GameChanger Starter Cambridge Life Competencies

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Student’s Book Starter Cambridge Life Competencies Map

Welcome, page 4, ex 2


Using appropriate language and register for context

C1. Using language appropriate for the situation

Uses appropriate forms of address, greeting, and farewell. Unit

Unit 1, page 9, Think!

Unit 1, page 11, ex 3

Emotional Development Empathy and relationship skills

Learning to Learn Developing skills and strategies for learning

C6. Showing empathy for the feelings of others

C2. Using effective systems for finding, keeping and retrieving information

Shows understanding of other people’s perspectives and feelings.

Takes effective notes in class and from homework reading.

Unit 1, page 12, Think!

Unit 1, page 13, ex 1

Unit 1, page 15, ex 4

Unit 1, page 15, ex 5

Social Responsibilities Understanding personal responsibilities as part of a social group

Learning to Learn Developing skills and strategies for learning

Communication Managing conversations

Communication Using appropriate language and register for context

C1. Understanding responsibilities within a social group

C3. Using effective strategies for learning and retaining information

C4. Using communication strategies to facilitate conversations

C2. Using a variety of language and communication strategies to achieve a desired effect

Identifies positive behavior in the social groups to which they belong (e.g. school class, family and friendship groups).

Understands essential grammatical terms and concepts.

Uses simple techniques to start a conversation.

Uses functions to ask for and give things, e.g. requesting information, offering an opinion.

Unit 1, page 17, Think!

Unit 1, page 18, ex 3

Unit 1, page 18, ex 7

Social Responsibilities

Showing intercultural awareness

Communication Using appropriate language and register for context

Communication Using appropriate language and register for context

C3. Understanding aspects of own culture

C2. Using a variety of language and communication strategies to achieve a desired effect

C1. Using language appropriate for the situation

Appreciates their own culture and its value.

Uses functions to maintain relationships, e.g. showing interest, expressing sympathy.

Uses appropriate forms of address, greeting, and farewell.

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do Statement
Number Competency Core Area Component Can do Statement
1 Unit, Page and Exercise(s)

Unit 2, page 19, Think!

Learning to Learn Taking control of own learning

C6. Taking initiative to improve own learning

Identifies ways to practice English outside the classroom (e.g. watching clips/TV/films in English, using English on social media, or reading novels/magazines in English).

Unit 2, page 21, ex 4

Unit 2, page 22, Think!

Unit 2, page 23, Ex 1

Unit 2, page 23, ex 3

Unit 2, page 25, ex 5

Unit 2, page 27, ex 1

Unit 2, page 27, Think!

Collaboration Encouraging effective group interaction

Social Responsibilities

Showing intercultural awareness

Learning to Learn Developing skills and strategies for learning

Creative Thinking Preparing for creativity

Communication Managing conversations

Critical Thinking Understanding and analyzing ideas and arguments

Learning to Learn Taking control of own learning

C3. Listening and responding respectfully

C3. Understanding aspects of own culture

C3. Using effective strategies for learning and retaining information

C1. Participating in a range of creative activities

C4. Using communication strategies to facilitate conversations

C1. Identifying and classifying information

C8. Managing attitudes and emotions

Listens attentively while other students are contributing.

Describes key aspects of own culture, including values and beliefs.

Understands essential grammatical terms and concepts.

Acts parts in role-plays or dramas.

Uses simple techniques to start a conversation.

Distinguishes between main and supporting arguments.

Demonstrates positive learning attitudes by exploring reasons to learn English.

Unit 2, page 28, ex 4

Communication Participating with appropriate confidence and clarity

C6. Structuring spoken and written texts effectively

Knows how to structure a range of academic and practical text types, e.g. essays, complaints, applications, etc.

Unit 2, page 28, ex 5

Review, page 30, Check Your Progress

Review, page 30, Learn to Learn

Learning to Learn Reflecting on and evaluating own learning

Learning to Learn Reflecting on and evaluating own learning

Learning to Learn Developing skills and strategies for learning

C9. Keeping track of progress

C10. Evaluating learning and progress

C3. Using effective strategies for learning and retaining information

Uses checklists to review work and ensure successful completion of tasks.

Uses self-assessment tools to evaluate progress and goal achievement.

Uses a learner’s dictionary (monolingual or bilingual) and other reference resources to enhance their knowledge of vocabulary.

