL, as well as practical teaching guidance underpinned by theory. It has been revised and updated to reflect significant developments which have taken place in the adult ESL landscape.


Engaging Language Learners in Contemporary Classrooms

Sarah Mercer and Zoltan Dorynei

This accessible book offers a fresh perspective on engagement, with an emphasis on how teachers can create the conditions for active engagement and the role learners can play in shaping the way they learn. Drawing on extensive theoretical knowledge, the book takes an applied approach, providing clear principles and practical strategies for teachers.


Off the Page

Craig Thaine

This book provides teachers with practical ideas for bringing teaching materials to life. It also supports teachers to develop awareness of the aims of activities, and contains reflective tasks which consider how activities enhance learning.


Teaching Language Systems

English Phonetics and Phonology

Peter Roach


Teaching Language Skills

Teaching and Developing Writing Skill

Craig Thaine


Second Language Writing


Ken Hyland


Grammar for English Language Teachers

Martin Parrott


Second Language Listening

John Flowerdew and Lindsay Miller


Lexical Grammar

Leo Selivan


Teaching Speaking

Christine Goh and Anne Burns


Activities bring lessons alive and enhance learning Craig Thaine Off the Page Activities to bring lessons alive and enhance learning
NEW 100 Great Activities Penny 100 Great Activities Edited by Penny Ur and Scott Thornbury
教師用書 Teacher’s Resources 74

Teaching with Technology

Interaction Online

Lindsay Clandfield and Jill Hadfield

This valuable book supports interaction between people, and is relevant for online, blended or face-to-face courses. It contains a range of tried-and-tested activities which provide opportunities for online interaction, and makes use of generic tools for ease of use.


Language Learning with Technology


Graham Stanley

This comprehensive introduction to using technology within the language classroom, has been fully updated to reflect recent developments. It combines theory with activities that help teachers to try new technologies and use them confidently in the classroom. 978-1-009-41950-5

Examing Young Learners

Szilvia Papp and Shelagh


This book gives an account of how children learn L2s in formal contexts and how that knowledge impacts on the design, development, and evaluation of Cambridge English language assessment products for young learners.


Language Learning with Digital Video

Ben Goldstein and Paul Driver

This book is an ideal resource for anyone using video in the classroom. There are a wealth of activities, requiring minimal preparation, which are either based on using existing video content or on making and using learner-generated video. 978-1-107-63464-0

Testing and Assessment

Language Test Validation in a Digital Age

Guoxing Yu and Jing Xu

This volume examines the uses of technologies in language test design and validation. Following Cyril Weir’s socio-cognitive framework, it reports a series of research studies to shed light on the efficacy and challenges of using technologies in key areas of language test validation.


Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Corporate Author Council of Europe

This book contains descriptor scales which describe the linguistic skills needed by language learners to become competent speakers of another language.


The Cambridge Guide to Blended Learning for Language Teaching

Michael McCarthy

This research-informed book is concerned with best practice in blended language learning. It considers the theory underpinning language acquisition and provides insights into designing and delivering blended learning programmes.


Learning Oriented Assessment

Neil Jones and Nick Saville

This volume outlines the general principles of Learning Oriented Assessment (LOA). It focuses on the use of evidence, and how it can be collected and used to feed back into learning, overviews learning-oriented classroom assessment practices, and concludes with a look at implementing LOA in practice.


Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)

The CEFR in Practice

Brian North

This book gives an overview of the impact of the CEFR on teaching and assessment as well as the extensive debate surrounding the framework. It covers the four main areas with which the CEFR is concerned: its role as a common framework, the Common Reference Levels, what the CEFR implies for planning and teaching, and assessment of CEFR levels.


English Profile in Practice

Julia Harrison and Fiona Barker

This book provides an introduction to the English Profile Programme and discusses its latest findings. It is an essential resource for teachers, syllabus designers, educational planners, language testers, and other ELT professionals working with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).


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Testing for Language Teachers


Arthur Hughes and Jake Hughes

This book describes concepts in language testing and the testing of specific skills and systems in a highly accessible manner and has been revised and updated to take into account recent developments in the field, such as the integration of learning and teaching with assessment.


Pluricultural Language Education and the CEFR

Judith Runnels

This volume discusses a pluricultural approach to language education which consists of learning-oriented, sociocultural and intercultural praxis informed by the CEFR.


