Baby Album 2012

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baby april 19, 2012






featuring 164 babies of 2011


2 • Thursday, April 19, 2012

Carter Andrew Homan March 18, 2011

Tagen Elizabeth Riley January 21, 2011

Sidney Daily News

Lucas Anthony Bertin March 1, 2011

Elizabeth “Ellie” Barhorst May 21, 2011

Kaitlyn Brielle Martin June 14, 2011 Parents Doug & Brienne Martin Napoleon Grandparents Bill & Donna Ankney Paul & Bonnie Martin

Parents Jeff & Dr. Michelle Roettger Lewis Center Grandparents Larry & Nancy Roettger Geoff & Marcia Pomeroy

Bradley Scott Hensley August 5, 2011

Parents John & Heather Homan New Bremen Grandparents Alvin & Diane Berning Michael & Elaine Homan

Parents Kara Thoma & Jason Riley Grove City Grandparents John & Joyce Thoma Barb & Joe White

Parents Marcus & Tracy Bertin Dublin Grandparents Jerry & Linda McCullough Dr. Anthony & Julie Bertin

Cayden John Stangel May 3, 2011

Gabriel Ronald Stangel May 3, 2011

Ryleigh Marie Stangel May 3, 2011

Vincent Joseph Schroer November 22, 2011

Tyler Jacob Arnold August 30, 2011 Parents Tony & Jill Arnold Sidney Grandparents Steve & Rita Monnin Steve & Joyce Arnold

Parents Joyce & Matt Thomas Sidney Grandparents Cass Hensley & Gayann Hensley John & Tina Thomas

Alexander Martin Thiel December 14, 2011

Conely Ruth Graver February 18, 2011

Aryana Joslyn Del Giudice January 6, 2011

Reed James Simon January 27, 2011

Donald Humberto Iler March 12, 2011

Michael Timothy Hoge June 22, 2011

Parents Jon & Courtney Stangel Troy Grandparents Dave & Joey Sowers Ron & Norma Stangel

Parents Keri & Sean Thiel Gahanna Grandparents Linda & Dave DeVelvis Donna & Craig Thiel

Parents Jon & Courtney Stangel Troy Grandparents Dave & Joey Sowers Ron & Norma Stangel

Parents Matt & Ashley Graver Lewis Center Grandparents Mike & JoAnn Heitman Tom & Kay Graver

Parents Jon & Courtney Stangel Troy Grandparents Dave & Joey Sowers Ron & Norma Stangel

Parents John & Amber Del Giudice Land O’Lakes, FL Grandparents Richard & Debbie Hughes

Parents Craig & Lindsay Barhorst Dublin Grandparents V. Glen & Jeanne Barhorst Bob & Cathy Begley

Ella Rose Roettger October 3, 2011

Parents Roger & Melissa Schroer Anna Grandparents Gary & Dianne Schroer Bill & Beth May

Parents Ryan & Janessa Simon Fort Loramie Grandparents Keith & Sharon Reeder Richard & Cindy Larger; Steve Simon

Parents Donnie & Lariza Iler Eagle Pass, TX Grandparents Humberto & Martha Flores Don & Connie Iler

Parents Brian & Krista Hoge Botkins Grandparents Tim & Darla Dietz Bruce & Donna Hoge


Sidney Daily News

Thursday, April 19, 2012 • 3

Baby rooms on a budget If you have ever wandered through the infant's section of a particular store, you know how much stuff is out there for decorating a baby's room. From wallpaper to furniture to bedding, you can find all kinds of products to decorate a baby's bedroom, and if you don't watch it, you can wind up spending a fortune. If you have just found out that you're pregnant and you're concerned about the cost of decorating your baby's room, don't despair. You can still create a wonderful room for your baby without breaking the bank. Paint is the one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to transform a room. If you have the skills, you can draw a mural on one or all four walls. If that's not your style, you can use stencils, stamps and paint pens to create a happy room. You can paint the walls light yellow, for example, and add some happy faces with a black paint pen or stamp on handprints in various colors. Numerous faux painting techniques are available that will allow you to create any number of textures and designs from puffy clouds to paint splatters. While you're working on the walls, don't neglect the ceiling. Remember, this is area the baby will see the most in the beginning when they are lying on their backs. If you don't like paint, you can try wallpaper. Keep in mind, though, that wallpaper will probably cost more than paint, and if you don't apply it well, you may find your little one picking it off when they get older. If you go this route, select a

wallpaper pattern that will grow with your child and make sure the wallpaper can be scrubbed for those inevitable sticky handprints, stray crayon marks and more. For inexpensive wall hangings, you have numerous options. You can hang up special baby blankets or quilts that you receive, or shop around for inexpensive prints and frame them for instant art. If you have kids already, you can have them draw pictures for the baby that you can frame and hang up. If not, you can use kid's placemats, baby cards and even family photos for art. Inexpensive wooden shelves with old baby shoes and bottles are another idea. Whatever wall hangings you create, make sure you don't hang anything above the baby's crib. There's too much of a risk that something could fall on the baby or the baby could pull down something on themselves when they get older. With floors and windows, you have several options. If you can afford it, you may want to put down stain-resistant carpeting or laminate flooring. Babies tend to spit up, and the older they get, the messier they are likely to be. Instead of traditional carpeting, consider putting down carpet tiles, which

you can easily change out should they get terribly stained. If you already have carpet and can't afford to replace it, consider adding an inexpensive rug to protect the carpet from stains, or make a floor cloth out of canvas. With window coverings, you can keep it simple and top inexpensive miniblinds or shutters with a corniceboard or valance, or you can go all out and purchase or make drapes. Whatever you do, keep in mind that the more light the window coverings block out, the better your baby may sleep. When choosing furniture for your baby's room, think sturdy and try to buy pieces that will grow with your child. As your child learns to walk, they will start to climb and you do not want them climbing onto a rick-

ety chair or table that could break and injure them. You also do not want a room full of furniture that you will have to change out within a few years. While your child may adore their white

dresser with the heart-shaped mirror when they are little, they might not like it so well when they turn five or six and are into sports. Look for furniture pieces that will appeal to your child throughout their life. As for bedding, the choice is yours. You can buy or make a layette set, complete with bed ruffle and bumper pad, or you can pick up some inexpensive sheets and add a nice quilt. Whatever you select, keep in mind that it will be some time before your

baby is actually old enough to use all of the bedding and enjoy it. Experts recommend that newborns be placed into a crib with as little bedding as possible to protect them from accidental suffocation. Remember, your baby will not be able to tell the difference between a rug that cost $1 or one that cost $50, so don't sweat the price of the stuff you use to decorate their room. Stick to your budget and create a design that will appeal to your baby. A room filled with inexpensive tactile objects will appeal more to a baby than a room draped in silk and other expensive fabrics. Let your imagination run wild and have fun!