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Unit 2 Unit,

Unit 3, page 31, Think!

Unit 3, page 33, ex 4

Social Responsibilities

Showing intercultural awareness

Learning to Learn Developing skills and strategies for learning

C4. Understanding aspects of other cultures

C2. Using effective systems for finding, keeping and retrieving information

Develops an appreciation for different cultures by imagining other ways of living

Organizes notes systematically.

Unit 3, page 34, ex 4

Unit 3, page 35, ex 1

Unit 3, page 35, ex 4

Unit 3, page 37, ex 5

Unit 3, page 39, ex 6

Unit 3, page 39, Think!

Unit 3, page 40, ex 2

Emotional Development Identifying and understanding emotions

Learning to Learn Developing skills and strategies for learning

Communication Managing conversations

Communication Managing conversations

Critical Thinking Understanding and analyzing ideas and arguments

Creative Thinking Preparing for creativity

Communication Using appropriate language and register for context

C2. Understanding emotions Describes how people, places, events or situations can trigger or evoke emotional states.

C3. Using effective strategies for learning and retaining information

C4. Using communication strategies to facilitate conversations

C4. Using communication strategies to facilitate conversations

C2. Recognizing patterns and relationships

Understands essential grammatical terms and concepts.

Uses simple techniques to start a conversation.

Invites contributions from others in a conversation.

Explains cause and effect relationships in texts and arguments.

C3. Considering multiple perspectives Actively seeks and considers others’ ideas.

C2. Using a variety of language and communication strategies to achieve a desired effect

Uses functions to maintain relationships, e.g. showing interest, expressing sympathy.

Unit 3, page 40, ex 7

Communication Managing conversations

C4. Using communication strategies to facilitate conversations

Uses appropriate strategies to develop a conversation (e.g. showing interest; giving non-minimal responses; or asking follow-up questions).

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Page and Exercise(s) Number Competency Core Area Component Can do Statement
Unit 3 Unit,

Unit 4, page 43, ex 3

Unit 4, page 43, ex 6

Unit 4, page 44, ex 6

Unit 4, page 45, ex 1

Learning to Learn Developing skills and strategies for learning

Communication Managing conversations

Social Responsibilities

Showing intercultural awareness

Learning to Learn Developing skills and strategies for learning

Unit 4, page 45, ex 5 Communication Participating with appropriate confidence and clarity

Unit 4, page 49, ex 3

Unit 4, page 49, Think!

Critical Thinking

Evaluating ideas and arguments

Critical Thinking Evaluating ideas and arguments

Unit 4, page 50, ex 3 Communication Participating with appropriate confidence and clarity

Unit 4, page 50, ex 4

Review, page 52, Check Your Progress

Review, page 52, Learn to Learn

Learning to Learn Reflecting on and evaluating own learning

Learning to Learn Reflecting on and evaluating own learning

Learning to Learn Developing skills and strategies for learning

C3. Using effective strategies for learning and retaining information

C4. Using communication strategies to facilitate conversations

C5. Interacting with others across cultures

C3. Using effective strategies for learning and retaining information

C7. Using appropriate language and presentation styles with confidence and fluency

C6. Drawing appropriate conclusions

C5. Evaluating arguments as a whole

C6. Structuring spoken and written texts effectively

C9. Keeping track of progress

C10. Evaluating learning and progress

C3. Using effective strategies for learning and retaining information

Records vocabulary in an appropriate way (e.g. in a vocabulary notebook or in a vocabulary flashcard app).

Uses simple techniques to start a conversation.

Shows respect for cultural difference, challenging prejudice and discriminatory views.

Understands essential grammatical terms and concepts.

Speaks with suitable fluency.

Draws conclusions from evaluation of ideas, arguments, and options.

Gives reasons for an argument’s plausibility.

Knows how to structure a range of academic and practical text types, e.g. essays, complaints, applications, etc.

Uses checklists to review work and ensure successful completion of tasks.

Uses self-assessment tools to evaluate progress and goal achievement.

Reviews vocabulary regularly and systematically.

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Unit 4 Unit,

Unit 5, page 53, Think!

Creative Thinking Preparing for creativity

C1. Participating in a range of creative activities

Actively participates in activities that require creative thinking with others (e.g. exercises that challenge firmly-held assumptions about a situation and require looking at an issue from many different perspectives).

