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Basanta Pandey

“I was a person who always used to be in his limited circle. I’ ve always had a doubt about my qualities and I never came up ahead to present the people o my qualities.

But a ter I joines IAAS, I realized the world is ar more ahead than my limited circle. IAAS helped me to explore my qualities. I realized responsibility us, what increases rhe person ability.

IAAS made me believe in mysel . IAAS ave me an opportunity to prove my worth. Durin my journey in IAAS, I never elt burdened rather I enjoyed my responsibilities. Durin my journey, IAAS tau ht me to o beyond the boundaries. Believe in yoursel , and explore what your true potential is.”

Ba us Kresna UDK

“It still eels like a dream, to be able to meet many people rom around the world, discussed many topics, and most importantly, broaden my network rom it.

WoCo 2018 was my first international event o IAAS that I have attended.

Other than increasin my or anizational skill throu h workshops and General Assembly sessions, it also helped me to understand more bour di erent cultures around the world throu h connectin with all rhe dele ates rom 23 countries and also Croatia’s product and specialty throu h the excursions and supplementar y pro rams It is one o the most memorable memories that I have (i not the most) in my entire li e, and I’m thank ul or it. I hope IAAS could help more people to see the importance o collaboration between students in a riculture sector rows in the uture.”

Naila Na’ma Sultana

“Joinin Expronas is one o the opportunities to do internships in places accordin to your passion, so the activities like internships at companies/centers, etc.

I went to Elders Bo or or my internship. I ot acquired with other riends o another IAAS LC because o this internship.

The expronas event was not only about ettin internship knowled e. But there is also welcomin party/ arewell party. So I had a lot o un when I joined the expronas.”


Ri qy Rachmatta Assir y

“I was a person pessimistic, insecure person and didn’t really like to talk too much. I spend my time listenin to music with earphones, readin books, and watchin movies.

I decided to join IAAS because I wanted to develop my skills, increase my or anization experience, and I challen ed mysel to make riends by socializin . However, IAAS chan ed my li e.

I learned a lot in IAAS, my public speakin was improved, workin as a team, and becomin a confident person. I also became a systematic and structured person who was always a mess be ore. IAAS is the per ect place to learn many thin s. IAAS always provides opportunities or its members to hone their abilities and skills.”

Eurike Junisha

“It is amazin that the first time I joined IAAS, I met a lot o inspirational people and riends that support me throu h IAAS. They also help me to realize thin s that I actually can do and ain my confidence to do more.

Then I encoura ed mysel to o to the next level in IAAS by joinin the QB o Communication Team in IAAS, and wow, I met an exhilaratin team.

Here, I also still made many mistakes, but it doesn’t hinder me rom workin harder. And now I am mana in my team in my LC. Hope we can achieve our dream and et throu h any hardships to ether.

I will never re ret joinin IAAS. IAAS helps you to be who you are. Take a role in IAAS. Bi chan es start with small steps.”

Chadijah Alju ri

“A li etime o memories and one o the coolest thin s I’ ve ever done!

So ar, it was the best 3 months o my li e. I traveled alone, lived in a beauti ul villa e, stayed with a ver y humble, kind and lovely amily, livin their li e and ainin a lot o knowled e about their a ricultural system and a ribusiness.

I went to Germany alone and clueless. Then I came back home with a new amily, many new riends, un or ettable experiences, thousands o stories and I also ot to visit some amazin places.

It’s pretty hard to find this chance, but you can have this in IAAS.”


Ilyas Maarou

“I really have enjoyed the IAAS atmosphere since I joined the first time. I ot many benefits rom trainin and courses that I have learned rom, makin me a better person

In IAAS World, the amily eelin all the members ives me power and motivation ever y day.

I am learnin , daily, rom IAAS members all over the world, at the personal level as well as the pro essional level.”

Nizar El Mazouni

“Some ideolo y or a lon -term vision does not drive my actions. But clearly, they seem coherent. The reason is all o them are the ultimate result o two en ines: compassion and understandin .

Those ver y two brou ht me to IAAS> Experiencin human interactions and contributin to somethin bi er are the most stimulatin experiences.

More technically now, somethin I learned rom my finance experience is: there’s always more than a way to do thin s. Money, or example, can be earned by contributions, sponsorin , profitable projects, and merchandisin !” This is ver y promisin idea that will be heard in the ver y near uture.

Sp that would be my best advice: constantly thinkin about ways to do thin s better. We o ten hear that the flappin o abutterfly’s win s in Brazil ets oo a tornado in Texas. The best way to make a chan e is by accumulatin the e orts o intelli ent people, that is the mission o all or aniztaions, that is the missions o IAAS!”

Simone Ascione

“My li e is not all pink and flowers, un ortunately, I have had so many traumas, and this has led me to have fi ht a dis uised depression ever yday

Guess what? On the last EDM, I met new people and other realities, whom I never discovered, never leavin my state and it li ted my spirits a bit.

With IAAS< I also learn more about A riculture because my back round is A ricultural and Forestr y Sciences. It’s amazin and amuses me!.”


Michael Adiputera

Joinin IAAS is one o the best decisions that I ever have. For almost three years, this or anizations has tau ht me a lot o t become better.

IAAS is not only an or anization, it is one bi amily that connects all over the world.

In IAAS, I elt that we are takin care o each other, supportin to ether and also the one main point is we are rowin to ether to become a real human that impacts each other.”

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