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Herald By and for the students of Hobart and William Smith Colleges




HWS Prepares for Swine Flu By Tim Hollinger ’11 Opinions Editor There have been no confirmed cases of the H1N1 virus at HWS, but other colleges in the area are fighting the pandemic. On Friday Sept. 11, Cornell University had its first death. Junior Warren Schor, 20, died from complications related to the flu. Cases have been reported at other schools including Ithaca College; a weekly survey by the American College Health Association found influenza-like illness at 72 percent of schools surveyed as of Sept. 4. The flu is being contracted at a rate of about 18 cases per 10,000 college students. Karen Freeman is a Nurse Practitioner at Hubbs Health Center, she says, as of Sept. 10, “No cases have been reported, but they have been testing anyone with a fever and cough.” Already, rumors of infection have flashed across the campus. Hubbs has been swamped with sick students, but apparently that’s nothing new. “Everyone thinks they have it,” says a nurse dropping off paperwork. With a smile Freeman adds, “Initially we do want people to come in, so we can see if it’s on campus.” Once H1N1 is established on campus the health center plans to shut its doors to the infected. Students are expected to stay in

their dormitories to prevent the spread. College students are at high risk for contracting the new strain of the flu since they live in close quarters and congregate frequently. Over the summer, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) worked to ensure colleges were adequately prepared for the impending pandemic. Colleges have set up hand sanitation centers, changed health department procedures, and set up hotlines in anticipation of mass outbreaks. Those under 25 years old have been the most susceptible to the outbreak, and are now among the first in line for the as of yet unavailable vaccinations. With H1N1 already sickening whole dormitories, the primary focus is turning to managing the outbreak, not stopping it. Freeman says that although colleges are at high risk, HWS is not taking abnormal or extraordinary measures beyond the CDC’s recommendations; “for most, the spread is more of a threat then the severity,” says Freeman. Gannett Clinic at Cornell University has seen or spoken with more than 550 students with influenza-like illness in the past two weeks. Reports vary

Photo courtesy of: http://s673.photobucket.com/albums/vv95/CornellWatch/

A statue of Cornell University co-founder, Andrew Dickson White, wearing a face mask. A Cornell student recently died from complications of the H1N1 virus.

Students Hold the Key to Relations Between Geneva and HWS By Gregory D. Avery ’92 Geneva Resident

By Carolyn Pluchino ’10 Herald Contributor

To the Editor: Here we go again. I wrote a letter similar to this about 1 ½ years ago, except at that time I defended Hobart and William Smith students as not being responsible for damage done to my

toward campus, on the sidewalk outside my apartment house, purposely and calculatingly throw pizza on my car windshield, laugh about it, and go on their way. I am not biased against Hobart and William Smith students. I myself am a Hobart alum. If memory serves me correctly, my friends and I did not partake in such behavior when I attended Hobart, so I am taken aback that any student would actually believe that it is acceptable to perform acts of vandalism. It could Photo courtesy of: http://farm4.static.flickr.com have been any vehicle parked along South Main random person who threw pizza on Street, because it occurred during my car, but this time I actually saw December when the students were who did it, and I am thoroughly on their winter break. disgusted with you, and I am sorry However, it is 2 a.m., end of that you have to be the few bad August, and I just witnessed from apples who tarnish the Colleges’ my second floor apartment window name. a Hobart student and a William Granted, having food thrown Smith student walking south, on my car is not as serious as the

Do you ever wonder why you never really see Geneva residents on campus? Well, I recently found out in a letter written by Gregory Avery to the editor of the Finger Lake Times. I was thoroughly taken aback by the actions displayed by Hobart and William Smith students. In my four years at HWS, I did not realize that people could conduct themselves in such a way as to blemish our respected reputation. However, some of the actions that have been shown by a few people have caused tensions to flare up between members of the Geneva community and Hobart and William Smith Colleges. Unfortunately, some people in the community only see the harmful activities by a

few HWS students rather than the accomplishments that many students have achieved. When you walk down the street after a night of drinking and vandalize people’s property, understand that

Photo courtesy of: http://farm4.static.flickr.com

you’re leaving a severely negative impression, which reflects upon the entire student body. I encourage people to realize that although we go to HWS, we are still guests within a larger community- a community that needs to be shown courtesy and respect.

Campus Happenings




E c ho & P ine Unfinished

Kanye We s t - H e a r t l e s s

T hought s on H i s t or y

Herons W in Big

HW S Lo s es J umpstar t

Inglori ous Ba s t e r ds

Your F ut ur e Won’ t Wa i t

S t at e s m e n O ve r C ar d i n al s

S t u d ents C riticize Hubbs

Bes t of Bl ogs

I nc onv e ni e nt Workpl a c e

U p co m i n g G am e s

H ija bi Girl

Upcomin g Smi t h E v e nt s

H e ra l d Cl a s s i c

Z u m b a R e vi e w



The Herald

Established 1879 By and for the Students of Hobart and William Smith Colleges Belinda Littlefield, Editor-in-Chief Karissa Seeberger, Managing Editor Rebecca Dennee, Campus Happenings Editor Tim Hollinger, Opinions Editor Erin Meehan, A&E Editor Carrie Stevens, Sports Editor Amy Nimon, Photography Editor Jennifer Hollander, Advertising Editor Contributors Carly Cummings Rebecca Dennee Alex MacDonald Ben Shabot Jennifer Hollander Carolyn Pluchino Taylor Weber Tim Hollinger Shamima Rahman

Hannah Semaya Carrie Stevens Julie Boardman-Brann Caley Goldblatt Karissa Seeberger Annica Crouse Melissa Warner Rachel Place

Distribution Grace Lyttle Belinda Littlefield

Layout Belinda Littlefield Rebecca Dennee Alexandra Montane

Submission Guidelines The Herald is currently accepting submissions for our upcoming issue. The deadline for this issue is Monday at 5 pm. Must include the: 1. Name and Class Year 2. Individual phone number or e-mail 3. Articles must be between 250-700 words E-mail submissions must be made via file attachment. Please send it as a .doc file. If criteria are not met, the Herald may not be able to print the submission.