查詢更多教學應用、教學進修、語言評測、學術研究文 獻等教師用書

100 Great Activities Language Learning with Technology Graham Stanley Second Edition
EnglishPro le Studies EnglishPro le Studies Pluricultural Language Education and the CEFR 9 9 Pluricultural Language Education and the CEFR
Teacher’s Resources 教師用書 75

Cambridge Grammar and Writing Skills

Sarah Lindsay and Wendy Wren

【ESL 國際課程文法寫作加強教材】

◎ 教材分成兒童文法寫作(1-6 冊)與青少年文法寫作( 兩書系,以「過程寫作」教學法 (Process Writing) 為主軸,融 合多元文本範文、文法教學與篇章架構分析等寫作相關技能指 導,輔助學生發展英語讀寫技能 (Literacy Skills)。

◎ 課綱內容可與劍橋國際課程教材 Global English、Primary English 及 Checkpoint English 做配搭,也可單獨作為文法寫作 加強教材,適用於 5 至 14 歲的學習者。

Cambridge Grammar and Writing Skills provides activities for learners to practise and extend their creative writing skills. Model texts in each chapter show learners good examples of each writing type, while focused activities introduce grammar and offer students practice in a range of writing styles. The series is an ideal supplementary course alongside our popular Global English, Primary English and Checkpoint English resources.

Cambridge Reading Adventures

Sue Bodman and Glen Franklin, UCL Institute of Education

◎ 由劍橋大學出版社與倫敦大學學院教育學院 (UCL-IOE) 共同研 發,全系列依循國際閱讀分級系統 (Color Band) 分為 11 個顏色 等級及 4 個延伸等級。

◎ 題材廣泛,包含源於不同文化背景的童話與傳說、原創故事、自 然科普短文及紀實類報導等。

◎ 課綱可對應到 YLE 兒童英檢單字文法內容,亦可與 Kid’s Box、 Guess What! 及 Super Minds 系列教材搭配。

CEFR Band Packs




Pink A

Pink B









B1 White












Primary series

Learner’s Book 1

Learner’s Book 2

Learner’s Book 3

Learner’s Book 4

Learner’s Book 5

Learner’s Book 6







Teacher’s Resource with Cambridge Elevate 1-3

Teacher’s Resource with Cambridge Elevate 4-6

Secondary series

Learner’s Book 7

Learner’s Book 8

Learner’s Book 9

Teacher’s Resource with Cambridge Elevate 7-9







CEFR Strand Packs

B1 Pathfinders


B2 Explorers


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國際課程用書 International Education



Which English resources are right for my students?

Start here

Is English the language of instruction in your school?

英語是否為學校 的授課語言?

Is English the language of the country where you live?

英語是否為當地 主流用語?

Is English used in the media in the country you live in?

英語是否為當地媒體 使用的語言?


Do all your students speak English with their friends outside of class?

學生是否在課堂外與 朋友用英語交談?

You may find Cambridge ELT resources more suitable for your students cambridge.org/elt

You may find Cambridge ELT resources more suitable for your students cambridge.org/elt

You may find Cambridge ESL resources more suitable for your students cambridge.org/education/esl

You may find Cambridge ESL resources more suitable for your students cambridge.org/education/esl


What’s different?

Do your students speak English at home?

學生回家是否 說英語?

Do your students speak English at home?

You may find Cambridge first language English resources more suitable for your students cambridge.org/education/fle

You may find Cambridge first language English resources more suitable for your students cambridge.org/education/fle

You may find Cambridge ESL resources more suitable for your students cambridge.org/education/esl

You may find Cambridge ESL resources more suitable for your students cambridge.org/education/esl

ELT (English Language Teaching) 教材 通常指該教材適用於把英語「當作外語 (EFL: English as A Foreign Language)」的教育環境

To help you decide which resources are most appropriate for your students, use the flowchart above.

