Daydreaming in the Reality Context
Shih Chien University
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Politecnico di Milano
Location: Piacenza, Italy
Feb, 2020
TerraViva & Politecnico di Milano
Instructor: Prof. Richard Ingersoll, Eugenia Bolla, Toufic Rifai, Omar Rota, Matteo Pettinaroli
Location: Milano, Italy
Aug, 2021
Accademia Adrianea
Instructor: Pier Federico Caliari, Francesco Leoni Location: Tivoli, Italy
Position: Architect Intern Architect: Keiji Ashizawa Location:Tokyo,Japan
Working Content: Model making, learning about space design, interi2or design and furniture design.
Jul, 2016-Aug, 2016
Position: Architect Intern Department: Architechture Department Location: Copenhagen,Denmark
Working Content: Participating in the competition of a WWII monument, and the project to regenerate urban neglected corners.
Jul, 2018
Position: Architect Part-time Location: Taipei,Taiwan
Working Content: Preparing contents for competitions, autocad details, rendering views, diagrams, physical models.
Position: Architect Part-time Location: Taipei,Taiwan
Working Content: Participating in competition, translating for the foreign competitors.
Feb, 2022-Aug, 2022
Position: Landscape Architect Intern Partners: Sara Buhl Bjeke, Arne Cermak Nielsen, Rune Veile Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Working Content: Included in the design teams doing analysis, research, brainstorming, design development, drawings, presentations.
Workshop Organization:
Piranesi Prix de Rome
Accademia Adrianea di Architettura e Archeologia Onlus
Partner: Aliprandi Benedetta Faskova Zuzana
Lavagnini Angles Maria Ochoa Naydis Pozzi Federico
Two weeks of workshop that focused on:
- Architectural design for Archeology
- Museum layout and musealizations
- Landscape Architecture
- Visual Design and Corporate Identity
- 3D Modeling and Rendering
in Villa Adriana, one of the most extraordinary archeological realities in the world. With its monumental consistency still very present and visible, the Villa designed by the Emperor Hadrian has been an object of study, of visitation, and of admiration.
The landscape project is at the bufferzone of the archeological site, Villa Adriana. It has the responsibility to transform the present industrial area as well as filling the gap between the new urban development and the historical site, while acting as a buffer to absorb the impact of the present development.
The development of the landscape project sees its genesis starting from the identification of the intervention area inside the villa, corresponding to the Greek Theater in the Pantanello area, and it will host the new entrance to the site archaeological
Starting from these three axes, three linked routes have been traced (starting from the top) a route of more cultural interest, one of landscape interest linked in particular to the use of the water element and finally the last route of sporting interest.
Three points of landscape interest adjacent to the river are identified, represented by the loops that the river has generated.
Three generating axes are created which radially identify the area of interest linked to the landscape intervention.
Inherent to these paths, points of interest strictly connected to the characterization of the same are traced / foreseen (for example sports fields).
The generated axes emerge , while the subdivision of the spaces finds its own matrix on the pre-existing grounds.
Overall,in the project area, the use of different plantations is foreseen to develop a more strongly agricultural area, a more landscaped area and finally one linked to sport (with the inclusion of a golf course).
It can be seen how the radial compositional complex culminates in the entrance to the archaeological site, and generating a close relationship.
A visualization of the general intervention system in a bird's-eye view . While in the buffer zone the approach to the archaeological area takes on more naturalistic connotations, linking the water channel to the quadriportico (with plant elements), the spa area is structured more with architectural elements.
The water, strong and characterizing the buffer zone, enters the archaeological site, settling inside the Greek theater, placing the new entrance to Hadrian's villa.
Preceded by the quadriportico (still not excavated today) which serves from the decompression area between the outside and the inside, and with the temperary installation of plantation to mark of the past existence of quadripotico.
The pantanello area is characterized by the presence of numerous and significant archaeological structures (in particular the Greek theater and gyms).
Therefore it is possible to observe in the visualized plan, that defines on the one hand the new museographic enlarging the archaeological area, on the other hand the construction of a pavilion with a predominantly thermal purpose, located in a position that allows its use regardless of the visit to the archaeological area.