Echo & Pine Behind Schedule By Taylor Weber ’13 Herald Contributor Probably one of the hardest tasks to accomplish is putting together a college yearbook. There are so many choices to make with so little time. What should the cover look like? How many pages? Should the book be black and white or color? Though these questions seem simple enough, they truly are difficult to answer. The job calls for late night hours, multitasking, and the patience of a saint. Murphy’s Law applies directly to being a yearbook editor; anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Some nights, the layout software won’t work or the printer will show inadequate messages that mess with your head. Worst of all is when you accidently hit the power button on the computer and all of your hard work goes down the drain. Being a yearbook editor is by far one of the most mind-draining positions to hold on campus, and those who are editors should earn great respect for being able to operate and successfully publish a yearbook. The two current editors of the Echo & Pine yearbook, Meredith Ciaccia and Franchessca Branlund, plan accordingly to finish the latest yearbook. The only problem is that the book is already pastdue. The book should have been finished months ago, and due to unavoidable problems, it has set the book’s closing date back a few months. Meredith, who was present during the yearbook’s first meeting, allowed me to interview her. She explained the whole story about why the yearbook was behind schedule.

Meredith said that the main problem was that two of the three former editors went abroad, unintentionally leaving one editor in charge of the entire book. This was the main problem that the staff had encountered, but Meredith says not to worry because the book is progressing quickly. The main goal right now is to finish the book so that seniors can receive it in a timely manner. She then told the Herald about future plans for the yearbook. She wants to focus on main aspects of the book such as quality and price; specifically, she hopes to produce a less expensive book with better quality. One last aspect that Meredith wants to focus on is student choice. She feels that the yearbook should have more underclassmen in it rather than a book that is mostly senior oriented. The staff strives towards a rebirth of the yearbook and is ready to take on any challenge given to them. Hopefully, with the steady decline of this recession, more students and alumni will be able to purchase yearbooks and take an ad out in the last few pages of the book. Meredith, Franchessca, and the 2009-2010 Echo & Pine yearbook staff look forward to producing a masterpiece. They hope for a smooth transition from the 2009 to the 2010 yearbook and plan for a great year. Get involved, get into many pictures, and have some fun. Follow these three commands and you might see your face in the yearbook.

AVERY LETTER continued from Page 1 damage that was done to my vehicle in the past, however, I don’t appreciate anyone tampering with my property in any manner—whether it be my car on the street or my mailbox on the side of my house. Do I really need to state that? It seems like a given to me. I’m sure others living on South Main Street would agree. To the Hobart and William Smith students who travel by foot on South Main Street after a night downtown: You have only been back in Geneva a little less than one week and we have the entire school year ahead of us. Please remember that while you live in Geneva, you are guests of the City. You have the same rights and privileges as those of us who live here year round, but do not take

advantage of your welcome, and understand that you are responsible to show proper conduct, even if you’ve been downtown and had too much to drink. Please show respect toward those who live along South Main Street (and in the city as a whole). Don’t destroy items in people’s yards and don’t tamper with the cars parked in front of the buildings. For many of us living on South Main Street, that is the only place we have to park our cars. I hope faculty and administration at the Colleges will take a few moments to remind students of their responsibilities, as adults, to conduct themselves in a manner that is befitting to the image that the Colleges wish to exemplify.

PLUCHINO continued from Page 1 I hope that people read the article and feel just as disgusted as I did when I first read it. Although some students may wonder about the accuracy of the man’s perception on whether or not it truly was an HWS student who smashed pizza on his car, the fact remains that this is the perception that the majority of the Geneva community have about

HWS and we need to change it. In order to start the process, I encourage everyone to think about this article and the actions you can take in order to prevent these types of destructive acts. If anyone wants to help in a Campaign to gain more students awareness of this issue, let me know!

SWINE FLU continued from Page 1 on whether Schor, whose death has students asking questions and taking the flu’s dangers seriously, is the only student to be hospitalized. The Gannett Health Center has made hand sanitizer available in a number of places on campus and university officials say battling the flu is a priority. No policies have been changed as a result of Schor’s death. At HWS, where the flu has yet to hit, students, faculty and staff who exhibit flu symptoms are being urged to self-isolate, and are being told to stay in isolation for at least 24 hours after their fever has gone. Freeman clasps her hands tightly while talking, “We can’t predict if the vaccine will be get here in time, it probably won’t,” she says. All across America, colleges have been launching efforts to minimize the impact of the virus. Two residential halls are empty at Amherst College in Massachusetts. The school plans to fill them with infected students from area colleges when the flu hits. Other schools are using gymnasiums, unused sorority houses, and other

buildings that to tend to be nonresidential. At Mount Holyoke College, students who are infected will be sent home in a private car if they live within 250 miles, others will be isolated on campus. HWS has set up a website accessible through the Hubbs site detailing the Colleges plans in the event of an outbreak. The site tells students to create flu kits, wash their hands, and not to share personal items. According to the site, “Students, faculty and staff who develop an influenza-like illness should self-isolate by staying home or remaining in their residence hall room for at least 24 hours after their fever is gone except to seek medical care or obtain other necessities.” The site further states that the CDC hasn’t recommended canceling classes or large gatherings, and offers ideas for professors to teach their classes from home. Already, infected adjuncts from Cornell have hosted their classes over Skype.

HWS Is Goin’ to the Dogs By Jennifer Hollander ’10 Advertising Editor

Chicha McKinney Chicha, how old are you and what breed are you? I am about 10 years young and I am a Chow Chow/German Shepherd mix. What is your favorite toy? My squeaky hedgehog toy! It squeaks!

What are your favorite activities? Lately, sleeping; my arthritis gives me trouble so I like relaxing. So, what do your parents do here at HWS? Both Mommy and Daddy teach Economics. Can you tell us anything about those two subjects? Uh…more is better? Especially treats. Any other important facts readers should know? People don’t always know I’m here so I wish they’d pet me.