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4 • Thursday, April 19, 2012

Kolten Anthony McCoy October 21, 2011

Sidney Daily News

Parents Patti & Kyle McCoy Sidney Grandparents Julie & Mark Slaybaugh Kathy & Donn McCoy

Kaitlyn Rose Miller February 24, 2011

Parents Jeremy & Karen Miller Sidney Grandparents John & Ellen May Joseph & Yvonne Miller

Brielle Victoria Robbins October 15, 2011

Maison Derek Blackford September 28, 2011

Kallie Ruth Steward August 9, 2011 Parents Emily Bauer & Darrick Steward Sidney Grandparents Roger & Joyce Williams

Parents Cody & Randi Marie Shank Sidney Grandparents Randy & Ann Sloan Mark & Tammy Branscum

Hayden Lee Vehorn August 1, 2011

Parents Andrew & Tara Vehorn Botkins Grandparents Tim & Darla Dietz Fred & Jane Vehorn

Owen Charles Longbrake November 10, 2011

Addison Ann Bowser May 4, 2011

Parents Tony & Jessica Fleming Sidney Grandparents George & Pam Morrison Kathy Fleming & the late Donald Fleming

Beau Henry Boerger March 8, 2011

Parents Craig & Lisa Boerger Fort Loramie Grandparents Donald & Roberta Sherman Ken & Monica Boerger

Jacob E. Gudgel December 29, 2011

Parents Jason & Christina Longbrake Upper Arlington Grandparents Jim & Sue Longbrake

Parents Kyle & Molly Bowser Cincinnati Grandparents Carol & Guy Bowser Marilyn & Bob Lameier

Kaleb Anthony Fleming October 31, 2011

Kelani Martel-Rodney White March 25, 2011

Josi Mae Weiss August 8, 2011

Henry Stephen Corona September 1, 2011

Coltyn Mitchell Gillum November 22, 2011

Mason Settlage Baker September 6, 2011

Eliana Jeanette Ceyler June 3, 2011

Parents Krista Hudgins, Tevin White Troy Grandparents Amy Lambert, Tim Hudgins Angela White

Parents Jason & Kori Weiss Rossburg Grandparents Leo & Pam Kramer, Kenny & Candi Cook, John & Brenda Weiss

Parents Chris & Anita Robbins Liberty Township Grandparents Michael & Marian Homan Doug & Carol Robbins

Parents Howard & Sara Corona Mason Grandparents Jack & Bonnie Buschur Steve & Colleen Corona

Parents Nathan Blackford & Dear Hinman Minster Grandparents Bruce & Lori Blackford Ron Ladouceur

Parents Jason & Amanda Gillum Sidney Grandparents Darrell & Barb Chiles; Don & Deb Powers; Roger & Louise Gillum

Parents Sarah & Luke Baker New Knoxville Grandparents Annette & Pat Thompsen; John Settlage; Jerry & Brenda Baker

Dean Randolph Shank December 22, 2011

Parents Jim & Nina Gudgel Sidney

Parents Rachel Carter & Michael Ceyler II Sidney Grandparents Mark & Lorna Millbourn; Kim & Christine Carter; Rhonda McKibben, Mike Ceyler


Sidney Daily News

Thursday, April 19, 2012 • 5

Twice the fun! Diapers...cloth or disposable? By Tresa Erickson You just found out that you're having twins. While the thought of two babies is fun, it's also frightening. You weren't sure how well you're were going to cope with one baby, and now, you're having two! Relax. It may be hairy at first, but you will learn to manage, just as moms all over the world with twins have done. Caring for one baby isn't easy, especially for first-time mothers. Taking care of two is even more difficult. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to make caring for twins easier. Here are some tips. • Get organized. Arrange the nursery so that you can get to the things you need fast. Once the babies arrive, make a schedule and stick to it. Do your best to get them to eat, and more importantly, sleep at the same time. • Ask for help. Enlist the aid of your husband, parents, siblings, friends, neighbors, colleagues and anyone else who might be around. It's a lot of work looking after two babies, so whenever someone offers to help, take them up on it. • Eat right and exercise. Taking care of two babies requires a lot of energy and stamina. Maintain yours by eating right and exercising regularly. • Rest when the babies are napping. You may have a ton of things to do, but the more tired you are, the crankier you will be and the harder it will be for you to cope with the babies. Rest whenever you can, even if it means putting off washing the dishes, sweeping the floor or doing some other task until your husband gets home. • Limit visitors. With two

babies, you don't have a lot of time on your hands. Make sure everyone knows that and don't be afraid to turn someone away if you're not feeling up to their visit. • Take time to yourself. Occasionally you need a break from the babies and they from you. Don't hesitate to take them to your mother's or a sitter's and spend some time alone. You'll return refreshed and ready to deal with them again. • Join a twins support group. Not only will you get out of the house, but you'll learn how the parents of other twins manage. More importantly, you'll get the opportunity to discuss what you're going through with people who understand. • Be realistic. Don't try to be a supermom. There's only one of you and you're only human, so you're going to make some mistakes. Accept them and move on. • Learn to say no. You've got a lot on your plate as it is with two babies. Don't take on more than you can handle. Turn down requests you don't have time for. Caring for twins can be overwhelming, but it's definitely worth it. Although they can sometimes be twice the trouble, twins are almost always twice the fun. Enjoy your babies and have fun!

