M a r c h
E d i t i o n
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Editors and Special Thanks.
02 What's up in IAAS 03 Human of IAAS 04 IAAS Opportunities 05 IAAS Calling For You
IAAS Mission Statement To promote the exchange of experience, knowledge and ideas to improve the mutual understanding between students in the fields of agricultural and related sciences all over the world.
Special Thanks
Eurike Junisha Global VP Communication
Francesca Muñoz Regional Networking Manager
Inti Putri Madinah Regional Networking Manager
Special Thanks... to all the IAASers who collaborated with the delivery and design of this newsletter.
What's up in IAAS?...
Hello America!
Highlight in Guatemala
Source: Shalom de leon - unsplash
PARTICIPATION the Meeting Exchange Coordinators PERÙ 2022. After the participation of our National Director in the DMA, the boys were motivated to take advantage of the opportunity to participate in the Exco of Peru. Opportunity that they did not miss and went to represent IAAS GUATEMALA for the highest. Bringing with me many experiences and a quantity of information that they are eager to share with the other members of the National and Local committees.
1. Inauguration Assembly
2. A talk about the potato
3. Tourist activity (April 3 2022 Florida Lookout
Highlight in Panama Greetings from IAAS Panama The IAAS Panama committee made up of 27 active members obtained its certification as a full member at the General Assembly in July 2021, this is the first official activity of the committee after a long time without face-to-face activities, the board of directors of IAAS Panama, the The month of March began with new members at the national table and new ideas for different activities, with the objective of raising funds for future activities such as (DMA 2023 being the host country, membership fee that corresponds to us from this 2022 and expenses of the committee in general) with the aim of integrating more members within the IAAS family, wanting more boys and girls to have opportunities to experience the greatness of being part of this. At IAAS Panama, we try to integrate various elements, agriculture and conserving our environment, student life and the desire to teach others, with various activities that were planned, we managed to carry out one of the most important regarding a special date where more echo is made about this problem: misuse of water. In this way, we were able to reach more people, raise awareness and also let them know how IAAS helps our young people to be interested in these issues. Some of our members were very helpful, be it with the creation of advertising, sales, outreach, etc., as well as the support of the educational institution that we are part of.
Various activities were carried out, including: Various speeches on IAAS. Sale of cookies, donuts and puddings. Exhibition of videos on World Water Day. Sale of plants and succulents. Didactical games.
Stan World Water Day (March 26-27, 2022) (Federal Mall, David, Chiriquí) In this month of March, we celebrate a very important date, World Water Day, for which the project was carried out on behalf of this day in collaboration with the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Panama. This project was coordinated to raise awareness about the care of the vital liquid and also to raise money for members in relation to future activities where members will participate. Planning and discussion were carried out together to carry out the activities in the space of two weeks before the planned dates (March 26 and 27). Several activities were carried out, among these are: Various speeches about IAAS. Sale of cookies, donuts and puddings. Exhibition of videos on World Water Day.
Hello Asia Pacific!
Highlight in Bangladesh Greetings from IAAS Bangladesh Hello FamilIAAS, Assalamu Alaikum and Ramadan Kareem. This is the holy month of Ramadan and in a diversified land of culture, religion and ethnicity called Bangladesh this is how we greet, with the pleasant Salam that means “Peace be upon you”. This is Sujit Mondal, Vice President of Communication from IAAS Bangladesh. Hope you guys are having a great time. In these previous months, there have been a lot of activity in IAAS Bangladesh national committee and also local committees. I am delighted to have such an energetic team to support me. We hope to do better work in upcoming days. Regards. Sujit Mondal Vice President of Communication IAAS Bangladesh 2021/22
IAAS Bangladesh Tourism Booklet 16 March, 2022 By Communication team IAAS Bangladesh For the first time, from the communication team of IAAS Bangladesh we published the tourism booklet of Bangladesh in collaboration with IAAS exchange program.
Internship Opportunity by IAAS Bangladesh 17 March, 2022 Rangpur, Bangladesh For the 1st time, IAAS Bangladesh Exchange Program opportunity is now open in BANGLADESH ! IAAS Bangladesh is offering to join an internship at Rangpur Agro Limited in Bangladesh.
National Independence Day 26 March, 2022 Patuakhali, Bangladesh 26th March is the National Independence Day celebrated all over Bangladesh. One behalf of IAAS, our members from IAAS Bangladesh PSTU delivered a wreath for the souls of lacs of martyrs who died for the independence of the country.
Declaration of T-shirt Design Contest 31 March, 2022 Patuakhali, Bangladesh IAAS Bangladesh gladly announced the winner of t-shirt contest on 31st March. The winner was Kabbya Raj Bagchi from Patuakhali Science & Technology University.
