Kid's Box New Generation 2 Student's Book American English

Page 1

Key vocabularyKey languageSounds and spelling

Character names: Mr. Star, Mrs. Star, Sally, Scott, Suzy, Grandma Star, Grandpa Star, Marie, Maskman, Monty, Trevor

Numbers: 1–10

The alphabet

Colors: red, yellow, pink, green, orange, blue, purple, brown, black, white, gray

School: bookcase, board, cupboard, computer, desk, ruler, teacher, TV, whiteboard

Character names: Alex, Robert, Eva

Numbers: 11–20

Marie’s math: What do we use in our math class? page 16

Toys: alien, camera, board game, kite, truck, robot, tablet, watch, teddy bear

Furniture: clock, lamp, rug, mirror, phone, couch

Marie’s art: What can you do with origami? page 30

Review: units 1, 2, 3, and 4 page 32

Family: baby, cousin, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa

Character names: Tony, Alice, Nick, Kim, Hugo, Lucy, May, Robert, Sam, Frank

Food: bread, chicken, fries, eggs, juice, milk, rice, water

Marie’s science: Where does food come from? page 46

Greetings: Hi. We’re the Star family. Who’s he/she?

This is my brother, Scott. He’s seven. And this is my sister, Suzy. She’s four.

Prepositions: in, on, under

How many (books) are there?

There’s / There isn’t a (whiteboard).

There are / aren’t (11 desks).

Is there (a ruler) on the (desk)?

Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

Are there (19 pens) on the (desk)?

Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

Trevor’s values: Be polite page 17

this, that, these, those Whose is it? / Whose (kite) is this?

It’s Sally’s. Whose (shoes) are these? They’re Sheila’s.

mine / yours / his / hers

Which shoes are (Scott’s / Sally’s)? The (gray) ones are (his/hers).

Trevor’s values: Reuse and recycle page 31

Robert’s hitting the ball. He isn’t walking. What’s Grandpa doing?

Verb + -ing spellings: catching, cleaning, flying, getting, hitting, jumping, kicking, running, sitting, sleeping, talking, throwing

Can I have an (egg) / some (bread), please?

Here you are.

Trevor’s values: Eat good food page 47

Consonant sound: wh (whale)

Long vowel sound: ee (bee)

Long vowel sound: i–e (kite)

Consonant sound: –se (nose)

Consonant sound: c, ck, and k (cat, clock, look)

Consonant sound: ch (chicken)

Cambridge University Press & Assessment 978-1-108-79519-7 Kids Box New Generation Level 2 Students Book with eBook American English Table of Contents More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press & Assessment
again! Back to school At home Meet my family Dinnertime Playtime! page 4 page 10 page 24 page 34 page 40 page 18
Language summary summary Hi
1 2 4 5 6 3


Key vocabularyKey languageSounds and spelling

Animals: cow, duck, donkey, frog, goat, lizard, sheep, spider

Places: café, apartment, hospital, park, store, street Plural nouns

Agreeing and disagreeing: I love (horses). So do I. / I don’t.

Prepositions: behind, between, in front of

Initial letter blends: sl, sn, sc, and sp (slow, snake, scary, spider)

Consonant sound: p and pp (panda, hippo)

Marie’s geography: Where do we live? page 60 Trevor’s values: Be responsible in your town page 61

Review: units 5, 6, 7, and 8 page 62

Clothes: dress, glasses, purse, hat, jeans, shirt, sunglasses

Hobbies: painting, skateboarding, playing badminton / baseball / basketball / field hockey / PingPong

He’s / She’s wearing (a blue T-shirt). They’re wearing (sunglasses). Do you have (a car)? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Does Maskman have (a car)? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

I love / like / don’t like (singing). She likes / doesn’t like (cooking). Does Grandpa like (taking pictures)? Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t.