By Ronda Addy As a new parent, you are going to have all kinds of choices to make. One of the most important ones is what kind of diaper to use, cloth or disposable. There is no right or wrong answer to this age-old question, but there are pros and cons to using each. Let's take a look at some of those. The number one pro of cloth diapers is the price. They are cheaper than disposables, even when the cost of a laundry service is figured in. They are also easier on a baby's skin, less likely to cause an allergic reaction and trap less moisture, reducing the risk of diaper rash. There are cloth diapers available on the market with Velcro straps, so you no longer need diaper pins. Cloth diapers also make pretty good rags after their initial use. The number one con of cloth diapers is the extra work they require to clean them. You can either clean them yourself, which means you need a washer and a dryer, or you can send them out to a diaper service. Regardless of

which you use, you will need a diaper pail for storage of used diapers and you will need to rinse out the soiled ones in the toilet. Prepare yourself for a constant smell a n d mess. When washi n g cloth diap e r s , don't use detergents or fabric softeners. Just use soap and hot water, being sure to double rinse each wash. Cloth diapers are more likely to leak even

with plastic pants. They don't travel well either since you have to take the used diapers along with you. The number one advantage of disposable diapers is the convenience. You can throw them away when the time comes, and if you run out, you can go to just about any store and find some. They are less likely to leak, which makes them an excellent choice for babies with frequent diarrhea. They are also easier to travel with. Disposable diapers are not without their cons, however. They are more expensive than cloth and they trap more moisture, which can increase the chance for diaper rash. Because a child can't tell when they are wet, using disposable diapers

can increase the length of time it takes to potty-train them. Disposable diapers are not biodegradable and fill up landfills. Because they can't be rinsed out, the waste is left in the diaper, which could cause health risks. If you are having trouble deciding which kind of diaper to use, why not use both? During the day and when at home, use cloth diapers. During the evening and when traveling, use disposable diapers. When choosing what kind of diaper is best, you should consider your budget and lifestyle. Who would have dreamed that something so simple as the type of diaper to use could be such a big decision?

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6 • Thursday, April 19, 2012

Joshua D. Patton November 16, 2011

Mason Storm Brooks February 13, 2011

Sidney Daily News

Madison Kate Gallup

Aiden Joseph Riethman

Layla Irene Recker

Parents Jeremy & Alicia Brooks Grove City Grandparents Kevin & Kelly Howard Ray and Laura Arnold

Kendall Elise Hoewischer November 25, 2011

Parents Ross & Kara Hoewischer Columbus Grandparents Paul & Linda Keller; Bob & Trisha Kramer; Bill & Lisa Hoewischer

Parents Brent & Mandy Gallup West Milton Grandparents Ron & Patsy Kerber Gary & Carol Gallup

Parents Keith & Angie Riethman Troy Grandparents Ron & Patsy Kerber Charlie & Deb Riethman

Parents Matt & Holly Recker Columbus Grandparents Ron & Patsy Kerber Dennis & Irene Recker

Jacob James Wilker October 6, 2011

Jubilee Grace Raterman January 24, 2011 Parents Ben & Aleya Raterman Grandville, MI Grandparents Meg & John Raterman LuAnn & Dan Kruis

Carter Coverstone January 22, 2011

Parents Brian & Nikki Coverstone Gahanna Grandparents Gary & Rhonda Coverstone Pam Mann, Don Foust

Devery Coverstone August 4, 2011

Parents Brad Coverstone & Melissa Wheeldon Sidney Grandparents Gary & Rhonda Coverstone; Brad & Shelby Mitchell; Colin & Lisa Wheeldon

Henry Michael Acker July 28, 2011

Parents Nathan & Mandy Acker Delaware Grandparents Darlene Ferguson the late Michael W. Ferguson

Isla Wren Clark September 19, 2011

Parents Samantha Clark & Chris Swinford Independence, KY Grandparents Beulah & Scott Clark Kim Swinford & Fred Rouse

Olivia DeBrosse June 24, 2011

Dylan Warren DeToto January 20, 2011

Madison Rose Poeppelman March 31, 2011

Brielle Nicole Hoying March 3, 2011

Trenton Michael Leugers February 26, 2011

Alexander Gill Brown June 1, 2011

Parents Lindsey & Jake Patton Sidney Grandparents Kate & Tim Patton; Sally & Mike Ziegler; Doug Poilitt

Parents Andy & Lisa Wilker St. Marys Grandparents Jim & Susan Schrock Bernard & Marceil Wilker

Parents Kelly & Frank DeBrosse Piqua Grandparents Ken & Becky Smith Don & Sheryl DeBrosse

Parents Karen & Michael DeToto Cibilo, TX Grandparents Ron & Wanda Challen; Joe & Margie DeToto; Barbara DeToto

Parents Jeff & Renee Poeppelman Russia Grandparents Bill & Karen Ballou Bernie & Judy Poeppelman

Parents Kurt & Krista Hoying Anna Grandparents Greg & Kelly Bensman Mark & June Hoying

Parents Eric & Diane Leugers Botkins Grandparents Henry & Bernice Albers Mike & Kathy Leugers

Parents Terry Brown & Tina Gill Jackson Center Grandparents Marcia Atkinson & Doug Gill Phil & Mary Brown


Sidney Daily News

Bath time! By Tresa Erickson You've just become a parent for the first time and unfortunately your family lives too far away to be of much help. You're on your own and your little one needs their first bath. You practiced giving dolls a bath in your parenting class, but now with your newborn in front of you, the task seems daunting. Relax. You can do it. Here's how. To give your newborn a bath, follow these steps. 1. Grab a couple of thick towels and lay them on a flat surface. This is where you will bathe your newborn. 2. Run a pail of warm water and collect everything you will need for the bath-a soft washcloth and towel, unscented baby soap and lotion, an alcohol pad, a diaper and a change of clothes. 3. Remove your newborn's clothes and diaper, lay them on the towels and cradle their head in one hand. With the other hand, wash their body with a soapy washcloth, starting with less dirty areas like the fingers and toes and finishing with their bottom. As you wash their hair, tip your newborn's head back to keep the water out of their eyes. 4. Once you have finished washing your newborn, wrap them in a towel and dry them off. If their skin seems dry, apply some unscented baby lotion to their body.

