Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) PEACE EDUCATION
Europe Activity Report
Contents Key Activities of the HWPL Peace Education HWPL Peace Education Curriculum Europe Heading Towards Peace and Prosperity Government - Affiliated Organizations
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Cases of Activities Ukraine Armenia Georgia Greece Macedonia, Serbia Croatia Kosovo Romania Germany Poland Slovakia, Netherlands, Czech Republic France
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Key Activities of the HWPL PEACE EDUCATION
Peace Education 554 Schools / Institutions in 88 countries
The standard curriculum is comprised of 12 lessons. In all classes, teachers can develop their own lesson plans or tools freely according to the level and environment of each country and community using the standard curriculum.
Peace Education 1,353 Peace Educators in 46 countries
HWPL appoints local teachers and professors as peace educators and provide training to them regularly.
HWPL Peace Education Development Forum
The Peace Education Development Forum is a platform to share the current status of peace education and various ideas of peace educators around the world.
HWPL Peace Education Curriculum
The standard textbook is composed of 12 lessons, one for teenagers and one for college students.
HWPL Peace Education Curriculum
The standard textbook is composed of 12 lessons, one for teenagers and one for college students.
Europe Heading Towards Peace and Prosperity Peace Education
72 Schools / Institutions in 16countries
Training Peace Educators
42 Educators in 6 countries
Signing MOU / MOA on Peace Education
52 Schools / Institutions in 9 countries
Ukraine Armenia Georgia Greece Macedonia Serbia Croatia Kosovo Romania
Germany Poland Netherlands Slovakia CzechRepublic France Portugal
Poland Ukraine
Germany Czech Germany Republic Slovakia France
Romania Croatia Serbia Kosovo
Georgia Armenia
Macedonia Greece
Government - Affiliated Organizations Signing MOA on Peace Education
The Department for Education, Youth and Sports of Zolochiv City Council, Zolochiv District, Lviv Region
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) PEACE EDUCATION
Cases of Activities
Ukraine Signing MOU on Peace Education : 22 Schools / Institutions
2023 Peace Education / Kniahynynivskyi Lyceum of the Volyn Oblast Council
2023 Peace Education / Kniahynynivskyi Lyceum of the Volyn Oblast Council
Kryzhanovskaya Maria Yevgenivna homeroom teacher / Lutsk Lyceum No. 11 of the Lutsk City Council During the lesson, students discussed the meaning of sacrifice. They thought about the fact that they are happy thanks to the sacrifice made by some people. They gratefully remembered the soldiers who protect us from the Russian aggressor. They came to the conclusion that true sacrifice does not expect any thanks or reward, but is a manifestation of a loving heart, that only altruists are capable of sacrifice. Children were especially impressed by the story of a Korean woman who sacrificed her life for her son. The children were interested in learning about examples of care and sacrifice even among trees and animals.
Maria Ivanovna Ostapovets homeroom teacher / Lutsk Lyceum No. 11 of the Lutsk City Council Students reflected on everything valuable in the world (from material to spiritual aspects), gave their own examples that everything that surrounds us has its own value or role and has the right to exist and be recognized. The children willingly communicated, taking different positions of statements, but reached a common opinion in the conclusion.
Bukhantsova Sofia Petrovnahomeroom / teacher Kniahynynivskyi Lyceum No. 34 of the Lutsk City Council The children concluded : if all people have a positive influence on others and faithfully fulfill their roles and responsibilities, then this world will definitely become a place where peace will reign.
Armenia Signing MOU on Peace Education : 22 Schools / Institutions
2020 A TRIAL CLASS AT 'THE FIRST AVENUE' FOR KIDS / The first avenue language center
think that it is the most important for a person to respect and understand others. In fact, many Armenians Mariam / European Isometimes lack understanding and respect for others. But, after this class, I can learn about the proper manner of sympathy and will apply these values into my life. University
Emma / Yerevan State University
2019 Peace Education / European College
I became interested in peace and international business of HWPL, and I would like to join in this peace effort. In many countries, young people are being sacrificed by the war. I think the reason is lack of awareness and education about peace. I would like to actively support the work of peace, through peaceful activities in this organization.
