HypnoBiz Magazine March Edition 2019

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The Magazine For Professional Hypnotists

A Publication Of HypnoBiz Media, LLC

SELENA D. VALENTINE Executive Director


HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Edition

Letter from the Founder Positivity’s Power in My Life and in the World There is no way to overstate just what an impact positivity can have on your life. The more that you cultivate positive thinking and seek out positive mindsets for yourself, the more you can be sure that you are on a path toward all your goals and all your dreams. Nothing can stop you if you have cultivated a healthy, can-do attitude for yourself. I should know! When I first started to plan the Hypnobiz New York conference, it seemed like there was a tidal wave of negativity that had just been waiting to unleash itself upon me. Everywhere I looked there were points at which I could have gotten down, could have felt discouraged, could have judged my plans as unworthy or insufficient. But I didn’t. Instead of listening to the negativity that others were throwing at me, I stayed focused on what I wanted to accomplish and continued to work hard toward making my vision of the HypnoBiz New York conference into a reality. Although it may have seemed to others as if the odds were stacked against me, I believed in the power and the value of what I wanted to create. I believed in myself too! I kept telling myself, Just concentrate on the work, and everything else will fall into place. That is exactly what I did, and it has worked out for me and

paid off for me even more than I could have hoped. Selecting my partners Helen Mitas for HypnoBiz Australia and Jo-Anne Eadie for HypnoBiz Canada, I was looking for three traits above all else: positivity, optimism, and a supportive demeanor. I wanted to partner with people whose values I respected and whose principles I shared. That describes Helen and JoAnne to a tee! Both these highly capable women encapsulate everything that I strive for, the forward thinking and the affirmative demeanor. It is a joy to work with them day in and day out! If you ever have doubts about the power of positive thinking, just take a few days to notice how different people talk. Quickly you will realize that the people who seem to look on the bright side of life tend to live mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically healthier and more fulfilling lives, while those who wallow in selfpity and negativity tend to find themselves encountering one dramatic episode after another, attracting more negativity with the negativity that they put out. It’s real – just look for it!

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6 Ways To Help You Promote Your Business Which Won’t Cost You A Fortune!


here are a variety of different ways which you can successfully market your business no matter what or where it is!

There are a lot of businesses out there in the world which can make it hard to make your business stand out in the crowd. That’s where successful marketing makes all the difference. If you’re relying on word of mouth to spread news of your new business, then you could be waiting for quite a while. That’s where successful marketing enters the equation. With the right marketing steps, your new or business could not only succeed but flourish! According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Business Employment Dynamics, 20% of small businesses will fail within the first year of opening, 30% will fail within two years of opening and 50% of businesses within three years. “Our job is to connect to people, to interact with them in a way that leaves them better than we found them, more able to get where they’d like to go.” – Seth Godin. Those are some staggering numbers! So, what can you do to give your new or existing business the best possible chance of survival? It’s simple really. Marketing! It’s easy to say, but not always so simple to put into practice. There are lots of marketing ideas which are literally like throwing your money away. That’s why when it comes to marketing the more that you can do to educate


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yourself the better chance of success your business marketing has. When you first start your business, money is obviously going to be tight. What little money you do have you’ll obviously want to invest in marketing strategies which off you the best return for your investment. That old business adage ‘you have to spend money to make money’ isn’t always true when it comes to marketing. Sure, there are some great opportunities to invest your money in successful business marketing, but there are also a lot of ways that you can waste your precious money. “We’re all learning here; the best listeners will end up the smartest.” - Josh Bernoff. To get you started with a little of your own marketing here are six ways which you can utilize marketing to promote your business online that won’t cost you the earth!


Use The Three Big Local Listing Services – They may sound simple, but the first thing we’re going to talk about is local listing services or directories. The more relevant directories you add you to, the easier it will be for consumers to find you. With the invention of smartphones, more and more consumers every day are reaching for their phones when they want to find a local business. If you haven’t listed your business in the right business directories, how will they find it? You’ll want to start with the big



one, Google. Create your Google Place, and it will allow customers to find your business in Google Maps. It’s quick and simple. There is also places like Yelp, Yahoo! Local, and Microsoft Bing just to name a couple to get you started.

Embrace Social Media – You don’t have to have a huge social media presence for your business to take advantage of it. Just because you have social media, it doesn’t have to become a time-consuming chore. You could simply create a Facebook Business Page to list your business or run competitions and offer discounts and coupons. There is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and so many more platforms to choose from.

Creating Content – A blog on your website is a great way to draw people interested in your business into you. If you operate a hypnosis business, then you could create blogs and articles about hypnosis which people are interested in learning more about. How it works, how it could help


them, and what it involves.

SEO Your Website – Having a professional check out your website and do the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the key to making it move to the top of the online search. Google and other search engines use complicated algorithms which involve keywords, key phrases and search terms to determine how relevant your website is to consumers. Great SEO will put your website in front of the people that are looking for the product or service you’re selling.


Media Advertising – Traditional advertising is still as relevant as it was ten years ago. Things like radio advertisements, newspaper and magazine ads, and television ads are still a great way to get your business out there. The tricky part is navigating what’s good and what will suit your business. That’s where a marketing specialist will step in to help guide your media marketing campaign. It’s worth every cent to have a professional guide you through this complicated and expensive process to ensure you’re getting the most from your money and time.


Do Your Homework – When it comes to marketing, time and money aren’t everything. If you throw a lot of money at marketing without specialist advice, you could be throwing your money away. A $1,000 marketing strategy developed by a professional could equate to a significant increase in business. While just throwing ten times that at random marketing strategies without the right advice could yield you nothing.

When it comes to your business, can you afford not to invest in professional marketing? Don’t be one of the 20% of business which never makes it past the first 12 months, be one that makes it past 12 years! Author Selena D. Valentine

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Edition


The #1 biggest blunder Hypnotherapists make when


hose first few months in your own practice can be exhilarating and challenging. It’s a massive learning experience. Unfortunately, many Hypnotherapists make it harder for themselves than they need to, by making a few very common blunders that seriously slow down their growth. Make sure that you do not fall into this trap while you are getting established: Spending Money on Premises You Can’t Afford! We all have this vision in our minds of seeing clients in a beautiful practice space. However, more humble digs (and even a converted room in your home) is a much smarter choice while you are getting established.

entrance with a coded keypad and cameras, a dedicated waiting room, an office and four consulting rooms with soundproof walls which accommodate four therapists. If you don’t have the ability to work from home, there are many rooms that are available for hire at very reasonable rates from other business owners. Make sure you do not get locked into a fixed contract that is not flexible. You are far better off paying casual rates rather than being locked into a contract and paying for a room that is not fully utilised. For example, you don’t want to be paying for a room that you can’t use on public holidays or when you go on a holiday yourself.

Dedicated offices or practice rooms are an unnecessary When I first started out, expense for beginning I was seeing clients in my practitioners that add financial lounge room with room stress you don’t need when dividers separating that you’re starting out. As long room from the adjoining as your space is clean, private dining room. It wasn’t and comfortable, it is good perfect but it was good enough. Build your clientele enough. In fact, I received first, then start thinking about Helen Mitas many comments about how nicer digs. By keeping your comfortable clients felt in that spending in check during your room. early development, you can ensure that you have the funds to keep growing. It was always my vision to move to offices outside of home but the costs were so high Next HynoBiz Edition … The #2 Biggest Blunder with no real benefit that I thought it would be that Hypnotherapists make! much smarter to renovate my home premises Author to accommodate my business needs. These Helen Mitas renovations happened gradually and now I have www.helenmitas.com a zen garden which leads to a separate business


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elen Mitas is Co-organizer of HypnoBiz Australia and is dedicated to raising the profile of the Hypnotherapy Industry globally. She specialises in helping Hypnotherapists to a six-figure turnover within 12 months just as she has done with her own business. Helen is also the founder of Hypnofit, which is a thriving Hypnotherapy clinic in Melbourne, Australia. Hypnofit has helped thousands of people suffering from the debilitating effects of depression, anxiety, addictions, and weight problems. Helen is the

Worlds #1 Hypnosis Mentor and the Founder of the revolutionary 15 Steps to Hypnosis Business Success online program. She is a qualified Professional Speaker with Professional Speakers Association of Australia and an experienced International Speaker. Helen is the published author of the book Mindset Dominance and was the the keynote speaker at the Heartland Hypnosis Conference in Missouri, MidAmerica Hypnosis Conference in Illinois and the New Zealand Hypnosis Federation.

