HWPL WARP Journal October 2020

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HWPL World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office Journal

October 2020 Issue

October 2020 WARP Offices worldwide

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

114 WARP Offices spread over 74 countries held meetings in September

Africa 21

Europe 30

Middle East 6

Asia 28 Taiwan


The Americas 21






Paraguay United States of America Canada



Saudi Arabia

















Sri Lanka


Czech Republic



















San Marino


Republic of South Africa






Côte d’Ivoire



South Sudan Rwanda Kenya

Eswatini Zimbabwe


Oceania 4 Australia


New Zealand


October 2020 WARP Office Status As of October 15, 2020 Total of 253 offices in 129 countries

Europe 36 Countries 44 Offices

5 Countries 6 Offices CIS 25 Countries 43 Offices 13 Countries 14 Offices Middle East Oceania

25 Countries 32 Offices Africa

Americas Asia 22 Countries 107 Offices

3 Countries 7 Offices



Antigua and Barbuda Brazil Guyana Colombia

October 2020 WARP Offices worldwide

Leaders of various religions around the world who have been working with HWPL have sent prayers and messages of support and consolation to the world which is suffering from the pandemic. They have prayed earnestly for the pandemic to be over as soon as possible. Although our religious backgrounds and cultures may differ, we can firmly say that we have the same desire for peace, prosperity, and safety for all peoples.

Sheik Muhammad Al-Yaqoobi Iraq / Islam / Grand Ayatollah / Member of HWPL Solidarity of Religions’ Peace Committee

1. In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful. A message by Grand Ayatollah Sheik Muhammad Yaqoobi about Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) with the title: Corona virus changes the world and reshapes it. Many incidents and accidents that occur on daily basis, cause a big loss, create disturbance, bring disaster to the human society and influence the individual and social life of people negatively, if we think about them differently and positively, then it’s possible to learn something special and useful from these incidents and happenings. The same meaning we find in the words of Allah: “In which there is a door. The inside of it has mercy and the outside has torment.” 2. If you think about things, situations and circumstances positively, you feel satisfaction, you become strong and whatever happens you accept it with open arms and you get rid from the pain that has disturbed your life and pushed you to the valley of disappointment that enforces you to object and revolt. As a result, if this disease is not treated in time (according to experts), the security of the person becomes weaker and the risk of developing the disease increases. 3. With this positive attitude, Corona’s epidemic can transform from one illness into a cure for many mental, social, political and intellectual diseases. The fear of the Corona Virus and the helplessness of the human being in front of it has woken the man from sleep, by forbidding the rebellion against Almighty Allah, it has made it possible for Him to bow down to His infinite powers.

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

“The likeness of those who take Auliya’ (protectors and helpers) other than Allah is as the likeness of a spider, who builds (for itself) a house, but verily, the frailest (weakest) of houses is the spider’s house; if they but knew.” The Corona virus challenged the world powers, who called themselves superpowers, who were so proud of their material power that they believed that nothing was beyond the scope of their power and each one appeared helpless in front of it. Their armies, fleets, and technology they have developed for Star Wars as well as the Earth are unable to do anything to limit the spread of the virus. The virus has forced nations to spend money on health services and helping people instead of spending on military weapons and aggression against people. 5. Whatever has happened or will happen, demands that humans re-evaluate their thoughts, behaviors, principles and priorities that they believe in. Scientists, philosophers and thinkers should take advantage of the Corona virus outbreak, its causes and its consequences before it is too late to start a comprehensive change movement because we are not protected from many and other diseases, including corona, which you cannot face. Do something even if it is in small quantities to get rid of the disease. 6. This disease is the result of human evil actions. As, Almighty Allah has stated in the Holy Quran:

(‫ىروشلا( )ريثك نع وفعيو مكيديأ تبسك امبف ةبيصم نم مكباصأ امو‬:۳۰) “And whatever strikes you of disaster - it is for what your hands have earned; but He pardons much. And indeed, Allah protects His servants from being subjected to many such diseases. Allah says in the Holy Quran:

( ‫دعرلا( )هللا رما نم هنوظفحي هفلخ نمو هيدي نيب نم تابقعم هل‬:11) “For each one are successive [angels] before and behind him who protect him by the decree of Allah. “Quran in another place says:

{‫ دوه[ }ٌدوُدَو ٌميِحَر يِّبَر َّنِإ‬: 90].” “Indeed, my Lord is Merciful and Affectionate.” 7. This is a happy relationship between Allah and His creatures, whose basis are the mercy of Almighty Allah, although it is one-sided by God because man does not value this friendship and does not give him his right. Quran says:

{‫ ماعنألا[ }ِهِرْدَق َّقَح َهَّللا اوُرَدَق اَمَو‬: 91] “And they did not know God properly.” But sometimes Allah leaves man alone and ignores him, when he does not protect himself, the angels do not help him who are responsible for his protection. It happens when human beings cross their limits and man not only harms himself but also harms other fellows, then Allah leaves it to his own condition to pay for what he has done. So that he would understand and fix what he has spoiled. Muhammad Yaqoobi

4. This virus has discovered the truth of this verse of the Quran:

28 Rajab 1441

(‫تويبلا نهوا نإو ًاتيب تذختا توبكنعلا لثمك ءايلوأ هللا نود نم اوذختا نيذلا لثم‬ ‫\توبكنعلا( )توبكنعلا تيبل‬41) .




