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Wednesday OPINION


Even as an adult, I’m still deathly afraid of needles

Ohio St. scrapped with MSU



October 3, 2012 It’s Where You Live! Volume 104, No. 236



an award-winning Ohio Community Media newspaper


Council discusses projects Construction amongst topics BY NATALIE KNOTH Staff Writer nknoth@tdnpublishing.com

First Lady visits Ohio CINCINNATI (AP) — First lady Michelle Obama has told thousands of supporters in downtown Cincinnati that the November presidential election will be even closer than the one four years ago and that every single vote counts. See Page 4.

After recognizing the new students of the Mayor’s Youth Council, Troy City Council approved all legislation at Monday’s meeting, including moving forward on the North

Market Street Improvement Project and bidding for cleaning the East Lime Sludge Lagoon. The improvement project — which includes Staunton Road to Foss Way/Kirk Lane — is estimated to cost nearly $1.75 million, with more than $145,000 estimated to come from property owners for sidewalk assessments. A

board will be appointed to review any objections from residents. The city will pay for handicap ramps, public storm sewers, pavement improvements, water lines, curbs and intersection improvements. Councilman Alan Clark asked if property owners — particularly business owners — would be noti-

TROY fied of the upcoming construction work. Bobby Phillips, chairman of the buildings, streets and sidewalks committee, said all owners would be notified and that patience is requested in the midst of construction-related inconveniences. Council also approved emergency legislation for an Ohio

Woman sentenced for providing sex, drugs to minors

Blood Drive


BY WILL E SANDERS Staff Writer wsanders@dailycall.com

The Blitz See Friday’s edition of the Troy Daily News for The Blitz, the TDN’s weekly guide to high school football.

CORRECTION In Sunday’s story “Teachers subject to evaluations,” Troy High Schools social studies teacher and Troy City Education Association president Keith Yunker was misquoted in reference to “many of the state’s problematic teachers are mostly found in urban areas.” Yunker’s reference to the urban school districts was that in the attempt to fix the problems that face the large urban districts, the state is mandating reform on all school districts. The Troy Daily News apologizes for this error.

INSIDE TODAY Advice ............................9 Calendar.........................4 Classified......................12 Comics .........................10 Deaths........................6, 7 Larry E. Francis Willmetta Sealock Elva E. Colbert Ralph A. Sullenberger Maurice Hart Margie M. Smith Doris Ann (Muhlenkamp Schafer) Rosalie M. Kerrigan Ralph W. Simmons Morella F. Johnson David G. ‘Skip’ Collins Horoscopes ....................9 Movies ............................2 Opinion ...........................5 Sports......................15-18 TV...................................9

She was charged with providing alcohol and marijuana to juveniles and having sex with minors as young as 13 at her former West Milton apartment last year. On Monday, Frances Cooper, 45, now of Franklin, learned her fate at a sentencing hearing in common pleas court following COOPER her conviction of two felony counts of child endangering. Cooper was given a three-year term of community control sanctions by Judge Christopher Gee after entering two guilty pleas to the pair of fourthdegree felonies. In addition, Gee also handed down a 30-day jail sentence for her crimes, which she was ordered to begin serving immediately. She faced up to three years in prison. Gee told Cooper if she STAFF PHOTO/ANTHONY WEBER violates the terms and conCommunity Blood Center Community Tissue Services blood donation special- ditions of her probation he

ist Susa Seitz assists Megan McKee of Troy with giving blood Monday at the US Bank in Troy. Community Blood Center will be in Piqua at the U.S. Bank Wednesday so that fans can support their favorite team during a blood drive challenge between Troy and Piqua. Following the challenge, U.S. Bank will award $1,000 to be used for supplies to the school who earns the most donations.

Tipp investigation provides more questions than answers BY CECILIA FOX Record Herald Writer ceciliaafox@gmail.com

The results are in from the investigation of the city’s tax department, though the findings may raise more concerns than they settle. A representative of the city’s auditing firm, Larry Weeks of Clark, Schaefer, OUTLOOK Hackett & Co., presented the report during the preToday meeting study session on Chance of rain Monday. High: 75° Low: 53° The investigation was carried out by the city’s auditing firm and Thuday addressed the questions Partly cloudy High: 75° raised in the motion that Low: 53° was passed unanimously at council’s June 18 meeting. Complete weather These questions include: information on Page 11. whether or not the city ever acted on the issue of Home Delivery: Tour Great Miami’s unpaid 335-5634 taxes, if there was any prefClassified Advertising: erential treatment given to (877) 844-8385 Council President John Kessler and his company, if any payments have been made, and if there is any 6 74825 22406 6 need for improvement in

• See COUNCIL on 2

TIPP CITY the tax department. According to the report, there is no indication that Kessler’s company, Tour Great Miami, received any preferential treatment. Based on the available account statements and staff inquiries, the investigators determined that the process used to follow up on Tour Great Miami’s delinquent taxes was no different than for any other account. Additionally, based on the city’s accounting records, two payments were made in 2012 on Tour Great Miami’s taxes. But while the investigation determined that there was no preferential treatment and that payments have been made, the results clearly show that the city has a record keeping problem. “There is an issue with poor record keeping,” City Manager Jon Crusey said. According to the report, in 2008 and 2009 the city’s income tax software print-

ed delinquent tax reports and statements for delinquent accounts, but because the city used the traditional U.S. postal service, there is no way to know if those statements were delivered. Similarly, the 2009, 2010 and 2011 business account tax due reports could not be provided. “We send a two-part statement. The top copy is for the resident to keep, second copy is for the resident to return with their payment. We only print two copies, so they both go out in the mail. We hope to get one of those back with a check attached to it,” Finance Director John Green explained. “They’re sent out via normal U.S. mail; they’re not sent certified. Therefore, while we know they were sent, we cannot prove they were sent.” According to Green, those statements are generated from a past due report. Those reports are

• See TIPP on 2

TROY will sentence her to 17 months in prison. Originally, Cooper was charged with two counts of unlawful sexual conduct involving a minor and five counts of permitting drug abuse, but those charges were either later amended or dismissed. According to her indictment, Cooper committed the offenses between June 1 and Oct. 31, 2011, at her former West Milton residence. Authorities first began investigating Cooper, a mother of six children, after receiving information that was purchasing drugs and alcohol for minors and had “sexual intercourse with a minor under the age of 16 on two separate occasions,” according to a bill of particulars filed in the case. Some of the juveniles involved were “friends of her teenage children,” police said.

Firefighter arrested in dispute at bar BY MELANIE YINGST Staff Writer myingst@tdnpublishing.com

TROY According to the Troy Police Department’s reports, police were called to Fricker’s where several witnesses claimed Covaulted knocked his wife down to the floor of the bar before driving home. Cline tried to restrain Covault and sustained a cut to his lip. Both Cline, his wife and several witnesses said Covault was drunk during the fight. Cline claimed he tried to restrain Covault after he had knocked his wife down. According to Mrs. Covault, she said Covalut was drunk and had insisted driving home. She said he took her purse, removed the keys and began to get up and leave. She claimed that she tried to get her key back and Covault knocked her to the ground. Cline then tried to intervene. Officers at the scene tried to explain the Ohio Domestic Violence law to Mrs. Covault, but refused to press charges. Mrs. Covault made a phone call while at the scene stating, “he (blank) threw me across the floor in front of the floor” and “my tailbone hurts so bad.” Officers

A Troy Fire Department firefighter was charged with disorderly conduct, reduced from a previous charge of domestic violence following an incident at local sports bar on Aug. 2. According to a public records search, Jeffrey Covault, a city of Troy Fire Department since May 1996, was charged with disorderly conduct after he allegedly knocked down his wife, Amy, and his friend John Cline, after they tried to restrain Covault from leaving Fricker’s sports bar on Aug. 2. Troy Fire Department’s Chief Chris Boehringer said Covault was not disciplined in this incident due to statements made at the scene and his wife refusing to press charges. Boehringer said Covault did not miss a day on duty. Boehringer confirmed Covault had prior disciplinary issues following a DUI arrest in June 2011, which was later reduced to a physical control of vehicle while under the influence and was suspended for one 24-hour shift for that inci• See FIREFIGHTER on 2 dent.

For Home Delivery, call 335-5634 • For Classified Advertising, call (877) 844-8385


Wednesday, October 3, 2012



Ohio Lottery results were not available in time for this edition of the Troy Daily News.


BUSINESS ROUNDUP • The Troy Elevator The grain prices listed below are the closing prices of Tuesday. Corn Month ..............Bid ....... Change Oct ..............7.6300.........+0.0150 J/F/M 13......7.6000 .........-0.0025 NC 13 .........5.9100 .........-0.0025 Soybeans Month .............Bid ....... Change Oct ............14.9050 .........-0.2975 J/F/M 13....15.1300 .........-0.2975 NC 13 .......12.5500 .........-0.0425 Wheat Month ..............Bid ....... Change Oct ..............8.4650 .........-0.1275 NC 13 .........8.0900 .........-0.0500 You can find more information online at www.troyelevator.com.

• Stocks of local interest Values reflect closing prices from Tuesday. AA......................8.85...........-0.06 CAG.................27.79......... +0.02 CSCO ..............18.87.......... -0.03 DCX ....................N/A............ N/A DPL.....................N/A............ N/A EMR.................48.03......... +0.10 F ........................9.79.......... -0.14 FITB.................15.46.......... -0.03 FLS................128.05......... +0.21 GM...................23.68......... +0.59 GR ......................N/A............ N/A ITW ..................58.81.......... -0.76 JCP..................23.56.......... -1.02 KMB.................86.37.......... -0.06 KO....................38.34.......... -0.04 KR....................23.69.......... -0.09 LLTC ................33.04......... +0.47 MCD ................90.93.......... -1.06 MSFG ..............12.95.......... -0.02 PEP .................70.62.......... -0.03 PMI .....................N/A............ N/A REY ....................N/A............ N/A SYX .................11.94......... +0.03 TUP .................53.87......... +0.34 USB .................34.08.......... -0.01 VZ ....................45.86......... +0.05 WEN ..................4.28......... +0.03 WMT................73.75.......... -0.30

kept for three different types of accounts: individual accounts, business accounts, and payroll withholding accounts. In most cases the department has the reports that were used to generate delinquent statements for individual and payroll withholding accounts, but does not always have the for business reports accounts in 2009, 2010 and 2011. This does not mean that the city doesn’t know what businesses owed taxes in those years or that the information was unavailable for the investigation, Green said, because that information is in the city’s income tax software. “It’s 2012 now, I can generate a delinquent statement for any account in any year, but I can’t prove that it was done in


’08, ’09 and ’10,” Green said. So while the city can get any records off the computer, they often do not have hard copies unless the recipient mailed back a copy with payment and if the recipient does not mail payment, there’s no proof the statement was ever sent or received. This issue comes up frequently in the report, leading the firm to include several suggestions for better record keeping including having all quarterly delinquent tax reports reviewed and approved by the finance director, maintaining documentation of all collection efforts, sending delinquent notices via certified mail, and using a collection agency. Councilman Mike McDermott called the documentation problems “troubling” and said that

it is an issue that council needs to look into. Councilman Joe Gibson announced his intention to prepare legislation for council to consider. Internet cafes In other business, council discussed an ordinance that will extend for six months the current moratorium on sweepstakes/internet cafes. The moratorium was enacted last November and extended for six months in May of this year. “What are we accomplishing by passing this running concurrently with the state’s moratorium?” Budding said. “For me, I think our direction should actually be putting legislation on how they are going to be regulated.” Since the state has not yet determined how to regulate this type of business, Tipp City should not make any laws regulating them, said Kessler.

Otherwise, the city runs the risk of having those laws invalidated when the state makes a decision. “I look at it that this is a controversial type of there are business, reports that perhaps maybe there’s crime associated with it or other bad things. And if you are going to allow this, then you want to regulate to what extent that you can in advance, rather than letting a moratorium that has been imposed stop lapse,” Gibson and explained. “Then a business comes in and there’s no rules, there’s no boundaries, there’s no guidelines and we have to regulate kind of after the fact.” Since Mayor Dee Gillis and Councilwoman Katelyn Black were absent and Councilman Bryan Budding voted no, the ordinance failed and will be read again at the next meeting.

The council approved two resolutions authorizing the city manager to apply for grants for upcoming construction projects. The first is a $300,000 Public Works Ohio Commission grant for the replacement of a waterline, repairs to the existing sanitary sewer line, installation of a new storm sewer, and asphalt overlay along Westedge from Bowman to Bellaire. The second is a Ohio $344,000 of Department Transportation grant for the County Road 25A/Kessler-Cowlesville resurfacing project. According to Crusey, it is very likely that the city will receive these funds. Assitant City Manager Brad Vath said the results won’t come back until 2013 for the Public Works grant and 2014 for the Transportation grant.

costs, with the city of Troy responsible for the remaining amount. Also approved was the rezoning of 722 Grant St. from light industrial district to office commercial district as well as legislation to amend a section of the codified ordinances to

state that the city is subdivided into six wards, to reflect the number of members of council to be elected. During the audience comments section, Troy resident Lester Conard commented that Troy’s mayor Mike Beamish is

paid significantly more than other mayors, according to a recent news story. He noted that some grant money for projects comes from taxpayers and is not merely free money. “It’s not just something you pick off a tree

— it’s taxpayers’ money,” Conard said. Council then recessed into executive session to discuss negotiations or bargaining sessions pertaining to public employees’ compensation and other employment matters.

Council • CONTINUED FROM A1 Public Works Committee application to receive funding for the North Market/Piqua-Troy Road/Troy-Urbana Road. The OPWC would fund up to 60 percent or $350,000 of construction

Ohio woman accused of faking cancer

Firefighter • CONTINUED FROM A1 offered medical assistance which she also refused. On Aug. 3, officers contacted the municipal prosecutor to review the case where they approve the first degree misdemeanor charge of domestic violence on Covault. A Troy Police officer served Covault with the charges at his home

and taken to the police department for processing before he was released on his own recognizance and transferred back to his home. According to the public records database, in court, Covault plead not guilty to domestic violence on Aug. 3. On Aug. 8, he pled guilty to the reduced charge of disorderly conduct.

TOLEDO (AP) — A woman accused of duping residents of a small town into believing she had cancer took money raised by children who sold bracelets and friends who dyed their hair pink, police said. Just about everyone in the village of North Baltimore had done something to show their support for Kimberlie Gustwiller, who had spent much of her life in the town and began


sporting a pink mohawk after announcing she had cancer, police Chief Allan Baer said. At least several thousand dollars had been raised, he said. devastated, “They’re heartbroken,” he said. “This community was amazing.” Gustwiller, who lives in the nearby village of McComb, was charged with felony theft last week. She was released from jail Monday after posting bond. Her phone has been disconnected, and it’s not clear whether she has an attorney yet. Baer said Gustwiller began telling people in early September that she had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a broad description for a number of blood cancers primarily affecting white blood cells in the

lymph tissue. Groups held bake sales and sold stickers for Gustwiller. Football players put pink stripes on their helmets and hundreds of girls and women had pink streaks painted in their hair in exchange for donations, the police chief said. But after a while, some people began to question her story because some of her answers about the illness seemed evasive, he said. “Some things weren’t adding up,” Baer said. A court order allowed police to look at her medical records, which showed no evidence of cancer or any other illness, he said. Police are still trying to determine how much money was raised by the community about 30 miles south of Toledo.

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John Fulker A book-signing will be held on October 6, 1-3 p.m., at

Jay and Mary’s Book Center, 1201 Experiment Farm Rd., Troy, 335-1167

Long-awaited, but never promised, Cash, Cars, and Kisses is Fulker's fifth book, another trilogy of murders in Miami County, and their unfailingly bizarre circumstances. The stories and their trials date from 1934 to 1959, and include many familiar figures. Fulker, a practicing attorney for nearly 60 years, tells these stories and their sometimes poignant endings, with flair and sharp dialogue. 2323395

Wheat Ridge Olde Thyme Herb Fair and Harvest Celebration Friday, Saturday and Sunday

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817 Tater Ridge Rd. West Union, OH 45693

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Drawing is October 28th Need not be present to win.



• CRUISE IN: Newton’s second annual cruise-in will be held during the 82nd annual Fall Fair. Any vehicle of historical or unique value is welcome to attend. Registration will be free of charge and will begin at 4:30 p.m. The first 50 vehicles registered will receive a dash plaque and a half priced pulled pork meal. Rain or shine. • PORK OR CHICKEN: The AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Post No. 88, 3449 LeFevre Road, Troy, will offer a pulled pork or shredded chicken sandwich with a choice of vegetable or potato soup, or salad bar and dessert beginning at 5:30 p.m.

• PERI MEETING: The Miami County Chapter of Ohio Public Employee Community Retirees will meet at Calendar 11:30 a.m. St. John’s Lutheran Church, 248 Wood St., Piqua. Lunch CONTACT US is $10, payable at the door. Reservations needed no later than Sept. 27 Call Melody by calling Beth at 3352771. A scheduled Vallieu at speaker is an OPERS 440-5265 to representative discussing list your free legislative issues. Any calendar area public employee or items.You public employee retiree is invited to attend. can send • SUPPORT GROUP: your news by e-mail to The Miami-Shelby vallieu@tdnpublishing.com. Ostomy Support Group will meet at 7 p.m. at SATURDAY Conference Room A on the lower level of the Upper Valley Medical Center, 3130 N. • PRAYER BREAKFAST: The Troy County Road 25-A, Troy. The guest Men’s Community Prayer Breakfast will speakers will be nursing students from be offered at 7:30 a.m. at Richards Edison Community College. For more Chapel, West McKaig Avenue, Troy. information, call (937) 440-4706. Harry Jackson’s 94th birthday will be • KIWANIS MEETING: The Kiwanis celebrated with cake and a visit from Club of Troy will meet from noon to 1 Troy Mayor Michael Beamish. p.m. at the Troy Country Club. Chipe • MELODY MEN: The 2012 annual Hare, director of admissions, and Dr. Melody Men Show, “The Church of Thomas Martinez, head basketball What’s Up With That? Revival” will be coach, both of Edison Community offered at 1:30 and 7:30 p.m. in the Troy College, will be the speakers. They will High School auditorium. A quest quarspeak on the new baseball program at tet, Rusty Pipes, the 2012 International the school. For more information, conSeniors Quartet champions, also will tact Donn Craig, vice president, at (937) perform. Tickets are $12 in advance 418-1888. and $15 at the door, students are $5. For tickets, call (937) 667-6750. • CLOTHING GIVEAWAY: Troy THURSDAY Christian Church will offer its annual free closing giveaway from 9 a.m. to • COMMITTEE TO MEET: The Fort noon at the church, 1440 E. State Rowdy Gathering Committee will meet Route 55, Troy. They will have coats, at 7:30 p.m. in the Covington Park. clothing and household linens and • SENIOR LUNCHEON: The A.B. more. For more information, call 335Graham Memorial Center, Conover, will 8731. have its senior luncheon at 11 a.m. The • CREATURE FEATURE: The Virginia program will be “Forgotten Communities” by Doug Christian, retired opossum will be the featured animal from 2-4 p.m. at Brukner Nature Center. county engineer. Lunch will begin at Join staff and volunteers as they disnoon at be $6. Call (937) 368-3700 for cover the purpose behind that hairless reservations. tail and other interesting opossum • WIENER ROAST: The Tipp City adaptations. Seniors will host a wiener roast at noon • SPAGHETTI DINNER: The Troy Post at the Roundhouse at City Park, Tipp No. 43 baseball will offer an all-youCity. Participants are asked to bring can-eat spaghetti dinner from 3:30-7 table service, a covered dish to share p.m. at 622 S. Market St., Troy. The and beverage. meal also will include salad bar, rolls, • HISTORIAN TO SPEAK: Scott dessert and soft drink or coffee. Meals Trostel, historian and transportation, will be $6.75 for adults and $4 for chilspecialist will be at the Milton-Union Public Library. He will speak from 6:30-8 dren under 12. • FREE CONCERT: Big Daddy p.m. about the early railroads through Weave, one of the top 10 most played Miami County. artists at Christian radio, will perform a • CLUB MEETING: The Brukner free concert at 6:30 p.m. at the Fort Nature Gem Club will meet at 7 p.m. at Rowdy Gathering in Covington Brukner Nature Center. Terry Huizing, Community Park. For more information, adjunct curator of geology at the visit www.BigDaddyWeave.com. University of Cincinnati Museum will • RIB DINNER: The Pleasant Hill speak on “Field Trip and Fireworks,” VFW Post No. 6557, 7578 W. Fenner regarding a recent geology trip to Road, Ludlow Falls, will offer countryPoland. style barbecue ribs, macaroni and • KNIGHTS OF THE BLIND: The famous speech by Helen Keller inspiring cheese and a vegetable for $9 from 5 7 p.m. the Lions clubs to be the “knights of the • PANCAKE BREAKFAST: The blind” will be re-enacted by Jackie Pleasant Hill United Church of Christ Christensen of Canal Winchester at will hold a pancake and sausage breakBrukner Nature Center. Doors will open fast from 8-11 a.m. The cost is $4 for at 6:30 p.m. and the speech will begin the standard adult breakfast of panat 7 p.m. The event is sponsored jointly cakes, sausage, juice and coffee, tea or by the Piqua Lions Club and the Troy milk. Meals are all the pancakes you Lions Club. For more information, call can eat and free drink refills. A deluxe Diane Miller at (937) 606-2259. breakfast is available for $5 and • PORK CHOPS: The Clifford includes scrambled eggs. Children’s Thompson Post No. 43, 622 S. Market portions are also served. Call (937) St., will offer a marinated grilled pork 676-3193 for more information. chop dinner from 5-7:30 p.m. for $8. • QUILT EXHIBIT: An Amish quilt The dinner will include the pork chop, exhibit will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 homemade macaroni and cheese and p.m. and Sunday from 1-5 p.m. at green beans. Aullwood, 1000 Aullwood Road, Dayton. • DISCOVERY WALK: A morning disThe exhibit will feature more than 100 covery walk for adults will be from 8quilts and wall hangings reflecting the 9:30 a.m. at Aullwood Audubon Center, examples of Amish workmanship. 1000 Aullwood Road, Dayton. Tom Hissong, education coordinator, will lead walkers as they experience the wonderful seasonal changes taking place. Bring binoculars.

FRIDAY-SATURDAY • GARAGE SALE: The Tipp City Seniors, 320 S. First St., will have a garage and craft sale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

FRIDAY • CHICKEN FRY: The Pleasant Hill VFW Post No. 6557, 7578 W. Fenner Road, Ludlow Falls, will offer a threepiece chicken dinner with french fries and macaroni salad for $7 from 6-8 p.m. Chicken livers also will be available. • FALL FAIR: Newton’s 82nd annual Fall Fair will be begin at 4:30 p.m. and will include a pork dinner, tractor display, cruise in, petting zoo and more. There will be a pulled pork dinner beginning at 5 p.m. in the school cafeteria offered for $7, and children’s meals will be $5. The Newton High School Marching Band will perform its contest show “The Game of Life” at 6 p.m.

