#1 Raise Me
# 7 3D Animation Works
Tamagotchi from the care of lives
Conversation with my charectors
#2 Museum King
# 8 FEED
Learn Art History
Stop motion animation with ready made
# 9 KAKO Park
Language Learning
#4 Apart Social Meeting app
# 5 Dog-Shake
# 10 City Cocoon
Doghouse in the corner
Urban Privacy Protector
# 6 Fuel Interactive game for companies to track employee happiness
Via story-telling, we can build a connection between
people and the society.
I-Chih Lu An interaction Designer based in Taiwan. Read people's mind as a Marketing specialist in the day, freelanceUX&UI designer after sunset. Learn the art of story telling with a degree in 3D animation. As a interaction designer, the ability to tell story is something you develop gradually and naturally. It is a method we use in order to visualize the concept and turn it into an integrated language
INTERACTION DESIGN Talking about Interaction Design, people often will jump into seeing what other countries doing? What's their design? what's new out there? But above all. Interaction design is an constant action to find the relations between people, product and the place. The devlopment of interaction design is to put things together . as an communication of extended and intricate message.
RAISE ME Tamagotchi from the care of lives
Description Raise Me is a mobile game dedicate to bring up the awareness of animal lives. Ensuring animal welfare is a human responsibility that includes consideration for all aspects of animal well-being. Inspired by my favorite line at all time." There is no one you won't learn to love once you hear their stories."Compassion exists in all humans. But the problem in our world today lays in the facts that we can't see the process and the consequenses we made for our decisions.
Project type Individual project// Game design Software: Illustrator, Year of making: 2014
OVERVIEW "Every time you spend money, you're casting a vote for the kind of world you want." - Anna Lappe
GAME INSPIRATION Game 1 -The Alchemist
Facts Problems Spotted
a Solutions
b •
Our lives are the sum of our choices. Each choice that we make, whether it is big or small, shapes and determines our lives. Our choices can also have an impact the lives of others.
a: Ivory keys = The slaughter of 96 elephants every day
b: 85 % of the fur industry’s skins come from animals living captive in fur factory farms. As with other intensive-confinement animal farms, the methods used in fur factory farms are designed to maximize profits, always at the expense of the animals.
The core problem of the world today is that we are not aware of the choices and decision we make.
We need to bring people closer to the process.
Keyword: The Lost of fact. The lost of story.
Tell the story of a product in the fun appoarch.
We don't judge. But we bring out the question.
Users create their story with the product.
The Alchemist is a game to arrange the atoms so that the required molecules can be formed. The goal is to concert an entire set of different elements thorugh out the game
Game 2-Tamagochi
Tamagochi is a handheld digital pet game. It's an egg-shaped virtual pet that dies on its owner daily unless afforded generous love, care, and attention.
GAME CONCEPT This is a remake of Tamagochi game and Alchemist game that design in the aspect of animal care. The approach is to make users build the relationship between them and the little charactor they raise during the game. At the end they will see thier companion transfer into the product they had chosen. The process is curel but at the end the goal is to make the second thoughts of many actions and decisions we made in our life.
High point of the game. Time to say goodbye
The tranformation count down will remind you all the good memroeis you guys have together.
When first enter the game. You will be asked to write your name and pick what you would like to do. After you finish choosing your activity, you can decide the details of the activity. In this case will be three items that relate to "Dress up".
FOUR. CONVERT DONE TWO. START TO RAISE YOUR BABY This three image are the process of raising your little friend. From feeding her, educating her, playing game with her. You are building your relationships with her and create the story between you and her.
Making the last decision. But you will soon notice that you are not able to click no.
MUSEUM KING Learn art history
Description Museum King is a game which makes learning art history fun. Users will be learning the classificaiton of art into different current/period/style, gaining the general picture about art history. In the process the user will become familiar with artist and art pieces.
Project type Team project// Game design Software: Illustrator, Year of making: 2014
GAME DEVELOPMENT Goal Learn Art History with fun
Definition Game Concept
What do we want to know in an art piece?
Target audience The game should appeal to the general public, and deliver History of art information through "addicive" management game mechanics.
