Character Education Summit 2 1

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Character Education Summit Registration

Use the Discovery Process to: Transform School Culture Connect Every Student Create an Advocate for Every Student Address Emotional Needs Build School Community

Reduce Discipline & Truancy

For overnight accommodations contact:

The Crowne Plaza 23 South Second Street, Harrisburg , Pennsylvania 17101 717-234-5021

Engage Families

How we know it works:

Hyde Public School Solution

90% reduction in physical altercations 82% of students feel like they are connected 85% of students agree that most of their teachers are interested in them

90% of students believe that people at school are friendly to them

23% Reduction in Unlawful Absences 40% Decrease in Discipline Referrals

60% Fewer Cyber Charter Enrollments

2018 Character Education Summit The Crowne Plaza

For more information on the Character Education Summit, contact: Dave Hatfield 717.443.2232

Jared Shade 717.943.4169

Bob Hassinger 717.648-6879

Or e-mail

Harrisburg, PA

July 12-13 2018

Hyde Public School Solution Character Education Summit Harrisburg, PA July, 12 & 13 2018

Why Character Education? Even in this age of increased academic accountability and emphasis on test scores, schools still have a moral obligation to reach the whole child. Schools need to provide supportive atmospheres that help students to grow academically, of course, but also to grow emotionally, socially, and ethically. Schools must help students to see that they are both unique individuals and also part of a

larger community. Schools must help students to learn that they each have unique talents and abilities, and they each have the responsibility to develop these in order to contribute to our world. Schools must create atmospheres to help students understand that they have a responsibility to be their best and give their best both academically and in their interactions with others. Students need an atmosphere in which character, conscience, and achievement are all honored.

The Discovery Rooms consist of multi-aged groups to

promote a positive school environment through a highly

Conference Includes:

organized character development program

All Conference Sessions, Manual,

Guiding Principles Courage: To accept and face new challenges Integrity: To be truly yourself, while acting in sound moral character Leadership: To make you school and community a better place Concern: For yourself and others Brother’s Keeper: To help others to be their best Community: School, home, and beyond

Breakfast & Lunch on July 13th & 1 Harrisburg Senators Ticket Thursday, July 12 1:00 PM - Registration and Welcome 1:30 PM - Introductions & Keynote 3:00 - PM Session 1 5:00 PM - Dinner (On your own) & Harrisburg Senators Baseball Friday, July 13

8:00 AM - Breakfast 9:00 AM - Overview and Session 2 12:00 PM - Light Lunch 1:00– 3:00 PM - Session 3

Conference Cost: $235 23 South Second Street, Harrisburg , Pennsylvania 17101

Phone: 555-555-5555

Hyde Public School Solution and the E-mail: Hyde School Foundation 555-555-5555 E-mail:

616 High Street Bath, ME 04530 (207) 443.5584

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