The Greek theater and the gyms, give rise to a series of axialities that will in turn generate the system of our intervention, which therefore arises with the aim of reinterpreting the genius loci and the contextual preexistences
After having crossed the decompression area, that also recovers the original function of the quadriportico, the intervention takes place in the theater, where water is used for scenographic purposes, it accompanies the path and redefines the scene and orchestra.
Part of the cavea is rebuilt, and through a process of inversion the statues once drowned in the pantanello re-emerge symbolically from the water and reposition themselves on the steps returning to be the real inhabitants of Villa Adriana subjecting the visitor who enters this experience through a cathartic process.
The thermal pavilion has an entrance with ticket office. Following a restaurant that acts as an antechamber to the actual thermal baths.
We then move on to the domed space of the changing room, that gives access to the main pool, sided by 6 smaller pools that manage different levels of privacy; from here you have access to the 3 classic environments of roman bath (frigidarium, tiepidarium, calidarium).
Here the sections shows the volumetric developments of the internal rooms, and in particular the attention paid to the elevation of the footfall to position the tanks avoiding digging on the archaeological area.
The main pool that creates a particularly suggestive perspective view, linked through the water itself.
The smaller pools in which a more private and intimate situation is created.
The corridor that develops the paths, from where you have access to the frigidarium.
A visualization of the domed environment of the changing rooms.
Frigidariumcharacterized by a vaulted ceiling that reinterprets the theme of the serliana, with the light that falls laterally softly through two lateral cuts; the presence of the statues become an integral part of the thermal bathing experience.
Tiepidariumwhich has similar characteristics to the frigidarium but with the central light cut.
Calidariuman environment with a central plan that concludes the bathing experience, where it is always noted that the thermal function intersects with the museographic one.
A view of the restaurant area that can also be used by those who do not use the spa system, characterized by a single convivial table.
Course: Landscape Design Studio
Prof. Sara Protasoni Prof. Floriana Pergalani
Partner: Umesh Kaya
Carrara, located on river Carrione in Toscany, thriving with the quarries of the white, blue, grey marbles, which have been used on marvellous arts and architectures, but behind the beautiful creations, the river Carrione is heavily polluted, yet ignored.
The project is focusing on the confluence of the Carrione and the Torrente Gragnana. The aim of it is to reconnect the river with the city, so as to higher the awareness of pollution and flood risk of the river.
Carrara has a long history of mining for marble, many masterpieces, like the David of Michelangelo are born from it. But the activities of the quarry have polluted the river Carrione over time.
Apart from the pollution, the Carrione has the problem of flooding, recent records show, it has happened in 2003, 2012(twice), 2014.
However, the current built condition around the river cut itself out of the city, the existence of the river along with its condition and risk are overlooked.
The materials of the surfaces reflect the permeabilty of the city, which is very low near the confluence, and it might be the reason why when the flood happened, the water couldn't be redirected away easily.
And the responded mathods are only trying to cut away the exisence of the river, so it won't effect in any level the city.
The existing public spaces, near the confluence, are at the historical center, but work poorly to attract tourists and local people. Because most of them don't have successful facilities and special features to support them.
Next to the Carrione passing the Primary road, with very poor pedestrian paths organized, they decrease the opportunity for people to gather around the river
Lowest -Building Footprint Low -Cobblestones
Lowest -Asphalt Surfaces
High -Open Green Area High -River
The analysis later came focus on the physical and visual barriers, the direct barriers along the river that avoid people to access the river.
Neighbourhood Roads
Through the analysis, some existing visual accessible points were found, they might give an opportunity to let the river be shown.
Neighbourhood Roads
Secondary Roads Primary Roads Pedestrian Paths Bridges
The river is so linked with the growth of the Carrara city, the lives and threats in every aspects. But the resources of the nature is not unlimited, if people continue ignoring it, it could eventually bring bigger catastrophe.
Low Flood Risk High Flood Risk
Human-eye Level
Building Height
Human-eye Level
Human-eye Level
Vegetation Height Human-eye Level
Base Line
VISUALLY NON-ACCESIBLE Base Line Human-eye Level Floodwall Height
Human-eye Level Railing Height
Base Line
The buildings, the dense vegetation and the flood wall form the physical and visual barriers.
