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TOMORROW East student off to England Commitment To Community

OPINION: Following Benjamin Franklin’s advice. Page 4.

MAGAZINE: USA Weekend in today’s Call. F R I D AY, J A N U A R Y 6 , 2 0 1 2


SPORTS: Rookie quarterbacks lead playoff teams. Page 13. w w w. d a i l y c a l l . c o m


an award-winning Ohio Community Media newspaper

Briefly Today’s weather High 52 Low 32 Partly sunny and pleasant. Complete forecast on Page 3.

Piqua BOE views upgrades Energy savings focus of high school project BY JENNIFER RUNYON For the Daily Call Jrunyon@who.rr.com PIQUA — During their organizational meeting Thursday, Piqua City Schools Board of Education members got a first hand look at phase one of the heating, ventilation and air con-

TV book coming in Saturday’s Call


Dennis Garber of GM Mechanical of Covington tells members of the Piqua City Schools Board of Education about the high school’s new heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. The board’s newest member, Frank Patrizio, is shown.

ditioning project at the high school. Dennis Garber of GM Mechanical out of Covington explained the new equipment to the members. Phase one was for the academic wing of the school. The majority of the work was done over the summer. The old system did not have the ability to reheat air at each room where the new one does. Also, a thermostat is now located in each room, and after training is completed, certain See Piqua BOE/Page 8



This week’s edition features “Shipping Wars,” starring Jarrett Joyce. Also look for complete TV listings and other features.

Library director offers praise for her long service

Library to host presentation by Piqua High grad PIQUA — The Piqua Public Library will be hosting a presentation on Enhancing Creativity with guest speaker Jim Mauk, a Piqua native who has multiple degrees and has taught at Wabash College, Miami University and the University of Missouri. Mauk has been researching creativity since MIKE ULLERY/STAFF PHOTO 1997, and has given numerous workshops on the New owner of WPTW Rick Muzzy, far left, snaps a photo of the station’s new logo in front of sportscasters subject. This particular Duane Bachman and Lloyd Shoemaker during the recent B.I.G./WPTW Holiday Basketball Classic at Piqua presentation will begin at High School. 7 p.m. Monday and is an overview of the workshops.

Museum hosts veterans breakfast

Moments in Time The Fountain Park Association decided to drill for natural gas in the park in May 1886. Courtesy of the Piqua Public Library

Lottery CLEVELAND (AP) — Thursday’s lottery numbers: Night Drawings: ■ Rolling Cash 5 02-09-20-21-39 ■ Pick 3 Numbers 4-4-4 ■ Pick 4 Numbers 9-0-3-9 Day Drawings: ■ Midday 3 2-1-9 ■ Midday 4 6-0-6-2 For Power Ball numbers, visit www.ohiolottery.com

Index Classified.....................10-12 Comics.................................9 Entertainment.....................5 Horoscope...........................9 Local..............................3, 7-8 6 2 7 4 8 2 5 8 2 1 0 1 Obituaries............................2 Opinion................................4 Parenting.............................6 Sports...........................13-16 State/Nation.....................7-8 Weather...............................3


7 4 8 2 5

8 2 1 0 1


Former columnist Pat Best dies at 87

New event set first Wednesday of every month BY RON OSBURN Ohio Community Media rosburn@tdnpublishing.com TROY — Ken Williamson and Art Wehneman were two of

about 20 local military veterans who attended the very first Veterans Wednesday held Wednesday morning at the Miami Valley Veterans Museum in the Masonic Building in downtown Troy And, like proper guests, they didn’t come emptyhanded. Williamson brought in a coal black 12-

pound Civil War-era cannonball, which he donated to the museum, while Art Wehneman handed over his green, wool Korean War-era Army uniform to museum curator Terry Purke. In exchange, both U.S. Army veterans were treated to coffee, doughnuts and fellowship

among other local military veterans at the museum, which is located on the second floor of the Masonic Building in downtown Troy. Members say Veterans Wednesday — held at 9 a.m. on the first Wednesday of every month — will See Veterans/Page 7

BY WILL E SANDERS Staff Writer wsanders@dailycall.com PIQUA — A woman who served her country in World War II and her community during her decades of work at the Piqua lib r a r y, P a t Best, a longt i m e Daily C a l l columBEST nist, passed away early Thursday morning at Piqua Manor. She was 87. Born Feb. 22, 1924, in Pittsburgh, Pa., Mrs. Best was a well-known community personality who served numerous associations and organizations, whether it was her decades of work as a librarian at the Flesh Public Library; See Pat Best/Page 2

Power system plans improvements Projects designed to boost reliability BY BETHANY J. ROYER Staff Writer broyer@dailycall.com PIQUA — As author and humor columnist Dave Barry once said, since we’ve no idea how electricity works, we can only assume it exists thanks to the bills we keep getting for it. This insight may be true after questions arose at Tuesday night’s Piqua City Commission meeting over a resolution to purchase two S&C IntelliRupter PulseClosers from distributor Brownstown Electric Supply for the city’s power system. Thanks to power sys-

tems director Ed Krieger, a light was cast on the subject where fewer homes and businesses may be affected during power outages such as the one that happened during last September’s Heritage Festival. It was Sept. 9 when one of the power lines burned down near the cemetery, affecting many customers for a minimal amount time, that included leaving downtown Piqua in the dark. A section of line, nearly half a mile, had to be rebuilt. “One of the applications for this is to protect the downtown,” said Krieger about one of the proposed locations for an IntelliRupter on one of the city’s larger circuits. Krieger explained how the, “brains at the substa-


Plans are under way for the construction of the new Piqua Municipal Power System building on Hemm Avenue near South Main Street on the south edge of city. tion” will typically see a fault in the line, such as from a lightning strike, open the breaker at the location, which reduces stress or de-energizes the line, before closing. “Most of the time the

For home delivery, call 773-2725

fault is gone,” Krieger said, noting that after this reduction in stress that can otherwise lead to damage that may not be easily identified until years down the road. However, in the situa-

tion of a car with lines on it after hitting a pole, the substation does not sense the difference, and will close with a lot of energy, putting stress on the line. See Power/Page 2


Friday, January 6, 2012


Covington Council officials sworn in New contracts with fire, rescue departments OK’d STAFF REPORT COVINGTON — Doris Beeman was re-elected Covington Vill a g e Council presid e n t Tuesd a y night. T h e first m e e t - BEEMAN ing of the new year also included the swearing in of two council members and new Covington Board of Public Affairs members. After being elected for a second term as council president, Beeman was

sworn in by Mayor Ed McCord, who also swore in council members Lois Newman and Marc Basye. McCord was sworn in by Beeman. McCord, Newman and Basye were all elected by voters in November. Since no one ran in the November election for Covington Board of Public Affairs openings, McCord appointed and swore in Dave Beeman and Dave Roecker as BPA members. During the business portion of the meeting, council approved contracts with the Covington Fire Department and the Covington Rescue Squad. The contracts call for payments of $100,000 to the fire department and $91,801 for the rescue squad for the services rendered by the departments.

Beeman reported the street committee, which met before the council meeting, discussed the possible joint purchase of a durapatcher with Newberry Township. She also noted that the street sweeper is broken and it has been difficult to find replacement parts. Council agreed to delay taking action on the adoption of the Ohio Basic Code because the village has not received the code book. A second reading was given to an ordinance to create the position of village administrator. Newman voted against the measure, which will be up for final action at the Jan. 17 meeting. Council approved the 2012 appropriations. The general fund appropriations total $1,044,734,

with a projected balance of $165,075. The village ended 2011 with a general fund balance of $246,917. McCord reported he will be participating in a state webinar regarding funding available for sharing equipment among government agencies. Council members received a list of possible 2012 goals prepared by McCord. Among the projects on the list were the installation of a storm tile on Walnut Street, purchase of a durapatcher, a problem with dilapidated residential and commercial structures in the village, remodeling financing through Habitat for Humanity and the sale of village-owned property at 104 Wright St. McCord said the goals will be discussed further at the Jan. 17 meeting.

Power Continued from page 1 That’s bad for the line and also unsafe. Another problem is that the grid is all connected, “So we’ll get a call from PRT (Plastic Recycling Technology, Inc.) or Jackson Tube, even though it’s not on their circuit, they’ll see that event,” said Krieger. “It pulls the voltage down on the whole system.” Had the new technology been in operation during the September outage, downtown would have not been affected as the IntelliRupters sectionalize the line into segments. These segments reduce exposure during outages, minimizing the number of customers being affected. Intelligent was the keyword from Krieger in regards to the IntelliRupters that he hopes to have installed at more locations in the future. “We might end up with dozens, it’s really hard to say,” said Krieger. “Our goal is to drive outages down to smaller numbers, that’s our goal.” The cost for the two In-


A resolution to purchase two S&C IntelliRupter PulseClosers from distributor Brownstown Electric Supply for the city’s power system was adopted at Tuesday night’s Piqua City Commission meeting.The IntelliRupters sectionalize powerlines into segments, helping to reduce the number of customers being affected during power outages. telliRupters comes to $64,100, and will be installed by the city this summer. A second location for one of the units to be purchased soon will be near Jackson Tube Service, one of the city’s largest electrical customers.

The IntelliRupters are not the only latest development for power systsem as they were honored for their achievements during the past year at the 2011 AMP/OMEA Annual Conference in October. System officials also were commended for pro-

viding mutual aid support to Yellow Springs and Dayton Power and Light customers following a severe storm in February, and to the city of Tipp City and Pioneer Rural Electric Cooperative customers following a severe storm in September. The American Municipal Power Inc. is a wholesale power supplier and services provider for municipal electric communities in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Virginia, Kentucky and West Virginia and the Delaware Municipal Electric Corporation. Other news includes gas turbine No. 8 being back in operation after new controls and repairs. Work on No. 9 is in progress as information was collected this week and repairs to begin in the spring. Also, progress continues on the new power systems building behind Springhill on Hemm Avenue off of South Main Street with bids due at the end of the month. A tentative construction completion date stands at fall 2012.

as a member and supporter of the Piqua Players, the Piqua Heritage Festival and the YWCA of Piqua; or her light-hearted newspaper column, Comings and Goings that appeared in the Call in the last 40 years. In addition, she also was responsible for starting the the city’s Great Outdoor Underwear Festival. Best worked at the li-

brary from 1972 to 1994 and meant so much to so many, said Jim Oda, director of the Piqua Public Library. He said Mrs. Best “was a very, very special person” who had “encyclopedic knowledge.” “When people came in, a large number of them came to talk to Pat. If anyone had any questions, Pat would know,” Oda said. “It took a long time to truly get to know Pat

Best because she was such a diverse lady who did so many things and she did them all well.” Mrs. Best served during World War II when her nation needed her and served with the United States Army in the WAC Component. She received an honorable discharge in 1945, and would later move to the city where many remember her, either from her time at the library or through her col-

umn. She wrote her column on weekly basis for the Call and in it detailed the lighter side of life, whether it was about a toad she befriended on her patio or her quest for the perfect hamburger. Mrs. Best delighted many in the community with her writing, an activity she enjoyed immensely. See an obituary elsewhere on this page.

Ohio plant’s cracks draw attention Experts say it’s safe to operate reactor PORT CLINTON (AP) — Federal regulators along with the operators of nuclear plant in Ohio want to assure critics that it’s safe to run a reactor despite the discovery of cracks in its concrete shell. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission plans to reveal more details about its investigation at the plant near Toledo and explain why it allowed it to reopen last month. The Davis-Besse nuclear plant began producing electricity in early December, less than two months after the first cracks were found. The plant along Lake Erie was shut down for maintenance in October when crews discovered a 30-foot hairline crack in



Patricia J. Best Patricia J. Best, 87, of 1567 Garbry Road, Piqua, died at 1:36 a.m. Thursd a y , Jan. 5, 2012, a t Piqua Manor Nursi n g Home. She w a s BEST b o r n Feb. 22, 1924, in Pittsburgh, Pa. to the late William E. and Jean C. (Hofmeister) Masters. Survivors include two sons, Howard “Bud” (Sue) Best of Castine and Robert Best of Arizona; a daughter, Jean Wackler of Moraine; six grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; and a sister Carol (Thomas) Eck of Dahlonega, Ga. She was preceded in death by a sister, Wilma Saylor. Following her education, she served her country during World War II with the United States Army in the WAC Component having been honor-

ably discharged in 1945. She worked as a librarian with the Piqua Public Library for many years. She was a member of the Ohio Library Association, Piqua Players Theatrical group, Piqua Heritage Festival, YWCA of Piqua and enjoyed writing for the Piqua Daily Call newspaper. A funeral service will be conducted at 11 a.m. Monday at the Jamieson & Yannucci Funeral Home with the Rev. Wallace W. White officiating. Burial will follow at Forest Hill Cemetery where full military honors will be provided by the Veterans Elite Tribute Squad. Visitation will be from 10-11 a.m. Monday at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to the Piqua Public Library, 116 W. High St., Piqua, OH 45356. Condolences to the family may also be expressed through jamiesonandyannucci.com.

Dr. John E. Barga SPRINGFIELD — Dr. John E. Barga, 91, of Springfield, formerly of Troy a n d Greenville, passed a w a y Jan. 4, 2012, at his BARGA daughter’s home in Springfield. He was born Sept. 27, 1920, in Detroit, Mich. He was preceded in death by his parents, John L. and Lenora (Goubeaux) Barga. He is survived by his loving wife, Janice (Hough) Barga; children, Susan Hillman of Springfield, Caryl Barga of Pine Hurst, N.C. and John T. Barga of Tiffin); grandchildren, Brian and Brock Hillman, Rick and Mark

Barga and J a k e Waits; and g r e a t grandchild, Darian Hillman. Dr. Barga served his country proudly in the U.S. Air Force during World War II, was a retired podiatrist, member of Kiwanis Club of Troy (past president), American Podiatry Association, Ohio Podiatry Association, B.P.O.E. Elks life member No. 833 of Troy, and VFW 7262 of Greenville. John loved to ballroom dance, golf, and play cards. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at Hale-Sarver Family Funeral Home, 284 N. Miami St., West Milton. Friends may call on Monday one hour prior to the service, from 1-2 p.m. at the funeral home.

Janet C. Newman

Pat Best Continued from page 1


the outer concrete wall that’s designed to protect the reactor from anything that might hit it from outside, such as storm debris or an airplane. More cracks were found soon after near the bottom of the 224-foot tall shield structure, leading to closer inspections that found cracks close to the top of the wall. The commission signed off on restarting the plant after its owner, FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE:FE) , assured it that the cracks don’t pose a threat. Regulators said they’ve done their own checks and reviewed testing already completed by the plant operator. U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich, an Ohio Democrat who has been a longtime opponent of the plant and its owner, criticized the NRC’s decision, saying that it’s still unknown what caused the cracks or whether it’s a bigger problem.

The commission has given Akron-based FirstEnergy until the end of February to find out what caused the cracks. At full power, the plant makes enough electricity for around 750,000 customers, primarily in Ohio. The company’s electric system has 4.5 million customers in Ohio, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Davis-Besse was shut down this fall to replace an 82-ton reactor head, a steel lid that sits atop the reactor vessel. FirstEnergy said the new reactor head is made of better material than the former reactor lid that had cracks in its nozzles. The plant was shut down for four months in 2010 for repairs to those cracks that the NRC said were discovered before they could do damage. The plant also was shut down from 2002 to 2004 because of an acid leak in a different reactor head. Regulators fined

FirstEnergy $5.45 million and the company agreed to $28 million in civil penalties following what the NRC said was the most extensive corrosion found at a U.S. nuclear reactor. The NRC said FirstEnergy misled the agency by providing incomplete and inaccurate information about the acid leak.

TROY — Janet C. Newman, 79, of Troy, died peacefully at her residence at 5:30 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 5, 2012. She was born Nov. 5, 1932, in Troy to the late Arthur and Elsie (Hansford) Anderson. Her husband, Chester B. Newman, preceded her in death on Dec. 1, 2002, after 53 years of marriage. She is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, Russ L. and Linda Newman of Troy; daughters and sons-in-law, Cindy and Greg Hale of Bradford and Judi and Doug Lamka of Troy; two sisters, Shirley Shiltz and Doris Weatherhead; two brothers, Emil and Emmitt Anderson; seven grandchildren, David McDaniel, Kristina Shope, Devera and Charity Newman and Ashley, Taylor and Curt Hale; five greatgrandchildren: Amora Gibbs, Bridgette McDaniel, D.J. Gibbs, Maddyson Shope and Kennedy Hale. In addition to her par-

ents and her husband, Mrs. Newman was preceded in death by one sister, Peggy and three brothers, Doug, Don and David. She was a member of the First United Church of Christ, Troy and a former volunteer at Upper Valley Medical Center, Troy. She worked at Flash Restaurant, Troy. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Monday at Baird Funeral Home, Troy, with the Rev. Ed Ellis officiating. Interment will follow in Honeycreek Cemetery, Christiansburg. Friends may call from 24 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to Acclaim Hospice, 7887 Washington Village Dr., Dayton, OH 45459 or the American Cancer Society, Ohio Southwest Region, 2808 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45206. Friends may express condolences to the family through www.bairdfuneralhome.com.

Death notices SIDNEY — Mary Kathleen “Kathy” Brantley, 60, of Sidney, died at 1:40 p.m. Jan. 4, 2011, at Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus. Funeral services will be held Saturday at Adams Funeral Home, Sidney, with the Rev. Ernie Jones officiating. Burial will follow in Shelby Memory Gardens, Sidney.

Services will be held Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2012, at the Upper Valley Medical Monday at Salm-McGill and Tangeman Funeral Center, Troy. Funeral services will be Home, Sidney. held Sunday at the Potsdam Church of the Brethren, Potsdam, with the Rev. Robert Kurtz officiating. Hale-Sarver Family Funeral Home, West Mil- * Your 1 choice for complete Home Medical Equipment ton, is in charge of arrangements.

SIDNEY — Elder POTSDAM — George Henry Martin CampHarding Smiley, 75, of bell, died Wednesday, Jan. Potsdam, passed away 4, 2012, in Sidney.


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Friday, January 6, 2012


Lodge officers Community spotlight assume posts PIQUA — The new officers of Warren Lodge, No. 24 Free and Accepted Masons assumed their posts for the first time this year as the fraternity held its regular meeting Monday. The officers for 2012 are Doug Smith, Worshipful Master; Dixson Clement, Senior Warden; Mike Foster, Junior Warden; Nate Coppock, Senior Deacon; A.J. Marrs, Junior Deacon; Jim Lambert, Secretary; and Stu Shear, Treasurer. Lodge are Dixson trustees Clement, Howard Lambert and Don Mumford. Having been duly elected by the membership during the regular meeting in November 2011, the new officers were installed in December 2011. The next stated meeting of Warren Lodge 24 will be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 6, at Warren Lodge, 217 W. High St., next to the Piqua YMCA.

Nice weather to continue It certainly won’t feel like January today as temperatures will soar to well above normal readings with a high in the low 50s. Look for slightly cooler conditions to build in for the weekend as a cold front comes through, but temperatures will remain just above normal, with highs in the 40s. High: 52 Low: 32.