Campus Happenings HWS Jumpstart William Smith Congress Update Sites Lose Funding By Caley Goldblatt ‘13 Herald Contributor

By Jennifer Hollander ’10 Advertising Editor This week’s meeting began with the discussion of the upcoming William Smith Field Days. This event will likely be a one-day event on the quad. Events that have been proposed to occur include a relay race, potato sack race, the three-legged race, face painting, bocce ball, the human knot, and water balloons. M a n y more events have been suggested and even more are welcomed. To suggest an idea, one may attend a William Smith Congress meeting or email wscongress@hws.edu. Next week, the date of the event will be finalized. Elections for in-house Committees also occurred this week. All of the Committees had people running for them; any person that ran gave a quick speech on why she would be a good candidate for a certain Committee. The Committees that were filled were: Committee on Academic Affairs, Committee on Standards, Food Services, Campus Services, Sexual Harassment

and Grievance, and Honors Committee. A secretary for the Budget Allocations Committee was also elected. Congress hopes these women will serve their College with pride and use their positions as a way to help the students administrative personnel. T h e new 2009-10 committee representatives are as follows: Julia Hoyle for the Committee on Academic Affairs; Neala Havener, with alternate Sarah Wilson for the Committee on Standards; Neala Havener and Julia Hoyle, with alternate Jennifer Hollander for the Sexual Harassment and Grievance Board. Loren Marshall, with alternate Hazel Morales, will serve on the Honors Committee. Casey Sherwin, and since there was a tie for alternate, both Krissy Stoner and Sarah Cifaratta will serve in this capacity on the Campus Services Committee. Finally, Mamme Daley, Sarah Wilson and Renee Jenson, with alternate Bianne Ellis will serve on the Food Services Committee.

Since 2002, the HWS chapter of Jumpstart has been an outlet for community engagement and service. After seven years, Jumpstart has unfortunately closed, and is no longer offering its’ services to the Geneva c o m m u n i t y. The Colleges have hosted the Jumpstart program w h e r e students provide a one on one tutoring for children in three different child establishments throughout Geneva. Jumpstart is a program that pairs college students and community volunteers with preschool aged children. This is a year long relationship by which a college student helps to “cultivate a child’s social, emotional and intellectual readiness,” according to Jumpstart’s website. HWS was the first small liberal arts school to have a Jumpstart chapter. The Center for Community Engagement and Community Service (CCESL) has been behind the success of

Jumpstart; unfortunately, due to lack of funds, the program was cut this year. Two other jumpstart

Photo Courtesy Of: http://jumpstartwest.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/cm-and-child-painting.jpg

programs in western New York have also closed due to financial restraints of the Jumpstart cooperation. There are still six programs currently operating in New York State, all at large universities in the New York City area. In total, 16 out of 70 Jumpstart programs were cut all around the United States. This program reached out to 168 children in Geneva alone, and deeply impacted them as well as their families. Although the community will no doubt feel the loss of Jumpstart, the impact on the Geneva community and the children will remain.

Students Criticize Hubbs’ New System By Karissa Seeberger ’10 Managing Editor The recently installed appointment-only system at Hubbs has been a source of inconvenience and outrage for students who have found it nearly impossible to get in to their own health center. “Hubbs is supposed to be accessible to students, and I felt like I was imposing myself, as if I was a hassle to them. Aside from that, I don’t want to announce to a whole waiting room of football players that I need to refill my birth control,” mentioned a displeased William Smith sophomore, regarding the new appointment-only Hubbs Health Center. The change has been both trial and error, mostly error, according to the students who have encountered flaws in the appointment system. In theory, it seems like an appropriate change from the sporadic walk-in style of the previous years; however

Susan Daykin Mixed Media Painting Exhibit @ Houghton House until Oct. 14th

Herald Meetings: Tuesdays @ 7pm in the Creedon Room or Submit to: herald@hws.edu

Live HWS s, n, Tue

Mo Meets @ Barn Thur @ 8pm

it has been proven ineffective in the seems to be that students are not treatment of busy students who are receiving the medical attention finding it very difficult to get an that they need when they need it. appointment, and essentially not Now, if they even get a phone call worthwhile. back from Hubbs after talking to By the time they can get into an answering machine to make an the Health Center appointment, it they may have It is not the time to put will fall into the off medical treatment category of either already recovered from whatever “general illness” as the weather is was ailing them or “urgent getting colder and in the first place. appointment”. swine flu and other It is not the time Stating a to put off medical illnesses are an ever- medical concern treatment as to any machine present concern. the weather is is certainly not getting colder and swine flu and reassuring to a sick student on a very other illnesses are an ever-present tight time schedule. Allie Andrews, concern. a William Smith sophomore, stated, It is understandable that they “I don’t like it; it’s a college campus wanted to put an end to the rushes of so we should have the freedom to students at certain times of the day just walk-in.” Many students long to use their time more efficiently, for the Hubbs of last year and would however, the general consensus now happily and willingly wait

Upcoming Events Friday 9/18 n @ Scandling - 12:00pm Voter Registratio “Up” @ the Quad vie Mo In veDri B - 8:00pm CA Saturday 9/19 p Series to Niagara Falls - 10:00am HWS Road Tri S Guitar Day - 12:00pm 3rd Annual HW t Holly Brook @ Vandervor - 8:00pm Singer/Songwritr Sunday 9/20 p Series to Darien Lake - 11:00am HWS Road Tri Sundaes @ Scandling - 2:00pm CAB Ice Cream Tuesday 9/22 200 Peace Corps @ Merritt - 7:00pm Pizza with the Wednesday 9/23 ture: Graciela - 7:30pm Fisher Center Lec lo Vieta @ Geneva Room Monteagudo and Marce Thursday 9/24 ormational Panel - 6:00pm Peace Corps Inf @ Scandling Cafe Mic en Op B CA - 9:00pm

patiently in the waiting room for a walk-in appointment. Going off campus for most students is not an option and nearly impossible to fit into their hectic schedules, not to mention there would most likely be additional costs for getting outside medical treatment. Seeking outside treatment would defeat the purpose of having our own private health center on campus, which is to provide students with that service so that is one less concern they have to focus their attentions on. The majority of students, only three weeks into the semester, are already sick and tired of the appointment-only system. The system needs to be improved so that students can actually take advantage of it or they should go back to the old ways of the simple walk-in.



