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joshua M. Smith
Hydro74 is a Orlando based designer, otherwise known as Joshua M. Smith. The soul purpose of my career is to push the boundries in doing what I feel is relevant to the market as well as extract various elements and trends to be able to offer them up in my own personal work. But let’s be honest. I do what I love because I love it. Not because I have to do it, nor am forced to do it, but rather passionate about doing what I do. I firmly believe in having set style tones, yet a sense of diversity to make any various project unique to the demands that are set forth.

Erik Baars

Russell Meyler

Erik Joiner

Leslie Montenegro

Creative Beasts Design Group

Nuthon Design

james smith

Alexander Muskaug

Shelly Black

karla olarte

Lionel Taylor

Tukara Matthews

marc gellen

joshua smith

Jörn Rohrberg

wassim wahbi

Martin Flores

Simone Collodo

Evil Tor

John Yan

daniel campos

James Jack

Shawn McGowan

Stefan Brooks

Pablo Rivero

Marcelo Cabral

ICF Reutlingen

Hafid Hanafiah

alan catrine

Fajar Lesmana

flavio viana

Martin Ferro-Thomsen


Jason Taylor

Brent Ashe

Ben den Hartog

Ernest Cheng

Cristian Iancu

Doug Mush

Bradley Galloway

alfonso bautista

sabeqoon waawaloon

Pablo De La Hoz

Ivan Santic

dwayne vance

Dave Simpson

Joseph Rey Velasquez

sutham chotsathainwong