The Covington Elementary School held its annual Spelling Bee on Thursday, Dec. 1. Fifth-grader Gray Harshbarger, left, took first place when correctly spelling the word “laborious.” Fifth-grader Morgan Pridemore received second place. Harshbarger will represent Covington Elementary at the Miami County Spelling Bee, which will be held in January.

for the exchange of volunteer hours. The hours are spent sharing and implementing gardening knowledge with members of the community through OSUE sponsored or approved events. Training will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. every Tuesday from Feb. 28 through May 1. The sessions will be held at The Ohio State University Extension at 201 W. Main St. Troy, located on the ground floor of the Miami County Courthouse. Many gardening topics will be covered in the class. There is an enrollment fee of $135, which covers the cost of the training manual and instructors. To become a certified Master Gardener, you must attend all the training sessions, pass (open-

book) examinations at the end of the session, and volunteer 50 hours to the community through OSUE supported events. Such events could include, but are not limited to supporting Habitat for Huprojects, manity answering horticulture questions from the public, helping with our 2012 Garden Tour, demonstrating gardening techniques and working in our booth at the Miami County Fair, and assisting with community projects. Upon completion of these intern hours, Master Gardener Volunteers are required to provide at least ten hours of service and complete at least six hours of continuing education each year. You may request an application by contacting

the OSU Extension Office in Miami County at 440-3945 or online at http://miami.osu.edu/topics/horticulture. In Shelby County, applications are available at the OSU Extension Office at 810 Fair Road, by calling 9498-7239 or online at http://shelby.osu.edu/topi c s / m a s t e r- g a r d e n e rvolunteer-program. The deadline for submitting an application is Jan. 31. Each candidate will need to be interviewed prior to the class. Ohio State University also requires completion of a fingerprint/background check before the training sessions begin. Find out more about the OSUE Master Gardener Volunteer Program for Ohio at http://mastergardener.osu.edu/.

Enrollment for after-school program now under way PIQUA — The Rehabilitation Center for Neurological Development has announced that the winter session of the Afterschool 10-week Intensive Neurodevelopmental Program will begin Monday, Jan. 23. This is the seventh year the center has offered the program and more than 120 children have participated. The program is specifically designed to address the unique needs of 6 to 10-year-old elementary students who are displaying delays and difficulties in their current academic setting. These children are in the early stages of their educational journey and can benefit the most from an intervention at this early age. The program is open to children residing in the Miami and surrounding counties. The purpose of the after school program is to provide an innovative, proven and effective series of neurodevelopmental activities that are designed to improve neurological organization of each participant. Carla Bertke, Executive Director of the Rehabilitation Center, indicated that neurological organization is the foundation for learning. As neurological

LOW: 34


LOW: 28


OSU Extension to hold gardening training MIAMI COUNTY — Do you have a strong interest in flower and vegetable gardening, gardening, perennial lawn care, tree and shrub care, and fruit production pest management? Do you have a desire to sharpen your gardening skills and a willingness to share your knowledge with others? If so, then you should consider becoming an Ohio State University Extension (OSUE) Master Gardener Volunteer. Beginning Feb. 28, a Master Gardener Volunteer training will be offered to residents of Miami, Shelby and other surrounding counties. The OSUE Master Gardener Program is a volunteer program that provides extensive instruction in horticulture



Temperature High Yesterday 45 at 4:31 p.m. Low Yesterday 22 at 6:05 a.m. Normal High 35 21 Normal Low Record High 62 in 1939 Record Low -22 in 1884

In Brief YWCA holds monthly luncheon PIQUA — Join Suzie Hawkes and Friends to celebrate at the YWCA Monthly Luncheon at 11 a.m. Wednesday. There will be fun, games and lots of surprises in store to “jazz” up the day to beat those January blahs. “We will laugh and enjoy some fun games to start the year off,” said Hawkes, adult program committee chairperson. “We can’t wait to bring out the party decor.” The program is free and open to the public. A luncheon ($5 per person) follows at noon. Reservations for the program and luncheon must be made by Monday, Jan. 9. For more information or reservations, stop at the YWCA Piqua at 418 N. Wayne St., call 7736626 or e-mail info@ywcapiqua.com.

Scholarships made available to students PIQUA — The Western Ohio Chapter of the Korean War Veterans Association is offering scholarships to high school seniors and/or students presently in college. To obtain an application, phone Marilyn Schwartz, chairperson, at 773-5399. If no answer, leave your name, address, phone number and whether you are presently a high school senior or in college. This information is very important in order to obtain an application, which must be returned by March 31.

organization improves academic performance will ultimately improve. According to program coordinator, Beverly Mikolajewski, children see their improvements and can identify those areas and report that “School is better,” “My math and spelling grades are better,” “I am able to get my homework done without it being such a huge problem,” “I am happier,” and “I can read better.” The 10-week program

will consist of two-hour sessions per day, four days per week. Services will be provided in a group setting. At least 10 children shall be enrolled and the sessions are scheduled from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Registrations are currently being accepted and a registration fee of $50 is required and will be applied to the program fee which is $200. Those who would like to learn more about the program may

contact Mikolajewski at 773-7630. The after school program is one of the programs provided by the Rehabilitation Center for Neurological Development & Nicholas School. The center serves children and adults who may be experiencing problems associated with moderate to severe neurological disorders. The center is located at 1306 Garbry Road. For further information about the center, visit w w w. r c n d . o r g

from 8-11 a.m. Sunday. The menu will include eggs to order, choice of bacon, ham or sausage, home fried, biscuits and gravy, pancakes, white or wheat toast, coffee, milk or orange juice. Cost is dependant on items ordered. Proceeds will go to benefit the post.

Fitness Zone to host Zumba CONOVER — The A.B. Graham Memorial Center’s Fitness Zone, 8025 E. U.S. Route 36, Conover, will host a Zumba class from 6:30-7:30 p.m. beginning Jan. 16. The class will be held for six weeks on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. The cost is $53 or $5 per class and will be taught by Jennifer Thurman. The Fitness Zone also now offering 1-month memberships for cardio equipment only at $20. The Zone also is offering a New Year’s Special for 3 months for $85. Call 368-3700 for more information.

Dental treatment offered to vets

PIQUA —The office of Dr. James Case will host its third annual Veterans Day on March 21, and will honor veterans by offering free dental treatment from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. This free clinic is being held to assist all veterans with their dental needs. No insurance is necessary. The office will be providing free services that can be completed in one day, such as cleanings, fillings, root canals and extractions. Case’s goal is to assist as many veterans as Piqua VFW to possible on this day. Appointments may be made host breakfast by contacting the office at PIQUA — The Piqua 773-1208. The office is loVFW will host breakfast cated at 821 Nicklin Ave.,



The winter session of the 10-week Intensive Neurodevelopmental after school program will begin Monday, Jan. 23, for students age 6-10 at Piqua’s Rehabilitation Center for Neurological Development. This is the seventh year the center has offered the program and more than 120 children have participated.

Precipitation 24 hours ending at 5 p.m. 0.00 Month to date 0.09 Normal month to date 0.51 0.09 Year to date Normal year to date 0.51 Snowfall yesterday 0.00

Regional Group Publisher - Frank Beeson Executive Editor - Susan Hartley Advertising Manager - Leiann Stewart ■ History Established in 1883, the Piqua Daily Call is published daily except Tuesdays and Sundays and Dec. 25 at 310 Spring St., Piqua, Ohio 45356. ■ Mailing Address: Piqua Daily Call, P.O. Box 921, Piqua, OH 45356. Postmaster should send changes to the Piqua Daily Call, 310 Spring St., Piqua, OH 45356. Second class postage on the Piqua Daily Call (USPS 433-960) is paid at Piqua, Ohio. E-mail address: editorial@dailycall.com. ■ Subscription Rates: EZ Pay $10 per month; $11.25 for 1 month; $33.75 for 3 months; $65.50 for 6 months; $123.50 per year. Newsstand rate: 75 cents per copy. Mail subscriptions: in Miami County, $12.40 per month, unless deliverable by motor route; outside of Miami County, $153.50 annually.

■ Editorial Department: (937) 773-2721 FAX: (937) 773-4225 E-mail: editorial@dailycall.com Human Resources — Betty Brownlee ■ Circulation Department — 773-2725 Circulation Manager — Cheryl Hall 937-440-5237 Assistant Circulation Manager — Jami Young 937-773-2721 ext. 202 ■ Office hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays Saturdays and Sundays at 335-5634 (select circulation.) ■ Advertising Department: Hours: 8 .am. to 5 p.m., Monday - Friday To place a classified ad, call (877) 844-8385. To place a display ad, call (937) 773-2721. FAX: (937) 773-2782. VISA and MasterCard accepted. A division of the Ohio Community Media

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Contact us Call Susan Hartley, Editor, at 773-2721, Ext. 207, for information about the Opinion Page.



‘Santa for a Cause’ called success

Serving Piqua since 1883

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12 AKJV)

Guest Column

Call to follow Franklin’s Column plea to better So many movies, one’s self 2012 is now here, and the cantankerous question of “What should I do differently this year?” comes back to haunt all of societies imperfect human beings. Selfreflection is a daily task for some, but to the rest of us live-in-the-moment people, it is something that we save for January. To our most famous founding father Benjamin Franklin, this question can be answered in a less than ordinary way. Let’s ring in the new year by taking a look at a few examples of one of America’s most alluring heroes to help answer our question. Benjamin Franklin lived an interesting life to say the least, and is known as the first American. It can be argued that he is the most famous American that ever lived. He was present for both the signing of the Declaration of Independence and also the ratification of the Constitution. When he traveled to Paris to gain French support for the American Revolution, he was greeted with DUSTIN HORNBECK celebrity status for his Guest Columnist experiments in electricity. Benjamin Franklin was not afraid of change, but he was cautious of it. He was a loyal supporter of the British Crown his whole life, and even lived in England for several years working and getting acquainted with the British lifestyle; however, he understood the insidious lack of liberty and justice perpetrated by King George and parliament, and so he helped lead the cause for independence. After the Constitutional Convention in 1787, Franklin made it clear that he did not fully support the new document that would govern this new country, yet he was willing to accept change: “I confess that I do not entirely approve of this Constitution at present: but, Sir, I am not sure I shall never approve it; for having lived long, I have experienced many instances of being obliged, by better information or fuller consideration, to change my opinion even on important subjects, which I once thought right, but found to be otherwise … Thus I consent, Sir, to this Constitution, because I expect no better and because I am not sure that it is not the best.” Perhaps Dr. Franklin’s most well known attempt at reforming his life was his attempt to achieve “moral perfection.” In this instance he devised a list of 13 virtues that he would adhere to which would improve his character. This list included: temperance, silence, order, resolution, frugality, industry, sincerity, justice, moderation, cleanliness, tranquility, chastity and humility. He devised a plan of self-examination and went about trying to conquer four per year. His goal was to take on one at a time, master that virtue, and move to the next. He realized that he was more full of faults than he first thought, and considered quitting his undertaking. In his auto-biography he wrote: “and now I am grown old, and my memory bad, I feel very sensibly the want of it. But, on the whole, tho’ I never arrived at the perfection I had been so ambitious of obtaining, but fell far short of it, yet I was, by the endeavour, a better and a happier man than I otherwise should have been if I had not attempted it.” Of course Benjamin Franklin’s life was loaded with instances of impressive achievement. There is no doubt that this inventor, philosopher, news publisher, city planner and revolutionary was a catalyst for change in many of his life experiences. Through these examples we can learn a great deal from this founding father. We learn that without acknowledging personal and public fault, we can’t make improvement. We may fail, but it’s worth trying to reform. This year, state, local and national budgets will be smaller. Programs will be cut, and many people will still be unemployed. I can’t think of a better time to fix the things in our lives and our country that make us less than perfect. Benjamin Franklin did not fully agree with the Constitution, yet he signed it because he knew it was the best they could do. He also realized that he could not completely achieve moral perfection, yet he was better off for trying. Let this be lesson for our personal lives, and also a lesson for those serving in public office. Revolt against the common new year’s resolution and do our founding father proud.

so little time

film that’s getting all the hy do all the Oscar buzz? It’s in the movies that you theaters before the end of want to see open the year, all right — one the week between Christtheater in L.A. and one in mas and New Year’s? And New York. The rest of the by “you,” I mean people country won’t be able to who are older than 13. see it until the middle of During January, FebruJanuary. ary, March and April, JIM MULLEN TV shows and magawhen you have plenty of zines will start to do profree time on your hands, Columnist files about actors and nothing will come out of Hollywood but movies made for 13-year- actresses, writers and directors, producolds with severe ADD, who can’t sit ers and reviewers, and about which films through a movie unless there is a body- should win awards and which should be part joke every 30 seconds. But during ignored. One story that shows up this the holidays, when adults are so busy time of year is “The Smartest Man in cooking, wrapping, traveling and social- Hollywood.” It will be about some guy who’s had izing, the studios release one must-see three or four hit movies in a row. Is blockbuster after another. There are many reasons for this, the “smart” really the right word for that? main one being the age-old tradition of Has he proved Fermat’s Last Theorem? going to the mall the day after Christmas Can he speak five languages? Does he to return unwanted gifts as if they have know how oxygen gets from the lungs a shelf life of only one day, then gorging into the blood? Does he understand at the Cheesecake Factory and numbing chemical bonding? Has he read Proust? out at a movie, just like they did in the Joyce? Cervantes? Does he understand Bible. (Not that Bible, silly, the show- string theory? No. He made a few hit movies. He also business bible: Variety.) After all, what says Christmas more made three or four movies that were so than “Sherlock Holmes,” “The Adven- bad even cable television won’t run them tures of Tintin,” “Mission: Impossible” or at 4 a.m. He’s on his fifth wife, and his “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo”? It’s kids from his first, third and fifth marriages don’t speak to him (even though like a Currier and Ives scene. But there’s another reason so many they will all want to be in show business films come out in December: To compete and will blame him when they fail). He’s for the following year’s Oscars, a film has been admitted to rehab four times, and he’s doing 100 hours of community servto be shown in a theater before Jan. 1. Why aren’t Oscar-worthy movies ice for a DUI violation, which is really spread out over the rest of the year so strange, because he gets around town in you have a chance to see more than one a chauffeur-driven limo. Smart? It makes or two of them before the awards cere- you wonder what a total whack job the mony? Because Hollywood bigwigs know second-smartest man in Hollywood must that the people who vote for the Acad- be. One day I’d love to see a story called emy Awards are just like the rest of us. They can’t remember the movies they “The Happiest Man in Hollywood,” but, saw in the distant past of last January, apparently, there isn’t one. or even October. So the closer to the new Jim Mullen’s new book, “Now in Payear a film is released, the better chance perback,” is now in paperback. You can it has for winning awards. This causes even more problems. That reach him at jimmullenbooks.com.


THE FIRST AMENDMENT Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Where to Write

Public officials can be contacted through the following addresses and telephone numbers: ■ Lucy Fess, mayor, 5th Ward Commissioner, ward5comm@piquaoh.org, 615-9251 (work), 773-7929 (home) ■ John Martin, 1st Ward Commissioner, ward1comm@piquaoh.org, 773-2778 (home) ■ William Vogt, 2nd Ward Commissioner, ward2comm@piquaoh.org, 773-8217 ■ Joe Wilson, 3rd Ward Commissioner, ward3comm@piquaoh.org, 778-0390 ■ Judy Terry, 4th Ward Commissioner, ward4comm@piquaoh.org, 773-3189 ■ City Manager Gary Huff, ghuff@piquaoh.org, 778-2051 ■ Miami County Commissioners: John “Bud” O’Brien, Jack Evans and Richard Cultice, 201 W. Main St., Troy, OH 45373 440-5910; commissioners@comiami.oh.us ■ John R. Kasich, Ohio governor, Vern Riffe Center, 77 S. High St., Columbus, OH 43215, (614) 644-0813, Fax: (614) 466-9354 ■ State Sen. Bill Beagle, 5th District, Ohio Dustin Hornbeck teaches history at Piqua High Senate, First Floor, Columbus, Ohio School and is an adjunct faculty member of history at 43215; (614) 466-6247; e-mail: SDOhio Northern University. 05@sen.state.oh.us

■ State Rep. Richard Adams, 79th District, House of Representatives, The Riffe Center, 77 High St. 13th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215, (614) 466-8114, Fax: (614) 719-3979; district79@ohr.state.oh.us ■ Jon Husted, Secretary of State, 180 E. Broad St. 15th floor, Columbus, OH 53266-0418 (877) 767-6446, (614)466-2655; ■ David Yost, State Auditor, 88 E. Broad St., 5th floor, Columbus, OH 43215, 800-282-0370 or 614-466-4514 ■ Mike DeWine, State Attorney General, 30 E.Broad St., Columbus, OH 43266, (614) 466-4320 ■ U.S. Rep. John Boehner, 8th District, 12 S. Plum St., Troy, OH 45373, 3391524 or (800) 582-1001 U.S. House Office, Washington, D.C., 1020 Longworth, HOR, 20515 ■ U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown, Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 (202) 224-2315 ■ U.S. Sen. Rob Portman, 338 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510 (202) 224-3353 ■ President Barack Obama, White House, Washington D.C. 20500, (202) 456-1111

To the Editor: The holidays have come and gone and we again find ourselves behind in our thank you’s to the citizens of Piqua and surrounding communities for making our Relay For Life “Santa Claus for a Cause” children’s gift shop a huge success again this year. It was a wonderful time for all and all the smiles made the day even more special. We would like to thank the following for their generous donations, the management and the staff of the Lighthouse Cafe, the Piqua Daily Call, Fantabulous Photography, Jamie Powers and the Piqua Youth Soccer Association, Jack and J.R., our cookie makers, Cary Young, Jamie Swob, Jessica Hale, Kelly Powers and Helen Swob, our face painting elf Stephanie and of course, Santa and Mrs. Claus for stopping in to visit the children during their busiest time of the year. The Christmas season is always a wonderful time for giving and the support we received in our efforts to help find a cure for cancer was truly inspiring. The generosity of the citizens of Miami County cannot be surpassed by anywhere else in Ohio Thank you all so very much. —Relay Ladies For A Cure Tammy, Sarah, Agnes and Cathy

Funeral home praised for its service To the Editor: We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Melcher-Sowers Funeral Home of Piqua for their wonderful service and their support that they have given to our family during the past few months following the passing of Gary K. Brown on July 8, 2011. Jerry and Brian Sowers and their staff not only helped us plan a beautiful service for Gary, but continue to support our family and friends during this most difficult time, especially during the holiday season. Jerry and Brian, thank you for being there for our family and for your friendship. —Betty Brown Betty, Sean and Ethan Eldridge









Friday, January 6, 2012


Angela Bassett ‘loving’ her return to Broadway

Girl who thinks she’s abused gets scolded by fellow teens


READERS: DEAR Yesterday I printed letters from adults in response to a letter from “Emotionally Abused in California” (Nov. 2), the 15-year-old who felt her mother was treating her unfairly. Today we’ll hear ABIGAIL VAN BUREN from teenage readers: Advice DEAR ABBY: I’m a 14-year-old girl. My mom Abused” should have reshowed me the letter spect for her mother and from “Emotionally be thankful for the many Abused” and I almost things she has. — MONTANA TEEN died! Her mom sounds just like mine. I am not DEAR ABBY: I’m also allowed to wear clothing that shows too much skin a 15-year-old Catholic “Emotionally or get into a car with a girl. teenage boy. I don’t have Abused” should be gratecable TV. I have to do my ful she can attend church own laundry, clean my because it means we have room, cook dinner and religious freedom in our country. She is going to hem my own jeans. Every night our entire private school, which family sits down for din- means her mother loves ner. My parents always her enough to put her know my plans when I’m daughter’s needs ahead of out with my friends, and I her own. She needs to rego to church every Sun- think who is being unreaday — with the occasional sonable. — TEEN IN groan. I’m not the perfect FLORIDA daughter, but I’m glad I’m being raised with inDEAR ABBY: After we tegrity, responsibility and read the letter from a whole lot of chores. — COOPERATING “Emotionally Abused,” my TEEN IN NEW JER- brother and I were laughSEY ing to the point of tears! I would like to say the folDEAR ABBY: From lowing to her: Our mom one teen to another: I makes my brother (who’s have heard your same also 15) and me go to story from friends a thou- church every Sunday sand times. You’re not AND Wednesday. Mom being treated like a crim- home-schools us, thus inal. Your mom is doing making her teacher, prinyou a huge favor. She’s cipal and mother all in preparing you for the real one. I’ll be 17 in January world by making you pay and I still can’t date. Mom checks my comfor your own things. She’s got high expectations if puter regularly, and I’m she thinks you can get not allowed to go to chat rooms. My brother and I through college. And about your friends, have to set the table and she just wants to know eat with her every night. who they are. She’s not As for visiting Dad, I wish telling you no, right? we could see ours every She’s a single mom, and week. Unfortunately, he’s she’s trying to protect deployed overseas. In conclusion: DEAL you. You need to be easier WITH IT! Your mom isn’t on her and try to see being unreasonable; she’s things through her eyes. looking out for you. MothNot everything she does ers like yours are few and is an attack on you — in far between. What hurts you, hurts her. If she didfact, it’s the opposite. — FELLOW CALI- n’t love you, she wouldn’t FORNIA TEEN act the way she does. Abby’s right when she DEAR ABBY: I’m an says one day you’ll look 18-year-old girl and I back and thank her. My have never been in trou- brother and I already ble. I attend a private thank ours. — LAUGHING SIBS school where modesty is IN NORTH CARthe dress code policy. To OLINA pay for tuition to this school, I work every afterDEAR READERS: To noon during the school year and full-time during read a longer version of the summer. I’m expected this column, go to Dearto pay for my own clothes, Abby.com. cellphone bill and hairDear Abby is written by cuts out of my allowance. If I can’t afford some- Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, thing, I don’t buy it. As long as I live with and was founded by her my parents, I will abide mother, Pauline Phillips. by their rules. My parents Write Dear Abby at love me very much and www.DearAbby.com or have my best interests at P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeheart. “Emotionally les, CA 90069.