Campus Happenings Hijabi Girl

‘You Lie’ Fallout

By Shamima Rahman ’13 Herald Contributor

By Alex MacDonald ’10 Herald Contributor On Tuesday, Sept. the suggested 50 million 15, the U.S. House of Americans who have no Representatives voted on healthcare (or access to an official reprimand for it), to the rumored “death Congressman Joe Wilson panels.” (R-South Carolina) for With the his criticism of President challenge he issued to Obama’s speech to a President Obama, it has joint meeting of the been suggested that Congress and House of Representative Joe Wilson

It was only just a few weeks ago that I the sexes, and more a unified understanding sat in Saga’s Blue Room eating the repeated and awareness of what women before and meal of salad, Mac and Cheese with a glass today have to endure. Within the context of Pepsi - truly reminiscing about the Halal of today’s world where Islam is perceived home-cooked meals I once enjoyed in the as a threat to Western Culture, it has been city. Having spent five intense weeks in especially difficult to be a Muslim, let alone Hale Hall with fellow Opportunity Program wear a Hijab, which I like to call “the big students in the Summer Institute Program, neon sign” signifying that I am Muslim and the campus became very familiar. This was quite possibly oppressed. The mere fact our mini preview to college life, to HWS; that I am here can prove to you that I’m and yes, I was terrified. The time I spent surely not oppressed; however as I provide here in the summer was both enlightening this defense (as I have countless other and mysterious. The campus for the most times), I cannot help but think: aren’t we all part was vacant and we were forced to stick oppressed in some form or manner? within our small group of 30. Sitting in the first Women’s Collective While I was in awe of the beautiful meeting made me realize that sexism and lake and the thought-provoking classes, oppression of women still exist. However, I felt confused and this is not to deny that apprehensive about many Muslim women Yet if the forces of the my future. People oppressed in some people around you can are already warned us parts of the world. It compel you enough to of the culture shock is true for them, as it we would face here change who you are, then is true anywhere else. at HWS, a world But as I learned in perhaps the belief was unlike the one we my Gender and Islam left back in the city. not strong enough in the class, Muslim nations Yet, what those five are light years away first place. weeks showed me from the progress that was that, either way, I the West has made. would have to adjust for I was the minority The traditional culture still runs deep in amongst minorities. I’m neither white nor their hearts and minds. Knowing this reality black nor Hispanic; I am Bengali. I am has given me the desire and inspiration to neither Christian nor Jewish; I am Muslim. dispel the misconceptions, but also to strive However, the culture in which I grew up to change the bitter truth. could not be far from what most students My hope is that in my time here here experienced. at HWS, I can help pave the way for I was born and raised here and Muslim women and all women in general consider myself an American, but this has to step beyond stereotypes and societal not been the opinion of certain people in expectations. In my coming here I heard this country. Yet, I look at my being here this line a bit too much, “Don’t go and take at HWS as my attempt at the American your scarf off,” as if college life would taint Dream, which I feel has lost its sense of me that much. It was such thoughts that hope and motivation. Never in a million held back many Muslim women several years would I have thought that I’d find years older than me from going away to myself in of all places Geneva, New York, college. but as I walk up the steep hill to Miller, I am Yet if the forces of the people around reminded of the establishment of William you can compel you enough to change who Smith College and the women who attended you are, then perhaps the belief was not here at a time when women did not have strong enough in the first place. I did not access to education. During the application suddenly feel the desire to wear the Hijab. process I did not know much about the Just like everything else in life, it took time. coordinate system and how being a William Everyday I still wonder what it would be Smith student would work in relation to the like if I didn’t wear the scarf. Would I still Hobart students. be the same person? Would it be better or However, in these past few weeks worse? But this is who I am, and I cannot what I have seen is less a division amongst see it another way.

Photo courtesy of: http://www.foxnews.com

Representatives last week. For those who are unaware, Joe Wilson took the opportunity to shout out “you lie!” in response to Obama’s statement that H.R. 3200 (the America’s Affordable Health Care Bill) would not cover illegal immigrants. By doing this, not only did he disrupt the president’s speech, but managed to anger many individuals in the chamber. Since then, a heated debate over House decorum and whether Rep. Joe Wilson deserves punishment. One thing that may be asked is “why is this important?” Unfortunately, H.R. 3200 has been a challenging bill to pass as it deals with a complete overhaul of the healthcare system in the United States. With this, strong arguments have been raised both, in support and in opposition to the bill ranging from

managed to rally supporters of the bill. The symbolism shown by reprimanding Joe Wilson (a vote that passed largely along party lines 240 to 179) may show the tipping point at which the Democrats are joining together to push the bill through. Unfortunately, all bills that are not passed through bipartisanship are difficult due to how the disenfranchised feel about them. Obama has worked hard to gain a bipartisan approach to the healthcare reform, but Republican support has been limited. Joe Wilson’s call of “you lie” to the president may have damaged hopes at creating bipartisanism. This does not however suggest that the bill has been damaged, if anything, Joe Wilson may have merely provided fuel for supporters to make this a purely partisan, Democratic bill.

Joe Ambrosetti: The Man Behind the Emails By Melissa Warner ’12 Herald Contributor Unless you’re a first year or an upperclassman who ignores his or her HWS email account, you should know who Joe Ambrosetti is. Last year, he sent out lots of emails regarding important internship opportunities and other career services events. This year, you may have noticed that his name isn’t popping up in your inbox as much as you remember. Don’t worry, it’s not because he doesn’t care anymore. “I now have it so that the students will not see my name (on the emails) anymore but the office of Career Services,” Ambrosetti informed the Herald. That means that all those emails that you were used to receiving from Joe Ambrosetti are still coming, but now they’re coming directly from the Career Services email account. As Associate Director of Employer Relations here at HWS, Ambrosetti is a busy man. “I am responsible for networking with alums, parents, and employers around the globe as it relates to jobs and internships for our students,” he told the Herald. His typical day at HWS begins with a half an hour of reading and responding to emails from

internal and external customers. Then he has six hours of student appointments (in total about ten appointments per day), and ending with a final half an hour of responding to emails again. However, that doesn’t mean he does everything alone. He stressed to the Herald throughout the interview that helping all these students is really a team effort. “It’s a team formula, the student has to show up and do their homework too,” he said. That means taking the responsibility to learn how to interview and taking the advice of not just Ambrosetti but of all his colleagues in Career Services as well. Ambrosetti reminded the Herald that the department of Career Services is full of wonderful, dedicated people who want to help all of the students on campus. Therefore, you should definitely come to see him (or his colleagues) and hopefully have some sort of resume put together when you do. “I help everybody, regardless of what they have for prerequisite. We take care of all our customers; but at the end of the day, we do have a process which should start with our Pathways program where they should get counseling to

figure out what they’d like to do. And they need to validate that, so when a student comes to me, they should have a resume ready to go so we can engage them with alums to network,” said Ambrosetti. All that work is worth it in the end, of course. When asked what the best part of his job is, Ambrosetti immediately said, “Outcomes. When I can help a student get an internship at Christie’s Auction House, or Random House, or Merrill Lynch, that’s the pleasure in the job.”

