SMBH and super extraterrestrial civilizations(the IAAQ press version) Dr Makoto Inoue published a hypothesis last year, trying based on scientific logic to expand the limit of SMBH imagination. It is to discuss how SMBH can be utilized as an energy source by Type III civilizations of Kardashev classification, if there indeed is one. 【Kardashev classification of advanced civilizations】 Physicists, when they say to search extraterrestrial intelligence, they are not to find“little green man” or “ET”, but to search highly advanced civilizations of Kardashev classification. This index was first proposed by a Russian astronomer Nikolai Kardashev, who classify extraterrestrial civilizations into three types according to energy that is required and can be managed to sustain and advance the technology level of civilization. Type I with energy consumption at 4x1012 watts has a technological level that can utilize successfully all energy sources an entire colonial planet can provide. Type II with energy consumption at 4x1026 watts is a civilization capable of harnessing all energy radiated by its own star. To achieve this, a Dyson sphere or the similar surrounding the mother star is built, which is a huge power plant web to collect, transmit and convert radiated energy. This concept was proposed by Freeman Dyson. Type III as the most advanced civilization can control energy on a galactic scale, which can possibly contain thousand of millions of star systems. The energy consumption level is at 4x1037 watts, about the scale our milky way is possessed. Type III can adopt similar technology and system that Type II has to collect radiations from stars in the galactic system, they may even utilize energy from SMBH that is often found at the center of many galaxies. There are scholars proposed that civilization on earth of the present one is leveled somewhere between Type 0 and Type I. Although based on mathematic calculation, it is said there should be at least a thousand of Type I to III of Kardashev civilizations, yet none is ever observed or detected. 【SMBH and super extraterrestrial civilizations】 There are two key assumptions in Inoue’s hypothesis. That is, Type III of Kardashev scale is not an “isolated”civilization, but a galactic club formed by many civilization members of a kind in a galaxy, like what we see in the film Star Trek. The energy source of a galactic club is the SMBH at the center of the galaxy. Habitants in a galactic club are not necessarily living nearby the dangerous SMBH to utilize its energy. Alternatively, power grid system can be developed to collect and to deliver energy to club members. In the power network, there are power collectors near central SMBH doing energy generation and disposition, mid-way power plants to transmit energy to different habitat solar systems, and local power stations to convert and distribute energy to club members. The system could even be remotely controlled by individual intelligent habitat. But the design of the power network will be different from Dyson sphere of Type II civilization. The “sphere” has to be broken into “Dyson shells” to keep some area uncovered to give way to emanating jets and accreting flows around SMBH. Energy transmitted by Dyson shells and such to the habitat should be accomplished presumably by electro-magnetic radiation. The transmission efficiency is primarily important and therefore selection of the wavelength region becomes the key. Take the example of Sgr A*, the SMBH in our Galactic Center, near infrared is possibly the best efficient wavelength choice. This suggests when we choose the transmission frequency; some points need to be taken into account, including the spectral energy distribution of the radiation from the accretion disk, the energy conversion efficiency of the power plant for the transmission, and the transmission efficiency through the interstellar medium of the galaxy. Inoue had detailed discussion of various accounts
in his thesis. Energy transmitted by a sharp beam of coherent electro-magnetic waves from SMBH may provide a new clue for SETI for the detection of energy transmission signals. This may also help expand their search window for other intelligences in the Universe. In addition, if there is indeed an efficient usage of SMBH energy by advanced Type III, we will need to emphasize more careful discrimination to the radiation beams detected surrounding SMBH. They can be emanations from jet or accretion flows, but there is also the possibility that the emissions are from the power grid system. It is expected that many unknowns will be there awaiting us to seek further. For example, in what form the SMBH energy can be transmitted from collectors to civilizations, radio, optical, or infrared? And, where would be the proper sites to place those power plants, in other words, where can be the orbits of the power plants in the galaxy? This hypothesis of Inoue is his private kick, and is an interesting and pioneer one. He emphasizes this hypothesis is not rootless imagination like time travel and such. To propose this hypothesis is to explore possibility and limit of some scientific thinking based on known science and technology, and so to ground a foundation for further exploration or future development. Hypothesis is to raise new idea for discussion or debating, and after all the challenging, some may be declined, some be proved and become theories. It is these repeatedly logical challenges and discussion that pushes science forward, isn’t it? Whether Inoue’s hypothesis will become a theory, perhaps science of future will have a say. (Plain draft by Joyce Chen, Reviewed by Dr Makoto Inoue) (Full version on 論文出處:Makoto Inoue and Hiromitsu Yokoo, Type III Dyson Sphere of Highly Advanced Civilisations around a Super Massive Black Hole, JBIS Vol. 64, pp.58-61, 2011
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