Materi GE-1

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Pusat Bahasa Inggris - FKSB Unisma Bekasi open english project sastra inggris



Š2011 open english project sastra inggris




Welcome to the New Term! Reading & Writing I Meeting I


Lesson Plan Sign Label and Notice

9 10

Lesson Plan Pizza Menu

16 17

Lesson Plan Notes and Memo

22 23

Reading & Writing I Meeting II Reading & Writing I Meeting III Reading & Writing I Meeting IV

Lesson Plan 28 Family 29

Reading & Writing I Meeting V Lesson Plan Job Vacancy

Grammar I Meeting I

33 34

Lesson Plan Parts of Speech Singular & Plural Noun

39 41

Lesson Plan Verb Forms

48 49

Lesson Plan Transitive and Intransitive Verb

54 55

Lesson Plan Adverbs and Adverb Phrases

60 61

Grammar I Meeting II

Grammar I Meeting III Grammar I Meeting IV

Speaking & Listening I Class (1st Meeting) Lesson Plan Hello and Goodbye

67 68

Lesson Plan Spelling & Pronunciation

76 77

Lesson plan People We Know

84 85

Speaking & Listening I Lab. (1st Meeting) Speaking & Listening I Class (2nd Meeting) Speaking & Listening I Lab. (2nd Meeting)

Lesson plan 94 Time 96

8 15 21 27 32 38 47 53 59 66 75 83 93

Speaking & Listening I Lab. (3th Meeting)


Works Cited


Lesson plan 102 Family 103

Welcome to the New Term!

Welcome to the New Term!


As the fresh term starts, we would like to present you with our newest module. Compiled from various respectable sources, this module is designed to help you build and boost your English skills. In this module, you will experience a different way of learning, as it combines interactive with multimedia learning, in which you are trained to explore digital contents but at the same time boosts your communicative skills to interact with your classmates and lecturers. This module covers the required skills that a person needs to have to master English. It gives you many different opportunities to interact with your classmates, improve your reading techniques, as well as allow you to express yourself in writing. We hope you enjoy this module and wish you every success with your English classes.

Pusat Bahasa Inggris UNISMA Open English Project-Sastra Inggris


Reading & Writing I Meeting I

Reading & Writing I Meeting I

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 1

Lesson Plan


Lesson Plan A.

Learning objectives • Read signs, labels, and notices • Associate signs, labels, and notices with places • Give appropriate response / reaction to signs, label, and notices

B. Materials • Vocabulary building (match the descriptions with the pictures) • Notice – factsheet • Notice (exercise)- worksheet • Notice and warnings – factsheet • Notice and warnings (exercise) – worksheet C.

Class activities a. Before reading Vocabulary building (match the descriptions with the pictures) b. During reading Notice – factsheet ▶ Students practice skimming – finding the general idea, the information that the signs and notices capture- as they read the signs, label, and notices. Notice (exercise)- worksheet ▶ Students practice scanning as they try to associate the descriptions with the signs. ▶ Students check their understanding about signs, labels, and notices by explaining the meaning of the signs. Notice and warnings – factsheet ▶ Students practice skimming – finding the general idea, the information that the signs and notices capture- as they read the signs, label, and notices. Notice and warnings (exercise) – worksheet ▶ Students practice scanning as they try to associate the descriptions with the signs. ▶ Students check their understanding about signs, labels, and notices by explaining the meaning of the signs. c. After reading ▶ Students talk about signs and notices that they commonly find in public spaces.

In this meeting You will learn how to: ▶ Read signs, labels, and notices ▶ Associate signs, labels, and notices with places ▶ Give appropriate response / reaction to signs, label, and notices

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 1


Sign Label and Notice

Sign Label and Notice



A. Getting started


Where do you normally see sign and notices above? Tell the class.

B. Vocabulary matching Match the description and the pictures • • • • • •

You are not allowed to park here There is a restroom here There is no more ticket left to buy The store is not open Only the employees can enter the area Don’t knock and enter the room





GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 1



Sign Label and Notice

There are lots of different signs for public toilets.

Men Women

Tip : Look for other signs in English. Write down any that you see. GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 1



Sign Label and Notice

Exercise 1. Choose the correct letter.

1. Your sister wants to go to the toilet. 2. You want to buy something. 3. Your father wants to go to the toilet. 4. You want to go out of the shop.

2. Look at each of the notices on the opposite page. Write down a place where you can see each of them. No smoking - in a restaurant. 3. Look at the pictures and answer the question.

1. Can you go in now? No 4. How do you open the door - a or b ?

2. Can you use the telephone now?

3. Can you park your car here ?

5. How do you open the door - a or b ?

6. You haven’t got much money. Is this a good time to go shopping?

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 1

Sign Label and Notice


4. Notices often give you information (for example, that a shop is closed) or give you instructions (for example, that smoking is forbidden). Put the notices on the opposite page into two columns - Information and Instructions. 5. Where can you find examples of signs in English in your country?

C. Notices and warnings 1. Informative notices

Some notices give you information :

OUT OF ORDER NO VACANCIES SOLD OUT for a machine that is not in the window of a B&B outside a cinema or working, e.g. phone or (cheap hotel). It means the concert-there are no ticket washing machine. hotel is full. left. All sold.

2. Do this!

Some notices tell you to do certain things :


(= wait in a line on the other side of this notices) e.g. in a bank or post office

KEEP RIGHT (= stay on the right side, and continue on the right side ) e.g. in airports

3. Don’t do this!

Some notices tell you not to do certain things :

4. Watch out!

Some notices are warnings - they tell you to be careful because something bad may happen : MIND YOUR HEAD MIND THE STEP (= be careful you don’t hit your head e.g. (= be careful you don’t hit the step and fall e.g. in front of a low door) in front of a step)

FRAGILE BEWARE OF PICKPOCKETS (= be careful, this will break easily) (= be careful , there are people here who will steal things from your bag or pocket without you knowing) GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 1


Sign Label and Notice

Exercise 1. Can you complete these notices and warnings in possible ways, without looking at the opposite page?

PLEASE QUEUE ........................

BEWARE OF ............................

MIND THE ........................

PLEASE DO NOT ..................

NO .....................

MIND YOUR .............................

SOLD ...................

OUT OF ..............................

KEEP ...................

2. Where would you expect to see notices or warnings ? 1 5

2 6 3 7

4 8

3. What notice (s) is/are possible in each of these places? 1. a zoo 2. a waiting area in a busy airport 3. the door of a hotel room at 9 o’clock in the morning 4. in front of garage doors 5. above the window of a train 6. inside a theatre 7. on the underground 8. a door going into a low room 4. Now write some different notices of your own. Think of six possible notices you could put in one these places : 1. a school 2. a university 3. a language school 4. a place where people work, e.g. bank , factory , hospital Where would you put the notices? If possible , do this activity with another person or show it to another person. 5. Look for other notices (in English or your first language). Can you understand the English notices? Can you translate them once in your own language. Try to find six more notices in the next week.

§§End of Meeting 1§§

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 1

Reading & Writing I Meeting II

Reading & Writing I Meeting II

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 2



Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan A.

Learning objectives • Enrich vocabulary by associating words with pictures • Practice scanning and skimming • Associate pictures with menu description • Response to Yes-No question

B. Materials • Vocabulary building (match the words with the description) • Menu (Pizza) – factsheet • Menu (Pizza) – worksheet • Reading comprehension (Pizza) • Yes-No questions & Negative – exercise C.

Class activities a. Before reading Vocabulary building (match the descriptions with the pictures) – ▶ Students enrich their vocabulary as they learn the name of pizza ingredients and try to match the pictures and the words. b. During reading Reading the menu ▶ Students can practice skimming by reading the overall menu, identifying the pizza they like. ▶ They can also practice pronouncing the prices. ▶ Optional: game – One student describe a kind of pizza by mentioning the ingredients, and the other students try to guess the name of the pizza. Associating pictures with the description ▶ Students practice identifying pizza ingredients in the pictures and match them with the menu Finding prices ▶ Students practice scanning technique by scanning the menu to find the price c. After reading Reading comprehension – students practice scanning as they try to find the answers. Responding to Yes-no questions – students practice answering yes-no questions using variety of subject pronouns.

In this meeting You will learn how to: ▶ Enrich vocabulary by associating words with pictures ▶ Practice scanning and skimming ▶ Associate pictures with menu description ▶ Response to Yes-No question

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 2

Pizza Menu

Pizza Menu

A. Getting started

What is your favorite place to eat out? Tell the class

B. Vocabulary matching

Match the pizza ingredients below with the pictures • Olives • Tomato • Tandoori chicken • Mozzarella cheese • Pepperoni • Green peppers • Sausages • Mushroom • Pineapple • Ham • Onions • Prawn

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 2



Pizza Menu

STARTERS DARIO’S WONDERFUL PIZZAS 1 SMALL MEDIUM LARGE Garlic Bread 3. Original cheese and £5.50 £7.15 £8.15 £1.99 Tomato : Topped with 100% mozzarella cheese and fresh Topped with 100% sliced tomatoes mozzarella cheese and Dario’s own tomato sauce. 4. Full House £9.25$ £11.90 £13.65 Onions, green peppers, olives, pineapple, prawns 2 Chicken Dunkers 5. Mighty Meaty £9.25 £11.90 £13.65 £3.49 Onions, mushroom, pepperoni, ham, sausage 6 chicken wings served with 2 dips : Barbeque 6. Tandoori Hot £9.50 £12.10 £13.95 and chili pepper. Thick pieces of Tandoori chicken, onions, mushroom, green peppers 7. Vegetarian Supreme £8.50 £10.70 £11.90 Onions, green peppers, sweetcorn, mushroom, sliced tomatoes.

Some of the names of the pizzas are words that say how good something is. Wonderful = fantastic or brilliant Mighty = physically strong ; here it means ‘very’ Supreme = the best

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 2

Pizza Menu

First reading: Write at the menu number (1-7) next to the correct picture. 1 2

3 4

5 6

Second reading: How much are these ?

1. Garlic Bread and medium Mighty Meaty

2. Chicken Dunkers and a small Vegetarian Supreme 3. Garlic Bread and a large Original

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 2



Pizza Menu

C. Look at the statements about the menu below.

Mark (T) for true statement and (F) for false statement.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A large Tandoori Hot is £ 10.70 Full House consists of onions, green peppers, olives, pineapples, and prawns in. You can call at 0 2 1 7 5 6 9 5 1 for delivery order. You can find sausage in Vegetarian Supreme. There is no cheese in Garlic Bread.