October 3, 2012

PIQUA — Finding the right school can be like putting together the pieces of a puzzle. Things like size, location and cost are all elements that can have a major impact on a student’s decision for where they will attend college and how successful they will ultimately be. Edison Community College will again be helping students and their parents with this monumental decision, by hosting the annual College Fair on Tuesday, Oct. 9, from 12:30-2 p.m. in the Convocation Center of the Piqua Campus. Nearly 50 colleges and universities from Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Michigan will be on Edison’s campus to talk with students, parents and guidance counselors about opportunities in higher education. Advisers and representatives will be able to address questions regarding courses, tuition, job placement rates for majors, accreditation and the transfer process, and more. “The annual college fair is a great way for students and parents to come in and get a good, wellrounded look at what colleges and universities have to offer,” said Teresa Roth, director of admissions for Edison. “To have so many great institutions coming to one location here

VISITING COLLEGES A complete listing of the colleges attending Edison’s 2012 College Fair: · Ball State University · Bluffton University · Bowling Green State University · Capital University · Cincinnati Christian University · Cleveland State University · College of Mount Saint Joseph · Defiance College · Eastern Michigan University · FIDM/ Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising · Heidelberg University · Hiram College · Hocking College · Indiana Tech · Indiana University — Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) · Johnson and Wales · Kettering College of Medical Arts · Malone College · Miami University · Miami University — Middletown · Muskingum University · Northern Kentucky University · Ohio Dominican University

· Ohio Northern University · The Ohio State University · The Ohio State University ATI · Ohio University · School of Advertising Art · Shawnee State University · Thiel University · Trine University · University of Cincinnati · University of Cincinnati, College of Engineering and Applied Science · University of Dayton Army ROTC · University of Indianapolis · University of Kentucky · University of Northwestern Ohio · University of Saint Francis · University of Toledo · Urbana University · Ursuline College · Walsh University · Wheeling Jesuit University · Wilmington College · Wright State University College of Engineering & Computer Science · Wright State University — Lake Campus

on campus is a huge benefit for Edison’s students and to all of our area high schools as well.” Edison Community College is a fully accredited two-year institution that

offers more than 30 associate’s degrees and one-year certificate programs designed to transfer to fouryear colleges and universities or help launch a professional career.

SUNDAY • FALL FESTIVAL: The Hook PTO Fall Festival will be from 12:30-3:30 p.m. at Hook Elementary School, 749 Trade Square West, Troy. The event will include food and games for all ages, pony rides, Jumpy’s, the “Soak A Teacher” game, pumpkin patch, face painting, bingo, cake walk and more. • OLD BARNS, CARS: An event, “Old Barns and Old Cars” will be offered from 1-4 p.m. at the Miami County Bicentennial Barn, 4080 State Route 48, West Milton. This is an opportunity for residents to visit the Miami County Bicentennial Barn and also see some interesting old cars found in the community. For more information, visit www.ohiobarnsurvey.org. • LIFE CHAIN: Miami County Right to Life will have its annual Life Chain from 2-3 p.m. The chain will form near the Miami County Courthouse and spread out along Main Street. • BREAKFAST SET: Breakfast will be offered at the Pleasant Hill VFW Post No. 6557, 7578 W. Fenner Road, Ludlow Falls, from 8-11 a.m. They are made-to-order breakfasts and everything is ala carte.



3 Edison to host College Fair




Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Foundation recaps 2012 grants TROY — A recap of the first two quarters of grants awarded by the Distribution Committee of The Troy Foundation of which 51 applications were reviewed and 45 organizations were awarded a total of $288,570.73. Awarded in March 2012 • City of Troy — $10,000 to assist in the 2012 Independence Day fireworks • FISH of Troy — $2,000 in support of the fuel for FISH program • Girls on the Run of Dayton — $2,200 to assist in the spring 2012 season • St. Patrick Catholic School — $19,300 for a security system for the school and parish • St. Vincent DePaul Society — $2,000 in support of helping the needy in Troy

• T.L. Baseball Boosters Inc. — $1,850.40 to purchase outfield fence at Duke Park • Troy Area Chamber of Commerce - $3,500 support of Teen Leadership of Troy • Troy Christian Schools — $9,333 for the purchase of three SMART boards • Troy Civic Band — $6,500 in support of 2012 Summer Concert season • Troy Dollars for Scholars — $5,000 in support of two-year school scholarships • Troy Main Street — $1,432 in support of the 2012 Downtown Flower Planter Program • Troy Police Department — $600 in support for Van Cleve Sixth Grade Washington, D.C. trip • Troy Police

Department — $12,000 to assist in the accessories for D.A.R.E. vehicle • Troy REC — $2,000 in support of the 2012 Summer Lunch Buddies • WACO Historical Society — $6,000 in support of the Learning Center Aviation Lab • Hospice of Miami County Inc. — $20,000 to assist in the purchase of new software • Miami County Agricultural Society — $9,000 for the 2012 Miami County Fair Concert • Miami County Educational Service Center — $1,300 in support of the 2012 banquet • Miami County Junior Fair — $3,000 in support of the 2012 Junior Fair • Miami County Park District — $5,500 in support of the 2012 Farm Fest Music Venue

Awarded in June 2012 • First United Methodist Church — $2,500 Hope for the 21st Century Speaker Series • Lincoln Community Center — $3,189.96 for building improvements • Mayor’s Troy International Council — $6,500 for Festival of Nations School of Urban Studies • Idea Factory — $3,000 for Young Woman Match Grant • St. Patrick Catholic School — $10,000 for updates for 21st Century School • The King Team — $1,000 for Martin Luther King Jr. celebrations • Troy City Schools — Hook — $1,567.26 for SRA Mathematics Laboratory Kits • Troy City Schools —

Kyle — $8,000 for OhioReads Program • Troy City Schools — Van Cleve — $4,276 Kids go to College • Troy Literacy Council Inc. — $350 Beginning English Educational Materials • Troy Lunch Club — $1,000 Enhance Summer Programming • Troy Main Street Inc. — $47,000 Sculptures on the Square 2013 • Troy Museum Corp. — $20,000.00 for museum building repair • Troy Skating Club — $2,000 for Grassroots to Champions Seminar • Troy-Hayner Cultural Center — $4,547.99 for technology upgrades • Americorps for Entrepreneurial Success — $700 Miami County Social Enterprise Clifford Thompson Post

43 American Legion — $1,000 Miami County Veterans Project Miami County Children’s Services — $4000 for school supplies for area children • Miami County Visitors Bureau — $2,000 Community Wide Band Print Project • Miami East Local Schools — $2,000 for Rachel’s Legacy Program • Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra — $19,600 for Orchestra Discoveries for Troy Schools • Honor Flight Dayton Inc. — $10,851.12 for The Troy Foundation Flight Indian Hills 4-H Camp — $1,700 for renovation and movement of Cabin 2 Grants were awarded from The Troy Foundation General Fund, DunganHollinger Fund and the Lafferty Family Fund.

Seeking support

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First lady Michelle Obama shakes hands with supporters after speaking on the first day of early voting Tuesday in Cincinnati.

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First lady visits Ohio

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CINCINNATI (AP) — First lady Michelle Obama has told thousands of supporters in downtown Cincinnati that the November presidential election will be even closer than the one four years ago and that every single vote counts. Speaking in downtown

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The crowd of more than 3,000 roared with excitement throughout Obama’s speech, waving American flags and chanting, “Fired up! Ready to vote!” and “Four more years!” No candidate has won without Ohio’s electoral votes since John F. Kennedy in 1960.

Ohio college enrollment declining

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Cincinnati’s convention center on the first day of early voting in the key swing state on Tuesday, Obama reminded the crowd that her husband won Ohio four years ago with just 262,000 votes. She says that breaks down to 24 votes per precinct and urged them to get to the polls.

DAYTON (AP) — College enrollment in Ohio is dropping. A preliminary report released by the Ohio Board of Regents Monday shows that enrollment has dropped 5.9 percent since last year. The decline of more than 31,000 students at the state’s 61 public universities and colleges was expected, but it still hurt some financially and forced the layoff of 23 people at one community college. The Dayton Daily News

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reports that the enrollment decline is attributed to a record number of students graduating last year ahead of the semester conversion at 17 institutions. Also to blame are changes to federal financial aid that mean fewer students are eligible, and an economy that has some choosing to go to work instead of school. It’s the second consecutive year enrollment has dipped. The Ohio Board of Regents 15-day headcount shows that enrollment at university main campuses is down about 1 percent from 2011. It’s down 4.24 percent at university regional campuses, and 13

percent at the state’s community colleges. “After several consecutive years of robust gains in enrollment for many area colleges and universities, this type of leveling off is to be expected, especially as the economy improves and students put their degrees and training to work,” said Sean Creighton, executive director for the Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education. A total of 507,425 students are enrolled in college in Ohio this fall, according to the report. That includes 280,728 on main campuses, 49,737 at regional campuses and 176,960 at community colleges.


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Contact us David Fong is the executive editor of the Troy Daily News. You can reach him at 440-5228 or send him e-mail at fong@tdn publishing.com.

XXXday,3,XX, 2010 Wednesday, October 2012 •5


In Our View


Troy Daily News Editorial Board FRANK BEESON / Group Publisher DAVID FONG / Executive Editor

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” — First Amendment, U.S. Constitution


Candidates’ deficit plans don’t add up WASHINGTON (AP) — Here’s the rap on the presidential candidates’ plans for cutting federal deficits: Mitt Romney’s is too bold and the numbers don’t add up, while President Barack Obama’s is too timid and his numbers don’t add up, either. As the government closed the books Sunday with a $1.1 trillion deficit for the year, which required borrowing 32 cents for every dollar it spent, budget analysts have little confidence in either man’s plan to address the accumulating debt, now at about $16 trillion. The Republican nominee promises to balance the budget in eight years to 10 years, but he also offers a mix of budgetary contradictions: higher Pentagon spending, restoring cuts that Democrats made in Medicare and an absolute refusal to consider tax increases. To fulfill his promise, Romney would require cuts to other programs so deep under one calculation requiring cutting many areas of the domestic budget by one-third within four years that they could never get through Congress. In other words, it wouldn’t work. Obama claims more than $4 trillion in deficit savings over the coming decade. But it you peel away accounting tricks and debatable claims on spending cuts, it’s more like $1.1 trillion. Republicans say it’s even less because of creative bookkeeping used to mask spending on Medicare reimbursements to doctors. The accounting gets tricky, but the biggest faults with Obama’s math are his claims of more than $2 trillion in savings from earlier budget deals with Republicans and an additional $848 billion in savings from winding down of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. “You can’t find a $4 trillion number,” said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a conservative who once led the Congressional Budget Office. Obama promises relatively small cuts of $597 billion from big federal benefit programs such as Medicare and Medicaid over the next decade while proposing tax increases of $1.9 trillion that he couldn’t push through Congress when Democrats controlled both the House and Senate. Obama’s performance on the deficit should be his Achilles heel. The deficit has exceeded $1 trillion each year on his watch. He gave a cold shoulder to his own special deficit commission. Whatever efforts have occurred over the past two years to curb the deficit have come under pressure by Republicans. “The American people see the financial chaos. They know it must stop. They know their families are at risk, and that their country is in danger,” Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., said in a recent GOP radio address. “Yet the president does not rally the country to action. Instead, he says our debt course is nothing to worry about.” Romney offers a set of principles and promises rather than a detailed plan. He pledges to shrink the government to 20 percent of the size of the economy, as opposed to more than 23 percent of gross domestic product now, by the end of his first term. The Romney campaign estimates that would require cuts of $500 billion from the 2016 budget alone. Romney proposes saving hundreds of billions of dollars over the coming decade by following House Republicans’ plan to sharply cut federal spending on Medicaid health care for the poor and disabled, and turn it over to state governments. He pledges to cut the federal workforce by 10 percent. But Romney also promises large budget increases for the Pentagon and rejects a plan by his running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., that endorses more than $700 billion in cuts to Medicare that were made as part of Obama’s health care law. Social Security is off the table. That means big cuts to what’s left over: nuts-and-bolts government agencies including the FBI, Federal Aviation Administration and Border Patrol; programs such as food inspection and space exploration; and popular subsidy and benefit programs for farmers, veterans and college students. The liberal-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities calculates that Romney’s budget outline could require a one-third cut in domestic programs by 2016, excluding Social Security and Medicare, to make the math work. By 2022, such programs would have to be cut by more than half.

EDITORIAL ROUNDUP China Daily, Beijing, on United States playing dual role: Any discerning person can see the motive behind the joint drill between Japan’s Ground Self-Defense Force and the U.S. Marine Corps in Guam on a recent Saturday. It was the first exercise of its kind, held purportedly to enhance the two countries’ capabilities to defend remote islands from “foreign assault.” Tension between China and Japan had mounted further on Friday night as scores of Japanese policemen landed on China’s Diaoyu Islands. But instead of taking steps to defuse the tension, Japan started the joint drill, which GSDF claimed was not aimed at any specific island or third country. As early as 2005, Japan’s

Defense Agency had prepared a plan to defend the remote islands south of Kyushu and Okinawa against a possible “invasion” from China. … The Diaoyu Islands dispute is a delicate issue, and the U.S. is responsible for creating it. First, it wrongly grouped them with Ryukyu Islands (known as Okinawa today) to take over their administration in 1951. Second, it handed them over to Japan, rather than China, in 1972. Now that it has become a covert part to the Diaoyu Islands dispute, it has the chance of absolving itself by playing a constructive role to resolve it. But it seems it is interested only in making the issue thornier. The U.S. began test-flying MV-22 Ospreys in Okinawa on

Sept 21. Since the Japanese see the airplane-helicopter hybrid as crucial leverage in a territorial dispute with China, the U.S. is encouraging Japan to stay away from a peaceful, negotiated settlement of the issue. During his recent visit to China, U.S. Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta reiterated that Washington would not take sides in territorial disputes in the region. But while in Japan, which he visited before China, he said the U.S.-Japan security treaty also covered the Diaoyu Islands. The U.S. pivot to Asia and the rebalancing of its armed forces are aimed at just one thing: containing China’s rise. We hope Washington is not running with the hare and hunting with the hounds.


Even as an adult, I’m still deathly afraid of needles Recently I needed to get a flu shot. An acquaintance needed one too (we volunteer together), so off we went to fulfill this seemingly minute requirement. No big deal, right? I should have known better. The nurse asked if I was alright to stand while she administered the vaccine. I said “sure,” trying not to look like a big wuss in front of one of my peers. Midway through, I found myself feeling faint, and the next thing I knew, I woke up collapsed on the floor, with now two nurses hovering over me, one shaking my legs. Talk about embarrassing. I’ve fainted many times in my life. Throughout elementary school I had “fainting spells,” a bloodsugar-related problem eventually corrected by integrating snacks into my school day. But another problem also left me dizzy at times: my fear of needles (and anything else involving blood). This silly little phobia can be traced back to science class in fourth grade, when one day my teacher was talking about the circulatory system. Long story short, she started discussing how blood flows to the heart, yadayadayada, I passed out and woke up on the ground.

Natalie Knoth Troy Daily News Columnist I then had to get blood work done and passed out again — further proving that my fear of needles causes not just mental anguish, but physical stress, too. I’m nothing short of terrified. In the years that followed, I would pass out maybe three times out of four when I had to get blood drawn. Having to fast before boosts my chances of fainting even more. Nights before any blood work, I can’t sleep and even get nightmares. Knowing that diabetics, hospital patients and many, many other people undergo needle pricks many, many times a day does not help me get a grip. In fact, it makes me feel even more pathetic. I have all the sympathy in the world for these brave people and cannot pretend that I would have

anywhere near the same courage. Anesthesia via injection is not my friend either. Prior to getting my wisdom teeth taken out, I was shaking as the doctor discussed the procedure. Never mind that the surgery involves cutting into the mouth. My real concern? That needle in my arm. “If you can’t handle this, how are you going to have children?” asked the smirking doctor. Pretty sure I just stared back at him, feeling hopelessly stupid. I think the better question is, when I do have kids one day, how will I calm their nerves about getting a routine shot or blood test when I’m absolutely terrified? Not sure if I can even handle just seeing the syringe. Guess I’ll make my future hubby go in my place. For the record, the wisdom teeth surgery was fine. In fact, I was able to eat Thanksgiving dinner the next day. And by eat, I mean place a small bit of turkey/pie/cranberry sauce on my tongue and then swallow. I’ve been asked many times by apprehensive patients-to-be how the surgery went. My response is always the same: “Surgery was no big deal — and I’m the biggest baby. But that needle before? Yeah, that freaked me out BIG TIME.”

Still, my fainting-while-gettinga-flu-shot saga surprised me because I thought I had overcome the “mind over matter” issue of needles over the years. If I don’t think about it and play it cool, then it won’t bother me. That philosophy had worked for me throughout college, as I had survived a couple blood tests during routine check-ups without fainting. Yet during the incident recently, I just couldn’t stop the physical reaction, even when the nurse had me distracted by rambling about OU. After the fact, the nurse explained that some people experience vasovagal syncope — defined by National Institutes of Health as a temporary loss of consciousness usually having “an easily identified triggering event such as emotional stress, trauma, pain, the sight of blood, or prolonged standing.” Having low blood pressure to begin with apparently makes the situation worse, too. If I’ve learned one thing from the flu shot incident, it’s this: I’m getting the nasal spray next time.

Troy Troy Daily News

Miami Valley Sunday News

FRANK BEESON Group Publisher

DAVID FONG Executive Editor

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CHERYL HALL Circulation Manager