Game keyword
1. Learn 2. Fun 3. Knowledge 4. Curation 5. History of Art
Lisa del Giocondo (Mona Lisa) Leonardo da Vinci
Design words
High Renaissance, Renaissance
1.Minimalism 2.Simplicity 3.Elegance 4.Approachability 5.Sleek/Sharp
Lisa's hands, Aerial perspective c. 1503–06, ~1517
"Museum King"- Curation simulator Build your own museum from scratch - buy art, arrange your galleries, and expand your museum. The player will manage a small showroom of fine art. Earning money from entry fees, he will be able to buy new art in the auction hall. Eventually, the player can expand the museum - adding more galleries. A key to success is curating the right galleries.
Key Playfulness Concept •
A management system similar to games like farmville, various "Tycoon" games. The art based theming will provide coherent information- educating the player.
Galleries: The main point of the game is classification of art. Creating galleries dedicated to certain currents/styles of art will bring more interest and revenue. Combining galleries that belong to consequent currents (Ex. Expressionism next to Impressionism) further increases museums' efficiency.
Auction Hall: The player can purchase art. The current that the piece belongs to is not given, only when a gallery is complete (all pieces in the room belong to the same current) the room turns into a "curated" gallery, bringing more revenue
Keeping it fresh: The audience losses interestif the galleries are not refreshed with new art. It is possible to sell art. From time to time visitors will buy art. A "Curated" gallery will have more chances to sell a piece, leaving it "Uncurated", providing balancing challenge.
Research and Interview
Interviewed the curator of Israel Museum in Jerusalem for testing our game concept.
Avator Design
THREE. HOLD DIFFERNET EVENT IN YOUR MUSUEM Prepare different events for your musuem to attract audiences to bring revenue.
Musuem Design
Musuem Design
The field of Art History is divided into specializations or concentrations based on eras and regions, with further sub-division based on media. For Example: " 19th-century German architecture"or "French Impressionism Painting". When the user builld a curated gallery with theme, it will add more value to thier musuem in the same time they also learn about different current of art history.
TEE-HEE TREE Language learning
Description TEE-HEE Tree is an interactive language learning app. In Tee-Hee Tree, "Leaf point" will be used digitaly or physically to learn the language and share your favorite spot in the city. Each leaf point reavels a new word of the language you want to learn. You can easily get Leaf point by recording your mother tongue language. The more you share the more you learn.
Project type Indivisual project// Interaction design Software: Illustrator, Year of making: 2013
Problems Spotted
While traveling, I always have the eager to learn some basic greetings to the countries I visit. I would like to know some basic words in order to perfectly blend into the city and build a bridge with the native people.
Create physical and digital language learning interaction
Combine language learning with city exploring
Make language learning fun and emotional
Game Concept
"TEE HEE Tree" The concept of TEE HEE Tree is to change language learning into a opportunity to explore and know the people in the city. As a native you can place "Leaf message" at the place you want to share with the traveller. The app will remember the place you by GPS. As soon as the traveller found your leaf point, you also became part of the their journey.
What make a city beautiful is the people. There's a sayings that goes like " The fastest way to build connections with the city is to give your heart to someone who lives in the city. " Language is a reflection of culture, the aim of the app is to bring people together. The sharing and exchanging process is an appoarch to build the connections and interactions.
A: Record your language
B: Edit your leaf message
C: Get leaf point after sharing
D: Learn languages
Make friends with friends
Description Apart is a fun and organic app to meet new people with friends. To use the app, you form a group of friends. Each of you has your own profile, and you can chat internally with your friends, but you can also look at other groups and swipe yes or no to indicate whether you'd be interested in meeting up. I am responsible for the UI/ UX design including product positioning, user flow design and visual design.
Project type Team project// UI/UX design Software: Sketch, Year of making: 2016
Design an dating app that can be accepted in Asia market.
Facts Human in nowadays are lack of time to meet new people. The needs for good quality and healthy social interaction is increasing.
15% of American adults now report that they have used online dating sites and/or mobile dating apps, up from the 11% who reported doing so in early 2013.
In China, match making tradition has evolved into weekly markets that have been described as “Match.com meets farmers’ market.” Parents. Driven by the cultural pressure to find a good spouse, coupled with the uneven ratio of men to women (118 : 100), these weekly markets attract big crowds.
Problems Spotted •
Although online dating is getting more and more common these days. Why we still lack of usage in Asia Market?
