Kid's Box New Generation 2 Teacher's Book American English

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Box New Generation Level 2 Teacher's Book with Digital Pack American English Lucy Frino with Caroline Nixon & Michael Tomlinson Table of Contents More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press & Assessment
Language summary 4 Introduction 6 1 Hi again! T4 2 Back to school T10 Marie9s math and Trevor9s values T16 3 Playtime! T18 4 At home T24 Marie9s art and Trevor9s values T30 Review Units 134 T32 5 Meet my family T34 6 Dinnertime T40 Marie9s science and Trevor9s values T46 7 On the farm T48 8 My town T54 Marie9s music and Trevor9s values T60 Review Units 538 T62 9 Our clothes T64 10 Our hobbies T70 Marie9s maths and Trevor9s values T76 11 My birthday T78 12 On vacation! T84 Marie9s geography and Trevor9s values T90 Review Units 9312 T92 Grammar reference T94 Starters Exam folder T97 Workbook answer key T104 Consolidation and extension activities T110
Cambridge University Press & Assessment 978-1-108-89504-0 Kid's

Cambridge University Press & Assessment

978-1-108-89504-0 Kid's Box New Generation Level 2 Teacher's Book with Digital Pack American English Lucy Frino with Caroline Nixon & Michael Tomlinson

What’s your name?

More Information
Vocabulary presentation 1: character names | Language presentation 1: greetings Hi Who’s he/she? 1 2–3
and repeat.
Grandpa Star
point. Listen
Grandma Star
Hi again! Hi
Mrs. Star Suzy
Point and say.
she? She’s Sally.
How old are you? 2
Mr. Star Scott Sally

Unit 1 Hi again! Student’s Book p.4


By the end of the lesson, students will have reviewed greetings and introductions.

Target language

• Key language: character names (Sally, Scott, Suzy, Grandma Star, Grandpa Star, Mr. Star, Mrs. Star), numbers 1–10, Hi, We’re the Star family, Who’s he/she? He’s/She’s (Sally), This is my (brother).

• Additional language: star

• Review: Goodbye, I’m (Sally), What’s your/his/her name?, How old are you?


• Flashcards: character names (1–7)


• Say Hi. My name’s (your name). Ask a student What’s your name? The student responds, e.g., Hi. My name’s (student’s name). / I’m (student’s name). Repeat with other students.

• Students stand up. Clap your hands. Students turn to the classmate next to them and take turns introducing themselves. Clap your hands. They work with a new partner and introduce themselves again.


• Display the ashcards of the seven characters. If students studied Kid’s Box 1, elicit the names; if they didn’t, hold up each ashcard, say the name, and students repeat.

• Place the ashcards around the room. Say, e.g., Point to (Suzy). Repeat, saying the instructions quickly.


Listen and point. Listen and repeat.

• Say Open your Student’s Books to page 4, please. Show page 4 on the whiteboard. Draw a star on the board. Present/ Review star. Say Find the star in the picture. Students check in pairs. Check with the class (on Mr. Star’s belt). Students point and say Here it is.

• Say Listen and point. Play the Audio. Students listen and point to the characters. Set the pre-listening questions: How old is Sally? How old is Scott? How old is Suzy? Say Listen again and answer. Students check in pairs. Check answers (eight, seven, four).


Sally: Hi again! We’re the Star family. I’m Sally Star, and I’m eight. This is my brother, Scott. He’s seven, and this is my

sister, Suzy. She’s four.

Scott: This is my grandmother. She’s Grandma Star.

Grandma: Hi.

Scott: This is my grandfather. He’s Grandpa Star.

Scott: Grandpa, say hi.

Grandpa: Oh! Hi, everybody.

Mrs. Star: And we’re Mr. and Mrs. Star.

Scott: What’s your name? How old are you?

• Say Look at the picture. Listen and repeat. Play the Audio Pause after each name for students to repeat. Play the Audio again. Students chorus in time with the recording.


Sally, Scott, Suzy, Mr. Star, Mrs. Star, Grandma Star, Grandpa Star


Point and say.

• Point to Sally in the picture on the whiteboard and say She’s Sally. Emphasize the pronoun she. Then point to Grandpa Star and say He’s Grandpa Star, emphasizing he

Extra support Point to different students in the classroom and ask He or she?

• Point to different characters in the picture and ask Who’s he/ she? Students respond with the names. Ask the names of students in the class in the same way.

• Students work in pairs. They take turns pointing to a character in the picture and asking Who’s he/she? Monitor and check they are choosing he or she correctly.