5. Clean around your newborn's umbilical cord with an alcohol pad. Then diaper and dress them. Newborns in general dislike water. It's a shock to their little bodies when water hits them, so don't be afraid if your newborn begins to cry during bath time. Remain calm and work quickly. You should bathe your newborn every three or four days or more often if needed. After your newborn's umbilical cord has fallen off, you can move them to a plastic tub and wash them just as you did on the towels. Once they learn to sit up, you can move them to the tub in the bathroom and make bath time fun with toys. No matter what the age of your child, always remember the cardinal rule: Never ever leave them alone in the bath. They can roll over or slip and fall and hurt themselves or drown in a matter of seconds. If you need to go to another room to answer the phone or see who's at the door, wrap your child in a towel and take them with you. The first time you bathe your newborn, you'll probably feel awkward. Don't worry about it-it's normal to feel that way. Like any task, the more you do it, the better you'll become. Before long, you'll be a pro and bath time will be a snap!

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Thursday, April 19, 2012 • 7

TOP TEN BABY NAMES for 2012 GIRLS NAMES 1 Emma 2 Olivia 3 Sophia 4 Ava 5 Isabella 6 Ella 7 Chloe 8 Abigail 9 Mia 10 Madison

BOYS NAMES 1 Mason 2 Liam 3 Ethan 4 Noah 5 Jacob 6 Aiden 7 Jack 8 Logan 9 Jackson 10 Benjamin

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8 • Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lance Joshua Ward January 15, 2011

Drelyn Mylez Ethan Dillon August 21, 2011 Parents Erinn Dillon Sidney Grandparents Randy & Dawn VanHoose Brad & Chrissy Dillon

Emma Elizabeth Sollmann June 30, 2011

Griffin Lane Hickerson August 19, 2011

Parents Brandon & Jackie Ward Anna Grandparents Neil & Genny Schroer Sheryl & Denny Maier; Mark Ward

Parents Ryan & Stephanie Sollmann Sidney Grandparents David & Caritina Romaker Dennis & Rita Sollmann

Sawyer Braun January 25, 2011

Parents Sam & Stacy Braun Wapakoneta Grandparents Lee & Marcy Braun Leo & Janet Morris

Carter Robert Milligan May 2, 2011

Sidney Daily News

Parents Travis & Stacy Milligan Sidney Grandparents Bonnie Walton, David & Julie Milligan, Tom & Kelly Schulze

Kallie Elizabeth Nuss January 6, 2011

Parents Nolan & Tizzie Nuss Galloway Grandparents Frank & Brenda Nuss, Paul & Linda Keller, Bob & Trisha Kramer

Griffin Franklin Nuss April 4, 2011

Reagan Catherine Nuss April 4, 2011

Preston Foster Groves May 6, 2011

Caleb James Garrett August 5, 2011

Summer Elizabeth Abarca Ward October 3, 2011

Zoe Jordyn Huddleston March 29, 2011

Parents Nathan & Heather Nuss Cincinnati Grandparents Frank & Brenda Nuss Darryl & Kay Sandri

Parents Ben & Tiffany Hickerson Bradford Grandparents Bob & Diane Buck Gary & Barb Hickerson

Parents Phillip & Erin Groves Botkins Grandparents Rodney & Shirley Foster Harry & the late Judith Groves

Parents Jeremy & Ashley Garrett Kettlersville Grandparents Edward & Annette Eck Gary & Nancy Garrett

Parents April & Jonathan Abarca Moravia, Costa Rica Grandparents Tom & Sherri Ward

Kasey Ann Marie Koenig March 4, 2011

Arya Serenity Ann Pelfrey November 19, 2011

Zephyr James Boner October 28, 2011

Kendal Lee Ullery December 8, 2011

Parents Derek & Sybil Koenig Botkins Grandparents Lee & Marcy Braun Greg & Martha Koenig

Parents Jennifer & Allen Pelfrey Botkins Grandparents Tony Martin Becky & Jimmy Snell

Parents Amanda Hoover & Tyler Boner Greenville Grandparents Sandy, Joyce & Dick, Phil Hoover, Bob Hatfield, Norma Stengel

Parents Mindy Presser & Dennis Ullery Houston Grandparents Terry & Darla Presser Dennis & Diane Ullery

Parents Nathan & Heather Nuss Cincinnati Grandparents Frank & Brenda Nuss Darryl & Kay Sandri

Parents Brandy & Allen Huddleston Sidney Grandparents Mark & Deb Schutte, Steve & Dot Huddleston, Tom & Darla Strunk

Jazmine Renee Marie Russell October 26, 2011 Parents Ted & Monica Russell Grand Rapids, MI Grandparents Rob & Marie Russell


Sidney Daily News

Thursday, April 19, 2012 • 9

Harper Rose Kinsella December 7, 2011

Preston Elee Mikes October 10, 2011

Dawson Matthew Homan December 27, 2011

Addison Renee Wentz January 5, 2011

Summer Nicole Freisthler November 29, 2011 Parents Craig & Nikki Freisthler Anna Grandparents Jim & Sue Freisthler Phil & Jan Linniman

Parents David & Lisa Gregory Dayton Grandparents Craig & Doris Ambos, Jerry & Mary Gregory, Janet Gregory

Brock Leonard Francis May 8, 2011

Emmy Marie Phlipot April 16, 2011 Parents Tom & Brandi Phlipot Russia Grandparents Doug & Linda Francis Conrad & Mary Phlipot

Cadence Phlipot January 3, 2011

Parents Todd & Kathy Phlipot Versailles Grandparents Lavern & Mary Jo Poeppelman Conrad & Mary Phlipot

Cash Raymond Doseck November 15, 2011 Parents Bob & Jenni Doseck Botkins Grandparents Ray & MaryAnn Limbert Carl & Karla Doseck

Scott Walter Fitzgerald July 12, 2011

Parents Jena St. Myers & Lucas Fitzgerald Sidney Grandparents Angi & Mike St. Myers Angela & Jimmy Fitzgerald

