IaaC Bit 7.1.2

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Implementing Advanced Knowledge


7.1.2 An agent-based model for land use distribution Shima Roshan & Morteza Farhadian

An agent-based model for land use distribution with a focus on designer direct and indirect control

In designing and managing land use distribution, as a complex system, in addition to providing a visionary and intuitive strategy one should concern the rule based optimization processes and the internal autonomous forces. These ensure cities global eligibility besides their local efficiency and compatibility. This essay suggests a model to create negotiation between these two design generators. The tool is developed as an agent based model in a parametric environment and presented through a hypothetical case study. First, the system structure and behavior is defined and then through direct and indirect control tools, the challenge was to achieve suggested design scenario without ignoring the self-organizing behavior and rule-based demands of agents. The tool helps designer to achieve the ideal scenario by engineering agents and anticipate essential supports for certain outputs. In addition, the distribution of uses is provided by the tool to provide mix of uses in an efficient way without interrupting clustering effect of agents.

1. Introduction

Cities are chaotic and unpredictable and they self-organize themselves independently of our scientific predictions and planning rules (Portugali, 2000). They change frequently due to evolving human activities and in interaction with other related systems that make them shift from what designers planned them to be. In comparison with more stable urban elements like transportation infrastructure which needs long-term support and supervision, land uses are unpredictable and shifting. Their spatial and temporal distribution depends on many factors such as environment, socioeconomic situation, infrastructure, urban policies and so on. The question is how should one come up with a design strategy for such a complex and dynamic system? Have a scientific approach (like location theory and spatial analysis), be visionary (like le Corbusier in city of tomorrow) or take side of a systematic approach toward engineering system’s behaviour? There need to be a medium between the designer intention and top down approaches on one hand and the self-organizing agents on the other. Urbanism is like one big theatre in which we the audience-scientists-planners sit and look and often Cover - Land Use Distribution 2

respond to the dynamics of the changing complexity (Portugali, 2000). In this article we have proposed a strategy for land use distribution planning through direct and indirect control of self-organising agents. The designer would set up the agents’ behaviour and environment, based on policies, facts and the desired criteria and then, negotiate his intentions toward a result which works for both sides. Unlike many models here time is not affecting the simulation. The whole process is elaborated further through a hypothetical case study and the system behaviour, possible control strategies and implementation of those in design are presented.

2. Land Use Distribution Simulation

There are many studies, software and games on prediction, modelling and simulating land use distribution. They mostly just focus on specific parameters like transportation, pollution, socio-economy factors, land use compatibility and efficiency, urban growth and land use change. There are few cases that work as design assistant tool and are able to interactively respond to designer’s action in different scales and aspects. In most cases, possibility to define criteria, driving parameters and scenarios and additionally modelling tools are very limited. If we consider land use distribution as result of different uses (agents) interaction with each other and their environment (field), two main approaches of modelling these behaviours would be recognisable. In first group are the models which consider local values and based on that define suitability value for each use. For instance, Land Use Analyst is a multi-category land use evaluation system integrated within the Argus ONE GIS environment. It allows the user to conduct a detailed land use analysis subjected to levelled influencing criteria called Categories and Sub Categories. Categories are assigned weights and Land Use Analyst calculates the suitability of the land use over the entire evaluated area. These models give a proper overview of the site potential for different uses though in case of design they do not consider mix ratio or effect of neighbour agents. The second group belongs to those in which system self-organizes its internal structure independent of external causes. There are different models of studying self-organizing cities. Amongst, cellular automata and cell space models provide a specifically appropriate infrastructure upon which to construct models of cities as self-organizing systems (Portugali, 2000). As an instance we can mention, the relative probability model (Pijankowski et al., 1997) which uses spatial interactions of neighbourhood, distance, patch size (parcels), and site-specific characteristics (Allen, 2003). There are also some models that combine these two like, Pijankowski model (1997), LEAM (Land Use Evolution and Impact Assessment Model, 2013), Ward et al (2003). In these cases, several factors, or drivers, go into

determining the likelihood of land use change which are associated with each cell and characteristics of surrounding cells. Though, they mostly work in two dimension and larger scale scenarios. In these programs defining scenarios and editing participating factors and criteria specifically in real-time is not easy. In general, there is a lack of a holistic model which is able to work in a 3D parametric environment and let designers easily manipulate system and engineer it towards his/her goals. In This study we used a holistic approach, integrating mentioned models. For each agent, mix ratio, effect of neighbours and local values and suitability are considered. The tool is developed in Rhino and grasshopper platforms. The parametric environment makes it possible to modify design and field, work in three dimensions and edit parameters, data sets and system rules in real time.