Class game

• Invite four students (boys and girls) to the front. Ask What’s your name? How old are you? Point to each student in turn and ask the class What’s his/her name? How old is he/she? Students respond, e.g., She’s (name). She’s (age). Repeat with another four students.

• Weave the questions and answers around the classroom, gesturing to individual students to ask and answer.

WB4. Answer key, see page T104.

Ending the lesson

• Display the character ashcards on the board. Wave and say, e.g., Goodbye, Suzy. Invite a student to come and take the ashcard of Suzy. Repeat with the other characters. Turn to the class, wave, and say Goodbye, class. Students respond Goodbye, (your name).

Extra Resources

• Teacher Resources: Unit 1, Downloadable Workbook Teaching Notes

• WB94 and SB94 – Grammar 1

• T110

– Consolidation activity: Numbers game

• T110

– Extension activity: Name chant

University Press & Assessment
Kid's Box New Generation Level 2 Teacher's Book with Digital Pack American English
with Caroline Nixon & Michael Tomlinson Excerpt More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press & Assessment
Lucy Frino
Digital Classroom Presentation Plus: Unit 1 Audio 2–3 Digital Flashcards Practice Extra

Unit 1 Hi again! Student’s Book p.5


By the end of the lesson, students will have reviewed numbers 1310 and asked and answered the question Who9s he/she?

Target language

• Key language: character names (the Star family, Trevor, Monty, Marie, Maskman), numbers 1–10, Hi, Who’s he/she?

• Additional language: classroom instructions, star

• Review: I’m (Trevor).


• Flashcards: character names (1–11)

• Number cards 1–10


• Review the Star family names using the ashcards. Flash a card. Students say the name. Display it on the board. Include Trevor, Marie, Monty, and Maskman. If students did not study Kid’s Box 1, make sure they repeat the new names several times.

• Point to the ashcards in turn. The class says the names. Turn the rst card to face the board. Point to each card (including the one facing the board). The class says all the names. Repeat, turning a card to face the board each time. When all the ashcards are facing the board, continue the game, turning a ashcard face up until all are visible again.


Listen and answer.

• Say Open your Student’s Books to page 5, please. Look at Activity 1. Ask Who’s number three? Who’s number ve? Where’s Monty? Review numbers 1–10 using number cards, if necessary.

• Say Listen and answer. Play the rst part of the Audio as an example. Check students know what to say. Play the rest of the Audio. Students whisper the response to their partner each time. Play the Audio again, pausing after each question. Invite different pairs to respond each time.

Key: 4 Mr. Star, 1 Suzy, 8 Monty, 3 Sally, 6 Grandma Star, 2 Scott, 9 Marie, 10 Maskman, 5 Mrs. Star, 7 Grandpa Star 4

Trevor: Hi. I’m Trevor.

Look at number four. Who’s he?

Look at number one. Who’s she?

Look at number eight. Who’s he?

Look at number three. Who’s she?

Look at number six. Who’s she?

Look at number two. Who’s he?

Look at number nine. Who’s she?

Look at number ten. Who’s he?

Look at number ve. Who’s she?

Look at number seven. Who’s he?

• Watch the Video and answer the questions.


Ask and answer.

• Say Look at number three. Who’s she? The class responds Sally. Repeat three or four more times with other questions and answers in open pairs, i.e., Student A asks, Student B responds; Student C asks, Student D responds.

• Say Look at Activity 2. Now you ask and answer in pairs. Take turns. Put students into pairs. Monitor as they work and help where needed.

Extra support Students can ask, e.g., Three. Who’s she?

Class game

• Divide the class into two teams. Hand out number cards 1–10 to both teams. Each student on a team holds up a card. Team A students make a question for Team B about one of their team members, e.g., Look at number seven. Who’s he/she? Team B answers He’s/She’s (name) Then it’s Team B’s turn. Award points for correct questions and answers. The team with more points is the winner.

WB5. Answer key, see page T104.

Ending the lesson

• Play the Please game. Students stand up. Demonstrate the game. Say, e.g., Point to your chair. Students don’t point. Say, e.g., Open your Student’s Books, please. Students open their Student’s Books. Play the game with various known instructions. Students who respond incorrectly (i.e., do the action when you don’t say please) are out and sit down. Stop when you have a small group of winners.