Mackenzie Elise Topp August 9, 2011

Parents Mary & Eric Topp Wapakoneta Grandparents Roger & Susan Doseck MaryLou and the late Donald Topp

Vincent David Martin December 31, 2011

Ethan Matthew Ott May 21, 2011

Samuel Howell August 6, 2011

Layla Jean Heath January 16, 2011

Greyson William Barthauer March 23, 2011

Lucas Robert McVety November 26, 2011

Parents Bob & Jill Kinsella Botkins Grandparents Jon & Jane Uppenkamp Mary Ann Kinsella

Parents Paul & Karen Francis Sidney Grandparents Ralph & Dorothy Francis Conrad & Mary Phlipot

Parents Blaine & Brandy Martin Botkins Grandparents David & Amy Skinner John & Anna Aumiller

Parents Beth & Robert Mikes Bellefontaine Grandparents Antonia Zaccagnini Jaunita Clutter

Parents Matthew & Amanda Ott Elida Grandparents Dan & Kim Ott Mark & Lisa Koester

Parents Matthew & Lindsay Homan Sidney Grandparents Ray & Carol Homan Brent & Melinda Stombaugh

Parents Nick & Katrina Howell Anna Grandparents Terry & Diane Billing Sue & the late Norman Howell

Parents Jay & Ashley Wentz Anna Grandparents Rick & Brenda Folkert Randy & Carol Wentz

Parents Rob & Christi Heath Quincy Grandparents Jean & Ken Girod, Deb & Randy Lewis, Bill & Julie Huelskamp, Mark Heath

Parents Jeremy & Lynda Barthauer Quincy Grandparents William & Julie Huelskamp, Ken & Jeanie Girod, Mike & Joyce Barthauer

Marian Leigh Gregory July 20, 2011

Parents Rob & Tracy McVety Maplewood Grandparents Tom & Nancy Burns, Mark & Brenda Schmiesing, the late Sheldon McVety & the late Janet McVety

10 • Thursday, April 19, 2012

Elise Lucille Myers July 1, 2011


Sidney Daily News

Parents Douglas & Danielle Myers Sidney Grandparents Philip & Eileen Myers Daniel & Katrina Hoening

Calvin Gregory Martin February 4, 2011

Parents Ben & Kristen Martin Perrysburg Grandparents Jill Martin & the late Greg Martin, Rick & Suzette Hamlin

Kane Matthew Tennery April 25, 2011

Matthew Randall Berger June 3, 2011 Parents Kevin & Amy Berger Sidney Grandparents Bob & Vicky Berger Donald & Jana Douglas

Parents Ben & April Bogart Sidney Grandparents Loretta Stotler Velina Bogart & Mark Bogart

Parents Amanda & Brian Brandewie Anna Grandparents Steve & Ann Hoying, Laura Brandewie, Tom & Peg Brandewie

Cale Joseph Westerbeck August 9, 2011

LiLa Ann Brammer July 18, 2011

Logan Dietz December 9, 2011

Abigail Rose Regula July 5, 2011

Reese Michelle Jones May 10, 2011

Raelyn Marie Jones May 10, 2011

Parents Clayton & Lisa Westerbeck Sidney Grandparents

Pat & Steve Shilling, Larry & Cyndi Nigh, the late Charles Westerbeck, Carolyn & George Ginter

Parents Kyle & Autumn Brammer Sidney Grandparents Jake & Heather Shell Robert & Kathy LeMaster

Blair Louise Schellhase March 24, 2011

Corinne Barhorst November 17, 2011

Parents Nicholas & Amber Schellhase Versailles Grandparents Jeff & Teresa Ann Borchers Bob & Janice Schellhase

Parents Anthony & Danielle Barhorst Fort Loramie Grandparents Jeff & Teresa Ann Borchers Robert & Cynthia Barhorst II

Parents Matt & Kelly Tennery Fort Loramie Grandparents Vernon & Mary Jo Siegel John & Linda Campbell

Parents Matt & Stacy Dietz Sidney Grandparents Steve & Joyce Arnold Larry & Lois Dietz

Parents Chris & Amber Regula Jackson Center Grandparents Alva & Maureen Martin Thomas & Judith Regula

Liam Michael Schumann Alexander James Bridges March 31, 2011 September 27, 2011 Parents Rachel & Justin Schumann Wapakoneta Grandparents Pam & Bob Roesser Tracy & Bruce Schumann

Parents Derek & Arlyna Bridges Grove City Grandparents Linda Bridges Herawati & Jusuf Effendi

Norah Lydia Bogart April 15, 2011

Celia Mae Brandewie October 10, 2011

Parents Brandon & Kristin Jones Sidney Grandparents Thomas & Penny Clark, Larry & Dana Jones, Wade & Lori Hendrickson

Parents Brandon & Kristin Jones Sidney Grandparents Thomas & Penny Clark, Larry & Dana Jones, Wade & Lori Hendrickson

Kendra Marie D’Amico April 11, 2011

Andrew S Huelskamp September 19, 2011

Parents Leslie D’Amico Miamisburg Grandparents Vernie & Rita Nicholson

Parents Scott & Jacqueline Huelskamp Sidney Grandparents John & Pam Huelskamp Ross & Cindy Driskell


Sidney Daily News

Thursday, April 19, 2012 • 11

Allow me to introduce you to... By Ronda Addy

Prior to bringing the baby home, have someone bring home something that has the baby's smell on it, like a blanket or clothing, so the dog can become familiar with the baby's odor. Let the dog smell the item as much as it wants. Upon returning home, greet the dog without the baby. Let the dog get used to the sounds and smells associated with the baby, and after the dog has calmed down and the baby is quiet, make the introduc-

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We have what you need to keep up with your growing family