In this image released by The O+M Co., Samuel L. Jackson portrays Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., left, and Angela Bassett portrays Camae in Katori Hall's play "The Mountaintop," at the Bernard B. Jacobs Theater in New York. Bassett is turning heads on Broadway playing a mysterious motel maid who delivers coffee to the civil rights leader. demonstrate her greatness in that role.” In the play, audiences watch King flirt, curse, smoke Pall Malls, sip booze and even have a pillow fight with Camae, who oozes sass (At one point, King teasingly asks the maid whether he should shave off his mustache. “Well,” she replies, “have you axed ‘yo wife?”). Bassett wasn’t uncomfortable with showing the fleshy, banal side of a civil rights saint. “I accept the humanity of people — the good, the bad, the frailties, whatever. I try not to make people out as gods,” she says. “We all make mistakes. We are fallible human beings. And that’s OK. So I didn’t have any queasiness that we were about to tarnish his legacy.” Every night, Bassett has a routine. She gets to the theater, puts her bag down and stands on the empty stage, breathing it in. She also runs her hand over the “306” on the prop hotel room door in a silent tribute. Before going on, she checks to make sure she has the seven items she needs for every show: a lighter, a pack of matches in case the lighter doesn’t work, a handkerchief, a flask, two packs of cigarettes and a special prop ring. It’s been more than two decades since Bassett left New York for Los Angeles to break into

film. The Yale-educated actress, whose last Broadway credit was in 1988’s “Joe Turner’s Come and Gone,” did a few smallish movie parts. But it wasn’t until she stepped into a pair of spiky high heels for her strutting, hip-shimmying performance as Tina Turner in “What’s Love Got to Do With It?” that Bassett became a star, receiving an Academy Award nomination. Other roles followed — among them “Waiting to Exhale” and “How Stella Got Her Groove Back” — but not always up to her level. She seems to shine most with strong women like Camae. “This is up there. This is up there with the special ones,” she says of her “Mountaintop” role, her voice soft as a down pillow. “I haven’t had a character like this in a long time where I could bring this to bear.” Reared by an aunt in Harlem until she was 5, Bassett moved to St. Petersburg, Fla., with her mother, who struggled alone to raise two daughters. Bassett got interested in acting during a class trip to Washington when she was in the 11th grade. One night, she saw James Earl Jones

rip up the stage in “Of Mice and Men” at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Bassett says she left trembling and inspired. Her up-and-down career can partly be blamed on her own high standard. She takes parts with a view for the long term. “Film lives forever,” she says. Bassett famously turned down the female lead in “Monster’s Ball,” which would go on to earn Halle Berry an Oscar, after deeming it stereotypical. (In a twist, Bassett herself took over the role of Camae after Berry pulled out.) “It’s not just a career for me. It’s a calling. I feel like I was called to be an actress,” Bassett says. “If I respond only because of monetary or just being asked, then I might lose the ability to affect because I’m not acting out of love.” Bassett has worked steadily — she was recently in “Green Lantern” and “Jumping the Broom” — but they have been smaller parts despite the fact that her lithe, muscular frame and smooth, unlined face rivals any actress in her 30s. “I try to make the most out of whatever it is,” she says.

■ Contract Bridge — By Steve Becker

Test your play

Solve it


Sudoku Puzzle Complete the grid so every row, column and 3 x 3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively. THURSDAY’S SOLUTION

1. If the trumps are divided 3-2, you’re sure to make the slam, so you start by assuming they’re divided 4-1. Similarly, if the spades are

divided 3-3, you’ll have no problem, so you assume that suit is divided 4-2 or 5-1, with North holding either Q-10-9-x or Q-10-9-x-x. To guard against both possibilities, you cash the queen of hearts at trick two and then lead a spade toward your hand. If South ruffs, you have the rest of the tricks, so let’s assume he either follows suit or discards a club. You win the trick with the ace, return to dummy with a club and repeat the spade play. Again you’re confident of the outcome, regardless of what South does. If he discards, you win with

the king and ruff a spade in dummy to assure 12 tricks, while if he ruffs, you are also home free. Observe that the suggested method of play is equally effective if North has the heart length. 2. Your potential losers are two spades and a diamond, since North might have the A-Q of spades in addition to the K-Q of diamonds. In order to overcome this possibility, your best bet is to arrange an endplay. Accordingly, you win the king of diamonds with the ace and draw trumps. You then play the A-K-J of hearts, discarding a diamond from dummy. Now you play

the jack of diamonds, saddling North with the lead and forcing him to lead a spade or yield a ruff-and-discard. Either way, the contract is home. Tomorrow: A tale of two endings. 2248027

NEW YORK (AP) — After seeing “The Mountaintop” on Broadway, Laurence Fishburne went backstage, stunned. He was looking to toast his old friend, Angela Bassett. The two had co-starred in the intense Tina Turner biopic “What’s Love Got to Do With It?” but Fishburne had seen something special pour out of Bassett on this night. “He came back and said, ‘Where has she been? Where you been hiding her?’” Bassett recalls, a wistful smile playing over her beautiful face. “And that’s someone who knows me.” Bassett is certainly turning in an otherworldly performance in playwright Katori Hall’s fictional drama set in the Lorraine Motel in Memphis on the night before the 1968 assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Opposite Samuel L. Jackson as King, Bassett is turning heads in the heaven-sent role of a mysterious motel maid, Camae, who delivers coffee to the civil rights leader’s room and sparks conversation. It’s a rich, physical, delicious part after years of scraps and a reminder of Bassett’s prodigious power. “It’s like if you’ve been starving and get this great meal with all these nutrients — vegetables and fruit and, then all of a sudden, every cell of your body is like, ‘Ohhh!’” she says in a dressing room at the Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre. “It’s like been a little sluggish and it springs to life. I’ve just been loving it.” Already extended, “The Mountaintop” will end its run Jan. 22 because Jackson has a movie commitment. Bassett, 53, came to Camae — her first Broadway role since 1988 — fresh, not having seen the production in London. She sees Camae as a country girl without a lot of schooling but plenty of common sense, and drew on her Florida roots to give the maid a strong Southern drawl. Director Kenny Leon, who has known Bassett since ninth grade, said she pretty much walked in the door and claimed the role. “I love how she goes way, way beneath the surface to create these amazing characters,” he says. He calls her a real theater beast who gets her entire body involved, “from her fingernails to her toenails.” “I think five years from now people will remember things about what she did in ‘The Mountaintop,’” he adds. “I don’t think people really realize how great she is. I think time will

SCHEDULE FRIDAY 1/6 THRU SUNDAY 1/8 ONLY THE DEVIL INSIDE (R) 12:20 2:40 4:55 7:25 9:50 WAR HORSE (PG-13) 11:40 3:00 6:20 9:40 MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: GHOST PROTOCOL (PG-13) 12:05 3:30 6:55 10:15 THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO (R) 11:35 3:10 6:35 10:00 WE BOUGHT A ZOO (PG) 12:40 3:45 7:10 10:10

THE ADVENTURES OF TIN TIN 3-D ONLY (PG) 2:30 5:05 7:55 10:20 THE ADVENTURES OF TIN TIN 2-D ONLY (PG) 11:50 SHERLOCK HOLMES 2: A GAME OF SHADOWS (PG-13) 12:55 4:00 7:35 10:30 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: CHIPWRECKED (G) 11:30 1:50 4:20 6:45 9:15



Friday, January 6, 2012



It is OK to tell a child no At an online source of parenting advice, a mother recently asked a female marriage and family therapist how to handle her eighth-grade daughter’s announcement that she and her ninthgrade boyfriend have decided to “prove their love” by having sex. The mother says, “I don’t think she’s ready to have sex with this boy.” Did you get that? Mom’s not really sure whether her 14-year-old daughter is ready for sex or not. That’s at least 50 percent of the problem. And believe me, this mom isn’t alone in her confusion. Many of today’s parents, faced with the same problem, aren’t sure they have a right to be unequivocal with their kids, as in, “Over my dead body.” And the therapist isn’t quite sure either. She tells the mom not to tell the daughter she can’t see the boy because the girl might become sneaky. Instead, the mother should acknowledge her daughter’s trust, validate her desire to make her boyfriend happy, discuss the emotional ramifications of having sex, talk about how she will feel if after she has sex with the boy he dumps her, tell her about the hormone Oxytocin (it supposedly causes girls to emotionally bond with any Oxytocin-absent boy they have sex with), and invite the boy for dinner so mom can keep tabs on the relationship. Oh, and mom is also advised to tell dear daughter that if she begins making bad decisions, mom will have to get more involved. The exact nature of that involvement, however, is left to one’s imagination. I’m reasonably certain it does not involve the word “no.” Mom is told to appreciate how much peer pressure her daughter is under, to give the child understanding and support, and to tell her that if the boyfriend really loves her, he will respect her refusal. This female therapist is obviously out of her league. First, if the boy truly loved this girl, he wouldn’t be pressuring her into having sex in the first place. And if he is pressuring her to have sex, he is not going to “respect” her refusal. That’s not how it works when boys are 15. That’s not how it works for some 40year-old boys, in fact. This child is in dire straits. I suspect she has come to her mother hop-

JOHN ROSEMOND Columnist ing Mom would put her foot down and say exactly what the therapist has told her not to say: Absolutely not, period; folby, “And lowed furthermore, because I am ultimately responsible for your welfare, I am not going to allow you to put yourself in danger with that boy again. Your relationship with him is hereby over.” Then, and only then, mom should explain to her daughter the reasons behind that decision. By the way, said therapist thinks that approach is “harsh.” I think it’s responsible, unequivocal, authoritative, and everything parents should be, especially where a child’s health and overall welfare are concerned. The wishy-washy approach is exactly what this child does not need. She is asking for her mother to stand up for her principles, to take away from her the responsibility of dealing with this boy’s desire. Mom needs to be unequivocal concerning her values (said therapist never talks about values, by the way, which is very politically correct of her) and equally unequivocal concerning her position on the issue. I will now model being unequivocal: PARENTS! IT IS ALL RIGHT TO TELL A CHILD NO, EVEN A CHILD OF 14. By the way, the age of sexual consent in every U.S. state is between 16 and 18. Mom should point that out and assure the girl that she is not shy about pressing charges against the boy. When the girl tells him that — and she will — he will vanish. Lastly, dad is not mentioned by either mom or the therapist. Maybe he’s not in the home, but if he’s available, then he needs to sit down with his daughter and tell her how much he loves her and how important it will be to him that he walk a virgin to the altar, not to mention how important it will be to her husband. John Rosemond answers parents’ questions on his web site at www.rosemond.com.

YWCA Reading Circle to discuss Hamilton’s book PIQUA — “Between Two Suns” by local author Larry Hamilton is the featured book for the YWCA Reading Circle discussion group at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 10. The group, facilitated by Linda Grimes, will talk about Hamilton’s second book devoted to his family ancestory and the struggles they faced. Between Two Suns focuses on the Ross Family after they were refugees at Camp Nelson, Ky., and now begin to secure their lives in Loveland. The book’s main characters: Lucy Ross, Cynthia Anne Ross, Allen Ross and Henry Allen Laine, find that their lives are challenged by faith issues, segregation issues and family problems. The book is authored by Larry Hamilton, written by Christina DeLaet and illustrated by Linda

Hamilton. Books are available for loan at the YWCA or can be purchased from Eagle Printing or Readmore’s Hallmark Store. The Reading Circle is free and open to the public. YWCA membership is not required. For more information or to check out a book, stop at the YWCA Piqua at 418 N. Wayne St., call 7736626 or e-mail info@ywcapiqua.com.

daily call Click it!



This 2004 photo courtesy of Burke Mountain shows children skiing at Burke Mountain, East Burke, Vt. It’s important to get children ski lessons before hitting the slopes.

Patience, M&Ms and good gloves cut slopeside tears BY SAMANTHA CRITCHELL Associated Press NEW YORK — One of the worst things a parent can see on the ski slopes short of an injury is the swelling of a tear underneath the layers of facemask, goggles and helmet. The problem isn’t only that the little drop of water could freeze: It could be the moment your child is turned off from skiing or snowboarding. That wasn’t going to work for me. Some of my best childhood memories happened on my little redand-white Hart Gremlin skis and I had decided probably before my kids could walk that it would be that way for them, too whether they liked it or not. At first it seemed a definite “not.” They whined. They cried. There was a flat-out refusal to put on snowpants. Meanwhile, I’m carrying extra cumbersome equipment, including kids wearing dead-weight ski boots who were still rigid from crying, and I was paying a fortune in the process. By 10 a.m., we’d all be exhausted. I would say to myself that we wouldn’t torture ourselves the next day, yet, sure enough, we’d be slopeside again in less than 24 hours. Eventually, with the right pink helmets (I have two girls), foot-warmers and what seems like an endless supply of granola bars and M&Ms I have two devoted, dedicated skiers who now voluntarily give up birthday parties and sleeping in to spend time with Mom and Dad on the slopes. That has made what really were just a couple of frustrating days so worth it. Stephanie Unter, a New York-based fashion stylist and blogger, has heard the complaints, too: Her kids had stomach aches, or they couldn’t buckle their boots. But, she says, she’d bite her tongue, help them out, have bowls of oatmeal

prepped each morning and ply them with hot chocolate throughout the day. “I had a gung-ho attitude and I decided to just keep it going, keep the momentum, and I didn’t let them stop.” Do they share her passion for it? Not yet, she says, but they are getting closer. The key is never making it feel like a stressful experience, according to Unter, even if it means relaxing some of her own rules. Kevin Hicks, of Valparaiso, Ind., hasn’t gotten his pint-size skiers out this season, but that’s not because they don’t want to. The weather isn’t cooperating with a lack of snow whether he looks west, east or north. His 12-, 10- and 6-year-olds, however, are ready, willing and eager to go, he says. It only took his older ones only a day or two to get with the programs, Hicks says, and he thinks that is because he insisted on a very slow start. “Most kids are fearless and want to shoot straight down. That isn’t skiing,” he says. Instead, Hicks focused on teaching almost 180-degree turns and teaching control. He’ll scream from behind “pizza,” reminding the kids to go into a slow, triangular snowplow when they’re struggling, and encourage the more advanced, parallel-ski “french fry” when they are cruising. “Once they’re able to go all the way down the hill without falling and making every turn while slowing down, I let them go without me telling them what to do. If they can do that, I let them go down on their own with me at the bottom,” he says. It turned out Unter’s older daughter was frustrated that she didn’t think she was improving. “She didn’t feel like she was good at it,” Unter says, “so I took a video of it one day, and she saw she wasn’t that bad. I’ve built her trust, and I won’t take her down something she

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can’t do.” It’s important for children to be in lessons at the appropriate level, says David Iverson, snow sports manager at Burke Mountain in Vermont. Otherwise, you have the nervous parents who want to keep their children on the magic carpets far too long, and you’ll have the over-achiever parents who want their kids on black diamonds before they’re ready. He adds: “A lot of times it’s really better if mom and dad don’t stop by the lesson.” Also, don’t wait until the last minute to ask questions that can be handled over the phone while you’re still at home, including what time lessons start and if there are vacancies in ski school. But kids don’t have to be in lessons every moment of every day, says Dan Sherman, Ski.com’s marketing director. If you’re on a family ski trip, leave time to ski together. Other tips from pros and passionate skiers: Many problems are rooted in not-right clothing, especially too-bulky socks and knit gloves that get wet, says Iverson. If you are making the investment for lift tickets and lessons, make the investment in the right gear, he says. Two pairs of socks is a big no-no; you want thin wicking socks that won’t bunch up inside the boot. Amanda Schuon let her daughters pick their own ski outfits. As long as they are weather appropriate, who cares what color they are or if they are mismatched? One of her girls has worn the same helmet for four years because she can’t peel the stickers off and transfer them to a new one. (I’ll admit to allowing dresses under the snowpants. That’s how we moved past that flat-out refusal.) Fill jacket pockets with snacks. “You need to eat or aren’t going to survive a day on the hill,” says Iver-

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son. “You need calories.” Plan evening meals and activities that give way to peaceful bedtimes and a decent night’s sleep. “Bring to the mountain a well-rested child. That makes everything a little better,” Iverson said. Hand out trail maps the night before so kids can start planning their favorite routes before they have their boots on, says Kara Woods Seeley, spokeswoman for Woods Valley in Westernville, N.Y. Between her own two sons and her nieces and nephews, she regularly skies with 11 children, ranging from ages 5 to 16. “The excitement for skiing-snowboarding and being together with their cousins is what propels all these kids out the door. …Skiing and riding with family and friends is what it’s all about. The more the merrier,” she says. Schuon and her family ski mostly half days not full ones on their annual trip to Aspen, Colo. Once they do get out there for the day, though, Schuon never wonders if the trek from sunny Los Angeles is worth it. “It’s an important t tradition for us. It’s a great time to spend together.” They visit the same place each year and she’ll request the same teachers for the whole week. If you are booking a hotel or condo rental, ask how far it is located from the ski school and if there is a shuttle, suggests Sherman. And how are getting there: Is there a direct flight? A doable Friday night car ride? Can you ski in and ski out? “Minimize schlepping,” he says. Woods Seeley recommends a locker at the mountain for that very reason. It’s a bit of an indulgence that “is a major convenience for parents.” The one thing parents MUST pack is patience, says Burke’s Iverson. “Actually, bring double. A lot is out of your control. You can’t come with an agenda.”