BETTY BROWNLEE Business Manager

SCARLETT SMITH Graphics Manager

AN OHIO COMMUNITY MEDIA NEWSPAPER 224 S. Market St. Troy, Ohio 45373

Natalie Knoth appears every other Wednesday in the Troy Daily News

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012



Maurice Hart

Larry E. Francis

extended family and many good friends. TROY — Maurice Hart, 82, of Troy, brother, James Francis; and RUSSELLVILLE — Larry E. Maurice graduated from Woodstock passed away at 11:32 p.m. Saturday, one brother-in-law, Eldon Francis, 71, of Russellville, High School in Woodstock, Ontario, Sept. 29, 2012, at the Troy Care & Monnin. Ohio, formerly of Newport, Canada. Larry graduated from Houston Rehabilitation Center. Ohio, died at 5:23 p.m. He was a member of Trinity Episcopal Maurice was born April 3, 1930, in High School, Houston, in 1959. Saturday, Sept. 29, 2012, at Church, Troy; and a member of the forWoodstock, Ontario, Canada, to the late He was a member of St. Peter Hospice of Cincinnati, mer Loyal Order of Moose No. 1044 in Ernest and Nellie (Brown) Hart. and Paul Parish, Newport. Cincinnati. Maurice married Mary Isobel (Roberts) Troy; the Oxford Masonic Lodge F & AM Larry also was a member of He was born in Newport on Hart on Oct. 6, 1951, and after 45 years No. 76 in Woodstock, Ontario, Canada; AARP and the North American April 10, 1941, to the late and he retired from Dayton Daily News of marriage she preceded him in death Hunting Club. Clarence and Helen (Frey) with 17 ½ years of service as a printer. He was a truck driver for KBT on Sept. 3, 1997. Francis. A funeral service will be at 6 p.m., He also was preceded in death by his for 11 years. Larry also owned a Larry is survived by 12 chil- FRANCIS Thursday, Oct. 4, 2012, at Fisherbrother, Edwin Hart of Woodstock, logging company for four to five dren and their spouses, Cheney Funeral Home, 1124 W. Main Ontario, Canada. Cecelia Plummer of Lima, Mary Francis years, ran a repair business for five Maurice is survived by three sons, Dr. St., Troy, with the Rev. Melody Williams years and had a construction company of Cincinnati, Edward and Sharon officiating. The family will be receiving Gregory Hart of Port Clinton, Ohio, for 17 years. Francis of Sidney, Phillip and Beth family and friends from 4-6 p.m. Stephen and his wife, Teresa Hart of Funeral services will be at 1 p.m. Francis of Mt. Orab, Allen and Tina Thursday at the funeral home. Dayton, Ohio, and Jeffrey and his wife, Francis of Russellville, Mark and Denise Saturday, Oct. 6, 2012, at MelcherContributions may be made in memory Billie Hart of Waynesville, Ohio; four Sowers Funeral Home, Piqua, with the Francis of Delta, Ohio, Richard Francis of Maurice to Hospice of Dayton, 324 grandchildren, Randy Hart, Kevin Hart, Rev. Fr. Steven Shoup officiating. Burial of Piqua, Angel and Dusty Pucket of Lauren Hart and Marick Hart; one sister, Wilmington Ave., Dayton, OH 45420. Georgetown, Ray and Vickie Kimberly of will follow in St. Peter and Paul Condolences may be left for the family Irene and her husband, Robert Smith of Cemetery, Newport. Friends may call Sardinia, Ohio, Damian Francis of San at www.fisher-cheneyfuneralhome.com. from 6-8 p.m. Friday at the funeral home. Chatham, Ontario, Canada; and by his Antonio, Texas, Lawrence and Kaitlin A memorial service also will be held Francis II of Paris, Texas, and Bryan Margie M. Smith from 1-3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 7, 2012, at Francis of Russellville; five sisters and Rambler Community Center, 203 E. two brothers-in-law, Marie and Richard Jackson, Ohio, and Eva PIQUA — Margie M. Smith, Main St., Russellvile. Henman of Newport and Shirley and Green, Jackson, Ohio; 10 73, of Piqua, died at 10:12 Memorial contributions may be made Marlin Powers of Hancock, Wis., grandchildren; and 14 greata.m. Monday, Oct. 1, 2012, at to Hospice of Cincinnati, Inpatient Barbara Monnin of Piqua, Judy Francis grandchildren. Lima Memorial Hospital, Lima. Centers, 7691 Five Mile Road, of Greenville and Susan Francis of She was preceded in death She was born in West Cincinnati, OH 45230. Newport; 28 grandchildren; and three by one sister, Ponzell Barker. Liberty, Ky., on June 20, 1939, Condolences may be expressed to the to the late Lester and Altie great-grandchildren. Margie was a home health family at www.melcher-sowers.com. He was preceded in death by one giver for more than 20 years. (Robbins) Robins. She will be greatly missed Margie is survived by four by her friends and family. sons and daughters-in-law, Willmetta Sealock Funeral service will be at James and Debbie Ross of 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 4, Sidney, Robert and Peggy Virginia, Lillian and Deanne. Willmetta Mae (Dewald) “Willie” SMITH 2012, at Melcher-Sowers Price of Sidney, Bill Price, She is survived by her son, Greg Sealock, 79, a devoted Christian who Sidney and Darrell and Sharon Stotler of Funeral Home, Piqua, with the Rev. Ed (Venida) Sealock; daughters, Kathy loved Christ with all her heart, went to Ellis officiating. Bellefontaine; two daughters, Regina (Duke) Klepinger and Sheila (Jeff) be with her Heavenly Father on Oct. 1, Burial will follow in Forest Hill Hanson; granddaughters, Katie Sealock Graham and her fiancé Rickey Elkins of 2012. Cemetery, Piqua. Friends may call from Louisville, Ky., and Michelle Bundy and and Candice and Anna Klepinger; and She was born March 17, 1933, in 6-8 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral her fiancé Tom Efeney, both of Piqua; sister, Shirley Chism (Dewald) of Galacia, Kansas, to Frederick Dewald home. one brother, Lester Robins of West Kansas. and Elizabeth (Flegler). Condolences may be expressed to the Virginia; three sisters, Goldie Dunaway She will be dearly missed by those She graduated from Otis High School family at www.melcher-sowers.com. of Oak Hill, Ohio, Brenda Hedrick, who loved her. in Otis, Kansas, in 1951, and married If desired, contributions can be made George Sealock in 1952. She graduated from Sinclair College in to Acclaim Hospice of Dayton, who Doris Ann (Muhlenkamp) Schafer should be thanked for the excellent care 1977 with a nursing degree and was & brothers -in-law: Dorothy & RUSSIA — Doris Ann they gave Willie. employed at St. Elizabeth Medical Romie Buehler of (Muhlenkamp) Schafer, 83, forViewing will be from 6-8 p.m. Thursday, Center until her retirement in 1995. She McCartyville, Virginia merly of Versailles Road, Oct. 4 at Frings and Bayliff Funeral was a member of Eastern Star No. 307 Brandewie of Minster, Esther Russia, passed away of natuHome, 327 W. Main St., Tipp City. Tipp City, where she served as Worthy Schafer of Fort Loramie, ral causes early Monday mornFuneral services will be at 11 p.m. Matron in 1981 and attended Marty Schafer of Fort ing, Oct. 1, 2012, at the Friday, Oct. 5 at the funeral home. Ginghamsburg Methodist Church. Loramie and Jack Siler of Versailles Health Care Center, Online condolences may be made at She was preceded in death by her parPleasant Hill; and numerous where she had been a resihttp://www.fringsandbayliff.com. ents; husband, George; and sisters nieces and nephews. dent. She had also been precedShe was born May 24, 1929, ed in death by an infant sisat St. Anthony, to the late Elva E. Colbert ter and brothers and sisters-inEdmond and Rosella (Uleman) SCHAFER Terry Colbert of Piqua; three BRADFORD — Elva E. law, Jim Paulus, Carol Muhlenkamp. grandchildren, Tami Long of Colbert, 85, a lifetime resiMuhlenkamp and Tom Andrus. On May 28, 1949, at St. Anthony Sidney, Sommer Frysinger of dent of Bradford, passed Doris was a homemaker. Catholic Church, Doris married Jerome Piqua and Luke Colbert of Mt. away Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2012, She loved a good game of cards, trav“Jerry” Schafer who preceded her in Dora, Fla.; five great-grandchil- death on March 29, 2006. at Upper Valley Medical eling with Jerry, and celebrating birthdren, Cole and Rowan Long, Center, Troy. days with her sisters. Doris is survived by four sons, Collier and Carmyn Frysinger He was born Nov. 14, 1926, Years ago she had also enjoyed golf, Michael and Ola Schafer of Russia, and Braedon Colbert; brother, to the late Emerson and bowling and painting. Neal and Dotti Schafer of Russia, Lowell Colbert of Florida; and Irene (Penny) Colbert in Doris attended St. Remy Catholic Jeffrey and Cheryl Schafer of Russia two sisters, Juanita Cole of Covington. Church and had also been active in St. and Daniel and Toni Schafer of Nevada and Bonnie King of He served in the U. S. Army Ann’s Ladies Sodality. Houston; 17 grandchildren; 10 greatFlorida. during World War II; retired Mass of Christian Burial will be at grandchildren; 11 siblings, Don and COLBERT Funeral service will be at 1 from Westerville Creamery Dorothy Muhlenkamp of Fort Recovery, 10:30 a.m. Friday, Oct. 5, 2012, at St. p.m. Thursday, Oct. 4, 2012, at after 47 years of service; was a Remy Church in Russia with the Rev. Vera and Don Alig of Portland, Ind., Stocker-Fraley Funeral Home, member of Bradford Presbyterian Thelma and Dave Barga of North Star, Frank Amberger presiding. Bradford, with the Rev. Daryl Church; former member of Interment will follow at the Church Mary and Carl Obringer of Fort Peeples Sr. officiating. Interment AMVETS Post No. 66, Covington Cemetery. Friends may call from 2-8 Recovery, Marge Paulus of Celina, will be in Miami Memorial Park and VFW No. 7262, Greenville; Kenneth Muhlenkamp of Fort Recovery, p.m. Thursday and 9-9:45 a.m. Friday at Cemetery, Covington, with military honand was an avid baseball and racing Ruth and John Hardin of Sarasota, Fla., Gehret Funeral Home in Fort Loramie. ors by the Veterans Elite Tribute Squad fan. Memorials may be made to the charity Ginny and Pat McClurg of Versailles, of Piqua. Family will receive friends from Dave and Marcia Muhlenkamp of Fort He was preceded in death by his parof donor’s choice. 6-8 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral ents and wife, Dorothy E. Colbert in Condolences may be expressed at Recovery, Connie Andrus of Dublin, home. 2004. Judy & Jerry Schulze of Celina; sisters www.gehretfuneralhome.com. Condolences may be made to the famElva is survived by two sons, Ron and ily at www.stockerfraley.com. his wife, Sue Colbert of Houston and Rosalie M. Kerrigan Rosalie graduated from Piqua PIQUA — Rosalie M. Catholic High School, Piqua. Kerrigan, 70, of Piqua, died Ralph A. Sullenberger She was a member of St. at 9 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 30, Boniface Catholic Church, two infant sons, Thomas L. 2012, at Piqua Manor TROY — Ralph A. “Poge” Sullenberger, Piqua. Rosalie also was a Sullenberger and Ralph A. Nursing Home, Piqua. 76, of Troy, Ohio, died at 10:56 a.m. member of Eagles Local #614. She was born in Miami Sullenberger; and two Monday, Oct. 1, 2012, at Upper Valley She was an assembler at County on June 5, 1942, to brothers, Thomas Medical Center, Troy. Copeland Corporation in the late John Louis and Sullenberger and Richard He was born in Piqua on Dec. 13, Sidney. Rosalie was also a Oneda (Weaver) Kerrigan. Sullenberger. 1935, to the late Frank and Gladys V. homemaker and loved to play Rosalie is survived by one Ralph graduated from Piqua Central (Alexander) Sullenberger. bingo. daughter, Brenda Epley of High School in 1953. In November 1995 in Troy, he married A Celebration of Rosalie’s life Troy; one son and daughter- KERRIGAN He was a former member of Upper Lois A. Dankworth. She survives. will be at 10 a.m. Thursday, Oct. in-law, Jerry and Penny Valley Community Church, Piqua. Ralph is also survived by two daughRalph proudly served his country as a Andress of Piqua; two sisters, Janet Fox 4, 2012, at Melcher-Sowers Funeral ters, Valerie Blue of Piqua and Paula of Troy and Pat Elliott of Greenville; nine Home, Piqua, with the Rev. Fr. Angelo Adams of Houston, Texas; one son, Eric member of the U.S. Army. Caserta officiating. Burial will follow in grandchildren, Amanda Compton, Kelli He was a millwright at French Oil in Althoff of Piqua; one brother, Phillip Forest Hill Cemetery, Piqua. Friends Epley, Beth Henry, Bill Henry, Natalee Sullenberger of Piqua; one sister, Jane Piqua for 43 years. Henry, Tony Andress, Jheramy Andress, may call from 9-10 a.m. Thursday at Memorial services will be at 6 p.m. Van Gordon of Piqua; five grandchilthe funeral home. Ava Andress and Autumn Gatewood; Thursday, Oct. 4, 2012, at Melcherdren, Mitzi Evans, Gary Lee Memorial contributions may be made and six great-grandchildren, Hayden Sowers Funeral Home, Piqua, with Sullenberger Jr., Jesse Blue, Chase to St. Boniface Catholic Church, 310 S. Compton, Jaxon Compton, Makayla Pastor Lloyd McClurg officiating. Adams and Hunter Adams, both of Smith, Kierstin Smith, Skyler Pittenger Downing St., Piqua, OH 45356. Memorial contributions may be made Houston, Texas; and three great-grandCondolences may be expressed to and Ashton Bertinni. to American Cancer Society, children, Destiny Arthur, Brooke the family at www.melcherShe was preceded in death by six Southwestern Regional Office, 2808 Hartman and Gary Lee Sullenberger sowers.com. brothers and six sisters. Reading Road, Cincinnati, OH 45206. III. Condolences may be expressed to the He was preceded in death by one Ralph W. Simmons family at www.melcher-sowers.com. adult son, Gary L. Sullenberger; and great-grandchildren. He was born Feb. 4, WASHINGTON COURT Ralph served his country 1917, in Leesburg, Ohio. HOUSE — Ralph W. proudly in the U.S. Army He was preceded in Simmons, 95, of during World War II and Washington Court House, death by his parents, See more retired from WrightCreighton and Lula formerly of Ludlow Falls, (Denning) Simmons; wife, Patterson as a heavy passed away Sunday, obituaries equipment operator. Alma Simmons; son, Sept. 30, 2012, at St. appear on 7 Phillip Simmons; daughter, Funeral services will be Catherine’s Manor of at 1 p.m. Friday, Oct. 5, Washington Court House. Mary Ann Simmons; one ADAM LANGDON grandchild; sisters, Evelyn 2012, at the Hale-Sarver Family Funeral Home, 284 Leeth, Lillian Virtue and N. Miami St., West Milton, Gladys Cherry; brothers with Pastor Robert Kurtz Harold, Hobert, Howard officiating. and Melvin Simmons. Burial will follow at Old He is survived by his We’re Local * Your 1st choice for complete Home Union Cemetery. Friends daughter, Gaynell Medical Equipment Wittman-Fairborn; son and may call on Friday one We’re Personal Funeral Home & Cremation Services daughters-in-law, Ralph Jr. hour prior to the service, Lift Chairs from noon to 1 p.m., at the 41 S. Stanfield Rd., Suite D, Troy, OH 45373 S. Howard Cheney, Owner-Director and Diana Simmons of Dayton, Barbara Simmons funeral home. Roger D. Thomas, Director 1990 W. Stanfield, Troy, OH 937-332-0799 www.fesslerlangdon.com If so desired, contribuof Greenfield; numerous • Pre-arranged funeral plans available 45373 • 937-335-9199 Adam Langdon is a Registered Representative and Investment Advisor of and offer securities and advisory services tions may be made to a grandchildren, great1124 W. Main St • Call 335-6161 • Troy, Ohio through WRP Investments, Inc., member FINRA and SIPC. Fessler and Langdon is not affiliated with WRP Investments, www.legacymedical.net Inc. Securities and advisory activities are supervised from 4407 Belmont Ave., Youngstown, OH 44505, (303) 759-2023 charity of choice. grandchildren and greatwww.fisher-cheneyfuneralhome.com 2322723 2322730

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012


David G. ‘Skip’ Collins

Morella F. Johnson Johnson of Troy; family CASSTOWN — Morella “Ella” friend, Cammie Grove; and F. Johnson, 77, of Casstown, very special great-grand-dog, Ohio, passed away Tuesday, Brodie Powell. Oct. 2, 2012, at Good In addition to her parents, Samaritan Hospital, Dayton. Mrs. Johnson was preceded She was born May 21, 1935, in death by her son, Carl E. in Pike County, Ky., to the late May; one grandson, Daniel C. Walter and Ora (Chapman) Powell; and brothers: James, Reynolds. Edward, Thomas, and Garrell Her husband of 36 years, Reynolds. Hiram K. Johnson, survives. JOHNSON She was a member of Piqua She is also survived by her Freewill Baptist Church and daughter, Loretta May Powell of attended Christiansburg Free Church. Troy; step son, Kenneth C. (Dorothy) Her life was talking to family and friends Johnson of Dayton; step daughter, on the telephone. Rosemary Mees of Sidney; sisters, Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Friday, Yantice Varney of McAndrews, Ky., Oct. 5, 2012, at Baird Funeral Home, Delphine (Rick) Roller of Fletcher, Troy, with interment to follow at Riverside Barbara May of Westerville, Ohio, and Cemetery, Troy. Evelyn Bridger of Columbus, Ohio; Friends may call from 4-8 p.m. brothers, Olen Reynolds of Troy, Orvin (Marilyn) Reynolds of South Shore, Ky., Thursday at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made Gerria (Barb) Reynolds of McAndrews, Ky.; grandchildren, David (Emily) Powell, to the American Cancer Society at www.makingstrideswalk.org, care of Christine Creager, Lee Mees, Chris Breast Intentions Dayton Team (grandMees, Bruce Mees, Erik Mees, Angie daughter, Emily’s team). O’Reilly and Jessica Powers; many great-grandchildren; sisters-in-law: Helen Friends may express condolences to the family through Lewis of Kentucky and Gladys Weaver www.bairdfuneralhome.com. of Arcanum; brother-in-law, George

David G. “Skip” Collins, age 77, of Troy, Ohio passed away Monday morning, October 1, 2012, at the Sterling House of Troy. He was born on November 21, 1934 in Shelbyville, Indiana to Chauncey G. and Jean (Richards) Collins. He was married to Judith Ann “Judy” (Goddard) Collins who survives. In addition to his wife, Dave is survived by his son, Scott (Hazel) Collins of Elkhart, Indiana; daughters: Nancy Collins of Richland, Washington and Kathie (Rich) Krainak of Nashville, Tennessee; sister, Beverly Fulkman of Tulsa, Oklahoma; 7 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. Dave was preceded in death by his parents and a brother, Don E. Collins. He attended the Miami University. He was a US Army Veteran having served in the Korean War and received Outstanding Trainee in Basic Training.

He was also a proud member of the NRA, Deepwater Yacht Club, and the Celina Eagles. Dave was the owner and operator of the David G. Collins Insurance Company. Services will be held at 2 p.m. on Friday, October 5, 2012 at the Baird Funeral Home, Troy, with the Chaplain Steve Fox officiating. Interment will follow in Riverside Cemetery, Troy with Veterans Honor Guard services. The family will receive friends from 6-8 p.m. on Thursday, October 4, 2012 and from 1-2PM on Friday October 5, 2012 at the funeral home. A private memorial will be held at the Celina Eagles at a later date. Memorial contributions may be made to Heartland Hospice, 3131 S. Dixie Drive, Dayton, Ohio 45439. Friends may express condolences to the family through www.bairdfuneralhome.com.

OBITUARY POLICY In respect for friends and family, the Troy Daily News prints a funeral directory free of charge. Families who would like photographs

and more detailed obituary information published in the Troy Daily News, should contact their local funeral home for pricing details.

NYPD is watching Facebook to fight gang bloodshed

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of a suspected leader of a drug crew leader by using the account of a “friend” who became an informant. Court papers says the posts included comments about cocaine deals such as, “I’m trying to see the man for like 600 grams,” and photos of the suspect making gang hand gestures. Defense attorneys tried to have the material thrown out, arguing it was obtained in violation of the

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Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure. In a decision last month, U.S. District Judge William H. Pauley wrote that defendant Melvin Colon’s “legitimate expectation of privacy ended when he disseminated posts to his ‘friends’ because those ‘friends’ were free to use the information however they wanted including sharing it with the government.”


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In Chicago, police similarly monitor Facebook and other social media to learn what gang members are saying about shootings and other crimes. They also built a database of the city’s gang members and provide commanders with software that allows them to send officers to spots where they expect a gang to retaliate for a shooting. A federal judge in New York has already weighed in on the privacy issue, siding with prosecutors in a gang case in the Bronx. In that case, federal investigators infiltrated the private Facebook posts


mation, officials said. Donna Lieberman, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, said the NYPD “has the right, indeed the obligation, to pursue effective avenues for investigating criminal gang activity, and that includes using Facebook and other social media.” But she said such methods must be closely monitored so they don’t become “a vehicle for entrapment or unauthorized surveillance.” Police and prosecutors insist they are following strict legal protocols. “When we meet with the police and we talk about investigative techniques, when they are on these social media sites, we’ll give them certain directions,” Ed Carroll, head of the Gang Bureau of the Brooklyn District Attorney’s office, said Tuesday. “We don’t want to set up any situation where anyone is being entrapped or put in a position where they’re going to agree to commit a crime.”


virtual map of their criminal activity over the last three years,” the commissioner said in remarks prepared for delivery at a law enforcement convention in San Diego. Examples of the public displays of digital bravado abound. In the Brooklyn case, suspects sought to intimidate informants by posting court documents containing their names, authorities said. In another throwdown, the Rockstarz posted a photo of a Very Cripsy member and the comment, “He is scared. Look at him.” Police say much of the potentially incriminating material they gather can be found on Facebook profiles that are public. But as part its new, stepped-up efforts, the department will refine and expand use of a tactic instrumental in the threeyear Brooklyn gang investigation having officers adopt Internet aliases, create phony profiles and seek to “friend” suspects to gain access to nonpublic infor-


NEW YORK (AP) — Police investigating two gangs called the Very Cripsy Gangsters and the Rockstarz didn’t need to spend all their time pounding the pavement for leads. Instead, they fired up their computers and followed the trash talk on Facebook. “Rockstarz up 3-0,” one suspect boasted a reference to the body count from a bloody turf war between the Brooklyn gangs that ultimately resulted in 49 arrests last month. Authorities in New York say a new generation of gang members is increasingly using social media to boast of their exploits and issue taunts and challenges that result in violence. And police and prosecutors have responded over the past several years by closely monitoring Facebook and other sites for leads and evidence. On Tuesday, New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly announced plans to beef up the NYPD’s cyber crackdown by expanding the use of aggressive online investigative tactics and doubling the size of the department’s gang unit to 300 investigators. The reinforcements will focus less on established gangs like the Bloods and Crips and more on loosely knit groups of teenagers who stake out a certain block or section of a housing project as their turf and exact vengeance on those who trespass or fail to show the proper respect. “By capitalizing on the irresistible urge of these suspects to brag about their murderous exploits on Facebook, detectives used social media to draw a

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Newspapers In Education Visit NIE online at www.sidneydailynews.com, www.troydailynews.com or www.dailycall.com


he Middle East is not a continent but a geographical region where three continents – Europe, Asia, and Africa – meet. It is this prime location that is mainly responsible for its historical importance and cultural identity. As long ago as 2000 B.C., the region that we now call the Middle East (it actually wasn’t called that until World War II) was a center of commerce and culture. Over the course of history, this area has been the location of several great civilizations, including the Persian Empire, the Byzantine Empire, and the Ancient Egyptians.

Word of the Week export — derived from the conceptual meaning as to ship the goods and services out of the port of a country

NIE Coordinator: Dana Wolfe / Graphic Designer: Scarlett E. Smith

This region is also important because it was the birthplace of three of the world’s most widely followed religions: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Today, the majority of people living in the Middle East are Muslims, or followers of Islam. In ancient and medieval times, cities in the Middle East were important centers of culture and commerce. Since World War II, the Middle East has taken on even more political and economic significance because it is the location of the world’s greatest known oil reserves. Oil is exported by the countries along the Persian Gulf to places all over the world.

The languages of the Middle East include Arabic, Persian (or Farsi), Turkish, and Hebrew. Some small communities, isolated by deserts and mountains, developed their own languages and distinct cultures, and many of those still exist today. The landscape of the Middle East is made up of mountains, dry plateaus, and deserts. The climate is mostly arid, or very dry. Although there are several great international airports in the Middle East, travel within the countries is still fairly primitive. Camels, donkeys, and other draft animals are only gradually being replaced by motorized vehicles as the primary means of transport.

middle east

Newspaper Knowledge


Use your mind! Look through your newspaper for 20 unfamiliar words. Make a crossword puzzle using their definitions. Share your puzzle with a friend.

it’s news to me:

Using what you’ve learned from your newspaper, write five original headlines about how events in the Middle East affect the United States.

Did You Know? • The Arabian Desert is the world's second largest desert. The largest is the North African desert, the Saharan.

14. Using your newspaper’s international weather map or listing of temperatures in world cities, calculate the average temperature for that day in the Middle East. Now, calculate the average temperature in the United States and compare the difference. How does the difference reflect the climatic differences between the regions? Explain in a brief paragraph.

statistics Choose one Middle Eastern country and find out the following:

• The Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth at 409 meters below sea level.

Capital:_________________________________________ Language:_______________________________________

• The Nile River in Egypt is the world's longest river.

Type of government:________________________________

15. Look for articles in your newspaper about Middle Eastern oil and its importation and use in the United States. Based on the articles, what conclusions can you draw about the trade relationships between the United States and Middle Eastern oil suppliers? Discuss your ideas as a class.

Head of government:_______________________________

• The largest city in the Middle East is Cairo, Egypt.

Topography:______________________________________ Major exports:______________________________________

Word Scramble

Major industries:__________________________________

Can you unscramble these words? uurlcte __________________ usmMlis__________________ seedrt __________________ auanggel ________________ mcaels __________________ ilo ______________________

Typical dress:______________________________________ What are the schools there like?________________________

let’s research it:

There is often conflict among the Middle Eastern countries. Using your newspaper as a guide, choose a region that is currently facing problems. Find out what those problems are and how they relate to the region’s history. Make note of U.S. involvement. What conclusions can you draw?

16. Draw a picture of a scene from the Middle East as you imagine it. Be prepared to explain why you drew what you did.




• Muhammed, the founder of Islam, was born in Mecca about 570 A.D. Today, more than 90 percent of Middle Eastern people are Muslim.

Answers: culture, Muslims, desert, language, camels, oil

Fall Tab-a-pull-ooza for Miami & Shelby County Schools In observance of America Recycles Day on November 15th, the Green Gals are having a fall Tab-a-pull-ooza Contest. All monies raised will be given to the Dayton Ronald McDonald House. Any school can participate in this contest in either Miami or Shelby County. A drop-off location will be given to the contact person. Tabs will be collected through November 16th. Prizes will be awarded to the school with the most collected tabs by weight. Registration form for Tab-a-pull-ooza Please Print More information/paperwork will be sent to you after registration is received. Contact Name: ____________________________________ School/County: ____________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________________________ Email:____________________________________________

Ohio Community Media Newspapers

Please Send Registration by September 30th to: Dana Wolfe Newspapers in Education 224 S. Market St., Troy Fax: 937-440-5211 Phone: 937-440-3552 Email: dwolfe@tdnpublishing.com

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Devote some time to yourself to break the cycle Dear Annie: I'm writing on behalf of those of us in the "trapped" generation. We are the ones who grew up thinking Doris Day was the ideal woman. We were college-educated, but still expected to marry and have a family. Many of us limited our careers to part-time efforts. Then came our husbands' midlife crises and no-fault divorces. For many of us who had "dumbed down" our careers to care for our husbands, we weren't able to make ends meet once the child support payments stopped. For some of us, we had sacrificed further education or job advances for our husbands' careers. According to the Social Security Administration, I never earned more than $10,000 per year until I was 45 years old. The divorce decree stated that I was to split the children's college costs equally with my ex, who was making three times my salary. I've run up a lot of personal debt paying for my kids' education, and now, at age 60, I'm making what my husband made 30 years ago. I work hard, but can't seem to get ahead. Women like me are tired of struggling financially and raising kids while their fathers find new trophy wives. If your male readers are wondering where the faithful women are, we are sitting home, living with the remnants of the stresses from one-sided divorces. I continue to hope that real companionship is still a possibility. — Thwarted Dear Thwarted: We are sure you speak for many women. But please don't give up. Your children are grown now. If you want to meet men (or anyone), devote some time to yourself. Look into activities and organizations that are free, low-cost or volunteer, and see if you can break out of the cycle you are in. Dear Annie: I'm a middle-aged woman, living with my boyfriend. We have both been married before and have children. When I met "Doug," we would sit and talk for hours. Since our engagement, however, everything seems to be going downhill. We have not set a wedding date, nor do we discuss it. Due to my previous marriage and some mistakes, my credit is not where it should be. The amount of money I make will never allow me to get caught up. I have been applying for new jobs, but haven't found one yet. Doug says I need my credit to be good before he sets a date. I'm interviewing now for a job that could turn into a steady and rewarding career. He said, "Let's see if you get it." Whenever someone asks me, "When is the big date?" my heart sinks. I am starting to feel as though Doug is not ready to commit. He proposed and gave me a beautiful ring. Now we argue a lot. I'm no spring chicken, Annie. I feel as if I'm running out of time. What should I do? — Want Happiness Sooner Dear Want: Doug is reluctant to take on your debts and may fear you are using him for financial security. He wants to see that you have a decent job before he marries you. This is not an unreasonable concern. The fact that you're in a hurry only makes him more skittish. Stop worrying about what other people think. If you get a good job and Doug still won't set a date, then reconsider the relationship. Dear Annie: "Empty Nester" said she's looking to make friends now that her kids are out of the house. Thanks for suggesting meetup.com. I moved across the country and was concerned about finding friends in a new city. Since I work from home, the office is not a viable place to get to know anyone. MeetUp has been terrific. I joined a dining-out group, another for women over 40 and one for dog lovers. I've made wonderful new friends. — P. Annie's Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please email your questions to anniesmailbox@comcast.net, or write to: Annie's Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254.