October 2020 WARP Offices worldwide

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

Dr. Homi Dhalla

Rev. Dn. Anish K. Joy

India / Zoroastrianism / President of World Zarathushti Cultural Foundation / Member of HWPL Solidarity of Religions’ Peace Committee

Syria / Christianity / Associate professor of Malankara Syrian Orthodox Theological Seminary

kē verethrem jā thwā põi senghā yõi henti. (Kem nā mazdā, Gathā Ushtavad, Yasna XXXXIV.16-) Which enemy can harm me, when Thy words of prayers protect me. rāmashnih va shādih va padgānih va nekih, az sue nim-roz andar āyād. dard, va vimārih, va dushkhārih, va anākih vastäkih, harwesp patyäre ez sūe avākhtar bē-dvārād. wehān pādshāh bend, vatarān apādshāh bend. ez kard va kunashne khish avākhsh pashemān bed, mā emā-ch-rā manashne gavashne kunashne andar frārõnih bād. (Afrin-i-Haft Ameshāspandān 15-) May cheerfulness, joy, good fortune and goodness arrive from the South. May disease, sickness, misery, harm, selfishness and all such evils fly to the North. May the good be powerful. May the evil mind be powerless and may they repent for their evil deeds. May our thoughts, words and actions be on the line of righteousness.

Almighty and merciful Triune God, who show your love to all your creation. We come before you asking for a quick control of the Coronavirus currently ravaging our world. Hear graciously the prayers we make for those affected by the virus in various parts of the world. Grant healing to the sick, eternal life to the dead and consolation to the bereaved families. We pray that an effective medicine to combat the sickness be speedily found. We pray for the relevant governments and health authorities and organizations that they take appropriate steps for the good of the people. Look upon us in your mercy and forgive us our failings. Amen.

Ven. Bhikkhu Buddhadatta India / Buddhism / Mahabodhi Research Centre Director

May all misfortunes disappear, May all diseases fade away, May no peril befall me, And may I live long happily!

May the rains fall in time And bring about a rich harvest, May the world thrive in prosperity, And may the rulers ever be righteous!

Om Dyau Shanti, Antarikshaum ShantiPrithvi Shanti, Rapah Shanti, Roshadhayah ShantihVanas-Patayah Shanti, Shanti Vishwed Devah, Shanti Brahma ShantihSarvag-Wam Shantih, Shanti-Reva, Shantih Sa Ma, Shanti-RedhiOm Shantih Shantih Shantih

May all blessings come to me, May all gods protect me; By the Grace of all the Supremely Enlightened Ones, May well-being ever abound in me!

Om may peace, tranquility, harmony, transmit in the entire cosmos, in the entire ethereal space, that engulfs the entire existence. Om may shanti, may peace, may harmony rule all over this world in water in all the ayur vedic herbs, tress, shrubs, and creepers.

May all blessings come to me, May all gods protect me; By the Glory of the Noble Teaching, May well-being ever abound in me!

Whatever evil omen, misfortune, Unpleasant bird noise, Malefic Planets and bad dreams there be, By the powers of the Supremely Enlightened One, May all these disappear!

Om may all harmony, peace, and shanti stream over the entire universe. May harmony be in the supreme consciousness and through the supreme consciousness, may harmony consistently pervade through our existence and through us, through everyone we touch.

May all blessings come to me, May all gods protect me; By the Glory of the Holy Order, May well-being ever abound in me!

Mr. Manu Singh India / Hinduism / Chairman of Sarva Dharma Samvaad (SDS)

Om peace, peace, peace to us, and to entire web of inter-connectedness of life, to all the creatures.

Whatever evil omen, misfortune, unpleasant bird noise, Malefic Planets and bad dreams there be, By the powers of the Sacred Teachings, May all these disappear! Whatever evil omen, misfortune, unpleasant bird noise, Malefic Planets and bad dreams there be, By the powers of the Holy Order, May all these disappear!

By the power of this protective chanting, Warding off the malefic influence of stars, Devils, spirits and planetary combinations, May all my troubles cease to exist!



October 2020 WARP Offices worldwide

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

E santo na charana kamal ma muj jeevan nu arth rahe May the essence of my life be in the footsteps of such saints Dr. Mahbubur Rahman Oman / Islam / Islamic teacher of Bangladesh School Muscat

Oh Allah! We pay our gratitude for allowing us to conduct this special prayer. You are the God of heaven and earth, In these times of isolation, Apart from loved ones, distant from friends And away from neighbors, We thank you that there is nothing in all of creation, Not even coronavirus, That is able to separate us from your love. And may your love that never fails Continue to be shared Through the kindness of strangers Looking out for each other, For neighbors near and far All recognizing our shared vulnerability, Each of us grateful for every breath, And willing everyone to know the gift Of a full and healthy life. Keep us all in your care

Deen kreur ne dharma vihona dekhi dil ma dard rahe May I be filled with compassion for ignorant and under privileged Karuna bhini ankho ma thi ashru no shub stotra vahe May my eyes be filled with pious flow of tears of compassion Maitri bhav nu pavitra jharnu muj haya ma vahya kare May the pristine stream of loving kindness continue to flow through me Marg bhulela jeevan pathik ne marg chindhva ubho rahu May I be there for those who are lost from the path Kare upeksha e marag ni to ye samata chit dharu May I have equanimity to be with those who ignorantly avoid the path of purity Chitra bhanu ni dharma bhavana haiye sahu manav lave May all beings bring this good will (by singer Chitra Banu) to their heart Ver jher na bhav tyaji ne mangal geeto ne gave May all be free from impurities and sing the lyrics of goodwill Maitri bhav nu pavitra jharnu muj haya ma vahya kare May the pristine stream of loving kindness continue to flow through me

‫ِصَرَبْلا َنِم َكِب ُذوُعَأ يِ​ِنِإ َّمُهَّللا‬، ‫ِنوُنُجْلاَو‬، ‫ِماَذُجْلا َو‬، ‫ِماَقْسَألا ِئِ​ِيَس ْنِمَو‬

Allah humma inni a’udhu bika minal-barasi, wal-jununi, wal-judhaami, wa min sayyi’il-asqaami Meaning: “O Allah, I seek refuge in You from leprosy, insanity, elephantiasis, and the worst of diseases.“ [Abu Dawud]

Dr. Kamini Gogri India / Jainism / Research in Ancient Scriptures, Eikam Resonance foundation Head

