Dear IAAE Canada Members IAAE Canada 2014 Annual Report Each year, IAAE Canada provides its membership with a report of the activities and accomplishments from the year just ended as well as a preview of plans for the year ahead. I am very pleased, on behalf of the Board of Directors, to present you IAAE Canada’s Annual Report for 2014.
2014 was a milestone year as we celebrated our 20th anniversary as an organisation. Our total membership reached 342, and we trained over 350 airport personnel from across the country in classroom and online training courses. Our training products continue to expand both online and inclass with new subjects being added whenever our members indicate the need. Please join me in extending congratulations to Terry Bos, A.A.E. of Sault Ste. Marie, ON, who was awarded his Accredited Airport Executive Designation. Eight members achieved Certified Member (C.M.) status in 2014; Bryan Avery, CM; Rob Beynon, CM; Beau Cook, CM; Richard Guinot, CM; Corey Pennycook, CM; Marion Smith, CM; William Stewart, CM and Stephen Wilcox, CM have now entered the next phase of the accreditation process.
Looking forward, IAAE Canada will continue to provide value to our current and future members through our information and training services and our networking opportunities. Our 9th annual FOAM Conference, featuring a diverse range of topics and speakers on current airport issues, is being held in Vancouver, BC and we will co-host our 3rd bi-annual IAAE Canada/IAAE/AAAE International conference in Canada in 2016. The strength of our association comes not only from the products and services we provide our members, but also from our members themselves, who are willing to participate in the advancement of IAAE Canada. Thank you to all those members who volunteer to participate on standing or special project committees and the board. IAAE Canada would not be the success we are without your dedicated efforts. Our staff, Tom Coupland and Michelle Cretzman is to be commended for their ongoing work to manage the affairs of the Association, the Board and to promote the association’s development. Please enjoy the IAAE Canada 2014 Annual Report. Yours truly, Cuyler J. Green, A.A.E. Chair, IAAE Canada Encl.
2014 Annual Report 2
Our 20th Anniversary In 2014 IAAE Canada celebrated 20 years of serving the Canadian Aviation Industry. We’ve provided the networking opportunities our members demand in formats that make connecting both easy and enjoyable. Over the years, we’ve trained over 2300 Canadian Airport Professionals through our Airport Specific in -class and online training. We’ve introduced both essential and cutting-edge airport development styled training to ensure our attendees stay ahead of the trends. We thank you for your continued loyalty and support as we look optimistically towards the next 20 years in confidence that our Board of Directors and staff will continue to grow and meet the needs of our members.
The 1st Board of Directors Meeting: From left to right: George Poirier A.A.E., John Bjore A.A.E., Ann McAfee, Shawn Sutherland A.A.E., Jeff Huntus A.A.E., Bernie Humphries A.A.E., Doug Reid A.A.E., Laurie Brown A.A.E., Mike Campbell A.A.E., Barry Feller A.A.E.
We extend a special thank-you to the following sponsors of our 20th Anniversary celebrations! Beumer Group
LNT Solutions Inc.
Black & McDonald Ltd.
North Peace Regional Airport
Greater London International Airport Greater Moncton International Airport
Sault Ste. Marie Airport Development Corporation
JA Douglas McCurdy Sydney Airport
The City of Timmins
Kelowna International Airport
WSP Canada Inc.
We are Canada’s premier provider of airport industry training, news and information with highly respected airport management accreditation and industry accreditation programs. Since 1994 IAAE Canada has been the leading source of information, knowledge and professional airport management accreditation programs. Our yearly conference and weekly e-Reports keep our members acquainted with industry trends and announcements. Our training programs have become the industry standard for airport operations, and airport management across the country. Our Mission: To continue to be the centre of excellence for the Canadian airport industry by helping our members expand their knowledge and expertise related to airport management trends and industry best practices. Our Vision: To be Canada's premier provider of airport-related training and professional development services. IAAE Canada provides learning and career enhancement opportunities through: •General industry information •Training courses both classroom & online •Conferences •Accreditation programs •Career listings •Weekly e-Report To find out more about the association, our training programs and yearly conference please contact the IAAE Canada head office.
Contents Our Chair
Yearly Performance
Year in Review
Financial Highlights
Our Board of Directors
Audit Committee
Retiring and New Members of the Board of Directors
Audited Financial Statements
Executive Coordinator’s Report
IAAE Canada Chapters
Membership & Communications Committee 34 Corporate Committee
Professional Development Courses
Training Committee
Accreditation Programs
Marketing Committee
New A.A.E.
Accreditation Committee
New C.M.’s
Governance & Nominating Committee
6th Annual F.O.A.M. Update
Our Corporate Members
Membership Map New Members Our Business Strategy
17 18 21
Proudly Affiliated with:
Our Chair I am pleased to present, on behalf of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Airport Executives Canada, our 2014 Annual Report. While IAAE Canada regularly communicates with our members about news, events and training, the annual report is our official report to the members of what we are doing as an association and how we are managing the business of the association. I would like to welcome Delia Chesworth, A.A.E. of Yellowknife, NWT who was voted by you, the members, to join the board. 2014 saw the award of the “Mark of the Airport Professional�, the Accredited Airport Executive (A.A.E) designation to Terry Bos, A.A.E. of Sault Ste Marie, ON. Please join the Board in extending congratulations to Terry on his achievement. IAAE Canada has 342 members whom we serve with information, networking opportunities, professional training and support. We also provide training to the airport industry and in 2014 IAAE Canada presented 23 courses across Canada and online to upgrade the skills of over 350 people. IAAE Canada offers an impressive suite of in-class and web based training to meet the needs of our members and industry and we are adding new courses every year. We will continue to provide webinars on timely and important topics to our members and ask that if you have expertise to share, or a topic you want to know more about, please let us know and we can make it happen. 2014 saw the 8th Annual Facilities, Operations & Airport Managers (FOAM) conference and our 20th anniversary celebration in in Halifax, NS in June 2014. 166 people attended our 2014 conference and 20th anniversary celebration including two special guests; Randy Berg A.A.E., the Chair of AAAE and Ellen Horton the AAAE/IAAE Canada liaison. We were all impressed with the facilities and history of Pier 21 and the songs and dance of the Maritimes as performed by Coig. IAAE Canada continues to work with other aviation and airport organizations to provide value to our members and to promote our products and services. IAAE Canada has student chapters at Georgian College and the University of Western Ontario and we work closely with the Canadian Airports Council, the AAAE, the British Columbia Institute of Technology, SWIFT, the Canadian Council for Aviation and Aerospace and provincial aviation councils. The past, current and future success of IAAE Canada is directly attributed to those who volunteer to serve on the Board of Directors, our committees and our staff. Our volunteers offer their time, skills and expertise to administer the affairs of the association, to develop and produce training products and coordinate and organize our conferences. In 2015 as IAAE Canada moves into its next 20 years, I encourage you to be part of growing and expanding the airport industry and in joining us at our 9th Annual FOAM Conference in Vancouver, BC, May 31 to Jun 3, 2015. Cuyler J. Green, A.A.E. Chair, IAAE Canada
Year in Review Over the course of the past year, IAAE Canada continued to develop and introduce new products and services for our membership and to realize further successes in creating value in being a member of IAAE Canada. • Online training courses: We now have 19 Online Courses; Airports 101: Air Cargo Operations, Airports 101:Aircraft De-icing, Airports 101:Airfield Maintenance, Airports 101:Airport Security, Airports 101:Airfield Operations Management, Airports 101:Canadian Airport Operations, Airports 101:Documentation Management, Airports 101:Financial Operations, Airports 101:Fire Rescue, Airports 101:Foreign Object Debris/Damage, Airports 101:Fuel & Fuelling, Airports 101:Ground Services Equipment, Airports 101:History of Airport Development in Canada, Airports 101:Land-Use Planning, Airports 101:NOTAMS, Airports 101:Terminal Operations, Airports 201: Introduction to Canadian Commercial Aircraft, Airports 201: Land Use - Zoning and Human Factors. All of IAAE Canada training programs and courses can be viewed at: • Social Media: IAAE Canada maintains a regular presence and interaction with our members via Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to keep members updated on training, conferences and what is happening in our industry. •Conferences: The 2nd bi-Annual IAAE Canada/AAAE/IAAE International Conference - The Evolution of the Airport & Air Carrier Industry was held in in Tucson, AZ in March of 2014, and was a continuing success. This combined international conference for senior decision makers offer sessions from both the airport and air carrier perspective to give all sectors of our industry the opportunity to plan for the future. Our Facility, Operations & Airport Managers Conference (FOAM) along with our 20 th anniversary celebration was held in Halifax, NS in June. We hope you’ll join us for our next FOAM Conference in Vancouver, May 31-June 3, 2015. • Membership: A total of 46 net new members joined IAAE Canada increasing overall membership to 342 by year’s end. • Training courses: IAAE Canada presented 23 training courses where a 308 airport personnel from across the country were provided with training in various aspects of safety, airport operations, maintenance and management. • Accreditation Academy; The IAAE Canada Accreditation Academy was held in Edmonton in December 2014. 8 of our members have achieved Certified Member status and are now poised to complete the process to be awarded the Accredited Airport Executive designations. The 2015 academy is planned for Calgary in October.
Our Board of Directors
Vice Chair
Cuyler J. Green A.A.E.
Cameron Nicolson A.A.E.
Director of Operations
Director, Safety
Prince George Airport Authority
Calgary Airport Authority
Board Member
Board Member
Sam Samaddar A.A.E.
Paul Ritchi A.A.E.
Airport Director
Senior Manager, Strategy Development
Kelowna International Airport
Greater Toronto Airports Authority
Board Member
Board Member
Chris Wood A.A.E.
Mike Seabrook A.A.E.
Airport General Manager
Chief Executive Officer
Region of Waterloo International Airport
London International Airport
Board Member
Board Member
Mike Karsseboom A.A.E.
Jeff Huntus A.A.E.
Associate Director, Aviation Services
Airport Manager Medicine Hat Regional Airport
Greater Toronto Airports Authority
Our Board of Directors
Board Member
Board Member
Kevin Lacey A.A.E.
Sheila McGuigan A.A.E.
Associate Director, Airfield Operations
Senior Project Manager, Airports
Greater Toronto Airports Authority
MMM Group
Board Member
Board Member
Wilma Clarke A.A.E.
RJ Steenstra A.A.E.
Vice President
Chief Executive Officer
Vista Cargo Terminals Inc.
Red Deer Airport Authority
Board Member
Corporate Representative
Delia Chesworth A.A.E.
Kelvin Williamson
Director, Airports
Government of the Northwest Territories
LNT Solutions
Retiring Member of the Board of Directors in 2014 The IAAE Canada would like to extend a thank you to our retiring Board of Directors Members. Their contributions to IAAE Canada were invaluable. We wish them continued success in the future. Bill Newman A.A.E. Director, Aviation Regulations, Policies & Programs Greater Toronto Airports Authority Past Chair, Served 2005-2014
New Member to the Board of Directors in 2014 Delia Chesworth, P. Eng., AAE Director, Airports Government of North West Territories (GNWT) -Airports Division
Delia Chesworth was born and raised in southwestern Ontario. She attended the University of Waterloo, in Waterloo, Ontario, receiving a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Civil Engineering in 1988 and completed a Master’s of Science in International Construction Management from the University of Bath, England in 2012. In 2012, she also obtained her certification as an Accredited Airport Executive. Delia began her professional career in 1988 with the consulting engineering company B.M Ross and Associates in Goderich, Ontario, working on a variety of municipal and transportation engineering and planning projects. In 1994, Delia moved North, originally to the Iqaluit, Northwest Territories (now Nunavut) to begin working for the Department of Public Works and Services as a Project Engineer. Here, she began delivering projects for many GNWT departments including airports projects for the Department of Transportation. In 1997, she transferred to the Department of Transportation, Airports Division in Yellowknife to the position of Senior Building and Planning Engineer. In 1999, she left the GNWT for an opportunity to head the newly created Projects Sections for the Department of Public Works and Government Services Canada in Yellowknife which was responsible for delivering a variety of projects for federal departments across the NWT. She returned to Airports Division, Department of Transportation as the Manager, Buildings and Planning in December 2005 and was promoted to the position of Assistant Director of Airport Facilities in August 2007. In August 2011, she was named Director, Airports for the Department of Transportation, Airports Division. The Department of Transportation (DOT) owns and operates 27 airports in the Northwest Territories. The Division provides leadership and management support to 6 Regional Airport Managers and their staff in the operation of the airports and associated infrastructure. Delia has actively served on the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists for the NWT and Nunavut (NAPEG) as a committee member, councillor, President and Past President and on Engineers Canada as the Director for NAPEG. 6
Executive Coordinator Looking back over 2014, it was a very exciting year. Although by usual measures we fell a little short, my overall feeling is it was a great success. Allow me to break it down for you. Before the year began, the staff and your Board were planning for 2014 even more than normal, as it was the Association’s 20th year in existence. We considered this a significant milestone and set about to capitalize on it. It requires time, money and fore thought. None of us had ever celebrated an Association’s Anniversary and so we were not sure what it might require. It was decided to allocate some of our reserves for this purpose. Although this included a party it was more than that. We wanted to promote the Association on every level possible. Again, even before the start of the year, we were more active, attending others conferences and getting the opportunity to tell our story, the reason for our existence and the milestones we have seen over 20 years. At the beginning of 2014 we contracted to create an impact movie, which took far longer to work on than the 2 minutes it takes to watch it. Although this was commissioned for our Anniversary it speaks to what we do, rather than what we did, so it will continue to have an impact for years to come. If you haven’t seen it yet, it is located on the front page of our website. A great tool for recruiting members. Throughout 2014, our presence was felt at more industry conferences than we would normally attend, taking every advantage to promote the Association, our Accreditation and our training courses. As we all advance in years, there is a greater need to introduce the Association to new members in our industry. In an attempt to mark this historic event, we produced an Airport wall calendar for 2014, created an Association 20 year remembrance pin, and produced a booklet of articles about the past 20 years as a keepsake. We also distributed to members a wallet with our anniversary info on it, we produced a pictorial presentation of 20 years which we presented at our Gala Celebration evening, at which I was proud to be the Master of Ceremonies, and along with our sponsors was able to introduce some old friends, all in conjunction with our 8th Annual FOAM conference in Halifax. Additionally, we created an anniversary banner for use on our website and all correspondence through 2014. It is impossible to quantify the time and effort your Association staff and the Board put in to this Anniversary, while still doing the usual day-to-day things. As earlier mentioned, we budgeted to spend money from our reserves for the purpose of promoting the Association with the aim of increasing awareness, and adding value to our training and Accreditation, the good news is we didn’t spend as much as we thought we might. Just looking at the financials we had an annual operating deficit, for the first time in 8 years, primarily due to our training. We planned to put on 24 courses, and we did so, but we expected more attendees to each course. Low numbers meant smaller, or in some cases no profit while the cost to put them on stayed constant. Our online course offering increased in 2014 but the use didn’t. On a brighter note, our FOAM Conference was a great success and perhaps our crowning glory. So reviewing 2014, which will be my last full year as your Executive Coordinator, I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, we were able to celebrate our growth and success from the first 20 years, while on the other hand, we didn’t increase in membership and we didn’t make a profit. Even so, the Board has decided to maintain the current member’s fees as is for the eighth straight year. So perhaps we can appeal to our members to help us in this growth by introducing the Association to at least one new person each in 2015. If you are planning on retiring, like me, why not consider keeping in touch as an Alumni Member. As we see 2015 starting, a few boomers have done just that. So looking ahead it is time to pass on the torch in a changing of the guard so to speak, with a new Executive Director, a new Chairman of the Board, and hopefully a lot of new members as we strive to hit the 400 member level. As I depart, I believe I can hold my head up, and that the association is in good hands to continue to grow. Looking back over my tenure of nine years, I have had the tremendous opportunity of working with a number of amazing people who have represented the members of the Board of Directors and many of the members as well. It has been said that this is a small industry and everyone knows everyone. Since my contact is mainly by email and telephone many know only my name. It has been my sincere pleasure to work with and for each of you, I believe we have set a course that my successor can build on, and along with the hard work of the Board victory is assured. Tom Coupland Executive Coordinator 7
IAAE Canada Chapters IAAE Canada encourages the formation of local chapters in those locations where there is a critical mass of members to support one. Local chapters serve to strengthen the relationships amongst members, promote networking and information sharing and provide an avenue for professional development and mentoring. To date, IAAE Canada chapters have been established at Toronto Pearson International Airport and Georgian College in Barrie, Ontario.
