Generally speaking, this glossary limits itself to defining terms that recur in the text or that are of particular significance for a basic understanding of quantum theory. Other terms that occur only once or are of less fundamental importance are defined in the text itself, and these can be accessed through the index. angular momentum: a dynamical quantity that is the measure of rotatory motion Balmer formula: a simple formula for the frequencies of prominent lines in the hydrogen spectrum Bell inequalities: conditions that would have to be satisfied in a theory that was strictly local in its character, with no non-local correlations bosons: particles whose many-particle wavefunctions are symmetric Bohmian theory: a deterministic interpretation of quantum theory proposed by David Bohm chaos theory: the physics of systems whose extreme sensitivity to details of circumstance makes their future behaviour intrinsically unpredictable classical physics: deterministic and picturable physical theory of the kind that Isaac Newton discovered collapse of the wavepacket: the discontinuous change in the wavefunction occasioned by an act of measurement 95