Yes-No questions and answers; negatives

Am I late? Yes, You are. No, You’re not. You’re not late. Are you busy? Yes, I am. No, I’m not. I’m not busy. Is he tired? Yes, He is. No, He’s not. He’s not tired. Is she strict? Yes, She is. No, She’s not. She’s not strict. (My boss isn’t strict) Is it hard work? Yes, It is. No, It’s not. It’s not hard work. Are we late? Yes, We are. No, We’re not. We’re not late. Are they nice? Yes, They are. No, They’re not. They’re not nice. (My co workers aren’t nice)

Do you go to a class in the evening? Do you and your friends play sports after class? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t. Yes, We do/No, We don’t.

Does your mother work on the weekends? Do your friends make phone calls at night? Yes, She does/No, She doesn’t. Yes, They do/No, They don’t.

D. Answer the following questions. Then ask your partners. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Do you like pizza? Does your friend like spicy food? What about you? Can you cook? If you can, what food can you cook? What food do you like the most? Are you vegetarian?

*Vegetarian = somebody who eats vegetables, fruits, grains, seeds, and usually eggs and dairy products, but not meat or fish.

§§End of Meeting 2§§

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 2

Reading & Writing I Meeting III

Reading & Writing I Meeting III

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 3



Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan A.

Learning objectives • Read memo and notes • Apply scanning and skimming techniques in reading • Associate memos and notes with the contextual place • Write e-mail

B. Materials • Vocabulary building (associating memos with the people sending/receiving the memo and the place) • Notes and memos (text + reading comprehension questions) – exercise 1 • Memo (text + reading comprehension questions) – exercise 2 • Writing an e-mail – composing an e-mail by answering questions in complete sentence. C.

Class activities a. Before reading Vocabulary building (match the descriptions with the pictures) ▶ Students enrich their vocabulary as they learn to associate the memos with the potential sender, receiver, and the contextual place. b. During reading Notes and memos (text + reading comprehension questions) – ▶ Students practice skimming as they read the note to identify the general idea of the note. ▶ Students also practice scanning as they try to identify the sender, the receiver of the note, and the contextual place ▶ Students practice scanning as they learn to answer the questions regarding the note Memo (text + reading comprehension questions) – exercise 2 ▶ Students practice skimming as they read the note to identify the general idea of the note. ▶ Students also practice scanning as they try to identify the sender, the receiver of the note, and the contextual place. ▶ Students practice scanning as they learn to answer the questions regarding the note c. After reading Writing an e-mail ▶ Students practice answering questions in complete sentences. As they write, pay attention to the structure of the sentences (subject-verb agreement, pronoun usage). ▶ Students then combine the answers together to compose an e-mail.

In this meeting You will learn how to: ▶ Read memo and notes ▶ Apply scanning and skimming techniques in reading ▶ Associate memos and notes with the contextual place ▶ Write e-mail

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 3

Notes and Memo

Notes and Memo


A. Getting started

Where can you find notes and memo? Do you usually leave notes for message? Tell the class.

B. Building vocabulary

Look at the short memos below. Read the message and decide the possible relation with the place and the relationship between the writer of the memo and the receiver.

A B GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 3


Notes and Memo

Read the note. True or False?

2. Tommy was frightened when he had the accident.

3. The accident was serious.

4. Tommy is at the hospital.

5. Mummy thinks she will be home quickly.

6. Mummy tells Jo to make her own dinner.

7. Daddy knows about the accident.

8. Jo is a student.

1. Tommy is probably younger than Jo.

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 3

Notes and Memo


To : All Staff From : Maureen Gherkin Re : Gillian Homsey

As many if you know. Gillian Homsey will be leaving us at the end of the month after ten years faithful service in the accounts Department.

If you have not already given money for a leaving present, please do so. May I suggest that two to five pounds would be welcome. ( And by suitable I do not mean a repeat of the Gorillagram who left Mavis Percy in tears when she left!)

Suitable ideas for me, please.

Read the memo. True or False?

1. Maureen Gherkin is leaving the accounts department.

2. Gillian Hornsey has worked for the same company for ten years.

3. Gillian Hornsey has left the accounts department.

4. Nobody has given any money for a leaving present yet.

5. A party for Gillian Hornsey has not been arranged yet.

6. Maureen Gherkin is arranging the party.

7. Maureen Gherkin thinks a Gorillagram is a good idea.

8. Mavis Percy liked her Gorillagram.

memo = a business notes to one or more people who work in the same company as the sender. account department = the department in a company that deals with money. gorillagram = a person dressed as gorilla, who is hired to give someone surprise greeting and kiss at their birthday party , leaving party, etc.

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 3



Notes and Memo


Write an e-mail to a new friend. Answer these questions below in a complete sentence. Then use the answers to compose the e-mail.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What’s your name? Where are you from? What do you do? Do you have a big family? What do the people in your family do? What are your hobbies?

Dear .........

My name’s ...................... I’m from .........

§§End of Meeting 3§§

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 3

Reading & Writing I Meeting IV

Reading & Writing I Meeting IV

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 4



Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan A.

Learning objectives • Name and identify family members • Apply scanning and skimming techniques in reading • Answer in complete sentences to form a paragraph

B. Materials • Vocabulary building (matching the description with the words) • Who’s who (Family tree) – exercise 1 • Reading (Kevin and his family) + reading comprehension- exercise 2 • Text completion • Writing about family C.

Class activities a. Before reading Vocabulary building (match the descriptions with the words – family member) b. During reading Who’s who (Family tree) – exercise 1 ▶ Students practice identifying connection in family tree and associate the connection between the family members. Reading (Kevin and his family) + reading comprehension- exercise 2 ▶ Students practice skimming as they try to identify the general idea of the text (Kevin’s family) ▶ Students practice scanning as they try to find the answers for the questions. Text completion ▶ Students practice locating the missing words to complete the blank spaces in the text. ▶ Students then can practice asking their peers about the text (ex: What is the dog’s name?) c. After reading Writing about family ▶ Students practice answering questions in complete sentences. Ask them to pay attention to the structure of their sentences (S-V agreement, pronoun usage, and spelling). ▶ Students then combine the sentences together to form a paragraph.

In this meeting You will learn how to: ▶ Name and identify family members ▶ Apply scanning and skimming techniques in reading ▶ Answer in complete sentences to form a paragraph

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 4



A. Getting started Do you come from a big family? How many people are there in your house?

B. Vocabulary building • • • • • • • • •

Female parent, a woman who has a child The brother of someone’s mother or father Female sibling, a girl or woman who has the same parent Parents’ father The sister of someone’s mother or father, uncle’s wife A child of someone’s uncle or aunt Male parent, a man who has a child Parents’ mother Male sibling, a boy or man who has the same parents

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 4



Lesson Plan

C. Who’s who?

Direction: Use the family tree to complete the sentences about this family 1. David is Paul’s : 2. John is Katy’s : 3. Katy is Paul’s : 4. Josh, David, and Emily are Paul and Katy’s : 5. Emily is Josh’s : 6. Josh is David’s : 7. John and Catherine are Katy’s : 8. Katy is Josh’s : 9. John is Catherine’s : 10. Emily is Katy’s :

D. Reading Kevin and His Family I love my family. We have four members, including my parents, my sister (Karen) and me (Kevin). My father works as a teacher and my mother is a housewife. My father is 50 years old and my mother is 45 years old. They are very nice. My younger sister is a cute and funny girl. She’s 5 years younger than me. I am 10 years of age. Whatever she says make me laugh. I love every minute to be with her. I love my family more than anything in the world. I will treasure every moment that I get together with them! Look at the questions below and answer them in complete sentences. 1. What is Kevin’s father job? 2. How old is his sister? 3. How old is Kevin and his parents? 4. Does Kevin love his parents? Why? 5. Why does Kevin loves to be with his sister? Complete the text below using the words under the text Maria and Her Family My name is Maria. I ...............(1) in Valencia in Spain. My Mother’s......................(2) is Amparo and .......................(3) father’s name is Vicente. My mother is 43 years.............(4)and my mother is...................(5) doctor and my father is a dancer. I love..................(6) very much. I’ve..................(7)one horrible older brother and a little sister. .................(8)name is Fernando. He is a smelly boy. He............(9) to the same school as me. He...........(10) 15 years old. He..........(11)playing football, video games and annoying me! My little sister is Anna and she doesn’t talk a lot. I................(12)playing basketball and going..................(13) with my friends. I..............(14) like schools because my teacher is always angry. We have one dog ............. (15) Bobby. He is always happy. • A • My brother’s • Name • Got • Live • Out • Likes • Them • Goes • Old • Don’t • Like • Called • Is • My GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 4



E. Writing Now write about your family! Answer the questions and arrange them as one paragraph. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

What is your name? Where do you live? How many people are there in your family? How many sisters and brothers do you have? What are their names? How old are they? What is your father’s job? What is your mother’s job? Do you live happily with your family?

.................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................

§§End of Meeting 4§§

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 4


Reading & Writing I Meeting V

Reading & Writing I Meeting V

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 5

Lesson Plan


Lesson Plan A.

Learning objectives • Enrich vocabulary • Identify important information in job advertisement • Applying scanning and skimming techniques in reading job advertisement • Write complete answers

B. Materials • Vocabulary building – Identifying names of occupation from the job description • Jobs – identifying kinds of occupation and the work people do • Jobs (What do they do?) – associating pictures with occupation • Job advertisements • Writing (part 1) – answering the questions • Writing (part 2) – What is your dream job? C.

Class activities a. Before reading Vocabulary building – Identifying names of occupation from the job description. ▶ Students enrich their vocabulary by associating the descriptions with the job. Jobs – identifying kinds of occupation and the work people do ▶ Students enrich their vocabulary and boost their speaking skills as they explore some jobs and the related action/job description. Jobs (What do they do?) – associating pictures with occupation ▶ Students learn to identify the names of the jobs from the pictures b. During reading Job advertisements ▶ Advertisement – students practice skimming as they try to find the general idea, the most important information from the job advertisement. ▶ Reading comprehension- students practice scanning as they try to find the answers for the questions related to the advertisement. c. After reading Writing (part 1) – answering the questions ▶ Students practice composing correct sentences by answering the questions in complete sentences Writing (part 2) – What is your dream job? ▶ Students practice expressing their opinion by writing their dream job. Students can take turn telling the class about their dream job before writing it down.

