March 2011

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Who will you vote for? The Head Prefect candidates share their views on the Honor Board and what sets them apart from their competitors. Electronic voting begins today.



L.A. Insiders’ Guide

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hronicle C


march 23, 2011

Harvard-Westlake School Los Angeles, CA Volume XX Issue VII

Del Toro fills in for ailing Iñárritu at 8th annual student film festival By Catherine Wang Despite a last-minute change in guest speakers, the 8th annual Film Festival at the Arclight Hollywood Cinerama Dome March 18 attracted more than 600 people to hear Oscar-nominated filmmaker Guillermo del Toro (“Pan’s Labyrinth,” “Hellboy”) and Oscar-nominated actor Jake Gyllenhaal ’98 and to watch 19 student films. Director Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu (Maria Gonzalez ’13), Academy Award nominee for “Babel” and “Biutiful,” was originally scheduled to host the festival. He underwent an appendectomy the day before the festival and was not able to attend. “Right after he got out of surgery he asked whether he could host the festival,” festival adviser Cheri Gaulke said. “He really wanted to do it.” Gaulke and her fellow Film Festival adviser

Ted Walch considered having Iñaritu speak at the festival from his hospital through a video camera, but ultimately decided against the idea, Gaulke said. Iñaritu called del Toro and asked him to speak in his place, del Toro said. During his early days as a filmmaker, “I thought film was like fruit from a tree fully formed. I thought some people just saw Godzilla crushing cars and got him on film,” del Toro said. He applauded the festival organizers for supporting young artists’ foray into the film world. “This is a wonderful bridge,” he said. “I never dreamed of something like this when I was young.” President Thomas C. Hudnut remembered the creation of the film festival in 2004 see fILM FESTIVAL, B12

chloe lister/chronicle

live from the red carpet: Chelsea Khakshouri ’12 films Jacob Soboroff ’01 interviewing 2011 Lizzy award-winning filmmaker Molly Cinnamon ’14.

Seniors who fail to complete service hours will not matriculate


By Alice Phillips

printed with permission of JD Dematte

what the future holds: The Kutler Center, above, will connect the third floor of Seaver with the Seeley

G. Mudd library via an enclosed bridge. The construction project will include a renovation of the library, right.

Kutler Center construction could begin by summer break By Daniel Rothberg Construction of the Kutler Center could begin at the end of the school year, Director of Campus Operations JD DeMatté said. The targeted opening date for the Kutler Center and renovated library is Jan. 25, 2012. After receiving approval from the Board of Trustees earlier this month and other permits from the city, construction of the project will start after the school receives the final permits, DeMatté said. “I’m hoping we are starting construction at the end of May or early June,” DeMatté said. The new facility, which will connect Mudd Library with the third floor of Seaver via bridge, will house the Kutler Center for Interdisciplinary Studies and Independent Research. The center is named in memory of Brendan Kutler ’10, who died

in his sleep last year. Jon and Sarah Kutler’s lead gift will fund the project, which will include a renovation of the library. Lester Tobias (Bryce ’10) is the architect for the project. The facility will include three new class spaces and an office. Head of School Jeanne Huybrechts said the design for the Kutler Center is contemporary and is meant to reflect the department’s philosophy, which emphasizes deep research and interdisciplinary study. Starting next year, all humanities classes will be under the purview of the Kutler Center. The Faculty Academic Committee wil oversee the development of new courses for the Kutler Center. “The program itself is a very interesting one. It’s innovative. It’s forward thinking. It’s a bridge program,” Huybrechts said. “So we wanted the elements of [the facility] to be inter-

esting, innovative and creative and serve as an entrance to the school.” Though construction will limit access to the library, Huybrechts said that students will still be able to utilize library resources. “We have to have a fully functioning library, at least when it comes to using the resource materials,” Huybrechts said. Huybrechts will be meeting with DeMatté and Director of Upper School Planning John Feulner this week to discuss how to mitigate the construction’s interference with access to the library and history classrooms. “The real issue is we are building a project in the middle of the campus like when we did the Munger building,” DeMatté said. “It becomes a little bit of a logistical issue to do that but we have experience with that and should be able to get it done.”

As of March 16, 547 out of 870 upper school students had not completed their community service requirement for 2010-2011 year. The deadline to complete the requirement is May 2. nathanson ’s/chronicle Seniors who fail Harry to complete the Salamandra community service requirement will not graduate, Head of Upper School Harry Salamandra said. If their service is not done by graduation, the student’s diploma folder will be empty at graduation and their June transcript will not be sent to their future college. Juniors and sophomores who do not complete the requirement will not be able to register for the 2011-2012 school year unless they community service over the summer, which has been the case for several years. Students who fail to perform their community service before the May 2 deadline will have to complete extra hours. The Community Council’s requirement, which is listed as a graduation requirement in the curriculum guide, is four hours of hands-on community service that is performed with at least four other members of the HarvardWestlake community. “Community service is extremely important, and fits in to what HarvardWestlake believes to be a well-rounded student’s repertoire,” Head of Community Council Gaby Cohen ’11 said. “This year, we’re enforcing a stricter punishment to try and get that message across.” The Community Council plans to provide students with a list of outside of school community service opportunities so students can complete the requirement over spring break.

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