Us History Essay

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Dayana Rodriguez

February 18, 2013

U.S. History 1301 V05

Instructor Gilberto Reyes Jr

Did U.S. History Begin in 1607? True or False My answer would have to be true and false. I know that probably sound funny but after doing research I have found different dates in which U.S History might have started. I think that it just all depends on the person and their judgment. The topic is "U.S History began in 1607". The year 1607, which marks the settlement of Jamestown, the first permanent English colony in North America, is certainly one of the more significant dates in early American history (Sage). But after reading and researching that date, I have come to find that many people were on the land way before that year. Like for example, more content... But what does all this have to do with the topic? So far all this information is just the discovering of America and who was here first and how they got here. In 1607, a group of London investors known as the Virginia Company sent a small convoy of vessels to Chesapeake Bay, where hundred men built a fort they named Jamestown in honor of King James I (Faragher, Buhle and Czitrom). Chesapeake Bay was already home to many Indians. This became the first English settlement in North America. Maybe this is the reason the topic is on this specific year. With this in mind, I still think that there is still a lot of other dates in which U.S. History might have begun. Like for example, 1776– this date relates to year the U.S. declared its independence from England (Lecture 1). Before starting this class I thought that the Declaration of Independence is what and where U.S. History started. I know we have not got in to detail on this matter but from research and studies I read in high school, I honestly thought that was the starting time to our nation's history. The reason I think this is because before the Declaration of Independence we still were a part of Britain. U.S History might have begun with the creation of the United States, which was when the Declaration of Independence was adopted. So this is why I think the topic might be true and false, because there are many dates in which U.S. History might have begun.

Works Cited

Faragher, John Mark, et al. Out of

Us History Began in 1607 Essay
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Summary On Journal: Your Experiences On The Trail

3.3.4 Journal: Your Experiences on the Trail

U.S. History Sem 1 (S2529194)

Points possible: 20


Date: ____________


1. Who were you on the Trail of Tears? (1 point) Tennessee Rogers

2. Begin by listing your character's experiences. If you have many, list just the four most interesting ones. (1 point) I leave my home and only able to pack what the army will allow, it is almost winter. I have to hunt with a blowdart gun because my gun was taken away. I have to cross the mississippi river and loved ones drown but I continue I have reached Tahlequah, Oklahoma, many loved ones have died

3. Now, turn each of these experiences into a sentence. Don't forget to add details! (1 point) more content...

Writing Assignment

Write a complete paragraph that describes your experiences on the Trail of Tears. Use the topic sentence and support you completed in the preВwriting section. Add a conclusion to finish your thoughts. Be sure to use lots of good detail. Of course, if you need to add other ideas, you can do that, too. This assignment is worth 15 points.

The Trail of Tears was the worst experience of my life. It began when my family I had to our my home. I was not allowed to take what I wanted, I was forced to take what the army allowed me to take and it was almost winter. We had been traveling for a few days now and we needed food, so I had to hunt but my gun was taken, luckily I had my blowdart gun. I killed a small deer and everyone wanted a piece so we shared as much as we could, but it was not enough. Months had past and we had arrived at the Mississippi River and had to cross, my cousin and grandfather had drown, our family was saddened but we had to continue. Almost a full year had gone by and we finally had reached Tahlequah. More loved ones had died on this horrible journey and fourВthousand people had died in this wretched year. The trail of tears ruined our

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The United States of America is country that has stood proudly for over 250 years. Over these years it has developed a deep and rich history of strife and success. It is in this history that Americans have found great strength and have been able to propel this country forward. Our history is a foundation that fuses this country together and will be the inspiration for our future. The history of the United States is much like the foundation of a building. As they both hold everything up, and without them everything would come crashing down. Our history is what binds us together as Americans, and not just an obscure group of people. This bound that is felt among all Americans is what allowed us to come together and defeat some of the greatest evils that the world had ever seen. When Hitler rose to power in Nazi Germany during World War Two and threatened the Freedoms of not more content...