2019 Peace Education / Yerevan State University
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) PEACE EDUCATION
Georgia Signing MOU on Peace Education : 3 Schools / Institutions Training Peace Educators : 6 Educators
2018 Peace Camp / Georgia Cervantes Gymnasium Aia - Gess
2019 Peace Education / Georgia Cervantes Gymnasium Aia - Gess
Tamar Kordzadze / Georgia Cervantes Gymnasium Aia - Gess
We are in a special time when peace is most needed. The good thing is that we can all contribute to it. All of us have each role in peacemaking. It is not necessary to have special abilities or status. Of course, I learned a lot from HWPL peace project, and thank you so much for that. First I have to learn by myself to be a perfect peace educator and then educate students to be mankind and encouraged the youth to participate in peace - building activities. This is absolutely true that those who have great ability and status are not the only ones who become peace messengers. My quote about peace would be : “Fight for peace and be a peace lover”
2019 Peace Education / Georgia Cervantes Gymnasium Aia - Gess
2021 HWPL Peace Education Training Education
2022 Peace Edcuation / Georgia Cervantes Gymnasium Aia - Gess
Greece Signing MOU on Peace Education : 1 Schools / Institutions
2022 Peace education orientation / 2nd Primary School Mileon - Kalon Neron
Macedonia Signing MOU on Peace Education : 1 Schools / Institutions
2022 Teaching goes on campaign / Partenija Zografski elementary school
2022 Teaching goes on campaign / Milan Petrovic Elementary School
Croatia Signing MOU on Peace Education : 2 Schools / Institutions
2022 Stamp the hand of peace / Ante Starčevića Elementary School
2022 Stamp the hand of peace / Hugo Badalić Elementary School
2022 Peace Photo Exhibition / Hugo Badalić Elementary School
Marina Burzelic / Elementary school dr. Ante Starcevic, Rešetari
2022 Peace Photo Exhibition / Hugo Badalić Elementary School
2022 Making my legacy / Hugo Badalić Elementary School
I think they should receive peace education. Because many of them don’t know what’s peace. So, I think we should educate them to be good person to others, because many of them are not. So, and I would say they should learn about peace because you don’t when will happen bad thing.
2022 Making my legacy / Hugo Badalić Elementary School
Zeljka Gospocic / English teacher / Elementary school dr. Ante Starcevic, Rešetari I think the most valuable thing is tolerance. That this spread to our students to be tolerant to other people, to their cultures, to their religions and everything that is different between us. I also, even though, some students are too young. They don’t really understand the point maybe today they don’t understand why are we talking about peace. What’s that and maybe they don’t really understand it. But I think that we planted the seed into their hearts and as they grow the seed will, I hope it will grow, and they will understand it more and value it more.
Kosovo Training Peace Educators : 6 Educators
Samet Dalipi / Professor / Universum College
Harmony, balance, diversity are the values found in nature that can bring peace to the human world. The reason why HWPL finds the answer to achieve peace in all creation is because HWPL try to find solution for peace for the creation between the heaven and earth, it means solutions between nature and humans, between the disputed countries and finally between the individuals. The world today is interconected, it's difficult to survive without neighbors. Everybody must recognize the values, roles and duty of others, as it functioning during the orchestra performance, where each instrument is important for good and harmony performing. The difference between HWPL peace education and other peace education is peace education training by HWPL analyze the roots of conflicts, practical ways on resolving the disputes, effects of the war and try to restore peace. If peacemaker find the answer on root causes of war the half of job is done.
Hajdi Xhixha / Professor / University of Business and Technology
The lesson 6's main point is Being considerated, it means you show your authority and take respect from other. This feeling give you an inner pace. And when you feel in peace with your self, you share it with others. To be considered and to considerate others. Considerations gives you personal effect. People do sacrifice because they love, without expecting profits. Best example, are parents, they sacrifice everything for the growth of their children. I think society will not be peaceful if there are not forgiveness.
Bajram Fejzullahu / Professor / University of Kadri zeka
The reason why HWPL finds the answer to achieve peace in all creation because of Successful leadership with multiple partners. The difference between HWPL peace education and other peace education you knew through in this training is HWPL extends its activity exactly where it needs to be. Love is needed in order to stop the endless cycle of war and create a world of peace. We have to create peace based on order. Teach for peace should order be based on.
Kyvete Shatri / Professor / University of Prishtina
Harmonious appearance of nature is the standard for sustainable peace that human world should pursue are the values found in nature that can bring peace to the human world. Respect of each other values are efforts our society making to create a harmonious society. The reason why HWPL finds the answer to achieve peace in all creation because the HWPL believe in peace and work for the peace. Every one should fulfill their roles and duties without harming others. Through it, sustainable peace was achieved through the words connectivity, value, role, and duty
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) PEACE EDUCATION
Romania Signing MOU on Peace Education : 19 Schools / Institutions Training Peace Educators : 20 Educators
2020 Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 195(Hamburg)
2021 Graduation Ceremony of Ferdinand 1 school / Scoala Gimnaziala Ferdinand I
2023 Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 2 Tamiasi
2021 Diversity in the Forest / Hedu Natur
2022 Forest ABC–Trees & Gratitude / Hedu Natur
2023 Bund für integrative Bildung(Association for integrative education)
2022 Peace Camp Workshop as part of the excursion to Nuremberg / Waldorfschool Siegenr
2022 Peace Seminar : Peace education implementation possibilities in its diversity / University Fresenius, Munich
Student / Waldorf School Siegen
For me, it's important that we have a positive influence on each other. I woulad rather have no influence at all than influence someone negatively. If I were a vegetable in the class, I would be an onion because onions make a good salad, I would like to be that for the class. Besides, onions have several layers, so do I, you can contribute to a good class climate from different sides.
