690458 Rebecca Graham T09
1.0 THREE RELATIONSHIPS 1.1 Point/Line/Plane 1.2 Frame & Infill 1.3 Mass 2.0 CONCEPT MASS 3D MODEL 2.1 Design development intro & Digitisation 2.2 Outcome 3.0 HERRING ISLAND - A PLACE FOR KEEPING SECRET, something like a pavilion 3.1 Site Analysis & Conceptacle 3.2 Concept & Sketch Design 3.3 Design Development 3.4 Final Design Drawings 3.5 Final Design Model 4.0 Reflection 5.0 Bibliography
1.0 THREE RELATIONSHIPS The first phase of the semester includes three preliminary desgin exercises. Each of them run for two weeks and explore different architectural tectonics, which will become the basis of the architectural project in the second phase of the semester. The exercises: - Point/Line/Plane: explore affects on ground surface - Frame & Infill: explore the space above ground - Mass: explore the underground space During the development of each of these exercises, some kinds of techniques and design thinking were generated and became the inspirations for the final project.
Sketch Model by Hsin Yeh, 2015
Point/Line/Plane Model by Hsin Yeh, 2015
Point/Line/Plane Model by Hsin Yeh, 2015
Point/Line/Plane Model by Hsin Yeh, 2015
1.1 POINT/LINE/PLANE In the Point/Line/Plane exercise, the transition from point to line to plane was associated with the idea of standing to sitting to lying. The exercise was based on ground suface and restricted to low-height structure. A sketch model was produced to experiment with creating space based on the concept of point, line, and plane, and linking eachof these to standing, sitting, and lying. Space between ERC and Building 169, University of Meblourne photographed by Hsin Yeh, 2015
The final model includes spaces of point (for standing and observation), line (for sitting and rest), and plane (for lying, relaxation, and descending). The whole structure encourages people to experience a journey through transition of spaces and activities. The lower level is highlighted by yellow material, and the upper level is in white. A grey line disrupts the white surface to emphasis the diagonal line. PRECEDENTS: The space between ERC and building 169 at the University of Melbourne shows a slight level change on ground can create stage-like effect. The House with One Wall includes a zigzag shape wall that cuts through the house, which emphasises the quality of line.
House with One Wall Floor Plan by Christian Kerez, 2007
Line Drawing of Frame & Infill Model by Hsin Yeh, 2015
Frame & Infill Model by Hsin Yeh, 2015
Frame & Infill Model - Refined by Hsin Yeh, 2015
1.2 FRAME & INFILL In the Frame & Infill exercise, the space above ground and into the air was explored. The exercise aimed to create a structure made of frame and infill materials, and focused on views out of the structure. The original Frame & Infill model is based on a 2 bays x 2 bays x 2 bays light frame, with symmetrical stairs and platforms. The frames extend out from corners to emphasise lightness, horizontality, and verticality. Infill materials include corrugated sheets, semi-transparent papers, and timber planes to manipulate light and shadow. A semi-transparent roof, loose grid paper material, and different design of the openings were added to the refined Frame & Infill model. These changes create more variety to the light and shadow effects on the model. They also reinforce the idea of infill more strongly.
Zollverein School of Management and Design by SANAA, 2006
The views out of the structure happen at the first floor, stairs, and platforms at the middle between first floor and roof. The views are framed or disrupted in certain ways. PRECEDENTS: The Zollverein School of Management and Design has interesting position and sizing of the windows, as well as huge skylights on the roof. These openings bring natural light in certain way and frame the view out from the building in particular way.
Frame & Infill Model - Refined by Hsin Yeh, 2015
Mass Section 1 & 2 by Hsin Yeh, 2015
1.3 MASS The Mass exercise explored the spaciality underground and relationship between structure and earth. The design is shown in section drawing, and includes a dark room for feel & touch and a light room with interesting play of light and shadow. The first section includes two separate rooms, one dark and one light, linked by exterior stairs. The form is composed of several blocks in a way that people can walk from high to low through the blocks. Where people stand as floor become the roof when they descend. The second section is a development from the first one. The drawing technique was improved through the use of yellow colour to suggest light, and the transition between light and drak is subtler and more realistic by blending the charcoal. The dark and light rooms are connected through a vertical tunnel and people experiecne the two spaces in one journey from high to low, light to dark.