Father: Deadly shooting suspect had disorder OGDEN, Utah (AP) — Search warrant in hand, a team of bulletproof vestwearing officers rapped on the door of a small, redbrick Utah house, identifying themselves as police. When no one responded, authorities say, the officers burst inside. That’s when the gunfire erupted. When it was over Wednesday night, a 7-year veteran officer was dead and five of his colleagues were wounded, some critically. The suspect, an Army veteran whose estranged father said suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and may have been self-medicating with marijuana, was injured. Now, as the city tries to grapple with the outburst of violence and the loss of one of its officers, investigators are trying to determine how the raid as part of a drug investigation could have gone so terribly wrong. “It’s a very, very sad day,” an emotional Ogden Police Chief Wayne Tarwater said Thursday. A candlelight vigil for the fallen officers is planned for Thursday night at an Ogden amphitheater. Police declined to reveal details of the shooting besides a general timeline, citing the ongoing investigation. They would not say, for instance, whether the shootout took place entirely inside the home or spilled out into the yard, how many shots were fired and how many guns were recovered. There will be several investigations, including one by Ogden police and another outside probe by prosecutors. Among the questions that authorities will try to answer was whether the officers, in the chaotic moments upon entering the house, may have inadvertently fired on each other.


Friday, January 6, 2012


Rivals put heat on Romney Santorum tells voters: ‘Don’t settle for less’ BY STEVE PEOPLES Associated Press MANCHESTER, N.H. — Mitt Romney’s Republican presidential rivals repeatedly attacked him as a candidate of the status quo and a timid, less-thanreliable conservative Thursday as they simultaneously sought to slow his campaign momentum and personally audition for the role of conservative rivalin- chief. “Don’t settle for less than America needs,” said Rick Santorum, eager to capitalize on his secondplace finish behind the former Massachusetts governor in this week’s Iowa caucuses, a scant eight votes off the pace. A heavy favorite to win New Hampshire’s primary next Tuesday, Romney all but ignored his Republican rivals as he campaigned in two states. Instead, he criticized President Barack Obama as a “crony capitalist. He’s a job killer.” Without saying so, the rest of the field appeared to share a common campaign objective hold down Romney’s vote totals in New Hampshire, then knock him off stride 11 days later in South Carolina, the first Southern primary of the year. Romney benefited handsomely from having several rivals split the vote in Iowa, where his winner’s share was roughly 25 percent. “Gradually you are going to see we have a difference of opinion about which will be the last conservative standing,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich told reporters as he campaigned in New Hampshire. “But I think you’ll eventually come down to one conservative and Gov. Romney and he’ll continue to get 25 percent.” Also vying to emerge as Romney’s chief rival were Texas Rep. Ron Paul and former Utah Gov. Jon


Republican presidential candidate, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, speaks at a campaign town hall in Northfield, N.H., on Thursday. Huntsman, while Texas Gov. Rick Perry awaited South Carolina. “We can’t afford to have a status quo president,” Huntsman said in Durham, N.H. “We can’t afford to have a coronation for president.” Gingrich unveiled a new television commercial aimed at voters in New Hampshire and South Carolina that cited one review of Romney’s jobs program as timid and nearly identical in part to the president’s. “Timid won’t create jobs. And timid certainly won’t defeat Barack Obama,” the ad said. Ironically, in a year in which polls show the economy is overwhelmingly the top issue for voters, the first two contests are in states with low joblessness 5.7 percent in Iowa and 5.4 percent in New Hampshire.

That all changes a week later. South Carolina’s unemployment was 9.9 percent in November, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, worse than 41 other states and more than a full percentage point higher than the national average. Santorum, a former Pennsylvania senator, managed to criticize Romney and most of the other Republicans in the race in the space of a few sentences. “I’ve never been for government-run health care,” he said in a swipe at both Romney and Gingrich. “I’m not for no regulation, I’m not a libertarian,” he added, a jab at Paul. Yet he also fielded pointed questions from his audiences something that he said happened regularly in Iowa, when he campaigned with little or

no media coverage for months. In Tilton, N.H., he was pressed for his views on gun control, given his endorsement in an earlier campaign for former PennSen. Arlen sylvania Specter, who favored restrictions. Santorum responded that he is committed to the rights of gun owners. Later, in an appearance before college students in Concord, he was asked about his opposition to same-sex marriage, which is legal in New Hampshire. “So anyone can marry anyone else?” Santorum said, swiftly turning the conversation to polygamy. “So anyone can marry several people?” The crowd objected and tried to talk over him. “Stop. This is not participatory. We’re not going to do this. I’m going to ask the question,” Santorum

said, growing testy. Santorum’s aides say he has raised $2 million on the strength of his Iowa showing, and the campaign sought to show momentum by announcing the support of a New Hampshire tea party and leader Catholicvote.org, an online organization. “Our mission here is to show that we’re the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney,” he said, virtually conceding he wouldn’t be able to close a yawning New Hampshire gap in the polls before next Tuesday. Gingrich sought to set a high bar for Romney. “It’s probably one of his three best states, but we’ll see whether he gets a majority here,” he said. In the ebb and flow of the campaign, one-time national front-runner Gingrich was hoping to reverse a slide that landed him in fourth place in Iowa. Santorum is ascendant, and Huntsman is hoping to make a statement after skipping Iowa to concentrate on New Hampshire. Paul, somewhat curiously, was absent, after a third-place finish in Iowa. He is scheduled to arrive in New Hampshire on Friday, in time to campaign and participate in a pair of weekend debates. Perry, who finished fifth in Iowa, is bypassing New Hampshire to try and resurrect his chances in South Carolina. Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann dropped out after a last-place showing in Iowa, and her erstwhile rivals quickly contacted her supporters in South Carolina, hoping to enlist them in a new cause. Her campaign manager there, state Sen. Lee Bright, said he has been contacted by aides to Huntsman and Santorum but intends to remain neutral for the time being. Romney’s strengths in New Hampshire include a familiarity that comes with having served as governor of next-door Massachusetts for four years.

Veterans Continued from page 1 be a free monthly get-together for local veterans. Purke said future Veterans Wednesdays also probably will include a guest speaker who is a veteran or involved with veterans affairs. “It’s our way of thanking our local veterans, and recognizing them for t h e i r service. Y o u know, we wouldn’t have our WEHNEMAN f r e e d o m s today if they didn’t do w h a t they do for us,” said mus e u m member P a t WILLIAMSON Skinner as she brewed up a fresh pot of free coffee in the Masonic Building’s second floor dining room, next to the museum. The nonprofit museum was founded in early 2010 and initially displayed some donated artifacts in a downtown window display case. It then moved on Veterans Day 2010 to a 300-square-foot office space in the Stouder Center before Masonic mem-

Veterans event at a glance


Museum curator Terry Purke leads a group of veterans through a tour Wednesday at the Miami Valley Veterans Museum in Troy. bers in early 2011 agreed to let the museum use the south half of the second floor of the Masonic Building. The museum has grown rapidly from donated items such as Williamson’s cannonball and Wehneman’s uniform, and now fills nearly a dozen rooms on the Masonic building’s second floor. Two rooms have been converted into a pair of research libraries, and Purke said museum members see the space not just simply as a museum, but as an educational resource

for the community. The Veterans Wednesday’s is another way the museum acts a facilitator for veterans and the local community, with brochures and contact information for the Dayton Veterans Administration and other veterans-related materials prominently displayed. “We’re not just a place for memorabilia. We see out role as a facilitator, another (veterans community) resource. We want to help veterans any way we can,” Purke said. Williamson, 81, of Lud-

low Falls, who served in the Army from 1949-1971, said he had the cannonball since 1966, when he was stationed near Granite City, Ill., site of a former Civil War ammunition depot. “A guy there had it and knew I was interested in black powder ordinance and gave it to me,” Williamson said, adding the cannonball was defused at that time. He had been storing it on shelf in his basement until this past November, when his three-year-old greatgrandson Riley Thornton

dropped it on his foot and broke his toe. “I was looking for a place to keep it. I didn’t want to get rid of it and when I heard about (Veterans Wednesday) I brought it along to give to them,” he said. Williamson also donated a five-poster series of maps of the Korean conflict, which he has used in presentations he makes to high school students for the Korean War Veterans Association. He said over the years, he’s logged 29,000 miles and talked to 44,000 students about the

WHAT: Veterans Wednesday WHEN: 9 a.m. on the first Wednesday of every month WHERE: Miami Valley Veterans Museum, second floor of the Troy Masonic Building, 107 W. Main St., Troy. Free coffee and donuts provided. The Veterans Wednesday is an opportunity to introduce veterans and members of the community to the Miami Valley Veterans Museum, and an opportunity for local veterans to fellowship with other veterans once a month. For more information, call the museum at 4511455, or access www.theyshallnotbeforgotten.org. Korean War. Purke said the museum will include the cannonball in its dedicated Civil War display room, and use the posters as a backdrop for its Korean War educational presentations. Wehneman, 86, of Houston in Shelby County, was a radio operator in the Korean War and said he brought out his wool uniform to donate to the museum. “I wanted to donate it to somebody, and this just seemed like a good place for it,” Wehneman said.


Friday, January 6, 2012




Holiday discounts crimp profits Many stores sacrifice bottom line for sales BY ANNE D'INNOCENZIO Associated Press NEW YORK — The 2011 holiday shopping season will go down in the record books as the year the Grinch stole stores’ profits. Many retailers sacrificed their bottom lines by pushing heavy discounts to shoppers bent on getting a good deal in a challenging economy. That created a sharp divide between stores that won the battle for wallets, and those that didn’t. The big winners? Shoppers who held out for deals late in the season. Retailers collectively reported a 3.5 percent increase in revenue at stores open at least a year for December, according to a tally of 25 merchants compiled by the International Council of Shopping Centers. For November and December combined, the figure rose 3.3 percent, a solid increase but still behind last year’s 3.8 percent pace. The figures are based on revenue at stores open

Former guard gets 3 years in prison BY JENNIFER BUMGARNER Ohio Community Media jbumgarner@sdnccg.com SIDNEY — An Anna man was sentenced for two counts of sexual battery in Shelby County Common Pleas Court on Thursday. Whitfield “John” Farley III, 45, 624 W. Main St., Anna, was sentenced to three years in jail for each count which will run concurrent. He was also fined $400 for each count plus court costs. Farley will also be a Tier III sex offender and will have to register with authorities every 90 days for the rest of his life. Before issuing the sentence, Stevenson addressed Farley. “Your conduct was not a one time incident,” said Stevenson. “You were in the position of trust with a child you should have known was at risk … You should have been in control.” Farley worked at Clear Creek Farms when he engaged in sexual conduct with a 17-year old girl. He was originally charged with four counts of sexual battery, felonies of the third degree, in Shelby County and was charged with obstructing official business and contributing to the delinquency of a minor in Miami County. Those charges were filed after FBI agents exercised a search warrant at Farley’s residence in Anna. The FBI was involved because Farley, a part-time corrections officer, allegedly brought the victim from Wayne County, Ind., into the Miami and Shelby County area. Farley also worked part-time at West Central Juvenile Detention Center in Miami County.

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In this Nov. 25 file photo, customers wait in line to pay for their items at a Kohl's department store in La Habra, Calif. Many retailers are reporting solid sales gains for December, capping a decent holiday season. at least a year. That is considered a key indicator of a retailer’s health because it excludes results from stores recently opened or closed. Retailers depend on the holidays, when they bring in as much as 40 percent of their annual revenue. The season also gives give valuable insights into what it takes to get Amer-

icans to spend in the weak economy. Clearly, the rich kept spending, but for everyone else, it took a hot item like Apple’s iPad or right-on exclusive fashions or a lot of “50 percent” off signs. Winners included Limited Brands Inc. (NYSE:LTD), Macy’s (NYSE:FD) Inc., TJX Cos. (NYSE:TJX) and Nord-

Piqua BOE Continued from page 1 district personnel will be able to access and control the settings from home. The new system shuts the heat down at 6 p.m. If the building falls below 55 degrees, it starts back up. It starts in heat up mode at 6 a.m. and adjusts as the building warms when students enter. An air pusher was added upstairs to provide adequate heating and cooling for rooms on the upper floor. A classroom was turned into a maintenance room where the air pusher is located. “The consistency is so much better. You don’t see the fluctuation,” Principal Tony Lyons said. The new system pushes double the amount of air that the old system did. Because of this, there were noise issues. Changes in the static pressure used to push the air have resolved most of the issues with a motor noise problem still being looked into. For air conditioning, the new system uses 10 storage tanks in a fenced in area outside the school. Ice is held in these tanks. The ice is made during the night and fans are used to blow air over the ice during the day to cool

the rooms. By making the ice at night, the district is greatly eliminating its electricity use during peak hours when rates are highest. Treasurer Jeff Price hopes the new system can eliminate the district’s demand charge, which will nearly cut the electric bill in half. Also, the carpet on the second floor hallway has been replaced with tile flooring in the district’s colors. The carpet was removed during Thanksgiving break. After that, students and staff were functioning on bare concrete. When they came back from Christmas break, the new flooring greeted them. According to Lyons, feedback has been positive. Lyons hopes to paint the lockers red in the future to help update the look. Hanes said district leaders are looking at how the 30-year old building can be brought up to looking like a 21st century building as the budget allows. Phase two of the project will be done during the coming summer. This phase includes the commons, kitchen, 500 wing, gym, office suite and band and music room. The majority of the entire project will be completed by the start of next school year.

strom Inc. (NYSE:JWN) , which posted strong revenue gains that beat analysts’ estimates. Macy’s, Ross and Limited even boosted their earnings outlooks. On the losing side, Target Corp. (NYSE:TGT) , Kohl’s Corp. (NYSE:KSS) , and J.C. Penney Co. (NYSE:JCP) cut their fourth-quarter earnings

projections after reporting weaker-than-expected sales. Gap had a big sales decline. “There’s no question that the divide is getting wider, and will get even wider this year as the winners continue to take share away from rivals,” said Joel Bines, managing director in the retail practice of AlixPartners. “Con-

sumers have limited time, money and attention, and they’re investing in a smaller subset of retailers.” Retailers will report fourth-quarter earnings next month. The fullest picture of holiday spending will come in next week’s government retail sales report, which captures more categories like home improvement and electronics. Heading into the season, stores knew it would be challenging to lure shoppers dealing with high unemployment, paltry wage growth and higher basic household costs. So retailers plied customers with free shipping and promised to match rivals’ prices. WalMart Stores Inc. (NYSE:WMT) resurrected layaway to help shoppers finance their purchases. For the semi-official start of the shopping season, stores opened as early as Thanksgiving Day, pushing big discounts that resulted in record sales. But shoppers took a longer-than-usual breather after that early splurge. A mild winter and Christmas falling on a Sunday also encouraged people to wait until the last minute.

Piqua board members sworn in, Luby re-elected NYC trip planned to obtain better bond rating BY JENNIFER RUNYON For the Daily Call jrunyon@who.rr.com PIQUA — The Piqua City Schools Board of Educational held its organizational meeting Thursday at Piqua H i g h School. During t h e meeting, n e w LUBY board member Frank Patrizio officially joined the board. Patrizio is a graduate of Piqua High School and has served the district in various ways including helping with the recent levy committee and planning for the upcoming Ohio School Facilities building project. Also during the meeting, it was determined that Bob Luby will again serve as the board president and Andy Hite will be


Piqua City Schools Board of Education members Lori Webster and Frank Patrizio are sworn in during the oraganizational meeting Thursday. Webster is returning to the board for a new term while Patrizio is joining the board as a new member. the vice president for 2012. Regular monthly meetings will still be held at 7 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of the month with the following exceptions: March 21, May 23, July 19, Nov. 15 and Dec. 20. These dates were changed due to conflicts. Also, board members discussed a needed trip to New York City to get a better bond rating or interest rate to lock in the debt cost for the building project. Superintendent Rick Hanes said the meeting is “a sales pitch” for the dis-

trict. According to Treasurer Jeff Price, getting the lower interest rate will equate to a lower cost for the tax payers. “It’s an expense, but in the grand scheme of us saving, it tremendously outweighs the expense,” said Superintendent Rick Hanes. Luby has expressed interest in going along with members Mimi Crawford and Lori Webster. It is yet to be determined which board members will be joining Hanes and Price for the meetings. The trip is scheduled for Feb. 2 and 3.

Obama calls for reshaping of U.S. military President vows to retain U.S. pre-eminence BY ROBERT BURNS Associated Press WASHINGTON —Looking beyond the wars he inherited, President Barack Obama on Thursday launched a reshaping and shrinking of the military. He vowed to preserve U.S. pre-eminence even as the Army and Marine Corps shed troops and the administration considers reducing its arsenal of nuclear weapons. The changes won’t come without risk, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said. But he called it acceptable and, because of budget restraints, inevitable. In a presentation at the

Pentagon, Obama said the U.S. is “turning a page” after having killed Osama bin Laden, withdrawn troops from Iraq and begun to wind down the war in Afghanistan. He outlined a vision for the future that some Republican lawmakers quickly dubbed wrong-headed. “Our military will be leaner, but the world must know the United States is going to maintain our military superiority,” Obama said with Panetta and the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, Gen. Martin Dempsey, at his side. In a presidential election year the strategy gives Obama a rhetorical tool to defend his Pentagon budget-cutting choices. Republican contenders for the White House already have attacked him on national security issues in-

cluding missile defense, Iran and planned reductions in ground forces. Obama unveiled the results of an eight-month defense strategy review that is intended to guide decisions on cutting hundreds of billions from planned Pentagon spending over the coming decade. The eight-page document contained no details about how broad concepts for reshaping the military such as focusing more on Asia and less on Europe will translate into troop or weapons cuts. Those details will be included in the 2013 defense budget to be submitted to Congress next month. In about every major war or defense speech Obama hits themes intended to resonate with American voters mainly, that the United States is

turning a page from two wars, and that any nationbuilding will focus on improving the United States, not strategic allies abroad. The economy is more likely to determine Obama’s re-election fate than national security. To keep his promises to shrink the deficit and to prove he is serious about fiscal management to voters wary of enormous government spending, Obama must show the oft-protected Pentagon is not exempt. The political danger, though, is that his opponents will use any slashing of spending to paint the president as weak on security. Both Panetta and Dempsey said they anticipate heavy criticism of their new strategy, which was begun last spring by

then-Defense Secretary Robert Gates after Obama called for defense spending cuts. The Pentagon now faces at least $487 billion in cuts in planned defense spending over 10 years. The criticism from Republicans came quickly. Rep. Howard “Buck” McKeon, R-Calif., chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, issued a statement saying, “This is a lead-from-behind strategy for a left-behind America.” He called it a “retreat from the world in the guise of a new strategy.” Panetta said that smaller military budgets will mean some trade-offs and that the U.S. will take on “some level of additional but acceptable risk.” But in a changing world the Pentagon would have been forced to make a strategy shift anyway, he said.












HOROSCOPE Friday, Jan. 6, 2012 Fortuitous times could be in the offing for you socially in the year ahead. There is a good chance that you will form and build a strong new alliance that will be the envy of all your present friends and associates. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — You might profit for the moment if you think solely of yourself, but sooner rather than later you’ll have to pay the price. Making it worse, your selfishness would be exposed in the process. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — It would be best if you handle a problematical development rather than let your counterpart do so. His or her solutions could turn out to be a bit too reckless for you. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) — If you’re smart, you’ll refrain from taking measures to even a score with a rival. Instead of being vindictive toward an offender, let the forgiving side of your nature guide your course of action. ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Even if it’s not convenient at the moment for you to do a favor for a pal, find a way to do so anyway. To go out of your way for someone is the true test of friendship. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — First and foremost, be realistic about your financial situation. If you can definitely make a profit on something that is a bit of a gamble, fire your best shot. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Instead of simply ordering someone about, set a good example first so that this person can see you’re not asking anything of him or her that you wouldn’t do yourself. CANCER (June 21-July 22) — There is an old World War II saying: “Loose lips sink ships.” Let two friends who have confided in you know that they don’t have to worry about any leakage. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Be careful if the ante gets raised in an important undertaking. All concerned parties might suddenly start looking out for their own interests when they find out there is something of real value at stake. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Weigh your gains carefully against what you could stand to lose. Have some second thoughts if the balance is unequal. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — If you are prepared to be self-sufficient, the failure of a counted-on party to take care of an entrusted task won’t set you back. Grin and bear it. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — There’s a good chance that you might be called upon to clear up a dispute between two close friends. The only way you won’t get into trouble is to let each party see that you are truly impartial. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — That road that leads to success in an important objective is likely to be littered with all kinds of impediments. Be prepared to have an alternative route mapped out. COPYRIGHT 2012 United Feature Syndicate, Inc.