Maitri bhav nu pavitra jharnu muj haya ma vahya kare May the pure stream of loving kindness continue to flow through me Shubh thavo aa sakala vishwa nu evi bhavana nitya rahe May the prayer of universal goodwill be unending within me

Pastor Moe Lwin Myanmar / Christianity / Pastor of Htaukkyant Baptist Church

God of all people, open our hearts to understanding other faith traditions. We are all made in your image and seek to know and follow your ways, to praise you, and to be instrument of your holy presence. May we respect those who are different from us. May we seek to know the truth of your word and find common ground among the many faith traditions and recognize that we share a common humanity. Help us to be people of compassion and understanding, creating a path to a peaceful coexistence among all people. Our Heavenly Father, we recognize that you are a shelter in a time of storm. Trusting your promises, God, I ask that you would grant that strength to all COVID 19 virus positive patients right now throughout this world. Give them the means to overcome these obstacles of virus effect and they will be healed soon through your power, God. All these things I pray in your holy name. Amen

Gun thi bharela gunijan dekhi hayu maru nrutya kare May my heart dance at the sight of virtuous noble ones



October 2020 WARP Offices worldwide

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

Sayyed Ali El-Amin Lebanon / Islam / President of Al-Amine Foundation for Acquaintance and Dialogue

Prayer for humanity In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful, God, you are the creator of everything and able to do what you want. We are your servants and your creation whom you have honored. And on Earth, you succeeded us. We turn to you with prayers and supplications. Oh God, we ask you to forgive us our sins and sins and to relieve our worries and false. It has descended upon us. O Lord, in its grave danger, and severely harmful to all the people on the earth. You are the one who can be assisted. O Lord, uncover our anguish and ward off misfortunes and troubles. And you are called, Almighty. You are terrifying us in adversity and blame. O God, your mercy enlarges everything, so have mercy for us. And lift from your creation and the inhabitants of your land on this calamity. And be of help to them in combating the epidemic. God, be grant successful to researchers in their quest for access to medicine. Oh God, save the patients’ health, heal them and help the doctors and nurses who work on their treatment. And may God have mercy on the dead, and relieve their grief from their families, and grant them patience and solace. Oh God, you said, “Call me, I will respond to you,” and here we are. You are almighty God and your answer is worthy. You are the Most Merciful.



HWPL Macedonia Skopje WARP Office

Amen And Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds,

Participants 1

1 Wasim Ahmad / Ahmadiyya


2 Rodney Stubb / Christianity 3 Gour Gadadhara Dasa / ISKCON 3



Introducing WARP Offices worldwide

Topic: Animal Sacrifice (About Forgiveness of Sins) Though there may be difference in opinions amongst scholars, the history of animal sacrifice for religious purposes in most parts of the world date back to almost 7,000 BC. In most traditions, animal sacrifice was practiced to make a connection to God. Through this, glory could be given to God, and through the sacrifice of blood, one could wash one’s sins. At the 41st online HWPL Macedonia, Skopje WARP meeting, the topic of “Animal Sacrifice – About Forgiveness of Sins” were discussed according to the different religions. Each panelist representing the different religions discussed what animal sacrifice traditionally meant, and what would it mean if these traditions were no longer practiced and what are the possible reasons for the phasing out of the practice of animal sacrifice.

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

The meaning of animal sacrifice has not changed, but the practice and methods have changed. However, today, there are no Brahma or priests who specializes in animal sacrifice. Therefore, people began to eat animals only for self-satisfaction, without (a ritual for) sacrifice. The Buddha also said that there are people who excuse their meat-eating because of animal sacrifice written in the Vedic scriptures. In conclusion, animal sacrifice refers to the process by which low-conscious people, who cannot live without eating meat, are allowed to enjoy eating animals. The meaning of animal sacrifice has not changed and the means or methods of performance have changed. However, it is forbidden to kill cows and horses, especially in animal sacrifice.

Rodney Stubb (Christianity):

What is the meaning of animal sacrifice in your religion? Has the meaning of animal sacrifice changed as time passed? What are the reasons for continuing the practice or if it is no longer practiced, why? Wasim Ahmad (Ahmadiyya): “Animal sacrifice is symbolic, and it is more important to give ourselves to God.”

“Animal sacrifice was a ritual to atone for people’s sins, but it is fundamentally more important to change spirituality through atonement.” Humanity became disconnected from God due to the sin of Adam, and sin continues to separate us from God. Because God wanted to reconnect with His people again, God explained how sins could be atoned for through the sacrifice of animals. In Leviticus 1:1~5, the LORD told Moses how the people were to lay their hand on the head of the animal chosen for a burnt offering so that it would be accepted on their behalf and take away their sins. Animal sacrifice is one example of the law which Moses received from God. But the law itself was a shadow of something that was to come later.

Animal sacrifice is common in Islam. But it is just a symbol. These animals give their lives to humans, and in the same way, humans should sacrifice themselves by giving their honor and dignity to the Creator. The Soul is our only offering. All of our sacrifices are God’s will. If God wants my life, I give it. If God wants my wealth, I will sacrifice everything I have and do according to God’s will.

Hebrews 10:1 For the Law, since it has only a shadow of the good things to come and not the very form of things, can never, by the same sacrifices which they offer continually year by year, make perfect those who draw near.

In the Quran, animal sacrifice is a great honor. The slaughter of these animals must be done in the name of Allah. Only then will the animal’s life shine. If God says you can sacrifice animals, then proceed in the name of Allah. When the animals are sacrificed, hand them out to those who need them, and they will honor Allah. But without prayer or sharing, the animal’s death is in vain.

John 1:29 The next day he saw Jesus coming to him and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!

Gour Gadadhara Dasa (ISKCON):

The true reality of the shadow, the sacrificial lamb for the sins of Man was Jesus.