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DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU? ARE YOU STILL: Feeling pressure from clients to work a miracle in the first session? Feeling exhausted from trying to give clients too much (but it never seems enough) Feeling anxious about asking for what you’re worth? Looking at a blank appointment calendar, wondering how to attract new clients? Attracting clients who don’t value you or your expertise? Feeling frustrated or blocked from getting to the next level?


See live demonstrations of Helen’s successful techniques and practice applying them with coaching and guidance from Helen.

AND MUCH MORE… Register For Helen’s Workshop Here


HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Edition


Autosuggestion Applied

hen I first learned hypnosis, a section called “Self-Hypnosis” had the first step as follows:

Every night when you go to bed, lay your hands by your side and repeat the following: “Every day in every way, I am getting better and better” and lift a finger to keep count until you’ve repeated it ten times, then go off to sleep. I can’t remember the number of times I began this exercise but within a few nights, I had either forgotten to do the exercise or just lost interest. Over time though I learned a different way to into an altered state quickly by just sitting quietly and counting myself down with - 3-3-3, 2-2-2, 1-1-1. Even today I find I can go quite deep with this method. Remember that every thought you have affects every part of your body and mind and the imagination has a very powerful effect on the human mind. For example, imagine or just pretend walking along a board one foot wide and 12 feet long laid on the floor. You’ll have no trouble walking along the board with confidence. Now imagine the board is six feet in the air as you walk across it. You’ll likely be more cautious as your imagination would suggest that you could fall and maybe even injure yourself. Now imagine that same board running from the roof of one building across to the roof on another building. Your imagination will now produce more noticeable physical symptoms in your body as your mind and body perceives the danger. “If I fell at this height, I could be killed” you think. Those type of thoughts send signals down across your body and your muscles respond by tensing up, maybe leaving you shaky, and you may not be able to balance at all. The nervous tension created by your imagination makes the task you were easily able to complete on the floor more difficult and maybe even impossible. Now you can understand how autosuggestion could affect your coordination and your efficiency. Instead, why not use the following exercise to help leave you feeling both calm and rested.

Sitting in an armchair, with your arms relaxed on the arms of the chair and close your eyes. Take a few slow deep breaths and concentrate on your left arm. Think to yourself that your left arm is becoming heavy … heavier than your right arm … and becoming numb. From your shoulder right down to your fingertips, imagine your arm is so heavy, numb and pleasantly relaxed that no matter how hard you try, it just won’t move as it’s so relaxed. Now shift your thinking to your right arm, concentrating all your thoughts on it. Say to yourself, “My right arm is becoming heavy and numb. I am losing all the feeling in my right arm” While thinking about this right arm, make one very quick try at lifting your left arm – just one quick try. You will find you cannot lift it. So, if your conscious mind gives you a suggestion which you believe, and then turns to thinking about something else (the right arm), your body cannot help but automatically respond to the suggestion (numb left arm). If however you persist in trying to lift it, you will bring your active intelligence back to considering the arm and will be able to move it. Repeat the same exercise with your legs and then repeat the exercises in reverse starting with the right arm and right leg. Next, suggest to yourself that your entire body is growing very heavy, so heavy you cannot move out to the chair no matter how hard you try … “I am stuck in the chair and I cannot get up.” You’ll find that momentarily, you cannot move from the chair, but more than that, you become aware of that depth of relaxation that is so beneficial to your well-being. When you show this exercise to your clients, you demonstrate for them how they can replace thoughts and feelings that work against them with positive, dynamic suggestions. A relaxed person can accomplish double the work of a person who is nervous and tense, with half the effort. Author Jo-Anne Eadie www.poweroffreedom.ca/

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May 6th & 7th, 2019 At HypnoBiz New York

he Virtual Gastric Band pioneered by Sheila Granger for the physical controls of weight release and the Exhale Weight Program for the emotional aspects allows the client to experience a lifestyle change that allows them to eat what they want, stop when they are full. We will install the Virtual Gastric Band and let the Hypnotist experience what the client does. If you are already working with weight clients, this complete program will elevate your success rate to over 90% as we are getting and you will be seen as the expert in your area. Together they present a complete turnkey package. Included are many resources including a manual with the entire program laid out step by step for you to begin immediately. You will be confident working with weight clients because of the instant success that they experience. Included are all scripts and information handouts for your clients. Five concepts that are not found in any weight programs will increase your success rate easily.

Register For Jo-Anne’s & Sheila’s Workshop Here


HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Edition


o-Anne Eadie is the Co-organizer of HypnoBiz Canada, a Certified Master Hypnotist; Certified Instructor & Trainer of Hypnosis and CEO of Power of Freedom. With Emotional Freedom, you have personal power. Since 1999, she has led clients through a holistic approach to wellness, encompassing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of each individual client. Founder and Director of Hypnosis Canada Inc., and the Canadian Hypnosis Certification Program, she is a regular speaker at Hypnosis Conventions and Conferences. She enjoys ongoing training, upgrading her skills and personal knowledge. Married 54 years to her husband Brian, she has five children and nine grandchildren. She Authored a book on her own weight journey – “Exhale Weight” for the emotional aspects of any weight management program.

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Edition



HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Edition

“According to human needs psychology, all human motivation can be explained as the desire to meet one or more of six primary human needs. These are: Certainty: the need for stability, safety, and comfort, Variety: the need for stimulus and change, Significance: the need to be special and worthy of attention, Connection and love: the need for Contribution: the need to give beyond yourself. In order to understand any behavior, whether it is someone else’s behavior or your own, it is important to understand which need you are trying to meet. For instance, it is one thing to try to make money out of a craving for certainty and safety, and it is a very different thing to try to make money out of the sense of contribution and growth. In my coaching practice I’m looking for healthy strategies for my clients to fulfill their most important needs.


All of us have basic needs, not merely desires but profound needs that underlie and motivate every choice we make. There are six basic needs that everyone seeks to fulfill:


The first need is for certainty. We want to feel safe, avoid pain and feel comfortable in our environment. Every individual needs to have some sense of certainty and security – a roof over one’s head, knowing where the next meal will come from, knowing how to obtain care when one is sick, knowing that a neighbor won’t attack us. These are just a few examples of what constitutes a basic sense of certainty. The helpless infant needs certainty as well as the child, the adult and the elderly person. The degree to which certainty is needed or desired, however, varies from person to person. Some people feel secure living in one room and collecting an unemployment check. Others can feel certainty only if they make a million dollars each year. Even though some certainty is necessary to all of us, what constitutes certainty

varies from individual to individual. Code words for certainty are: comfort, security, safety, stability, feeling grounded, predictability and protection.


The second need is for uncertainty – for variety and challenges that will exercise our emotional and physical range. Everyone needs some variety in life. Our bodies, our minds, our emotional well-being all require uncertainty, exercise, suspense, surprise. The person caught in the same routine day after day will seek change and look for uncertainty. Just as a sense of security is reassuring, so the excitement that comes from variety is necessary to feel alive. For some variety might be satisfied by watching the news on television. Others may seek extreme high-risk activities such as extreme sports or compulsive sexuality to satisfy their need for uncertainty. For many, a major source of variety is to experience problems. Code words for uncertainty/variety are: fear, instability, change, chaos, entertainment, suspense, exertion, surprise, conflict and crisis.