ESL (English as a Second Language) 教材 通常指該教材適用於把英語「當作第二語言」的教育環境



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fresh, contemporary topics, preparing students for further study, travel A journey beyond textbook English contemporary topics, from antibiotic resistance to space archaeology. Exam strategies and practice This Panther chameleon which comes from Madagascar. our simple approach where fresh, contemporary topics, preparing students for further study, travel or journey beyond textbook English contemporary topics, from antibiotic resistance to space archaeology. Exam strategies and practice This is Panther chameleon which comes from Madagascar. our simple approach where ISBN 978-1-108-46527-4 Clare Kennedy with Ciaran Ward Teresa Ting fresh, contemporary topics, preparing students for further study, travel or journey beyond textbook English contemporary topics, from antibiotic resistance space archaeology. Exam strategies and practice This Panther chameleon which comes from Madagascar. our simple approach where CAMBRIDGE Global Chris Barker and Libby Mitchell teaches learners communicate clearly and fluently English. Language Assessment and Cambridge International Examinations. Stages and lay the foundations thematic units mapped to the Cambridge speaking, reading and writing skills, well as CAMBRIDGE Global English for Cambridge Secondary cambridge.org/cie 9781107678071 Barker and Mitchell: GLOBAL ENGLISH COURSEBOOK 9781108465953 Lucantoni: Cambridge IGCSE English as Second Language Coursebook CVR C Peter Lucantoni Cambridge IGCSE® English as a Second Language Coursebook Fifth edition skills through videos and test cards Each themed unit emphasises one key skill, while integrating aspects of You may also be interested in: Cambridge IGCSE English as Second Language Coursebook Lucantoni CEFR C1 English Language for Cambridge International AS & A Level Cambridge International Level English Language International AS Level English Language course. The second part supports Level study, building on the skills you have learnt AS Packed full engaging texts and images from around the world to inspire and topics Cambridge Assessment International Education 9781108455824 Gould and Rankin: Cambridge International AS and Level Language English Cover. C K Is English the language of instruction in your school? Start here Yes Yes Yes Yes Is English the language of the country where you live? Do all your students speak English with their friends outside of class? Is English used in the media in the country you live in? No No No No No Yes Which English resources are right for my students?
Do your students speak English at home?
You may find Cambridge ELT resources more suitable for your students cambridge.org/elt
help you decide which resources are most appropriate for your students, use the flowchart above. You may find Cambridge ESL resources more suitable for your students cambridge.org/education/esl You may find Cambridge ESL resources more suitable for your students cambridge.org/education/esl You may find Cambridge first language English resources more suitable for your students cambridge.org/education/fle Grow your own way that potential, with combination of language, life and academic skills and Integrated language, life and academic skills to prepare students journey beyond textbook English contemporary topics, from antibiotic resistance to space archaeology. Exam strategies and practice Grow your own way that potential, with combination of language, life and academic skills and Integrated language, life and skills to prepare students A journey beyond textbook English contemporary topics, from antibiotic resistance space archaeology. Exam strategies and practice Grow your own way that potential, with combination of language, life academic skills and Integrated language, life and academic skills to prepare students journey beyond textbook English contemporary topics, from antibiotic resistance to space archaeology. Exam strategies and practice ISBN 978-1-108-46527-4 Clare Kennedy with Ciaran Ward Teresa Ting CAMBRIDGE Global Chris Barker and Libby Mitchell teaches learners communicate clearly and fluently in English. Language Assessment and Cambridge International Examinations. Stages and lay the foundations curriculum. They develop critical thinking skills and build their English language literacy by engaging English an international context. for Cambridge Secondary CAMBRIDGE Global English for Cambridge Secondary 9781107678071 Barker and Mitchell: GLOBAL ENGLISH COURSEBOOK 9781108465953 Lucantoni: Cambridge IGCSE English as Second Language Coursebook CVR C M K Peter Lucantoni Cambridge IGCSE® English as a Second Language Coursebook Fifth edition Each themed unit emphasises one key skill, while integrating aspects extra practice You may also be interested in: Cambridge Teachers and encourage Cambridge Learners worldwide. Cambridge IGCSE English as Second Language Coursebook Fifth edition Cambridge IGCSE English as Second Language Coursebook Lucantoni B1 English Language for Cambridge International AS & A Level Cambridge International AS Level English Language applying the key reading and writing skills needed succeed your Cambridge different text types from diaries and blogs to reviews, speeches and narratives. enable you to become an independent learner Cambridge International AS & A Level English Language Cambridge Assessment International Education 9781108455824 Gould and Rankin: Cambridge International AS and Level Language in English Cover. M Is English the language of instruction in your school? Start here Yes Yes Yes Yes Is English the language of the country where you live? Do all your students speak English with their friends outside of class? Is English used in the media in the country you live in? No No No No No
Which English resources are right for my students?
Caroline Nixon & Michael Tomlinson 1 Pupil’s Book with eBook Cambridg Anthologies Cambridge Primary Reading Anthologies Student’s Book genres. Carefully curated fiction from award-winning authors and Every lesson invites young students Cambridge Primary Reading Anthologies cambridge.org/primaryreading programs for primary schools.
International Education 國際課程用書 77