The atonement of sin remains necessary if we want to reconnect with God. We now are called to die spiritually to our sinful nature, and as such, change some of our thoughts and actions as believers to be closer with the Creator. Today, it is not physical animals that need to be sacrificed, but rather our thoughts and actions so that we can become the spiritual beings we are meant to be.

“The Vedas allow animal sacrifices for people who cannot live without meat, and is not practiced today.” Vedic Scriptures do not distinguish people according to their skin color but divides people into 400,000 species according to differences in consciousness. Some people with low levels of consciousness cannot live without eating meat. The Vedas allow animal sacrifices for such people to enjoy eating meat. However, they must follow the sacred ritual. Those who try to return to God will never sacrifice animals.



Introducing WARP Offices worldwide

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

Rodney Stubb (Christianity):

Is it possible to glorify God or forgive the sin of a man through animal sacrifice? Wasim Ahmad (Ahmadiyya): “Forgiveness of sins is only possible through the prayer of the one who sinned.” Abraham saw the sacrifice of his son in his dream. “I will die because this is God’s will,” his son, Ishmael said and he was ready to die for it. Then Abraham heard the voice of heaven, and it stopped the son’s sacrifice. Abraham fulfilled the dreams by leaving his son and wife and this is the period of Ramadan. This is the story of the sacrifice for God. In Islam, the festival (of Eid al-Fitr) is held at the end of the month of Ramadan, meaning no more fasting. This festival celebrates “people’s sacrifice”. Muslims remember the day by offering animals. Applying the history that Abraham and Ishmael had been guided and kept the will of God, having animals caught for no reason is illegal. And you have to pay for the animals and catch them. The sacrifice of animals does not completely wash away sin. Forgiveness of sins can be done in real prayer, and if someone sins against God, he must do it himself. No one else can take over. It is the same reason that no one else can pay off my debts.

Gour Gadadhara Dasa (ISKCON): “Rather than removing sin itself, the Vedas teach to eliminate the tendency to sin. This is made possible by raising awareness.” It is not possible to glorify God through animal sacrifices, nor can human sins be forgiven. Humans tend to sin. In Christianity, the forgiveness of sins means removing the sin itself, and the Vedas teach that it is eliminating the tendency to sin. This is possible by raising awareness. When humans become conscious, they liberate and go to the spirit world, otherwise, they become animals. There are different ways to raise awareness (in the different Yugas, ages). Meditation in Satya Yuga and animal sacrifice in Treta Yuga. Worship at Dvapara Yuga. In Kali Yuga, it is to praise God’s name.

“Animal Sacrifice is but a shadow of things to come and it is only through the true form that is Jesus, that sin can be atoned for and reconnect us back to God.” The Jewish leaders at the time of the First Coming of Jesus were following the laws received by Moses according to their understanding of those laws. They believed that they understood the laws and believed that they were keeping them. Yet there was a deeper meaning to the laws that the Jewish leaders hadn’t realized because it remained hidden until the time the Creator chose to reveal it. The religious leaders at Jesus’ time were right to be skeptical about him at first, but as Acts 17:11 states, they should have based their assessment of Jesus on the scriptures, rather than on their own personal opinions, ideas, and beliefs. Acts 17:11 Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so. As John 5:39 indicates, there are many scriptures which testify about who Jesus was and what he did in relation to the Old Testament. Because of sin, we are separated from God, and we cannot reconnect with God until that sin has been atoned for. The wages of sin is death, so rather than continuing to cover our sins through animal sacrifices, Jesus came and sacrificed himself so that those who desire to have the right relationship with the Creator can do so at the appointed time.

Through the Skopje WARP office dialogue, we learned what animal sacrifice in each religion meant. Each religion found that there had been animal sacrifice in history based on the scriptures, and that it was performed for the atonement of sins or to increase one’s consciousness, and there has been changes to this tradition. As such, the HWPL WARP Office brings together people of different faiths and traditions to freely introduce their religion based on the scriptures. We endeavor to move away from simple superficialities of religion, and towards a deeper comparison and understanding of each other’s scriptures, to find out what the fundamental truth is in them, and to achieve true religious harmony and peace. As each religion has already been established for thousands of years in different parts of the world, this may take a long time, but with the dedication and efforts of religious leaders, our dialogues at the WARP Offices may perhaps hasten the process and bring us one step closer to peace.

Among the steps of yoga, you can do in Kali Yuga, karma yoga is for my benefit and is done in a mode of passion. It is yoga that I do for my benefit through work and labor. On the other hand, Jñāna yoga is a yoga of knowledge, which focuses on philosophical knowledge and meditation. Bhakti Yoga is yoga with love and devotion. It is a yoga that acts for God and is yoga that God accepts. The key to my answer is that God does not accept animal sacrifices. God only accepts pure love, Bhakti Yoga, and dedication, and these are efforts to reach God’s level.


*Disclaimer: To encourage free speech in an open interfaith dialogue, we have shared minimal information of participating panelists in our dialogues.


Introducing WARP Offices worldwide

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

Topic: About Religious Scripture Religious texts hold a special place amongst the sea of texts that humanity have accumulated throughout history. Whether as a record of the past that hold insight to the human nature, as a compass and guide to our futures, or as a sacred channel of communication and connection between the Creator and creation, religious texts have survived millennia and are still very much relevant to our societies today. That is exactly what was being discussed at the 63rd WARP Office Dialogue of Scriptures in Bangkok, Thailand that commenced on 22nd August, 2020. Thailand is a nation of rich cultural history with many sacred sites and temples throughout the country. Being a highly religious nation with almost 95% of the nation’s population being adherents of Buddhism, religion is an important aspect of Thai society. Many young Thai men also go through a period of monkhood at some point of their lives. The second most common religion in Thailand is Islam with 4.9 percent of the population being Muslim and most mosques being located in Southern Thailand. Despite the strong majority being Buddhists, the country enjoys religious freedom and there are many diverse religions practiced in the country. Representatives of Buddhism, Islam and Christianity joined us as panelists for the discussion on this day. With the topic of “Religious Scriptures”, each panelist shared from their respective scriptures about the significance of Religious Scriptures and the importance of gaining a proper understanding of them.