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complete. In some cultures romantic loves doesn’t exist, it’s replaced by the love of relatives, friends and tribe. Some people rarely experience love, but they have many ways of feeling connection with others – in the community or in the workplace. The need to be loved is characteristic of all human beings. Code words for love/connection are: togetherness, passion, unity, warmth, tenderness and desire.

The third need is for significance. Every person needs to feel important, needed, wanted. As The need for babies, we all needed to feel that we were number one. Children in significance a family compete with each other can be met by and find a way to be special, to feel being the best unique. Significance comes from comparing ourselves to others – at something in our quest for significance we – or by being become involved in hierarchical the worst. The pecking orders and questions of superiority or inferiority. We can need for love GROWTH: feel significant because we have and connection The fifth need is for growth. When achieved something, built something, can be satisfied we stop growing we die. We need succeeded at something, or we to constantly develop intellectually, through can seek significance by tearing emotionally and spiritually. We down something or somebody. performing grow and change physically as we In its positive aspect, significance good deeds and develop from infancy to adulthood leads us to raise our standards. being kind, or and old age. We grow and change But if we are overly focused on with every experience, significance, we will have trouble by dominating emotionally and we grow intellectually as we truly connecting with others – others who are respond to events and to the comparisons focus on differences forced to show world around us. Anything that rather than commonalities. For some, significance comes from appreciation. you want to remain in your life – your money, your health, your providing for the family; for others, relationship, your happiness, love from doing meaningful work, some – must be cultivated, developed need to make a major contribution and expanded. Otherwise, it will to humanity; some require immense degenerate. Some people satisfy wealth. Some people achieve a the need to grow by working out sense of significance from failure, by being the physically or by reading books. Others need to worst at something or from having low selfstudy and learn constantly in order to feel that esteem. Whatever the measure of significance, they are truly growing. a sense of being important is necessary to all human beings. Code words for significance are: pride, importance, standards, achievement, CONTRIBUTION: performance, perfection, evaluation, discipline, The sixth need is for contribution – to go competition and Rejection. beyond our own needs and to give to others. A life is incomplete without the sense that one is making a contribution to others or to a cause. LOVE/CONNECTION: It is in the nature of human beings to want to The fourth need is for the experience of love give back, to leave a mark on the world. Giving and connection. Everybody needs connection to others may mean giving time to community with other human beings, and everyone strives service, making a charitable donation, planting for and hopes for love. An infant needs to be trees, writing a book, or giving to one’s children. loved and cared for during a long period of time Not only can everyone contribute in some if it’s to develop normally. Infants who are not way but contribution is essential to a sense of held and touched will die. This need for love fulfillment and to Happiness. continues throughout our lives. It is epitomized by the concept of romantic love, the one person The first four needs – certainty, uncertainty, who will devote their life to us and make us feel


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significance and love – are essential for human survival. They are the fundamental needs of the personality – everyone must feel that they have met them on some level, even if they have to lie to themselves to do so. The last two needs, growth and contribution, are essential for human fulfilment. They are the needs of the spirit, and not everyone finds a way to satisfy them although they are necessary for lasting fulfilment. When our needs for love, growth and contribution are satisfied, they tend to encompass all our other needs. When we focus on something beyond ourselves, most of our problems and sources of pain become less significant. Contribution is the human need that effectively regulates our other five needs. If you are focused on contributing to others, you have the certainty of being able to contribute (there is always a way); you have variety (contribution is highly interactive); you have significance because you know you are helping others and improving their lives; the spiritual bond created when you help others gives you a deep sense of connection; and you grow by creatively helping others. Everyone experiences the same six human needs. However, everyone finds different ways of satisfying these needs. Each of these needs can be met in ways that are positive or negative. Some ways of satisfying these needs are good for the person, good for others and good for society, and some are bad for everyone. The need for certainty can be met by going to school and obtaining a degree that will ensure the possibility of making a good living. Or it can be met by doing as little as possible and avoiding challenges. It can be met by stealing from others and hoarding money and material possessions.

Or it can be satisfied by holding rigidly to a dogma or a doctrine. The need for uncertainty/ variety can be satisfied by reading on different subjects and meeting different kinds of people. Or it can be met by engaging in high-risk sports or by risking one’s life through violent behavior. It can be met by engaging in extramarital affairs or simply by watching a movie once in a while. The need for significance can be met by being the best at something – or by being the worst. The need for love and connection can be satisfied through performing good deeds and being kind, or by dominating others who are forced to show appreciation. One can grow into becoming a better person – or a despicable human being. One can contribute to the destruction of others – or to the well- being of many. As in everything human, there are paradoxes involved in the experience of these needs. A person may have a strong need for certainty, but also a strong need for uncertainty, and therefore might constantly suffer an inner conflict as to which need is most important to satisfy. The need for significance is often contradictory with the need for love. It’s difficult to love someone who constantly has to feel significantly important. That is why so many successful people, who satisfy their need for significance, have trouble in their close relationships and often feel that they are not truly loved.” What are your 2 strongest needs? In the next issue of HypnoBiz you will find a test? Author Dr. Birgit Zottmann www.hypnose-drzottmann.com

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Dr. Birgit Zottmann


earn how to help people to quit smoking in just 3 hours.

“Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States, accounting for more than 480,000 deaths every year, or about 1 in 5 deaths. In 2016, more than 15 of every 100 U.S. adults aged 18 years or older (15.5%) currently smoked cigarettes. This means an estimated 37.8 million adults in the United States currently smoke cigarettes. More than 16 million Americans live with a smoking-related disease.” https://www. cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/ adult_data/cig_smoking/index.htm In 1 day you will become a certified nonsmoking specialist. Step by step you will learn how you can help your clients to become a non smoker in 3 hours without gaining weight! I know what I’m talking about. I was a chain smoker and got rid of it with hypnosis.

My protocol is a proven tool that helped more than 1,000 smokers in the last 15 years. You can use it in one to one sessions as well as in-group sessions in the business world and in hospitals. I will provide you with all the necessary tools. Start your non-smoking business the very next day.


Everybody who is visiting this class will get a copy of my new book and a recording of a nonsmoking hypnosis.

Bio Dr. Birgit Zottmann has a doctor degree in educational science (University of Frankfurt, Germany), is a certified hypnotherapist, a hypnosis instructor, a trained mindfulness teacher (University of Massachusetts), a strategic coach (T. Robbins) and author of several well-known books. She has been practicing hypnosis for more than 16 years in Frankfurt and New York. Her knowledge and compassion for change processes is her brand.

Register For Birgit’s Workshop Here 16

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Edition

ATTITUDE OF A CHAMPION Caryn Bird, Sports Hypnotist and Mindset HypnoCoach, works with hypnotherapists to help them attain immediate results with her proven step-by-step

MENTAL TOUGHNESS PROGRAM. “The Power of Mindset for Peak Performance and Confidence”


magine a way of helping athletes get the perfect mindset and the confidence to be champions in just 3 sessions. Now imagine the athlete smiling as they step out of your office and their parent saying, “I’m so excited”! And finally, imagine that scenario happening 4 to 5 times a day and a smile on your face when you add up your earnings for the day. And then your earnings for the week, and then the month. Caryn Bird, hypnotherapist and author of Attitude of a Champion has created a Mental Toughness Training Program for athletes; a system designed and proven to help athletes see success every.single.time and she’s fired up about teaching other hypnotherapists how to do the same thing. At any skill level, an athlete can use sports hypnosis to increase focus, trigger a winning state and reach their peak performance. Over the past several years, sports hypnosis has seen a big increase in popularity due to the proven effectiveness of its techniques and the rise in competitiveness of younger generations. In addition to helping contribute to an athlete’s maximum performance, sports hypnosis can help athletes: -Build mental toughness and confidence -Create essential thought stopping techniques -Harness the power of reset/refocus -Bounce back after injury or failure -Overcome performance anxiety and mental performance blocks

Good athletes train their bodies. Great athletes train their minds. Author Caryn Bird www.hypnobizny.com/caryn-seavitte-bird/