檢定名稱 出題單位 適合對象 級數 測驗內容 測驗題型

YLE 劍橋兒童 英語認證

Cambridge English

劍橋五級國際 英語認證

Cambridge Assessment

English 英國劍橋大學 語言測評考試院

• 7-12 歲

Linguaskill General 劍橋領思英檢 實用組

Cambridge Assessment

English 英國劍橋大學 語言測評考試院

Cambridge Assessment




• 一般英語學 習者

• for Schools 適合國中 (含)以下 報名

• Pre-A1 Starters(第一 級)

• A1 Movers(第二級)

• A2 Flyers(第三級)

• A2 Key/Key for Schools(初級)

• B1 Preliminary/ Preliminary for Schools(中級)

• B2 First/First for Schools(中高級)

• C1 Advanced(高級)

• C2 Proficiency(最高 級)

• 學生

• 社會人士 依 CEFR 分為 6 級分

• 聽力

• 閱讀寫作

• 口說

是非題、填充 題、著色題、 面談

• 閱讀

• 寫作

• 聽力

• 口說 選擇題、填充 題、配合題、 兩篇寫作、引 導討論及面談

聽力、閱讀與 用法、撰寫短 信和一篇長信 或報告及口語 面試 商用英文

Linguaskill Business 劍橋領思英檢 職場組


Cambridge Assessment

English 英國劍橋大學 語言測評考試院

IELTS 劍橋雅思國際 英語檢測

Cambridge Assessment

English 英國劍橋大學 語言測評考試院

• 大專學生

• 公民營企業

• 社會人士

• 留學生

• 移民者

• 海外工作者

依 CEFR 分為 6 級分

• 聽讀

• 口說

• 寫作

• 聽讀

• 口說

• 寫作

• 聽力

滿分 9 分,成績單會列 出四項測驗之個別分數 及平均分數

• 閱讀

• 寫作

聽力、閱讀與 用法、撰寫短 信和一篇長信 或報告及口語 面試

• 口說 選擇題、配合 題、寫作、一 對一口試

• 核心模組:

Module 1(語言及語言 教學學習背景知識)


TKT 劍橋英語 教師認證

Cambridge Assessment

English 英國劍橋大學 語言測評考試院

• 對英語教學 有興趣者

• 英語教師

• Band 1(初等)

• Band 2(中等)

• Band 3(高等)

• Band 4(優等)

Module 2(教案設計及 語言教學資源利用)

Module 3(教學與學習 進程管理)

• 延伸模組:

Young Learners(兒童 英語教學)

CLIL(學科內容和語言 綜合學習教學法) 選擇題、配合 題、實際教學

British English Caroline Nixon & Michael Tomlinson 1 Pupil’s Book with eBook see page 14 YLE 劍橋兒童英語認證 see page 18 YLE 劍橋兒童英語認證 see page 52 劍橋五級國際英語認證 see page 51 劍橋五級國際英語認證 劍橋英檢考試一覽表 Cambridge Examination Chart 78

報名費用 檢定證明 有效期限 適用書籍

• Starters:

新台幣 1,900 元

• Movers:

新台幣 2,000 元

• Flyers:

新台幣 2,100 元

• KET/KET for Schools:

新台幣 2,200 元

• PET/PET for Schools:

新台幣 2,400 元

• FCE/FCE for Schools:

新台幣 3,700 元

• CAE:新台幣 4,500 元

• CPE:新台幣 5,000 元

• 聽讀、寫作及口說測驗:

合格證書 終身

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合格證書 終身

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新台幣 1,850 元/ (單科遠距) 成績單 終身

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新台幣 1,850 元/ (單科遠距) 成績單 終身

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• American Empower (p.38-39)

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• Business Vocabulary in Use (p.66)

• 劍橋官方備考教材 (p.56-60)

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CLIL: 新台幣 2,100 元/單科 合格證書 終身

• The TKT Course (p.70)

• 劍橋 CLIL 教學參考書籍 (p.71)

• 教師教學進修參考書籍 (p.73-75)

The process for creating materials focuses on you, the teacher, working with students in the classroom to unlock their talent, prepare them for exams and prove their skills to the world.

Every course is a unique exam journey, crafted by a whole team across Cambridge University Press & Assessment. Drawing on the knowledge of writers, teachers, assessors and exam experts ensures we deliver compelling course content that you can rely on to accurately reflect each exam.

Whether you’re looking for digital, print, or a combination, these are materials you can really trust.

Linguaskill 領思實用英語檢測 see page 66 Linguaskill 領思職場英語檢測 see page 70 TKT 劍橋英語教師認證 本表資料僅供參考(
Examination Chart 劍橋英檢考試一覽表 see page 58 IELTS 雅思國際英語檢測 79
2024/03 更新) Cambridge

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