The members of the Toronto Pearson chapter meet on a bimonthly basis. Typically, the meetings consist of a discussion of the latest Association news from across the country followed by a review of trends and occurrences affecting the aviation industry as a whole. Members are brought up to date on air carrier activities and strategies, airport developments and trends in the larger business environment. At each meeting members are also treated to a feature presentation or a site visit delivered by a fellow member or an invited guest. Presentation topics have ranged from leadership, energy management, and stormwater management to air cargo and eco-business parks, all with the purpose of expanding members knowledge and range of thinking about the industry in an atmosphere of collegial discussion and knowledge sharing.
As part of its mission to promote and provide aviation-related training and professional development opportunities, IAAE Canada fosters the establishment of student chapters at colleges and universities with aviation programmes. Comprised of students in the Aviation Management programme and affiliated with the Canadian Aviation Students Organization (CASO), the IAAE Canada Student Chapter at Georgian College continues to provide students with avenues to grow their aviation knowledge and network with professionals across the country. Professor Wade Hoople served as the faculty mentor to the Student Chapter over the past year and was instrumental, along with David Hojberg, the President of CASO, in stimulating student interest in IAAE Canada membership and activities. Our deep appreciation goes to both for their efforts and enthusiasm. IAAE Canada sponsored the attendance of two Georgian students, Logan Boyd and Mohit Punjabi, at the 2013 Facility Operations & Airport Managers’ Conference in Halifax in June which provided them with a unique chance to learn and connect. In November, a networking evening was organized at the College which provided the students with the opportunity to learn more about the advantages of IAAE Canada membership and mix with association representatives. IAAE Canada will continue its commitment to building student interest and involvement and to supporting the activities of the Georgian College Student Chapter. 8
Professional Development Courses Our In-class Courses IAAE Canada in-class training courses are the industry standard. Covering many of the necessary and relevant facets of airport training, our courses are designed to ensure you get the right training for your airport. Available at your airport anytime of year, just contact us and we’ll coordinate the courses you need. Below is an overview of the courses IAAE Canada provides. At IAAE Canada, we have been serving airports in Canada since 1994 and we will continue to provide the same quality training and member services that have made us a leader in training within the airport industry. By clicking the title you will be taken to an online description page. Our current in-class courses include: Basic Airport Safety & Operations (BASOS)
Airport Project Management (APM)
Advanced Airport Safety & Operations (AASOS)
Constant Current Regulator (CCR)
Accreditation Academy (ACA)
Emergency Management Training (EMT)
Airport Lighting Maintenance (ALM)
Leadership Management Workshop (LMW)
Airport Wildlife Control (AWC)
Airports for Municipal Government Administrators (AMG)
Air Navigation System (ANS)
Aerodrome Standards & Recommended Practices (TP312)
Air Service Development (ASD)
Winter Aircraft Movement Surface Condition Reporting & Friction Measurement (WAMSCR)
Airport Marketing Workshop (AMW)
Professional Development Courses Our Online Courses As an alternative to our classroom courses, IAAE Canada has Online Courses. These courses offer users a foundation level of understanding on a number of airport-related topics and can be accessed online from anywhere in the world with an internet connection; that means a small airport with one or two staff can take some quality airport training day or night, any day of the week. By clicking the title you will be taken to an
online description page. Our current online courses available are:
Airports 101: These courses offer a basic level of complexity and depth for airport employees of all levels. Individuals who are new to airports, are in entry level positions or are updating past training will benefit the most from these courses. Air Cargo Operations
Canadian Airport Operations
Fuel & Fuelling
Aircraft De-icing
Documentation Management
Ground Services Equipment
Airfield Maintenance
Financial Operations
History of Airport Development in Canada
Airport Security
Fire Rescue
Land-Use Planning
Airfield Operations Management
Foreign Object Debris/Damage
NOTAMS Terminal Operations
Airports 201: These courses offer an intermediate level of complexity and depth for airport employees who have some experience with the topic. Individuals who have some experience working at airports, are in junior level positions or are updating past training will benefit the most from these courses. • Introduction to Canadian Commercial Aircraft
• Land Use - Zoning
General Aviation Training:
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) •Transportation of Dangerous Goods Human Factors Online
A.A.E. - The Mark of an Airport Professional The ‘Accredited Airport Executive’ (A.A.E.) is an internationally recognized designation and a comprehensive professional development program designed to cover all aspects of airport management. It consists of three phases: A Written Exam, A Research Paper, An Interview IAAE Canada offers its premier and industry recognized Accreditation Academy annually. Upon completion of the Accreditation Academy and a successful passing grade of the onsite Certified Member exam, the member will be recognized as a Certified Member and may use the professional designation of C.M. after their name. Independent study and online Certified Member testing are also available. A mentor is provided to assist with the next two phases in achieving the A.A.E. designation. A Management Paper is written and submitted for approval. Three examiners must agree the paper meets the measures of professionalism and format as listed in the IAAE Canada Management Paper Guidebook. The interview is the final step toward achieving an A.A.E. designation. Guidelines for the candidates are in the IAAE Canada Candidates Guide to the final interview. Upon completion of the program, the member will be recognized as an Accredited Airport Executive and may use the designation A.A.E. after their name.
A.A.P. - The Mark of an Industry Professional The IAAE Canada ‘Accredited Airport Professional’ (A.A.P.) is a program for Industry Members. It is similar to the A.A.E. program in that the candidate has three years to complete it and there are three phases, which are: passing the C.M. exam, researching and writing an article that is approved by the Board of Examiners, and having it published in an industry magazine, and completing any two of the following: attending an IAAE Canada Conference, successfully completing an IAAE Canada course of your choice, or successfully completing any 10 of IAAE Canada’s online courses. Upon successful completion of the requirements, the Accredited Airport Professional may use their new designation of A.A.P. as applicable, after their name.
2014 Accredited Airport Executives
Terry Bos A.A.E., receives his plaque from Chris Wood A.A.E.
Terry Bos A.A.E., joined the Sault Ste. Marie Airport Development Corporation on March 1, 1999, less than one year after the transfer of the airport to a private not-for-profit corporation from the federal government. Terry was brought in on a one year contract to assist the corporation in completing their first business and land use master plan to guide them through their new airport ownership. Holding a BBA from Algoma University the business experience was an essential ingredient in the position. Following the completion of the Business and Land Use Master Plan the Corporation determined that Terry was an asset and retained him in a marketing position. On November 1, 2002 Terry was promoted to Finance Manager, on July 1, 2004 Terry was promoted to Airport Manager, on January 22, 2008 Terry was appointed Accountable Executive, and July 27, 2010 Terry was named CEO. During Terry’s tenure as CEO the corporation has seen record passenger levels at the Sault Ste. Marie Airport increasing from a low of 121,991 in 2010 to 195,080 in 2014. Terry joined AMCO (Airport Management Council of Ontario) in the position of President at the AGM election in 2010, and after serving the maximum four year term limit is now the Past President of AMCO effective November 1, 2014. Terry has been a member of IAAE Canada since 2006 and achieved the Accredited Airport Executive in Oct 2014.
New Certified Members The following candidates passed the written exam and completed the first step in the accreditation process. After a candidate has successfully completed the program requirements, he or she becomes a Certified Member and is then allowed the use of the C.M. designation after his or her name.
Bryan Avery C.M. Security/Operations & Service Development Manager North Bay International Airport
Corey Pennycook C.M. Chargehand Brandon Municipal Airport Marion Smith C.M. Manager of Operations - Airport Manager Chatham-Kent Municipal Airport
Rob Beynon C.M. President Operations Economics Inc.
William Stewart C.M., Airport Manager Woodlands County Airport
Beau Cook C.M. Director, Operations Hamilton International Airport
Stephen Wilcox C.M., Airport Manager Oshawa Municipal Airport
Richard Guinot C.M. Airport Operations Coordinator Region of Waterloo International Airport
New Members The Board of Directors would like to recognize those who joined IAAE Canada in 2014 as Airport Members (formerly Affiliate). Aaron Mosch
Elizabeth (Betty) Harder
Mike Fields
Airport Operations Manager Alpha Aviation Inc
Airport Admin Government of North West Territories -Airports Division
Airport Manager Yarmouth International Airport
Beau Cook C.M. Director, Operations Hamilton International Airport
Norman Sanders Elvio Pecchia General Manager and CAO Pitt Meadows Airport
Ben Fredlund Manager, Transportation Programs Nunavut Airports
Patty Podoborozny Francis Eyking Manager of Operations J.A. Douglas McCurdy Sydney Airport
Bob Gauthier Airport Manager Flin Flon Airport
Manager of Facilities & Maintenance J.A. Douglas McCurdy Sydney Airport
Gerry Vanderhoek
Bruce Paige Airport Manager Trenton Airport Ltd.
Greg Yates
Bryan Avery C.M.
Manager Airport Planning Calgary Airport Authority
Deputy CAO Municipality of Digby
Manager, Safety & Training Greater Toronto Airports Authority
Airport Operations Coordinator Region of Waterloo International Airport
Stephen Wilcox C.M. Airport Manager Oshawa Municipal Airport
Steve Piercey Manager, Transportation Programs Nunavut Airports
Susan Shafer General Manager Rockcliffe Flying Club
Judith Rajendram Business Manager Prince Rupert Airport Authority
Doug Newson CEO Charlottetown Airport Authority
Richard Guinot C.M.
John Huggett
Don Goulard Airport Manager Trail Regional Airport
Maintenance & Operations Manager Nanaimo Airport
Jeff Sunderland
Corey Pennycook C.M. Chargehand Brandon Municipal Airport
Officer, Airfield Regulation & Audit Greater Toronto Airports Authority
Reg Brady Mgr Comm Services & Passenger Experience Greater London International Airport Authority
Security/Operations & Service Development Manager North Bay International Airport
Operations Foreman Strathcona County Airport
Paul McCurry Gerry Lalonde
Brandon Wiebe Supervisor, Operations, Maintenance & Security Northwest Regional Airport
Airport Manager Dryden Regional Airport
Todd McKay Assistant Director ED&T Airports Division Government of Nunavut
Marion Smith C.M. Manager of Operations - Airport Manager Chatham-Kent Municipal Airport
William Stewart C.M. Airport Manager Woodlands County Airport
New Members The Board of Directors would like to recognize those who joined IAAE Canada in 2014 as Industry Members (formerly Associate). Ahad Rasheed
Nate Simpson
Welcome Crew Volunteer GTAA
Manager - Business Development LRI Engineering Ltd
Craig Bradbrook
Tiina Maripuu
Director ACI – World
Manager - Software Development Team Eagle
Michael Donovan
Valery Lobanov
Managing Director ZGM Collaborative Marketing
Airport Operations Advisor Swissport Canada
Wilfred So Special Projects Officer/Program Officer Transport Canada
The Board of Directors would like to recognize those who joined IAAE Canada in 2014 as Student Members. Adam Zimpel
Lucie Stevens
Nicolas Sorge
Student Georgian College
Student British Columbia Institute of Technology
Student Georgian College
EunHye Kang Student Georgian College
Shankar Mahalingam Matthew Hogg Student Georgian College
Gaurav Sharma Student Georgian College
Student Georgian College;
Yaron Cohen Mohit Punjabi Student Georgian College
Student University of British Columbia
The Board of Directors would like to acknowledge those members who retired from airport management and became Alumni Members in 2014. Bill Newman A.A.E
Bob Milburn A.A.E.
Barry Feller A.A.E.
Currie Gardner
David Kerrigan A.A.E.
Our Business Strategy IAAE Canada celebrated two decades of advancement and steady growth in 2014. With a business mission focused on the individual member and a vision to become Canada’s premier provider of airportrelated training and professional development services, the Association steadily grew its membership and developed its core products and services. To meet the evolving needs of its members and the ever changing dynamics of the aviation industry, new services in the form of conferences, webinars and online training courses were developed and introduced. In 2014, membership reached an all time high of 342; the 8th Annual Facility Operations & Airport Managers Conference set an attendance record of 166; 23 classroom courses were delivered in various locations across the country and the portfolio of online training courses expanded to a total of 22. The Association now enters its third decade with a demonstrated record of success and a firm foundation for further growth and development. The Association’s business strategy seeks to capitalize on the successes of its first twenty years while evolving and innovating to meet the needs of the new generation of airport professionals in an ever changing, and at times turbulent, global aviation industry. The following elements form the core of the strategy: 1. IAAE Canada will continue to base its business model on individual membership and to focus its efforts on the needs of the individual member; 2. The core business will remain training and professional development for airport personnel; 3. By setting the standard for quality and value and by building partnerships, IAAE Canada will be recognized at all levels as the premier provider of airport-related training and professional development services to the Canadian industry; 4. New course and professional development offerings employing innovative technology and learning approaches will be brought to market to meet the evolving needs of members and the profession at large; 5. The organization’s capacity to deliver and its sustainability for the long term will be reinforced through the further enhancement of its administrative and program development capabilities and the deepening of Board skills and diversity. With the able guidance of the Board of Directors, the dedicated efforts of staff and the loyal support of the membership, IAAE Canada will fulfill its business objectives by, first and foremost, satisfying the needs of its members and airport professionals across the country.