In this meeting You will learn how to: ▶ Enrich vocabulary ▶ Identify important information in job advertisement ▶ Applying scanning and skimming techniques in reading job advertisement ▶ Write complete answers

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 5


Job Vacancy

Job Vacancy

A. Getting started

Look at the three pictures above. Order the pictures according to finding job advertisement, handing CV, and doing the job interview.

B. Vocabulary building

Match the descriptions, the professions, and the pictures. • An employee who does a clerical and administration work in office a. Engineer • Somebody who pilots an aircraft or spacecraft b. Teacher • A member of police force c. Hairdresser • Somebody trained to look after sick or injured people, especially d. Pilot those who work in hospital or clinic • Somebody’s whose job is to cut and make style of people’s hair e. Secretary • Somebody who is trained as a professional engineer f. Mechanic • A skilled worker who is employed to repair or operate machine g. Nurse or engine • Somebody who teaches, especially as a profession h. Police officer

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 5

Job Vacancy


C. Reading job advertisement


WE NEED DISTRIBUTORS AGED 13+ IN ALL AREAS -------------------------------Would you like the opportunity to earn extra cash close to home? If so we have vacancy in our team of local distributors which would suit you. Both adults and youngsters aged 13+ are required to deliver your local free paper


THE KINGDOM COUNTRY CLUB requires EXPERIENCED CHEF/COOK Must be motivated and creative with food. EXPERIENCED BAR MANAGER/BAR PERSON B Required as part of the package (wage negotiable). Could possibly suit couple. PART-TIME BAR STAFF REQUIRED Tel. 0196-887323 during office hours.

SELL INJURY INSURANCE D Previous experience NOT essential Local area. Expenses paid. Train-

ing provided. Major international company. Excellent career prospects+ package. C CALL 0196 436211 FOR LOCAL INTERVIEW

PATTISON & E CO SOLICITORS Have a vacancy for a PART-TIME MATURE PERSON to make / serve refreshment for their staff -20 hours per week (4 hours per day) times by arrangement. For further information telephone Washbourne on 0196 664433 CAREER required for part-time hours in our nursing home. We provide high F standards of care and offer an excellent working environment. For details and conditions of service contact : Petronella Hoare, Lambtons. Tel. 0196 504504

Both package and conditions of service mean hours of work,holidays and other aspects of the job outside the salary it self. GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 5


Job Vacancy

First Reading. Read the advertisements and answer the questions. 1. Which advertisement is advertising more than one job? 2. Which advertisement advertises the salary? 3. Which advertisements have jobs that are full time? 4. Which advertisements have jobs that are part time? 5. Which advertisements mention the person’s age? 6. Which advertisement is for a job with computers? 7. Which advertisements are for people who have done the job before? 8. Which advertisements can you answer by post? 9. Which advertisement could be answered by two people together? 10. Which advertisement offers somewhere to live? Second reading. Match the jobs (1-8) with the job descriptions(a-b) 1. distributor

a. makes cups of tea and gives them to staff

2. chef/cook

b. is in charge of the bar

3. bar manager

c. makes meals

4. bar staff

d. looks after people who are old or ill

5. payroll controller

e. sells insurance against being hurt

6. injury insurance salesperson

f. helps to calculate salaries

7. a person to serve refreshment

g. help at a bar

8. carer

h. pushes newspapers through the letter box

D. Writing part 1 Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Use the world bank to compose the answers. Pay attention to the subject and the predicate (verb). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

What does a nurse do? What do police officers do? Does a secretary fix broken cars? What is a mechanic job? Whose job is dealing with building construction? What do teachers do? Who does a hairdresser do? Do pilots fly parachute? What is your dream profession? Why do you one to be one?

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 5

Job Vacancy

E. Writing part 2 What is your dream job? Why do you want to be one?

§§End of Meeting 5§§

GE1-Reading&Writing-Meeting 5



Grammar I Meeting I

Grammar I Meeting I

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 1

Lesson Plan


Lesson Plan A.

Learning objectives • Learn kinds and functions of parts of Speech • Identify singular and plural noun • Match the subject and the verb of the sentence

B. Materials • Vocabulary building (match the description with the parts of speech) • Identifying parts of speech • Singular & plural noun • Identifying singular & plural noun • Subject –verb agreement • Reading (In the morning) – text completion • Speaking (talking about morning activities • Plural form – text completion C.

Class activities a. Lead in Vocabulary building (match the description with the parts of speech) → Students try to identify the description with the parts of speech. This is also to stimulate (activate) their previous knowledge. b. Main Identifying parts of speech → Students learn the names and the functions of Parts of Speech (naming, predicating, joining, modifying) Singular & plural noun Identifying singular & plural noun → Students learn about singular and plural noun, their spelling, and also the relationship with the verb Subject –verb agreement → Students understand the relationship between subject and the predicate (singular subject – singular verb, plural subject – plural verb). Reading (In the morning) – text completion → Students learn to identify the subject and the verb in each passage. → Students complete the missing parts of the sentences with correct verbs. Speaking (talking about morning activities ) → Students tell the class about their routines. Pay attention to the subject and verb. Plural form – text completion → Students fill in the blank spaces with the plural form of the noun. c. After → Review: Throw in some questions related to what they have learned and see if they have understood the material.

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 1


Lesson Plan

In this meeting You will learn how to: → Learn kinds and functions of parts of Speech → Identify singular and plural noun → Match the subject and the verb of the sentence

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 1

Parts of Speech Singular & Plural Noun


Parts of Speech Singular & Plural Noun

A. Getting started

Match the descriptions and the words

• talk about thing

• ARTICLE (a/an/the)

• talk about action

• PRONOUN (he/they/we)

• know where the thing is


• talk about feeling

• VERB (kick/sleep/go)

• know how you do an action

• ADJECTIVE (happy/angry/bored)

• combine

• CONJUNCTION (and/so/but)

• express strong emotion

• ADVERB (slowly/well/badly)

• know if there is someone or something

• NOUN (sky/air/apples)

• substitute somebody or something

• PREPOSITION (in/at/on)

B. Parts of speech Recognizing the Parts of Speech This chart lists the various functions words which perform in a sentence and the part of speech that perform each function: Function Naming Predicating (stating or asserting) Modifying Connecting

Part of speech Nouns, pronouns Verbs Adjective ,Adverbs Prepositions, conjunctions GE1-Grammar-Meeting 1


Parts of Speech Singular & Plural Noun

This chart summarizes the parts of speech: Part of speech Noun Pronoun Adjective

Uses in sentences Indicator of action or state of being Subject ,object Substitute for nouns Modifies nouns- and pronouns

______ _________ articles : a,an,the

________________ [used to introduce nouns]


Modifies verb Adjective Adverb Or whole clauses -


(tells how, where, when, to what degree) Word used before a noun or pronoun to create a phrase that relates to another world Connector of words Phrases Clauses -

Preposition Conjunction

(may be coordinating or subordinating) Expression of emotion


(Unrelated grammatically to the rest of the sentences)

Example Tom wrote the report They are astronomers Kay gave Ron the list of names He will return it to her later Juan bought a used car. He was excited about it. _________________ The book - specific A book, an apple - general The diagram was clearly presented. It was very interesting study. The speech was entirely too long. Indeed, we are ready. He was in a hurry. He answered without thinking. She visited for four days. Tom and Harry left for work. You can go with me or without me. He arrived before we ate. Good grief! Ouch, That hurt! Well, we tried.

Exercise Label the underlined words according to their part of speech. 1. He was a great man. 2. The boys played happily in the snow. 3. The Tigers were never exciting group of ballplayers. 4. “Hurrah!” shouted the boys. “We won!” 5. Close the door very quietly

C. Singular nouns Nouns can be singular or plural. When you are talking about just one thing or person, use a singular noun. For example: a tent a taxi a house

a park a doctor a lady

an idea an oven an exercise

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 1

Parts of Speech Singular & Plural Noun


D. Plural nouns Use a plural noun when you are talking about two or more people, places or things. Just add s to make most nouns plural. Singular Plural Singular Plural A computer computers a mountain mountains A chair chairs a river rivers A train trains an envelope envelopes A player players an insect insects A teacher teachers an oven ovens A taxi taxis an uncle uncles Notes ■ Words called articles or determiners are used to signal nouns. a river an armchair three biscuits a castle an idea five eggs ■ The article an is used before nouns that begin with the vowels a,e,i,o and u an artist an eye an insect an oven an umbrella ■ The article a is used before nouns that begin with the other letters, called consonant. But some words don’t follow these rules. • a uniform , a unit, a user, a, not an, is used because the vowel u in these word you;

• an hour, an heir, an honor: an,not a, is used because the consonant h in these words is not pronounced.

Exercise Read the following passage. Write S in the box after each singular noun and P in the box after each plural noun. Our teacher

is a very nice lady .She’s very kind to all the children

she tells us very funny stories They tell had a race but the heroes

. The pigs of the story


Yesterday, she told a story and sheep were the mice

even though they had the shortest legs

in the class

about the animals

ran faster than the ducks

and on a farm

and cows



. They were faster than all the other animals,


E. Subject and Verb Agreement When you use a verb, you have to say who or what is doing the action. This ‘who or what’ is the subject of the verb. The subject and the verb match each other. You say that the subject and the verb agree when they match each other. Use a singular verb if the subject is a singular noun. For example, the subject ‘my dad’ or ‘our school’, or any of the pronouns he, she, or it, require a singular verb. Most singular verbs end in s. Look at the subjects and their verbs on the examples. The subjects are in italic bold and the verbs are underlined. GE1-Grammar-Meeting 1


Parts of Speech Singular & Plural Noun

He always drinks milk when he’s hot.

She eats banana for breakfast.

Mom walks to work every day.

My sister dances like a professional dancer.

The baby falls when she tries to walk.

Out cat climbs the trees in our garden.

This form of the verb is called the third person singular. You use it when the subject of the verb is not you or the person you are speaking to, but some other person – a third person – or a thing. Here are some more third person singular verbs that end in s. Plays















The third person singular form of some verbs is made by adding es at the end. Some examples are verbs that end in sh, ch, ss, x, zz, and o. Brushes watches



Rushes reaches misses


Polishes teaches











Here are some sentences with verbs in their third person singular form. The subjects are in italic bold and the verbs are underlined.

She always brushes her teeth at bedtime.

Dad polishes his shoes until they shine.

My brother watches televisions after school.

Kim catches the ball with one hand.