Extra Resources

• Teacher Resources: Unit 1, Downloadable Workbook Teaching Notes

• WB94 and SB94 – Grammar reference 1

• T110

University Press & Assessment
Kid's Box New Generation Level 2 Teacher's Book with Digital Pack American English
with Caroline Nixon & Michael Tomlinson Excerpt More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press & Assessment
Lucy Frino
T110 – Consolidation activity 1: Color game
Digital Classroom Presentation Plus: Unit 1 Audio 4 Digital Flashcards Practice Extra
Consolidation activity 2: Addition bingo

Cambridge University Press & Assessment

978-1-108-89504-0 Kid's Box New Generation Level 2 Teacher's Book with Digital Pack American English Lucy Frino with Caroline Nixon & Michael Tomlinson Excerpt

More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press & Assessment 5
1 4 Listen and answer. 2
5 1 Vocabulary and language practice 1 | Vocabulary practice 2: numbers 1–10 10 9 6 7 8 Sally.
I’m Trevor. Look at number four. Who’s he? 4 2 3
Ask and answer. Look at number three. Who’s she?

Cambridge University Press & Assessment

978-1-108-89504-0 Kid's Box New Generation Level 2 Teacher's Book with Digital Pack American English Lucy Frino with Caroline Nixon & Michael Tomlinson


More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press & Assessment Vocabulary presentation and practice 3: the alphabet and colors 1 5–6 Listen, point, and repeat. Say the chant. 2 Play and say. 6 a, h, j, k Hello. I’m gray. Which letters make my sound? Aa Tt Yy Vv Ww Ss Zz Xx Uu Rr Qq Pp OoNn Jj Mm Kk Ii Hh Ll Ff Dd Cc Gg Ee Bb

Unit 1

Hi again! Student’s Book p.6


By the end of the lesson, students will have learned to say and recognize the letters of the alphabet.

Target language

• Key language: colors (gray, green, red, white, yellow, blue, brown, black, orange, purple, pink), the alphabet, character names, numbers 1–10, Hi, This is (Sally), He’s/She’s (eight).

• Additional language: Which letters make my sound?

• Review: school objects, I’m (gray), prepositions, Can you (spell your name), please?


• Flashcards: colors (12–22)

• Teacher Resources: Photocopiable 1


• Students take out their crayons. Give students instructions, e.g., Hold up the blue crayon. Put it under your Student’s Book. Put the yellow crayon next to the book. Take the green crayon and put it under your chair.



Listen, point, and repeat. Say the chant.

• Say Open your Student’s Books to page 6, please. Look at Activity 1. It’s an alphabet painting!

• Show page 6 on the whiteboard. Point to Aa and Bb and say the letters. Students repeat. Do the same with the rows of letters below. Make sure students are reading from left to right, where relevant, if they do not do this in their rst language.

• Display the color ashcards in a horizontal line on the board. Help students to notice the colors of the letters in their books. The letters are color-coded to help with pronunciation: gray = /ej/ (a, h, j, k); green = /i/ (b, c, d, e, g, p, t, v, z); red = /e/ (f, l, m, n, s, x); white = /aj/ (i, y); yellow = /oŠ/ (o); blue = /u/ (q, u, w); brown = /Sr/ (r).

• Say Listen, point, and repeat. Play the Audio. Students listen and point the rst time. Play the Audio again for students to point and repeat the colors and letter names.


Gray: a, h, j, k

Green: b, c, d, e, g, p, t, v, z

Red: f, l, m, n, s, x

White: i, y

Yellow: o

Blue: q, u, w

Brown: r

• Say Listen to the chant and point to the letters. Play the Audio. Students point to the letters. Make sure they are pointing from left to right where there are rows of letters.

• Play the chant again in sections for students to repeat.

6 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z


Play and say.

• Students play a game in pairs. Student A chooses one of the monsters in Activity 1 and says, e.g., Hi. I’m red. Which letters make my sound? Student B says the letters with the correct sound (f, l, m, n, s, x). Then they swap.

Extra support Practice asking and answering the question

Which letters make my sound? with the class rst.

• They continue in this way, choosing different colored monsters each time.

Extra challenge The student who is saying the letters keeps his/ her book closed.


• Ask a volunteer What’s your name? When the student responds, ask Can you spell your name, please? Help the student, then ask the class to spell the name. Write the name on the board. Repeat with different students.

• Tell students to write their names in their books. They work in pairs. Student A asks Can you spell your name, please? Student B spells his/her name, and Student A writes it. They swap roles.

• Photocopiable 1

WB6. Answer key, see page T104.

Ending the lesson

• Students stand up. Do the alphabet chant again together with the Audio. Repeat.