Human-eye Level
Urban Fabric
Buildings as the limiting barriers
Vegetation as Visual Barrier Buildings as Visual Barriers Flood-walls as Visual Barriers Road having potential visual accessibility Flood-walls as the limiting barriers
One of the major problems Carrione faces are "forgotten" and "polluted", encroachment, the absence of a healthy environment and the loss of community we proposed an urban strategy, as a solution to revive the river, by creating life in the city and reform its identity.
"polluted", forming a dead path, degrading biodiversity, with urban community aesthetic value. The river must be revived. Therefore, creating a Park on its shore. The parks can enhance the quality of
Our main idea is to show up the river, without compromising the existing flood preventing measures. If people can have more awareness and recongnition about the river, the condition of the river can be better taken care.
So 4 project areas were selected along the river, to extend the riverfront, giving people proper chance to get closer and have activities near the river.
The effect of existing barriers cutting people away from the river is mild down by new design
New design increase people's interaction with the river
New design using the form imitating the flow of the river
Installation on the road to guide the people flow
River excluded from the city life by the barriers
In front of the church, the new intervention create a sort of flow for the visitors to arrive at the portal, looking back to the mountain and the river.
Regeneration of the existing parking area, into a small park, providing clear view to the river and stone installation
The existing floodwall is not something that can easily be compromised.
However the design create a grass ramp, bringing the pedestrain into a higher level, that have more visual accessibility to the water.
Meanwhile the pedestrain path is greatly improved by the new intervention.
The concept is to create two kinds of flow, the higher level(road level) is dedicated into leisure path, having many furnitures that invite people to stay. The pavilion and the outdoor theatre provide the opportunities to gather.
The lower level is dedicated to the childrens park, with small breaking of planting, encouraging the dynamic flow of visitors.
The marble of Carrara, apart from the quarries, it also push the establishment of art school that trains the craftsmen and artists. But the condition of the river following by these activities should be more seen. We want to somehow reflect all these aspects about the history, the river, and rejoin the river to the city.
The main concept was to give the visitors an experience of engaging with water without having to physically access the river. This was achieved by creating islands of tall grasses which when swaying in the wind create ripples similar to water.
The pavilion is a simple structure with a convoluted metallic roof. The metallic roof acts as the surface of water having many ripples to the passers-by.
The edges between the different design elements also mimic the banks of a river. The irregularly curved edges create a soft, playful environment.
All 4 areas follow the the language of the river, to encourage the flow. The small installations like rocks or piles of pabbles in the river changing the flow of the water, here we change the flow of the people(reconnect). Some parts guide them to see the river, some parts imitate the effects of the flowing water(reflect), so as to bring, not just the confluence itself but also the nearby small pieces of neglected lands alive (rejuvenate).
"THE REFLECTION" is the biggest design area, among all 4, so it is taken as an example to demonstrate how the interventions work, by cutting two sections concentrating on different aspects and the zoom-in plans, diagrams. Whist the other 3 areas are shown in views.
Conard Car Park
Cobble Stones Stripe Broken Asphalt Integrated with green
White Concrete Paving Pavilion
Marble Bench with Stone Installation
Playground Facility: Tunnel Reeds River
New Tree: Blackthorn
Exisiting Tree: Stone Pine
Stone Wall Integrated with Green
Stone Installation in River
One section cut through the "THE REFLECTION", the nearyby Conard park, the river, and the city, seeing the scale of the project, related to the urban context, as well as the relationship with the river.
Following by a zoom-in section and plan showing a series change of heights from the ground level to the river, inside the peoject.
The upper level is a leisure area, focusing on slow flow, attract people to stay and relax.
The downer level is a dynamic area, with interventions more intensely installed, that cope with the functions like children's playground facilities, and a skatepark.
The other section cut from the entrance to the end of
THE REFLECTION" showing how people experience the upper leisure area, that provides places to sit and stay, creating a very slow flow.
Course: Urban & Landscape Regeneration Studio
Prof. Carlotta Fontana Prof. Marino Gatto Prof. Chiara Rostagno
Partner: Leyana Altemawy Mariya Hamada Caterin Marji
Much more than a simple redesign project, the complex renewal was an occasion to promote an innovative way of rethinking the urban square as an environmental landscape that uses ecologybased technologies to rejuvenate the historicity of a such « milieu ».
