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Hybrid Circle

Hybrid Circle project was born in August 2006. The first demo was releasesd in early 2007, called “Promo 2007”. A piece of Swedish Death Metal contaminated by various musical shadings. On June 2008 the first self released album “Post-Murder Reflections” (Swedish Melodic/Death/Progressive style) was published. On 2009 Hybrid Circle undergo a strong change on music sort, starting to discover the Death/Math/Progressive Metal, so, after a period of study and experimentation, they compose and record the second Album titled “Alien-Nation”. On 2012 the first official full lenght “Before History” was out. The record remains in Progressive/Death/Math style. The lyrics are based on the book “Hybrid Circle: Prima della storia” (written by a part of the members). The 2012 is a year of tours between Belgium, Netherlands, Ukraine, Germany, Russia and Italy. On 2013 Hybrid Circle writes the new EP "Science Fiction".


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