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ATTITUDE OF A CHAMPION May 3rd, 2019 At HypnoBiz New York Certified Sports Hypnosis Practitioner Training

system includes a manual, demonstrations, templates and scripts. Become equipped to market to and mentally train athletes from elementary age to Olympians. This workshop is your Gold Medal tool to tap into this market, increase your profitability and see a continuous stream of clients.With a certification in Sports Hypnosis, you will recover the cost of this workshop with your first client in the first session.


magine being a Certified Sports Hypnosis Practitioner and knowing the keys to success with athletes. In this one-day course, you will learn the exact methods to get results in just three sessions including how to overcome mental blocks, performance anxiety and blocks due to injuries. This in-depth, step-by-step



aryn holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin–Parkside and has professional experience in the fields of psychology and corporate marketing. Caryn’s career in hypnosis began when she and her husband chose to birth their third child using HypnoBirthing. After this experience, Caryn realized the power of the mind and saw the remarkable success in birthing a child using hypnosis. On the encouragement of her obstetrician, Caryn became a Certified HypnoBirthing Practitioner in 2003, and then a Consulting Hypnotist through NGH with advanced training in Sports Hypnosis, Age Regression, Hypnoanesthesia & Pain Management, Pediatric Hypnosis, and Weight Loss. After marrying a college wrestler and raising three champion athletes, Caryn noticed the increasing value of

hypnosis and mental training techniques for athletes. In 2004, Caryn began her own hypnosis practice, Win with Hypnosis, in Burlington, Wisconsin. She specializes in Sports Performance Hypnosis/Mental Toughness Training and has helped hundreds of athletes achieve their highest goals and dreams. Caryn continues to teach natural birthing classes to pregnant mothers and their birth partners. In addition, she helps clients with life challenges in other areas including stress management, insomnia, coping with/conquering fears, bed wetting, school performance, weight loss, and smoking. Caryn is currently working on publishing her first hypnosis manual that will focus on achieving success as an athlete with methods in hypnosis and developing the attitude of a champion.

Register For Caryn’s Workshop Here 18

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Edition

IS THERE SUCH THING AS KARMA? Or is it just down to hard work?


arry Coles, UK Hypnotherapist writes about his experience working in an NHS Oncology Unit

I’ve being working with the Fountain Centre charity, volunteering once a week in a British National Health Service (NHS) Oncology Unit at the Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Trust in the UK for nearly fourteen years. I started volunteering when I was new to hypnotherapy in order to gain experience – and I never left! Helping patients through their cancer journey is not for everyone as the environment can be tough mentally, especially when you lose patients you have built relationships with, but it can also be very rewarding. Whilst working within the NHS Oncology Unit, I get to support the patient through all aspects of their cancer journey - from diagnosis, to fears, phobias and anxieties, pre and post-surgery, treatment side effects, their recovery and much more. I am also involved with patients who are going through palliative elements and end of life care. To me, over the years, this was just ‘something I did, to give something back, because I could’. I am a hypnotherapist with a scientific and

academic background so can’t say I believe in such concepts such as karma, but then again….? Over the years I have learned a lot about cancer and cancer treatments as the hospital enrolled me on many specialist courses. The courses covered aspects of the full cancer patient journey, including overviews of cancer development and treatments, oncology emergencies, survivorship and life after treatment. Whilst a member of the initial cohort in the UK to study for a master’s degree (MSc) in Clinical Hypnotherapy, I was fortunate enough to become embedded in the Breast Cancer Multidisciplinary Team, enabling me to carry out research into the use of presurgical hypnosis. The Breast Cancer Multidisciplinary Team is a specialist team at the NHS Oncology Unit consisting of surgeons, radiologists, pathologists, oncologists, radiographers, chemotherapy and breast care nurses. Collectively, they look at test results and formulate treatment plans for each patient. I was invited to join the team as part of my research and attended clinical briefings and discussions to ascertain patients who would be suitable for my hypnotherapy research. My MSc research focused on ‘Presurgical

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hypnosis and its effects in the recovery quality in wide area excision breast cancer operations’. It consisted of patients completing a gold standard psychological profiling questionnaire (SF-36) on the morning of surgery. Software scoring was then used to formulate a psychological profile and compare against the ‘population norm’. The cancer patients were deduced psychologically as being ‘borderline’ depressive and an intervention group were given scripted hypnosis as part of their pre-med, prior to being taken for surgery. This hypnotic session gave suggestions for relaxation, pain control, healing, wellbeing amongst other things. Seven days after surgery the patients completed the same SF-36 profiling questionnaire. They also completed a pain scoring profile with some additional questions. The results were processed with the same scoring software and were subject to additional statistical analysis. The intervention group was compared to a control group and also to previous research carried out around the world. The control group were still scoring psychologically as ‘borderline’ depressive, whereas the hypnosis intervention group had improved compared to ‘population norm’ in most psychological categories. Additionally, the hypnotherapy group indicated that they were perceiving less pain. Further research indicated that in addition to patients perceiving


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less pain, the intervention group were generally prescribed lower doses of pain relief medication. From my training, research and experience, and having worked with many thousands of patients, I was able to devise fast interventions, treatment protocols, hypnotherapy scripts and techniques that were best suited to working with cancer patients throughout their entire cancer journey. Word of this gradually got out after my research concluded and I found that I was being contacted more and more regularly by hypnotherapists asking for advice when working with cancer patients. Then things started to grow exponentially. I did a couple of brief slots talking about my work at conferences, then I was interviewed about my work for a couple of UK podcasts, I then started to be interviewed for international pod and videocasts. As things progressed, I was then asked to present longer slots at larger and more prestigious conferences, which has now resulted in me being a regular presenter at conferences through the world, especially in the USA. Feedback from conference speaking suggested that I put together an evidenced based hypno-oncology training program for qualified hypnotherapists to share my protocols and techniques and knowledge about the cancer journey. I did this and was surprised by the

demand. Again, this initially started as a one off, but due to the overwhelmingly positive feedback received, I now run masterclasses in hypnooncology regularly, both in the UK and the USA and have also received enquiries to speak and train in other places such as Canada, India and Australia. Not content with teaching my pioneering hypnotherapy cancer interventions, I still wanted to give the hypnotherapy industry more credibility, especially in relation to working with cancer patients. To be a beacon of light amongst the hordes of charlatans preying on the desperate. Therefore, in 2019 I decided to form the Association of Hypno-Oncology Practitioners. The aim of the association is to give cancer sufferers worldwide, a respected and trusted platform where they can find and access, trained, ethical hypnotherapy practitioners to help them through their journey. Only hypnotherapists trained in the specific Hypno-Oncology approaches and protocols, that I have pioneered and rigorously tested and refined in hospital and able to demonstrate their knowledge and competence (by taking a written exam), whilst also adhering to strict ethics, would be eligible to be part of the association and be able to display the association badge. I feel due to the fact that research indicates that 1 in 2 people born since 1960 in the western world will face cancer sometime in their life

and also that 40% of cancer sufferers will seek out complementary or alternative therapy as part of their treatment regime, that this could potentially have a huge implication in the future as a positive resource in people’s lives. I certainly hope and believe this will be the case. Going back to my original subject of my volunteer role, another ‘bonus’ of my hospital work is that it enhances my credibility with everyone, from surgeons, GP’s and healthcare professionals to private patients as I have an (honorary) contract with the NHS as a hypnotherapist. Therefore, I can legally claim to be an NHS contracted hypnotherapist! (Which is virtually unheard of in the UK). This in turn enabled me to set up private hypnotherapy practices within both the hospital and an NHS GP surgery. The doctors at the surgery after seeing the results that can be achieved with the use of hypnotherapy with their own patients now regularly refer new patients to me. This volunteer role has given me so much and makes me question - does karma exist? Is this it in action? Or is it all just down to hard work and determination? I have absolutely no idea, all I know is that ‘just giving something back’ has had profound positive consequences for me! Author Garry Coles http://releasehypnotherapy.com/