For years, your baby has been the one and only in the family. But now, there is a new baby coming. You are worried about how the two are going to get along. Will there be jealousy? Will there be aggressive behavior? These are legitimate concerns. What you need to know is the best way to introduce the new baby to the old baby, the family dog. Here are some tips. Preparing the dog for the arrival of the baby should be done months in advance. You should make sure the dog knows basic obedience commands, like sit, stay and down, and to come when called. If the dog does not know these commands, obedience school is in order. Make sure all the commands are associated with good thingstreats work well. Once the dog has mastered these commands, use them while doing things you will be doing when the baby comes. Wrap up a doll like a baby and rock it, feed it and walk around with it. During these practices, periodically reward the dog. Babies make strange sounds, so help the dog get accustomed to the noises by playing recordings. Ideally, if you know of someone with a baby, have them bring the baby over so the dog can get used to having one around. This will naturally take more than one time. While you are in the hospital, make sure the dog's routine is kept as normal as possible. To avoid stress, keep the dog's same feeding and walking schedule.

close enough to sniff the baby. Allow the dog the freedom of the house as before while you are with the baby. Use a screen door or gate to prevent the dog from entering the baby's room without you. Be sure to devote the same amount of attention to the dog as before. If you go for a walk with the baby, take the dog. If you can't handle them both, have someone go with you. There are no set guidelines as to when a dog will get used to a baby. Everything depends on the dog's history of aggressive behavior. It could take a couple of days or it could take weeks. If, after several weeks, there has been no sign of aggressive behavior, it is unlikely that anything will happen. All experts agree that you should never leave a dog unattended with a baby under any circumstances. The sudden movement of a baby could startle the dog, causing it to bite the baby, or the dog could sit on the baby and suffocate it. Most dogs will adjust to a new baby without incident. Observe the dog's behavtions. Have someone be there to control ior for any signs of aggression and take prethe dog and someone else to hold the baby. cautions. That way, you can avoid problems Put the dog on a leash in the sit/stay posi- and accidents. tion, if necessary. Gradually bring the dog and baby closer together. Repeat this introduction several times, each time bringing the dog and baby closer together until you feel comfortable enough to let the dog get

12 • Thursday, April 19, 2012

Jennings Cade Huelskamp April 21, 2011

Megan Marie Helmlinger December 29, 2011


Raelynn Marie Curtis June 10, 2011

Ava Elizabeth Deel October 13, 2011

Isaiah Henry Grieshop October 12, 2011 Parents Jay & Stacey Grieshop Russia Grandparents Mike & Bonnie Monnin Linie & Jane Grieshop

Parents Cortney Davis & Adam Kimpel Sidney Grandparents Patti & Jeff Davis Loris & Dan Kimpel

Addison Grace Arnold July 30, 2011

Hollie Reagan Arnold July 30, 2011

Karter Brice Alan Martin July 16, 2011

Ian Henry Romanowski June 20, 2011

Parents Jack & Jenica Huelskamp Sidney Grandparents Don & Lois Layman Steve & Jae Huelskamp

Parents Blaine & Melissa Helmlinger Sidney Grandparents

Don & Kim Helmlinger, Steve & Wendy Shatto, Morris & Becky Strunk, Bernie Rench, Tammy Courtney

Parents Stacy Renner & John Curtis Sidney Grandparents Mark & Lisa Kouse, Gene & Donna Ehemann, Ken Curtis

Parents Ray & Julie Deel Dublin Grandparents Ray & Pat Deel Richard & Marcia Grigg

Hailey Renee Sparks February 18, 2011

Tyrel Ray’shawn Anthony Thomas October 28, 2011

Ella Ann Blocking December 4, 2011

Andrew William Kerber June 2, 2011

Parents Russell & Jaimi Sparks Quincy Grandparents Michael & Reenie Elliott Bobby & Jana Sparks

Parents Danielle Holloway, Antwon Thomas Sidney Grandparents Jerri Drees & Danny Holloway Cawana Robinson & Uylsse Robinson Jr.

Addilynn May Roe August 13, 2011

Isabella Michelle Hickman April 29, 2011

Parents LeEllen Pierce & Josh Roe Sidney Grandparents Karla & Dorcel Pierce Lonnie & Sandy Roe

Parents Jodi Clay & Wes Hickman Sidney Grandparents Brent & Sherri Clay, Randy & Glenda Wise, George & Susan Hickman

Parents Karl & Julie Blocking Toledo Grandparents Bill & Sharon Kerber Dietrich & Janice Blocking

Parents Nathan & Carrie Kerber Perrysburg Grandparents Bill & Sharon Kerber Scott & Carol Stewart

Madden Robert Winemiller Norah Margaret Alexander August 26, 2011 January 8, 2011 Parents Molly & Brian Winemiller Sidney Grandparents Ed & Judy Wells, Craig & Terri Winemiller, the late John R. Billing

Sidney Daily News

Parents Devon & Cara Alexander Piqua Grandparents Bruce & Kim Metz Jerry & Alice Alexander

Parents Brian & Robyn Arnold Fort Loramie Grandparents Steve & Joyce Arnold Vernon & Ruth Drees

Parents Shaun & Melissa Martin Norfolk, VA Grandparents Bruce & Kim Metz, Tom Martin & Daveanna Baughman

Atlas Daniel Kimpel October 23, 2011

Parents Brian & Robyn Arnold Fort Loramie Grandparents Steve & Joyce Arnold Vernon & Ruth Drees

Parents Matt & Karin Romanowski Anna Grandparents Dave & Peg Baumer Robert Romanowski


Sidney Daily News

Payton A. Richardson July 29, 2011

Kamden Sullivan October 31, 2011

Jenna Marie Glass July 15, 2011

Jameson Michael Lacy April 4, 2011

Thursday, April 19, 2012 • 13

Ava Rae Wolf July 26, 2011

Lillian C. Short June 22, 2011

Parents Randi & Mark Richardson Sidney Grandparents Randy & Madge Brown Barb Feree & Jeff Richardson

Parents Eric Sullivan & Erin Partin Lima Grandparents

Bryan & Lori Wahrer, Ron & Becky Partin, Kim Osborne, Dave Condon, Stanley Sullivan

Parents Joel & Brandi Glass Fort Loramie Grandparents Tom & Glenda Glass Ginger Wray & John Boedigheimer

Parents Aaron & Melissa Lacy Sidney Grandparents Tom & Nancy Burns, Mark & Brenda Schmiesing, Jim & Mary Lou Lacy

Parents Ken & Melanie Wolf Delaware Grandparents The late Harry Krugh & Barb Krugh, Tim & Kathy Wolf