Since he sees so many students, Ambrosetti really loves being a part of the HWS community. He commented on

how great it has been for him to see students he knows when he walks around campus. He was glad to give a bit of guidance to all the students here, advising us to, “Make sure that you engage Career Services no matter what you think you’d like to do or not like to do after graduation, just to explore opportunities for career paths. Be an engaged citizen with community service and if you can afford and have the time to go abroad, I would take advantage of an abroad program.” So to all those students around campus who have complained about the amount of emails they have received from Joe Ambrosetti (“But I’m not a political science major! Why am I getting these emails!?”), here’s some advice. Take a deep breath and remember that he wants only the best for HWS students. He and all of his colleagues at Career Services do a great job helping students find internship and job opportunities out there in the world. So please, don’t just delete the emails—read them!



Opinions Some Thoughts Herald Classic

Concerning History By Ben Shabot ’10 Herald Contributor “History is more than just a litany of dates, places, and major world events. It is a comprehensive exploration of the past that allows for an enriched understanding of humanity’s present and future.” This is the definition of history provided by the HWS History Department, and rightly so, for the importance of history lay not solely in understanding the past, but in understanding the forces that created the present and the trends that are likely to follow from it. Why is it then that HWS offers such a limited study of the world? HWS needs to expand its history program to include the Arab world. There are 73 history classes listed on the course catalogue. From those 73 there are only two on the Middle East. This is completely inadequate. American foreign policy in the twenty first century is dominated in large part by problems in the Middle East. If HWS students are indeed global citizens (the constant convocation propoganda has convinced me that I am) how are we going to solve international problems, many of which will come from the Middle East, if our knowledge of their history is so limited? Do we really need to learn the differences between Shiite, Sunni, and Kurd after a disastrous Second Gulf War? Did we have to push elections in the Gaza Strip when we could have looked at Algeria’s failed elections in the early 90s? I certainly hope America’s future leaders, many of whom will be HWS alumi, are better informed than their foolish cold war footed predecessors. The history of all peoples are important, but consoldations must be made at a liberal arts college where only a few courses can be taught. Is a 100 level history

course titled Food Systems in History more important than introducing students to how the Arab World was shaped in the twentieth century? Does the history department really need to tackle Faulkner in History, can’t the English department handle that one? Dare I attack the queen herself, European history? Europe is holy to American historians because she played such an important role in shaping America. Most Americans are of European decsent, and many American events were directly impacted by the experiences of Europeans. Even the ideals of our country are based on Europe. Historians often argue that American morality was shaped by Puritans in England, and that our laws were based on European philsophers in the enlightenement. We can even learn a thing or two about unviersal heatlhcare from the European experience. For those reasons, Europe still needs to be studied. But it should not be obsessed with. The cold war is over. The battlefields of tomorrow are not Berlin and Paris, but Riyadha and Khartoum. Instead of the reniassance in Europe students should learn about the reniassance in Arabia that was brutally ended by the Mongols in the thirteenth century. I am not calling for radical change, but for a refocusing of history. This needs to be done to get us out of a coldwar mentality that focuses too much on Europe, and leaves us vulenerable in understanding an important area of the world. HWS needs to offer more courses on the Arabic world, because history will repeat itself there too and I fear the consequences may be bloody.

By Michael Fidlow & Patricia Jubb Written: Jan. 17, 1958 “The Herald” is intended to accurately reflect a general picture of the activities of which our campus community is concerned. But, more than that, it is intended to carry an impression of the college mind— how it concerns itself with campus activities, how it reacts to events of local, national, international scope. While past “Heralds” have, at times, faithfully reported the going-on of students at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, we have felt an unfortunate isolation of the student from life in “the outside world”; the “Herald,” published representative of the student, has not showed a relationship between us and the rest of civilization. We are all working toward one day carrying a great deal of weight in the world of Eisenhowers, General Motors, and Explorers; in the meantime, we hold our own opinions, and what better place to extol them, than in the pages of our college newspaper? The editorial staff is composed of your representatives, and can better reflect your opinions when you let your opinions be known. Speak with us, give us your suggestions, and fill our pages with letters. We, as the editors of your newspaper, want to see you gain a closer relation with, a better understanding of, your society. Give us your assistance, in ideas and opinions, and we’ll accomplish the task.