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May 7th, 2019 At HypnoBiz New York

Become a Hypno-Oncology Certified Practitioner.


n the US, 1 in 2 people will develop cancer in their lifetime. Fourteen out of every 100 women will develop breast cancer! Recent research has shown that 40% of cancer patients seek out complementary therapies such as hypnotherapy. I hear so many hypnotherapists contacting me saying a loved one is suffering from cancer and they wish they could help, but don’t know how too. Learn NOW and have the tools when you desperately need them most! This Hypno-Oncology Practitioner certification course will give you the tools, techniques and confidence to assist family members, loved ones or clients going through the cancer journey. Remember 1 in 2, so this will become your biggest near future market in hypnotherapy! Over 65 million Americans will want your services. Are you ready? Hypnotherapy can be a very useful complementary addition to the patient’s cancer journey in this expanding area. Emotional and psychological support can help patients learn to cope with distress. Such support can reduce levels of the symptoms that they may be experiencing, as well as treatment-related symptoms among patients. Hypnotherapy can be a useful addition in preparing for pre-surgery as well as assisting with post-surgery healing and pain control. Other common areas experienced such as insomnia, anticipatory nausea, dysgeusia,


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dietary issues can often be helped with hypnotherapy. On completion of the workshop, you will have the knowledge to be able to:Effectively communicate and work with cancer patients, having an understanding of the physical and psychological aspects of cancer. Ethically work with cancer patients, knowing what you can legally say and work with. Create hypnotherapy treatment plans through having a knowledge of the patients’ cancer journey You will have numerous unique techniques which have been finely honed for cancer patients, you will see them demonstrated and have a chance to practice them. You will have access to numerous scripts to help patients throughout every step of their journey. To provide appropriate psychological support to both patient and carers. To assist the patient in controlling their symptoms and side effects. Utilise and understand the potential benefits of Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). You will have access to videos of techniques, further scripts and ongoing support. Age is a defining factor in the majority of cancer cases and people are living longer and therefore are increasing their chances of being affected by the disease. From diagnosis,

to treatment, to recovery, the physical and psychological effects and symptoms of cancer are widely documented and often bring on a range of negative emotions.

An introduction to psychoneuroimmunology will be given. This is an area that could have a profound affect with dealing with patients such as those suffering from cancer.

This workshop will give an overview of cancer and the cancer journey, it is essential to understand the process, journey, terminology and treatment being undertaken to be able to communicate effectively with patients. Many countries have regulations governing working with cancer patients (hypnotherapists can get themselves into serious legal difficulties by not knowing this) which will be explained.

How do you get to work with cancer patients? Is it possible to work in hospital as part of the cancer journey?

Communication and the use of language is very important when dealing with both cancer patients and members of the medical profession, this will be explained and guidance given. The most common areas that you can successfully work with will be highlighted, and techniques and approaches discussed. Current research will be examined. You will be shown how to work with the patient to address and help them control their symptoms, (in conjunction with other treatments given).

As well as being one of the top UK hypnotherapists, having successfully worked with tens of thousands of patients, Garry Coles is considered to be one of the world experts in the use of hypnosis within cancer settings and is one of only a handful of hypnotherapists in the UK to hold an MSc in Clinical Hypnotherapy. For his research and dissertation, Garry was imbedded in the Breast Cancer Multi-Disciplinary Team at a major cancer hospital where he carried out pioneering medical research involving hypnosis with breast cancer operations. Garry has spent nearly fourteen years working within an oncology unit at a major cancer hospital dealing with thousands of patients at all points of their cancer journey. This is in addition to being affected personally by cancer within his own close family.



arry Coles has been a full-time hypnotherapist for over fifteen years, with five busy practices in the UK, in Surrey, Hampshire and London, including one within a GP surgery and one within a hospital. Garry was in the first UK cohort to be awarded a master’s degree (MSc) in Clinical Hypnotherapy (by the University of West London). Garry is also serving a second term as an elected member of the Profession Specific Board (PSB) for Hypnotherapy of the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) which was set up by the Department of Health to oversee the regulation of complementary therapies in the UK.

Register For Garry’s Workshop Here HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Edition


Emotional State

ELICITATION AND ANCHORING Extract taken from Excel at Business with NLP by Jimmy Petruzzi


ne of the key ingredients for a successful life is being able to manage your emotional state. To be in the right frame of mind, be in tune with yourself, and feeling the way you want to feel in any given situation. When was the last time you were in the zone? Think of a time when you were completely immersed in what you were doing and it seemed effortless to perform at your peak. Maybe you were doing a work project, delivering a presentation, attending an interview, playing sports, creating art, studying something interesting, or having a great conversation. Imagine what it would be like if you could, right in the middle of a stressful interview, presentation or meeting when all eyes are on you, go from feeling anxious to feeling confident and absolutely focused in a moment. The idea of speaking in public can be terrifying for some people. If it is for you, just imagine that you’ve stepping up to the podium to deliver a presentation and you look at the audience all waiting for you to start. What happens when you imagine that? In her initial session, one of my clients, who has since gone on to become an amazing presenter, said her palms would start to sweat and her pulse rate would shoot up. And that was when she was just thinking about it! The NLP anchoring technique we are going to cover later in this chapter made a huge difference in helping my client to present and perform with confidence and be on top of her game. You’ve probably met people who believe that other people, problems, circumstances or


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the environment cause them to feel a certain way. They don’t seem to realise that each of us can control our own state—we can, but I am not saying that it’s always totally easy! How useful would it be for you to be able to change your state so that you could be relaxed when delivering a presentation or feel confident when talking to your boss or during an interview? What about having focused attention when working on a key project? What about being able to get in the zone when you needed to. Mental preparation, another component of mental training, helps athletes tap into the zone. For several years now I have been helping athletes at the highest level mentally prepare for a game by using the NLP anchoring technique to great effect. Mentally tough athletes are at an advantage because they have the ability to tap into the zone more consistently in competition. When they are in the zone, fear of failure, worry, doubt, indecision, and other mental traps are forbidden from entering their focus. Imagine there are two minutes left in a big championship game in which you are playing. Your team is behind by a goal and another player commits a foul against you, giving you a penalty shot. You’re keenly aware of the situation and you, like everyone else in the 100,000 seat sold-out stadium and millions watching around the world, know how important it is that you score on this penalty shot. You can feel your heart pounding and your legs are a little weak. You look with considerable anxiety at the other team’s keeper standing on

the goal line, poised to defend the goal. This is when mental toughness and the NLP anchoring technique could help you. If you remain anxious and shaky, there’s a good chance you could miss the goal. But, if you could calm your mind and put yourself in the zone, your chances of making the goal are much higher. You take a last deep breath and kick the ball towards the goal… Athletes talk about performing in the zone and how awesome it feels. It’s a state of supreme focus when the mind is fully connected to achieving a goal that helps athletes in all sports perform at their peak potential. Many athletes view the zone as this magical, hard-to obtain state of mind, but the zone is really not that complicated or hard to achieve, if you know how. The zone is simply a mental state of total involvement in the present moment without the mental burden of worry, doubt or fear about results. Once you have experienced the zone, you will want to return to it again. Until you know how, entering the zone is a rarely-achieved psychological state. NLP anchoring is a technique to help anyone develop efficient game-specific strategies and game

plans, to help them get in the zone and mentally prepare for competition. It was during the premiership football season of 2006–07 when the Blackburn Rovers FC were going through a losing run of a few games. The team seemed to be suffering a lack of form. They had only 5 wins in their first 18 games. I was in touch with the Rovers’ sports scientist, Tony Strudwick, speaking to him a few times over the phone about the team. Tony spoke to Mark Hughes, then manager of the team, about bringing me in to do some NLP. Mark agreed and I went in and demonstrated NLP Key Techniques, including anchoring, to Mark Hughes and other staff members. We discussed the application of the techniques for the club. After that, the club’s form markedly improved in the second half of the season, including a semifinal appearance against Jose Mourinho, which Blackburn unfortunately lost, but only by 2.1. I am not suggesting it was just down to my NLP delivery to the coaches, though it certainly seemed to make an impact. Tony and I kept in touch. A few seasons later,