A cohesive green network is missing within the site connecting the northern quarter of the city starting from the arena Daturi to the Po river. The low quality of green implicates a need of an artificial drainage system. The challenge will be to rethink the existing pavement in view of creating a new natural green sponge.
The south north connection of the complex is there, yet it should be enhanced to invite students and tourists to use the market as well as giving a new appealing vocation to the ex bus station.
The sun radiation for the summer solstice on June 21 becomes strong and direct on the north-eastern part of the complex, this might generate heat island effect especially with the lack of greenery and shadow.
The north-eastern part of the complex becomes the prime unshadowed location for enjoying the sun in the winter. Yet, this area is not equipped with sitting urban furnitures and the traffic flows is over-prioritizing.
Car Parks- ZTL office Education- school
EXISTING CONDITION Monument (closed) Commercial- market Abandon- bus station
Car Parks- 30 mins free Mixed- use
Car Parks- market staff Administrative
Car Parks- market services
The number of parking lots is significantly high in the complex due to the variety of usage existing on the site, and it is a transitional transportation point making it thus traffically oriented.
Car Parks- agency Co-working place- ex-chiesa
The variety of vocations the building surrounding the site have, educational, residential, monumental, cultural, commercial, recreational…, contains great potential of the usage.
The complex lacks a delightful pedestrian network since the majority of the pedestrian entrances are also vehicular ones.
The proposal for the redesign of the two urban Squares treats public space as a dynamic, continuous and a multiple field. Inside this field one can find spatial curiosities that differentiate it and define its character. curiosities that take the form of different shapes of different materiality and are communicating within the greater space of the complex; they function as ‘islands’ within the ‘sea’ of the complex. The islands attract activities and encourage people to stop and spend time in them during different periods of the day.
The proposal intends to store the two identities of the two piazzas, as Piazza Citadella holds different context compared to Piazza Casali, yet, the same geographical location. Starting from this point, the scenario plan is proposing an extension of the green small area behind the old bus station into a bigger green pocket encircling the building and serving as a relaxation area
A transitional zone in the middle of the complex will host a kids’ play area edged by a sport one where there will be some outdoor sports gadgets, also, at the connection with ‘Largo Brigata Piacenza’, a curiosity path crossing all spaces of both piazzas are linking in a playful way the ‘Arena Daturi’ and the gymnasiums newly established. Its core is working as a transitional zone to both connect and separate the piazzas, and to support community diversity.
Into Piazza Casali, changes propose a displacement of the existing market to open up and lighten the space more, creating a space for the market and the historical buildings around, including the coworking space in ‘Forma Chiesa del Carmine’ and the governmental agency in the church’s cloister and side building.
A pedestrian sidewalk belt was proposed to connect Piazza Casali with Piazza Citadella as a landscape linking element, passing by the storefronts of Piazza Citadella serving and enhancing the commercial uses of the location, and continuing its path to the ‘Via Baciocchi’ around the school, intersecting with ‘Viale Risorgimento’.
A bicycle path was also brought into the site from the main bike lane of ‘Viale Risorgimento’, passing by the entire site, from one side to the other crossing all the important existing buildings and newly proposed and reshaped ones.
While on the other side of the piazzas, at the front of Palazzo Farnese and ‘Caserma Vittorio Emanuele II’ and ‘Caserma Nicolai’, a green buffer zone was proposed to protect the historical building from traffic pollution and reduce the air and ground temperature since it’s the most solicited zone by direct solar radiation creating heat island effect in the existing situation.
Another biomass intensifier is the new skin proposed for the Ex-bus station. Retrofitted to serve as an informational point for the civic museum and an exhibion center annexed to it, the building is encircled by a pedestrian ramp of 4% leading to its rooftop converted partially to a green terrace offering a view on farnese, and shadowed by the existing remained trees. This ramp belongs to an interstitial space resulting between the existing building and the new perforated dappling-light skin.
This skin is a timber envelope that contains birds box-feeders in the parts meeting the side of the ramp. In this way, boundaries between the buit space, the natural landscape and the wildlife are blurred and a direct interaction between the human and the non-human is created within an urban context especially that the idea was stemed from the context itself observing during a site visit that a great amount of birds were flying in the sky of the complex.