The majority of couples are making their initial connections IRL, as friends, in places where they needn't worry about clever usernames or conversation-sparking photos. Though 59% of Americans see online dating as a great way to meet people, according to the Pew Research Center, the reality is that the old-fashioned approach reigns supreme: Just 10% of respondents said they met through a dating site or app. Resource: Connection. Mic
Solutions •
Can we change Online dating app from one on one individual invitation to an initial friend groups invitaion to other group?
How to improve the intimacy and efficiency from having individual conversation to group conversation?
Dating app is long been associated with fast food-love. Our core idea is to create a dating app (friends making app) that fits the mentality of social activity in asia. In the first stage user will be requested to create their own profile by adding picture and desciption just like facebook, on the second stage users can form groups with their friends in order to meet other group.
User Testing & Research
Group Interest
In order to make the group conversation more efficent. Group can highlight three of their favorite activities to bring up common interest in the chatroom.
This project is a version update from the first release six months ago. In this update we did user accepting testing event, collecting feedbacks from our users. We found out that for most people having common interest is by far the most affective fact to trigger the the Favorability towards individuals. Male and Femal can be more attracted by someone having avergae outward appearance but share same interest than a good looking stranger with nothing in common.
We also take a close look at the structure of groups of friends. In 70% of the group will
A paper realeased by : Yvette van Osch 《 A Group's Physical Attractiveness Is Greater Than the Average Attractiveness of Its Members: The Group Attractiveness Effect》
Quoting from the paper, the research discuss whether the perceived physical attractiveness of a group is greater than the average attractiveness of its members. In nine studies, it find evidence for the so-called group attractiveness effect (GA-effect), using female, male, and mixedgender groups, indicating that group impressions of physical attractiveness are more positive than the average ratings of the group members.
Mr. Bubble is the charector in our app. The looks is based on the message bubble.
Like Feature Group Chat Request In the group invitaion. User can see the line of whole people in the group.
We want to keep the warm orange in our UI design for the sense of fun, warmth and loving feeling for our app.
improve adhesion degree
The world that we live in now is an organism and it has been transforming faster than ever. Creativity in service innovation is something we desperately need.
Doggy Bus Dog shelter in the corner
Description Stray animals have became a major issue in Taiwan. In the past, some factories and farmers would raise dogs outside of their properties. The owners did not neuter those dogs. Without neuterning the dogs, they kept on reproducing. Once the stray animals got caught from the catch dog group, they will be serve to death if no one adopt them in a month. Doggy Bus is a conceptual solution for finding home for our furry friend but also benefiting our community.
Project type Individual project// Interaction design Illustrator, Research 2014
How to expand the possibilty for animals in the city
The win-win solution for the community and puppies Animal-assisted therapy is a growing field that uses dogs or other animals to help people recover from or better cope with health problems, such as heart disease, cancer and mental health disorders. Animal-assisted activities, on the other hand, have a more general purpose, such as providing comfort and enjoyment for nursing home residents. To have doggy bus driving into the neightborhood and community will
Solutions •
In Taiwan, before the Animal Protection Law came into effect in 1998, the methods used to dispose of unwanted animals were horrifying.
In the ten-year period from 1999 to 2008 an astounding 900,000 stray dogs were sent to government pounds, of which the vast majority (650,000) were put to sleep. With an average intake of nearly 90,000 animals annually, and with numbers increasing, there appears to be no end in sight to the suffering of stray animals. Everything is done to keep the pounds hidden from the public eye. No one is allowed to take pictures and cages are sometimes covered with plastic boards. High fences are placed around the pounds, with warning signs to discourage visitors. These measures make it virtually impossible to recover a lost pet, let alone adopt an animal.
Create standard operating guidelines for local municipalities on setting up and running a pound. These guidelines should prioritise animal needs and welfare.
Set up an animal warden system in each municipality to allow humane management of stray animals. It should immediately stop using garbage collectors to catch strays. Stray animals are living creatures, not garbage!
Tackle the root causes of stray animal issues by strict enforcement of pet industry regulations, including breeding farms, pet traders and pet shops.
source: http://actasia.org
Problems Spotted The problem of the dog shelter now is that they are often located in the far country side that have no connection with the people in the city.
Creative Solutions •
If there's a moving dog bus that can take them from the sheltter around the city. People can interact with them and also think of adopting them.