102th Birthday Celebration of our Father of Nation 17 March, 2022 Gopalgonj, Bangladesh IAAS Bangladesh BSMRSTU celebrated the 102th birthday of our father of Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Member Recruitment 24 March, 2022 Sher-E-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh This campaign was conducted from 10.00am4.00pm in SAU Wi-Fi Zone and in different faculty classes. Key Goals: Collect new members, distribute forms, submit forms, and Introducing IAAS.
Youth Cha Adda 1.0 25 March, 2022 Dhaka, Bangladesh Zannatun Naium Shoma, the Local Director & Kaium Kafi, the Event Coordinator from IAAS Bangladesh SAU-Dhaka represented IAAS Bangladesh at "Youth Cha Adda 1.0" organized by FAO Bangladesh.
KU Organization Fair 2022 20 March, 2022 Khulna, Bangladesh The honorable Vice Chancellor of Khulna University visited KUAAS, the founding local committee of IAAS Bangladesh stall during the inauguration session “Khulna University Organization Fair 2022”.
Workshop Graphics Canva
on SPSS & Design with
11 March, 2022 KDinajpur, Bangladesh IAAS Bangladesh HSTU organized a workshop on SPSS and Graphics Design with Canva for students.
Greetings from Taiwan We had several posts in these two months. We shared wood bank with readers, which is very unique in Taiwan. We can save some old tree in the wood bank in order to keep the memory. We also talked about the doctors of the plants, which are the mixer of woodpecker and normal doctors. The doctors of the plants can also help the government to promote some policies and they can also give some suggestion to the farmers so that farmers can use less pesticide. Moreover, we had an online speech in March, which was about stock farming. One of the speaker told us about his previous experiences of stock farming in his family business and the other speaker told us about her internship in Denmark, which fascinated us a lot. She compare her experience is Denmark and current situation of stock farming in Taiwan, and we got a lot information from the online speech. We’re looking forward to the online speech of April.
Highlight in Nepal Greetings from IAAS Nepal Dear IAASers, Namaste from IAAS Nepal. Hope you are in good health. February and March was a important months for all of us as we conducted ‘Inter LC Quiz Competition for the very first time in the history of IAAS Nepal. Strategic meeting was a much-needed event to connect all the Iaasers. and also added two new exchange sites almost heavens farm and hasera farm .as we are near to the National Congress and coming towards the end of our tenure, engaging IAASers in building new strong strategies to run IAAS Nepal smoothly is what we found engaging and effective. Stay safe everyone. Best regards, National Committee IAAS Nepal
Addition of Exchange Sites. (Almost Heavens Farm and Hasera Farm) February - 27th March 2022 The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settleIt's an opportunity to learn something by doing. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it two new exchange sites were added in IAAS Nepal the exchange opportunity in Hasera Farm,Dhulikhel and Almost Heaven Farms,Ilam.
Highlight in Indonesia Greetings from IAAS Indonesia Hello, apa kabar! To start our introduction, first of all, we would like to thank almighty God because we are still given the opportunity to continue to work and serve as part of IAAS Indonesia. We still can’t believe that we are almost in the middle of 2022, at this time our national board was on the new organizational structure with the “UNIVERSIAAS” cabinet so we are in a new period with new faces and a new spirit. We’re also so grateful that our spirit still remains this year. During this time we experienced several important events both at IAAS Indonesia and LC. Together with the turn of this semester, IAAS Indonesia enters the 2022/2023 period by opening recruitment which is to again provide opportunities for youth throughout Indonesia to continue to move forward on our new national board. Yours truly, National Director of IAAS Indonesia
I-Fun x IAAS Conversation Club (ICC) March 11th, 2022 Online, Zoom Meeting In order to increase the quality of human resources among IAAS members, the Human Resources and Development Department and Exchange Department IAAS LC IPB are collaborating on conducting an event that aims to enhance our English speaking skills, while still entertaining at the same time. The collaboration in I-Fun X ICC brought the theme of “Movies and Series" which hopefully will provide a place for participants to strengthen the solidarity of all IOP active members through the sharing of their favorite movies and series. The next agenda was the FGD session. All of the participants were divided into seven groups and each group had a fun discussion accompanied by the moderator. The participants were given the chance to share their favorite movies and series. The FGD session was then closed with a presentation session.