These trials included the slave trade of African Americans, the putting of Japanese Americans into internment camps, and the genocide of Native Americans. These stains on the history of United States run deep, but because of these horrid acts, and the effects that they had, they have given us the guidance to make sure similar events never come to pass again in the United States. This dark history is also what inspired some of the greatest men to be born in the United States to act and change our nation for the better. Men like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who worked endlessly to see the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1968. US history could also never forget great women either like Helen Keller who work endlessly to help expand the rights of women, and most importantly was able get women the right to vote in US elections. Although parts of our history may be dark, they helped us to see the

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History Of America Essay

Although the federal governments attitudes and actions towards blacks and Native Americans civil rights in the 19th century were very different they also had lots of similarities. Both blacks and Native Americans were treated poorly and did not have many rights. Blacks were slaves and Indians (Native Americans) were fighting to stay alive. All these negative actions were a bad look for a country that was growing bigger and bigger by the day to someday reach what the United States is today. Culture was a huge part of Indian life in the 19th century, from hunting buffalo and respecting and loving the lands that they lived on to amazing spiritual and religious ceremonies. more content...

The Native Americans kept losing men and the U.S. kept on pushing forward. Every reservation that was set up for the Indians sooner or later was destroyed and taken over by the U.S. The U.S. did not want the Indians to continue believing in their gods and religions. The Indians culture was a huge threat to the U.S. who wanted to try and Americanize the Indians. In 1887 the Dawes act was put into action, which was an attempt to eliminate tribal ownership of land and give individual "families" 160 acres of land to live on. The U.S. was hoping this would make the Indians live the American way and give up there Indian culture. This was very hard on the Indians and they did not let this be the way they made peace with the U.S. people. Then in 1924 the Snyder act was granted which gave the Indians their citizenship so that they could believe in their culture and own land. Blacks were not as open about there culture because it was passed on threw songs and stories. Most of them were all slaves so they had no understanding of there culture. It was passed on from the older slaves from Africa through many hours or stories and songs. The blacks were slaves and that meant they were considered property so they could not be as nearly open and free–spoken about the culture that they knew of. In the later half of the 19th century blacks and Native Americans did not have many or any political and social rights. Neither group was considered citizens of Get more content

US History Essay

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September 16, 2009

Compare the cultures that could be found in the New World prior to the Europeans. Why were some groups more advanced than others throughout the same region?

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October 29, 2009

As an ordinary United States citizen in the 1790s, what would you have to fear in the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts?

November 2, 2009

Why did the Federalist Party lose popularity and influence in the late 1790s?

November 3, 2009

Compare the foreign policies of Washington and Adams. Could better polices have been devised?

November 4, 2009

In the 1790s, why did the revolutionary political leaders become more divided over the course of the new nation?

November 5, 2009

Describe the major regional identities that began to appear in the United States in the early 1800s.

November 9, 2009

Once in office, how did Jefferson carry out his political beliefs? Explain your answer.

November 10, 2009

Describe the major issues that eventually led the United States to declare war on Great Britain in 1812.

November 11, 2009

Was it inevitable for the United States to be drawn into war with Great Britain?

November 12, 2009

What evidence was there that public polices between the War of 1812 and the Age of Jackson supported and enhanced nationalism? Include examples from all three branches of government.

November 16, 2009

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American History X

Will racism ever come to an end or will its path go on infinitely? For the most part, the majority of people respect those who are different either in color, race, and/or heritage; however, there are those few that hold bigoted views towards people who are different than they are. The movie American History X by Tony Kayedisplays an example of people who hold bigoted views. Derek, a Neo–Nazi leader, must contend with his actions relating to his past racist views and actions. This powerful movie explores its characters thoroughly and gives reasons why people become so callous and turn towards a racist group. It also exposes insight to problems that plague America when it comes to racism more content...

Derek realized that hatred towards people did not help him, his family, or the situation at hand. Instead of being negative and destructive, why not be positive. Hurting people and destroying property does not solve problems, but only makes them worse by causing more resentment and tension between people (Theriou). Nothing good has ever come out of a situation where one person has been the victim of a crime or abuse. Good things come out of situations where people show hospitality, good will, and compassion; not hatred.