Dad mixes flour and water when he makes bread.

The bee buzzes around the flowers.

My friend Sanjay goes to the same school as I do.

How do you make the third person singular form of most verbs that end in y? usually, you just change the y to an i and then add es. carry – carries hurry – hurries copy – copies cry – cries fly – flies marry – marries study – studies worry – worries bully – bullies

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 1

Parts of Speech Singular & Plural Noun


Mr. Chen hurries to work every morning. The baby cries a lot at night. This plane flies to the island every day. Alice tries hard at school. She copies all the questions in her notebook. If the subject of a verb is a plural noun, such as “Mom and Dad” or “our teachers”, use a plural verb. Do not add s, es, or ies to plural verbs. Plural verbs are also used with the pronouns, I, we, you, and they. Mom and Dad love us. My sisters listen to music a lot. The stars shine brightly on a clear night. Some people drink tea. I like juicy hamburgers. We learn interesting things at school. You all know the words to this song, children. They always walk home from school together.

Exercise Pay attention to what these people talk about their morning activities. Then, do the exercise.

“Well, I’m pretty busy. I get up early. I check my e-mail , and listen to the radio. Then I study” Greg O’neal--

“Oh, I don’t like mornings. My sister watches TV, and my brother plays games on the computer” Jennifer Lee--

“Its crazy. We get up late, so I eat breakfast in the car. My husband doesn’t have breakfast, he drives” Amanda Sanches--

“Well, I have breakfast ,and my wife has coffee. We both read the newspaper. We’re pretty quite. We don’t talk a lot” Alex Stern--

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 1


Parts of Speech Singular & Plural Noun

Can you complete these sentences about the people above? 1. Greg _______ his e-mail. 2. Jennifer’s sister _______ TV.

3. Amanda’s husband _____ ______ breakfast. 4. Alex and his wife don’t _____ a lot.

What do you in the morning? Check (√) about the boxes and tell the class. I get up early.

I do my homework.

I listen to the radio.

I watch TV

I talk a lot.

I check my e-mail.

Read the following passage. Notice that the plural nouns are missing. Write the correct plural form of the singular nouns in parentheses. The first one has been done for you. Three ladies (lady) in pink _________ (dress) took their _________ (baby) for a walk in the zoo. They saw four ________ (giraffe), three ________ (hippo), two _________ (kangaroo) and an elephant. They walked for so long that their _________(foot) became sore, so they sat down on a bench for a rest near some ________ (monkey). The________ (monkey) were playing with cardboard ________ (box) and throwing _______ (stick) at each other. After a while, the ______ (lady) looked at their ________ (watch) and decided it was time to go home.

§§End of Meeting 1§§

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 1

Grammar I Meeting II

Grammar I Meeting II

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 2



Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan A.

Learning objectives • Compose simple sentence in Present simple tense • Compose and response to Yes-no questions • Match the subject and the verb of the sentence

B. Materials • In the morning (article)- text completion related • Kathy’s morning (text completion) – completing text using verbs for singular third person subjects • Rewriting sentences in negative form • Text completion using appropriate verbs for singular or plural subjects • Questionnaire – asking questions with do/does • Class survey – Finding classmates’ morning routines • Peter’s e-mail – text completion using appropriate verbs for singular and plural subjects • Vocabulary building – matching verbs and expression • Writing – composing sentences related to morning activities C.

Class activities a. Lead in In the morning (article)- text completion related → Students are encouraged to talk about their morning activities; i.e wake up, have breakfast, go to school. → Students read the text and tell about the people’s routines. Students then try to fill in the missing words (verbs) related to the text. b. Main Kathy’s morning (text completion) – completing text using verbs for singular third person subjects Rewriting sentences in negative form Text completion using appropriate verbs for singular or plural subjects → Students practice matching singular verbs for singular third person subjects (pay attention to the spelling) → Students rewrite the sentences in negative form and match the verb with the singular third person subject. Questionnaire – asking questions with do/does Class survey – Finding classmates’ morning routines

In this meeting You will learn how to: → Compose simple sentence in Present simple tense → Compose and response to Yes-no questions → Match the subject and the verb of the sentence

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 2

Verb Forms


Verb Forms What’s a typical morning like in your home?

“Well, I’m pretty busy. I get up early. I check my e-mail , and listen to the radio. Then I study” Greg O’neal--

“Oh, I don’t like mornings. My sister watches TV, and my brother plays games on the computer” Jennifer Lee--

“Its crazy. We get up late, so I eat breakfast in the car. My husband doesn’t have breakfast, he drives” Amanda Sanches--

“Well, I have breakfast ,and my wife has coffee. We both read the newspaper. We’re pretty quite. We don’t talk a lot” Alex Stern--

A. Getting started

Pay attention to the pictures and the statements above. Then, look at the verb forms table below. Learn how the verbs change I


Present Simple Statement

eat breakfast

I don’t eat breakfast Verb endings: he,she ,it

You have coffee You don’t have


Get → Gets

We get up late We don’t get up late

Watch → Watches

They read the paper

They don’t read

Play → Plays

He listens to the radio


doesn’t listen to the radio

Study → Studies

She watches TV


doesn’t watch TV

Have → Has

Doesn’t = does not

Do → Does

Don’t = do not

the paper

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 2


Verb Forms

B. Exercises Complete the sentences about Kathy’s morning. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box Check exercise get up play eat ✓get up listen read

1. Kathy gets up early. Her son late.

2. She before work Her son games.

3. She in the car.

4. She and her co-workers breakfast together.

5. Kathy her e-mail right after breakfast.

6. Her boss newspaper at work.

Rewrite the sentences in the negative form. 1. Kathy’s son gets up early. Kathy’s son doesn’t get up early. __________ 2. Kathy checks her e-mail before breakfast._______________________________ 3. Kathy and her son talk a lot in the morning.______________________________ 4. Kathy’s son does his homework.______________________________________ 5. Kathy and her boss eat breakfast together._______________________________ 6. Kathy’s boss plays computer games.____________________________________ Complete these sentences. 1. I don’t like (not/like) mornings. 2. In my family, we ________ (have) breakfast together. 3. My mother _________ (not/ watch) TV. 4. My father _________ (have) coffee. 5. My parents ______ (talk) a lot. 6. I _________ (not / read) the newspaper. 7. I ___________ (check) my e-mail after breakfast. 8. My best friend ________ (not/ get up) early in the morning.

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 2

to the radio


Verb Forms


Now write four sentences about your mornings. Compare with a partner Example A : I don’t have breakfast. How about you? B : I have breakfast every morning.

Look at the questionnaire. Can you complete the last two questions? Check (√) the answers that are true for you.

Do you have a weekly routine?

Yes, I do.

1. Do you play sport every week? 2. Do you take any lessons or classes? 3. Do you check your e-mail on the weekends? 4. Do you make a lot of phone calls on Saturday? 5. _____ you _____ shopping on Sundays? 6. _____ you _____ the laundry every week?

Pair Work: Ask and answer all the questions. Can you give more information? Example: “Do you play sport every week?”

“Yes, I do. I play tennis on Saturdays.

Complete Peter’s e-mail with the correct form of the verbs.

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 2

No, I don’t


Verb Forms

What are typical morning activities? Match the verbs with the words and expressions. 1. do d a. to the radio 2. study b. (my) e-mail or messages 3. check c. a car 4. listen d. (my) homework 5. drive e. an alarm clock 6. play f. english 7. read g. games on the computer 8. use h. a book

Write true sentences about your morning routine. Use the verbs in part A. 1. I don’t do my homework in the morning. 2. _______________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________ 6. _______________________________________________ 7. _______________________________________________ 8. _______________________________________________ 9. _______________________________________________ 10. _______________________________________________

§§End of Meeting 2§§

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 2

Grammar I Meeting III

Grammar I Meeting III

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 3



Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan A.

Learning objectives • Identify transitive and intransitive verb • Compose sentence using transitive and intransitive verbs • Match the subject and the verb of the sentence

B. Materials • Getting started (introducing the topic- adding objects or adverbs to the description) • Transitive & Intransitive verbs – factsheets • Exercise I – identifying verbs • Exercise 2 - Identifying transitive & intransitive verbs in sentences • Exercise 3 – adding verbs for third singular person • Composing sentences using transitive and intransitive verbs C.

Class activities a. Lead in Getting started (introducing the topic- adding objects or adverbs to the description) → Students try answering questions based on the pictures. The pictures are selected so they represent objects (of the actions) or adverbs (how & where the action is done) b. Main Transitive & Intransitive verbs – factsheets → Students learn about transitive and intransitive verbs. They should be aware that transitive verbs take objects, while the intransitive ones will be followed by adverbs or prepositions before other nouns. Exercise I – identifying verbs → Students practice identifying verbs, so they will be aware of this crucial part. Students then identify the verbs as either transitive or intransitive. Exercise 2 - Identifying transitive & intransitive verbs in sentences → Students practice identifying verbs as either transitive or intransitive by observing the element that follows the verbs. Exercise 3 – adding verbs for singular third person → Students practice adding verbs for the singular third person subjects. Pay attention to the spelling. c. After Composing sentences using transitive and intransitive verbs → Students compose their own sentences using transitive and intransitive verbs. Encourage the students not to use words more than twice, so that they explore other words. Pay attention to the structure (S-V, Vtr + O, Vint + adv).

In this meeting You will learn how to: → Identify transitive and intransitive verb → Compose sentence using transitive and intransitive verbs → Match the subject and the verb of the sentence

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 3

Transitive and Intransitive Verb

Transitive and Intransitive Verb

A. Getting started

Look at the pictures below and answer the questions.

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 3



Lesson Plan

B. Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Some verbs have an object. The object of a verb is the person or thing that is affected by the action of the verb. Look at this sentence: Alice eats a banana for breakfast.

The subject of the verb is Alice. She is the person who does the action: she eats. The object of the verb is a banana. A banana is affected by the action of the verb. So in this sentence, the object of the verb ‘eat’ is ‘a banana’. Verbs that have objects are called transitive verbs. Here are some sentences with transitive verbs. The verbs are printed in bold and their objects are underlined.

John likes apples. Sam knows the answer to the questions.

My sister cooks all our meals.

My brother rides his bike in the street.

Dad buys tea at the market.

Mom writes stories in her spare time.