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OCTOBER 3, 2012 10









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I Want (R) I Want (R) Pro Grad Pro Grad (DIY) Home Shake (R) GoodLk (R) Austin (R) Shake (R) SoRandom To Be Announced GoodLk (R) Austin (R) Shake (R) Wizards (R) Wizards (R) (DSNY) Jessie (R) Jessie (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced C. Lately E! News (R) Chelsea (R) (E!) Interrupt SportsCenter Baseball MLB (L) Baseball Tonight (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter (ESPN) Horn (N) NFL 32 (L) NFL Live (L) Baseball MLB (L) Poker World Series Baseball Tonight (L) (ESPN2) SportsNation (N) Boxing (R) Boxing (R) Boxing Classics (R) Long Way Down The White Shadow Boxing (R) Boxing (R) (ESPNC) Football Classic NCAA Florida State vs. Miami (R) Boxing Classics (R) Fresh P. (R) Fresh P. (R) !!! Pretty Woman ('90) Julia Roberts, Richard Gere. !!! Dirty Dancing ('87) Jennifer Grey, Patrick Swayze. The 700 Club (FAM) Reba (R) Reba (R) Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity (FNC) The Five Rest. "Chatterbox" (R) Rest. "Whistle Stop" (N) Stakeout (R) Restaurant (R) Rest. "Whistle Stop" (R) (FOOD) Paula (R) H.Cook (R) Diners (R) Diners (R) Rest. "Michele's" (R) Insider CruiseIn BoysHall Pre-game Baseball MLB Cincinnati Reds vs. St. Louis Cardinals (L) Post-game Football (R) UFC Unleashed (R) (FOXSP) Poker WPT (R) To Be Announced Off Beat Off Beat (FUSE) Top 100 Number Ones Top 100 Number Ones Top 100 Number Ones Off Beat (4:00) !!! Taken 2½Men (R) 2½Men (R) 2½Men (R) 2½Men (R) !! Grown Ups ('10) Adam Sandler. !! The Waterboy ('98) Adam Sandler. !! The Waterboy (FX) On the Range (N) Golf PGA (R) PGA Tour Golf C. (R) On the Range (R) (GOLF) Academy Dream (R) Golf Cent. European School (N) Academy Golf PGA Baggage Baggage Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Baggage Fam. Feud (GSN) Smarter-5th Grader Little House Prairie (R) L. House "Uncle Jed" (R) Little House Prairie (R) Little House Prairie (R) Frasier (R) Frasier (R) Frasier (R) Frasier (R) G. Girls (R) G. Girls (R) (HALL) The Waltons (R) House Property Brothers (R) Buy Sell "David" (R) (HGTV) House (R) House (R) House (R) House (R) House (R) HouseH (R) Property Brothers (R) Buying Selling "David" HouseH Restoration Restore (R) Restoration Restore (R) Cajun (R) Cajun (R) (HIST) Meltzer's Decoded (R) Meltzer's Decoded (R) Meltzer's Decoded (R) Cajun (R) Cajun (R) Cajun (R) Cajun Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Trading Spouses (LIFE) Wife Swap Deadly Sibling Rivalry ('10) Charisma Carpenter. !! Desperate Escape ('09) Elizabeth Rohm. !! Stephanie Daley ('06) Amber Tamblyn. !! Desperate Escape (LMN) (4:00) !! The Quiet Love for Sail (R) CookThin Mom Cook Airline (R) Airline (R) Among the Dead (R) Psychic challenge Airline (R) Airline (R) Among the Dead (R) (LRW) ModRun. Road (R) PoliticsNation Hardball The Ed Show Rachel Maddow The Last Word The Ed Show Rachel Maddow (MSNBC) Hardball '70s (R) '70s (R) '70s (R) To Be Announced To Be Announced (MTV) '70s (R) NBC Sports Talk NFL Turning Point Dream On (R) !!! The Natural ('84,Sport) Robert Duvall, Glenn Close, Robert Redford. NFL Turning Point (N) (NBCSN) Pro Football Talk Wild Justice (R) Abandon Abandon Abandon Abandon Guns "Grim Reaper" (N) Guns "Grim Reaper" (R) Abandon Abandon (NGEO) Abandon Abandon Family Guns (R) Yes Dear Yes Dear Friends (R) Friends (R) Friends (R) Friends (R) (NICK) Sponge (R) Sponge (R) Victori. (R) Victori. (R) Figure Out Figure (R) All That (R) K & Kel (R) Hollywood Heights Law & Order: C.I. (R) !! Catwoman ('04) Benjamin Bratt, Halle Berry. Bad Girls Club (R) Bad Girls :45 BadGirls Girlfriend "Closure" (R) Law & Order: C.I. (R) (OXY) Law & Order: C.I. (R) (:40) !!! Guarding Tess (:20) !!! Driving Lessons ('06) Rupert Grint. ! Rhinestone ('84) Dolly Parton. !! To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday Movie (PLEX) Movie Veronica Mars (R) Young & Restless Days of Our Lives General Hospital Young & Restless (R) Days of Our Lives (R) General Hospital (R) (SOAP) Veronica Mars (R) (SPIKE) Auction (R) Auction (R) Auction (R) Auction (R) Auction (R) Auction (R) Auction (R) Auction (R) Auction (R) Auction (R) Auction (R) Auction (R) Auction (R) Auction (R) Auction (R) Auction (R) Ghost Hunters (N) Para. Witness "The Abduction" (N) Ghost Hunters (R) Witness (R) (SYFY) Paranormal Witness (R) Paranormal Witness (R) Paranormal Witness (R) Ghost Hunters (R) Office (R) Office (R) (TBS) Friends (R) Friends (R) Queens (R) Queens (R) Seinf. (R) Seinf. (R) FamilyG (R) FamilyG (R) FamilyG (R) FamilyG (R) BBang (R) BBang (R) Conan (:45) !!!! Going My Way ('44) Bing Crosby. !!! Mystery of the Wax Museum !!! Doctor X ('32) Lionel Atwill. !! Mark of the Va... :15 !! House of Drac... (TCM) Movie To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced (TLC) To Be Announced Ned (R) Drake (R) Drake (R) Add Water Add Water Hollywood Heights Degrassi Degrassi Degrassi Degrassi Chris (R) Chris (R) All That K & Kel (TNICK) Ned (R) The Mentalist (R) The Mentalist (R) Castle (R) Castle (R) Castle (R) Perception "Pilot" (R) South. "Wednesday" (R) (TNT) Castle (R) Gumball Advent. (R) Johnny Test NinjaGo Level Up KingH (R) KingH (R) AmerD (R) AmerD (R) FamilyG (R) FamilyG (R) Robot Boond. (R) (TOON) Johnny (R) Regular (R) MAD (R) Wizards Wizards SuiteL (R) Phineas (R) Phineas (R) I'm Band SuiteL. (R) ZekeLut. SuiteL (R) Randy Cunningham (TOONDIS) !! The Adventures of Huck Finn Foods "Ecuador" (R) Man/Fd Man/Fd Man v. Food Toy Hunter Toy/Hunt Food Paradise (N) Food Paradise (R) Toy Hunter Toy/Hunt (TRAV) Anthony Bourdain Repo (R) Cops (R) Cops (R) World's Dumbest... (R) BeachTow BeachTow BeachTow BeachTow Repo (N) Repo (R) Repo (R) Repo (R) BeachTow BeachTow (TRU) Repo (R) MASH (R) MASH (R) Home I. (R) Home I. (R) Cosby (R) Cosby (R) Ray (R) Ray (R) SoulMan SoulMan Queens (R) Queens (R) Queens (R) Queens (R) (TVL) Bonanza (R) NCIS (R) NCIS (R) NCIS "Family" (R) NCIS "Ex-File" (R) NCIS "Identity Crisis" (R) NCIS "Marine Down" (R) NCIS "Left for Dead" (R) (USA) NCIS (R) Rehab "Intake" (R) Rehab "Detox" (R) Rehab/ Dr. Drew (R) Rehab/ Dr. Drew (N) Couples Therapy (N) Rehab/ Dr. Drew (R) Couples Therapy (R) (VH1) Bball Wives LA (R) Ghost Whisperer (R) Charmed (R) Charmed (R) Bridezillas (R) Bridezillas (R) Bridezillas (R) My Fair Wedding (R) My Fair Wedding (R) (WE) 30 Rock 30 Rock Rules (R) Rules (R) (WGN) (:15) 10th.. Videos (R) Chris (R) Chris (R) Funniest Home Videos Rules (R) Rules (R) Rules (R) Rules (R) WGN News at Nine PREMIUM STATIONS !!!! Rise of the Planet of the Apes Boardwalk Empire (R) Bill Maher (R) Treme "Saints" (R) (HBO) 4:45 Latino (:45) !!! Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (:15) !! The Hangover Part II Bradley Cooper. StrikeBk (:50) !! Due Date ('10) Zach Galifianakis. !!! Parenthood ('89) Steve Martin. (:35) Skin (MAX) (4:40) Beyond Homeland (R) Inside the NFL NASCAR Comedy (R) Inside the NFL Dexter "Are You ...?" (R) (SHOW) (4:45) The Entitled ('11) Ray Liotta. (:25) !! The Story of Us !!!! The Big Lebowski ('98) Jeff Bridges. Casino Jack ('10) Barry Pepper, Kevin Spacey. Bellflower Evan Glodell. (TMC) 4:25 !!! Unhook th... (:15) !! (Untitled) ('09) Marley Shelton.

(2) (WDTN) 2 News

2 News

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

(5) (TROY) Comm. Bulletin Board



HOW TO PLAY: Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively. Find answers to today’s puzzle in tomorrow’s Troy Daily News. MONDAY’S SOLUTION:


Simple hint will help keep your cookies crispy Dear Heloise: Desperate for a crispy cookie, but tired of the soft, chemical-tasting ones from the grocery store, I stuck a store-bought chocolate-chip cookie in the toaster oven at 350 degrees for about five minutes. The edges and parts of the bottom were actually dark brown. After cooling a bit, it tasted delicious and crisp. I’m glad I didn’t discover this trick earlier in my life, or I’d probably be 10 pounds heavier. — Elizabeth D., via email Love your hint, and it can be a trick to make warm, almosthome-style cookies from store-

Hints from Heloise Columnist brought. Please do “test” the time and temperature so they don’t burn. — Heloise DIPPING BREAD Dear Heloise: Many restaurants serve bread with olive oil to dip it in, but I don’t always want to have to go out to a restaurant to get it. So,

I’ve started making it myself at home. Any small dish of oil mixed with freshly ground pepper, pepper flakes, minced garlic or other spices will do. I like to add Parmesan cheese on top for a delicious appetizer. — Gwen R. in Tennessee Great money-saving hint, and here’s another bread hint from Betty in Huntsville, Ala. She says: “I’ve baked bread for years, and I’ve found that by laying each baked loaf on its side, it is much easier to slice. You will be slicing from side to side instead of from top to bottom, which also gives more uniform slices. I also use a ser-

rated knife, which is a must.” — Heloise DRY WHITE WINE Dear Heloise: When recipes call for a “dry” white wine, could you specifically tell me which white wines are considered “dry”? — M.F., via email Well, a dry wine is one that is not sweet! When cooking or drinking, a good general guideline for a dry white wine would be a Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio. Many recipes call for “dry” white wine as an ingredient when you want the enhancement of wine but no sweetness added. — Heloise



Wednesday, October 3, 2012













BY FRANCES DRAKE For Thursday, Oct. 4, 2012 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) You have a strong sense of anticipation and adventure today. You’re eager to meet new people, see new places and hear fresh ideas. (“Look — a bright, shiny object!”) TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Trust your moneymaking impulses today, because they could be original and innovative. However, these same impulses will create spontaneous purchases, which you might later regret. (Keep your receipts.) GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) The Moon is in your sign today, dancing with several other planets. This makes you feel stimulated and excited about life. You’re eager to encounter fresh situations. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) A restless quality pervades much of your day, especially toward the evening. However, this also makes you feel up for new adventure and ready for anything new. LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22) You might meet someone who is new and unusual today. Or perhaps someone you already know will say or do something that amazes you. Guard against mild accidents or indiscretions. (Oops.) VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) People in authority might be surprised by your actions today. If you want to stay in their good books, you might want to think twice before you say or do anything. Conversely, don’t quit your day job if you are irritated with your boss. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) You long for escape and adventure! Grab every opportunity to learn something new or to take a quick trip. Go someplace you’ve never been before. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) Surprise gifts and goodies might come to you today. Keep smiling, and keep your pockets open. Yay! SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) A partner or close friend might demand more freedom in the relationship today. (Possibly, this person is you.) Try to be tolerant and flexible. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) The introduction of new technology or high-tech equipment at work is likely today. However, computer crashes, canceled meetings and staff shortages also might occur. Allow wiggle room for everything. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) You feel highly creative today. It’s a great day for the arts, playing with children and anything that has to do with sports and the entertainment world. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Stock the fridge, because surprise company might drop by, or you might impulsively entertain others. A family member might have interesting news to tell. YOU BORN TODAY You know what others want because you have your finger on the pulse of the public. (This is why you know how to appeal to people.) You have charm and grace, and you like things to go smoothly around you; yet, you also are attracted to danger and adventure! Family is important to you. This year, you will begin an exciting new cycle. Open any door! Birthdate of: Stephen Gyllenhaal, film director; Anne Rice, novelist; Charlton Heston, actor/political activist. (c) 2012 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Monday’s Answer





Monday’s Cryptoquip:





Scattered showers High: 75°

Showers Low: 53°




Partly cloudy High: 75° Low: 53°


Chance of showers High: 65° Low: 50°





Partly cloudy High: 75° Low: 53°

Chance of showers High: 65° Low: 50°

TODAY’S STATEWIDE FORECAST Monday, Ocotber 1, 2012 AccuWeather.com forecast for daytime conditions, low/high temperatures



Sunrise Tuesday 7:33 a.m. ........................... Sunset tonight 7:20 p.m. ........................... Moonrise today 7:23 p.m. ........................... Moonset today 8:03 a.m. ...........................



75° 53°



Fronts Cold

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

Air Quality Index Moderate


Main Pollutant: Particulate




Peak group: Weeds

Mold Summary 17,812




Top Mold: Cladosporium Source: Regional Air Pollution Control Agency

GLOBAL City Athens Bangkok Calgary Jerusalem Kabul Kuwait City Mexico City Montreal Moscow Sydney Tokyo

Hi 89 83 79 88 80 105 77 64 73 93 75



20s 30s 40s

50s 60s

Lo Otlk 62 clr 76 rn 44 clr 72 pc 50 clr 75 clr 60 pc 39 pc 53 rn 64 rn 66 rn

Hi Lo PrcOtlk Asheville 72 61 .41 Cldy Atlanta 84 68 Rain Atlantic City 68 56 .08 Cldy Austin 83 72 1.76 Cldy Baltimore 70 55 Cldy 84 55 Clr Boise Boston 57 54 .47 Rain Buffalo 65 45 Rain Charleston,S.C. 85 67 Rain Charleston,W.Va. 70 55 PCldy Charlotte,N.C. 73 63 .61 Cldy Chicago 79 48 PCldy Cincinnati 73 57 Clr Cleveland 67 42 Cldy Columbus 70 47 PCldy Dallas-Ft Worth 72 70 1.19 Cldy 76 50 PCldy Denver Des Moines 83 48 Clr Detroit 72 47 Cldy Fargo 85 45 Clr Grand Rapids 75 43 PCldy Greensboro,N.C. 67 64 1.24PCldy Honolulu 86 74 PCldy Houston 80 73 .36 Cldy Indianapolis 73 51 PCldy Kansas City 75 47 Clr

Tests come back negative in the search for Hoffa DETROIT (AP) — Like many others that came before it, the latest search for former Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa has come up empty. Tests on soil samples gathered last week from a backyard in suburban Detroit showed no traces that Hoffa or anyone else was buried there, Roseville police announced Tuesday. “Our department just received the soil sample report from Michigan State University, after a battery of tests; the samples submitted for examination showed no signs of human decomposition,” the police statement read. “As a result of these tests the Roseville Police Department will be concluding their investigation into the possible interment of a human body upon the property.” Thus ended the latest in a long string of tips and rumors about one of America’s great mysteries. Over the years, authorities have dug up a Michigan horse farm, looked under a swimming pool and pulled up floorboards in their quest for the former union leader. Hoffa last was seen July 30, 1975, outside a restaurant in Oakland County, more than 30 miles to the west. The day he disappeared, Hoffa was supposed to meet with a New Jersey Teamsters boss and a Detroit mafia captain. The latest search led police, reporters and curious onlookers to Patricia Szpunar’s brick ranch-style home in Roseville. Police in the mostly working- and middle-class community north of Detroit recently received a tip from a man who claimed he saw someone buried there about 35 years ago and that the body possibly belonged to Hoffa.



Cincinnati 70° | 49°

80s 90s 100s 110s

Calif. Low: 28 at Crane Lake, Minn.

Portsmouth 73° | 48°

NATIONAL CITIES Temperatures indicate Saturday’s high and overnight low to 8 p.m.

Pollen Summary 0


Yesterday’s Extremes: High: 109 at Death Valley,





“The police have left and the yellow tape has come down,” Szpunar told The Associated Press on Tuesday afternoon. “I’m thrilled because it’s over with. No more people staring at my house, driving by, walking by, pausing to stare. I can go on with my life.” The soil samples were removed Friday after officials drilled through the floor of a shed on Szpunar’s property. Roseville police Chief James Berlin had said the ground would be excavated if decomposition were found in the samples. A tipster recently came forward and a radar test revealed a shift in the soil, both of which prompted Friday’s drilling. Berlin said the house may have been owned in the 1970s by a gambler with ties to organized crime. Hoffa was an acquaintance of mobsters and adversary to federal officials. He spent time in prison for jury tampering. He was declared legally dead in 1982. Previous tips led police to excavate soil in 2006 at a horse farm northwest of Detroit, rip up floorboards at a Detroit home in 2004 and search beneath a backyard pool a few hours north of the city in 2003. Other theories were that his remains were ground up and tossed into a Florida swamp, entombed beneath Giants Stadium in New Jersey or obliterated in a mob-owned fat-rendering plant. Szpunar said she’s just happy to have her shed back. “My son can put the motorcycle back in there,” she said. Police had put a new, more secure lock on the shed. They gave Szpunar the key Tuesday.

Key West Las Vegas Little Rock Los Angeles Louisville Mpls-St Paul Nashville New Orleans New York City Oklahoma City Omaha Orlando Philadelphia Phoenix Pittsburgh Rapid City Sacramento St Louis St Petersburg Salt Lake City San Diego San Francisco Seattle Spokane Syracuse Tampa Tucson Washington,D.C.

Hi 87 95 74 85 76 82 77 77 65 70 79 90 64 97 65 86 93 76 90 82 83 67 69 77 66 89 94 73

Lo Prc Otlk 78 PCldy 71 Clr 68 Cldy 64 Clr 53 Clr 51 Clr 62 Cldy 74 .36 Rain 57 Cldy 68 .20 Cldy 43 Clr 72 PCldy 58 Cldy 75 Clr 41 Rain 52 Clr 56 Clr 52 PCldy 78 PCldy 54 Clr 68 Clr 54 Clr 58 PCldy 54 Clr 52 .01 Cldy 75 PCldy 66 Clr 59 Cldy





REGIONAL ALMANAC Temperature High Yesterday .............................68 at 3:31 p.m. Low Yesterday..............................46 at 6:56 p.m. Normal High .....................................................70 Normal Low ......................................................49 Record High ........................................94 in 1897 Record Low.........................................30 in 1899

Precipitation 24 hours ending at 5 p.m..............................1.28 Month to date ................................................5.27 Normal month to date ...................................3.30 Year to date .................................................24.22 Normal year to date ....................................31.61 Snowfall yesterday ........................................0.00

TODAY IN HISTORY (AP) — Today is Wednesday, Oct. 3, the 277th day of 2012. There are 89 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On Oct. 3, 1962, astronaut Wally Schirra became the fifth American to fly in space as he blasted off from Cape Canaveral aboard the Sigma 7 on a 9hour flight. On this date: In 1789, President

George Washington declared Nov. 26, 1789, a day of Thanksgiving to express gratitude for the creation of the United States of America. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November Thanksgiving Day. In 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt established the Office of Economic Stabilization.

In 1962, the British musical “Stop the World I Want to Get Off” opened on Broadway with Anthony Newley and Anna Quayle reprising their West End roles. In 1967, folk singersongwriter Woody Guthrie died in New York at age 55. In 1970, the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) was established under the Department of Commerce.


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Columbus 67° | 46°

Dayton 66° | 47°

Today’s UV factor.



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Youngstown 61° | 45°

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Cleveland 61° | 52°

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

12 • Troy Daily News • Classifieds That Work • Wednesday, October 3, 2012

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CAREGIVER (937)203-5883


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Reliable experienced Carpenter for short term projects. 6-10 weeks, local quality driven builder, no travel, all work in Miami County, call (937)339-5755, leave name and contact phone number WOOD FRAMERS Local/ Commercial Carpentry Contractor seeking experienced Wood Framers. Must have own transportation. Good pay and benefits. Immediate openings. Pre-employment drug screening Call: (937)339-6274 Or apply in person at: 1360 S. Co. Rd. 25-A Troy, Ohio


To advertise in the Garage Sale Directory Please call: 877-844-8385

555 Garage Sales/Yard Sales

ALCONY, 8015 East State Route 41. Friday and Saturday 11am-5pm. Glassware, Ohio State items, Cats Meow, candles, and too much to list

BETHEL TOWNSHIP, 7350 Dayton Brandt Road. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 9am-5pm. Brand name clothes, love seat and ottoman, garage door openers, household items, side by side refrigerator and more COVINGTON, 307 Richeson Street, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 9am-6pm. Antiques, glassware, snow blower, lathe, tools, clothes

COVINGTON, 6255 & 6275 West US 36 (between Piqua and Covington). Thursday and Friday 9-5, Saturday 9-4. HUGE GARAGE SALES!! Furniture, appliances, dog cages and much more.

PIQUA, 1516 Nicklin Ave. (In alley). Beside Kenmar. Thursday, Friday 9am-6pm, Saturday 9am-2pm. Big screen TV, dryer, air compressor, antiques and lots of miscellaneous. PIQUA 217 Third Street Thursday, Friday 9am-6pm, and Saturday 9am-3pm Estate sale, household goods, wood crafts supplies Grapevine wreaths, tools, dishes, clothing women's 10-14, men's and young men's, kitchen table and chairs two sets, TIPP CITY, 1427 West Main St. (Community Bible Church). Saturday ONLY 8am-3pm. HUGE church garage sale! Wide of variety of treasurers! Something for everyone!

TIPP CITY 6125 Marjean Dr. Thursday, Friday Saturday 8am-4pm. Simplicity riding mower, cherry bedroom suit, leather couches, Amish round table, TroyBuilt tiller, pump organ.

TIPP CITY 771 Arapaho Saturday only 9am-4pm Included are antiques, china, pottery, lamps, tables, a dining room set, kitchen items, Tupperware, and miscellaneous

TROY 1880 Pheasant Point Court (Peters to west on Swailes to Quail Nest) Friday 8:30am-3pm and Saturday 9am-12:30pm Antique pie-crust table, rocker, tapestry bench, finer collectibles, plates, pottery, jewelry, movies galore, pet supplies, coats, art work, Christmas. New items second day. No early birds

555 Garage Sales/Yard Sales

TROY, 1269 Stephenson Drive, Saturday only 8am-4pm, men's golf clubs, end tables, table and 2 chairs, bookcases, HO gauge train set, Dell computer, 18 inch Samsung monitor, small lawn trailer, linens, women's clothes, dishes

TROY. 2371 Murphy Lane West, Saturday, 10/6 8am-2pm. Queen Bed, living room furniture, boy clothes NB-3T, toys, baby gear.

TROY, 392, 443, 445 Shaftsbury Road Thursday, Friday 9am-6pm, Saturday 9am-1pm Lamps, new carpet, baby bed with mattress, working antique wall clocks, glass patio table 4 chairs, red Ryder wagon, tricycle, antiques, clothes boys infant to size 4, junior, ladies, men's on racks, and miscellaneous

TROY, 510 Birchwood Court (off Broken Woods/ Merrimont), Saturday, October 6, 9am-1pm. Furniture, golf clubs, luggage, outdoor tools, quality, cute girls/ twins clothes (includes costumes, boots, holiday dresses) - sizes 0-3 years, men's & women's quality clothing, DVD rack, miscellaneous.