Unit 5, page 55, ex 3

Unit 5, page 55, ex 4

Unit 5, page 56, Think!

Unit 5, page 57, ex 1

Unit 5, page 59, ex 4

Unit 5, page 61, ex 5

Unit 5, page 61, Think!

Unit 5, page 62, ex 2

Learning to Learn Developing skills and strategies for learning

Communication Managing conversations

Critical Thinking Evaluating ideas and arguments

Learning to Learn Developing skills and strategies for learning

Communication Using appropriate language and register for context

Critical Thinking Solving problems and making decisions

Creative Thinking Preparing for creativity

Communication Using appropriate language and register for context

C2. Using effective systems for finding, keeping and retrieving information

C4. Using communication strategies to facilitate conversations

C6. Drawing appropriate conclusions

C3. Using effective strategies for learning and retaining information

C1. Using language appropriate for the situation

C10. Justifying decisions and solutions

C1. Participating in a range of creative activities

C2. Using a variety of language and communication strategies to achieve a desired effect

Takes effective notes in class and from homework reading.

Uses simple techniques to start a conversation.

Evaluates conclusions and generalisations made from arguments.

Understands essential grammatical terms and concepts.

Discusses topics of relevance to self, family and friends.

Draws logical conclusions supported by reliable evidence.

Engages with and responds to creative works from art, music or literature.

Uses functions to maintain relationships, e.g. showing interest, expressing sympathy.

Unit 5, page 62, ex 6

Communication Managing conversations

C4. Using communication strategies to facilitate conversations

Uses appropriate strategies to develop a conversation (e.g. showing interest; giving non-minimal responses; or asking follow-up questions).

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Unit 5

Unit 6

Unit, Page and Exercise(s) Number Competency Core Area Component

Unit 6, page 63, Think! Social Responsibilities

Showing intercultural awareness

C4. Understanding aspects of other cultures

Can do Statement

Makes informed comparisons between their own society and other societies.

Unit 6, page 65, ex 7 Emotional Development Identifying and understanding emotions

Unit 6, page 66, Think!

Unit 6, page 67, ex 1

Unit 6, page 68, Think!

Unit 6, page 71, ex 6

Unit 6, page 72, ex 4

Creative Thinking Generating ideas

Learning to Learn Developing skills and strategies for learning

Critical Thinking Solving problems and making decisions

Critical Thinking Understanding and analyzing ideas and arguments

Communication Participating with appropriate confidence and clarity

C2. Understanding emotions Discusses what makes them feel different emotions.

C7. Imagining alternatives and possibilities

C3. Using effective strategies for learning and retaining information

C9. Evaluating options and recommendations to come to a decision

C3. Interpreting and drawing inferences from arguments and data

C6. Structuring spoken and written texts effectively

Asks “what if” and “if only” questions to come up with alternatives and possibilities.

Understands essential grammatical terms and concepts.

Assesses strengths and weaknesses of possible solutions.

Uses contextual clues to guess the meaning of unknown words.

Knows how to structure a range of academic and practical text types, e.g. essays, complaints, applications, etc.

Unit 6, page 72, ex 5

Review, page 74, Check Your Progress

Review, page 74, Learn to Learn

Unit 7

Learning to Learn Reflecting on and evaluating own learning

Learning to Learn Reflecting on and evaluating own learning

Learning to Learn Developing skills and strategies for learning

C9. Keeping track of progress Uses checklists to review work and ensure successful completion of tasks.

C10. Evaluating learning and progress

C3. Using effective strategies for learning and retaining information

Uses self-assessment tools to evaluate progress and goal achievement.

Records vocabulary in an appropriate way (e.g. in a vocabulary notebook or in a vocabulary flashcard app).

Unit, Page and Exercise(s) Number Competency Core Area Component Can do Statement

Unit 7, page 75, Think!

Critical Thinking Evaluating ideas and arguments

Unit 7, page 77, ex 4 Learning to Learn Developing skills and strategies for learning

C5. Evaluating arguments as a whole

C3. Using effective strategies for learning and retaining information

Gives reasons for an argument’s plausibility.

Takes effective notes in class and from homework reading.

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Unit 7, page 78, Think!

Unit 7, page 79, ex 1

Unit 7, page 79, ex 4

Unit 7, page 83, ex 1

Unit 7, page 83, Think!