Some verbs don’t have an object. A verb that does not have an object is called an intransitive verb. Here are some sentences with intransitive verbs. In China, lots of people walk to work. The boys play in the yard after school. Mr. Carter always drives very carefully. Doris is a very successful businesswoman. Michael and I both entered the race. He won but I lost. Some verbs can be either transitive or intransitive. Notice that the transitive meaning and the intransitive meaning are sometimes different.

The pilot flies the plane very well.

Eagles fly high in the sky.

The boys play football on weekends.

The boys play in the yard on weekends.

My mom runs her own company.

My mom runs in the park.

We walk the dog every evening.

We walk on the beach every evening

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 3

Lesson Plan


Exercise 1 Read the following sentences. Underline the verb in each sentence. 1. We live in an apartment on the boulevard. 2. Some children learn very fast. 3. We go for swimming lessons on Sunday. 4. I like my new bike. 5. Babies sometimes sleep during the day. 6. My dad buys a newspaper every morning. 7. These dolls belong to Kathleen.

Exercise 2 Fill in the blank spaces with the third person singular form of the verbs in parentheses. Example : Ali looks (look) sad today. 1. Sumiko ……..…. (speak) English very well. 2. Mr. Kim ………….. (come) to school on his motorbike. 3. My neighbour’s dog …………. (bark) very loudly. 4. My little brother always …………. (brush) his teeth properly. 5. Dad is so tall that his head almost ………….. (touch) the ceiling. 6. Our dog …………….. (catch) the ball in its teeth. 7. Mom …………….. (mix) vinegar and oil to make salad dressing.

Exercise 3 Underline the verbs in the following sentences. Then show whether the verb is transitive or intransitive by putting a checkmark (√) in the correct box. Remember that depending on the meaning, some verbs can be either transitive or intransitive. For each of the transitive verbs you have marked, write the object of the verb on the lines. The first one is done for you. Transitive Intransitive


1. My brother and I often play chess.


2. Mom and Dad work in the garden on the weekends. 3. The library closes at 5 P.M. 4. Mr. Ross drives his car very carefully. 5. The cat jumped over the wall. 6. My sister likes her new jeans.

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 3


Lesson Plan

7. Grandad walks the dog every evening. 8. Will you come with me to the shop? 9. The boys are skating in the park. 10. Dad is making sandwiches.

Exercise 4 Compose your own sentences using transitive verbs and intransitive verbs. Underline the verbs and circle the object of the transitive verbs. 1. ………………………………………………………………………………… 2. ………………………………………………………………………………… 3. ………………………………………………………………………………… 4. ………………………………………………………………………………… 5. ………………………………………………………………………………… 6. ………………………………………………………………………………… 7. ………………………………………………………………………………… 8. ………………………………………………………………………………… 9. ………………………………………………………………………………… 10. …………………………………………………………………………………

§§End of Meeting 3§§

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 3

Grammar I Meeting IV

Grammar I Meeting IV

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 4



Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan A.

Learning objectives • Learn kinds and functions of adverbial • Change adjectives into adverbs • Compose sentence with adverbs

B. Materials • Adverbs and adverb phrase – factsheets • Changing adjectives into adverbs and sentence completion • Identifying adjectives and adverbs • Identifying kinds of adverbs • Writing – composing sentence using adverbs C.

Class activities a. Lead in Adverbs and adverb phrase – factsheets → Related to the previous lesson, students discuss about transitive and intransitive verbs. Encourage them to provide some examples with each verb. → Students learn further about adverbs (kinds and functions). Mention that adverbs can also be used for transitive verbs (i. e. to add more information). b. Main Changing adjectives into adverbs and sentence completion → Students practice changing adjectives into adverbs by adding –ly suffix. Warn the students that not all –ly ending means adverb (friendly = adjective). Identifying adjectives and adverbs → Students practice identifying adjectives and adverbs in the sentences. Students should be aware that adjectives describe thing/noun, while adverbs describe actions or quality (very, extremely) of action or adjectives. Identifying kinds of adverbs → Students practice identifying kinds of adverbs by looking at their functions. c. After Writing – composing sentence using adverbs → Students learn to compose their own sentences. The sentences should cover S-V, adverbs, and objects for transitive verbs. Check the spelling and the structure. Encourage the students NOT to use a word more than once so that they explore other words.

In this meeting You will learn how to: → Learn kinds and functions of adverbial → Change adjectives into adverbs → Compose sentence with adverbs

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 4

Adverbs and Adverb Phrases

Adverbs and Adverb Phrases A. Getting Started Adverbs are words that tell you more about verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. Many adverbs end in ly. You make these adverbs by adding ly to adjectives. She writes neatly. The traffic was moving slowly. We waited patiently to see the doctor. They waved goodbye sadly. David sings beautifully. The children walked quickly into the classroom. Adverb phrases are groups or words that functions as single adverbs to describe the action of the verb. Are you sitting in a comfortable chair?

Mr. Dickson always dresses in fashionable clothes.

He draws cartoons like a real cartoonist.

The train arrived on time.

B. Adverbs of Manner Some adverbs and adverb phrases describe the way people do things. They answer the question “How?�

The girls answered all the questions correctly.

He was driving carelessly.

The plane landed safely.

Katy plays the piano skilfully.

Sam is behaving like a baby.

Please speak in a clear voice.

She writes in a very grown-up way.

You can buy fruit very cheaply in this shop.

They sell everything at very low prices.

David sings like a professional singer.

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 4



Adverbs and Adverb Phrases

C. Adverbs of Time Some adverbs and adverb phrases answer the question “when?” They are called adverbs of time.

I’m going to my new school tomorrow.

The train has already left.

We moved into our new house last week.

My big brother goes to college in the autumn.

Our favorite TV program starts at 6 o’clock.

It rained heavily last night.

We’re going on a trip in a few days’ time.

We’ll leave as soon as possible.

My shoes will be too small for me next year.

I haven’t seen Mom this morning. Is she working today?

D. Adverbs of Place Some adverbs and adverb phrases answer the question “where?” They are called adverbs of place.

It’s very sunny but cold outside.

The boys are playing upstairs.

That’s our ball there.

I couldn’t find my book anywhere.

The dog is in the garden.

Flowers like these grow in the park.

We’re going to New York City on our school trip.

My brother is studying at an English university.

They live on the northern side of the island.

E. Adverbs of Frequency Some adverbs and adverb phrases answer the question “how often?” They are called adverbs of frequency.

Katy practices the piano regularly.

The children always go to school on the bus.

I’ll never make that mistake again.

Have you ever been to Japan? GE1-Grammar-Meeting 4

Adverbs and Adverb Phrases

We’ve been to Disneyland twice.

The shops are often very busy.

The newspaper is delivered daily.

We walk home from school every day.

I clean my bedroom every week.

Have you forgotten my name? I’ve told you three times already.

Dad polishes his shoes twice a week.

You should go to the dentist once every six months


F. Adverbs of Duration Some adverbs and adverb phrases answer the question “how long?” They are called adverbs of duration.

The library is temporarily closed.

We’re staying in a hotel overnight.

The teacher left the classroom briefly.

The snow lasted for three days.

Mom was away a very long time.

Stand still for a moment while I comb your hair.

He talked to his girlfriend for over an hour.

We waited for ages for a bus.

I haven’t seen my cousins for two years.

We stayed up all night talking.

G. Adverb of Emphasis We have seen that most adverbs describe verbs, but remember that some adverbs also describe adjectives or other adverbs. They are usually used to add emphasis. Here are some examples. The emphasizing adverbs are printed in bold. The adjectives or adverbs they describe are underlined.

Anna can run really fast.

That’s a very good drawing.

My rice is too hot.

The film was just terrible.

Your excuses are completely unbelievable. GE1-Grammar-Meeting 4


Adverbs and Adverb Phrases

These old tools are totally useless.

She sings quite beautifully.

Exercise 1 Choose an adjective from the box and turn it into an adverb to complete the sentences below. The first one has been done for you.











1. She writes very neatly. 2. You have to talk …………..when you’re in the library. 3. Carry the glass………… so you don’t drop it. 4. You should exercise …………..if you want to stay fit. 5. “Goodbye. I’m going to miss you,” she said …………... 6. The sky was blue and the sun was shining …………….. 7. If you follow us …………., you won’t get lost. 8. I can’t understand you. Please speak more …………….. 9. Let’s walk …………… so we get home before it starts to rain. 10. Attach the sign …………….. to the wall.

Exercise 2 Are the bold words in the following sentences adverbs or adjectives? Write adverb or adjective on the line after each sentence. 1. The teacher smiled kindly. 2. She has a lovely smile. 3. The children in my class are very friendly. 4. John had no friends and felt very lonely. 5. It was raining, so they wisely decided to stay in. 6. My dad buys a daily newspaper. 7. Some snakes are deadly. 8. I’ve nearly finished my homework. 9. I shook hands politely with the head teacher. 10. They played some very lively games.

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 4

Adverbs and Adverb Phrases


Exercise 3 Circle the verb in each sentence below. Then underline the adverb or adverb phrase that describes the verb. What kind of adverb is it? Write M for manner, T for time, P for place, F for frequency or D for duration in the box after each sentence. The first one has been done for you. 1. Kent did his homework carelessly. 2. We start our vacation next week. 3. Farah read the poem in a very clear voice. 4. The accident happened during the afternoon. 5. The man walked very slowly. 6. My cousin arrived yesterday. 7. I left my schoolbag in the car. 8. It stopped raining for a few minutes. 9. Dad goes jogging regularly. 10. We eat our meals in the dining room.

Exercise 4 Write your own sentences. Add adverbials to enrich your sentences. 1. ………………………………………………………………… 2. ………………………………………………………………… 3. ………………………………………………………………… 4. ………………………………………………………………… 5. …………………………………………………………………

§§End of Meeting 4§§

GE1-Grammar-Meeting 4



Speaking & Listening I Class (1st Meeting)

Speaking & Listening I st Class (1 Meeting)

GE1-SL-Class Meeting 1

Lesson Plan


Lesson Plan A.

Learning objectives • Say hello and goodbye • Give appropriate responses to questions • Spell names • Speak naturally (falling and raising intonation)

B. Materials • Hello and Goodbye • Vocabulary building – meetings and greetings • Names • Getting to know you • What’s the word for this in English + audio . C.