Let's bring the loving puppies in the city.
Simier Ideas This is an project I work and research aside from my work and study during 2014. On 2016, Uber announced Uber PUPPIES, an initiative they hope will raise awareness about pet adoption from local shelters as well as the benefits of having dogs in the workplace.
Building trust between the workspace and the people
#06 THINK OF CORPORARE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Description This user centered project was a collaboration with a group of friends in different backgrounds that are interested in social reponsibility and impact. Pure action to community is what fuel is aiming for. We believe everyday action can stem from business to volunteer actions. We want to segment social enterprises from general businesses to improve their corporate social responsilibility. Project type Team project// UI/UX design Software: Sketch, Year of making: 2016
Area of Interest Our root strengths is to provide a cushion but not solution, providing simple solution for company/ organization making their first step on CSR easily. Given company a report with unified and clear indicator. Our CSR focusing on the employee's health and mentation.
Background In today’s business environment, there is an increasing pressure for companies to act responsibly –stakeholders now, more than ever, evaluate corporations on social impact (Citizenship, Governance and Workplace) in addition to economic and market driven results (Products/Services, Innovation, Leadership and Performance). Each of these seven areas Reputation Institute identifies as a dimension that influences reputation. Individually they are the drivers of reputation that a corporation must manage across its stakeholders.
Problem spotted There is no standardized instruments/methods to (1) Measure how companies do on CSR initiatives (2) Social impact of these initiatives (3) Make comparisons across companies in the same industry, owing to the unstandardized measurement/self-report
Insight Since there is not a real hard-proof way companies provide proof of their CSR action. Corporation will use 3rd party audits or self-reports. So there is room for falsity. In light of this, fuel index can pave a way of balance and standard measurements. Our innovation comes from the delivery process and implementation.
CSR market support
TARGET USER Millennials entering the workforce, with their generation expected to account for 36% of the American workforce this year and a whopping 75% of the global workforce by 2025. Apps that aim to increase work efficiency and provide easy solutions to work-related problems are certainly on the rise.
APP CONCEPT Fuel is a B2B busniess model. Cooperation can implement the solution in their company for their workers. People in the company can do daily challenge and it can create index of the company based on the usage of the application. Company can track employee's mood, health status. It will help company to stay closer and improve the working culture and environment to achieve their CSR.
CSR GOAL 1. Improve working quality by the employ's usage index. 2. Company workers can decide how to use their game points they get by doing their daily challenge. CSR can be easily acheived by having the donation from the workers. They are able to join the community and charity event by using the application.
&NGI POINT/ HR POINT You are able to earn &NGI and HR cube by acheiving daily challenge. &NGI cube allows you to keep your planet clean. HR cube allows you to donate points to charity event and community.
PERSONAL SCORE Track your daily walking steps.
DAILY CHALLENGES PLANET STATUS In fuel app, every user owns and are responsible for their planet. The goal is to keep it clean and healthy. User is asked to do challenge in order to receive envirnmental score to keep their planet in god shape. Environmental score will be received by doing daily challenges. Daily chellenge incudes napping time, lunch records.... Fuel wants to improve the working quality by encouraging employees to do their chellenges and also benifit the community. In this case, another usage of the environment score is that you can also donate your point to CSR event to help achieve it.
Water. air and trees rate show you how clean your planet is. It encourages the user to do their daily challenge
User can do 9 daily chellenges everyday to improve their working status and mood. Such as small streching exercise, daily water record, cafe break, nap, neck exercise, wrist exercise... and so on.
As an animation student, the ability to tell a story is something you develop gradually and naturally. It is a method we use in order to visualize a concept and turn it into an integrated language. Via story-telling, we can build a connection between people and society. Social design is a way to interact by telling a story,. It has become my passion and an indispensable tool to dive deeper into humanity and problems affecting it.
Stop motion with ready made
#07 THINK OF CONSUMPTION Description "FEED" is a group stop motion project I did during my exchange year in Israel. Food security, demand, consumption and waste are things that we needs to change and reevaluate in order to create a truly sustainable food future. In this project we use food to make the metephor of food production process in three different stages and aspects.