Friday, January 6, 2012



Friday, January 6, 2012


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NO phone calls to SEW, please

NK Parts Industries, INC. Is seeking to fill 1st and 2nd Shift positions in Anna and Sidney

FORKLIFT AND/OR TOW BUGGY Experience preferred Competitive Wages, Insurance, Benefits, 401K, Fitness and Recreation Center

State Tested Nursing Assistant Classes

Drivers are paid weekly

Drivers earn .36cents per mile for empty and loaded miles on dry freight.

.38cents per mile for store runs, and .41cents per mile for reefer and curtainside freight.

No Hazmat.

Full Insurance package

Paid vacation.

401K savings plan.

95% no touch freight.

Compounding Safety Bonus Program.

Drivers are paid bump dock fees for customer live loads and live unloads. For additional info call


INSURANCE Clinicals are onsite and the state testing fee is included! If interested, please come in and fill out an application at: Dorothy Love Retirement Community 3003 W. Cisco Rd. Sidney, OH 45365 (937) 498-2391

LIFE & HEALTH We are looking for a dedicated licensed insurance professional to expand our policy holder base. We provide classroom & field training, $1,200-$1,500 weekly income potential plus bonuses, advancement, stock ownership, and lifetime renewal income. Call 440-292-6360 for a personal interview.

777 South Kuther Rd Sidney, Ohio E-Mail Resume: Career1@NKParts.com

255 Professional

Sidney Care Center 265 Retail

Fax Resume: 937-492-8995


***DRIVER WANTED*** for Ohio/Michigan lane. Flatbed experience. Home most nights, no w e e k e n d s . 937-405-8544.

Classes run every month. They are M-F, and last for 2 weeks.

Applications accepted: M-F 8:00 am – 4 pm

Admissions/ Marketing Position: Requires 24/7on-call, daily travel, a thorough understanding of all insurances, billing, LOCs, PASSARS, and pre-certs. EXPERIENCE ONLY.

STNA/CNA/HHA Requirements: o High School Diploma/ GED o STNA or Medicare Approved HHA Certificate o Must have Reliable Transportation o First Aid Certification Preferred/ CPR Preferred Benefits: o Competitive Pay o Yearly Raises o Flexible Hours Heritage Health Services 1201 E. David Road, Suite 206 Kettering, OH 44906 Phone 937-299-9903 Fax 937-299-9971

235 General

Continental Express Inc. 10450 State Route 47 Sidney, OH 45365 or email resume to:


Please call: 877-844-8385 to advertise 555 Garage Sales/Yard Sales TROY, 420 Garfield Ave. Friday and Saturday 9am-4pm. Adjustable bed, power chair, (2) bedroom suits, lift chair and lots of miscellaneous. CASH ONLY!

Looking for a new home? Check out



DRIVERS Dedicated routes/ home daily. Full benefits including: 401K, medical, dental and vision. Paid vacations and holidays. CDL Class A Required. 2 years experience. Good MVR.

that work .com

NOTICE Investigate in full before sending money as an advance fee. For further information, call or write:

Better Business Bureau 15 West Fourth St. Suite 300 Dayton, OH 45402 www.dayton.bbb.org 937.222.5825 This notice is provided as a public service by

Call (419)305-9897

240 Healthcare

A newspaper group of Ohio Community Media

JOBS AVAILABLE NOW ~ NEW CONTRACTS ~ Become a Home Health Care professional and earn part -time income by helping others Champaign Residential Services has part-time openings available in Miami (Englewood, Tipp City, Troy, Piqua), Shelby, and Darke Counties for caring people who would like to make a difference in the lives of others Various hours are available, including mornings, evenings, weekends and overnights Paid training is provided Requirements: a high school diploma or equivalent, a valid drivers license, proof of insurance and a criminal background check To apply, call 937-335-6974 or stop our office at 405 Public Square, Troy OH.. Applications are available online at www.crsi-oh.com

OPEN INTERVIEWS AT: CRSI, 405 Public Square #373, Troy, OH 45373 From: 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM on Wednesday – January 11, 2012

405 Public Square #373, Troy, OH 45373

NOW HIRING! RVWholesalers is in need of sales people. No sale experience is necessary, training is provided. Extensive contact list is provided, no cold calling at all. Base salary is provided in addition to commission for all sales. Please respond to:

Paul Sherry is experiencing tremendous growth. We welcome and encourage highly motivated individuals who are unhappy in their present lifestyle and want to make the money they are WORTH to apply. Mail or apply in person:

2nd and 3rd shift immediate FULL TIME openings. Basic math and reading skills, ability to pass physical, drug screen and criminal background check required.



1st, 2nd and 3rd shifts

Regional drivers needed in the Sidney, Ohio Terminal.


8645 N Co Rd 25A Piqua, OH 45356

click the "Careers" tab

Competitive wage and excellent benefit package. Major medical (including dental, vision and health coverage), Paid vacation, STD/ LTD, 12 holidays/ year, retirement plan (including 401(k) and profit sharing).

PART-TIME and PRN STNA Positions




Janitorial company now accepting applications. Part-time evening positions available. Must pass background check and drug screen.

NOW HIRING SALESPEOPLE January 10th or January 11th 1:00pm - 7:00pm

REQUIREMENTS: Mechanical background with experience in pulling parts, loading assembly line/ cells, ability to use measuring tools, work in fast paced environment and ability to lift up to 30lbs frequently and 50lbs occasionally. HOURS: Monday - Friday 6:00am - 2:30pm *Overtime required once trained





Maintenance Tech Machine Operator S/R Supervisor Operators CNC Machinist

240 Healthcare


Visit our website to learn more: www.norcold.com


EOE/AA Employer

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰

No phone calls to Norcold please


• • • • •

• •

1ST Shift PARTS PULLER (Troy assembly plant)



or Darke County Job Center 603 Wagner Ave Greenville

SEW-Eurodrive, an international leader in the power transmission industry, seeks:

Small shop needs person with basic mechanical experience. Entry level wage, quick advancement. Clean driving record– license necessary. Call Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm. 937-368-2303.

Dietary Aide: PRN Responsible for cooking, cleaning, and dishes. Must have food service EXPERIENCE. Please fax resume to (937)492-8658. No phone calls please.

105 Announcements

CAUTION Whether posting or responding to an advertisement, watch out for offers to pay more than the advertised price for the item. Scammers will send a check and ask the seller to wire the excess through Western Union (possibly for courier fees). The scammer's check is fake and eventually bounces and the seller loses the wired amount. While banks and Western Union branches are trained at spotting fake checks, these types of scams are growing increasingly sophisticated and fake checks often aren't caught for weeks. Funds wired through Western Union or MoneyGram are irretrievable and virtually untraceable. If you have questions regarding scams like these or others, please contact the Ohio Attorney General’s office at (800)282-0515.

ASSISTANT MANAGER FULL TIME MIAMI VALLEY MALL PIQUA, OH Qualified candidates must have a minimum of 2 years retail sales experience. Hourly plus monthly bonus. Benefits available after 90 days. For immediate consideration please go to our website and complete an online application. www.shoesensation. com/career ✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰

270 Sales and Marketing

WANTED! Automotive Salespeople Due to retirement and increased volume, we have immediate openings. We offer competitive pay plan, 401K, medical insurance and paid vacation. APPLY TO:


200 - Employment

Edison Community College invites qualified candidates to apply for the following positions:

Garage Sale


135 School/Instructions

Continental Express Inc., a local transportation company, has an immediate need for Fleet Manager. This person will communicate with drivers and customers. Requires someone with excellent computer and telephone skills. Must also be able to handle multiple tasks simultaneously and possess good decision making abilities. Must be flexible to work various hours. Prefer candidate with prior supervisory experience and some college coursework. We offer excellent salary and benefit package. Please apply at:


Crosby Trucking is




R# X``# d

280 Transportation


EARN COLLEGE DEGREE ONLINE. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 877-295-1667 www.CenturaOnline.com

Piqua Daily Call

Ron Garrett Chevrolet 1225 E. Russ Rd Greenville, OH 45331

Maintenance Technician Agrana Fruit US, Inc., the leading supplier of premium ingredients for the Food and Beverage Industries has immediate openings for qualified Maintenance Technicians at our Botkins, OH manufacturing facility. Work for a clean, safe and quality oriented company. Responsibilities will include a variety of plant maintenance, repair and installation operations as assigned and directed by department and plant leadership. Ensure proper operation and operating capabilities of all equipment. Troubleshoot and determine appropriate repairs, replace defective parts as needed and perform scheduled PM’s. Assemble, install, test and inspect machines and equipment. Maintain and complete required maintenance/inventory records of all repairs and materials. High level of engagement in the development of a positive safety culture through knowledge of maintenance practices and applicable safety standards. Qualified candidates must have a minimum of 2-4 years of relevant experience in a maintenance role. Strong Troubleshooting experience in electrical, mechanical and pneumatics. Working knowledge of Allen Bradley PLC ladder logic and controls. Ability to follow electrical/mechanical and pneumatic schematics and drawings. Must be able to work a flexible schedule which may include 12-hour shifts and weekends. Candidates must possess a minimum of a high school diploma or GED equivalent. Agrana Fruit US, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer and provides a Drug Free Work Environment.

Please submit resume to: Attention: Human Resources Manager P.O. Box 459 Botkins, OH 45306


100 - Announcement



Friday, January 6, 2012



Service&Business DIRECTORY

To advertise in the Classifieds That Work Service & Business Directory please call: 877-844-8385 625 Construction

640 Financial

AK Construction

Amish Crew

Bankruptcy WE KILL BED BUGS! KNOCKDOWN SERVICES Attorney starting at $

& sell it in

Classifieds that work

620 Childcare


Booking now for 2011 and 2012

635 Farm Services

AMISH CREW A&E Construction

2464 Peters Road, Troy, Ohio 45373

We do... Pole Barns • New Homes Roofs • Garages • Add Ons Cement Work • Remodeling Etc.

1st and 2nd shifts weeks 12 ayears We•Provide care for children 6 weeks• to6 12 years andtooffer Super • Preschool andprogram Pre-K 3’s, and 4/5’s preschool andprograms a Pre-K and Kindergarten • Before and after school care program. We offer before and after school care, •Enrichment Transportation to Troy schools


305 Apartment




TROY, 2 bedroom townhomes, 1.5 baths, 1 car garage, ca, w/d hook up, all appliances, $685

Join the top LTC Team in a traditional elegance in a country setting that offers the following positions:

(937)216-5806 EversRealty.net 1&2 BEDROOM apartments, stove & refrigerator furnished. Deposit & no pets. (937)773-9498. 1/2 OFF 1ST MONTHS RENT & DEPOSIT

FT~ 1st shift Cook Casual~ Dietary Aides PT~ Housekeeping/ Floor Care We offer: ~Medical/ Dental/ Vision Insurance ~401K ~Weekend Shift Differential Please stop by: SpringMeade HealthCenter 4375 South County Road 25A Tipp City, OH 45371

2 & 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS BUCKEYE COMMUNITY APTS. 580 Staunton Commons Apt. C8, Troy (937)335-7562 2 BEDROOM in Troy, Stove, refrigerator, W/D, A/C, very clean, cats ok. $525. (937)573-7908 2 BEDROOM upstairs in Troy, washer/ dryer, stove/ fridge, water, sewage included. $440/ month, no pets, Metro accepted. (937)658-3824


WANTED Company Drivers & Owner Operators Over the Road ✓Flatbed*Reefer*Van ✓Must be at least 21 years of age ✓Great Pay ✓Home Time ✓EOE SmartWay Transport Partner Inquiries call: 1-(866)532-5993 russ@erwinbros trucking.com

300 - Real Estate

For Rent

305 Apartment 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom, Houses & Apts. SEIPEL PROPERTIES Piqua Area Only Metro Approved (937)773-9941 9am-5pm Monday-Friday 1 BEDROOM with Garage Starting at $595 Off Dorset in Troy (937)313-2153

Residential Commercial New Construction Bonded & Insured

CERAMIC TILE AND HOME REPAIRS RON PIATT Owner/Installer Licensed & Insured

937-489-9749 In Memory Of Morgan Ashley Piatt

Tammy Welty (937)857-4222


655 Home Repair & Remodel

2&3 BEDROOM TOWNHOMES, Piqua, all appliances including washer/ dryer, 1.5 & 2.5 bath. (937)335-7176 www.1troy.com CLEAN, QUIET, safe 1 bedroom. Senior approved. No pets. $500, includes all utilities, (937)778-0524 COVINGTON 2 bedroom townhouse, $495. Up to 2 months FREE utilities! No Pets. (937)698-4599, (937)572-9297. DOWNTOWN TROY 1 bedroom, stove and refrigerator, $400 monthly, $300 deposit. Tenant pays gas and electric. Washer/dryer hook-up. (937)335-0832 MCGOVERN RENTALS TROY 2 BR duplexes & 2 BR townhouses. 1.5 baths, 1 car garage, fireplace, Great Location! Starting at $625-$675. (937)335-1443 WEST MILTON Townhouse. 2 Bedroom 1.5 bath. $475 month, Lease by 12-15, FREE GIFTCARD, (937)216-4233.


• Roofing • Windows • Kitchens • Sunrooms

• Spouting • Metal Roofing • Siding • Doors

• Baths • Awnings • Concrete • Additions


305 Apartment


• Close to 75 • Toddler Playground • Updated Swimming Pool

• Pet Friendly ARROWHEAD VILLAGE APARTMENTS 807 Arrowhead, Apt.F Sidney, Ohio (937)492-5006 ✦ ● ✦ ● ✦ ● ✦ ● ✦ ●✦ Only $475 2 Bedroom 1.5 Bath Now Available Troy Crossing Apartments (937)313-2153


Roofing, Windows, Siding, Fire & Water Restoration

•Refrigerators •Stoves •Washers & Dryers •Dishwashers • Repair & Install Air Conditioning

Amy E. Walker, D.V.M. 937-418-5992

$10 OFF Service Call until January 31, 2012 with this coupon

660 Home Services


Mobile Veterinary Service Treating Dogs, Cats & Exotics


Urb Naseman Construction


Home Remodeling And Repairs ~Vinyl Siding ~ Soffit & Facia ~ Home Repairs 937-498-4473 937-726-4579 FREE Estimates Over 20 Yrs Experience Licensed & Insured

675 Pet Care





Flea Market 1684 Michigan Ave. in the Sidney Plaza next to Save-A-Lot VENDORS WELCOME

Hours: Fri. 9-8 Sat. & Sun. 9-5 2245176

340 Warehouse/Storage

535 Farm Supplies/Equipment

STORAGE TRAILERS, and buildings with docks. Reasonable rates. (800)278-0617

LANE GRADER, 6 Foot King Kutter rear mounted blade, above average condition, always kept inside, $250 obo, (419)233-4310

400 - Real Estate

545 Firewood/Fuel

For Sale 425 Houses for Sale TROY, 2555 Worthington, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, great room, appliances, 1646 sq ft. $164,000, financing available, also will rent $1,300 per month, (937)239-0320, or (937)239-1864, www.miamicountyproperties.com

500 - Merchandise

SEASONED FIREWOOD $165 per cord. Stacking extra, $135 you pick up. Taylor Tree Service available (937)753-1047

560 Home Furnishings FURNITURE 3 piece, matching, couch, loveseat and wingchair. Beige, silky finish upholstery. Sparingly used. No children, not laid on. Excellent condition. $550. (937)492-7464 ROCKER RECLINER, LaZ-Boy, medium blue, like new, $175. (937)773-2519

560 Home Furnishings


937-570-5230 577 Miscellaneous COREVOLUTION EXERCISER, Great for back, core muscles. $100 OBO. (937)418-6336

LIFT CHAIR $400 OBO. Golden Technologies Regal Signature Series Model PR-751 lift chair in Excellent Condition. Purchased in March, 2011 used very little. Features 3 pillow waterfall back with dual open arm construction, foldable tray, storage compartments and full luxury chaise pad. Set of 3 brown cherry matching end tables with a coffee table in very good condition. Will sell set for $100 for all or $30 each. Hide a bed sofa $40. (937)638-1164.

570 Lawn and Garden LAWN TRACTOR, Sears, snow blade, cab, chains, weights, 42" mowing deck, $1400. (937)368-2220

CRIB COMPLETE, cradle, changing table, PackN-Play, basinet, PortaCrib, saucer, walker, car seat,high chair, blankets, clothes, gate, tub good condition (937)339-4233 DESKTOP COMPUTER, Nobilis, 17" monitor, HP 3-in-one printer, keyboard, mouse, XP Microsoft office, and many other programs, $275 OBO. (937)418-6336 KIMBALL ORGAN, Paradise model with all extras, good condition, $150, Computer Hutch, like new, $125, (937)492-5655 METAL. Wanting anything that contains metal. Will haul away for FREE. Call (937)451-1566 or (937)214-0861.

PIQUA, Greene St, 3 bedroom, newly painted, new flooring, hi-efficiency furnace, w/d hookup, garage, yard. $475 (937)773-7311 TIPP CITY, Nice 2 bedroom, 1 bath, AC, appliances included, W/D hookup, garbage disposal, dishwasher. $490 month, $450 deposit. No pets, Metro accepted, (937)902-9894.


hours 6am 11:55pm Center Center hoursnow 6 a.m. to 6top.m.


CALL CALL TODAY!335-5452 335-5452


Kindergarten and school age transportation to Troy schools.

or (937) 238-HOME Free Estimates • Fully Insured • 17 Years of Home Excellence

670 Miscellaneous



(937) 339-1902





FT/PT~ 2nd/3rd shift ~ STNA's

Cleaning Service


• 1st, 2nd and 3rd shift • Tax Claimable • Price Negotiable for more than one child • Meals and snacks provided • Close to Nicklin & Wilder School District • Mornings, before and after school

1144 Fisher Dr., Piqua, OH 45356

FT/PT~ 2nd/3rd shift ~ RN/LPN

Sparkle Clean

630 Entertainment

CALL TODAY! (937)418-4712 or (937)710-5277

280 Transportation

Ask about our Friends & Neighbors discounts


422 Buckeye Ave., Sidney

“All Our Patients Die”

Small #Basements #Siding #Doors #Barns


for appointment at

Will do roofing, siding, windows, doors, dry walling, painting, porches, decks, new homes, garages, room additions. 30 Years experience Amos Schwartz (260)273-6223 (937)232-7816

655 Home Repair & Remodel

Free Inspections



Make a

Call 937-498-5125

I am a debt relief agency. I help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code. 2239634



(419) 203-9409

• Specializing in Chapter 7 • Affordable rates • Free Initial Consultation


Roofing, remodeling, siding, add-ons, interior remodeling and cabintets, re-do old barns, new home construction, etc.

For 75 Years

Since 1936


Electronic Filing Quick Refund 2247317 44 Years Experience


Any type of Construction:

#Repairs Large and #Room Additions #Kitchens/Baths #Windows #Garages

(See Us For Do-It-Yourself Products)


(937) 473-2847 Pat Kaiser (937) 216-9332

660 Home Services



SchulzeTax & Accounting Service

660 Home Services

159 !!