I-Training March 12th, 2022 Online, Zoom Meeting I-Training is an event for IAAS LC IPB members to gain new knowledge related to administration and finance. The theme of this I-Training is “Smart Maximize Success”. The Opening session of I-Training 2022 was officially opened by the Masters of Ceremony and was guided by the moderator. The main event of ITraining 2022 was started with the first material about “Notion” delivered by the amazing speaker, Hana Tasnim, from IOP 27. It was then followed by a Q&A session and a practice session. After the practice from the first material, the next session was an icebreaking session. The presentation about “Microsoft Excel” delivered by our marvelous speaker, Elsa Tasya Zhafira IOP 27, opened the second session. The presentation was followed by a Q&A session and a Microsoft Excel practice session. The second practice will be a sign that we are getting closer to the end of ITraining 2022.
ENGLISH TRAINING I March 12th, 2022 Online, Zoom Meeting English Training I (ET I) is an activity to facilitate the hard skills of IAAS LC UB members, especially in English Skills. Over time, the need to master certain skills will be increasingly needed, such as English. With the position of IAAs which is an international-based organization, mastery of the English language is essential. In ET I in the first quarter, the material presented is about writing and reading in English. In ET I, tests are also conducted to test the understanding and training of members about the material that has been delivered. This event is filled with experienced speakers with the hope that the participants get the maximum understanding. Hope that this event can be held again to be able to continue to hone the abilities of the members
VIRTUAL EXPO CAMPUS WITH PPI MIDDLE EAST March 19th, 2022 Online, Zoom Meeting One of the activities carried out by the Exchange Department of IAAS LC Unej is the Virtual Expo Campus with PPI Middle East with the theme "Traveler, Treasure Through Study Abroad: Reach Your Dream with PPI Middle East". This expo campus activity was held on March 19th 2022 virtually aimed to participants who are interested in studying abroad. Virtual expo campus activity with PPI Middle East is an activity by provides material about studying abroad and its culture, so that expo campus participants can prepare more thoroughly to study abroad and not experience prolonged culture shock. As the name of this activity suggests, the campus expo was held online through the Zoom Meeting platform considering that it is still in Covid-19 pandemic condition. We hoped this event can be a forum for participants who want to continue their education abroad, become a forum for sharing experiences abroad, and can increase relationships with students who are studying abroad.
Village Concept Project - Day 1 March 20th, 2022 Cinanjung, Indonesia On Sunday, March, 20th 2022, the Village Concept Project team of IAAS LC Unpad held Opening Village Concept Project 2022 at Cinanjung Village, Sumedang, West Java. This opening event is the beginning of the VCP program which later the VCP IAAS LC Unpad team will carry out activities in this village. The event was attended by Kelompok Wanita Tani Malati Asih and VCP team of IAAS LC Unpad. This community is a local community in cinanjung village which is dominated by village women who have a vision or goal of empowering village commodities, one of which is agricultural products. In addition, We also had our first meeting with representative citizens of RW 05 Cinanjung Village to explain VCP's grand design and discuss future work plans and the timeline of this cooperation. With this meeting, we hoped that VCP can have an appropriate impact on village communities with good results.
IAAS LC Unpad Podcast March 25th, 2022 Online, Spotify By utilizing today's technology we can continue to innovate in carrying out a movement of change to make the world a better place. Using online platforms such as Spotify is one of our steps in providing information about agriculture. IAAS Podcast is an activity that involves presenters and speakers who are invited to talk about a certain theme. IAAS Podcast presents stories of experiences, opinions, and discussions with resource persons with interesting themes that listeners can enjoy. In this episode, I-Pod has a piece of information about VCP (a theme with the title "What’s about VCP!" that was posted on Friday, March 25th, 2022. This podcast has a target audience of the general public and other IAAS members throughout Indonesia, with the hope of making it easier for our other IAAS friends to pursue a better VCP program. In addition, the I-POD program can be a medium for IAAS Unpad members in creating quality and useful content
IAAS VISIT March 27th, 2022 Jember, Indonesia
IAAS Visit is one of the Science and Technology Department work programs. This activity is motivated by wanting to learn about the management and care of food crops in realizing food self-sufficiency in order to continue to be aware of the importance of availability and maintaining food quality. The activity was carried out by visiting processing plants, as well as industries in the field of agriculture and related sciences in the area around Jember City. The activity is planned to be carried out on March 27th, 2022 at Naura Farm which is a dragon fruit cultivation garden. The activity began with a discussion with the managers working at the planting site and then continued with an educational session on the ground and sharing with fellow IAAS LC Unej members at the coffee break session.
Hello Europe!