To the first question, let us see what our panelists spoke about the differences between religious texts and worldly texts, and understand why it is important to understand the scriptures.


HWPL Thailand Bangkok WARP Office

What contents sets a religious scripture that apart from non-religious, worldly texts? (Why is it important to know and understand the contents of scriptures? And what are the consequences of not knowing the scriptures?)

Participants 1

1 Suman Barua / Buddhism


2 Lee Eun-sook / Christianity 3 Thanarat Watcharapisud / Islam

Suman Barua (Buddhism) Non-religious books lead to worldly attachment. One cannot realize worldly truths, Supreme Knowledge or achieve the highest heavenly peace. However, religious books is a strong guide to realize the cause of suffering and to realize Supreme Knowledge, to achieve the highest heavenly peace that is, Nirvana. Ignorance is known as Avijja. Ignorance leads to wrong views or aims, but when one who knows and sees things as impermanent, ignorance is abandoned and knowledge springs up. And in the Avijjā-sutta, there is a story of a certain monk who met the Blessed One. He asked the Blessed One:


“Lord, is there any one thing with whose abandoning in a monk ignorance is abandoned and clear knowing arises?”



Introducing WARP Offices worldwide

“Yes monk, there is one thing with whose abandoning in a monk ignorance is abandoned and clear knowing arises.”

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

Surah Muzamil 73:20. …..so recite what is easy [for you] of the Qur’an…..

“What is that one thing?”

Surah Al-Baqarah 2:2. This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah

“Ignorance, monk, is the one thing with whose abandoning in a monk ignorance is abandoned and clear knowing arises.”

Al-Isra’ 17:82. And We send down of the Qur’an that which is healing and mercy for the believers, but it does not increase the wrongdoers except in loss.

“But how does a monk know, how does a monk see, so that ignorance is abandoned and clear knowing arises?”

Al-Ra’ad 13:28. Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured.

“There is the case, monk, where a monk has heard, ‘All things are unworthy of attachment.’ Having heard that all things are unworthy of attachment, he directly knows everything. Comprehending everything, he sees all things as something separate.

On the other hand, there are consequences of not knowing the scriptures. If you don’t know the law, but break the law? Is it okay? No, it is illegal. When Muslims don’t read the Quran, they cannot be excused for not knowing. That is why all Muslims must read and understand the Quran so that they will not be deceived or go down the wrong way.

Thanarat Watcharapisud (Islam) The linguistics of Al-Quran is different from all the worldly texts since the Quran is given by Allah to Muhammad the last and final Messenger of Allah through Jibreal (Gabriel). Religious text is perfect, and perfect means there are no changes. An example of the beautiful linguistics found in the Quran can be seen in the following: Surah Al-Baqarah 2:255 “Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.” This verse can be divided into 9 parts: 1. Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Sustainer of [all] existence 2. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep 3. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth 4. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? 5. He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them 6. and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. 7. His Kursi (Throne) extends over the heavens and the earth 8. and their preservation tires Him not 9. And He is the Most High, the Most Great. The first and ninth part matches to each other in meaning. The same goes for second and eighth, third and seventh, fourth and sixth, while the fifth part stands alone. There is no Arabic Text that carries miraculous, beautiful linguistics like we find in the Quran. Therefore, Al-Quran is the Scripture sent to Mankind by Allah. Till now, no one can write the text like Al-Quran.

Surah Al- Jathiyah 45:21. Or do those who commit evils think We will make them like those who have believed and done righteous deeds - [make them] equal in their life and their death? Evil is that which they judge.

Lee Eun-sook (Christianity) A big difference between the Bible and worldly text is that: prophecies in the Bible are not predictions of the future such as weather forecasts, which are estimates based on data. Nor should the Bible be used by fortune tellers who cast lots for the future. Biblical prophecies are promises by God to be fulfilled in the future and told before they happen. (John 14:29) Therefore, in biblical prophecies, they contain God’s grand plan and work to restore the world. We can confirm that God is indeed alive and that the Bible is written by God when we see the promises being fulfilled by God. There are two important reasons why one has to know the Bible. The first is for people to know the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He had sent. (John 17:3) And the other is to realize the identity of Satan and not be deceived by him. John chapter 1 teaches us that the word is God and the word was with God, and in the word, there was life and the light. (John 1:1-5) Those who do not know the Bible will receive the consequences of not having the word, nor God, or life or light.

With so many denominations and schools of thought even within a single religion, it could be confusing to the ordinary person who is looking for a way to know the Creator and many of life’s mysteries. It is even more daunting if faced with so many different interpretations based on the same texts. Our panelists shared how one can gain a proper understanding and to seek the true meaning of the scriptures.

To understand the importance of understanding the scriptures, we can see the following ayahs (verses):



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There are many different interpretations and understandings of the same religious texts by different denominations and schools of thought within the religions. So, how should one read the texts to gain a proper understanding of the true meaning of the scriptures? Suman Barua (Buddhism) Generally, we know that with many men, there are many minds. The religious scripture, Tipitaka, was printed after Buddha passed away. In Buddha’s time, his teachings were passed through oral traditions. Buddha tried to teach us about the root cause of suffering, root cause of defilements, and the five aggregates.

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

However, the Pharisees and scribes at the time read the scriptures but did not see or hear for themselves the fulfilled realities of the prophecies. They remained in the dark and taught with their own interpretations. Jesus came to clearly testify about the realities of the fulfilled prophecies and to teach things of heaven. (John 3:31~34, 1 John 4:5~6) Only the spirit within a person knows the person’s thoughts. In the same way, only God’s spirit can know the thoughts of God. Therefore, one has to be taught by the Holy Spirit through the messenger sent by God in order to fully understand the deep things of God. (1 Corinthians 2:9~13) In Chapter 8 of the book of Acts, there was an Ethiopian eunuch who was reading the prophecies recorded by prophet Isaiah, but because it was still a sealed (closed) book, he couldn’t understand it. The Holy Spirit sends Philip, a man of God, to the Ethiopian eunuch to help him understand the scriptures. For such people who desire to learn and understand, God sends people like how He had sent Philip to the Ethiopian eunuch, and provides understanding.