TROY, 600 Barnhart Road, Thursday 10-5, Saturday 9-1. Finished cleaning out the basement! NEW ITEMS ADDED. Entertainment center, microwave, TV's, sleeping bags, tent, sewing machine, chest of drawers, baby stroller, carseat, Home & Garden party items, George Foreman, Showtime Rotisserie, miscellaneous. TROY 633 Floral Avenue Saturday and Sunday 10am-3pm Set of ladies golf clubs, ladies wedding dress made by Elle, and miscellaneous household items

TROY, 998 Brookwood Drive, Thursday & Friday 9am-4pm and Saturday, 8am-Noon. Awesome Sale! Dressers, twin bed, new bedding sets, women's, girls (6-7/8), boys size 4 clothes, shoes, toys, decor, household. TROY/CASSTOWN 524 N. Childrens Home Rd. Friday 8:30-5 & Saturday 8:30-12:30. Antiques, fishing/boating items, patio furniture, flute, oak chairs, band and table saws, country decor, glassware, junior clothes and more.


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Buschur Electric Inc. is accepting applications for a generator technician. Applicant should be familiar with the mechanical and electrical workings of generators and transfer switches. 2 to 4 years of experience in mechanical work and electrical work is a plus, but we will train. Competitive wages and benefits package. Interested parties should send resume to: Buschur Electric, Inc. PO Box 107 Minster, OH 45865 EEO Employer

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Slagle Mechanical Inc, an established HVAC & Plumbing construction/ service company is currently seeking qualified Electricians to better serve our growing customer base. This new opportunity will provide steady employment with industry leading benefits to allow the right individual many opportunities for growth in a new department. Applicants must have a minimum of 5 years experience or more, have an excellent knowledge of the Electrical Code, Safety Processes, and hold applicable licenses.

Work experience to include commercial & industrial construction, maintenance, and service work, Residential experience a plus, Must be proficient with low voltage to 600 volt applications. High Voltage experience a plus. Competitive Wage and benefit package based on experience, References required. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer

Submit resume to: Electrician Slagle Mechanical PO Box 823 Sidney, Ohio 45365



All Display Ads: 2 Days Prior Liners For: Mon - Fri @ 5pm Weds - Tues @ 5pm Thurs - Weds @ 5pm Fri - Thurs @ 5pm Sat - Thurs @ 5pm Miami Valley Sunday News liners- Fri @ Noon

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8-5

NOW HIRING: Companies desperately need employees to assemble products at home. No selling, any hours. $500 weekly potential. Info: (985)646-1700 Dept. OH-6011. ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ NOW HIRING! ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆

LABORS: $9.50/HR

CDL Drivers: $11.50/HR

APPLY: 15 Industry Park Ct., Tipp City (937)667-6772

240 Healthcare

PART-TIME and PRN STNA Positions 1st, 2nd & 3rd shifts If interested, please apply online at: www.oprs.org/careers

3003 W. Cisco Rd. Sidney, OH 45365

245 Manufacturing/Trade

ConAgra Foods, Inc. is one of North America's leading food companies, with brands in 97 percent of America's households. Our production facility located in Troy, OH, is currently seeking applicants for the following position. MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN(S) 2ND & 3RD SHIFT

These individuals will assist the Maintenance team in maintaining food processing equipment by overhauling, repairing and testing high speed production equipment such as ovens, packaging machines, mixers, cartoners, baggers, stuffers, etc., throughout the facility. Technicians are responsible for PM's, mechanical repairs, and troubleshooting. Must have knowledge of PLC operations, Motor Control, Fabrication, Hydraulics, and Pneumatics (air valves and controls) with the ability to define problems, collect data, and establish facts and draw valid conclusions.

Qualifications/ Education/ Experience/Skills: High School Graduate or GED necessary (Associates Degree and up preferred), 4+ years of prior maintenance experience in a production environment. Must have a solid understanding of, but not limited to: Drive Trains (belts, pulleys, sprockets and chain), electrical (110 single phase and 480 & 230 v 3 phase), PLC Operation & Servo's, Motor Controls, Fabrication (welding, grinding and assembly), Hydraulics (motors, pumps, and valves), Pneumatics (air valves and controls).

We offer a competitive wage & benefits package: Medical, Dental, Vision, 401k match, Life & Disability, paid holidays/ vacation/ personal days, company store among many other benefits. Qualified candidates, who have demonstrated a good work history and have proven they can work in a team environment, should apply by emailing a resume or faxing to: brad.holmes@ conagrafoods.com Fax (937)339-8024

An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer

that work .com

ConAgra Foods, Inc. is one of North America's leading food companies, with brands in 97 percent of America's households. Consumers find Banquet, Chef Boyardee, Egg Beaters, Healthy Choice, Hebrew National Hunt's, Marie Callender's, Orville Redenbacher's, PAM, Peter Pan, Reddi-wip, Slim Jim, Snack Pack and many other ConAgra Foods brands in grocery, convenience, mass merchandise and club stores. The Production Associates at our premier Slim Jim and school lunch pizza production facility located in Troy, OH, will be responsible for bakery and/or meat processing activities.

Job positions may include the following: • Machine Operator • Production Line Worker • Mixer • Packer • Sanitation Worker Position requirements: • Must have a High School Diploma or GED. • Must be able to communicate and work effectively in a team environment. • Ability to frequently lift and/or carry items from 35-50 lbs. • Ability to work in a noisy, hot and/or cold work environment. • Ability to stand for an extended period of time. • Must be able to work any shift and/or on weekends and holidays. • It is preferred; applicants have at least 6+ months of continuous work experience in a manufacturing or for industry environment. • Candidates must be willing and able to work in a fast paced manufacturing environment.

Applications for employment will ONLY be accepted at the Miami County Job Center office located at 2040 N. County Rd 25A, Troy, OH 45373 from Monday - Friday (10/1 thru 10/5 and 10/8 - 10/12) from 8:00am to 4:30pm. Please note: Applications will not be accepted at the plant. An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer




• •


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Troy Daily News

Must have 2 years experience Class A CDL Clean MVR

***Home weekends***

***Benefits available***

Please call

1, 2 & 3 bedrooms Call for availability attached garages Easy access to I-75 (937)335-6690


2 & 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Troy ranches and townhomes. Different floor plans to choose from. Garages, fireplaces, appliances including washer and dryers. Corporate apartments available. Visit www.1troy.com Call us first! (937)335-5223 EVERS REALTY

TROY, 2 Bedroom Townhomes 1.5 bath 1 car garage, $695 (937)216-5806 EversRealty.net

2 BEDROOM in Troy, Move in special, Stove, refrigerator, W/D, A/C, very clean, no pets. $525. (937)573-7908

$595, PIQUA'S Finest, all brick, 2 bedroom apartment, attached garage, appliances, CA, (937)492-7351

655 MUMFORD, 2 Bedroom, Townhouse, 1.5 bath, 1 car garage, appliances, washer/ dryer hookup, non smoking, small pet with additional fee. $575 month + $575 deposit. (937)441-3921 DODD RENTALS Tipp-Troy: 2 bedroom AC, appliances $500/$450 plus deposit No pets (937)667-4349 for appt.

LOVELY 2 Bedroom condo, 1.5 bath, furnished kitchen, w/d hookup, Private patio/ parking, $595 (937)335-5440

NEW 1 Bedroom, $649 monthly, Includes all utilities, No Pets, (937)778-0524

PIQUA, 1817 West Parkway, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, stove & refrigerator furnished, CA, non-smoking, no pets, $525 month + $525 deposit, (937)441-3921.

TIPP: Brand NEW inside & CLEAN! 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath, QUIET well maintained property. No prior evictions, No dogs. $540 (937)545-4513.

TROY, 2 Bedroom ranch 1540 Windridge, Garage, appliances, A/C, deck, w/d Hookup, very clean, No pets. 1 year lease, $635 plus deposit. (937)339-6736 or (937)286-1199

TROY, 1 & 2 Bedrooms, appliances, CA, water, trash paid, $425 & $525 monthly. Special 1st Month $200 with Paid Deposit (937)673-1821

TROY, 701 McKaig, nice duplex, Spacious 3 bedrooms, w/d hookup, appliances, $700. No pets, (937)845-2039 TROY area, 2 bedroom townhouses, 1-1/2 bath, furnished appliances, W/D hookup, A/C, No dogs $475. (937)339-6776.

400 - Real Estate

(419)222-8692 Monday-Friday 8am-5pm

300 - Real Estate

For Rent

305 Apartment 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom, Houses & Apts. SEIPEL PROPERTIES Piqua Area Only Metro Approved (937)773-9941 9am-5pm Monday-Friday

We Accept

For Sale 410 Commercial

TROY/TIPP ADDRESSES, private owner, info PO Box 181, Tipp City, Ohio 45371.

everybody’s talking about what’s in our


500 - Merchandise

505 Antiques/Collectibles

FREIGHT TRAIN, Lionel 1965, original boxing including platform and buildings, photos, $375 or bargain, Piqua, (248)694-1242.

525 Computer/Electric/Office

COMPUTER SET, Windows XP, loaded, CDROM, DSL Internet, USB. 90 day warranty on parts, $100. (937)339-2347.

that work .com 535 Farm Supplies/Equipment

FARMER with total production management plan, with knowledge and purpose behind each decision. Crop acreage available? Truck for rent, 400 Bashel Parker roll tarp, diesel automatic. Disc with subsoiler $17.00 acre. Till October 11th (937)829-6748 WANTED: Used motor oil for farm shop furnace. Will pick up 50 gallons or more. (937)295-2899.

545 Firewood/Fuel

FIREWOOD, All hardwood, $150 per cord delivered or $120 you pick up, (937)726-2780

FIREWOOD for sale. All seasoned hardwood, $150 per cord split/ delivered, $120 you pick up. ( 9 3 7 ) 8 4 4 - 3 7 5 6 (937)844-3879

FIREWOOD, split seasoned delivered (local) $145 cord; $75 rick. (937)559-6623 call anytime. Thanks HARDWOOD, Seasoned hardwood for sale. $125 a cord. Will deliver. (937)301-7237

SEASONED FIREWOOD. Hurry only 4 cord left! All hardwood. $120 if you pick up. Will deliver for $135. (937) 570-0045 SEASONED FIREWOOD ready for splitting, offering on share basis (937)698-6204

560 Home Furnishings

HIDE-A-BED, excellent condition, great for apartment, new mattress, $150. Call (937)308-3851.

570 Lawn and Garden

COMMERCIAL MOWER, Dixon zero turn, Estate model, very good condition, $2000 obo, (937)726-5761

577 Miscellaneous

(2) PC QUEEN pillowtop mattress set, new in plastic, $175. Can deliver. 937-765-6529.

EARRINGS, diamond, 1 stone .63carat, other stone, .70carat. Mounted in 14K gold with screwback posts, $1200 OBRO. STEREO/RECEIVER, Onyko, 65w x5, 100w RMS with 2 100w Realistic floor speakers, 3 way with 15" woofer, amplified antennae, $250, (937)773-3636. Can be seen at 806 Brook Street, Piqua. LONGABERGER BASKET and Degenhart Glass collections (937)216-8798

PEDESTAL TABLE with 6 chairs and leaf. Oak entertainment center, electric range (flat-top), couch, recliner, microwave. Excellent condition. ( 9 3 7 ) 5 9 6 - 0 5 6 2 (937)441-9784

WHEELCHAIR, Quantum 1121, Power wheel chair, seat raises & reclines, must sell, asking $600, (937)418-2150

580 Musical Instruments

that work .com

HAMMOND ORGAN, 1960's era, cherry wood, 2 keyboards and full petals Call (937)216-4878

To Advertise In The Classifieds That Work Call 877-844-8385 583 Pets and Supplies

BOSTON TERRIER, Puppies, 8 weeks old, vet checked, 1st shots, dew claws removed, wormed, 1 male & 1 female, (937)394-8745 CATS/ KITTENS, 6 weeks old, black, assorted barn cats of all ages. All free! (937)773-5245.

CHIHUAHUA/DACHSHUND MIX. Long haired. Male. Free to good home. (937)451-0900 LAB PUPPIES Full blooded. 3 chocolate males, one black female, 3 black males. 8 weeks old. $250 OBO (937)638-2781

590 Tool and Machinery

SAWS, 2 Craftsman. 10" table saw & 10" radial arm Both in excellent saw. condition. Original owners manual plus extra blades. Call and leave message, Troy area, (937)658-0906.

TOOLS, Retired tool maker selling machinist tools, see at 202 North Linden, Anna during garage sales, September 28th-29th or call (937)394-7251

800 - Transportation

805 Auto

2001 OLDSMOBILE Silhoutte, green with tan in157,000 miles. terior, FWD, V6, 3.4L, gas, automatic, very clean, well maintained minivan loaded with power features, leather interior. Second owner. $4600. ( 9 3 7 ) 4 9 7 - 0 6 9 4 jkgeise@watchtv.net. 2007 SEBRING Chrysler, 4 door sedan, navy blue, cylinder automatic, 4 21,500 miles, excellent condition, $11,500 (937)524-7584

2011 BUICK Lucerne, 18k miles, most all bells & whistles, leather interior, On Star, quick silver color, (937)570-6699

890 Trucks

2004 FORD F150, extended cab, mostly highway brand new tires, good, $7500 (937)657-1649.

890 Trucks

1986 GMC, 1 ton dully, 350 cubic inch, power steering and brakes, cruise control, 410 rear end, new paint, brakes, calipers, nice truck $2500 (937)689-6910

2001 DODGE, Dakota Sport, 76k miles, V6, Automatic, A/C, power locks, tilt, cruise, extra nice, $5000 firm, (937)492-4743 or (937)726-1764

895 Vans/Minivans

2003 OLDS Silhouette, silver with Gray interior, 168,000 miles. FWD, V6, gas, automatic, Runs great. Excellent condition. Everything works. Full maintenance records. $4000 OBO. (937)667-6134


4WD, silver, miles, runs OBO,

that work .com

Troy Daily News • Classifieds That Work • Wednesday, October 3, 2012 • 13 925 Public Notices

925 Public Notices

925 Public Notices


The following applications and/or verified complaints were received, and the following draft, proposed and final actions were issued, by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA) last week. The complete public notice including additional instructions for submitting comments, requesting information or a public hearing, or filing an appeal may be obtained at: http://www.epa.ohio.gov/actions.aspx or Hearing Clerk, Ohio EPA, 50 W. Town St. P.O. Box 1049, Columbus, Ohio 43216. Ph: 614-644-2129 email: HClerk@epa.state.oh.us FINAL ISSUANCE OF REVOCATION OF PERMIT TO INSTALL SUPER STATION INC. 8855 NORTH COUNTY ROAD 25A PIQUA, OH ACTION DATE: 09/20/2012 FACILITY DESCRIPTION: AIR IDENTIFICATION NO.: RVK02357 Permit revoked.


HOBART BROTHERS COMPANY I 101 TRADE SQUARE EAST TROY, OH ACTION DATE: 09/20/2012 FACILITY DESCRIPTION: AIR IDENTIFICATION NO.: P0110521 Administrative modification to reflect a change in the configuration of the fabric filters on emissions unit P030, P031, P032, and an increase the production rate for emissions unit P033 with no increase in air emissions.


925 Public Notices


Sealed Bids will be received separately for:

2.5 Ton Single Axle Cab & Chassis, and Dump Bed, Hydraulics, & Snow Plow for the above specified 2.5 Ton Single Axle Cab & Chassis at the Tipp City Government Center, 260 S. Garber Drive, Tipp City, Ohio 45371 until 10:00 am local time on Friday, October 19, 2012 at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud in the City Council Chambers. The Bidding Documents, which include specifications may be examined and obtained at no cost to the bidder from the office of Service Director, located within the Tipp City Government Center, 260 S. Garber Drive, Tipp City, Ohio 45371.

All bids shall include a BID GUARANTY as a guarantee that the successful bidder will enter into a contract with the City. The BID GUARANTY shall be a certified check, cashierʼs check, or letter of credit in the amount equal to 10% of the bid. No BIDDER shall withdraw his Bid within sixty (60) days after actual opening thereof.

The City of Tipp City reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive any irregularities in the bids, and to accept any bid which is deemed by the City to be in their best interest. Jon Crusey, City Manager

10/3, 10/10-2012 2324489


Service&Business DIRECTORY

To advertise in the Classifieds That Work Service & Business Directory please call: 877-844-8385 660 Home Services

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665 Lawn, Garden, Landscaping

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14 • Troy Daily News • Classifieds That Work • Wednesday, October 3, 2012

To Advertise In The Classifieds That Work Call 877-844-8385

STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION (Required by 39 U.S.C. 3685) Publication title: The Troy Daily News/Miami Valley Sunday News Publication No. 642080 Date of filing: October 1, 2012 Frequency of issue: Daily and Sunday (except Tuesday) Number of issues published annually: 312 (Non Publishing Day-Christmas) Annual subscription price: $155.00 Complete mailing address of known office of publication: 224 S. Market Street, P.O. Box 120, Troy, Miami County, Ohio 45373. Complete mailing address of the headquarters or general business offices of the publisher (not printer): 224 S. Market Street, P.O. Box 120, Troy, Miami County, Ohio 45373. Full names and complete mailing addresses of publisher, editor and managing editor: Publisher, Frank L. Beeson, 224 S. Market Street, P.O. Box 120, Troy, Miami County, Ohio 45373, Editor, David Fong 224 S. Market Street, P.O. Box 120, Troy, Miami County, Ohio 45373, Managing editor – not applicable. Owner (If owned by a corporation, its name and address must be stated and also immediately hereunder the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of stock. If not owned by a corporation, the names and addresses of the individual owners must be given. If owned by a partnership, or other unincorporated firm, its name and address, as well as that of each individual member, must be given. If the publication is published by a nonprofit organization, its name and address must be stated.) (Item must be completed) The Troy Daily News, Inc., 224 S. Market Street, Troy, Miami County, Miami County, Ohio 45373; wholly owned by Civitas Financing, LLC, 1 West Main St., Clinton, CT 06413 The known bondholders, mortgages, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per-cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities are: Civitas Holdings, LLC, Michael Bush, Versa Capital Fund II, L.P. and Versa Capital Fund II-A, L.P., 1 Wet Main St., Clinton, CT 06413 For completion by non-profit organizations authorized to mail at special rates: N/A. Publication title: The Troy Daily News Issue date for Circulation Data Below: 9/30/12 Extent and nature of circulation: Total number of copies printed (net press run): average number of copies each issue during preceding 12 months: 8,220, number copies of single issue published nearest filing date: 8,202. Paid and/or requested circulation: 1.) Paid/requested outside-county mail subscriptions stated on form 3541. 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Total paid and/or requested circulation: (Sum of 15b, (1), (2), (3), and (4): average numbers of copies each issue during preceding 12-months: 8,114, number copies of single issue published nearest to filing date: 8,387. Free distribution by mail (Samples, complimentary, and other free): 1.) Outside-county as stated on form 3541: average number of copies each issue during preceding 12-months: 0, number copies of single issue published nearest to filing date: 0. 2.) In-county as stated on form 3541: average number of copies each issue during preceding 12-months: 0, number copies of single issue published nearest to filing date: 0. 3.) Other classes mailed through USPS: average number of copies each issue during preceding 12-months: 0, number copies of single issue published nearest to filing date: 0. 4) Free or nominal rate distribution outside the mail average number of copies each issue during preceding 12-months: 1,152 number copies of single issue published nearest to filing date: 1,541 Free distribution outside the mail (Carriers or other means): average number of copies each issue during preceding 12 months: 1,152, number copies of single issue published nearest to filing date: 1,541. Total distribution (Sum of 15c and 15e): average number of copies each issue during preceding 12-months: 9,266, number copies of single issue published nearest to filing date: 9,928. Copies not distributed: average number of copies each issue during preceding 12-months: 355, number copies of single issue nearest to filing date: 785. Total (Sum of 15f and 15g); average number of copies each issue during preceding 12-months: 9,621 number copies of single issue nearest to filing date: 10,713. Percent Paid and/or Requested Circulation (15c divided by 15f x 100): average numbers of copies each issue during preceding 12-months: 88.0%, number copies of single issue nearest to filing date: 85.0 %. Publication of Statement of Ownership. Publication required. Will be printed in the 10/03/2012 issue of this publication. I certify that all information furnished on this form is true and complete. I understand that anyone who furnished false or misleading information on this form or who omits material or information requested in this form may be subject to criminal sanctions (Including fines and imprisonment) and/or civil sanctions (Including civil penalties). Frank L. Beeson, I-75 Group Publisher 2324818

1979 CHEVY EL CAMINO Super sport project car. Restoration started w/ rebuilt engine, new dual exhaust, brakes & lines. Runs/ drives well, needs floor pans & some other rust work. High dollar car when restored. Priced to sell at $1800. (937)295-2899

Extended cab, short bed, Power stroke V-8 Turbo Diesel, 6.0 liter, 4WD, automatic, Bed liner, towing package, cloth interior, 108,000 miles, $14,500 (937)778-1665

1996 TERRY 5TH WHEEL TRAILER 32.5 ft, clean, set up at Kozy Campground Grand Lake, comes with 8x8 shed, picnic bench, and other misc., or can be moved. (937)773-6209 or (937)418-2504

2005 KAWASAKI VULCAN MEAN STREAK 10,000 miles. Excellent condition. 1600cc, fuel Vance and injected, Hines pipes, power commander, new tires. $5300 OBO. (937)638-9070


Convertible, 350/350 hp Black, 6 speed standard, power windows & AM/FM CD, seats, $17,500. (937)726-5761

2004 FORD F-250 XLT


60+k miles, must sell! Will sacrifice. Call (937)418-8296 or (937)418-9696


6x10 Foot, 2 Foot side risers, excellent condition, $1100 (937)726-5761



Pro Team 170TX, powered by 2007 50hp MerTrolling motor, cury, Trail Star trailer, Custom cover, superb condition $8900. (937)394-8531

13'3"x4'6", 2 axle with electric brake capable, 3500# per axle, $1600 (937)570-9463

that work .com 2004 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER 4x4

103,000 miles, excellent and runs condition great! Must see. Nonsmoker. $9000 OBO (937)615-0194

2007 FORD TRUCK FX4WD, silver metallic clear coat with black sport cloth bucket seats, well maintained, super cab with bed liner, new brakes, rotors, and calipers, clean car fax provided, 102,644 miles, $13,850. (937)789-8473






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■ Sports Editor Josh Brown (937) 440-5251, (937) 440-5232 jbrown@tdnpublishing.com





October 3, 2012

■ Golf

• Girls Soccer Troy 3, Wayne 0 TROY — On Senior Night, Troy (11-2-0) started slow but finished strong, scoring three second- half goals to emerge with a 3-0 victory over Wayne at Troy Memorial Stadium. Leah Soutar scored Troy’s first goal with 27 minutes left to play in the second half, thanks to assists by Morgan Brown and Madison Burchfield. Three minutes later, Burchfield found the back of the net with another helper from Brown, then with 14 minutes remaining in the game, Catelyn Schmiedebusch headed in a corner kick from Kina Sekito. “It kind of came down to who wanted it more,” Troy coach Michael Rasey said. “With the (weather) conditions being the way they were, we were finally able to generate some chances in the second half.” The game was a rematch of two hard-fought contests last season, with Troy falling in the regular season then knocking off Wayne with an overtime goal to win a sectional title. What awaits the Trojans now is a showdown with Sidney on Wednesday which will likely determine who wins the Greater Western Ohio Conference North Division title. Tippecanoe 5, Tecumseh 0 The Tippecanoe Red Devils bounced back from an ugly nonleague loss on Saturday, outshooting its opposition 20-2 and routing Central Buckeye Conference rival Tecumseh 5-0 Monday night.

Trojans, Devils advance to district Staff Reports


Troy’s Allison Brown knew what needed to be done. “One of my players summed the day up perfectly,” Troy coach Eric Nawroth said. “Allison said, ‘When it starts raining bad like this, that’s the time to step up. Because everyone else is going to struggle.’” It’s something that Tippecanoe’s Lindsey Murray — a two-time state qualifier — already knows. “Some people don’t like those kind of conditions, but I kind of enjoy that stuff,” the Red Devil junior said. “It makes me focus more.”