Origin: southern Louisiana and Texas
Height: 50 - 150 cm
Flowering period: beginning of spring until the first frost
Flower color: pink or white
Category: garden beds or pots
Main features: grows best in full sun and can survive lengthy periods of drought
Origin : Mediterranean region
Height : 0.8 - 1.5 m
Category : evergreen
Main features : tolerant to heat, drought and wind
Origin : native to southwestern and central Asia
Height : 0.5 1.2 m
Flower color : blue to violet
Main features : it can handle dry and hot areas well
Origin : southern Europe
Height : 5 m
Flower color : white or tinged with pink
Category : Aromatic Evergreen shrub small tree
Origin : Mediterranean area
Height : 2 7 m
Flower color : white or light pink, produced from reddish-pink buds
Category : Evergreen leaves - fragrant flowers
Main features : moderately drought tolerant
Origin : Mediterranean Europe
Height : 1 - 5 m
Fruit color : red
Category : Evergreen
Main features : Full sun, tolerant to drought with low maintenance
The palette that we propose is a combination of pollinaters, nitrogen fixers and suppressors to protect the plantations and conserve the biodiversity in the complex. All these flowers are common to Piacenza and grows perfectly regarding its climate conditions. The nitrogen fixers convert nitrogen of the air into usable form for soil (glover,lupin,comfrey…). The pollinators plants attract bees and other pollinaters (echium, salvia, milkweed, lavender, sunflower, lamb’s ear, echinacea...). The suppressors suppress the growth of harmful plants for the soil (daffodil,chives,…).
Origin : Europe
Height : 3 6 m
Leaves color : Summer = dark green
Autmun = yellow- green to reddishpurple
Main features : grows in full sun to partial shade, known for attracting birds
Origin : Europe and central asia
Height : 15 - 25 m
Leaves color : Summer = dark green
Autmun = no leaves
Category : decidious
Main features : it can grow in full shade (deep woodland) semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade. It prefers moist soil. it can be sculpted in a variety of shapes
Origin : China, brought in 1858
Height : 10 15 m
Leaves color : Summer = white
Autmun = redish brown
Category : evergreen
Main features : very resistant tree, tolerant to all types of climates, resistant to salty soil, exposure to direct sun radiation and pollution, popular with wildlife such as bees
Origin : Europe
Height : 3 6 m
Leaves color : Summer = dark green
Autmun = yellow- green to reddishpurple
Main features : grows in full sun to partial shade, known for attracting birds
Origin : Europe, Caucasus and western Asia
Height : 20 - 40 m
Leaves color : Summer = dark green, Autmun = no leaves
Main features : much visited by bees to the erect flowers, can be found on sandy, infertile soils
Origin : south-central China
Height : 5 10 m
Leaves color : dark green with orange fruits
Category : evergreen
Main features : it can grow in partial shade, grown commercially for its orange fruit, attracting pollinators, can be exposed to direct sunlight
Origin : mountains of the Eastern Mediterranean basin
Height : 30 m
Leaves color : Summer = green
Autmun = green
Category : evergreen
Main features : exceptionally durable and immune to insect ravages, has a great religious and historical significance in the cultures of the Middle East
Origin : Morocco
Height : 35 - 40 m
Leaves color : Summer = yellowgreen, Autmun = green Category : evergreen
Main features : a conifer with a big foliage, resist to shade; An ornamental tree which is very cold and drought tolerant, critically endangered
The proposed vegetation was also thought in a way to help absorbing and naturally infiltrating the water before reaching the pipes system. It was also chosen respecting their high ability of attracting the wildlife. Enhancers such as pollinaters, nitrogen fixers and suppressors were added to protect the plantations and conserve the biodiversity in the complex.
Furthermore these plants were considered according to the seasons, to have the variety of the colors and the foliage through out the year,
The main feature of greenery in the complex is the one facing palazzo farnese. Named as the " Arena garden ", this evening socializing spot will be the lowest green point of the complex functionning as the main rainwater green sponge directly connected with the bioswale system.
This latter was thought to be achieved through a system of rainwater collection extending on-surface and underground. The natural inclination of the site was harnessed to locate some underground water storage tanks conducted with underground pipes which collect the running water from the surface, and it was used to indicate the possible direction of water runoff. The water travelling on hard surfaces will be directed to the first bioswale that comes its way, as the hard pavement is slightly inclined towards these bioswales.