So to get a proper understanding of the true meaning of the scriptures, Buddha gave us one advice, if you try to know yourself clearer, you should practice daily meditation. If you know yourself clearly, everything will be clear. There will be no misunderstanding. There is no need to blame each other, but we should try to know yourself. That is why Buddha says to practice meditation.

Thanarat Watcharapisud (Islam) The Quran was sent (to Man) in Arabic. Since it was written, we are still using the same Arabic language. Surah Yusuf 12:2. “Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’an that you might understand.” “We” (in the ayah) means Allah. The Quran is original text and there is no change or correction. There is only one edition for all. Surah Al-Hijr 15:9. “Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur’an and indeed, We will be its guardian.” Muslims read and memorize the same Quran. The original meaning will never change. Muslims have to be careful when selecting the interpretation of the Quran since there are interpretations from non-Muslims, who translate from Arabic, with misleading words. Because some words have multiple meanings. The Arabic text is the same but the misinterpretation appears in certain copies. Therefore, it is advisable to choose the translation copy provided to you by the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia or consult the Imam in your masjid.

It is evident that scriptures are distinct from other texts and records as they are central and vital to the practice of faith whether you are a Buddhist, Muslim or Christian. The record of teachings in scriptures provide a clear guide to people of faith throughout history; whether to guide oneself to self-reflection or to lead one to the Creator. It is also common to the human condition to interpret things differently and thus leading to disputes because of those differences. However, it is important to have the humility to let go of thoughts when proven untrue and to continue the search for Truth. The accuracy of texts are also important and changes should not be taken lightly.

Lee Eun-sook (Christianity) Prophecy is God’s promise that will come true but the meaning is hidden. One cannot understand the promises before they are fulfilled, and thus there are many different interpretations of the prophecies. Jesus came according to the promises in the Old Testament. He heard and saw the fulfilled prophecies and taught the true will of God.


*Disclaimer: To encourage free speech in an open interfaith dialogue, we have shared minimal information of participating panelists in our dialogues.


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Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

Topic: About Food Located on the West Atlantic coast of Africa, Cote d’ivoire, also known as Ivory Coast, is a Republic with a population of about 26 million. After achieving independence from France in 1960, Cote d’ivoire experienced exceptional economic growth by exporting cacao and coffee for more than 20 years, making it the fourth largest economy in sub-Saharan Africa. As it entered the 21st century, Cote d’ivoire underwent civil wars due to political turmoil for several years. During this period, Cote d’ivoire footballer Didier Drogba’s appeal to his countrymen to cease the civil war even if for a week becomes famous as it was actually realized. In Abidjan, the economic capital of Cote d’ivoire, WARP Office meetings have been held since March 15, 2015 and online meetings have been steadily held since 2017. People in Abidjan’s WARP Office meetings have been actively participating and encouraging each other with brotherly love despite the difficult circumstances from not only the unsteady internet connection but also the recent pandemic situation. From February to May this year, five rounds of discussions were held under the theme of ‘Food as Recorded in Each Scripture’. Food is closely related to our daily lives and are also directly linked to our health. As such, we would like to briefly introduce what kind of teachings each scripture teaches as discussed in the HWPL Cote d’ivoire, Abidjan WARP Office.


What are the types of food are recorded in your scripture?

39th to 43rd

Bhakti Carudesna (ISKCON)

HWPL Cote d'ivoire Abidjan WARP Office

• 3 modes of material actions: ignorance, passion, virtue (BG17:8-10) - When you eat food in the mode of ignorance, it is food that makes you sick and puts your consciousness to sleep, that does not enable you to be lively from the mental point of view. It creates a lot of disaster inthe body. - The food at the level of passion is the food that makes us want to be aggressive, to do violent things etc...

Participants 1

• 3 dimensions of food (physical dimension, metaphysical dimension, mental dimension)



- Now the food of virtue is the food that gives us peace of mind, humility, love of one’s neighbor, etc... Bhagavad Gita chapter 9 verse 26: If one offers to Me with devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit, or even water, I delightfully partake of that article offered with love by My devotee in pure consciousness.



1 Boni Boni / Catholic 2 Bhakti Carudesna / ISKCON 3 Konaté Moussa / Islam 4 Houssain Soumahoro / Islam 5 Nathaniel Nsila / Protestantism


Everything we eat, even if it is salad, fruit or whatever, we must first offer it to the Supreme Being, the creator of everything. Because even if you take an apple that you eat, you are not the creator of the apple, and you have sinned. So first of all, you have to offer everything to the Supreme Lord and this is what we call, Bracham. There is also the food of intelligence, which are mantras, meditation, and food for the consciousness. There is a spiritual dimension we must take into account.


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Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

Konaté Moussa (Islam) In Islam everything starts first with the general criteria of the foods that Muslims should consume. When these criteria are met then we will talk about the conditions as well as the qualities and the different foods that can be consumed by a Muslim. God, Allah said in the Qur’an, “They ask you what is permitted for them. Say, “Permitted for you are all good things, including what trained dogs and falcons catch for you.” You train them according to what God has taught you. So eat from what they catch for you, and pronounce God’s name over it. And fear God. God is Swift in reckoning.”(Quran 5:4) The things that are allowed to the Muslims to consume are the animals: the oxen, the camels, the rams the kids, as well as the poultry: duck, chicken, guinea fowl, as well as the animals which live in the water: sea, lagoons and rivers, etc. (Quran 5:1) As for plants and vegetables and fruits, Muslims are allowed to consume them as long as they do not interfere with health. The foods prohibited in Islam are animals not slaughtered, and the blood that flows from an animal during slaughter or through a wound, as the verse often indicates: “Prohibited for you are carrion, blood, the flesh of swine, and animals dedicated to other than God; Also the flesh of animals strangled, killed violently, killed by a fall, gored to death, mangled by wild animals - except what you rescue, and animals sacrificed on altars; and the practice of drawing lots. For it is immoral.” (Quran 5:3) These are the conditions that must be met.