Yearly Performance 2014 Target
2014 Actual
2013 Actual
$7, 773
Total increase in membership
Total membership attrition rate
Total conference attendees
Total job postings
Total course attendees
Total accreditations completed
Total certified members completed
Total new accreditation candidates
Financial Objective: Ensure positive cash flow Total revenues over expenses (audited results)
Membership Objective: Increase overall membership
Internal Business Process Objective: Provide value-added member services
Learning & Growth Total scheduled vs. completed courses
Financial Highlights Capital Assets
Current Assets $336,217 $292,756
$305,749 $264,648
Year End Members Equity
Current Liabilities $37,092
$19,916 $13,952
Revenue Totals
Total Expenses $487,145
$485,509 $458,722
$452,448 $436,864 $429,091
Audit Committee
The IAAE Canada Audit committee is pleased to present to the membership our 2014 audited financial statements. The committee and Board have regularly reviewed the financial records of IAAE Canada throughout 2014 and the audit firm of Joel Feldman has confirmed that the statements are correct and have been recorded using generally accepted accounting principles. The Audit committee will be recommending that the membership re-appoint Joel Feldman to audit IAAE Canada’s financial records for 2015. Respectfully Submitted, Chris Wood, A.A.E. Audit-Committee Chair
Audited Financial Statements
Audited Financial Statements
Audited Financial Statements • Auditor’s Report • Balance Sheet • Statement of Operations and Members’ equity • Statement of Cash Flows • Notes to the Financial Statements
Membership & Communications Committee Within the IAAE Canada standing committee structure, the role of the Membership & Communications Committee is to provide value to current members and to promote membership in the Association. This role is fulfilled through the development and delivery of communications, publications, promotional materials and special events designed to keep members current on industry news, trends and technologies. Net total membership in IAAE Canada continued to grow by increasing from 338 in 2013 to 342 in 2014. Membership growth was spread across the country with the largest concentration of members continuing to be in Ontario followed by British Columbia and Alberta. Once again in 2014, IAAE Canada was able to maintain its membership fees at the same levels because of this continued growth and as an added benefit to members.
The annual member surveys conducted under the auspices of the Membership & Communications Committee continue to show that members place the highest value on professional development and networking as membership benefits. The Committee structured its 2014 work programme on the member priorities identified in the survey and delivered a range of services including: IAAE Canada e-Report: Containing the latest in industry news plus notifications of training courses, conferences and job postings, the e-Report was published weekly for members as well as non-members by special subscription; IAAE Canada Airport Magazine: Published in the spring and fall, the Airport Magazine provided members with feature articles on current industry issues, emerging technologies and in-depth profiles of IAAE Canada members; Webinars: To provide the opportunity for members to learn from subject matter experts, webinars on specialized industry topics such as airport emergency management were organized and delivered. 20th Anniversary Booklet: As part of IAAE Canada’s 20th anniversary celebrations, a commemorative booklet was published containing highlights of the Association’s two decades of growth along with members’ personal recollections. Georgian College Student Chapter: To foster interest and involvement in IAAE Canada membership, two Georgian College Aviation Management students were sponsored for attendance at the 2014 FOAM Conference in Halifax. A special “meet and mingle” evening was held at the College in the fall which enabled the students to network with IAAE Canada members. With the retirement of Bill Newman from the IAAE Canada Board of Directors in June, Wilma Clarke assumed the Chair of the Membership & Communications Committee. Tom Coupland and Michelle Cretzman continued to ably support the activities of the Committee and to undertake the lions’ share of the work. Being a member-focused and driven organization, the volunteer efforts of all the Committee members were key to the attainment of this year’s accomplishments. A debt of thanks goes to them all as well as to the entire membership for your continued support. Respectfully submitted, Wilma Clarke, A.A.E. Chair, Membership & Communications Committee
Committee Members: Maxx Kochar, A.A.E. Bill Newman, A.A.E. Tom Coupland
Jeff Barrow, A.A.E. Kelvin Williamson Michelle Cretzman
Iouri Moutine, A.A.E. Scott MacNeil
Corporate Committee IAAE Canada continues to be an important link between the Airport Community and Corporate Members. Through its regular forums such as the e‐Report, the IAAE Canada Magazine, webinars and conferences, the Corporate Members are able to develop relationships and get their messages out to a very specialized audience. We continue to feature a Corporate Member in the now permanent feature in the weekly e-Reports called ‘Learn More About This Week’s IAAE Canada Corporate Member’. In this weekly feature, Corporate Members are highlighted via link to their page on the IAAE Canada website. This feature is also updated on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Our Corporate Members continue to be highlighted in each edition of the IAAE Canada Airport Magazine, which is published semi-annually. Both the Corporate Corner article and Emerging Technologies feature are reserved for them to highlight their company. We’ve also been busy researching ways to make your IAAE Canada Corporate Membership of greater value. We are actively soliciting our Corporate Members to offer the opportunity to present timely and informative Webinars about their product or service. We plan on a schedule of six webinars by our Corporate Members this year. In 2014, the Facility, Operations & Airport Managers Conference (FOAM) was held in Halifax in June. Congratulations should be extended to the team, led by Sam Sammadar AAE, who organized the event. The Trade Show provided many Corporate Members the opportunity to exchange information and contact details with a wide variety of airport operators. The agenda and presenters were top calibre. Sponsorship opportunities proved to be a great way to gain recognition with the audience. This committee continues to support IAAE Canada activities. We’re supporting the 2015 FOAM Conference in Vancouver, May 31 – June 3, by assisting with the Trade Show set up to direct more people to the booths, coordinating Vendor presentations and securing Speakers where needed. Our goal is to make the conference flow better for both the vendors and attendees. We will begin a new initiative in 2015: The Corporate Members Input Panel. It will be a semi-annual teleconference to gauge the association’s activities and opportunities for our Corporate Members. We hope you’ll join us. It has been my distinct pleasure to work with my fellow members of the Corporate Committee and with the Board of Directors to help further the goals of the organization. Respectfully Submitted, Kelvin Williamson Chair, Corporate Committee Committee Members: Greg Richardson, Commissionaires Alan Stearn, Fortbrand Services Inc. Tiina Maripuu, Team Eagle Tom Coupland Michelle M.Cretzman
Training Committee IAAE Canada trained over 300 people in classroom courses in 2014; many others took IAAE Canada online courses. One of our more popular courses was the TP 312 Course and the TP 312 Fifth Edition Road Show that described the proposed changes to the upcoming document. The runway friction reporting course remained popular in 2014 with 65 people taking the course at locations like Nanaimo, Leismer and St. Thomas. IAAE Canada launched some new and successful courses in 2014 including Emergency Management Training, a Leadership Management course, and a Project Management for Airports course. One of the Emergency Management courses had so many attendees and last minute requests, that the students barely fit in the classroom. We look forward to helping educate more airport staff in 2015. This morning, I was listening to an investigation on a train derailment. When the investigation concluded, the finding was that the train engineer did not have sufficient training. Insufficient training is a common result of many workplace accidents and incidents. Furthermore, the engineer had received five months of training prior to being on the crew. I was surprised to think that five months of training would be considered insufficient. This led me to the wonder how much training is enough, how do you demonstrate that the training that has been provided was sufficient, was the right training, and resulted in the person becoming competent. These are issues that we consider when we develop our training at IAAE Canada. One of those issues that we are helping airports with is how can we, as airports, document and demonstrate that we have done the right training. IAAE Canada has developed a Learning Management System that is easy to used and affordable. The system costs only a few thousand dollars instead of hundreds of thousands of dollars like many Learning Management Systems used at big companies. The system will track classroom courses, on line courses, and on-the-job training and send reminders when training is about to expire. This is just one of the initiatives to help all sizes of Canadian airports deal with training their staff. If you want more information about this product contact the IAAE Canada Headquarters. It was a pleasure working with IAAE Canada and the Training Committee this year and I look forward to the new courses that are being developed for 2015. We will continue to build on our online course offerings and develop some new classroom courses. We look forward to finding new programs to help the airport community. Please share your training issues with us. If you are having some training issues then most of the community is likely having the same training issues. We, at IAAE Canada, will work hard to find good solutions to help. Respectfully submitted, Cameron Nicolson, A.A.E. Chair, Training Committee Committee Members: Paul Ritchi A.A.E. Kevin Campbell A.A.E. Tom Coupland
Kevin Lacey A.A.E. Shelia McGuigan A.A.E. Michelle Cretzman
Shawn Jestley Maxx Kochar A.A.E.
Marketing Committee This committee stands to assist IAAE Canada by establishing its presence, increasing brand recognition and in the promotion of new and current products and services. In 2014, this committee looked at improving our presence on electronic and social media. We made some changes to our e-Report, the electronic newsletter which our subscribers receive via email each week. By rearranging some of the features in the e-Report, we made the information more easily accessible for readers. Content from the e-Report is now posted on our Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts each week. We highlight the top story and the featured Corporate Member and included links for easy access to that information. We streamlined our electronic course and conference advertising to highlight the actionable items and reduce the size of the explanatory text. We are in the planning stages for a renovation of the IAAE Canada website. Our hope is to reorganize the information and content in a more ‘user friendly’ format. We’re consulting with a website editor to have the site assessed for input and suggestions.
Respectfully submitted, Michael Seabrook A.A.E. Chair, Marketing Committee Members: John Sharp A.A.E. Tom Coupland
RJ Steenstra A.A.E. Jeff Huntus A.A.E. Michelle M. Cretzman
Accreditation Committee The Accredited Airport Executive (A.A.E) designation is recognized worldwide as the 'Mark of the Airport Professional'. Becoming an A.A.E. requires knowledge, skill and determination. For 20 years, IAAE Canada has provided the training and mentoring for Canadian Airport Professionals to achieve the A.A.E. Our five day Accreditation Academy Course prepares attendees to take the included Certified Member exam, which is the first step of three toward the coveted A.A.E. (Accredited Airport Executive) designation. Earning the A.A.E. designation is the standard of excellence for professional development in the Airport Industry. Our Certified Members (C.M.) strive to join the elite and obtain the use of A.A.E. after their name. In 2014, eight of our members took the first step in realizing accreditation by achieving their Certified Member status (CM). Their names can be found in the New C.M.’s section of this report. The year 2014 saw one of our members achieve the A.A.E. Please join me in congratulating Terry Bos, AAE, BBA, CEO, Sault Ste. Marie Airport Development Corporation in becoming an A.A.E. in Oct 2014. The Accreditation Committee’s ongoing responsibility is to ensure that IAAE Canada’s Accreditation Programs maintain the high professional standards that have been developed to date. Of equal importance, the committee is mandated to continuously seek enhancements to the programs in the ever evolving world of aviation. The airport industry has high expectations and requires knowledgeable professionals. The Accreditation Committee will ensure that newly accredited members have the required knowledge to meet these high expectations. Finally, the Accreditation Committee understands the difficulty in meeting demanding workloads while also striving to achieve your accreditation; however, the Committee & Mentors will do their best to ensure each member is set up for success to achieve this valuable milestone within the time frame of the program. If I can be of any assistance to anyone thinking about beginning the journey to become an accredited member, please do not hesitate to contact me through the IAAE Canada website. Respectfully Submitted, Mike Karsseboom, A.A.E. Chair, IAAE Canada Accreditation Committee/Board of Examiners Committee Members: Cuyler Green A.A.E. Sheila McGuigan A.A.E. Tim Nevins A.A.E. Tom Coupland
Governance & Nominating Committee
The Governance and Nominating Committee is responsible to the Board of Directors to oversee succession planning for the Board, to identify qualified candidates for nomination to the Board of Directors, and to review corporate governance principles. The Committee has completed redrafting IAAE Canada letters patent along with its bylaws to meet new Federal Regulations as mandated within the new Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act. These revised bylaws have been reviewed and approved by you the membership and have since been filed with the applicable government officials within the prescribed timelines. In addition this committee completed the IAAE Canada Directors Handbook for the use of current and future members of the IAAE Canada Board of Directors. In 2014 we welcomed Delia Chesworth AAE to the BOD. On closing if you are interested in serving on the Board; please contact any member of the Governance and Nominating Committee. Respectively submitted, Paul Ritchi, A.A.E., PMP Chair Committee Members Wilma Clarke A.A.E RJ Steenstra A.A.E
Sheila McGuigan A.A.E Tom Coupland
8th Annual Facility, Operations & Airport Managers Conference “Halifax, beautiful one day, perfect the next”, so they say and they almost pulled it off. With the exception of a Tuesday night cruise arranged by Trecan Snowmelters & Airport Technologies Inc, the weather was perfect. The venue was perfect, and our Birthday Celebration was perfect. As in previous years, the topics were meaty and timely and well delivered by a bank of speakers. As always we owe a big thank you to our sponsors, Vanderlande Industries Canada under took the Top Sponsorship for the fifth straight year. We changed the top spot to Diamond, and moved everyone up a notch. LNT Solutions WSP, Black & McDonald and new comer Beumer Group supported us as Platinum Sponsors, while the Commissionaires, Tradewind Scientific, ADB & Team Eagle stood up for the Gold. The Silver position was held by SNC Lavalin, Tenco, Arconas, Hatt Mott MacDonald & Liberty (before they joined with Safegate). We also appreciate our other Sponsors, Bronze Sponsors; Tristar Electric & IAAE Canada, Name Tag Sponsors Tetra Tech & SMP who once again took care of our ‘funday’ Golf outing. Because it was our 20th Anniversary Celebration, we are very happy to give a special thanks and honourable mention to the airports that contributed with financial support; Regina, Halifax, Moncton, North Peace, London, Sault Ste Marie, Sydney, Timmins & Kelowna. The trade show was fully booked long before the deadline so in 2015 we have expanded the size, but keeping with the standard format, Sunday Evening Meet & Greet in the trade show area, and trade show open all day Monday. Then extending an invitation for those vendors to join in on the discussions for the remainder of the conference and increase their knowledge of our industry, which must all help to make it work better. Every year our Conference Committee spends a lot of time deciding which topics and which speakers will create the best overall experience. That way we expect more delegates to show up and share in the journey. In Halifax, it all came together to do just that, plus as we predicted, 2014 was a record setter, with more delegates, more Sponsors/exhibitors & more speakers than ever. If this pattern keeps up when we go to Vancouver this year, we will definitely have trouble finding suitable meeting facilities where we go in 2016. The location is a secret at this time, but show up at our 9th Annual FOAM Conference to be the first to find out. Or you can read the center page of our Spring Airport Magazine due to arrive in your mail box about June 1st. Vancouver will be my last official conference as the Executive Coordinator and conference committee member. Trust me when I say, it will be one to remember, show up and see for yourself. Tom Coupland Executive Coordinator 43
Our Corporate Members The International Association of Airport Executives Canada is greatly appreciative of the continuing support and participation of our Corporate Members. Their involvement in Board and Committee activities and their generous sponsorship of training courses and various events are key to IAAE Canada’s success.
Design Dialogue
L Patrick Consulting
ADB-Airfield Solutions
Dillon Consulting
Liberty Airport Systems Inc.
Dufferin Construction
Liftow Limited
LNT Solutions
Airport Technologies Inc.
Emergency Preparedness Consultants Inc.
AirportXO Solutions Inc.
Executive Flight Centre
Millard Towers
Allied Services of Canada ULC
Falcon Environmental Services
NORR Limited
ASP Security Services
Fortbrand Services Inc.
Safegate Airport Systems
Associated Engineering
G4S Security
SMP Engineering
ATS Technology Systems Inc.