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Tony was then sports scientist for Manchester United FC and he invited me to the training ground. Tony mentioned that certain players on the team had been struggling to get to sleep because of high levels of adrenaline and cortisol after championship league matches. Practise generally started with a 7:45 pm kick off during the week. The lack of sleep was potentially affecting their game on the weekend. I suggested to Tony that using trance and relaxation anchors to induce relaxation and release cortisol could help to break the state of stress. It helped the team’s performance immensely. Like sports, business is about competition— winning the client, attaining the largest market share or the highest stock prices. Business people often see themselves as competitors with strengths and weaknesses that affect their performance. In addition, many workplace processes require teamwork. Problems in a team can affect its productivity and effectiveness, along with damaging individual employee morale and attitudes. NLP anchoring is one tool businesses can use to improve performance, increase productivity and “win the game”. Unlike sports, businesspeople can disguise problems, make assumptions about situations, hide or even be blind to hurdles in their path. As they are careening along, executing their plan, they might find themselves knocking into things and getting perplexing or disappointing results. Without a knowledge of NLP anchoring, their performance and productivity suffer and they “lose the game”. Being in the zone, or in a state of optimal functioning, is another sports metaphor often used in business. In this state, workers focus on the process and become so engaged in the activity that they are performing at optimal capacity. Employees working in the zone demonstrate the four Cs: concentration, confidence, control and commitment. They are able to concentrate and maintain their focus over time. They are confident; they know they have the knowledge, skills and abilities to successfully complete the work. They are in control of their emotions and remain positive and do not let anger or anxiety interfere with their work. Finally, they are committed


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to the work, their team and the organisation. They manage competing and rapidly changing priorities so they can be productive and achieve individual, team and organisational goals By setting up NLP anchors to different states/ moods, whenever that anchor is triggered we will immediately be brought to that state. From time to time, you may come across a certain stimulus in your environment that brings back a flood of emotions. Maybe a familiar smell took you back to a particular place and time. Or maybe it was something you saw that directed your emotion to someplace remembered. In fact, it could have been a stimulus from any of the five senses. We call a stimulus that triggers an emotional response an anchor. When this happens, the state is “anchored” to the stimulus. Anchoring is extremely useful because it can assist you in gaining access to past resource states and linking those past resources to the present and the future. Anchoring is the perfect tool to help you, your staff, clients or colleagues, to each take control of his or her mind and access the zone. These things you do are stimulus you create that cause an emotional shift in others; you are using the NLP anchoring technique. We call these stimulus an anchor because

we use them to create a trigger for a particular emotion. In other words, we anchor an emotion to a certain stimulus. When a person is in a powerful emotional state, the subconscious mind will link everything that it is sensing with the emotion that is felt. This is the reason a song can take you back in time. The next time you encounter the same stimulus your mind defines what this stimulus means to you. So it replays the times when you encountered the stimulus in the past and shows preference to memories with the highest emotional impact. You may have heard a song a million times before or after the emotional event that was associated with it but you remember only one in particular. The time you remember is when the most emotion was present at the same time as the stimulus.

Conditioning Anchors

Russian physiologist and psychologist, Ivan Pavlov, is most well known for his findings on human and animal conditioning. While doing a research on dogs’ digestion, he discovered a form of conditioning that eventually was termed Pavlov’s response. When it came to meal time, Pavlov would use bells to call his dogs to the

food. After repeating this numerous times, he found that even without any food, the dogs would salivate when hearing the sound of the bell. Pavlov used the ringing sound of the bell to associate it with food. Numerous repetitions conditioned the dogs to respond to the ringing bell as they would respond to food. This is how NLP anchoring works. By conditioning responses to unique NLP anchors, we are able to deliberately get into specific states when the anchors are triggered. Just like Pavlov’s dogs. So NLP anchors are really a stimulus for us to get into whatever states we want. Like Pavlov used the ringing bell sound to act as a stimulus, we can set certain anchors to act as the stimulus to certain states with NLP anchoring. After many repetitions, the association between the NLP anchor and the state will be conditioned.

Conditioning a Client

I worked with a client that had been made redundant in her job. She said she was

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struggling with anxiety, feeling stressed out and depressed. She said she faced an uncertain future and worried about providing for her family. She had a couple of interviews coming up that were big opportunities, but she was in a very negative state. This type of negative thinking was doing her no favours because it was cranking up the stress and anxiety levels when she needed to think clearly. She told me she had seen therapists and spoken to counsellors to help her, all of which had had no effect. It was important that she learn to focus because one of the opportunities involved a presentation to demonstrate how she would set up a new business. We did the anchoring process to help her break out of her negative state and also developed an action plan. Within a few weeks she emailed to tell me she had delivered a successful presentation and passed with flying colours. She had a new job she was happy with.

Choosing States To Anchor

If you have an interview coming up, you want to choose relaxation or confidence as the appropriate state for a presentation. Of course, the best time to anchor a state is when it’s happening naturally, but that is not always possible. The second best way is to relive an actual vivid, associated memory of the state from the past. If you have neither of those, try an imagined state. It is also possible to stack anchors to elicit several different states and


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anchor them with the same stimulus. The states chosen for a particular stacked anchor can be the same or different, as long as they are compatible.

Setting a Physical Anchor

1. Choose a subtle physical signal with which you are comfortable that you can repeat in any situation, such as snapping a rubber band against your wrist, squeezing your left hand twice, tapping your thumb against your forefinger, etc. This physical signal is the anchor you can fire in any real-life situation to help you achieve your desired state. 2. Think of a state that you would like to anchor; for example, confidence, determination or relaxation. Remember any times in the past when you were able to access this state. Try to remember at least three different times when you had been in that state. It could be when you won a competition, delivered a great presentation or had some really good news. It can be anything you like, as long as it was definitely a moment which recreates the same emotions you would like to create for a future event 3. If you cannot remember a time in the past when you had been in the state that you would like to anchor, imagine yourself exactly as you would like to be in the future time—the ideal you. You could also imagine yourself being like someone—a role model—that you perceive as being confident, determined, relaxed, etc.

4. Close your eyes and relax. Imagine seeing yourself as though you are viewing a movie, either during a time when you felt your desired emotional state or by imagining yourself in that state. 5. As you are visualising this, notice where you are and what’s happening around you, any colours that you can see, any noises that you can hear. Are you alone or are there others with you? Really focus on how you feel at this time. Take the good emotions and make them as strong and positive as you can. 6. Imagine stepping inside your remembered or imagined self. As you do so, take on board all of those positive, strong feelings, allowing them to flow through every part of your body. Imagine turning those feelings up to the very highest level that they will possibly go, and when they are at the very highest, fire your anchor and hold the emotional state for 5 to 10 seconds before releasing it. 7. Now, test fire the anchor. Imagine going into the future to a time when you want to feel your chosen emotional state and notice where you are and what’s happening around you. See, hear and feel yourself firing your

anchor and allow all of those positive strong feelings to come right back to you. 8. See the situation going exactly as you want it to unfold. 9. Notice how good you feel being able to access these resources whenever you need to. 10. Repeat steps 2 through 9 at least three times with a positive memory of the state or states you wish to anchor. What is happening when you do this? You are psychologically associating the neural memory of your chosen physical signal—your anchor— with your chosen emotional state. Therefore it stands to reason that the more times you lay the anchor and the more clarity you have in the feeling, the better this technique will work. This is known as conditioning.

Remember the five keys to anchoring: 1. the intensity of the experience, 2. the timing of the anchor, 3. the uniqueness of the anchor,

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4. the replication of the stimulus, and 5. number of times (repetition can substitute for intensity).

Setting a Visual Anchor

This is a great method for accessing resources such as confidence when you need them.