Tippecanoe and Troy both sloshed their way through an incredibly wet day at the Division I Sectional tournament and qualified for next week’s district tournament. The Devils — led by medalist Murray, who won the sectional for the third straight year — were second with 352, while the Trojans were fourth with 384 Tuesday at Beavercreek Golf Course. It was Troy’s best 18-hole score of the season, and it couldn’t have come at a better time. “Words can’t describe how impressive that is, to shoot our best score when the weather was

just brutal,” Nawroth said. “It rained for most of the day, and it downpoured some. We played incredibly well in bad conditions.” Caitlin Dowling shot a 92 to lead the Trojans, Brown shot a 96, Caroline Elsass-Smith and Morgan McKinney each shot 98 and Victoria Ries shot 129. The Trojans beat Greater Western Ohio Conference North Division rival Butler — which already owned three victories over Troy this season — by eight strokes. Butler defeated Troy at the preseason GWOC tournament by 26, at the postseason GWOC tournament by 47 and during the regular season by 20.

■ Major League Baseball

Troy game vs. Sidney postponed Game moved to today Staff Reports TROY — The Troy Trojans will have to wait another day to find out if they can keep pace in the Greater Western Ohio Conference North Division.

MIAMI COUNTY Persistent rain on Tuesday postponed the showdown between Troy and visiting Sidney Yellowjackets to tonight at 7 p.m. at Troy Memorial Stadium — with the girls already scheduled to play at Sidney for basically the same stakes.

SPORTS CALENDAR TODAY Boys Golf Division I Sectional At Reid Park Troy, Tippecanoe, Piqua (8 a.m.) Girls Golf Division II District at Pipestone Covington (9 a.m.) Boys Soccer Kenton Ridge at Tippecanoe (7:15 p.m.) Girls Soccer Troy at Sidney (7 p.m.) Tippecanoe at Kenton Ridge (7:15 p.m.) Piqua at Trotwood (5:30 p.m.) Cross Country Troy, Miami East, Bethel at Tippecanoe Invitational (5 p.m.) Tennis Division I Sectional at Troy Troy, Piqua (9 a.m.)

WHAT’S INSIDE College Football ...................16 Local Sports....................16, 18 Scoreboard ............................17 Television Schedule..............17 Major League Baseball.........18

Buckeyes, Spartans in a pair of spats Eye gouging. Disputes over game film. Urban Meyer has quickly returned No. 12 Ohio State to prominence in the Big Ten, but he has rubbed some of his fellow coaches the wrong way. Back in February, there were complaints about his aggressive recruiting tactics. Last week, Michigan State complained that the Buckeyes had sent “incomplete” game video before their game on Saturday. See Page 16.

■ See GOLF on 18

■ Soccer

■ See MONDAY on 16

THURSDAY Boys Golf Division III District at Weatherwax Covington, Bethel (9 a.m.) Boys Soccer Twin Valley South at Miami East (7:15 p.m.) Tri-Village at Bethel (7 p.m.) Preble Shawnee at Newton (7 p.m.) Troy Christian at Xenia Christian (7 p.m.) Girls Soccer Carlisle at Milton-Union (7:30 p.m.) Twin Valley South at Miami East (5:30 p.m.) Newton at National Trail (5 p.m.) Troy Christian at Yellow Springs (6 p.m.) Cross Country Bradford, Lehman at Coldwater Invite (5 p.m.) Volleyball Troy at GWOC (7 p.m.) Tippecanoe at Spr. Shawnee (6:30 p.m.) Carlisle at Milton-Union (7 p.m.) Miami East at Bethel (7 p.m.) Twin Valley South at Newton (7 p.m.) Troy Christian at Yellow Springs (6:15 p.m.) Bradford at Franklin Monroe (5:30 p.m.) Piqua at GWOC (7 p.m.)

“We always seem to fall short of them,” Nawroth said of Butler. “To beat our GWOC North rival when it mattered most, that’s pretty cool. I’m so proud of the girls. “They just kept their wits about them all day. They figured if they got through it and had a decent attitude, they could beat some people.” Murray, meanwhile, continued to beat everybody. Murray shot a 73 to take home medalist honors. Kristy Kagy shot an 82, Kayla Vath shot 96, Erika Brownlee shot 101 and Alli Chitwood shot 114.

■ See SOCCER on 18

■ Volleyball

Vikings take down Buccs in 3 Staff Reports


Cincinnati Reds third baseman Scott Rolen, top, tries to avoid the slide of St. Louis Cardinals’ Jon Jay after tagging Jay out at third during the third inning Tuesday in St. Louis.

Spoiling their fun Reds put Cardinals’ playoff hopes on hold with win ST. LOUIS (AP) Mat Latos won his fourth straight decision to finish the regular season and Scott Rolen homered off Chris Carpenter, helping the Cincinnati Reds keep the St. Louis Cardinals’ postseason plans on hold with a 3-1 victory Tuesday night. The Cardinals’ magic number for clinching the second NL wild card remained at one with a game

to go, and they were left in the uncomfortable position of watching the Dodgers on television and rooting for a loss for the second straight night. Los Angeles, which began the day two games back with two remaining, played at home against the Giants later Tuesday. Cincinnati, the NL Central champion, remained tied with Washington for the league’s best

record. The Reds need a win Wednesday and a Nationals loss to earn home-field advantage throughout the postseason. The 37-year-old Carpenter (02) has a wealth of big-game experience and went 4-0 in the postseason last fall for the World Series champions, memorably outdueling Philadelphia ace Roy Halladay in Game 5 of the NL division series.

CASSTOWN — Following its only loss of the year against defending Division II State champion Bishop Hartley Saturday, the Miami East Vikings jumped all over Covington Tuesday, winning in three games 25-13, 25-7, 25-8 and improving to 9-0 in Cross County Conference play.

MIAMI COUNTY “We did a good job bouncing back after Saturday,” Miami East coach John Cash said. “We executed well, and we were much more aggressive on our serves. We had moments Saturday when we weren’t being aggressive on our serve, and I thought we did a lot better job today of going after them.”

■ See VOLLEYBALL on 18

■ Tennis

Tipp, Milton have success at sectional Staff Reports


Tippecanoe’s Sierra Nellessen looks poised to win her second straight sectional title. And the Division II Sectional doubles semifinals are full of nothing but Red Devils and Milton-Union Bulldogs. Nellessen swept her way into the semifinal round, while all four doubles teams held their seeds and advanced to next week’s district tournament after the rain pushed sectional tournament action indoors to Dayton Center Courts Tuesday. Nellessen — the No. 1 seed in the singles bracket — routed Kenton Ridge’s Hannah Zawada 6-0, 6-1, Greenville’s Carmen Navas-Davis 6-0, 6-0 and

Springfield Shawnee’s Megan Oxner 6-1, 6-1 to advance to the semifinal round and punch her ticket to the district meet. The Tippecanoe senior will face Greenville’s Michele Borgerding — the only player to upset one of the top four seeds in either singles or doubles play — on Saturday morning. Borgerding knocked out Catholic Central’s fourth-seeded Brenna McCombs 6-3, 6-0 to advance. The Milton-Union team of Brooke Falb and Jesica Ferguson — singles players throughout the season and the top seed in the doubles bracket — shut out Lehman’s Grace Winhoven and

Meghan Burner 6-0, 6-0, then they cruised past Dixie 6-0, 6-1 to reach the semifinals. Claire Fetters and Kayla Smith — the No. 3 seed — won three matches to reach the semifinals. They beat Bellefontaine 60, 6-0 in the first round, edged Northwestern 6-1, 7-6 (10-8) and won a battle with Lehman’s Julia Harrelson and Sarah Gravunder 6-3, 4-6, 7-6 (7-3) to advance. “We’re just happy to have those doubles teams make it,” Milton-Union coach Sharon Paul said. “Brooke and Jesica played well, and Claire and Kayla had a long day. They had to win three matches — two of them tough matches — to qualify.” Tippecanoe’s Katie Stenger

and Taylor Sutton — the No. 2 seed — had a bye in the first round then cruised past Greenville 6-1, 6-3 and Urbana 6-3, 6-1 to advance. They will face Fetters and Smith. Meanwhile, fourth-seeded Nadia Mahan and Nefeli Supinger won three hard-fought matches to advance. They held off Urbana 6-3, 7-6 (7-4), Northwestern 6-3, 6-3 and Greenville 6-4, 3-6, 7-5 to advance to the semifinal round. They will take on Falb and Ferguson. In singles, Milton-Union’s Katie Purtee lost to Zawada 6-3, 6-3, Lizzie Fetters lost in three to Springfield Shawnee’s Brittany

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■ See TENNIS on 18


Wednesday, October 3, 2012



■ National Football League

Defense playing well, Bengals win three straight CINCINNATI (AP) — The Bengals have done what’s necessary to keep themselves in playoff position a fourth of the way into the season. The toughest part begins later this month. At 3-1, they’ve given themselves some wiggle room that they’ll likely need. Cincinnati remained tied with Baltimore atop the AFC North with a 27-10 win at Jacksonville, their third straight after they got drubbed by the Ravens 4413 in the season opener. The Bengals did it with a defense missing its two starting cornerbacks and an offense riding the Dalton-toGreen combination to a lot of big plays. “We’re definitely ahead of where we were last year,” quarterback Andy Dalton said on Monday. They are on offense. The

defense is something of a mess, but playing well enough to keep the winning streak intact heading into a home game Sunday against Miami (1-3). Cornerbacks Leon Hall (hamstring) and Nate Clements (calf) missed Sunday’s game with injuries. Hall, their top defender, has missed the last two games, cutting into the depth in the defensive backfield. After two tough opening games, the defense is starting to come together, improving from 29th in the league to 19th with a solid showing against Jacksonville. The Bengals had six sacks on Sunday and lead the league with 17 overall. It was a major improvement over a 38-31 win at Washington the previous week. “I think we just played

pretty well,” cornerback Terence Newman said Monday. “(Coach Mike Zimmer) has been on us pretty hard because we haven’t been playing up to the potential the guys on this team are able to play up to. All week, he’s been just pretty much down our throats and wanting us to hustle to the ball, finish plays, finish games. “Honestly, you would have never thought we had won the game last week (in Washington) when we came in the meeting on Monday. He was pretty mad.” The return of defensive end Carlos Dunlap has made a huge difference in the pass rush. Dunlap missed the first two games with a sprained knee, suffered in the first preseason game. Left end Michael Johnson had a career-high three sacks against the Redskins with Dunlap on

the other side of the line, and tackle Geno Atkins had two on Sunday at Jacksonville. “I’m really excited about Dunlap and Michael Johnson and Geno,” said defensive tackle Domata Peko, who had a sack on Jacksonville’s first play. “They’re all excellent pass rushers. In the league right now it seems like there’s a lot more passing, so you’ve got to be good at rushing the passer.” The offense has been at its best during the threegame stretch, taking advantage of teams attempting to cover receiver A.J. Green with one defender. Green had the best game of his career nine catches for 183 yards in the win against Washington, which used a lot of man-to-man coverage. The Bengals expected less man-to-man coverage by the Jaguars, who tried

■ National Football League

Washington’s approach and paid for it. Green had six catches for 117 yards, most in the second half when Dalton saw the single coverage and looked Green’s way. “Going in, we thought we were going to get a lot of (double coverage), but that wasn’t how they were playing it,” Dalton said. “He didn’t have a catch in the first quarter, then he had several the rest of the game. We keep finding ways to get him the ball.” The most pleasing development has been the play of the offensive line. Left guard Travelle Wharton tore up his right knee in the first preseason game. Center Kyle Cook hurt his right foot and ankle in the final preseason game, a significant injury that could end his season. The Bengals signed free agent Jeff Faine to replace him. They’re also starting rookie Kevin

Zeitler at right guard, leaving the middle of the line in flux. So far, it’s done a good job of protecting Dalton, who ranks fifth in the NFL with a 103 passer rating. Dalton leads the league in fourthquarter passer rating at 151.7 with four touchdowns and no interceptions. “Just the knowledge of the offense is a lot better than last year and that’s how it should be,” Dalton said. “We’ve got to keep getting better.” The Bengals are in the middle of a stretch of five consecutive games against quarterbacks who are either rookies or in their second year. The schedule gets much tougher in midOctober, starting with games against Pittsburgh, Denver and the Giants. A quarter of the way into the season, they’ve gotten the wins they needed.

■ College Football

Buckeyes, Spartans in a pair of spats By the Associated Press Eye gouging. Disputes over game film. Urban Meyer has quickly returned No. 12 Ohio State to prominence in the Big Ten, but he has rubbed some of his fellow coaches the wrong way. Back in February, there were complaints about his aggressive recruiting tactics. Last week, Michigan State complained that the Buckeyes had sent “incomplete” game video before their game on Saturday. Spartans defensive coordinator Narduzzi told the Detroit Free Press that Ohio State had deleted pre-snap motions and shifts before plays on video of its first four games. Narduzzi indicated that the Spartans (3-2, 0-1 Big Ten) complained to the league, though Michigan State athletic director Mark Hollis said he and Gene Smith, his counterpart in Columbus, had settled the issue. Meyer wasn’t in the mood to revisit the matter Tuesday during the league’s weekly coach’s teleconference. “I’ve moved on,” Meyer said, and Dantonio didn’t want to talk about it, either. The Spartans, a preseason favorite to represent the Leaders division in the Big Ten title game for the second straight season, instead lost their second home game in three tries when the Buckeyes (5-0, 10) slipped past them 1716. “What happened on the game field on Saturday translated into winning or losing, and that’s where I’m going to leave that,” Dantonio said. Meyer has another complaint, though. He said Monday that he believed Ohio State has sent a tape to the Big Ten that appears to show a Michigan State player gouging at the eyes of


Cincinnati quarterback Munchie Legaux (4) throws the ball as Virginia Tech linebacker Bruce Taylor (51) rushes him during an NCAA college football game Saturday in Landover, Md.

Defining drive UC’s Legaux delivers winning series against Virginia Tech

Buckeyes defensive lineman Johnathan Hankins. The short clip appears to show the Spartans’ Jack Allen or a teammate trying to thrust a gloved hand inside Hankins’ facemask. At the same time, Hankins is trying to get his fingers inside Allen’s facemask. Dantonio said Tuesday that he hadn’t heard from the Big Ten regarding the play, though he mentioned that neither Allen nor Hankins seemed bothered by whatever had happened after the play. “My review of the play saw two players get up after the play and walk back to the huddle. Probably a little something going on with both of them. If you look at the play cleanly, that’s what you see,” Dantonio said. Eye gouging, as

unpleasant as it may be, is a fact of life in football. So, too, is sharing game film in its entirety. Michigan coach Brady Hoke put it bluntly: “We share film, and they share film back.” Northwestern coach Pat Fitzgerald and Wisconsin’s Bret Bielema both said they’ve never had an issue like the one raised by Michigan State. Neither did a number of Big 12 coaches during their teleconference on Monday. “It’s pretty much standard issue, I think, which it is for everyone else in the country. We videotape our games the way that the Big Ten expects us to do it,” Northwestern coach Pat Fitzgerald said. “Show the scoreboard, videotape the team basically, what would be in essence leav-

ing the huddle, going through the end of the play. And we open share with all of our opponents and we open share with the entire league as is Big Ten protocol.” Earlier this year, Wisconsin coach Bret Bielema was irked when Meyer aggressively worked to beef up Ohio State’s latest class, which included landing players who had previously given verbal commitments to other league schools. Bielema later said the two had settled their differences. Dantonio also said back then that he thought it was “pretty unethical” to aggressively pursue such players — though he later issued a statement saying those comments weren’t directed at any particular school.

CINCINNATI (AP) — Munchie Legaux has a defining drive to go with that familiar name. For the first time in his career, the junior quarterback had to lead his team the length of the field in the final minutes to pull out a win. He pulled it off by throwing a 39-yard touchdown pass with 13 seconds left for a 27-24 victory over Virginia Tech on Saturday. It meant a lot for the Bearcats (3-0), whose unproven quarterback who grew a lot in the final 2 minutes. “I proved to myself that in tough situations, I can handle it,” Legaux said on Tuesday. “What more do you want to ask for than a game like that? Down by four with a minute and some seconds left and no timeouts.” He passed the ultimate test and earned new respect from teammates who were curious to see what he would do when the pressure was on. “There was no panic at all,” offensive lineman Austen Bujnoch said. “We knew we had a great chance to win with the confidence he had. He was calm and collected. He wasn’t rah-rah. He was to the point: ‘We’re going to do

Franklin Monroe took an early 1-0 lead, but Taylor Lachey tied the score with an unassisted goal. Sarah Titterington then gave the Cavs the lead with an assist from Sara Fuller, then Jenna Kronenberger scored an insurance goal with assists from Titterington and Lauren Goettemoeller. • Boys Soccer Tippecanoe 2, Tecumseh 1 The Tippecanoe Red Devils snapped a fourgame scoreless streak

Monday night, defeating Central Buckeye Conference rival Tecumseh 2-1. With the win, the Devils become the only CBC Kenton Trail Division team without a loss in division play, taking sole possession of the league lead with two games to play at 7-0-2 (82-3 overall). Tippecanoe hosts Kenton Ridge Wednesday. Bethel 0, Dixie 0 Bethel and Dixie resumed a game that started in early

September on Monday, a game which concluded in a 0-0 draw. The Bees (5-53) outshot the Greyhounds 14-6 for the game. Kurt Hamlin had four saves in goal for Bethel. • Volleyball Troy 3, Piqua 1 PIQUA — A week removed from handing Piqua a loss to secure the Greater Western Ohio Conference North Division title, the Troy Trojans opened GWOC tournament play against the Indians.

And the Trojans (15-4) wasted little time taking care of the Indians, winning in four games 25-15, 25-15, 17-25, 25-13. Jenna Selby led the team with 17 kills and also recorded two aces, Jennifer Monnier had 12 kills, Emily Moser posted 11 kills and nine digs, Lauren Freed had seven kills and 10 digs, Jillian Ross added five kills. Leah Selby had three aces, 13 digs and two blocks, Mackenzie Rice had three kills, 12 digs and an eyepopping 52 assists, while


Ohio State coach Urban Meyer, right, argues a call during the first quarter of an NCAA college football game against Michigan State Saturday in East Lansing, Mich. Meyer had rubbed some in the Big Ten the wrong way since accepting the Buckeyes job less than a year ago. Now Michigan State is upset with Ohio State after what the Spartans said was a less than equitable swap of game tape.

this thing, guys.’ You could just see in his eyes he had that determination to win.” The Bearcats have won outright or shared three of the last four Big East titles by pulling out games in the end, fabulous finishes that reference points for their quarterbacks. During the 2009 season, the Bearcats overcame a 21-point deficit in Pittsburgh for a 45-44 win and the league title. Tony Pike led Cincinnati 61 yards in 63 seconds for the winning touchdown, a 29yard pass to Armon Binns with 33 seconds to play. Last season at South Florida, Zach Collaros led the Bearcats 70 yards in seven plays, scoring on a 2yard run with 12 seconds left for a 37-34 win that helped them get a share of the title. Legaux took over for Collaros this season with one overriding question: Could he do the same thing when everything was on the line? “Like South Florida last year and Zach,” Bujnoch said. “Zach had that same look on him. I think on offense we were all waiting to see that from Munchie, and we definitely saw it from him on Saturday. His eyes he definitely had something else in him.”

sister Cassie Rice chipped in 39 digs and Abby Brinkman had 13 digs plus an ace. Troy plays Butler on Thursday. Bradford 3, Troy Christian 1 Bradford won in four games against Troy Christian by scores of 2520, 28-26, 18-25, 30-28. Michayla Barga had two kills and six digs, Haley Patty had six kills, Megan Hunt had four digs, Bree Bates had three kills and Loren Sharp had seven digs.

■ Athletics

Monday ■ CONTINUED FROM 15 Sarah Harmer had two goals, while Chelsea Clawson and Sarah Colvin each had a goal and an assist. Sarah Janosik added a goal and Kaitlyn Clodfelter and Jenna Zuzolo each had an assist. Lehman 3, Franklin Monroe 1 Like they have done all season, the Lehman Cavaliers (10-1-0) rose to the occasion Monday night, trailing early but scoring three straight goals to win 3-1 over Franklin Monroe.



BASEBALL Baseball Expanded Standings All Times EDT AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GB WCGB z-New York 93 67 .581 — — 93 68 .578 ½ — z-Baltimore 89 72 .553 4½ 3½ Tampa Bay 72 89 .447 21½ 20½ Toronto 69 91 .431 24 23 Boston Central Division W L Pct GB WCGB x-Detroit 87 74 .540 — — 84 77 .522 3 8½ Chicago 72 89 .447 15 20½ Kansas City 68 93 .422 19 24½ Cleveland 66 95 .410 21 26½ Minnesota West Division W L Pct GB WCGB z-Texas 93 67 .581 — — z-Oakland 92 68 .575 1 — 89 71 .556 4 3 Los Angeles 73 87 .456 20 19 Seattle NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GB WCGB x-Washington 97 64 .602 — — y-Atlanta 93 68 .578 4 — 81 80 .503 16 6 Philadelphia 73 88 .453 24 14 New York 69 92 .429 28 18 Miami Central Division W L Pct GB WCGB x-Cincinnati 97 64 .602 — — St. Louis 87 74 .540 10 — Milwaukee 82 78 .513 14½ 4½ 79 82 .491 18 8 Pittsburgh 60 101 .373 37 27 Chicago 55 106 .342 42 32 Houston West Division W L Pct GB WCGB x-San Francisco 93 67 .581 — — Los Angeles 85 75 .531 8 1½ 80 80 .500 13 6½ Arizona 75 85 .469 18 11½ San Diego 63 97 .394 30 23½ Colorado z-clinched playoff berth x-clinched division y-clinched wild card AMERICAN LEAGUE Monday's Games N.Y. Yankees 10, Boston 2 Chicago White Sox 11, Cleveland 0 Toronto 6, Minnesota 5, 10 innings Tampa Bay 5, Baltimore 3 Detroit 6, Kansas City 3 Oakland 4, Texas 3 L.A. Angels 8, Seattle 4 Tuesday's Games Cleveland 4, Chicago White Sox 3, 12 innings Boston at N.Y. Yankees, 7:05 p.m. Toronto 4, Minnesota 3 Baltimore 1, Tampa Bay 0 Kansas City 4, Detroit 2 Texas at Oakland, 10:05 p.m. L.A. Angels at Seattle, 10:10 p.m. Wednesday's Games Texas (Dempster 7-3) at Oakland (Griffin 7-1), 3:35 p.m. L.A. Angels (Weaver 20-4) at Seattle (Beavan 10-11), 6:40 p.m. Boston (Matsuzaka 1-6) at N.Y. Yankees (Kuroda 15-11), 7:05 p.m. Chicago White Sox (Floyd 11-11) at Cleveland (D.Huff 3-0), 7:05 p.m. Minnesota (Diamond 12-8) at Toronto (Morrow 9-7), 7:07 p.m. Baltimore (Tillman 9-2) at Tampa Bay (Hellickson 9-11), 7:10 p.m. Detroit (Undecided) at Kansas City (Mendoza 8-9), 8:10 p.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE Monday's Games Pittsburgh 2, Atlanta 1 Philadelphia 2, Washington 0 Miami 3, N.Y. Mets 2 Houston 3, Chicago Cubs 0 Milwaukee 5, San Diego 3 St. Louis 4, Cincinnati 2 Colorado 7, Arizona 5, 13 innings L.A. Dodgers 3, San Francisco 2 Tuesday's Games Pittsburgh 5, Atlanta 1 Washington 4, Philadelphia 2 Miami 4, N.Y. Mets 3, 11 innings Houston 3, Chicago Cubs 0 San Diego at Milwaukee, 8:10 p.m. Cincinnati 3, St. Louis 1 Colorado at Arizona, 9:40 p.m. San Francisco at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m. Wednesday's Games Atlanta (Sheets 4-4) at Pittsburgh (A.J.Burnett 16-9), 12:35 p.m. Philadelphia (Cl.Lee 6-8) at Washington (E.Jackson 9-11), 1:05 p.m. Houston (E.Gonzalez 3-1) at Chicago Cubs (T.Wood 6-13), 2:20 p.m. N.Y. Mets (Hefner 3-7) at Miami (Gaudin 3-2), 4:10 p.m. Colorado (Francis 5-7) at Arizona (I.Kennedy 15-11), 7:10 p.m. San Francisco (Vogelsong 14-9) at L.A. Dodgers (Kershaw 13-9), 7:15 p.m. San Diego (Werner 2-3) at Milwaukee (Gallardo 16-9), 8:10 p.m. Cincinnati (H.Bailey 13-10) at St. Louis (Wainwright 14-13), 8:15 p.m. End of Regular Season Tuesday's Major League Linescores AMERICAN LEAGUE Chicago . . . .000 001 002000—39 1 Cleveland . . .000 100 002001—48 0 (12 innings) Peavy, Veal (9), Myers (9), Thornton (11), N.Jones (12) and Flowers, H.Gimenez; Masterson, J.Smith (7), Pestano (8), C.Perez (9), S.Barnes (10), E.Rogers (11), Seddon (12) and Marson, Rottino. W_Seddon 1-1. L_Thornton 4-10. HRs_Chicago, Viciedo (24). Cleveland, Choo (16), Hafner (12). Minnesota . . .000 002 100—3 10 2 Toronto . . . . .001 210 00x—4 6 0 Swarzak, Waldrop (6), Perdomo (8), T.Robertson (8), Fien (8) and C.Herrmann; Jenkins, Loup (6), Delabar (7), Oliver (8), Janssen (9) and Arencibia. W_Jenkins 1-3. L_Swarzak 3-6. Sv_Janssen (22). HRs_Minnesota, Span (4). Toronto, K.Johnson (16). Baltimore . . .000 100 000—1 2 0 Tampa Bay . .000 000 000—0 2 0 Mig.Gonzalez, Matusz (7), O'Day (8), Ji.Johnson (9) and Wieters; Shields and C.Gimenez, Lobaton. W_Mig.Gonzalez 9-4. L_Shields 15-10. Sv_Ji.Johnson (51). HRs_Baltimore, C.Davis (33). Detroit . . . . . .002 000 000—2 6 0 Kansas City .100 020 01x—4 9 2 Fister, Putkonen (5), D.Downs (7), B.Villarreal (8) and Avila, Holaday; Guthrie, Bueno (7), K.Herrera (8), G.Holland (9) and S.Perez. W_Guthrie 5-3. L_Fister 10-10. Sv_G.Holland (16). HRs_Kansas City, A.Escobar (5), Francoeur (16). NATIONAL LEAGUE Cincinnati . . .000 102 000—3 8 0 St. Louis . . . .100 000 000—1 6 0 Latos, LeCure (6), Marshall (7), Broxton (8), A.Chapman (9) and

