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Harvard-Westlake School • North Hollywood, CA • Volume XIX • Issue 3 • Nov. 11, 2009 • chronicle.hw.com
Seniors earn honors in national science contest By Matthew Lee
Chloe Lister and candice navi/chronicle
‘Lost girl’: Sudanese refugee Elizabeth Koch speaks at sophomore class meeting on Nov. 9. Sophomores listen to Koch speak. Presidents of DAATC Alex Glancy ’10, Michelle Yousefzadeh ’10 and Jake Gutman ’10 (from left) introduce Koch to the sophomore class.
Genocide Awareness Week opens with refugee speaker By Jordan Freisleben
The sanctity of human life is more precious than any political motive, stressed “Lost Girl” Elizabeth Kuch at junior and sophomore class meetings yesterday and on Monday. Kuch is one the keynote speakers featured this week for Genocide Awareness Week organized by the Darfur Awareness Activism and Training Club. Kuch, who will also be speaking today at senior class meeting, is a part of the group of Sudanese children whose parents were killed during the Sudanese Civil War. The children eventually made their way across the desert into refugee camps in Ethiopia and subsequently Kenya. “Being a ‘Lost Girl’ is not something to be proud of or to be ashamed of either, because it was something I couldn’t control,” Kuch said. A native of Southern Sudan, Kuch was forced to leave her country and fend for herself when she was 5 years old. “I walked through night and day with a group I didn’t know,” she said. “We didn’t know where we were walking.” It took the group three months to reach Kenya. They travelled to save themselves from being killed by Sudanese militants. Despite their efforts, several children died on the journey; killed either by enemies or starvation. Kuch was eventually reunited with three of her brothers and was one of 112 “Lost Girls”
who came to the United States. Kuch emphasized the need for everyone to speak out against genocide and to end the suffering of the Sudanese. “Refugees are not politicians,” she said. “There’s a child, an older woman and an older man suffering right now. They have not done anything; they are very innocent and have no idea what’s going on in politics.” In addition to Kuch, filmmaker Paul Freedman (Christopher ’12) will discuss the genocide in Sudan at an all-school assembly tomorrow. Freedman is the director of the HBO documentary “Sand and Sorrow”, which focuses on the genocide in Darfur for the past several years. The DAATC screened the documentary on Oct. 29 in Feldman-Horn to preview Genocide Awareness Week. The documentary features commentary from President Barack Obama while he was a senator of Illinois and White House correspondent John Prendergast. “We’re hoping not only to get the awareness out about what’s going on now in Darfur, but also past genocides that might not be as welldocumented or [wee-known],” DAATC CoPresident Jake Gutman ’10 said. “There have been so many that people, especially our age just don’t know about.” Genocide Awareness Week will also include a bake sale on Friday to raise money for the Sister School Project through Jewish World Watch.
The Siemens Foundation named Ian Cinnamon ’10 and Andrew Wang ’10 semifinalists of the Siemens Competition in Math, Science, and Technology. Semifinalist is the highest award given to students who submit research. Cinnamon submitted an experiment that analyzed stereoscopic vision, which is the don hagopian/chronicle study of how humans perceive what they Ian Cinnamon ’10 see. “The experiment included dozens of human subjects and tens of thousands of data points” Cinnamon said. “I discovered that relative stereoscopic searches require a serial search and are therefore not a fundamental feature of vision.” During the summer Cinammon participated in the Research Science Institute, sponsored by MIT and the Center for Excellence in Education. Cinnamon worked with Dr. Jeremy Wolfe, a Harvard and MIT prodon hagopian/chronicle fessor of Visual Attention, and researched Andrew Wang ’10 stereoscopic vision, a subdivision of Visual Attention. Cinnamon entered his project in the competition because almost everyone that participated in the Research Science Institute program also entered projects, Cinnamon said. Wang worked on his project with a student from another school and analyzed Mitochondrial Activity and Autophagy Response in Myoblasts. Wang and his partner discovered that the autophagy-related gene could serve as a potential therapeutic target for treating muscle atrophy. Wang never entered a science contest before entering the Siemens competition and learned about the competition from the poster in Munger. Wang said the competition gave him an opportunity to develop his skills for real life situations. “Obviously, the competition requires knowledge in science, but really it is about how you can manage a project and thus, real life situations,” Wang said. “In my opinion, Siemens Competition is one of the only high school competitions that test how well you can do in the world with your current skills.” The Siemens Competition, administered annually by the College Board, awards college scholarships from $1000 to $100,000 in individual and team categories. This year 1,348 projects were received and 318 students were selected as semifinalists.
School waits for flu vaccines By Sadé Tavangarian
The school has ordered vaccinations for the H1N1 virus, commonly known as swine flu. Although these vaccinations have not yet arrived, students will be able to receive H1N1 vaccinations on campus. For now, the school must wait as the Centers for Disease Control try to produce and distribute enough vaccine to meet demand. Community Health Officer and Director of Sports Medicine Sandee Teruya wrote a letter to families last month informing them that the school was ordering H1N1 vaccines. Teruya does not know when the vaccines will arrive. Included with Teruya’s letter was a parental authorization form for students to receive vaccinations. “At this time, I have received hundreds of signed authorizations from parents wanting their children vaccinated,” Teruya said. High school students are
among those the CDC says should be vaccinated first, because they are most at risk from swine flu. But the vaccine’s limited availability has made it difficult to find even for these priority groups. After H1N1 was first identified in the United States in April, the CDC started growing H1N1 vaccine in eggs. The CDC says there will not be a shortage of the vaccine; they plan to produce enough for everyone in the country. They began distributing vaccine in October. In California, any school that employs a medical director is eligible to order vaccines. In this case, that means Teruya. “We decided to provide the vaccinations to help our community stay as healthy as possible since we have had a few isolated cases of H1N1,” Teruya said in an e-mail. Students who have a lifethreatening allergy to eggs or seasonal flu vaccines should not be vaccinated for H1N1.