Class activities a. Before listening Hello and Goodbye ▶ Students practice giving appropriate response when being greeted by friend. b. During listening Vocabulary building – meetings and greetings ▶ Students learn to identify the possible responses to greetings. ▶ Students practice saying hello and goodbye to some classmates. Students can move around the class and say hello and goodbye to some of their friends and later giving responses when being greeted. Names ▶ Students learn about names (first, middle, last) and practice spelling their names. ▶ Students take turn with their friends for asking for names and the spelling. Getting to know you ▶ Students use the questionnaire to get to know their friends. Students work in pair and take turn asking their friends about their personal information. ▶ Students practice speaking by paying attention to raising and falling intonation to make it sounds natural. What’s the word for this in English + audio ▶ Students practice asking the English word for some words in their language. This activity can be built so that students are used to talk in English, even when they ask for the translation in English. c. After listening Student practice conversation with their partner, and also practice saying hello and goodbye.

In this meeting You will learn how to: ▶ Say hello and goodbye ▶ Give appropriate responses to questions ▶ Spell names ▶ Speak naturally (falling and raising intonation) GE1-SL-Class Meeting 1


Hello and Goodbye

Hello and Goodbye

GE1-SL-Class Meeting 1

Hello and Goodbye

Matt: “Good morning Sarah. How are you?” Sarah: “Good. How are you Matt?” Matt: “I’m fine thanks.”

Matt: “Hello. I’m Matt Lenski.” Emily: “Hi. I’m Emily Kim. Nice to Meet you.” Matt: “Nice to meet you .”

A. Getting started • Listen : Matt and Sarah are friends. Are Matt and Emily friends? Practise the conversations. • Can you complete the conversations below? Then practice with a partner. Use your own names. Conversation 1: A. Hello. I’m .......... B. Hi. Nice to meet you. ...... Sam. A. Nice to meet .........

Conversation 2: A. Hi, Pat. How B. I’m ........ How are .....? A. Good, thanks.

GE1-SL-Class Meeting 1


A. Listen. practice the con 70

Hello and Goodbye

B. Vocabulary building • Listen. Practice the conversations

Emily: “Good night.” Matt: “Good night. Have a good evening.” Emily: “Thank you. You too.”

Sarah: “Bye. See you tomorrow.” Matt : “Bye. See you”

• Listen to the conversations. Check mark the responses you hear. 1. Bye. have a good evening. You too. Good-bye. You too. Good night.

3. Bye. See you later. OK. See you later. Bye. See you next week.

2. Hi. How are you? Good, thanks. I’m fine.

4. Hey, Oscar! Hi, How are you? Hello.

5. Goodbye. Have a nice day. Thank you. Thanks. You too.

• Write three expressions for saying hello and goodbye. Compare with a partner.

How are you?



• Class activity ----> say hello and goodbye to five classmates.

GE1-SL-Class Meeting 1

nversations. Hello and Goodbye


Learning tip: Learning expressions Write new expressions with their responses like this:

Hi or Hello?

People say Hi and Bye more than Hello and Good-Bye.

Expression: “See you later” Response: “Bye, See you” 1. Expression : “Hello”

On your own Before your next class, say hello and good-bye (in English) to three people.

Response: “...............................” 2. Expression : “Good morning” Response: “...............................” 3. Expression : “Hi. I’m Helen” Response: “.....................................” 4. Expression : “How are you?” Response: “..........................................” 5. Expression : “Have a nice day” Response: “......................................” 6. Expression : “See you tomorrow” Response: “...................................” 7. Expression : “Have a good evening” Response: “...............................” 8. Expression : “Good night” Response: “........................................”

GE1-SL-Class Meeting 1


Hello and Goodbye

C. Names Hi. My name is David My last name is Hanson.

Hi, I’m Liz Park. My first name is Elizabeth. Liz is my short for Elizabeth.

Name: David Allen Hanson FIRST





Name: Elizabeth FIRST



I’m Mary Gomez. My middle name is Ann. Frank is my husband.



Name: Mary FIRST







Saying name in English A. Listen to the people above give their Miss, Mrs, Ms, Mr.? names. • David Hanson is single. ----> Mr. Hanson B. Complete the sentences bellow. Then • Liz Park is single. ----> Ms. Park / Miss park compare with a partner • Mary Gomez is married. ----> Ms. Gomez / Mrs. Gomez 1. My first name is ________________. 2. My last name is ________________. • Frank Gomez is married. ----> Mr. Gomez 3. My middle name is _____________. 4. My nickname is ________________. 5. My teacher’s name is ____________. 6. My favorite name is _____________. C. Listen and say the alphabets. Circle the letters in your name. Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz D. Listen then practice the conversation with a partner. Use your own names. A B A B A B

What’s your name? Catherine Ravelli. How do you spell Catherine C-A-T-H-E-R-I-N-E. Thanks. And how you last name? R-A-V-E-L-L-I

E. Class activity ------>Ask your classmates their names. Make a list.

GE1-SL-Class Meeting 1

Hello and Goodbye


D. Getting to know you How well do you know your new classmates? QUESTIONNAIRE YOUR NAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


What’s your name? ___________________________________ What does your name mean? ___________________________________ Do you have a middle name? ___________________________________ Are you named after someone? ___________________________________ Do you like your name? ___________________________________

1. 2. 3.

Are you a Full-time student? ___________________________________ a. If yes : What’s your major? ___________________________________ b. If no : What do you do for a living? ___________________________________ How do you get to work or class? ___________________________________ How long does it take? ___________________________________





2. 3. 4. 5.

Where do you live? ___________________________________ Do you like your neighbourhood? ___________________________________ Do you live alone or with your family? ___________________________________ Do you have any brothers or sisters? ___________________________________ Where are your parents from? ___________________________________

2. 3. 4. 5.

Do you have a lot of friend? ___________________________________ Are your friends from school, work, or your neighbourhood? ___________________________________ What your friends like? ___________________________________ Do you and your friends get together a lot? ___________________________________ What do you do when you get together? ___________________________________

1. Speak Up

Pair work : Use the questionnaire to interview each other. Write your partner’s answers. Then tell the class one interesting thing about your partner

“Marcelle has seven brothers and sister”

2. Speaking naturally : Stress and intonation Do you have a nickname? Are you from a big family? What do you do for fun? Yes. People call me Jimmy. Yes. I have four sisters. I go to the movies.

A. Listen and repeat the question and answers above. Notice the stress on the important content word. Notice how the voice rises, or rises and then falls, on the stressed word. B. Pair Work : Ask and answer the question. Give your own answer.

GE1-SL-Class Meeting 1


Hello and Goodbye

E. What’s the word for this in English? Conversation strategy: Asking for help in class. Can you match the question and answers?

1. How do you spell book?______ a. Sure 2. Can I borrow your pen?______ b. Pencil. 3. What’s the word for this in English?_______ c. B-O-O-K. Now listen. How many question does Ming-wei ask? Ming-wei : Excuse me, what’s the word for this in English? Sonia : Highlighter. Ming-wei : Thanks. Sonia : Sure. Ming-wei : do you spell it? Sonia : I don’t know. Sorry. Ming-wei : That’s is OK. Thanks. Anyway ...... Can I borrow a pen, please? Sonia : Sure. Here you go. Ming-wei : Thank you. Sonia : You’re welcome. Ms. Larsen : OK. Open your books to page 4. Ming-wei : Excuse me, can you repeat that, please? What page? Ms. Larsen : Sure. page 4. Notice How Ming-wei asks for help in class. Find his “What’s the word for this in English?” questions. “How do you spell it?” Complete the conversations. Then practice with a partner. Conversation 1: Conversation 2: A: What’s this? B: It’s an eraser. A: Oh, ...........?

A: Excuse me, can I............. your dictionary please ? B: Sure. Here you go.

Pair work: Practise the conversations again. Use your own ideas. §§End of Meeting 1§§

GE1-SL-Class Meeting 1

Conversation 3: A: What’s your phone number? B: ............., please? A: Yes. What’s your phone number?

Speaking & Listening I Lab. (1st Meeting)

Speaking & Listening I st Lab. (1 Meeting)

GE1-SL-Lab Meeting 1



Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan A.

Learning objectives • Pronounce English alphabet • Pronounce and spell words correctly • Write words with correct spelling

B. Materials • Video (Alphabet) • Audio (Spelling words) • Video (Fruits) with words and sounds • Video (Fruits) without words • Audio (Quiz- Listening to the words and writing the words) • Word search (Identifying words ) C.

Class activities a. Before listening Video – alphabet ▶ Students listen to how each letter is pronounced. Then students practice pronouncing the letters. Pay attention to similar sounds like A/E/I, F/V, G/J, C/S, W/U, Y. ▶ Students can take turn practicing the spelling of their names with their friends checking the correct spelling. b. During listening Audio (Spelling words) ▶ Students practice spelling the words (means they pronounce each letter) and then check the correct spelling through the audio. Video (Fruits) with words and sounds ▶ Students listen to how the words are pronounced and repeat after the speaker. Students then practice pronouncing the words before the speaker. As the words are also displayed, students can take turn spelling the words with their friends. Video (Fruits) without words ▶ Students test their skill by looking at the picture shown from the video, listening to the words, and then writing them down on the paper. Then they can check their work in pair. Audio (Quiz- Listening to the words and writing the words) ▶ Students test their skill by listening to the words and write them down on the paper. Then they can check their work in pair. c. After listening Word search (Identifying words )

In this meeting You will learn how to:

▶ pronounce English alphabet ▶ pronounce and spell words correctly ▶ write words with correct spelling

GE1-SL-Lab Meeting 1

Spelling & Pronunciation

Spelling & Pronunciation

GE1-SL-Lab Meeting 1



Lesson Plan

A. Alphabet Pronunciation

Listen to the video and practice pronouncing the alphabet

B. Spelling Spell the following words. That means: pronounce every single letter on its own. Afterwards you can listen to the correct spellings.

GE1-SL-Lab Meeting 1

Lesson Plan


C. Spelling Spell the following words. That means: pronounce every single letter on its own. Afterwards you can listen to the correct spellings.

Exercise: Look at the picture and guess the answer.

D. Pronunciation and spelling Listen to the pronunciation and write the words in spaces below. No.1 has been done for you.

1. Apple 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

GE1-SL-Lab Meeting 1


Lesson Plan

E. Spelling – quiz Listen to the audio and write the words. No.1 has been done for you.

GE1-SL-Lab Meeting 1

Lesson Plan


Circle the 16 words listed below. Words appear straight across, back-word straight across, up and down, down and up, and diagonally

Spelling Word Find List 5 Z H K Y C E X P R Y V N F K L


















GE1-SL-Lab Meeting 1


Lesson Plan

Circle the 16 words listed below. Words appear straight across, back-word straight across, up and down, down and up, and diagonally

Spelling Word Find List 5 U D B T A G X T E X P L O D E















§§End of Lab Meeting 1§§

GE1-SL-Lab Meeting 1

Speaking & Listening I Class (2nd Meeting)

Speaking & Listening I nd Class (2 Meeting)

GE1-SL-Class Meeting 2



Lesson plan

Lesson plan A.