Highlight in Croatia Greetings from IAAS Croatia Hello all, Nice to be able to welcome Spring at our doorstep and with the birds and the flower our new projects as well. We have been keeping active and lively with our members and motivated for the summer days and even more fun! Hope you enjoy what we have been up to! GracIAAS por todo familIAAS!!! Cheers, Andrea Buzov National Director IAAS Croatia
ICYA 2022 March 10th - 13th of 2022 (Bonn, Germany) By Andrea Buzov In March ICYA was organized and we are happy to say one of our new members Marija and Tomislav were able to attend the event in Bonn, Germany form 10th of March until 13th of March. There were a lot of members and they had a chance to meet new people, see different cultures and exchange new ideas in agriculture. There were a lot of workshops and intensive lectures that were very educational and can benefit the future work of IAAS. All of the beautiful memories Marija and Tomislav shared with other members in their report that we shared with all of our members and with our University!
European Directors Meeting – EDM 2021 March 14th - 20th of 2022 (Aalst, Belgium) All year we have waited around to be a part of an online event and EDM2021 came through! We were very happy and we are proud that 4 members from IAAS Croatia attended the event and EDM this year was very special for us. Not only were we given a chance to travel and be together but also to see every one we have been in contact over Zoom with. It was nice to see every ones faces and smiles! As we arrived in Belgium and after some sightseeing the week began with Monday and the opening ceremony. We had a lot of report, we were able to see what all have been up to over the “Corona” year and got a chance to reflect on our activity. A lot was discussed to better the work of the Regional Board in charge of the activity of the Europe region and how each committee can add to that. Apart from the constitutional things, we were able to do some sightseeing in between like Gulden Draak distillery, Ghent, Aalst, Museum of Chocolate, EU Commission and such. TradeFair was also a success, a lot of food and a glimpse in different cultures was such an amazing experience for us. After five beautiful days spent in Aalst came the elections for the new regional board where our former VP of Communication Monika gave the bat to young ones! We can proudly say that next to Paula, who is also a famous trainer in ITC and a member of IAAS Croatia, our presidential board also became a part of the Regional Board for the year 2022! Ian became the VP of Finance and Ivna VP of Project! We are very thankful to Belgium and IAAS Ghent for having us, to all the organizing committee we say thank you from the bottom of our heart for the amazing experience. Lots of love, Monika Jurgec with the help of Ivna, Paula and Ian Communications Coordinator IAAS Croatia
Highlight in Italy Greetings from IAAS Italy Dear IAAS Family, In March some of our members went to the EDM, so they had the chance to tell us about their experience in Belgium, what they did, their feelings regarding all the activities and their new position in the Regional Board. Michele, which is the new VP for the Projects in IAAS Europe made us a short recap regarding the new upcoming projects around Europe and around the world. The new national board presented itself to the local committees. The next month the activities will become more, let´s wait for the next national meeting! Best regards from Italy!
Naples The actual times are not the best, but they are trying to have more active members. They will organize an event in a brewery and they will open the event for also external persons. The 23rd of March, in collaboration with AUSF Napoli, they cleaned up the room of a room that is not used in the University, in order to have a place for our association, and they decided to send the found material to Ukraine to help them out in this difficult situation.
Perugia Since the Eurochocholate starts on March 25th they were focused on this event. Unfortunately, there wasn´t the chance anymore to also invite members from other local committees, since they already reached out the maximum number to help out for the event. Since the last year they won the call of the “bando europeo di solidarietà”, they had the first meeting with the financial advisor in order to know how to use in the best way the money that they received and for which purpose. Furthermore, they had the chance to participate and to help the childrens of the primary school with some laboratories. During the last month they took part to an ISTAT questionnaire regarding the no-profit associations. Finally, since they have a member which is from Livigno, they are organizing an out-of-town event.
Highlight in Greece Greetings from IAAS Greece This month we had lots of meetings and traveling. Members from both committees attended ICYA and EDM and had the best experience! On ICYA the members who attended, got to learn from prestigious companies and scientists all about “Cropping Systems of the Future”, attended many lectures at the University of Bonn and visited farms, labs and greenhouses. There were also workshops and trainings that helped with enhancing each participant’s skills. On EDM, there were many general assemblies where many subjects were discussed, and the participants of each country were also the delegates who voted. The Meeting took place in Belgium on 14-19 of March and in Rotterdam on 19-20 of March. There were also many visits to museums, activities, and workshops. A visit to the Europa Building, in Brussels and the information that was given regarding “The new Common Agricultural Policy post-2023” was particularly interesting. We are also very proud of our board member Vasiliki Tsintila, who became the Regional Exchange Coordinator! Meanwhile there is more planning of the AMR webinar which will take place on 16/4, with IAAS Greece being a member of One Health Students Greece. Both local committees have in person meetings and the members are getting to know each other better. IAAS Volos also had a party this month, with many students attending and raising money to help with the future projects of the committee. IAAS Thessaloniki is also planning an Exhange Week on May! Warm regards, National Committee of IAAS Greece
IAAS Volos Board Meeting March 3rd of 2022 (Volos, Greece) Meeting of Board Members of IAAS Volos! Possible Projects and future activities were discussed!