Other Powerful Anchors Clothes Clothes can be used as very powerful anchoring tools and work in a similar way to changing your physiology. You can think of clothes as costumes, which, in effect, they are. Each costume represents a different side of yourself, and each side of your personality will be more effective in some circumstances than in others. So it pays to be able to know when to wear your “different hats”. Apart from setting off your own associations, the clothes you wear also set off other people’s anchors. People will evaluate you according to


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what they think your clothes say about you. Keep this in mind when you want to create a particular effect. Think of how different you feel when you: ·

dress up for a formal dinner or wedding,


run or work out in exercise clothes,


put on your pyjamas or night gear,


wear a swimsuit,


put on your favourite baggy shirt, or


wear something sexy.

Make sure you have clothes in your wardrobe that relate to the specific states you need in order to achieve success. If you discover you need to purchase some, look at them as an investment in your future. Purchase them consciously while aiming for a very specific result, such as A self-confident winner’s outfit for meetings and social occasions Creative but comfortable outfits for working at home on your business Professional outfits for the office Comfortable clothes for relaxation Fragrance

Scent is a very powerful anchor, particularly since it tends to be subliminal. We pay more attention to what we see and hear so the sense of smell tends to bypass our inner censors. You can make good use of this. Did you know that scent has been shown to aid in memory and recall? Researchers at the University of Liverpool found that students who wore the same scent during exams as they wore while studying improved their recall by 15 to 20%. The researchers concluded that “you can use odour to control behaviour in all sorts of ways.” The scents used in the study as an aid for recall were orange and lavender. Here are just two ways to use scent: 1. Wear a top-quality “power” scent at meetings and important social occasions. 2. Shop for inexpensive essential oils and use them as anchors for the following situations: • Studying •





Use jewellery in the same way as clothes. You can choose one item of jewellery as an anchor for a specific state. It can also be combined with an outfit that anchors the same state. Wearing jewellery on your hands or wrists (rings, bracelets or watches) can be doubly effective as it’s more frequently in your line of vision Music Keep a selection of tunes in your home, business and car and use them to anchor yourself to specific states. You will probably need to experiment to find the right piece of music for the states you desire. Many successful business people and entrepreneurs listen to specific music before an important meeting or phone call to put themselves in the best possible state. For example, in the 1980s, the theme from the motion picture Rocky was very popular as an anchor for achieving a goal against the odds. Anthony Robbins used Magic by America and I’m So Excited by the Pointer Sisters during the breaks in his Firewalk weekend workshop to

reinforce the states created by the workshop processes. Comedy: Use comedy audios when you need to be in a light-hearted, positive or high-energy mood. Motivation audios: Use these frequently. You can turn your car into a “rolling university” or an “anchoring machine”. Relaxation audios: Use these at home or work for relaxation. Naturally, you wouldn’t use these while driving. Pictures and Photos: Any picture or photograph that inspires you in a positive way can be used as an anchor. NLP anchoring is a powerful technique to access resources, feelings and states when you want them. Replacing unwanted feelings and thoughts with desirable ones is freedom indeed. People can make you feel good or bad, but only if you let them. Allowing yourself to be controlled by people who make you feel good is acceptable if you understand what is happening, but being in the control of people who have a negative effect on you isn’t so great. Never hand over your emotional control to someone else. NLP-style anchoring is a process that goes on around and within us all the time, whether we are aware of it or not. Most of the time we are not consciously aware of why we feel as we do. Indeed, we may not realise why we have responded the way we do in some cases, which makes it a much more powerful force in our lives. Anchoring is used in NLP to facilitate state management. In this sense, an anchor is set up to be triggered by a consciously chosen stimulus deliberately linked by practice to a known useful state to provide reflexive access to that state at will. You can achieve the mental and emotional state you wish to help clients, colleagues and friends to be the best they can be. Author

Jimmy Petruzzi


HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Edition


Best Selling Author, Radio Broadcaster, Award Winning Coach, NLP Trainer, Hypnotherapist, TV Presenter, Musician, studied several different modalities over the past 20 years, ranging from NLP , CBT, Hypnotherapy, including studying The Intensives and Master Classes at The Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Phoenix, AZ. Including completing teacher training at Bolton University ,sports performance conditioning Loughborough university , and several coaching courses in sport and business. Also completing the following modules Mind, Brain and Behaviour and Social Psychology, Data Analysis for Psych, Personality, Individual Differences, and Intelligence on the MSc in Mental Health Psychology with the University of Liverpool. Jimmy Petruzzi is a lifelong learner and is presently studying a Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health MSc with King’s College is one of the top 25 universities in the world. And continues to expand his knowledge by incorporating several modalities, principles from the arts, Martial arts, sport and business into his delivery. A world-renowned performance coach for over 20 years he has worked and continues to work around the world with many top businesses, entrepreneurs, corporations, professional football teams and individuals at national and international level in the English premiership and worldwide. Jimmy Petruzzi’s Presentation At HypnoBiz New York PEAK MENTAL STATE WORKOUT- DEVELOP AN INVINCIBLE MINDSET WITH HYPNOSIS FOR SPORTING EXCELLENCE

Register For The Conference Here 32

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The Overwhelming Power of Triggers in Addiction Treatment


teve quit his 13-year cocaine addiction in just the first hypnotherapy session, realizing that his brain felt like it just flipped the switch. New Study About Relapse - Alcoholic individuals may form stronger memory associations with alcohol-related environmental stimuli. (From the Research Society on Alcoholism.) HEY! WE NEED A NEW STUDY TO TELL US THIS? We know how the brain works with the struggle with relapse. Drugs and drinking create hardwired responses that associate drugs and alcohol with pleasure, specifically the rapid release of dopamine. Cravings happen as a result of the brain being triggered when a person sees, smells, or is reminded of the drugs/alcohol. Maybe they are driving by their

favorite liquor store or seeing wine bottles in the grocery aisle, or watching a TV show where people are doing drugs or drinking. The brain finds the most powerful and reinforced pathway to fire up the response, and you are flooded with a massive craving. IS RELAPSE INEVITABLE? This study states: “Drug-cue associations can have a powerful influence over individuals with drug and alcohol use disorders, often leading to relapse in those attempting to stay abstinent.” WIRED FOR GOOD? Hypnotherapists change the way the brain is triggered. Change the associations made in the brain, and you instantly feel different. While this new study is good news for giving more credibility for the use of hypnosis for Addiction Freedom, it does not address the most important issue. How do we change the response to environmental triggers to help stop

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people from relapsing? IF YOU FIRE IT, YOU WIRE IT Brain science tells us that if you fire it you wire it, meaning that every action, thought, emotional reaction or, in the case of addiction, the dopamine release causes the neural networks to grow and strengthen the connection to the result. With an addictive substance, that result is the release of dopamine, the pleasure response in the brain. Repetition creates a super highway of neural networks that connect to the massive need to get more of this response, since the sight, sound, smell or memory automatically forces the brain to want and need this result. This is still not groundbreaking news. Everyone with a habit, addiction or compulsive behavior knows that they are being triggered by their environment and their memories. The real problem with addiction relapse is making the triggers stop affecting us. And that is where the addiction battle is lost, even in those with a massive commitment, multiple months in rehab and severe consequences for relapsing. DERAILING THE BRAIN’S TRIGGERS Ask any addict. Quitting


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might be hard, but that is not the hardest part. Staying quit is the real struggle. Addicts know it is due to the triggers, and the only relapse prevention they get in AA is being told to stay away from the people and things that trigger them. The brain is constantly seeking the deep need for pleasure that it knows it can get instantly from a drink or drugs. An addict tries to have great willpower while struggling with the deep issues of guilt, anger, loss, punishment and failure. Addicts quit all the time. They relapse because their brain continues to be triggered, and their subconscious mind sends massive messages to the brain and body, seeking the most immediate solution. That solution is to get a fix, fast. NEW TRIGGERS? What if the response to the trigger in the brain can be changed? It can take years to make it happen through normal repetition. And even then, it might not stop. As one of the expert speakers at a 12-step meeting stated to his eager audience, “Even after 20 years of being sober, I still have to struggle to make it ‘til midnight. I am still white-knuckling it every day.” AHA! He has

been continually reinforcing those triggers to need alcohol due to his environmental associations. And since he never changed his beliefs about addiction, or his identity about being a struggling alcoholic, he is continuing to get cravings. While the triggers are flying through his brain, he thinks only of needing a drink. To make the triggers even more powerful, he reinforces the brain’s pathways by speaking about his problem for years to AA and 12-step groups, and describing it in great detail! Twenty years seems like a long time for these associations to stay stuck in the brain, when the triggers really should lessen over time. Unless, like him, you do something to re-live it and reinforce it frequently.