Georgian College
SNC Lavalin Inc.
Black & McDonald Ltd.
Gibbings Consulting Ltd.
Stantec Consulting Ltd
Bouygues Energies & Services
GLH Vending
Team Eagle
Canadian Base Operators
Tenco Machinery (CDN) Ltd.
Chauntry Corporation Ltd
GroundEffect Aerodrome Consulting Ltd.
Tetra Tech EBA
Clariant (Canada) Inc Commissionaires Compass Group Crouse-Hinds Airport Lighting Dan-Mark Runway Grooving Ltd.
Hatch Mott MacDonald Ltd. Hi-Lite Airfield Services
J.A. Larue Inc. Krown Rust Control
MMM Group
Tradewind Scientific Ltd. Trecan Combustion Ltd. VanDerLande Industries Canada Volairus Management Systems Inc. WSP Canada Inc
Airport security, operations and emergency personnel operate in tandem to ensure uninterrupted operations while protecting critical assets. Activu provides a platform where airports can aggregate and present visual information and video such as air control maps, weather data and security information, at any time, on any device (from a control room video wall and conference room displays to desktop monitors and mobile devices) to effectively manage operations. Activu designs, builds, installs and supports these systems. Intelligent Decision Support and Collaborative Visualization Solutions for Mission Critical Operations • A pioneer in the development of IP-networked, software-based collaborative visualization systems, Activu designs, builds, installs and supports visualization and collaboration systems used in control room environments. Activu’s sole focus: enabling organizations to make timely, accurate and effective decisions in the most demanding applications, in the control room, in mobile applications, and throughout entire organization. Information, Delivered • Distributed operations are common and the need to easily share information throughout the airport is paramount to effective communication and true situational awareness. Inherently multi-location, Activu’s software, the Activu Enterprise Software Suite (AESS), delivers critical information to video walls and displays throughout the airport or around the world. TeamShare for Multi-location Sharing • When direct and personal collaboration is required, Activu offers TeamShare, its flexible and powerful collaboration tool allowing direct communication between members of a team: easily sharing nearly any information source with the ability to chat with team members and annotate directly over content. Mobility Reaches beyond the Control Room • To support the mobile workforce, Activu provides a host of flexible and scalable solutions, giving mobile users the ability to capture live video or photo content and deliver it into an AESS-enabled organization, as well as view content securely delivered directly to their mobile device. An Information Technology Solution to Control Rooms and Collaboration • Unlike proprietary AV solutions, Activu’s software runs on Microsoft’s operating system and is deployed on COTS hardware. Customers receive the most cost-effective, robust technology offering the highest level of price performance, product design innovation, quality and reliability. Future hardware upgrades are a simple matter of moving the software to the new hardware. Complete and secure integration of an Activu system into a standard corporate network environment ensures the system is only accessible to those who have appropriate permissions and all communications are highly encrypted. For more information, please contact: Dennis Nuutinen, Regional Sales Manager Email:
ADB Airfield Solutions in Canada is part of ADB’s Americas Office, which provides airfield lighting to customers throughout North and South America. The company’s global headquarters are located in Brussels, Belgium. ADB has been a significant innovative player in the airfield lighting sector since its establishment in 1947, offering an innovative portfolio and expertise which sets standards in safety, performance, and quality. More than 2,000 airports around the world have been equipped with systems from ADB. ADB Airfield Solutions is the world’s leading airfield technology company in the ICAO and FAA markets providing advanced, integrated and sustainable solutions for visual guidance. For more than 65 years, ADB has offered an innovative portfolio and expertise that sets standards in safety, performance, quality, and customer service. ADB manufactures and markets airfield lighting computer systems, switchgear regulator systems, guidance signs, and energyefficient LED airfield lighting products. For more information about ADB, please visit: For more information, please contact: Scot Cannell, National Sales Manager, Canada Email:
Through on‐going partnerships with airport clients across the globe, AECOM has developed world class skills and a deep understanding of airport operations. With more than 3,300 talented professionals in Canada, we offer our clients a full spectrum of integrated services, nationwide expertise, and access to the technical resources of more than 45,000 employees worldwide. AECOM has completed hundreds of airport and aviation projects, namely in Canada. From large international facilities to the smallest local airports, we have the required expertise to complete all airport development, expansion and maintenance projects. Our Canadian projects include: Calgary International Airport – AECOM is providing program management services on the Calgary Airport Authority’s Airport Development Program made up of the $1.4B International Facilities Project (IFP), the largest expansion the Authority has undertaken, and the Runway Development Project (RDP). Opening in October 2015, the IFP adds five new levels that includes a new international concourse, new customs facilities and 22 additional aircraft gates. The RDP adds a new 14,000-foot parallel Runway 17L 35R, the longest runway in Canada. The expanded airfield includes a Cat IIIA approach system, associated taxiway system, two underpass structures carrying active taxiways over groundside and airside roadways and an expanded apron. Associated work includes liaison with the construction of NavCanada’s new Air Traffic Control Tower and the City of Calgary’s Airport Trail Tunnel. Edmonton International Airport – AECOM provided several consulting and design services, including the preparation of a Site Servicing Plan to provide critical input to the overall Master Plan. Site services included a central utility plant, sanitary sewer systems, natural gas, storm sewer systems, water system, electrical, roads and parking lots. AECOM also provided a study for the development of airport facilities to meet future demand levels, an environment constraints analysis, a de-icing study, a new runway alignment study and a 25 MAP terminal-gate-apron concept analysis. AECOM also developed functional specifications to guide the development of a comprehensive Logistic Service Center. In Saskatchewan, AECOM provides expansion, assessment, rehabilitation and many other airport services to Saskatoon/John G. Diefenbaker International Airport, Regina International Airport, LaRonge Airport, Cigar Lake Airport and other aviation clients across the province. Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport – AECOM was the prime consultant for the 2009 Groundside Project on roads, parking, bridges and utilities for the new terminal building. We were also a major sub‐consultant on the 2006 Airside Redevelopment and provided planning, design, tendering and construction administration on the new Central De‐Icing Facility. Toronto Pearson International Airport – AECOM provides design services for the Union Express rail link to downtown Toronto, including the terminal station and is pre-qualified for a five-year period to provide architectural and engineering services for Terminal 1 renovation and expansion projects. AECOM was also lead engineer in a joint venture responsible for groundside infrastructure on the $4.4 billion Terminal Development Project. This included more than 75 km of roads, parking for 12,600 vehicles, automated people mover and over 50 bridges. Ottawa Macdonald‐Cartier International Airport – AECOM was design consultant on the 2006 Phase 2 Expansion in Ottawa. This 13‐gate expansion included gate planning, apron design, airside roads, groundside parking, utilities and blast walls. In the province of Quebec, AECOM provided airport planning and design services at regional airports such as Bagotville (facilities development plan), La Grande Rivière (strategic development plan), Rouyn-Noranda (airport master plan). AECOM was pre-qualified for a five-year period with the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority to provide Performance and Planning Services in Aviation Security at all major Canadian airports. For more information, please contact: Trina Janssens, Project Services Manager Email:
Airbiz is an international aviation consultancy. Our clients include airport owners, operators, investors, airlines, government agencies and other aviation stakeholders. The Airbiz team consists of airport and terminal planners, business analysts, aviation marketing specialists, project facilitators, simulation experts and creative strategists.
Our team of experts work on a global scale aiming to inspire and challenge our clients; to always make wise and brave choices in our work, in the relationships within our team and with our clients. Team members are renowned for their lateral thinking resulting in innovative and cost effective outcomes. The Airbiz team has accumulated over 30 years experience in the aviation industry and has successfully completed over 2000 projects in 50 countries, on five continents.
Airbiz is an active contributor and World Business Partner of Airports Council International (ACI). Airbiz is recognised globally as a specialist aviation industry advisor that delivers tailored solutions for aviation clients.
For more information, please contact: Kerr Lammie, Principal Email:
ATS Services Limited is a Canadian owned company specializing in air traffic services, meteorological observations, the sales of meteorological instrumentation as well as a variety of related training programs. ATS represents several world-class manufacturers of state of the art meteorological instrumentation, which allows ATS to provide a range of professional grade, reliable, sensors and systems. In order to compliment and support the services and systems provided by our company, ATS also provides a wide range of training programs available at our training centers or at your location. ATS was established in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories in 1998 and incorporated in 2000. ATS’s beginnings were with a single operation at the Fort Smith Community Aerodrome Radio Station providing a regimen of aviation communications and meteorological observing services. ATS has continued to expand over the years to include over 60 similar operations, coast to coast to coast. These services are provided to NavCanada and government agencies, as well as the mining sector, oil and gas sector, and private airport operators. Responding to meteorological instrumentation and services needs in the United States, ATS established a sister company, ATS Meteorology USA, incorporated in 2012. We are proud to provide organizations such as NOAA, NASA, USAF, and universities with world-class instrumentation. We attribute our success to the strength of our management team and responsiveness to client needs. ATS believes that in order to effectively manage aviation communication and meteorological services, management staff must be fully trained and certified operators who fully understand every aspect of the industry. As a result, our management team brings decades of broad and progressive air traffic and meteorological skills to the day-to-day oversight of our operations. When you have a need at your location then contact us!
For more information, please contact: Barry Smith, President Email:
WHAT WE DO The world’s first Property Listing Service for Airports. Designed and Developed by Airport real estate professionals to be used by Airport Real Estate Professionals. With increasing fuel costs, competition for airlines, a more sophisticated traveller, and the need to reduce landing fees, Airports around the world are turning to non-aeronautical revenue streams more than ever before. The revenue generated from renting real estate and concessions has traditionally proven to give an Airport its highest profit margins. Today we see that these revenue streams are the fastest growing profit segments in the industry. Whether you are an over-arching organization in charge of many airports or a single airport operator, you can now use Airportxo as a marketing tool for your team to increase exposure to your listings and availabilities or upcoming RFP’s around the world. Leverage Airportxo advertising and reach out to the world’s best tenants, international consultants, construction companies, cargo operators, Real Estate Developers, Hotel Operators and Engineering firms. Airportxo operates as a subscription based business to business website. There are no annoying advertising revenues or fees or commissions based with this service. It’s simply the world’s most efficient platform for tenants and suppliers to seek out available opportunities at airport properties. The information is secure and only available to members and is not open to the public. HOW IT WORKS AIRPORTS
Airports have their own proprietary branded dashboard. You will have the ability to upload the details of your listings directly into the system. You can update them from time to time and add different categories of opportunities. The revenue reporter is an option included in the subscription that allows your tenants to report their sales figures directly to you. The site reminds you of critical lease dates and upcoming renewal notice periods. You will also have the ability to post RFP’s and details of the offering process along with documentation. Interested parties or prospective tenants will then contact the people that you authorize directly. You can also post a standard offer form if you wish. You will also be able to upload key data on your airport and on your procedures for a submission of interest. Now your airport business development team can be easily and quickly informed as to what your colleagues are posting in other airports around the world, airport marketing trends, RFP processes and strategies that will help you market more effectively. COMMERCIAL USERS These subscribers consist of local regional and international companies that can search out opportunities at airports around the world. You will have the ability to search out available property of various asset types or concessions that may be of interest to your organization. You can also seek out available development lands for rent, RFP’s for upcoming expansion projects, construction contracts or auctions that call for the supply of services or equipment to an airport. You will receive the direct contact information of the person in charge of the specific opportunity without the frustration of going through various channels before reaching the right person. For more information, contact: Aldo Borrelli B.A., NCC, President Email:
Allied Aviation Services, Inc. including its subsidiary and affiliated companies (Allied Aviation) is the largest American domestically owned provider of fueling services to the commercial aviation industry. Allied Aviation is an independently owned and operated company whose core business is providing fueling services for the commercial aviation industry at some of the largest airports in the United States, Canada, The Caribbean, and Latin America. In Canada, the Allied Aviation family of companies includes CAFAS and Airconsol. In addition, the Allied Affiliates owns and operates pipelines, tank farms, and other business activities. Allied Aviation currently is the designated into-plane service provider and/or fuel storage facility operator at 24 major airports. Allied Aviation manages the receipt, storage and operation of airport distribution systems that throughput in excess of 6 billion gallons of Jet-A fuel each year. In addition, Allied Aviation fuels approximately 1.8 million commercial flights per year.
Allied Aviation is now a "three-time" Silver Nozzle Award Winner for Fueling Excellence presented by The National Petroleum Management Association for our operations at John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) and Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR).
Our corporate culture is summed up in our mission statement.
For more information, please contact: Dion Faulkner, Asst. Vice President
A.S.P. Incorporated offers an extensive range of protection services for everyday and special needs with different levels of Security and Supervisory personnel designed to meet your specific security requirements.