In some points the water is collected in small raingardens and redirected through underground pipes, to supplement the main collection points : the bioswales, which are located in the lowest points of the site– the green line in front of Palazzo Farnese and the Casermas. The water surplus is further directed to bigger collectors for city usage.
Prof. Gaia Piccarolo
Partner: Umesh Kaya
The thesis consists of two segments: a research segment and a design segment. The design segment focuses on analysing and providing a design solution for the former aluminum industrial area- Montecatini di Mori. The landscape design follows the philosophy of Gilles Clément of doing “as much as possible for, as little as possible against”. While redefining the the boundaries between the former industrial structure and the surrounding landscape.
Territorial Map of the Lagarina Valley depicting the railway lines and hierarchy of roads present within the region.
Venues of Leisure -A mind-map of the venues of leisure that are scattered around the Lagarina Valley having proximity to the site.
Railway Building
Highway Urban area
Primary road Productive area Railway
The map depicting the landuse, connectivity and accessiblity around the site. The map also indicates the site's relationship to the Natura 2000 and the existing entrances into the site.
Secondary road Agriculture Highway
Local road Rocks Primary road
Water Secondary road
Natura 2000
Rural area Local road Entrance
From an almost bare land during the industrial period to the land that prospered with all kinds of native and exotic plants, Montecatini di Mori has become the haven of pioneer plants.
Intentionally and unintentionally, the surface of this isolated terrain has become a canvas recording every activity that has commenced on the surface. Through tracing and retracing, the perspective of the ground pattern is unveiled during the visit of the remaining palimpsest.
On a sunny day Nov. 21, we set foot on the site, to explore the existing condition of it after being abandoned for more than 30 years.
The theories and methodologies of Gilles Clément echoed in our heads throughout the entire visit, seeing the plants and mosses forming their clusters, symbiosis relationships. We found nature's power too strong to be erased- it has solved the way out itself, all we need to do is to understand it, to document the existing condition, for the use of designing humans as part of this biome.
We organized our documentation about this délaissé into six categories to unveil it from six perspectives- plants, ground patterns, openings, walls, objects, and water elements.
We represent the information from our documentations by mapping the area of different plants, which will later come with a zoom-in analysis for certain clusters and info of the species.
The délaissé is located in Val Lgarina (Lagarina Valley) surrounded by scenic Mt. Alps, with everchanging scenes from these dramatic mountains. The sprawling vegetations of the site enriched the already scenic view from the openings and gave the soulless industrial architecture another chance of life.
The walls sustain the hardship of time, collecting wrinkles, and marks. They are lections recording the unspoken stories of different eras.
Though the whole area was abandoned gradually through the years, there are still many objects left as if the workers have left in haste, like manuals, documents, calendars, computers, and machine parts were left scattered at the site.
Water was the main substance that activated the entire industrial area and participated in aluminum production. Not only the traces on the ground as we mentioned in the previous perspective, but there are also other more water elements everywhere in the site to support the industrial activities, such as fixed/ portable water tanks, channels of all sizes, and the dam.
The existing buildings on the site are reused for various activities backgrounds can come together and interact with nature and these design a park that has ambiguous borders between architecture, nature,
activities to create a space where people of different cultures and awe-striking industrial structures. The idea of the thesis is to nature, and humans.
A Proposal for the PostIndustrial Area
Redefine the limitation between human, architecture and nature -using a scientific method to introduce the outdoor landscape inside the architecture, and creating the ambiguity of the border. - stepping into the nature in a humble way
Using the indigenous species, preserving the existing plant.
Implementing the smallest possible intervention strategy to use minimal resources to transform the buildings and the surrounding landscape.
Dividing the site into smaller segments based of the functions allotted to each building. Using landscape to transform the existing buildings both horizontally and vertically gradually through different intervention phases.
Site opened to the public in the first phase to encourage people to create a dialogue with the site and gradually change how the site is perceived by people.
A place where people from different backgrounds can come together to interact with the site and each other. Participatory activities like community gardens, orchards and beekeeping.Become a place to lean about landscape awareness.
