Super Safari American English Level 2 Student's Book

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Cambridge University Press

978-1-107-48190-9 – Super Safari Level 2

Herbert Puchta Günter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jones

Table of Contents

Map of the book

Hello! (pages 4–7)


Chant: Grammar

What’s your name? I’m … Mike, Gina, Polly, Leo

Total physical response: Say “hello!” Smile Shake hands High five Song: Hello!

My school (pages 8–15)

Vocabulary Chant: Grammar Story and value


Move your bodySorting

Thinking skills board, paper, computer, desk, crayon, pencil case This is my (crayon). The medals Appreciating differences

Total physical response: Open your book Pick up your crayon Draw a picture Oh, no! It’s broken! Song: I have a pencil case on my desk

My body (pages 16–23)

Vocabulary Chant: Grammar Story and value


Animal bodies Noticing details

Thinking skills arms, hands, feet, legs, body, headI can (clap my hands). Ouch! Taking care of someone

Total physical response: Kick a ball It’s a goal Clap your hands Hug your friend

My room (pages 24–31)

Song: Shake your body!

Vocabulary Chant: Grammar Story and value

Where’s my (book)? It’s in / on / under the (bookcase).

Good night, Dad Being patient


Cleaning up Comparing

Thinking skills toy box, bookcase, lamp, rug, window, door

Total physical response: Where’s my rabbit? Look under the rug Look in the toy box Ah, here it is Song: My messy room

In the jungle (pages 32–39)

Vocabulary Chant: Grammar Story and value

The jungle Being creative

Total physical response: Walk through the jungle Turn around It’s a big snake Run away!


Where animals liveNoticing details

Thinking skills rhino, tiger, elephant, snake, spider, crocodile Is it a (rabbit)? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

Song: Walking through the jungle

M o r e i n f o r m a t i o n © in this web service Cambridge University Press 2

Cambridge University Press

978-1-107-48190-9 – Super Safari Level 2

Herbert Puchta Günter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jones

Table of Contents

Fruits and vegetables (pages 40–47)

Vocabulary Chant: Grammar Story and value

CLIL Thinking skills potatoes, pineapple, carrots, tomatoes, watermelon, banana

Do you like (vegetables)? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

The fruit salad Healthy eating

Total physical response: Hmm … I’m hungry Look, there’s an apple I can’t reach Jump … Ouch!

My town (pages 48–55)

Food types Comparing, contrasting

Song: Do you like vegetables?

CLIL Thinking skills bus stop, park, school, toy store, supermarket, zoo

Vocabulary Chant: Grammar Story and value

Let’s go to (the park). The present Keeping your town clean

Total physical response: It’s a toy store … wow What’s this? Look … a robot. Oh, no!

Jobs (pages 56–63)

The environmentCreating associations

Song: Come and see my town!

Vocabulary Chant: Grammar Story and value

Firefighters Helping others

Total physical response: I’m a farmer Listen … what’s that? It’s a bull! Run!

The weather (pages 64–71)

Jobs and vehiclesSorting

CLIL Thinking skills farmer, police officer, builder, doctor, firefighter, teacher My (mom)’s a (doctor).

Song: Let’s play firefighters!

CLIL Thinking skills rainy, windy, cold, snowy, hot, sunnyIs it (hot / cold / sunny / snowy)? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. The island Being prepared

Vocabulary Chant: Grammar Story and value

Total physical response: It’s a hot and sunny day … phew Put your hat on Eat ice cream … yum Oh, no, the sea! Run!

In the country (pages 72–79)

Weather and geography Sequencing

Song: What’s the weather like today?

Vocabulary Chant: Grammar Story and value CLIL Thinking skills tree, leaves, frog, grass, flower, beeThe bee is / isn’t (big). It’s (small). The bee Respecting nature

Total physical response: I’m walking in the yard Look, it’s a flower Look, it’s a bird Ouch! It’s a tree!

Phonics (pages 80–89)


95 Stickers: End section

Animal habitats Sorting

Song: Four frogs on a tree

M o r e i n f o r m a t i o n © in this web service Cambridge University Press 3
Unit 1: “a” cat, dad Unit 2: “i” sit, pin Unit 3: “e” bed, pen Unit 4: “o” dot, pot Unit 5: “u” cut, bus Unit 6: “m” mom, map Unit 7: “j” jam, job Unit 8: “l” log, lamp Unit 9: “w” wet, wow Phonics review pages
Family fun!
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-48190-9 – Super Safari Level 2 Herbert Puchta Günter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jones Excerpt M o r e i n f o r m a t i o n © in this web service Cambridge University Press
school board 2 paper 3 computer 4 desk 5 crayon 6 pencil case 8 1 CD 1 0 9 Listen and point. Say the words. 2 6 5 3 4

Cambridge University Press

978-1-107-48190-9 – Super Safari Level 2

Herbert Puchta Günter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jones Excerpt

M o r e i n f o r m a t i o n © in this web service Cambridge University Press Family fun! This is my (crayon). 2 3 4 9 2 CD 1 10 Listen and trace. Chant.

978-1-107-48190-9 – Super Safari Level 2

Herbert Puchta Günter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jones

Cambridge University Press
M o r e i n f o r m a t i o n © in this web service Cambridge University Press Total physical response 10 3 CD 1 12 13 Listen and act. Listen and color. 2 3 4

Cambridge University Press

978-1-107-48190-9 – Super Safari Level 2

Herbert Puchta Günter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jones


M o r e i n f o r m a t i o n © in this web service Cambridge University Press Family fun! Singing for fun 11 4 CD 1 15 16 Listen and sing.

Cambridge University Press

978-1-107-48190-9 – Super Safari Level 2

Herbert Puchta Günter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jones Excerpt

M o r e i n f o r m a t i o n © in this web service Cambridge University Press Story 2 3 4
18 12
Sticker 5 CD 1

Cambridge University Press

978-1-107-48190-9 – Super Safari Level 2

Herbert Puchta Günter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jones


Family fun!

Value: Appreciating differences

M o r e i n f o r m a t i o n © in this web service Cambridge University Press

978-1-107-48190-9 – Super Safari Level 2

Herbert Puchta Günter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jones

Excerpt M o r e i n f o r m a t i o n © in this web service Cambridge University Press 6 CD 1 20 Listen and point. Trace and say the words. CLIL 2 3 4 14
Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-48190-9 – Super Safari Level 2
M o r e i n f o r m a t i o n © in this web service Cambridge University Press 2 3 Phonics ➞ page 80 Review ➞ page 90 Thinking skills: Sorting 15 7
Herbert Puchta Günter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jones Excerpt
Think! Look and match. Say the actions.

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