In consultation with our clients we select an efficient yet cost-effective security program designed to meet all of their requirements:
Needs assessment survey Audits High threat level protection Electronic countermeasures & surveillance Corporate security analysis and executive briefings Protection resources Traditional Security Guards, Upgraded Security Guards, Emergency Protection, Patrols and Inspections, Special Event personnel Corporate Security - analysis and consulting, electronic and physical surveillance and Counter-surveillance, investigation and security screening, executive and staff seminars, crisis Management & support, risk analysis Access Control Systems CCTV Systems Alarms Cameras & Housings
For more information, please contact: Dean Lovric, Chief Executive Officer Email:
Associated Engineering has provided consulting engineering services for over 65 years. With over 900 staff in 21 offices, we specialize in the transportation, infrastructure water, environmental, buildings, energy, and asset management sectors. Within these sectors we offer a wide range of services, from planning and assessments to design, cost estimating, tendering, procurement, construction, commissioning, project management, construction management, post-construction services, and asset management. We offer a multi-discipline engineering team including civil, transportation, structural, process, mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation and controls engineers and technologists. We have participated in world-class projects in Canada and around the world, for both public and private sector clients. We pride ourselves on achieving results that incorporate safety, community input, and environmental sustainability.. Recognized as an industry leader, we have received local, national, and international awards for engineering services. Associated Engineering has been the program manager or engineering consultant for over 100 aviation projects with a total construction value of over $1 billion. We have served a full range of aviation clients, including airport authorities, regional/local airports, northern infrastructure, industrial airstrips, and military bases. Our experience includes the following: Airside
Pavement Assessment
Runways, Taxiways, Aprons
De-icing Facilities
Pavement Rehabilitation Pavement Markings Airfield Lighting, Visual Aids, and Signage Airfield Lighting Control Systems, SMGCS Instrument Landing Systems Drainage Storm Water Management
Fuel/oil Interceptors Fuel Spill Response De-icing Fluid, Re-cycling, and Treatment
Parking Lots Buildings & Structures Transit Systems Underground Utilities Water, Sewer, Grading & Drainage Power Supply Lighting Street Lighting Traffic Signals Communications and Security Systems
For more information, contact: Dave Anderson, P.Eng., Senior Transportation Engineer Email:
ATS was established in the Northwest Territories in 1998 with the goal of providing quality management, operation and training for aviation communications and weather services for government agencies, private operators, airport authorities, and development corporations. With operations from Vancouver International to St. John's International, Sachs Harbour, NWT to Arctic Bay NU, ATS provides aviation weather services from coast‐to‐coast to coast. ATS' experience, expertise and focus is primarily on aviation communications and weather observing services, with a full range of related services in the following areas: • • • • • •
Management and Operations Management of aviation communications and weather observing operations Meteorological Instrumentation Aircraft and vehicle tracking service Personnel Placement and Resources Consulting
For more information, please contact: Cameron Mason, CEO Email:
Black & McDonald Limited is an Integrated, multi-trade contractor providing electrical, mechanical, utility and maintenance services to government, industrial, commercial and institutional markets. From emergency service calls to multi-million dollar construction and operations contracts, Black & McDonald is committed to implementing innovative solutions to our clients' complex technical requirements. Projects • Electrical, mechanical and instrumentation • Computer environment services • HVAC and energy management retrofits • Millwrighting and rigging • Data communications • Design-build, construction and management Facilities Management & Operations • Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) • Material, equipment and sub-contract management • Freedom to focus on core business Service • Planned preventive maintenance programs • 24-hour emergency response • Mechanical, HVAC and instrumentation. • Infrared and vibration analysis
Airport Experience • Airside, groundside, navigation aids, landing aids and specialty projects • Facility construction, maintenance & operation; preventative & emergency services • Runway construction and repair • Roadway and tunnel construction • De-icing facilities and taxiways • Operating & maintaining more than 20M ft2 of space in North American aviation facilities Utilities • 24-hour emergency response • Overhead line and power distribution • Underground cabling, duct systems • Airfield, navigation lighting and landing aids • Sub-station design and construction
For more information, contact: Jason Scott FMA, Division Manager Email:
Our Purpose: You can trust us to manage your assets so you can focus on what you do best. Bouygues Energies & Services (Bouygues E&S) is a global player in the provision of energy performance and facilities services provided in partnership with our clients. We focus on developing scalable, customized services tailored to our clients’ unique requirements in complex market segments. Airports are, by their nature, critical infrastructure. Bouygues E&S provides direct support and oversight to the projects we manage, placing specific emphasis on the recruitment, training, management and retention of a qualified and motivated workforce. In a multi-functional autonomous work environment truly engaged staff make the difference between an excellent customer experience and one that is merely acceptable. At Bouygues E&S we use our extensive experience to positively manage energy performance, and deliver service efficiencies through our procurement network. Our extensive operating experience in traditional Facility Management and Public Private Partnership (PPP) operating environments provides us with an industry leading platform to drive innovation. As airports grow, we work in tandem with the airport leadership and operations teams to deploy resources at the right time and to provide the management capability and scalable support systems necessary to facilitate this growth. Our primary business purpose is to allow our clients to focus on their core business. In practical terms, for airport management and leadership teams, this provides the degree of freedom necessary to focus completely on passengers, airlines and the airport’s critical role in their region. The airport operator retains control of FM Operations - particularly in relation to cost and time - by and handing off the day-to-day operations of the facility to us. Bouygues Energies & Services is a member of the Bouygues Group; founded in 1952 and present in 80 countries and with a workforce of 135,000 worldwide. Bouygues E&S operates in Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, Africa and the Middle East, primarily in the Facility Management, Infrastructure Services, M&E and Turnkey Solutions, and Energy Management and Sustainability Markets. The core Facility Management skills Bouygues E&S delivers to the Aviation Sector include: •Mechanical and Electrical Maintenance
•Parking and Road Maintenance
•Building Maintenance Management
•General Management
•Lifecycle Rehabilitation
•HVAC Maintenance
•Project Works
•Life Safety Systems
•Maintenance of specialist airport systems
•Aviation Safety Systems
•Environmental Management
•Snow and Ice Management
•Energy Management
•Janitorial and Waste Management
•Security Services
For more information, please contact: Our Business Development Team
•Maintenance of Airfield Electrical Systems
Canadian Base Operators: - provides airfield operations and maintenance services as well as terminal and passenger handling services for Shell Canada at the Fort MacKay Albian Aerodrome (CAL4) located at the Albian Sands Energy project near Fort McKay AB. Aircraft ground handling and passenger terminal services are also provided at the Warren Thomas/Josephburg (CFB6) Airport near Edmonton AB and the Shell Aircraft International hanger in Calgary. Services Include:
Aircraft handling and de-icing service
Terminal services for arriving and departing passengers
Year round runway maintenance including snow and ice removal
For our DND Clients Canadian Base Operators provides airfield services at the Flight Training School (CFTS Southport, Manitoba) and has experience in the High Arctic Services include:
Air traffic control
Aircraft ground handling, refueling, de-icing and freight handling
Runway maintenance and airfield lighting
Fire/Crash Rescue
For further information, please contact:
Shell Canada Operations: John Semple, Regional Manager Email:
World leading supplier of airport parking on-line pre-booking systems is the Canadian Airport’s system provider of choice. With a growing number of the Canadian Airports now live our clients are protecting and growing their non-aviation revenues such as parking, airport lounges or fast track security – on the web, mobile, within an App or by telephone. The Chauntry web booking process makes the customer’s journey as smooth and simple as possible. It reassures the customer and encourages him to make a booking and to return and book again on a future occasion. The booking process integrates seamlessly into look and feel of the client web-site. Its ease of use means customers can complete their transaction speedily and the customer self-management facility (manage my booking) adds confidence. It enables changes to be made to the booking at a later stage if required. Supporting yield-management, distributed pricing and ledger-based accounting, our web-based applications are easy to use and easy to manage. We work in partnership with the leading suppliers of car park barrier equipment, payment processing, handheld terminals and POS systems, and we invest in research and development, to ensure that clients are always getting the most from whatever equipment is chosen. We’re proud of our clients, and what we help them to achieve. In the last 12 months, over €500m was handled through our customers’ Chauntry systems. We’d love you to talk to Vancouver Airport, Edmonton Airport, Montreal Airport or others world-wide such as Melbourne or Amsterdam Schiphol Airports – we’re confident you’ll hear something good, and we’re confident that we can help your revenues grow. Edmonton Airports launched the Chauntry reservation system in August of 2010. Chauntry was launched with the opening of a new parking product – jetSet parking. Since inception, growth of Chauntry reservations has been 960% and jetSet Parking has surpassed its annual revenue goal by 125% and has established itself as a leader in the airport parking market. With the success of Chauntry at jetSet, Edmonton launched Chauntry with four other parking products in March 2012. Growth patterns are similar and, thanks to the Chauntry solution, our parking revenues have increased at a rate of 3 – 4 times our passenger growth. This has contributed to make Edmonton Airports parking operations the most profitable airport per passenger in Canada. A significant component of our success is directly attributable to the Chauntry reservation system. For additional information, please contact: John London - Business Development Manager Email:
Clariant – is a world leader in creation and manufacture of high performance, high quality specialty chemicals. Clariant has more than 17,000 employees and annual sales in excess of CDN $8 billion. Clariant’s businesses are run under 10 divisions. Within the I&CS division, resides Engineering & Aviation which is responsible for the manufacturing and marketing of Runway & Aircraft Deicers: Safewing® PG based Type I, III and IV aircraft de/anti-icing fluids Safeway® environmentally safe and effective de-/anti-icers in solid and liquid form for runways, aprons, and taxiways Safewing® MP III 2031 ECO “One-Step” fluid De-ices like Type I & provides hold-over protection like a Type IV fluid Safeway®SF and Safeway®KF have been awarded the ECO LOGO
For further information, please contact: Jacqueline Teres National Sales Representative - Deicers Email:
Commissionaires is Canada's premier security provider, offering a unique combination of integrity, experience and innovation. We have protected people and property for public and private sector clients from coast to coast for 87 years. In particular, we provide security services to more than 25 Canadian airports. We are a solid Canadian company more than 20,000 people strong; a well-trained diverse team, of primarily former military and police, of all age groups. With the highest industry retention rate, our workforce has the stability and experience to anticipate and resolve problems before they occur and we strive to develop collaborative long-term client relationships. The effectiveness of our experience is multiplied by the fact we are both CGSB 133.1-2008 and ISO 9001:2008 qualified plus we incorporate processes adhering to those standards in every part of our business from service delivery, to training, to customer satisfaction. Our strength is rooted in our security guarding services, where we emphasize prevention and defusing conflict. We also provide a complete range of related professional services and solutions which involve state of the art technologies in identification, training, and communications. The Security Services we deliver are designed, implemented, and managed using locale-centric, regional operational management but with a national footprint. This regional operational management approach results in faster response times for any changes in the local security situation. For further information, please contact: Greg Richardson, Business Manager Email:
The Hurley Group provides customized facility solutions to a multitude of international airport terminals, airline operations and priority passenger services throughout North America. Our offering assists over 65 million passengers per year during the course of their travel. Hurley’s aviation management staff is industry veterans to Airport operations. Abreast and educationally equipped with today’s standards to maintain properties of this complexity, our employees are at arm’s reach to assist in the achievement of the highest possible level of your customer service. Hurley offers Environmental and Green Cleaning solutions including experience directly with LEED certified air terminal buildings. Those properties aspiring to earn LEED certification can draw on Hurley’s experience, education and initiative to assist in attaining this desired designation. In addition to our contract cleaning services Hurley provides security programs to customers requiring a more intense and thorough surveillance of their properties along with domestic and international waste management and diversion. Hurley’s operations are also ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified. Founded in 1956, Hurley has evolved into a leading provider of facility cleaning and ancillary services. In addition to our impressive aviation portfolio, Hurley maintains 200 million square feet of commercial, education, retail, industrial, luxury multi level residential and specialty markets. In February 2010, Compass Group Canada announced the acquisition of Hurley Group. Compass is a world leading food and support Services Company with robust management disciplines and global reach, operating in over 50 countries. The grouping of the two powerhouses, Compass and Hurley provides the clients with unparalleled ability to form customized service bundles, gathering each client’s lines of service operations into a uniquely tailored, wholly integrated performance unit. The Hurley Group invites you to contact us to learn more about our innovative, proprietary programs designed specifically for airport environments, always customized just for your needs.
For more information, please contact: Scott Halcrow, Sales Manager Email:
Crouse-Hinds Airport Lighting Products (CHALP) is a leading global provider of airport lighting equipment to airports worldwide. With over 75 years of airport lighting experience, we are a trusted manufacturer and valued supplier of airport lights, constant current regulators, aircraft ground movement control systems, PAPI precision approach systems, airfield guidance signs, runway and taxiway lights as well as lamps, lenses and maintenance supplies. Crouse-Hinds ALP specializes in airfield lighting solutions.
For more information, please contact: Ken Corbett, Canadian Sales Manager Email:
Dan-Mark Runway Grooving specializes in grooving of airport runways
Serving Canada and the Caribbean, our experienced team can accommodate all of your grooving needs. Our company has been in the pavement maintenance industry for 25 years now and we understand the needs and tight deadlines that general contractors and airport operators are under to complete airside work with the least amount of disruption to both air traffic and ground side operations.
For further information, please contact: Ian Kjargaard, CEO Email:
September 15th, 2010 marked a new era for a group of leading Canadian design firms as they adopted the name DIALOG for their recent merger. DIALOG has a track record of award-winning collaborative design excellence. Founded by the merged firms of Cohos Evamy + Hotson Bakker Boniface Haden + Mole White Associates + Office for Urbanism, DIALOG is committed to the practice of sustainable design with a focus on the success of clients and communities. Working from studios in Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto and Vancouver, DIALOG credits its strength to its outstanding multidisciplinary team who deliver excellence and a collaborative approach to the provision of architectural, engineering, interior design, planning and urban design services. Building connections Design in transportation is about connections - between neighbourhoods, communities, cities, municipalities, countries. The experience is as important as the function. Airports are more than just a clearinghouse for airplanes, people and cargo - they are the gateway to a region. An airport should be a welcoming and worry-free experience for passengers, and a reflection of the culture of the community. Since the early 1990s, airports have also been businesses that must generate revenue, so layouts have to be strategic, reflecting the buying patterns of passengers and airport personnel. In addition, as airports expand and technology changes, airport design must accommodate the rapidly changing fleets of many different carriers. We handle this through modularity, which makes airports, control towers and other transportation buildings effective today, and flexible enough to meet future needs. Our Areas of Practice DIALOG is a fully integrated multidisciplinary practice which includes architecture, programming, urban planning and design, interior design, graphic design and 3D modeling, and structural, mechanical and electrical engineering. We provide our services in many sectors including airports and transportation, retail, commercial, public markets, arts and culture, education, health care, science and technology, government, and energy related work. We have been successful in winning outstanding, ambitious commissions and developing long-lasting collaborative relationships with our clients. Size of the Firm DIALOG credits its strength to its outstanding multidisciplinary team of over 500 talented individuals, located in studios in Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto and Vancouver. Our team is supported by state-of-the-art IT resources which allow seamless communication and flow of information across our studio network. For more information, please contact: Robert Adamson, Partner Email:
Founded in 1945, Dillon Consulting Limited (Dillon) is a truly national company, with over 750 engineers, scientists, planners and support personnel, located in seventeen offices across the country, from Sydney to Vancouver, and Windsor to Yellowknife. Dillon's airport planning, engineering, environmental and strategic business advisory teams work with Canada’s busiest airports, airport tenants, government agencies and local governments adjacent to airports, to provide multi-disciplinary solutions: •Airport Master Planning, Strategic Planning, Business Planning and Capital Planning •Design, Engineering and Construction of Major Works (Runway and Taxiway expansions, Terminal Building, Parking facilities, Bridges, Tunnels, Noise Barriers, Engine Testing Facilities, De-icing facilities, Industrial/Commercial Subdivisions) •Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation. •Environmental assessment, remediation, monitoring, management and permitting •Municipal and Civil Engineering •Transportation Engineering, including regional road, arterial, highway design, and public transit evaluation and design. •Wastewater Collection and Treatment Design and Construction •Wildlife monitoring and management •Storm and Drain Water Management, including sedimentation and erosion management programs
Dillon became an international consulting practice in the 1960's and has delivered projects in over 40 countries throughout the Americas, the Caribbean, Asia and Europe. Our combined staff is fluent in 30 languages and has project experience in 100 countries.
Nationally, Dillon is recognized as one of Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies. For more information, contact: Jon Spalding, Airport Specialist Email:
You may already be familiar with Dufferin Construction Company as one of the constructors of the Highway 407 or may have seen us along Highway 401 over the years. Founded in 1912, Dufferin Construction is part of the St. Lawrence Cement Group, the largest cement producer in eastern Canada. Dufferin is a leader in its own right - Canada's biggest concrete paving company and one of Canada's largest heavy civil engineering contractors. That kind of size means strength. The strength to offer a full range of diversified services to complement Dufferin's heavy construction capabilities including strong financial backing and significant purchasing power leverage in materials availability and pricing. Whether it's a new product or service, a more efficient way to solve a problem, or an innovative approach to a customer need, Dufferin Construction offers the strength, scope and commitment to deliver on time and on budget.