Emily Greer

•30x40x12 with 2 doors, $9,900 •40x64x14 with 2 doors, $16,000 ANY SIZE AVAILABLE!


All Types of Interior/Exterior Construction & Maintenance

Pole BarnsErected Prices:



• New Roof & Roof Repair • Painting • Concrete • Hauling • Windows & Doors • New Rubber Roofs


Commercial / Residential

615 Business Services

660 Home Services

625 Construction


600 - Services

TROY, 1 & 2 Bedrooms, appliances, CA, water, trash paid, $425 & $525 month. $200 Deposit Special! (937)673-1821

320 Houses for Rent PIQUA, 1825 Wilshire, 3 bedroom ranch, 2.5 car garage, $800 plus deposit. No pets. (937)773-4493 PIQUA, 2 bedroom. No pets. $500 rent/deposit (937)339-7978. TROY, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1 car garage, $750/month + deposit, no pets, w/d hookup, no smoking. (937)689-4842


Friday, January 6, 2012


577 Miscellaneous NASCAR DIECAST collection. Over 225 1/24 diecast. Some autograph cars, Autograph picture cards. NASCAR card collection and lots more. 3 curio cabinets. (419)629-2041 POP MACHINE, 7-up with 6 selections, good working condition. Nice machine for workplace or investment location. $350 OBO. (937)418-6336 TONNEAU COVER, Aluminum, retractable, fits F-150, 6.5' bed. Fits 2005-2008 trucks. Locks, lighting connections, in nice condition. $350 OBO. (937)418-6336 WALKER folds adjusts with or without wheels, tub/shower benches, commode chair, toilet riser, grabbers, canes wooden and four footed, good condition (937)339-4233

580 Musical Instruments GUITAR, 80’s American Kramer, Pacer deluxe, Seymour Duncan pick ups, original Floyd Rose trem with case, $650, (937)418-1527.

583 Pets and Supplies BEAGLE PUPS each. 5 (937)492-3583

$250 total.

I’M SOLD CAT yellow male. under 1 year. Sweet and mellow. Former stray, now neutered. Needs indoor forever home. $10 donation to humane society. (937)492-7478

ECHO HILLS KENNEL CLUB Offering obedience classes. Puppies, beginners, advanced, conformation. Taking enrollment. (937)947-2059 (937)473-0335 See the pros!

KITTENS, two, free to good indoor homes, approximately 8 weeks old, 2 twin girls, litter trained. (937)214-3231

592 Wanted to Buy CASH, top dollar paid for junk cars/trucks, running or non-running. I will pick up. Thanks for calling (937)719-3088 or (937)451-1019 WE PAY cash for your old toys! Star Wars, GI Joes, He-Man, Transformers and much more. (937)638-3188.

800 - Transportation

890 Trucks 1997 CHEVY S10, 78,000 miles, runs & looks great, Tanneau cover, $4600, (937)489-9921

899 Wanted to Buy Cash paid for junk cars and trucks. Free removal. Call us (937)732-5424.

LEGAL NOTICE DIRECTORY SHERIFF’S SALE MIAMI COUNTY COMMON PLEAS Case No.: 10-207 Chase Home Finance, LLC vs. William R. Valentine, et al Pursuant to the command of an Order of Sale in the above name cause to me directed by the Court of Common Pleas of Miami County, Ohio, I will offer at Public Sale in the lobby of the Sheriff on February 8, 2012 at 10:00 o’clock in the a.m. the following described premises, to-wit: Situated in the City of Piqua, County of Miami, and State of Ohio Parcel Number: N44-078151 Prior Deed Reference: Instrument No. 0474232 Vol. 787 page 291 Also known as: 2120 Navajo Trail, Piqua, Ohio 45356 A full legal description may be obtained in the Office of the Recorder of Miami County, Ohio. Appraised at One Hundred Eleven Thousand and 00/100 ($111,000.00) Dollars and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of the appraisement. TERMS OF SALE: 10% of appraised value down time of sale and .5% of appraised value for conveyance and recording, balance within 30 days of confirmation. Lorelei C. Bolohan, Attorney 1/6, 1/13, 1/20-2012

SHERIFF’S SALE MIAMI COUNTY COMMON PLEAS Case No.: 11-222 U.S. Bank, National Association, as Trustee for Mortgage Pass Through Certificates, Series 2007-1 vs. Benjamin D. Davis, et al Pursuant to the command of an Order of Sale in the above name cause to me directed by the Court of Common Pleas of Miami County, Ohio, I will offer at Public Sale in the lobby of the Sheriff on February 8, 2012 at 10:00 o’clock in the a.m. the following described premises, to-wit: Situated in the City of Piqua, County of Miami, and State of Ohio Parcel Number: N44-033140 Prior Deed Reference: Volume 716, page 561 Also known as: 519 Wilson Avenue, Piqua, Ohio 45356 A full legal description may be obtained in the Office of the Recorder of Miami County, Ohio. Appraised at Sixty Thousand and 00/100 ($60,000.00) Dollars and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of the appraisement. TERMS OF SALE: 10% of appraised value down time of sale and .5% of appraised value for conveyance and recording, balance within 30 days of confirmation. Christopher J. Mantica, Attorney 1/6, 1/13, 1/20-2012

SHERIFF’S SALE MIAMI COUNTY COMMON PLEAS Case No.: 10-1042 CitiMortgage Group, Inc. successor by merger to ABN AMRO Mortgage Group, Inc. vs. Frances Marshall aka Frances L. Marshall, et al Pursuant to the command of an Order of Sale in the above name cause to me directed by the Court of Common Pleas of Miami County, Ohio, I will offer at Public Sale in the lobby of the Sheriff on February 8, 2012 at 10:00 o’clock in the a.m. the following described premises, to-wit: Situated in the City of Piqua, County of Miami, and State of Ohio Parcel Number: N44-029720 Prior Deed Reference: Deed Book 702, page 593 Also known as: 710 Brice Avenue, Piqua, Ohio 45356 A full legal description may be obtained in the Office of the Recorder of Miami County, Ohio. Appraised at Twenty One Thousand and 00/100 ($21,000.00) Dollars and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of the appraisement. TERMS OF SALE: 10% of appraised value down time of sale and .5% of appraised value for conveyance and recording, balance within 30 days of confirmation. Jill L. Fealko, Attorney 1/6, 1/13, 1/20-2012




SHERIFF’S SALE MIAMI COUNTY COMMON PLEAS Case No.: 10-130 Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for Morgan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc. Trust 2004-HE1, Mortgage Pass Through Certificates, Series 2004-HE1 vs. Robert E. Cooper, et al Pursuant to the command of an Order of Sale in the above name cause to me directed by the Court of Common Pleas of Miami County, Ohio, I will offer at Public Sale in the lobby of the Sheriff on February 8, 2012 at 10:00 o’clock in the a.m. the following described premises, to-wit: Situated in the City of Piqua, County of Miami, and State of Ohio Parcel Number: N44-073348 Prior Deed Reference: Deed Book 668, page 704 Also known as: 1808 Park Avenue, Piqua, Ohio 45356 A full legal description may be obtained in the Office of the Recorder of Miami County, Ohio. Appraised at One Hundred Fifty Thousand and 00/100 ($150,000.00) Dollars and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of the appraisement. TERMS OF SALE: 10% of appraised value down time of sale and .5% of appraised value for conveyance and recording, balance within 30 days of confirmation. Tina R. Edmondson, Attorney 1/6, 1/13, 1/20-2012

SHERIFF’S SALE MIAMI COUNTY COMMON PLEAS Case No.: 09-911 U.S. Bank, National Association, as Successor Trustee to Bank of America, National Association, as Successor by merger to LaSalle Bank, N.A. as Trustee for the MLMI Trust Series 2006-HE6 vs. Thomas Usserman, et al Pursuant to the command of an Order of Sale in the above name cause to me directed by the Court of Common Pleas of Miami County, Ohio, I will offer at Public Sale in the lobby of the Sheriff on February 1, 2012 at 10:00 o’clock in the a.m. the following described premises, to-wit: Situated in the City of Piqua, County of Miami, and State of Ohio Parcel Number: N44-032880 Prior Deed Reference: Volume No. 770, page 712 Also known as: 409 Blaine Avenue, Piqua, Ohio 45356 A full legal description may be obtained in the Office of the Recorder of Miami County, Ohio. Appraised at Fifty Four Thousand and 00/100 ($54,000.00) Dollars and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of the appraisement. TERMS OF SALE: 10% of appraised value down time of sale and .5% of appraised value for conveyance and recording, balance within 30 days of confirmation. Tina R. Edmondson, Attorney 12/30/2011, 1/6, 1/13-2012

SHERIFF’S SALE MIAMI COUNTY COMMON PLEAS Case No.: 11-725 Bank of America, N.A., Successor by merger to BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP vs. Joseph M. Nuckles, et al Pursuant to the command of an Order of Sale in the above name cause to me directed by the Court of Common Pleas of Miami County, Ohio, I will offer at Public Sale in the lobby of the Sheriff on February 1, 2012 at 10:00 o’clock in the a.m. the following described premises, towit: Situated in the City of Piqua, County of Miami, and State of Ohio Parcel Number: N44-038890 Prior Deed Reference: General Warranty Deed, Book 766, page 584, filed November 2, 2005 Also known as: 810 Blaine Avenue, Piqua, Ohio 45356 A full legal description may be obtained in the Office of the Recorder of Miami County, Ohio. Appraised at Fifty Seven Thousand and 00/100 ($57,000.00Dollars and cannot be sold for less than twothirds of the appraisement. TERMS OF SALE: 10% of appraised value down time of sale and .5% of appraised value for conveyance and recording, balance within 30 days of confirmation. Robert R. Hoose, Attorney 12/30/2011, 1/6, 1/13-2012




SHERIFF’S SALE MIAMI COUNTY COMMON PLEAS Case No.: 11-678 Green Tree Servicing, LLC vs. Greta A. Silvers, et al Pursuant to the command of an Order of Sale in the above name cause to me directed by the Court of Common Pleas of Miami County, Ohio, I will offer at Public Sale in the lobby of the Sheriff on February 1, 2012 at 10:00 o’clock in the a.m. the following described premises, to-wit: Situated in the City of Piqua, County of Miami, and State of Ohio Parcel Number: N44-055300 Prior Deed Reference: Survivorship Deed, Book 782, page 554, filed March 21, 2007 Also known as: 919 Robinson Avenue, Piqua, Ohio 45356 A full legal description may be obtained in the Office of the Recorder of Miami County, Ohio. Appraised at Sixty Thousand and 00/100 ($60,000.00) Dollars and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of the appraisement. TERMS OF SALE: 10% of appraised value down time of sale and .5% of appraised value for conveyance and recording, balance within 30 days of confirmation. Robert R. Hoose, Attorney 12/30/2011, 1/6, 1/13-2012

SHERIFF’S SALE MIAMI COUNTY COMMON PLEAS Case No.: 11-698 Bank of America, NA, Successor by Merger with BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP fka Countrywide Home Loans Servicing, LP vs. Sarah M. Frazier, et al Pursuant to the command of an Order of Sale in the above name cause to me directed by the Court of Common Pleas of Miami County, Ohio, I will offer at Public Sale in the lobby of the Sheriff on February 1, 2012 at 10:00 o’clock in the a.m. the following described premises, to-wit: Situated in the Village of Covington, County of Miami, and State of Ohio Parcel Number: H19-001590 Also known as: 175 North Pearl Street, Covington, Ohio 45318 A full legal description may be obtained in the Office of the Recorder of Miami County, Ohio. Appraised at Sixty Six Thousand and 00/100 ($66,000.00) Dollars and cannot be sold for less than twothirds of the appraisement. TERMS OF SALE: 10% of appraised value down time of sale and .5% of appraised value for conveyance and recording, balance within 30 days of confirmation. George J. Annos, Attorney 12/30/2011, 1/6, 1/13-2012

SHERIFF’S SALE MIAMI COUNTY COMMON PLEAS Case No.: 11-318 BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP fka Countrywide Home Loans Servicing, LP vs. Jeffrey S. Creager, et al Pursuant to the command of an Order of Sale in the above name cause to me directed by the Court of Common Pleas of Miami County, Ohio, I will offer at Public Sale in the lobby of the Sheriff on February 1, 2012 at 10:00 o’clock in the a.m. the following described premises, to-wit: Situated in the City of Piqua, County of Miami, and State of Ohio Parcel Number: N44-067830 Prior Deed Reference: Deed 756, page 722 Also known as: 594 South Sunset Drive, Piqua, Ohio 45356 A full legal description may be obtained in the Office of the Recorder of Miami County, Ohio. Appraised at Ninety Three Thousand and 00/100 ($93,000.00) Dollars and cannot be sold for less than twothirds of the appraisement. TERMS OF SALE: 10% of appraised value down time of sale and .5% of appraised value for conveyance and recording, balance within 30 days of confirmation. Lorelei C. Bolohan, Attorney 12/30/2011, 1/6, 1/13-2012




SHERIFF’S SALE MIAMI COUNTY COMMON PLEAS Case No.: 11-500 The Huntington National Bank vs. Kenneth R. Waldon, et al Pursuant to the command of an Order of Sale in the above name cause to me directed by the Court of Common Pleas of Miami County, Ohio, I will offer at Public Sale in the lobby of the Sheriff on February 1, 2012 at 10:00 o’clock in the a.m. the following described premises, to-wit: Situated in the City of Piqua, County of Miami, and State of Ohio Parcel Number: N44-006020 Also known as: 925 Broadway Street, Piqua, Ohio 45356 A full legal description may be obtained in the Office of the Recorder of Miami County, Ohio. Appraised at Fifty Seven Thousand and 00/100 ($57,000.00) Dollars and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of the appraisement. TERMS OF SALE: 10% of appraised value down time of sale and .5% of appraised value for conveyance and recording, balance within 30 days of confirmation. David W.Cliffe, Attorney 12/30/2011, 1/6, 1/13-2012

SHERIFF’S SALE MIAMI COUNTY COMMON PLEAS Case No.: 11-679 Fifth Third Mortgage Company vs. Carol Lenora Shultz aka Carol L. Killian, et al Pursuant to the command of an Order of Sale in the above name cause to me directed by the Court of Common Pleas of Miami County, Ohio, I will offer at Public Sale in the lobby of the Sheriff on February 1, 2012 at 10:00 o’clock in the a.m. the following described premises, to-wit: Situated in the City of Piqua, County of Miami, and State of Ohio Parcel Number: N44-000290 Also known as: 211 East Greene Street, Piqua, Ohio 45356 A full legal description may be obtained in the Office of the Recorder of Miami County, Ohio. Appraised at Seventy Five and 00/100 ($75,000.00) Dollars and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of the appraisement. TERMS OF SALE: 10% of appraised value down time of sale and .5% of appraised value for conveyance and recording, balance within 30 days of confirmation. Kriss D. Felty, Attorney 12/30/2011, 1/6, 1/13-2012



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INFORMATION Call ROB KISER, sports editor, at 773-2721, ext. 209, from 8 p.m. to midnight weekdays.


Sell receives All-Ohio honor Bradford senior Austin Sell was recently named Academic All-Ohio in football. Sell had a 4.0 SELL GPA during the football season and was one of only 116 football players out of the 35,000 that played to receive the honor.

■ Basketball

Piqua JH boys split games The Piqua junior high boys basketball team dropped a pair of games to Northmont Green. The seventh grade lost a heartbreaker 45-43. Austin Creager scored 14 points, while Derrick Gullet and Brady Hill both added 11. The eighth grade, playing without three starters, lost 55-22. Gage Smith led Piqua with 11 points and 10 rebounds. Piqua hosts Trotwood Saturday. PIQUA SCORING Seventh Grade Gullet 11, Schmiesing 4, Hudson 1, Hill 11, Creager 14, Delacruz 2. Eighth Grade Patton 3, Rohrbach 3, Smith 11, Poling 3, Ashton 2,

East girls win big Lehman drops game with Fort Loramie BRANDT — The Miami East girls basketball team romped over Bethel 74-17 Thursday night in CCC action. East opened a 41-6 halftime lead, shutting Bethel out in the second quarter. Trina Current led the Lady Vikings with 14 points. Madison Linn scored 12 and Emily Kindell added 11.

Lady Cavs lose on road FORT LORAMIE — The Lehman girls basketball team lost to Fort Loramie 47-30 Thursday night. Only three Lady Cavaliers reached the scoring column. Julia Harrelson and Kandis Sargeant both netted 11 points, while Lindsey Spearman added eight.

Lady Indians roll in CCC PLEASANT HILL — The Newton girls basketball team cruised to a 54-21 win over Twin Valley South in CCC action. Fawn King scored 13 points and Trina Lavy added nine.

Lady Roaders fall to FM BRADFORD — The Bradford girls basketball team lost to Franklin Monroe 51-46 in Cross Country Conference action. Michayla Barga led Bradford with 13 points. Brooke Dunlevy and Alisha Patty both scored 10.

Lady Raiders cruise to victory RUSSIA — The Russia girls basketball team cruised to a 48-16 win over Fairlawn. Kylie Wilson scored 17 points and Shana Meyer added 10.


Piqua’s Christy Graves makes a move to the basket Wednesday against Troy. The Lady Indians will be back in action Saturday, traveling to Springfield.

Looking for new success

The Covington junior high girls basketball teams split two games with Franklin Monroe. The seventh grade, 4-5, lost 24-21. Lexi Long led Covington with 12 points. The eighth grade, 7-2, won 40-28. Arianna Richards scored 13 points and Jessie Crowell added 12.

Bengals, Texans led by rookie quarterbacks

COVINGTON SCORING Seventh Grade Long 12, Warner 4, Rosengarten 2, Schaffer 2, Metz 1. Eighth Grade Richards 13, Crowell 12, Shell 7, Gostomsky 6, Olson 2.

Scores to air hoop games


Who was the Q: first female athlete to appear on a Wheaties box?


Mary Lou Retton

QUOTED “We are driven. We are going to get this done.” —Mike Holmgren on turning around the Browns


Graves Drives To Basket

Lady Buccs JH splits games

ScoresBroadcast.com will air the following high school basketball games this weekend: Tonight: Sidney boys at Piqua, 7:10 p.m. Saturday: Anna girls at Marion Local, 2:10 p.m.; Lehman Catholic boys at Houston, 7:40 p.m.

■ Piqua cheerleaders honored, page 16. ■ Stiefel competes in ‘Rumble’, page 16.


Piqua Daily Call • www.dailycall.com

IN BRIEF ■ Awards



Andy Dalton and T.J. Yates talk earlier this season.