Extra Resources

• Teacher Resources: Unit 1, Downloadable Workbook Teaching Notes

• Teacher Resources: Unit 1, Downloadable Workbook Audio Script

• Teacher Resources: Unit 1, Song worksheet

• T110

– Consolidation activity: Matching game

Excerpt More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press & Assessment
Cambridge University Press & Assessment 978-1-108-89504-0 Kid's Box New Generation Level 2 Teacher's Book with Digital Pack American English Lucy Frino with Caroline Nixon & Michael Tomlinson
Digital Classroom Presentation Plus: Unit 1 Audio 5–6 Digital Flashcards Practice Extra

Unit 1 Hi again! Student’s Book p.7


By the end of the lesson, students will have practiced the letters of the alphabet.

Target language

• Key language: colors, the alphabet, numbers 1–10, He’s/She’s (nine).

• Additional language: boy, girl, street, house

• Review: name, book, mouse, Can you spell (purple)?, How old is (the girl)?, That’s (Grace).


• Teacher Resources: Photocopiable 1 letter cards – one set for each student plus one set of your own


• Students place their letter cards from Photocopiable 1 on their desks in the same order as on page 6 of the Student’s Book (alphabetical). Students stand up. Say the alphabet chant from the previous lesson together as students point to the letters on their desks. Repeat.


Ask and answer.

• Say Open your Student’s Books to page 7, please. It’s a colors painting! Say Point to purple. Students point. Repeat with the other colors. Read the speech bubbles in Activity 1 with the class. Repeat the question with two more colors. Invite a student to ask the question about another color. The class spells it out. Continue with all the colors.

• Students work in pairs. They take turns asking the question and spelling colors.

Extra support Write the color words on the board for students to refer to during the pairwork, if necessary.

Class game

• Hand out all the Photocopiable 1 letter cards from your set to different students (26 students). In a smaller class, give some students more than one. Ask students to put the letters in order from left to right on the board over one or two lines. Point to each letter and students repeat.

• Ask ve students whose names each start with a different letter to come to the front. Tell them to stand in alphabetical order. Help by pointing to the alphabet on the board. Check with the class if students are in the correct order. Repeat with different students.


Put the colors in order. Write numbers.

• Write on the board: blue, black, brown. Ask students to put the colors in order. Show them how: point to the rst letters and say b, b, b. They’re the same. Point to the second letters and say l, l, r. They’re different. R comes after l, so brown is last. Point to the third letters and say a, u. They’re different. A comes before u. Which word is rst? Write them on the board in order: black, blue, brown. Repeat for green and gray, and pink and purple

• Say Look at Activity 2. Now put all the colors in alphabetical order. Point out that the rst one (black) has been done as an example. Students work in pairs and write the colors in order by writing numbers 1–11 in the boxes. Monitor as they work. Elicit the correct order.

Key: 2 blue, 3 brown, 4 gray, 5 green, 6 orange, 7 pink, 8 purple, 9 red, 10 white, 11 yellow


Spell and guess.

• Write four to six known words on the board. Tell students to listen and guess the word. Begin to spell a word, pausing after each letter. Students raise their hands when they think they know.

Extra challenge

Write more words on the board and students play the game in pairs.

WB7. Answer key, see page T104.

Ending the lesson

• Teach and perform the following spelling chant, with students saying the letters/words in parentheses: Give me an o. (o)

Give me an r. (r)

Give me an a. (a)

Give me an n. (n)

Give me a g. (g)

Give me an e. (e) What does that spell? (Orange.) What does that spell? (Orange.)

Extra Resources

• Teacher Resources: Unit 1, Downloadable Workbook Teaching Notes

• Teacher Resources: Unit 1, Downloadable Workbook Audio Script

• SB97 – Pre A1 Starters Exam folder: Listening Part 2

• Teacher Resources: Unit 1, Reinforcement worksheet 1

• Teacher Resources: Unit 1, Reinforcement worksheet 2

• T110

– Consolidation activity: Spell it

• T110

– Extension activity: Tic-tac-toe

Cambridge University Press & Assessment
978-1-108-89504-0 Kid's Box New Generation Level 2 Teacher's Book with Digital Pack American English
Excerpt More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press & Assessment
Digital Classroom Presentation Plus: Unit 1 Digital Flashcards Practice Extra

Cambridge University Press & Assessment

978-1-108-89504-0 Kid's Box New Generation Level 2 Teacher's Book with Digital Pack American English Lucy Frino with Caroline Nixon & Michael Tomlinson


1 Ask and answer.

2 Put the colors in order. Write numbers.

Can you spell “purple”? 1


Black, blue, brown … gray pink orange brown blue black green red white white purple yellow

C-a-t. Cat!

More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press & Assessment 7
Vocabulary practice 3: the alphabet and colors
3 Spell and guess.