School of Architecture, Chinese University of Hong Kong by Ida and Billy
Casa De Uno by Dear Architects, 2009
PRECEDENTS: The School of Architecture building, when seen in section, appears as if rectangular blocks have been cut out from the main huge rectangular block. This creates different lighting effect in each space. The Casa De Uno seems like a closed, unwelcoming dark box from the exterior. However, the white and concrete finishes in the interior refelect natural light in multiple directions and create a light and interesting space.
2.0 CONCEPT MASS 3D MODEL A 3D model, which explored a particular quality/part of the design from the mass exercise, is to be generated digitally by Rhino. Then, after technical adjustment and form development, the 3D mass model is to be printed out using 3D printer.
Mass Model Digital Images by Hsin Yeh, 2015
2.1 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT INTRO & DIGITISATION The 3D mass model is based on a portion of the section drawing from the mass exercise. It explored the idea of people descending from high to low through the composition of several blocks, where platforms becomes roof. The model was computer generated in Rhino, and composed of rectangular blocks, stairs, and triangular planes. The form originally only contain right-angled blocks. As the form developed, a triangular plane was cut off at a corner as a window for bringing angled light to the interior. This triangular plane added interesting feature to the overall form and breaked from the rigid rectangular style. Therefore, several more triangular planes were attached to corners. The blocks appear as if they are extending toward the same direction. This may have been influenced by the ‘extrusion‘ technique in Rhino, which was used to create the blocks. I tended to align the edge of each block when extruding them, so they ended up appearing like they start from the same base. This is also benefitial to the 3D printing process, as the model is more stable when printed on a wider base.
Part of Mass Section 1 by Hsin Yeh, 2015
Mass 3D Printed Model by Hsin Yeh, 2015
2.2 OUTCOME The 3D printed model is 3cm high and 5cm long, which is quite small. It shows the relationship between the rectangular blocks in a delicate and interesting way. If the model has been printed in larger size, the sense of mass and the space relationship of high to low blocks could be more realistic and expressed more strongly.
3.0 HERRING ISLAND A PLACE FOR KEEPING SECRET something like a pavilion
A pavilion is to be designed on the Herring Island with the concept of secret in mind. The design of the Pavilion needs to include secretive space for small groups of people or individual to take shelter and immerse in some kind of secret.
Herring Island Site Analysis by Hsin Yeh, 2015
3.1 SITE ANALYSIS & CONCEPTACLE The site of the secret pavilion is located on a hill near the north landing of the Herring Island. The site has a characteristic that people from outside cannot see inside the site, but people in the site can see outward from the site. This is due to the fact that the site is on a hill slope and surrounded by large amount of vegetation. The vegetation blocks the view of outsider completely. This quality of the site aligns with my idea of secret, which is expressed in the following quotes: { A secret is the shortest distance bwtween two. A secret is the furthest distance between two. } - Earch studio subject guide p.14
Site Sketch by Hsin Yeh, 2015
The conceptacle is an exploration of creating interesting space and form with modular elements. The concept of change of space through height and material difference was inspired by One Man Sauna by Modulorbeat.
Sketch Models by Hsin Yeh, 2015
One Man Sauna by Modulorbeat
Composition of blocks in a way to direct users through the transition of space, using height change and linear composition. Exploring interesting spaciality with narrow space, change of height, and consideration of different users, such as adult and children.