For more information, please contact: Eddie Marin, District Manager Email:
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLANNING SOLUTIONS THAT WILL WORK FOR YOUR INDUSTRY Emergency Preparedness Consultants Inc. (EPC Inc.) is a Greater Toronto Area (GTA) based firm that offers specialized consulting services in security and emergency management. With a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals, we assist in the development, management and improvement of security, and emergency management programs. EPC Inc. combines a strong understanding of cultural issues, organizational dynamics and security and emergency management needs with expertise in security and emergency management policies, protocols and regulations. We work with our clients to establish balanced and cost-effective security and emergency management solutions that safeguard personnel, property, information and assets to ensure continued delivery of critical services.
SERVICES AVAILABLE: ♦ Threat Risk Assessment (TRAs)
♦ Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRAs) ♦ Emergency Management and Security Management Audits ♦ Security Management Plans ♦ Emergency (Crisis) Management Plans
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Business Continuity Plans Pandemic Plans Workplace Violence Audits Workplace Violence Plans Emergency Management Training Security Management Training
For more information, please contact: Michael J. Hand, President Email:
Executive Flight Centre is a diverse aviation service provider that specializes in all aspects of the aviation service sector, catering to the needs of airport users. We offer aviation fuel, full service Fixed Base Operations, airport management, ground handling services, fueling equipment and parts all the while providing exceptional service with experienced and knowledgeable employees. Although our core business is selling, managing and distributing aviation fuel, we provide a wide range of other services: •Jet A-1, Jet B and Avgas •Aviation Drums •Remote Fueling •Refueling parts •Refueling tanks and trucks •QA and SMS implementing/training •Airport Management •Ground Handling equipment •Ground handling services •Passenger handling •Executive lounge •Hangar leasing •Pilot's lounge and Flight planning facilities •Aircraft de-icing •Lavatory services •Aircraft Parking •Shuttle services •Oxygen bottle refills •Defuel services Our Vision is to provide an excellent quality of service to all customers in the aviation industry. We have been setting the standards in aviation fuel and services for more than forty years. Our team is dedicated to providing the necessary services and support that will provide our customers service beyond compare. Executive Flight Centre is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We are looking forward to serving you. Contact us today for more information on our services and sites and how we can serve your needs. We are confident that you will be more than satisfied with our services and products. For more information, please contact: Wayne Smook, Sr. VP, Airport Services Email:
Falcon Environmental Services employs more than 40 full-time wildlife control officers and biologists throughout Canada and the United States and its clientele includes Canadian and US military bases, landfill sites, major international airports as well as large industries.
Wildlife management and control consists of creating and implementation of wildlife control programs, control strategies, meeting SMS and ISO14001 audit requirements and targets, environmental impact studies development of scientific protocols, plans and specifications.
For further information, please contact: Rob Shevalier, Vice President, Wildlife Control Division Email:
Specialized Services for the Aviation Industry Meeting your Airfield Maintenance and GSE needs is what we do. Fortbrand Services Inc., has been servicing the airport industry for more than thirty years, providing high performance equipment to meet the needs of airports, airlines and aviation service companies. We deliver a comprehensive range of solutions from a single source – making it fast, easy and cost effective for our customers to work with one supplier. Fortbrand Services Inc. is the exclusive North American distributor for the Vammas line of multifunction, high speed runway snow removal vehicles, the Haige GST20 multifunction sprayer, edge light plow and mower and the Beam A8000 multi-task airport service vehicle, which can be used for glycol recovery and rubber removal, as well as numerous other functions. All multifunction airfield maintenance equipment distributed by Fortbrand Services enables airport operators to make the most efficient use of financial and human resources in the most cost effective manner possible. Fortbrand Services also offers complete GSE services from one supplier. Our GSE fleet includes virtually all equipment in use at airports, from air starters, de-icing trucks, tow tractors, ground power units, passenger stairs, belt loaders and all other types of GSE. To best address individual budgets and fleet demands, our equipment is available new and used. Fortbrand Services also, offers rental, leasing and financing for all airfield maintenance equipment and GSE.
For more information, please contact: Alan J. Stearn, Executive Vice President Email:
G4S Aviation is a division of G4S Secure Solutions ( Canada ) Ltd. whose parent company G4S plc, is the world’s largest security solutions company. At G4S comes a national and international network of experienced and accredited security professionals. We employ over 625,000 people worldwide and operate in 120 countries, making us the world’s second largest private employer. As a full service security solutions company, we specialize in outsourced business processes where security and safety risks are considered a strategic threat. We assess current and future risks and develop secure solutions to minimize their impact. This market leadership enables us to continue to provide innovative security solutions for our customers. G4S has been selected by the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) to secure critical elements of the air transportation system, and for the delivery of airport screening services including passenger, hold baggage and non-passenger screening for Vancouver and the Pacific Region. For more information, please contact: Jacques Bellerive, Vice-President of YVR Operations Email:
Founded in 1986, the Canadian Aviation Institute (CAvI) at Georgian College is a national centre of aviation management training and education. Our over 90% Graduate Placement rate is one of the highest success rates of any college in Ontario, and we are the second largest co-op college in Canada. Graduates of CAvI work in a variety of aviation fields including: Airline and Airport Management, Aviation Operations, Airport Planning and Air Traffic Control. Commercial Pilots, Flight Dispatch, Flight Service Specialists and many other aviation-related occupations have benefited from this additional enhancement to their chosen career field. Located in Barrie, Ontario, our 3-year Aviation Management co-op diploma program has graduated over 700 students since its inception. Aviation-specific courses provide students with a solid understanding of the aviation industry. Management courses provide students with an understanding of management practices and procedures designed to prepare students for future promotional opportunities. A strong Advisory Committee Feedback from the Canadian aviation industry helps to keep our program relevant and assists in the development of a highly trained work force. Committee members are able to take an active role in making a positive impact on business education for the aviation industry. Watch your career take flight with the Aviation Management program! Program Highlights: • 3-year post-secondary diploma program • Mandatory cooperative work experience • 96% co-op placement rate • 2 years of academic training and 1 year of co-op work experience before students graduate • Aviation specific management courses • Graduates of our program can proceed directly to obtain a Bachelor of Science Degree from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University or a Masters Degree in Aviation Management from Griffith University or a Masters Degree in Transportation Policy from Loughborough University with approximately one year of further study • World class qualified faculty • Customized corporate training and consulting services
Employer Benefits from our Co-op semesters: • An excellent source of motivated productive workers who have chosen the aviation industry as their career path and are eager to make a contribution • Students are available all year round during peak business periods, for special projects, vacation relief, or parental leave replacements • Our students have fundamental knowledge and aviation-related job skills; they bring fresh ideas and new technical knowledge to the workplace • Co-op provides an opportunity to observe student performance prior to making a permanent job offer. This lowers recruitment and training costs
For more information, please contact: Georgian College Canadian Aviation Institute
Gibbings Consulting Ltd. is an engineering consulting firm based in Edmonton that specializes in all facets of Airport Electrical System Planning, Development, and Design. Our personnel have completed airport projects across Canada and Worldwide, at both large international and smaller regional/local airports We are experienced in the planning, design, construction management, and commissioning/certification of various airport electrical systems, including the following: Airfield Electrical: Approach Lighting Systems - SSALR, ODALs, ICAO Systems Inset Lighting – Runway Centreline, Runway TouchDown-Zone (TDZ), Taxiway Centreline, Stop-Bar Runway, Taxiway, Apron Edge Lighting Systems Runway Guard Lights (Wig-Wags) Approach Slope Indicator Systems – PAPI Airfield Signage – Illuminated, Fibre-optic Illuminated Wind Direction Indicators Apron Floodlighting Field Electrical Centres (FEC) Airfield Back-up Power Supply Airfield Lighting Control Systems & ARCAL Aerodrome Beacons Obstruction Lighting Power & Communication Feeds to Various Nav Aids (Localizer, Glide Path, DME, AWOS / Weather Monitoring Equipment, Receiver, VOR, etc.) Other airfield electrical systems
Groundside Electrical:
Parking Lot & Roadway Lighting systems Electrical Power Distribution systems New Electrical Utility Service Installations Communications Infrastructure In addition, we are experienced in the following:
ACAP Application development for Electrical Projects Electrical Facility Condition Assessments & Capital Planning Preparation of Plan of Construction Operations (PCO) Facility Record Drawing Surveys and Record Document Updates
For further information, please contact Rob Gibbings, Principal/Electrical Engineer Email:
Established in 1991, GLH Vending has steadily grown to become one of Canada’s largest vending operators, our reputation built through innovative revenue solutions and quality service. With headquarters in Kelowna, BC, we have assembled a strong national infrastructure allowing us to service any city in Canada. As a result of this intense geographic footprint, we also provide the team to service contract locations of other vending companies. GLH services over 6000 locations coast to coast offering attractive commission rates generating industry leading revenue with no cost or responsibility to the location. For more information, contact: Jane Mckenzie-Hill, Sales Email:
At Glidepath it is our imperative to provide cost effective solutions to meet your baggage handling, cargo handling or parcel sortation needs with a future minded focus on the optimal end result. With over 40 years’ experience in materials handling, we understand the nature of the business and are able to offer a complete integrated technology and service solution. Beginning with consulting services to scope your requirements, we provide design, manufacture and project managed installation services. We provide state of the art software control systems and can integrate existing airport information systems and security/explosive detection systems. We also offer after sales services including operations, maintenance and spare parts sales.
•Specialising in baggage handling systems since 1972, we focus on the key areas of an effective airport baggage handling system: •Planning and designing a system for optimum capacity and efficiency, •Future focused planning allowing for ongoing growth and development, •Reducing failure rates, delayed or lost bags, •Fast bag processing times, Integrated accurate security screening, •Ensuring passenger satisfaction by getting bags to their correct destination on time or before Our dedication to success has allowed Glidepath, founded and owned by executive chairman Sir Ken Stevens and his family, to become a world leader in the field of airport baggage handling systems. The company has completed more than 550 projects in over 60 countries around the world and earned a respected international reputation for all round expertise, particularly in its specialist area in smaller and mid-sized airport projects up to around $30 million dollars, Glidepath has a network of established relationships to enable it to partner with other larger BHS global technology leaders to deliver large scale projects Glidepath has a fully integrated manufacturing plant in Auckland, New Zealand and in Dallas (TX), Beumer Glidepath (BGP), the US entity formed from the merger of Glidepath LLC with Beumer Group, has a purpose built facility to service the USA, Bahamas and Mexico. Glidepath Group operates a global network of service, support and technological innovation hubs all over the world. Glidepath has subsidiary companies in Canada, Latin America, India, South Africa, China and Australia. Head office is located in Auckland where a highly skilled team of mechanical and electrical engineers, project managers and international sales managers support the company's technology and marketing programmes. In addition to a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, Glidepath has an established and dedicated controls and software design team based at its head office in Auckland. The unit has developed and integrated a comprehensive suite of proprietary software designed to run on industry standard hardware providing low cost of ownership, reliability and future expandability. With a global network of representatives, strategic alliances and manufacturing facilities, Glidepath can quickly respond to customer requirements with internationally proven systems.
For more information, contact: John Fitzgerald, Regional Sales Manager - Canada Email:
GroundEffect provides a heliport design and consulting service assisting hospitals, health authorities, private and commercial operations, helicopter operators, airport commissions, and municipalities with the requirements for heliports. The construction of a heliport is simple enough; however there are specific criteria which the design must adhere to in order to meet Transport Canada standards. We are very familiar with these standards and have been able to provide the most cost-effective design with the optimum conditions for helicopter service. We have an excellent relationship with Transport Canada and they are very familiar with our heliport work. Services also include the preparation of Heliport Operations Manuals, Corrective Action Plans and Heliport Manager orientation. Some of our heliport designs have required creative ideas in order to meet obstacle limitations and clearances at the site. Over 100 heliport projects have been successfully completed. Our Location GroundEffect Aerodrome Consulting Ltd. is located in our new office at the Red Deer Airport, Springbrook, Alberta. Commitment Our goal is to provide quality design and consulting services using our knowledge of the heliport standards to create innovative solutions that are responsive to the needs of the client, helicopter operators and the public. For more information, please contact: David Brown, President Email:
Hatch Mott MacDonald (HMM) is a leading consulting engineering firm in North America with worldwide experience in aviation infrastructure and related systems. HMM offers technical expertise in all aspects of airport development encompassing passenger and cargo terminals, airside infrastructure such as aprons, taxiways, runways, airfield lighting and landside infrastructure. HMM also specializes in aircraft maintenance facilities, aviation fueling systems, de-icing pads, airport tunnels, air defense projects and Integrated Airport Systems and Technologies for passenger boarding bridges and aircraft ramp services. Complementing our core aviation expertise is our capability in intermodal transportation, facilities management and airport baggage commissioning and security. In addition, HMM provides a full range of multi-disciplinary services including planning and engineering design of airport services and facilities, assessment of land use, economic and environmental impact associated with aviation and airport developments, and management and control of airport construction. Over the past 10 years, HMM has played a major role on airport development projects worth in excess of $20 billion. Some of these projects were at Toronto Pearson, Calgary, Vancouver, St. John’s, Abbotsford, Charlottetown, Moncton, JFK New York, Washington Dulles, Phoenix, Sacramento, San Diego, Jackson, Pensacola, Puerto Rico, Cancun, London Heathrow, Hong Kong and Mumbai. One of the company’s largest airport projects is currently at Los Angeles LAX. HMM staff resource numbers some 2,700 employees in 70 offices across North America. For more information, please contact: Christopher Solecki, Vice President Email:
HI-LITE CANADA, GLOBAL AIRFIELD SOLUTIONS is a family owned and operated company established in October of 1989. Hi-Lite is the leading AIRPORT RUNWAY and TAXIWAY MARKING contractor in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Ecuador, Qatar and Dhabi. Hi-Lite also specializes in PAVEMENT REJUVENATION with REJUVASEAL, RESPONSIBLE RUNWAY RUBBER REMOVAL and PAINT REMOVAL and SURFACE PREPARATION, RUNWAY FRICTION TESTING, PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE and AIRPORT CONSULTING. Hi-Lite is committed to providing efficient, high-quality work that also meets time-sensitive maintenance schedules. Utilizing modern, technologically-advanced equipment and a team of professional, knowledgeable, highly-trained technicians; Hi-Lite offers competitive pricing for unsurpassed performance, making Hi-Lite the source for all your pavement marking and maintenance needs. Runway and Taxiway Markings... Hi-Lite Canada can successfully complete any airfield pavement marking project with quality that will exceed your expectations. We are also a certified applicator of Airmark by Ennis-Flint. Responsible Runway Rubber Removal... Cutting edge products, specialized equipment, and dedicated, top-notch technicians make Hi-Lite Canada one of the industry's premier airfield rubber removal contractors. Paint Removal and Surface Preparation... Proper paint removal and surface preparation is an integral part of the process in achieving quality, long lasting airfield markings. Pavement Rejuvenation with RejuvaSeal... Hi-Lite Canada uses RejuvaSeal, a revolutionary three in one asphalt rejuvenator that seals, protects and revitalizes asphalt pavement. Pavement Maintenance... The experts at Hi-Lite Canada will show you how a pavement maintenance and preservation program can drastically reduce down time and expenses at your facility by postponing rehabilitation and reconstruction. Friction Testing... Hi-Lite Canada uses mobile computerized and stationary equipment to accurately record pavement skid resistance in wet and dry conditions. Airport Consulting... As a leading airport pavement markings and rubber removal contractor, Hi-Lite Canada is strategically positioned to offer consulting services to airports throughout Canada.