Scores L10 6-4 6-4 8-2 6-4 1-9

Str W-2 W-1 L-1 W-2 L-6

Home 49-30 47-34 45-35 40-40 34-47

Away 44-37 46-34 44-37 32-49 35-44

L10 7-3 3-7 2-8 6-4 4-6

Str L-1 L-1 W-1 W-1 L-4

Home 50-31 45-36 37-43 37-43 31-50

Away 37-43 39-41 35-46 31-50 35-45

L10 4-6 7-3 8-2 3-7

Str L-1 W-4 W-1 L-4

Home 50-31 48-31 46-35 38-41

Away 43-36 44-37 43-36 35-46

L10 5-5 7-3 4-6 5-5 3-7

Str W-1 L-2 L-1 L-4 W-2

Home 49-31 48-33 40-41 36-45 38-42

Away 48-33 45-35 41-39 37-43 31-50

L10 6-4 7-3 4-6 5-5 1-9 6-4

Str W-1 L-1 W-1 W-2 L-2 W-3

Home 50-31 49-31 48-31 45-35 37-43 35-46

Away 47-33 38-43 34-47 34-47 23-58 20-60

L10 6-4 8-2 5-5 3-7 5-5

Str L-1 W-6 L-2 L-2 W-1

Home 48-33 44-35 40-39 42-39 35-46

Away 45-34 41-40 40-41 33-46 28-51

D.Navarro; C.Carpenter, Rosenthal (7), J.Kelly (8) and Y.Molina. W_Latos 14-4. L_C.Carpenter 0-2. Sv_A.Chapman (38). HRs_Cincinnati, Rolen (8). Atlanta . . . . . .000 100 000—1 8 1 Pittsburgh . . .110 030 00x—5 10 0 Hanson, C.Martinez (7), Durbin (8) and D.Ross, Boscan; Correia, Ju.Wilson (7), Resop (8), Morris (9) and McKenry. W_Correia 12-11. L_Hanson 13-10. HRs_Pittsburgh, G.Jones (27). Philadelphia .000 100 010—2 9 0 Washington .000 102 01x—4 9 1 Rosenberg, Diekman (5), Lindblom (6), Horst (7), Bastardo (8) and Kratz; Gorzelanny, C.Garcia (4), Duke (6), Mattheus (7), Clippard (8), Storen (9) and Leon. W_Duke 1-0. L_Lindblom 35. Sv_Storen (4). HRs_Philadelphia, Ruf 2 (3). Washington, LaRoche (33). NewYork . . . .000 00003000—3 9 0 Miami . . . . . . .000 11100001—410 0 (11 innings) Dickey, Acosta (7), Parnell (8), El.Ramirez (10), Hampson (10), Rauch (10), McHugh (11) and Thole; Ja.Turner, M.Dunn (8), H.Bell (8), A.Ramos (8), Cishek (9), Webb (10), Gaudin (11) and Brantly. W_Gaudin 42. L_McHugh 0-4. HRs_Miami, G.Hernandez (3), Brantly (3). Houston . . . .020 000 010—3 5 1 Chicago . . . .000 000 000—0 4 2 B.Norris, X.Cedeno (7), Fick (8), W.Wright (8), W.Lopez (9) and J.Castro; Volstad, Al.Cabrera (8), Beliveau (8), Bowden (9) and W.Castillo. W_B.Norris 7-13. L_Volstad 3-12. Sv_W.Lopez (10). HRs_Houston, J.Castro (6).

FOOTBALL National Football League All Times EDT AMERICAN CONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF PA 2 2 0 .500 81 109 N.Y. Jets New England 2 2 0 .500 134 92 2 2 0 .500 115 131 Buffalo 1 3 0 .250 86 90 Miami South W L T Pct PF PA 4 0 0 1.000 126 56 Houston 1 2 0 .333 61 83 Indianapolis Jacksonville 1 3 0 .250 62 97 Tennessee 1 3 0 .250 81 151 North W L T Pct PF PA Baltimore 3 1 0 .750 121 83 3 1 0 .750 112 112 Cincinnati 1 2 0 .333 77 75 Pittsburgh Cleveland 0 4 0 .000 73 98 West W L T Pct PF PA San Diego 3 1 0 .750 100 71 Denver 2 2 0 .500 114 83 Kansas City 1 3 0 .250 88 136 Oakland 1 3 0 .250 67 125 NATIONAL CONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF PA Philadelphia 3 1 0 .750 66 83 Dallas 2 2 0 .500 65 88 Washington 2 2 0 .500 123 123 N.Y. Giants 2 2 0 .500 111 84 South W L T Pct PF PA Atlanta 4 0 0 1.000 124 76 Tampa Bay 1 3 0 .250 82 91 Carolina 1 3 0 .250 80 109 New Orleans 0 4 0 .000 110 130 North W L T Pct PF PA Minnesota 3 1 0 .750 90 72 Chicago 3 1 0 .750 108 68 Green Bay 2 2 0 .500 85 81 Detroit 1 3 0 .250 100 114 West W L T Pct PF PA Arizona 4 0 0 1.000 91 61 San Francisco 3 1 0 .750 104 65 St. Louis 2 2 0 .500 79 91 Seattle 2 2 0 .500 70 58 Thursday's Game Baltimore 23, Cleveland 16 Sunday's Games Houston 38, Tennessee 14 San Diego 37, Kansas City 20 St. Louis 19, Seattle 13 New England 52, Buffalo 28 Minnesota 20, Detroit 13 Atlanta 30, Carolina 28 San Francisco 34, N.Y. Jets 0 Arizona 24, Miami 21, OT Denver 37, Oakland 6 Cincinnati 27, Jacksonville 10 Green Bay 28, New Orleans 27 Washington 24, Tampa Bay 22 Philadelphia 19, N.Y. Giants 17 Open: Indianapolis, Pittsburgh Monday's Game Chicago 34, Dallas 18 Thursday, Oct. 4 Arizona at St. Louis, 8:20 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 7 Baltimore at Kansas City, 1 p.m.


SPORTS ON TV TODAY MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 7 p.m. ESPN — Teams TBA 8 p.m. ESPN2 — Teams TBA FSN — Cincinnati at St. Louis SOCCER 2:30 p.m. FSN — UEFA Champions League, Olympiacos at Arsenal 8 p.m. FSN — UEFA Champions League, Dortmund at Manchester City (same-day tape) Atlanta at Washington, 1 p.m. Philadelphia at Pittsburgh, 1 p.m. Green Bay at Indianapolis, 1 p.m. Cleveland at N.Y. Giants, 1 p.m. Miami at Cincinnati, 1 p.m. Seattle at Carolina, 4:05 p.m. Chicago at Jacksonville, 4:05 p.m. Buffalo at San Francisco, 4:25 p.m. Tennessee at Minnesota, 4:25 p.m. Denver at New England, 4:25 p.m. San Diego at New Orleans, 8:20 p.m. Open: Dallas, Detroit, Oakland, Tampa Bay Monday, Oct. 8 Houston at N.Y. Jets, 8:30 p.m. AP Top 25 Poll The Top 25 teams in The Associated Press college football poll, with firstplace votes in parentheses, records through Sept. 29, total points based on 25 points for a first-place vote through one point for a 25th-place vote, and previous ranking: Pts Pv ...........................Record 1. Alabama (60).........5-0 1,500 1 2. Oregon...................5-0 1,430 2 3. Florida St...............5-0 1,349 4 4. LSU........................5-0 1,310 3 5. Georgia..................5-0 1,252 5 6. South Carolina ......5-0 1,152 6 7. Kansas St..............4-0 1,123 7 8. West Virginia..........4-0 1,066 9 9. Notre Dame...........4-0 1,043 10 10. Florida..................4-0 937 11 11. Texas....................4-0 932 12 12. Ohio St. ...............5-0 793 14 13. Southern Cal.......3-1 703 13 14. Oregon St............3-0 647 18 15. Clemson ..............4-1 608 17 15. TCU .....................4-0 608 15 17. Oklahoma............2-1 581 16 18. Stanford...............3-1 509 8 19. Louisville..............5-0 404 19 20. Mississippi St. .....4-0 306 21 21. Nebraska.............4-1 240 22 22. Rutgers................4-0 160 23 23. Washington..........3-1 159 NR 24. Northwestern.......5-0 143 NR 25. UCLA...................4-1 122 NR Others receiving votes: Cincinnati 72, Boise St. 53, Texas A&M 51, Michigan St. 43, Texas Tech 39, Michigan 38, Louisiana Tech 37, Baylor 31, Ohio 30, Arizona St. 15, Arizona 4, Miami 4, Iowa St. 3, Tennessee 3. AP Ohio High School Football Poll List COLUMBUS (AP) — How a state panel of sports writers and broadcasters rates Ohio high school football teams in the fourth weekly Associated Press poll of 2012, by OHSAA divisions, with won-lost record and total points (first-place votes in parentheses): DIVISION I 1, Cle. St. Ignatius (26) . .5-0 285 1, Cle. St. Ignatius (26) .6-0 292 2, Cin. Colerain (1) . . . . .6-0 227 3, Lakewood St. Edward (1)6-0 215 4, Dublin Coffman (1) . . .6-0 167 5, Austintown-Fitch (1) . .6-0 140 6, Tol. Whitmer . . . . . . . .6-0 99 7, Pickerington N. . . . . . .6-0 94 79 8, Can. McKinley . . . . . .5-0 61 9, Cin. Moeller . . . . . . . .5-1 52 10, Willoughby S. . . . . . .6-0 Others receiving 12 or more points: 11, W. Chester Lakota W. 48. 12, Mentor 30. 13, Springboro 22. 14, Lewis Center Olentangy 21. 15, Cin. St. Xavier 18. 16, N. Royalton 17. 17, Huber Hts. Wayne 14. 18, Avon Lake 12. DIVISION II 1, Tol. Cent. Cath. (23) . .6-0 278 2, Zanesville (3) . . . . . . .6-0 238 3, Cin. Turpin . . . . . . . . .6-0 211 4, Dresden Tri-Valley (1) .6-0 164 5, Tiffin Columbian (1) . .6-0 146 6, Cin. Winton Woods . . .5-1 104 7, Grafton Midview (1) . .6-0 76 8, Aurora . . . . . . . . . . . .5-1 75 9, Chardon . . . . . . . . . . .5-1 73 10, New Philadelphia (1) 6-0 72 Others receiving 12 or more points: 11, Pataskala Licking Hts. 44. 12, Trotwood-Madison 29. 13, Tipp City Tippecanoe 20. 14, Norwalk 19. 15, Avon 13. DIVISION III 1, Alliance Marlington (16)6-0 246 2, Millersburg W. Holmes (3)6-0 224 3, Kettering Alter (6) . .5-0-1 217 4, Thurgood Marshall (2) 5-1 152 5, Chagrin Falls . . . . . . .5-1 130 6, Akr. SVSM (1) . . . . . .5-1 111 7, Niles McKinley (1) . . .6-0 109 8, Steubenville . . . . . . . .5-1 104 9, Napoleon (1) . . . . . .5-0-1 85 10, Bellevue . . . . . . . . . .5-1 75 Others receiving 12 or more points: 11, Bryan 55. 12, Elida 39. 13, Circleville 34. DIVISION IV 1, Cols. Hartley (15) . . . .6-0 259 2, Creston Norwayne (6) 6-0 218 3, Clinton-Massie (3) . . .6-0 214 4, Ottawa-Glandorf (2) . .6-0 197 5, Brookfield (3) . . . . . . .6-0 158 6, Genoa Area . . . . . . . .6-0 156 7, St. Clairsville (1) . . . . .6-0 139 8, Cols. Ready . . . . . . . .6-0 88 9, Ironton . . . . . . . . . . . .5-1 69 10, Richwood N. Union .6-0 36 Others receiving 12 or more points: 11, Day. Chaminade-Julienne 14. 11, Wooster Triway 14. DIVISION V 1, Coldwater (20) . . . . . .6-0 279 2, Kirtland (7) . . . . . . . . .6-0 243 3, Lima Cent. Cath. (1) . .6-0 210 4, Hamler Patrick Henry (1)6-0 188 5, Columbiana Crestview (1)6-0 158 6, Sugarcreek Garaway .6-0 129 7, Northwood . . . . . . . . .6-0 95 8, Covington . . . . . . . . .6-0 54 9, Cuyahoga Hts. . . . . . .5-1 47 10, Louisville Aquinas . .6-0 36 Others receiving 12 or more points: 11, Bucyrus Wynford 29. 12, Cin.

Summit Country Day 28. 12, Youngs. Ursuline 28. 14, Lucasville Valley 21. 15, Day. Christian 17. 15, Liberty Center 17. 17, Wheelersburg 12. DIVISION VI 1, Mogadore (23) . . . . . .6-0 276 2, McComb (2) . . . . . . . .6-0 219 3, Ada (1) . . . . . . . . . . . .6-0 209 4, Leipsic (2) . . . . . . . . .6-0 202 5, Marion Local (2) . . . . .5-1 171 6, Shadyside . . . . . . . . .6-0 131 7, Malvern . . . . . . . . . . .5-1 112 55 8, Zanesville Rosecrans .5-1 9, St. Henry . . . . . . . . . .4-2 50 47 10, Newark Cath. . . . . . .5-1 Others receiving 12 or more points: 11, N. Robinson Col. Crawford 43. 12, Warren JFK 23. 13, Danville 21. 14, Delphos St. John's 20. 15, Youngs. Christian 18. 16, Fairport Harbor Harding 13. OHSAA Football Computer Ratings Oct. 2 Division I Region 1 1. Cle. St. Ignatius (6-0) 16.6778, 2. Willoughby South (6-0) 16.2667, 3. Lakewood St. Edward (6-0) 14.8044, 4. Austintown-Fitch (6-0) 14.5, 5. North Royalton (6-0) 14.15, 6. Mentor (5-1) 13.4848, 7. Cleveland Heights (5-1) 12.3333, 8. Warren G. Harding (5-1) 11.2348, 9. Euclid (4-2) 10.5833, 10. Shaker Hts. (5-1) 10.5, 11. Mayfield (4-2) 9.7667, 12. Boardman (4-2) 9.6263 Region 2 1. Avon Lake (5-1) 14.8333, 2. Tol. Whitmer (6-0) 14.7333, 3. Canton McKinley (5-0) 14.7326, 4. Macedonia Nordonia (5-1) 13.1333, 5. Massillon Washington (5-1) 13.0, 6. Canton GlenOak (5-1) 12.7167, 7. Hudson (5-1) 12.5833, 8. Brunswick (4-2) 10.3167, 9. North Canton Hoover (4-2) 9.7188, 10. Findlay (5-1) 8.9768, 11. Whitehouse Anthony Wayne (4-2) 8.8333, 12. Elyria (4-2) 7.7 Region 3 1. Dublin Coffman (6-0) 15.95, 2. Lewis Center Olentangy (6-0) 15.6167, 3. Dublin Scioto (5-1) 13.3167, 4. Pickerington North (6-0) 12.8044, 5. Westerville Central (5-1) 12.2, 6. Hilliard Darby (6-0) 12.0833, 7.Westerville South (5-1) 11.9167, 8. Reynoldsburg (4-2) 10.9369, 9. Gahanna Lincoln (5-1) 10.4833, 10. Cols. St. Charles (3-2) 10.391, 11. Pickerington Central (3-2) 10.3889, 12. Powell Olentangy Liberty (51) 10.1667 Region 4 1. Cin. Colerain (6-0) 16.8081, 2. Cin. Archbishop Moeller (5-1) 16.2333, 3. Springboro (6-0) 14.25, 4. Huber Hts. Wayne (5-1) 14.2449, 5. West Chester Lakota West (6-0) 14.0167, 6. Liberty Twp. Lakota East (5-1) 13.55, 7. Cin. Sycamore (5-1) 13.2667, 8. Cin. St. Xavier (4-2) 11.6, 9. Loveland (4-2) 10.1333, 10. Miamisburg (4-2) 9.5833, 11. Centerville (4-2) 9.5167, 12. Cin. Elder (3-3) 9.4333 Division II Region 5 1.Tallmadge (5-1) 12.2333, 2. Chardon (5-1) 12.1667, 3. New Philadelphia (6-0) 11.4318, 4. Aurora (5-1) 10.5, 5. Kent Roosevelt (5-1) 9.9833, 6. Chagrin Falls Kenston (4-2) 9.6167, 7.Warren Howland (5-1) 9.1349, 8. Copley (4-2) 8.6333, 9. Madison (4-2) 8.0333, 10. Louisville (4-2) 7.7, 11. Chesterland West Geauga (3-3) 6.9667, 12. Akron Ellet (4-2) 5.95 Region 6 1. Tol. Central Cath. (6-0) 17.1667, 2. Tiffin Columbian (6-0) 13.7348, 3. Grafton Midview (6-0) 12.9667, 4. Perrysburg (5-1) 11.4833, 5. Mansfield Madison Comp. (5-1) 11.2333, 6. Mansfield Senior (5-1) 10.447, 7. Norwalk (6-0) 10.35, 8. Avon (5-1) 9.3333, 9. Westlake (5-1) 8.5333, 10.Tol. Rogers (42) 8.3485, 11. Lexington (4-2) 6.3333, 12. Medina Highland (3-3) 5.9 Region 7 1. Pataskala Licking Hts. (6-0) 13.3333, 2. Zanesville (6-0) 12.9833, 3. Dresden Tri-Valley (6-0) 12.15, 4. Cols. MarionFranklin (5-1) 12.1263, 5. Mount Vernon (5-1) 10.6944, 6. New Albany (4-2) 8.25, 7. Cols. Brookhaven (4-2) 8.1167, 8. Cols. Hamilton Township (5-1) 7.7667, 9. Cols. Beechcroft (4-1) 7.6708, 10. Cols. Mifflin (5-1) 7.3788, 11. Ashville Teays Valley (33) 7.0833, 12. Ashland (3-3) 6.9167 Region 8 1.Cin.Turpin (6-0) 14.95, 2.Cin.Winton Woods (5-1) 14.75, 3. Cin. Northwest (60) 11.0333, 4. Tipp City Tippecanoe (60) 10.6566, 5. Franklin (5-1) 10.1667, 6. Cin. Mount Healthy (6-0) 9.5833, 7. Mount Orab Western Brown (6-0) 9.5631, 8. Trenton Edgewood (5-1) 9.1136, 9. Celina (5-1) 8.05, 10. Trotwood-Madison (4-2) 8.0167, 11. Cin. Anderson (3-3) 7.45, 12. Cin. Hughes Center (3-3) 6.05 Division III Region 9 1. Chagrin Falls (5-1) 11.4333, 2. Niles McKinley (6-0) 10.8667, 3. Ravenna (4-2) 9.4333, 4. Cle. John Hay (4-2) 9.0667, 5. Chardon Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin (42) 7.9798, 6. Norton (5-1) 7.5333, 7. Peninsula Woodridge (4-2) 7.2167, 8. Akron St.Vincent-St Mary (5-1) 6.8384, 9. Ravenna Southeast (4-2) 6.4667, 10. Cle. Benedictine (3-3) 6.35, 11. Rocky River (3-3) 5.55, 12. Akron Buchtel (3-3) 5.5 Region 10 1. Napoleon (5-0) 11.4167, 2. Bellevue (5-1) 9.8333, 3. Urbana (5-1) 9.5, 4. Cols. Eastmoor Acad. (4-2) 9.0379, 5. Bryan (6-0) 8.9167, 6. Sandusky Perkins (5-1) 8.6833, 7. Elida (5-1) 7.25, 8. Cols. St. Francis DeSales (3-3) 7.0758, 9. Cols. Independence (3-3) 7.0, 10. Cols. Bishop Watterson (3-3) 6.8056, 11. Caledonia River Valley (4-2) 5.4833, 12.Rossford (33) 5.25 Region 11 1. Alliance Marlington (6-0) 14.4167, 2. Millersburg West Holmes (6-0) 13.4667,