3. Taming Self-organizing System

To model and engineer a complex system first we should define its components and behaviour and then find possible ways of control. Here we tried to simulate behaviour of different uses in an Agent Based Model (ABM) where Interaction is a key aspect. Agents should interact with their environment and other entities in order to solve problems or simply reach their goals according to coordination, cooperation or competition schemes. The essence of an ABM is the fact that the global system dynamics emerges from the local behaviours and interactions among its composing parts (Bandini, Manzoni and Vizzari, 2009). Our suggested program works over a voxel filed in which each type of use could be assigned to cells and interacts with the system in four ways (categories suggested by ArcGIS (2013)): - Local: agent considers field condition and allocates itself based on suitability values provided by each single cell - Zonal: refers to either field territory with certain attributes or cluster of agents with identifiable characteristics and primary use. - Focal: each agent interacts with its neighbours in a certain distance - Global: the agents consider the land use mix ratio The focal interaction can highly affect sprawl development characteristics such as density, continuity, concentration, clustering, centrality, nuclearity, mixed uses, and proximity (Galster et al., 2001) which in turn, are influential in spatial optimization for sustainable urban activity allocation. To provide a sustainable model we defined four focal behaviours for each agent: -Empower clustering: attract same use type if clusters size > (a). -Control clustering: repulse same use types if clusters size > (b). -Empower compatibility: attract compatible types of use to clusters size > (a). -Empower mixed used and transit oriented development: provide essential Figure 1 - Process system 4

uses in an accessible distance. Based on these behaviors designer can control the final outcome by modifying the field, changing global values and affecting focal behaviours either by directly inserting uses or changing the agents’ rules of interaction.

4. Negotiation between designer scenario and agents’ behaviour

In this part, the proposed model is implemented in a hypothetical case study. Based on a given field condition, density distribution and uses mix ratio as given parameters, we came up with an intuitive design scenario for land use distribution. Five main types are defined as primary uses: residential, retail, offices, public services and cultural and entertainment. Each of these are further subdivided to temporary, small and large scale types. To prepare the filed for simulation, the massing was converted to a voxel filed. The suitability values of each cell for different uses are analysed and based on the mix ratio and the priorities, uses were assigned to cells. Then we compared the result with our plan and modified the scenario for a more efficient outcome. In this step the outcome was analysed based on the agents’ focal interactions. They interact with each other and the field, in different scales, phases and generations till primary and secondary uses combine and the model reach a relatively stable state. Again the output is compared with the scenario to see if they match, otherwise either the scenario or the system is modified (Figure 1). The final pattern is result of many driving parameters. By analysing the pattern to find out underlying reasons we could engineer agents toward our intention. To come up with the desired output we indirectly controlled the agents by first changing the field, then directly assigning a use to certain cells and finally by changing flexible interaction rules and in other words the agents’ behaviour. In each step we guide the output result toward our

goals without affecting main characteristics of agents that are considered as internal and fixed parameters (like compatibility or accessibility factors). Therefore, we can argue the final pattern is working efficiently based on rules and policies and has satisfied our design goals.

4.1. Field Preparation and suggesting a design scenario

Initiating driving parameters has a crucial effect on simulation result. A voxel cloud in 5 levels presents the massing. The 11 types of uses are supposed to compete over these cells and based on the individual and group benefits suggest the most optimise answer with a given filed condition and behavior. Here to show different potentials of the design model we considered three main topics of energy production, micro climate condition and finally access and transportation as driving parameters. For energy production we considered geothermal potential and areas with proper wind speed (more than 5m/s). For micro climate focus was on uncomfortable wind speeds, natural ventilation potential and fresh air sources. Also view and proximity to natural sources like green areas and water bodies were part of the field conditions. In addition, the proximity of each cell to public transportation and road networks with different hierarchies were analysed in 5 levels. This is due to effect of height on accessibility of cells (Figure 2). If we assume some cells with specific program, then access to other uses and compatibility issues will be also addressed in focal behaviour. Finally Uses mix ratio is defined to affect global behaviour (Table 1).

Figure 2 - Process system Figure 3 - Program Distribution 6


In this step we used Cohon’s (1978) weighting method. Based on influence of different field parameters on each land use type, the suitability values of each cell for different uses are calculated. The weighting coefficients assigned once in general to the driving parameters so for instance the accessibility would be more influential than geothermal, then individually they are defined based on their influence on each program (Figure 3). At this point the suitability values for each use are calculated over the voxel field. Sample of these values for some uses are presented in figure 4. After calculation each cell contains 11 suitability values for each individual use. Now that priority uses for each cell are defined. Based on the mix ratio the agents would compete and locate themselves in most suitable available cell (6.A). Considering the suitability map, we modified the design scenario toward a more rational and efficient outcome, as one important goal of these simulations is to prevent us to decide just based on assumptions (Figure 5).