It is made very clear that Derek and Danny have no affiliations with the Ku Klux Klan. Derek calls the KKK a bunch of disorganized rednecks that very inanely run around with sheets on their heads. Instead they are part of a Neo–Nazi group in Southern California. In America today there are "estimated to be about 200,000 members 602 3 associated with white power groups (included in these estimates are supporters and hard core members plus their families)" (Suall). That is a lot of people who are affiliated with known racist groups. When looking on the Internet a person can realize how much hate is present in our world. John Hron website has estimates of Neo–Nazis in countries and a little bit about how that country views Nazism. America has about 85,000 Neo–Nazi members compared with 47,000 German Neo–Nazis. Germany though has a lot

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This view however, has been challenged. Some think that the 60s have a misguided view. Instead of the sixties transforming life for the better, it actually made life worse.

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During the sixties, there were many changes to the legal system in England. The death penalty became abolished. Many people thought this would encourage crime and make the legal system look weak. This was a debated decision as was the legalisation of abortion. Some thought and still think that abortion is killing a living creature and therefore, it is murder. Others believe abortion should be allowed to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Even nowadays, both decisions are countered.

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As a community matures and progresses, a culture will begin to develop. Naturally, there will come about a development of a pattern of thinking and of behavior. Communities must be aware of those patterns and make it of utmost responsibility to ensure diversity remains prevalent. Once communities have firmly set patterns, stigmas will be sure to follow. How can one accomplish such an endeavor? It is through the constant questioning of ideas prevalent in a society. A unique aspect of human nature is that we resist change in our environment. However, change is necessary to keeping the future of America hopeful. Without asking questions, we will never recognize needs, and if we don't recognize needs, we will never recognize changes that must occur.

Perhaps a few of us can relate: as we get older, we become more steadfast in our ways, making change happen a more daunting task. If, as America gets older and consequently repels change, how can she have hope in her future? The answer lies in today's youth, the next generation of game–changers. Each new generation brings renewed energy, insight, and voices, but unless our older, more experienced generations educate us younger people on today's beliefs and values, they will not be giving us the opportunity to distinguish ourselves as tomorrow's leaders. If we as a nation do not make it a priority to teach the younger generations the Get

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In essence, Greenspan’s job is running the day–to–day and long–term economies of the United States. He is involved in international and domestic trade. In addition, he regulates the stock market. The effect he has had on the American public is not directly felt, but in a way he affects the lives of every citizen. On several occasions, Greenspan has saved the market from failure through quick action. He has always chosen the sound long–term route over a short–term benefit, even against protest. The market is a direct representation of the economy of the US, and Greenspan has a huge influence on it. Because of this, he changes the core process of money movement in America every day. And since he never succumbs to short–term prospects, Greenspan has ensured a sound future economy. Martin Luther King, Jr. was without a doubt the most important race relations leader in the history of the United States. King was the single man who inspired millions to fight for the cause of unity in the US. Despite the ban on slavery, America had deep segregation and prejudice until the 1960s. King drove the Negroes of America to march on Washington, D.C. to fight for rights. He was behind the movement that caused John F. Kennedy to sign a bill of civil rights. It is hard to imagine what the US would be like today without his diligence and vigilance. Perhaps we would still be living in an era like that of Atlanta, Georgia in the 1960s. No one can say

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Essay on Modern American History

During 1790–1860, there were many reformations taking place and many events that lead up to the reformation of this very inexperienced country, of America. All these events effected the United States different ways and caused many grievances for the young people living in America. In 1790 we firmly incorporated the first American cotton mill which led to the economic augmentation of the United States. In 1791 we established the Capital of the United States in Washington D.C., and Alexander Hamilton establishes the first bank of America. In 1794 in Pennsylvania there was an uprising called the Whiskey Rebellion. People were rejecting the taxes on their way of life, and that was whiskey.

In 1801, more content...

Also, in 1812 President James Madison is reelected. In 1815, the British, totally clueless that the War of 1812is over, attacked General Andrew Jackson and lost over two thousand soldiers. General Andrew Jackson was considered a hero. In 1817 James Monroe became our fifth President of the United States.