Learning objectives • Describe people with adjective • Response to Yes-no questions • Show interest and surprise • Talk about people we know

B. Materials • Vocabulary Building - Celebrities • Grammar points • Vocabulary building (People we know) – describing people • Grammar: Yes-No Questions, negatives • Speaking naturally – linking + showing surprise • Audio -This is a Friend of mine C.

Class activities a. Before listening Vocabulary Building – Celebrities ▶ Students learn to identify famous people by matching their names with the description and the pictures. b. During listening Grammar points ▶ Students learn the use of pronouns (subject and possessive) to describe people. ▶ Students practice giving appropriate responses using the correct pronouns. Vocabulary building (People we know) – describing people ▶ Students learn the use of adjectives to describe people. Then they practice describing themselves or their friends using adjectives. Pay attention to the use of verb “be”. Grammar: Yes-No Questions, negatives ▶ Students learn the structure of Yes-No questions and how to response to those questions. They also learn the structure of negative statement using verb “be”. Pay attention to the use of the verb. ▶ Students practice unscrambling the questions and provide appropriate responses. Speaking naturally – linking + showing surprise ▶ Students practice speaking more naturally by linking the sound of the previous word and the next word appear. ▶ Students learn to show surprise or interest by using “Really?” Audio -This is a Friend of mine ▶ Students can listen to the audio as they read the dialogue. c. After listening ▶ Students practice making a conversation with their friends about people they know. ▶ Students practice describing people they know using adjectives.

In this meeting

You will learn how to: ▶ Describe people with adjective ▶ Response to Yes-no questions ▶ Show interest and surprise ▶ Talk about people we know

GE1-SL-Class Meeting 2

People We Know

People We Know

GE1-SL-Class Meeting 2



Lesson plan

A. Do You Know These People? Complete the blank spaces with the person’s name and match the description with the picture.

The names: Rudy Hartono , Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Walter Elias Disney, Nelson Mandela, Napoleon Bona Parte, Princes Diana Spencer

GE1-SL-Class Meeting 2

Lesson plan


B. Celebrities

Sean Penn

Norah Jones

Sandra : I love these shows about ... Oh, there’s Norah Jones. She celebrities . Hmm. Who’s that is my favorite singer. her voice is guy? oh, Look. It’s Sean penn. He’s amazing. good-looking. His new movie is great.

The Williams sister

... and look-The williams sister, my favorite tennis players. Their matches are always exciting. You’re a tennis fan, right? John? ... John? Wake up!

Getting Started • Listen. Sandra is watching TV with John. Is the show interesting for John? • Can you complete the sentences? Use the information above to help you. 1. Sean Penn is an actor . ............................ movies are very good. 2. Norah Jones is a famous singer. video is great. 3. The Williams sisters are tennis players. ............. matches are always great.

GE1-SL-Class Meeting 2


Lesson plan

Grammar : Be in Statements; Possessive adjectives

I’m a Sean Penn fans. You’re a tennis fans. He’s an actor She’s a famous singer. We’re a giant fans. They’re tennis players.

My favorite actor is Sean Penn. Your favorite sport is tennis. His new movie is great. Her voice is amazing. Our favorite team is the Giants. Their matches are exciting.

Circle the correct words to complete the conversations. Then practice with a partner.

1. A: I’m /My a Sting fan. B: Yeah, He’s/His music is amazing. A: You know, He’s/His real name is Gordon Matthew Summer.

2. A: I’m/My favorite band is Black Eyed Peas. B: Oh, They’re/Their very good. A: You know, They’re/Their CD is out now.

3. A: Nicole Kidman’s new movie is really great. B: Yeah? She’s/Her movies always good. A: I know, She’s/Her my favorite actor.

4. A: What’s You’re/Your favorite show? B: I’m/My favorite show? Friends. A: Yeah, It’s We’re/Our favorite show, too In our family, We’re/Our all Friends fans.

Talk about it : My favorite celebrities

Write the name of your favorite celebrities below. Then talk about them with a partner. How many things can you say? Actor Johnny Depp Band





“ My favorite actor is Johnny Depp. He’s so good-looking. His new movie is great.”

GE1-SL-Class Meeting 2

Lesson plan


C. People We Know

She’s smart. She’s very interesting.

He’s quiet and shy.

She’s friendly and outgoing

They’re very nice. They’re fun.

He’s Lazy

Vocabulary Building • Listen and say the sentences. Do you have friends like these? Tell the class. • How many words can you think of to describe people you know? Complete the chart. Then tell a partner. My Friends very smart

My best friend

My neighbour

Building Language

• Listen. What is Tim’s new boss like? Practice the conversation. Dana So,how’s your new job? Are you busy? Tim Yes. It’s hard work, you know. I’m tired. Dana Really? What are your co-workers like? Are they nice? Tim Yes. They are. They’re really friendly. Dana Great. And is your boss OK? Tim She is, yeah. She’s nice. Um.. She is not very strict. Dana Good, because you’re late for work. • Can you complete these questions and answer? Use your own ideas. Then compare with a partner.

1. A How’s your new teacher? 2. A What about your classmates? 3. A And what’s class like? she ? they ? it ? B Yes, she . B Yes, they . B No. its not.

GE1-SL-Class Meeting 2


Lesson plan

Grammar: Yes-No questions and answers ; Negatives

Am I late? Yes, You are. No, You’re not. You’re not late. Are you busy? Yes, I am. No, I’m not. I’m not busy. Is he tired? Yes, He is. No, He’s not. He’s not tired. Is she strict? Yes, She is. No, She’s not. She’s not strict. (My boss isn’t strict) Is it hard work? Yes, It is. No, It’s not. It’s not hard work. Are we late? Yes, We are. No, We’re not. We’re not late. Are they nice? Yes, They are. No, They’re not. They’re not nice. (My co workers aren’t nice) Write yes-no questions. Then write the true answers. Ask and answer the questions with a partner. 1. You/shy? Q: Are you shy? A: Yes, I’m 2. This class/easy? 3. The teacher / strict ? 4. The students in this class / lazy ? 5. Your neighbours / nice ? 6. Your friends/out going? In conversation... People use ‘s not and ‘re not after pronouns. Example: She’s not strict They’re not nice Isn’t and Aren’t often follow nouns. Example: My boss isn’t strict My co-workers aren’t nice

Speaking naturally : Is he...? or Is she...?

Listen and repeat the questions above. Notice the pronunciation of Is he...? or Is she...? Listen. Do you hear Is he..? or Is she..? Circle he or she.

1. Is he/she a friend from high school? 2. Is he/she a college student? 3. Is he/she shy? 4. Is he/she smart? 5. Is he/she interesting? 6. Is he/she fun?

GE1-SL-Class Meeting 2

Lesson plan


Pair work. Find out about your partner’s best friend. Ask and answer questions like the ones above.

A. Is he a friend from high school? B. No, he’s a neighbour.

D. This Is a Friend of Mine. Conversation strategy: showing interest • Can you add a question to show you’re interested in the conversation. Example: A Here’s a picture of my best friend. B Really? • Now listen. What do you find out about Eve’s friend? Mark This is a great photo. Who is it? Eve It’s a friend of mine Natasha. Mark Oh? Where’s she from? Eve She’s from London, But she’s here in Miami now. Mark London? Wow. Is she student here? Eve No, she’s an artist- a painter. she’s an amazing woman. Mark A painter? Really? What are her paintings like? Eve

They’re a wonderful. Look.

Mark Oh. Interesting. . . Um, what is it?

Notice How mark shows interest.

He repeats words and asks questions. Find examples in the conversation.

“She’s from London But she’s here in Miami now.” “London? Wow. Is she student here?”

Complete the responses. Then practice with a partner.

1. A My friend Gemma is a singer. B A singer ? Is she in band?

2. A My best friends name is Vlad. B ............................Where’s he from?

3. A B

GE1-SL-Class Meeting 2

My friend Joshua and Pat are actors. ...........................? Are they famous?


Lesson plan

Pair Work

Student A : Tell your partner about a friend. Student B : Ask questions to show interest. Then change roles.

Strategy plus: Really? People say Really? to show they are interested or surprised. In conversation, Really is one of the top 50 words

Pair Work

Practice the conversations. Then ask the questions again. Give your own answers. 1. A B A

Where are you from? San Diego. San Diego?Really? I’m from Los Angeles.

3. A B A B

Who’s your best friend? Her name’s Brittany. Really? What’s she like? She’s very nice.

2. A What’s your name? B Ryan. A Really? My best friend’s name is Ryan.

Listening & Speaking: Friends Listen to these people talk about their friends. Write the missing words. “Anton’s a friend of mine. He’s my .......He’s around my age. He’s a ..........guy - a fun guy”

“Amy is a friend of mine from the neighbourhood. She’s about .......years old. Olivia is her ....... She’s the same age as my......”

“Gary is a friend from...... He’s very ........His.............’s name is Gloria”

Pair work

Write the names of three people you know on a piece of paper. Exchange lists. Ask questions about the people on your partner’s list. Example: A Who’s Chung Dae? B He’s My best friend. A Really? Where’s he from?

Free talk Talk about your favorite people See Free talk 3 for more speaking practice.

GE1-SL-Class Meeting 2

Speaking & Listening I Lab. (2nd Meeting)

Speaking & Listening I nd Lab. (2 Meeting)

GE1-SL-Lab Meeting 2



Lesson plan

Lesson plan A.

Learning objectives • Read time • Listen and complete incomplete text • Talk about daily schedule

B. Materials • Vocabulary Building (identifying and categorizing activities into morning, afternoon, and night activities) • Vocabulary Building 2 (Reading time) • Video (Tell me the time in English) • Audio (Daily Schedule) – (text completion + listening comprehension) • Audio (b-clock-watches-quiz1) – completing the text and identifying the time C.