Involve local stakeholders and associations to invest in the proposal.
Taking advantage of the dramatic industrial ruins against backdrop of surrounding mountains to create a unique performance area where the vegetation is the permanent performing artists and humans are the temporary artists.
Create physical connections both within the buildings and outside the buildings.
Propose an elevated pathway which will provide an everchanging perspective of the site and its surroundings.
Create a Path of Reminiscence that aids in narrating the history of the site to visitors.
The nature invited into the architecture: Take the two main design area(former hydropower plant and oven room A)as an example, the design invite the nature inside the building, to redefine the boundaries between architecture and landscape.
The indigenous species are mostly preserve, and used into design, they will also be adjusted over time., since there will alwways be new pioneer species show up in the site.
The attitude towards breaking the boundary of the délaissé:
Human re-enter the naturalised area with a humble attitude, small nature path, like taking a walk in the forest that connect from the Wellness Building to the river, from the Sport Building to the zone 2 area. Clearing out little patches of ground, to use as a contemplation area.
Implementing the smallest possible intervention strategy to use minimal resources to transform the buildings and the surrounding landscape.
Creating segments on the site
Zone 1 function program: Classroom/ Exhibition Room/ Library/ Office/ Sport Zone/ Wellness Zone
Zone 2 function program: Animal Rescue Center/ Bee Keeping/ Food Zone/ Plant Nursery/ Research Lab
People from different backgrounds, communities, seperated by social and phyiscal barriers. This design proposal aims to act on it, and using landscape as a method, through the transformation of this délaissé, people step out of their social and physical boundaries to participate on the transformation of the land, which will also higher their awareness of about landscape and the environment they are living in.
Taking advantage of the dramatic industrial ruins against backdrop of surrounding mountains to create a unique performance area where the vegetation is the permanent performing artists and humans are the temporary artists.
Create physical connections both within the buildings and outside the buildings.
Propose an elevated pathway which will provide an ever-changing perspective of the site and its surroundings.
Create a Path of Reminiscence that aids in narrating the history of the site to visitors.
Elevated path Path of reminiscence Elevator
The strategy map sums up all the strategy points that were explained in the previous pages.
Design area
Zone 1
Zone 2
Devision of 3 zones
Stairs or ramp
Elevated path
Path of reminiscence
Zoning of activity
Natural zone with human interaction
Human trail into nature
Nature enter the artificial area
Children's outdoor park: Small playground elements the indoor children's park, atmosphere, and a way interact with the landscape.
Bricks Installation: Acting as an extention of the brickwalls from the former Oven Room A, that is transformed into Sport zone. The two brick walls interact with the greenery, which provide different perspectives and ways for people to interact with the landscape. Rest Area 2: With benches reusing the concrete columns that are cut down during the transformation of the former Oven Room A, and rail trollies as resting furnitures.
park: elements extending from park, privide an active for the children to landscape.
Resting Area 1: Close to the entrance and next to the exhibition room, providing furnitures transformed from the relics for people to rest.
Exhibition Room EntrancePath to the Riverfront: A division from the path of reminiscence to the riverfront, providing different natural scene to people.
INDOOR NATURAL LEISURE PATH: The path that guide people into more natural area of the site.
CAFE: Provide people supplements after exercise, and a place to socialize.
BASKETBALL COURT: In the semi-closed area, provide people a basketball court that can use all year.
TREMPOLINE: Trempolines part is closed area, providing year.
is in the semiproviding the use for all
CHILDREN'S INDOOR PARK: Taking advantage of industrial strructure to provide 3 different interesting slides for children
PARKOUR: Taking advantage of the industrial structure, reusing the columns as parkour facilities, located in the roof open area.
Situated in the roof open area, street activity elements to invite people into the site.
Using the dramatic industiral building as backdrop, which gives it a different performing experience than other performing theatre.
Closed rooms with windows, giving opportunities to practice inside undisturbed.
SUPPORTING VOLUME: Volume with elevator, stairs and ramp connecting to different floors. It also contains supporting facilities like storage rooms, toilet, changing rooms.
The dramatic industrial scale is perfect to be used for the indoor rockclimbing activities.
The perforated walls provides the light inside the building, giving an interesting experiences when the visitors walk on the ramp.
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