Exploring the indication of threshold between spaces. Gaps between blocks bring in natural light, signify threshold, and allow views out. Concept Sketches of Pavilion by Hsin Yeh, 2015
People will experience the special spaciality by walking through the pavilion. The gradually ascending platforms and slope, and the experience of entering a space after another through thresholds will lead them into the secret space at the very top and inner space of the pavilion. 22
3.2 CONCEPT & SKETCH DESIGN The concept of the pavilion is to include secrets in itself, as well as being a secretive pavilion. To achieve this, the design of the pavilion needs to hold a quality worth exploring by people. This quality, I decided, is to be special spaciality, which means a collection of spaces that is entertaining and interesting to experience. The users of the island are often there for a relaxing walk, and the concept of exploring spaces fit with users’ activity. The special spaciality is the secret concealed by the pavilion. However, the pavilion itself is also a secret. Passerbys can only see part of the pavilion behind the flourishing vegetation, but they won’t know what it is. Only when they are intrigued and find a way into the site, they can discover the pavilion and the secret it holds. My concept sketches focus on how to create special experience through space, and overall composition of the pavilion.
Colour Sketch of Pavilion in site context by Hsin Yeh, 2015
Measurement decision of each element
Composition of blocks: Three blocks? or One diagonal block? right angle? or connected by diagonal line? Sketches of Pavilion by Hsin Yeh, 2015
Interior Sketch by Hsin Yeh, 2015
During design development, the composition of the blocks are experimented in various ways. Due to the slope of the site, the main rectangular block needs to break up and goes to higher ground one after another. It was not possible to remain as a whole block. The options explored include creating a angled block that align with the slope, or break up the block into three smaller rectangular blocks. The final decision was to have three smaller blocks in order to retain the rigid, rectangular style of the whole design.
Colour Sketch of Pavilion in site context by Hsin Yeh, 2015
Elevation by Hsin Yeh, 2015
Section by Hsin Yeh, 2015
Distance of Secret
a place for kepping secret
Floor Plan by Hsin Yeh, 2015
Photo Montage 1 by Hsin Yeh, 2015
Photo Montage 2 by Hsin Yeh, 2015
Photo Montage 3 by Hsin Yeh, 2015
Photo of Physical Model by Hsin Yeh, 2015
4.0 REFLECTION The semester of Earth studio has progressed through quite smoothly with only a little hectic week before the final presentation. Different spacialities - on, above, and below ground - were explored in the three preliminary exercises - Point/Line/Plane, Frame & Infill, and Mass. Ideas and techniques were also gained from these exercise and support the foundation of design thinking for the final pavilion project. The 3D printing exercise of the Mass model was also valuable as a new technology, skill, and idea-genarating method. My design thinking has improved through the first three exercises, which are short and quick for practising design skills. I was particularly interested in the Point/Line/Plane exercise. The concept of linking point, line, and plane with human activities, and the transition of these activities through different types of space are very thought-provoking for designing according to users’ experience. These ideas were influential to my concept of the pavilion project, which focused on creating special experience through space for users to wonder through. I am quite satisfied with the outcome of the design, and will like the design be realised, so I can actually explore the pavilion. The presentation was also a valuable experience. I was well-prepared with the visual and oral presentation, as I have done few design presentations before. This presentation gave me the chance to show what I learnt before, and the process was very much about time-management and consistant thinking of the design. I think the Mass 3D model could have been explored more, as the concept model was just a realisation of the mass section. I wish I could explore more abstractly about the composition of blocks and platforms. Overall, the semester has been interesting and I feel my design thinking and presentation skill have improved through all the exercises.
5.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY Kerez, Christian. 2007, House with One Wall Floor Plan, photograph, viewed 9 March 2015, <http://www.archdaily. com/604014/house-with-one-wall-christian-kerez/> Basulto, David. 2010, Zollverein School of Management and Design / SANAA, photograph, viewed 22 March 2015, <http://> Cilento, Karen. School of Architecture for the Chinese University of Hong Kong / Ida and Billy, photograph, viewed 29 March 2015, <> Casa De Uno / Dear Architects, photograph, viewed 30 March 2015, <> One Man Sauna, photograph, viewed 20 April 2015, <>