Marie’s sports: What sports can we do in summer and winter? page 76

Food: burger, cake, fries, lemonade, orange, pie, salad, sausage, watermelon

The world around us: beach, mountain, sand, ocean, shell, sun

Consonant sound: j (jellyfish)

Vowel blend: a–e, ai, and ay (whale, snail, today)

Trevor’s values: Follow the rules page 77

Look at me / you / him / her / it / us / them. Would you like (a burger or a sausage)?

I’d like (a burger), please. Would you like (some fries)?

Yes, I’d love one / some. / Yes, please. / No, thank you.

Where do you want to go on vacation? I want to go to (the beach).

I don’t want to go to (a big city).

Marie’s geography: Where do you want to explore? page 90

Review: units 9, 10, 11, and 12 page 92

Pre A1 Starters Exam folder page 97


Parts 2 and 3

Reading and Writing

Long vowel sound: ur and ir (purple, bird)

Review of sounds

Trevor’s values: Help on vacation page 91

Grammar reference page 94

Parts 1, 4, and 5


Parts 3 and 4

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Kids Box New Generation Level 2 Students Book with eBook American English
of Contents More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press & Assessment
Cambridge University
My birthday Our clothes My town On the farm Our hobbies On vacation! page 78 page 70 page 64 page 54 page 48 page 84
11 10 12
9 8

What’s your name?

How old are you?

Cambridge University Press & Assessment 978-1-108-79519-7 Kids Box New Generation Level 2 Students Book with eBook American English Excerpt More Information
1 2–3 Listen and point. Listen and repeat.
Grandpa Star Grandma Star Mrs. Star
1 Hi again! Hi
2 Point and say. Who’s she? She’s Sally.
Mr. Star Scott Sally

Cambridge University Press & Assessment 978-1-108-79519-7 Kids Box New Generation Level 2 Students Book with eBook American English

Look at number three. Who’s she?

More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press & Assessment 1
Listen and answer. 2
and answer.
5 1 10 9 6 7 8
4 2 3
Hi, I’m Trevor. Look at number four. Who’s he?

Cambridge University Press & Assessment

978-1-108-79519-7 Kids Box New Generation Level 2 Students Book with eBook American English

Hello. I’m gray. Which letters make my sound?

More Information
a, h, j, k
Listen, point, and repeat. Say the chant. 2 Play and say.
Aa Tt Yy Vv Ww Ss Zz Xx Uu Rr Qq Pp Oo Nn Jj Mm Kk Ii Hh Ll Ff Dd Cc Gg Ee Bb

1 Ask and answer.

2 Put the colors in order. Write numbers.

Can you spell “purple”? 1

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Kids Box New Generation Level 2 Students Book with eBook American English Excerpt More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press & Assessment 1
Spell and guess.
C-a-t. Cat!
Black, blue,
brown … gray pink orange brown blue black green red white white purple yellow

Monty’s sounds and spelling sounds and spelling

Monty’s sounds and spelling

1 7 Watch and say.

Where’s the white whale? Next to the wheel!

2 Ask and answer.

Where’s the white whale?

The white whale is on the wheel.

University Press & Assessment
Kids Box New Generation Level 2 Students Book with eBook American English Excerpt More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press & Assessment
Write it with me! me!

Now, it’s my turn. What’s this word? F-o-u-r.

I know. That’s four. Here are four pencils! My turn.

Um. What’s this? T-h-r-e-e.

Three. I only have three pencils! a, b, c, d, e, f, g …

Let’s play a game. What’s this color? B-l-u-e.

I know. It’s blue. My car’s blue. Look!

What’s this, Trevor? P-u-r-p-l-e.

Um. Is it a pencil? Pencils are my favorite food.

OK, Trevor. It’s your turn.

Where’s the red pencil?

No, Trevor. It’s purple. Your hair’s purple.

Are pencils your favorite food, Trevor?

Um, yes, they are. Sorry, Monty.

2 Students
with eBook American English Excerpt More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press & Assessment 1 8 Watch the video. 2 9 Listen and say the number. 1 1 2 4 3 5 6
Cambridge University Press & Assessment 978-1-108-79519-7 Kids
New Generation Level

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