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Revolutionizing Patient Care: IV Ensure™ Empowers Better Outcomes and Reduces Readmission Rates with At-Home
from i&E BIO Edition 2023
by Shannon Carr
Remote IV Monitoring
Every Patient, Every Infusion, Every Time
IV Ensure™ is the first at-home, remote IV monitoring service that aims to increase patient home IV home infusion adherence and, by doing so, decrease hospital readmission rates for chronically ill patients. With U.S. hospital readmission rates for some chronically ill patients surpassing 50 percent and the estimated cost of medication non-adherence at $300 billion, hospital systems are looking for solutions.
The IV Ensure™ solution uses a patented, Level 1 FDA, remote monitoring device to provide real-time feedback to patients’ healthcare teams to ensure critical medications are being taken as prescribed. This is particularly important for patients with chronic illnesses, such as sepsis, pneumonia, osteomyelitis, urinary tract infections and other infectious diseases. When combined with comprehensive patient analytics provided through IVE Mind – a firstever cloud-based remote therapeutic monitoring system – and a dedicated 24/7 support team to deliver effective case management for inhome infusions, the result is increased patient antibiotic adherence and better health.
Currently in clinical trials with the University of Oklahoma Hudson College of Public Health and University of Oklahoma College of Medicine and seed-funded through i2E, IV Ensure™ aligns with a growing healthcare-at-home trend, as at-home technologies are more convenient and safer for patients – that any reduction of exposure to other diseases while in a hospital setting is most advantageous for the physical and emotional well-being of the patient. It was also recently chosen as the Oklahoma Venture Forum’s first finalist for “Venture of the Year.”
IV Ensure™ was founded in 2020 by Mitchell Berenson, MPH, a 20-year public health advocate and rural infusion services expert who earned a Master of Public Health graduate at the Hudson School of Public Health and served his residency at Johns Hopkins. He also holds patents in the U.S. and 58 other countries for technologies. Mitchell’s infusion adherence companies have monitored more than 80,000 patients across the U.S. since 2008; IV Ensure™ scales this same level of care to a global market.
Whether patients are managing conditions like sepsis, bone infections, autoimmune diseases, kidney infections, or any other health condition requiring IV treatment, IV Ensure™ serves as their dedicated accountability partner, helping them maintain their health and well-being.
Attach IV Ensure™ to Infusion Line
Patients can simply clip the IV Ensure™ Infusion Tracker to the outside of the IV line they already own.
IV Ensure™ uses cellular technology to monitor patient compliance. No Internet access required.
The IV Ensure™ system analyzes data in realtime to maximize healthcare value.
Communicate with Stakeholders
If noncompliance is detected, the IV Ensure™ team will contact the patient and notify caregivers.