Project type Team project, Stop Motion Software: Photoshop, Dragon frame Year of making: 2014
The making of "FEED" Our animation can be devided into three parts. Food production, over consumption, and the danger of processes foods. In "food production", we peel and repack the orange. To argue that what 's real ? As a sarcastic apprach to look through what we have nowdays. We are constantly making "natural unnatural". Second part we combine different fruit and vegitable to bring out the awareness of what we are puting in our mouth.
When an Anthropologist look at food, they view food as a appooarch to seek in every culture. Can be the symbolic meanings behind the food, a ceremony, nutritious perspective, status or cultural revenue. In the recent years many countries start to list food as their intangible Cultural Heritage. A good food won't disapper but the way of making it could be lost. Although this project is mainly focusing on the food consumerism. But it also allows us to think of the food we have today. What's the connection between the food and our culture?
"The Symbolic meanings of Pomegrante" In the end of the animation. It's a spinning pomegrante filled up with all the nasty pieces of food. The Hebrew word for “pomegranate” is Ramam, which means “to rise up” or “to be mounted up.”
3D Animation Works
<In front of the mirror>
#08 THINK OF EMOTIONS Description Being a animation student, we are very sensitive towards story. We often analysis ourselves by watching the film or story we made. It is also a therapy that we do to make conversation with our subconscious. As a designer I believe in order to do influencial design to solving problems, we are obliged to find a way to express the emotions, points of view of all matters. This section is the simple introduction of 3 3D animation film I made during my college years, they are 《In front of the mirror》 《Perfect Fear》and《Stop by speed date on》.
Project type Team project// Animation Software: Maya, Premiere, After Effect, Photoshop, Year of making: 2011-2013
In the train station, a lady just finished her yoga class. Struggling in front of the Octupus vending machine wondering if she should eat right after the hard work she put in the class today. Next to the Octupus machine. There's another vending machine, wrote <Friends>. She decided to get a friend.
<Perfect Fear>
<Stop by speed date on>
Whenever there's the crack there's the light. A little boy struggling to overcome his fear. But than he figure that the fear is what makes him complete. He is free, in the other side of the world from the accident or a discovery from the boredness. He is from the under world. Therefore he started to run. Run to the meaning of existence.
A punk youngster's dream is to have a girlfriend. He decided to go on a speed date. It's not until later that he realizes the reason that all the girls run away from him is because of the skunk lady that is in love with him staying on his head.
Kako Park The society class
The Kid Pass for the Park coal eletricity cycle
#09 THINK OF SOCIAL CLASS Description “He was free, free in every way, free to behave like a fool or a machine, free to accept, free to refuse, free to equivocate; to marry, to give up the game, to drag this death weight about with him for years to come. He could do what he liked, no one had the right to advise him, there would be for him no Good or Evil unless he thought them into being.” - Jean-Paul Sartre Project type Individual project// Animation Software: After Effect, Photoshop,Year of making: 2015
This is my graduation film in college. The story was inspried by the internship expereince in China at 2014. Seeing the interaction in different stages of the society, the resources, the privilege, gave me a stronge refection of what and how the society were formed and shaped.
The resource of the society To possess Privilege The right to choose The stage of the society
Always aims at a future object from the present in which we conceive of the action and try to realize it. -Jean Paul Sartre
PRODUCT & MATERIAL Floating emotion is a starting point for Product design. You feel warmth from the texture between your hand, the shape, the color. The physical object you create can easily make a connection with the people as a "living" object. Using hand to create things is something human do to explore the world. Although this is a digital world we live in. We still are always fasinated by the charm of the physical product.
PRODUCT & MATERIAL City Cocoon Urban Privacy Protector
#10 THINK OF SPACE Description By the time at 2028, people who lives in the city will reach 3.3 billion. With the decreasing living space in the city, we are facing privacy problem. We need private space in our over crowded cities. The concept was inspried from cocoon, they can be hanging anywhere in all conditions but still maintains their private space. Can we make a city cocoon for human?
Project type Individual project// Product design, Technics: Paper Mache Year of making: 2011
This is a prototype. My approach is to make a ear looking tent with small light bulb. We are letting people know where we are but also reminds privacy like by saying, I need some space by having frashly lightbulb. The ear shape design is we don't want to be heard. The idea is to make an easy pack and go tent that people can hide inside and do their busniess. It can also be used for two people. Although the users will not be socializing with the crowd. But the light bulb do make the city looks more bright and beautiful.