Unit 7, page 84, ex 2

Collaboration Taking personal responsibility for own contribution to a group task

Learning to Learn Developing skills and strategies for learning

Creative Thinking Preparing for creativity

Critical Thinking Understanding and analyzing ideas and arguments

Social Responsibilities

Showing intercultural awareness

Communication Participating with appropriate confidence and clarity

C1. Actively contributing to a task

Fully explains their contributions.

C3. Using effective strategies for learning and retaining information

C1. Participating in a range of creative activities

C1. Identifying and classifying information

C4. Understanding aspects of other cultures

C7. Using appropriate language and presentation styles with confidence and fluency

Understands essential grammatical terms and concepts.

Acts parts in role-plays or dramas.

Distinguishes between main and supporting arguments.

Makes informed comparisons between their own society and other societies.

Speaks with suitable fluency.

Unit 7, page 84, ex 6

Unit 8 Unit,

Unit 8, page 85, Think!

Unit 8, page 88, Think!

Communication Managing conversations

C4. Using communication strategies to facilitate conversations

Uses appropriate strategies to develop a conversation (e.g. showing interest; giving non-minimal responses; or asking follow-up questions).

Unit 8, page 89, ex 1

Unit 8, page 93, ex 1

Unit 8, page 93, Think!

Critical Thinking Solving problems and making decisions

Collaboration Taking personal responsibility for own contribution to a group task

Learning to Learn Developing skills and strategies for learning

Critical Thinking Understanding and analyzing ideas and arguments

Critical Thinking Evaluating ideas and arguments

C10. Justifying decisions and solutions

C1. Actively contributing to a task

C3. Using effective strategies for learning and retaining information

C1. Identifying and classifying information

C6. Drawing appropriate conclusions

Draws logical conclusions supported by reliable evidence.

Provides justification for their ideas or suggestions.

Understands essential grammatical terms and concepts.

Identifies the basic structure of an argument.

Draws conclusions from evaluation of ideas, arguments, and options.

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Page and Exercise(s) Number Competency Core Area Component Can do Statement

Unit 8, page 93, ex 5

Unit 8, page 94, ex 3

Unit 8, page 94, ex 5

Critical Thinking Understanding and analyzing ideas and arguments

Communication Using appropriate language and register for context

Communication Participating with appropriate confidence and clarity

C3. Interpreting and drawing inferences from arguments and data

C1. Using language appropriate for the situation

C6. Structuring spoken and written texts effectively

Uses contextual clues to guess the meaning of unknown words.

Uses appropriate forms of address, greeting, and farewell.

Knows how to structure a range of academic and practical text types, e.g. essays, complaints, applications, etc.

Unit 8, page 94, ex 6

Review, page 96, Check Your Progress

Learning to Learn Reflecting on and evaluating own learning

Learning to Learn Reflecting on and evaluating own learning

C9. Keeping track of progress Uses checklists to review work and ensure successful completion of tasks.

C10. Evaluating learning and progress

Uses self-assessment tools to evaluate progress and goal achievement.

Review, page 96, Learn to Learn

Learning to Learn Developing skills and strategies for learning

C2. Using effective systems for finding, keeping and retrieving information

Takes effective notes in class and from homework reading. Extras

Reading 1, page 98, Think!

Critical Thinking Solving problems and making decisions

C10. Justifying decisions and solutions

Draws logical conclusions supported by reliable evidence.

Reading 2, page 99, Think!

Reading 3, page 100, Think!

Reading 4, page 101, Think!

Project 1, page 106, Project Task

Project 2 page 108, Project Task

Critical Thinking

Social Responsibilities

Social Responsibilities

Evaluating ideas and arguments

Understanding global issues

Showing intercultural awareness

Creative Thinking Generating ideas

Creative Thinking Implementing ideas and solving problems

C6. Drawing appropriate conclusions

C7. Recognizing personal impact on global issues

C3. Understanding aspects of own culture

C6. Elaborating on and combining ideas

C8. Experimenting with and refining ideas

Evaluates conclusions and generalisations made from arguments.

Identifies ways in which personal habits and behavior have the capacity to affect the environment.

Describes key aspects of own culture, including values and beliefs.

Elaborates on and extends their ideas by adding detail.

Experiments with using different ideas and resources to make and describe their own work.

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