ICYA 2022 March 10th-13th, of 2022 (Bonn, Germany) Three representatives of IAAS Greece attended the International Conference for Youth in Agriculture where they attended many lectures, visits and workshops. Thank you so much to IAAS Bonn for organizing this event and hosting a conference in which scientists and students related to agriculture got together and exchanged ideas, plans and visions!
EDM 2022 March 14th-20th, of 2022 (Belgium) On EDM IAAS Greece delegates voted on many subjects and also for the new European Board in which Vasiliki Tsintila, already a board member of IAAS Thessaloniki, became the Regional Exchange Coordinator! In the Meeting Trade Fair and Development Fund also took place, with the participants trying out food and drinks from different countries and raising money for IAAS World Fund
Meeting to plan Exchange Week March 16th of 2022 (Thessaloniki, Greece) Thessaloniki had a brainstorming session about ExWeek’s theme, visits and activities!
IAAS PARTY March 18th, of 2022 (Volos, Greece) The members of Volos organised their 1st party with many people showing up and getting to know IAAS members!
Human of IAAS
It was the time of 1st Lockdown when my senior told me about the IAAS, and within that time, I became excited and curious to join the IAAS. I started my journey as QB of communication in my LC. The knowledge that I have gained after joining IAAS is so uncountable. The horizon of knowledge and experience has been broadened.
Aakash Parajuli IAAS Nepal
Now, I'm working in the National Committee as well. The bonding with new people and the teamwork with the unknown have been mesmerizing and memorable. Now, everyone has become like my own family. Not only this, IAAS has updated my personal development. The boy (me), who was unknown about teamwork and organizational work, now can know many things. It has increased my passion for designing, team mobilization, and patience. It was all possible because of the platform provided by IAAS. Thank you so much, IAAS, for this opportunity.
I was introduced to IAAS back in 2018 during our local committee's first opening ceremony, and since then, I have become committed to it. IAAS uplifted me and made me grow surrounded by unique experiences, I joined local, national, regional, and international teams, and by interacting virtually, we became a family. I successfully participated in many events, gatherings, and ceremonies which made this journey a life-changing opportunity and a trip I will always choose to be part of. I am forever thankful for IAAS and each individual I met during the last three years.
In November 2018, I went to South America by ExPro, participating in internships in Chile and Ecuador. My journey started in Chile/Temuco where I worked on a horticultural farm with many different crops. One of its purposes was to show indigenous people how to intensify their agricultural practices. On the other hand, the farm cooperated with the EU and other agronomic institutes.
Jan Kniepkamp IAAS German
After that, Ecuador was calling. I had a warm welcome from Juan's family, where I stayed for most of the time. In Ecuador, I had three internships. Firstly, I worked at AgroScan, a Start-Up company that implemented the use of drones and sensors in agriculture. Secondly, I worked on a farm in the outback of Ecuador with phenomenal scenery. And last, I worked at Huma Chocolate, getting to know the processes of chocolate production from bean to bar. I visited the farms and one congress about chocolate which was very interesting.
IAAS Opportunities.
IAAS Exchange Program Almost Heaven Farms Nepal Almost Heaven Farms is a permaculture demonstration, training, research and resource centre based out of Ilam, Nepal in the eastern hillside of the Himalayas. AHF supports farming communities to transition to Agrecology.
Agricola del Barù Panama We are producers and distributors in the Chirican Highlands, we have dedicated ourselves to the cultivation of vegetables, tubers, fruits and coffee for several generations. We have 10 production lots in areas of approximately 15 hectares with a total area of the farm of 50 hectares.
Maderera Río Acre SAC (MADERACRE) Peru MADERACRE is a company dedicated to the sustainable forest management of tropical natural forests with a productive conservation approach that seeks to make the value of forests tangible so that they are competing against other land uses, thus contributing to rural development, the reduction of deforestation and climate change mitigation.
Rangpur Agro Limited Bangladesh Rangpur Agro Limited is a livestock farm, concerned about fattening of livestock animals. Mainly cow fattening in the target of producing meat. Each students have the chance to learn about livestock fattening & it’s business process. The main task is to get in touch always with the animals. Provide sufficient food & treatment time to time for better management practice. Also clean the shed daily at least two times for maintain proper hygienic environment.
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