Nathaniel Nsila (Protestantism) In the Bible, we speak of two types of food. There is food that we eat for our body. This is the food that we put in our mouths and goes into our bellies. It feeds our bodies. And there are foods that appear often in the Bible, such as lamb, bread, manna, wine, milk...

Are there examples of the consequences of eating foods that are allowed and foods that are not allowed? Houssain Soumahoro (Islam) Alcohol (haram – food that should not be eaten) makes you sick and the complexion turns bad. These are the direct consequences.

Nathaniel Nsila (Protestantism) There is the food of God which is the word of God, and in the food of God, there is life within. But there is also the food of Satan, that is, the word of Satan in which there is death. Physically as we said, there is food that can be beneficial, but there can also be food that is harmful. It is the same thing spiritually. It is only with the word of God that one can save the soul and come closer to God. On the other hand, there is the food of Satan, which causes chaos and disorder, and it keeps one away from God. In this food there is death, because it keeps one away from God. Adam and Eve were separated from God, because they followed the word of the Serpent, so they ate the food of Satan. That’s why they faced death. When we read in the book of Job in chapter 34 verse 3, it says, “For the ear tests words as the tongue tastes food.” It is with our ears as we listen to words that we nourish our spirit. But we must be careful what we eat and what feeds our spirit, as it is written in verse 4 “Let us discern for ourselves what is right; let us learn together what is good.” So, just as there is physical food that nourishes our body, there is also spiritual food that nourishes our spirit, we cannot eat everything and anything, so we must discern wisely.

But God, the one who created us in flesh and spirit as we see in the book of Zechariah 12 verse 1, where it says that God formed the spirit of man within him. God is spirit, so the most important thing for him is not the flesh that can disappear, but the spirit that is eternal. For our inner person, our spirit, there is also spiritual food. To take care of our body, we watch what we eat, because there is food that is good for the body and allows us to be healthy, and there is food that is bad for our body and can even cause death. The Bible teaches us that we are made of flesh and spirit but it also teaches us how to take care of our spirit. In the bible we do not only talk about physical food but also about spiritual food. When we look in the book of Amos chapter 8 verse 11, God says that he sends famine, but not the famine of bread and thirst for water, but the hunger and thirst to hear the word of the eternal one. So, the word is food for our minds. Eating God’s word feeds our spirit.

What is the purpose of the Creator to teach about food that is recorded in scripture? Bhakti Carudesna (ISKCON)

The whole purpose is to give peace in the world. We must have peace in our actions, attitude, behavior and also food. Food is also part of activities. If you have food in goodness you have peace in actions, attitude and behavior. Human beings are supposed to be vegetarians. The sickness is caused by eating animals. If the food of intelligence, such as meditation, prayer, mantras, affects our minds, the kind of physical food we eat is also very important because it influences our mind and intelligence.



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Boni Boni (Catholic)

Nathaniel Nsila (Protestantism)

First, man is composed of many entities. There is the flesh and the spirit (or soul). Man is like the meeting of heaven and earth. This is what God did in Genesis chapter 2, for living in this earth, man has to eat. We need to eat to maintain our flesh in life.

In the Bible, it explains the meaning of fasting. There is a deeper meaning in fasting, which goes beyond just (physically) fasting. In the Old Testament, God taught the Israelites about fasting, that’s why they practiced fasting to worship God. In the book of Isaiah chapter 58 in verse 2, it says that the Israelites sought to draw near to God, that’s why they fasted, but it is written that even at the time of fasting, they practiced evil, they argued, quarreled, and quarreled about evil deeds during fasting. How could God recognize this as true fasting? This is why He explains to them what true fasting is, which is pleasing to Him. From Isaiah 58:6-8, God reveals to them that what He wants. “Loosen the chains of wickedness, Loosen the bonds of bondage, and let the oppressed go free, and let them break every yoke....” It means, to free oneself and others from evil, from Satan and from Satan’s hold, his commandments which are disguised as God’s commandments. One must abstain from the food of Satan, which is therefore, the word and the teachings of Satan.

Nathaniel Nsila (Protestantism) What God wants us to understand through food is that there is food that we must eat to live and food that we must not physically eat. Then, spiritually also, there is food that we must eat to live and there is food that we must not eat, otherwise it is the death of the spirit. Jesus or Issa in the Quran, who came according to the prophecies of the Bible revealed what food had to be eaten in order to live eternally with God. In John 8:51, Jesus announces that in order to live eternally, we have to keep his word. He said that He was the bread of life, to eat this bread means to receive the word of Jesus and to believe in it. (John 6:47; the one who believes has eternal life). The food that gives death was given by the Pharisees and Sadducees who taught the false word, the interpreted word, teachings of men who are foolish before God. They came to persecute Jesus, and they gave the word of the Serpent, as we see in Matthew 23:33, where Jesus reveals their identity.

Is there a record about fasting in your scriptures? What is the purpose of fasting and what are the lessons we can learn from it? Bhakti Carudesna (ISKCON) We have specific book called Ekadasi book, the book of fasting. We do not eat anything and we do not drink any water. This is done twice a month. The purpose of fasting is to reduce the demand (desires) for our physical body.From time to time, we have to reduce the demand for our physical body, because our focus of life is not only to eat and sleep. We have a higher purpose than that. The purpose of fasting is to meditate, magnify ourselves, and really understand the mercy of God. As God is spirit, we have to have higher purpose to meet God. The purpose of fasting is to raise ourselves from the material platform to spiritual platform.