Contact General Manager Norman Mills or Customer Service Representative Sylvie Gagne to find out how Hi-Lite Canada can help you improve the safety, the durability, and the appearance of your airfield. Hi-Lite has built a rock solid reputation. The knowledge and experience of Hi-Lite has enabled us to build a remarkable clientele.
For more information, contact: Rhonda M. McNeely, Vice President, Sales Email:
With over 35 years experience in the snow industry with leading edge technology and manufacturing techniques. Larue snow fighting machines are the professionals choice. We are one of North America’s leading Airport and industrial snowblower manufacturers. With 5 models of snow fighting trucks and 4 models of wheel loader mounted snowblowers we have the machines to meet the most demanding conditions. Larue snowblowers are located across North America from the far north, the Atlantic, The Niagara escarpment, to the Rockies and the snow caps of California.
Québec Head Office
Ontario Branch
660, rue Lenoir Quebec, QC G1X 3W3 Tel: (418) 658-3003 Toll Free: 1-877-658-3013 Fax: (514) 787-6799
3320 American Drive Mississauga, ON L4V 1B3 Tel: (905) 673-3013 Fax: (905) 673-3015
Montréal Branch
Moncton Branch
680, rue Dunn Montréal, QC H4E 1C1 Tel: (514) 787-0444 Fax: (506) 855-8610
485 Venture Drive Moncton, NB E1H 2P4 Tel: (506) 855-3003 Fax: (418) 780-0868
For more information, please contact: David Robichaud, District Manager Email:
Airport Support equipment could benefit from a maintenance product that works to reduce electrical failures, reduces corrosion of equipment and lubricates all moving parts from hinges to brake cables, from conveyors to complex equipment and even the docking assembly for aircraft. Additional equipment like self-propelled snow blowers, high-speed runway sweepers, plow trucks, vans, cargo movers, automatic door devices all will benefit from using Krown products both by reduced maintenance costs and by a longer lifecycle. Inside the airport, anti-wear lubricating products are valuable for moving sidewalk escalators and bay door service entrances among other things. Krown products not only are superior to other similar products but are also environmentally-friendly. With 40 KV di-electric strength Krown products can also be used to maintain moving parts and reduce corrosion on electrical switches and relays as well. Krown produces a line of corrosion resistant products that reduce incidents of corrosion on vehicles, wear on moving sidewalks and lubrication on moving parts. Krown wants to be part of your airport maintenance support staff. Let us show you how we can help reduce costs, improve reliability of your equipment and save valuable time on electrical failures and seized equipment.
For more information, contact: Freeman Young, President Email:
After more than 10 years of service to the global airport community, Laura Patrick, struck out on her own and incorporated, in 2006, as Patrick Environmental. Today, under a broader company name that reflects a full range of sustainability services, L Patrick Consulting (LPC) supports three types of clients: • National and international banks (lenders) • Air and sea port authorities (owners) • Transportation asset managers (operators). With a small footprint, LPC is able to cover a wide range of environmental and social sustainability issues for the transportation sector. We remain employee owned and operated – ensuring we’re committed to our clients – but depend upon alliances with affiliates and partners – ensuring we remain affordable, agile and responsive to our clients’ needs in multiple countries
For more information, contact, Laura Patrick, Director Email:
Liberty Airport Systems is now part of the Safegate Group, offering the first truly turnkey intelligent airfield lighting solutions designed specifically for the North American market. Together, Liberty and Safegate offer more than 40 years of experience in the design and implementation of airfield lighting and guidance solutions. From intelligent LED airfield lights and guidance signs to sophisticated power and control systems, we offer seamless solutions designed to capture the full savings potential of LED, while simplifying installation and maintenance and maximizing safety and efficiency on the airfield. Liberty Airport Systems is an ISO 9001:2000 supplier of component systems including power, control and monitoring and network security, as well as advanced aviation ground lighting equipment and field services, certified in accordance with FAA, TP312 and ICAO standards. New to our portfolio are Safegate’s line of FAA and ETL certified SafeLED IQ airfield lighting fixtures, SafeLED airfield guidance signs, the SafeControl individual lamp control and monitoring system (ILCMS) and 2 Amp circuit technology. SafeLED IQ fixtures are unique in that they are the only LED airfield lights with intelligence integrated inside the fitting for advanced control and monitoring functionality and unmatched energy efficiency. Lifecycle services follow our systems from design and implementation, through maintenance and advanced support, to growth management and expansion planning. The Safegate Group Safegate Group was founded in 1973 and has its headquarters in MalmÜ, Sweden. Safegate Group was the pioneer in the development of addressable airfield lighting systems on the series circuit for individual lamp control and monitoring and remains the global leader of such technology today. Gate solutions include Safedock A-VDGS and SafeControl - Apron Management software that maximize safety and efficiency through precise parking of aircraft and the integration of apron equipment and systems for customized control and monitoring. Liberty Airport Systems and Safegate Airport Systems, Inc. of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, are subsidiaries of the Safegate Group. For more information, contact: Don Gordon, VP, Sales Email:
Our History
Since 1960, Liftow Limited has been dedicated to innovation and cost-efficiency in the materials handling industry. We sell and service the best equipment in the industry, and have been an exclusive dealer for Toyota Forklifts since 1982. Liftow has moved to meet the changing requirements of our customers in Canada's seaports and inland container terminals, in manufacturing and transportation, in the steel industry, in ship building, and in furniture and grocery warehousing.
We have remained at the leading edge of technology providing complete automated systems to such giants as General Motors, Litton Industries and I.B.M. We are proud of our accomplishments and have never lost sight of the basic principles on which our company was founded-Quality, Integrity and Professionalism.
For more information, please contact: Dennis Youdell, Branch Manager Email:
Provider of deicing solutions to the aviation industry at more than 60 locations around the world, LNT Solutions formulates and brings to market innovative products that offer significant performance improvements and cost savings to airports and airlines alike. Gen3, Liquid Runway Deicer ( Potassium Acetate based )
IceCare, Solid Runway Deicer (Sodium Formate based ) E188 Type I, Wing Deicer
(EG Glycol based)
E450 Type IV, Wing Deicer ( EG Glycol based ) Ensuring the right product in the right place in the right quantity is critical to our customers’ ability to operate in the harshest winter conditions. We know how vital it is to have quality product when it’s needed, regardless of weather conditions. Wing and Runway deicer are manufactured to the latest AMS standards, and our impeccable quality control, logistics and customer service is in place to provide our customers with the premium deicers and service they have come to expect. For more information, please contact: Kelvin Williamson, President Email:
The founding corporation of MMM Group Limited was established in 1952 and incorporated in 1957 as Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited. Renamed MMM Group in 2007, the firm’s head office is in Thornhill, Ontario. A truly Canadian company, MMM Group has offices in Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebéc, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. In addition, through its subsidiaries and affiliates, MMM has approximately 40 offices in the USA, U.K., Australia, New Zealand and the Caribbean. Together these offices provide responsive and innovative consulting engineering, planning, project management, environmental management, landscape design, surveying and commissioning services to private sector owners, architects, contractors, investors and government clients across Canada and internationally. MMM is an acknowledged leader in airport development, having undertaken hundreds of airport projects at more than 200 locations in the last three decades. Currently, MMM is retained on, or has recently completed, airport projects whose combined capital investment exceeds $6 billion. These include Program/Project Management of numerous assignments within Toronto’s $4.4 billion Airport Development Program; Prime Consultant for the new $650 million Quito Ecuador International Airport; Program Management of Ottawa’s $310 million Macdonald-Cartier International Airport Expansion; activation services for Winnipeg International Airport; Project Management for the $650 million Canadian Air Transport Security Authority’s Explosive Detection System Deployment Program; and Project Management for the $1.8 billion Edmonton International Airport Expansion Project. MMM helped to pioneer private airport development in North America in 1985 through its key role in structuring and delivering the Pearson Terminal 3 project. Internationally, MMM is recognized as one of the world’s leaders in BuildOperate-Transfer (BOT) airport development, a fact attested to by assignments the firm has been awarded and successfully completed on four continents. These include the $200 million Mandalay International Airport in Myanmar - a complete greenfield project; Budapest’s $150 million Ferihegy International Airport Terminal 2 expansion and redevelopment; plus other projects in the U.S., Caribbean, Central and Eastern Europe, Asia and Southeast Asia. MMM’s success on these projects and the firm’s growing reputation for excellence in airport design in Canada and abroad has allowed it to recruit the best and brightest airport development engineers, project managers and technical staff from industry and government. This group of dedicated staff are supported by more than 200 additional building and civil engineering specialists within the firm, whose total staff complement is more than 1,000.
For more information, please contact: Carmine Bello, Senior Project Manager Email:
Edmonton International
Lester B. Pearson Airport
Quito International
Millard engineers and manufactures frangible Aluminum masts for aviation applications – Approach Lights, AWOS, Windsocks, Anemometers, ILS Glide Path, Localizers, Antennas, etc. Masts are ICAO Doc 9157 compliant as verified through 3rd party full-scale impact testing. With over 60 years of experience, Millard has supplied over 200 airports in over 40 countries. For more information, contact: Bryan MacKinnon, CPA, CA, Managing Director Email:
The Aviation Sector, like no other industry, faces challenges and uncertainties to maintain future growth. Airport operators are under pressure to provide increased security, efficient passenger and cargo processing, constant upgrading of infrastructure while at the same time providing lower costs to airlines, suppliers, and the traveling public. The advent of new aircraft such as the Airbus A380 will demand upgraded runways and navigational lighting systems, enhanced aprons and bridges and larger facilities to process passengers and baggage. To become profitable and maintain this position, airlines and the aviation industry will be constantly reinventing themselves, forming alliances and cost cutting within an ever-escalating framework. Environmental issues, such as carbon dioxide emissions and noise pollution, are a rising concern for those who live near airports and aircraft manufacturers, airports and airlines aim to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and noise pollution produced by new aircraft into the future. With over 40 years of consulting experience to the Aviation industry, we understand these issues and how they affect our clients and are able to offer in-depth design systems and strategies to manage, sustain and upgrade aviation facilities in a controlled manner. We have deep roots in the aviation field, both through NORR Limited and Giffels Associates Limited, and have the necessary skill sets to keep pace with a constantly changing and evolving industry. Our experience goes far beyond the obvious design and engineering of terminal buildings, aprons and bridges, runway lighting, de-icing systems, and automated airport landing systems to include asset management, cost benefit analysis and risk management. In the end, we believe that integrated teams get the job done and we work hard to ensure that we have the right people working on your project team. Key areas of expertise include: Terminal buildings; Airline support facilities, offices, lounges, parking, retail design; Hold Baggage Screening and EDS Integration; Pre board Screening and Security; Hangars and support facilities; Automated Aircraft Guidance Systems; Airfield Lighting Control Systems (ALCS); Baggage Handling Control Systems (BHCS); De-icing Facility Design, Construction and Automation; Glycol handling and proportioning systems; Runway Incursion Direct Warning Addressable Message Boards; International and Regional Terminal Architecture and buildings; Cargo facilities and Logistics Consulting services; Design Build options; Asset management; Engineering document management, legacy data and support; Aviation Peer Review. As consultants of choice to many clients within the Airport industry, we commit our full resources to the satisfactory resolution of each project we undertake.
For a complete portfolio of our firm’s Aviation experience, please contact: Rolfe Kaartinen, Principal, Aviation Email:
Safegate Airport Systems, Inc. is a subsidiary of the Safegate Group. Founded in 1973 in Malmö, Sweden, Safegate has 17 offices around the globe and is in operation at more than 1000 airports worldwide. The company offers solutions for the airfield, gate and tower that create an integrated, intelligent airport and deliver safe guidance and optimal performance from approach to departure. Airfield Lighting Liberty Airport Systems is now part of the Safegate Group, and has joined forces with Safegate Airport Systems to offer the first truly turnkey intelligent airfield lighting solutions designed specifically for the North American market. Together, Liberty and Safegate offer more than 40 years of experience in the design and implementation of airfield lighting and guidance solutions. From intelligent LED airfield lights and guidance signs to sophisticated power and control systems, we offer seamless solutions designed to capture the full savings potential of LED, while simplifying installation and maintenance and maximizing safety and efficiency on the airfield. Products include a new line of FAA and ETL certified SafeLED IQ airfield lighting fixtures, SafeLED airfield guidance signs, the SafeControl individual lamp control and monitoring system (ILCMS) and 2 Amp circuit technology. SafeLED IQ fixtures are unique in that they are the only LED airfield lights with intelligence integrated inside the fitting for advanced control and monitoring functionality and unmatched energy efficiency. Docking Guidance Systems Safegate’s apron management solutions are built around the Safedock™ Advanced Visual Docking Guidance System (A-VDGS) and SafeControl – Apron Management System (SAM) that links all gates and integrates with airport and airline information systems to share real-time information that helps create a safer, more efficient and environmentallyfriendly ramp operation. Safegate Group is the leading provider of fully-automated, laser-based A-VDGS that can safely and accurately guide pilots to the correct stop position in all weather conditions. Aircraft can dock even when the ramp is closed and personnel cannot be present. More than 6,000 Safedock systems are operational at airports around the world, including Toronto Pearson International Airport, Calgary International Airport and Vancouver International Airport. Safegate’s SafeControl – Apron Management software links all gates via a local or wide area network and integrates with airport and airline information systems, providing centralized control of all gates and real-time gate intelligence to maximize turns. The system provides accurate in and out times, allows the A-VDGS to double as a ramp information display system (RIDS) and can interface with ground support equipment and other existing airport systems such as BMS/FIDS/AFLCS/SMR.