Become a Big Brother or Big Sister to A Child in the Geneva Community

Information Session: Sept. 23, 2009 @ 6:00 p.m. Trinity 305

Don’t Wait, Your Future Won’t

An Inconvenient Workplace

By Carly Cummings ’10 Herald Contributor

By Annica Crouse ’10 Herald Contributor

Most of you were probably more off that they never figured it out and than happy, like I was, to go to a liberal are now stuck doing something they arts college where the requirements are always said the would “never in a million low and the focus on exploration is high. years” do. People need to stop telling us This was perfect for me, I had no idea that it’s okay to be absolutely confused what to do with my life and here were a about what to do and just start helping bunch of people telling us figure it out me that it was okay to Please future generations, instead. feel that way. I know I’d don’t be like me, don’t In fact they were actually hate my urging me to take bum around thinking that parents for it, all sorts of different it will all come to you one but sometimes classes before day and that you’ll easily I’d dream that I buckling down on my was raised always major. As a result I be off to grad school and knowing I was took Anthropology, on your way to a great job going to Yale to C h e m i s t r y , in no time. FIGURE IT become a doctor. Psychology, and Right now I could OUT… NOW! Environmental be on my way to Science on top of my saving the world, I current majors Studio Art and English. I could be using this brain for something, explored, I eliminated, and I finally but instead I’m looking at living in serious declared majors only when it came to debt with a job at Denny’s because I crunch time. So here I am, a senior, never figured it all out. excellent GPA, double majors, plenty of Please future generations, don’t extracurricular activities... be like me, don’t bum around thinking Well guess what? that it will all come to you one day and I still don’t know what I want to do. that you’ll easily be off to grad school I am nearly as lost as I was coming into and on your way to a great job in no time. this school. I have people surrounding FIGURE IT OUT… NOW! me who are taking the GRE’s, LSAT’s, Sure, take a variety of courses getting recommendations together, first year, maybe second, but then get and filling out applications for jobs and it together immediately if not sooner. graduate schools, and where am I? Don’t pick a major just because you Trying to figure out if I want to go to have to and then think everything will graduate school at all, and if so what for, work itself out. Instead decide, will it be and where, all in the matter of a month graduate school or a job? In what field? or two. WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN? Where? Please underclassmen, don’t let Trust me, as a person who doesn’t those people who ask you “what are you want to waste this atrociously expensive doing with your life?” respond to your GPA her parents paid for, but is utterly “No clue” with a “Me neither and I’m 45! lost; know what you want to do after Hahahahahaha.” They are bullshitting college, you’ll save yourself a lot of pain you, either they have a job that they senior year. went to school for, or they are pissed

would be helpful to the staff and make the cafe run with higher efficiency. The old cafe, with one kitchen and very little space for food preparation Kevin Colton/Photographer and storage, was highly Along with many inconvenient to serve the improvements to Hobart and large student body that William Smith’s Scandling filtered through it each day. Center, the new Cafe expansion has become a A new cafe was necessary to major part of the lives of many accommodate the growing students. As a student with student body. In many ways, an erratic schedule I have these needs have been met. The new cafe design come to love the quick grabis more spacious, brighter, and and-go nature of cafe food in serves meals made to order comparison to the trays and as well as quick snacks for lines of Saga, but there are a on-the-go. The same classic few qualities of the old cafe dishes from the old cafe that I often miss. remain, integrated with new Although the new favorites such as submarine cafe is an improvement, there are a few aspects of its design sandwiches and Mexican that make me miss the old cuisine. The weekend hours cafe. The entrances on either have even been extended to side of the cafe make the area cater to students’ needs after more open, but also make it Saga closes for the night. A l t h o u g h difficult for the cashier to improvements to any system tell if you have paid for your can always be made, the new purchases. It also seems as if cafe has benefited many more the space behind the counter students this past year than is too small for the amount the old cafe could have hoped of food preparation that is necessary for a popular venue. too. Larger sinks and counters



Arts and Entertainment

Japanese Drumming Troupe to Perform at The Smith By Caitlin Lugar ’10 Herald Contributor

Upcoming Events at Smith Opera House Friday, September 25, 2009 Live: The Smith Opera House presents: RUSTED ROOT 8:00 pm $23 + $2 facility fee Rusted Root has sold more than 3 million albums worldwide. Formed in Pittsburgh by singer/ guitarist Glabicki in the early ‘90s, Rusted Root’s worldly style quickly charmed fans of roots music and world rock. After debuting in 1992 with the self released Cruel Sun, Rusted Root signed with Mercury Records and released the 1994 platinum selling breakthrough When I Woke, which featured the hit songs

Send Me On My Way, Ecstasy and Martyr. Not long after, the band scored on tours with Toad the Wet Sprocket, Santana, The Grateful Dead, Dave Matthews Band, The Allman Brothers Band, HORDE Festival and, perhaps most notably, the highly coveted support role on the landmark Jimmy Page/Robert Plant reunion tour. Also presenting guest artist "The Kin".

Kevin Colton/Photographer

On Tuesday, September 15, 2009, the new Scandling Patio hosted a demonstration by the Japanese Taiko Drumming Troupe, Sen and Hibiki. The troupe was giving a small hour-long demonstration in the afternoon in order to promote their upcoming performance at the Smith Opera House. Prof. Kyoko Ishida Klaus [Ishida-sensei] will be joining the troupe in their performance as a resident Taiko drum player. The Opera House will be housing the performance on Friday evening at 7:30. Tickets are five dollars with student ID. This is their only performance in town, because they will be moving on the finish their Upstate New York tour in Rochester. One thing to be noticed about Taiko drums and performances is the strength and empowering rhythm that emanates forward and reverberating within. Drums, for the longest time, have been affiliated with a heartbeat, and the Taiko drums took control of that heartbeat and energized it. The troupe members, as well as the active audience, were full of movement and power with the beat of the drums. Their remarkable techniques and control over the music really filled the audience with

some sort of energy, which is not easy to obtain. The patio demonstration collected a moderate crowd as some classes and lunching students gathered to watch. The two special performers, one who was blind and the other developmentally disabled, wowed the audience with impressive drumming skills and rhythmical singing. Onlookers even got to participate by clapping along and cheering on the drummers. The demonstration consisted of 2 traditional songs and a few improvisations. One improvisation was for the resident Tibetan monk, Prof. Tenzen, where the performer sung in a Tibetan singing style. Even some professors’ children got to participate with some playtime on the Taiko drums. Then, before departing, some of the Japanese students got a few moments to practice their Japanese with the troupe, who are Tokyo natives. Some of the members of the troupe were very surprised and excited to find out that there were so many students that were so eager to speak to them in Japanese. The demonstration was an exciting promise for what is to come on Friday!

Photo courtesy of: www.marqueemag.com

A Spirited Review The Original Drink of the Week Since 2006

Flaming Blue Jesus WWJD: What would Jesus do? Scale ingredients to servings: 1 oz Bacardi® 151 rum 1/2 oz peppermint schnapps 1/2 oz Southern Comfort® peach liqueur 1/2 oz 1800® Tequila Layer with 151 proof rum on top. Light on fire - burn for 5 seconds - blow it out and drink.