Boni Boni (Catholic)

Just as how a good diet and proper eating is required for good nutrition, all of the scriptures as discussed in HWPL Cote d’ivoire, Abidjan WARP Office emphasizes that foods should be discerned and then accepted. Amongst the religions, the types of food that should or should not be eaten, including the reasons for doing so differ. However, it is common to all that food itself proves to be closely related to our connection to the Creator, purpose of religion, salvation and more. In Islam, clear examples of haram (unclean) food that should not be eaten were given in detail, and in the ISKCON tradition, there were not only different levels of food, but also spiritual forms that affects one’s consciousness. Christianity has consistently emphasized that it is more important to distinguish and eat spiritual food than the types of physical foods. Through our discussions, we took a deep look at the different perspectives on food which could shed a new light and lead to a better understanding of the religions. We hope that both the panelists and the audience that attended the HWPL Cote d’ivoire, Abidjan WARP Office meetings will continue to collaborate to create a culture of peace based on a clear understanding of the religions.

When the pastor talked about Deuteronomy 8:3, this word was also used when Jesus was tempted in the desert. The question of the fasting is that it is symbolic. It is a spiritual fight to know if we can go to the Kingdom of God. Men are tempted through the food, the pleasure, luxury... So, fasting works on this point. By fasting, we can cultivate good values (love, respect). So Catholic fasting is to restrain things who make us be far from God. Fasting is to make us experience the paradise on this earth.

*Disclaimer: To encourage free speech in an open interfaith dialogue, we have shared minimal information of participating panelists in our dialogues.



HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

ideologies. More than a hundred youth members from International Peace Youth Group (IPYG), International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG), and Kaash Foundation participated in the online religious peace camp to discuss and learn about the role of religion in achieving peace and oneness in society. The event kicked off with an introduction by the MC and moderators, followed by a speech by Dr. Kamini Gogri, Head of Research in Ancient Scriptures, Eikam Resonance Foundation. Dr Gogri spoke about realizing the importance of religion in one’s life and achieving the purpose of religion based on correct understanding of the origin of dharmas in the right way. “Understanding religion is to understand and realize the thought process evolved through the ages. Morality and living are one and the same thing. To recognize and respect differences is a valuable gift,” said Dr. Gogri. Mr. David Jessuhu, a pastor from the Navigator Ministry in Delhi, enlightened the audiences regarding changing one’s perspectives towards different religions through interfaith dialogue. Pastor Jessuhu promoted the idea of open-mindedness and respect among people towards other religions. “We must stop political and economic power in using religion to prevent them from provoking religious conflicts. We need to understand and respect other religions. In order to prevent religious conflicts and disputes, we must find a solution which is fundamentally based on understanding religion and we need to put it into practice,” said Pastor Jessuhu.

HWPL Organizes the First Ever Online India Youth Peace Camp Amid Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic The first ever HWPL Online India Religious Youth Peace Camp was organized on 5th July 2020 with the topic “Understanding Religion”. Despite of COVID-19 Pandemic situation, youths from various religious backgrounds and ethnicities from different parts of the country joined the online meeting to learn more about the purpose of following a religion and how inter-faith harmony can help solve conflicts caused due to religion. The online event was organized by Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) in collaboration with Kaash Foundation, an NGO based out of Mumbai, which works in the field of religious harmony, healthcare, environment, education and more. HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp is a program developed to overcome religious differences and to spread peace awareness by promoting dialogues and cultural exchanges between religions, transcending races, beliefs, and


During the meeting, the participants were able to learn about the importance of platforms and initiatives such as the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Office Meetings in order to achieve religious harmony through communication and comparison of various scriptures. Ms. Limanaro Ozukum from India WARP Office Team of HWPL, highlighted the importance of religious harmony and how HWPL works for the interfaith harmony through WARP office Meetings. “Every being in this world wants peace. I encourage each of us to support the WARP Office meeting, as it is the greatest network for the worldwide religious institutions and spiritual leaders to show cooperation and solidarity and also spread the message of tolerance, peace and unity to all people around the world,” said Ms. Ozukum. “Let’s cease the world of war and bring global peace together. We are the messengers of peace born with the mission to build a peaceful world,” she further added. Realizing that 80% of wars in the world are caused due to some form of religious misunderstanding, the WARP Office Meetings were established to achieve the most daunting task of achieving religious harmony through comparison study of scriptures with religious leaders and scholars. The meetings are designed to spread the true teachings of each religion down to its followers which will help awaken and enlighten them to work towards a common future of achieving long-lasting peace which every religion in the world teaches. Echoing also the vision of peace, Dr. Avkash Jadhav, Founder Trustee of Kaash Foundation, said, “HWPL is doing a lot in this. They can engage in the constructive process in the activities of peace building. They can identify the rules and become the vital catalyst. They can rise beyond region, country, race, religion and borders, and the call of healing the world. That is what really matters here,” thanking HWPL for its incessant efforts in the area of peace.


HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp

The event was followed by an open Q&A round between the audience and the panelists. Furthermore, the participants also indulged in a fun, placard drawing activity where they showed their determination to be actively involved in peace building activities and shared their learnings from the event.

Youth participants felt that they were able to learn many new things and broaden their viewpoint about different religions, learn more about other religions and cultures, and share their opinions about peace, and, in the end, have a heart to participate in the work of peace directly. One of the participants shared, “I’ve come to learn a lot of difference and yet in a very beautiful manner, after this Webinar my view on our difference has turned into something like a rainbow, yet many colors but shining together beautifully.� The participants showed their eagerness to join the next HWPL Online Religious Youth Peace Camp and determined to work for peace as youth representatives in India.


Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

If you would like to have more information or have any inquiries regarding the HWPL WARP Offices, please contact us at info@hwpl.kr

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