Cambridge University Press & Assessment

978-1-108-89504-0 Kid's Box New Generation Level 2 Teacher's Book with Digital Pack American English Lucy Frino with Caroline Nixon & Michael Tomlinson


Monty’s sounds and spelling sounds and spelling

Monty’s sounds and spelling

1 7 Watch and say.

Where’s the white whale? Next to the wheel!

2 Ask and answer.

Where’s the white whale?

The white whale is on the wheel.

More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press & Assessment 8 Sounds and spelling: wh
with me! me!
Write it

Cambridge University Press & Assessment

978-1-108-89504-0 Kid's Box New Generation Level 2 Teacher's Book with Digital Pack American English

Unit 1

Hi again!

Student’s Book p.8


By the end of the lesson, students will have recognized and practiced the sound /hw/ and the wh spelling in context.

Target language

• Key language: consonant sound /hw/ (whale), colors, the alphabet

• Additional language: whale, wheel, I spy something (red)

• Review: animals, toys, school objects, furniture, Where’s (the white whale)?, prepositions, Can you spell “(whale)”?


• A picture of a whale


• Make two circles with your hands and hold them over your eyes like glasses. Say I spy something (red). Point to a known red object. Repeat with different colors and add the name of the object (e.g., I spy a blue bag).

• Say I spy … and only the rst letter sound of the color, e.g., I spy something r-. This time, invite students to guess the color. Then give the letter sound of the object (e.g., b- = red bag). When students guess, they point to the object and say the color and the word.

• Divide students into groups of four to play together.


• Students stand in a circle. Say colors, numbers, and the word rainbow in random order. Students jump up when they hear red or rainbow


Watch and say.

• Show a picture of a whale and teach the word.

• Tell students to watch the Video to nd out what color the whale is. Play the Video and elicit the answer (white). Pause the video after the rst version of the animation.

• Make the /hw/ sound slowly, exaggerating the sound. Watch the second half of the Video again, encouraging students to repeat the sound and sentences during the pauses. Ask students which words in the Video had this /hw/ sound (what, where, white, whale, wheel).


Monty: Where’s the white whale? Next to the wheel!

What can you see? Say it with me!

Monty & Voice 1: Where’s the white whale? Next to the wheel!

Voice 1: /hw/ /hw/ Where’s the /hw/?

That’s right! /hw/ A white whale!

Where’s the white whale?

Voice 2: Next to the wheel!

Voice 1: Yes! Where’s the white whale?

Voice 2: Next to the wheel!

Voice 1: /hw/ where /hw/ white /hw/ whale /hw/ wheel

Monty: Where’s the white whale? Next to the wheel! What can you see? Say it with me!

Monty & Voice 1: Where’s the white whale?

Monty & Voice 2: Next to the wheel!

Monty: One more time – you sound ne!

Monty & Voice 1: Where’s the white whale?

Monty & Voice 2: Next to the wheel!

• Say Open your Student’s Books to page 8, please. Ask students to look at the pictures in Activity 1 and nd things with the /hw/ sound from the Video (whale, wheel).

• Read the question and answer together, emphasizing the /hw/ sound each time.

• Students work in pairs. They take turns saying the sentences.


Ask and answer.

• Focus students on the picture in Activity 2. Ask What color is the whale on the bed? (Pink.) Where’s the blue whale? (In the bag.) Students point and say where the other whales are.

• Practice the question and answer with the class.

• Students practice asking and answering in pairs.

Extra support Review table, chair, and known prepositions before the pairwork.


Write it with me!

• Say -ale and prompt the class to make the missing sound.

• Focus on the Write it with me! box. Students complete the word with wh and practice saying whale.

WB8. Answer key, see page T104.

Ending the lesson

• Students stand up. Say words, some with the sound /hw/, some without. When students hear /hw/, they show thumbs up; when they don’t, they show thumbs down. Keep going until students are all consistently responding correctly. Example words: ball, when, why, high, hot, what, heel, wheel, those, whose Extra challenge Make the game competitive: students who respond incorrectly sit down. Stop when you have a small group of winners.

Excerpt More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press & Assessment
Lucy Frino with Caroline Nixon & Michael Tomlinson
Digital Classroom Presentation Plus: Unit 1 Audio 7 Extra Resources • Teacher Resources: Unit 1, Downloadable Workbook Teaching Notes
Teacher Resources: Unit 1, Extension worksheet 1
T110 – Consolidation activity: Spell the words
T110 – Extension activity: Drawing game Digital Flashcards Practice Extra

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