2023 Bund für integrative Bildung(Association for integrative education)
2023 Group Peace Educator Training Program
Heike Siebel / Teacher / Waldorf School Siegen
It was very impressive to have students speak up about the way they want to influence each other in the classroom, who were otherwise seen as ‘problem kids’.
2023 Law for sustainable Peace – Peace Seminar / University Speyer
Student / International Center for Psychological support Know that when you are in danger, someone will always save you. Love will help you and guide you. I'm dreaming of a school of peace where all can live in freedom.
2021 Overcoming barriers–spreading peace in neighborhood / International Center for Psychological Support
2022 Mental health vs. negative living attitudes / International Center for Psychological Support
Anastasia Dovhan / Vice Chairwoman / International Center for Psychological Support It was really so much nicer than I imagined. I also teach Polish to the same students, it's often restless there and the children are not concentrated. But today was different, I didn't expect that! It's interesting to see how divers you can use peace education
2023 International Center for Psychological Support / Empathy for peace
2023 European Solidarity Corps project : PET : Introduction / Ivančice Leisure Center
2021 HWPL signing MOU / Peace Education Project in Netherlands
Czech Republic Training Peace Educators : 3 Educators
2023 Erasmus+ project : We Are One : Harmony in Diversity / Ivančice Leisure Center
2021 Peace Camp : The way to school / Elementary School at Central Bohemian Region
2022 Mental health vs. negative living attitudes / International Center for Psychological Support
2022 Peace Camp : Lesson 1, Title : Night sky / Elementary school for children with specific needs, Prague
I should and I have to appreciate myself, also the importance of peace in the world in a passive or active Student / From ERASMUS That way as well as the need of diversity and harmony in our planet. Apart from these, I learned about different cultures. + Program
Lenka Lichtenbergová / Deputy Director / Sedlčany Grammar School
2022 Peace Camp : Title : I Am Because We Are / Sedlčany Grammar school
The team (HWPL) guided the students on a beautiful path through the theme “I am, because we are”. The relationship with oneself and the relationship with another person. These are the skills that are being forgotten despite the large number of resources and the flow of different information. The lack of these skills then leads to internal conflicts, but also to much more serious ones. We are glad that we had the opportunity to diversify the teaching for our students in this way, and I believe that we will continue to cooperate and continue with peace education.
2022 Implementation : Lesson 6 Consideration / Elementary School Rakovského
2023 HWPL Czech + Germany, International Online PET (Countries : Czech, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Lithuania, Cyprus) / International Online PET : Introduction
France Signing MOU on Peace Education : 2 Schools / Institutions Training Peace Educators : 5Educators
2022 Peace camp on love and harmony / Edith Busseron elementary school
2022 Peace camp on cooperation / Marcel Cachin primary Leisure center
2022 Peace camp on self estime / Marcel Cachin primary Leisure center
2022 Graduation ceremony for following peace education activities during oen year by students / Roger Salindre Elementary school
2022 Peace camp / Montagnards Leisure Center
2022 Outdoor peace camp / Roger Salindre Elementary school
2022 Escape game on citizenship and nature / INSPE - Paris Sorbonne Lettre
2023 Webinar on cyber bullying / SCHOOLY
After the class, the students showed appreciation for the time spent. They were still very excited and asked if Manon, Lou and June / HWPL staff members were to come back every Thursday. Furthermore, they said they will raise awareness to parents regarding the preservation and the importance of the nature. They realized well that the nature is Roger Salindre Elementary their as precious as they are. Some students came to HWPL staff members at the end of the activity to express their appreciation and gratefulness. Moreover, all the students were very touched by the personal messages they school received and so was the teacher of the gift she received
Nathalie Poulain / Teacher / Elementary School at Versailles
I thanked the lesson because I had never seen diversity, harmony and cooperation addressed in this way. I had never made the connection between those three concepts and even now that I have learned in the lesson it makes sense. I am really looking forward to implementing them in my classroom.
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) PEACE EDUCATION