Class activities a. Before listening Vocabulary Building (identifying and categorizing activities into morning, afternoon, and night activities) ▶ Students learn to name activities shown in the picture and categorize them into morning, afternoon, and night activities. Students can also compare to their own daily activities Vocabulary Building 2 (Reading time) ▶ Students learn to understand the concept of o’clock, past/after, to, quarter, half in reading the time. Students then practice pronouncing the time. b. During listening Video (Tell me the time in English) ▶ Students learn to understand the concept of o’clock, past/after, to, quarter, half as they watch the video. ▶ Students then practice pronouncing the time. They can also practice mentioning time for their daily schedule. Audio (Daily Schedule) – (text completion + listening comprehension) ▶ Students train their hearing as they listen to the recording and try to complete the script. ▶ Students then answer the questions related to it. Always train them to check back the answers as it will also train their reading skill (scanning technique). Audio (b-clock-watches-quiz1) – completing the text and identifying the time ▶ Students listen to the audio and complete the questions. ▶ Students then answer the questions. Repeat the audio if they are unsure of or want to check their answers. c. After listening ▶ Students talk about their daily routines and the time of doing the activities.

In this meeting You will learn how to: ▶ Read time ▶ Listen and complete incomplete text ▶ Talk about daily schedule

GE1-SL-Lab Meeting 2

Lesson plan

GE1-SL-Lab Meeting 2





A. Vocabulary Building Name and classify the following activities into 3 categories; morning, afternoon, and night activities.













GE1-SL-Lab Meeting 2


B. Reading the time Watch the video and practice reading the times.

GE1-SL-Lab Meeting 2




D. Text Completion

Listen to two people talking about their daily schedule and complete the text.

E. Text Completion Woman : So, what’s your usual day like? You always seem so (1) (2)

Man : Well, I

get up around 5.00 a.m. and work on the computer until 6.00 a.m.

Woman: Why do you get up so early? Man : Well, I have to (3) home at twenty to seven (6.40 a.m.) so I can catch a bus at 7:00 o’ clock. It takes me about twenty minutes to walk to the bus stop from my house. Woman : And what time do you get to work? Man : Uh, my bus (4)

about an hour to get there, but it stops right in front of my office.

Woman : That’s nice. And what time do you get off work? Man : Uh, (5) 5.00 o’ clock . Then , we eat dinner around 6.30, and my wife and I read and play with the kids until 8.00 or so. Woman : So, when do you work on your website? You said one time that you create it at home? Man : Well, my wife and I (6) watch TV or talk until 10:00 o’ clock. She then often reads while I work on my site, and I sometimes stay up until the (7) hours of the morning, but I try to finish everything by one or two. Woman : And then you get up at 5:00 a.m.? Man : Well, yeah, but it’s important to live balanced life. I enjoy what I do, but you have aside (8) for family and yourself. Woman : I agree. Man : But I think my wife has the toughest job. She (9) her whole day taking care of our family....taking the kids to school, working in the garden, buying (10) , taking the kids to piano lessons....(Wow!) That’s full-time job, but she enjoys what she does. Woman : well, it sounds you’re a busy, but lucky man Man : I think so too. GE1-SL-Lab Meeting 2



Key Vocabulary[Top]  catch(verb): to get on -I have to catch a bus in front of the bus station.  get off work(verb): finish work -She seldom gets off work before 6:00 p.m.  dinner(noun): sometimes supper -We seldom eat dinner after 8:00 p.m.  stay up(verb): not go to bed -I almost never stay up past midnight.  set aside(verb): reserve, allow, or give a certain amount to -You have to set aside enough time to study for your classes.  toughest(adjective): most difficult, hardest -The toughest part about being a parent is setting aside time for both work, family, and self.  take care of(verb): watch, look after -You should take care of yourself so you don’t get sick.  groceries(noun): food and other items at a supermarket -Mom is going to pick up some groceries from the store for dinner.

F. Listen Comprehension 1.

What time does the man get up? A. at 5:00 a.m. B. at 6:00 a.m. C. at 7:00 a.m.


What time does he get to work? A. at 7:00 a.m. B. at 8:00 a.m. C. at 9:00 a.m.


What does he do with his family around 6:30 p.m.? A. They read books together. B. They play games. C. They eat dinner.


What do the man and his wife do after the kids go to bed? A. They watch TV. B. They clean the house. C. They listen to music.


What is one thing the man does NOT say about his wife? A. She has to take their children to school. B. She helps the kids with their homework. C. She goes shopping for food.

G. Quiz Completion Pre Listening Exercises Telling time is a part of our everyday lives, from opening and closing hours of stores to office schedules and doctor appointments. This activity will help you learn to tell time and understand it in different situations. GE1-SL-Lab Meeting 2



Example: • What are your office hours? >>We’re open from nine to five. (9:00-5:00) • Do you know what time the bank closes? >> I think it closes around six (6:00) • When does your bus arrive? >> It comes about a quarter to for. (3:45) II. Listening Exercises 1. Our class begin at ________________________. A. 4:05 B. 4:15 C 4:50 2. My mother left this morning at ______________. A. 9:30 B. 9:13 C. 9:30 3. I’m going to catch my bus at ________________. A. 3:40 B. 4:20 C. 12:04 4. Let’s get together at ________________. A. 12:05 B. 5:12 C. 5:22 5. The store ________________________. A. 4:06 B. 5:45 C. 6:15 6. The _______stars at _______________. A. 7:04 B. 7:14 C. 7:40 7. ________________________________. A. 10:00 B. 10:05 C. 10:10 8. _______________________________. A. 11:05 B. 4:12 C. 11:45 9. _______________________________. A. 8:05 B. 8:15 C. 8:25 10. _______________________________. A. 3: 03 B. 3:13 C. 3:30 GE1-SL-Lab Meeting 2

Speaking & Listening I Lab. (3th Meeting)

Speaking & Listening I th Lab. (3 Meeting)

GE1-SL-Lab Meeting 3



Lesson plan

Lesson plan A.

Learning objectives • Know about family member • Pronounce numbers • Listen to and complete an incomplete text • Talk about family

B. Materials • Vocabulary building – learning names of baby animals • Reading (Patrick’s Family) – learning names of family members • Video (Learn _English_numbers_0_20) • Video (Learn_numbers_21_32) • Video (roots) - listening + text completion + listening comprehension • Audio (quiz – numbers) C.

Class activities a. Before listening Vocabulary building – learning names of baby animals ▶ Students learn the names of baby animals and associate them with the pictures. Reading (Family + Patrick’s Family) – learning names of family members ▶ Students learn about family tree and the names of family members. ▶ Students then practice identifying who’s who by referring to the description of each family member. b. During listening Video (Learn _English_numbers_0_20) ▶ Students listen to the recording and practice pronouncing the numbers. They also need to pay attention to the spelling of the numbers. If possible, students are also encouraged to practice spelling the numbers. Video (Learn_numbers_21_32) ▶ Students listen to the recording and practice pronouncing the numbers. They also need to pay attention to the spelling of the numbers. If possible, students are also encouraged to practice spelling the numbers. Video (roots) - listening + text completion + listening comprehension ▶ Students listen to and complete the incomplete script. ▶ Students then answer the questions about the video. Always train the students to check back their answers to the text (script) as it trains their reading skill (scanning technique). Audio (quiz – numbers) ▶ Students listen to the audio and write down the words for the numbers. Check their spelling. c. After listening ▶ Students talk about their family members and their birthdays (related to numbers).

In this meeting You will learn how to: ▶ Know about family member ▶ Pronounce numbers ▶ Listen to and complete an incomplete text ▶ Talk about family GE1-SL-Lab Meeting 3



GE1-SL-Lab Meeting 3



Lesson plan

A. Vocabulary Building Below are names of baby animals. Match the animals, their babies, and the pictures.

GE1-SL-Lab Meeting 3

Lesson plan


Vocabulary Building (2)

GE1-SL-Lab Meeting 3



Lesson plan

Patrick’s Family Write these words in the correct place. boyfriend



son mother




Read about Patrick Bincey and listen. Write the names of the people in the correct place. This is a photo of Patrick, his wife, and his children. His wife’s name is Brenda. She’s a teacher. His daughter’s name is Lara. She’s twenty-one and she’s a nurse. his soon’s name is Benny. He’s nineteen and he’s student. Lara’s boyfriend is a nurse, too. His name is Mick.

Ask and answer questions about Patrick’s family. A: “Who’s Brenda?” B: “She’s Patrick’s wife”

Listening Exercises

GRAMMAR SPOT 1. Look at ’s She’s teacher : She’s = She is His wife’s name: His wife’s name = her name’s = possession. 2. Find other examples in the text of possessive’s and ’s = is

Ana Maria Cavazos was born on (1) ____________ eighth, 1908, in Reynosa, Mexico. She was the (2) ______ ______ of twelve children. Her father, Jesus Cavazos, was originally from Victoria, Texas, but his family (3) ______________ to Mexico around 1855. Ana’s mother, Juana Castro, was the oldest of six brothers and sisters. Juana and Jesus were married in (4) ____ _________. Ana’s family came to the United States (5) _________________ the Mexican Revolution in 1913. Their family experienced much (6) _______________ Ana grew up in Texas and (7) _____________ her future husband in 1929. Ana and Abel Contreras were married in 1931 and were the parents of eleven children. Thank you for joining this (8) ______________ presentation. GE1-SL-Lab Meeting 3


Works Cited

Works Cited

Grenall, Simon. Reward Student’s Book Elementary. Macmillan Heinemann.pdf Jones, Peter Watcyn. Pair Work I Elementary to Pre- Intermediate. Penguin Books, 1997.pdf Mc Charty, Jeanne, and Helen Sandiford. Touchstone 1 Student’s book . Cambridge University Press.pdf ----. Touchstone 1 Workbook. Cambridge University Press.pdf ---- . Touchstone 2 Student’s book. Cambridge University Press.pdf Nettle, Mark and Diana Hopkins. Developing Grammar in Context Intermediate . Cambridge University Press. pdf Oxenden, Koenig and Paul Seligson. New English File Elementary. Oxford University Press, 1997.pdf Quintana, Jenny. New English File Elementary- Test Booklet. Oxford University Press, 2004.pdf Richards, Jack S., Jonathan Hull & Susan Proctor. Interchange 2. Cambridge University Press.pdf River, Susan & Georgiana Farnoaga. Touchstone 2 Workbook. Cambridge University Press.pdf Sargeant, Howard. Basic English Grammar. Saddleback Educational Publishing. 2007.pdf Soars, Liz and John. New Headway Student’s book Elementary. Oxford University Press. pdf BBC learning English websites @ Randall’s ESL Cyber Learning Lab @ Other related websites

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