Kanye West - Heartless By Rachel Place ’12 Herald Contributor

Photo courtesy of: www.theage.com

Kanye West should reserve his verbal diarrhea for auto-tune. For those of you who did not spend Sunday evening watching MTV’s Music Video Awards, you missed yet another opportunity to facepalm at Kanye’s severe Napoleon complex. After having won Best Female Video, 19 year-old Taylor Swift approached the microphone with bright-eyed surprise and a conveniently rehearsed speech. In the middle of Swifty’s charming spiel, Kanye West jumped onto the stage and snatched the microphone away from her in order to announce that, “I’m really happy for you, I’m gonna let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time, one of the best videos of all time!” The first reaction was shock; that wasn’t staged, that was Kanye. The cameraman took this opportunity to get a close-up of

The fire marshall would also like us to remind you that fires indoors are not acceptable, The Herald reminds you to enjoy the drink of the week safely and at the appropriate take it outside instead. Photo/Flickr.com

West shocked all when he took the microphone out of Swift’s hand when she was giving her acceptance speech for winning the VMA for Best Female Video.

Beyonce’s pained expression in the crowd, while Taylor Swift stood on stage alone and puzzled. Extreme discomfort radiated from the crowd as stage-men raced to draw attention toward a wide-screened Tracy Morgan. Poor Swifty didn’t even get to finish her speech, as Kanye had so graciously promised! In the midst of all this drama, Facebook became a storm of condemnation. Status after status cried out against Kanye’s newly established phallic resemblance. My home-screen became saturated with hatred toward Kanye and sprinkled comparisons of Lady GaGa to a Slim Jim. Actually, that was my own commentary on Lady GaGa, but that is neither here nor there. So why did I write this article? Because I am sick of autotune, and I hate it when people wear sunglasses inside. And I felt kind of bad for Swifty-poo. WUTANG!

time and location, as long as you are of age…

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Arts and Entertainment Ask Doctor Blackwell

Inglorious Basterds: Classic Tarantino By Hannah Semaya ’13 Herald Contributor

Got a question about dating that you need answered? Can’t ask anyone else? Write me at herald@hws.edu

Dear Liz, This really cute guy who sits next to me in my psychology class asked me out on a date. I am so excited! But I am also nervous and confused as to first date etiquette. Am I supposed to let him pay for everything? Should we split the bill? Thanks for your advice! Sincerely, Mind over Manners Dear Mind over Manners, Going out on a first date is a very exciting event that can also be a nerve-racking experience. In today’s world it can be difficult to know the intricacies of who is responsible for over seemingly simple manners such as the dinner bill. A 21st century woman such as yourself wants to feel independent, that she does not need to rely on a man to take care of her. As you see it, your request to split the bill means that you are able to take care of yourself. From the male perspective, however, splitting the bill sends him the signal that you are not interested in him. In order to satisfy you both, try this maneuver when you are out on your first date: When the check comes, casually reach for your wallet while offering to pay for the bill. Your date will be grateful for your offer, but will most likely reject it and pay for you both. On future dates (let’s hope things with Mr. Psychology go well!), it is common courtesy for you to also pick up the check once in awhile, especially if you asked him out. This shows him you aren’t just a gold digger looking for free dinners, and that you are genuinely interested in him. Another tip: as long as he is paying, be respectful of what you order. No guy likes a girl who orders half a baby green salad with fat free dressing… on the side, but don’t order the most expensive item either. Aim for the middle range items, or see what he orders, and then follow suit. Hope your date is wonderful!

“Inglorious Basterds” was expected to be Quentin Tarantino’s masterpiece, his crowning achievement. He worked on it for over a decade. When it was finally released on August 26, audiences were prepared to be disappointed. They weren’t. Starring Brad Pitt (Fight Club, Oceans 11), BJ Novak (The Office), Eli Roth (Hostel), and a host of other basterds, the film is a definite success. From the opening scene to the fantastic (in the literal sense of the word) climax, Inglorious Basterds starts off and stays strong. The film starts with a title screen announcing Chapter I, and the words “Once upon a time… in Nazi occupied France”. This utterly ridiculous line sets up the entire feel of the movie. Yes, it is a WWII epic. But it is more than that. It is a comedy, it is a drama, and it is definitely action packed. Each character is multidimensional and portrayed beautifully. Quentin Tarantino wrote each role with the actor in mind. They are tailored, they are perfect. The only problem is that there are so many, each can only have a certain amount of screen time.

The film centers on an elite group of American soldiers, all Jewish, who have a special mission. Their job is to infiltrate Nazi territory and kill as many Nazis as they possibly can. They are doing more than just killing, however. They are actively instilling a fear in the Nazis, a fear so great that even Adolf Hitler knows each of the basterd soldiers by name. The viewer gets the feeling that if Tarantino could convince people to see an eight hour movie, that’s how long he would have made it. As it is, the film is a reasonable 2 hours and 33 minutes. Not one moment is wasted. Every second of film is devoted to moving the story along at a great pace. There was a lot of violence in Inglorious Basterds. It is rated a very deserving R, as Tarantino does not shy away from showers of blood and close ups of Nazis being scalped. It is all necessary for the film to be as successful as it is. For those who have never seen a Quentin Tarantino movie, this is a great one to start with. For die hard Tarantino fans, this is something to be excited for. 5/5 Stars

Sincerely, Doctor Blackwell



Garfield Minus Garfield Who would have guessed that when you remove Garfield from the Garfield comic strips, the result is an even better comic about schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and the empty desperation of modern life? Friends, meet Jon Arbuckle. Let’s laugh and learn with him on a journey deep into the tortured mind of an isolated young everyman as he fights a losing battle against loneliness in a quiet American suburb.

Psycho Hotel A haunted house in Downtown Geneva 429 Exchange Street Geneva, New York Thursday-Saturday October 15th-30th 6-9pm 6-7pm less intense Last ticket sold at 8:45 $8 Adults $5 Children (12 and under) Admission Benefits Local Non-Profits



Sports Herons Win Big and Get Back on Track By Julie Boardman-Brann ’10 Herald Contributor

Last Week in Sports Hobart Football 9/12/09


L 3-26

Hobart Tennis 9/12/2009 9/12/2009 9/13/2009

St. Lawrence Oneonta Ithaca

W5-4 L 0-5 L 0-5

William Smith Soccer 9/12/2009 9/13/2009

John Hopkins Centenary (N.J.)