Parents Kris & Tracy Short Saint Paris Grandparents Bob & Brenda Short, Judy & Art Goings, Karolyn & Terry Schafer

Amelia Jane Ball September 13, 2011

Avery Jolene Gagnon April 22, 2011

Katie Leann Hemmert August 2, 2011

Emilee Christine Haynes July 22, 2011

Ross David Merickel June 9, 2011

Gabriel Christian Stoner August 31, 2011

Adalynn Nicole Fogt July 13, 2011

Parents Samantha Rhoades & Roger Ball Sidney Grandparents Stacie Gillespie Martha Coffman

Parents Matt & Jessica Gagnon Kettering Grandparents Dave & Mary Jo McClain Larry & Kathleen Gagnon

Parents Jason & Gerriann Hemmert Sidney Grandparents Rick & Barb Reiss Dan & Carol Hemmert

Parents Michael & Kayla Haynes Sidney Grandparents Larry & Cindy Hoel Mike Haynes Sr. & Susie Mullins

Parents Craig & Stephanie Merickel Sidney Grandparents Steve & Lori Holt Dave & Barb Merickel

Claire Katina Morris June 21, 2011

Charlie Ralls Hoying April 24, 2011

Peyton Samuel Richards November 29, 2011

Addison LeighannCornett-Nation August 6, 2011

Cassidy Rose Hutchinson March 3, 2011

Parents Amy & Jeff Morris Sidney Grandparents Sam & Sandy Rose Bill & Beth Morris

Parents Greg & Amy Hoying Anna Grandparents Steve & Ann Hoying Sue & the late Norman Howell

Parents ShaTara Waldroop & Travis Richards Sidney Grandparents Glenna Limbert & Tom Johnson Crystal Spaugy & Randy Richards

Parents Katelyn Cornett-Nation Sidney Grandparents

Jason Nation & Rhonda Cornett Gene & Mary Cornett, Ann Nation, Gary & Julie Miller

Parents Tim Hutchinson, Margi Stearns Sidney Grandparents Carlene & Clarence Stearns Brenda & John Hutchinson

Parents Eric & Laura Stoner Anna Grandparents Dale & Marylin Stoner Mike & Nancy Mickelson

Parents Sara St. Myers & Brendyn Fogt Sidney Grandparents Frank & Jenni St. Myers Angela Fogt


14 • Thursday, April 19, 2012

Maddox Xavier Larger May 22, 2011

Mason Andrew Hittepole November 12, 2011 Parents Dennis & Tiffany Hittepole Sidney Grandparents Mark & Barbara Hinerman Karen Hittlepole

Parents Sean & Tiffany Rank Sidney Grandparents Brad Wildermuth, Amy Wildermuth Doug & Barb Rank

Trey Alexander Roberts December 10, 2011

Griffen Michael Shipp February 7, 2011

Parker Samuel Roll February 28, 2011

Parents Rob & Lindsay Larger Carmel, IN Grandparents Vern & Karen Rosenbeck Joe & Mary Larger

Parents Alex & Renee Roberts McCartyville Grandparents Charles & Michelle Axe Paul & Jacqueline Roberts

Parents Casey Yagle and Cory Shipp Greenville Grandparents Diane & Dave Johnson, the late Steve Yagle, Robin & Bob Grice

Leta Patrice Rank January 3, 2011

Parents Nikki & Jason Roll Versailles Grandparents

Kevin & Lori Yagle, Karen & Brian Petitjean, Shirley & the late Josh Eiting, the late James Roll

Lea Cecelia Boerger January 23, 2011

Sidney Daily News

Parents Kevin & Gina Boerger Fort Loramie Grandparents Mel & Marcia Bensman Ken & Monica Boerger

Madeline Noelle York January 5, 2011

Parents Michael & Lisa York Cincinnati Grandparents Wayne & Marianne York Michael & Susan Morrissey

Vivian Louise Hoehne June 19, 2011

Braylon James Cornett April 19, 2011

Hailey Renee Sparks February 18, 2011

Abigail Elaine Hollenbacher July 14, 2011

Parents Dustin Cornett & Amanda Carey Sidney Grandparents Mary & Eugene Cornett Terry Cornett, Tammy Bishop

Parents Russell & Jaimi Sparks Quincy Grandparents Mike & Reenie Elliott Bob & Jana Sparks

Parents Jeff & Maria Hoehne Russia Grandparents Dave & Bonnie York Ed & Kathy Hoehne

Parents Andy & Natalie Hollenbacher Sidney Grandparents Randy & Connie Sue Sailor Gary & the late Susan Elaine Hollenbacher

From the change table to the little doll, think safety! Here you are, window-shopping to find all the necessities for your precious baby. Although the list of purchases is long, other people are providing you with plenty of useful items: your neighbour gave you clothing her family has outgrown; a friend lent you a baby carrier, you found a highchair at a garage sale, and the cradle has been passed down in your family from one generation to the next… Great! Yet, how can you be sure that all of these items, as well as those you will purchase from a store, are absolutely safe for your child? Many children’s products are regulated by the Hazardous Products Act, while others abide by the strict manufacturing stan-

dards established by the manufacturers. Some regulations have changed over the years, causing certain products to fail to meet current standards. Various factors must be considered when you purchase or borrow children’s products. • Check for the label that guarantees the product’s compliance to current standards. • Learn about the current standards byvisiting or by contacting Health Canada. • Contact the manufacturer to make sure that the product has not been pulled from the market and fill out the product registration card so that you can be alerted in case

of a recall. • Read the instructions carefully and do not remove labels that contain information on the product. • Respect the age and weight limits indicated. • Carefully examine all used items for any damage. Do not use anything that is broken. • Check for the date of manufacture to be sure that the item is not too old to be used. Once you have followed all of these steps, you can sleep peacefully. Your baby is safe!