In 1820, James Monroe dominated the election of the Presidency of the United States by winning all but one of the electoral votes. In 1821 Missouri became a state and the equality of slave and free states are set at twelve. In 1823 President Monroe puts his Monroe Doctrine through, which states that the United States will not permit any European hampering in the Western Hemisphere. In 1824, John Quincy Adams in elected President of the United States. In 1825 our transportation took a gigantic step for the better because of the completion of the Eric Canal. In 1826 our transportation still prospered with the first railroad being put into use, in Massachusetts.

In 1831 Alexis de Tocqueville travels America and writes a book on the democracy of it. In 1840 William Lloyd Garrison and his followers walk out of an Anti–slavery convention when women are allowed to be seated as delegates. In 1843 there begins a wide movement of citizens of America to the west. In 1849 Amelia Bloomer began production of a journal called the Lily, who talked about supporting women rights. In 1860, Abraham Lincoln attacks the slavery

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Early American History

Unity within colonies was extremely strong because it was assembled in a primal urge for survival. The colonists were in this entirely new land, so it was natural they would stick together to the familiar, and therefore build strong bonds and loyalty to their colony. Exclusion also excellently describes early America because of the way colonies expelled their own people if they did not follow the colony's strict В‘rules' of life. The primary source documents; "City upon a Hill", "Ann Hutchinson's Trial", "Founding Of The Iroquois League", and "TheMayflower Compact" are all brilliant examples of this contradictory yet surprisingly honest view of early American history. Early American History should be remembered more content...

One must remember, thought, that inPuritan Massachusetts, the Church and the State were one. This is precisely why Ann Hutchinson is being tried in a state court for crossing Puritan doctrine. Governor John Winthrop is saying that, according to Puritan doctrine, to become acquainted with someone of a religion other than Puritanism, it puts to shame the parents of this sinner and the dishonors the whole Puritan colony. This is quite indicative of exclusion because the Puritans stopped everyone of their faith from friendly interaction with someone of a different faith. The unjust and severe punishment was that they were to be banished from the colony, their family, their friends, and their church. This is what happened to Ann Hutchinson. She was excluded from her whole life all because she quietly questioned some of the Church's decisions and didn't take kindly the spoon–fed Puritan principles.

Early American History should be remembered as a time of unity as well as exclusion because in each separate colony, they had to unite to stay alive. They united in grief over trials and tribulations, such as mass numbers of death, especially in the early colonies, and hunger. They also united in their joys, such as maybe a good harvest, and in their faith. Faith was a huge unison factor.

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Early American History Essay

The United States History is an important aspect that people in today's society still learn about it, there are specific topics that are enormously mentioned in the actual reality. Some of those topics are; Puritanism, Separatism, Religion and even Politics. Going back to the late 1620s and the 1630s when King Charles decided to dissolve the Parliament of England, which did not left hope to the citizens that the will of God will be enforced in England (25). With these events, the people started to leave England to other places which first was Holland and then to Plymouth Plantation in New England (27). After Separatism came out to be a real problem in other areas, because of this John Winthrop decided to leave mother England to go more content...

Another impression that Morgan says is related when he says "they were painfully aware" referring to the people who left England, that leaving the country was very painful for them because they knew that it was not probably the solution, but they need and have to do something because what was going on in England was against their beliefs and that was wrong because people wanted to do what God's will was. However, after the people who have moved to Massachusetts there were thought challenges that were going to be arisen for the residents and for John Winthrop. The first challenge was going to be Roger Williams. The problem that Williams represented was that he was going against what Winthrop believed was better for the community which was to not separate from each other. But, this did not stop Williams, who is being described by Morgan as "a charming, sweet–tempered, winning man, courageous, selfless, God–intoxicated–and stubborn– the very soul of separatism (108). The description that is being given to Williams is not completely positive because Morgan finishes saying "the very soul of separatism" which was going to be the challenge for Winthrop because this means that Williams was going away from

Us History Research Paper
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