For more information, please contact: Taha S. Zahir, Project Manager Email:
Our Airport Division specializes in the analysis, planning and design of electrical systems for the aviation industry. In addition to our engineering design services our team is proficient in producing Master Plans and Feasibility Studies for electrical systems and infrastructure. Our team can provide engineering services for a wide range of projects while applying innovative solutions and embracing proven technologies. Whether it is designing electrical services to a parking lot, new passenger boarding bridges or a terminal building expansion, our team brings extensive depth in skills, experience and the invaluable understanding of the dynamic nature of airport facilities and operations. Our team embraces sustainable philosophies and supports airport authorities with similar policies providing energy efficient, sustainable and cost effective solutions. Airport Specialists at SMP have the combined experience working not only at Canadian airports, but also at airports in the USA and Europe. Working at small regional facilities and at large international hubs, on runway extensions, communication systems upgrades or airport concourse developments, our team demonstrates dedication and commitment to the success of every project. Our expertise includes design and evaluation of the following: Terminal Building and Groundside Systems: Power distribution up to 25kV • Lighting and lighting control • Fire alarm • CCTV • Access control • Information systems: Baggage, Flight, Common Use • Baggage handling • Ground Power Units • Revenue and Tenant Metering and Measurement Communication systems: public address, telephone, data, synchronized clocks • System integration design • Airfield Systems: Lighting Systems: Design and commissioning of airfield lighting systems including: •Runway approach lighting • ODALS • SSALRs • Runway and Taxiway edge lighting • REILS • Apron lighting • Illuminated signage Distribution Systems: Design of Field Electrical Centres, power cabling, utility connections. Communication Systems: Design of communication and lighting control systems Other: Design of services to Fuel oil interceptors, water retention ponds, hangar facilities, and lift stations. Distribution Systems: Using our knowledge of high voltage distribution systems and Arc Flash hazards, we provide analysis of the primary distribution systems including coordination studies and provide recommendations on Arc Flash hazards and prevention. For more information, please contact: Richard West, C.E.T., MIET, Associate Email:
SNC-Lavalin Inc.'s (SLI) Airport & Aviation Group connects people, communities and markets across the globe. We develop partnerships and relationships to build world-class airport solutions which fit the operating environment. Our clients range from: airports to airlines; city to federal governments; private developers to international NGO’s: and everyone in between. Our understanding of the airport business is based on our global experience and the subject matter expertise we can deploy which produces results that are market-driven and sustainable. SLI’s approach is focused on our clients: we build long-term relationships, getting involved at the earliest stages of concept development and working side by side with our clients through all phases of a project’s evolution. Our range of services includes: Strategic Business, Forecasting and Master Planning; Infrastructure Design; Engineering; Systems Integration and Program Management; AVSEC; Operations, Management and Commercial Planning. Long Term Airport Planning: From off-airport facilities, through rapid airport access, to the aircraft gate, our 360 Aviation + Airport Solutions© delivers services and expertise to assist investors, developers and operators in making the right long-term business and infrastructure decisions. Services include: Strategic Planning; Feasibility Studies; Airport and Systems Master Planning; Business Planning; Terminal Facilities, Airfield, Land Use, and Utilities Planning; Traffic Forecasting and Economics; Capacity Analysis; Civil Aviation Policy and Governance; Benchmarking; Privatization/PPP Support; and Sustainability Development Strategies. Integrated Airport Infrastructure Development: We bring a unique approach to infrastructure development. Our integrated approach and process-driven infrastructure design and engineering focuses on achieving thoughtful and efficient construction with reduced life-cycle cost. Services in this area include: Engineering and Design; Construction Management; Project Management; Value Engineering; Independent Engineer; Lender’s Technical Advisor; Baggage Handling System Design; Airport ITC and Airport Automation Solutions. Management, Operations + Development: Our 360 Solutions© approach delivers services and expertise through our one value chain from project initiation to delivery and operation. We are airport owners, investors and operators who understand the customer’s perspective. Services include Organization Reviews; Airport Marketing Programs; Commercial Planning & Program Development; Passenger and Cargo Route Development; Airfield Pavement Review and Management; Noise Contour Studies; and Operational Readiness and Transfer (ORAT).
For more information, contact: Ian Matherson, SVP, Airport Development Email:
Where community takes flight The Stantec community unites more than 13,000 employees working in over 200 locations. We collaborate across disciplines and industries to bring buildings, energy and resource, and infrastructure projects to life. Our work—professional consulting in planning, project economics, engineering, architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, surveying, environmental sciences and project management—begins at the intersection of community, creativity, and client relationships. Since 1954, our local strength, knowledge, and relationships, coupled with our worldclass expertise, have allowed us to go anywhere to meet our clients’ needs in more creative and personalized ways. With a long-term commitment to the people and places we serve, Stantec has the unique ability to connect to projects on a personal level and advance the quality of life in communities across the globe. Stantec trades on the TSX and the NYSE under the symbol STN. Airports and aviation represent a key market specialty for our firm, and we are world leaders in the architectural and engineering design of airport terminals and their associated infrastructure. One out of every three passengers flying in North America today travels through an airport where Stantec has completed a significant project.
Images (top to bottom) Iqaluit Airport Iqaluit, Nunavut Niagara Falls International Airport Niagara Falls, New York Ottawa International Airport Runway 07-25 Grooving Ottawa, Ontario
With projects completed at over 200 airports worldwide, and client relationships lasting over 20 years, we have the deep understanding of airport operations and the in-house expertise necessary to take airport design to new heights. Our passenger terminal designs celebrate the local geography and cultural surroundings. Our runways and runway lighting make every take-off and landing as safe as it can be. Our roadways get passengers to and from the airport quickly and easily. Our retail design makes shopping a natural part of the travel experience. And our management systems and support help airport clients achieve more predictable project outcomes. In all our airport work, we use design to help our clients make their airports more enjoyable, profitable, and efficient. From small general aviation facilities to the nation’s busiest air carrier airports, our approach is to staff our projects with airport-experienced senior staff, in combination with experienced and skilled local management and technical staff – offering the best possible combination of global airport expertise and local managerial and technical expertise.
For more information, please contact: Warren Thompson, AAE, CMC, MBA Email:
Team Eagle – A global leader in the advancement of airfield operations including snow and ice control equipment, airfield inspections and reporting, navigation and incursion management. Team Eagle partners our knowledgeable staff with the industry best suppliers, operators, regulatory bodies and consultants to stirve to be “Your Airfield Solutions Parnter”. Divisions within Team Eagle include: Eagle Airfield Eagle Airfield specializes in snow and ice control technologies and equipment and has grown to be Canada’s leading supplier of quality airfield equipment and services. Eagle Integrated Solutions Eagle Integrated Solutions delivers innovative GIS/GPS technologies to improve airfield situational awareness, effectiveness and safety. Recent product developments include expansion of the AIROps™ Suite and enhanced Runway Incursion Warning System (RIWS). Our iOS, Android and web-based solution AIROps™ EXPRESS will become available in summer 2015. Stability Dynamics Stability Dynamics produces rollover alert and data recording devices for operator training, operator awareness and vehicle monitoring applications. 3rd Millenium Solutions 3rd Millenium Solutions is Team Eagle’s research and development company, striving to continuously bring new and innovative products to both our Team Eagle companies, and to our customers and associates. For more information, please contact:
Tenco Machinery (CDN) Ltd., since 1976 until today, engineers, manufactures and distributes snow and ice removal equipment from its two (2) manufacturing facilities located in St-Valerien de Milton, Quebec. Tenco’s workforce, from computer assisted drawing to parts handling, is highly qualified and specialized. Tenco is the leader in snow plough manufacturing. Its capacity to innovate, its experience and technological expertise, distinguish Tenco among the favourites to extend its knowledge worldwide. Tenco has a complete line of airport related snow and ice removal equipment including SMI selfpropelled snowblowers, Tenco, Vohl, and Contant ribbon type loader mount snowblowers, SMI and Vohl tow-behind runway sweepers, Tenco reversible snow ploughs, one way snow ploughs, side wing systems, under body scraper, sand/salt spreaders and prewet systems. Tenco is the exclusive distributor for North and South America of Bucher-Guyer AG, manufacturer of Rolba snowblower and SchÜrling sweeper equipment related to airport ground equipment.
For more information, please contact: Jean Phillipe Bourque - SMI Sales Manager Email:
Tetra Tech EBA is a leading provider of consulting, engineering, program management, construction management and technical services. The Company supports government and commercial clients by providing innovative solutions to complex problems focused on infrastructure, water, environment, energy, and natural resources. With more than 14,000 employees worldwide, Tetra Tech EBA’s capabilities span the entire project life cycle.
Tetra Tech EBA has grown to become one of the largest full service engineering and consulting firms in Canada with more than 4,000 employees working from over 50 offices across the country. Tetra Tech EBA’s Canadian roots can be traced to well-respected firms EBA, BPR, Fransen and Wardrop. Tetra Tech EBA truly provides global resources at a local level. Active in the field of airport planning & engineering since 1982, Tetra Tech EBA’s Airports Group has completed hundreds of assignments at airports and navigational facilities across Canada, the United States and Internationally, from remote arctic facilities to major international airports. Our team actively works with Transport Canada, Nav Canada, CATSA, Provincial Transportation Departments, major industries and the Department of National Defence. Tetra Tech EBA’s Airports Group offers a broad range of consulting services relating to planning, engineering (design and construction of airports and related infrastructure), environmental management, regulatory oversight, and airport operations. As a multi-disciplinary team of planners, engineers, technologists, environmental scientists, and airport management specialists, the Airports Group provides a complete planning and engineering service package. Our employees come from a broad range of backgrounds in the transportation industry, including Transport Canada and Airport Authorities. Our clients recognize our ability to provide sound program management, excellent service, and innovative solutions. As a business partner with ACI-NA and a member of ACC, AAAE and IAAE-Canada, Tetra Tech EBA is committed to the airport industry.
For more information, please contact: Richard Kohler, P.Eng - Vice President, Airports Email:
Shawn Sutherland, A.A.E. - Manager Airports Group Email:
Tradewind Scientific Ltd was incorporated in 1980 to provide technical measurement and monitoring services along with associated equipment, support and training, with particular focus on the aviation industry. With its head office in Ottawa, the company's staff comprises a versatile team of scientists and technicians, all with extensive experience on airport project work. Tradewind Scientific Ltd. has been continuously active in the supply, operations, maintenance and technical support of airport -safety-related products for twenty years. Current principal products comprise TRACR Airfield Condition Monitoring Systems, SARSYS AB (Scandinavian Airport & Road Systems) Saab Surface Friction Testers, Findlay Irvine Ltd. GripTester Trailers and TES Instruments Electronic Decelerometers. TRACR brings new standards of accuracy and speed to Airfield Condition Reporting.
Using touch screen technology and a graphical user interface in the Field Inspection Unit, a report can be quickly prepared and sent to the Base Unit where it will be available for review or analysis and automatically distributed. The SARSYS Friction Tester, built into the Saab 9-5 wagon, is one of the most advanced friction measuring systems on the market and provides speed and efficiency of operation. The entire measuring system is contained within the car, which retains its original driving qualities, and is designed for both operational and maintenance friction testing. The Findlay Irvine GripTester Trailer is a versatile and compact, braked wheel, fixed slip design surface friction tester for runways, roads and flight decks. The rugged and reliable GripTester is in use at some of the world's busiest as well as smaller airports in more than thirty countries. The TES MK 3 Electronic Decelerometer is a compact instrument for measuring and recording the maximum deceleration possible on a roadway or airport runway surface. It was originally developed for Transport Canada and is approved for use in the USA by the FAA. Along with extensive runway friction and roughness testing programs (approximately 100 airports annually over some 20 years), Tradewind Scientific Ltd. is also involved in the design, installation, operations and maintenance of airport Air and Water Quality Monitoring Systems.
For more information, please contact: Leonard Taylor, President & CTO Email:
The name Trecan was originally an acronym for “Thermal Research and Engineering Canada�. Trecan’s company history and origin is steeped in combustion technology and thermal efficiency.
Trecan Combustion is a Canadian company that has been designing and manufacturing snowmelters for over 35 years and to date the company has delivered over 500 machines throughout the world. Trecan operates in United States, Canada and Russia. Trecan is the only snowmelter manufacturer that builds nine different models of portable snowmelters and more than ten models of stationary snowmelters. Trecan Snowmelters are the most thermally efficient snowmelters available (approximately 98% efficiency). This is due to the submerged combustion, direct contact method of heating. The submerged method transfers the energy from the combustion process to water and snow in the melting tank. With over 35 years of engineering, manufacturing and practical experience Trecan Snowmelters are the most proven, tried and tested Snowmelters available. For further information, contact: Terry Dwyer, Sales Manager. Email:
About Us Vanderlande Industries Canada Inc. is a leading, global OEM and system integrator of baggage handling systems and the only local suppler in Canada. We offer turnkey baggage handling solutions ranging from concept design, engineering and project execution to operations, maintenance and lifecycle services. Since 1949 Vanderlande Industries has dedicated itself to being innovative and acting as a true partner to our customers. Our drive and dedication are the reasons why we are now the 5th largest material handling system supplier in the world. At Vanderlande Industries we believe in building long-term partnerships with airport operators. In our experience these close partnerships enable airports to more effectively address cost constraints, quality, and turnaround times as well as manage ever increasing passenger numbers and baggage volumes. Our Solutions Our baggage handling systems provide fast, safe and reliable transportation, sortation, security screening and bag storage between check-in and departure, as well as transfer of arrival baggage. Vanderlande has provided solutions to several airports in Canada and more than 500 airports around the world. Our solutions can be designed and scaled to meet the specific operational demands of a smaller regional airport, a larger international airport and anything in between. Vanderlande’s baggage handling technologies range from belt, tub and track solutions to early baggage storage, integration of robotics and Radio Frequency Identification. In addition to our baggage handling systems, Vanderlande Industries offers a full range of support services. These include: •Operations & Maintenance Solutions
•Operations & Technical Support •Spare Parts •Controls Software •Controls Support
•Process Management •System Audits •Revision, Modification & Retrofit •Training
For more information, please contact: Mike Simoneau, Sales Manager Email:
Volairus Management Systems Inc (formerly known as Winfield Solutions) is a Canadian company that has been serving the airport industry since 1999. Their software ‘AIRMAN‘ provides data collection and analysis capabilities for the management of airside and groundside activities. AIRMAN offers users broad management capabilities for duties ranging from Wildlife Management, Equipment Maintenance to Work Order control. AIRMAN also offers advanced management features for conducting Risk Assessments, Root Cause Analysis, Target/KPI Control, Auditing, Risk Registry, Tracking Employee Training etc. It also provides various Alerting(email, popups) capabilities essential to good SMS/SeMS systems, in order to keep managers and staff aware. AIRMAN connects seamlessly with Tradewind’s AIM system for a steady flow of inspection and other data collected in the field. Contact us for a demo.
For more information, please contact: Greg Winfield, Director Email:
We used to be GENIVAR- we are now WSP! In Canada, our firm is one of the largest professional services firms with approximately 5,000 employees, mainly engineers, technicians, scientists, environmental experts and architects, based in all Canadian provinces.
When GENIVAR acquired WSP, the firm greatly expanded the scope and global reach of our operations. Originally founded in Canada, we are now a truly international company. Currently ranked among the top 10 professional services firms in the world, we are proud to have achieved such a strong leadership position in the global market. Our firm provides services to transform the built environment and restore the natural environment, and our expertise ranges from environmental remediation to urban planning, from engineering iconic buildings to designing sustainable transport networks, and from developing the energy sources of the future to enabling new ways of extracting essential resources. Leveraging our expertise and project vision, we develop solutions designed to add value to your projects. Over the past five decades, our multidisciplinary teams have carried out a wide array of projects, some of which have received national and international awards. Worldwide, WSP is one of the world’s leading professional services firms. It has approximately 15,000 employees, operating out of more than 300 offices, across 35 countries, on every continent.
For more information, please contact: Bernhard Schropp, Director, Aviation Email:
Edited by: Michelle M. Cretzman