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Location: MMU Print Serivces, Hulme, Manchester, UK

Category: Education/Science Research & Technology


BA Year: 3rd Year

Tutors: Siobhan Barry, Dan Newport

For this project, we were given the opportunity to collaborate with the MMU Health and Education Department to extend on to their facilities in the Brooks building, while also creating a linking point for the MMU All Saints campus and Birley Fields campus, for which the Brooks building is on.

Although we were extending on to the existing facilities on a different site, we were tasked with creating new and innotavative, forward thinking spaces that could be beneficial to both students and the Hulme community.

MMU Main Campus

Birley Fields Campus

Walking time

Walking routes to Main Campus

Walking routes to Birley Fields pricipitation transpiration water run off plant uptake water collected in stream watering system and stream

Through combining both Health and Education, I looked into creating wellbeing spaces (a much needed space in universities) which focusses on the mind, body, and education of wellbeing, which could provide placement jobs to health and education students while creating a safe space for students and the surrounding community. To program these spaces in a way that was comfortable and familar for all users, I heavily researched mental health design while looking at private and public use.

To create a calming and relaxing safe space in my design, I have looked into biophyllic and landscaping design, while ensuring that my design is sustainable. I made it a forefront of my project to maximise reuse as well as reducing carbon emissions. One of the key ways that I went about this was water recyling through use of local vegetation.

For the courtayrd and garden design, I wanted it to be a key attratcion in the bulding, while also providing a safe space for students and the community as well as a meeting point, where students can pass through to different classes with ease, while being able to meet and greet other students on their path. I have also made sure to provide seating, bins and lighting.

In order to prevent against glare and over exposure to lighting within building, as well as acoustic barrier to reduce overstimulation to users, I have used a wooden lamella facade. The lamel la facade opens up to the key spaces, providing views as well as a guide to entrance points around the building. In terms of my structure, I have looked at materials that best providea good acosutic environment.

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