4.3. Neighbourhood effect and focal analysis

There are certain issues to be achieved through focal interactions. Therefore, we considered a minimum and maximum number for each type of use which indicates the minimum number of cells required to consider an aggregation, a cluster and the maximum desirable size of it. After the minimum number, the cluster is defined as a zone with a recognisable primary use, each point of which would attract the same types of agents and with lower power compatible ones (figure 7). This will continue till the cluster reaches its maximum size. After this the cluster would stop attraction and if it passes the desired size it will start repelling similar types. To do these, basically each point located in the cluster zone change suitability value and in turn priority of certain types in cells located in a specified distance to it. In addition, here we aim to ensure accessibility of different programs in a walkable distance and provide mixed use communities. Therefore, each cell will look at its neighbours in distance of 300m and analyse the existing local mixture ratio. Based on that and the specified minimum demand of different uses in a walkable distance the suitability values and priorities of the cell will change in favour of the uses in shortage. This behaviour and the cluster attraction for compatible programs ensure that for instance in a residential cluster some offices, commercials and services would be distributed in walkable distance (figure 7). Figure 6.C. shows the focal effect ran over the suitability map presented in Figure (6.A). In each iteration, the focal effects reset the suitability values and priorities and therefore the suitability map and in turn the clusters will change. This continues till the system reaches a relative state of equilibrium.

Figure 4 - Land Use Distribution

4.4. Direct and indirect control of the system

Now that the first step is completed we can compare our scenario with what the agents suggest as the natural and efficient behaviour of the system. In contrast with the desired outcome, as it is visible in the first step distribution simulation map, the upper left corner of the site has less urban attraction in comparison with other parts and river side has become a residential zone. The commercial uses have aggregated in the fourth and fifth floor which is not again proper based on their accessibility level. Even, in the suitability map (A) in spite of the site good location between the park and river, the land is more attractive for services and residential uses. This is due to lack of accessibility to public transportation at this point. So our first step to engineer agents’ behaviour was to change the field by modifying accessibility map and adding a public transportation node. In next steps, as design strategy, we directly changed suitability values, priorities and state of cells. Also indirectly we modified their behaviour by changing the clusters’ size domain and also their behaviour in attracting other types (F).

4.5. Result

To achieve a legible land use distribution and yet respect agents’ behaviour and also consider the efficient distribution of uses the model was implemented on a hypothetical field. In each step the simulation shows the potentials and shortages in site that made the simulation deviate from the defined goal. By analysing the simulation result, designer could directly or indirectly manipulate the field and agents’ behaviour in real time to support the ideal result. Traces of meso scale influences as field condition are visible in result maps. Field configurations are loosely bounded aggregates characterised by local interactivity. They are bottom up phenomena: defined not by overarching geometrical schemas but by intricate local connections. (Allen, 1997). On the other hand, the automatic scattering of mixed uses increases the site use efficiency. The simulation and design process took reasonable time and the model is very user friendly and comprehensive comparing with the similar instances. 5. Conclusion In managing land use distribution, one should consider the overall urban legibility in larger scales. On the other hand, there is need for a mixed, compatible and transit oriented distribution of uses. The first is mostly depended on top-down strategies and the second one relates to more local scale rules. Aim is to provide the designer intention and yet respect the dynamic system. Land use modelling tool can be very useful to help designer examine success of different scenarios through decision making process in a holistic manner, and prevent design to be based on assumptions. The output 10

feedback can provide a proper evaluation of designed elements, policies implementation and efficiency. Suggested model provide designers with sets of tools and mediums in form of certain parameters, weighting coefficients and definable rules and relations to directly and indirectly control the agents’ behaviour and in turn land use distribution. On the other hand, as design scenarios mostly focus on primary uses the model is very useful to allocate the secondary essential programs to ensure mixed use and accessible development.

Figure 5 - Map Distribution

6. References

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Copyright © 2014 Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia All rights Reserved. IAAC BIT 7 September 2016





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DESIGN: Ramon Prat, ACTAR Editions

IAAC BIT FIELDS: 1. Theory for Advanced Knowledge 2. Advanced Cities and Territories 3. Advanced Architecture 4. Digital Design and Fabrication 5. Interactive Societies and Technologies 6. Self-Sufficient Lands

PUBLISHED BY: Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia ISSN 2339 - 8647 CONTACT COMMUNICATIONS & PUBLICATIONS OFFICE: communication@iaac.net

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