HOUSTON (AP) — Andy Dalton and T.J. Yates weren't around for any of the miserable seasons the Bengals and Texans have had over the past two decades. And that's quite a few. The rookie quarterbacks now control which of the long-suffering franchises gets a milestone victory when the teams open the playoffs on Saturday. They'll make some NFL history no matter who wins — it's the first time two rookie starters will face off in a postsea-

son game. "It shows how much the game has changed in these days," said Yates, who'll make his sixth career start. "My situation is obviously a lot different than Andy's. He was drafted there to be the starter and unfortunate circumstances here in Houston led to me being the one playing. "But you've just got to take advantage of every opportunity you get," he said, "and it's pretty cool See BENGALS/Page 15

Expectations high for spring 1910 Baseball team returns a number of experienced players Prior to the opening baseball game of the season against Wapakoneta, a preview appeared in the Call. “The outlook for a good team this year is not discouraging as several of last year’s veterans are still in school. Captain Munger has a couple years of high school experience to back him up In the handling of this year’s squad, and he is sure to make the young bloods show all there is in them. “Chamberlin looks good for the pitching mound this year, and if he is handled right by the man behind the bat, few games will be lost by the local team because of poor pitching. “The outfit will be a weak hitting bunch, and speed and scrappy play will alone win the games

this year for P.H.S. Practice was started this afternoon at the park and a good bunch of players reported for their tryout of the season. “Here are the names of the players on the P.H.S. team for 1910. Look them over and think how old you are getting. “Hetzler, Hinsch, Bauer, Cranston, Havemann, Brown, Munger, Schoffer, Geyer and Chamberlin.” The season opener was against Wapakoneta. “Captain Munger and his men upheld the honor of P.H.S. on the diamond yesterday afternoon by coming from behind in the home stretch and nosing out the fast High school Wapakoneta team at the wire, 7 to 6 in favor of Piqua. “The game as a whole was a good one and it de-

DUANE BACHMAN The History of Piqua Athletics A Journal Spring 2010

served better attendance. It is up to the home people to get busy and back the red and blue boys this year for the money is now going out and very little is coming in.” The track team was also getting ready for their season. A look at the team was shared on April 12. “Athletics at P.H.S. are now hustling to get in shape for the coming dual track and field meets soon

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to take place with several high schools in this section of the state. Up to the present time the squad, which has reported to Captain Geyer, has contained a number of youngsters out for the first time, and anxious to make good for the Red and Blue. “Few veterans are left on the squad, and Capt. Geyer will have to build his team up from a good list of first year men. Kiser, Hunter, Meeker, Userman, Young, Geyer and Prince, points winners on last year’s track squad are out of school and their places will have to be filled and their replacements will have to be filled by new men. “Chamberlin and Snyder of last season’s team are good for points this year and around these two men Geyer has every rea-

son to build up a fine team. “Just at the present time it is almost impossible to pick the future regulars for the Red and Blue, but in a week or so opinion of the make-up of the team will be able to be formed.” One day later this same group again made the Call. “Track and field men belonging to the P.H.S. squad decided that no practice was needed yesterday so when Coach Bailey appeared at the Athletic Field he found not one athlete ready for work. The coach did not like the spirit and today he will have the squad out or know the reason why the men fail to appear when he wants them. See HISTORY/Page 2B


Friday, January 6, 2012



All “oranges” for West Virginia Mountaineers romp over Clemson 70-33 MIAMI (AP) — As the West Virginia Mountaineers celebrated their first Orange Bowl victory, safety Darwin Cook shared a hug with the game's mascot, Obie. They had run into each other earlier in the end zone when Cook scored the night's pivotal touchdown, then leaped on the smiling orange. Only after the game did he learn a woman was wearing the Obie outfit. "I didn't know you were a girl," he told her. "I apologize." The Mountaineers ran over everything in their path Wednesday night, including the Clemson Tigers. Geno Smith tied the record for any bowl game with six touchdown passes, and the No. 23ranked Mountaineers set a bowl scoring record with their high-powered offense by routing No. 14 Clemson 70-33. But it was a defensive player — Cook — who made the most memorable play by returning a fumble 99 yards for a touchdown to break the game open. Standing in the sideline, Smith watched a

video replay of Cook's touchdown in disbelief. "Crazy, man," Smith said. "When I saw that, I knew things were breaking our way." Cook collided comically with mascot Obie after scoring one of the Mountaineers' five TDs in the second quarter, including three in the final 2:29 for a 49-20 lead. It was the highest-scoring half by a team in a bowl game. "I always envisioned making great plays," Cook said. "If you think it will happen, it will happen." Tavon Austin tied a record for any bowl game with four touchdown catches. Smith went 31 for 42 and had 401 yards passing to break Tom Brady's Orange Bowl record. Smith also ran for a score, helping West Virginia break the bowl record for points established six nights earlier when Baylor beat Washington 67-56 in the Alamo Bowl. "Never could we imagine we'd put up 70 points," Smith said. "It was like a virus," Clemson coach Dabo Swinney said. The Mountaineers (10-

3) won in their first Orange Bowl appearance and improved to 3-0 in Bowl Championship Series games. "Our guys felt like they weren't getting too much credit," West Virginia coach Dana Holgorsen said. "And they wanted to make a statement in this game." Clemson (10-4) lost playing in its first major bowl in 30 years. Despite the drubbing, Swinney said, the wait for a return trip won't be so long. "It won't be 30 years," Swinney said. "We'll be back." The offensive showcase was the latest in a succession this bowl season, and perhaps the last. Defense is expected to dominate in the final BCS game Monday night, when Louisiana State faces Alabama for the national title. West Virginia totaled 589 yards and 31 first downs. Smith was chosen the game's outstanding player but gave Austin an assist. "He won me an MVP," Smith said. "He's one of the quickest guys I've ever seen, and it's just a blessing to have a guy like him

on my team." Austin had 11 receptions, scoring on passes of 8, 27, 3 and 37 yards. "I do know who the fastest kid on the field was," Holgorsen said. "We made a conscious effort to get him the ball a bunch, and whenever we got him the ball, he made things happen." Clemson couldn't keep up with the Big East Conference co-champions, although Andre Ellington did score the game's first points on a 68-yard run. First-team All-Americans Sammy Watkins and Dwayne Allen combined for only seven catches for 87 yards. "We didn't play too good," Watkins said. "We've got the whole next year to get right." Amid the flurry of points, defensive back Cook came up with second-longest play in Orange Bowl history. Clemson was on the verge of taking the lead in the second quarter when Ellington ran up the middle and disappeared into a heap at the 1. A teammate signaled touchdown, but the ball came loose and Cook grabbed it, then took

off with nothing but the end zone in front of him. "Cook was the only one in the stadium who knew the ball was out," teammate Bruce Irvin said. "That was a heads-up play." The potential 14-point swing seemed to deflate the Tigers, who had moved the ball almost at will to that point. "They hadn't really stopped us," Swinney said. "That was huge. Then it snowballed quickly." The Tigers were doomed when quarterback Tajh Boyd committed turnovers on consecutive Clemson plays. After Smith ran 7 yards on a keeper for a 35-20 lead, Pat Miller intercepted Boyd's pass. Smith flipped a 1-yard touchdown pass to Austin and, on the next play a call was overturned, with the replay official determining Boyd had lost a fumble. Alston then ran for a 1yard touchdown with 4 seconds left in the half. "Momentum swung not in our favor, and it was hard to recapture," Boyd said. "West Virginia is a great offense. You can't really get behind them.”

“Piqua had a couple of balloon ascensions, and Captain Munger was on two occasions the man who threw out the ballast and assisted his teammates to get higher in the clouds.” Traditional rival Lima was next on the schedule. “The following is what the Lima Gazette sporting writer thought of yesterday’s game. “In a hit and run game Piqua High school defeated the Lima High school nine yesterday by a score of 10 to 3. “Although Piqua succeeded in getting eight hits off Taylor, the defeat was largely due to the poor support which the local tosser received. “Although the Piquads were a heavier and more experienced bunch, Lima opened the game with three runs in the first inning and for a while everything looked lovely, but a series of infield errors in the third and fourth gave the Miami County lads a lead which the locals could not overcome. “A return game with the Piquads is included in Lima Hi’s schedule, and it is believed that by that time the team will be in condition to hand them a walloping.” It had been a couple of years since Piqua had played Sidney in a baseball contest. “We asked the weather man to be good to us and hand the baseball fans some nice weather so the P.H.S. baseball team could meet the Sidney High team. “Of course the weather man took pity on us, and Thursday and Friday turned out the finest kind of conditions for baseball. “Although it was rather windy and dusty yesterday afternoon, the sun was bright and the diamond was in good condition. “Time and time again a local player would pick up the ball with an opponent within three feet of home and the Piquad would slam the horsehide home with no chance on earth of stopping the run from being scored while with the use of a small amount of baseball sense the home player had a sure out if he had allowed the ball to

travel to the first baseman. “Another favorite play of several of the Piqua players was the nabbing of the horsehide and squeezing it until the seams started to tear while a Sidney player was tearing around the bases. Sidney won the game 10 to 3.” The newspaper report on the Piqua/Troy game was unique if not humorous. “As long as Mr. Perry and his band of twentythree pieces remained at the base ball game which was played between Troy High and Piqua High yesterday afternoon at the local Athletic Park, the Red and Blue players simply played the Trojans off of their feet and up to the first part of the eighth inning the score stood three to one in favor of Piqua. “However, just at the critical moment Mr. Perry found it necessary to leave the field and from then on something was ‘hiding’ in the camp of the enemy. “Captain Landry gathered his men together and their savage hearts were filled with determination to conquer and hate towards their opponents. “No music was now to be had to sooth the savage beast, and it was not long until the Trojan warriors were chasing the Piquads around like a bunch of cattle at a roundup. “The eighth inning found both teams blanked in run getting, but the ninth inning was IT – 7 runs and 6 hits were made by the Troy boys in their half of the inning, while 3 runs and 5 hits were stacked up by our boys in their last efforts to pull the game out of the fire. “No use, as the final score was 8 to 6 in favor of the visitors.” “Yesterday’s affair reminded one of the county fair. There was a band and then some person had a gas engine which he would turn on and the chug chug of the machine sounded like one of those engines which run a half a dozen farming implements placed on the fair grounds for the inspection of the farmer. “Then there was someone shouting, ‘get yer cold lemonade, hot peanuts and popcorn and hurry,

hurry, hurry.’ The Troy rooters were massed in the east section of the grandstand while the admirers of the home boys had the rest of the stand. “Of course there sure was some rival rooting and, for once, the local rooters held their own with the Trojans. “Automobiles made their headquarters along the first base line, and the small boy was there perched upon the fence, ready for the drop to the earth, and a desperate scramble for a good grand stand seat. “Plenty of color was added to the scene by the brilliant colors and pennants of the two schools.” Games with Wapakoneta and Lima were postponed because of inclement weather, and then it was time to play Troy once again. “Yes, it is tough luck for Piqua that our boys wearing the red and blue of P.H.S. could not win from the Troy High baseball team yesterday at Highland Park in Troy. “But remember this, dear readers, Troy did not defeat the High School team representing Piqua. The score is 6 to 6 and the game was called by Umpire Hayes at the end of the seventeenth inning because of darkness. “The ground at Highland Park was in great condition for baseball playing yesterday afternoon and both teams warmed up with plenty of ginger and vim just before the ump called, ‘play ball.’ “The crowd was a record breaker for Troy for this season and the Trojans turned out in full force for the affair. “Piqua was represented by about a dozen rooters. Never in the history of the athletic relations of the two schools has such a contest ever been played as to the number of innings as the game played yesterday. “It was great! Several times both teams had a chance to pull the game on the safe side but something happened. Piqua lost a couple of chances by cutting bases.” The last baseball game of the season was against Steele High School of Dayton.

“No trouble at all was experienced by the Steele High school baseball team in defeating the local High boys yesterday afternoon. “Only one run was pushed over the plate by P.H.S. during the nine innings. however, “Steele, squeezed nine tallies over without much trouble. The two schools were booked for two games, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. “The morning game was called off because of wet grounds. The afternoon game commenced at three o’clock. “Several hundred rooters braved the chill and the damp air for the purpose of witnessing the combat. The game was slow and uninteresting most of the time. “The weather, however, had a hand in the conditions as it was cold and damp. A nice chair near a big blaze was more in order than that of a baseball game.” The lone track and field meet was scheduled to be contested at Steele High School on May 2 but there was a problem. “Oh, yes, you never can tell. Once again the unexpected happened and the dope was all wrong. Few persons could figure out how P.H.S. would defeat Steele High of Dayton in a dual meet. “Steele with its veterans: Rice, Pierce, Whitmore Bernard and several others was picked as an easy winner over the youngsters representing P.H.S. Dayton did not win a first place in the affair held at the Fair Grounds in Dayton Saturday afternoon. Neither did Piqua, but the red and blue won just the same. How? Well, Steele forfeited the meet. Why? Just because the manager of the Dayton High school track team is about the limit. “He failed to appear at the D & T traction office when the local squad of athletes arrived in Dayton. He did not show up until Mr. Bailey was leading the squad around to a place where good things are sold and to cap the climax he did not put in an appearance at the track. “Steele High had a baseball game for the


Edison rolls to victory The Edison Community College women’s basketball team stepped it up in the second half and cruised to a 71-48 win over Wittenberg JVs Thursday night. “We were coming off a long layoff and came out a little sluggish,” Edison coach Kim Rank said. “And Wittenberger was basically double and triple teaming Brianna (Innocent).” Edison took care of the problem in the second half. “We went small with four guards and Bri,” Rank said. “We started penetrating and they couldn’t handle that and Bri.” Innocent had a big game with 26 points. Kendra Brunswick netted 17, Martina Brady added 12 and Kristen Winemiller dished out nine assists. EDISON SCORING Kristen Winemiller 1-1-3, Cori Blackburn 2-1-7, Kendra Brunswick 6-0-17, Mackenzie May 1-0-2, Martina Brady 5-0-12, Lottie Hageman 2-0-4, Brianna Innocent 11-4-26. Totals: 28-6-71. 3-point field goals — Blackburn (2), Brunswick (5), Brady (2).

History Continued from page 13 “ The track is not at the present time in good condition, but men are at work placing several loads of cinders on the race course and before the week is over the cinder path will be in the best kind of condition. “The foundation of the track is hard clay and with the dead grass and weeks removed, some fast time is expected to be made by the runners on the course this year. “Capt. Geyer stated yesterday that two field meets were booked, one with Steele High of Dayton and the other with London, Ohio. He thinks two more will be placed on the list for this year. “Troy High is expected to be the opponents of the Red and Blue in one of the meets. “If the Trojans are booked, P.H.S. meets a tough proposition, as the boys from Troy are counting on one of the best track and field teams ever turned out by their school. “Weight men are worrying Capt. Geyer, as of the present time few men have reported for the shot, hammer and discus events. “However, in a few days a couple of good men will appear for practice and under the coaching of Mr. Bailey, they will soon be tossing the weights an encouraging distance for P.H.S.” Piqua visited Stivers High School in Dayton for their next baseball game. “Fireworks and balloon ascensions were in order at the Highland Park in Dayton yesterday afternoon when the Stivers High school baseball team of that city and the local high school baseball team met upon the diamond for their game. “It was the first time the two teams ever met in any kind of an athletic event, and the members of both teams were anxious to come out victors. “Stivers had the honor, winning the game by the score of 8 to 5 after a hard fight. Many hits and errors made things interesting for the fans, and daring base running on the part of the Stivers boys kept the spectators cheering for a good part of the contest.

same afternoon, and as several of the men of the baseball team were members of the track and field squad, it was decided to have the meet forfeited to P.H.S. “The members of the Steele High track and field squad treated the local team fine. They took the P.H.S. lads as their guests to the Steele baseball game. “One Steele student hit the nail on the head when he spoke of the poor management of the meet. He said, ‘When a good manager is secured he grafts everything, and when an honest man is selected for the management of a team, he has no business ability.’ “Several of the P.H.S. members of the track and field squad made the trip out to Simm’s Station, and witnessed several flights of the Wrights in their aeroplane. “Three flights were made during the time the Piquads remained at the station.” The Call summarized the season. “The local baseball team did not have a successful season this year, only winning two out of seven games. Lima H.S. and Wapakoneta High were the two teams that had the pleasure of tasting the bitter pill of defeat. “As the season is over the batting records of the different players on the local school team are completed and ready for publication. “Munger carries off the batting honors with an average of .351. P.H.S. was very weak at the bat this year and several games were lost because of weak stick work. “A batting average of .165 is not speaking well for the batters of any team having such an average. Never in the history of the school has such a weak hitting team been turned out at P.H.S.” Editor’s Note: Duane Bachman is a retired superintendent of Piqua City Schools and personality for WPTW Radio. His column will appear every other Friday. Much of the information in these columns came from The Piqua Daily Call and Piqua Leader Dispatch.



Friday, January 6, 2012


Holmgren sees reason for optimism Promises Browns will turn it around BEREA (AP) — After more than hour of tackling the Browns' miserable season and stating he'll stay with a plan to fix a franchise stuck in a perpetual losing pattern, team president Mike Holmgren delivered a message to Cleveland's tortured fans. Holmgren understands their pain, and he again asked for their patience. One day, he promised, the Browns will prevail. "We are driven," Holmgren said. "We put pressure on ourselves to do the right things and get this thing going in the right direction. The next couple years are very important in determining how this is going to go. I'm a little upset with our record, but I'm not discouraged. "There's a lot of hope." Holmgren and general manager Tom Heckert spent 70 minutes in front of the media on Thursday reviewing a 2011 season that ended like so many previous ones for the Browns, who went 4-12 in coach Pat Shurmur's tumultuous first year and

are the only team in the AFC North not in the playoffs. The Browns' top brass did little to clarify the team's muddled quarterback situation with Colt McCoy or if they want to re-sign running back Peyton Hillis following his drama-filled season. Holmgren said he's "ticked off" by the losing and didn't offer any excuses for a strange season in which he anticipated the Browns' record being a lot closer to .500. And, just because the Browns had one of the league's worst marks, Holmgren won't do radical to anything change it. "We're going to stay the course," he said. "We're going to do it a certain way. I have an owner who supports us that way. He's been a man of his word with me. He wants to do it. I'm going to do it this way, and that's the difference. The growing pains are difficult. "We know what we have to fix. But we're not going to blow it up and start all over." The Browns have gone 9-23 — 1-11 in the division — since Holmgren

was hired by owner Randy Lerner. Holmgren was in a good mood and not as combative as he was during a news conference three weeks ago, when he chastised reporters while the Browns were being criticized and under NFL scrutiny for sending McCoy back into a game at Pittsburgh after he suffered a concussion. Holmgren used the season-ending news conference to strongly support Shurmur, who came under fire for many moves this season. Running Shurmur's West Coast system, the Browns scored just 218 points — they failed to score a touchdown in five games — and finished ranked 29th overall in offense There was little improvement from last year, but Holmgren didn't place any of the blame on his coach. Holmgren believes Shurmur is the right coach for Cleveland. "I have the utmost confidence in Pat to get this done," Holmgren said. "No one's on the hot seat. We understand what we're doing, what we're trying to

do, understand what happened on the field. We have a good coach, and we have a good coaching staff. You don't get to where you want to get to by blowing it up every two or three years. "You work through the bumps together. You hang in there. You get smarter. You get better players. We're gonna hang in there together and we're gonna get this done. We will get it done." Cleveland's most pressing issue is at quarterback. It's been that way for years. McCoy was handed the starting job before his second season, with the Browns hoping he would develop into the franchise QB Holmgren knows is essential to win a Super Bowl. Without many playmakers and little running game, McCoy was inconsistent, going 4-9 before missing the final three games with a concussion. Holmgren was asked if McCoy is the "guy." "He can be," Holmgren said. "But I'm not ready to say that yet. He played and he did some very fine things and he played

young at times. Was I pleased? Yeah, in a lot of the stuff he did. My opinion of Colt has not changed. “I think he has a lot of intangibles. I'm not ready to anoint Colt yet. Have I changed my mind? No. Do I love him? Yes, I do. But I love (backup) Seneca Wallace. "Having said that, heck, we don't know what's going to happen." Holmgren repeated Shurmur's position that McCoy will have to compete for a job in training camp. If McCoy doesn't pan out, it's possible the Browns may look for a QB in free agency. Green Bay backup Matt Flynn could be on the market, but Holmgren was careful not to mention Flynn, who threw six TD passes in the season finale Sunday, by name. "You're referencing the young man at what the Packers?" Holmgren said with a smile. Heckert, who prefers to build with draft picks, did not rule out the possibility of exploring free agency for a quarterback. "That's probably not the

way we're going to do it," Heckert said. "You never know. “It's still early. There are a few guys in the league who have started and will be free agents. We're going to look at them and see how that goes. We'll evaluate everybody. We do it every year. We'll study them all." As for Hillis, Holmgren and Heckert avoided questions about the bulldozing back, who was a distraction and injured after rushing for nearly 1,200 yards last season. The Browns currently have the No. 4 overall pick in April's draft and two more in the top 37, selections they hope will hasten their turnaround. Last year, Heckert boldly traded the No. 6 pick to Atlanta for multiple picks, and Holmgren could see the Browns being active again. "We'd like to use our picks. But that will not prevent my car salesman friend here from wheeling and dealing during the draft," Holmgren said. "Anything's a possibility. But philosophically we need the picks to keep filling in the roster."