W1-0 W 5-0

William Smith Field Hockey 9/12/2009 Oneonta 9/16/2009 Ithaca

W 4-0 W 6-2

Upcoming Games Kevin Colton Photographer

After two heart-wrenching losses to two nationally ranked opponents – #10 Lynchburg and #8 Washington (Mo.) – at the John’s Hopkins University Tournament during the first weekend of September, the Herons seem to have found renewed strength. Their two wins at home at the annual Heron Cup Tournament this past weekend is evidence of the speed with which the young team is gaining experience. The team came out with a little more maturity (and a 1-0 win) against newly ranked #4 Johns Hopkins in the first game on Saturday, September 12. The players were patient to the ball, employing skillful and tried-and-true tactics, such as channeling. Katelyn Tyson, a senior outside midfielder said the change in formation was also more comfortable. It was definitely a key factor in this weekend’s wins. Her goal, the only one of the game, came with 15 minutes left in the first half off a cross by first-year forward Renee Jensen. Other opportunities came from corners taken by first-year center midfielder Whitney Frary, a golden pass straight through the Hopkin’s defense to junior BreLynn Nasypany which resulted

in a one-on-one and almost a second goal, and a pass from sophomore forward Kate Redmond to Tyson at the center of the six yard box. The latter chance resulted in many disgruntled fans saying, “They got a lot of laundry on that one!” as Tyson was pulled down by her jersey before she could hit the ball. The young defense, with a starting line-up comprised of sophomore Alyse DiCenzo and first-year Emily D’Addario in the centers, flanked by sophomores Sarah and Jessie Tarantino, held their own during the first half. Both D’Addario and Sarah Tarantino are new to the defense, but are adjusting quickly. The back line is drastically improving its time consciousness, as is evidenced by the two shut-outs this weekend. There were times in the second half when a harried William Smith defense gave up a good opportunity for Hopkins, but sophomore goalkeeper Amanda Davis bailed them out with four very important saves. The Sunday game against Centenary College proved that the Herons were back on top as they pounded the Cyclones 5-0. With these two wins, William Smith improves to 3-2.

#4 Statesmen Hold Off Cardinals

Kevin Colton Photographer

The fourth-ranked Hobart College soccer team improved its record to 5-0-0, after defeating St. John Fisher 2-0 today on Cozzens Field. The Cardinals dropped to 1-3-1 on the season. Minutes after checking into the game, sophomore forward Tony Yelboah gave Hobart its first goal of the match at the 23 minute, 31 second mark, capitalizing on a giveand-go from first-year midfielder Will Abbott. The goal marked Yeboah’s second of the year. In the 50th minute, junior forward Kevin McCarthy gave the Statesmen breathing room with his first goal of the season. He put back a rebounded shot from sophomore

midfielder Chris King. Hobart sophomore goalie Charlie Hale collected three saves for his fourth shutout of the season. He came up big with a diving save in the 60th minute, stopping a hard shot from Sean Fishel, and again in the 63rd minute, grabbing a header by Cristobal Martinez. Adam Durst recorded six saves in net for St. John Fisher. The Statesmen held a 15-9 advantage in total shots. Both teams were awarded six corner kicks. Hobart will be back in action on Sept. 20, when the Statesmen host 20th-ranked Rochester for a non-league match at 2 p.m.

Saturday Sept. 19, 2009 Hobart Football vs. Carnegie Mellon 12:06 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 19, 2009 Hobart Cross Country at Hobart Invitational 12:00 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 19, 2009 William Smith Tennis at John Fisher 1:00 p.m.

Saturday, Sept. 19, 2009 HWS Sailing at Maritime Open Saturday, Sept. 20, 2009 William Smith Field Hockey vs. Wheaton 1:00 p.m. Monday, Sept. 21, 2009 Hobart Golf at Oswego Invitational

Amy Nimon/Photographer

More than 50 students gather twice a week to participate in the newest workout craze to hit the Colleges: Zumba.

Zumba: The Newest Workout Craze By Karissa Seeberger ’12 Managing Editor “I’ve been bit by the Zumba bug,” exclaimed Charlie Levim, HWS’s very own beloved Zumba instructor. We should all be honored to have such an electrically-charged Zumba pro teaching at our gym, being that this summer he turned down a coveted position at Equinox gym, where high profile celebs such as Catharine Zeta-Jones stay fit in NYC, to finish his undergrad. He literally cannot survive without Zumba, and it has turned into a fullfledged addiction. If you have not yet heard of Zumba, which is very improbable, it can be most simply defined as a “Party”, which can explain the popularity of it, being that most college students would rather major in having fun than anything else. The frequently heard slogan for Zumba is, “Ditch the workout and join the party.” How could anyone say no to that pick up line? The only part about it that allows it to be labeled as a workout would be that it burns in the range of 800 to 1,300 calories in one session, because other than that, the hour of “shaking it” is comparable to hitting up a hot Latin club to blissfully dance the night away, minus the fancy mixed drinks and pesky unwanted guys trying to pick you up. Zumba, originating in Columbia, is infused with all styles of dance including: Merengue, Salsa, Reggaeton, Cumbia, and Tango, which explains why many dance students religiously participate. Despite the irresistible appeal to coordinated, light-ontheir-feet dancers, your average

rhythmless klutz can also work off weight and reenergize while inadvertently learning how to move more fluidly. William Smith senior, Meghan Ignatosky joked, “It’s a really good time, because you get to accidentally smack into people you don’t like.” So needless to say it attracts a diverse crowd and the turn out has been exponentially growing with each class, despite the further into the semester we find ourselves, naturally equated with growing piles of work. Students have been going wild over this class offered at Bristol gym to the point of a cultish following, understandably so. Charlie has reached a celebrity status on campus and cannot walk anywhere without having some Zumba fanatic thank him for his fantastic instruction and rave to him about his party (workout class). Inette Heredia, a William Smith sophomore, said it was hands down, “The best workout ever!” The general consensus is that people do not like Zumba, they love it and are nearly in a relationship with it. Charlie mentioned, “It’s an hour that I can get away to dance and have fun; I like to incorporate new songs so that I can mix it up, now I’m adding in some Tangoinspired music.” So if you are looking for an energy-boosting dance class with international rhythms, led by an enthusiastic and passionate instructor, hop on the party bus for a total body workout. See you at Zumba on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8 to 9 in the evening!

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