Wednesday, October 3, 2012 3. Zanesville Maysville (5-1) 9.75, 4. Granville (5-1) 9.6, 5. Struthers (4-2) 9.3333, 6. Steubenville (5-1) 8.7772, 7. New Concord John Glenn (4-2) 8.5833, 8. Poland Seminary (4-2) 8.3793, 9. New Lexington (4-2) 8.35, 10. Wintersville Indian Creek (5-1) 8.3167, 11. Newark Licking Valley (4-2) 8.1333, 12. Duncan Falls Philo (5-1) 8.0 Region 12 1. Circleville (5-1) 12.2, 2. Day. Thurgood Marshall (5-1) 9.8561, 3. Kettering Archbishop Alter (5-0) 8.8583, 5. The Plains Athens (4-2) 7.35, 6. Gallipolis Gallia Acad. (4-2) 7.1237, 7. Cin. Archbishop McNicholas (4-2) 6.4667, 8. Springfield Shawnee (4-2) 6.1667, 9. Washington C.H. Washington (4-2) 6.0667, 10. Springfield Kenton Ridge (4-2) 6.0, 11. Greenfield McClain (3-3) 5.6167, 12. Circleville Logan Elm (42) 5.55, 13. Cin. Wyoming (4-2) 5.4722 Division IV Region 13 1. Brookfield (6-0) 11.6167, 2. Beachwood (5-1) 8.7854, 3. Creston Norwayne (6-0) 8.5253, 4. Gates Mills Hawken (5-1) 8.2828, 5. Youngstown Liberty (5-1) 8.1, 6. Streetsboro (4-2) 8.05, 7. Wooster Triway (5-1) 7.95, 8. West Salem Northwestern (5-1) 6.9667, 9. Akron Manchester (4-2) 6.8167, 10. Cortland Lakeview (4-2) 6.7167, 11. Magnolia Sandy Valley (4-2) 6.2333, 12. Middlefield Cardinal (4-2) 5.9167 Region 14 1. Ottawa-Glandorf (6-0) 12.2, 2. Cols. Bishop Hartley (6-0) 11.65, 3. Genoa Area (6-0) 10.9167, 4. Richwood North Union (6-0) 10.3667, 5. Cols. Bishop Ready (6-0) 9.8081, 6. Galion (5-1) 9.5, 7. Oak Harbor (5-1) 7.8833, 8. Lorain Clearview (4-2) 6.6833, 9. Ontario (3-3) 6.6333, 10. Upper Sandusky (4-2) 6.5833, 11. Huron (4-2) 6.3333, 12. Kenton (4-2) 6.25 Region 15 1. St. Clairsville (6-0) 15.65, 2. Ironton (5-1) 13.7667, 3. Minford (6-0) 10.2, 4. Johnstown-Monroe (5-1) 9.0333, 5. Martins Ferry (5-1) 8.0167, 6. Cadiz Harrison Central (5-1) 8.0, 7. Piketon (42) 6.4, 8. Chillicothe Zane Trace (2-4) 4.675, 9. Chillicothe Unioto (3-3) 4.4167, 10. Amanda-Clearcreek (2-4) 4.0167, 11. Byesville Meadowbrook (3-3) 3.7833, 12. Gnadenhutten Indian Valley (2-4) 3.6364 Region 16 1. Clarksville Clinton-Massie (6-0) 13.3167, 2. Williamsport Westfall (5-1) 12.3083, 3. West Milton Milton-Union (5-1) 10.2667, 4. Cin. Hills Christian Acad. (5-1) 9.8813, 5. Brookville (5-1) 9.1667, 6. Batavia (6-0) 9.0152, 7. Day. ChaminadeJulienne (5-1) 8.6288, 8. Cin. Shroder (51) 8.55, 9. Middletown Bishop Fenwick (4-2) 7.8, 10. Cin. Madeira (5-1) 7.4167, 11. Norwood (5-1) 7.4099, 12. Waynesville (4-2) 6.8667 Division V Region 17 1. Sugarcreek Garaway (6-0) 12.1833, 2. Kirtland (6-0) 11.2333, 3. Columbiana Crestview (6-0) 10.4833, 4. Cuyahoga Hts. (5-1) 9.8333, 5. Louisville St.Thomas Aquinas (5-1) 8.15, 6. Bellaire (4-2) 7.7167, 7. Columbiana (5-1) 7.2333, 8. Youngstown Ursuline (3-3) 6.7727, 9. (4-2) 6.1333, 10. Barnesville Independence (4-2) 5.6667, 11. Campbell Memorial (3-3) 5.65, 12. Beverly Fort Frye (4-2) 5.0758 Region 18 1. Lima Central Cath. (6-0) 11.0667, 2. Hamler Patrick Henry (6-0) 9.6667, 3. Northwood (6-0) 9.3333, 4. Liberty Center (5-1) 8.0, 5. Findlay LibertyBenton (5-1) 7.8167, 6. Collins Western Reserve (5-1) 7.7667, 7. Columbia Station Columbia (5-1) 7.4333, 8. Archbold (5-1) 7.3333, tie-9. Delphos Jefferson (5-1) 6.65, tie-9. Carey (4-2) 6.65, 11. Haviland Wayne Trace (5-1) 5.8833, tie-12. Defiance Tinora (5-1) 5.8167, tie-12. Oberlin (5-1) 5.8167 Region 19 1. Jeromesville Hillsdale (5-1) 8.2333, 2. Wheelersburg (5-1) 7.7904, 3. Oak Hill (5-1) 7.5667, 4. Bucyrus Wynford (5-1) 7.45, 5. West Lafayette Ridgewood (4-2) 7.1167, 6. Lucasville Valley (6-0) 6.8081, 7. Loudonville (4-2) 6.45, 8. Howard East Knox (4-2) 6.0167, 9. Bucyrus (3-3) 4.9, 10. Albany Alexander (3-3) 4.85, 11. Baltimore Liberty Union (4-2) 4.6833, 12. Fredericktown (3-3) 4.4333 Region 20 1. Coldwater (6-0) 12.8333, 2. Covington (6-0) 9.6667, 3. Miamisburg Day. Christian (6-0) 9.6061, 4. Cin. Summit Country Day (6-0) 9.55, 5. West Liberty-Salem (6-0) 7.2652, 6. Anna (3-3) 6.4167, 7. Versailles (4-2) 5.9, tie-8. London Madison Plains (4-2) 5.8333, tie8. West Jefferson (5-1) 5.8333, 10. Cin. Clark Montessori (5-1) 5.6293, 11. New Paris National Trail (5-1) 5.5167, 12. Marion Pleasant (5-1) 5.5 Division VI Region 21 1. Mogadore (6-0) 11.4833, 2. Malvern (5-1) 10.0167, 3. Fairport Harbor Fairport Harding (4-2) 7.5833, 4. Warren John F. Kennedy (5-1) 7.2, 5. Youngstown Christian (5-1) 6.8833, 6. Shadyside (6-0) 6.8667, 7. Steubenville Cath. Central (42) 6.5833, 8. Leetonia (4-2) 4.9333, 9. Berlin Center Western Reserve (4-2) 4.9167, 10. New Philadelphia Tuscarawas Central Cath. (4-2) 4.3359, 11. East Canton (3-3) 3.9333, 12. Wellsville (3-3) 3.2333 Region 22 1. Leipsic (6-0) 8.7667, 2. McComb (60) 7.9667, 3. Fremont St. Joseph Central Cath. (5-1) 7.75, 4. Arlington (4-2) 7.1, 5. Delphos St. John's (3-3) 5.2333, 6. Tiffin Calvert (3-3) 5.1167, 7.Tol.Christian (4-2) 4.6167, 8.Defiance Ayersville (3-3) 4.6, 9. Tol. Ottawa Hills (4-2) 4.5167, 10. Convoy Crestview (3-3) 3.85, 11. Norwalk St. Paul (3-3) 3.6, 12. Arcadia (3-3) 2.9333 Region 23 1. Newark Cath. (5-1) 9.1, 2. Zanesville Bishop Rosecrans (5-1) 8.9, 3. Danville (5-1) 8.654, 4. North Robinson Colonel Crawford (5-1) 7.1, 5. Willow Wood Symmes Valley (5-1) 6.4, 6. Glouster Trimble (5-1) 6.1667, 7. Portsmouth Notre Dame (5-1) 5.95, 8. Hannibal River (3-3) 4.5167, 9. Lancaster Fairfield Christian Acad. (4-2) 3.5167, 10. Reedsville Eastern (4-2) 3.4667, 11. Plymouth (3-3) 3.3, 12. Portsmouth Sciotoville (3-3) 3.0667 Region 24 1. St. Henry (4-2) 8.3667, 2. Maria Stein Marion Local (5-1) 8.1333, 3. Ada (6-0) 7.7667, 4. Minster (4-2) 6.9667, 5. Bradford (5-1) 6.9333, 6. Fort Loramie (4-2) 6.3167, 7. Day. Jefferson Twp. (4-2) 6.2667, 8. S. Charleston Southeastern Local (4-2) 5.25, 9. Waynesfield Waynesfield-Goshen (3-3) 4.7333, 10. Sidney Lehman Cath. (3-3) 4.5253, 11. Cin. Oyler (2-2) 3.9375, 12. Lewisburg TriCounty North (3-3) 3.4833

SOCCER Miami Valley Scholastic Soccer Coaches Local High School Soccer


Poll No. 5 Oct. 1 Boys Division I 1. Centerville ......................................79 2. Beavercreek...................................73 3. Wayne (Huber Heights).................63 4. Xenia ..............................................51 5. Butler (Vandalia) ............................42 6. Fairmont (Kettering).......................38 7. Lebanon .........................................28 8. Springboro......................................24 9. Miamisburg.....................................13 10. Sidney...........................................12 10.Troy ..............................................`12 Division II 1. Carroll (Dayton)..............................89 2. Bellbrook ........................................82 3. Lemon-Monroe ..............................70 4. Oakwood........................................62 5.Tippecanoe.....................................54 6. Alter (Kettering)..............................40 7. Chaminade-Julienne .....................34 8. Kenton Ridge .................................20 9. Bellefontaine...................................19 10. Eaton ............................................10 Division III 1. Catholic Central .............................78 2. Franklin-Monroe (Pitsburg)............70 3. Dayton Christian ............................58 4.Yellow Springs ................................53 5. Greeneview (Jamestown) .............51 6. Waynesville.....................................33 7. Lehman Catholic............................31 8. Newton (Pleasant Hill)...................30 9. Madison (Middletown) ...................12 10. Bethel (Tipp City).......................... 9 Girls Division I 1. Beavercreek...................................89 2. Centerville ......................................80 3. Springboro......................................66 4.Troy..................................................65 5. Lebanon .........................................52 6. Sidney.............................................50 7. Xenia ..............................................29 8. Fairborn ..........................................28 9. Miamisburg.....................................16 10. Northmont (Clayton)....................13 Division II 1. Alter (Kettering)............................100 2. Carroll (Dayton)..............................84 3. Bellbrook ........................................80 4. Lemon-Monroe ..............................62 4. Oakwood........................................62 6.Tippecanoe.....................................43 7. Chaminade-Julienne .....................35 8. Northwestern (Springfield)............28 9. Kenton Ridge (Springfield)............22 10.Valley View (Germantown)..........20 Division III 1. Bishop Fenwick (Middletown) .......99 2. Lehman Catholic (Sidney).............77 3. Miami East (Casstown) .................75 3.Troy Christian..................................75 5. Catholic Central (Springfield)........72 6. Anna ...............................................39 6. Preble Shawnee ............................39 8. Brookville........................................27 9. Franklin-Monroe (Pitsburg)............11 10. Waynesville.....................................8 10. West Liberty-Salem .......................8

VOLLEYBALL OHSVCA Ohio State Poll No. 3 Sept. 30 Division I 1. Mt. Notre Dame (16-0) (37) ....409 2. St. Ursula Academy (16-1) (2)347 3. Jackson (Massillon) (18-1) (2)228 4. Lakota West (14-3) .................178 5. Findlay (15-2) .........................175 6. Ursuline Academy (12-5)........167 7. Lakota East (13-1)..................157 8. Pickerington North (14-1) .......116 8. Dublin Coffman (14-2) ............116 10. North Royalton (16-2).............97 Division II 1. Padua Franciscan (16-2) (28).396 2. St. Francis De Sales(15-1) (2)280 3. McNicholas (14-1) (4).............277 4. Norwalk (15-2) (2) ..................246 5. Wyoming (16-2) (1).................192 6. Bishop Hartley (12-5) (2)........163 7. Benjamin Logan (16-2)...........134 8. Talawanda (16-0) (3)...............131 9. Shawnee (Springfield) (16-1) ...84 10. Lake Catholic (12-5) ...............73 Division III 1. Miami East (17-1) (29)............442 2. Tuscarawas Valley (17-0) (16).384 3. Dalton (16-1) (1) .....................279 4. Bloom-Carroll (13-3)...............219 5. Gilmour Academy (12-3) (1)...153 6. Zane Trace (16-1) ...................151 7. Lima Central Catholic (14-2) ..123 8. Elyria Catholic (14-2)..............121 9. Preble Shawnee (16-0)...........114 10. Archbold (14-2) (1) ...............108 Division IV 1. St. Paul (15-1) (10) .................293 2. Marion Local (13-3) (14).........269 3. Newark Catholic (16-0) (6) .....220 4. St. Henry (15-3) (3) ................219 5. Lehman Catholic (15-5) (2) ....197 6. Eastern Beaver (18-0) (5).......171 7. Buckeye Central (15-2)...........151 8. Mohawk (15-2)........................129 9. New Riegel (15-1) ..................125 10. Fort Loramie (14-3) (1).........113

AUTO RACING NASCAR Sprint Cup Top 12 in Points 1. B.Keselowski.............................2,142 2. J.Johnson..................................2,137 3. D.Hamlin....................................2,126 4. C.Bowyer...................................2,117 5.T.Stewart....................................2,110 6. K.Kahne ....................................2,110 7. D.Earnhardt Jr...........................2,103 8. M.Truex Jr..................................2,100 9. K.Harvick...................................2,096 10. J.Gordon .................................2,094 11. G.Biffle.....................................2,091 12. M.Kenseth...............................2,070

BASKETBALL WNBA Playoff Glance All Times EDT CONFERENCE SEMIFINALS (x-if necessary) (Best-of-3) Eastern Conference Connecticut 2, NewYork 0 Thursday, Sept. 27: Connecticut 65, New York 60 Saturday, Sept. 29: Connecticut 75, New York 62 Indiana 2, Atlanta 1 Friday Sept. 28: Atlanta 75, Indiana 66 Sunday, Sept. 30: Indiana 103, Atlanta 88 Tuesday, Oct. 2: Indiana 75, Atlanta 64 Western Conference Minnesota vs. Seattle Friday, Sept. 28: Minnesota 78, Seattle 70 Sunday, Sept.30: Seattle 86, Minnesota 79, 2OT Tuesday, Oct. 2: Seattle at Minnesota, TBD Los Angeles 2, San Antonio 0 Thursday, Sept. 27: Los Angeles 93, San Antonio 86 Saturday, Sept. 29: Los Angeles 101, San Antonio 94



Wednesday, October 3, 2012

■ Soccer

■ Golf



■ CONTINUED FROM 15 The Trojan boys (4-2-5, 2-0-1 GWOC North) are currently tied with Sidney for 10th in the latest MVSSCA poll, but even more importantly they’re tied with Butler atop the GWOC North with matching 2-0-1 records. And with Butler owning a head-tohead victory over Sidney (7-4-2, 2-1) already, the Trojans need a win over Sidney to stay in contention for a share of the division title. The three teams have tied for the GWOC North crown the past two seasons, and Troy and Butler tied 1-1 earlier this season. On the girls side, Troy (11-2, 3-0) and Sidney (112, 4-0) are the last two teams with unbeaten records in GWOC North play, meaning the winner of tonight’s game at Sidney will more than likely win the title outright. Troy Christian 3, Fairlawn 0 TROY — Troy Christian picked up a big victory Tuesday night, shutting out Fairlawn (9-3) 3-0 on a rainy night in Troy.

Chris Dickens scored two goals and had an assist, Greg Peterson had a goal and an assist and Tom Mull had an assist. The Eagles (7-3-1) travel to Xenia Christian Thursday Newton 2, Botkins 0 BOTKINS — Heavy rains didn’t stop the Newton Indians from improving their record to 10-1-2 with a big 2-0 win over Botkins Tuesday. Levi Armentrout got the Indians going with a goal early in the first half. That goal was assisted by Daniel Vance. Then late in the second half, Vance connected for a goal with the helper coming from Mitch Hussong. Newton hosts Preble Shawnee on Thursday. • Girls Milton-Union 1, Madison 1 MIDDLETOWN — Milton-Union and Madison played to a 1-1 draw Tuesday. Katelyn Krieger scored for Milton on an assist by Matison Jackson. The Bulldogs (4-7-1) play home against Carlisle on Thursday.

■ CONTINUED FROM 15 And as impressive as Murray’s 73 was in the conditions, it could have been even better. “I hit a lot of shots really close, and I was putting on almost every green from within 10 to 15 feet,” Murray said. “But I misread those putts by half a centimeter a few times. I had two birdies, but it easily could

have been six or seven.” “She could have been really low,” Tippecanoe coach Scott Murray said. “Her score didn’t really reflect how well she struck the ball. She had a good round, though, and won this sectional for the third year in a row.” “The girls I was paired with helped,” Lindsey Murray said. “They all shot 73, 74, 75 — we were pushing each other.”


Centerville won the tournament and Miamisburg was third, also qualifying for next week’s district tournament — to be held at Weatherwax Golf Course Thursday. “That’s eight straight years we’ve made it out of the sectional as a team,” Scott Murray said. “Now the next level, we’ll have some things we’re going to have to overcome.

We’re going to have to play close to the level we’re capable of. We won’t have a big margin of error.” “The conditions there aren’t the best right now,” Lindsey Murray said. “Whoever can handle the conditions the best will have the best success.” Something everyone that played Tuesday knows a thing or two about.

■ Major League Baseball

■ Volleyball

Volleyball ■ CONTINUED FROM 15 And it showed as the Vikings pounded out 15 aces. Abby Cash led the way with eight while also adding five kills, one dig and 18 assists, Sam Cash had nine kills, one ace, a block and 11 assists, Leah Dunivan had eight kills, two aces, three blocks and one dig, Allison Morrett added an ace and five digs. Trina Current chipped in four kills, Ashley Current added two kills and a block, Allie Millhouse had five digs and Anna Kiesewetter had two digs. Miami East (18-1, 9-0) — which retained its No. 1 ranking in the state in Division III despite the loss to Hartley — plays at Bethel on Thursday. Tippecanoe 3, Graham 0 ST. PARIS — Tippecanoe defeated Graham in three games Tuesday by scores of 2523, 25-22, 25-18. For the Red Devils, Halee Printz had eight kills, two blocks, one ace and 19 digs, Erin Jans had eight kills, one block, four aces and seven digs, Hannah Losey added seven kills, two blocks and two aces, Hannah Budding chipped in with two kills, 30 assists and nine digs, while Emily Layman added 17 digs. Tippecanoe (6-10) plays at Springfield Shawnee on Thursday.

Milton-Union 3, Madison 0 MIDDLETOWN — Milton-Union traveled to Madison on Tuesday and won 3-0 in Southwestern Buckeye League Buckeye Division play. The Bulldogs won 25-7, 25-15 and 25-15. Kinsey Douglas led the charge with seven kills and three aces. Courtney Wion added five kills and Cloe Smith contributed eight digs. Milton-Union (11-4, 72 SWBL Buckeye) will play host to Carlisle on Thursday. Lehman 3, New Bremen 0 NEW BREMEN — Lehman — the No. 5 team in the state in Division IV — traveled to New Bremen on Tuesday and came home with 25-17, 25-23, 25-12 victory. “Our offense was sharp the first and third games,” Lehman coach Greg Snipes said. “The second game, we had some offensive errors. But we got some points at the end. It was good to see us finish off the game.” Andrea Thobe had 14 kills and dished out 12 assists for Lehman. Ellie Cain had 24 assists, Ellie Waldsmith had 10 kills and Olivia Slagle added six. Erica Paulus led the defense with 15 digs. Lehman (16-5) will host Parkway Monday to finish the regular season.

■ Tennis

Tennis ■ CONTINUED FROM 15 Duff 5-7, 6-4, 6-1 and Sarah Black lost to Brookville’s Jennifer Hinton 6-3, 6-0. Tippecanoe’s Katie Gross lost to Borgerding in the first round 6-3, 6-0, while Miu Tanaka lost to Brookville’s Jennifer Hinton 6-2, 6-0. Lehman’s Elaina

Snyder lost to Greenon’s Shawn McMahan 6-2, 6-1. Emily Wildenhaus lost to Northeastern’s Kaleigh Cummins 6-0, 6-0. Diana Gibson lost to Brookville’s Sarah Bowen 6-0, 6-1. The semifinal round kicks off at 9 a.m. Saturday at Troy Community Park — weather permitting.


Detroit Tigers’ Miguel Cabrera swings on a two-run single during the third inning against the Kansas City Royals Tuesday at Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City, Mo.

Cabrera’s quest Tigers slugger chasing after rare Triple Crown KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Miguel Cabrera sat in front of his locker in the corner of the visiting clubhouse at Kauffman Stadium on Tuesday, slinging some Spanish banter at a table full of teammates. There were no television cameras hovering over him. No microphones stuck in his face. None of the commotion that could be reasonably expected as the soft-spoken Detroit Tigers slugger closes in on baseball’s first Triple Crown in 45 years. “The entire baseball world should be here right now,” said Justin Verlander, the reigning AL MVP and Cy Young Award winner. “We’ve got, sorry to say, the regular guys. “I think he’s been rela-

tively under the radar for what he’s done, for what he’s doing. It hasn’t happened in 40-some years,” Verlander continued, his voice rising. “It kind of annoys me. I don’t know about anybody else. I don’t know about him. It probably doesn’t annoy him.” It certainly doesn’t annoy Cabrera, who will politely answer just about any question posed to him, but would just as soon spend his time hanging out with his buddies. The perfect example came Monday night, shortly after Cabrera had four hits and a home run in a 6-3 victory over the Royals that clinched the AL Central. He was asked about contributing so much to another division title, and Cabrera

deflected the attention back on his teammates. “We got it done with the first one,” he said quietly. “That was our goal.” Now, though, the spotlight shifts squarely to the broad shoulders of Cabrera, who started at third base in Tuesday night’s 4-2 loss at Kansas City. He had a pair of singles and drove in two runs in his first two at-bats before flying out to right and leaving the game in the fifth inning. Cabrera leads the American League in batting average (.331), homers (44) and RBIs (139) the Triple Crown, last achieved by Boston’s Carl Yastrzemski in 1967. Angels rookie Mike Trout and Twins catcher Joe Mauer are giving chase

for the batting title, which Cabrera won last year, while Rangers slugger Josh Hamilton trails him by a single home run. Maybe the home run mark is why Cabrera was in the starting lineup. Rather than sit on the bench and watch things play out by doing so, likely locking up the batting title Cabrera told manager Jim Leyland that he wanted to play. And he didn’t want to be the designated hitter, either. He wanted to play just as he has all season. “It’s a big thing,” Leyland said, “and it should be a big thing, and it really hasn’t gotten away from what we’re trying to accomplish, and now you feel more at ease talking about it.”

■ National Hockey League

NHL defines preseason losses as lockout drags on NEW YORK (AP) — The financial losses are starting to pile up as a result of the NHL lockout. And on Tuesday, the league made that public. In speaking to reporters after talks finished up for the day between the NHL and the NHLPA, Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly estimated that the league has lost $100 million in revenues from the canceled preseason. “Today,” he said, “was not overly encouraging.” And though they can pick up at any time, for the moment, there are no fur-

ther talks scheduled. That only further increases speculation that regular-season games could be lost, with an announcement sometime this week. The season was slated to begin Oct. 11. “We are closer by definition (to canceling regular season games),” Daly said. “We are focused on minimizing the damage.” Tuesday’s bargaining session focused on the definition of hockey-related revenue, and featured NHLPA head Donald Fehr, his brother, Steve, the special counsel to the players’ association, and Winnipeg

Jets defenseman Ron Hainsey. “They have made some incremental moves,” said Donald Fehr, who expects to informally talk with NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman by Wednesday. “It’s clear that the players have made substantial moves towards the owners and the owners have made substantial moves away from the players.” As there has been throughout the process, there is still a glaring difference in opinion. “We’re looking for a long-term deal that’s fair to

the players, league and fans,” Daly said. “Certainly, we’re trying to be as creative as (we can be).” Donald Fehr did not dispute Daly’s figure of $100 million, saying “it might be a revenue number.” He did note, though, that it could be a loss without factoring in arena operating costs. Meanwhile, Steve Fehr disputed the notion that no progress had been made. “I don’t know (that) I would agree with (that) phrase,” he said. “Talks can resume anytime they’re ready.” Daly, in an email to the

Associated Press, said the league has not projected potential damage caused by the cancellation of any regular-season games. Clearly, the hope is that it won’t have to address that matter, but the clock is ticking. “What we have repeatedly tried to communicate is that we need to hear from them to move this process along,” Daly wrote in the email. “And we do think that’s the only thing that is going to allow us to gain traction. But that doesn’t mean we stop everything we’re doing and simply wait around for a

proposal. “If there is something we feel we can do to move the process forward, I’m sure we won’t hesitate to do it.” According to Daly, the sides met for close to two hours Tuesday. One aspect that could expedite the negotiations moving forward perhaps next week is mediation. And both sides acknowledged that possibility has been broached. “I’ve had that discussion with Gary, briefly,” Donald Fehr said. “There hasn’t been further discussion. We’re not averse to help.”

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