Sidney Daily News

Thursday, April 19, 2012 • 15

Sleep Myths Debunked

Kennedy Ann Vaubel January 20, 2011 Parents Emily & Ryan Vaubel Botkins Grandparents Lori & Mark Elsass Deb & John Vaubel

Paxton Rose July 20, 2011

Parents Steven & Gwen Rose Sidney Grandparents Paul & Janet Snider Gerry & Nan Rose

Casey Nathaniel Parker March 30, 2011

Ellie Mae Zwiebel March 25, 2011

Brielle Nicole Barhorst August 29, 2011

Gemma Lee Addison Overbey May 4, 2011

Parents Heather & Heath Zwiebel DeGraff Grandparents Michael & Susan Barhorst the late Melinda Barhorst, Fred & Gloria Zwiebel

Parents Aaron & Brenda Barhorst Minster Grandparents Walter & Ann Mayse Jim & Norma Barhorst

Parents N. Tyler Parker & Amanda Woodard Sidney Grandparents Jeff & Heidi Parker

Parents Michelle Overbey Sidney Grandparents Tim Overbey, Margi Case Darlene & Monroe Oberbey

Myth #1: Newborns don't need a sleep schedule. “Even very young babies benefit from scheduling and consistency at nighttime and nap time,” says Kim West, a sleep consultant and author of Good Night, Sleep Tight. “It lays the groundwork for learning how to sleep through the night once they're older.” Myth #2: Infants can sleep through the night. Just like adults, children wake up four to five times a night. The catch is that adults know how to get themselves back to sleep and infants don't. While many babies are capable of consistently soothing themselves to sleep after two or three months, others don't do that until age 6 months or beyond. Myth #3: You can get a child to sleep through the night by starting solids early (before 4 to 6 months). Many parents mistakenly think this technique will work by keeping their baby full longer, but it's a bad idea. Young infants lack the mature digestion and oral-motor skills to handle solid foods, and introducing solids too early may trigger some food allergies. Myth #4: It's okay to let your baby sleep in a moving seat or swing. A few minutes in a moving swing or bouncy seat can soothe a fussy baby, but don't let it become a crutch. Sleeping in a moving swing or seat for a prolonged period of time keeps your baby in a light sleep, meaning he won't get the deep, restful sleep he needs. Sleeping babies should spend 50 percent of their time in non-REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, the deepest sleep stage, during which the brain sends out growth and developmental hormones. Myth #5: Children who don't nap during the day sleep longer at night. Not so, says West. Skipping daytime naps only leads to sleep sabotage. Kids who are overtired will often miss their sleep window at night, she explains. Miss the window and the body secretes cortisol, a form of adrenaline. As a result, kids will sleep more fitfully and wake up earlier (not later) the next morning. Myth #6: A child who can climb out of a crib is ready for a big-kid bed. Not necessarily. “Moving to a bed before age 2 doesn't solve sleep problems, it only makes them worse,” says West. “At this age, children are too young to understand why they need to stay in bed.” She recommends keeping toddlers in the crib and using a crib tent, if necessary, to prevent them from pulling a Houdini. Myth #7: Some children are bad sleepers. All children can be taught to be good sleepers. If a child is older, it may take longer, it might take more effort, but every child is able to learn how to fall asleep well on his own.

Welcome Babies Birth Announcements Chloe Rae Aselage May 28, 2011

Parents Clint & Jillian Aselage Covington Grandparents Joe & Gretchen Schmidt Dave & Rose Marie Aselage

Kason John Robert Sparks August 2, 2011 Parents Justin & Stacie Sparks Sidney Grandparents Kenneth & Viki Sparks The late Frank Riethman Dolores & Roger Bey

The Sidney Daily News would like to announce the newest addition to your family by publishing a Birth Announcement on the Localife pages. Birth Announcement forms are available at the newspaper office, 1451 N. Vandemark

Road. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. An online form is also available by visiting Anyone having questions should call Localife Editor Patti Speelman at 937-498-5971

16 • Thursday, April 19, 2012


Sidney Daily News

Simple ways to make your child's day It doesn't take much to thrill a kid. In fact, it's often the "small stuff" that makes for the most meaningful childhood memories: your mom pulling off the road to let you climb a tree, being allowed to jump on a hotel bed, splashing wildly in mud puddles in the rain… The best part? Many of these kidcharmers are low-cost or even free. In that spirit, here's a collection of simple, cheap, memory-making activities that are sure to be a bright spot in your child's day – and yours! Let 'er rip Maybe it's that pleasing shredding sound or maybe it's the satisfaction of making a permanent change in something, but babies love to tear up paper. So plunder your recycling box for magazines or junk mail – when you see that gappy smile on your baby's face as she gets to work, you won't even mind the mess.

Dog days You could take your baby to the zoo, but don't be surprised if he falls fast asleep – or favors the water fountain over the orangutans. Instead, try a park where he can see dogs playing. It's a lot less overwhelming

and every bit as exciting, plus it doesn't cost a penny. Just be sure to practice good doggyand-child safety habits. You might want to carry your baby in your arms or a baby carrier to make sure he's safe when watching and petting the pups (with permission, of course). Flashlight games Turn off the lights, close the blinds, grab a flashlight, and lie back on the floor for a rockin' light show with your little one. Dance the light beam along the ceiling and walls as your baby stares in delight. An older baby might like to try holding the flashlight herself (though you shouldn't be

surprised if all she does is gum it). Just don't let her shine it directly in her eyes – or, for that matter, in yours. Dining out For a change of pace, set up your baby's highchair in the backyard or out on the front stoop and, between bites, let him fling the food wherever he likes. He'll feel like he's won the lottery! A bit short in the yard department? No worries – bring a booster chair to the park and set it right on the grass. Throw in some bubbles and you've got a perfect recipe for a fun-filled morning. Go clubbing In your living room, that is. Turn on your favorite music and dance with your baby in your arms. She'll be in seventh heaven – after all, she'll be enjoying three of her favorite things in the world simultaneously: music, bouncing, and closeness to you.

IT’S ALL ABOUT THE HEALTHY BABY. If you’re expecting, you want a birthing center you have confidence in. A staff that’s experienced, and cool under pressure. And close by would be cool, too. For more information about services at our Copeland-Emerson Family Birth Center, please call (937) 498-5391.

915 W. Michigan St. Sidney, OH 45365 2273234

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