Dalton back to practice Recovering from flu CINCINNATI (AP) — Wearing his bright orange No. 14 jersey, quarterback Andy Dalton carefully threw spirals on a sunny, 40-degree afternoon Thursday, getting back into football after one nasty day of recovering from the flu. He had a little catching up to do. Dalton came down with the flu on Wednesday morning, forcing him to miss an important practice for a playoff game in Houston only three days away. He went to a hospital for treatment to help him recover quickly, and was back at Paul Brown Stadium on Thursday morning. He still looked a little ragged. "I saw him this morning," cornerback Leon Hall said. "I gave him a hard time about how he looked. He didn't look himself, to say the least." Dalton said he was able to eat a little before his limited practice on Thursday. The weather was much better than earlier in the week, when there were wind chills in the teens. The Bengals don't have a covered practice field. "It was a tough day yesterday, but I feel a lot better than I did," he said. Dalton watched tape of the practice that he missed to get up to speed on the game plan. He took it easy while warming up during the first half-hour of practice that was open to the media. "I can't try to do too much," Dalton said. "I've watched the film and I know what's going on. Obviously I would have liked to have practiced yesterday, but it didn't happen." Coach Marvin Lewis declined to say how much the rookie was able to do in practice. He thought Dalton was up to date on the offensive plan. "He's fine," Lewis said. "He'll go through the video. He's already been through it (from Wednesday). It's not a big deal." The Bengals are trying to get their first playoff win since the 1990 season, when they beat the Hous-

ton Oilers. They've made the playoffs only three times in the last 21 years, losing their opening games in 2005 and 2009. It'll be Dalton's second time seeing the Texans defense. Houston came to Paul Brown Stadium on Dec. 11 and clinched the AFC South title with a 2019 win behind rookie quarterback T.J. Yates' last-minute drive. One of the intriguing matchups in that game involved Bengals rookie receiver A.J. Green and Texans cornerback Johnathan Joseph, both of whom have been voted to the Pro Bowl. Joseph left the Bengals after last season's 4-12 finish, in part because he felt he had a better chance at making the playoffs with Houston. Green had five catches for only 59 yards, including a 36-yarder off a pass basically thrown up for grabs. "I think the first game they had a good battle," Hall said. "I have a lot of experience with J-Jo and know what he can do, and A.J. has come in here and done a lot of great things. He pretty much catches everything. Anytime you can watch two Pro Bowl players go at it, it is fun to watch." Dalton is glad he's facing a defense that he saw only a month ago instead of playing a team for the first time. "Anytime you get to play a team twice, you have a feel for what they do and how they play," Dalton said. "So, it's nice going into the first playoff game against a team we've played before." Notes: DT Geno Atkins (Achilles) and DE Frostee Rucker (shoulder) also were limited in practice on Thursday. ... Lewis declined to comment on a report that Jacksonville is interested in offensive coordinator Jay Gruden as a head coaching candidate. ... Hall tore his left Achilles tendon in midNovember and is doing rehabilitation at Paul Brown Stadium. He's limited to stretching the Achilles and riding a stationary bicycle.


Andy Dalton was back on the practice field Thursday for the Cincinnati Bengals.

Bengals Continued from page 13 to be a part of it." The Bengals (9-7) are back in the postseason for the third time in seven seasons, but they haven't advanced in 20 years. The 10-year-old Texans (10-6) are making their postseason debut, and will end the longest playoff drought of any expansion team from its inception into the league. "This game can't come soon enough," Houston linebacker Brian Cushing said. "The atmosphere is going to be wild, so we're just extremely thrilled about this opportunity." Cincinnati's last playoff victory came against Houston, albeit the Oilers, a 41-14 victory at Riverfront Stadium. The Bengals lost to the L.A. Raiders the following week, and they've lost two playoff games at home since, after the 2005 and '09 seasons. The current players haven't given a second thought to the past failures. "We don't really think about it," said left tackle Andrew Whitworth, finishing his sixth season. "We have some young guys on this team. I promise you some of them have no clue about that." At least Cincinnati has some playoff history.

The city of Houston has waited 18 years to even see the local team play in a postseason game. The Oilers' last playoff appearance followed the 1993 season, a loss to Joe Montana and the Kansas City Chiefs. The land where Reliant Stadium now stands was just a parking lot back then, Houston coach Gary Kubiak was an assistant at Texas A&M and Yates was 6 years old. "Just to think of how far we've come and to be working this week," Kubiak said, "be putting in a game plan and going in those meetings and getting ready to line up, that's what we came here to do, so let's go do it. We're looking forward to it." Andre Johnson may be as eager as anyone. The star receiver and face of the Houston franchise has languished through the litany of losses since the team drafted him third overall in 2003. He stayed loyal to the Texans, though, signing a contract extension in August 2010 that will keep him here through the 2016 season. Johnson has been hobbled by hamstring injuries most of this season, but

he's healthy again just in time for the most important game of his pro career. "You know, I always said that I wanted to be a part to help this organization get to their first playoff appearance and hopefully win their first Super Bowl," he said. "I didn't think it would take this long, but we're here now." And now it's in the hands of two 20-somethings with zero postseason experience to determine which team moves on. Will it be Dalton, the second-round draft pick who grew up in a Houston suburb? Or Yates, the onetime third-stringer pressed into action after season-ending injuries to Matt Schaub (right Lisfranc fracture) and backup Matt Leinart (broken left collarbone)? "I don't think either one of the young guys has really gone out there and acted like they're rookies," Cincinnati coach Marvin Lewis said. "So, I think that in the case of both players, they're kind of a little bit ahead of their time. “The focus has got to be on how they prepare and how the rest of the guys play up to these guys' abil-

ity." Dalton, who grew up in nearby Katy, has thrown five touchdown passes and only one interception in the last six games. He missed Wednesday's practice with flu-like symptoms, but said Thursday that he's ready to go. Yates, meanwhile, played only one series in last week's loss to Tennessee after bruising his left shoulder. He's practiced all week and both he and Kubiak have downplayed the severity of the injury. The fifth-round pick became an instant star around town after rallying the Texans to a 20-19 win over the Bengals on Dec. 11, with Johnson sidelined. Cincinnati blew a 13point lead, after Houston's second-ranked defense allowed only 106 yards in the second half. "There were a lot of plays that, had we done it differently or had it turned out differently, you have an opportunity to win the football game," Lewis said. "We don't get to start back at that point and reverse time. We're going to have to go back and put our heads down and go to work and chop wood just like we did last time."



Friday, January 6, 2012



Stiefel competes in ‘Rumble’ Piqua driver fifth in final race of 2011


Piqua cheerleaders (left to right) Allison Comstock, Carrie Lathman and Sierra Iddings are shown with the medals they won at the GWOC competition.

Cheerleaders receive honors Comstock named All-GWOC The Piqua Cheerleaders competed recently at the GWOC competition held at Kettering Fairmont High School. Cheerleaders from all of the schools in the conference competed at the day long event in three divisions including Junior High, JV, and Varsity. Cheerleaders Piqua’s placed in the top five in the GWOC North in every division. In addition to the team competition, the first and second team all-conference selections were also announced at the conclusion of the competition. This year, Piqua had two varsity cheerleaders

named to second team allconference. They were Sierra Iddings — varsity football cheerleader (captain) and Carrie Latham — varsity football and varsity basketball cheerleader (captain). One Piqua varsity cheerleader was also named to the first team all- conference. That was Allison Comstock — varsity football cheerleader (captain) and varsity basketball cheerleader. The varsity competition team qualified and will compete at regionals at the beginning of February.

FORT WAYNE — Becca Stiefel of Stif Racing traveled to Fort Wayne to participate in the Rumble in Fort Wayne on Dec. 30 and 31 in her 600cc mini sprint. On day one Stiefel would qualify her Dick's Paint and Body Shop, Automotive Armature Works, Mertz, AMSOIL-Doug Richard Donnelly, Aesthetic Finishers, Colors by Barr, Mark Knupp Muffler and Tire, JandT Photos, QS Components, Spiker Racing Products, Ham Signs, Terry's Service Station sponsored mini sprint with the fifth fastest lap and find herself stating on the inside of row three for the heat race. In a heat race that would go green to checkered Stiefel would find little to work with and settle for sixth. However, this would be to her advantage as the inversion would end up as six, putting her on the pole for the feature. Stiefel would bring the field of mini sprints to the green flag and jump out to an early lead which she would hold onto for several laps before making contact with the inside barrier tires and dropping back a few spots. Stiefel, who later would find damage from that hit would fight the damage to come home fifth for her first race indoors on concrete. On day two, Stiefel would look to improve now that repairs had been made to the car she again would qualify fifth fastest however would be quicker than the lap she ran the first night. Again she would bring


Becca Stiefel heads up the track at the Fort Wayne Rumble recently. her 600cc mini sprint to the green flag in the 5th starting spot and would find another clean heat race and she would come to the checkers this time in fourth. Improving her heat race position from day one would be a good feeling. However, with the inversion, she now would be starting on the outside of row one for the feature, not the place to be indoors. She would find the bottom after one lap however would be running seventh and on a one-sixth mile track laps, go quick so she had no time to wait. By the half way point she was running fourth and looking to move forward until a spinning car off turn two would cause her to check up and lose two spots when no caution would come out.

With just a few laps remaining, Stiefel would make it back up to fifth place. “I'm happy with what I accomplished here this weekend, this was my first time on concrete and I was running a 600cc car and all the others were 1000cc cars so we were a little handicapped but they knew I was here and we showed them what we can do,” Stiefel said after the event. “Those tires on the inside are like big magnets and I got into one on day onr, I wish I'd ahve that lap over again to see what I had for them out front but can't change it. “To come to my first indoor event and put myself in a position to sit on the front row both nights and have two top 5's is nothing to hang my head about. “I have been wanting to

run here for a long time and when they added the mini sprints to the program we brought out my 600cc car, which is what I first drove when I moved into the mini sprint four years ago. “We currently are going thru my 1000cc car which is why I didn't have it here. I want to thank all my sponsors from 2011 and especially those that stepped up to help us get to this race. “I also want to thank all those people that helped us out with information to get the car ready and rolling on this concrete, it's alot different than the dirt. “Not all my crew could make the trip and I missed having them here but we'll head back and continuing working on stuff for the spring."

Record Book Football

NFL Playoffs NFL Playoff Glance All Times EST Wild-card Playoffs Saturday, Jan. 7 Cincinnati at Houston, 4:30 p.m. Detroit at New Orleans, 8 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 8 Atlanta at New York Giants, 1 p.m. Pittsburgh at Denver, 4:30 p.m. Divisional Playoffs Saturday, Jan. 14 Atlanta, N.Y. Giants or New Orleans at San Francisco, 4:30 p.m. Cincinnati, Pittsburgh or Denver at New England, 8 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 15 Pittsburgh, Denver or Houston at Baltimore, 1 p.m. Detroit, Atlanta or N.Y. Giants at Green Bay, 4:30 p.m. Conference Championships Sunday, Jan. 22 TBD Pro Bowl Sunday, Jan. 29 At Honolulu NFC vs. AFC Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 5 At Indianapolis

Thursday, Dec. 22 MAACO Bowl At Las Vegas Boise State 56, Arizona State 24 Saturday, Dec. 24 Hawaii Bowl At Honolulu Southern Mississippi 24, Nevada 17 Monday, Dec. 26 Independence Bowl At Shreveport, La. Missouri 41, North Carolina 24 Tuesday, Dec. 27 Little Caesars Pizza Bowl At Detroit Purdue 37, Western Michigan 32 Belk Bowl At Charlotte, N.C. North Carolina State 31, Louisville 24 Wednesday, Dec. 28 Military Bowl At Washington Toledo 42, Air Force 41 Holiday Bowl At San Diego Texas (7-5) vs. California (7-5) Thursday, Dec. 29 Champs Sports Bowl At Orlando, Fla. Florida State 18, Notre Dame 14 Alamo Bowl At San Antonio Baylor 67,. Washington 56

Saturday, Jan. 28 Senior Bowl At Mobile, Ala. North vs. South, 4 p.m. (NFLN)

Fight Hunger Bowl At San Francisco Illinois 20, UCLA 14 Chick-fil-A Bowl At Atlanta Auburn 43, Virginia 24

Saturday, Feb. 5 Texas vs. Nation At San Antonio Texas vs. Nation, 2 p.m. (CBSSN)

Monday, Jan. 2 TicketCity Bowl At Dallas Houston 30, Penn State 14 Capital One Bowl At Orlando, Fla. South Carolina 30, Nebraska 13 Outback Bowl At Tampa, Fla. Michigan State (33, Georgia 30, 3 OTs Gator Bowl At Jacksonville, Fla. Florida 24, Ohio State 17 Rose Bowl At Pasadena, Calif. Oregon 45, Wisconsin 38 Fiesta Bowl At Glendale, Ariz. Oklahoma State 41, Stanford 38, OT


NBA Glance

Tuesday, Jan. 3 Sugar Bowl At New Orleans Michigan 23, Virginia Tech 20, OT Wednesday, Jan. 4 Orange Bowl At Miami West Virginia 70, Clemson 33 Friday, Jan. 6

Bowl Glance College Football FBS Bowl Glance Saturday, Dec. 17 New Mexico Bowl At Albuquerque Temple 37, Wyoming 15 Famous Idaho Potato Bowl At Boise, Idaho Ohio 24, Utah State 23 New Orleans Bowl Louisiana-Lafayette 32, San Diego State 30 Tuesday, Dec. 20 Beef 'O' Brady's Bowl At St. Petersburg, Fla. Marshall 20, FIU 10 Wednesday, Dec. 21 Poinsettia Bowl At San Diego TCU 31, Louisiana Tech 24

Friday, Dec. 30 Armed Forces Bowl At Dallas BYU 24, Tulsa 21 Pinstripe Bowl At Bronx, N.Y. Rutgers 27, Iowa State 13 Music City Bowl At Nashville, Tenn. Mississippi State 23, Wake Forest 17 Insight Bowl At Tempe, Ariz. Oklahoma 31, Iowa 14 Saturday, Dec. 31 Meineke Car Care Bowl At Houston Texas A&M 33, Northwestern 22 Sun Bowl At El Paso, Texas Utah 30, Georgia Tech 27, OT Liberty Bowl At Memphis, Tenn. Cincinnati 31, Vanderbilt 24

Welcome to the neighborhood

Cotton Bowl At Arlington, Texas Kansas State (10-2) vs. Arkansas (10-2), 8 p.m. (FOX) Saturday, Jan. 7 BBVA Compass Bowl At Birmingham, Ala. Pittsburgh (6-6) vs. SMU (7-5), Noon (ESPN) Sunday, Jan. 8 GoDaddy.com Bowl At Mobile, Ala. Arkansas State (10-2) vs. Northern Illinois (103), 9 p.m. (ESPN) Monday, Jan. 9 BCS National Championship At New Orleans LSU (13-0) vs. Alabama (11-1), 8:30 p.m. (ESPN) Saturday, Jan. 21 East-West Shrine Classic At St. Petersburg, Fla. East vs. West, TBA, (NFLN)

National Basketball Association All Times EST EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division W L Pct 3 2 .600 Philadelphia Boston 4 3 .571 Toronto 3 3 .500 2 4 .333 New York New Jersey 1 6 .143 Southeast Division L Pct W Miami 6 1 .857 Orlando 5 2 .714 4 2 .667 Atlanta Charlotte 2 4 .333 Washington 0 6 .000 Central Division W L Pct Chicago 6 1 .857 4 2 .667 Indiana Cleveland 3 3 .500 Milwaukee 2 3 .400 2 4 .333 Detroit WESTERN CONFERENCE Southwest Division W L Pct 4 2 .667 San Antonio Memphis 3 3 .500 Dallas 3 4 .429 2 4 .333 Houston New Orleans 2 4 .333 Northwest Division L Pct W Portland 4 1 .800 Denver 5 2 .714 5 2 .714 Oklahoma City Utah 3 3 .500 Minnesota 2 4 .333 Pacific Division W L Pct L.A. Clippers 3 2 .600 L.A. Lakers 4 3 .571 Golden State 2 4 .333 Phoenix 2 4 .333 Sacramento 2 5 .286

GB — — ½ 1½ 3 GB — 1 1½ 3½ 5½ GB — 1½ 2½ 3 3½

GB — 1 1½ 2 2 GB — — — 1½ 2½ GB — — 1½ 1½ 2

Wednesday's Games Toronto 92, Cleveland 77 Orlando 103, Washington 85 Boston 89, New Jersey 70 Chicago 99, Detroit 83 Miami 118, Indiana 83 Charlotte 118, New York 110 Philadelphia 101, New Orleans 93 Memphis 90, Minnesota 86 Dallas 98, Phoenix 89 San Antonio 101, Golden State 95 Denver 110, Sacramento 83 L.A. Clippers 117, Houston 89 Thursday's Games Miami at Atlanta, 8 p.m. Dallas at San Antonio, 8:30 p.m. Milwaukee at Sacramento, 10 p.m. L.A. Lakers at Portland, 10:30 p.m. Friday's Games Atlanta at Charlotte, 7 p.m. New Jersey at Toronto, 7 p.m. New York at Washington, 7 p.m. Detroit at Philadelphia, 7 p.m. Indiana at Boston, 7:30 p.m. Houston at Oklahoma City, 8 p.m. Denver at New Orleans, 8 p.m. Cleveland at Minnesota, 8 p.m. Chicago at Orlando, 8 p.m. Memphis at Utah, 9 p.m. Golden State at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 p.m. Portland at Phoenix, 10:30 p.m.


Brel-Aire Scores Club 523 200 games (Men) — T. Meyer 233, E. Wagner 224, T. Karns 246, D. Divens 224, G. Schwieterman 207-204-238, R. Shirk 237-211, L. Thoma 214-203, D. Selsor 226-208, P. Jenkins 222, A. Kinkle 227, C. Helmer 215, G. Reedy 206, D. Morris 208-226233. 600 series (Men) — T. Karns 602, G. Schwieterman 649, R. Shirk 644, D. Selsor 626, P. Jenkins 605, D. Morris 667. STANDINGS Jet Bowling 80-48 Morris Htg & Cooling 70-58 70-58 Joe Thoma Jewelers Norm & Larry & Tom 70-58 Trent Karns 62-66 62-66 Sidney Tool & Die Three Old Men 55-73 We Hate Bowling 43-85 Club 523 (Scores Only) 200 games (Men) — A. Kinkle 212-221, D. Schutte 202, C. Helmer 204-233, R. Shirk 204-203, D. Morris 204, L. Hess 211, B. Lavey 225-223, T. Karns 214, C. Studebaker 215-202, C. Morris 248. 600 series (Men) — A. Kinkle 625, C. Helmer 614, R. Shirk 602, B. Lavey 601, C. Morris 602.

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