The goal is to make the sight, smell, memories, situations and associations all trigger a new, powerful state of mind. This new state is anchored into the brain’s neurology

THE ANSWER? When I do hypnotherapy with clients, we intentionally start rewiring the brain’s triggers. The addict rarely has a positive resourceful state to work with. The goal is to make the sight, smell, memories, situations and associations all trigger a new, powerful state of mind. This new state is anchored into the brain’s neurology. When a person encounters the trigger, the brain is now forced to react in an entirely new way. Intentionally bypassing the connection that created the cravings, the brain is connecting instead with the powerful new belief that is stored in the brain and body. Suddenly the person is flooded with beliefs about being powerful, free, strong and healthy. IS IT REALLY THAT EASY? Hypnotherapy can make it seem easy. The skills, training and methods used by hypnotherapists can vary, but the basic concept works fast. A hypnotherapist will release and resolve the negative states that drive an addict to relapse. Next, the addict is put into powerful, positive states using the Addiction Freedom method and Future Time Line therapy. While in this future, you create an identity of a person who does not use or need drugs or alcohol. In this new identity they are no longer an addict, no longer powerless, and no longer struggling. Taking the client into several of these future states, experiencing massive confidence,

freedom and strength creates the new wiring in the brain’s neural networks that eliminates the relapse triggers. DOES IT WORK? Studies like this one continue to support my success in the last 20 years with thousands of clients. My client Jennifer says she does her happy dance in the grocery aisle full of wine bottles. Seeing them makes her feel strong, powerful and free. After decades of alcohol abuse, with no

hope of getting sober, Ken became a triathlete and found that his new belief and identity drove him to become the strong, powerful man he experienced in his future time line. Steve quit his 13-year cocaine addiction in just the first hypnotherapy session, realizing that his brain felt like it just flipped the switch. When George quit drinking, even though it had only been two months, he had a powerful revelation. His friend bought him a glass of whisky at the bar, not knowing that George had quit two months earlier. His well meaning friend waved it under George’s nose. The smell triggered just what he expected— the strength, freedom and power of being free from alcohol. No cravings! Instead, it triggered the deep knowledge of who George is and what he now believes about himself. He told me that the smell of his favorite whisky triggered his freedom from alcohol. He instantly felt his conviction and identity as a man who has no need for alcohol. He said the whiff of that whisky actually did trigger him. It triggered his belief that he is powerful, strong, health, and free. Wendi Friesen is founder of The Addiction Project, training therapists, coaches, counselors and treatment centers to use The Addiction Freedom method, a proven and powerful way to stop the struggle and prevent relapse. Author

Wendi Friesen

Website: https://hypnosis.wendi.com/

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Edition


THE ADDICTION PROJECT May 6th, 2019 Addiction Freedom Certification- Become an expert and learn how you will revolutionize addiction treatment. You will learn how important this work is, why you cannot wing it with clients. This proven program teaches you the exact process to be known as an expert and create a very lucrative business with Addiction Freedom. The need for addiction work is bigger than ever. Families looking for help for their loved one are frustrated by the lack of choices and the expense. After sending the addict to yet another 12 step month

long rehab, and paying $25,000-$40,000 for a month of AA meetings just does not feel right for most who are struggling. You already have the Hypnotherapy and NLP skills to help people with addictions, but it is critical that you are not guessing and that you have a proven methodology. Now you will learn how to apply these methods to addiction, with alcohol or drug use. You will learn why your services will be in big demand, what to charge, how to promote your programs, how to facilitate Addiction Freedom groups and serve private clients.

Bio I am worldwide leader in creating rapid change for life’s difficult problems. Since 1994 my site at Wendi.com has influenced the lives of millions worldwide and brought insight, wisdom and spiritual growth to people in need. I can help you. I am often described by my colleagues as a powerful healer, teacher and a creative marketing expert, and they tell me I am one of the most loved transformational trainers in the world. As a flat broke single mother of two, with no resources, money, help or partners, I created a transformation business for devoted followers who seek real change. My work caught the attention of the

media and I quickly became an authority on how to make rapid and massive change in your mind, body and spiritual life. Wendi.com grew to experience millions in sales in a short time, reaching the hearts and minds of people who understood how her sincerity and passion could transform their lives.Wendi has created over 300 programs on audio and Video that will teach you how to really use your brain! The programs lead you through a process of changing your brain’s neural networks, the chemicals of depression, and the habitual and compulsive thoughts that prevent them from being happy.

Register For Wendi’s Workshop Here 36

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The HypnoBiz Conferences




ypnoBiz New York®, organized by Selena D. Valentine, is an international gathering of many top practitioners from all over the world to share their best advice and tips for success. Set against the backdrop of the New York Metropolitan area, it is the place where speakers, coaches, and entrepreneurs offer dynamic and amazing presentations that will teach you about the latest trends in hypnosis - and business.

While specializing in business strategies, HypnoBiz New York® is proud to offer multiple tracks related to clinical and health topics as well. Over 70 Speakers from all over the world are attending and speaking at HypnoBiz New York®! Join us for an experience of a lifetime!

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The Canadian Hypnosis Conference Is Now HypnoBiz Canada®

Join us in Canada for the most talked about event of the year! What Is HypnoBiz Canada®? HypnoBiz Canada: registered: is Co- Organized by Jo-Anne Eadie and Selena D. Valentine and set against the backdrop of the Toronto Metropolitan area. For six years, it is the place where speakers, coaches and entrepreneurs have come to offer dynamic and amazing presentations that will teach you about the latest trends. While specializing in business strategies, HypnoBiz Canada® is proud to offer multiple tracks related to clinical and health topics as well.

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HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Edition

HypnoBiz AustraliaÂŽ

March 14th-15th 2020 HypnoBiz AustraliaÂŽ is Co- Organized by Helen Mitas and Selena D. Valentine. It is the most international and most progressive Hypnosis conference that brings together hundreds of top practitioners from all over the world to share their best advice and tips for success.

The first event of its kind is coming Down Under in March 2020!

View Details & Register Here

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Welcome to The Official HypnoBiz Facebook Group! Our Page is dedicated to providing an online community that exists to encourage sharing personal and professional growth within a positive and constructive setting.

About Us HypnoBiz is the creator, organizer and promoter of personal and professional development training products and events within the hypnosis segment of the wellness industry. In 2017, our flagship event, HypnoBiz New York was the first program of its kind to be launched within the New York Metropolitan area, and set a new standard of excellence. Our expansion to Australia and Canada is reflection of a keen effort to advance a truly global platform and brand. This commitment in building a family of conferences guides us in perpetuating the core tenets of our business: inclusivity, quality, value and fun. As we re-define the model of event programming, our focus is also on re-imagining the overall conference experience by blending education and networking, with elegance and style. We invite you to join us at our upcoming one of a kind, best in class events.

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We are an international community that helps women hypnotists connect, share, learn, and grow in a supportive environment. Our daily themes promote engagement and interaction in an organized, professional setting. We invite you to introduce your fellow Women Hypnotists to our community by adding to them to this group. Thank you for taking the time to be a part of Women Hypnotists!

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HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Edition


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